TV Show
Survival and Horror
TV Show
Survival and Horror
Updated: December 19, 2023
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


In the pilot (S1E1), a farmer in a tavern graphically complains to his cousin that he walked in on a strange man sexually abusing one of his goats. S1E3: a woman makes a brief comment about it being safer for her to wear masculine clothing when she travels. S3E9: a character emotionally manipulates and sexually coerces an enslaved character (kept locked in a cage, naked, beaten and walked around on a leash) into becoming her magically bound slave, unable to refuse her will without causing himself great pain. S3E10: the 'master' character jokes with her comrades about the assault and says that she intends to keep him as a sex slave. She refers to him as a child during this scene. She is a hundred year old vampire and he is a human man, so there is some clear age discrepancy as well. Season 4: the antagonist makes several jokes and references to the aforementioned assault throughout the season. In the end, the victim manages to escape and capture his assailant in return. The writing attempts to redeem her and he asks to keep her with him instead of punishing her. She kills herself rather than be captured and this is framed as a tragic scene. S4E4: a drunk man reaches out to grab at a woman walking past him. The woman beats him until he releases her.

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