The Last of Us (TV) 
TV Show
TV Show
Updated: 18 February 2024
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


S1E2: in the final scene of the episode, a woman is kissed on the lips by a “zombie” who wants to infect her with a mouth-transmitted infection. S1E4: the male protagonist says that people would do "way more than rob us" to the female protagonist while explaining why she should be afraid of them. S1E5: a rape by officers is mentioned. S1E8: a majority of the episode features the main female character (14 year old) being held captive by a violent man (a religious leader and former elementary school teacher). It is implied that he has been assaulting and raping several underaged girls. He tries to convince her be his wife and sensually grabs her hand. About 50 minutes into the episode, he attempts to groom her. When she rejects his advances and tries to escape, he holds her down, and when she fights back, he responds that “the fighting is the part [he] enjoy[s] the most", before attempting to pull her pants down. There is no nudity in this scene and she emerges unharmed.

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