0.0MHz (Movie)
A man kisses and touches an unconscious woman in the hospital.
10 000 Timmar (Movie)
10 to 11 (Movie)
10-31 (2017) (Movie)
10-31 Part II (Movie)
This film is about a woman who, after a car crash, is kidnapped by a man in an underground bunker. SPOILERS The man claims that an event has left the surface of Earth uninhabitable, and that he saved her. He acts threateningly throughout the movie, and it is revealed that he caused her car crash, and that he apparently kidnapped and killed a girl in the same bunker years before.
Worthy of mention: a father is being overprotective of his daughters in a patriarchal way as if they are his property. He wont let one of his daughters date and another one move across the country for college.
The 100 (TV Show)
An adult character has numerous sexual relationships with teenage girls. S1E6: sexual harassment (15:37-16:36). S1E9: it is revealed that a man who seems in his early to mid-twenties is in a relationship with a teenage girl. They remain in a relationship until season 3. In season 3, the main character is kidnapped and imprisoned. After that, she chooses to stay and has sex with her captor. S3E10 ('Fallen'): a man is chained by the neck and verbally threatened by a woman. He is subsequently forced to have sex with her in order to avoid death.
There is a scene where a man corners a woman in a public bathroom and they kiss each other. When she tells him she would like to leave, he gets angry and forces her into a stall but an earthquake starts and both leave before anything further happens. A similar instance happens later in the movie with a different girl.
100 Humans (TV Show)
Worthy of note: a man acts threateningly towards his ex-girlfriend. She does not seem distressed.
10,000 BC (Movie)
Worthy of note: the antagonist spends much of the film developing a quasi-romantic patron-and-muse/artist-and-devotee relationship with an aspiring artist. After they have a dramatic falling-out, she ties him up, gags him, and threatens him with knives. His predicament is not exactly treated lightly, but is also not treated as seriously as it might have been.
Chapter 48-51: photos (arranged by the perpetrator) are taken of the incident.
The 10Th Kingdom (TV Show)
11.22.63 (Movie)
The shows contains a love story between a woman from the 1960s and a man pretending to be someone else since he is coming from the future: he reveals his true identity in S1E5. S1E4: the female protagonist explains that her ex-husband abused and raped her on their wedding night. It is hinted that the abusive husband was himself abused as a child. S1E5: the aforementioned husband kidnaps, ties up and disfigures his ex-wife with a knife. When her lover comes to her rescue, the abuser is mocked for having being molested by his grandmother as a child. Throughout the series, scenes take place in strip clubs and brothels, and there are multiple scenes of domestic violence from various male characters.
The main character is approached by a girl implied to be an underage sex worker. When meeting the female lead, she trips and the main character catches her, accidentally fondling her breast in the process. She does not appear to notice. When the main character purchases condoms, the store clerk winks at him and tells him "not to do anything against the law". The main character tries to recruit the help of an impoverished mother, offering her money in exchange. At first, she assumes he intends to ask for something sexual and appears uncomfortable at the idea. When the female lead is recounting her experience with her abusive ex-husband, she mentions a "broom" he used for something during their relationship. The main character ponders whether or not this broom was used in a sexual manner, but it is later revealed not to be the case. Later on, the same ex-husband is revealed to have been stalking the female lead. He attacks her and takes her hostage, disfiguring her with a knife and calling her and the male lead derogatory terms for being sexually active. No sexual assault takes place, however.
The 11Th Hour (Video Game)
It is revealed near the later part of the game (through backstory) that two women characters are raped supernaturally and both become pregnant, one of them having an abortion and the other having the child (02:25:20-02:39:18).
12 Angry Men (Movie)
12 Hour Shift (Movie)
12 Monkeys (Movie)
A homeless man tries to rape a woman but is stopped before starting.
122 (Movie)
13 Assassins (Movie)
13 Cameras (Movie)
13 Eerie (Movie)
While there are no explicit sexual themes, the main lead is mentally and emotionally only thirteen-years-old when sexual/physically romantic scenes occur between her and the male characters. Those moments include waking up with a naked man and being flashed, receiving a strip-tease and being flashed, and kissing and flirting with the thirty-year-old male lead. Some viewers might find the situation of someone with the mental/emotional age of a child in these moments uncomfortable, given minors cannot consent properly. The main characters briefly talk about the game "Seven minutes in Heaven" and the male lead calls it "spin the rapist", making a joke of the nature of the game (54:50-55:00).
13 Hours (Movie)
13 Reasons Why (TV Show)
S1E1: it is revealed that a teenage boy lied about having slept with a teenage girl, publicly sharing a suggestive (although not overly revealing) photograph of her. From this point onwards, the girl is subjected to harassment and bullying with a sexual overtone throughout the series. From S1E2 onwards, there is a narrative which centres around a teenage boy having lied about sleeping with a teenage girl in order to punish his girlfriend for not wanting to sleep with him. S1E3: a teenage boy gropes a teenage girl in a store without her consent (42:50-43:15). Following the incident, she is seen crying and describes the emotional fallout. S1E9: a key character is raped on screen. The scene lasts approximately two minutes. S1E9-S1E13: following an on-screen rape in episode 9 the incident is discussed and analysed at length for the rest of the season. S2E13: a teenage boy is attacked and sexually assaulted; the scene is extremely graphic. In season 3, there is a storyline where a teenage girl has conflicts with two other sexual assault survivors. One of the other survivors is a teenage boy who has not told anyone about his assault but is a member of a school group for sexual assault survivors, as an "ally". The teenage girl disagrees with him on something and accuses him of talking over "the only actual sexual assault survivors in the room" and being a bad ally. She later learns the truth and apologizes to him but the initial conflict could be quite upsetting to watch. S3E12: a main teenage character describes both his childhood sexual abuse and more recent sexual assaults. The childhood sexual abuse is far more detailed than what he says about the assaults.
A drunk man jokes about sexual harassment before hitting on the female bartender.
There is passing mention of the childhood sexual assault that Oprah Winfrey experienced.
13Th (2016) (Movie)
A clip from '12 Years a Slave' is shown (~33:50-34:00). There is a discussion of rape cases (27:00).
14 Cameras (Movie)
The antagonist routinely spies on, steals personal items from, and abducts women.
There are a few vague references to the idea of men being creeps online, but nothing involving that happens in the book.
1408 (Movie)
On a few occasions, rape is briefly mentioned in the context of the European colonisation of the Americas.
15 Cameras (Movie)
A man watches women undress and shower through cameras without their knowledge or consent. He also sends a photo of his penis through text to one of them without consent.
1670 (TV Show)
S1E8: a character talks of what he would do to a woman if she was his wife in a deliberate effort to upset a third character.
17 Again (Movie)
An adult male character romantically pursues an adult female character relentlessly, despite a lack of interest from her. It is played off as comedy but comes across as harassment. The main character wakes up at a party after being knocked out. He finds himself on a bed with a girl touching him, only to realize it is his daughter. However, because he is in the body of a 17 year old, she doe not understand what she is doing and he has to resist her advances. She only stops when he says he is in love with someone else.
The author discusses reports of troops on both sides raping American colonists during the war, including a contemporary account of British and Hessian soldiers forcing male family members to watch the acts.
1883 (TV Show)
This show depicts sexual assault in a realistic way in order to show the struggles of women in the Old West. S1E1: a drunk man breaks into a young girl's room and falls into her bed. Upon noticing her, he removes the sheet from her and tries to unto her nightgowns buttons. She tries to scream but he covers her mouth. After hurting him, she begins to scream and run away, grabbing her younger brother on the way out of the room. The man pulls her back into the room, punches her, and sits ontop of her. The girl's father then shoots the man from the doorway. S1E2: a middle aged woman is distraught when several strange men cross their camp to let their horses drink from the river. The woman throws stones at them and one approaches her roughly: he sits on top of her and punches her repeatedly before verbally implying he wants to rape her. He is stopped before any sexual assault can happen. S1E9: a group of travelers find a Native American camp that has been attacked. One of the victim's bodies is naked and one of the travelers remark that she was raped, and that the attack was done for sport. S1E10: bandits attack a group of pioneers. A woman tries to flee and is attacked and then raped, she is then killed when she tries to flee again.
1899 (TV Show)
S1E3: a woman asks another woman to visit her cabin. She then prompts her to undress fully and then touches her private area which then prompts the victim to begin crying (about 11 minutes into the episode). Further scenes/situations suggest that this could happen again. S1E6: one character (who may be underage) has a flashback where she wakes up and relives her rape (by an older, adult man). She starts fighting him off but the man becomes violent and punches her in the face before trying to choke her to death (35:25-36:50). After this, the female character has a panic attack and cries.
1911 (Movie)
1917 (Movie)
1922 (2017) (Movie)
1984 (Movie)
1BR (2019) (Movie)
A woman is assigned a male partner, who kisses her briefly against her will. However, there is no implication that she is forced or pressured into having sex with him.
Sexual violence against female characters is discussed several times, largely focusing on its emotional impact on the survivors. However, in chapter 5 a female protagonist pressures a man into sex despite his continuous ambivalence about it, and this is handled rather insensitively. Child sexual abuse is explicitly described.
1St Summoning (Movie)
2 Broke Girls (TV Show)
A man is accused of having sex with a 12 year old girl.
Female characters are groped: they smile. Later on, sexual comments are made at other female characters: their reaction is not shown. There are a few jokes about sexual harassment. One character tells another character to "bend over" before ramming the front of her car into the back of another racers. At the end of the film, one character makes a prison rape joke.
2046 (Movie)
A girl talks to a man about how she had sex with an another man and he finished inside her when he said he would not. He laughed and said “sorry”. Worthy of note: before having sex with a man, a woman asks him to do a roleplay in which he grabs her and repeatedly says' I'm sorry'.
21 Days (Movie)
Two of the protagonists sleep in the same bed: the man puts his hand on the woman's rear and she slaps his hand away (0:57:19-0:57:29). Nothing else happens and he is otherwise perfectly respectful towards her.
A character mentions that he is scared of an action that 'rhymes with grape'.
24 (2001) (TV Show)
S1E1: two high-school girls are lured into a private location by adult men for sex and kidnapped. One is drugged. S1E2: the drugged girl is beaten. The other girl is physically and sexually assaulted and forced to call her mom and lie about her safety. S1E5: a boy is accused of killing the person who raped his sister. S1E9: a kidnapper attempts to rape a girl while her mom is held at gunpoint. The mom forfeits her body to save her daughter.
25Th Hour (Movie)
One character in his thirties has a crush on one of his student who is a junior in high school. A big theme in the movie is the threat of the rape that the main character will likely experience in prison.
27 Dress (Movie)
A taxi driver spies on a woman as she is changing in his back seat.
28 Days (Movie)
28 Days Haunted (TV Show)
This show contains discussions of a father having impregnated his 16 year old daughter, as well of a serial rapist assaulting a high school girl. There are also scenes where investigators physically react in shock and report having felt touched by a spiritual force non-consensually.
Two female characters (adult and minor) are threatened with rape and are sexually harassed and groped. The adult woman tries to help the minor by giving her drugs (to help her not care/remember) before they would be assaulted. The adult woman is also grabbed with nonconsensual sexual intent in two instances, one of which includes her having her top removed and touching continues while off. It is said that the relationship between an adult (25 year old) and a teenager (16 year old) characters is child abuse and inappropriate (the age of consent in the UK is 16).
Worthy of note: a woman is stripped naked and hosed down in a medical facility.
2Gether (TV Show)
Throughout the show, male characters get drunk and pass out at several occasions. Every time this happens, the characters mention how they could be assaulted, but it never happens. This is all played for laughs. S1E1: a character attempts to drug another character with the purpose of getting him to leave him alone, but does not succeed. S1E6: one character undresses another character to his underwear while he is drunk and takes a picture of him which is posted on instagram. A male character comes to the main character asking for protection from his violent boyfriend. The two boyfriends make up, but the issue is not resolved.
2LDK (Movie)
3 From Hell (Movie)
The film contains a lot of threats of sexual assault.
3 Generations (Movie)
Worthy of note: a group of boys have a somewhat graphic discussion about a girl.
3 Idiots (Movie)
A student gives a speech which mentions rape. Worthy of note: there is a 'hazing' scene where male students pull down their trousers.
3 Women (Movie)
One character theorizes about the possibility of being raped while she was in a coma. She later enters in a sexual relationship with much older man. Worthy of note: a drunk man breaks into an apartment shared by two women in order to have sex with one of them. Nothing actually happens and they get away.
3:10 to Yuma (Movie)
Rape is mentioned in passing in order to condemn it.
3 (TV Show)
The show contains a lot of implications of rape.
A woman kisses a man while torturing him.
In the film, a ghost sexually harasses and molests another character. It is played for laughs. While in bed, a husband says to his wife: "Since you're unconscious anyway...", and begins to take off his shirt like he is going to have sex with her.
30 Rock (TV Show)
A character says that he has had sex with his wife while she slept. The situation is briefly depicted from his point of view. It is presented and treated comedically. A character says “touched by a priest” when he agrees to tell another character a secret about himself. S5E17: it is discovered that a recurring male character was molested by his teacher when he was 14. His friends/co-workers do not view what happened as abuse since the assailant was an attractive woman. He and the assailant later reunite an decide to be a couple.
300 (Movie)
A woman submits to a corrupt official's advances, but only because she believes that it's the only recourse available to her in order to save her husband.
A flashback of the main character's family being raped and killed, with implications that she was later raped by the same people.
3096 Days (Movie)
The film tells the story of a young girl who has been kidnapped and held in captivity for eight years.
31 (2016) (Movie)
There are multiple remarks towards the female characters of the male antagonist wanting to violently assault them. Multiple dead naked women are shown on screen with strong implications of them being assaulted. There are multiple scenes of characters being sexually harassed and threatened.
35 Rhums (Movie)
The 355 (Movie)
A woman is kidnapped for a year and sexually assaulted by her kidnapper, who tells her that she has one year to fall in love with him. This is marketed as a romantic drama.
37.2 Le Matin (Movie)
Early in the movie, the male protagonist's boss watches him and his girlfriend sleep naked. The woman wakes up and tells her boyfriend to chases him away. Later, during a fight, that same man lifts up her skirt: he is quickly rebuffed. About halfway through the movie, a man makes several rape jokes. In the second part of the movie, a woman pressures the male protagonist into touching her breast. Briefly after, she surprises him while he is sitting down, and puts his face against her crotch. Worthy of note: at some point, the male protagonist tries to calm down the female protagonist (who is having a nervous breakdown) by grabbing her wrists and slapping her. As they are on the streets at night half naked, policemen interrupt them, thinking that the man is assaulting her.
The 39 Steps (Movie)
A man forcibly plants a kiss on a woman and she clearly does not want it.
S3E9: a female character is sexually harassed by her new boss.
3XManon (TV Show)
S1E2: an attempted rape occurs between 3:40 and 4:25.
The two female protagonists are forced to have unconsensual sex to pay for an abortion. The act takes place off screen, but the dialogue slowly leading to it (starting approximately 40 minutes into the film) and its aftermath are depicted. The man who then performs the abortion is the rapist.
A man is raped by his ex-girlfriend and is forced to apologize for it.
A man describes watching a woman have sex with a horse. A man mentions how a dog licked his bottom as he was having sex with a woman and he says that he enjoyed it. A man tells another man that he should go after very drunk women whilst in a club, to the point where they do not where they are. That same man then attempts to go home with a very drunk woman and they kiss, though she initiates and he is very hesitant to kiss her back. A man is locked in a room where porn is playing and he is shown to be visibly distressed at this. A drunk man films his ass and displays it on several screens in the store that he works in, and nearly displays his genitals before his friend stops him. A group of man hire a sex worker for a man without his consent. A woman finds a mento in a man's apartment and asks him if it is a roofie.
The 400 Blows (Movie)
Worthy of note: a fourteen old boy discusses the fact that his friends have been seeing sex workers, and states that he would like to do the same. He mentions that he knows an older man who has tried to assist him in arranging a liaison of this sort because he is aware of a woman who "likes boys his age." However, to our knowledge, this encounter never actually transpires. The same boy also discusses the fact that he is the result of an unwanted pregnancy, mentioning the fact that his mother was pressured not to abort him.
42Nd Street (Movie)
One of the musical numbers ends with the main male and female characters framed between the legs of multiple women dancers with both of the gazing gleefully at them. At another part of the movie, women dancers are asked to show their legs by their choreographer.
The 4400 (TV Show)
There are two relationships in the series with questionable age differences: a non-sexual one between a 17-year-old and a man in his 50s (who were the same age before the woman was sent forward in time) and a relationship between a 20-year-old boy and a girl who is 2 years old, but who aged rapidly to physically be c. 20-years-old. S1E2: an attempted rape is shown, with a character using his powers to step in before anything further happens. The entire scene happens before the credits.
47 Hours (Movie)
A girl describes being raped at a party. Her friend has had graphic pictures both taken and being shared publicly without her consent.
47 Ronin (Movie)
Approximately 30 minutes into the film, a father is bewitched and hallucinates: he sees his daughter being pinned down, raped by another man, and screaming for her father for help. Once the father snaps out of the hallucination, all returns to normal.
4Th Man Out (Movie)
Worthy of note: homophobic remarks are made about the main character (a gay man) near the beginning of the film, with overarching sexual themes which play on the stereotype of gay men being predatory. Worthy of note: a man (not the main character) attempts to have sex with a woman he obviously has no attraction to and she mocks him for his lack of enthusiasm.
51 (2011) (Movie)
While being chased by rednecks, one of the guys “jokingly” says, “They’re gonna rape us and break our arms.” (14:54)
57 Seconds (Movie)
The main character gets spiked and we see the start of him being held down by three women as he tries to fight them off: the man who planned it snaps pictures. He is raped off-screen and we see him wake up hours later, naked and alone in bed.
5Eme Set (Movie)
The 5Th Wave (Movie)
When a girl introduces herself to a team, several young boys stare at her but: she makes a comment about hurting anyone who might touch her. Right after, a teenage boy says something with a sexual overtone.
6:45 (Movie)
A man listens at the door while a couple has sex.
6 Days (Movie)
A man is dating a teenage girl. A possessed man tells another man that his deceased sister is being raped in hell. In a later scene he is shown to be the one who killed her by stabbing her to death while they were having sex. A woman has a dream/vision where a man forcibly tries to kiss her.
6 Underground (Movie)
6 Years (Movie)
65 (2023) (Movie)
6Teen (TV Show)
S1E20: one character films another while she is in a dressing room. S1E27: the same character gets a job at a lingerie store so he can watch women in the changing room. He is shown looking through a peephole while describing what he sees to his friends on the phone. In both instances this is played for laughs. In general, the teenaged characters are shown dressed down, naked, getting their clothes ripped off, etc. in a gratuitous way.
The 6Th Day (Movie)
The main characters killed a man who was about to rape their friend. Rape scenes are scattered throughout the film, and are shown in parts. Rape is discussed by the survivors.
7 Days (Movie)
A man goes into the bathroom with a camera while a woman is showering. Though he does not try to see her showering, he does talk to her and she tells him to leave when she finds out he has a camera. A woman is unconscious while tied to a chair and she is alone with a man who is recording her. In an effort to force her to "stop pretending to be asleep" he taunts her, threatens to take her clothes off, and post pictures of her online. He does not actually do any of it.
'71 (Movie)
7Seeds (TV Show)
S1E10: a man grabs the breast area of a teenager and scolds her for not having 'titties and period yet'. The series contains scenes of child abuse and an attempt of sexual assault. The series consists of ecchi elements such as partial nudity of the characters revealing their breasts, buttocks and groin area.
8 Mile (Movie)
Child rape is mentioned.
8 Seconds (Movie)
8 Women (Movie)
80 for Brady (Movie)
86 (TV Show)
S1E3: three guys go to take a peek at the girls bathing. However, the girls are not bathing and find the guys before anything happens: the guys get punished. S2E20: a guy mentions that when people are depressed, it is easier to take advantage of them. He says this to a girl who is in love with one of the guys. Another girl says only bad girls do that. It is unclear whether the comment had sexual intent. Worthy of note: S1E7+10: two underage girls are taking a shower and are shown semi nude. In the first season, a teenage girl talks about potential marriage partners. Most of them are really old and one of them is a 5 year old child. She is aware that the child was only set up on this date so the parents could get her money. She is also aware that the older men want to marry her for her money. She is not actually planning on getting married to any of them. No marriage happens and none of the dates are shown on screen.
8MM (Movie)
A private investigator is hired to determine the authenticity of a pornographic snuff film. Discussions and depictions of sexual assault occur throughout.
The 8Th Night (Movie)
There is one mention of a case where the detectives needed to track down a rapist.
9 (Movie)
9-1-1 Lone Star (TV Show)
S1E5: an older man makes a joke during a conversation with a young man ("lock up your daughters") to say that he is attractive. S2E5: a woman calls 911 because she is in a domestic abuse hostage situation. When the abuser realizes what she has done, he chokes her: she gets away from him to safety and he is arrested.
9 Songs (Movie)
9 to 5 (Movie)
A man tries to force himself on a woman: she clearly says 'no' but he continues. He is stopped when another character walks in.
90210 (TV Show)
90210 is a long-running series that contains sexual themes throughout. There are some instances where the nature of these plot lines may be distressing to some viewers. Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied: a student accuses a teacher of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment on-screen: the slurs s**t and w***e are used throughout the series, sometimes in a joking manner but, on other occasions, maliciously. Other episodes feature characters attempting to manipulate others into sex. A sexual relationship between an adult and teenager/rape on screen: in S2E22 a teacher rapes a student, saying 'who's gonna believe you? You're the girl who cried wolf.'
91 Days (TV Show)
One woman marries a man only to keep her family safe. Later it shows them having sex, then it is shown that she is pregnant with his child. Their relationship seems non consensual and he talks a lot of what would happen to her family if she left him.
911 (TV Show)
S1E2: a man's therapist has sex with him during their first session. This is played for laughs and never addressed as an assault. Season 2: a main character who ran away from her abusive/psychopath husband is introduced. Some of the (non-sexual) abuse is shown on-screen in flashbacks. He later tracks her down, kidnaps her, and attacks her: she kills him in self-defense. S2E9: a main character mentions being sexually harassed at work in the past. S2E11: two children are kidnapped by a man calling himself their dad. The older one had been with him for 7 years and no longer remebered his actual parents. The boy is obviously traumatized, but no details of his times with the man who abducted him are revealed. In S3E12, a recurring character goes on a date and his date physically assaults him. S3E16+17: one of the main characters tracks down a serial rapist. His last victim is found in a shipping container, and he brutally beats the main character. They find him, arrest him, and he is taken to trial S4E7: one of the main characters gets slapped on the bottom without consent. It is played for laughs. S5E1+2+3: the rapist from season 3 is put on trial and manages to escape from the courtroom during a blackout. No rape actually occurs in these episodes, but it is heavily discussed. There is discussion of him possibly going back to assault or kill the women he previously attacked, and a decision is made by the police not to warn them so that they can attempt to use it as a trap to draw him out. The rapist murders a woman and kidnaps and attempts to kill the son of a main character; he is eventually killed in a standoff with police. S6E3: a teenage boy tries to get a young girl (roughly half his age) drunk, makes sexual comments towards her, and touches her in a (not inherently sexual) way that makes her visibly uncomfortable. His intention is very clearly to rape or molest her. She runs away and he chases her. He catches her and the scene ends, but the audience already knows this encounter ended with him killing her. Later in the episode, it is revealed he became a serial offender as an adult and killed at least 6 other children, all girls. It is not stated but is not unreasonable to assume he sexually assaulted all of his victims. S6E8: one character briefly mentions pedophiles.
976-EVIL (Movie)
A high schooler watches his male cousin have sex through the window, then steals her underwear after they both leave. Later, he pins a female teacher against the wall and removes her jacket.
9Th Company (Movie)
In a scene strongly implying rape, a man removes a woman's clothing before the scene cuts away, and there is later a flashback to this scene.
Abandoned (Movie)
The plot revolves around a house and its haunted past, that of a father whose abuse of his daughter resulted in children who were themselves abused. It is discussed throughout the movie, and sounds of a woman giving birth happens multiple times. One creepy scene features the main character's hallucination of the father crouching over the daughter in her bed, both staring at the protagonist.
A principal routinely makes harassing and flirtatious comments to one teacher. This is played for laughs.
Abby (Movie)
There is no direct discussion of rape or sexual assault in the documentary itself, though multiple books they talk about have this content in them, and that served as the reason that some of them were contested or banned.
The short "'L is for Libido'" is about men who are tied to chairs and forced to masturbate to various scenarios. One of these scenarios shows an adult man approaching a bed with a young boy laying in it. Nothing is shown, but there are incredibly disturbing noises off-camera. A few other shorts have mild sexual harassment.
A women is being filmed by a group of misogynistic and abusive filmmakers. The men strip her down, grip her face and breasts, shove their hand into her mouth, and make rude gestures.
The victim describes her sexual assault in explicit detail.
Abhijan (Movie)
Human trafficking is a subject of the plot. One woman is clearly a victim of trafficking as she recalls being abused and isolated and is kidnapped at one point into more trafficking, only to be saved. There is a potential implication that she is a victim of sex trafficking.
Abigail (Movie)
The author discusses how families are the most common site of abuse and sexual violence. She also references the sexual violence perpetrated by colonizers, slave holders, and staff at Indian boarding schools
A news report states that abortions will have a 72 hour waiting period, even in cases of rape and incest.
About Time (Movie)
Worthy of note: Throughout the film, the male protagonist uses manipulative and stalking behaviour to romantically win over the female protagonist. At approximately 48:00, he uses his time travelling ability to repeatedly have sex with her, without her knowledge or consent.
Abracadabra (Movie)
Two characters (a woman and a man) accidentally goes to a couple of swingers' apartment, who think they are their date. The female protagonist leaves when she understands the situation (as she is alone with the man, who does not appear threatening), and takes her male friend with him before quitting the apartment (the man was willingly engaging sex with the swinger woman). A woman is grossly catcalled by a man on a construction site. It is revealed that the antagonist of the movie probably had a sexual relationship with his mother.
About a third of the way into the movie, a man traps a woman in an alleyway and threatens to knock her teeth out unless she gives him what he needs. He pushes her into a wall and leans into her for a few moments before he is stopped.
Absentia (TV Show)
S2E6: a man attempts to rape a woman in the restroom, but she ends up fighting him off.
Worthy of note: a female character forces her female prisoner to literally share a bed with her, but it is clearly about security and nothing sexual happens.
Acacia (Movie)
A man sexually assaults his wife.
The author discusses general statistics on sexual violence on college campuses, statistics related to how disabled people in general and disabled women in particular are disproportionately victims of rape and sexual assault; and sexual violence in films.
Acapulco (TV Show)
Throughout the show, women are subjected to sexual harassment. Both seasons 1 and 2 feature sexual relationships between bosses and subordinates. S2E1: one character admits that he got a job because he was sleeping with the boss. This is played for laughs. S2E2: someone threats to cut off a penis.
Acca-13 (TV Show)
A young policeman is in love with a high school girl. Her age is unknown, but if the story is followed she would be around 17 to 18 years old. He is a rookie agent and it is mentioned how he had to take an entrance exam. Depending on how long the police academy is, he would be around 19 to 22 years old. He stalks her in the hope of getting to know more about her. She never finds out about him stalking her and she also does not know he is in love with her. No relationship develops between them.
Accepted (Movie)
Starting at 26:00, a character is roasted by another character implying that when he does not get his way with women, he had to drug them.
The Accident (TV Show)
S1E2: a man enters his martial bedroom in a state of drunkenness, and proceeds to describe how he plans to assault his wife. He ends up not going through with this as he passes out drunk. S1E3: a man is ordered by a woman to take off his clothes. He repeatedly states he does not want to, but ends up disrobing. The woman then proceeds to touch the man sexually, with the man stating a number of times he does not want this.
While making out with a man in the back of the car, a woman says she would rather wait until they get to the festival to go any further: she wants him to stop. He continues to kiss her, and when she tries to push him off, he says that "she'll like it". He is stopped before anything further happens.
Accident Man (Movie)
The book examines the impact of a high school student-run social media account that shared racist memes, often targeting specific students of color, particularly Black girls. Some of the memes were also sexually harassing or body shaming in nature. A father is mentioned to have been arrested for possession of child pornography. A teacher commits suicide after it comes to light that he molested students.
An armed man breaks into a woman's apartment and catch her before she manages to escape. A character threats a man to rape his wife.
A college student harasses and attempts to rape his female professor.
The movie is loosely based on a true story about a gang rape. The protagonist is gang-raped at a bar. The scene lasts for over five minutes. At one point, a waitress enters the room and is told that she'll be next, at which she appears obviously disturbed and quickly leaves. The rest of the film's plot revolves around the protagonist's attempts to get justice through the successful sentencing of her attackers and the people at the bar who watched the attack happen/egged them on.
The author covers in detail the case of Carrie Buck, a woman who was raped and impregnated by her adoptive parents’ nephew. She was then institutionalized and sterilized. In chapters 8 and 9, the author explores the ways in which sex can be consensual but still unwanted, and she argues that the phrase “rape isn’t sex” is often unhelpful for asexual and a romantic people. Throughout the book, there are references to the rape of enslaved women, as well as legal and societal understandings of marital rape.
Ace Attorney (TV Show)
S1E19: a male character grabs another male character's private parts. This is not done in a sexual way, but to see ‘if he still has balls’ after the other character gets very nervous. S1OVA2: a male character makes a comment about the breasts of a woman in order to embarrass his grandson. The grandson is caught looking at her breasts. The woman is present when the comment is made and laughs it off. S2E39: the guy from S1S19 tries to grab the private parts of the same character again. This time he is stopped before it happens.
Worthy of note: this films contains domestic violence.
A man is transformed into a fly and spies on his friend's having sex. A man pushes a woman down onto a couch in an attempt to get her to have sex with him.
Ackley Bridge (TV Show)
A student and a teacher have a relationship in season 1. Another student and teacher have a sexual relationship in season 3.
One of the protagonist's kisses the other, assuming that it is what the latter wants, and it is not.
The movie takes place during the Vietnam war, and a Vietnamese character says something about "raping and pillaging all the girls who look like me".
The Act (TV Show)
S1E6: a couple has sex, but the girl does not seem to enjoy it. S1E8: on-screen rape (49:45-51:21).
One man recalls his desire to sexually assault women and specifically goes into detail about sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl.
Three women are raped.
Worthy of note: the two romantic leads are a manager and his employee. There are continual discussions about the power dynamic in their relationship, and both parties give enthusiastic consent in each of the described sexual encounters.
The protagonist is unaware of sex or sexuality and watches two secondary characters engage in foreplay (kissing, groping, undressing) without their knowledge or consent. The protagonist enjoys this and wishes to continue watching but does not.
Actors (Movie)
The main character is approached by a 13 year old prostitute. She begs for 'work' and offers that he could do anything to her.
Ad Astra (Movie)
Ad Vitam (TV Show)
During a back and forth conversation between an adult and the child version of himself, another character makes a "joke" about telling a therapist where the bad man touched him (11:46).
Adama (Movie)
Chapter 15: a young female character kisses another female teen after the second character has stated that she is straight. She decides she is into it, but did not actually consent. Chapter 31: a female teen is forced to strip and undergo medical examination against her will (by female doctor with male assistants) Spoilers: a love interest entered a relationship under entirely false pretenses. The teen girl protagonist regrets dating that love interest once her story and motivations are revealed.
Shortly into the film, a man is talking to his brother and tells him someday he'll, "find a nice girl... one who won't press charges!" after which they both laugh. This could be taken as a reference to sexual or other domestic violence. One main character spends most of the movie in a relationship where he is controlled by sex and is frequently verbally berated.
Addicted (TV Show)
Up until the very last sex scene of this show, one half of the show's couple clearly does not consent to any of the sex they are having.
The Addiction (Movie)
In the last scene of the movie, the female protagonist reveals that she got pregnant from her boyfriend (a 20 year old man) when she was 15, and that the man was charged with corruption of a minor but escaped the judgment. A male protagonist mentions that the man thus was a paedophile. Near the end of the movie, it is revealed that a man is stalking a woman (to the point of moving in the same neighborhood as her): this is portrayed as romantic. The woman, who explains that she was worried by the anonymous letters she received, seems pleased to learn who her secret admirer was.
Adieu Poulet (Movie)
A police officer dressed up as a patient in a hospital slaps a nurse's bottom.
The Adjuster (Movie)
A woman on a public train takes the hand of a drunken homeless man and puts it on her crotch. A woman plays strip poker with a group of young boys. A man touches a woman's inner thigh without her consent. She then grabs his hand and pushes it towards her crotch. They both seem put-off afterwards. A woman's job requires her to watch graphic content and rate it. We never see the content but we can hear it including things like women screaming 'no' with sexual sounds.
Adolescentes (Movie)
Adult Material (TV Show)
Adulthood (Movie)
A woman discusses how she was gang raped. Later, a man threatens her by saying it will happen to her again.
This movie depicts various mental illnesses in upsetting and disturbing ways. The main plot involves bestialism, domestic violence and abuse. A man likes dogs so much that he gradually makes his wife behave like one: he starts giving her dog food, he makes her eat outside with the dogs, forces her to get down on all fours permanently until he gets her raped by one of their dogs.
Adventure Time (TV Show)
A recurring theme throughout the series is an antagonist kidnapping women and holding them hostage, threatening them while trying to force them into marrying him. S1E3: the main character (minor) is pressured to be kissed by an older lady but it ends up not happening. S1E6: a big worm inside the house of the main characters hypnotizes them into hugging him. S1E17: another antagonist attempts to force a female character into marriage and he harasses her. In one episode, the main character (a minor) begs for a man to stop touching him and to back off. A few minutes later, he is kidnapped and forced to do stuff like pole dance and is electrocuted. S2E3: the main protagonist forces physically two characters to kiss. In one episode, it is implied that one of the main protagonist's friend sexually assaults him off screen. They stay friends and it is never brought up again.
Early in the movie, a character jokes that he would like to be raped by another character.
Sexual abuse in the film is part of its broader thematic exploration of LGBT+ rights, treatment and culture. For example; the uncertainty, for many people within this community, of whether a place they are visiting is going to be safe for and accepting of them or not. The topic is treated relatively sensitively. Most intense/potentially disturbing scenes occur between 0:30:16-0:31:16 and 1:08:35-1:08:59. In the first one (a flashback), one protagonist recalls an episode where his uncle tried to sexually abuse him when he was a child (portrayed on-screen). He somehow turned the tables and tricked the molester instead. The anecdote ends up being empowering for the character. In the second one, another protagonist is assaulted by a group of homophobic men: they restrain him and spread his legs. He is eventually rescued by the other protagonists.
Aeon Flux (Movie)
There is one brief moment when a hostage/prisoner character is justifiably afraid she will be raped, but no one attempts to hurt her and her safety is guaranteed shortly thereafter.
A young adult male main character frequently sexually harasses the female characters, often magically unhooking or removing their underwear, touching their body, or otherwise toying with them. Another young adult male antagonist during the climax of the final series arc pins down and toys with a terrified young woman and taunts her with death while moving in on her body. This however is averted.
At one point, the trans man main character is being seduced while under the mind control of supernatural beings who clearly intend to kill him. He is rescued before things go very far and the specifics of the seduction are not much detailed.
The Afflicted (Movie)
This film contains several on-screen rape scenes, all involving minor girls and an adult man. There is also heavy domestic abuse between children and parent.
The protagonists, all men, joke about coercing a really drunk woman into having sex with one of them. In the last scene, the protagonist prepares to kill a man who is implied to have harmed a young girl in some way that may or may not have been sexual.
Affliction (Movie)
An alcoholic and abusive man grabs a woman's bottom.
About halfway through the movie, it is revealed that the protagonist (who had been a teacher) sexually abused school children.
After (2019) (Movie)
The relationship between a high school professor and his high school student is romanticized and not seen as an issue, other than the fact that said student has a boyfriend. They also share an on-screen kiss as part of the actual plot as well as a on-screen sex scene (statutory rape) in the thought experiment that they are taking part in.
After Effect (Movie)
After Hours (Movie)
A woman discusses in detail how she was raped by her ex-boyfriend.
After Life (TV) (TV Show)
S3E3: a woman reveals that she has been abused by her brother in her childhood. S3E4+6: two male characters make offensive and disgusting jokes about sex, masturbation, etc.., while mimicking sexual gestures.
After Lucia (Movie)
In the second segmentm a man forcibly kisses a woman and threatens to rape her at knifepoint. He is interrupted before anything can happen.
After Party (TV Show)
S1E5: a teenage boy tries to pressure a drunk girl to have sex with him. He touches her a bit, does stop, but tells the whole party of all of their friends that they had sex. S2E6: an arsonist lies about who he is, in order to have sex with a cop. He puts handcuffs on her and handcuffs her to the bed and sets the house on fire.
After Sex (Movie)
A woman mentions how she was molested by a relative when she was younger.
The main male lead has a nightmare about witnessing a close family member's sexual assault.
After Yang (Movie)
There is passing reference to coyotes raping women they are assisting to cross the border. Worthy of note: a character calls his girlfriend bitch and whore for having a baby with another man.
A group of men capture fleeing women girls, forcing them into a vehicle - the implication here could be of later sexual assault. Rape and sexual assault feature throughout. A woman is raped by a gang of men, who are shown ripping away her clothes.
Necrophilia - a man gropes and rapes the corpse of a woman.
The sister of the protagonist gets kidnapped and her body reappears after several days: it is strongly implied that she has been kept into the basement and raped during that time. A stranger shows up at the door of the protagonist's house and tries to rape her. He believed that she had a rape fantasy after someone posted an ad for it without her knowing. At the end of the movie, a man who was hiding in her house kisses her while she is chained to a wall.
The Afterparty (TV Show)
S1E4: a woman talks about her plan to drug a man and take photos of him naked. She does not go through with the plan. S1E5: a teenage boy tries to kiss a teen girl while they are both drunk; she refuses. He leaves her alone but, along with another boy, lies to their friends about having a threesome with her.
Aftersun (Movie)
Again (Movie)
The plot revolves around a rape scene that occurs early on in the film.
Worthy of note: one of the male characters tells a story about how, when he was 16, his grandfather took him to the red light district and he had sex with an older woman.
A man walks in on a couple having sex with the intent of filming them. He does it for a minute or so before the boyfriend sees him but continues to have sex. When the girlfriend notices, she covers up and tells the man filming to leave and he does.
Agantuk (Movie)
S1E4: a female main character locks a chasity device on her husband with an app without asking his permission. A young employee of a film set get harassed by an actor: he is stopped by another actress. Worthy of note: this entry is relevant only to the first series.
S4E2: a character talks about having been sexually assaulted by her brother (between the 1:16:30-1:17:20 marks). S4E4: discussion of the sexual violence experienced by one character (between the 1:16:40-1:17:15 marks).
A brother and a sister are involved in an incestuous relationship: they discuss their parting. There is a five year old difference between them, with the earlies sexual encounter taking place when he was 12 and she was 7. Nothing is shown on screen and the movie consists only of their dialogue.
The male lead repeatedly abruptly crosses the female lead's boundaries, including grabbing a taxi cab window to stop her from leaving (after she clearly rejected his advances) and finding out the female character's address without her consent or knowledge. The movie treats this as "romantic".
Chappelle tells a joke about a superhero who has to rape women in order to sustain his powers (22:00-24:00). Chappelle makes a series of jokes about transgender people, including one (37:20) about ‘tricking’ people into sleeping with him by posing as a woman. Chappelle jokes about people giving oral sex in exchange for basic resources such as food during World War Two (45:00-47:00). Chappelle mentions the fact that Bill Cosby allegedly raped 54 women during the 70s, joking about the high number of women involved (48:20-49:20). He speaks in general terms about Cosby, the related rape allegations and backlash against jokes Chappelle has previously made on the topic until the 55:00 minute mark. From the 1:00:00-1:02:02 mark, Chappelle mentions Cosby again, saying that ‘[he’s] not defending him,’ but observing that Cosby has ‘a valuable legacy,’ that cannot be ‘thrown away,’ comparing him to the superhero mentioned earlier in the show.
In 'Yes Men' (S01E15), a one-time female character can control men and uses her ability to seduce them. While the male characters act as if the resulting relationship is consensual, it is the product of this mind control. There is a scene where she and one of the lead characters begin to kiss passionately in a hotel room and it is strongly implied that they have sex while he is under her influence. For an entire seven-episode arc (S04E16-S04E22), a recurring female character controls a different lead male character and manipulates him so that he believes he is in love with her. While there is no on-screen sexual relationship, it is implied that one occurs. The male character, when he is no longer controlled, confronts the woman for violating his agency.
Aggretsuko (TV Show)
The main character is picked on by her misogynistic boss multiple times throughout the series. S3E9: a male character meeting the female lead holds her hands and uses sexual language to insult her. S3E10: the same character attempts to stab her with a boxcutter.
Worthy of note: the premise of the story is that the king and queen of England have offered up a kiss from the protagonist as a prize in a tourney for noblemen. The protagonist is uncomfortable with the possibility that she would have to kiss someone she’s not attracted to or someone who has a bigoted opinion of her for being African. However, this ends up being a moot point because the person who wins ends up being someone she’s met before and is attracted to. The royal couple’s real-life historical counterparts were a 30-year-old king who married a 14-year-old girl. This was, of course, common at the time. However, you wouldn’t know from reading this because in this novella the two are portrayed as adults.
Rape is mentioned in passing as one of the terrible things than humans do.
Agora (Movie)
A man forcefully kisses and gropes a woman against her will. He strips her and throws her to the ground (56:30-57:42). He eventually gives in to his conscience and feels bad about it so he sobs and stops. He then leaves himself to the victim's mercy to decide how she wants to handle him. She realizes his pent up aggression came from being a slave to her father, so she frees him and orders him to leave rather than killing him.
Two children go missing and it is assumed through most of the movie that the daughter was raped: this turns out not to be the case, There are two supernatural assault scenes where women have their clothes ripped off and breasts fondled by an unseen entity. A babysitter tells the mother she walked in on the son and daughter having sex: we do not know if this actually happened.
Ahiru No Sora (TV Show)
S1E1: a male character secretly watch girls change in their locker room.
Ahsoka (Movie)
[Rating based on S1E+2].
A.I Rising (Movie)
The book contains conversations about whether it is ethical for the protagonist to have sex with the titular AI character, considering that he might interpret his programming to mean that he has to do whatever a human wants. The AI character dismisses this ethical dilemma and says that he has the ability to choose what he wants.
Incest and child sex abuse are discussed but not depicted.
Many scenes show attempted rape or something that can perceived as rape without seeing it blatantly on camera. All the murders the titular character committs are claimed to be in self defense of sexual assault.
S2E2: a sexual assault is suddenly shown on-screen, the face of the perpetrator being blurred (25:30-26:20). The assault is briefly mentioned in S2E4 and the victim is shown crying after the act (8:10-8:19).
Air (Movie)
Air Doll (Movie)
The main character is a brough-to-life inflatable sex doll. Although there is no violence per se in the film, we do see her dreading her relationship with her "owner" (although she has a life outside the apartment, she pretends to be a doll there and so "has sex" with her "owner" even though she does not want to and stands it stoically. In one of the scenes, she also takes a bath afterwards even though she might be discovered). In another scene, the owner of the DVD rental shop where she works discovers that, although the main character is currently dating another employee, she also has a boyfriend (the "owner"). Then it cuts to a scene of them having sex, the main character completely stoic and unmoving, while her boss tells her that she would have sex with anyone. Her relationship with the other employee also has a strange scene that, although difficult to classify and technically constented, could be upsetting. She tells him that she will do anything that he asked, since that is what she was put on Earth to do, and he says he wants to de-inflate her and inflate her again (although she had previously said that hurt her). Then he proceeds to do that. It is unclear how the main character feels about this. Overall, although the scenes are not particularly violent, the film does tackle issues of sexual agency and male dominance and abuse.
Air Force One (Movie)
Airheads (Movie)
There is an aside joke where a woman despairs at the fact that she had perform oral sex to keep her job.
Airplane! (Movie)
A pilot asks a series of increasingly suggestive questions to a young boy who has asked to see the cockpit. The boy is oblivious to the suggestive nature of these questions. This is played for laughs.
Aiyou De Mishi (TV Show)
S1E6: two men harass a woman. S1E9: a character mentions that the disappearance of a woman could be a raping murder case. S1E13: the main protagonist accidentally touches a woman’s chest in the dark. He apologizes. She later on tells him she cannot get married and he tells her that if she does not let him go, he will make sure she never marries again. He pins her down and starts tickling her. He later on pins another woman down and draws on her face. Although these two instances are not sexual assault it does look like it if we do not finish the entire scene. Everyone is laughing and nothing else happens.
Ajin (TV Show)
S1E2: a girl is kidnapped. Men tell her not to worry as they are going to have fun with her before selling her. The girl escapes a few moments later. S2E6: it is implied that a teenage girl became a prostitute after running away. In the manga, her stepfather tries to rape her, but fails. This is implied at the beginning of the episode. It is not shown on screen. Worthy of note: two female are forced to work with the police. They are threatened with violence if they do not co operate. One of them has been tortured multiple times. This is not shown but it is discussed in the anime.
A woman (a sex worker for the yakuza) propositions a teenage boy and tries to kiss him, laughing when he looks the other way.
Akame Ga Kill! (TV Show)
A boy uses magic to make a girl's clothing tighter across her breasts in front of a group of people.
Akelarre (Movie)
Teenage girls are made to undress into what would historically considered their underwear. It is implied that a teenage girl is raped off screen.
Aki Sora (TV Show)
The main female protagonist is in love with her younger brother. She fondles him even though he tells her to stop, then just lets her have his way. They eventually enter a relationship with lots of consensual sex. At one point, the brother is raped by his twinsister, who threatens to cut his penis of with a pair of scissors.
Akibiyori (Movie)
Akira (1988) (Movie)
A biker holds a girl still as another tears off her shirt, revealing her breasts. She is then punched and drops to the floor.
Volume 4: several girls are given drugs so the protagonist can rape them. The direct sexual assault is not shown, but very plainly discussed.
Akudama Drive (TV Show)
The 17 year old male protagonist nearly gets raped. A 10 year old girl almost gets sold as a sex slave. A doctor tries soliciting sex from multiple people throughout the series.
Al-Ard (Movie)
About 20 minutes into the movie, one woman rapes a young boy off-screen: we see her seducing him, and touching him despite his apparent discomfort, before jumping on him. The scene then cuts, and later, she is shown asking the boy not to tell anybody what happened. The boy is portrayed as being in love with her, but he is shown the morning after apparently shocked. The main man character stalks a woman during the first 30 minutes of the movie, and asks her father to marry her several times during the rest of the film. There is violence towards women throughout the movie, notably when they resist men's attempt to seduce them. At approximately 1:24:00, one man even kills a woman who is bathing.
Al Tercer Dia (Movie)
A 16 years old girl is imprisoned by an older man, whose sexual intentions are heavily implied. The man attempts to force the woman to fall in love with him. At one point, the woman kisses the predatory antagonist man as the only means to distract him from the actions of her rescuers.
The Alamo (Movie)
In the first part of the movie, the main protagonist tries to help a woman he thinks is being harassed by a man. She tells him that she is not in danger. However, it is then mentioned that she will be part of a forced marriage.
There are mentions of rape as a crime. Chapter 4: a captured angel is threatened with rape as a means of torture, this is referenced again in later chapters.
Alba (TV Show)
This show is about a girl who has been raped: it includes images of the rape and also gender violence.
Alex Rider (TV Show)
S1E4: a character is touched on his thigh and gets clearly uncomfortable. He is then kissed despite saying no.
Alexa & Katie (TV Show)
There are two attempted rapes and one on-screen rape in this movie.: all are very violent. The titular character has a sexual relationship with his nineteen year old male servant.
Rape of both men and women are discussed in a historical context as part of war and slavery. Details of gang rape are discussed as it instigated a significant historical event.
A man wakes up to a dog performing oral sex on him and he does not try to stop it from happening. A man has his trousers pulled down and his genitals are exposed to a variety of people including a group of school children.
Alias Grace (TV Show)
Rape on-screen: A flashback during S1E1 shows the rape of a patient who is tied down and unable to resist. In S1E4, a character is sexually assaulted in a dream. Incest, child sex abuse: a character recounts having been raped by her father as a child.
Alice (1988) (Movie)
Alice (2009) (TV Show)
Alice (2022) (Movie)
The titular characte's slave owner forces her to submit to sexual touching of her private parts, which are off-screen. It is implied this occurs often.
S1E6: a man rapes a woman several times and then hits her (about 31 minutes into the episode).
S1E2: a character gets intimate with another one. It feels like the character does not fully consent it (no clear yes, being absent). Also while this happens, the character has a flashback to a scene in childhood. In this flashback, it is implied that a priest secretly takes advantage of a woman and the character saw it. S1E6: four people hold down a woman so a man can rape her. He begins to take off her clothes and licks her, when outside events startle and distract them all, allowing her to escape. S2E2: in the final part of the episode, the man who attempted to assault someone else in the previous season returns. He attacks the protagonist's teammate and knocks her unconsious. The episode then ends. S2E3: the episode starts with the angatonist licking the protagonist's teammate and climbing on top of her. He is then caught and beat up by the protagonist. Later on, there are lots of sound and almost voyeuristic view of a rape for about 5 seconds. S2E5: a man implies that he will help a teenage girl with an immediately life-threatening condition if she has sex with him (23:00-24:15). She agrees but this is not shown on screen. A female character climbs on top of the protagonist and attempts to have sex with him, despite the protagonist repeatedly denying her verbally and trying to push her off of him (16:47-17:05).
A man attempts to rape the heroine three times.
This film is about a woman caught in an psychologically abusive relation with a man. Early in the movie, they have a sexual encounter in the shower. Later, flashbacks of it are shown while the woman seems distressed. It can thus be assumed that it was not entirely consensual. Near the end of the film, the couple initiates another sexual relation: the woman is not into it but tries to hide it (she goes to the bathroom and hyperventilates). She then returns to the bedroom, and when the man gets on top of her while kissing, she turns her head and pushes him back, while still "playing along". In order to get the upper hand, she pushes him to the floor and pins him down. She then orgasms on top of him, without any penetration: he laughs while she stays visibly distressed.
Alice Junior (Movie)
A teenage girl has her bikini top ripped off by two teenage boys. She jumps into the pool to shield herself from people looking.
At one point, the protagonist is ends up unconscious at the River Thames. She is then pulled out of the river by two fishermen who planned on raping her. She escapes unharmed. The main antagonist is revealed to be a child sex trafficker. It is also revealed that the main antagonist had a sexual obsession with a girl and made multiple advances towards her. Although she displayed discomfort around the man, he viewed it as her "teasing" him. His obsession escalated and he soon began trying to touch her inappropriately. The girl then told her father about his behavior and to not invite the man over their house anymore. Enraged by this, the man broke into the family's home one night, went to the girl's room, and proceeded to rape and murder her. Afterwards, he left the house and set it on fire.
A subtenant of a family with two little girls makes inappropriate remaks about one of the girls (31:40-34:20) and later tries to rape the other, but she manages to escape (49:35-49:47). The girls is framed as "evil" and at one point before this incident, she makes a suggestive gesture towards the man. A policeman later makes a very inappropriate comment about her breasts and states that he felt like she was silently asking him to touch them. The combination of these incidents creates a very umcomfortable victim-blaming atmosphere throughout the film.
Alien (Movie)
Worthy of note: phallic/yonic imagery is used throughout the movie in ways which often evoke violent symbolism of rape and assault. The movie's screenwriter is quoted as having said “I’m going to attack the audience. I’m going to attack them sexually,” regarding the choices he made regarding this imagery during the film's creation. It has often been described as a “rape movie” which subverts the common horror trope of ‘vulnerable’ women being sexually assaulted and have the ‘ultra masculine’ marines be completely emasculated and having things that are not consensual and full of sexual imagery happen to them.
Worthy of note: a white male character reacts extremely negatively upon finding out that his sister has a boyfriend and that he is Black. He seems protective of his sister in a way that can be read as incestuous jealousy, but this is implied, not spelled out.
A man forces a woman down and kisses her. Worthy of note: near the end of the film, two characters are attacked while having sex. The implicit sexual nature of the attack with the glib tone of the scene may be uncomfortable for some viewers.
Alien Factor (Movie)
A man tries to kiss a woman again after she tells him no. She pushes him away and he leaves after the second rejection.
Alien Hunger (Movie)
Alien 3 (Movie)
The female protagonist crash lands on a planet that functions as a penal colony for men who are explicitly stated to be rapists, murderers and child molesters. A group of men corners her and attempts to rape her (40:30-41:30), but she is saved by another man that has also disclosed to her previously that he is a rapist.
Alien Nemesis (Movie)
Alien Origin (Movie)
Alien Raiders (Movie)
A male antagonist gets close to the female protagonist, makes a sexually implicit comment and smells her hair (22:40). The same man makes a sexually explicit comment towards another female character ( 1:15:40).
Alien Shark (Movie)
The Alienist (TV Show)
The show features multiple scenes set in child brothels. The main plot revolves around a serial killer who murders children/teenage boys who were forced into prostitution.
Aliens (1986) (Movie)
Aline (Movie)
This is a biopic of Celine Dion, who met her husband/impresario (a middle-age man) when she was a child. They only have (implied) sexual relationships when she is adult.
Alive (Movie)
An older man drugs and zip ties a young man and young woman: he then drags the young woman into a bedroom. However, the intention is not sexual whatsoever and nothing with any sexual tones happens.
All About Eve (Movie)
Throughout the film, several characters are sexually humiliated and raped.
A character gives a very graphic description of her sexual assault by a family member.
S1E9: a character gets drunk at a party and another character attempts to rape her: someone else steps in to save her. S1E10: the same character deals with the aftermath of trauma and it is revealed that the same guy has raped other girls on campus. She and another victim decided to report him to the university.
A girl reveals that she was raped. A brief flashback shows the night it happened, with the assaulter eyeing the girl, putting his arm around her and grabbing her wrist. No actual rape is shown, but this moment is interspersed with the girl's assaulter attacking another girl with a knife.
The two main characters, who have a sexual relationship, are revealed to be brother and sister. The male character, in a conversation with his uncle, reveals that their father abused both of the protagonists as children, including sexually assaulting the girl and forcing the boy to have sex with her. The aforementioned father never appears on screen and has died by the time the movie takes place. There is also a mention of him being inappropriately involved with a 15-year-old before his death.
Worthy of note: throughout the movie, a man peers/stares at a woman and invades her personal space. Though he never touches her, he appears menacing.
S3E23: a woman is almost raped walking home. There is a lot of victim blaming in this episode. S8E4: another woman is almost raped in her home.
In the first segment of the film, a girl is raped by Satan after his followers ripped her clothing off. In the third segment, a woman is sexually mutilated and carved with misogynist writing.
One of the protagonists (a male in his late 20s/early 30s) masturbates with a sex toy that looks like a baby doll. He seems to be in a drug induced psychosis, believing that this baby was alive and his own.
For All Mankind (TV Show)
Worthy of note: S1E7: this episode mentions an obscure navy reference BOHICA, that stands for "bend over, here it comes again". S2E1: this episode briefly mentions Roman Polanski. End of season 2 and season 3 contains a ten year relationship, where a man who genuinely cares about a woman is forced by the KGB to use her for spying. He is hesitant, but then goes ahead with it. He uses their first kiss to ask for more information.
Soldiers catcall women, who only become interested in them once they know the soldiers have food.
All Rise (TV Show)
S1E1: a serial rapist is briefly mentioned. S1E4: a female lawyer is harassed while visiting prison. S1E15: this episode deals with revenge porn. S1E18: this episode deals with sex trafficking (one of the victims is 15). S3E2: a trial involves battery during sex that may or may not have been consensual. S3E9: date rape, sex trafficking and sex workers not being able to report crimes are mentioned. Footage is shown of a person sexually assaulting a stripper while she is unconscious. It happened three times, but the scene is cut before the actual assault is shown (only groping). S3E11: rape is mentioned.
There is one scene where several characters are under a siren spell and are kissed by said siren to break it. They do not consent to this kiss.
A man continually makes advances towards a woman, finally grabbing and kissing her without consent after she turns him down.
All That Jazz (Movie)
A joke about a man flashing women in the subway is made. The protagonist repeatedly touches a nurse's bottom while he is admitted in a hospital: it is played for comedic purposes.
The novel explores a toxic, inappropriate relationship between four teenagers an adult author they idolize. One of the teens defends her behavior and refuses to see she did anything wrong, while two of the others feel used, manipulated, and hurt. One of the character's parents specifically calls the relationship the author had with the teens, and the way the teens would spread her message to others, as being cultlike. The author's behavior is manipulative and has a lot in common with grooming, although nothing physical happens on-page. She is inappropriately familiar and emotionally close with the teens, including having them over to her house and giving one of them a key, and gets one of them to tell her details of her romantic and sexual relationship with one of the other teens. She encourages the teens to share intimate and personal details with her, with the intent of using it as fodder for her writing. It is deliberately murky whether she cared about the teens at all as people. One of the teens admits to having suspected the author was having a romantic or sexual relationship with one of them, but it's never entirely clear if she's right. A major event in the backstory is an instance of sexual assault and hazing that took place at a high school. For much of the novel, one of the characters is assumed to have been the victim of the hazing; however, it is eventually discovered that he was actually a perpetrator. The book-within-a-book that dramatizes the in-universe events (written by the author who has been basing her work off the teenagers she's cultivated a relationship with) portrays the perpetrator as remorseful of his actions and being a good person who did something terrible. The characters all have different opinions on this, and we never see the perpetrator's actual thoughts, or hear from him directly, only seeing him through other's eyes. The victim similarly never makes an appearance.
There is a mention of domestic violence, but no indication that sexual violence was involved
S1E1: assault and implied rape (24:00-27:00), as well as harassment (33:00-35:00). S1E2: there are flashbacks to the previous assault and harassment (13:20 - 13:40).
A Black woman publicly testifies about how she was arrested, beaten, groped and stripped by Southern policemen in a cell.
All We Had (Movie)
About halfway through the film, a transgender character is gang raped: the scene is graphic and unexpected.
Alle Anderen (Movie)
Allegiant (Movie)
Allegoria (Movie)
Allen V. Farrow (TV Show)
Alligator (Movie)
While they are investigating sewers, a cop grabs a detective's bottom as a means to surprise him.
Alligator X (Movie)
A man insinuates that he assaulted a woman before the camera pans over to her tied up with her shirt ripped open. The man grabs at the first woman beneath the camera's view while she struggles and says that he'll "come back for her".
Almost Adults (Movie)
Almost Famous (Movie)
One teenage girls suggest that they had sex with a boy who they believe was a few years older his actual age of fifteen.
Almost Mercy (Movie)
Almost Paradise (TV Show)
S2E2 deals with a sex trafficking ring. S2E8 mentions grooming and involves a cult where a man brainwashed young women.
Alone (Movie)
The protagonist is restrained against her will and beat in the face multiple times over the course of the film. SPOILERS: At 32:50-39:50, she is kidnapped and held in the basement of a killer/stalker. The kidnapper orders her to remove her clothes. While no sexual assault occurs and she is not undressed, the abductor restrains her from behind on the ground, presses himself against her body, and holds her by the face while he looks through her phone and forces her to answer his questions about her deceased husband. She is visibly distressed and crying during the entirety of the scene, making it a potentially disturbing watch for those with relevant triggers
Aloners (Movie)
The movie opens during a police sting operation to catch a serial rapist and murderer. Whilst driving, the rapist unbuckles his belt and tries to force his victim's head into his lap. His attempt is immediately averted. The primary antagonist kidnaps a little girl, but has no sexual interest in her whatsoever.
Alpha (Movie)
The movie follows a serial killer who rapes his victims (all young children). Rape is mentioned and discussed by the police, and two young boys taunt and joke about a young girl being raped and murdered.
The Alpines (Movie)
One of the male protagonists kisses a female protagonist on the neck while she giggles and says 'stop' a few times (12:30). It seems semi-consensual, and does not go further. A couple is having an argument in bed (32:30). The man kisses her forcefully mid-argument, and she pushes him away. He comments that that 'always used to work'.
Alps (Movie)
There is a scene where a woman attempts to grope her father but he immediately rejects her.
S1E5: a girl is alone in a pool and a man approaches her in a very gross way. Nothing bad happens to her but she gets victim-blamed by a teacher. The show makes social commentary about jordanian culture where victims are blamed for bringing things like this onto themselves for not "dressing appropriately".
Altar (Movie)
The protagonist's husband, who is slowly going mad, massages his blood onto her back. When she realizes this, she runs to shower it off (24:00). He follows and takes pictures of her in the shower without her consent, and she is greatly emotionally distressed and tells him to stop - he does not. The protagonist is in a creepy room and is surprised by her husband entering (41:00). He initiates sex, which she initially consents to, but asks they go to another room as she does n't like this one. He does not listen or stop, and she becomes more and more distressed. The scone cuts to outside the door to the room where you can hear her cries, and it is strongly implied he raped her.
Altered (Movie)
Altered Carbon (TV Show)
Many episodes involve nudity, sexual abuse, and rape, but the most graphic assault is in S1E9 (45:46-46:10) and S1E10.
Altitude (Movie)
Alucarda (Movie)
There are two scenes where a woman is stripped naked without her permission. She doesn't protest but in one of the instances, she is tied to a cross and cannot stop it from happening.
Always Shine (Movie)
A woman mentions that her boss sexually harassed her (13:18-13:26).
Always a Witch (TV Show)
S1E2+3: a character is blackmailed by an abusive ex-boyfriend with a sex tape that was filmed without her consent. There is an attempted rape of one of the characters, who successfully fights off but ends up in a coma for several episodes following.
Am Fear Liath (Movie)
A man pins a woman to the ground and licks her face.
S1E9: one of the supporting characters is forced by nobles in the academy to strip and dance in front of them, She is almost naked just only her panty and open chest but her hand is covered, and MC comes to save her before the thing goes too far.
S1E5: a character talks about being abused by a stepparent during their childhood.
Amadeus (Movie)
In the extended cut, a character blackmails a married woman into sex to help her husband. She accepts and begins to strip but the man changes his mind and has her escorted away. The next scene shows her being very emotionally distressed.
In several chapters, the author discusses his experiences of childhood sexual abuse at the hands of his stepfather. There are no on-page descriptions of what those specific instances of abuse entailed. There is also passing mention of the rape allegations against Mike Tyson and Harvey Weinstein.
There is a description of the events immediately before and after a coercive rape committed by a police officer against a gay man. Non-graphic.
Ambulance (Movie)
Amelia 2.0 (Movie)
In the last 20 minutes of the movie, the creator of a female robot that houses a human mind kisses her while she is in a vulnerable state.
A man is drugged and thinks he is having sex with his girlfriend, but it is actually his mother in a demonic like form. There is brief discussion or implications if it was incest throughout.
Amelie (Movie)
Woman is shown having sex. She is largely disinterested in the encounter but her consent is not violated. The main character enters a house of horrors theme park attraction. She notes that one of the main scare actors has a reputation for touching women (i.e. stroking their hair, making ghost noises in their ears) as they pass through the ride.
Amer (Movie)
In this movie, all sexual assaults and sexual threats are eroticized. In the first segment, the protagonist (a young girl) is tormented by a shadowy, ominous figure in black, who makes her fall down and grabs her feet. In the second segment, an adult man forcibly puts a lollipop in the mouth of the protagonist (now a teenager) while lustfully telling her that she has grown up. Shortly after, a boy tries to kiss her (she rebuffs him) and looks insistantly at her breaast (uncomfortable, she covers her breast). After that, she walks in front of a group of lustful bikers, who stare are her: she is shown feeling uncomfortable. Immediately after that, a suggestive scene mimicks an unconsensual sexual relationship: it is then revealed to depict the protagonist entering a subway wagon. In the third and final segment, the protagonist (now an adult) takes a cab and dreams/fantasizes that the driver (who acts threateningly) tears off her dress and expose her breast: she wakes up. She then goes to her childhood home, where she is assaulted by a killer: he firstly tries to drown her while she is masturbating in her bath, touches her while she is sleeping in her bed, pursues her, fondles her while holding her a knifepoint, and eventually kills her. The final scene shows her naked dead body being prepared for her burial: the process is eroticized.
There are two moments during the film when men pay for the services of prostitutes. The main character is forced to marry a woman because he desperately needs her father's money. Later, it is implied that he is selling his sexual services to an older woman.
A grown man's sexual fixation on a teenager is central to the plot of this film. A middle aged man observes his teenage daughter's friend and has sexual fantasies about her. The same teenage girl implies that this kind of behaviour is a regular occurrence from older men. She implied that she was once sexually exploited by a photographer. Later, the same adult man who has fixated on her throughout the film makes sexual advances towards her, undressing her (with the intention of committing statutory rape), but stops when she discloses that she is a virgin. In other scenes, an adult films the household without their knowledge, the implication that this is a regular occurrence and is done with the intention of capturing intimate and private moments on film without consent. In one scene, an adult man forces a kiss onto another adult man. Worthy of note; virulent and at times violent homophobia is an ongoing theme.
Season 2 - The Assassination of Gianni Versace The scenes in question are featured in episodes 7 and 8. Season 3 - Impeachment This season is about the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal so sexual misconduct is a central theme. S3E1: a woman explains how Bill Clinton sexually harassed her by inviting her to his hotel room, kissing her and asking her to perform oral sex on him. She is visibly distressed while explaining it, and has to do a press conference with male journalists asking details on the scene despite her clearly stating that she would not comment on it (she again appears very distressed). Later, another woman explains that the same man assaulted her (forcingly kissing her). Throughout the episode, it is hinted several times that he is a sexual predator. S3E2: the harassment mentioned in S3E1 is discussed again in this episode, and the victim is shown being instrumentalized about it for political purposes. The relation between Clinton and Lewinsky (featuring a power imbalance) is depicted: the female protagonist is also shown being instrumentalized by another character, who encourages her to pursue this relation. S3E3: the female protagonist dismisses the sexual harassment allegations made by a woman against Bill Clinton (relating to the events in S3E1) several times throughout the episode. S3E4: the nature of the relationship between Clinton and Lewinsky is discussed (the female protagonist denies that it is sexual harassment or power abuse). A man touches a woman's butt as a 'goodbye' without her consent (around 29 minutes in). One of the female protagonist explains that an adult (an authority figure) tried to have sex with her when she was 14 and only stopped when she said 'no'. She also explains that her first romantic and sexual relationship was with a teacher while she was in high school. Incest is briefly mentioned as a joke. S3E7: in the opening scene, a woman who was sexually harrassed by Bill Clinton is in a room where he denies having ever meeting her. She is visibly distressed and leaves the room. This episode demonstrates how Clinton's denial of having a sexual affair with Lewinsky psychologically destroys her. A former high school teacher of Lewinsky, who had an affair with her when she was a teenager publicly slut-shames her. S3E9: in the final scene, someone explains that a woman testified that Clinton raped her. Because she initially said that he did not, this claim is brushed aside and disqualified by all the characters. Throughout this episode, Lewinsky is asked to describe her sexual encounters with Clinton in details twice (the first time in public): she is visibly very distressed. S3E10: during an interview, a woman described how Clinton raped her. A woman who has sexually assaulted by Clinton and instrumentalized politically, is forced to do erotic/nude photos for money: she is shown being visibly distressed by this situation. Descriptions of the sexual encounters between Clinton and Lewinsky are made publicly available: Lewinsky is visibly distressed by that.
American Dad (TV Show)
S8E12: when the main character tackles another character in a living room, the latter says "this is the tallest rape ever." This show occasionally makes rape jokes in other seasons/episodes too.
At 55 minutes, a passing incest joke is made. Rape is mentioned at 01:26:00.
American Gods (TV Show)
S1E2: an omniscient god informs a slave that his relative has been murdered for refusing to submit to a rape. S1E7: a character (early 20s) is forced to accept the sexual exploitation offer of an elder warden to trade favours to escape a death sentence (~30:00-31:23). The bargaining and the act is shown for approximately 10 seconds: she becomes pregnant with the sexual predator's child and raises the kid during her servant sentence. A main character frequently flirts/sleeps with very young women. A female character attempts to coerce a male character into accepting oral sex after he explicitly declines her offer. He eventually manages to rebuff her despite her physical attempts to force herself on him.
One of the main characters gives a fairly graphic description of getting raped in prison (38:08-39:16).
There is one passing mention of rape, metaphorical (i.e. 'rape of our country,' 36:25). A prison guard threatens prisoners, collectively, with sexual violence (01:07:00). A man is gang-raped in prison, scene is relatively graphic (1:21:00-1:23:00). The direct aftermath of this attack (the victim lying in a prison hospital ward) is depicted until the 1:23:49 mark. The attack is alluded to on multiple occasions in later scenes. Between 1:26:50-1:27:16, the victim walks through the prison canteen, obviously injured from the previous attack, while his attackers jeer and mock him.
It is established at the beginning of the movie that the main character's father sexually abuses her, and implies it has been going on for some time. Her father gropes her on screen while she is visibly distressed. A teenage girl of colour is in a relationship with a white adult man who is her boss. Though it is never discussed, there is obviously a strong power imbalance present in the situation. The protagonist is paid money to go on dates and perform sexual acts, though little is shown.
Season 1: a teen couple is making out in bed and the boy tries to unzip the girl’s pants, but she stops him. He tries a couple more times and she stops him again and then tells him she is not ready yet. Later, he and his friends have an uncomfortable conversation about how to get a girl to have sex with them. S2E4: a man pushes a woman against a wall and attempts to rape her, but is stopped by someone else. S2E7: a woman has sex with a man who she thinks is dead, although he is not.
Season one (Murder House): S1E1: a woman is raped by a teenage boy wearing a rubber suit which conceals his identity (she ostensibly consents to have sex but believes him to be her husband). She becomes pregnant as a result of this, and the pregnancy is an ongoing theme throughout the season. Discussions and depictions of miscarriage and abortion also occur throughout. The man in the rubber suit appears frequently and his identity is ambiguous until S1E8. S1E2: a woman is held captive by a home invader and told first to undress and then to put on a nurse's costume. S1E3: a man violently rapes his maid, on the premise that they two had had consensual sex in the past, until he is interrupted. In the same episode, a maid repeatedly makes sexual advances towards a man who expresses that he wants her to stop doing so. He accuses the maid of spiking his coffee with an opiate which causes memory loss. S1E4: near the beginning of the episode, it is implied that a man is raped using a fire poker. This scene is revisited near the beginning of S1E8. S1E8: the woman who was raped and impregnated by the man wearing the rubber suit is institutionalised because her husband and peers do not believe that she was raped. In S1E9, this is resolved when her husband learns she was telling the truth, but she is forced to lie and say that she was not raped in order to leave the hospital. S1E9: near the beginning of the episode, a woman is raped by her doctor while she is under general anaesthesia for a dental procedure. Season two (Asylum): S2E1: one of the characters introduced as an inmate of the asylum is diagnosed as a 'nymphomaniac' and has sex with the orderlies at night - this could be considered an unequal power dynamic and might make some viewers uncomfortable. A woman signs a document committing her partner to the asylum under threat that she and her partner will be outed as lesbians if she does not submit, ruining their careers. Homophobia is a theme throughout the season. A man is diagnosed as a chronic masturbator and is seen masturbating in some scenes; could be interpreted as threatening behaviour. S2E2: a woman is called a 'slut' and a 'whore' by one of the doctors overseeing the asylum. It is revealed that she was committed to the asylum by her husband who punished her for engaging in extramarital sex by accusing her of nymphomania. Shame with regards to sex and 'promiscuity' are recurring themes in this episode and throughout. A doctor hires an escort and attempts to engage in non consensual intercourse with her before she escapes from him (36:40-37:30). S2E3: near the end of the episode, one of the asylum staff attempts to rape a patient and then surgically mutilates her. S2E4: it is revealed that one patient killed her father for sexually abusing her. In the same episode, a lesbian woman is forced to undergo a form of conversion therapy where a doctor attempts to make her feel revolted by images of nude women and then compels her to touch herself sexually while also touching a naked man. S2E6: a woman is kidnapped and made to play a 'motherly' role for her kidnapper; this could be seen to have sexual overtones. In S2E7, her kidnapper rapes her. As a result, she becomes pregnant. When she escapes, she is picked up by a man who begins a misogynistic tirade against women in general and his wife specifically, refusing to take her to the hospital and eventually pulling out a gun. S2E8: in a flashback, it is revealed that one of the patients was raped in jail. At the end of the episode, a man intends to rape a woman in revenge for her treatment of him but before he can do so she kills him. S2E9: near the beginning of the episode, there is a relatively graphic scene in which a woman attempts to abort the pregnancy which began when she was raped. S2E10: a woman rapes a priest. S2E11: a man tells a woman about how he killed her partner and had sex with the corpse. Later in this episode, the woman gives birth to the child of her rapist, despite multiple failed abortion attempts. Season three (Coven): S3E1: it is revealed that a black slave and a white woman have had an affair. He swears that she initiated the sexual contact as he loves somebody else, but is tortured anyway. In another scene during this episode, a young woman is drugged and gang-raped by a group of men at a fraternity party. A friend of the survivor violently rapes and kills one of the frat boys, who is in critical condition and unable to move or consent, as revenge. Discussions of and references to this incident occur periodically throughout the season. S3E3: a woman makes sexual advances towards a minotaur. At another point in the episode, it is revealed that a woman has been sexually abusing her college-aged son. She is shown kissing him whil he stands unmoving. Eventually, he beats her to death when she makes sexual advances towards him. Scenes of this murder continue into S3E4. S3E6: a man lies and tells other characters that he killed a woman whose corpse they discover in order to feed his necrophiliac appetites. At another point in the episode, a young man relives the trauma of sexual abuse by his mother when a woman who is caring for him tries to clean his genitals, lashing out as a result. S3E7: it is revealed that a character has been secretly watching a woman he is obsessed with since she was eight years old. S3E8: near the beginning of the episode, a homeless man is killed because he is accused of being a paedophile. Later in the episode, a man's mother forces him to strip while chastising him. Season four (Freak Show): S4E1: a woman is coerced into remaining silent about her experiences and not going home because she is threatened with the potential release of a sexual video in which she features. S4E3: in a flashback, a woman is made to give birth in front of a crowd of paying spectators as part of a 'freak show.' S4E4: in a flashback, it is revealed that a woman once worked in as a dominatrix catering to extreme and violent fetishes and that she was abducted to be the object of a snuff film. In another flashback in the same episode, a man is accused of sexually abusing young patrons of his show, although this does not seem to be true. S4E5: a reference is made to the fact that an upper-class family is particularly prone to mental health problems due to inbreeding. Season five (Hotel): S5E1: a hotel guest is shown taking heroin and then being violently raped by a faceless demon. As he is on the verge of passing out, a woman appears and tells him that she loves him. The guest's body is hidden and his ordeal continues until S5E3. S5E8: a character is said to have checked in and molested a 10-year-old boy, leaving behind polaroids of this crime. S5E11: a woman is violently raped by a faceless demon in a flashback. Season six (Roanoke): S6E3: a character is found having sex with a witch while local people look on and touch themselves sexually; he claims to have no memory of this incident after the fact. If this is the case then one implication might be that he was magically compelled to take part in this act. S6E4: in an attempt to gain more information, one character offers somebody another character's sexual services. Later, she turns up and demands what was promised to her. S6E7: a woman manipulates a man into participating in sexual activity with her until two other characters intervene. Season seven (Cult): S7E1: a woman wakes up to find a clown in her bed. S7E1-2: several scenes show masked man masturbating while watching the main character (non-consensual). They are shown moving their arms and grunting, without nudity/genitalia. S7E3: a couple's address is posted online by an unknown party, alongside an invitation for strangers to walk into the house and have sex with them. Video footage is posted online of intimate moments between two characters. S7E4: two women handcuff a man in retaliation for him groping one of them during a heated argument. A man's boss degrades him by making him clean up semen on multiple occasions. A man openly masturbates in a communal shower stall. A woman attacks a teenager when her speech is interrupted by bystanders saying 'grab her by the p***y.' S7E7: a woman sleeps with a man for money and he refuses to pay her the agreed amount. S7E8: a man attempts to rape a woman, but she kills him before he can further assault her. A cop blackmails a criminal into sex acts, though this is not shown on screen. Season eight (Apocalypse): S8E2: the man in the rubber suit has sex with a man who thinks he is somebody else. Season nine (1984): S9E2: a man attempts to coerce another male character into starring in homosexual pornography and threatens to end his potential acting career by sending tapes of these movies to various people in Hollywood. Later, one character spies on men and makes sexually suggestive comments and a woman unexpectedly kisses another woman. Worthy of note: one of the main antagonists of the series is a real-life serial killer. At some point, he makes a comment about abusing women. S9E5: a woman's corpse is shown, with the implication that one character raped and disemboweled her (2:50-5:32), before taking pictures of her that he displayed on the wall. He then kills himself. Season ten (Double Feature): S10E3: a man is kidnapped to be the victim in a snuff movie where he would be sexually abused. He is able to escape the situation unharmed. One character forces a group of college-age men into a hazing ritual involving peer-pressured group groping (24:00-24:40). Season eleven (NYC): S11E2: a man is invited to have kinky sex with a stranger and accepts, but is then imprisoned and keeps explaining that he did not agree to the imprisonment. S11E6: two characters are taking turns having sex with another character in a hood, and the character in the hood suffocates (by accident). The characters continue having sex with him after he is dead. Season 12 (Delicate): The main female character is vaginally probed by a physical therapist who she repeatedly tells to stop. Later she tells her husband she was molested and he does not believe her.
American Made (Movie)
American Mary (Movie)
A woman is drugged and raped by her professor; it is very graphic and the emotional impact is reflected in the rest of the film as the woman exacts her retaliation.
A female character is sexually abused by her mother's boyfriend as a child.
The main character learns that his daughter was raped. The rape is not described in detail, but the main character’s feelings toward the event are explored in detail. There is a description of his own imagining of the rape.
There is a brief mention of sexual assault over the phone. The protagonist coerces one of his woman friends to have sex with the sex worker he payed for, despite her saying 'no' multiple times. While she is distracted, he drugs her drink, and the next scene is the women getting taken advantage of by the sex worker while he watches. Worthy of note: there are several scenes in which the main character is having sex with two sex workers. He physically hurts them during these encounters and later pressures one of them to come back and have sex with him again.
A male teacher has a relationship with a high school girl.
A girl on her 18th birthday is very drunk and comes onto one of the men, insisting despite his refusals. She then gets naked and passes out, and another man repeatedly tries to touch and grope her whilst she is unconscious (and only just turned 18 when these men are about double that age). A main character touches a coworker's butt without her consent (around 7:30). Later, he touches some girls' private area underwater (around 24:00). A group of young boys steal girls' bikini tops at the beach (around 27:00). Boys arrive at a high school party and warn one of them that the girls there are half his age: he says that he knows in a smiley-creepy way (around 32:30).
"Battery" : a man drugs a woman's drink at a bar, then he takes her home and rapes her.
American Vandal (TV Show)
S1E7: rape or sexual assault mentioned. The entire season 2 contains lot of talk about fake claims of sexual intercourse. A fake account, leaking nudes and other private conversations, intervenes. Sexual assault is implied too.
The film revolves around a woman trying to get a provocative tape back from a man who films women flashing. There is mention of bestiality. A man receives a handjob from a woman whilst he is asleep. She is unaware of what she is doing and he does not seem to be in distress at the event. The scenario is played for laughs.
The protagonist, desperate for money, answers an ad for a man who wants someone to help him "relax." He claims that he wants her to massage him, but he requests that she come to his house and lie down in his bed with him. He touches her sexually and makes her uncomfortable. She accepts his payment, leaves, and never returns. This experience, in addition to the alienation she had already been feeling, causes her to go into a deep depression.
The Americans (TV Show)
During a flashback in the pilot episode, a woman is pinned down and raped. More generally, nearly every episode has sexual activity that lacks enthusiastic, fully informed consent. In many cases, it can be likened to reluctant sex work for the spies. The people they seduce do not know they are consenting to sex with a Russian agent and are unaware of the spies' underlying reasons for pursuing sex with them. The male and female lead were assigned to play the role of a married couple by the USSR. They were told to have sex and produce children. Early in their time together, they were not at all in love and only had sex because the job demanded it. During the series, their degree of romantic attachment to each other waxes and wanes. As spies, the main characters frequently seduce and have sex with others to gain access. This happens very frequently. The level of deception involved in these sex acts varies. Many sex-spying acts involve seducing a stranger for a one-night stand with few implicit or explicit promises to be broken. However, in a very long-running storyline, the male lead convinces a woman that he is in love with her and marries her, while already married to another woman. The purpose of this is to use her for information and access. She is tricked into betraying her country, losing her job, as well as risking her life and freedom. Sex is the weapon used to cause these harms, rather than being a harm in and of itself. The male lead meets with a young, attractive female informant. She is "assigned" to gather information from a foreign dignitary who chokes her to death during sex. To avoid law enforcement, she is cut unto pieces and carried out in suitcases. There is a threat to out a gay servicemember. To gain access to a computer system, the female lead tricks a married man into believing that he had sex with her and impregnated her. To maintain an information source, the male lead is directed to seduce a 15-year-old girl and maintain a sexual relationship with her. He begins to seduce her, but refuses to have sex with her, though he does maintain a boyfriend-like relationship with her. The spies often do not like having sex with strangers for access. This is their job and they are often resentful. They appear distressed at times. They also get jealous of each other. The male lead attends emotional encounter seminars which involve participants loudly expressing their feelings or sharing very personal information, including sexual fantasies. Some fantasies expressed are violent and/or non-consensual. The female lead is assigned to seduce a sexual sadist who beats her with a belt. The male lead is angry and wants to punish the sadist. The male and female leads role-play consensual sexual sadism with one another. The female lead lies that she was raped by a military servicemember to a low-level navy sailor to manipulate him. The spies frequently use sex as a source of blackmail material or in order to get blackmail material. The spies convince a young (but presumably adult) collaborator to drug and have sex with an aide to congress. There are flashback scenes to the spies learning how to seduce people as part of their spy training. We see the male lead initiating sex with (presumably) undesirable partners, including an elderly woman and a middle-aged man. He is clearly reluctant. In the final season, the spies' daughter (now an adult) has sex with a source to get information. The spies are extremely disturbed by this.
A.M.I. (Movie)
Amici Miei (Movie)
A husband makes a joke about rape when he and his wife are on a dinner date. He tells her to drink and she asks, “Trying to get me drunk?” and he says, “That’s the appeal of marriage; I won’t have to.”
A man possessed by a ghost sleeps with his teenage sister. Consent is dubious as this encounter is a result of the possession, rather than any conscious desire.
Ammonite (Movie)
A character kisses her lover amidst an argument, and because of said argument the kiss is unwarranted so she is quickly pushed away.
Amour (Movie)
Amour Fou (Movie)
Amphibia (TV Show)
Amsterdam (Movie)
Worthy of note: in the final scene of the film, it is revealed that the female protagonist was medicated against her will by her family, who claimed that she was suffering from an imaginary medical condition, in order to control her.
Amulet (Movie)
Rape on-screen: this is shown briefly and from a distance. There is also a brief mention of incest (father marrying his daughter).
Amusement (Movie)
Amy (Movie)
Brief mention of sexual assault when one of Amy's previous partners recalls a conversation they had about whether she had been assaulted when she was younger. She says that she never was.
Amy's Orgasm (Movie)
Of An Age (Movie)
A character tries to pick up a feather that has fallen in someone else’s cleavage. The latter character slaps his hand away.
A female child character is seemingly groomed by an adult male character into being a saloon singer, including having her dressed in a Burlesque dress by other characters.
A nurse says she looked at a patient’s genitals while he was in a coma.
Rape is mentioned numerous times throughout. During a flashback scene, the main character is attacked at knifepoint; rape strongly implied but not shown.
Worthy of note: two little girls spy on a couple having sex in the woods.
An Education (Movie)
The plot follows the relationship between a high school girl and a man twice her age.
The main characters in this romance are a free Black woman and a white Scottish man who are fellow spies for the Union during the American Civil War. When the two first meet, she is worried that he will rape her. She does not know that he is a fellow spy at this point. Later on, the two have real conversations about the power dynamics of a white man being with a Black woman. Nevertheless, their relationship is presented as wholly consensual. The main male character's mother was gang raped prior to the events of the book and bore a child as a result. There is a scene where the main female character is undercover as a man, and when she is found out by slave catchers, the men start touching her body and trying to remove her clothing. They are stopped before they get very far. An antagonist female character accuses the main male character of attempting to rape her. It is very clear in context that she is lying and trying to get him in trouble.
An Idiot Abroad (TV Show)
In several places, this book details how sexual violence was used (and continues to be used) as a tool of warfare by European settlers against Indigenous peoples in North America and around the world. Towards the end of the book, the author includes personal accounts by people who were sexually assaulted as children in the Indian boarding school system. She also discusses the current epidemic of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG), many of whom are victims of sexual violence.
The male protagonist is forced to watch while another inmate is gang raped by a number of other inmates, and he is threatened that they plan to do the same to him (55:00-57:00).
The main female character is consistently sexually harassed and used by the men around her. This is depicted with the aim of shaming the men who have hurt her or sexually abused her.
This book takes place during the United States Civil War. The couple in the book consists of a Black American man and a dark-skinned biracial Cuban woman. The male protagonist saves a slave girl from being raped by the slave owner. The female protagonist was born from a union between a slaveholder and a slave woman. The protagonist's mother somehow persuaded the slaveholder to free her, marry her, and treat her and her daughter as equal members of the family. There is a suggestion that he may have fathered another child with a different slave woman because the protagonist notices a slave girl who resembles her. The female protagonist's home gets taken over by soldiers who flirt with, attempt to touch, and otherwise harass her and her sisters. At the start of the book, she has a white sweetheart whom she believes she loves, but it becomes clear to her that he is using her, and she describes their sexual encounters as him "taking his pleasure" from her. There are instances where he initiates sex with her when she is visibly upset. Finally, she mentions that people often think that she is her father's mistress. A side character relates how his wife was raped by a slave owner. Two male characters openly contemplate "sharing" the female protagonist, assuming that she does not understand their language, which she secretly does. A group of Confederate soldiers threaten to rape the women present in a group of traveling slaves, but they are stopped.
The book centers around a generation spaceship with a large enslaved population. The genderqueer female main character and her enslaved kin experience systematic physical and sexual abuse from their captors, both heavily implied and simply stated. However, many before-and-after details drive home the horror and intergenerational trauma of this abuse. Child sexual abuse is shown to be widespread through pregnant teenagers, children's play that acts out rape, and brief flashbacks during PTSD episodes.
The protagonist endures repeated rapes, assaults and mutilations while she is being held for ransom over a 13 day period. The second half of the book chronicles what happened after her release, the impact of her traumas and her attempts to reclaim the life she had before she was kidnapped. Everything is described in vivid detail in first-person POV.
Ana E Vitoria (Movie)
The female protagonist is a governess in a house inhabited by three middle age brothers. In one of the first scenes of the film, one of them makes continuous sexual advances despite her clear disinterest. He then develops an obsession with her, sexually harrasses her at multiple occasions, and writes her anonymous obscene letters throughout the movie. The two other brothers also develop a perverse relationship with her, and she progressively decides to deal with it by playing along. In the final sequence of the film, after she rebuffed them all, one brother attempts to rape her, in presence of the rest of the household. After a brief relief (she is fakingly told to leave the estate), she is violently grabbed, pinned down by the three brothers and raped on-screen, before being killed.
Anaconda (Movie)
Analyze This (Movie)
Anastasia (Movie)
Anatomie (Movie)
In the opening, a dead body is caressed in what seems like a sexual manner. A young woman is frequently touched by her professor and is very uncomfortable. She discusses it with another woman later. The same woman is kissed by a classmate and sometimes pushes away/is uncomfortable.
The film is about a murder trial; a large part of the prosecutor's case is depicting a woman as a flirtatious nymphomaniac who deserved to be raped by the murder victim.
The series follows arape accusations from the rapist's perspective. S1E1: the episode opens with an on-screen rape, depicted as if the victim is enjoying it. After that, the accusation of the survivor is framed as insane and not credible S1E2: the rapist is depicted as being 'sucker-punched' by the accusation of his victim (03:30-04:30).
Anchorman 2 (Movie)
In the beginning of the movie, the main character makes light of sexual assault and downplays its seriousness by telling his boss he sexually assaults a starfish every morning. In the middle of the movie, the main character says he thinks he was raped by his boss (in the previous scene his boss pins him to the wall and he is afraid): it is played for laughs.
One of the main storylines is about a woman who becomes the first female news anchor and she is sexually harassed by male coworkers throughout the entire film. These scenes are all supposed to be funny.
The age gap in the romance between the two main characters is ambiguous - a 17 year old and an ancient inhuman entity. It is also unclear whether or not this age/power gap is fully endorsed by the narrative. There are scenes in which the older character becomes posessive and violent towards the younger character. These incidents are taken seriously by the narrative and other characters, but they are forgiven by the younger character. The young female protagonist's story begins when she is bought at a slave auction by a master who intends to marry her.
Andi Mack (TV Show)
S1E11: a new principal says that the titular character's leggins are not up to the dresscode and that the pupils should not "distract each other with [their] body parts". Worthy of note: the first ten episodes of this series have been taken out because an actor who played the protagonist's grandfather tried to meet a 13 year-old and take him to a hotel.
Andor (TV Show)
S1E1: the first scene of the episode takes place in a bar which is supposedly a brothel. We only see a "waitress" asking the male character what he is looking for (which is not sex). S1E11 & S1E12: a mother is obliged to arrange a meeting (and presumably a wedding) between her teenage daughter and the son of someone who makes her a favour.
Andrei Rublev (Movie)
A woman kisses a man who is tied up against his will. A woman has her robe pulled off by people who are pursuing her. We see a woman being dragged away by a group of men who are going to rape her. From a distance, a group of soldiers watches a woman lying with her dress pulled up.
Angel (TV Show)
In the past, the main protagonist had a sexual relationship with the woman who turned him into a vampire. The language used to describe this transformation and her role in it mirrors the language of birth and motherhood. While they are not related, the relationship can easily be read as incestuous. Throughout season 2, an antagonist infiltrates the main protagonist's dreams, and while doing so, assaults him while he sleeps in the real world. He is unaware of what is actually going on. S2E4: the entire plot of this episode centers around the main cast helping a character who has repeatedly been the victim of sexual violence. A major episode revolves around domestic abuse, and a lot of women are abused. A female character is graphically hurt and almost raped by three of the main male characters, who ends up forgiven. A main male vampire threatens to rape a woman "to death", implying he has done this before.
Angel Eyes (Movie)
Sexual harassment occurs between 09:50 and 11:09.
Angel Heart (Movie)
The protagonist rapes his adult daughter while possessed. A woman is found dead and it is revelead that she was shot up the vagina (off-screen).
Angel Legend (TV Show)
S1E5: a boy says to a girl who slept over at his place "You should thank me for doing absolutely nothing." She mentions she noticed him touching her cheeks during her sleeping. He asks: "And you didnt stop to think I might try something?" She didnt think he would and answers: "I might have been pretending just to make sure you wouldnt." His answer: "I guess its okay if it helps you trust me, but you cant do that again. Im stil a guy, you know".
Episode 9: mention of footage showing rapes.
Apart from explicit violence against women during the first half of the movie, there's also a scene where one of the main characters, after burgling a house and keeping its two female occupants under threat, drags them to bed and starts getting on top of them and hitting them with a belt while they squirm and try to defend themselves. The other main character looks on as this happens. Although no nudity is shown, it could be implied that the scene continued further beyond what is shown.
Angela Anaconda (TV Show)
Angelic Layer (TV Show)
A 17 year old guy is in love with a 12 year old girl (her step sister). They are not biologically related but have been step siblings for a long time. There are other instances of sexual harassments in this anime and manga.
Angels of Death (TV Show)
Early on in the show, a 'doctor' character pins down the young female protagonist on a table, whilst licking his lips and looking menacingly.
Angel's Egg (Movie)
In the opening sequence, it is mentioned that a woman in trial for stealing said to the policemen to go after the real criminals like rapists. Near the end of the movie, policemen ask the three main male characters to lift up their kilts. This is played for laughs.
it is implied that a woman is raped after losing a fight: her clothes are ripped off. Multiple women are groped by men.
Angry Inuk (Movie)
Angry Mom (TV Show)
Angst (Movie)
A man rapes a dead woman's corpse (off-screen): we see the man asleep on top of the corpse with his pants down.
The main character's same-aged cousin attempts to kiss her on the lips and later gropes her. This is played for dark comedy. The main character's love interest is 17 years old, while she is 14. The age gap is brought up as an issue.
A teenage boy tries to force a kiss on a girl and they fall over, making it appear that they were lying on top of one another. They are seen and the girl is embarrassed.
The Animal (Movie)
A man pulls a bag of drugs from another man's rectum. A man tries to have sex with a goat.
Animal Control (TV Show)
Throughout season 1, a veterinarian is called "Hot Vet" by his coworkers: they constantly try and date him. S1E1: a main character puts a beef stick in a fellow officers pants and then tells him to take off the pants and shirt as a joke when ostriches are attacking him. He also asks that same coworker to moon another coworker. S1E3: a coworker catfishes another coworker. S1E4: a coworker continues telling sexual details after another coworker told him to stop.
Animal Farm (Movie)
Animal Jam (Video Game)
Animal Jam is an educational children's game about animals and the environment where players can become animals and interact with the in-game world. The chat filter as of now is strong and has a small chance for inappropriate language to bypass through the filter, although some players can still bypass it to say inappropriate sexual content. The game has implemented safety features to prevent players from "hopping" on another player's sleeping character, which was used to simulate sex before. It is also worth noting an incident where the game's developers unbanned a notorious pedophile from the game, which should be a cause for concern. Inappropriate and sexual "masterpieces" (artwork that you can display in your personal den or on your trade list) has also slipped through moderation at times.
Animal Kingdom (TV Show)
Animal Room (Movie)
SPOILERS: The sexual violence in this title is handled very brutally and violently. There is one scene where a group of boys force another boy into the bathroom and beat him up, one of the boys mounting the boy when he is kneeling and thrusting into his back before shoving his head in a toilet filled with feces. Another scene, the group of boys break into a house and the main antagonist forces a kiss on his girlfriend’s mother before dragging her into another room, his girlfriend being aware and seemingly okay with this. In the private room, he pushes his face into her breasts and licks her while making sexually explicit remarks to the crying woman. He backs off but when he goes to meet up with the group of bullies, one of them says something to him before going back to the woman, grabbing her by her hair and dragging her off to another room as she screams - rape is implied as the antagonist slams the front door shut before leaving so she could not be heard. The scene is violent, brutal, and intensely frightening and can be disturbing to viewers.
Animal World (Movie)
A nurse is sexually harassed by one of her male patients.
Animals (Movie)
Anita & Me (Movie)
Anna (Movie)
Domestic rape and violence early in the movie.
It is strongly implied that the main female protagonist, a 18th century housemaid, has been sexually abused by her master (off-screen). In the beginning of the movie, he unknowingly watches her while she is washing and later tries to kiss her. Worthy of note: a little girl of the family entertains a ambiguous relation with the maid. In one scene, she kisses her on the lips and later asks if she can touch her breast (both times without any negative reaction from the adult).
Anna Karenina (Movie)
Anna Lucasta (Movie)
Annabelle (Movie)
S1E1: an inappropriate relationship is implied between a teenager and a grown man. The main character's mother is seen drinking at a party where she then dances with a boy her uncle is trying to set her up with. She is drugged and falls pregnant after the one night stand in which we can visibly see her unable to consent to anything. It is later revealed she fell asleep and that her uncle killed her date: he then raped her. Towards the end, a woman tries to seduce a man with her magical powers to get her way: it does not work. S1E2: a mother has sex, and is magically linked to her daughter, who randomly has a sleep orgasm on the plane. S1E4 mentions at 8 year old being possibly propositioned by a adult demon ghost thing. S1E8 mentions the previous rape.
Anne With An E (TV Show)
S1E2: a man approaches the protagonist in a train station while she is unaccompanied and tries to deceive her into leaving with him - it is unclear what his intentions are. When she realises that he is lying and escapes he is seen approaching two young boys with the same lie. S1E3: the protagonist discovers that one of her 16-year-old schoolmates is engaged in an illicit relationship with their schoolteacher. The protagonist describes overhearing a rape, although she describes this in coded/euphemistic terms. S1E5: the schoolteacher is seen to continue his advances towards the 16-year-old girl he has been engaged in an illicit relationship with. S2E5: a group of boys assault girls by lifting their skirts behind their back (5:50). A girl has a flashback where another girl corners her, pulls her hair, licks and kisses her face. We then see the effect on the girl, and it is insinuated that it happened often. S3E6: a boy tries to pressure a girl into having sex with him. She pushes him off after he touched her breast. Later, the boy spreads rumors about sleeping with her, causing people to look down on her.
Annette (Movie)
Six women come forward with allegations of sexual violence towards one of the main characters. There are no details given and the women are treated with respect. Worthy of note (spoiler): this man later describes and acts out murdering his wife, and accidentally murders a woman.
Annie Hall (Movie)
Worthy of note: a humanoid creature presses a woman up against a wall, and while this is not a sexual attack, it may resemble one.
In versions that include the section “Castes in India: Their Mechanism, Genesis, and Development,” the author discusses how child marriage often arises out of endogamy requirements within castes.
An adult man sexually harasses a teenager and attempts to coerce her into having sex with him. Her classmates spread rumours that she is a prostitute following this incident.
Anomalisa (Movie)
Worthy of note: there is a graphic sex scene in which one character, who is psychologically vulnerable, has been drinking a bit beforehand, but she is happy and does not regret it afterwards.
The main character unknowingly sleeps with his mother, resulting in the conception of a child.
Another (TV Show)
Another Body (Movie)
A college student searches for justice after she discovers deepfake pornography of herself circulating online. This is discussed throughout. We are also shown the harassing comments she receives from strangers after the fact.
Another Life (TV Show)
Season 1: the main character orders an AI that appears to be sentient to change into her husband. This AI believes they are in love with the main character. The main character then has sex with this character. The impact of this scene is that a white female who is the superior officer of a male subordinate played by an actor of color is raping him. The male AI character is traumatized by this experience.
Another Period (TV Show)
Another Round (Movie)
Ant-Man (Movie)
Antebellum (Movie)
The Black women in the film are presented to a group of white men as being able to "fulfill all their desires." The protagonist (a slave woman) is shown being raped by a civil war soldier. Later on in the film, a character keeps touching and flirting with an Uber driver. The driver seems visibly annoyed and tense.
The Antenna (Movie)
Anthracite (TV Show)
It is repeatedly implied that a cult leader has sexual relationships with very young women, some of them probably minors. A man is raped on screen by a woman: the scene is long. In guise of a plot twist, it is revealed that a character was, in fact, killed by her brother because she was beginning to remember that he had abused her for years when she was young.
Antichrist (Movie)
There are a few scenes between the dysfunctional husband and wife in which they perform sexual acts on each other while the other is unconscious or having a panic attack. The woman masturbates the unconscious man.
Antidote (Movie)
This movie contains multiple instances of attempted assault. In one instance, a male character gropes a female character with the intent to rape her, but she escapes.
The author references fascist fearmongering that immigrants are rapists, Donald Trump's declaration that Mexicans are rapists, Milo Yiannopoulos's support for pedophilia, and rape culture as a concept. None of these references are graphic.
Antiporno (Movie)
In this movie, the line between imaginary and real is blurred, making any existing consent very dubious.
Antisocial (Movie)
Antisocial 2 (Movie)
A woman aggressively forces her help upon a woman delivering a baby. She removes the woman's pants even though she is asking her to stop and steals the baby after it is born. Later, a man pins her down as she struggles to get out from under him but he stops before anything further happens.
Antlers (Movie)
There is a brief mention of child sex abuse during a teacher’s flashback. A boy take a doll in the class and keep moving in a sexual way like he is having intercourse with it to tease and harrass another boy. The next scene shows the boy who was harrassed found the same doll in his bag. He turns around and see a the first boy who was mentioned doing a sexual gesture to him (09:12-10:04). It is discussed how two of the main characters were siblings who were abused (the girl sexually but the brother is implied to be as well) by their father for years. In one (non explicitly graphic) scene (PTSD flashback), the daughter says things like: "Stop that, dad” or “You’re hurting me”.
Antonia (Movie)
The father of a developmentally disabled woman tries to get local men to marry her by showing her off at a bar, slapping her on the behind and fondling her breasts for others to see. Later on, there is a scene of her being raped by her brother. One of the protagonists intervenes on the victim's behalf, and the rapist is shamed into leaving the community. The rapist later returns and rapes a teenage girl.
Antonio Gaudi (Movie)
A man is shown having sex with a dead deer. A man forcibly tries to remove a young girl's clothing.
Antz (1998) (Movie)
Aoashi (TV Show)
Worthy of note: S1E19: the male protagonist thinks the female protagonist is touching his butt but that is not the case. She was trying to put a picture in his pocket.
There are flashbacks of a young boy (about 10) being sexually abused by three women.
Aoki Hono (Movie)
A.P. Bio (TV Show)
S2E1: a cat-calling situation is briefly described (12:30).
Aparajito (Movie)
A man slaps a female co-worker on the butt. Much of the movie's plot involves an upper level employee abusing his power to have trysts with multiple women who he employs. This is all portrayed negatively with his womanizing abuse of his power shown to have negative effects on male and female subordinates of his alike. SPOILERS: the man fires a woman whom he had an affair with after she mentions his womanizing to another woman he has an affair. After being told of his womanizing, this woman later attempts suicide upon finding out that she is seen by him as disposable and one of many women he has gone through in his life. He later threatens to fire a male co-worker whom he just promoted because he refuses to let him continue using his apartment for his sexual trysts as a result of the aforementioned suicide attempt.
Adultery is a theme. Worth noting: in one scene a man responds unenthusiastically to the sexual advances of a woman.
A man forcefully gropes a woman's breast, but is interrupted. A man is implied to have been physically and mentally abusive to his ex-wife.
Apartment 407 (Movie)
The whole film is about a woman who is kidnapped and used as a sex slave. It is based on a true story.
Three women entertain soldiers by dancing. The men storm on to the stage and attempt to grab the women. The women are rescued and taken away by other soldiers.
Apocalypto (Movie)
In the beginning of the movie, a long scene shows a tribe attacking a village, with implied rapes and uses of prisoners as sex slaves.
Apokawixa (Movie)
Apollo 13 (Movie)
Apollo 18 (Movie)
The Apology (Movie)
The plot revolves around an uncle raping and murdering his niece and graphically describing it. No assault is ever shown visually.
Apostle (Movie)
A male character ties up two girls and threatens them with rape, but is killed before he can go through with it.
The show is set in ancient China and a large exploration of it is the treatment and expectations of being female set in the era. This includes trafficking, kidnapping, concubines (including those that are underage), and the exploration of the likelihood at being assaulted. That said the show does not romanticize or fetishize this instead seems set to explore just how women suffered. S1E1: the main character is kidnapped by men and sold to work for forced labor at a palace. S1E3: a concubine escapes a marriage she did not want. There is a brief discussion between female characters about how trapped they feel in the situations they live in as women. S1E5: Aafemale character explains to a male character that she uses cosmetics to hide her appearance because she is afraid and aware of the likelihood of being sexually assaulted . This scene is done very respectfully with the male character being visibility distraught, asking her gently about her experience, and being angry that those that treated her to feel this way were not punished. S1E6: there is a discussion about women and girls becoming concubines and having children when they were underage. One character in particular is discussed to have been sexually abused by the emperor and had a child around the age of 9: the main character is disturbed by learning this. S1E15: a man describing a woman he was once infatuated with casually mentions that he seriously considered sexually assaulting her on multiple occasions.
Appare-Ranman! (TV Show)
S1E8: a man touches the belly of a woman. She kicks him away. S1E11: after kidnapping a woman, the male antagonist tells her that she is his property. S1E12: one of the antagonists says that the men have probably had their way with the kidnapped woman. This is not true and is said to annoy the protagonists.
A gang rape scene is shown and referenced throughout.
Apple Tree Yard (TV Show)
This show contains a long and intense on-screen rape scene, as well as flashbacks to the assault throughout the following episodes. The rape is discussed repeatedly and in court. When it is recounted, the camera often focuses on portraying the survivor's distress and horror, both during the rape as well as when recounting the assault. In one court scene, the survivor is subjected to victim blaming (for being familiar with the rapist and being intoxicated at the time of the assault), and other cruel interrogation tactics are used against her, forcing her to supply extensive details of the attack. Other social interactions are understanding and the survivor's acquaintances treat the matter very sensitively.
Apprentice (Movie)
Early in the movie, the male protagonist's sister enters in the bathroom while he is using the toilets, despite his protest. She briefly looks at his genitals and he tells her to stop. About 20 minutes into the movie, there is an abrupt cut to a scene with an attempted rape scene playing on a television set. We see a man assaulting a woman who screams 'rape': he eventually stops.
Some female friends do a magazine quiz together, and one of the answers to "how was your first time?" is "painful and degrading". Later, a man jokes that a couple is returning from having "nonviolent sex".
Apt Pupil (Movie)
At the end of the film, a teenager blackmails a teacher with a false sexual abuse accusation. There is no real abuse or relationship between the teenager and adult.
Apur Sansar (Movie)
The premise of the movie is that a man has to marry a 14 year old girl because her presumed husband is mentally ill. They eventually grow fond of each other and have a child together.
S1E12: a man mentions that he is obligated to tell the people on the boat he is working that he is a registered sex offender. S4E5: the whole episode is based on a man getting repeatedly raped by a dog. It is discussed throughout and no one helps him to stop it, instead just watching it happen. S7E12: a man asks if he can take another characters girlfriend into the woods and rape her before killing her.
The main character's mother was blackmailed with the death of her son and partner into a marriage (and a child).
Aquamarine (Movie)
Aquarela (Movie)
Arachnoquake (Movie)
A male student takes a picture of a female student while she is bent over.
Arbitrage (Movie)
Arbor Demon (Movie)
The Arbors (Movie)
Arcadian (Movie)
Arcane (TV Show)
S1E5: one character is in an implied brothel and is set up without her consent to pretend to be a worker in that environment. Nothing bad sexually happens to this character on or off screen. S1E8: a woman goes to a place ressembling a brothel, where a man presumably gives her sexual services (off-screen). At some point, she gets out of a pool naked to confront a man, who expresses some discomfort. S1E9: a man suddenly (but non sexually) licks another man's head, causing him great discomfort.
Archer (TV Show)
In several episodes, it is implied that male characters have been sexually assaulted or raped while unconscious.
Archipelago (Movie)
Archive 81 (TV Show)
A protagonist non-consensually films two other characters having sex (nothing explicit shown). The video is later viewed by another protagonist in the future. Because the protagonist filming went on a date previously with one of the people having sex, her best friend confronts him and accuses him of cheating on her. The scene frames her as sympathetic, and the man apologizes. Both people in the video later turn out to be evil, and the protagonist who filmed them is not called out on doing so. Surveillance is a major plot point, and there are several other non-sexual instances of filming without consent that could be upsetting.
Archons (Movie)
Arctic (Movie)
There are references throughout the book of women knowing that they are in unsafe situations because of men, and there are discussions of times when they were harassed in the present or past. All discussions are non-graphic. A female servant discusses how men in the household would harass her and some of them slept with her.
Arctic Void (Movie)
A character runs away as she processes her trauma of being raped by her cousin. This graphic novel handles this with care: no rape scenes are showed/drawn directly just her feelings throughout, which can be triggering to some.
Area 407 (Movie)
Area 51 (Movie)
There is a brief mention of “probing” in relationship to aliens. The protagonists sneak cameras into a strip club and film the dancers nude in the private dance room without their consent and it can be assumed that they are going to share the videos too.
The plot revolves around a trial regarding torture being covered up by the government, including discussion and testimony from rape victims.
Argo (Movie)
Argylle (Movie)
Ariel (Movie)
Arjun Reddy (Movie)
The Ark (TV Show)
S1E3 mentions a biker "not taking no for an answer". S1E4 reveals that someone slept with someone just to recruit him. S1E9 contains attempted coercion and someone misleading someone to kiss them. S1E11 contains threats of sexual violence and a woman coercing a man to be with her.
A serial killer who rapes and tortures his victims is a major player in the story, and he mentions how his father sexually abused him as a child. He later rapes and murders another character's wife and young daughter and tries to claim that the child made sexual advances. Another character implies a sexual attraction to young girls. Allusions to the movie Psycho and insinuations of incestuous mother-son relationships are included throughout, though nothing of the sort is directly discussed or depicted.
Worthy of note: a father beats his son with a belt.
Sexual assault and rape is mentioned a few times.
Towards the end of the film, all the women of a village get captured by an army of skeletons. Several of them are shown with their trops ripped off: their kidnappers forcefully kiss them. It is implied that they are raped and transformed into demons.
A character is restrained, and it is stated that he is a serial rapist to the women he guards in quarantine. A man harasses a woman, asking if she wants his 'rectal thermometer'. He is later sacrified to the zombies for being a rapist.
Army Wives (TV Show)
S2E13: the episode features a stalker.
A major theme and recurring joke is one character's crush on his cousin and cousins who do not know they are cousins flirting with one another. S2E11: a woman that the protagonist believed was blind when they slept together tells him she is pregnant. When he asks her why they did not use protection, she says “You thought I was blind, remember?” implying that he stealthed her / only pretended to use protection. It turns out she was faking the pregnancy so it is possible she was lying about this. S3E1: while in jail, one male character implies to a man that he has been sexually assaulted every night by inmates. S3E2: one character says that in prison, you just have to "shut up and take it" (referring to sex) but with a wife, you just have to "shut up and give it". S3E3: one character says that he is a mix between an analyst and a therapist: an "analrapist". This shocks several people when they see his business card. S3E3: one character renames a film titled "The Sexual Assault of Abigail F." as "Losing it". It is played for laughs. In season 4, the community becomes inhabited entirely by sex offenders. Also in season 4, a woman has sex with a teenage boy, thinking he's an adult, while pretending to be a teenager herself in an attempt to frame him for statutory rape.
Arrow (TV Show)
A lesbian character is forced to marry a man despite violent protests, though she and the main character joke about the marriage in later seasons.
A woman is taken by force in a cellar by a killer, but finally escapes. After that, she seems very distressed, but her husband does not take her seriously. Later, when she discovers bodies buried in that cellar, she tries to warn the police: her husband shuts her up by forcefully kissing her. Both scenes are played for laughs.
A man rips his girlfriend's shirt whilst trying to get her to take it off. She storms out of the room. A woman makes inappropriate comments about her teenage step-daughter. A demon goat holds down a woman whilst another man is about to perform oral sex on her. It is implied that she is raped off-screen.
The adult/child relationship concerns a 14 year old with a 18 year old.
A woman mentions that she has been attacked by a man when she was undressing after her karate lesson and that she killed him. She explains that her misogynist master told her that it was her fault. At some point, all the karate students undress to stretch. The new recruit (main character) is led to a small room apart and told that he has to do something special to be part of the group. The master then opens the door and the only woman of the dojo is standing there waiting. They only stretch together but the undertone is quite heavy. More generally, the film sets an atmosphere recalling sects and it contains several shots hinting at the fact that the master exerts a sexual domination over the main character.
Arte (TV Show)
The series portrays the main protagonist´s romantic feelings towards the older male lead, but fortunately it does not develop into a relationship, nor does the male lead acknowledge her feelings.
A "Comfortbot" or "Sexbot" is a peripheral character in this novella. They indicate to the main character that they do not like or want to serve their owner. Only through the robot's designation as a Comfortbot can one infer that nonconsentual sexual activity may have occurred.
The author references instances of rape and sexual harassment that went unaddressed at Uber, as well as rape during slavery in the United States. These mentions are in passing and do not go into detail.
The Artist (Movie)
As Bestas (Movie)
The relationship in the film is between cousins (it is implied they have sex).
One of the main characters is the target of a harassment campaign where people make sexualizing, derogatory comments to and about her. She speaks about how upset she is by this treatment and how the protagonist has not challenged his friend for that friend's participation in harassing her.
A teenage boy is sexually abused by an older woman, and forced to have sex with her. An elementary school aged girl (secondary character) has already arranged to be a nobleman's concubine when she comes of age. She is unhappily resigned to this. Society is structured such that this arrangement is the only way she can access the medical care she needs to survive. Season 2: a young girl is a concubine of the high priest, and when she starts to serve him, she thinks that her job is to seduce men. Child sex abuse is mentioned. The head priest asks an adult man if a young girl is his lover (which is not the case). S2E7: it is mentioned that a female gray robe priestess was raped by a blue robe priest and that is why she is afraid of men. S3E5: a young girl is asked if she has ever received a gift from a man when she did not know how to receive a necklace. She later blushes after an adult man says that he will saver her. Another young girl is told that someone who will visit her will "like young children". She asks herself if she can become his mistress in order to leave the cathedral.
The Ascent (Movie)
A Nazi soldier hits a woman's bottom. It is implied that a child was abused during an interogation.
In the first half of the movie, the protagonist persistantly hits on a female bartender despite her apparent disinterest. She later falls in love with him.
A female love interest gropes a male protagonist's genitals whilst they are hiding, and whilst he clearly is upset by the occurrence at the time, it is never discussed again.
The titular school girls are drugged and gang-raped on screen: this leads to one of them committing suicide. The other three are later forced into sex slavery, but manage to escape. A man also asks the girls to kill the man who is implied to have raped and killed his young daughter.
The film centers around a princess who is kidnapped by a troll. According to a legend, if she does not marry a real prince by her 18th birthday, she is supposed to marry the troll. So her consent about any marriage is not asked until the end of the film.
Ass Backwards (Movie)
Assassination (Movie)
The film's features an enemies-to-lovers subplot. About mid-way through the film, the male protagonist asks her to "surrender" and tries to kiss her: she backs up and he allows it. She then agrees and verbally consents before they kiss and fade to black.
S1E4: a group of men harass and threaten a woman. An alien stops them and locks them in their car. A female teacher kisses a middle school boy. Later, the same teacher is harassed. A woman is harassed on the street. The implied rape of a teacher is treated as a joke. Repeated child sex abuse in the form of kissing and touching by a teacher. Thugs plan and kidnap young female students and discuss plans to have a 'photoshoot' with them.
Attempted rape between ~ 1:19:00 and 1:24:00.
Assassin's Creed (Video Game)
Worthy of note: after the third assassination mission, a female character can be approached in the present day. If spoken to twice, she explains that in the past, three men broke into her apartment with guns. It is unclear what happened, but she does say that they planned to kill her.
Assassin's Creed II (Video Game)
Sequence 1 (memory 10): a woman is heavily implied to have been raped by guards. Much of the conversation around her character for the remainder of the game is about her fragile mental state due to trauma from the event.
A female side character is raped off-screen. Later, the male protagonist's uncle steals his body to go and sleep with his wife. This is treated quite confusingly by the narrative.
When one female character is in an ambulance, two men joke about raping her and one gets on top of her and tries to strangle her. The driver also asks when its his turn. She beats them all up and escapes.
Assholes (Movie)
Assimilate (Movie)
The Assistant (Movie)
It is implied that sexual favors requested by an authoritative figure to young women are happening, although never seen on screen.
The premise of the movie is that a man stages a coup in order to force a princess to marry him. Most male characters are very pushy towards women throughout the film, including one man pretending that he is in a relationship with a woman who does know about it.
Asteroid City (Movie)
There is a passing comment of “…but I love you like a sister, other than that one time in the bathroom the day we met, which has never been repeated, as we both know” (01:09:00).
Astro Note (TV Show)
S1E5: a child tries to steal a skirt. He has always wanted to wear skirts but the woman thought he wanted to steal her panties. The misunderstanding is immediately resolved.
Asylum (1972) (Movie)
A small sub-plot in the film involves a tribal tradition of women being forced to "mate" with whoever wins in combat. The main female character is fleeing her village to avoid a man who is certain of winning the fight for her. At one point, another man who wishes to "win" her, tries to grab her, but is restrained.
In the second part of the movie, the protagonist approaches a young woman to ask if he can paint her (a scene which is also the first of the movie, as a flash forward). He firstly touches her to show her how to pose and she protests. It is then implied (off-screen) that he raped her: when detained, a priest later asks him if he ever molested children before (which he answers negatively). A side character (a former soldier) says that all officers are murderers and rapists.
A boy walks in on his older brother having sex with his girlfriend, and the older brother smiles at him and keeps going until the girl screams and jumps up. Worthy of note: before intercourse, a woman starts kissing down on a man's chest and he keeps telling her to stop and wait but she keeps going. She does ultimately stop before getting below his stomach because he told her to, but it was not a quick halt.
The main character, while walking his best friends fiancé home, pushes her against the wall and kisses her against her will (12:13): she bites his lip and he releases her.
Aterrados (Movie)
Athlete A (Movie)
This documentary discusses the abuse USA Gymnastic tried to cover up regarding doctor Larry Nassar. There are discussions of grooming, sexual harassment and sexual assault throughout.
Atiye (TV Show)
S1E5, 31:21-33:11: the protagonist has flashbacks to her boyfriend raping her while she was drunk in college (while she kept begging him top stop).
Atlanta (TV Show)
Atlantic City (Movie)
The main male character first encounters the main female character by spying on her while naked when she appears naked through her window.
Atlantics (Movie)
The protagonist (a young woman) has to marry a man that she does not love. At some point, he briefly grabs her by the wrist to get her to follow him: she leaves.
Atlas (TV Show)
In the end, one character wants to kiss a human woman like a sister while she is strapped in a table. She turns her head and he leaves.
Atomic Blonde (Movie)
Atonement (Movie)
A 15-year-old girl is raped by an adult who is never caught or punished for his crime (42:00-42:45).
Atroz (Movie)
This book contains passing mentions of men liking to check out women other than their partners. It is not explicitly stated whether the women the men are checking out are aware they are being watched. Worthy of note: in chapter 10, the authors describe a relationship that is clearly emotionally and verbally abusive but do not name it as such.
Attachment (Movie)
A teenage boy attempts to flirt with an adult woman, commenting on her body and asking if she has a boyfriend. She is visibly annoyed with this line of questioning, but does not appear threatened by it. Prior to this interaction, she was fearful of this boy and his friends because they surrounded and mugged her early in the movie.
Three men harass the female employee at the donut shot. There is a mention of a man arrested for masturbating outside a sorority house.
One hour into the movie, a voiceover describes that the tomatoes are "pillaging and raping" and we hear a woman scream.
Attack On Titan (TV Show)
The series contains a child sex trafficking and several scenes of sexual harassement. One of the main characters gets molested in season 3 and season 4 features a young child being forced to marry and procreate for the king of her village.
Atypical (TV Show)
Worth of mention: the main character's friend often makes sexual comments about women. In season 1, the main character has a crush on his therapist. He proceeds to break into her home to leave her a present. However, he does not have ill intentions, just a hard time understanding social situations.
In the beginning of the movie, the main female protagonist is followed and harassed by a gang of young criminals. Some of them go to her farm at night and touch her without her consent. She flees. Later, she accepts to be groped by the leader of the gang in order to retrieve her donkey. She cries and tries to flee, but he catches her again and rapes her off-screen. She then engages in an abusive relationship with him. Later on, the girl runs away from her abusive boyfriend to an old man and asks for shelter against sex: he accepts (we see him hugging her and then it cuts to her, dressing up the morning after). Near the end of the film, the girl breaks up with her boyfriend. He and his gang strip and beat her, leaving her traumatised.
A teenage boy gives an unrequested kiss on the cheek to a female piano player while she is playing. A young boy is forced to pull down his pants in front of a Gestapo officer to prove that he is not Jewish.
The series is a pastiche of 1960s French secret service and often depicts women as objects (e.g. some scenes take place in a strip club) or as victims of misogynist behaviors. S1E8: a young agent (male) is lead to think that his mission is to have sex with a female colleague. It is in fact a trap set up by his boss, who is secretly filming the action, to drive him away of his own daughter. The man also feels forced to stay in bed with a man and is visibly distressed by the situation.
In a flashback, we see a ballet teacher inappropriately touching his very young female student and burning the inside of her thigh with a stick of incense. Due to the 'unreliable narrator' nature of the film, the reality of the victim's trauma is reapeatdely questioned. It is also noteworthy that the premise of the film is a group of casting directors holding a fake auditions for a nonexistent role that serves the purpose of one of the men choosing his future bride. A ballet teacher masturbates in the same room as his practising seven year old pupil.
The documentary is about a teenage girl being sexually assaulted, so sexual themes are discussed heavily.
Augure (Movie)
A boy pretends that a dressed up stick is a girl he is having sex with in a condescending way.
A home-movie-style pseudo snuff movie, following three people torturing, murdering, raping and sexually assaulting people. Two of the main protagonists (siblings) are in a relationship.
A home-movie-style pseudo snuff movie, following three people torturing, mudering, raping and sexually assaulting people. It also includes sexual self mutilation, necrophilia and pedophilia.
A home-movie-style pseudo snuff movie, following three people torturing, mudering, raping and sexually assaulting people.
Augustine (Movie)
Aurora (2018) (Movie)
After sharing a few drinks, a man and a woman goes to the latter's hotel room. After the woman goes to the bathroom, she returned to the man almost naked and asking her to "punish" him with a whip. She tries to flee but he grabs her several times. After a brief relief (during which he is crying on the floor), he beats her unconscious and presumably rapes her. However, in one of the last scenes of the film, it is revealed that he did not, because other men intervened and killed him.
Ausente (Movie)
The movie is about a relationship between a swim teacher and his underage student. The student slips his hand up his teacher's shorts while he is sleeping, then the teacher begins waking up so the student removes his hand and quickly leaves (31:00).
Austenland (Movie)
It is mentioned in a joking tone that the villain was raised by an adult man and his "15 year old love slave".
At one point, the protagonist is subjected to a gas by robots who resemble women (Fem-bots) in order to distract him. This gas causes him to become disoriented and susceptible. The following scene shows him being caressed by the fem-bots as he attempts to mentally overcome their advances.
Australiens (Movie)
The book does not have any rape or sexual assault though the main relationship is between a high schooler and a college student, but the college student is 19 and the high schooler is 18.
An autopsy is performed, revealing evidence of violent sexual trauma (as well as the potential implication of sexual assault via the autopsy itself).
Autumn Sonata (Movie)
It is mentioned that a mother's boyfriend has sex with her daughter.
Ava (2017) (Movie)
A 13-year-old girl engages in a romantic relationship with a man over 18.
Ava (2020) (Movie)
Avalanche (Movie)
A man kisses his ex-wife several times and makes it clear that he wants them to get back together. Though she does not seem particularly upset when he kisses her, the situation could be uncomfortable for some.
Avatar (Movie)
In the opening scene (within the first five minutes of the movie), a woman is struck across the face by a man she is talking to in a bar. She is then bodily forced to sit on a bar stool which her assailant has positioned between his legs. The male protagonist intervenes with force.
S1E15: a young man and woman are paralyzed and the woman falls on top of the man's uncle, who asks if his uncle was also paralyzed. He jokingly command him to be quiet. S2E12: one character kisses a female character without her consent in order to stop her from talking. This is presented as romantic. S3E10+17: there are two separate scenes of the main character kissing a woman without her consent. In the second, she is visibly angry/upset and leaves soon after. The show does not make a joke of it, but it is never fully addressed as a problem.
Near the end of the movie, an adult character calls a child character "buttercup": she calls him a "perve" in response. About halfway through the film, a brief scene shows people boarding submarines: a man (captain) slaps a woman's behind (she is a subordinate naval officer) during this process. This is not acknowledged or addressed.
Avenged (Movie)
A woman is raped: this is not shown in graphic detail but the man's behind is shown. The rapist talks at length about the assault.
Avengement (Movie)
A male character makes a comment saying that if he completes a certain feat, he will re-institute prima nocta, a tradition where members of aristocracy are permitted to rape women on their wedding night.
Awaara (Movie)
One character mentions that he was falsely charged with rape. A woman is treated as having been "dishonored" by people who believe she was raped when she was not.
Awake (TV Show)
A man violently attacks a woman, attempting to rape her. She struggles during this, and is eventually knocked unconscious. He begins to attempt to rape her again but is stopped (1:19:04-1:20:48).
Worthy of note: towards the end of the movie, the main female protagonist drunkenly dances with an intoxicated man in a bar. When he tries to go further, she rebuffs him. A small tension arises after that, but nothing bad happens.
There are non-consensual acts constantly, emotionally, physically, and sexually.
Away We Go (Movie)
The opening sequence shows a man giving oral sex to his partner: she firstly asks him not to, but then agrees to it. The protagonists (a couple) visit a female friend who repeatedly speaks inappropriately in front of (and about) her children. Another female character the protagonist encounter explains that she breastfed another woman's baby without her consent. She later explains that she and her husband have sex together despite sleeping in the same bed as their children.
It is implied via flashbacks that a man raped his sister-in-law: there is a very brief scene early in the movie, and a more long one just before the end of the film. In this latter scene, the victim also tries to have sex with her future husband (her cousin) just before their wedding, against his will. There are several non-consensual grabbing, touching, etc., throughout the movie.
S2E4: one male character goes to get acupuncture and the female professional sexually harrasses him. The whole experience is used as joke fodder.
Awkward. (TV Show)
In multiple scenes throughout the series, jokes about pedophilia and relationships with younger women are shown.
A woman tells a story about how she was giving a statement to the police and one officer harassed her so she punched him.
A coworker propositions the protagonist.
Throughout the film, men are constantly verbally, and sometimes physically, harassing women.
Ayakashi (TV Show)
There is an attempted rape scene on screen. A pair of siblings are in love with each other.
Ayatsuri Sakon (TV Show)
S1E2: a college student comments how she wants the male protagonist to be her boyfriend. His age is unknown but he is referred to as 'kid' throughout the series. S1E4: an older man puts his arms around a 19 year old girl and asks her wether she is gonna go into the entertainment industry. He then winks at her while looking at chest. S1E5: the older man is seen in the room of the 19 year old girl. They are about to kiss when a sound stops them. They seem to have a romantic/sexual relationship. S1E7: a man makes a comment about comforting a girl in his bed. S1E10: two women flirt with the male protagonist. They touch his face and compliment him. He is very flustered.
Ayesha is hit on by a "veil chaser" (someone who fetishizes Muslim women) and reflects on other instances where this has happened to her in the past. Two female characters mention being married at the age of 17, including a character who was forced to get married by her parents. There are mentions of characters getting married to second cousins or more distant relations. Characters frequently discuss their feelings on the differences between arranged marriages and forced marriages. Several male characters comment on having lost their virginity at ages 16, 12, and even 9. We don't hear how old their partners were.
Aztec Rex (Movie)
A woman is told that she has to marry a man she does not love, so she runs away from the village. He runs after her and pins her down when he catches her, but does not attempt anything further. There is also a mention of conquistadors raping women.
Azumanga Daioh (TV Show)
There is a running joke throughout the show where a male teacher hits on underage protagonists.
B: the Beginning (TV Show)
Relevant scene occurs in episode 1.
B4 (2012) (Movie)
This movie is about how a woman was coerced into having sex with someone else, because her boyfriend wanted to have sex with another woman
Bab El Hadid (Movie)
This movie is about a sexually frustrated man who develops an obsession with a woman: he eventually tries to kill her but kills another woman instead. Early in the film, the man hides in the woman's room and tries to sexually assault her: she screams and the man escapes when other people are alarmed. He later tries to convince her to marry him. The woman is depicted as making fun of him and arousing him: she is beaten by her fiance. Throughout the film, women are catcalled, followed, spied on, etc.
Baba Yaga (Movie)
A woman is coerced into being chained up and whipped by another woman.
The Babadook (Movie)
Babe (Movie)
A woman is courted by a man who teaches her to sing: she does not seem interested and thus asks for the lessons to stop.
Baburu (Movie)
A teenage boy makes romantic advances on an adult woman despite her repeatedly telling him no. When the woman is kidnapped, the teenager states "They better not be doing anything pervy to her." Worthy of note: the main (nonsexual) romance occurs between a teenage boy and a girl made of bubbles. The girl's age is unspecified but in the beginning, she acts very childlike. She kisses the unconscious, drowning main character to give him air.
Baby (TV Show)
The protagonists are two teenage girls engaged in prostitution, and there are multiple sex scenes between them and adult men.
The titular character, a physically an adult man perceived as a baby, attempts to breastfeed on a babysitter. The babysitter resists at first, but then appears to be aroused. One of the protagonist's sisters comes into his room when he is sleeping and enters his crib naked. There is a cutaway. A man is pushy to a woman at a party. Someone drink is swapped/spiked for non-sexual reasons.
Baby Blood (Movie)
Baby Boy (Movie)
Baby Driver (Movie)
Baby Face (Movie)
The lead character speaks of her childhood abuse, strongly implying incest at the hands of her father, who then forced her into prostitution as a teenager. There are also scenes of sexual harassment.
Early on in the film, it is implied a woman is sold into sexual slavery. There are scenes in which characters exploit a child perceived to have supernatural gifts for relics, that while not sexually abusive may still be upsetting. There is a gang-rape sequence towards the end which results in the victim's death. While only the early moments of the rape are depicted, and the rest takes place both in shadows behind a curtain and off-screen, the scene may have potential to cause severe distress.
Baby Raindeer (TV Show)
The premise is about a male protagonist being stalked by a female stalker, who sexually assaults him in S1E2. The show also goes into his past trauma of extreme sexual abuse throughout his life. S1E4: this episode has rape and sexual assault scenes and and off screen throughout.
Baby Reindeer (TV Show)
The show is about an adult female stalker stalking a male protagonist. She gets sexually aggressive for the first time in S1E2 (24:56): she makes unwanted sexual advances to him and touches him without consent. It is very blatantly non-consensual, but is played seriously. A scene features grooming by a mentor and a large age gap between mentor (55) and victim (mid 20s): inappropriate touching and sexual assault. S1E4: this episode explains the main character’s hesitation in reporting his stalker by explaining how he was raped in the past. A man he idolized grooms him by promising him success in his career and giving him drugs. There are several scenes in this episode of the main character being fingered, groped, kissed, unclothed, and penetrated non-consensually while subdued by drugs. The episode also shows the aftermath/trauma of the rape—including sexually risky behaviour in which the main character puts himself at risk of being raped a second time.
The Baby (TV) (TV Show)
S1E5: a woman is forced into sex by her husband. A woman is kidnapped so she cannot have an abortion and is forced to have her husband's child.
Throughout 3/4 of the movie, sexual harassment (verbal and physical) is almost constant. Various characters (men and women) kiss, fondle, cat-call or grab other characters (men and women) without their consent, often for laughs. The first 30 minutes of the film depicts a party/orgy, where it is said that female teenagers are at the disposal of men. We see one of them performing sexual acts with a naked older man (peeing on him and then sitting on him): we see her later having overdosed in the arms of the man. The men responsible for the party manage to have her escorted out without anyone seeing, and brought to an hospital. During the party, many intoxicated characters have sex in public: one brief shot shows a man having an object introduced rather brutally in his anus. Later, during a reception, the main female character mentions that the hosts have sex between cousins. Earlier, she explains that a whole sport team lost a bet and has to be her 'slaves' for the night. In the last part of the film, characters go to an underground "party" in the sewer, where people are held (presumably sexual) slaves: BDSM practices and rapes are shown on-screen.
Babylon Berlin (TV Show)
A woman if frequently cat-called throughout the series. The show contains a gang-rape scene. S2E4: a man forces another man to perform oral sex on him after beating him with a metal rod.
Babylon 5 (TV Show)
The show includes slavery and sexual harassment. S2E8 discusses rape and forced impregnation. S2E9 features men threatening to sexually assaulted a woman, and touching her without consent. S3E6: telepathic rape is mentioned.
In one scene, some teenagers are playing spin the bottle and one girl is dared to kiss everybody present. She has no problem doing so, but one boy in the group is visibly uncomfortable with the prospect of being involved. Although she comforts him and he seems placated, this may be uncomfortable for some.
An adult man grabs a teenage girl and tries to silence her, implying that he plans to assault her. He stops her from being able to escape by holding her on a bench. He is stopped by the main male character, then he attempts to attack them saying he will "gut them like a fish". He is interrupted by Sonia, who subsequently says "Silence, rapist".
Babyteeth (Movie)
A relationship between a 16-year old and a 23-year old takes place as a part of the 16-year old last wish, being permitted by the parents. At some point, they are shown having sex.
Bac Nord (Movie)
Baccano! (TV Show)
Different women are verbally harassed by men throughout the show. This includes one child, and workers at a club who are told to get undressed (it is not shown and no one complies).
Back to 1942 (Movie)
Back to Black (Movie)
Marty's young mother is attracted to her own future son without realising they are related. Off-screen, she removes his trousers while he is unconscious and makes an open sexual advance. She later kisses him. Marty's father is shown to have spied on his future wife undressing without her knowledge. In another scene, a teenage boy attempts to force sex on a teenage girl in a car before she is rescued.
Worthy of note: in an alternate timeline, the antagonist uses his financial and political power to force a woman into marrying him, as well as killing her husband and forcing her to get breast enlargement surgery. While no clear sexual advances are made, the same antagonist is shown to sexually harass the woman when they were teenagers in the first movie; it is implied he may have further sexually harassed/assaulted her in this alternate timeline.
Back to Life (TV Show)
S1E1+2: it is revealed that a police officer was having sex with a 17 year old. The police officer then tries to gaslight the victim and is threatening. He is also abusive to his wife. It is mentioned that he made the wife take valium.
This book addresses emotional/psychological abuse from a mother and grandmother to the other members of their family, including the main character's childhood recollections.
Backflip!! (TV Show)
Bacurau (Movie)
A sex worker is forced to do a job without her consent, despite the opposition of other characters. She comes back really disturbed and beaten. Worthy of note: one antagonist mentions that after his divorce, he went to kill his ex-wife, but she moved out of town.
The Bad Batch (Movie)
A young girl is groomed to be one of the wives of a cult leader. She is saved before the cult leader does anything to her. Worthy of note: there is a scene where a character frantically and tearfully pleas that she "can't do it again" as a man slowly approaches her. The "it" that she is referring to is not rape, but the framing of this scene could still be triggering as it mimics how someone would react if they were trying to prevent themselves from being raped.
The villain of the story intends to marry a 14-year-old girl to obtain her family's fortune. In discussing this, he makes some sexually charged remarks. One of his henchmen does the same.
Bad Behaviour (Movie)
Bad Ben (Movie)
The premise of this book is that a high-powered partner of an advertising firm and one of his employees begin a sexual relationship. The power dynamics between the two of them come up a lot, not only in the disparity between their positions but also because he is older than she is. The female romantic lead gets sexually harassed by a fellow employee repeatedly. This employee is eventually fired. There is a stalking/kidnapping subplot, but there is no sexual assault or rape involved in that.
Bad Boy Bubby (Movie)
The main character and his mother have sex on screen multiple times. There is also a lot of animal abuse.
Bad Candy (Movie)
A woman in the morgue lifts the sheet to look at the naked body of a dead man. She climbs on top of his body, kissing and touching him, and pretends to have sex with him. A man breaks into a woman's house to rob her, when she gets home he pins her down and threatens her but she is able to get away
Bad CGI Gator (Movie)
Bad Education (Movie)
Bad Genius (Movie)
Bad Girls (Movie)
Outlaws take turns raping a female hostage. A man forces a woman to change clothes in fron of him. A man beats a woman with a whip off-screen.
Bad Grandpa (Movie)
The Bad Guys (Movie)
Bad Hair (Movie)
The protagonist's landlord attempts to rape her. She is able to fight him off. The next day, another tenant in her building comments that the landlord is a rapist.
The rape scene and aftermath are gratuitous, though parts of them are cut from the R rated version.
Bad Moms (Movie)
One of the protagonists is coerced into having sex with a man in exchange for his help to get her and her father passage to the United States. He then uses the fact that she had sex with him to control her in other ways, including forcing her to become engaged to him. Another character describes his experience of being tortured. One of the torture methods was anal rape with an object. Worthy of note: there are many detailed scenes of domestic violence of a daughter at the hands of her father throughout the book.
Bad Samaritan (Movie)
A nude picture of a woman gets shared online against her will. Women are physically, but not sexually, assaulted on screen throughout the film.
Bad Santa 2 (Movie)
It is implied that one of the men playing Santa is a pedophile. There is also discussion of date-rape.
Bad Seeds (Movie)
This film contains major amounts of physical child abuse, animal abuse, sexual harassment against teenagers by adult men, self harm, and teenage drug abuse.
Bad Sisters (TV Show)
S1E11: it is revealed that one of the sisters was raped 10 years prior by a main character.
Bad Taste (Movie)
Bad Teacher (Movie)
Worthy ot note: a teacher gives one of her students her bra, so he has proof that he did something sexual with another girl his age. There is no sexual relationship between this woman and teenage boy beyond this.
A character is the leader of a pedophilic cult. Nothing is explicitly shown, but rather heavily implied.
Bad Trip (Movie)
The main character is shown having on screen sex with a gorilla in an enclosure: the rape is graphic. It is staged and part of a hidden camera prank and played for laughs.
Bad Witch (Movie)
One of the two main male characters does magic on a girl to get her to like him but when he realizes that she has come over to have sex with him, he immediately realizes he did it wrong, sends her away, and undoes the spell. He later tells her about the whole thing and she asks him if he put a "rape spell" on her. After the two main characters kill a man, one says that he "was probably going to be a murderer or a rapist or something" to justify it: there is no evidence of it.
Bad Words (Movie)
The main character jokes to another (underaged) character that he will be raped if he speaks a certain way.
Badhaai Do (Movie)
Near the beginning of the film, a minor male character catfishes the female lead on a dating app, posing as a woman, and threatens to out her as a lesbian unless she has sex with him. She refuses and eventually gets the police involved after which he no longer bothers her. Spoiler: gay man and a lesbian (in a lavender marriage) eventually consider having sex with each other (something that repulses both of them) due to the pressure from their families to conceive a baby, however they do not end up going through with it.
Badlands (Movie)
A 25 year old man and a 15 year old girl are shown kissing (about 20 minutes into the movie): it is implied that he rapes her.
Bag of Bones (TV Show)
A woman is assaulted on screen (about 50 minutes into the movie).
Baise Moi (Movie)
Bait (2012) (Movie)
Bait (2019) (Movie)
The series follows excessively-tested high schoolers and features different kinds of harassment. One character is a stalker-voyeur who constantly tries to see sexualized parts of the body and often takes pictures. He regularly invades privacy to collect creep-shots of womens, which he sells to shy, unattractive, and single guys. At some point, he indexes every girl in the school in a database based on breast size. One woman and one man are obsessed with the two main characters and harass them. An effeminate male is often heavily sexualized and fetishized by other students, and forced into crossdressing. A female character is sexually and romantically interested in her younger brother, whom she often attempts to kiss. Another female character frequently abuses a man. A gay character often does creepy things that comes off as stalkerish.
Bakemonogatari (TV Show)
A female character is captured, bound and forcibly impregnated. This is a major plot point in the series, and there is later discussion regarding the child. In another episode, women are kidnapped with the intention of impregnating them but are saved before this can happen.
Bakuten! (Movie)
A woman is in an abusive relationship where her boyfriend will beat her up and then they will make up later by having aggressive sex.
Baldur's Gate III (Video Game)
One of the romance options in the game discusses being sexually abused for 200 years. One of the main companions in the game reveals through his romance storyline with the protagonist that he was sexually assaulted and forced to have intercourse with strangers. Later on he talks about the feelings of violation and disgust that came from that experience.
Ball of Fire (Movie)
Ballerina (Movie)
The rape scene shows a man groping a woman and unziping her jeans. The rest is implied through a piece of clothing left behind, bruises, etc.
Balthazar (TV Show)
The above-mentioned scenes occur in episodes 2 and 5 of season 1.
Balto (Movie)
While there is not any explicit sexuality, the antagonist tries on multiple occasions to get physically affectionate with the female lead, despite her making it clear she is not interested and is already taken to the protagonist. He later tries to manipulate her into getting into a relationship with him, falsely claiming that the protagonist died in an accident and made him promise to take care of her. However, she immediately calls his bluff and refuses to get involved with him.
Bambi (Movie)
Bamboozled (Movie)
This film uses deliberately racist caricatures and footage from racist films and cartoons. This includes sections of the film 'Birth of a Nation', with a significant clip being used of a man in black face attempting to sexually assault a white woman.
Banana Fish (TV Show)
One of the main characters has extensive sexual trauma and it is a part of the storyline. Two huge plot points of the show are a child sex trafficking ring and rape which are both brought up in most episodes. Videos and pictures of child abuse are shown (not graphically) or discussed. There are other things that may be distressing to viewers such as frequent sexual harassment and forced prostitution, as well as incestuous flirting/suggestive hinting between siblings. S1E2: a video is played during a police interrogation of an adult man raping a young boy. A 17 year old boy receives sexual comments from other men in prison. S1E3: a man finds a 17 year old boy naked and tied up after being raped. S1E6: it is discussed that the main character was raped as a young boy (flashback is shown, but no rape occurs on-screen). S1E7: one of the teenaged male main characters briefly catcalls a woman in the street. The woman does not engage/respond. S1E8: a woman is raped off-screen. This is mentioned later. The rapist also briefly caresses a teenage boy's crotch. A man flirts with his 16 year old half-brother. S1E9: a 16 year old boy is sold by his half-brothers to an older man. A scene shows them and another boy tied to a bed half naked. The man soon leaves the room out of urgency. S1E11: a 17 year old boy vents to another teenage boy about his past sexual abuse as a young boy and breaks down crying, the other teen comforts him. S1E16: an 18 year old boy disguises as a woman and and gets sexually harassed by a man. The scene is brief and is played for laugh. S1E17: an 18 year old pretends to be 15 so he can prostitute himself and get information from a pedophilic man. They are seen in a bed together but the boy stops the man before anything happens. S1E19: an 18 year old boy gets a mental breakdown after his abuser announced that he is legally adopting him as his son and tells him of how much he suffers in the hand of many men. S1E21: this episode is about an investigation of a child sex ring. Two characters converse about being sexually harassed in a gay bar. A brief flashback shows a young boy sexually abused. S1E22: a man beats up and rape an 18 year old boy off-screen. The boy visibly struggles after the experience. A woman briefly speak up about her rape to the boy later. S1E23: in a flashback, a 10 year old girl is made a concubine to an older man, said that she gave birth at 15. Years later, she is raped and killed by her half-sons off-screen.
Bananya (TV Show)
Band of Brothers (TV Show)
Bande a Part (Movie)
Towards the end of the movie, a woman is slapped, grabbed and tied and against her will.
A woman is sold by her father to a husband against her will.
00:00:37-00:02:07: A priest rapes a woman. This is first heard by the viewer and then shown on-screen.
Bank Robber (Movie)
Banshee (TV Show)
S1E1: sexual harassment by a teacher of a child is mentioned. An incest joke is made. S1E3: the episode depicts a very violent rape scene. The scene starts off with consensual sex that escalates. S1E5: a woman is catcalled by a group of men. Later, she is assaulted and is nearly raped before the man is stopped. S1E6: a prisoner keeps other men as his sex slaves. He forces a character to give him head and 'ask for it' but a fight ensues and prevents it from occuring. S4E6: a female character is raped on her own bed on-screen.
At different points, it is implied and discussed that a local policeman molests his son: none of the abuse is depicted. The son (an adult) makes inappropriate comments to a woman on two occasions, but he does not appear threatening.
B.A.P.S (Movie)
Worthy of note: there is a scene where a man leads a woman into an isolated space, saying he just wants to talk. He starts kissing her, and at first she acts uncomfortable and surprised with this, but after he explains more about his intentions, she seems to be fine (33:42-35:27). Prior to the events of the movie, a white man from a wealthy family had an affair with a Black maid who worked for his family. This affaire would have taken place during legal segregation, with a power dynamics making it difficult to know if the relationship was truly consensual.
Barabbas (Movie)
During one of the first scenes of the movie, the main protagonist rapes his ex-wife/girlfriend off-screen after she repeatedly rebuffed him. Around 45 minutes into the movie, rapes committed by Roman soldiers are mentioned.
Baraka (Movie)
Barbara (Movie)
The titular character, a woman under police surveillance, is subjected twice to a body search (naked), the first time off-screen, and the second time on-screen (after pleading a police agent not to be). A side character (an underage girl doing forced labour) is said to be pregnant: it is implied that she was raped. This is confirmed in the final sequence of the movie, when the protagonist sees blood between the girl's thighs.
The Barbarian (Movie)
The female lead is kidnapped, tortured, and raped off-screen.
The movie is about two strangers (man and woman) stuck at an Airbnb: the woman is wary of the man but he does not assault her. The film's antagonist is a feral woman who is a product of incest. Her father was a serial rapist who taped his crimes. We see the labels of many (1:25:17-1:25:39) with names and some descriptions of the victims, such as "Wouldn't Stop Crying' or "Puker". It is also told that he would force his victims to carry pregnancies to term and do the same to those children. There is a reaction shot of the protagonist watching one of the rape tapes and the vocal ending of one tape is heard (a woman screaming and crying), with rhythmic sounds of penetration (1:26:13-1:26:16). A main protagonist is accused of rape by an actor on one of his projects. This is discussed repeatedly. When asked what happened by a friend, he admits to coercing her into sex after she refused his advances but tries to wave it off. He later calls this woman and drunkenly apologizes. This same protagonist is forcibly breastfed by the antagonist. Another protagonist is made out to be a potential predator at first, but is later revealed not to be. He at one point mentions waiting for a woman to get out of the shower to pour her a drink because he did not want her thinking he had drugged it. A woman forcibly breastfeeds people she took as hostages. A hidden room is found that contains a mattress, a video camera, and a bucket. There is a bloody handprint on the wall.
An evil king gives women he captured to his people: the women are seen screaming and being pushed into a hut by a bunch of men (16:10-16:20). The queen of a peaceful group of wanderers is captured by an evil king who forces her to be part of his harem. She is kept in a cage and while no sex is shown, it can be assumed that he probably assaulted her over the years. One of the two protagonists gets a bit handsy with a sleeping woman in the evil king's harem: his brother pulls him away and they put a blanket over her (50:25). Later in the scene, the harem women awaken and excitedly jump on the barbarians to have sex. One of the two men says "no" at first because they are on a mission, but then changes to "yes" after all the women pile onto him.
Barbarians (TV Show)
A man attempts to sexually assault the female main character, who then attacks him and fights him off.
The first few pages of the book are a nightmare of the female character about a past rape. She wakes up just before clothes come off, and it begins in earnest. However, before she wakes, she is dragged by her hair to a bed and the implication is strong.
Barbie (Movie)
The protagonist is spanked by a stranger and breaks the man’s nose. When entering the real world, she gets catcalled, ogled and objectified by several male characters (including police officers): this scene contains the majority of the sexualized content. Objectification and sexualization of women as well as gender inequality is a big topic in the film. Though it is comedic, the subject is handled in a relatively sensitive way. Worthy of note: at some point, the protagonist is about to be zip tied into a life size doll box, with a bunch of men watching like hawks. She escapes at the last second but their motivations are unclear.
While he has a woman tied up, a man caresses her face and implies that he i's going to assault her.
The Barrens (Movie)
Barricade (Movie)
Barry (TV Show)
S1E4: an agent propositions an actor who turns him down, and the agent then claims he was only joking. His intent was clearly to intimidate the actor. S2E4: a woman is manipulated into visiting an abusive ex alone in his hotel room. The man's demeanor becomes incresingly threatening as he tries to intimidate the woman into acting in his interests. S4E3: a female student is sexually harassed by her female acting teacher.
Barry Lyndon (Movie)
The title character starts off in a romantic relationship with his cousin.
Bartender (2006) (TV Show)
S1E9: it is mentioned how a woman was sold off to a debt collector at the age of 19. A bartender tells the male protagonist that he made his friend drunk so he could take her to bed. He says it to upset the male protagonist as they were having a disagreement.
This film contains vivid verbal depictions of child sexual abuse and threats of rape towards the main character throughout.
Basic Bitch (TV Show)
S3E4: implied sexual assault.
The male protagonist forced himself on a woman while she clearly says "no". The movie seems to dismiss it as "rough sex".
Basket Case (Movie)
Basket Case 2 (Movie)
Basket Case 3 (Movie)
A sport coach tries to pay his student for sex: the student rejects and hits him (00:45:10-00:47:07). A teenage drug addict gets paid by a much older man for sex (01:23:19-01:25:08). Prison rapes are briefly mentioned in a dialogue at the end of the movie.
Baskin (Movie)
Throughout the film, women are kept in cages and used as sex slaves by a cult/paranormal beings. They are shown in glimpses, as well as in drawings, and are referenced on multiple occasions. In one scene, a man is forced to have sex with one of these slaves against his own will, and under threat of death. He is clearly in emotional distress.
Basquiat (Movie)
The film features two sequences during which men are very pushy towards women. In the first one, a character even "steals a kiss" from one of them.
A man molests his 9- or 10-year-old stepdaughter in the car. It is implied that he does this repeatedly throughout the course of the film, culminating in a violent and graphic rape scene.
S1E1: a witch takes over the body of a 16 year old's grandma and then climbs on top of him and kisses him. S1E2: a witch transforms into another girl and shows everyone her body, so people will know what the other girl's body looks like. She then turns into her boyfriend and shames the size of his penis. Then she turns into her dad and talks about having sex with the girl. A girl's ex-boyfriend tries to put his hand up her skirt.
Bastarden (Movie)
The main antagonist has a history of sexually assaulting his servants. This is discussed by one of the victims in the movie.
A man stumbles on two people who are having sex in the cornfield and masturbates while watching them. A man makes comment about being afraid of being raped by the person they think is the killer. After chasing a woman, a man pins her down a kisses her.
Bates Motel (TV Show)
S1E1: a character is graphically raped on-screen after being handcuffed by an angry man (22:30-25:28). S1E2: two characters discuss how four women were kept/sold as sex slaves (32:33-33:32). Two teenagers searching for one of their graves is a plot point for the rest of the episode. This sub-plot continues throughout the season. S1E3: from this episode onwards, a character is tacitly blackmailed/coerced into a sexual relationship. S1E10: a character discusses being raped by her older brother when she was a child. In the same episode, a teenage boy is coerced into sex with his high school teacher. References to sexual assault, incest, sex slavery and violence against women occur throughout the series.
The first chapter features a scene where a character is trying to murder one of the protagonists (protagonist 1) while both are naked and in a private bath house room in a way that reads reminiscent of rape, even though there is not any. In protagonist 1's backstory, we find out that he was once in an abusive relationship where his partner at the time attempted to rape him. Protagonist 1 escaped the same night as the attempt. He hitchhiked, and the driver who took him where he wanted to go demanded that protagonist 1 show him his genitals. Protagonist 1's abuser kept trying to contact him for years, eventually showing up in the town where the former lives and inviting him out for coffee. In the climax of the book, the abuser shows up in the protagonists' social circle with a different name, and only Protagonist 1 knows who the abuser really is. It's a very tense set of scenes. Protagonist 1 often experiences other queer men leering at him and touching him without his consent. Protagonist 2, Protagonist 1's partner, is very controlling. We find out over the course of the book that he monitors Protagonist 1's finances, location, and phone activity. Towards the end of the book, he wakes up Protagonist 1 in the middle of the night for sex. Protagonist 2's internal monologue indicates that he wasn't going to give Protagonist 1 a chance to say no and that he was using Protagonist 1's body to masturbate. An antagonist of the book reveals that he was sexually assaulted by adult men while a child, and that his foster mother facilitated these assaults.
The Batman (Movie)
Many scenes are set in a club where young women work and are objectified, with it being somewhat unclear whether they are paid to have sex with clients or simply to flirt with them. There are frequent scenes of men menacing or hurting women in a very sexually-charged environment, including one scene where a man holds a woman down in a way that is meant to be reminiscent of a sexual position. Domestic violence and client-on-sex-worker violence clearly occur with some frequency, and some of the women are shown to have bruises and black eyes at work. At least one woman seems to be the victim of explicit human trafficking tactics, with powerful men who employ her stealing her passport and hiding it. She is heard being interrogeated and strangled. A man observes a woman dressing and undressing without her knowledge, but not for any sexual reasons on his part. On two occasions a woman kisses a man without his explicit consent, including on one occasion where the man is delirious. These scenes are framed as romantic. The main villain uses duct tape with his victims to cover their mouths and place them into torture contraptions.
Batman (1989) (Movie)
S1E27: the whole episode revolves around the antagonist (a mad scientist) fantasizing about controlling his young female colleague, whom he secretly loves as part of his fantasies about Alice in Wonderland. Firstly, he "mind controls" other people with an electronic device to set her up during a date after she broke up with her boyfriend. After she reconciled with her boyfriend, he "mind controls" her, making her a kind of zombie and kidnapping her. He is eventually defeated by the titular character. S1E42: a woman is drugged (with a tranquilizer gun) and kidnapped by a mad scientist who holds her captive and restrained in order to turn her into a cat. On the villain's island, a half-man/half-cat creature threatingly hints that he wants the woman (turned into an humanoid cat) as his mate. He eventually understands and accepts her refusal and lets her leave the island. S1E45: the episode opens with the antagonist sneaking into a dojo where a woman is practising martial arts alone at night. He beats her and kidnaps her, in order to attract the titular character into a trap. [Under further review] Worthy of note: The character Harley Quinn is in an abusive relationship with the Joker, whom she is madly in love with even though he does not reciprocate at all.
Batman Begins (Movie)
A police officers states that a group of escaped prisoners include "serial killers and rapists" (01:48:18).
A potential rape involving main male and female characters is implied.
There is a scene towards the end of the film where a father is forced to look at picture of his paralyzed assaulted daughter.
Batman Ninja (Movie)
A man grabs a woman on the street and forces her into an alleyway: he pins her to a wall and puts his hand over her mouth. As he reaches down to undo clothing, he is stopped by another character (43:20-43:40).
Near the end of the movie (1:09:30), a man being mind controlled by an alien infect attempts to infect a woman. The scene is forceful and similar to sexual assault, which may trigger some individuals.
It is heavily implied that the titular character is the product of the rape of Batman by a woman. An antagonist (who kidnaps children and keeps them in cages) hints that he was abused as a child.
Non spoiler version: character A has sex offscreen with character B who, it is later revealed, was character C in disguise and was specifically seeking to blackmail character A. There is, unrelatedly, a political betrothal in which one party is extremely reluctant. Both of these occurrences are discussed toward the end of the book, with major plot implications. Spoiler version: in the first incident listed, character C has been spiritually possessing character B and deliberately conceived a child with character A. C then revealed themselves and coerced character A into acting on their behalf in order to protect character B and their unborn child. (The political betrothal is unrelated. The reluctant party is Dresden himself, the male perspective character. His relationship with his fiancee is very complicated and the timing is very bad.)
The female characters endure (and have endured) lots of implicit, attempted sexual violence, though they all swiftly retaliate against their abusers.
Volume 3: graphic rape scene of one of the adult female characters. Volume 8: a teenage girl has sex with adult men, and it is implied that she was raped by her father as a young child.
Not long after the start of the film, a group of American soldiers gang-rapes a Japanese woman.
Battleship (Movie)
S1E3: a male prisoner attempts to rape a female officer. She bites his ear off. S2E5: female humans are captured by Cylons and forcibly impregnated in a 'baby farm.' S2E10: rape is used in the interrogation of a female Cylon prisoner by a group of human men. Assault is off-screen but the aftermath is on-screen and references are made to the attack. The sexual assault and attempted rape of another female Cylon are also shown on-screen. [This scene was cut out in the TV editing process, but the DVD edition has it restored]. S4E17: a male character is manipulated into sex with someone who appears to be his partner but is not. His partner is tied up and forced to watch this happened as a form of torture. Incest in the series is between Cylons, not humans.
A character's backstory is about her relationship with a Cylon prisoner: sexual abuse is strongly suggested and talked about.
There are fairly frequent sexual remarks between characters which are played as jokes.
Be Afraid (Movie)
A major character's backstory involves being indoctrinated into a cult; after being love-bombed, he is forced into a ritual that involves a forced orgy. This is shown in graphic detail both in a flashback scene and as a major part of the character's development.
Be More Chill (Movie)
A teenage boy is forcibly held down by a separate and sentient computer program in his brain, in order to allow a girl to attempt to touch him sexually.
A woman's clothes are changed and she is tied up and unconscious (27:00-30:00). The attacker makes comments that could imply he is going to do something worse than just that.
This book takes place during the U.S. Revolutionary War. The romantic leads are a Black woman who escaped from slavery and a Black man who is still enslaved but expects to be freed after the war. Towards the beginning of the book she fights off and kills a white man who chases and attempts to rape her. She makes several allusions to having been raped or sexually assaulted in the past by numerous men, including her former slave master.
Worthy of note: a woman is frequently put in a situation where she is forced to act "seduced" by men in an effort to trap them.
The Beach Bum (Movie)
The main-character Moondog gives oral to his wife while her domestic worker is present. Moondog talks to his friend about the time the friend walked in on Moondog's daughter "accidentally" while she was changing and stayed watching. Moondog grabs his daughter's groom's crotch in front of everyone during the wedding (non-consensual touching). All of the instances are short and played for laughs.
The protagonist mentions in passing that she was sexually harassed constantly at her job when she worked at a car wash as a teenager.
Beaches (Movie)
Beans (Movie)
A girl is forced to engage in oral sex but fights and runs away before any actual act occurs. It is also implied that another underage girl is being molested by her father.
The Bear (TV Show)
S1E5: while a repairman is bent over working on a toilet, an employee dry humps him from behind, continuing to do so even after the repairman tells him to stop. This functions as a portrayal of workplace sexual harassment in line with the characters' established personality traits.
Chapter 8: a woman's ex breaks into her house and pins her against the wall. He kisses her neck and begins to tear her clothes off when he is stopped by her new boyfriend
The story follows the events leading up to the rape of a 15-year-old girl by a star junior hockey player, and the consequences for the victim, the players, their families, friends, and the community which has a long-standing reputation as a hockey town.
Beast (Movie)
Worthy of note: the movie contains a lot of violence against women (with numerous images of dead young women).
Worthy of note: The female lead has to trick another woman into selling her virginity. The male leads hate eachother at the start, even when having sex with the woman, while not forced to do it, both see the woman as a prize.
A woman running through the woods is knocked unconscious. The creature finds her, rips off her clothes and rapes her. The same thing happens again to another woman later in the movie.
Beastars (TV Show)
S1E2-3: a female character misinterprets a male character’s awkwardness as a desire for sex; she strips and begins stripping him, too, oblivious to his shock and fear. He panics and leaves, and nothing further happens. S1E8: a female character jumps and pins down a male character in a very suggestive way, but it is then revealed that her intent is not sexual. S1E9: a group of adult men kidnap a teenage girl. One of the men pins the girl down in a suggestive way and lifts up her skirt, but is stopped before he can do anything more. A different adult man later forces the same girl to strip naked and bathe in front of him; this is because he plans to eat her, but it is evocative of a sexual assault. S1E10: as her attacker prepares to eat said teenage girl, he grabs and pins her down in ways that resemble a rape scene. This is not what is occurring, but the visual similarities may be disturbing for some. S2E3: A group of teenage boys corner their classmate and ask him invasive questions about his sex life, including questions that violate another person's privacy. They then shame him for his lack of sexual experience. S2E4: an exotic dancer is attacked on stage by a patron who intends to kill and eat her. He is stopped before he can succeed, and the dancer is saved. S2E8: a man volunteers to have an organ harvested in exchange for money, but his money-lenders cut off his penis instead. Nothing is shown on-screen, but his screaming can be heard.
Beastmaster (Movie)
The main character gropes a nude woman coming out of a lake and then tries to have sex with her by talking her into it with strong suggestions of rape. The woman though playfully shrugs it off.
Rape is mentioned several times, and a quick flash shows a woman being raped before a young boy shoots her in the head. A young boy is forced to please the an adult. It is strongly implied that others boy have to do it too.
The protagonist, a child, is forced to become a child soldier. The commander rapes him multiple times, and it is implied that he also rapes other boys in the group. There is a scene where the protagonist helps force a woman's legs open so that other soldiers can rape her. In another scene, the soldiers visit a brothel and make harassing comments and gestures towards the women there.
The main character recalls a dare from childhood: kids in his neighborhood used to dare each other to knock on the door of a house of a known pedophile and then run away. He explains that he did mot really know what it meant to be a pedophile, and that in reality, no one lived in the house, but that he was scared. Nothing else is mentioned or described.
During the second sequence of the film, two teenage girls threaten to falsely accuse a vulnerable adult man of having sexually abused them in order to force him to smoke drugs. Near the end of the film, during a consensual sexual encounter, the main character starts frantically asking the other person to stop out of fear that he will die if he orgasms. She does not listen and keeps going. He is happy and relieved when the expected death does not come to pass.
Beau (Short) (Movie)
Beau Travail (Movie)
Beautiful Boy (Movie)
The cousin of the protagonist has three scenes where she has sexual encounters with teenagers. In the first one, she hits on the male protagonist ; in the second one, she seduces his friend and makes out with him outside the cinema (01:07:18-01:07:50). The last one is a sex scene between her and the male protagonist friend (01:40:40-01:40:50).
In the beginning of the movie, a man asks (as he already did before) a woman to marry him. She refused and is visibly not interested. He insists and tries to kiss her, and is only stopped by her brother. The woman is later held captive and stalked by a beast in a castle: she grows fond of him and finally falls in love with him. At the end of the movie, the beast turned into a prince with the face of the man who tried to kiss her in the opening of the movie. She confesses that she loved him.
A male character is very persistent in his advances towards a woman. After the woman who he is targeting politely rejects him, he continues to invade her space and touch her. At one point, he corners her against a door and it is implied that he is going to kiss her, but the scene is disrupted before this can transpire.
Worthy of note: the antagonist follows the heroine home even when she attempts to politely turn him down and frequently invades her personal space, even grabbing at her skirt at one point. His behaviour throughout the movie toes the line of being considered stalking, especially when it becomes clear that she loves someone else.
A beast keeps a woman imprisoned in his home with the intention of convincing her to marry him. She refuses daily for three years. This is not acknowledged as sexual harassment in the story.
On multiple occasions throughout the show, a friend of the protagonist gets sexually harassed by her male colleagues because rumors has it that she is sexually active and does not like to wear a bra. They "accidently" spill something on her to see her chest, just plain stare at her chest multiple times and try to make advances. S1E2: a landlord abuses his power and lets himself in the house of the female protagonist at night. After brief conversation (as he is her secret crush) he suddenly jumps on her and tries to rape her. She manages to escape.
Becky (Movie)
The protagonist tries to kiss and initiate sex with his love interest, who then literally "screams rape." A police officer character says that women bring rape on themselves by wearing skimpy clothing.
In one scene near the end of the movie, the female protagonist (the Devil) transforms into a cop and makes the male protagonist "spread 'em". She then proceeds to caress his face and says "I've always liked you".
Several graphic scenes of on-screen rape. Implied child molestation.
During the first part of the movie, an ex-husband acts threateningly towards his (soon-to-be) ex-wife: he comes to his son's birthday unannounced (and uninvited), he enters her house while she is away and waits for her, etc., and becomes increasingly violent towards her current boyfriend.
Bee Movie (Movie)
There are a few jokes throughout the movie about relationships between bees being incestuous, as it is offhandedly mentioned that all bees are cousins. At the start of the movie, the tritagonist expresses attraction to a girl not knowing she is his cousin, and the protagonist also flirts with his cousins (when the tritagonist comments on this, the protagonist brushes him off by saying they are distant cousins). During a court scene, a lawyer makes snide comments to the protagonist, asking him if he is "[the deuteragonist's] little bed bug"; the joke may go over some children's heads, but the implication is that the lawyer is asking about the protagonist's sex life as a leverage against him.
Bee and Puppycat (TV Show)
Beef (TV Show)
Numerous prison rape jokes are made. S1E2: it is implied that a male character intends to sleep with two drunk girls, however, he is prevented. Multiple times a man is depicted attempting to masturbate/masturbating to a woman's photo without her knowledge or consent. S1E3: a male character kisses a female character without warning. S1E5: a female character tells a male character that "absolutely nothing physical can happen" between them, and then cuts to the two of them having sex, although it is shown to be consensual. S1E8: a female character is shown hooking up with an older man in a motel that she met on Yahoo; she remains hidden under a blanket so all he can see is her privates.
The Beekeeper (Movie)
A woman has sex with a man in a room where another man, clearly uncomfortable, is also staying (she looks him in the eyes). The protagonist, an elder man, tries to engage sex with his wife when she is crying. He seems to completely ignore her distress, but eventually stops. Later, the male protagonist sexually assaults a much younger woman (the female protagonist), despite her protests (she keeps saying 'Not like this'): she escapes but immediately comes back to embrace him. Later, when drunk, she starts a sexual relationship with him but stops, as he is unresponsive. A few moments later, he engages sex while she repeatedly asks him to let her go: he presumably rapes her off-screen.
One of the female teenagers in the film is cornered in a room and nearly raped.
Beetlejuice (Movie)
The title character forcefully kisses one woman and repeatedly touches her. Worthy of note: an adult man attempts to force a teenage girl to marry him. The marriage is stopped and the girl is saved.
At some point, a man tells his brother that he risks being imprisoned for life and getting raped in jail.
The movie contains some flashbacks of a violent rape.
Before I Wake (Movie)
The possibility of being raped is mentioned in passing during an argument.
In the beginning of the movie, the 14 year-old protagonist goes to a brothel. He is shown receiving oral sex from an adult woman. The protagonist enters the car of a man who has proposed to drive him. Quickly, the driver puts his hand on his thigh: he rebuffs him and leaves the vehicle. However, the protagonist later returns to that man, who abruptly jumps on him again. This time, the protagonist consents and they engage in a relationship. At some point, the protagonist gets robbed on the beach by children. When he goes to the police, the children accuse him of trying to molest them (because he is gay). This false accusation is reffered to several times after that, and it leads the protagonist to prison, where he mentions being surrounded by real rapists.
Romantic relationship between an aunt an her nephew (both adults).
Before Sunset (Movie)
This book takes place during the Rafael Trujillo dictatorship in the Dominican Republic. In this book, Trujillo is described as having a penchant for "courting" and then raping young women. Adults warn the protagonist, her sister, and other young girls not to be too pretty in public. Still, the protagonist's older sister receives a bouquet of flowers from Trujillo, which prompts her family to organize to help her flee the country. There is a scene towards the end of the book where a shopkeeper frisks the protagonist to see if she stole anything and touches her breasts in the process.
Beforeigners (TV Show)
S1E1: the lead character tracks down the man who raped her as a girl in the distant past. He ends up acknowledging, in a very creepy way, that it happened, and she beats the crap out of him.
Beginners (Movie)
Beginning (Movie)
About 40 minutes into the movie, a man visits a woman who is alone at home, presumably to interrogate her. He progressively asks inappropriate sexual questions and ends up sexually assaulting her by forcing her hand into his pants. She seems visibly distressed during the whole long scene. There is a violent on-screen rape and attempted murder (1:07:30-1:13:55), followed by a scene where the survivor cleans herself (blood is seen between her legs). Later, he husband (ignoring the assault took place) begins touching her, but stops when she seems not to like it. Both assaults are discussed at 1:30:00 (with an audio recording of the first encounter being played), and the husband blames her wife for being raped. She seems very distressed (1:36:00).
This film is about a psychologically abusive relationship between a male star musician and a much younger man (involving an evident power imbalance). The latter, who lacked a father figure in his youth, is shown engaging in increasingly destructive behaviour as a result of this situation. Early in the film, as their relationship begins, the younger man is visibly uncomfortable (flinching when the older one comes next to him) and the older man does not care about this: after promising to stay away while sleeping in the same bed, he unpredictably engages in oral sex with the other man when he wakes up. After this, the younger man agrees to move in with the older one. The two men have a sexual relationship but the older one begins a legal process to adopt the younger one (with his consent): however, this does not come to fruition. The older man pushes his young lover into practices that he disapproves of (having multiple partners, going to a peep show, etc.)
Behind Her Eyes (TV Show)
The main character is a survivor of domestic violence and often has vivid hallucinations of her abuser in which he sexually harasses, threatens, and grabs her.
Behind You (Movie)
Chapter 1: a high school girl is pregnant with a college boy. Chapter 2: a story is uncovered where a woman was raped by her Uncle then killed by her family. The assault is not discussed in detail. Chapter 7: this chapter mentions of a man posting sexual pictures of women online without their consent. Chapter 9: this chapter mentions of past instances of women and teenage girls being raped. The assaults are not discussed in detail.
A character reveals that she was conceived when a stranger raped her mother. The courts would not allow the mother to get an abortion, and the mother resents and abuses this character for looking like her rapist.
Being Frank (Movie)
Being Human (TV Show)
S2E3: this episode contains statistic about how often there is a sexual assault. There is also unwanted sexual contact.
At several points in the film, people use John Malkovich's body without his permission to have sex with people. At one point, one of the main characters pretends to be another while in Malkovich in order to have sex with someone without their knowledge. Worthy of note: in a fit of jealousy, the protagonist tackles his wife, threatens her with a handgun, and forces her to make a phone call. He then locks her in a cage, ties her hands, and puts tape over her mouth. Though the actions themselves are upsetting, they are presented as ridiculous and inappropriate, and the protagonist later faces consequences for his actions.
Being There (Movie)
Bel Canto (Movie)
The first scene entails a piano accompanist forcing a kiss on an opera singer. We later find out that the accompanist declared his love to her in a rather obnoxious way multiple times, but the opera singer just tried to ignore him.
Belfast (Movie)
The main theme of the movie is the kidnapping of a seventeen-year-old girl, who is raped by her captor on-screen and off-screen. We also learn that she is sexually abused by her grandfather. All instances of sexual assault in this movie are quite graphic and are shown mulitple times via flashbacks, etc.
A male character verbally harasses a female character.
Worthy of note: a man takes a woman to bed who describes herself as being very drunk. It is unclear how drunk he is so it can be read as an unbalanced power dynamic.
While recording, a man makes a joke to a few women about them being on a porn website later and films them from behind as they walk away, The man hides in his sister's closet while filming to scare her. He also films his mom while she is in a towel. Several people are uncomfortable/annoyed with his constant filming over the course of the movie.
There are several rape scenes, which, while cartoony, are graphic and violent.
There are mentions in the book about how the main character can use his powers over Lust to make people want to have sex with him/other people. There is a point in the book when he uses his power as a distraction but it is non-graphic.
The Bellboy (Movie)
Immediatley after a group of women enters a hotel, all the bellboys rushed to grope them. They are stopped by their boss. This is mentioned later on, when the chief of the employees complains for not having a woman to grope himself. Both scenes are played for laughs.
Belle (2013) (Movie)
A man grabs a woman's chin and mouth, then below frame, grabs her crotch area as she grimaces tearfully and gasps and then frees herself and walks away.
Belle (2021) (Movie)
Worthy of note: there is a brief discussion about a teenage girl having an unrequited crush on her teacher, who is several years older than her, and she even keeps an image of him as her phone's lock screen. This is only briefly referenced for a couple of throwaway jokes. Later, an older woman reminisces on a romance from her teenhood; when she was a high school senior, she had a romantic interest in an eighth grader (who seems to have reciprocated). However, the relationship ultimately did not work out due to the age gap. Throughout the film, the teenage protagonist (who is 17 years old) has several romantically-coded moments with the deuteragonist, whose age is initially ambiguous, but is later confirmed to be 14. While this could potentially hint at an age-gap relationship, the protagonist does not have romantic interest in him (especially as she is clearly interested in another boy her own age). In the original Japanese dialogue, the deuteragonist states he loves her, but it's left ambiguous if this is intended to be romantic; the official English dub changes this line to "you're my hero", leaning towards a platonic interpretation.
Belle De Jour (Movie)
Mentions of human trafficking throughout the book, some of the girls noted to be teenagers. The female main character has several flashbacks to the time that she was kidnapped when she was 14 and was forced to witness other women being raped. The descriptions range from being semi-graphic to more detailed. The female main character is kidnapped again as an adult and the man attempts to rape her. She fights him off before he is able to.
There are mentions of human trafficking throughout the book. The main characters are fighting against and working to take down a rival mob family that runs the trafficking ring. The two main female characters are kidnapped and auctioned off as brides, but are able to escape before they're taken away by any of the men. A man attempts to rape his female cousin. He touches her and is able to get her underwear off before he is stopped and killed.
Mentions in the book of human trafficking and women being auctioned off as brides. Man talks about how his sister was gang raped and killed; there are brief descriptions of her injuries but not of the assault itself. Man swaps his wife's birth control pills for placebos.
A main part of the story is the repeated past rape of the female main character's sister. It is described in detail several times and referred to throughout the book. She was also raped multiple times as a child/teenager by the man who they both believed to be her father. There is an attempted rape against the female main character. He gropes and threatens her but he is killed before anything further happens. There are other references in the book to human trafficking and non-graphic rapes that have happened in the past.
A prince attempts to rape the protagonist during an appointment. He grabs her by the wrists, bruises her cheek, and forces a kiss on her. When she tells him to stop, he calls her feisty. He tries to take off her clothes. He hints that he may have also assaulted the protagonist's sister. She is able to defend herself, almost killing him, until someone else intervenes. Authorities say that they will banish the prince, but the princess, his cousin, arranges for him to marry one of her ladies in waiting. It is likely, though not confirmed, that the princess would know that the prince tried to assault the protagonist.
Belly (Movie)
A drunk man tries to grope a woman before she stops him. Later, a husband watches his wife cheating on him through a keyhole. A man makes an ambiguous joke about having an incestuous relationship with his sister.
Beloved (Movie)
The film contains racialized sexual assault, intense trauma post sexual assault, and chattel slavery era rape/dehumanization.
A rape scene is described in a particularly violent way: the book explores the complexity of violence and its effect on people as a theme.
The first few interactions between the women are forceful, with the instigator pushing for kissing and touching when the other woman keeps saying no.
Below Zero (Movie)
Child sexual assault (the rape of a 13 year old girl by men) is heavily described (01:30:00-01:31-20).
Belzebuth (Movie)
A woman is coerced by police into helping with an investigation: the encouragement to participate includes erasing her file/record "including her nude selfies".
Ben is Back (Movie)
About halfway through the movie, the protagonist (who is a drug addict) says to his mother that he 'had an arrangement' with his former history teacher, implying that he received drugs in exchange of sexual favours (when he was a teenager).
One man gropes one of his female slaves. Worthy of note: arranged marriage and polygamy are mentioned.
Beneath (Movie)
A man is forced to aggressively kiss a woman by telepathic people who take control of him.
Benedetta (Movie)
A young woman recounts how her dad and brothers started raping her after her mother died. A woman touches another woman's crotch without her consent. She also sneaks peaks of the woman when she is nude. A woman is almost gang-raped until a man saves her, but then he proceeds to mutilate her breast. A woman is stripped naked, strapped to a table, and raped violently with a medievel sexual torture device as she screams.
Benjamin (Movie)
Benny's Video (Movie)
There are multiple explicit references to a female character being repeatedly raped by villagers and threatened physical harm . A female character is raped on-screen: she describes how the rapist only "took her once", in defense for why she mourns his death. The main character immediately following has sex with her and is portrayed as a romantic act.
Worthy of note: the plot of the film centers around a man working on sound effects for a film which contains sexual violence.
This film contains violent rapes scenes.
The protagonist, admitted to a psychiatric clinic, hires two female prostitutes to have sex with other patients, without telling them his true identity.
The main character is held captive by the antagonist following a date. Naked photographs of her are taken without her consent. She has sex with him while being held captive. He stares sexually at one of his underage students while they practice gymnastics.
A man sits on a woman's lap while hitting on her. She grabs his penis and squeezes to get him to leave her alone. Later (after a plane crash), he insinuates that he wants to have sex with her but she and another man fight him and they both leave.
Berserk (1997) (TV Show)
S1E1: a young girl is sexually harassed by a group of armored men, but it is mostly through heavy implication (04:51-06:28). There is a revenge right afterwards. S1E2: a man has a trauma nightmare that is later revealed to be due to a prior sexual assault he suffered as a child, but the aforementioned event is not shown (12:10-14:00). S1E11: a man reluctantly undresses a woman while she is unconscious, but it is strictly in the effort of saving her life (19:12-20:02). It is revealed that the female character fainted due to weakness caused by menstruation. S1E12: a woman is physically restrained by a man (while she is nude) for lashing out in a fit of anger, and she shouts in distress (04:29-04:48). A young girl is tackled and has her shirt slashed open by a much older man who intends to further sexually assault her (07:21-09:00). She gets revenge on him. An older man is holding several young boys captive. It is strongly implied that he sexually assaults them. One of the main characters has consensual intercourse with the same man for money. He feels violated afterwards. S1E13: a woman is pinned down and verbally threatened by men who intend to sexually assault her (19:46-21:20). S1E14: continuing the previous scene, the woman once again has her shirt torn open by one of her assaulters (00:55-01:23 + 02:42-03:28) . Cue more revenge. S1E19: an intimate scene occurs between a man and a 16-year-old girl. Though this was considered culturally appropriate in the world's setting, there is a moment where the girl initially does not consent to a kiss, but appears to consent to the rest of the encounter (18:50-19:38). S1E25: a woman is explicitly molested and raped while barely conscious (18:28-20:53).
Berserk (2016) (TV Show)
This serie contains a lot of sexual assault and rape-content. The rape of the female protagonist is shown in flashbacks. S1E1: a main character is raped as a child. This is a big part of his arc. S1E3: the protagonist's horse tries to rape a woman. S1E6: a woman almost gets gang raped. S1E7: a man tries to rape a woman, but gets saved by the protagonist. S1E14: a woman almost gets gang raped by bandits and by a possessed protagonist.
The film contains graphic and upsetting scenes of sexual violence.
The film contains an extremely graphic rape scene.
Bessie (Movie)
A woman is raped and then dragged down the stairs.
This short film depicts the tortures Íngrid Olderöck inflicted during the military dictatorship in Chile. In one scene, we see a woman naked and blindfolded, lying on the floor. The main character turns several musical devices on and then the main character's dog approaches the woman. The next scene is the body of this woman being pulled into a car trunk. The following scene is the main character having a sexual, graphic moment with her dog.
The Beta Test (Movie)
A man is groped at a party.
Better Call Saul (TV Show)
S1E1: three men are tried for a sexual offense involving a corps. CCTV footage is shown. In one episode, the titular character and a friend are implied to trick two women into sex. The protagonist is woken up by a woman realizing that he is not the man he pretended to be.
A Better Man (Movie)
Chapter 16: attempted rape.
Better Than Us (TV Show)
The series contains several attempted sexual harassment scenes (notably in episodes 6 to 8), in which women refuse to be touched and quickly stop the situation. S1E6: a man approaches his ex wife in a sexual and quite offensive way but she pushes him away.
Worthy of note: a young male child harasses and threatens his babysitter, a teenage girl. Despite being a child, his aggression can still be disturbing.
Betty (TV Show)
Between (TV Show)
S1E4: two people go hunting together. After a rape attempt, the assailant plays dead than makes another attempt when the victim checks on him. A third party intervenes.
In the middle of the film, the main male character says to a female character "you've been raping since age 14", mistaking this word for the word "rapping". It is played for laughs.
An antagonist character threatens to rape the protagonist's wife.
Beulokeo (Movie)
During a conversation, a client asks child traffickers if the child's father is a rapist. It is asked once if a woman was raped. [SPOILER] We learn that one of the main characters was a prostitute and that one of her clients insisted for her to do things she did not consent to before she killed him. What clearly happened, if the character was raped or not, is never mentioned.
Worthy of note: a man, accompanied by a female friend, grabs the breast of an unclothed female mannequin and says "what's happening baby?"
The Beyond (Movie)
S3E12: a man sits by a woman and repeatedly verbally harassed her, including you hing her hair and leaning towards her in a menacing way. The interaction lasts roughly 20 seconds and is interrupted by another woman.
A man grabs a woman as she tries to walk away.
Beyond Paradise (TV Show)
S1E5: a teenage girl is pulled off-screen by a man in an attempted sexual assault: a button is torn from her clothing but she gets away.
Worthy of note: S1E6: a minor kisses an adult (18:15-18:25) but there is no relationship between them).
Sex and sexual content is never even discussed, let alone assault or rape.
Big (Movie)
Worthy of note: the protagonist, a child in an adult man's body, has sex with a woman who is unaware he is a child in an adult's body.
A serial killer's crimes are discussed, and his rapes of young girls are described in detail.
S1E3: a character claims to be a self-taught 'expert' in sexual harassment law; the joke makes light of his ongoing problematic behaviour. S1E9: wireless webcams are attached to remote control cars and are used to look up a female character's skirt. S2E7: two characters spy on a house filled with models. They later visit the house under the pretense of being 'cable men'. S2E12: a woman is pressured to apologise to a man for pointing out his frequently predatory and misogynistic behaviour and language. S2E20: a woman enters a room full of men and everyone in the room stares at her. S3E23: a character has sex with someone who is obviously highly intoxicated. S4E4: a character reveals that she has found a hidden webcam in her teddy bear, placed there by one of the male protagonists. S4E16: a character is kissed unconsensually when he first meets up with his university's sponsor. He is coerced by his friends into having sex with her to get equipment for the physics department: he does not give consent and she coerces him to have sex with her. The man is slut-shamed three times after that. S4E22: a character drunkenly strips completely nude in public in an attempt at seduction, exposing himself to a woman. S6E11: a comment is made by one of the characters making light of the time that she passed out at a 'frat party' and woke up 'with more clothes on'. The implication is that nobody wanted to rape her because she was sexually undesirable. One of the main characters in particular repeatedly engages in lude and inappropriate acts directed at women. This is not only unchecked but often encouraged. There are numerous instances throughout the series where women are objectified by the four male protagonists. This varies from ogling from afar to making inappropriate and sexist comments.
The Big City (Movie)
Big Daddy (Movie)
After a man passes out, another man pats his crotch area as a mode of trying to wake him up.
S1E4 allude to priests molesting children.
Big Driver (Movie)
The main character is graphically raped and nearly killed on-screen, and is unable to report the incident after the fact for fear of being victim-blamed by the media (she is a famous author and it would become a major story). When she attempts to find the culprit, photos of her and other women being raped, taken by their assailant, are also shown.
Big Eden (Movie)
Big Eyes (Movie)
This film features an abusive relationship where one of the characters exploits the other's work: death threats and on-screen abuse are seen throughout most of the middle of the film.
Big Fish (Movie)
Big Hero 6 (Movie)
Worthy of note: in 'Fan Friction' a character's rival is kidnapped by a knife-wielding villain, who believes that she is her rival's girlfriend. Though the kidnapping happens off-screen, there are scenes where she is tied to a chair with a scarf over her mouth (13:40-13:45). There is also a short scene where the other members of Big Hero 6 are also tied up (15:54-16:28).
The Big Hit (Movie)
A man attempts to rape a teenager, wearing a schoolgirl uniform: he overpowers her in the back of a limo, rips ger clothing, tells her she wants it and spouts racist vitriol. The victim is rescued, but is later pursued by her “rescuer”.
In a dream, a man looks up women's skirts.
Big Legend (Movie)
Big Little Lies (TV Show)
Abusive relationships are a major theme of the first season. The depictions of domestic violence vary in intensity throughout the seasons and occur in most episodes and rape is discussed and depicted in detail. S1E2: a character is raped on-screen following an altercation with her emotionally and physically abusive husband. S1E3: one woman grapples with the emotional implications of raising a son who was conceived when she was raped. This conflict is revealed partially through flashbacks to the rape itself.
Big Love (TV Show)
The show follows the life of a polygamist family that has close ties to a mormon cult. If all the wives of the main family are married by choice, there are many characters who are forced into marriages by their prophet. While most of the cult members "consent" it is a result of their upbringing in the cult. The main wife struggles with being in the polygamist marriage, and it is often suggested she agreed to it because she could no longer have children. Sex is frequently viewed as a measure of worth in the relationship. During the first few seasons the teenage son is in a relationship with an older teenage girl who pressures him into having sex, and he eventually does cave in. He goes through a period of feeling guilty and impure because of the loss of his virginity. There is a story line through S1-4 which involves sexual and romantic tension between the youngest wife, and the teenage son of another wife. This story line comes to a head in S3E6 when they see each other naked, and in S4E3 when they kiss. There is also a 16 year old girl who is engaged to the elderly prophet, and a scene vaguely impliying that they have sex. The same girl runs away from the cult in S2. There is a scene in S3 where she is hitchhiking with a truck driver who tells her to scoot closer to him. In S2 the 18 years old daughter dates a man who is 28 but it is treated as if it is normal. Because the daughter wont have sex with him, he sees other women. The daughter is given advice from one of the mothers to make herself more desirable around him so he won't leave her. She eventually gives in to having sex with him, but the two break up and she finds out that she is pregnant. The two get back together and eventually get married. In S2E9 a former coworker makes rude sexual comments about the youngest wife. One of the wives who is the daughter of the prophet grapples with her sense of agency, and it is revealed in S3E3 that she was forced into a marriage with a grown man at 16 by her own father. It is revealed that the two had sex and had a child together that the mother had to leave when she left the marriage. In S4 her mother is forced by her son to marry the same man. In S4E7-9 there is a storyline about a sudden abundance of children of incest. It is revealed in S4E9 that a man has been using in vitro fertilization to force women to carry children of incest. In S4E9 the wives are forced to publicly out themselves as part of their husband's plans, though they are all reluctant to. In S3 there is a storyline about the prophet being put on trial for forcing underage girls to get married. The prophet's team actively tries to prevent victims from standing trial. In S3E4 one of the victims is humiliated while standing trial and the prophet is declared not guilty. In S4 a character stalks a man and the two become a couple. In S5E3 it is revealed that one of the wives was only 16 when she married the husband.
Women are objectifed.
Big Mouth (TV Show)
S1E8: a teenage boy and girl are lying in bed kissing. The teenage boy attempts to push the teenage girl's head towards his genitals, indicating that he would like her to perform oral sex. He does not stop doing this when she shows obvious resistance and continues to pressurise her until she verbally refuses and ends the interaction altogether. It is revealed that the boy involved has a history of attempting to pressure girls into performing oral sex on him. This scene opens up a wider conversation about consent during the course of the episode. In the same episode, another teenage boy and girl kiss one another, getting carried away so that their crotches accidentally touch. The teenage girl is ashamed of herself for being too forward, although the boy has no problem with what happened between them. The teenage girl's parents assume that the boy assaulted her. S3E10: one of the main characters gets groomed by one of her teachers during a school play.
The Big Short (Movie)
The Big Sick (Movie)
Big Sky (TV Show)
The show is about human trafficking and contains scenes were characters are kidnapped and held captive.
A 16 year old boy loses his virginity to a woman who is at least 20. The boy always seems flustered and confused during the experience but it is never called out as being statutory rape.
Worthy of note: the plot centres around attempts to rescue a woman who is kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery.
The Big Ugly (Movie)
One of the main characters is revealed to drug women at bars and talks of how women put up a fight.
BigBug (Movie)
Worthy of note: A man pretends to like the things a woman likes in order to sleep with her through the entire movie and then gets mad at her and goes on a tirade when she finds out he was lying and as a result, will not have sex with him.
Several men hit on the female coworker while they are all at work.
This film contains domestic and child abuse.
The main female character is harassed in the very beginning of the film by a few of the bikers. They cat call her, touch her (smack her on the behind), and follow her when she tries to leave the bar. Later, the same woman is dragged away by several men who intend to sexually assault her. She is ultimately rescued by other men. Later in the film, she discusses how she would have killed herself had anything happened to her.
This documentary centres around the founder of Bikram Hot Yoga programmes, specifically his sexual exploitation and rape of women who attended his teacher training programme. The series contains no on-screen assault but some vivid descriptions of the relevant events by survivors, as well as details surrounding the subsequent court cases. The documentary also frequently shows videos from yoga classes led by the perpetrator himself, which some viewers might find uncomfortable.
The film contains many “see down the shirt” jokes and shots (mainly in the first 10 minutes). A joke throughout this movie and the sequel is that one of the protagonist's 'mom' is only 4 years older than him. He is a senior in high school when she marries his father. So she is maybe 21/22 and married to his father.
Billions (TV Show)
A lot of sexual harassment at work takes place. S5E1: sexual harassment at work is featured: S5E11: it is revealed that someone is dating a woman just because he wants to get back at her dad. Her dad calls him a 'walking special victims unit'.
Billy Jack (Movie)
A 13-year-old girl has sex with an older man: they are interrupted by the protagonist. A woman is raped on screen. A man uses a knife to cut off a woman's bra, exposing her.
Billy Madison (Movie)
A kid dares the titular character to go up and touch their teacher's breast. He replies with "that's assault brother!... you double dog dare me?". He proceeds to go up and fake bump into the teacher (who is the same age as him) so he can touch her breast. She doe so't seem very mad and later makes fun of him by saying he should sit down because she double dog dares him.
Bingo Hell (Movie)
Binsenjo (TV Show)
S1E1: a woman defends herself in court, saying that she and other maids employed before her were sexually harassed by her boss.
Biohackers (TV Show)
Bir Baskadir (TV Show)
S1E7: a woman discusses her past and it is implied she was raped as a child. S1E8: a woman discusses her rape.
Bird Box (Movie)
The movie is about a serial killer of women, who stalks them before killing them. One murder scene shows the killer ripping the underwears of a woman before killing her. A painting representing a man killing, and presumably sexually assaulting a young girl is shown throughout the film. In the final sequence of the movie, it is revealed that the killer (a woman) was assaulted as a child. The male protagonist is visibly uncomfortable when speaking to a presumably homosexual man, voluntarily getting too close to him.
The Birdcage (Movie)
Part of the plot involves a politician dying whilst having sex with an underage sex worker.
A group of drunk soldiers attempt to rape a teenaged girl who they think is a teenaged boy (01:18:56-01:19:59). They remove her clothes and she escapes when they realize she is not a boy.
A man becomes aroused on stage and attempts to force himself onto his partner without her consent. A character described sexual abuse, he and his sister experienced from his father as a child.
A rumour goes around that a brother and sister were having sex with each other.
Birds of Prey (Movie)
The movie contains lots of sexual harassment, violence with sexual undertones, general violence against all women and very specific violent threats centered around a young girl. A man forces a woman to dance on a table, then has her dress cut off to reveal her underclothes to a club full of people. It causes a main female character to cry and try to escape the room. A group of men attempt to abduct the extremely intoxicated main character with implied intent to sexually assault her: she is rescued.
Birdy (Movie)
Early in the film, two high school students (male and female) are kissing when the boy starts fondling the girl's breast: she quickly asks him to stop but he briefly continues before they are interrupted by another character.
Birth (Movie)
The film revolves around a 10 year old boy harassing an adult woman, trying to convince her that he is the reincarnation of her dead husband. There is no sexual relationship between the two but the film includes a scene where they take a bath together.
Birth-Rebirth (Movie)
Multiple rape jokes are made. The main character unconsentingly comes into contact with a species of worm that reproduces with the first DNA it comes into contact with. The main character refers to this as rape, as well as when supernatural/extraterrestrial beings filled all of his orifices with coffee grounds. Worthy of note: Every single female character immediately wants to have sex with the main character, or have sex with someone else for the pleasure of the main character.
Bit (2019) (Movie)
A character engages in survival sex work with adult men while she is a teenager. She is later hypnotised against her will to be a sexual partner for a male vampire, despite the fact that she is a lesbian. A different character pretends to be asleep to lure a would-be rapist. She, a vampire, bites and kills him. The female vampires often target rapists or those who make rape threats.
The premise of this comic series is that women who are not able or willing to comply with the extreme social pressures put on their gender get imprisoned on a separate planet. The world that the characters live in is deeply misogynist. When characters are in a group shower, a guard watches them through a hole in the wall.
The premise of this comic series is that women who are not able or willing to comply with the extreme social pressures put on their gender get imprisoned on a separate planet. The world that the characters live in is deeply misogynist. There is a content advisory in the beginning of issue 6 that reads “The following is a flashback issue, covering the events that led to Meiko Maki’s incarceration. It contains plot elements and images relating to sexual assault. We encourage you to evaluate your comfort level before deciding to continue. Bitch Planet’s main narrative resumes with issue 7 and does not recount the assault.” As a teenager, the character named above killed an adult man who was attempting to groom her.
The premise of this comic series is that women who are not able or willing to comply with the extreme social pressures put on their gender get imprisoned on a separate planet. The world that the characters live in is deeply misogynist. Sexual harassment on the job is a key plot point in the stories “Without and Within” and “The Invisible Woman.”
Bite (Movie)
A woman is intoxicated or possibly drugged and then taken by a man back to his room, where he presumably rapes her. A 'friend' lets it happen and encourages it.
Bitten (TV Show)
Two key characters are rapists, which is often referred to. S1E1: this episode eludes to rape and shows sexual harassment. S1E4: this episode mentions women who have been raped and murdered. S1E5: this episode introduces a pedophile getting out of prison and who goes straight to a playground. A man mentions "ordering" a woman as a prostitute. S1E6: the pedophile torments the women he used to assault as a child. S1E8: this episode features castration. S1E10: the main character is confronted at her work by the pedophile who assaulted her as a child. A man mocks her be saying "she never once told me no". S1E11: a man talks about looking forward to forcing the main female character to be with him and have children with him. This episode mentions a rapist serial killer. S2E1: a man seduces a woman so he can distract her and hack a bank account at her work. S2E8: the main character's husband is possessed by another man who attacks her, trying to force sex. He kisses her roughly and forces her onto a table before she is able to get away. S2E9: a man seduces a woman to tie her up and then steal her body.
Bitter Daisies (TV Show)
Season 1: a teenage girl is dragged from the street to a car by random guys, she manages to escape. Season 2: a child trafficking gang holds teenage girls and a little girl hostage in a basement. They take a girl away and the others hear her screams. In another scene, one of the girls is tied to a table and raped on a live show on the dark web while camera is in her face.
During the first act, the main female character mentions the sexual abuses she suffered from her previous husband.
The manga's main premise is about a boy discovering that a girl in his school had been sexually abused by her stepfather. There is heavy exploration of themes of child sexual abuse, teenage pregnancy, abortion, and the effects of this on one's physical body and mental state. There is also an attempted rape from a man who is not her step father, but the boy saves her. The manga's handle of the topic matter is done respectfully with showing symptoms of abuse that are not usually explored and her not be sexualized by the boy or the narrative.
Black (2015) (Movie)
Long and graphic scene of a 15-year-old girl being raped by multiple men. This occurs about 2/3 of the way through the film, just after the girl's boyfriend leaves the abandoned church where they made love.
Black 47 (Movie)
Black Adam (Movie)
The film contains several scenes suggestive of rape that turn out to refer to something else. For example, the male characters say things like "it's so much sweeter when you struggle," and there are tense scenes where a teen girl walks alone at night, is stalked, and ends up on a bed with a much older guy.
Black Bear (Movie)
Worthy of note: an assistant tries to dress a drunk female actor.
Black Bird (TV Show)
Detailed retellings of rape occur intermittently throughout the series (not necessarily graphic). Some of the victims are young girls.
Black Books (TV Show)
S1E6: an adult male, who has run away from home, is picked up by a photographer and persuaded into performing increasingly provocative acts which it is clear he is uncomfortable with. A relevant scene also occurs in S2E8.
Black Box (Movie)
Domestic violence is a major theme of this film.
Black Butler (TV Show)
S1E4: A child character is sexually propositioned by an adult man. The child is drugged, locked in a cage, and about to be sold on a black market before being rescued. The same episode includes a scene that seems to be implying sex between a child and an adult, but it's a fake-out; the scene is merely the adult putting the child in a corset. Both seasons of the anime heavily imply child sexual abuse and sex slavery in the backstories of the main characters. This is more graphically depicted in the latter half of Book of Circus through a series of flashbacks, and in Book of the Atlantic. In the manga, the main character, (who at the time is 10) is taken by a cult and gang raped: no nudity is seen, but it is obvious what is happening.
Black Butler II (TV Show)
Black Cake (TV Show)
S1E1: about 30-34 minutes in, a man breaks into the main character’s house (a minor) and touches her without her consent while threatening that if she is not ‘nice’ to him he will destroy her father’s property. About 35-37 minutes in, the father discusses forcing the daughter to marry the man who was harassing her. At 40 minutes in, they start wedding planning, S1E3: about 45 minutes in, a rape occurs on screen by main character’s employer. These scenes appear in the recap as well.
Black Cat (Movie)
Two women are raped and killed by samurai soldiers in the opening scene. Soon they reappear as vengeful ghosts who seduce and brutally murder the passing samurai during the rest of the movie. The antagonist kills women and then rapes them (off-screen).
Characters make reference to a rape that occurred earlier. There is some insensitive dialog regarding the assault. An unknown caller sexually harasses women via sexually explicit phone calls.
It is heavily implied that a woman rapes her 10 year old son and we later find she becomes pregnant from it. In the 'Unrated Version', an additional scene heavily implies a sleeping woman is molested by the killer.
The main character's past sexual assault is mentioned throughout the movie, including her encountering her attacker. The main character walks in on a man attempting to have sex with an extremely drunk girl who is clearly unsure and shaking her head no, but stops the attack before it happens. The main character has flashbacks of her sexual assault in a dream near the beginning.
Black Clover (TV Show)
S1E28: a man puts his hands on the shoulders of a 16 year old girl while telling her he can show her what a real man is. He is stopped by the male protagonist. S1E32: a female character locks the neck of a male character against his will while he is tied down. S1E42: an old man tires to touch a 15 year old girl's breasts against her will while saying she needs to play a game in exchange for a treasure. He does not succeed. S1E88: a man threatens a woman who is chained up with a knife, saying he can do anything he wants to her, while the camera focuses on her breasts. He is stopped. S2E74: multiple men try to sneak a peak into the female onsen. They are stopped by one of the women. S2E79: a man mentions to a young girl how she can be of use to them when they kidnap her. It is implied that he means it in a sexual way. He is stopped before he can do anything. S2E81: two men rip the shirt of a woman resulting in the exposure of her shoulders. They are stopped by another man who stands up for her. S3E110: a man makes a comments about the size of a woman’s breasts. S3E126: a man tries to convince a woman to hang out with her even though she refused multiple times. S4E158: a man rips the shirt of a woman which results in the exposure of her shoulders. He tells her she can finally be of use. It is implied he meant it in a sexual way. He is stopped by the male protagonist Worthy of note: - The 15 year old male protagonist repeatedly asks a 26 year old nun to marry him. He has been doing this since the age of 5. She does not reciprocate - A 24 year old woman makes an inappropriate joke to the 15 year old protagonist in order to embarrass him. - A 21 year old man tries to flirt with the 15 year old female protagonist. She does not reciprocate. - A 19 year old is weirdly obsessed with his little sister to the point of getting a bloody nose whenever he talks about her. He is called a siscon which means an older sibling who is extremely obsessed with their little sister. Nothing inappropriate happens and it is later revealed that he gets a bloody nose whenever he talks about someone he cares for. - A 19 year old girl develops a crush on a 15 year old after he saves her. He does not reciprocate and no relationship develops. - A 28 year old side character appears naked multiple times infront of the 15 year old protagonists. - A 26 year old man mentions how he got closer to the 15 year old male protagonist after they all bathed together. This is not meant in a sexual way. All the notes above are played for comedic purposes and do not seem to be serious.
During one of the first scenes of the movie, the male protagonist sexually assaults his ex-wife (he tries to kiss her and ends up laying on top of her in a train station). A bit later, he also sexually assaults a female colleague at work, encouraged by his coworkers, who watch him trying to kiss her and ends up laying on top of her: they laugh without doing anything. Both times, the woman protests vehemently in vain. The protagonist stalks a woman throughout the film, despite her asking him to stop following her. At some point, he assaults her (laying on top of her and kissing her) and she reluctantly accepts to go on a date with him. Later on, he follows her again and pins her to a wall, but only to talk to her. Eventually, when he manages to get her alone in a Ferris Wheel, they have sex: it is ambiguous whether she consents or only accepts to avoid speaking to him. A man is shown fondling a prostitute he paid. A boss sexually harasses his female employee: one scene shows him fondling her while she is working, visibly distressed and unable to do anything against him. In the final part of the movie, the female protagonist explains that she was coerced into a sexual relationship with a man, whom she eventually killed.
Black Crab (Movie)
A teen girl, her mom, and little brother are in a cafe. They begin to get harassed by adult men. One of them grabs the teen's arm and the mom stops him right away.
Black Girl (Movie)
A woman is kissed without her permission whilst she is working. Her boss plays it down by saying that the man did it as a joke.
Mention of slave masters fathering children with their slaves. Mention of men forcing a woman to cook dinner for them and then raping her in front of her husband.
It is revealed that in the past, an antagonist made a career of grooming and abusing young ladies (ages unclear, but implied to be older teens to young twenties). Few details are given and none of his victims are characterized or appear "on-screen." The grooming included hooking them in drugs and luring them into prostitution in an era when the legal system had no interest in listening to "fallen women." It is a plot point that the police knew for some time and could not make charges stick.
One of the women central to the mystery may have been pressured into an uncomfortable situation involving photos of her (consentually) having sex. One male side character grooms young women into letting him take compromising photos of them, and another is callously self-serving and controlling in his relationships with his girlfriends.
Early in the book, an adult man hits on the protagonist and her friends, all teenage girls. Towards the end of the book, there is passing mention of the real life gang rape of the nun Diana Mae Ortiz, shared among a list of other news events.
Black is King (Movie)
Black Lagoon (TV Show)
Underage twins (~10 years old) are in a traumatised state due to constant sexual abuse. These characters feature prominently in S2E1, S2E2, S2E3. S5E3: a woman recalls being raped by a police officer as a young girl. There is a brief but graphic flashback to the incident. Later in this episode, a young boy kisses a grown woman on the lips in a way which appears to have romantic/sexual overtones.
Black Lightning (TV Show)
There is a recurring location where it is well known women are kidnapped and forced into prostitution.
This film contains a short (non-graphic) attempted rape scene. This is overall a very sexual film with voyeurism.
Black Mirror (TV Show)
S1E1: character is coerced into publicly engaging in bestiality; this act is partially shown on-screen. S1E2: a character is given a drink called 'compliance,' which leads her to agree to be part of a sex ring. There is sexual harassment before she is pressured into going into the ring and taking off her shirt by two men and a woman, who also make other sexual comments. While she says 'yes' in the videos of her sexual encounters, which are distributed throughout the community, she is hesitant to do so, and it is clear that saying 'no' is not an option. S1E3: a husband makes a joke about having to pick up his daughter from 'the paedophile-babysitter'. This claim is not based on any evidence and is only said as a joke. S2E3: mention of paedophilia. S3E3: Discussion of child pornography, violations of the privacy of a teenage boy used for the purposes of coercion. A character is shown masturbating to child pornography (although nothing on his laptop is shown) and is later arrested. This character also interacts with (but does not assault) a child. S4E1: two women are forced to kiss a man several times. A third woman is tortured when she refuses to kiss someone. There is one suggestion of a main character forcing a woman into sex. S4E2: the woman coerced into doing porn by the judges of a talent show is referenced. S4E6: A man is shown spanking his girlfriend during sex, despite her repeated requests for him not to do so. In the context of the episode, it is made clear that he is doing this specifically to cause her pain, in order to utilise a device that turns her pain into his pleasure. S6E2: the main characters visits an underground torture chamber where victims of a serial killer were sexually assaulted, tortured, and killed years prior. Dildos appear on screen as one of the devices in the chamber. It is later revealed that one of the serial killer's partners in crime is the main character's mother. This string of killings and assaults is central to this episode's storyline. S6E3: a main character is bound, tied up, tortured, burned, and dismembered. Sexual violence is also implied. We see this happen from the character's POV. A man (a main character) tries to kiss and pursues a woman. Most interactions, physical and emotional, are consensual, but he continues to pursue her after she asks him to stop. It is revelead that he had been drawing pictures of her naked without her knowledge. He later murders her and her son. S6E4: a man attempts to take up skirt photos of a woman while callign her a 'slut' and a 'whore'. S6E5: a man (who is killed) is shown on camera in the moments before he sexually abuses his 8 year-old daughter (20:30-20:50). This is then mentioned multiple times.
Black Monday (TV Show)
Huey Newton's history of sexual assaulting people is briefly discussed.
The antagonist, who kidnapped the protagonist (a boy), touches his hair and his face. but assures him that nothing will happen to him that he would not like. At several points, spirits in the movie talk to the protagonist about the antagonist's "favorite part" of a game called "naughty boy". It consists of him waiting at the top of his stairs without a shirt on and with a belt to beat the boys he kidnaps. It is heavily implied that he may be sexually molesting and/or raping the boys he kidnaps before he kills them by the spirits and by the game "naughty boy". The general consensus among viewers and movie reviewers has been that he is sexually molesting and/or assaulting his victims before he murders them, and he is implied to be a pedophile. This is all implied to be taking place off screen and is never shown, but it is implied that it happened to all the other victims who did not escape. Worthy of note: in one scene, a father beats his daughter.
A teenage girl discusses how she had to go into sex work to pay for her drug addiction.
Black Pumpkin (Movie)
Black Ransom (Movie)
Black Robe (Movie)
Rape scene on-screen is followed by immediate repercussions for the rapist carried out by the victim. A woman engages in intercourse with a man who is keeping her prisoner in order to distract him and then kills him by hitting him over the head.
Black Rock (Movie)
A young teenager socially isolates, psychologically abuses, and physically assaults another young teen. Most notably, she also carves a heart shape on his chest. Much of her harassment towards him seems to have romantic undertones, but no explicit sexual advances.
S1E1: the aftermath of a cult leader raping a woman is shown, however, the context that it is nonconsensual is not discussed until S1E3. S1E2: when a young boy asks an older man if he has a lot of experience killing people, the man sarcastically replies that he brutally murders people and rapes the corpses of his victims, presumably to hush the boy. Later, a woman says she wants to inspect the protagonist (a robot/human hybrid), while she is visibly sexually aroused. The man calls her out on the indecent behavior, but she rebuts that she is simply interested in providing technological repairs. S1E3: a cult is revealed to keep several women captive as part of a ritual, which involves the cult leader raping each woman to see which one is worthy of reproducing. Another woman has an abusive romantic interest in the protagonist; she stalks the protagonist, insists that the protagonist only belongs to her, and later tells the protagonist that she wants to "kill and defile [her]". S1E4: a woman tells the protagonist she wants to "pleasure [herself] with [her] corpse". S1E5: the aforementioned cult abducts a young girl; at the very end of the episode, it is revealed that the cult leader has raped her. S1E6: the cult leader states he intends to make the young girl his bride. He forcibly re-dresses her in a wedding gown and plans to have her undergo non-consensual surgery for the specific purpose of bearing his children (she is rescued before that). In another scene, two major characters find the corpses of several women who were raped and killed by the cult. S1E9: in a backstory scene, it is revealed that a cult leader abducted a teenage girl and her mother. After forcing both to undergo unethical human experimentation, it is revealed that he forcibly separated them and groomed the teenager into becoming his sex slave while brainwashing her to believe he is her biological father (which is false). Later, the teenager apprehends her actual biological father who is trying to save her and chokes him: she accuses him of being a pervert when he does not resist her attacks (as he wants to avoid hurting his daughter), even though there is no actual sexual intent.
Black Roses (Movie)
A female student kisses her male teacher against his will and exposes herself to him, trying to give him oral sex (01:08:00). He pushes her away and finally hits her.
Black Sabbath (Movie)
In the first story, a caller stalks a female character and threatens to touch her, but quickly states that it is to murder her, not sexually assault her.
Black Sails (TV Show)
A sex worker is repeatedly gang-raped as a punishment and as part of her work. The scenes are incredibly graphic and despite getting revenge, it leaves her traumatised. After being raped, the sex worker endures the Madame of the brothel forcing boiling hot water into her privates through a large metal syringe in order to prevent her from becoming pregnant. A female pirate describes the day she was saved when her partner found her (aged 14) being beaten by her husband (likely past his 40s) in a pub. It is implied that she, as a young girl, was forced to marry him and have sex with him. There are also multiple scenes of domestic violence, manipulation during and through sex, unhealthy sexual relationships and severe homophobia. No adult/teenage relationship appears onscreen, but it is stated that two main male characters met their female love interests for the first time when they were 13. Worthy of note: S3E1: a line could be interpreted as implying that a main male character was sexually abused by his slave master as a child/young teen ("a visit from the taskmaster in the dead of night"): this is never referenced again.
A woman talks about being molested by her mother's boyfriend as a child. Her mother accuses her of lying.
Black Summer (TV Show)
S1E6: a man non-consensually touches a woman in a sexual manner while checking for weapons and later attempts to rape her.
Black Sunday (Movie)
Black Swan (Movie)
In a brief scene, the main character, a ballerina, is sexually harassed by a man on the subway who makes 'kissing' sounds in her direction and mimes masturbation. The main character's director also forcibly kisses her in one scene. He later asks her inappropriate sexual questions and tells her to masturbate as part of her 'training' for her role. Worthy of note: another character later suggests performing sexual favors for the director, although it is unclear if she is joking or not. At one point the main character goes to a club with another woman, who sneaks ecstasy into the main character's drink without her consent, although the main character clearly knows the drink is drugged. Later, after she has had the drink, the main character abruptly comes to her senses while being kissed and groped by a man in the bathroom. While we do not see him forcibly assault her, she is obviously high by this point and unable to give consent. After leaving the club, the main character takes a taxi with the other woman, who puts her hand between the main character's (clothed) legs and attempts to grope her. The two later have a sex scene in which the other woman is very aggressive, pushing the main character down on the bed and performing oral sex on her without verbal consent. Although at the beginning of this scene the main character actively kisses and undresses the other woman, and does not resist the sex in any way, she is still heavily under the influence at this point. Although it is never stated that incest or child sexual abuse has occurred, the main character and her mother have an extremely unhealthy relationship, elements of which may be perceived as incestuous.
Two significant secondary characters' husbands (now dead) used to be physically and sexually abusive. The narration shows flashbacks of the women desperately fleeing from domestic violence. The female main character is kidnapped by a group of men who mean to murder her. One of them attempts to rape her first, getting as far as starting to remove her clothing before she is able to fight back and escape. The scene is brief but vividly detailed, including her emotional distress.
A woman is heard screaming off screen and found naked after. She later gives birth to a creature's child.
There is mention of a past incident where two people woke up next to each other only half dressed and neither remembers what happened. One of the women mentions that one of the men had his hands all over her while they were swimming which is why she came back to the house.
The opening credits feature lots of fictional footage of girls lined up in trailers to imply the involvment of human trafficking. A man involved in this human trafficking touches the face of a woman: this is not explicitly sexual in nature, but she slaps his hand away and is upset by the contact. Shortly after, he moves to slap her and she cowers away, then she is punched in the face several times. One hour into the movie, widow soldiers are given forced hysterectomy: the procedure is described in details by the victim, in a comic manner played for laughs, but clearly from the point of view of a victim who has accepter her trauma and can not do anything about it.
Blackadder (TV Show)
S1E6: rape on-screen.
S1E4: a man sexually harasses a woman and two captured characters discuss how their captors have a reputation for raping prisoners, and how they both expect to be raped.
BlackBerry (Movie)
The romantic relationship portrayed in the film is between a 17 year old and a 21 year old.
Blackfish (Movie)
There is a written text on screen mentioning rape and rapists.
Throughout the movie, racist comments are made about Black men, depicting them as rapists. In one scene, a policeman takes advantage of a woman by touching her when she is pulled over. A white cop jokes that he would like to force a Black woman to perform oral sex on him before another member of the KKK kills her. He is joking to maintain his cover infiltrating them. In one scene around the climax of the film, a woman is tackled in the street by a policeman: to evade capture, she shouts repeatedly that the man is trying to rape her, although this is not the case.
The Blacklist (TV Show)
Season 1: a woman finds out she has been married to a spy for her whole marriage. S1E12: brief mention of child molestation in church. S2E1: the past child sex abuse of a character is discused throughout the episode. Viewers are made to believe another character is going to be raped when she is forced onto a bed, but instead a photo of her face is taken (34:50-35:50). S2E12: a man reads from the Bible that a father should have intercourse with his daughters. S3E4: a character is stated to be responsible for aiding and facilitating the kidnap and rape of another character. S3E5: a character is dragged and pinned to a table by a group of men; it is implied that their intention is rape. S3E8: a male character is captured and a female character grabs something around his groin area which is a bag but in the moment could be seen as her grabbing his groin. S3E11: this episode deals with people killing pedophiles. S3E15: a programe that hacks into any webcam is leaked. It is mentioned that it can be used to watch people change, etc. A main character breaks into a woman's home without her knowing and she comes downstairs partially dressed. S3E21: an operative pretends to be into someone to gain intel and makes out with her while hacking her computer. S4E3: the main character discusses her husband initially tricking her into loving him and having sex, and how her mom also did that to someone. S4E6: a main character's girlfriend is revealed to be a spy. She was having sex with him, just to gain access to the FBI. A spy has to kiss and then fight off sex with a woman who is dating him. S4E10: a character discusses being found guilty of rape while he was at university (29:50). Another character discusses the use of child brides and mass rape as a means of control (11:00 and 28:30). S4E11: the boss of a character forcibly attempts to kiss another character. When she declines, she states that she must do as she says to keep her job. The victim complies but is saved by another character who leaves with the boss (26:50-27:50). Past assault is also implied. S4E15: a man keeps a woman hostage. She is sedated but he shows her a pregnancy test that is positive implying rape off screen. S5E17: child brides and rape are discussed throughout the episode. A man is shown getting into bed with a teenage wife (14:00). Another former child bride talks abour her experiences (31:30).
Rape occurs off screen (31:00-32:30) and is avenged. The woman attacked defends herself and kills the man. We later are told that he tried to rape her but was unsuccessful.
Blackthorn (Movie)
There is a mention of kidnapped women being “violated” by their kidnapper but no further information on the nature of that violation.
A man threatens to bend a woman over while they are arguing.
Blade (Movie)
A mother makes uncomfortable advances to her son.
Blade Runner (Movie)
There is a very controversial scene in which a man forces a crying woman to kiss and (it is implied) have sex with him (1:10). Worthy of note: the troubling implications behind replicants, who look and act like humans but are not considered truly human. Within the context of the film, this means that it is not seen as necessary for them to provide consent for sexual acts.
The whole plot of the movie is centered around the moral dilemmas about Replicants, and if they are actually not thinking/feeling beings. Within the context of the film, this means that it is not seen as necessary for them to provide consent for sexual acts as they are described as machines that fit a purpose e.g pleasure, entertainment etc.. A creator of human-like androids (Replicants) forcibly kisses his latest creation after slashing her body where a caesarian would be. It is very violent and tense (around 40 minutes into the movie). There are two instances of non-consensual kissing.
Worthy of note: the protagonist, who is 17 and about to turn 18, has a crush on and later makes out with a character who is functionally immortal and has lived an unspecified number of years longer than is possible for any human to live.
At one point, the main character mentions that when he was nine, he was in a relationship with a 35 year old woman: it is a joke and it is unclear if the character is lying. The main character tells a random woman that she just gave him an erection and admits that he is a sex addict. She scoffs at him and walks away. He does not follow her. A brother and sister have an incestuous relationship. They are seen kissing at the end of the movie. Worthy of note: the main character discusses his sex addiction multiple times throughout the film. He never hurts or touches anyone.
Blair Witch (Movie)
Blame (2017) (Movie)
Worthy of note: The main character has been wrongfully accused of infidelity. There is slut-shaming because of her supposed adultery is a running theme, especially in the early part of the book.
Blancanieves (Movie)
The main female protagonist is kissed against her will on two occasions: 1) in the middle of the film, by a man who is trying to strangle her; 2) at the end of the movie, by different men, who paid to try to wake her up from her sleep.
An autobiographical account of the author's own childhood assault by a teenage babysitter. The author is also unable to protect his little brother. It's also a graphic novel. The relevant scenes occur between pages 29-32. Worthy of note: aggressive or domineering - but not sexual - physical interactions (looming, grabbing, dragging) are regular features throughout the book.
Many characters misinterpret the male protagonist's words as sexual innuendos but he states them genuinely and innocently.
S1E1, S1E2: A female character jokingly makes a lot of innuendos and sexual comments to the protagonist, comparing some past encounters they had to rape. S1E5: A female character grabs a woman's breasts.
Rape is frequently used as a comedic punchline by antagonists.
Bleach (TV Show)
Throughout the series, there are inappropriate jokes made that fall under sexual harassment. One of the female protagonists tries to kiss the male protagonist when he is asleep and not able to consent. She ends up not doing it. Thousand-Year Blood War arc: E11-12: it is discussed how a teenage girl was taken in by a family so she could later on marry their son to keep the bloodline clean. He is older than her and she refers to him as her cousin to her friends. It is clear that he only agrees for the sake of the bloodline. This does not end up happening and he marries a woman that looks his age. The girl ends up dating an older man when she is in college.
The female protagonist forces a kiss between the male protagonist and a living soul that is stuck in a teddy bear.
Bleed (Movie)
A woman hallucinates a sexual assault while having sex with her boyfriend.
Bleed With Me (Movie)
A woman kisses her boyfriend and he has to tell her several times to stop before she does.
Blend S (TV Show)
Blended (Movie)
A man tries to kiss a woman twice without her consent.
All of season 1 follows a search for a serial rapist/murderer. S1E2: attempted rape. S1E3: a woman is held hostage by the aforementioned rapist/murderer.
Blind (Movie)
Blind Chance (Movie)
Blind Waters (Movie)
While he has a woman cornered, a man caresses her face and calls her beautiful several times.
Most of the female characters are raped on screen throughout the film.
Blindspot (TV Show)
A main character investigates undercover in a sex trafficking situation. She does not get assaulted, but many rapes that took place are mentioned and her team is not really in control of the situation. Season 1 contains many PTSD related flashbacks that suggest child trafficking. S1E1: the episode begins with a woman, likely drugged, stuffed into a bag naked and held at gunpoint. A second scene shows the FBI taking down a man who has several women handcuffed, pregnant or just having had his babies. A third scene discusses more about the woman in the first scene. S1E3: the main character calls out how her entire life (and thus the plot of the show) is an intimate violation. S1E4: it is implied that one main character's dad was accused of being "too close" to the other main character as a child. The father was subsequently accused of kidnapping and murdering the main character as a child. S1E5+6: the main character is subject to sexual harassment by the main antagonists. S1E14: a violent rape and murder is discussed. Crime scene photos are shown. A main character investigates undercover in a sex trafficking situation. She does not get assaulted, but many rapes that took place are mentioned and her team is not really in control of the situation. (This episode contains no major overall plot points other than the main character wanting to quit the agency and her mission). S1E16: the main character (who is amnesiac) is kissed by her old boyfriend from before she lost her memory. She turns out to like it, but he did not ask first, and they were fighting. S1E17: a woman is sexually harassed at a bar: a main character saves her. A main character is kidnapped and her face is sensually rubbed. A reference to Buffalo Bill (from The Silence of the Lambs) is made as a joke. S1E18: sexual harrassment. This episode is about a school shooter motivated by the fact that his school coach is a serial child rapist. This triggers memories of snother main character who was abused as a child. S3E5: a tattoo leads to a case regarding untested rape kits, and uncovers a secret heir to royalty conceived by rape.
Blindspotting (Movie)
Bliss (Movie)
A male character gets a female intoxicated and, thinking she is passed out, starts to unbutton her blouse. When he reaches to touch her breast it is revealed she is already dead: the blob then kills the man.
Blockers (Movie)
Two of the main characters break into the house of a couple who are playing a blindfolded sex game (1:08:40). The main characters initiate and reenact sexual acts on the blindfolded couple as if it was the person's partner. This includes implied female ass slapping (audio) , shown grabbing/scratching of the male partner's chest and while it is entirely off screen the cut implies that one of the main characters touched the blindfolded male partner's testicles as the main characters are shown escaping without being found out. This is played for laughs.
Blonde (Movie)
Early in the film, the female protagonist is raped on-screen during a movie audition. Short flashbacks of the scene are shown later, when another character asks her about her debut in the industry. The husband of the protagonist is violent towards her after learning she did nude photographs early in her career, and later again after she has shot a scene revealing her underwear. When the protagonist is almost unconscious because of her use of drugs and alcohol, she is transported to an important male character, who forces her to perform oral sex on him, and rape her (off-screen). She is shown afterwards, completely confused and shocked.
Blood (2022) (Movie)
Blood & Water (TV Show)
The show contains sex scenes between a 17-year-old student her her adult male swim coach. S2E5: an adult man asks a minor for oral sex in exchange for information: the victim sprays the offender with pepper spray and nothing further happens.
S1EP: a woman mentions how her colleague has been pestering a girl for her number even though she has refused him multiple times. She views him as a creep. S2E3: a man smacks a woman on her behind. Worthy of note: a 18-years old girl mentions in the last two episodes of the second season that she is gonna get married. Her fiancé looks much older than her. (35-40 years old).
One man watches a woman dance and grabs her butt: she shoves him off. Later, he sneaks into her room and kills her.
Blood Clots (Movie)
Worth noting: in the third story, a woman is brought out to the woods and told she is going to be making a sex tape. It seems as if she has been coerced into being there but in reality went with the intention of killing the people there.
Blood Diamond (Movie)
Throughout the film, rape is discussed. A rebel leader threatens to rape a character's wife and children.
Along with the above, there is frequent sexual discussion directed at underage girls.
Blood Games (Movie)
A male baseball players grabs a women's butts and thighs several times while playing the game. Degrading talk and catcalling. A guy sneaks into the locker room and watches the women while they are showering. There is an attempted assault where two women are held at knifepoint and their tops are cut off - the men are stopped in this instance. There is a graphic on screen rape later when the men are chasing the women through the woods.
Blood Lake (Movie)
A woman intends to try and seduce a teenage boy who cleans her pool but nothing happens.
Blood Machines (TV Show)
Worthy of note: In episode 2, it is strongly implied that a character plans to assault his captive. This assault never occurs.
Blood Moon (Movie)
Blood Quantum (Movie)
A character describes having sex with a woman who wanted to get back at her boyfriend for cheating on her and was "drunk enough to pick anyone."
Blood Red Sky (Movie)
Blood Simple (Movie)
A woman is restrained by hand and carried a few meters before she frees herself.
There is an imagined rape sequence in the beginning of the film, and different rape attempts from a man on his wife later during the movie.
Blood Surf (Movie)
A woman makes a joke about being 14, but then says she is 19: after having sex, she confesses that she is only 17. When the group is captured, one of the man takes the woman with the intent of raping her. He opens her shirt but is stopped before anything further happens. The same man later corners the same woman and he taunts her but she is able to stop him before anything further happens.
Blood Vessel (Movie)
A man implies that the woman with them in a group may be in danger of being raped when the are deciding if they should board the ship they found.
Blood and Water (TV Show)
S1E2: there are a number of close ups and the character remembers the incident throughout the episode.
Blood of Zeus (TV Show)
A woman is in a forced marriage and it is implied she regularly endures marital rape. A man disguises himself as the woman's husband to sleep with her. However, when he reveals his identity she does not seem bothered.
Bloodborne (Video Game)
A bit at the start of the game, the player encounter the “plain doll” in the Hunter’s Dream. This is the source of leveling up in this game, and as her name suggests, she is a doll. Specifically, she is the doll of the only other hunter residing in the dream and talking to him paints him as a mysterious old man who still wants the best for the world. But his exiting remark after confirming the player can use the Hunter’s Workshop (the only building in the dream) to their benefit, he makes a whispered, snarky remark: “Even the doll, should it please you.” The play can later find the workshop in the real world, and the doll is there along with its outfit. The description reveals its craftsmanship “borderlined on mania”. In the DLC for the game, “The Old Hunters”, the Hunter (player character) walks into the clock tower and sees an abused, bloodied corpse of a woman sitting in a chair (who bears a striking resemblance to the doll). It can be infered that it is the result of self-harm. The hunter approaches and touches her, and she soon revolts back saying “A corpse should be left well alone”. The player then proceed to kill her so he/she can genocide a fishing hamlet she was trying to protect. Upon returning to the dream, the doll states that she feels at peace, and is relieved. The doll shows a thematically inaccurate response to this situation as she is not the real person, but just an attempt to claim a woman’s body for the man's uses. Despite this, the man is repeatedly shown in a sympathetic light. His sexual crazes is not addressed and his other dialogue portrays him as scared, but stoic, old man who is hosting a way for hunters to combat the scourge of beasts.
Bloodhounds (TV Show)
A man is forced to stripe naked in front of a gang; his genitals are photographed to blackmail him later.
BloodRayne (Movie)
Bloodride (TV Show)
S1E6: someone tries to force two people to kiss and grabs women against their will.
Bloods (TV Show)
Sexual harassment is a common theme in this show. A boss is constantly hitting on her employee, and patients often sexually harass the EMTs.
Bloodshot (Movie)
About on third into the movie, a killer has the main protagonist's wife tied to a chair and holds a bolt stunner. He asks if she can "take the whole 6 inches" before killing her.
Bloodsport (Movie)
The entire movie is full of the torture of naked women for the sexual pleasure of the main antagonist. A young girl of unconfirmed age (implied to be a teenager) has her breasts and butt exposed and is caned. She is later decapitated and it is implied that a man has sex with her head (though not shown on screen). A woman has her breasts fondled while tied up before having her teeth removed. A man is shown laying under the covers with another man's dead body; it is unclear if he is supposed to be having sex with it.
In the beginning graveyard sequence, a boy makes a joke about how a girl cannot say no to him after she sets a boundary. Children watch a teen undress through a peephole. There are a teenager and her adult, married tutor, who seem to be flirting with each other, but it is only mentioned and shown briefly.
Bloody Hell (Movie)
Bloody Milk (Movie)
There are no graphical scenes, but it is strongly implied that a man was molested by a female teacher in elementary school. This has left him traumatized and struggling with substance abuse.
Bloom Into You (TV Show)
One character begs for a kiss even though the other person does not want to: she forces it.
Blow Out (Movie)
Blow-Up (Movie)
The concerned scene contains a situation of dubious consent. One of two women is willing to have sex with the main protagonist in exchange of photographs, but the other one is not. The protagonist proceeds to chase the first woman, aggressively pulling at her clothes: she looks quite scared. While running away from him, the other woman strips the other naked, both of them laughing. They proceed to have a threesome, but the man never take photographs of them afterwards. The women look betrayed.
Blue (1993) (Movie)
Blue Bayou (Movie)
The backstory of the protagonist includes being adopted by an abusive father as a child.
Blue Beetle (Movie)
Worthy of note: Twice in the movie, after the suit (which is not under his control) retreats back off his body, the protagonist is left naked in front of other people.
Blue Bloods (TV Show)
S1E2 + 3: rape is discussed. S1E6: a relationship between a high school teacher and a 17 year old student is discussed. S1E9: rape is implied and an attempted rape is shown on screen. S1E16: an adult pretends to be a teenager online to get into a relationship with a teenager.
Blue Collar (Movie)
Blue Exorcist (TV Show)
A young boy saves a teenage girl from drowning, while intentionally grabbing her by her breasts: she is aware of this and tells him to stop. When she is on the beach, he tries to give her mouth to mouth. The scene is portrayed in a perverted way. Worthy of note: a male character goes overboard with his blue flames and unintentionaly burns two women's clothes down and the camera zoom on their panties.
Blue Eye Samurai (TV Show)
Sex trafficking, prostitution and forced marriage are mentioned or hinted throughout. Off-screen or hinted rapes are also present.
Worthy of note: the main actress was 14 at the time, with an older body double being used for nude scenes, and her male counterpart being much older.
Blue Lock (TV Show)
[This entry is only reviewed till season 1].
Blue Miracle (Movie)
Blue Monkey (Movie)
Blue My Mind (Movie)
The protagonist wants to stop having sex in the middle of intercourse, and the man pressures her to keep going, but she does not and leaves (1:01:00). The protagonist is under the influence of drugs and alcohol when she is brought into a room, blindfolded, and forced to give oral to a gang of men during a party (1:25:00): they make her think it was her idea. Men hold her down and attempt to rip her clothes off, but she runs away (1:26:00).
Blue Orchestra (TV Show)
S1E6: a male character guy accidentally walks in on a girl changing. Only her back is shown. There is no sexual intent. The rest of the episode shows him being embarrassed and apologizing to the girl on multiple occasions. In the first few episodes the female protagonist calls the male protagonist a pervert multiple times. Nothing perverted or inappropriate happens and it seems to be a running joke.
Blue Period (TV Show)
The Blue Planet (TV Show)
Blue Planet 2 (TV Show)
Blue Ruin (Movie)
Blue Steel (Movie)
The rape scene is very violently done for 30 seconds towards the end of the film between the antagonist and the protagonist (01:27:00-01:28:00).
Blue Story (Movie)
S1E2: this episode contains unwanted touching the action moves off-screen and screaming is heard.
Blue Sunshine (Movie)
Worthy of note: the protagonist makes a joke about child sexual abuse that some may find in poor taste. On some occasions, a man tries to pressure his unwilling partner into sex with him.
Blue Velvet (Movie)
Sadomasochism and other non-mainstream sexual acts are a consistent theme throughout along with elements of violence and coercion.
There is a consensual relationship between a 15-year-old and a woman whose age is somewhere between 18 and 22. The film is French, and the age of consent in France is 15, but the age gap may be uncomfortable for some audiences.
One of the central events of the novel is an 11-year-old girl being raped by her father, which happens twice (one only alluded to and one explicitly depicted). The other characters discuss this throughout the book. Two black teenagers are caught in a field by two white men, and the men force one of the teenagers to assault the other for their amusement. Another character, a pedophile, describes memories of abusing multiple young girls.
BNA (TV Show)
S1E5: a man caresses the face of a young teenage girl. She does not say anything. However, later on in the season she tells him that she finds him creepy. She also mentions how she finds it creepy when he comes into her room without knocking. S1E12: the man grabs the arm of the teenage girl when she tries to run away. The man does not seem to be sexually or romantically interested in her. He does have an obsession of turning her into a god and worships her as one.
Worthy of note: the movie contains a reference to 'the pedophilic elite'.
Burnham mentions paedophilia in the context of a joke about double standards (13:35-13:45). In a song, Burnham sings about 'rape-y vibes' in country music songs (roughly 22:20). Later in the same song, he sings about undressing a sleeping woman. A heckler in the audience tells Burnham to take off his trousers. At roughly 53:10 Burnham sings that he would rather perform oral sex on his father than eat a burrito with a fork. Worthy of note: a slur for gay people is used just after the 14:00 minute mark. This slur is repeated at various points up to the 14:45 mark.
A Holocaust survivor shows scars that she says were given to her by a Nazi soldier after every time she was raped (5:40).
S1E1: three male students try to rape the titulat character. They jump on her when she is alone, two of them hold her still, while the other slices her blouse open with a knife, exposing her bra. A man intervenes before anything further happens.
The Boat (2011) (TV Show)
This film contains humor that tends to condone sexual commentary and bad treatment towards women. Two men attempt to switch places during sex without the woman knowing: it fails.
A man is wanted by the police because he beat up his girlfriend. He comes to the protagonist to ask for his help, but he gets rebuffed. The main female character implies that she lost her job because she did not respond to her boss' advances.
Bob's Burgers (TV Show)
S1E1: the burger of the day is called 'the child molester' because it comes with candy. The show moves away from this kind of humor quickly.
Boccaccio '70 (Movie)
The film is divided in four episodes. 1) A (secretly) married woman is harassed by her employer. 2) A man is obsessed by a woman featured on an ad billboard. He hallucinates and sees her harassing him. It is very briefly implied that he had been traumatized by the vision of her naked aunt as a child. 3) A woman leaves her husband who cheated on her with call girls. Finally, she choses to stay with him, by making him pay for her sexual services. She seems very distressed by this situation. 4) A woman is forced to prostitute herself out of misery: she is the 'winning lot' of a lottery. She is constantly harassed by a crowd of men. Finally, the one who 'won' her is too shy to do anything.
Bocchi the Rock! (TV Show)
Bodied (Movie)
Rape is frequently used as a punchline in rap battles. A character slaps women's bottom multiple times throughout the film.
Bodies (TV Show)
A side character is a serial rapist, and it is mentioned that one of his victim was 14. He is killed early on.
One character kisses another character without consent: the person is upset but they apologise and nothing else happens.
Body (Movie)
Three girls formulate a plan to accuse an injured man of attempted rape to cover up the fact that they broke into a house and injured him. Whilst a man is unconscious, a girl takes his hand and puts it in/around her genitals (this is not shown on-screen) so that have evidence for the 'crime'.
Body Bags (Movie)
The third short story has a scene where a man rapes his wife while possessed.
Body Cam (Movie)
Body Double (Movie)
A woman is forced into handcuffs and raped on screen.
Body Heat (Movie)
This book is about the neurological and physiological effects of trauma, especially trauma from sexual violence.
Body Melt (Movie)
Worthy of note: the film deals with domestic abuse.
The Bodyguard (Movie)
There is a scene in which a woman invites a man in a bedroom. As they are about to make out, she asks him to stop, but he insists. She manages to get out of the situation by calling someone. It is said that a man broke into a woman's house and masturbated on her bed without her knowing.
Bodyguard (TV Show)
This book largely consists of literary analysis of selected works of Black women's speculative fiction. Consequently, sexual violence is referenced to the degree that it shows up in the source materials. Chapters 1, 3, and 4 are the areas where sexual violence are primarily discussed. Chapter 4 in particular discusses themes of incest. These discussions are not particularly graphic, but they do go pretty in-depth into the feelings of characters who have experienced sexual violence.
Bog (Movie)
There is a suggestion/speculation that the male creature may inject women as a means to take control of them and use them for breeding.
The movie starts with scenes of invaders running into a castle where they grab women and some have their clothes ripped off. This scene is shown again later where it is said that the women were afraid they were going to be raped, but were killed for a ritual instead. A man sneaks into a woman's tent and sniffs her underwear. Later he watches the women bathing.
The main protagonist gropes another character without his consent and is firmly rebuffed. At another moment, he is also groped.
Bojack Horseman (TV Show)
S1E3: a woman says that when she was a child, she received letters from people telling her that they were masturbating while thinking about her. S1E8: one character kisses another character without asking for consent (1:41-1:43). S2E3: it is implied that a child was sexually abused by her stepfather. This implication comes up again in later seasons, and notably in a flashback in S6E5, where the child can't be in her dressing room because her" stepdad is being weird". Her stepdad is most likely a parody of Terry Richardson, a famous photographer accused of rape. S2E7: sexual harassment is implied in discussions throughout the episode, though nothing is ever described. S2E11: in the final minutes of the episode, a 17-year-old asks an adult man to have sex with her, and we see them getting undressed before getting caught, though nothing graphic is ever shown (22:31-23:19). This incident is discussed in detail in S3E1+11 and S5E4+10+11. At one point, the adult man turns up at the young girl's college and she appears shaken by his appearance. S3E6: a character gives a handjob without asking for the consent of the other character (we don't see below their torsos). The victim seems unnerved but aroused until she strangles his penis and cause him a lot of pain. S3E11: a couple sees the protagonist drunkenly talking to their son. The mother asks her husband if he might be 'inappropriately interested' in the boy. The father says 'No, but if he is, i could also be a big break'. Later, a woman calls the protagonist 'a father figure who was sexually inappropriate' to her. S4E5: a character is catcalled and threatened after leaving a restaurant. At another point, a character off-handedly implies that he had to hitch a ride with a paedophile when he was in middle school, though it's stated he came home 'unscathed'. S5E1: a director pressures and initmidates the protagonist into undressing for a role. They fight briefly, but no forceful undressing is shown on camera. The protagonist is later depicted naked but seems fine with it. S5E4: a character briefly mentions sexting a 12-year-old.
Bokeh (Movie)
A woman talks about the plot of "To Kill a Mockingbird", which involves rape.
Boku No Pico (TV Show)
Bokurano (TV Show)
S1E6: attempted rape. S1E7: on-screen rape of a middle schooler by her adult teacher. Through the character's eyes, the only thing her abuser did wrong was to cheat on her by sleeping with other underage girls. A young girl is in a relationship with her teacher. The teacher ends up blackmailing her into getting gang raped by multiple men. She ends up becoming pregnant by the teacher. Her sister, who is a minor, was also in a relationship with the teacher. There is multiple mentions of sexual abuse throughout the series and other forms of abuse. The series discusses heavy topics.
The Bold Type (TV Show)
S1E10: the effects rape has on women are discussed. Several characters discuss in minor detail their own experiences with sexual assault. S2E6: another woman reveals she was raped by the same man discussed in S1E10. S3E3: mention of sexual coercion.
Though the themes are dealt with in a very conscientious way, it is worthy of note that the entire series is about the investigation a web managed by sociopaths, that allows for all kinds of abuse, torture and people and drug trafficking.
At 44 minutes in, a Nazi tries to kiss a nun. She rejects his advances and they fall to the ground when he continues trying to kiss her. He is interrupted soon after.
There are numerous talks of sexual harassment
Bonding (TV Show)
Bone Breaker (Movie)
A woman is held captive by a man.
A man puts a woman's journal down the front of his pants and tells her to come get it.
Bone Tomahawk (Movie)
Towards the end of the movie, it is revealed that women are kept as reproductive slaves of tribes men. They have their arms and legs cut off, as well as their eyes removed. They are pregnant on a bed, and clearly have no choice in their situation. The pregnant slave women are not redeemed by the main protagonists, so they are left there without any hope for salvation.
Bones (2001) (Movie)
A female character is groped in bed by who she assumes is her lover, but is actually a ghost (43:00-45:00). She asks “him” to stop repeatedly, interspersed with flashbacks and gorey hallucinations. There is no nudity or implied penetration, bu tshe is left physically unharmed but mentally distraught. One of the main characters makes routine suggestive comments about the other female characters, which the other male leads reprimand him for. It does not escalate beyond “locker room talk.”
Bones and All (Movie)
This film dresses up a murder rape as a queer romantic intimate encounter. A main character seduces another man with the intent of killing him. The other man is enthusiastic about the sex. A man crawls on top of a main character and holds her down, drooling on her; no explicit sexual violence or threats occur but the scene is highly suggestive.
Bones (TV) (TV Show)
There are several episodes where child abuse is discussed. These topics are discussed in a way that always condemns them and the perpetrators are always punished in some way (e.g. jail mostly). S1E5: this episode is about a young boy who was sexually assaulted and then murdered. S2E13: a murder victim is raped and killed after rejecting the sexual advances of a character who is charged for filming underage girls in a pornographic way and taking advantage of girls too drunk to consent (to film them). Two men notice what he did, but did not do anything about it. S8E16: this episode is about a teenage girl who was drugged and raped at a party. A witness discusses with her psychocologist that she felt like she had been rape. S10E6: he plot revolves around human trafficking. The victim of the episode was human trafficked to America, and in China, she has been sold into prostitution by her father. Throughout, the idea that the victim was sexually assaulted is discussed multiple times at length and in great detail.
There is a very brief mention of a background character having raped someone. We never see this person again.
Bóng Ðè (Movie)
The main male character is raped by a fellow male inmate while incarcerated.
During a party, two frat boys are about to engage in relations with two 17-year-old girls but withdraw from the interaction when they learn the girls' ages. On the way into the party, some partygoers grab a female character's breasts without asking.
Boogie Nights (Movie)
Book Club (Movie)
A man is given Viagra without his consent and then unwillingly touched on the groin by his wife.
First mention is a woman saying she was raped as a child, the second occasion is attempted rape which results in the woman heavily bleeding after trying to fight them away.
Rape is ambiguous/implied. The main villain is overpowering women throughout the book, and there is an interaction between the main female character (who is 14), where he is on top of her. Then the next scene blood is seen trickling down her inner leg, implying rape or abuse.
The protagonist, a lesbian, is required by social custom to get married at least twice. Both of the protagonist’s husbands rape her. It is implied that in other marriages, rape is widespread and happens at least some of the time.
All the female characters in this film are either victims of sexual assault, rape, or attempted rape, either from men who ambush them, or from coercive/abusive relationships.
This is a great book about surviving sexual trauma but it has very vivid details of rape throughout, which can be triggering.
A man is abducted by a group of women. He is chained up, stripped naked, and assaulted multiple times, including being forced to masturbate, being forced to receive oral sex and being anally raped with a strap-on dildo.
Chapter 2: the main character is forced to marry a violent man decades older than her. There are brief but frank descriptions of two marital rapes before the man dies. Chapter 3: the main character aborts the pregnancy which resulted from her rape. The event is a brief mention in a summary of other activities of her life moving on. In subsequent chapters the trauma of her rape and pregnancy are periodic themes. Chapter 4: a man stalks the main character, forces a kiss clearly and intends more. She escapes. Chapter 14: her stalker dies while hiding on the main character's property (without touching her again). She can't speak out without retaliation, and reflects on women she's known who were blamed and ostracized after men had assaulted them. Chapter 16: the main character is coerced to change into a hospital gown, sedated via suppository, restrained, and subjected unwillingly to medical tests by indifferent male doctors and female nurses. Chapter 27: a drunk stranger gropes and attempts to assault the main character. She is rescued before he succeeds.
Worthy of note: a character has his entire body mutilated and his genitalia removed by ghosts.
Booksmart (Movie)
A character tells of and describes in detail how the two main characters could have been abducted and raped. Worthy of note: a male high school student (who was held back several years and is stated to be 20 years old) is revealed to have had sex with a female teacher at a graduation party.
Boomerang (Movie)
A woman takes her underwear off and throws them in a man's face, who reacts in disgust. A woman advances on a man who is visibly uncomfortable by putting her hand on his legs. She then proceeds to flash him.
The Boondocks (TV Show)
The series features a physically violent pimp, a homosexual rapper who is shunned by others when they find out about his sexuality, a child singing along to sexist songs without properly understanding them, and a man having sex with his wife while possessed by the ghost of an old man. The same man is scared of getting raped in jail and has a dream about getting raped in the shower (though the dream ends right before the action). Later on, he almost gets raped in jail for real. Additionnally, a young boy has to take "sexy" pictures of his grandpa, who is only wearing a string. Throughout the serie, women are often referred to as hoes or bitches. S2E1: a grandfather comments on how he would let his young grandson go into a bathroom to get molested by an adult man. S3E8: a large portion of the episode deals with the discussion of prison rape, adult prisoners talk to young boys about it. At some point the boys ask if they were about to get raped due to the aggressiveness of the prisoners: a prisoner says no. S3E10: one of the main character's ex-girlfriends attempts to kidnap his grandson, stating she did so because he was "just adorable". Her intentions with the grandson is questionable. S3E14: a character exclusive to this episode is known for kicking men in their testicles to get answers out of them.
Boot Camp (Movie)
A teenage girl is violently raped by one prison guard.
Borat (Movie)
Throughout the film, there are jokes about sexual assault, rape, sexual exploitation and men having sexual relationships with underage girls.
Border (Movie)
About 30 minutes in, a character attempts to rape another character: the victim pushes them off and they are unsuccessful. There is also another sex scene which is quite aggressive in tone but seemingly consensual. The theme of child pornography runs throughout the film.
In several chapters, the author references sexual violence suffered by displaced, colonized, and migrant people around the world. These references are typically not graphic, but they are numerous.
Bordertown (TV Show)
Rape and sexual violence are themes throughout the series. Young women (some of whom are underage) are drugged and posed for photos while naked (leading to the accidental death of one and the furter abuse of another). One story arc features a paedophile character who needs to prove that they haven't committed any new assaults (this features flashbacks of the paedophile sexually abusing another character when he was a child). Violence, both sexual and otherwise, is frequently shown on-screen.
Borg McEnroe (Movie)
The Borgias (TV Show)
Borgman (Movie)
There are unconsensual surgeries which involve children.
Gangsters beat and rape young adults and teens throughout the film.
Borrego (Movie)
A man ties a woman's hands to prevent her from running away: it is not sexual in nature.
Bosch (TV Show)
S1E1: someone is suspected of killing sex workers, and a murdered sex worker is mentioned. It is said that they are often "victimized". S1E5: photos found in a drawer strongly imply an incestuous relationship between a father and daughter (35:41). The daughter is in underwear, the father seen shirtless. The images are not explicit and are not shown for a long time onscreen.
Bottom (TV Show)
Bottoms (Movie)
The premise involves a club to teach girls self defense, so it talks a lot about being able to defend against stalkers, assault, etc. Everything is treated as comedy and there is some dark humor that can feel a bit tasteless. During a scene in which all of the girls talk about their feelings, one of the leaders asks if anyone has been raped. None of them raise their hands, but when that leader says "gray area stuff counts too", everyone does. It is stated that a girl was assaulted on her birthday. It is implied a girl is being sexually abused by her step dad. There are relationships between high schoolers and adults, but it seems all teens involved are 18.
Boudica (Movie)
A mother has consensual sex with her young adult son (23:42-25:27). It is implied this was not the first time, though how far back it goes is unclear. Slaves being used for sexual purposes are discussed and implied. After an altercation, the protagonist's daughters are raped on-screen (42:22-44:32). After the rape, she unties her daughters and makes them get up and walk home (44:56-48:46): their reactions and movements are graphic.
The film follows a homeless man who was saved from drowning and sheltered by a married man. Throughout the film, the homeless man sexually assaults the man's wife and mistress (the maid) at several occasions, and rapes one of them off-screen. The scenes are played for laughs, and both women are depicted as growing fond of him.
Bound (1996) (Movie)
The female protagonist often gets harassed by her male collegue. He follows her to the woman restroom and eavesdrops her there while he sits in the toilet next of her. She says multiple times to stop. Eventually he is waiting for her in her own house, which he did not have permission for.
The main male character has a habit of continually grabbing the main female character's bottom without her permission. She smacks him every time he does so.
The Boy (Movie)
The main character’s backstory involves an abusive relationship with a violent boyfriend, who later shows up and threaten her.
Boy (2010) (Movie)
This film revolves around a woman kidnapping children and trafficking them to her pedophile friends. No assault is shown on-screen, though pictures are shown of a young boy's naked torso and a video camera is shown in one of the rooms, implying the creation of child pornography.
Boy Erased (Movie)
The on-screen rape scene takes place at 00:37-00:39.
In the opening of the film a woman is heard screaming. She is then seen cut up and naked after several men leave were she was held. The main character is living in the apocalypse where women are a commodity and talks frequently talks about what is implied to be unconsentual sex. The main character tracks down a woman and holds her a gun point. Later in the film a character is forced into a human breeding program and is used for his semen.
Boy Meets Boy (Movie)
A man jokes about being a paedophile. Worthy f note: the narrator recounts a time when a female friend kissed him unexpectedly when they were both kids. He told her he was not interested because he was gay,: she apologized, and they continued being good friends.
Boy Meets World (TV Show)
S4E15: a character disguises himself as a girl to write about sexual harassment experiences. S6E7: a teacher hits on a student.
The attempted rape of woman by a man is shown. The film also features stalking and revenge porn.
There is a passing mention of an antagonist group being rapists.
One character kisses another without warning, causing discomfort. The kisser apologizes and later refers to this event as a sexual assault. However, no one takes it seriously as such in-universe.
Boyhood (Movie)
A club owner makes several insinuations towards a woman he is forcing to work for him to pay off a debt. She continues to reject him and at one point he forcibly kisses her but she pushes him off and he leaves.
Boys (2014) (Movie)
On-screen rape; hate crime committed against a transgender man.
S2E2: towards the beginning of the episode, a group of men attempt to rape a woman as she exits a shower/locker room. She is rescued and it transpires that this attack was an attempt to frighten her.
The Boys (TV) (TV Show)
S1E1: a woman who starts a new job is welcomed by a male colleague (a recurring character) whom she confesses to having had a crush on when she was younger. He immediatly puts his pants and underwear off without warning her and asks her to perform oral sex on him. When she rebuffs him, he blackmails her and threats to have her fired. It is then strongly implied that she was forced to accept as she is shown vomiting in the toilet. The incident is vaguely discussed later in the episode and in the next one. A man who can turns invisible uses his power to spy on women going to the bathroom: this is referred to in later episodes. S1E2: two men attempt to (date) rape a woman in an alley, but they are stopped by a female character. A man uses his abilty to see through the walls to spy on his female boss using a breast pump: he is shown visibly aroused. S1E3: a female character is forced to wear a sexualized costume that she feels uncomfortable with, and pressured to accept it as a "feminist" choice. She is later catcalled while wearing it by men. A group of men watch a live video footage of a woman seducing a visibly uncomfortable man at her home, and forcing him to perform oral sex on her while she is on drugs: she ends up killing him. The main antagonist act threateningly with his ex-girlfriend while talking about their past relationship. S1E5: the survivor of the rape from S1E1 mentions it in front of a crowd. The woman the antagonist was spying on in S1E2 is revealed to have a security feature informing her when he is watching. She uses his sexual attraction to her in order to control him. S1E6: the rape from S1E1 is mentioned several times throughout the episode. The rapist has to make a public excuse (scripted by the firm) and a film/show based on the survivor's experience is produced. It is revealed that a main character's motivating factor is the rape of his wife by the series' antagonist. This is discussed heavily throughout the series. S1E7: the rapist from S1E1 gets sexually assaulted on-screen by a woman. Scenes before and after the rape of a main's character's wife are briefly shown. It is then revealed that she became pregnant with her rapist child, and died while giving birth. S1E8: the rape of the main character's wife by the antagonist is discussed. Throughout seasons 2 and 3, the rapist from S1E1 goes through a (fake) redemptive arc, and tries to make amends for his actions in order to get his job back. Sexual assault is thus implied or mentioned in several episodes. S2E1-3+7-8: the antagonist regularly visits the woman he raped and got pregnant, to connect with their son despite her clear disconfort and protest. S2E2: the rapist from S1E1 experiences an introspective moment making him realize that he 'violates women's bodies' because he cannot accept his own. S2E3: the rapist from S1E1 makes amend for his behaviour to his victim in order to regain his job: she rebuffs him. S2E4: a main male character tries to kiss a recurring female character when she is vulnerable. She rebuffs him. The rape of a female character by the antagonist is mentioned. S2E5: the rapes committed by two recurring male characters are mentioned. S2E8: the sexual assault from S1E1 is mentioned. S3E1: two character have sex in public bathrooms, and at some point, the reaction of the man makes it dubious that he is enjoying how rough it gets. In the opening of the episode, a man is accidently killed by someone (with the superpower to shrink) who entered his urethra with his consent for sexual purposes. It is mentioned that the main characters are often involved in situations with "dead prostitutes". S3E2: the fact that one male character was molestd by another male character when he was a teenager is mentioned several times. The victim denies it happened. S3E3: in the opening of the episode, the antagonist is naked and his female superior walks into his room. He tells her not to mind and to go along, despite her clear uncomfort, especially when he has an erection. The rapist from S1E1 gains his job back, meaning the survivor (the main female character) have to work his him. A woman forces a man to speak by crushing his testicles with her knee. A man hits on a woman despite her clear disinterest: she rebuffs him. At the end of the episode, the antagonist forces the main female character to pretend she is his girlfriend in public. S3E4: at two different moments in the episode, the antagonist makes inappropriate comments to women. One main female character is forced to pretend to be a prostitute in order to kill a man. We see other women already with him in the room. She kills him before anything happens. S3E5: one character mentions an 'underage prostitute' (implying he may have had sex with one when he was younger). S3E6: One character coming from the 1980s makes elogious comments about Bill Cosby. A female character mentions that her political adversaries made deepfakes videos of her giving oral sex to Usama Bin Laden. The last part of the episode takes place at an orgy: - the main cast is visibly uncomfortable to be there; - two characters are greeted by the giant penis of a man; - one man accidentally receives semen on his body against his will; - the rapist from S1E1 has sex with an octopus: the female lead takes a picture of him against his will.; - it is discussed that the host of the orgy put a camera in the toilet to film his guests' genitalia without their consent (footage of a man's private parts is shown). S3E7: flashbacks show how one of the main male character was abused by his violent father when he was a child. The rapist from S1E1 pressures his wife to have a threesome with an octupus. He gets angry when she leaves after having tried to go along with it. S3E8: it is reminded that one character had sex with an octopus, and that the antagonist raped a woman. S4E1: a woman is non-consensually sent an explicit photo of an anus under the guise that it is something she has requested to see. S4E4: a man mentions that when he was a young teen, he was caught masturbating by an older man, and subsequently the older man gave him a related nickname in order to sexually humiliate the child. A man is forced to masturbate in front of a group of people, under threat of injury and/or death. He is taunted while he does this, and later grievously injured and then killed for his perceived "failure to perform". There is a brief mention of an unnamed young teen runaway being used by a company to incubate a baby. She did not survive the birth, and was likely coerced into the entire situation given her vulnerable status. S4E4: an inappropriate reltionship between an adult woman and a young boy is discussed (around 27 minutes in). S4E6: while pretending to be somebody else, a character has to partake in various BDSM activities to avoid blowing his cover. The scene is played humourously but the character is clearly distressed by the situation. Later, when the character has his cover blown, another character threatens to injure him and sexually assault him via his wounds: they are interrupted before this can happen, but we do see the character restrained and struggling while his attacker prepares to assault him. This particular scene is very vivid and distressing, played far more seriously than the previous scenes.
The Bra (Movie)
Worthy of note: early in the film, armed robbers break into the characters' home and attack the mother and her son. The mother is not raped, but there is certainly fear that it could happen.
Brain Damage (Movie)
A woman opens a man's trousers and a monster jumps into her mouth, simulating a penis. This scene intended to directly recall oral rape. A man kisses a woman deeply and the monster jumps into her mouth; she struggles to push the man off as the monster kills her.
The hosts occasionally discuss recent news, sometimes including allegations made against celebrities. They always condemn any sexual assault or abuse discussed.
Braindead (Movie)
In addition to an attempted rape, sexual harassment and mentions of sexual assault, this movie features bestiality and necrophilia mentions.
Brainscan (Movie)
Worthy of note: the main character films his female neighbour (his love interest) naked. He thinks he is doing it without her consent but she actually knows about it and is into it,
A woman is hypnotized and has sex with the titular character against her will. She cannot remember what happened after. A man is held down while three female vampires perform sexual acts and eventually feed on him against his will.
S1E1: a movie producer tries to seduce a writer/director. She says no and he retaliates. A director attacks a woman and threatens her by choking her and violently pushing her down.
Brass Eye (TV Show)
This satirical news programme, which targets the way the media handle stories, contains an episode about paedophilia scaremongering.
Brat (Movie)
A woman is beaten and raped off-screen by two men (1:12:30): we see them ripping off her clothes and then the smiling face of their boss watching the scene. Throughout the film, it is implied that this woman is beaten by her husband, with a scene of domestic violence in one of the final scene (which it stopped by her lover). Early in the film, two men catcall a woman in a bus.
Brave (Movie)
Worthy of note: thel premise of the story is to find a suitor for the main protagonist against her will.
Brave New World (TV Show)
The basis of this show is that there are different classes to the society, which are forced to fulfill the roles given to them. One of the social classes primary job is to engage sexually and give pleasure to the higher up class of people. While it is not violently enforced and no obvious discomfort is shown by the characters, it is implied and talked about that they have no other choice but to never say no to any sexual advances. S1E8: the main protagonist has angry, demeaning sex with his lover after he secretly watched her have sex with another man without her knowledge. This scene was made to show dominance from the main character "punishing" his lover.
Braveheart (Movie)
A man attempts to rape a woman, she fights him off and escapes. One king institutes a "prima nocta", meaning that lords have the right to sex with any woman on her wedding night. In one instance, a lord is seen coming to claim this "right": her husband fights the soldiers but she stops him and goes with the lord, as otherwise they would both probably be killed. Nothing is shown on-screen but it is made clear that the woman is raped, and it is implied that this happens to many other women. This is referenced several times throughout the film.
A pregnant woman is kidnapped and forced to undergo a gynecological exam against her will (off-screen), and is threatened with a forced abortion. A prison inmate must undergo a cavity search outdoors for the purpose of humiliation (off-screen). A prison inmate threatens a man that he will let the other inmates rape him.
Brazil (Movie)
A woman is grabbed by the shoulders and is forcefully guided out of a building. She then yells at the man who grabbed her for the nonconsensual touch. There is no sexual charge to the action, the man is leading a woman away from danger.
Breach (Movie)
In the opening scene, a man makes a comment towards an 11 year-old girl saying that she is old enough to marry.
A woman discusses the fact that she got married to a grown man when she was 14. On a number of occasions, a drunk man behaves in sexually aggressive and threatening ways towards her, and she tries to avoid him.
There is a scene in which a teenage boy hastily hides under a table, ending up between the legs of a teenaged girl. He moves his face further between her legs with clear sexual intent. It is suggested that she traps his head between her legs to stop him until he can come out of his hiding place. In another scene, the same is girl pressured into admitting she is a virgin by the group (composed of three teenage boys and one other teenage girl). Also worthy of note: in the same scene, the other girl tells the group how she had sex with her male therapist and several other men. She later says that that none of this is true, claiming she said it because she is a compulsive liar, though it is heavily implied that she simply wanted to make the others uncomfortable.
There is an imaginary sequence that includes the rape of a servant by their employer. It is implied that the transgender main character becomes a sex worker as a last resort in order to survive. A man, expecting the main character to be a sex worker, attempts to rape her and strangles her with a necklace. She then escapes from his car by spraying perfume in his face. It is also of note that there is a lot of violence and brutality toward the transgender protagonist, perpetrated by people who have power over her in some way. This mistreatment includes parental child abuse and abuse by implied romantic partners and police.
Breaking In (Movie)
Towards the end of the movie, one of the antagonists tries to rape the protagonist's daughter, but he is stopped.
Breaking Bad (TV Show)
S2E1: a character forcefully attempts to initiate sex with his wife. He stops after she screams for him to stop. S2E7: sexual harassment is mentioned in details (30:00-30:33). S4E3: a man finds his house filled with people high on drugs. As soon as he enter, we hear a guy chastising a woman he is raping to 'do better'. She is clearly high on meth and unable to consent or fight back: we see a split-second view of her sweating face as she turns her head back and forth (as though she is saying no), followed by a split-second view of her clawing at his arms and back, possibly struggling in vain to get him to stop. No one intervenes because they are either drunk, high, dancing, or beating other people up (21:59-22:54). There is another brief yet blocked shot of the guy on the floor, his pants around his ankle while the girl's feet keep kicking. S5E2: it is implied at the end of the episode that a character engages in sexual activity with his wife and that she is too afraid of him to refuse to comply.
The main plot revolves around a married woman who turns to prostitution to feed the sexual fantasies of her critically injured and bedridden husband.
Breakthrough (Movie)
Breathe (Movie)
The author includes a trigger warning in the beginning, which includes lack of consent, both sexually and medically. The incident referenced by the author is a scene where the protagonist is making out with a boy who keeps touching her in ways that she is uncomfortable with. He makes ableist, objectifying comments about her body while he does so. The protagonist later sees this boy and is so uncomfortable that she has to leave.
Brew House (Movie)
Brick (Movie)
The Bride (Movie)
The protagonist, a vampire, is all but forced into a marriage with a werewolf to improve political relations between their two species. However, it is not expected that they have sex, and the marriage is only intended to last 1 year. As their relationship does become sexual, both parties explicitly refuse to initiate anything without enthusiastic consent.
A mad scientist shows a set of miniature human figures he has made. One of the miniature humans he has made is a King, another is a Queen. The King expresses strong feelings for the Queen which she explicitly rejects. At one point the King escapes from the glass jar he is in to try and get with the Queen. He harasses her, coming up to the jar she is in, banging on the glass. The Queen does not like this and wants him to go away. Eventually the mad scientist picks up the King and puts him back in his jar.
Bride Killa (TV Show)
One zombie character essentially "feels up" a woman (without her consent).
A ghost character is revealed to have been gang raped (40:00-41:30).
Bridgerton (TV Show)
S1E1: attempted rape (49:00-50:00) and physical violence from a man towards the female lead. S1E6: on-screen rape, where the wishes of a man not to have children are disregarded by the female lead, his wife (48:00-54:55). This rape of a Black man by a white woman is presented as a midsunderstanding between husband and wife. The victim is blamed because he 'lied' to his wife. Season 2: no rape depicted or mentioned. Worthy of note: the female lead, who is in a relationship with a 29-year old man, is 21.
The protagonist comments on the inappropriate sexual comments and occasional grabbing she experiences from a family friend.
A male character slaps a female's behind while she bends over. She objects and they discuss whether he had any kind of permission.
Bright (2017) (Movie)
There is passing mention of "pederasty" in a list of dangers to children in the last chapter.
Brightburn (Movie)
There is a creepy scene where a young boy sneaks into a young girl's room and she calls him a "pervert" later during gym class: there is no menace or danger.
Brimstone (Movie)
There is an explicit and violent rape scene, which a young character is forced to watch.
Bring It On (Movie)
There is a lot of catcalling directed at the cheerleaders, who are in high school, by their fellow students and by adults. The male cheerleaders delight in being able to touch the female cheerleaders inappropriately during cheer routines. There is a scene where an adult choreographer assesses the cheerleaders' bodies in a very demeaning way. A male cheerleader sticks his thumb up a female cheerleader's skirt and she is clearly uncomfortable with it: her teammates victim blame her (34 minutes in).
The protagonist's mother is threatened with rape. It is implied that the main character may have been raped before another character intervenes, but this is not clear.
Towards the beginning of the book, a group of men make harassing comments to a main female character.
This entry is about volumes 1-5.
Broad City (TV Show)
The sexual relation between a female adult and a male teenager takes place in only one episode (she finds out about his age only after).
About halfway through the movie (during the male anchor's first news story about date rape), a woman describes her rape in detail.
It is implied that a man is involved in the trafficking of teen girls. Later, a character mentions that her ex was found with 14 year old girls.
Broadchurch (TV Show)
Rape is a recurring theme throughout the entire show. Some men discuss the drugging of a woman with the intention of raping her. There is one instance where a woman tell others that she is willing to have men rape her to get her son back. In various instances, married men are shown engaging in sexual acts with teenagers. A woman discusses how her husband used to regularly rape their daughter. In another instance, a man confesses his 'love' for an 11-year-old boy. S2E4: a woman is assaulted (choked) against a wall by a man. She begins to undo his belt and take off his pants in the hope that he will let her survive if she performs sexual favors. Season 3: the crimes of a serial rapist are a major plot-point throughout the season.
Brokat (TV Show)
S1E1 features a woman sleeping with a woman for espionage purpose. Pictures of her are taken without consent. She may also be being blackmailed to do it. Another prostitute has to sleep with a client despite not wanting to, because she hit a guy and has to make up for it. There is also an attempted rape on-screen.
One of the protagonists initiates anal sex with his wife without making any effort to gain consent or even indicate that that is what he was going to do. She looks visibly surprised and uncomfortable but this brief scene is not depicted as violent or forced.
The main witch in the series leaves out Adela tea, which is used as an enhancement drug during sex, for the main character to consume who does not know what this tea is and what its effects are on a person. The main character is then painfully sexually aroused and the love interest finds her in this state as the witch wanted. At first the love interest refuses to engage to due dubious consent, then explains what is going on in detail. After the main character insists the love interest takes the tea as well and they engage in sexual activities. The main character does not seem to regret these activities and the witch is told off for her actions by the love interest but it isn't much. There is also a lot of domestic violence in this book and mentions of still births.
A female character enters a relationship with a millionaire because of her economic situation, and he beats her when she expresses reluctance to have sex with him.
Broken Trail (Movie)
The plot revolves around rescuing young women from being trafficked into prostitution.
Worthy of note: the premise of this book is that it is a romance about a married couple on the rocks trying to repair their relationship. Early on the man in the relationship kisses his wife before she is really ready to accept affection from him on two separate occasions. His friends had already warned him not to kiss her or even see her yet.
A Bronx Tale (Movie)
Young men try to get the attention of two young women who are walking on the opposite side of the street. A male character describes a “test” that he uses on potential girlfriends, which involves physically forcing his date’s face down to his lap.
The Bronze (Movie)
It is revealed that the main antagonist got his student pregnant (1:34:29). The protagonist and the antagonist have sex, but the protagonist got drunk by influence of the antagonist (1:13:30).
The Brood (Movie)
Brooklyn (Movie)
Brooklyn 45 (Movie)
Throughout the series, in a briefing room containing a wall with crime statistics, the word "rape" is visible in the background. It is not present in every episode. Throughout the show, a woman makes various (often sexualised) comments about the appearance of a man who she works with, who makes it clear that he is married and faithful to his wife. S1E5: a man makes an inappropriate sexual comment to a woman he works with, and spanks a man he works with without his consent. S1E6: it is mentioned that a man was arrested for groping multiple women without their consent. S1E13: a stripper is hired to give a lap dance to somebody who is clearly uncomfortable with the situation. S2E23: a woman touches a man's body, under the pretence of frisking him, in an excessively slow and drawn out fashion which may imply/evoke sexual undertones. S3E2: a man implies that he has been accused/guilty of workplace sexual harassment in the past. S3E10: a woman agrees to help a friend, on the condition that he secures for her a picture of one of their colleagues naked. S6E6: a woman defends herself against sexual assault and the protagonists work on her case. Lots of discussion of assault and harassment and the consequences of speaking up follow. S8E1: mention of a woman being assaulted (hanlded sensitively).
Bros (Movie)
There are a few awkward sex scenes or awkward threesomes/foursomes with people who get uncomfortable or leave, but it is not an issue of consent, but rather emotional discomfort.
Brother Bear (Movie)
Near the end of the movie, rape of prisoners is mentioned.
Brotherhood (TV Show)
A rival gang member comes in to intimidate a main character by raping a member of his crew, warning the same will happen to him if he does not do what was asked (42:00-43:00). The rapist holds his victim against a sink, demanding he be quiet if he does not want to be shivved, then inserts himself while his victim clearly tries not to yell out and remain "strong".
Brothers (Movie)
Child sexual abuse is only implied/spoken about as something in the character’s past: nothing is shown on screen. It is the same with the implied rape.
A greasy man leans next to a woman, talking to her ears; the way of talking did come of with sexual undertone. A woman is held hostage by the greasy man, but nothing happens. A woman gets kissed while she is asleep; this is supposed to be a "true love kiss". A man is enchanted by a witch as she whispers in his ears in sexually manner.
The Brothers Sun (TV Show)
Worthy of note: there is a ritual where young women must "open to" a man called Papa Legba at the beginning of the movie. It goes on for several minutes and it is very disturbing in a metaphorical way. It is also present throughout the rest of the film with PTSD-style flashbacks.
The titular character uses his superpowers to blow wind in order to lift the skirt of a woman in the street.
In Bruges (Movie)
Bruiser (Movie)
A boss makes frequent sexual advances towards his female employees.
Bruno Reidal (Movie)
This film, based on a true story, is about a boy explaining how he became a murderer. The protagonist, a 16 year old boy, is asked to explain how he was sexually assaulted by an older man when he was younger. The scene is shown as a flashback with the boy's explanation as a voiceover: the older man forces him to lie down and masturbates him. This is implied to be a pivotal moment, leading to the boy's compulsions to kill young boys to whom he feels sexually attracted.
Btooom! (TV Show)
Bu Su (1987) (Movie)
Bubba Ho-Tep (Movie)
Bubble Bath (Movie)
The main male character acts a little aggressive towards a female character in proclaiming his love for her and she does npt want it, yet he continues to plea to her. Later, the same character shoves his head in her breasts by surprise. Another female character remarks at point about having been in a relationship with an adult man at 14.
Buccaneers (TV Show)
There is an ongoing relationship between an older woman who is a full grown adult, and a young man: it feels like he did not know what he was doing. He tries to tell his mom that she took advantage of him, and she knew. She tells him to stop wallowing. He is clearly stressed. S1E2 features a man telling a woman to take off her dress slowly while he watches but she does not seem to want to. He then goes away and calls her butler to tell her that he has gone to bed: the butler walks in on her naked. S1E6: the former abuse is mentioned again.
Buckout Road (Movie)
Buddies (Movie)
Buddy Daddies (TV Show)
The mother of a child says that she was 'taken advantage of' by the father (a customer) and that she detested her child. A photo is shown of a dead woman on a chair: there is no hint that the torture was of sexual nature.
Buffalo '66 (Movie)
A man's father inappropriately hugs his girlfriend without her consent while saying "daddy really loves you" (26:23). You can see that she is visibly uncomfortable with that experience. The male character's father inapproriately hugs her again without her consent while burying his head in her chest (48:17): she is again visibly uncomfortable. The same cahracter tells the woman to "give daddy a big kiss" while kissing her on her cheeks without her consent (50:48).
Buffaloed (Movie)
The main female character accuses a main male character of being a sketchy old guy who assaults little girls. The main female character is groped on the bottom by a male character: she flips him and yells at him. There is also an older man stalking the female teenage main character throughout the movie.
S1E4: a monster disguised as a teacher imprisons boys with the intent to breed with and murder them. S1E6: attempted rape. S2E2: threat of assault. S2E5: episode plot is a metaphor for rape/sexual assault - villains use methods which are evocative of those used by real-life predators. S2E13: the main character (just turned 17) has consensual sex with a vampire more than 200 years older than her. They also have a relation prior to this. S2E19: relationship between teacher and student. S2E20: attempted rape, victim-blaming, threat of assault. A gang rape is attempted, and another is referenced and played for laughs. S3E1: a man gropes the protagonist. S3E10: the language used preceding a murder is evocative of the language used by real-life predators. S3E15: sexual assault. S4E7: strongly implied attempted rape, eventually played for laughs. S4E16: two female characters swap bodies. One of them has sex with the other's boyfriend, who does not know about it. He is later blamed for it. S6E2: a demon says that he is going to rape the main character. S6E13: antagonists create a device that can turn women into compliant slaves and attempt to use it on an ex-girlfriend. S6E19: attempted rape at the 22:18-25:26 mark. A man violently assaults the main protagonist because he wants to be in a relationship with her. She repeatedly states that she does not want this throughout the duration of the assault. She fights him off and, realising 'what he's done,' leaves. The protagonist is already vulnerable due to a back injury when the assault occurs, and her attacker is aware of this. The vampires in the show are presented as sadistic and evil and it is heavily implied that they rape some of their victims. A number of their on-screen attacks are clear metaphors for sexual assault. One of the main romances in the show occurs between a teenager and an adult. Their romance starts when the female lead is 16 and the male character is over 200 (he looks like he’s in his mid-20s), and their sexual relationship starts when she is 17.
Bug (Movie)
A main plot point of this film is that the main character is in an abusive relationship and there are several depictions of domestic violence.
Bug Buster (Movie)
A man mentions that his mother was raped when she was a child. A professor makes suggestive comments to a woman who had been one of his graduate students. A man lurks outside the window several times while a young woman is bathing.
A Bug's Life (Movie)
Bugsy Malone (Movie)
Early in the film, the titular character is pushy towards the main female character. At some point, a female character hits on the titular character despite his clear disinterest: she ends up kissing him on the forehead.
Bulbbul (Movie)
The film contains a graphic on-screen rape after the 1 hour mark.
Bull (TV Show)
S1E3: the episode involves the defense of a survivor of sexual assault from a murder charge. Her assault is never discussed in detail, but it is the premise of the episode. S1E11: the episode revolves around a sexual relationship between a teacher and a student and the court case litigating it. The relationship is not discussed explicitly, nor is it shown explicitly
Bull Shark (Movie)
Bullet Head (Movie)
Bullet Train (Movie)
One young woman pretending to be held hostage by an older man says that the said man threatened to do "horrible things" to her (which is not true).
There is a passing mention of sexual harassment in work settings.
Bully (2001) (Movie)
Bulworth (Movie)
Bumblebee (Movie)
There is a weird relationship between siblings, mostly in season 1. Worthy of note: a character is a pedophile and the caretaker of a young girl, and his affection towards her can therefore be unsettling.
Bunk'd (TV Show)
There are constant scenes of a girl romantically perusing a boy despite his negative responses, and it has the potential to upset or make some viewers uncomfortable.
Rape scene also features unsimulated sexual intercourse.
This film contains gratuitous sexual violence scenes. Some are portrayed as a joke and lot of the sexual content in the movie has undertones of sexual assault, even if not otherwise explicit.
Bunnyman (Movie)
One of the killers rapes a victim who is bent over a table.
A man sexually assaults a woman who is tied to a mattress with chains.
The Burbs (Movie)
Burden of Proof (TV Show)
Burden of Truth (TV Show)
A character is revealed to have had a sexual relationship with a underage girl: she ends up pregnant and raising her child.
Throughout the series, female characters are often put in tense situations, at the mercy of masculine enemies. In season 4, an episode features former women slaves of ISIS. There is a brief discussion of their sufferings (not explicit), especially of one woman who became mute after her traumatic experiences. In season 5, a man makes repeated inappropriate comments and sexually threatening remarks at a woman who is forced to work with him (first episodes). Near the end of the season, he takes advantage of a tense situation to grope her.
Burial (2022) (Movie)
Soldiers discuss the "spoils of war" before leaving camp to find women. A bar maid is taken to a barn and presumably raped: we hear her screams and briefly see her fighting her attacker before escaping. A man then tries to rape the female soldier that stopped him, but he is stopped.
Burlesque (Movie)
Burn (Movie)
The relevant scene occurs between the 40:00 and 44:00 minute marks.
Both female protagonists are harassed by a group of men in a shop. They began threatening them with sexual assault before one of the women drives them off by running and acting crazy.
Burn Notice (TV Show)
Worthy of note: during the entire film, a character is very pushy towards every women he meets.
Burning (Movie)
A man goes into a woman’s apartment to feed her cat while she is away, and he masturbates there without her knowledge. A man berates a woman for removing her shirt and angrily calls her a “prostitute”.
A man creeps on women and watches them in the shower. A man tries to force a women into sexual activities while swimming. Another woman has to tell another man no repeatedly in the forest. During sex, a women has to repeatedly tell her boyfriend to stop and slow down, although the sex is consensual.
The main protagonist is regularly beaten by her husband and is raped by him one night offscreen.
Burning Cane (Movie)
The relevant scene occurs on pages 171-172.
Burning Days (Movie)
Roughly halfway into the film, a rape occurs off-screen. From this point onwards the plot revolves heavily around the assault.
A man stands over a teenage boy mastrubating. The sound wakes the boy up, who is disturbed. The man asks if he wants to give him a blowjob for money: the boy does not.
A character worries that a sound in the night is a man coming in her home "to do what men do." Later on, her mother is robbed and sexually harassed. Guards in a prison clinic in the book are notorious for sedating women prisoners and raping them. A mob of men rape the wife of a Muslim neighbor they are targeting before murdering them both.
The authors reference catcalling, as well as statistics about rape and sexual assault.
As a husband and wife are swimming together, the man tries to initiate sexual contact, but she declines and leaves the pool. He then kisses her on the lawn and pins her on the ground, trying to initiate sexual contact again. She screams and begs for him to stop, but he continues to kiss and touch her. He eventually lets her go.
A woman is forcibly stripped and pinned down as part of a ritual Another woman is stripped by a group of people who are searching her.
Bus Stop (Movie)
The movie involves a woman who is kidnapped and forced into marriage. She is subject to threats, physical violence, and stalking.
The whole series centers around a romantic relationship between a boss and an employee. S1E5-6: a woman discovers a hidden camera in her home that a man has placed there for voyeuristic purposes. No explicit footage is shown. The woman is traumatized afterwards, imagining eyes watching her when she tries to use a public bathroom. This is called "molka" in South Korea, and is an important social issue that a lot of Korean media talks about. S1E7: the same woman gets drunk and kisses a man she is been pursuing. He is ostensibly sober, and reciprocates. When we next see her, she is awake in his bed the next day. Until S1E8, she avoids the man, too embarrassed to admit that she does not recall having sex with him night before (there are scattered, unclear flashbacks), and worried about "hurting his pride" (because she cannot remember having sex with him). They ultimately reunite, and i i's strongly implied they have sex again (while both sober). The show does not portray this as rape, or as in any way wrong.
Worthy of note: one character awakens to another masturbating beside them in bed. The film takes place largely in a conversion therapy camp for lesbian and gay teenagers, which include some uncomfortable activities like acting out intercourse. A character is descreibed offhand as being molested as a child (around 51 minutes into the movie).
This anime is about a race named Yesma (All women) who are slaves and find freedom when they reach 16 years old. S1E8 : a 16 year-old slave is caught by two men. We see them on top of her and one of them putting up their pants (15:15). S1E9: villains say that they raped a slave for a couple of days before killing her (12:30).
A main character pretends to rape his girlfriend.
Butchers (Movie)
Male captors speak suggestively to women when they get them tied up, and grope them while searching them for phones/wallets. There is a wall full of photos of naked women. One of the women that has been held captive for a while is pregnant by the two men who kidnapped her.
The rape of a slave woman by her owner is implied; screams are heard.
Butt Boy (Movie)
The premise of the film is that a man has an addiction to inserting objects, animals, and children in their entirety into his rectum. The film never shows this act on screen but heavily implies it using editing. It is implied that the man is sexually satisfied by the act of anal vore but this movie does not sexualized minors.
As children, two of the main characters are forced into filming child pornography by one of their fathers (who is implied to assault one of them). This scene is referenced in flashbacks and memories repeatedly, but the actual act is not shown. There are heavy insinuations of rape while the main character is in prison. Another man grabs his penis without consent which results in a fight and the main character getting beaten for fighting against it (01:09:00). The perpetrator continues to insinuate that at night, the main character will get raped.
In the beginning of the film, a man is receiving oral sex from someone he assumes is his girlfriend, but is one of the villains of the movie.
A couple tries to use rape as roleplay but the scene is interrupted and it firstly looks like an attempted rape. The main protagonist's sister is in love with him and tries to kiss him without his consent.
A molester is briefly mentioned.
The author discusses the following: the history of slaveholders raping enslaved women and justifying it by painting the latter as hypersexual; the racist sexual harassment that Sarah Baartman experienced; and the fact that parts of Baartman's body were amputated, embalmed, and put on display in museums for almost two centuries after she died.
A character recalls punching someone in a bar who touched his friend in appropriately.
The movie is about the sexual abuses of a priest on young children: pedophilia is thus the main theme of the film. Some flashbacks show the moments before the crimes, but nothing graphic is depicted.
Bye, Bye Love (Movie)
Children are forced into prostitution, though nothing explicit is shown. A character is assaulted by a man implied to be her father.
Cabaret (Movie)
A man describes how he has just raped his partner (although he does not recognise it as such). The movie uses it as a turning point for her to fall in love with him. There is also whistling/catcalling and grabbing of female cabaret performers.
A male character gropes a female character beneath a blanket while she is asleep. This results in the discovery that she has been infected by the movie's flesh-eating virus. The same character later observes a woman undressing without her consent or knowledge until he is caught by the woman's husband.
A man discusses having sex with his cousin in somewhat graphic terms.
The characters believe what they are doing is consensual, but they are in fact being manipulated without their knowledge, which makes the consent dubious.
A man enters the house of a sleeping woman with the intent of killing her: he stops at the last moment and decides to kidnap her. Pursued by a crowd, he eventually leaves her: she wakes up traumatized.
Cable Girls (TV Show)
One of the main protagonist escapes an attempted rape by a group of men. One of the main protagonists mistakes her husband's twin brother for her husband and keeps trying to have sex with him, despite him saying no multiple times, until he gives in. The scene is not violent.
The Cable Guy (Movie)
One male character (Chuck Berry), gets arrested and imprisoned for transporting a 14-year old girl for prostitution, which is one of the many sexual abuses committed by the actual Chuck Berry (particularly with minors).
Cafe Minamdang (TV Show)
Major plotlines in this show are about sex trafficking and other sex crimes. It is never graphic, but violence against women and girls is central (including at least one woman being the victim of a serial killer). All of the main protagonists are disgusted by violence against women and are hunting down the perpetrators. Teenage girls are being trafficked to older men. A teenage girl dies while she is being raped, presumably as the result of drugs. We see small sections of a video of this. The video mostly concerns the death and the coverup, and not much else is shown. Young women are forced to do sexual streams for drugs. We see a very brief clip of a woman dancing provocatively in one of these streams. We also see this woman being beaten. A teenage girl is forced to strip in front of a group of adults. We see sections of a video of this so that the characters can try to identify the adults in the room. There is no nudity shown. Discussion of a child being raped as the motivation for murder.
Calamity Jane (Movie)
Calcutta 71 (Movie)
Worthy of note: there is a running joke where a son keeps walking in on his mother in various states of undress. There is a point in the film where the women are unaware that an advert they will be filming will necessitate them being naked.
Calibre (Movie)
Characters discuss the fact that one of the main characters had ostensibly consensual sex with a woman, but did so having given her cocaine. This is a point of contention during the movie.
At the bar, a woman is grabbed from behind by her male friend. She asks him multiple times to let her go but he is drunk and does not do so. He whispers a sexual request into her ear before they are interrupted by the main protagonist. Later, the woman defends her friend's behaviour.
Californication (TV Show)
The main character sleeps with an underage girl without realizing she was underage.
In one scene, the titular character rapes both a bride and her groom. The sexual relationship between the protagonist nd his sister is a major plot point in the movie.
Caliphate (TV Show)
S1E3: a woman is raped at gunpoint by her husband's friend before she stabs him (1:20-4:05). She is blamed for the rape. As a backstory, a female office worker is being punished at work for reporting what is implied to be sexual harassment. Another woman is hit by her husband multiple times throughout the show.
In two scenes a man changes the appearance of two teen girls to look more like his dead sister: we see him tie a girl's hands to a chair and wash her hair while he hums and licks her face, and he then cuts her blouse off to reveal a bra and moderate cleavage and abdomen. For the rest of the film, the girl remains only in jeans and a bra. We see photos of a teen boy kissing his sister on the mouth as she receives chemotherapy.
Call (2020) (Movie)
Call of Duty 2 (Video Game)
Call Jane (Movie)
Worthy of note: there are scenes including the torture/exorcism of a young woman, as well as kidnapping and torture of a child, but none of this has a sexual element.
The main romantic relationship of this film is between a 17-year-old boy and a 24-year-old man, who is a student of the boy's father. Although the relationship is presented as healthy, with the younger boy being extremely persistent and the relationship itself being very brief, some viewers may find the age difference to be disturbing or upsetting. During a scene by a lake, there is non-consensual touching.
The central plot of this book revolves around a teenage boy who is involved in a romantic and sexual relationship with an adult man.
Call the Midwife (TV Show)
This series features child and adult prostitutes throughout. S2E5: a locally known actor gropes and tries to kiss a nurse while on a date. She pushes him away and escapes. The scene is brief and it is acknowledged that what he did was wrong. Their date was a quid pro quo, in which it was implied that if the nurse refused, the actor would not appear as a judge in a contest for the fair (he backs out of the agreement as a result). S5E6: multiple women are grabbed from behind and brutalized (faces beaten and bitten on the neck.). It is not clear if the first two survivors were raped, but is confirmed the third was not. S6E1: a heavily pregnant women is sexually assaulted by her husband, who then tells her he will be going to a prostitute because they can "give it to him better" with less fuss. S6E9: a woman recounts being raped weekly by her father until she was 15, when she became pregnant and was subsequently kicked out of the house. Her mother was beaten by her husband and knew of the sexual abuse of her daughter, but did not intervene. The said woman was later pressured to rekindle her relationship with her mother by a titular character. S7 Christmas Special: it is implied that one patient used to be sexually abused as a child by a family member. S7E4: a 15 year-old girl is forced to marry an adult man who forces her to have sex and gets pregnant. S8E4: catcalling . S8E5: a male doctor forces a young woman's legs open for an exam without asking or even acknowledging her. He then inserts his fingers into her with no warning while she cries. All this happens while a half dozen male medical students look on and comment. She later describes it as "horrible". S9E1: a woman has scars on her back which were left from when her ex-husband beat her with his belt. S9E7: a husband physically intimidates his wife in a hospital ward, demanding she come home when she is not well. It is implied he abuses her. S10E7: a woman is threatened sexually by her landlord. S11E7: this episode is about a 15 year old mother. The fathers are old enough to drive, but do not seem to be adults. S12E3: a woman confesses to a nun that her husband rapes her. The beginning of a rape is depicting on-screen about 21 minutes into the episode: he pins her down after she said no and tells her "I'm not asking your permission". She starts to fight him and the camera panns to their daughter, who is outside their bedroom door listening as the husband rapes her. S13E7: previous abuse and beating by a husband is mentioned (35:15).
Call My Agent! (TV Show)
While not explicitly sexual, the relationship is between a 50-year-old and a 14-year-old and is framed in a very sensual way.
The Calling (Movie)
A creepy man who says that he is an alternative medicine physician visits the house of a woman whose daughter is sick (37:00). Once left alone with the girl, he makes her drink tea and puts his hand over her mouth and nose. Nothing sexual occurs. The protagonist makes an inquiry about a boy who was adopted. It is very subtly suggested he was abused (1:24:00).
At the beginning of the movie, it is told that an old man slipped into a young teenager's bed and raped her. The story revolves around revenge for this assault.
Calmos (Movie)
This anti-feminist film is about men who try to escape the constant sexual sollicitations of women. There are a lot of scenes where women sexually assault, threaten, coerce and rape men (often in gang rapes) off-screen and on-screen. In the last part of the movie, a sort of administration allows women to brainwash men and rape them 'industrially' (women queue to have sex with them): one woman is shown to be reluctant to this and being forced to do it. All of it is played for laughs. At some point, one character mentions that men enjoy seeing little girls' underwear, and shortly after, a young woman is shown engaging sex with a male teenager (they are stopped).
Calvaire (Movie)
Calvary (Movie)
In the opening scene, a character describes being sexually abused as a child by a priest. This conversation goes into extremely graphic detail. A female character is physically abused by her lover. She is seen with a black eye and bruises throughout the film, though these beatings occur off-screen. Despite graphic discussions and representations of physical and sexual violence, the content is handled thoughtfully and sensitively. Atonement, forgiveness and revenge are major themes of the movie.
Cam (2018) (Movie)
A scene involves a man grabbing the main protagonist (a sex worker) from a women's restroom and putting a hand over her mouth with an obvious threat of sexual violence. Throughout the movie, she is frequently shown in a vulnerable or dangerous position due to her work. The film also contains strong visuals implying childhood abuse.
One male character says that a stranger he just met will probably rape him and a female character (30:00). After two characters have consensual sex, the man's friend enters the room, while the woman is naked. The friend does not leave, takes off his shirt and moves toward them. The woman wants to leave, but the men laugh and are ominou: she is eventually able to leave (1:09:00). Later there is an ambiguous implication that something bad happened to the character when she was left alone, but it could be the interaction we see in which she felt threatened but was not assaulted.
Camp Camp (TV Show)
The book revolves around a conservative Christian gay conversion camp with unusually awful methods. Spiritual, psychological, and emotional abuse are common in the community.
Camp Dread (Movie)
The backstories of some of the contestants are: - someone who filmed and posted a sex video online without knowledge or consent of the people being filmed; - a 19-year old man who had sex with 17 year old girls; - a female contestant who was raped by her brother multiple times.
While a man is restrained, a man in paper mache type mask leans forward as if to kiss him, but no actual skin contact is made. The overall premise of the movie is about a young being kidnapped. No sexual abuse or assault is shown or implied at all, but some of the grooming type behaviors to lure the girl to make her apart of their family may be triggering.
Camp Rock (Movie)
Camp Wedding (Movie)
A group of masked men arrive at the camp and a woman thinks they're going to be raped and murdered. A man says that he saw a woman getting raped but she corrects him and says it was consensual.
Camp X-Ray (Movie)
A sexual assault takes place between a colonel and his female private officer. After she refuses to have sex with him, she loses her position in the army.
Many of the main characters are sex workers, but they have entered the profession consensually, as far as what's presented in the book.
The Canal (Movie)
There are mentions of demonic rape A woman is attacked by an entity in a way that mirrors sexual assault.
The author discusses victim-blaming as a concept and mentions the idea that women "ask for" rape.
The Candidate (Movie)
Candy (Movie)
A high school aged girl is put in various sexual scenarios with older men throughout the movie. There are three rape scenes, two rape attempts, several statutory incidents. The titular character is tricked into sex with her own father. As well as with a doctor convincing her he is "examining" her as his patient. Several instances of grabbing, touching, and cat-calling.
Candy (1968) (Movie)
The sexual violence in this movie is not handled sensitively and is made into a joke of sorts while the main character, who is only 18, continuously gets preyed upon by increasingly deranged, pervy older men, some of which force themselves upon her. The movie, labeled as a ‘comedy’, is about a naive girl who gets taken advantage of by older men, some of it forced, some while she is unconscious, and one even with her uncle and a masked man who turns out to be her father. The scene is particularly upsetting and some are violent because she is being forced to undress or is being touched upon while unconscious.
Candy Corn (Movie)
Candy Land (Movie)
Although nothing sexual is ever mentioned or shown, the entire film is a metaphor for child trafficking.
There is discussion of a young teen boy being sexually abused by his nanny. It is later revealed that he was obsessed with her and when she rejected him he lied and accused her of the abuse.
Two women are cat-called by a group of men in a 'bad' part of town. One of the themes of the movie is a sexual affair between a professor and his student. In a flashback, we learn of a young boy who was castrated.
A man jokes that if his lover dies, he would still want to have sex with her corpse.
The film contains at least 3 rape scenes. One ends with the victim being violently murdered by cannibals. There are also 2 scenes of vaginal impalement, all extremely graphic.
Canoa (Movie)
A teenage girl is coerced into taking nude photos, which are shared amongst her peers at school without her consent.
The Canyon (Movie)
One of the men in a group continuously hits on several of the women, even after they have asked him to stop multiple times.
The antagonist stalks and harasses a family and it is strongly implied he is intending to rape their underage daughter. There is a scene in which said girl is running and hiding from him when he follows her after school, and another scene towards the end of film where he physically assaults her mother.
Cape Wrath (TV Show)
S1E2: a male character dressed as a girl is assaulted on-screen by a man. The scene is very violent, with a belt being used to choke the victim.
Capernaum (Movie)
An 11 year old girl is married off to a man who appears to an adult. More generally, adults are shown to behave inappropriately towards children.
A man records one of the women in the camping group while she is changing in the tent.
A male soldier sexually harasses a female protagonist, who responds with a knee to the groin. A female character backs the male protagonist into a corner and kisses him. He appears uncomfortable and nervous throughout the encounter. The female character does not appear in the film outside of this scene.
Worthy of note: a character is brainwashed and left unable to viably consent to anything which happens to them. This character is shown tortured and midway through the brainwashing procedure. In order to evade detection by the antagonists, the female protagonist tells the male protagonist that they have to kiss. The male protagonist expresses his discomfort with the plan but the woman kisses him anyway. Later, the same woman jokes about his lack of skill/enthusiasm during the kiss.
Captain Conan (Movie)
Worthy of note: nearly all the female characters in the film are prostituted.
Captain Fall (TV Show)
S1E5: a captain asks out two women on the street with kids to have sex with him. Later he watches a female employees butt and slaps it unconsentionally. At another moment he makes a sexual "joke" while looking at another female employees ass and imitates jerking off while holding a sparkling wine bottle. In this episode he is confronted about the sexual harassment from the team. He fakes the rumorse and does not change his behaviour. In a conversation with his brother he (drunk) claims that the MeToo movement is coming after him and he is innocent. He was fired from this job and doesnt get another one. So he demands his brother to give him a new job on his ship, threatens him and later apoligizes.
A child asks the father what rape means: he explains it briefly in a factual way. It is a short moment that is not brought up again.
Captain Ron (Movie)
Torture is a major theme of this film. Flashbacks are shown, including one of a man forced beaten with his pants and underwear down, and glimpses of a naked woman panting on the floor.
Discussions regarding child grooming online and abusive relationships between adults and minors, as well as mentions of child sex trafficking and pedophile rings.
The above mentioned material appears in chapters 2-3, 6, and 11. It is never presented in a glorifying or romanticized way and the author is clearly condemning it.
Captive State (Movie)
The Capture (TV Show)
S1E2: about 20 minutes in, two police officers have a conversation about a historical case when hidden camera footage recorded a "semiconscious girl" being raped by a terrorist. Revealing that they had video proof of the rape would have compromised their hidden camera anti-terrorism operation. Because anti-terrorism cases are higher priority than rape cases, they kept the camera footage secret. It is implied that the rapist escaped without consequences. None of this is shown onscreen.
Caramel (Movie)
A man tries to rub his hand up his girlfriend's skirt, however she berates him because they are dining with her father-in-laws. A child witnesses the incident and innocently plays with the woman's skirt under the table. A woman gets an hymenoplasty because she had sex before her marriage.
Carancho (Movie)
Caravaggio (Movie)
Flashbacks from and discussions about the torture in Abu Ghraib, including sexual torture and sexual humiliation, are featured throughout.
S1E1: the sister of the male protagonist dresses him up like a girl (against his will). He runs away after and a man tries to hit on him, thinking he is a woman. He grabs him when the male protagonist tries to escape the situation.
Cargo (Movie)
A woman is kidnapped and held captive by a man.
Cargo 200 (Movie)
This movie is about the rape and the kidnapping of a young woman by a policeman. All of it starts at approximatley 21:00, when the woman is kissing with a young man in his car. at night He is drunk, pushy, and insists to go buy more alcohol. He brings her to an isolated farm where another drunk man lustfully looks at her. His wife tries to help her hiding, but another man finds her, sexually assault her, and kills another man who tries to help her. He then rapes her. on-screen and off-screen. The next morning, she is shown very distressed, saying that she is bleeding: the rapist takes her to his home, where he helds her captive (he lives with his crazy mother, who does nothing to help her). Later, he puts the corpse of the woman's boyfriend in the bed to which she is restrained. She is then once more raped on-screen by another man, before being forced to stay naked in bed with the rotting corpse of her boyfriend and one of her rapists, dead. A woman eventually comes to kill her captor, but she leaves her attached there (she previously victim blamed her). The captor of the woman, a policeman, is in charge of finding her once her disappearance has been noticed. We see him intervening to an emergency call from a woman who was apparently abused by her husband and his drunk friends.
Carmilla (TV) (TV Show)
Chapters 3+5: a kidnapped woman is threatened with rape if she does not cooperate, there is no actual or attempted assault. Chapter 34: a woman discusses a time from her early teen years when she was abused and raped by an older man, which led to a pregnancy then a miscarriage. The discussion is non-graphic.
Carnifex (Movie)
Carnival Row (TV Show)
S1E1: this episode contains frequent sexually denigrating comments about the fae creatures. Much brutality is shown, closing descriptions of assaults where sexual slurs are used. S1E2: attempted rape (26:30-27:13). S1E3: fae are referred to in sexually derogatory terms. One character has their fairy wings non consensually removed as a baby. A character convinces her best friend's great love to lie and say that that he is dead. S1E4: an inspector visits a witch for a spell and she insists that she needs his "seed" to complete the ritual. She suddenly blows smoke into his face that drugs him and makes him see his love interest instead of the witch. They make out and she pushes him onto the table and he passes out (around the 27 minute mark). When he awakens he has to tuck "himself" back into his pants. S1E8: it is revealed that someone has been having sex with their sibling without knowing she was his sister. A woman's brother watches her have sex without her knowledge. He then breaks into the house, threatening her and her lover at gunpoint.
A man pressues a woman into drinking and then makes repeated advances on her despite her clearly being uncomfortable.
Carnivale (2003) (TV Show)
S1E1: attempted rape of a woman by two men. S1E4: near the end of the episode, a scene shows an off-screen gang-rape followed by suicide. S1E9: graphic rape scene in a flashback. This season also includes an incestuous relationship between a brother and sister, and the off-screen rape and murder of a stripper (her mutilated corpse is shown on-screen).
Carniverous (Movie)
Carol (Movie)
Mention of an adult woman's relationship with a 17 year old boy.
Carrie (1976) (Movie)
A girl is laughed at by bullies while she is in the gym shower and experiences her first period. A woman mentions that a man “took her” and is emotional at first, but then says that she liked it.
Carrie (2013) (Movie)
Carrie Pilby (Movie)
The main character (a student) has a relationship with her teacher. There are several scenes where he uses predatory manipulation techniques and the relationship is quite clearly abusive.
S1E3: a woman comments how perfect a baby’s penis is (without sexual intent). A woman asks the female protagonist whether she can give milk and opens her kimono (no nudity is shown): she gets hit. S1E5: women are kidnapped and it is implied that they are to be sold. They are saved by the female protagonist. S1E6: a young girl peeks into a woman taking a bath to see whether she has the same mole as a wanted felon (no sexual intent), S1E13: a geisha is bought out and is forced to marry a man. However, she is saved by the female protagonist and escapes.
The Carrier (Movie)
Worthy of note: passengers are made to disrobe on the plane in front of others so they can be checked for infection.
Carrion (Movie)
Cars (2006) (Movie)
Cars 3 (Movie)
The book contains graphic and long descriptions of young slave being raped by her boss.
It is heavily implied that a police chief coerces women into sleeping with him in order to get exit visas. There is a threat of this to a woman who has stated to be under legal drinking age, even if it never happens because she obtains it another way.
Case 347 (Movie)
A woman has a miscarriage and is stated to have bruises on her arms and legs. It is implied that it is a result of her alien abduction.
The author references sexual violence on college campuses, rape threats against targets of harassment campaigns, white supremacist Frank Collin's molestation of young boys, and Milo Yiannopoulos being in favor of pedophilia.
The main protagonist is in love with an underage girl. There is also a man who is presumably gay who sexually harasses/assaults other characters.
The story revolves around vampire and the activity of blood sucking oftentimes have sexual overtones. Scenes with vampires sucking blood without consent may be uncomfortable. S1E3: a young woman is kissed by a young man without her consent and out of nowhere. The scene is portrayed romantically. S2E1: a teenage boy said that he killed a group of men because they mistook him for a girl and were sexually harassing him. S2E2: a woman who looks like a young girl sucks a naked young man’s blood without his consent. He struggled to resist but eventually, the woman was quickly stopped by another young man.
Casino (1995) (Movie)
Casino Royale (Movie)
A scene features James Bond being tortured, and it is heavily implied (although not shown on screen) that his genitals are being whipped with a knotted rope. Shouts of pain can be heard, and the main antagonist threatens to cut off his genitals but is interrupted by another assassin.
Casque D'Or (Movie)
The main protagonist is a prostitute, considered as mere merchandise by men. One of them forces her to have sex with him in exchange of a favour.
Cassandro (Movie)
Cast Away (Movie)
The movie contains stated offscreen sex between a teenage girl and a man in his thirties. There are also scenes of strong transphobia played as jokes.
As this is a documentary on an unsolved murder of a 6-year-old girl, there is a lot of speculation. Yet, the topics of child sexual abuse, incest and rape are discussed.
Castle (TV Show)
S2E3: a suspect is accused of coercing women into having sex with him in exchange for better job opportunities and interfere with it when they reject him. S6E20: throughout the episode, a man who believes is living in the 70's, makes sexists comments and sexualy harrasses (cat-calling, touching) all women around him, including the ones in authority positions.
Castle in the Clouds (Video Game)
After the main character chases the thief boss into a forest, she walks into a building where she is surrounded by men and then is raped on-screen. There is another scene where the antagonist gropes her breasts as compensation for saving her from being raped by the thieves, and she then asks him to stop. After returning to the forest, the thief boss asks her if she came back to the forest to "get raped again". Both scenes are presented in a fetishistic way and not handled sensitively.
Castle Freak (Movie)
The attempted rape concerns a child: the mother 'offers' herself to the rapist so the child is not abused.
Castle Rock (TV Show)
Castlevania (TV Show)
In the pilot (S1E1), a farmer in a tavern graphically complains to his cousin that he walked in on a strange man sexually abusing one of his goats. S1E3: a woman makes a brief comment about it being safer for her to wear masculine clothing when she travels. S3E9: a character emotionally manipulates and sexually coerces an enslaved character (kept locked in a cage, naked, beaten and walked around on a leash) into becoming her magically bound slave, unable to refuse her will without causing himself great pain. S3E10: the 'master' character jokes with her comrades about the assault and says that she intends to keep him as a sex slave. She refers to him as a child during this scene. She is a hundred year old vampire and he is a human man, so there is some clear age discrepancy as well. Season 4: the antagonist makes several jokes and references to the aforementioned assault throughout the season. In the end, the victim manages to escape and capture his assailant in return. The writing attempts to redeem her and he asks to keep her with him instead of punishing her. She kills herself rather than be captured and this is framed as a tragic scene. S4E4: a drunk man reaches out to grab at a woman walking past him. The woman beats him until he releases her.
Chapter 14: brief non-graphic mention of past rape.
The book contains a vivid description of a teenage girl being raped by an older man.
A woman is kinapped and brutally gang raped before being murdered.
Casualty (TV Show)
The Cat (Movie)
Cat Daddies (Movie)
Worthy of note : there are several points where jokes about sex are made in front of children.
Rape is not actually depicted in the play, but the last scene ends with the implication that one is about to occur.
Cat People (Movie)
A man kisses a woman who previously warned him that she would not like that. She turns into a panther and kills him.
A man tries to have sex with his sister and keeps trying to have sex with her even after rejected. He also mentions that their parents are siblings.
Worthy of note: the plot of the movie is about a girl who tries to get out of an arranged marriage with a cat.
A man rapes a main character after murdering her cat in front of her. A character kills a woman with a cat-shaped penis weapon.
Catacombs (Movie)
There is a mention of incest as part of a ritual.
In the opening scene, a character asks two people for directions and he is found to be masturbating. In the closing scene, one of the characters is grabbed while walking down the street.
Catch 22 (Movie)
A character proudly admits committing sexual assault.
Catch-22 (2019) (TV Show)
S1E5: a soldier rapes (on-screen) and kills (off-screen) a woman. Military police arrives at the scene (for another reason) but the rapist is not arrested. A witness accepts to cover up the crime, which is referred to throughout the episode. The rapist briefly appears again in S1E6. In parallel of the rape scene, another man (an American soldier) tries to talk with an Italian young girl, who wrongly thinks that he is asking her for sexual favours.
Catch Hell (Movie)
One character is kidnapped and drugged before being almost raped.
Worthy of note: the main character hires a prostitute and pays her with counterfeit cash. He is 16-17 years old and has sex with adult women who do not know that he is a teenager/minor.
In the first few chapters, the protagonist's childhood friend kisses her unexpectedly. She is uncomfortable and confused as a result. Later on, an adult character forces a kiss on the teenage protagonist. Another adult flirts with her, and another gets naked in front of her. There is mention that one character, who is an adult in the narrative of this book, was groomed into starting affairs with rich adult women when he was a 16 years old. As with the first book, a key part of the plot is the presumably primarily adult audience of the Hunger Games being deeply invested in the protagonist's performed romantic relationship with another character. The protagonist feels a lot of pressure to kiss him and perform romantic devotion to him even though she does not feel those feelings.
Catfight (Movie)
S1E1+7: rapes on-screen.
A marriage is arranged between an adult man and a fourteen year old girl. A teenage girl has a crush on her uncle and becomes jealous when he is interested in someone else.
Cats (Movie)
Cats (1998) (Movie)
Catskill Park (Movie)
A man gleefully talks about drugging and raping girls and that he has been arrested in the past but is apparently still doing it. It is played for laughs.
The Cave (Movie)
Caveat (2011) (Movie)
Caveat (2020) (Movie)
Caveman (Movie)
The protagonist tries to rape a woman in her sleep: all of his attempts fail, and this is played for humor. Later, the protagonist is caught by the woman's partner, who gropes and caresses the protagonist thinking he is his wife. There are multiple sexually-charged conversations throughout the story, such as a woman insistently asking the protagonist if he will have sex with her (albeit in a fictional caveman language) and blackmailing him when he does not return his affections. There are also some humorous scenes of a blind man accidentally sexually assaulting a dinosaur.
Ceddo (Movie)
A man mentions in kidnapping a woman that he does not intend to rape her. One man hopes to marry a woman who is his cousin.
Celia (Movie)
An adult man grabs an adult woman by the arms twice throughout the film and motions for a kiss but she removes herself from him before anything more happens.
The film revolves around a killer who kidnaps and tortures women by drowning them, preserving their skin and turning them into human dolls. Necrophilia is very heavily implied. Child sex abuse is discussed as the root cause of the killer's ways and is refuted by one of the main characters, who states that not everyone who was molested turns into a killer, implying that he was sexually abused as a child as well.
Cell (2016) (Movie)
The protagonist has a dream about a man receiving oral sex from a woman whose consent is unclear (48:00).
The Cellar (Movie)
Cells At Work! (TV Show)
One character has a poorly drawn tattoo of a topless lady, and another of a man masturbating to her. It is briefly seen and is more comedic than crude. There are several rape jokes.
Third story: a man rubs and spanks a woman who he has tied up in the garage.
Censor (Movie)
A violent rape scene is briefly shown within a movie the protagonist watches (the sounds are heard for a little longer). A producer makes advances on the protagonist at her workplace and later harasses her when they are alone in his house, but what was most likely an attempt at rape is thwarted very quickly.
Centaurworld (TV Show)
Center Stage (Movie)
Centipede! (Movie)
In the opening scene, a group of boys grab a boy who is showering and throw him infront of the school while he is naked. Students and teachers laugh at him. As an adult later in the film he gets flashbacks. In another scene, a man assumes a CIA officer is a 'strippergram' and shouts at her 'show us your tits' (but she gets revenge by tasering him).
Centurion (Movie)
A woman describes being stalked by a man which progresses until he rapes her. The scene is short but graphic. The narrator does not seem bothered by this experience, continuing her detached/inhuman persona.
S1E2: a female character buys drugs with the purpose of using them to take advantage of her roommate. Throughout the series, one female character repeatedly plays sexual jokes on other girls.
Cesar (Movie)
The main female character is kissed several times by male characters without being asked for her consent. She does not seem distressed. Worthy of note: two main characters repeatedly threaten and strangle teenage girls to oblige them to go to a party. This is played for laughs.
Worthy of note: throughout the movie, the protagonist (an elderly married man) lustfully watches the family's handmaid (a young woman). In the final scene of the movie, it is implied that they eventually engaged in a relationship.
A young man is helpful to a woman who is mid-abortion. She showers, leaving this relative stranger alone in her disabled teen daughter's bedroom. Later she touches him without asking if he wants to be intimate.
A 20 year old man and a 14 year old girl are in a romantic relationship. This is shown throughout the series. Sexualization of underage girls is present.
The book is set in a dystopian near future where incarcerated people can elect to enter competitions where they fight one another to the death for a chance to be set free. A few of the main characters were convicted of rape. One ended up in prison after killing a teacher who sexually assaulted her. Even when the characters are not in battle, many of their most intimate moments are filmed like a reality show feed. Two of the main characters are lesbians, and the cameras tend to focus a lot on their affection toward one another in a fetishistic manner. Female characters regularly receive "fan mail" that is harassing in nature: men who send unsolicited pictures of their genitalia, men who fetishize romantic relationships between women, backhanded compliments, etc.
Chain Letter (Movie)
Chained (Movie)
A man driving a taxi brings woman riding alone back to this home to rape and kill them (off-screen). There are brief and violent flashbacks of the attacker’s childhood that shows that his father was sexually abusing him.
Worthy of note: there is a scene where the protagonist, a young enslaved girl, feels an adult man trying to take her blankets of her body while she is sleeping. It turns out that he just wanted the blankets.
This book contains mentions of rape as a general crime, suggestions of a man putting women in porn against their will, a mention of human trafficking as a general crime, and brief non-graphic mentions of a past rape/murder.
Chainsaw Man (TV Show)
S1E7: an adult woman kisses the 16 year old male protagonist and pukes in his mouth. Later on, she lays semi-naked next to him in bed and asks him if he wants to do 'it'. There is a significant amount of nudity that involve teenagers.
Chapters 21-22: an adult woman offers to kiss a minor while he is drunk, but instead throws up in his mouth. Later, while still drunk, she offers to have sex with him and begins to undress him before the scene cuts away. When the reader later returns to the scene, she appears to be asleep. Chapter 98: a girl says that she has been having sex with her teacher.
The Chair (TV Show)
A child character demonstrates a lot of curiosity about penises and vaginas, but in a purely medical sense. She walks into the bathroom while her babysitter is on the toilet, and asks her questions about the babysitter's vagina. The babysitter then leaves because she is uncomfortable, saying that the child triggered her.
The Chalet (TV Show)
A boy around the age of 12 gets bullied by a teenager (also boy) and is forced to give oral this does get stopped by an adult. This happening reappears in a nightmare. A man (age 31) has a relationship with a 17 year old altough this seems to be consensual. There is a claim of rape wich turns out to be a lie, but there is a girl (17 years) who had sex with a way older man who is in a position of power (a priest) and when he impragnates her he wants her to have an abortion, she does not go trough with it and keeps the child.
Challengers (Movie)
Chambers (TV Show)
It is falsely thought that a character has been raped, but she has not been sexually violated in any way. Worth mentioning; while the main character is having consensual sex, she hallucinates another person instead of her partner and is mildly upset.
Champion (TV Show)
Champions (Movie)
Changed (Video Game)
The main character can get "transformed" by enemies against his will. Enemies will often sneak up from behind him or chase him and grab him, then put him in overtly sexual positions by force which results in losing the game. No on-screen sex scenes are present in the game.
The Changed (Movie)
A man tries to kiss his employee without consent. We later learn that kissing is the means by which the changed transmit to others.
Changeling (Movie)
A woman is being hosed down in the mental hospital and a female doctor tells her to spread her legs so she can check her for venereal diseases. Nothing is shown, but the scene is intended to convey the distress this puts the woman in. Worthy of note: although not shown, the movie is based of real life serial murder case where a serial killer abducted, raped, and murdered young boys.
It is heavily implied that a prisoner is raped by a prison guard off-screen.
Chaos (2005) (Movie)
The film contains a long on-screen rape scene, which is very violent.
Chaos Walking (Movie)
Worthy of note: a man has all of his thoughts broadcast out loud and he has some romantic thoughts about a female character, which make her uncomfortable.
Char Man (Movie)
Charade (Movie)
There is a significant age gap between the two leads and many jokes are made about this (e.g. the man compares the woman to 15 year old Juliet from Romeo and Juliet, and says that she is far too old for him).
Charite At War (TV Show)
There is a scene where the villain slaps a woman (who does not seem distressed) and closes the door of her room, presumably forcing her to have sex with him.
A step-father walks into his step-daughter's room while she is in her underwear and continues to look at her even as she tells him to leave. He then makes some inappropriate comments about her and another woman. While kissing, a girl tells a boy to stop but he pressures her. She screams and tells him to stop and the scene ends. Later she is seen with blood on her thighs and she tells the others that he raped her.
Charlie Says (Movie)
A woman is told to take off her clothes and looks visibly uncomfortable in doing so. A woman flashes a man. A man stands up in a bath and display his naked body to a woman who looks shoked at it. A man attacks a woman and wrestles her to the floor, which eventually turns into kissing.
The rapes committed by soldiers against women, including young girls, are mentioned several times throughout the movie. Worthy of note: the titular protagonist is a 'womanizer' employing exclusively young attractive women.
A man touches a woman on her buttocks twice. The second time he does this, she throws him into a jukebox. There is a fight scene between the ex-boyfriend of one of the protagonists and her, in which there is an undertone of sexual violence in his manner, language, and the positions he puts her in, but nothing happens.
Charmed (1998) (TV Show)
S2E13: three animals are turned into men, the former rabbit corners a woman and attempts to rape her. S2E14: one of the main character travels back in time in her dreams - she is in the body of a different person whose lover attempts to seduce her. S2E22: during a time travel episode, one of the main characters is 17 when she makes out with a demon in her car. He wants to go further than her and does not listen to her objections. Her sisters can save her.
Charmed (2018) (TV Show)
A possessed ex-boyfriend attempts to force a kiss on the youngest sister (30:00). The first episodes of the series discuss a teacher who was brought to court for the rape of a student. Certain side characters refer to the professor being tried/accused as a "witch hunt". It is also lightly implied that the protagonists' mother was the woman to go to if you were raped and needed help of some kind.
A father teaches his little daughter how to slice a slab of meat. Nothing inappropriate occurs, but she looks uncomfortable and the scene is creepy (1:00:00).
Charulata (Movie)
The Chase (Movie)
Che: Part One (Movie)
One soldier takes a teenage girl out of her house during a guerilla: it is implied that he rapes her off-screen. This is mentioned later on, and the rapist is executed for his crime.
Che: Part Two (Movie)
A man tells soldiers to stay away from a woman who temporarily joined a group of guerilla fighters. Later, another man mentions the fact that guerilla fighters have a reputation of raping women.
Cheer (TV Show)
S1E5: one cheerleader was molested as a child and talks about his experience.
Cheers (TV Show)
Chef (Movie)
Chemical Peel (Movie)
A drunk man dry humps one woman at a party.
There ware multiple scenes of violence against women in this movie, as well as hypnotized/drugged coerced sex. It includes crucifixion of a prostitute, hypnotized unclothing (on screen) suggested hypnotized/coerced sex off screen, and fluid exchange without consent. There is also needle usage which some may find triggering.
Chernobyl (Movie)
Cherry (Movie)
In a brief scene, a rape taking place can be heard. While not shown graphically it is very clear what is happening. A soldier makes a pointed comment about an Iraqi girl being “cute”. This is the same character that is heard raping a girl in a previous scene.
Cherry 2000 (Movie)
Cherry Falls (Movie)
Worthy of note: sexual attraction is implied between a high school girl and her teacher.
Cherry Pop (Movie)
The documentary discusses the rape of a mother and her 11 year old daughter, with the rape of the daughter discussed in detail.
Chest (Movie)
The Chestnut Man (TV Show)
S1E3: a voice over directs a child to undress and there are evidence of long term sexual abuse by a parent on a step child. Sexual abuse and child neglect is an over arching theme in the show.
The Chi (TV Show)
Chapter 36: it is mentioned in passing that poor boys and girls are bought by the church. It is not further explained and not mentioned again. Chapter 40: a man tries to sell a girl to a bishop. The bishop is aware that the girl is smart and has helped her village make money. The bishop seems to be interested in her knowledge. There does not seem to be any sexual intent.
Chi-Raq (Movie)
The premise of this movie is that the women in a particular community in the South Side of Chicago decide to stop having sex with all men in the community to protest gang violence. This sex strike ends up spreading to the rest of the city, nation, and world. When the protagonist first enlists other women to join this strike, part of the oath that she tells them to repeat has the line, "If he should force me to lay on that conjugal couch, I will refuse his stroke and not give up that nappy pouch," implying that saying no is sufficient to stop rape. There is also a point where the protagonist's boyfriend cheats on her with someone else. The sounds of her moaning during sex are heard before the scene switches over, and, in context, it sounds like she might be being raped, even though the encounter is later revealed to be consensual.
Worthy of note: a sexual scene is later revealed to be coercive.
Chicago Med (TV Show)
Chapter. 27: the male protagonist says zjsz his brother used to be a bad child, because he would flip skirts of girls. Chapter. 57: a male character is dating a woman who looks young due to her height. His coworkers make a comment about this but he reiterates that she is a grown adult.
Chick Fight (Movie)
Chicken Run (Movie)
The male romantic lead follows, touches, and flirts with the female romantic lead in spite of her protestations: it is framed as romantic. There are several instances where the female romatic lead is catcalled. Worthy of note: it is implied that the main female protagonist is forced to prostitute herself in the first part of the movie to survive financially. Throughout the movie, she engages in relationships with sugar daddies to pursue her career.
Chicuarotes (Movie)
Chien (Movie)
Worthy of note: this film is about a man being treated like a dog. His "owner" gets increasingly violent with him, and at some point, he forces him to come to his bed to pet him.
Cat-calling and inappropriate comments/questions from men to women are frequent throughout.
Chihayafuru (TV Show)
Some inappropriate jokes are made about female students by male students.
In the beginning of the movie, a maid is sexually assaulted by a man trying to convine her to have sex with him despite her protests. He grabs her but is eventually interrupted when another person walks into the room.
Child 44 (Movie)
The whole plot is about young, prepubescent, boys being found naked and murdered: it is unclear if they are sexually assaulted. About one hour into the movie, the main female character is brought in by officers and given an offer to leave her husband to be with a higher ranking office. When she declines, it is implied that high ranking office order a man to rape her. The man comes up close behind her, starts touching her shoulders, neck and face. He puts his fingers in her mouth before the camera pans to her trembling hands, then cuts to a new scene. Later it is revealed that the main female character is with her husband only because she was afraid of what would be done to her if she denied him marriage.
Child of Mine (Movie)
A young boy touches his tutor's breast. A man gropes his wife and intimates that he wants a second child and would rape her to have one.
The Children (Movie)
Worthy of note: an uncle behaves predatorily towards and flirts with his teenage niece.
A young man (17y, then 18y) stalks the (female) judge who trialed his case, but from a "I need guidance, a mentor/mother"—point of view, not a sexual one. A woman leans in to kiss a young man goodbye on the cheek and he turns and kisses her on the lips instead, but she seems more confused than disturbed about it.
This book discusses the history and culture of Vikings including the treatment and rape of slaves, rape as ritual practice, and other sexual acts people were forced to engage in. It also discusses historical legal codes about a variety of specific sexual crimes and the violent executions of people accused of being LGBTQ+. While the writing is not gratuitous or glorifying it is explicit and clear about what it is describing for the sake of education. Incest is mentioned in discussions of Viking mythology.
There is a mention of rape as part of war. Within a cult run by children, a pair of older teenagers have sex as part of a ritual while the younger children watch.
It is implied that a pastor abuses a child he fosters in his home.
A cult kidnaps an 18 year old and plans to use her to "birth the new generation".
A woman gropes a man while he is making a phone call.
A male teenager makes sexual comments as an insult to a younger boy.
A woman and her male boss are about to have sex but the woman changes her mind and tells no to the man. He gets angry but does leave. Later, after a complaint at the job, she is fired and she believes it is because she did not have sex with him.
A 17 year old boy says that another 17 year old member of the group was chosen by their leader to bear his child, and she is shown in a later scene to be pregnant. This is implied to have happened before with other pairs in the group.
Made-for-TV documentary about the cult 'The Children of God,' who participated in leadership-sanctioned child sexual abuse. Non-explicit clips are shown from 'strip tease' videos which young children were coerced to act in. Segments of documents sanctioning/encouraging child sexual abuse are shown. Ex-members discuss the abuse that they suffered.
S1E1: a coworker sends fake nudes of another co worker to him, and around the office. It is played for jokes.
Child's Cry (Movie)
The female protagonist finds the peddler who sold her a possessed doll, who then attempts to rape her as a form of currency (50:00-50:32).
A man is seen spying on a woman with hidden cameras in a bathroom (it is implied that he is going to masturbate while watching her taking a shower).
A woman has sex with her boyfriend not knowing that he is possessed at the time.
Thirty women have accused the lead actor (Cuba Gooding Jr,) of sexual assault: he has admitted to three of the allegations.
Chiller (TV Show)
A man forces himself on a woman in her home (rape is implied).
Chillerama (Movie)
In the introduction scene, a man intends to assault a woman's corpse, but when he opens his pants, she sits up and bites his penis which infects him. Later when most of the people at the drive-ins are infected, they attack and assault each other. Story 1: a sperm creature attempts to rape a woman but it is stopped by her date. Story 2: a wrestling coach says he watches the team in the shower while groping one of the students, he then attempts to perform oral sex on him but the kills the coach before he can. A wrestling team corners another group in the locker room where the leader rapes one of them. The group then transforms and kills the wrestling team, with the one who was raped raping the other to death.
S3E6: it is strongly implied that a woman (turned spider monster) assaults her male partner in an attempt to 'fertilize her eggs'.
A man acts controlling towards a woman and constantly obsesses about her. A man's boss asks him for help regarding his son's lack of a sex life.
Chinatown (Movie)
Worthy of note: it is implied that a woman is being physically abused by her husband.
Chi's Sweet Home (TV Show)
Chlopi (Movie)
Chobits (TV Show)
Choose Or Die (Movie)
A man in position of power solicits sex from a younger woman, asking “how much [she’s] worth”. She denies and although he persists, he does not get physical.
In the last couple chapters of the book, the female main character is kidnapped as part of a plan to use her for breeding. There is also discussion of others having been kidnapped for this as well. There is no actual assault: she is rescued before anything can happen.
Chopping Mall (Movie)
The protagonist learns that there is a fan website about her. She finds that some of the contributors to the website have made posts that sexualize her. Other contributors chastise this behavior, since the protagonist is 17. The protagonist and other characters explicitly label this behavior as pedophilic.
A boy violently grabs another boy’s privates.
One character flirts with his boss.: she rejects him, but does not appear distressed. While they are both drunk, she kisses him and he goes down on her. While this is not coerced, the scene is overlayed with a brutal murder that may be upsetting to some viewers.
Although not out right stated, it is implied that the main character was being abused by his school master. It becomes a prevelant theme throughout the rest of the film. Further in the movie that same character assaults a woman by making her undress for him in exchange for money.
A changeling child stands in the bathroom when a woman comes out of the shower A teenage girl makes a sarcastic comment about not being able to wait in their car because of "hillbilly rapists". While possessed, a teenage girl has sex with a teenage boy (who does not know she is possessed). Afterwards the spirit leaves her and she is visibility distressed and does not remember what happened.
The movie presents sexual harassment and a man not taking 'no' for an answer as romantic. The male romantic lead isolates the female romantic lead in an elevator and forces a kiss on her under mistletoe. He then aggressively pursues her, even making himself her boss to increase the amount of time the spend together.
Chronicle (Movie)
Chronos (Movie)
Chucky (TV) (TV Show)
C.H.U.D. (Movie)
Worthy of note: a woman develops an interest in a man and unknowingly uses his keys to repeatedly enter his apartment to clean and redecorate it. He finally invites her to a date.
The Church (Movie)
A man attempts to rape a woman and a demon is shown raping a woman toward the end of the movie.
Churn Vector (Video Game)
The player can sneak up on NPCs and "eliminate" them by absorbing them into the character's genitals. Non-consensual content in this game is presented lightheartedly and humorously, and is not excessively violent.
Cicada (Movie)
The main character was sexually abused as a child. A piece of news about a priest accused abusing kids is heard and commented on.
The first part of the movie (first 40 minutes) takes place in an orphanage where an elderly doctor and his protege deliver babies and perform abortions. About 20 minutes in, they find a very sick girl. The doctor finds out, by examining her, that a so-called doctor tried to perform a failed abortion on her: the punctured fetus is still inside her uterus along with a foreign object. She dies off-screen. At some point during the first part of the movie, soldiers on a train inappropriately touch a young girl (off-screen) who was teasing them (from outside of the train): she rebuffs them. About 1:30:00 into the movie, it is revealed that a father has been having sex with his adult daughter and got her pregnant. When confronted about it, the father gets angry and says that he loves her and would not harm her. The woman, visibly distressed, tries to flee at night, but he forces her to stay. The protagonist then performs an abortion on her in precarious conditions, while the father assists him. After that, she eventually flees (off-screen) and stabs her father when he tries to stop her: he additionnally stabs himself to death and lets her go.
Rape is not explicitly named at any point. However, in the depicted fantasy culture, girls aged 16-18 are compelled to marry the (sometimes also teen, sometimes much older) men who claim them. Misogyny and domestic violence are major themes. Spoiler: it is revealed that Cinderella married Prince Charming while under the influence of a strong love spell, and actually hated him.
Worthy of note: the villain tries to trick a protagonist into marrying someone he doesn't know.
The relevant scenes occur in the chapter where the sailors first begin to visit Circe's island.
Circle (2015) (Movie)
One character rapes the severed head of a woman and forces her husband to watch.
Circus Kane (Movie)
Citizen Kane (Movie)
Citrus (TV Show)
Sexual abuse is a prominent theme in this show. There are many sexual assaults between teenage girls (including step sisters) consisting of attempted rape, groping, forced kissing/heavy kissing, and more. There is a sexual assault (forced kissing) between a teenage girl and a male teacher. This teacher is also said to be abusing the girl outside of this scene. There are implications/mentions of sexual assault on younger children, including child-on-child sexual assault.
It is revealed that the protagonist (a man) got violent with his ex-wife and that is the reason of their divorce.
Relatively non-graphic scene in which a woman is raped by a man. In another scene, a man is forced to strip at gunpoint and is insulted with homophobic slurs.
City Hunter (TV Show)
Some white supremacist artists attempt to get a woman of color-owned art gallery to host their art. The art in question depicts Black women being gang raped by white men. A man gets one of the protagonists alone. He belittles her for being obedient and for being a virgin. Then he grabs her arm and flashes his genitals at her, telling her that he would be willing to take her virginity. She gets away before he can do anything.
Civil War (Movie)
S1E2: a woman is stripped and thrown into a river. Rape of Protestants is discussed.
The female lead, Sleeping Beauty, instead of being awoken by a kiss, is raped by a prince claiming that he "can not control himself" thus waking her from her sleep. She is sold to him by her father afterwards. On the journey to his home, she is brutally beaten, raped, groped, and tied up to not defend herself from both the prince and strangers who pay to both see and partake in the "action". When arriving home, it is revealed that the prince and his mother would take other princes/princesses to keep as sex slaves. It is heavily implied that the prince is in a relationship with his mother. The female lead learns from other sex slaves that they are beaten, groped, raped, and tortured if they do not do as they are told. One states this starts as young as age 13 and older. The slaves are forced to do sexual acts to strangers, each other (including same-sex despite not wanting to) and helpers of the kingdom. One slave elaborates that when he tried being defiant, he was given to the cooks who did such horrid things that he began to lose his senses. Everything is described in graphic detail, and considered "BDSM" by the author.
The son of a wealthy family rapes his house servant while he is drunk. The servant becomes pregnant. She goes on a radio show to discuss what happened to her, and although the host is mostly supportive, she does ask questions that might seem like rape apologism, specifically, asking why she did not go to the police. The father of the man who raped her rationalizes to himself that such the rape of house staff is a "rite of passage" for men of his class. There is mention of a classmate of the main character, who was raped by a grown man and subsequently removed from school.
Claire's Knee (Movie)
The film is about the brief romantic interest of a man for a young girl (a teenager) and his obsession for her older sister (also a teenager). He ends up kissing the first one but she rebuffes him. Finally, he achieves his goal by touching the knee of the second girl (through deception). He later brags about it like a sexual predator.
ClaireVoyant (TV Show)
There is a scene where one of the protagonists is sexually touched by a stranger on a subway. Also about 90% through the book, a man attempts to rape one of the protagonists before she gets away.
Clash (Movie)
A man has a woman abducted and brought to his lair. During a menacing conversation, with the woman obviously in fear, he places his hand on her shoulder and then very slowly caresses the length of her bare arm. Worthy of note: towards the end of the film, the woman is chained to a rock by a group of male soldiers, with her hands and feet both bound, although this is for the purpose of a sacrifice rather than sexual in nature.
It is revelead that a character has been raped in her past.
Class of '07 (TV Show)
A schoolgirl/teacher relationship is shown in flashbacks but only through conversations: nothing sexual is shown onscreen. It is clear that the girl, when she i an adult, has been traumatised by the experience.
Class of 09 (TV Show)
S1E1: a woman is felt up while being swept for weapons.
Class of 1984 (Movie)
A woman is pinned down by a group of juveniles: they take turns raping her on screen. A girl is forced to strip fully naked as part of an initiation.
S1E6: a teenage student is stalked and followed into an alley by an adult. The adult then assaults her in an attempted rape/sexual assault (10:00-14:30). There is nothing graphic and the student does not have her genitals touched or revealed before it is stopped and the culprit arrested. There is an instance of a character forcing one to grab her breast through clothing, and threatened to report it as attempted rape. It is not gratuitous, but serious and unsettling.
Claw (Movie)
Claws (2017) (TV Show)
Clay Pigeons (Movie)
Claymore (TV Show)
S1E5: a woman is surrounded by a group of bandits that imply they will assault her. They are put off doing so after she reveals her body, which is not shown but implied to be disfigured in some way. S1E6: a man attempts to rape a woman as revenge for an injury. Her short is torn, but her body is not shown. The woman in question is a powerful fighter, and it is implied the man is far weaker than her. She does not resist, due to mention of a code that she cannot kill humans, this presents a potentially unique and uncomfortable power dynamic. The attempt is prevented by someone stepping in, after tearing the shirt. S1E10: about 15 minutes in, a monster has a fairly phallic-styled tongue which is used as a weapon. It results in a fairly graphic torso injury. S1E12: a woman grabs another woman unconsensually, and places her hands down her top (5:00-6:00). She draws blood to her fingertips and ingests it. This is broken up by another character that enters the scene. S1E12: from this episode on, the show features a relationship between an adult and a younger character. They share a kiss (19:00-21:00) and this scene is flash-backed in later episodes. This relationship is never sexual and not previously romantic within the anime.
Clean (Movie)
While at a party of mostly adults, a teenage girl seems to be high or drunk. She tries to leave the house, but several men hold her inside and push her down onto a couch. Her clothing is not removed, but the men crowd over her and one opens his pants but they are stopped before going any further.
In the movie, the past of the vilain is shown. As a child, her mother sold her for grown man to rape. The movie does not show the men actually raping her. In one scene, one man starts to take his shirt off before the scene cuts. At another time, there are screams and a fight heard from outside of the bedroom.
Child sex abuse is mentioned and discussed and joked about as a fake scenario for an exorcism scene.
Clearcut (Movie)
A character threatens to rape another’s daughter.
The titular character makes a mention of how the Romans love to rape, pillage and plunder.
Clerks (Movie)
A woman accidentally has sex with a dead body in a bathroom with no lightbulb (nothing is shown, it is all in dialogue). The scene is played for laughs, as well as other rape jokes.
Clerks II (Movie)
Worthy of note: a man has sex with a donkey off-screen (played for laughs). There are also some pome passing jokes made about rape.
Clerks III (Movie)
The following essays have references to sexual violence: "God, Sex, and Pythagoras" features a 16-year-old who became pregnant by her 18-year-old boyfriend. The author of "I Was Not Aborted and Further Miscellanea" recalls attending a protest where someone had a sign that said "All Men Rape." The author of "The Feminist Evolution of an Artist, Survivor, Conjurer from the Tropics" details her experienced being raped by a man who was supposed to be taking her to church when she was a teenager. She subsequently has an abortion. "You Can't Rape a Whore: A Love Story" features someone saying that they hoped a particular celebrity would get raped. "Anita and Me" is about the author's identification with Anita Hill after her rape accusations against Clarence Thomas. There is passing mention in "My Number One Must-Have" about rape taking place at Woodstock. In "On Reading Katie Roiphe," the author discusses rape on college campuses. The author of "Pillow Dancing and Other Failed Hetero Experiments" references the author's experiences with sexual assault, as well as those of her friends.
Clickbait (TV Show)
S1E3: a couple has sex after a fight. It is not clear either it is with consent or not. The sex itself is not shown but it is implied. A male character has had a sexual relationship with a underaged girl: he spreads nude pictures of her without her consent.
The Client (Movie)
The protagonist (a boy) had an abusive alcoholic father: this is hinted several times in the beginning of the movie until he clearly states how his father used to beat him.
Clifton HIll (Movie)
It is discussed that one male character defiled a young boy, but we do not find out if that was the complete truth.
Climax (2018) (Movie)
Clinical (Movie)
While never shown on camera, the plot hinges on the sexual assault of a teenager, her subsequent PTSD and treatment. There is a clinical interview where a patient vaguely recollects interacting with her assaulter. It is later revealed that her assaulter was her father.
Clique (TV Show)
S1E4: a graphic rape scene (two older men raping a young woman) shown through CCTV. S1E5: footage of the aforementioned rape is brielf shown during a lecture. S1E6: mentions of rape. A female character tells her brother that he is a rapist. He denies it. A female character says to another woman that they need to talk about what the fact that she has been raped and that she is being raped. S2E4: rape on screen. S2E6: repeat of rape scene from S2E4.
Cloak & Dagger (TV Show)
The female protagonist is kidnapped and becomes a victim of sex trafficking - this spans several episodes. The same character has multiple relationships with adult men, on and off-screen, as a survival tactic.
A character is kidnapped and sexually assaulted by a demon. This is described in graphic detail from the victim's point of view.
A gang of boys sexually assaults a woman and attempts to rape her but she escapes (5:00-9:00). The scene is graphic and the victim can be seen distraught and struggling. A male gang breaks into a woman's home and rapes her, while her handicapped husband is forced to watch (12:00-14:00). The protagonist, a teenager male, is sexually assaulted by his social worker (23:20-25:00). Later, he breaks into another woman's home and bludgeons her with a phallic-shaped sculpture: she is not sexually assaulted (40:00-42:00). A video briefly shows a woman being gang raped (1:13:10-1:13:20). The last few seconds of the film show a sex-scene between the protagonist and a woman. It looks fairly aggressive but it is not clear whether or not it is consensual (2:13:30-2:13:55).
S1E7: an adult woman flirts with a teenage boy, though he is repulsed and rejects her (17:14-17:19). S1E10: a teenage boy is mistakenly sent to prison. The inmates warn him about showering with them. Later, when he showers, the inmates surround him for "initiation" (11:09-11:19). Up until this point, it is implied that the boy thinks he will be raped. "Initiation" is actually just a friendly welcome (15:13-16:02). Though, one of the inmates does joke about the boy's assumption.
Close (Movie)
This film contains some (non sexually) holding onto another person to console them as they try to break away.
Close-Knit (Movie)
A woman asks a young girl if she would like to touch her chest. It is not presented as a sexual thing at all, but rather a way to check that her chest is 'real'. A woman asks a young girl multiple times about whether she has developed breasts yet. It is not presented as sexual but it is seen as inappropriate by other characters.
Close-Up (Movie)
A photographer inappropriately touches young women during a photoshoot in his studio (including his niece). It is played for laughs.
Closer (2004) (Movie)
A woman is forced to have sex with her estranged husband in order to get him to sign their divorce papers.
The Closet (Movie)
Closet Land (Movie)
The entire film revolves around a woman taken from her home and tortured physically and sexually by a man she does not know into telling him about her childhood trauma inflicted by a family friend. It is up to interpretation whether the man is the family friend, or not.
The main character witnesses a group of boys attacking another boy for being gay, raping him with a foreign object. It is mentioned that the physical damage caused by this attack was so great that the victim was permanently paralysed. This occurs off-screen between the 9:20-12:20 marks.
Cloud Atlas (Movie)
Cloud Meadow (Video Game)
Sex is presented lightheartedly and casually. This game contains some fetishes and kinks such as BDSM and rough sex.
Cloudburst (Movie)
This movie is about a murderer with a bondage kink. He is sexually aroused by most of his victims and has lots of polaroids of unconsensual encounters.
Cloverfield (Movie)
Clown (Movie)
Clownado (Movie)
Club Zero (Movie)
There is a rumour about a teacher having an affair with one of her teenage students. No sex is shown between the two characters but it is implied that their relationship is intimate.
Clue (Movie)
One of the male characters frequently gropes the female characters; this is played for laughs. Worthy of note: also played for laughs is a scene where characters pretend to kiss corpses in an attempt to make the deceased appear alive.
A teenage girl, after accepting a ride home from a teenage boy, is forcefully kissed and touched by him after explicitly telling him that she has no interest in him beforehand. She shoves him away and tells him off but he continued to force his advances on her until she gets out of his car. Also noteworthy: the movie results in an intimate relationship between step-siblings. It is pointed out often and explicitly though that their parents were only married for a short while and they never saw each other as siblings.
C'mon C'mon (Movie)
An on-screen rape happens early in the film.
In the beginning of the movie, an animated sequence narrated by the main protagonist tells how he planned to have sex with a mentally challenged girl as a teenager. He finally renounces and the girl tells him that she already did it several times with her cousins. Near the end of the movie, the lyrics of the song 'rape me' are shown on screen. Aditionnally, in the scrapbook of the main protagonist, we can read the sentence 'rape is good'.
Cobalt Blue (Movie)
A female character is questioned whether or not she was raped by a man and she denies such allegation.
The Cobbler (Movie)
A man pretends to be someone they know to sleep with two different women, but does not succeed either time. One woman leaves immediately and the other gets nude but then he leaves.
Cobra (Movie)
Cobra Kai (TV Show)
A man sexually harasses a teenage girl and tries to coerce her into sexual favors.
Cobra Verde (Movie)
The rape of female slaves (and of male soldiers) by their owners is mentioned several times throughout the film.
Cobweb (Movie)
Worthy of note: Parents in this film show psychological abuse and emotional neglect. Their child gets locked in a basement as a punishment and has a cahin around there leg/ankle. The school does not report anything to safeguarding team/child protection team and the headteacher is neglectful.
Cocaine Bear (Movie)
Worthy of note: a man is being attacked by the titular bear, which grabs him from behind, wraps a leg around him and thrusts its groin against his buttocks, while licking his face.
In the content warning at the start of the book, the author assures the reader that sexual violence does not exist in the worlds she writes. Even so, there is a fair amount of sexual harassment throughout the book. The protagonist's boss is nicknamed "Creepy Carter" because he leers at female coworkers, touches them in appropriately, and just generally crosses the line. Also, the protagonist's mother is a retired porn star. When men find out about the connection between her and her mother, they sexualize and objectify her intensely.
Coco (Movie)
CODA (Movie)
Code Black (TV Show)
S1E4: a kidnapped woman has a child with her kidnapper. It is strongly implied that he raped and impregnated her. The kidnapper also repeatedly says that the woman belongs to her. S1E9: a woman tells a doctor that she was raped in a home invasion. She describes being strangled but the description of the rape is otherwise not graphic besides that. S1E13-14: a character treats a patient who begins stalking her and repeatedly shows up at her workplace to ask her out, despite her protestations. He also murders one the character's coworkers when she attempts to confront him about the stalking. S1E15: the same character confronts her in a parking lot, where she tells him that she is a lesbian. He attacks her with a knife and attempts to rape her, but is interrupted by the character's friend and coworker, who fights him off and allows her to escape the situation. S2E6: one of the cases covered involves a college student who was raped while she was unconscious; this is discussed heavily and there is a scene where she is examined for evidence collection. She is treated by the same character who was almost assaulted in season 1, and the character's memories of the attack are discussed.
The main male character (a minor) develops a romantic/sexual relationship with an adult woman. A man has an obsession with multiple women and young girls. He stalks and harasses one of them as well. There are multiple implied scenes of child sex abuse and rape. There are also scenes of sexual harassment and assault, sexualization of minors and women.
Code: Realize (Video Game)
In the beginning of the common route, a group of men try to sexually assault the protagonist. They rip her clothes trying to undress her, but that' i as far as they go. One of the male lead's jokes and comments could be considered or close to sexual harassment. This happens throughout the game.
Code 8 (Movie)
Coded Bias (Movie)
S2E6b: a young boy's (11) experiment goes wrong and makes him appear older. He and a teenage girl (15/16) go on a date and kiss several times before his identity is revealed. This is played for laughs. S2E3a: two young characters break into a girl's dresser to find her bras. The joke is that they mistakenly think bras are weapons and do not actually know what they are for.
The relationship between the protagonists, who are both siblings, is depicted as being codependent and abusive; the sister's feelings for her brother are heavily implied to be incestuous, especially as she has gone out of her way to murder other women so she can monopolize her brother.
Coffin Rock (Movie)
Two main characters engage consensually to sexual activity: one of them revokes her consent but the other keeps going.
Coffy (Movie)
Coherence (Movie)
Cold Case (TV Show)
S1E1: a man calls a woman a slut, tells her to shut up and then kills her. S1E2: this episode is about a femicide committed by a controlling and possesive husband. A husband speaks against her wife, who is testifying in court against a man who showed himself naked to her. S1E3: this episode is about a serial rapist. It is mentioned that a killer (male) raped the victim before killing her. Some details of the crime are mentioned. A scene after the rape between the rapist and the victim is shown. A man attacks a woman in her home. Before this flashback she mentions to a detective that she was raped that evening. S1E4: it is mentioned that a wife was violent towards her husband. S1E5: a female detective walks into a tavern with cops and gets whistled at. One cop asks another man if his wife knows he has a date as a joke (it was not a date). One man harasses a married woman, says she should "pay" for the "wrong behavior" of her husband (asking for a better pay) by offering him sexual services. After she declined, he says to another woman who was with her she should "pay". It is mentioned he sexually abused herand forced to lick his boots. In one scene he forces the married woman to lick his boots by threatening her husband with a gun. S1E13: there is a gang-rape scene at the end of the episode. S1E22: this episode is about a man grooming several minors and this man being sexually violent towards them. One of the victims told an officer about this who dismisses the child and asks him if he, the victim, is gay. A police team found about this while investigating the murder of the mentioned sexual perpetrator. S1E23: this episode is the case of a female teenager who was raped and killed. S2E9: an attempted rape is mentioned. S2E10: crime investigation of rape is mentioned. A woman is murdered in a park. S2E16: the sexual abuse of two minors, the creation of child pornography and the rape of a 18-year old woman are discussed. S2E17: a man asks a woman to pay in sexual work while touching a part of her blouse. She denies and he accepts. S2E18: in a bar, fraternity men want to have sex with a woman. She does not want to and they all grab her on the table. A female police officer who was there rescues this woman out of this situation. S4E2, 6, 7: a main character's brother is revealed to have been assaulted by his coach when he was a child. He is then pushed to admit that he was assaulted and begins to have nightmares about the events (not shown on screen). S5E10: one of the characters turns out to be a college campus serial rapist.
About 13 minutes into the film, a man gropes a prostitute before going to bed with her, and the two start arguing. In the next scene, they are heard having sex until she starts yelling at him to get off of her. Soon after, their bodies are found: a (corrupt) policeman then explains that the man beat her so she stabbed him and he finally shot her.
A distant cousin to the female protagonist washes up outside and winks up at the protagonist standing at the window (20:40 ) She rolls her eyes and walks away. The same man tips her chin and flirts with her (22:45) The protagonist is unimpressed. A teenage girl looks out the window to see one of her male relatives up in the tree at her window, leering at her - and she tells the protagonist that this is something he does regularly (26:22). It is mentioned later on that she is arranged to be married to him when she turns 18. Throughout the movie, one of the male characters flirts with the protagonist aggressively, but it does not go farther than that.
Cold Fish (Movie)
Worthy of note: naked dancers performs a choregraphy that highly resembles a scene of sexual assault.
Cold Moon (Movie)
A character uses alcohol to have sex with teenage girls.
Cold Mountain (Movie)
A woman is almost raped by a group of soldiers.
Chapter 19: two underage boys discus sex and one of them suggests luring his sister to the barn so they can "see what it's like." His friend is frightened and disturbed by this suggestion. Chapter 35: the protagonist, a teen boy, kisses a classmate despite them saying no multiple times. Chapter 42: an adult character shares that her father raped her when she was twelve years old. The circumstances are described in detail.
Cold Skin (Movie)
A protagonist has a dubiously consensual sexual relationship with a humanoid creature he is keeping as a pet.
A secondary adult character is mentioned to have had multiple relationships with minors. One of the protagonists follows another protagonist home without her knowing, before they have even formally met. He clearly knows this is wrong. He lets it slip in conversation with her, and she does not react very negatively.
The violence is not too detailed, and it is not towards main characters. However, before the reader and protagonist can confirm that the assaults are occuring, there is an ominous implication of women getting plucked off that is not hard to miss before it is explained by a main character.
Cold War (Movie)
Early in the film, a female character mentions having served a sentence for stabbing her father "because he confused her with his mother".
Colette (Movie)
Homophobic slurs are addressed to a lesbian couple in a public place.
Volume 1: no rape or sexual assault.
The story is about a young man who kidnaps a young woman and helds her captive for a month. After learning that she is being held captive, the woman asks if he is doing this to keep her as a sex slave, to which the man denies. In a few scenes, the man insists that he greatly respects and would never force himself on her. A scene also includes the woman seducing the man: she undresses both herself and the man and starts making out with him. The man is seen visibly doubtful and mildly uncomfortable and he soon stops her and gets angry that she was paying him sexual favors in order to escape.
A man is very pushy towards a young woman throughout the film. At some point, he kisses her while she is asleep on a beach. When she wakes up, she rebuffs him, and she briefly has to struggle to escape him.
A woman in a bathtub says: "I thought it was rape or a robbery". A man watches a couple have sex while licking his lips. A man has a teenage girl tied up and strokes her cheek.
Colombiana (Movie)
Colonia (Movie)
A man tells a young woman to take off her robe, then her blouse to reveal her bra. He smells her and then asks if she's touched herself. He yells at her and then hugs her. A man in a position of religious power touches very young, shirtless boys on the shoulders and then tells them to go shower. The boys undress in the shower (not shown), then the man enters the shower room and takes off his shoes. The screen cuts to black. Sexual abuse is implied.
The Colony (Movie)
About 52 minutes into the movie, the male protagonist locks the door of the main character's girlfriend's hotel room, shoves her into the bathroom and against a wall and says threatening things to her for a minute. He releases her when it is clear she cannot escape (power play): she then apologizes to him.
The main character is sexually abused by both her father and her husband, with depictions of rape onscreen. There are other scenes of sexual harassment in a bar and in the street; the latter is implied to culminate in an offscreen rape.
A protagonist is wearing a revealing school uniform. Her teacher, whilst lecturing, glances at her bosom. The protagonist looks uncomfortable and adjusts her uniform (24:00). A protagonist is kidnapped and briefly shown tied up standing, wearing only her shirt and underwear, in great distress (47:00). Nothing further is pictured or suggested.
Color Rush (TV Show)
Near the end, the brother and sister have sex.
A graphic story is told about a back-alley abortion. There is a long and graphic rape scene which shows the attacker as well as the victim staring blankly into the camera.
Colorful (Movie)
One of the plots in the movie is about a middle schooler selling her body to middle aged men in a love hotel. The main character pushes himself against one of his classmates, a nerdy girl without many friends who had brought him the homework of that day. His intentions are not clear, but it could be considered attempted rape. A boy unzips and pulls down another boys pants while being held down. Bullying is a main plot of the movie.
A female lead experiences unwelcome advances from some male characters. This provokes an escalation of violence. Worthy of note: a man is violent towards a woman throughout the movie, motivated by unrequited love and jealousy.
Columbiana (Movie)
Columbus (Movie)
Worthy of note: two of the protagonists begin a sexual relationship. One is a 38-year-old visiting professor, and the second is a 24-year-old resident advisor in a dorm where the professor conducted research interviews. The instability of hierarchies and the difficulty of navigating them is a major theme. So, although the resident advisor is of age and is not a student of the professor, multiple characters who are aware of the relationship raise ethical concerns about it.
The author discusses the impacts of trauma from sexual violence on survivors' overall sexual relationships, a specific instance of homophobic rape, and a specific instance of someone walking in on his friend raping a woman while she was drunk and passed out.
Come to Daddy (Movie)
Come Home (Video Game)
This game cntains optional dating paths that allow you to have sex with your mom or sister.
Come Play (Movie)
Come and See (Movie)
A girl is thrown into a truck full of soldiers. She is verbally assaulted and beaten, and her screams imply that she is raped. She is later shown with torn clothing and blood runing down her legs.
Come True (Movie)
There are some instances of stalking early on in the film.
Sexual violence is used for comedic purposes. A demonic puppet forcibly gives a man oral sex. Another man forcibly orally rapes a voodoo doll, making the real person feel what the other man is doing.
A white character assumes that the main Black character raped or otherwise harmed a white woman, but it is well established in the narrative that this assumption is untrue.
Comets (2019) (Movie)
A woman gives her female friend pills with the intention of making her fall asleep. After confirming she is asleep she kisses her hip and the scene fades to black. Later, the same woman performs sexual acts using her body while she is awake but visibly distressed/unresponsive.
The protagonist, a prince, has women in his employ who bathe him by hand. They are all completely naked while washing him. The protagonist's father, the king, admits to having sex with his bathers. Since the bathers are employees, and especially since they serve the royal family, it is implied that they must do whatever the royal family says no matter what. Later on, a woman tries to touch the protagonist inappropriately, and she continues doing so despite the fact that he looks and sounds uncomfortable.
The institutional sexual abuse of children is discussed without detail.
In a flashback scene, a man confesses that while he and the protagonist were in America in the previous film, they had convinced two women to come back to their apartment. While he slept with one, the protagonist was left with the other woman, who drugged him and had sex with him (shown on-screen), which led to the conception of his son.
Coming Soon (Movie)
Sexual harassment is discussed, but never depicted.
Commando (Movie)
A woman is cat-called by two guys in a van, mistakenly taking her for a prostitute. The main protagonist rips few top buttons of a woman's blouse, to hint her that she must act as if she had sex with someone. First shocked, she agrees to help him to set the act.
The plot revolves around the rape and murder of a teenage girl.
Community (TV Show)
Sexual molestation of some kind took place as a part of a main character's backstory (it was confirmed outside of the show by the creator). This is only very lightly implied, with mentions in passing on at least three ocassions throught the show. There are frequent rape jokes in passing, played for laugh, and women are often unconsensually grabbed, touched, preyed upon, or kissed without their will, especially in public scenarios (e.g. a male character even pulls down the pants of a female character). S2E7: rape joke (18:25). Rape is also mentioned towards the end of the episode. S2E13: one character says that there is a rapist in an hallway. S2E19: one character makes up a childhood rape trauma. S2E20: a character lies about being sexually abused by a family member during childhood. S5E1: one character describes a town as having a 'finger up it's butt as a child'. S5E3: the episode revolved around people getting quarters down their butt cracks: it is treated very seriously. S6E3: a character mentions peadophilia (8:30). S6E5: mention of prison rape (2:25).
There are several instances of sexual harassment through the book, experienced by the author, her mother, and other women. These take the form of threats, comments, non-consensual touching, and insinuations that the women in question are sex workers. The author and one of her friends have sexual relationships with men in their twenties while they are still teenagers in high school. A woman that the author's family knew was raped in prison before being executed.
Compliance (Movie)
A young woman is forced to strip in front of two elderly women. She then puts on an apron which a man is instructed to ask her to remove. She is told to perform jumping jacks while the man describes aspects of her body to another man over the phone. A young woman's naked body is intimately inspected, without her consent, by a man. She is instructed by him to perform a number of other sexual acts, including oral sex.
S1E4: rape scene.
Con Air (Movie)
The main character is a slave and is forced to have sex with a woman. He covers her with a cloak and the scene ends. It is strongly implied that they are forced to have sex while his captors watch, but the action is not shown. The main character has sex with a succubus for information. Both parties consent to the sex. However, during the act the succubus transforms into a monster and tries to kill the main character. Later there are several topless women in a Roman style orgy. They are members of a cult, and their consent is implied, but is questionable due to their status as cult members, either under the influence of drugs, power, or some kind of magic.
The titular character rips a woman's dress up to gag her.
Concrete (Movie)
The film focuses on the kidnapping of a 17 years-old girl by young gang members. She is repeatedly beaten, raped and tortured during several months. All these actions are depicted very graphically.
There is a passing mention of a person who is 24 and hangs out around the local high school to date underage girls there.
Condemned (Movie)
Two men corner and intimidate a woman. One of them gets close into her, holds her face and presses their faces together. One kisses her and then they both leave.
Coneheads (Movie)
A male character ignores a very explicit 'no' from a female character. The offender is punished for it and he does show growth and maturity later on in the film when she again says she needs to take it slow.
Confess My Love (Video Game)
Confessional (Movie)
There is a lot of sexual abuse revealed towards the end of the film: non-consensual videotaping of sexual acts, sexual blackmail, forced exposure, and incestual rape.
Confirmation (Movie)
Worthy of note: the film is about a sexual harassment case, and the harassment is described in detail as part of the trial.
Conflicted (Movie)
The film contains a graphic rape scene.
The Congress (Movie)
The plot of this movie revolves around an actress who is pressured/forced to sell her public image: it is mentioned several times that she could thus appear in porn movies without her consent. Worthy of note: at some point, one character breifly explains that, as he was incarnating a Greek god in an alternative reality, he impregnated his own daughters.
The Conjuring (Movie)
There is a very brief mention of childhood sexual abuse by a father at approximately the 43:40 mark.
Conjuring Kesha (TV Show)
Consent (Movie)
As she walks by his open bedroom door, a sister catches her brother masturbating and informs him of such. He later films her masturbating in her bedroom and she then stands in his bedroom doorway as he masturbates while she watches. A kissing scene occurs between siblings. They lay back on his bed. She lifts up his shirt and begins to unbuckle his belt, but he stops her here.
In a conversation discussing female members of a humanoid race (The Culture), it is mentioned that they are often genetically modified to gain enhanced sexual gratification, and a characters says "You know, they say you can't rape a Culture woman?" No further context for the comment is given, and, apart from that instance, there are no further sexual assault or rape references in the book.
Worthy of note: a man holds a womans face and a kid's hand a little long and it comes off a bit awkward. The kid strongly pulls her hand back.
Worthy of note: some of the sexual fantasies portrayed in this movie include often unconventional forms of physical violence. All of this is done in a very comedic and non-graphic way, not involving real people.
Constantine (Movie)
A man is reading through news papers: one article i about a woman being raped. A man, who needs to touch someone to get a vision, sneeks into a mortuary and touches the corpse of a woman. From the workers perspective it looks like that he gropes the female corpse.
The Consultant (TV Show)
S1E1: the main antagonist creepingly smells his employees, and forces one of them to take a sponge in the office. He also somehow coerces an asexual person to give him oral sex violently. S1E2: the sexual assault fromt S1E1 is mentioned. A place with a glass floor is called an 'upskirt gallery'.
The book contains a passing mention of sexual harassment and abuse aimed at garment workers.
Contact (Movie)
Contagion (Movie)
Worthy of note: a woman is kidnapped to be a hostage.
This erotic film is composed of four episodes (or five depending on the version). The first one opens with a quote about a 20 year old boy's relation with his 16 year old female cousin, mentioning a power imbalance between them, that he uses to fulfill his sexual desires. The film shows him luring her to a secluded place, and asking her to perform oral sex on him (shown on-screen). The second episode opens with a quote about a woman who was raped by a beggar. In the final scene of the episode, the woman is indeed shown being pursued and caught by a man who presumably rapes her off-screen. The third episode is about a countess who bathes in the blood of virgin girls. We see her choosing girls forced to expose their genitals. Later, there are long close-up of presumably teenage girls' genitals showering. We see girls being restrained and chained, before being sacrified off-screen. At some point, the countess is stripped by a crowd of young girls. Worthy ot note: early in the episode, a young girl briefly watches a couple having sex: they tell her to go away. The fourth episode is about a woman having sex with her father and her brother. In some versions of the film, there is an additional episode (between the second and the third) about a woman being pursued and raped by a beast in the woods. The beast strips her, ejaculates while trying to get her, puts his head on her genitals while she is trying to get away. After that, it tries to rape her but when she escapes, it masturbates on her clothes. The beast eventually catches the woman and rapes her: she is shown enjoying it and consent to oral sex. Blood is shown on her dress.
Continuum (TV Show)
S2E16: when the police are investigating a serial killer, they discuss whether the killer may be committing sexual violence. A witness is asked if she had previously been the victim of sexual abuse.
Promotional material describes the encounter as a 'one-night stand,' but it is actually date rape. Following this incident, the woman believes that she has contracted an STD, but is mistaken. This is the central plot of the film.
Control (Movie)
Worth noting: a character breaks down crying while having sex with his significant other. He flinches away when she tries to comfort him.
Control Z (TV Show)
The show features a relationship between a female student and her female teacher. S1E1: it is revealed that a teenage boy got herpes from his cousin (2:35-2:50). S1E8: an attempted rape takes place during a party scene. S2E2: a girl wakes up naked and tied up and discovers that she was drugged. No assault happened.
The Convent (Movie)
A man sexually harasses a woman during the first part of the movie. A man sexually harasses and appears to attempt to rape another man later in the movie.
Rape and incest are mentioned in passing as plot points in Butler's books.
The Convincer (Movie)
S1E1+3: nonconsensual touching. S1E4: a woman drugs a man to pass out; tricks him into thinking he is the cause of her pregnancy (though they likely did not have sex). S1E: a husband has his wife give fellacio to him while he knows her lover is in the closet, and makes eye contact with him, indicating he is forcing him to watch. S1E10: nonconsensual touching, ripping off of clothes. Worthy of note: S1E4: a woman is slapped. S1E9: a woman is choked. A black man is abducted and beaten with the intention of selling him into slavery.
The main character is a gangster who keeps threatening, abusing, beating and sexually harassing his wife (and everybody around him). Near the end of the movie, the woman tells about the previous sexual abuses she endured from him. The film also contains several scenes of torture, mostly of naked men.
Cool As Ice (Movie)
After a fight between a female protagonist and her boyfriend, the boyfriend pushes himself on her, but she immediately pushes him off (34:00). The female protagonist wakes up to find the male protagonist in her bed (40:15). He puts an ice cube in her mouth. Nothing further occurs, and she does not react negatively.
Cool Runnings (Movie)
Cool World (Movie)
The protagonist is a teenage African girl who is kidnapped into slavery and taken to the Americas. She is raped and impregnated.
Copycat (Movie)
Rape is mentioned and shown in police reports.
Coraline (Movie)
Cordelia (Movie)
The Core (Movie)
A clip is shown in the film featuring an attempted rape, during which a woman's shirt is torn open.
C.O.R.N. (Movie)
The theme of the movie is necrophilia.
Corpse Bride (Movie)
The Corridor (Movie)
Corsage (Movie)
Two cousins flirt and kiss.
Cosmic Sin (Movie)
Cougar Town (TV Show)
S4E6: the main female character takes a sleeping pill and she spends the whole night sleepwalking and doing weird things. She has no memory of it, so her husband tells her what she did. She asks him "You didn't have sex with me, did you?" in a tone that shows she is disturbed by the idea. He says no, but when she is not looking, he nods yes grinning at his two male friends who grin and give him the thumbs-up (13:20).
Countdown (Movie)
A doctor frequently inappropriately touches one of his nursing students and eventually attempts to rape her before she pushes him off.
There is an on screen rape in the last ~15 minutes of the film. A male character thinks a female character is dead and proceeds to have sex with her corpse before she regains consciousness and kills him.
Relationship between a teacher and a student.
Counterpart (TV Show)
The film contains several scenes of non-consensual grabbing and kissing as well as a rape joke, all played for laughs.
A male main character is physically, psychologically, and emotionally abusive to his relationship partners including a female main character and a female side character. SPOILERS: The character makes multiple direct or indirect attempts to murder his wife, one of the two main female characters, when she exerts any independence. In one particularly disturbing scene, he fantisizes about killing her during their wedding ceremony and the sex afterward. In another, years later when she has sought divorce, he throws her an extravagantly romantic dinner, says some creepy stalkerish things, and tries to force an anniversary ring onto her finger while she is clearly resisting. In a third, he is physically fighting with a mistress while they argue and accidentally injures and kills her.
Several references are made to a neighboring land in which as soon as girls reach menarche, they are forced into partnerships and pregnancy. One female secondary character was badly abused (details unspecified) for trying to escape her fate. A male main character has undergone prolonged sexual abuse by the evil queen. He is safe now, but trauma and recovery are major themes. The female main character experiences emotional and psychological abuse from an intimate partner in the early chapters. She escapes the situation, but the fallout continues to be a major theme, and she is forced later to interact with her abuser and his allies.
One character briefly mentions a previous memory of being sexually assaulted. There is another scene in the bog where a supernatural creature sexually harasses her, with hinted intentions to do more. One of the groups in the world is also known for treating women poorly. The book focuses heavily on her traumas.
A male main character is "overtaken" by magic that forces him choose a woman to have sex with. A group of minor male characters attempt to gang rape the female main character. They are interrupted before things get far. A secondary male character is forced to be the female antagonist's lover. A secondary male character touches and kisses the female main character against her will.
The Covenant (Movie)
A man uses his powers to blow a girl's skirt up so that the boys can look at her naked bottom.
Cowboy Bebop (TV Show)
S1E3 : men can be seen touching women in a non-consensual way. S1E8: a group of men grab a waitress with intent to molest her. S1E12 : several male characters ambush a woman, and it is implied they intend to rape her. However, the woman defeats them very quickly, and says afterwards they were not a threat for her.
This film contains s a graphic attempted rape scene.
Cowboys (Movie)
This book contains several mentions of rape or trafficking (mostly at the beginning and end). There is no actual, attempted, or threat of assault, but it is brought up as something that could have happened or that people are involved in trafficking and is in theme with the stories of the book.
Coyote Ugly (Movie)
Cozy Grove (Video Game)
Crabs! (Movie)
Cracks (Movie)
The Craft (Movie)
A man makes a sexual comment about his girlfriend's underage daughter. Another man attemps to rape the protagonist while he is under the influence of a love spell. This implies that he acts out of "love" and puts the blame for the assault on the spellcaster. The same man later becomes the victim of sexual assault / attempted rape when another woman disguises herself as his love interest and makes out with him until she is stopped.
Crank (Movie)
Crash (1996) (Movie)
The movie centers around a group of people who achieve sexual gratification through the staging, photographing, or instigation of deadly or near-deadly car wrecks. Some of the crashes in the movie result in the deaths of civilians or involve the photographing of dead bodies in the process of achieving arousal. All the sex portrayed in the movie is consensual.
Crash (2004) (Movie)
A police officer pulls a couple over for preforming oral sex while driving. The woman is harassed and groped by the officer. The camera takes extra long pauses to show and focus on the hands of the officer grouping her vulva. The woman goes home and argues with her husband about how it could have been prevented. The cop later saves the woman's life, and this supposedly redeems him.
Crawl (Movie)
Crawl Or Die (Movie)
Crawler (Movie)
A female foreman mentions that the men in the crew make sexual comments about her and later we actually hear them being spoken. A man pretends to trip so that he will fall into her and he puckers up as if going to kiss her. There is mention of a woman who was raped and murdered in the past.
Crawlers (TV Show)
The protagonist spends most of the film trying to find her best friend, whom she heard on the phone was about to be raped. She even has to come back to the place where she herself was raped, and runs into her rapist, who tries to get her alone again. A college student mentions that her boyfriend drugged her and that she does not know what happened whilst she was under the influence of these drugs. Rape is not mentioned specifically but it is heavily implied and the incident is brought up multiple times throughout the movie.
The Crawlers (Movie)
A woman catches a ride with a man to go to the next town. He makes suggestive comments then grabs her thigh but she rejects him. Then he pulls the car over and pins her down. She is able to get away and he chases her into the woods briefly, but soon gives up.
A father infected with a combat virus rapes his daughter.
In one episode, a character discusses how she had a sexual relationship with her teacher when she was in high school. It was apparently consensual and the character claims it was no big deal, but another character is highly disturbed by this, pointing out that it was statutory rape and asking if the teacher was ever fired. In a parody of traditional musicals, one of the songs features a lyric about a husband engaging with his wife sexually while she sleeps. The nature is satirical and the character is unaffected. A female character stalks a male character, which is played lightheartedly. She watches him have sex twice without his consent. A male character blackmails a female character into a relationship with him. The two engage in consensual sex.
Sexual violence is mentioned a few times in passing as a contributor to mental illness. A respondent in the chapter on eating disorders discusses being abused, including sexually, by her father.
In the previous book, the female romantic lead of this book worked together with friends to expose a prominent man’s perpetration of serial sexual assault against herself and several other women. Because this man was well liked, the protagonist and her associates receive hate mail, as well as in-person comments, from individuals who think that the women just accused him to get money or attention. The female romantic lead uses the cafe she owns as a refuge for women who have been harassed, abused, or sexually assaulted.
A teenage boy persistently pursues a much older teenage girl, even after she rejects him multiple times. A teenage girl takes nude photos with the intention of giving them to an adult man. Her parents find them instead and the man is attacked by her father for the implication of their relationship. At the end of the film, one of these photos is given to a 13 year old boy as a present.
Creamerie (TV Show)
S1E5: a man is held down by a group of women, assaulted with non-consensual touching, and another woman is pressure to rape him. She nearly goes through with it, but decides not to at the last second. S1E6: there are graphic depictions of men being forced to produce sperm.
A woman is captured and kept chained in a bedroom for a short period. Spoiler: She is however a magical being that is stronger than any mortal and does not seem to mind her situation.
Creature (Movie)
A man sneaks into a woman's room while she is changing. He presses against her from behind and grabs her breast, but she is able to fight him off and nothing further happens. A female crew member who is being controlled by the alien, strips down and kisses a male crew member in order to pass the infection onto him.
While on a date, a woman attempts to leave and the man chases her. He pins her down but she is able to get away from him before anything further happens. The man is then impaled on a branch by a creature.
Creed (2015) (Movie)
Creed II (Movie)
Creed III (Movie)
It is implied that the two main male characters were abused by a violent foster father when they were young.
Creep (2004) (Movie)
Creep (2014) (Movie)
A character confesses that he broke into his own house wearing a wolf mask and subsequently raped his wife (this is, however, later implied to be a fabrication which did not actually occur). Zoophilia is implied.
Creep 2 (Movie)
Worthy of note: a character tells a story that alludes to necrophilia.
Creepshow 2 (Movie)
A man lifts up a woman's shirt, kisses her, and touches her breasts while she's asleep.
Creepy (Movie)
There is passing mention of a serial killer who abducted and raped sex workers, and then proceeded to hunt them for sport. The main serial killer verbally and physically harasses and intimidates the protagonist's wife.
The Cremator (Movie)
A man unconsentually touches a woman by her neck, implying sexual intent (the camera shot is focused on his hand). He is interrupted and the woman runs away, screaming.
Cria Cuervos (Movie)
In the beginning of the movie, a woman (a family's maid) explains to the protagonist that her father (her boss) tried to sexually assault her multiple times, but that she always managed to escape. Immediately after, a flashback shows her apparently responding to his advances (she smiles when he tries to grasp her breast through a window).
A nonverbal autistic child is abused by an adult caretaker. Because he is autistic, he has to fight harder to be believed.
Worthy of note: about one hour into the movie, a woman self-harms her genitals with a piece of broken glass to repel her husband. Blood is shown between her legs. Shortly after, this woman is told by her sister that she regrets not having deep conversation and physical contact with her. When she forces her to get intimate (touching, hugging and kissing), her sister seems visibly distressed and she recoils when she tries to kiss her on the mouth.
The series surrounds an investigation around the disappearance of a young woman, which subsequently becomes a murder investigation. Although no evidence arises to suggest that this is the case, there is some discussion of the possibility that her disappearance/death was the result of foul play, and the possibility of sexual assault having been a factor in this is mentioned/implied. Aside from this, there is some general discussion of the various other crimes - including sexual crimes - which have occurred in and around the hotel where this happened throughout its history.
S1E2 "Body In A Bag": a police officer mentions that a man was in jail for pedophilia. S1E3 "Dying For Protection": asex worker recounts being trafficked when she was younger. In another scene towards the end, a police officer recounts how a different sex worker's customer refused a condom and proceeded to attack and murder her. S1E4 "The Stolen Baby": mentions of child trafficking throughout. With the case never being solved, the child's fate is unknown.
In a world without adult women, a group of men try to artificially induce puberty in a 5-year-old so that they can impregnate her. None of them goes through with it, though.
Worhty of note: this film features erotic scenes of graphic surgery/cutting: it is explicitly consensual.
Criminal (Movie)
A woman is ducktapped to her bed and the protagonist tries to rape her. He stopped because of his memories (he shares the brain of a deceased person which wife he was about to rape). At another moment in the film, a nurse is groped by a man against her will.
Criminal Minds (TV Show)
The show is a crime procedural and, as a result, goes into detail regarding incidents of sexual violence (and pedophilia) on many occasions. One plotline involves a main character who must repeatedly confront a man who once molested him, along with many other pre-pubescent boys. S2E3: parents are sent a video of their daughter being raped in the first few minutes of the episode. S2E5: a serial rapist ist caught. However, the victims offer insight into the hardships faced by victims of assault and as a result, he may hit home. S2E12: one of the main characters is revealed to have been molested by his football coach, who was a father figure to him for a time, during his childhood. The man who hurt him has also hurt many other young boys. He has to confront this man later in the episode. This topic is handled relatively sensitively. S4E7: a main character believes his father raped and murdered his childhood friend when the main character was four years old and the friend was six. The main character goes to hypnotherapy to try to remember the time of the murder, and while there he becomes distressed by a memory of his father coming into his room and telling him that he loves him. He also remembers seeing his father burning clothes that had blood on them. The main character becomes convinced that his father did assault and kill his friend, and goes to confront him along with two other main characters. Over the course of the episode it becomes clear that the main character's father was not involved in the child's death and assault, but helped to cover up the murder of the man who was actually responsible. The main character stays convinced of his father's involvement until there is irrefutable evidence otherwise. Despite all of this, it is implied that the memory which distressed him during hypnotherapy was not a memory of abuse. S4E20: a person with dissociative identity disorder has a protector alter who rapes a man who reminds her of his father who abused his mother and then himself as a child (no images). S5E1: a man is physically assaulted (stabbed repeatedly) in a scene with sexual overtones (the assaulter mentions sex explicitly while stabbing him, after removing his own shirt). There is an implication that this ends with rape, but it is extremely ambiguous and never confirmed one way or another. S8E12: a main character's girlfriend is abducted by her stalker, a woman who is obsessed with the main character and jealous of the girlfriend. While attempting to save his girlfriend, the main character allows the stalker to kiss and grope him, but he has trouble pretending to be into it which angers the stalker. Similar occurrences of non-consensual kissing and/or groping happen with this specific main character many times throughout the series, and he is visibly upset by it, but none of his trauma is ever addressed. S8E18: the man from S2E12 has to confront the man who sexually abused him. He has to shake the hand of this man at one point. The details surrounding his sexual abuse are discussed, but there are no graphic descriptions of the act itself. Once again, the topic is handled relatively sensitively. Several episodes features serial rapists, who sometimes seeks to impregnate their victims. One of them kills herself because she is pregnant. Another episode involves a woman who was raped and becomes a serial killer (narrative of victim blaming). Seasons 11-15: a recurring female character is a serial killer obsessed with one of the main characters. In later seasons there are multiple episodes where she kisses and gropes him without his consent. At one point it is revealed he believes she had drugged and raped him years prior, which she denies, but the truth is never actually told to the audience (i.e., it ie unknown whether she actually raped him and was gaslighting him or if she was truthful in her denial and he was mistaken.) After she denies that she raped him, the main character is shown to be very angry and upset, although he never talks about it. In the same episode where she denies raping him, she manipulates him into taking her on a "date", forces him to dance with her intimately (not the first time she has done so), and later he kisses her consensually in an effort to manipulate her back.
Criminal: UK (TV Show)
Every episode of this series takes place within the confines of an interrogation room: none of the events discuseed are actually depicted. As an anthology series, there is very little storyling continued between episodes, so some episodes can easily be skipped. S1E1: this episode centres around the interrogation of a man suspected of sexually assaulting and murdering his stepdaughter. Within the first minute of the episode an interrogator describes the teenage girl being found dead without any underwear on. The sexual nature of this crime is alluded to again throughout the episode. It is mentioned that, during trips away with his stepdaughter (the murdered girl), the man being interrogated had always opted to book a double rather than a twin hotel room, and that a post-mortem had shown the victim not to have been a virgin when she died. The accused stepfather later alleges that his stepdaughter had been engaged in a sexual relationship with her (adult) sports coach, and that he (the stepfather) had become violent when she confessed to this. The stepfather alleges that it was this coach who assaulted and killed the girl. Nothing is shown on-screen and the entire episode takes place within the confines of the interrogation room. S2E2: this episode involves the interrogation of a man accused of raping a work colleague. The events are discussed in detail but none of them are shown on screen. S2E3: this episode features a woman who acts as a vigilante paedophile hunter. She described posing as a 14 years old girl online and exchanging explicit messages with an older man.
Crimson Peak (Movie)
A brother and a sister have a sexual relationship - they are seen kissing and engaging in sexual contact with one another, although the scene is not graphic. The incest started when they were under the age of consent (she was 14 and he was 12) but they are not shown engaging in incest as children on screen.
This is a historical novel centring around the life of a Victorian-era sex worker. She and her colleagues begin their careers at a very young age, usually out of financial need and often exploited by adults, and are often subject to violence or harassment from men.
Crimson Tide (Movie)
Crip Camp (Movie)
Critical Role (TV Show)
A male character frequently harasses female characters and makes generally inappropriate remarks about women. At one point he flashes his penis at a female character. S1E1: a character remarks that he "was almost raped by trolls" (01:46:41). S1E42: a character reveals that in order to save a sibling, they offered up "a child rapist" as an exchange for the siblings life (02:26:29). S1E45: a rape joke occurs There appears to be no mention of rape in Campaign 2 or Campaign 3.
A man pins a woman down by her throat then tries to kiss her, but she pushes him off and runs away.
Croc! (Movie)
Crocodile (Movie)
S1E12: three male student harass a woman and grab her hand. She is immediately saved by the male protagonist.
Cronos (Movie)
One of the main characters was forced to work as a slave in what is essentially a legal whorehouse. We get a pretty vivid description of not the acts, but how she felt during what she was forced to do on one time where she did not manage to mentally “leave her body behind”.
Crooklyn (Movie)
Cropsey (Movie)
The plot revolves around a child murderer, and sexual abuse is a prominent theme throughout.
There are numerous, highly disturbing scenes of rape and psychological coercion, with the intent to shock and titillate.
Crossroads (Movie)
A main character discusses that she was raped while drunk and became pregnant from it. A man tries to touch a woman's butt, but he gets stopped by a punch.
Worthy of note: a male character explains to a woman who unconsciously slept at his place that he has no intention to abuse her.
The protagonist’s wife is raped and subsequently murdered in front of him. The film features multiple graphic flashbacks of it.
The Crowd (Movie)
The Crowded Room (TV Show)
S1E3: a main character is the victim of rape: this ties into a major plot line. A man tries to force a teenager to perform oral sex on him at gunpoint. The teen is saved, but the scene is very tense and comes close. S1E5: a male adult character touches a young boy inappropriately. This is interrupted by another male adult character (32:05-33:04). A male adult character takes a young boy into a barn and it is implied that he rapes him. This is a major plotline in the series (37:25-39:59).
The Crown (TV Show)
S2E2, S2E3 - although there is no expressly non-consensual activity and nothing is seen on-screen, it is worthy of note that upper-class British men on a Commonwealth tour are seen specifically to seek out (extra-marital) sexual encounters with local women of various ethnic backgrounds, crudely bragging about these experiences and comparing them to one another. Some might find their racially coded behaviour and language troubling. These episodes and this sub-plot more generally explore topics such as the contemporary view and treatment of women - both in and outside of marriages - and the difficulty (both social and legal) of attaining a divorce.
Crowsnest (Movie)
A man records his girlfriend as they are beginning to have sex and while she is changing without her consent. She asks several times for him to stop and has to turn the camera off herself in order to not be recorded.
The story follows a boy who is being sexually abused by his step-dad: it is handled fairly well (right emotions and parts of sexual trauma that are not always discussed). However the manga is graphic.
Two stepsiblings are shown to be highly sexually attracted to one another, one luring the other into a bet with the promise of sex. In a deleted scene, the stepbrother attempts to rape his stepsister. The male lead performs oral sex on a girl after giving her a drink that he didn't tell her had alcohol in it. The girl is also extremely naive and dimwitted, strengthening the impression that he's very much taking advantage of her. Two underage girls (17 and 15 year-old) sleep with a man, who is the music teacher of one of them.
A (teenage) character is controlled by her bullies through magic. At one point they make her strip down to her underwear in public for their own amusement. Also, after the character is out through the spell, she experiences PTSD-like symptoms and thoughts which are very reminiscent of the behavior of sexual abuse victims.
The female lead is forced into a marriage, and states that she knew she would never be able to marry for love. She explains her dislike to her husband, consistently tells readers how she wants to get the "wedding duties over with" While she never says "No" or "Stop", she does express not enjoying the sex with her new husband, instead imagining him as someone else to get it over with. Another female lead tells the first that while in foster care, a man tried to rape her. She also hints that it might not have been the first time a foster parent had done less severe things to her. The male lead admits to hating the female lead and just wanting to chase his own pleasure during sex. He hooks up with the female lead's ex, hoping to hurt her: the second male lead/ex ends up disliking himself for it. The second female lead gets drunk and the first female lead takes her home, while nothing sexual goes on. It is heavily implied that the first female lead was going to get her intoxicated in hopes of having sex, but upon realizing that it would be rape, chooses not to. The female lead hints at past child abuse from her father: however, it is not discussed if he was sexually abusive or not. The female and male lead get into an argument, and end up having sex while angry. All four end up happy and together in the end, but a lot of scenes hinted at past sexual assault, rapes and rape attempts.
Alternative title: Naked Youth
Cruel Summer (TV Show)
The plot of the show hinges around the abduction and imprisonment of a teenager by her high school's assistant principal, and the aftermath of her rescue S1E2: the character's mother says that she was "violated" by her abductor S1E5: the character's therapist specifically describes what happened to her as grooming. S1E9: the entire episode explicitly details the abusive relationship between a teenager girl and her groomer before he became her captor. The show is not in chronological order and many scenes depict the build-up to her abduction and/or show her in captivity. These scenes may be triggering for victims of grooming.
Cruella (Movie)
Cruising (Movie)
Multiple gay men arekilled before or during sexual encounters.
Crush (TV Show)
The Crush (Movie)
The movie centers on a fourteen year old girl's obsession with an adult man during which she verbally harasses him and eventually falsely accuses him of rape. The man expresses his attraction to her and reciprocates one of her kisses . At some point, he also watches her undress through her closet door.
The protagonist has a dating app interaction with someone who sends her an unsolicited nude picture. She later sees the person who harassed her in a public place, but the two do not interact.
Cry-Baby (Movie)
Cry Wolf (Movie)
A high school girl is dating one of her teachers. She states at one point "he tried to do more" than just kiss her, but this turned out to be a lie.
It is implied that a woman is forced to sleep with a man because she cannot pay off a debt.
Crystal Jewels (TV Show)
Crystal Swan (Movie)
The main character is assaulted by another character, then the camera shows the man's grandfather watching the scene but not doing anything. We can hear the woman fighting. The next day, the man's familly and fiancée blame the woman for having sex with the man.
A straight woman drugs and rapes a gay man. The scene is not overly violent but has the potential to be extremely disturbing.
Cube (1997) (Movie)
The antagonist becomes increasingly flirtatious and leers at a young teenage girl. He also attempts to rape her: he essentially kidnaps her and talks about how he wants to rape her but is ultimately stopped before anything happens by the other characters.
Cube (2021) (Movie)
Cujo (Movie)
Shortly after breaking up with a man she was having an affair with, a woman is approached in her home by the man, who attempts to talk her back into continuing their affair. When she refuses, he kisses her and attempts to put his hand up her skirt, but she fights him until he relents.
The Culling (Movie)
There are a few scenes where the male antagonist grabs the female protagonist while she tries to run away. (Spoilers) In one scene, the female protagonist runs into a barn to escape from the male antagonist. The man knocks her out and lays her onto a bed. He talks about having created an army of children with multiple women, presumably without consent/through rape. He rips open her shirt and gives her a kiss while she is unconscious. He then turns around to prepare for an evil ritual, at which point the woman wakes up, sets him on fire, and escapes (1:12:49-1:14:47).
Culpa Mia (Movie)
A man hypnotises a woman while she is incapacitated, forcibly kissing her. It is implied that he has raped her in past 'sessions.'
Cult Killer (Movie)
Child sexual abuse and revenge are central to the plot. There are descriptions from adult survivors and flashbacks of a perpetrator coming into a child's room (assault is not shown).
Cult of the Lamb (Video Game)
Worthy of note: The premise of this game is that we play a cult leader. Their followers do everything we say, and we have a lot of control over their lives. The player character later unlocks the ability to marry followers, but this does not seem to involve sex. The player character can instruct two followers to mate, which is dubious consent.
Cunk On Earth (TV Show)
S1E1: Roman Polanski is mentioned.
Curdled (Movie)
Cure (Movie)
The film features a lengthy and graphic attempted rape scene in which the main female character is bound to a bed by a man. It is implied that her aggressor violates in her in ways which are not directly shown on screen. Incest is a theme throughout. Worthy of note: some may find that the actress who plays the woman who is the target of the attempted rape (as well as the object of graphic, incestuous fantasies) appears ambiguously childlike in the film. The character she plays begins menstruating for the first time directly before getting married to an adult man.
Curiosa (Movie)
The plot is about a male photographer and a woman (her nude model) having a toxic relationship. An incest occurs during the last 15 minutes of the film: two sisters talks sexually, take pictures together and kiss to please the man they both love.
The Curse (TV Show)
There is a fairly graphic rape threat. S1E1: a father in law makes his son in law look at his penis. His daughter told her dad that her husband has a small penis.
During an argument, a man mentions that a woman is alone on her farm. It is debatable if this is a veiled threat of harm.
This movie includes a scene where the victim reports an attempted assault to police who do not believe her and dismiss her. There are two attempted rape scenes. A woman is murdered after refusing sexual advances.
There are scenes of domestic violence towards the end of the movie.
The Cursed (Movie)
After a Romani camp was slaughtered, when bodies are being rounded up, men drag women offscreen (they are clothed but screaming and crying): it is assumed they are being raped (off-screen).
Cursed (2020) (TV Show)
S1E1: the protagonist has a flashback in which several boys pin her down and attempt to take her clothes off (we only see her back before the scene cuts). An older knight tries to scam the protagonist with loaded dice: if he wins, he gets a kiss. She uses her magic to win and says if she wins again, she should receive 20 silvers. He says that if he wins, he expects 20 worth of services as well.
Cursed Films (TV Show)
S1E1: this episode is about “The Exorcist”, a movie wherein a demon possessing a young girl forces her to sexually assault herself with a crucifix. Shots of this scene are shown briefly. S1E4: this episode is about “The Crow”, a movie wherein the protagonist’s fiancé is raped and murdered. A storyboard panel depicting one of her rapists on top of her is shown, though it is not graphic. A minute or so later, we see a very brief flash of the rapists tearing off her blouse.
Cursor (Movie)
A neighbor makes unwanted verbal sexual advances on protagonist (asking her "how much?"), but nothing is attempted.
In the Cut (Movie)
A woman watched a man receive oral sex without his knowledge. A man mentions that he had sex with an adult woman when he was 15. A man yells at various women in the street, asking if they would like to have sex with him. A man pins a woman to the bed after she rejects his advances.
In the first part of the movie (about twenty minutes in), taking place during the Armenian genocide, a woman is raped on-screen by a soldier in front of her child and a group of prisoners who are unable to help her. This implies that many women were identically raped during the same period. The protagonist's daughters (teenagers) are said to have been part of an arranged marriage. Near the end of the movie, a woman is verbally assaulted by a group of railroad workers: one of them attempt to rape her. The protagonist intervenes and allows her to escape: he is beaten up by the rest of the group.
Cut Bank (Movie)
Worthy of note: this documentary is about the chaotic marriage of a woman with a 21 years older man she met when she was 19.
Cutie Honey (Movie)
A man takes photos of a woman in her lingerie while she is unconscious. it is later revealed that he has his wall plastered in her candid photos. During a fighting scene, a male villain sits on a character in a sexual manner to overpower the female protagonist. The main antagonist has trafficked and spellbound 1000 women for his pleasure. they are later released and run around almost naked, frantically.
Cuties (Movie)
Rape is mentioned in a passing conversation. An underage girl attempts to seduce older men multiple times. An underage girl publishes a nude photo of herself. An underage girl is touched without her consent in a sexual manner. An underage girl is pinned down on the ground in public and someone pulls her pants down to reveal her underwear (1:02:37). Children are sexualized by the adults surrounding them.
Cyberpunk 2077 (Video Game)
One character makes moves to touch a woman’s breast, but is shocked with electricity and pulls back. There are many allusions and gestures to sexual things throughout the series, but no assault.
Cyrano (2021) (Movie)
A female character is reluctantly betrothed to a cruel man. Although the man sings and waxes poetic about his desire to marry the woman whether she likes it or not, no harm comes to the female character from this person.
D-Railed (Movie)
Da 5 Bloods (Movie)
Da Wang Rao Ming (TV Show)
A young girl is in love with an older guy who she grew up with in an orphanage. He sees her as his little sister, but later on they get in a romantic relationship.
Daddy's Home (Movie)
The rape, which is not a plot point, is heavily described with a male-gaze.
Dag & Nat (TV Show)
S1E4: someone describes how they were sexually assaulted as a teenager. It happens after another character asks if they hate men.
Daglicht (Movie)
A prostitute gets raped by a man. It is partly on screen but most of it is sound. Another man eventually stops the assault.
Dagon (Movie)
The title character, a Lovecraftian deity, demands human women as tributes for him to rape and reproduce with. One character mentions how this happened to his mother. The two main female characters are both victims of Dagon in this manner. One is encountered after this has already happened and, traumatized and impregnated by the deity, she commits suicide. The other main female character is shown chained and suspended naked above a pit with Dagon in it, into which she is lowered. When she is brought back up, she is clearly traumatised both physically and psychologically.
The Daily Show (TV Show)
Daisies (Movie)
The age of the two protagonists involved in the relationship is unspecified.
Daisy Diamond (Movie)
This film features a violent rape scene in its first few minutes. It is revealed, towards the end, that is was part of an audition.
S1E1: a 15-year-old enters a hotel room with an older musician and says "where is everybody?" as he locks the door behind them. The scene cuts there but the implication is that he rapes her. S1E3: a music producer forces a singer to sit on his lap. His hand on her knee moves upward and upward, though she is able to get up and get away and stand up. The scene cuts and she returns home looking upset, it is unclear as to whether more happened or not. S1E8: a groupie grabs a band member's crotch, he turns down her advance. S1E9: a woman pushes her husband and he comes at her more aggressively but is stopped quickly by her male friends who are witnessing the scene.
Daliland (Movie)
Dam Sharks (Movie)
The premise of this book is that the female main character has escaped her abusive husband to a remote beach town with the help of her father-in-law. At one point, she has a detailed trauma nightmare that serves as a flashback detailing the abuse. She describes sex with her husband as him "forcing himself between her legs" while "bruising her hips and wrists." At the start of the book, she considers herself to be "damaged" and "ruined" as a result of this experience.
Damsel (Movie)
Worthy of note: The protagonist is led to believe that she is marrying a prince, but in actuality, her would-be husband's family attempts to sacrifice her to a dragon. She later learns that this has been happening to most women who "married" into the royal family for the last 800 years.
Several discussions mention the fact that a woman was forced by her boyfriend to have anal sex.
Dan Vs. (TV Show)
There is a brutal sex scene taking place during a wedding night, that seems to be unconsensual.
Dance in the Vampire Bund contains many examples of sexual violence and appearances of or actual pedophilia. One of the main characters is often shown nude in a prepubescent body. It is not uncommon that she ends up nude in this form, often in bed, alongside her love interest, a young adult male. She maintains this prepubescent form to prevent her forced marriage to one of a group of older male vampire oligarchs. The trade-off for this is that she is subjected to invasive "virginity checks" by those oligarchs in full view of them, although the checks themselves occur off-screen. Many newly-created vampire thralls, mostly depicted as young men, are shown to assault, bite, grope/molest, and otherwise violate the bodies of mostly youthful/teenage-looking women. These incidents occur both on- and off-screen. One of these thralls is assaulted and 'turned' in the process. She is shown to be abused, starved of blood, and manipulated. One character has a pedophilic, pseudo-incestuous desire for 13 year-old boy who lives next door to her family, and who regards her as his older sister. It is shown that she approaches the sleeping boy in bed, kisses him on the mouth, and nearly bites his neck before restraining herself. In successive episodes, main characters use her obsession with him to eventually turn her allegiance, after which the young boy offers himself to her to be turned so they can spend an eternity together.
S1E2: there are mentions of cult leader sexually assaulting multiple women in the congregatio. It is one of the main topics of the episode and it goes into some detail with one woman being assaulted for 10 years. The leader also victim blames women he assaulted.
Dangal (Movie)
Between the 40:48-45:12 minute marks, two characters attend the wedding of a 14-year-old girl and a much older man. The scene includes an extended dance number followed by the girls discussing their relative situations.
Danganronpa (TV Show)
A male character tries to force himself onto a female character. Another character sees them and stops him before he does anything to her, though. A female character presses her chest up against a male character and grabs onto him, despite him telling her to stop. In an optional scene, a female character brings a male character to her room, pins him to her bed, and demands he take off his clothes. When he refuses and pushes her off, she stops. In another optional scene, two male characters spy on the female characters in a sauna.
A child's backstory is that her parents allowed her to be sexually exploited to boost her career as a child actress. A flashback shows the rape about to happen before cutting away. There are panty shots of the main character, a teenage girl, whenever she falls over. At other points, her clothes get damaged to the point that she i stripped down to nothing but a bra and underwear. A minigame (required to progress) features the protagonist tied up and groped by multiple robot hands: the player has to fend them off. The one subjecting her to the rape is the child mentioned above. Later on, the same character flashes her. An adult male character openly says that he is attracted to children. The game says that it is against the sexual exploitation of children (the child character's rape is taken seriously) while simultaneously participating in it (showing panty shots of the teenage protagonist and putting in a rape minigame). The message the game is trying to send is unclear.
A male character repeatedly makes sexual comments towards the female characters throughout the game. At one point he attempts to trick a female character into giving him oral sex. All of the characters are teenagers. One female character is put into sexual positions on two occasions and her underwear is visible to both the player and other characters. She expresses embarrassment, but this is played for laughs and fanservice. Through an optional interaction, a female character reveals that when she was in poverty she had to endure sexual harassment from men at a waitress job to get money and support her younger siblings. This is not shown, but it is discussed. The protagonist says most of the fans of a very young looking female character are adult men: the game implies that her childlike appearance is the reason why. There is also an optional scene where the protagonist spies on her showering with another female character, but their private parts are covered with bubbles.
One female character repeatedly makes aggressive, threatening, and sexual comments towards another female character about her breasts throughout the game. In one instance, she points scissors at her breasts and threatens to pop them. Despite the girl feeling discomfort or fear in these situations, this is treated as a joke by the narrative. All but one of the characters are high school students. The male protagonist makes a comment (in his head) about the breasts of the character mentioned above, saying her "proportions" have been widely discussed online. The main antagonist makes sexual comments around and towards the students a few times. They also put cameras in all the dorm rooms and joke about spying on the students engaging in sexual acts. This is played for laughs. In an optional scene, the protagonist and two other male characters spy on the female characters in the sauna. A female character obsesses over a male character throughout the game, including in sexual manners. The said male character expresses discomfort throughout. Worthy of note (spoilers): There isa plot point where a character is revealed to be a cross-dresser via searching their dead body and having their private parts touched.
In an optional scene, a female character attempts to grab another's breasts without her consent. In another optional scene, a female character threatens to lift up a girl's skirt in front of a male character: this is presented in a joking manner. A male character is revealed to have had an incestuous relationship with his deceased older sister. It is implied she groomed him in the past. He is a teenager during the events of the game and his sister was an adult.
A man blackmails a woman into having sex with him after having entered in her bedroom, despite her protests.
A man possesses other characters and then uses their body to have sex against their will as they scream in protest.
Dans Ma Peau (Movie)
Dare Me (TV Show)
Daredevil (Movie)
The film contains a courtroom scene where a man is on trial for beating and raping a female bartender (20:00-23:00).
Daredevil (TV) (TV Show)
S1E1: a man saves four women from what appears to be sex trafficking. S1E2: a woman mentions that she heard another woman recalling how she was almost dragged into an alleyway by a man who was waiting outside her work. Nothing further happened as she was saved by "a man in a mask". S1E4: a man mentions 'pedophilia' (when someone in power tries to defame another man). S1E8: violent domestic abuse. S1E10: a man recalls the first time he beat up a criminal, noting that it was because he repeatedly overheard a child being sexually assaulted and knew that the father was was covering it up so that the problem could not be dealt with through legal means. S2E2: a man tries to sell child pornography (21:00-22:00 S2E3: rape is mentioned by the antagonist who claims it justifies his violence. S2E7: 'rapists' are mentioned. S3E2: a man mentions how he does not want criminals on the streets to 'rape again'. S3E5: mention of child pornography.
Daria (TV Show)
A recurring character named "Upchuck" makes unwanted advances towards the female characters throughout the series and its two movies. S5E6 "Lucky Strike": a substitute teacher makes creepy comments towards a teenage girl but is reported and fired before it can escalate into assault.
A male teacher confronts a colleague about his "relationship" with a woman teacher (who in fact makes unwanted advances to him) and makes a reference to "Take Back the Night", a real world event and organization that protests sexual assault.
An adult woman gives alcohol to an underage main character before trying to coerce her into sex. A woman teacher makes physical advances on a male teacher who is visibly uncomfortable in most of these scenes, which are often played for laughs at his expense.
Dark (TV Show)
A pre-teen/teenage girl witnesses two other young adults about to have consensual sex and later lies to the police and tells them she saw the man raping the woman. The false rape charges are mentioned briefly in other episodes. S3E5: an attempted rape of a young teen by an adult is shown on-screen (30:40-37:30). Worthy of note: two teenagers romantically interested in each other turn out to be related without knowing it.
The Dark (Movie)
An evil humanoid alien pushes a woman to the ground and rips open her blouse to insert a needle into her chest (38:00). Nothing sexual occurs.
A male character visits a female character at her work. After a brief chat, he leaps over the counter and pushes her against a wall. She protests, but he ignores her, and though we only see both actors from the shoulders up, from the way he moves and the way she reacts, it appears that he is touching her genitals (01:02:55-01:04:00). Soon, the female character’s behaviour seems to indicate that she actually finds this pleasurable, until she grabs the male character's head and begins kissing him.
S1E2: there is a brief mention of how someone attempted to rape a woman years ago.
Dogs: a woman is raped by a sentient dog. The Way she is with Strangers: the main character married her husband when she was 17 and he was 20. Good night, Prison Kings: possible reference to a past child sexual assault. Grit: mention of teenage girls who are likely having sex with a dealer in exchange for drugs. Dark Hill Run: non-graphic mention of an older brother who sexually abused his younger brother in the past.
Dark City (TV Show)
Worthy of note: a bad guy asks to be left alone with a woman victim. No sexual assault is specifically implied, but it still may be triggering.
Dark Crimes (Movie)
Worthy of note: a character (an alien bird) is stripped against his will, fighting and screaming against several people (18:17-19:05). He is later shown frozen in shock, naked and panting (19:15-19:34).
Rape is not described but is discussed, mostly between police investigators. There is sex trafficking as well: a website for sex trafficking is described, as a pictures of the victim in distress.
Dark Gathering (TV Show)
S1E1: a young girl wants to go ghost hunting but her tutor says no. She then calls the place where he works and tells them he asked her what panties she is wearing. This is played for comedic effects en did not actually happen. S1E4: it is revealed that one of the female protagonists is a yandere. Yandere is someone who is extremely obsessed with someone they are in love with. She has a room full of pictures of the male protagonist. They later on start dating without him knowing she is stalking him S1E17: a father and daughter are manipulated into doing a ritual that involves them having sex with eachother. You can see blankets moving and both screaming they do not want this and the daughter is crying. She later on gives birth to a child.
Worthy of note: a 15 year old girl tries to kiss a much older man, but he is shocked and does not let her. Later, she does kiss him briefly on the lips, but it is meant as a 'goodbye'.
Dark Harbor (Movie)
Dark Harvest (Movie)
Two boys catch the male and female protagonists, and one of the boys traps the female protagonist in his arms while the other boy threatens the male protagonist. Nothing sexual happens.
Dark Justice (Movie)
The villain eyes up a woman who stands up to him and shouts 'well hello beautiful'. He circles around her, making her flinch and look very uncomfortable. He then grabs her head with a knife in his hands. He does not sexually assault her, but it is very reminiscent of one (he also says the phrase 'a little fight in you, I like that'). There is a mention of the main character using surveillance equipment to view a romantic interest's activities.
A man tells a female character to 'come a little closer' while reaching out as if to grope her. She obliges by walking over to him and breaking his hand. A mother and her child are in a prison: the mother is dragged away by multiple male prisoners: rape is implied.
A prominent secondary female character is barraged with (unspecified) lewd comments from a band of soldiers. Later some of those soldiers attack her and while nothing explicit is shown, it is strongly implied that they attempted to rape her before her brother interceded. The narrative shows her coping with trauma in the aftermath, though it is not the focus of the story.
Dark Net (2016) (TV Show)
S1E1: a woman describes how an ex-boyfriend victimised her by releasing revenge porn, in some cases accompanied by personal details such as her name and address and occasionally alongside threatening comments implying that she wanted to live out rape fantasies with strangers. S1E3: this episode addresses the prevalence of child pornography, including interviews with children who have been victimised by this industry. S1E4: one sub-plot looks at the work of people who remotely moderate the internet usage of children. This includes one instance where somebody online has attempted to solicit sexual pictures from a schoolchild online (this person’s attempt is stopped and reported by the moderators). S1E7: part of this episode addresses hateful online comments made towards women activists. Many of these comments make reference to or threats regarding rape and sexual assault.
Worthy of note: a person makes a comment about how she suspects one of the antagonists to be a pedophile and interested in a very young main character. He later attempts to speak to the girl in private and the scene feels uncomfortable (since he is overly friendly to her), but he does not make any attempt to assault her.
A Dark Path (Movie)
A woman makes a joke about the possibility of them getting raped while walking in the woods. A woman discusses a past event where a group of men attempted to rape her and a friend: she describes being groped and pinned down before being able to get away.
Dark Places (Movie)
A teenage boy is accused of molesting several young girls.
Dark Shadows (Movie)
The whole premise of the film is that the antagonist tries to pressure the protagonist to love her and make love to her: she punishes him and destroys everything he cares about when he does not. All sex portrayed in the film is consensual, but there is heavy pressure involved At one point, the protagonist is chained up and locked in a coffin with the antagonist used panties thrown on his face.
Dark Skies (Movie)
Two teenage boys watch a pornographic video (shown on screen, it contains no nudity and no apparent consent issues), where a woman is called a "bad girl" and her breast is fondled (03:20-04:00). Later, one of the teenage boys is alone with a teenage girl, and he attempts to reenact the scene from the video by calling her a "bad girl" and grabbing her breast (34:40-35:40). She does not consent and reacts accordingly (later in that scene, she gives him a light kiss).
A Dark Song (Movie)
The protagonist is forced to participate in a ritual in which a man masturbates as she takes her clothes off. She is clearly uncomfortable. Throughout the film, she endures a man's abuse to reach her goal.
The abuse and manipulation of children and teens are themes, but none of this is sexual in nature.
Dark Stories (TV Show)
Dark Tales (Movie)
Story "Dr. Leo": a man who has been kidnapped sees the notes on how to make a male zombie stay erect and grow their penis larger. The implication is that it will happen to him. Story 'Keeper': a man has a woman tied up and forces her to tell him about previous times that she had se. He starts to force her to give him oral sex, but they are interrupted and it is revealed that they were a couple roleplaying.
A woman's boyfriend records them having sex without her knowledge and posts it online.
In the story called "Amanda's Revenge", during a college party, two men give roofie a girl's drink and take her into a bedroom. They are stopped by others, but she is seen lying on the bed, unconscious and in her underwear.
Dark Tourist (TV Show)
S1E1: rape is mentioned in passing at two separate points.
In the Dark (TV) (TV Show)
In season 1 and part of season 2, the main character falls in love with a cop who has murdered her friend. He non consensually jacks off into her panties. It is also discussed that he rapes teenage girls he arrests. In season 2, the main character has sex with a man while lying to him about having killed a drug dealer who she has been coerced to work for. While she was not at fault for having to work for the drug dealer, and the killer was in self defense, she uses sexual chemistry to make the guy believe she did not do it. S2E9: a drug dealer forces the main character to take her clothes off in front of him, ostensibly to prove that she is not wearing a recording device, though he does not make her male friend strip. It is implied that he is more interested in seeing her body than making sure she is not wearing a microphone. S3E2: the main character discusses buying tequila so she can get her ex-boyfriend drunk and have sex with him. Two main characters have a thressome with a woman after giving her alcohol, to keep her from exposing them as criminals. She is portrayed as enjoying the threesome, while the two other character feel awkward about it. S3E12: a man has kidnapped his niece and has been raping her since she was a teenager. In season 4, a character cheats and then has sex with his girlfriend without telling her (possibly exposing her to STIs). S4E8: this episode features a serial date rapist. S4E10: a woman's ex-boyfriend sexually assaults her. S4E11+12: these episodes involve a woman flirting with a man and kissing him to set him up for drug charges.
Dark Water (Movie)
A man mentions that a girl who disappeared years before was probably kidnapped by "a pervert".
Dark Waters (Movie)
The female protagonist successfully fights off a minor male character who is attempting to rape her. The female protagonist creates a magical duplicate of the male protagonist and makes the duplicate perform a striptease for her while the male protagonist watches and repeatedly asks her to stop. At the age of 15, the female protagonist is sold to a man by her father to pay his debts. The man intends to rape her but before he can, she is able to fight him off and escape. The encounter is mentioned only briefly. An unnamed male character has sex with a prostitute and uses the encounter to infect her with a magical disease without her knowledge. The encounter is described euphemistically but the content is clear.
There are multiple instances of sexual harassment disguised as jokes. An adult man is in love with a teenage girl. His friends make a sexual comment about this. Worthy of note: there is a lot of sexualization of (young) women present throughout the series.
In Darkness (Movie)
Chapter 3 + 8: general mention of rape as a crime. Chapter 8: rumor that a gang rape happened earlier in the day. Chapter 14: a group of men are overheard discussing how they tortured and raped a woman. Chapter 15: mentions of corpses with mutilated genitals, discussion of and attempt to use women for trades.
Darling (Movie)
A woman has flashbacks of a man attacking her and it is originally implied to have resulted in rape. Later in the movie, it becomes unclear what actually happened as the woman descends into insanity.
Darwin's Game (TV Show)
In one scene, a man grabs the breasts of a passing woman. In another, a character sprays water onto the crotch of a woman.
Das Boot (2018) (TV Show)
S1E3: a female character is gang-raped (57:17).
The film opens with the graphic rape (on-screen) of an 11 year old girl. The same pedophile is in possession of child pornography. A very uncomfortable 12 year old (who had previously gone missing after school) is shown with a masked adult male who is undressing. A man later masturbates to the video off-screen. More child pornography is found later, but not shown.
Das Privileg (Movie)
The film opens with a couple having sex on a beach: afterwards, they realize that three young men were watching them. They do not seem disturbed (laughing) and decide to leave. Immediately after, the three (drunk) men break into their house, threaten them and eventually force them to get naked and have sex together while one of them masturbate. When it appears that the husband will not be able to go on with it, the leader of the three rapes the wife while the two other incapacitate the husband. The rest of the movie is about how the couple deals with this trauma, particularly when they discover, two years later, that the rapist lives not far from them. The rape is thus discussed throughout. At some point, the rapist enters the house of the wife when she is alone: he overpowers her and puts his hand on her mouth and threatens her, but does not go further.
Dash & Lily (TV Show)
The main character says a lot of things that may be triggering to some. There is a scene where she films herself lifting up the skirt of an ill woman.
Date a Live (TV Show)
Date Night (Movie)
Dateline NBC (TV Show)
Although primarily a show about true life murder cases, a significant proportion of episodes (perhaps close to 50%) cover cases which include rapes and sexual assaults, often described in detail. Most cases involve young women, but have also included incest and child victims.
A suitor and his cousin try to take advantage of the protagonist's naiveté by getting her to go swimming with them. Chaperones foil their plans at first. The suitor and the protagonist do eventually have consensual sexual encounters. Later, when the suitor finds out a secret about the protagonist, he changes his mind about marrying her and tries to coerce her into being his mistress instead. When the protagonist declines, he becomes possessive of her, literally saying that she belongs to him. He forces her to sleep in the same bed with him non-sexually during the climax. The tone of this scene is tense and uncomfortable. She eventually kills him to keep him from shooting a loved one.
An antagonist is the leader of a drow settlement. It is stated in narration that he captures and keeps a harem of women of various races, and there are also children of his in the settlement that are half-drow. The same antagonist states to his son that there are "other ways to exact revenge", discouraging him from killing the female protagonist. He also states that he wants her for his pleasure and is not opposed to "sharing her". The son of the aforementioned antagonist implies what he will do to the protagonist once he finally confronts her one-on-one, and starts to make an attempt, but is quickly overcome and nothing occurs from it. The scene does not even begin to get graphic. Due to the nature of drow, especially in earlier D&D lore, there are several uncomfortable comments throughout the book referring to forced advances and to one gender or the other as breeding stock.
Chapters 1–6: a group of girls is kidnapped by a group of men. No assault or harassment happens, but the possibility of a sexual assault is discussed multiple times in different occasions.
It is implied that the main female character has been sexually assaulted by her husband. He is seen trying to have sex with another woman as she repeatedly says no.
Discussion around a main characters pregnancy and whether it is the result of a sexual assault as well as a mention the forced "mating" that was inflicted upon enslaved people in the U.S.
Dave (TV Show)
S1E10 "Jail": the protagonist is in prison. Within this prison, rape is frequently discussed and the main character offers to perform sexual acts in order to avoid being assaulted.
Dawn (Movie)
In all the episodes of this series, incest, rape and child sexual abuse are present and/or discussed. S1E1: from the beginning, there is implied attraction between two characters who believe they are brother and sister. It is later revealed that they are not related at which point they pursue a relationship. The sister previously had a consensual sexual relationship with a different teenage boy who she did not know she was related to at the time. When she finds out they are related, she tries to end their relationship, but he continues to pursue her regardless and attempts to force himself on her in scenes at 46:00 and 1:12:00. S1E2 (Secrets of the Morning): the main character has a sexual relationship with her college professor and becomes pregnant by him. It is arranged for her to stay with her great aunt while pregnant but the woman is a religious fanatic who subjects the main character to an invasive reproductive exam as "penance" for her "sins". It is also discussed that another character conceived a child by rape from her father-in-law but this is not shown on screen. S1E3 (Twilight's Child): a teen character makes allegations that her adoptive father sexually abused her but later admits they were false. This teen character tries to pressure two younger children into stripping and touching each other but it is stopped before they go too far. The main character has a sexual relationship with (and later marries) a man she grew up with as a brother, although they were previously confirmed to not be blood-related. An adult brother tries to rape his adult sister at 1:01:03 but she fights him off. S1E4 (Midnight Whispers): a brother tries to grab and touch his sister inappropriately at 8:45 and 14:43. An uncle attempts to rape his 16-year-old niece at 33:20, but she escapes. This occurs again at 1:18:50 but she is able to get away again and he is later arrested.
Dawson's Creek (TV Show)
A recurring plot throughout the show's first and second season involves a sexual relationship between a 15-year-old character and one of his high school teachers. At one point, another character accidentally films them having sex. This is mostly played for jokes and is not addressed by any of the characters as abusive. There are also a couple brief statements that seem to imply that another character was sexually assaulted when she was a young teenager (specifically that she was under the influence of drugs/alcohol at the time and her partners were older and aware that her judgement was impaired). It is not played as a joke, but these instances are not discussed past a single line or two. S4E11: sexual harassment.
A woman has several inappropriate comments made about her sex life, with the intent of embarrassing her.
A woman is attacked by a man in a morgue, and is forced to the floor. He rips her shirt open, exposing her bra, but the attempt ends in failure by the following scene. Main lead asks what happened to zombie with “bite marks on his hands”. Woman jokingly responds “I’d say he had his hands down the wrong girl’s pants.” Main lead has flashbacks to her attempted rape.
At one point, a woman invites a man to her apartment. He is clearly trying to seduce her but she makes it clear that she has only invited him as a friend. He tries putting his arm around her, which she pushes off. He then twice grabs her lightly by the shoulders and attempts to kiss her. On both occasions she pushes him back gently and he stops. The mood is light and there is no suggestion of an intent to force or seriously pressure her, but he also does not stop as soon as she first tells him to.
Multiple men in the novel have a sexual relationship or fantasize about one with a main character who is 17 years old. While this was much more commonplace at the time the novel was written, it may be uncomfortable for modern readers nonetheless. She is also sexualized throughout the book, and at one point works as a prostitute to pay for her father's funeral. The protagonist fantasizes about raping this same character multiple times, and at one point seems about to attempt it, but the fantasies aren't detailed and he never actually does it. During one of the final scenes of the novel, the protagonist witnesses an old man raping a young girl amid a mob. This is described in more detail. He fights the man off, only for her to be seized by another man and swept away.
A possessed teen girl has sex with and sexually touches her father and a priest, whom she has tied up. Earlier in the film she implies that she may have been raped or coerced to have sex in front of a group though she does not remember much.
One of the FBI undercover agents is a known pedophile, which is joked about several times. He is briefly shown on a "date" with a young girl. It is essentially used as a way to show how little the FBI cares about actual crimes.
Day Shift (Movie)
Towards the end of the movie, the protagonist attempts to get his ex-wife to kiss him. She originally says that she is not ready to kiss him again: he pouts, and she ends up kissing him.
S1E2: a man in a group shouts that he wants a woman. Another man grabs a woman from behind after telling her that she is a "nice bit of skirt". He begins to drag the screaming woman towards the group of cheering men, before an onlooker tries, unsuccessfully, to intervene. The man then continues to drag the woman towards the group as the scene ends (15:30-16:00).
Daybreak (TV Show)
S1E9: a teen boy is briefly shown being raped by a large mutated dog. A character jokes that it's "mating season." The boy can be heard yelling in pain and protesting. The scene is played for laughs.
Daylight (Movie)
A man grabs the skirt of a woman he had sex with the night before: she does not approve of it. The two are also in an unhealthy relationship that is abusive, physically and emotionally.
It is unclear if one woman is coerced or paid to have sex with a man off-screen in the latter part of the movie.
A stripper pretending to be a cop begins to arrest the male lead and then touches him. He is not upset, but it is done without his permission. Later, he assumes that a female nurse is a stripper as well and makes her touch him without her consent, which she is angry about. There are also sexual relations between a doctor and a patient.
Dayveon (Movie)
DCI Banks (TV Show)
S1E1: a very brief scene shows a character being groped and harassed by another man at the bar. He is visibly distressed but the action is quickly interrupted by a main character.
One of the topics of this film is machism: several harassment (cat-calling, non-consensual grabbing, etc.) are thus depicted on-screen.
De Patrick (Movie)
A husband initiates sex with his wife, but refuses to let her go (holding her hand) when she rebuffs him.
During two different scenes in a saloon, the same character is groped.
Dead Alive (Movie)
Demonic possession is used as an inexplicit allegory for sexual assault a few times throughout the series but is never delved into. A supernatural character implies that one of the main characters can have sex with him in order to pay off a debt. He flirts with the main character and gets quite close to him, which the character is clearly uncomfortable about: this is more because of his repressed sexuality rather than consent issues. S2E5: this episode mentions the date rape drug. It also mentions a boy sending nude pics of his girlfriend to his best friend and threatening to send them to the whole school. It features stocking and peeping tom behavior. When a woman is rejected she becomes violent towards the other woman.
Dead Calm (Movie)
A woman sleeps with her captor to make him believe she is on his side.
Dead Dicks (Movie)
It is implied that the female protagonist was undressed and redressed while she was unconscious.
Dead End (Movie)
A couple is forced to have sex while their daughter is forced to watch. A woman is raped off screen, and the sounds can be heard.
Dead Man Down (Movie)
The opening scene shows one of the protagonists raping and murdering a teenage girl. There is also a rape scene at 1:49:00.
A woman is threatened with violence by a man, to have sex with another man whilst he is sleeping. She touches him in his sleep and then begins having sex with him. When he wakes up, he is surprised and begins to enjoy it, to which a group of men come in to congratulate him.
Dead to Me (TV Show)
The show in general deals with people cheating, one of them possibly with a teenager who is of age but younger than the man. The cheating is not revealed to their partners, so people are being exposed to STIs without their consent. In general, the entire theme of the show is about people manipulating other people and it is presented in a dark comedy type of way, but in real life could feel extremely triggering to victims of non consentual activities S1E7: a joke is made about someone having sex with their grandma. S1E8: a woman is cornered by a man but she escapes. S2E9: the woman encounters the same man in a public setting. He attempts to blame her for the incident but she stands up to him and publicly shames him. Both scenes are handled sensitively, and the woman's ability to stand up to her attacker is depicted as empowering. In season 3, one character sleeps with the brother of a person she killed. He does not know she killed his brother and he probably would not have consented to sex if he knew. The ethics of this sexual relationship are never discussed. S3E3: an old man gropes a person's bottom.
Dead Mine (Movie)
Dead of Night (Movie)
Worthy of note: a man attempts to strangle his wife.
The Dead Ones (Movie)
An apparition of a girl's dead father occasionally appears. It is known that he abused her when she was younger and he was alive.
Dead Pigs (Movie)
A boy grabs a teenage girl whilst trying to get her to go on a date with him. A boy in the club becomes infatuated with a girl he barely knows. At a party, he finds this girl passed-out drunk on a couch; he strokes her hair and kisses her gently on the forehead, but nothing further happens. Later, this boy publicly recites a romantic poem to this girl and asks her out on a date, seeming indifferent to the fact that he is very plainly making her embarrassed and uncomfortable. While he is never hostile or aggressive, he is not respectful of her repeated requests to be left alone.
The main characters are twin gynecologists who have an arrangement where they will have sex with their patients while posing as each other, with the patients often being completely unaware that they are with the other twin.
S1E1: this episode features sexual harassment and mentions incest. One twin goes on a date for another one, and kisses a woman without her knowing. She then has sex with her and lies about her deception. Pedophiles are mentioned. S1E5: this episode mentions doctors who have sex with patients and teachers who have sex with students. It also contains a graphic description of the historical gynecological torture of a 17 year old slave woman. S1E6: a woman assumes the identity of someone else and starts sleeping with their partner, without them knowing who they are.
Dead Rising (Video Game)
One of the side missions titled "Above the law" features a cut scene of a woman cop getting ready to rape a tied up women with her baton, calling her vulgar names, the woman is heard screaming and crying, the player interupts just before the woman inserts the baton. If the player rescues the woman, it is revealed she and several others were kidnapped and about to be assaulted, they later explain that there were more women in their group, but the cop had killed, possibly from the brutality of the assaults.
Dead Sea (Movie)
A man chases down a woman he is planning to sacrifice. When he catches her, he pushes a gun in and out of her mouth while talking about how they had sex when they were teenagers.
Dead Shack (Movie)
Dead Silence (Movie)
The female protagonist is the leader of a small crew of people. One of her male crew-mates deliberately and maliciously makes an inappropriate, crude innuendo about her and a different male crew-mate, which makes both parties very uncomfortable and embarrassed.
A man has sex with his dead girlfriend after he brings her back to life as a zombie. A priest says that if he was ten years younger, he would have sex with one teenager in the church.
Dead Souls (Movie)
A woman kisses a man and tries to go further, but it turns out she is possessed by the man's sister. He pushes her away and it does not go farther than that.
Dead Sound (Movie)
While drunk the men in her group make suggestive comments and encourage her to flash the boat driver as means of thanking them for the ride. She is reluctant but does it. Shortly after he propositions her and blocks her from trying to leave the room but eventually moves aside. Then he tells the group that she would have to have sex with him in order for him to take them to the island but she does not. A woman sits on the lap of a man she is tying up and attempts to kiss him.
A male scientist tells a female assistant that she will "celebrate with him tonight" while stroking her neck. A male zombie rips open a woman's shirt and licks her neck. A male zombie pins down a female zombie and licks her nipple while she struggles to get away. He is killed before anything further happens.
Dead Stop (Movie)
A woman threatens to blackmail a man if he does not have sex with her.
Dead Sushi (Movie)
A woman's posterior is grabbed without her consent. Later, a man sexually assaults a woman while she's being eaten alive by an evil sushi. A man hides in a bath-house to spy on a naked girl.
While holding a woman hostage, a man presses the barrel of the gun down her shirt and against her breast. Later, another man has the same woman tied to a bed. He pins her down and threatens to "break" her, then promises his men that they can have their turn after he is done.
A character who murders women is introduced halfway through the film. During a flashback, the killer is shown approaching a victim, tearing her clothes off, and killing her.
Deadgirl (Movie)
All main characters rape an undead woman.
Deadhouse Dark (TV Show)
Deadline (Movie)
Deadloch (TV Show)
S1E1: a dead body is found, and the police chief asks the detective who found it if "she was sexually assaulted". S1E3: a man watches women naked and masturbates without their consent.
Deadly Class (TV Show)
It is implied that a character was sexually exploited in organized crime as a child.
Deadly Prey (Movie)
Rape threats are made by a character but not carried out.
Deadpool (Movie)
The film contains a lot of innuendo and a great deal of dark humor, and as such there are often references and depictions that may be upsetting to viewers, but are presented as jokes. In one such instance, a character recommends kidnapping a romantic interest. A male character engages in a sexually experimental and consensual encounter with his partner, however he is visibly nervous and vocally protests when he is penetrated. In another scene, a character pulls at the jeans of a male in a fight, exposing his buttocks. Other scenes depict characters inappropriately touching the genital regions of other characters. When one character meets his lover for the first time, she mentions that she was sexually abused by her uncle as a child. Worthy of mention: T.J Miller, who plays Weasel in the film, has been accused of sexual abuse. Miller has denied the veracity of these claims and has been recast in the sequel due to be released in 2018.
Deadpool 2 (Movie)
In a fight scene near the beginning, the titular character exposes two seperate men's genitals against their will (6:00-7:00). This is played for laughs. The same character hugs a man and places one hand on his ass, He removes it, but the character places it there again (30:45-31:00). This is played for laughs. The character says that a teenage boy will get raped by other prisoners (51:35-51:50). The character makes several graphic references about wanting to have sex with a man (including imitating a blow-job) despite knowing that he is not interested. He tries to open his pants but is stopped (1:40:10-1:41:00). This is played for laughs. Another character sticks an electric cable up a man's ass (1:45:15-1:45:30). This is played for laughs. Although not clearly stated, it is heavily implied that the principal and other staff members sexually abused mutant orphans, and there are many references made to this.
Deadstream (Movie)
A female character bites the clothed crotch of a man, but it is not implied to be sexual
Deadware (Movie)
Deaf U (TV Show)
Throughout the show, one male character admits to having stealthed while having sex with a woman and purposely impregnating her without her consent. This is not handled as a sexual assault. S1E6/7: a person on the show shares her story of being molested as a child.
Dealer (Movie)
A man and a woman are doing coke in a bathroom: the man says he wants to have sex and start touching the woman, who says 'no' and pushes him away and goes away. A grown man demands (agressively) a kid to take of his clothes off while another kid films it: the kid keeps his underwear on (the scene is not sexual in nature). Prostitution is present throughout.
Dear David (Movie)
The male protagonist is filmed masturbating without his consent: this is then broadcasted via live stream due to supernatural forces. This scene is brief (less than 3 minutes) and is not very clear on the actions presented.
The film consists of three chapters. In the first, the main protagonist mentions a movie about a serial killer and rapist.
Chapter "1:40pm" has references to past sexual harassment that a female flight attendant has experienced.
Dear Ex (Movie)
A homophobic woman implies that a gay man will try to have sex with her son if he is left alone with him.
Prior to the events of the book, the protagonist's grandfather routinely sexually assaulted the house girl, who was the same age as his daughters.
S3E1: the main character watches a parody of The Handmaid's Tale which features a rape scene (13:20-13:50). S3E7: a student tells her friend that she has been sexually assaulted by her professor and the three following episodes discuss this topic. The other students do not believe her and one of them confronts their professor, who denies the assault. At the end of the season, they eventually realize that he already assaulted other students before. S3E9: a student tells her friends that she was sexually abused by her piano teacher when she was 15. Worthy of note: S1E1: later in the episode, a fraternity watches a soap opera and suddenly, the drama turns sexual. The man demands the woman to get on her knees and go down on him as a favor. It is meant to be humorous.
A Lao woman is (briefly) verbally accosted by a group of male Australian tourists trying to take advantage of her.
A female character is kissed unwillingly.
Worthy of note: one hinted prison rape joke.
Death Blood 4 (Movie)
The film revolved around the death of a male character, who is revealed early in the film to have been "raped to death". Rape is thus mentioned frequently throughout. About halfway through the movie, it is revealed that the victim was raped by a horse, with whom his two friends had been having sex for years. The tone of the film is rather ambiguous, and those themes are treated somewhat lightheartedly, presumably for comedic purposes.
The ending scenes discuss the plot point and use visuals that include the rape of young girls.
Death House (Movie)
The movie opens with a scene of sexual assault and rape (1:00-4:00).
A woman discusses previous sexual assault, though not in detail. There is a brief discussion of underage sex work.
Death Line (Movie)
A woman is assaulted by a primitive man, who is likely trying to make her be his new mate. He tries to kiss her and tears her clothing off.
This movie is mostly about a woman trying to get answers and vengeance for her rape and torture prior to the events of the film. Worthy of note: this film is directed by Roman Polanski
The play mostly deals with a woman trying to gain answers and vengeance about her rape and torture prior to the events of the book.
Death of Me (Movie)
The couple in the movie cannot remember what happened a night before. They find a video that they took which shows them getting drunk, having sex, and the husband strangling his wife. She struggles to get away, but he pins her down and continues to choke her. Later in the movie, the woman is having an episode where she is unsure if she is hallucinating or not. During it, she is held down while an unknown/unseen something kept in a bag is held between her legs and it is implied that it crawled inside her. The next day she is revealed to be pregnant.
Death Note (TV Show)
S1E1: a group of men on motorcycles attempt to rape a girl when she is walking down the street at night. S1E5+E33: older men try to take advantage of younger girls (a group of men harass a girl in the street and an older man feels up a young girls skirt on the train). These acts never last long and violence is not particularly shown.
S1E4: this episode contains leaked nudes.
Death Parade (TV Show)
S1E8: a young boy remembers that his little sister was brutally assaulted and raped by a stranger. Once at home, he sees her being beaten, crying heavily and frightened when her brother touchs her. S1E9: a man is on top of a woman who fiercely fights him off, screaming, crying and begging a witness to help her, as the rapist tries to undress her.
Death Proof (Movie)
Worthy of note: a character is set up by her friends to be left alone with a man she does not know (thoroughly presented as threatening and shady), and these friends suggest to the man that the character will do sexual favours to him. This all happens with the character being none-the-wiser and without consenting, and we never return to that character, so what happens afterwards is left to the imagination.
The main character gropes a female secretary.
Death Ship (Movie)
A man accuses a reporter of grabbing him inappropriately. Worthy of note; a man makes penis shaped cookies with the purpose of handing them out to children, to make another man seem like a pervert.
One of the characters is accused of having raped children as young as seven. There is a scene towards the middle of the film where he is heavily implied to use his authority (backed by the threat of death or imprisonment) to force a prepubescent child to join him for an unstated reason, whereupon the film cuts away. The girl in question is later seen being given back to her parents, appearing traumatised and being given a flower by the man (historically, a practice used to claim 'consent,' usually accepted - again - under the threat of imprisonment and/or execution). His history as a serial rapist is later explicitly brought up as evidence, with the victims listed, in a mock trial/execution towards the end of the film. It is implied that a woman is assaulted to get her husband to talk and that another woman did 'everything' to get her husband released by his captors.
Although nothing sexually happens, the whole plot of the movie is about a grown man following a supposedly 15 year old boy around Venice because he thinks he is beautiful.
A woman mentions getting rape threats in the comments on her videos.
Death Watch (Movie)
A man forces a teen girl into a chair; he attempts to molest her, but is stopped by two other men.
Death Wish II (Movie)
Death Wish 3 (Movie)
Deathcember (Movie)
This movie is a collection of 24 films: story 17 revolves around a group of women who band together to kill their rapists. Though there are no scenes showing rape, there is a montage which includes the women clothed and lying on their backs screaming while the camera is positioned over their faces.
The central relationship is built upon dubious consent. The female human lead is destined to marry an ancient immortal being. She is 16 when he first claims and kisses her. She agrees to go with him, but it is clear that refusal is not truly an option. He treats her in ways that often border on emotional and even occasionally physical abuse. She comes to be passionately drawn to him, while never settling into a sense of safety around him. The earliest chapters contain passing references to an adult male housemate leering at the then-teenage girl protagonist. One minor character mentions in passing that his father raped his mother, and praises his father's strength.
One of the main characters consistently gets harassed by men. There is mention of her throwing a man overboard a boat when he would not leave her alone. The other main character becomes a bounty hunter, and one of her targets had a bounty on his head for "taking advantage of someone's daughter."
D.E.B.S. (Movie)
Deca-Dense (TV Show)
The Decameron (Movie)
The film consists in nine stories. After the first episode, a scene hints that a man pays a young boy to have sex with him. In the fourth episode, it is mentioned that the main character is a rapist. In the seventh episode, a priest tricks a woman into believing she can be turned into a mare, but it is only a way to have sex with her. During the "ritual", the husband stops the priest after seeing him abusing his wife.
While there is no sexual violence in the movie, it is easy to imagine that since the female protagonist is a con woman, she might have had to use her body to get what she wanted. She is depicted as always in control of her actions though.
Accidental incest: two men see three teenage girls dancing and find them attractive. They are shocked and disgusted when the girls turn around and are revealed to be their daughters.
One of the songs performed by the Band, X, is about rape and described as such by the male co-lead singer of it. It is also mentioned that the female co-lead singer of this same band had an experience where and audience member jumped on stage and sexually assaulted her, trying to rip off her clothes before being pinned down.
Throughout the book, there is discussion of anti-rape activism, the #MeToo Movement, rape at the hands of police, rape threats against activists and politicians, sexual harassment experienced by domestic workers, the racist perception that Muslims and other immigrants to Europe are rapists, the false rape allegations against the Scottsboro boys, and sexual violence against enslaved women. The author does not describe these instances graphically, but the sheer number of mentions can be triggering.
The protagonist often mentions his use of prostituted women.
Dede (Movie)
Forced, arranged marriage is a central subject of the film. Graphic kidnapping of two women in order to "make them wives" is shown. A man tries to make moves on and caresses a woman in a state of dissociation/freeze response.
Deep Blue Sea (Movie)
Deep Cover (Movie)
Midway through the movie, the main character has a dream that he is being raped by a woman in the woods, which ia shown for about 10 seconds. He wakes up and the woman is there on top of him in real life.
Deep Freeze (Movie)
Deep Hatred (Movie)
Chappelle jokes that a man who threw a banana peel at him during a show is going to be raped in jail (around the 03:40 mark). Chappelle jokes about asking a woman to give him oral sex as repayment for her son’s hate crime (around the 10:00-10:10 mark). Chappelle mentions the alleged rapes committed by Bill Cosby between 18:30-18:40. He mentions this in passing again between 21:10 and 21:15. Chappelle jokes about an attempt that was made to extort him by threatening to release his sex tapes from an earlier relationship. Chappelle jokes about masturbating using his sleeping wife's feet from the 1:02:45 mark, saying 'you can't rape feet.' Worthy of note: Chappelle mentions the video which emerged of NFL athlete Ray Rice violently assaulting his girlfriend in an elevator from the 24:10 mark. At another point, he uses a slur to refer to a transgender woman and jokes about having publicly misgendered her while she was inebriated at a party, also making derogatory comments about her genitals.
There is some forceful holding and a girl dragged away from screen but nothing implies that it is sexual in any nature.
Deep Impact (Movie)
A sinister force sexually manipulates male protagonists. Part 5, chapter 18: there is a semi-graphic flashback where a mother sexually abuses her oldest son.
The Deep Ones (Movie)
Deep Red (Movie)
Two men hear a women scream at night (we later find out she was being murdered) and one of the men jokingly says: "Maybe someone is being raped." The men talk for a bit and the same man raises his beer and says "To the raped virgin!" Worthy of note: throughout the film, women are killed while they are alone and helpless.
Deep Rising (Movie)
A man makes several suggestive comments and later hits on a woman after he has taken her and the rest of the crew captive.
Deep Shock (Movie)
Deep in Vogue (Movie)
Deep Water (Movie)
Several stories have a theme of sexual assault. The collection is a graphic novel, and there are a few semi-graphic panels that strongly suggest rape but do not actually depict the rape.
There is a father-daughter incestuous rape resulting in temporary amnesia and a miscarriage.
The Defenders (TV Show)
Defending Jacob (TV Show)
A website containing extreme and disturbing porn is mentioned a few times. The site's content is not really expanded upon. A brief discussion occurs regarding a girl who was drugged and kidnapped at a party. The event is maybe mentioned for 30 seconds and is not at all detailed.
The author discusses and describes the following: slaveholders' sexual violence against enslaved Africans, false rape accusations used as justification for lynching, sexual violence that took place during various riots, sexual violence at the hands of the police.
A jewish woman becomes pregnant after being raped by a nazi.
Defiance (TV) (TV Show)
An alien species practice ritual bathing, and there are many scenes throughout the series where a family bathes together, and being physically close/affectionate with family members while nearly nude is considered normal in their culture. No incest is meant to be implied, but some scenes, for example, a mother embracing her teenage son while wearing nothing but a draping of beads are clearly intended to make the audience uncomfortable to highlight the (literal) alien-ness of the characters. There are several scenes throughout the series where an alien character makes her human inlaws uncomfortable by pressuring them to participate in her species' practice of communal bathing. They do it to appease her but clearly do not like it, which she is entirely aware of. Domestic violence is implied and shown onscreen for two characters. S2E4: two characters discuss having raped in the past. S2E5: there are very brief flashes of the assaults throughout the episode as the two characters hallucinate, but nothing clear/graphic. The female character remembers her assailant shining a torch in her face so she could not identify him. Throughout the episode, she hallucinates her current love interest as the faceless attacker. The male character was gang raped by alien soldiers as a 15-year-old, he sees brief flashes of shattered glass and spattered blood. In season 3, the villains are a violent species who are said to enslave, rape and eat weaker species. The main antagonists are a father and daughter in an incestuous relationship. This is depicted as normal for their species, and disturbing to all other characters. S3E11: a female antagonist rapes a male main character. The beginning of the assault is shown; she pins him down and he briefly struggles, before pretending to consent because he needs to keep her distracted while other protagonists are enacting a plan, and because she is stronger and could kill him. They are shown 'cuddling' after the assault; he is clearly uncomfortable and her body language is like a predator playing with prey. Spoilers: S3E4: it is revealed that a woman's lover has actually been stalking her and her ex-fiancé for years, and is responsible for the rape she confided in him about the previous season. She kills him.
S1E9: a minor meets up with an adult in his car, where he attempts to assault her. She is able to get away before anything happens. S2E2: a substitute teacher takes an interest in an underage student and eventually suggestively touches her. Someone walks in before it goes any further. S2E12: the substitute teacher from S2E2 comes back and takes an interest in another student. He tries to touch her, but she runs away. It is implied later that her and the other student reported him. S3E11: a teenage boy gets into a car to hitchhike with a grown man, who asks suggestive questions and then attempts to assault the boy. He is able to get away after the man touches his knee (22:25-24:38).
S2E7; S7E1; S8E13-14 - The incest concerns a kiss between brother and sister and another couple who are step-brother and sister. S1E1: a teenage girl meets with an adult who has been pretending to be a teenager in their online correspondence. S1E2: a teenager is held captive in a hotel room by an adult man who posed as a teenager online in order to trick her into meeting up. S1E10: having seen a teacher spend extra time with one of her classmates, a teenage girl believes that something in going on between them romantically. S2E7: a teenage girl is raped by an athlete from a competing school. The beginning of the assault is shown on-screen but the rest of the scene is only in audio. S2E8: the teenage girl assaulted in the previous episode is hesitant to perform a song about rape with her friends due to her recent experience. S2E20: the teenage girl assaulted in E7 confronts the boy who assaulted her and decides to press charges. S3E10: a teenage boy begins losing his temper and abusing his girlfriend during their dates. S3E17: the teenage boy from E10 wins his ex-girlfriend back, convincing her that he is a changed man. However, this proves to be false and his abuse eventually results in his girlfriend being in a coma. S4E1: the teenage girl assaulted in S2E7 faces her rapist as his trial begins. S4E4: the teenage boy who assaulted his girlfriend in S3 returns to the school, causing another character to start a school-wide campaign against romantic violence. S4E13: a teenage girl and her teacher begin to date. S4E21: an adult man flirts with multiple teenage girls. S6E6: an adult viewer of a teenage girl's suggestive online photos tracks her down and follows her home from school. S7E1: a teenage girl is raped by an unknown assailant after drinking a spiked drink at a party. S7E12: a teenage girl falsely accuses another character of sexual harassment. S8E14/15: a character realises that her father sexually abused her as a child and that she had since repressed the memory. S9E11/12: a teacher watches porn with a student and orders him an escort. S9E22: whilst intoxicated, a sister kisses her brother passionately. S10E1: a teenage girl gets a new boyfriend, who soon begins to abuse her. S10E2: the teenage girl from the previous episode continues to be abused by her boyfriend, hitting a breaking point when he throws her down a flight of stairs. S10E17/18: a teenage boy sneaks out to meet with his online friend and is nearly sexually assaulted by her. S10E41: a teenage girl reveals that another character slapped her. S11E5: a teenage girl is forced into a sexual relationship with another character to prevent him from harming someone else. S11E23: the teenage girl from S11E5 is slapped by her "boyfriend." S11E24/25: a teacher kisses a teenage boy. Another teacher hears about this, but the teenage boy lies and says that it was a rumour he started. S11E29: the teenage boy and teacher from S11E24/25 slow dance and kiss. S12E11/12: a character is infatuated by her boss at her internship and he responds very inappropriately, harassing her on two separate occasions and threatening her to prevent her from telling anyone. S13E7: a teenage boy forcefully grabs a girl's wrists, hurting her, after finding out that another boy has been texting her. He assumes that this was the reason she wanted to break up with him. S13E13: a teenage boy slaps a teenage girl in the face and another teenage girl is sexually harassed by another teenage boy. S13E17: shortly after their marriage ceremony, the teenage boy who lost his temper in S13E7/13 beats his partner in his car, leaving her face bruised and bloody, and her arm broken. S13E22: a teenage girl is sexually assaulted by two teenage boys at a party. The attack is videotaped and photos are leaked online. S13E23/24: the girl assaulted in the previous episode discovers that she was assaulted and with the help of one of her friends, assures that her attackers are arrested. S13E35: a teenage boy and an adult man start dating. S13E36: the teenage boy and an adult man who started dating in E35 continue to see each other romantically and sexually. After a teenage girl tells another teacher, the teacher involved in this relationship is suspended. S13E37: the teenage girl assaulted in E22 faces her attackers in court. S13E38: the teenage boys who assaulted a girl in E22 are found guilty in court. S13E40: a teenage boy reveals that a teacher tried to grope him. S14E13: a teenage girl is sexually harassed.
Déjà Vu (Movie)
A postman attempts to rape a woman near the climax of the movie.
Worthy of note: S1E14: a male character kisses a female character to undo a spell. The female character is shocked for a moment as she is in love with the male character.
A landlord implies to a child that he could excuse the child’s mother’s late rent if she slept with him. There is passing mention that an overseer coerces women workers into having sex with him.
From the author note: "Content warnings: childhood sexual assault (off page, some details discussed), childhood physical abuse (corporal punishment, off page, described), childhood physical abuse (confinement punishment), childhood neglect, gaslighting, grooming, suicide (off page, mention), killing of a goat (off page, described), discussions of fatphobia, body horror/gore, violence, death." One of the protagonists is groomed into a relationship while she is a teenager, with a man in his early twenties. This man later denies that he was ever with her. There are several flashbacks to scenes where he choked her while raping her. We find out that the protagonist's mother was raped by her sister's husband, and the sister does not believe her. Many other children in the town where they live also were preyed upon by this man.
Worthy of note: the friends of a teenage girl think she is dating the male protagonist who is an adult. This is not true as the girl is dating someone her own age and the male protagonist is interested in a woman his own age. The author makes it clear that the friends are misunderstanding the situation.
Deliria (Movie)
The film follows the production of a play which includes fictional rape scenes. These scenes are fantastical and not very realistic. The producer of the play attempts quid-pro-quo sexual harassment but is rebuffed.
Delirium (Movie)
Deliverance (Movie)
Graphic and disturbing on-screen depiction of rape of a man by another man.
A character reveals that she was raped by her employer and that she "liked it", that it cured her of her sexual phobia, that she immediately forgave her rapist and that the two had consensual sex afterwards. A non-neurotypical adult falls in love with a teenager. Though the relationship they eventually develop is not obviously sexual, there is kissing, including an attempted kiss on the part of the adult at a time the teenager would not have been able to consent.
A brief scene from a movie shows a man entering an elevator and pinning a lone woman to the wall to strangle her. She quickly beats him up. Worthy of note: an archival footage shows a woman getting an abortion.
Deltarune (Video Game)
The optional "Snowgrave" route of chapter 2 has the player emotionally manipulate the character Noelle in a dynamic strongly implied to be romantic or romance-adjacent, but regardless it is certainly a toxic and dubiously consenting dynamic.
Demo Reel (TV Show)
A young actress reveals she was sexually abused by her uncle on a camping trip when she was a child. It's heavily implied the abuse continued, and that her parents knew what he was doing, but forced her to spend time with him anyway. Throughout the series, it's implied that the same character has been sexually harassed by men in the film industry.
As a convict's extensive criminal record is being displayed on screen, the word "rape" is selected and very clearly highlighted in the list of convictions.
Demon (Movie)
Demon House (Movie)
Rape scene occurs almost immediately, 2-3 minutes into the film.
Demon Seed (Movie)
A woman is restrained by a robot, which binds her arms and legs and then cuts her clothes off. The robot strokes the woman's body, and then forces an endoscope into her mouth and then moves it towards her crotch before the camera cuts away. Later she is restrained again, is threatened and manipulated by the robot, which then penetrates her with a metal probe and we later learn that she has become pregnant.
One of the main characters is sometimes shown begging random girls to marry him, date him, etc. He is never violent or hostile, though he sometimes clings to or "chases" them. These scenes are always played for laughs, and are usually brief. S1E16: a man and a woman are shown to have an extremely physically abusive relationship, and she is terrified of him; it is unclear whether sexual violence also occurs. In a flashback, the man is shown seriously beating her as she cries and begs him to stop. Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Entertainment District Arc S1E1: a man tries to kidnap two young girls so they can work as undercover agents in the entertainment district. When asked why he is doing it, a young girl witnessing the scene replies in a panicked voice "Hentai! Hentai!". This does not end up happening as three 15 year old boys volunteer to take on the job. At the end, the man smacks the behind of one of the girls. S1E2: it is discussed how young girls are sold in the entertainment district. The young boys dress up as girls and get sold to entertainment houses. There are multiple young girls seen working in these houses. However, they work as maids and are not shown in the presence of men. The boys also work as maids. S1E3: a man compliments one of the boys on his looks and asks what the ‘young girl’ is up to. He gets hit. S1E11: on a flashback from a 100 years ago, it is explained how a 13 year old girl stabbed a customer in the eye. She gets reprimanded and the head of the house tells the customer that she will send him another pretty girl. The scenes suggest that the man was about to do something to her, but she retaliated by stabbing him. They also suggest that during that time, girls as young as 13 years old would have to entertain men. However, none of it is explicitly shown on screen. Season 3: it is revealed that the master of the demon slayer corps was 13 and his wife to be was 17. They had their first child when he was 15 and she was 19. It was an arranged marriage. Worthy of note: In S1E7+8, a 14 year old girl is sexualized a lot. This might be upsetting to viewers.
Demoni (Movie)
Demonic (Movie)
Demonic Toys (Movie)
Demonlover (Movie)
A woman is drugged and kissed while she is passed out. A woman claims she was raped, the rape scene happens off-screen. There are extensive scenes of sexual torture (torture porn in the most literal definition) from a site asking its users if they want to torture a woman, and depictions of spam advertising "Russian Rape Sites".
Demonologist (Video Game)
Demons (Movie)
It is implied that a man sexually abused both of his daughters, possibly resulting in an ectopic pregnancy in one of them. While these assaults do not occur on screen, characters make multiple references to them and at roughly the 1:24:00 minute mark, there is a scene in which an assault occurs on the other side of a door.
Demons 2 (Movie)
The author discusses the common experience among disabled people of being touched without asking or of abled people asking them how or if they have sex.
Denial (2016) (Movie)
Dennou Coil (TV Show)
S1E5: a girl mentions how a boy kept flipping her skirt when they were in third grade. She got revenge by pulling his pants down. This is not shown on screen. Later a sister pulls down the pants of her little brother, revealing his behind and gives him a spanking for being disobedient (there is no sexual intent). S1E6: mention of a stalker following children around. S1E7: a girl grabs another girl's leg and tells her to stand a certain way to get the right signal. She is uncomfortable and tells her to stop (no sexual intent). S1E11: an 11 year old boy is kissed by a young girl against his will. There is also a scene where he is shown naked from behind. Worthy of note: There are several scenes where the butts of underage boys is shown. However, they are portrayed in a comedic way.
The Dentist (Movie)
A man forces a woman's head down during oral sex (in a fantasy sequence). A woman is assaulted through kissing and groping while under anesthesia. A man is groped by a women under anesthetic.
The Dentist 2 (Movie)
Worthy of note: a man believes he watches somebody undress and have sex through window blinds.
Deo Eiteu Syo (TV Show)
S1E7: a tied up woman is forcefully kissed for a brief moment. She later castrates the man as an act of revenge (S1E8). Worthy of note: S1E4: the characters, who are playing a game where someone can order two people to do something, are ordered to kiss each other. One of them states that they have to mentally prepare first (17 minutes in). In the same game, someone is ordered to touch someone else's breasts. The guy rather chooses a punishment then touching the women (27 minutes in).
The Departed (Movie)
One of the lead characters spends time in prison. Later on, when talking to a therapist, it is implied that he may have been sexually assaulted in the showers of said prison (54:20-54:50). A character threatens to rape another character's girlfriend. Worthy of note: in a tense scene where a character is collecting protection money from a shopkeeper, he asks a young girl if she has gotten her period yet.
The main character’s middle-aged mother kisses his crush who is a teenaged boy, right after that teenaged boy had been talking about his maternal trauma. This is treated as weird and disturbing but not as assault.
Depraved (Movie)
The painting 'The Rape of the Sabine Women', is shown on-screen and discussed by two characters. A man insists that a woman goes home with him and drags her with him, leading to her death. A man rapes a woman on-screen.
There is very graphic dialogue relating to rapes and murders taking place.
During a business dinner at a restaurant, one man (a client) makes an inappropriate proposal to the protagonist (a female advisor). Later on, another man exposes himself to the protagonist in the men's toilet of an business. Throughout the film, the sister of the protagonist (who is schizophrenic paranoid) claims that she is being abused (not sexually) by the staff of a psychiatric clinic.
This movie is about a serial killer who murdered numerous women (mainly prostitutes), dismembered them and hid their body parts in his apartment: the protagonist is based on a real character. Women (drunk most of the times) are thus sexually assaulted, raped, beaten and killed throughout the film. The opening scene (during approximately 10 minutes) shows the protagonist disposing of the corpse of a woman he presumably raped. We see him undressing her and starting to cut off her head. The protagonist rapes women on-screen at approximately 22:00-24:00 and 31:00-32:00. About 41 minutes into the movie, a woman mentions how she was sexually assaulted by nuns when she was a child. At around 47:00, the protagonist agressively explains to a woman how he wants to sexually assault her. At 50:00, at his apartment, he asks two women to have sex with each other. When they refuse, he beats one of them, who manages to flee. He then brutally murders the other. At approximately 1:11:00, a drunk man unconsensually kisses the protagonist. Between 1:18:00 and 1:20:00, the protagonist attempts to rape his female colleague when they are alone at work. She manages to escape. A woman mentions that she was forced to be a prostitute when she was in a concentration camp (1:23:00). At approximately 1:25:00, the protagonist tries to have sex with a woman but fails to have an erection. The woman laughs at him so he beats her. He presumably rapes her off-screen (we can later see blood between her thighs). After that (1:27:00), she puts mustard on his penis while he is sleeping as a vengeance, so he strangles her and then smashes multiple bottles on her head to kill her (1:29:00-1:34:00). At his apartment, the protagonist fondles a woman who tells him that she does not want to have sex with him: he kills her with a pair of scissors (it is implied that he cuts her tongue off) (1:35:00-1:37:00). A man forces a male teenager to stand still in the toilet of a bar while he pees on him because the teenager greeted him while peeing (1:39:00-41:00). An adult man hits on a female teenager in a bar despite her clear disinterest and uncomfort (1:38:00-41:00). Throughout the movie, the protagonist fantasizes about that teenage girl: at approximatelx 1:42:00, he starts following her in the streets but is interrupted before he can reach her (1:44:00).
Der Todesking (Movie)
Worthy of note: there is a depiction of genital mutilation in this film.
Derailed (Movie)
Derek (TV Show)
A character sometimes says sexually charged things to women and behaves in a dirty way. No physical harassment or cat-calling.
This show is about manipulating a person to violence and killing.
Derry Girls (TV Show)
S1E1: a sexual harassment case (a student-teacher assaulted by two female students) is mentioned (13:20). S1E4: a girls grabs a boy's face and begins very aggressively to kiss him without his consent. Throughout, he looks somewhat alarmed and uncomfortable and other characters do not intervene to get her off of him.
Dersu Uzala (Movie)
Des (TV Show)
The protagonist tells that he never raped any of the gay men he killed.
A girl gives a cookie with a love spell to a boy, so he could fall in love with her.
A teenage boy (main character) was raped and murdered by an adult man, as shown in flashbacks throughout the series. An adult main character is repeatedly sexually harassed by a man, which is occasionally played off as comedic. An adult main character is kidnapped in the final four episodes and tortured by the man who has been harassing him. While there is no on-screen assault, he has been stripped of his clothing.
Descendants 2 (Movie)
Descendants 3 (Movie)
The Descent (Movie)
The film contains two very graphic rape scenes. In the first, a woman is raped. In the second, the woman ties up the man who raped her, and then rapes him with an object. The man is then raped by another man: it is a very graphic and very prolonged scene lasting several minutes.
Desert Hearts (Movie)
Worth of note: Though there is no sexual assault in this, a major plot point at the end is revealed to be how a group of scientists were doing research on an alien that "breeds" by cocooning other species in its web and merging their DNA. Scientists were using people against their will in these experiments to find compatible DNA matches, which may be a triggering idea to some viewers.
The female main character is supposed to be married to someone against her will. The female lead struggles against the male lead and while the male does mention a safe-word, the female does not want to seem "weak" In a sense it's described in detail of her "losing her virginity" during a rapeplay game The rest of the book is rather consensual but the female lead does end up with the male lead and participates in CNC style sex (also described in detail).
A man forces a teenage girl to have sex with him in order to secure a record deal for her band (22:00): he rips her clothes off and gets on top of her.
Despicable Me (Movie)
A cow is lasso'd and then kissed unconsentingly by a minion, for comedic intent.
D'Est (Movie)
Throughout the story a girl is in love with another girl, after being manipulated by the villain she chooses (she is not possessed) to rape the other girl in S1E8. It is not shown on screen, but the aftermath is very dark. It is also discussed in S1E9.
Destroyer (Movie)
The protagonist molests a woman multiple times throughout the movie.
A character looks under a girls skirt multiple times. One of the characters grabs and harasses younger women. SPOILERS: Two characters are revealed to be cousins when they were dating but they did not know. Also multiple cases involving cousin/sibling marriage One of the kidnappers attempt to/ strongly implied to want to rape the female protagonist's mom.
S1E1: the main protagonist tells a girl he would be able to see her panties if she stands from a particular angle. S1E5: the main protagonist mentions how he saw the panties of the female protagonist when she fell over. S1E8: the main protagonist comments that he saw pink and purple rabbits (referring to the underwear the girls are wearing). S1E9: a kid hugs a girl and then comments about her breasts being bigger than he thought. The main protagonist also makes a comment. S1E11: the main protagonist walks behind a girl and comments on the pattern of her underwear. It is not seen on screen. S1E24: the main protagonist makes a comment about a girls breasts. The girl hits him. He later on walks into a room while a girl is dressing. However, there was no sexual intent. S1E25: in the after credits, the main protagonist asks a girl to show him her panties if he wins next time. S1E29: bullies tell the female protagonist and another male character not to be in an explicit sexual relationship together. He later on says that they would get a lot of maniacs accessing the internet if they put her online. This is referring to murder videos going around. S1E32: this episode is about a groper on the train. It is not explicitly shown on screen.
The Detour (TV Show)
S1E5: parents teach their kids about the rape of POC by white people, but badly, and played for laughs. S1E6: Episode plot revolves around the wedding of a 60-year-old man and a 16-year-old girl (which is legal in the state where the action takes place). The wedding guests are other 'couples' of adult men and teenage girls. The episode makes a point about archaic laws. S2E3: the main character female wants to have another baby, and refuses to let her husband pull out of her. This is also played for laughs. This series frequently shows women being objectified and harassed, and often men, usually played for laughs.
Detour (Movie)
Detroit (Movie)
As several people are forced to face a wall by abusive policemen who beat them to obtain a confession, one officer fondles a woman wearing a dress and puts his rifle between her thighs: she is shown to be very distressed. She and another woman are then threateningly taken to another room by a policeman who accidentally rips off the clothes of one of them. Men stares at her as she is trying to cover herself and fears that the policeman will abuse her. Another man eventually intervenes, helps her to cover herself and put both women in security. It is said several times that they are treated badly because they (white women) were in an hotel room with Black men.
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game)
This game is set in a future where human-like androids are sold for household use, and are essentially slaves used for most kinds of work. There are references throughout the game to humans using androids for sex. There are references to and depictions of androids being abused by their owners in various ways, including main characters. There are also depictions of non-sexual child abuse in the game. One scene takes place in a sex club: the androids working there did not choose to do so, but androids are capable of choice and free will, which the game explores in-depth.
The book references female auto workers being coerced into relationships with male foremen and the rapes of enslaved women.
A teenage male is pursued by and has sex with an adult middle aged woman.
The Deuce (TV Show)
This show is about prostitution. Sexual encounters between prostitutes and their clients are featured throughout. Abusive relations between prostitutes and their pimp is a central theme in the first two seasons. S1E1: a man assaults a woman who is entering her apartment alone at night, pushes her on her bed and begins to unbuckle his belt: It is implied that he rapes her off-screen (about 30 minutes into the episode). It is later revealed that it was a scripted encounter, with the man paying to be violent with her and 'pretend' to rape her. A college professor has sex with one of his 20 year old students. In the final scene of the episode, a pimp is shown cutting one woman with a razor blade because she did not want to work that night (he also threatens to send her back to her hometown where he says her father would sexually abuse her again): another man (the protagonist) watches him do without intervening. S1E2: in the opening scene, a police officer touches a woman's butt without her consent as he is arresting her. Shortly after, a woman learns that copies of the porn movie she agreed to play in are sold, although it was said to her it was for a man's personal use. This is referred to throughout the episode. About 45 minutes into the episode, two women plays in a porn movie where two men engage sex by pushing them on a bed. In the end of the episode, a policeman mentions the fact that two rapes were committed. S1E3: one character jokingly says that a man has sex with his niece. S1E5: a minor girl is recruted to become a prostitute. A recurring character (who is a prostitute) is beaten up and robbed by a man (a client). At some point, he is on top of her and strangles her. It is mentioned later that this happened several times to her in the past. A man arguing with a woman implies that she had been sexually abused by her father and his friends when she was younger. S1E7: early in the episode, a recurring character suddenly kisses a woman without her consent, shortly after having hinted that he would not assault her. She seems surprised and pushes him off, but then kisses him back. Near the end of the episode, we hear a prostitute (the 17 year old from S1E5) working in a brothel protesting against a client, asking him to stop: two other women intervene. S1E8: a man mentions porn movies involving animals. Someone mentions that the protagonist's wife was beaten up by a man. Near the end of the episode, a client kills a prostitute (a recurring character) by pushing her through the window of a hotel room. S2E1: a porn actress is shown shooting a movie where she is cuffed and about to be presumably raped by a man (the shooting is interrupted before anything happens). S2E2: early in the episode, strip dancers are told that they have to accept getting touched by clients to gain more money. They reluctantly accept, and in a later scene, a man presumably hurts one of them off-screen (we hear her scream and we see her being angry at the manager). A woman explains that she had to give sexual favours to a man for a professional opportunity: she says that she was surprised that he asked her permission first (to practice oral sex on her). An homophobic assault happens off-screen (we see the victim being teased by a group of men who have just hurt him). At some point, a porn movie scene is being shot: in the scenario, the man is forced to have sex with a woman he owes money to (the director insists that he is not in control of the situation). During an interrogation about a murder (from S2E1), it is revealed that a man paid a young boy to have sex with him, but the latter killed him when he tried to made him 'do things he didn't want to do'. S2E3: a character mentions that underage girls are working as prostitutes in a brothel. A main female character is pressured to perform oral sex on a man for a professional opportunity. S2E4: early in the episode, a woman briefly mentions that one of her professors wanted to have sex with her when she was in college. It is revealed that a woman who died because of a fire in a brothel was an underage prostitute. S2E5: a main female character (a prostitute) is shown having sex with her abusive pimp. She is clearly not into it, and shortly after, he beats her up. A woman mentions that prostitutes are sexually abused by their doctors. A woman kisses another woman without her consent: she seems not into it and accepting the 'relation' because the woman is offering her shelter. A man threatens to rape a woman. S2E6: this episode is about the shooting of a porn version of Little Red Riding Hood, with a man playing the wolf (a sexual predator): several scenes show him chasing women. Rape is mentioned early in the episode, and throughout, it is mentioned that the women (the victims) are in control and fantasize about the assault. A cartoon version of the tale shows the grandmother being aroused by a wolf and trapping him to presumably sexually assault him. In the last sequence of the episode, the wolf is trapped by the women he is chasing, and has consensual sex with them (who are in power positions). S2E7: a high-school boy has oral sex with a prostitute. S2E8: a man (a pimp) rapes a woman (a prostitute) on-screen. S3E2: a woman explains that she became a prostitute after a client, supposedly paying for a massage, asked her to go down on him. On the set of a porn film, an actor does something that the actress did not agree to (i.e. put an object in her anus): she stops the scene but eventually gets pressured into accepting it. A man confronts the boss of porn booth to show him that child pornography is display in his establishment without him knowing (the video is played in the background but not shown on-screen). S3E3: a porn actress has to argue with a film director in order to have an actor wearing a condom (the season takes place during the beginning of the AIDS pandemic). A man jokingly says that when women say no, they mean yes. S3E4: rape and violence towards women (including torture and murder) are mentioned and discussed several times throughout the episode. S3E5: throughout the episode, a female pornstar is harassed by men (her 'fans'). Eventually, one man follows her to her motel at night and tries to enter her room: however, it is finally hinted that she was imagining this last encounter from paranoia. S3E6: the episode opens with a scene showing a waitress being harassed by male customers. A female pornstar is pressured to act in a gang bang scene without being notified first, and despite her clear reluctance (she refuses to shot it several times). We only see the set and the actors getting prepared. She is shown leaving the set and being shoked. A woman explains how she was forced to get an abortion by her father when she was 15, and how traumatizing this experience was. S3E7: a woman is forced to prostitute herself for money (we see her having sex with a client). S3E8: a recurring theme of this episode is the shooting of a porn film that addresses issues of consent, including reluctance of the actors to play in it. It includes suggested off-screen rape and on-screen domestic violence. An ex-porn actresses is forced to accept sexual practices she originally did not consent to on the set of a porn film, in order to get money.
Deus (Movie)
Deux (Movie)
Devi (Movie)
The Device (Movie)
There is a story discussed several times in the movie of one of the sisters being kidnapped by her boyfriend in the past and that everyone believed he raped her because she was pregnant when they found her. Later it is revealed that they were abducted by aliens and she was pregnant by them. Within the current story, the other sister is pregnant and she believes it to be her husband's but finds out that it is the alien's.
Devil (Movie)
There is a scene where a woman’s butt is grabbed and another male character is accused.
A young girl is coerced into removing her clothes and getting kissed by a man in a position of power (a preacher) and it is implied that they have a regular sexual relationship after this (1:05:10-1:06:20). When she gets pregnant, he victim blames her and tells her to get rid of the child: she kills herself. The same man is then shown to do the same with other young girls. The brother of the victim then confronts the rapist and talks about his crimes before killing him. Throughout the film, two characters kidnap men and then coerce them at gunpoint into sexual acts before murdering them (rape is strongly implied). Pictures and scenes of these acts are frequently shown, and it implies sexual mutilation. Early in the movie, two men make sexual assault threats to a man about his wife: he later beats them up. Teenage boys attempt to rape a teenage girl before her brother intervenes. This is presented as taking place regularly: her brother then comes to pick her at school and beats her assailants up. Throughout the movie there are instances of verbal harassment towards women.
A man walks out of a room zipping up his pants while the woman in the room screams at him. While being beaten, a man says "I didn't know she was underage". There are several mentions of trafficking.
Two women are forcibly impregnated with a syringe in a lab: they do not seem to be in pain, but are scared and held down by scientists. One is violently killed by possession through the mouth. The other is forced to carry the pregnancy to term. The birth scene is short and not incredibly violent.
Standard rape does not strictly occur, but there are two notable moments that could be triggering and one is definitely coercion: Chapter 37: one of the main characters is a woman in an arranged marriage. Her father traded her to her older husband when she was a teenager and she hates both of them for it. When the story begins she is in her 30s and reflects back to her anger and devastation over being sold. She views having sex with her husband as her "duty" that she hates and there is only one scene where sex is described but it can be triggering. She does not fight him, but she very clearly does not want to be there and when he finishes she tells him she hates him. He says and he knows and that he picked her out from amongst her sisters because he knew she would hate him the most and he wanted to punish her father by making her "suffer". He is also physically abusive to her throughout the book. Chapter 75: the second incident involves a character who is stranded amongst a lot of other characters in an isolated environment. He gains power over most of the men, but says very matter of factly that he only has control over them while he can provide what they want - so he calls a meeting with two others to discuss offering all the unmarried "of age " women to the men so they can be raped repeatedly. While the other characters are horrified, they later only refer to this set up as a "brothel" which can feel dismissive to real life victims. The plot also does not advance far enough beyond this point for the rape to take place, but it can be retraumatising to read as this seems almost certain to happen for several pages until the plan is interrupted. There are other mentions of rape, but they are in passing and vague. The story takes place on a boat in the 1600s and it is mentioned every now and then that the sailors are bad men who might do such a thing.
The sexual relationship between adult and teenager is a delusion in the teenage girl's mind and is not actually happening.
This series is about a woman who escaped a cult. S1E6: it is implied that women in the cult stay unmarried in order to provide for "the [sexual] needs of the community".
There is body horror of female genitals and breasts throughout the film: it is of note that the body horror is always of non-human characters. There are also two short scenes involving a minor being flirted with and touched by adult women. 29:31-30:12: body horror of female genitals. 40:00-40:09: woman flirts and pulls teenage boy away with her to dance, which he struggles to get away from. 41:33-41:40: teenage boy is pushed into woman's breasts. When he tries to get up, the woman pushes him back into her chest. 42:14-42:20: body horror of breasts.
S1E2: a devil-woman is raped by a teenage male devil-man during a fight. A teenage girl sexually fantasizes about getting raped by a photographer: it is unclear whether it really happened or that it was just a mere fantasy. S1E5: a Devilwoman is raped by a teenaged Devilman during a fight. S1E7: a teenage girl is raped by a man while being held at gunpoint. The scene is short but explicit, and the girl later on kills the man. Worthy of note: an adult male photographer likes to take pictures of 'young people'. In a scene, sexually explicit photographs of teenage girls and boys can be seen.
This film contains nudity of minors throughout, particularly the accentuation of a teenage girl's body. There is also some sexual harassment between two teenagers. In a dream sequence, a girl slaps a boy's behind and asks if he is mad (19:47-19:59). In a dream sequence, a teenage boy rips a girl's blazer and the shot pans over her chest to show her breasts (21:10-21:15). A boy flips a girl's nightgown up and her underwear is shown: he does this to check if she is injured, but never tells her this, asks permission or lets her do this herself (21:49-21:54). A boy comments on a girl's breasts and underwear: she leaves his room angry (23:00-22:08). A sequence shows a girl taking a bath and a non-human character watching her. It becomes a part of the water she is bathing in (24:41-26:57). She becomes engulfed in the water and it takes her hostage (29:29-29:48).
Devilman Lady (TV Show)
The show has multiple scenes featuring sexual assault (S1E5+6+13+16+18+22+25) and the main character (an adult woman)'s love interest is a teenage girl. S1E5: the protagonist recalls being sexually assaulted by a friend, although she eventually manages to push her away. S1E25: the antagonist rapes the protagonist in a graphic scene.
Rape, coercion, and assault on teens and children are all major plot point in this movie and come up many times.
It is implied that a man was forced to have sex with the director of an orphanage (woman) since his arrival 15 years earlier (as a child or at least as a teenager).
Devil's Bride (Movie)
One musical number contains implications of the sexual abuse of a child by a parent.
Worthy of note: being based on the real events of the Magdalene laundries, there are implications of women being tortured and sexually abused. While giving birth, a woman is forcibly subjected to a painful procedure.
Throughout the movie, the main antagonist is shown raping, beating and sometimes killing women and schoolgirls. Several scenes show him kidnapping young girls for his personal harem when they are leaving school.
Devil's Gate (Movie)
The Devil's Hour (TV Show)
Devil's Pass (Movie)
There is one discussion of how one of the men hooks up with women while hiking and films them: it is not made clear if that was always consensual or not. The next morning, that man films himself waking up his partner, who tells him to stop filming but she does not press it and they are interrupted before they can have sex again.
A man with a gun forcibly pulls a woman out of a shower fully naked and throws her on a bed in front of her parents and husband (29:00-29:45). Later, the same man forces her to remove her clothing in front of her family and abductors to humiliate her and to cause her family distress. During the undressing, he forcibly puts his gun in her underwear. He then forces her to kiss him and perform oral sex on him, threatening to kill her if she does not comply (33:00-36:40). Later on, he sniffes his gun and says it still smells (43:00-43:20).
Devil's Snare (Movie)
Two women are graphically raped on screen and killed at the very end of the movie. There is also some non consensual touching around the middle of the movie, when the 'executive producer' character and his wife join the cabin. They both try and force themselves sexually onto the group of men and women. Towards the beginning, we see some aftermath of a 'sex scene' filmed for the fake movie being made within in this movie, but it was consensual.
A camera is hidden in a tent and two people are unknowingly recorded having sex. Later while secretly following someone and filming, they come across the couple having sex again and continue filming.
During an interview, a cop mentions seeing a naked girl with blood on her surrounded by violent cultists (12:20-13:46) . No more details are given but it is worth mentioning because she was naked and the cop implies that whatever was done to the girl was something she did not want.
The entirety of the movie's premise is based around a teenage boy's represed memory of being molested by his grandfather. The scene is shown at 1:10:00.
Toward the end of the movie, a “demon” has unconsensual sex with a man who is paralyzed by a herbal drink: it is not graphic, but it is clear that a sexual act is occurring.
There is a passing mention of Abner Louima, who was sodomized by NYPD officers. A character is tortured for refusing to go out with an agent of the Haitian military dictatorship. Discussions of rape and genital mutilation in the context of torture.
Dexter (TV Show)
In season one, a male character is a rape survivor. S1E1: early in the episode a pastor is revealed to have raped and killed numerous young boys. Also early in the episode, the main character views a website which displays a violent rape on-screen. This clip is roughly 10 seconds long. This is not relevant to the overarching plot but, although brief, may be disturbing to some viewers. The character Rita is also a survivor of an abusive domestic relationship. S1E3: several main characters joke about a sex move that amounts to assault (riding a woman like a bronco while she is trying to buck the man off). It is presented as legitimate. One male character says that he murdered someone because they assaulted him: the protagonist lets him live because of it. S2E11: a character drugs herself in order to frame another character of rape to manipulate someone to be in a relationship with them (she frames him for sexual assault). Season 5: the main villains are a group of serial rapists (there are flashbacks in almost every episode). There is a description of a rape by their first victim and while the police is investigating, there is a board with pictures of the victims and frames of the videos. S5E3: a character is introduced as a survivor of rape. The impacts of this trauma are made clear in the way she reacts when faced with large groups of men or when she is touched. S5E9: the police finds DVDs that contain recordings of all the women the group raped, and they show parts of those images, as well as a lot of screaming by the victims, in almost every following episode of the season.
S1E1-3: someone holds a woman captive and watches her. S1E1: a woman who appears to be a teen has sex with a drunk billionaire who is an adult. We do not know how old she is but she asks the main character not to tell her dad, which probably means she is a teen. S1E3: a group of high-school boys pretend to be a teenage girl and send nudes to another boy. S1E6: a main character talks about someone trying to molest him. S1E7: one character talks about his dad beating up women while he had sex with them and he watched.
D.Gray-Man (TV Show)
S1E11: an adult character who looks like a 12 year old girl kisses the main character (a 15 year old boy). Manga (chapter 232 page 24-25): in a flashback, a boy is sold to the circus and there are implications of sexual abuse. Nothing is shown besides the man stroking the child's lips.
Dhaka Attack (Movie)
Dheepan (Movie)
One main character watches another while she is nude without her consent and, later, kisses her multiple times while she expressly tells him to stop.
Diabolik Lovers (TV Show)
This show contains forced biting and non-consensual licking as well as kissing.
Diabolique (Movie)
Near the beginning of the film, we hear a husband walking towards his wife off-screen, who then says 'no', implying he has sex with her without her consent.
Diagnosis (TV Show)
This film is about an man pressuring a woman to have sex without a condom. It ends with her violating her wishes and raping her.
The premise of the book is that the protagonist accidentally kills her blind date while acting in self defense after he starts trying to take her somewhere presumably to assault her. The would-be rapist's actions never get to the point of actually assaulting her, so there is no graphic description. However, he does ignore the protagonist's repeated wishes to not let him drive her car, and he calls her a tease. There is also passing commentary about how "everything bad" happens at frat parties, including rape.
Dick (Movie)
A teenage girl develops a crush toward Richard Nixon, but this never goes farther than comedic, non-sexual fantasies and a comedic declaration of love.
Dickinson (TV Show)
S1E5: a man touches a female character’s face and she is visibly uncomfortable. Sexual assault is implied as a man enters a woman's room (the nanny to his children) and locks the door. Nothing is explicitly shown as the shot pans to her panicked face then fades to another scene.
The Dictator (Movie)
The force-feeding of suffragettes on hunger strike in prison is likened to rape.
The protagonist is a trans woman who was sent to a man's prison for a crime she did not commit. At the beginning of the book, she is at the cusp of getting out of prison on parole. While in prison, she was constantly under threat of physical and sexual violence at the hands of correctional officers and fellow prisoners. She has several PTSD flashbacks to specific instances of rape she experienced. She also discusses experiences of rape with other female friends. There is passing mention of a house where a number of children were raped and murdered. In the last chapter, we find out that one of the protagonist's friends dies in a domestic violence situation.
The protagonist uses binoculars to look at a woman in a bikini. This happens on a public beach and she keeps walking around in bikini in full view of people, so obviously does not mind being seen that way, but he did not know that at the time. The protagonist and a female spy make out in order to seem unsuspicious to security guards, with her obviously not enjoying it and only doing it out of necessity. When the security guards are gone, he does not tell her about this and pretends they are still being watched just so he has an excuse to keep kissing her.
Die Hard (Movie)
Worthy of note: excision and sex-cult are briefly mentioned.
Dietland (TV Show)
Rape and sexual assault are frequently discussed throughout the series. In episodes 2, 3 and 7 rape porn is shown. Episode 8: a woman is pushed against a bookshelf, and another character puts their hand over her mouth. She says no but the other character proceeds anyway. This scene occurs from the 38-minute mark until the end of the episode.
A character tries to rape a main character in a car on a date: she escapes and someone steps in to save her. This episode also discuses consent, especially on college campus.
The Dig (Movie)
Digimon Survive (Video Game)
One of the major routes reveals that the youngest cast member (age 12) was sexually harrassed by an adult. Nothing is explicitly shown or detailed. Most of the routes also include on-screen death of children and teenagers, which while not graphic (most death scenes are simply the character being pulled into a fog) does include audio that may be distressing.
The plot involves investigating the kidnappings of young girls, though nothing explicitly sexual is mentioned in regards to this.
Worthy of note: the main protagonist unknowingly watches his maid when she is in underwear. They later sleep together.
An underage character uses magic to disguise herself as an adult in order to kiss/flirt with adults. They are unaware that she is actually a teenager, and nothing more than kissing occurs. The same character also repeatedly flirts with her vice principal, who does not reciprocate. Both of these things are played for comedy. There are also references to an adult man (likely early-mid 20s) having relationships with high school girls.
The Diplomat (TV Show)
S1E6: it is mentioned that forces are "raping their way through Libya".
S1E1: an imprisoned woman is almost raped by her captors before someone intervenes and rescues her. She recalls her attempted rape in later episodes in flashbacks.
S1E6: a man gropes a woman in a club (21:00). S2E6: characters are put under a 'magically intoxicating' love spell and when they wake up, it is implied that there was an orgy. Worthy of note: in S1E1, a woman is tied to a bed. While it is not sexual, she is seen struggling and the imagery may still be upsetting.
The Dirt (Movie)
Dirty 30 (Movie)
This movie is a romance between a 17-year-old girl and a 25-year-old man. Part of the plot involves a woman getting an abortion in bad conditions (not shown on-screen): we see her afterwards, injured by the botched abortion and needing medical care. The man who got her pregnant refuses to help her: he also makes a pass at one character, who gets away from him.
Dirty God (Movie)
A woman touches a man on his buttocks as she walks passed him. A woman is the victim of revenge porn at work.
Dirty Grandpa (Movie)
Dirty Harry (Movie)
The main character mentions shooting an attempted rapist.
Dirty Money (TV Show)
S1E2: a crude description of rape is used as a metaphor for unfair treatment by a loan company.
A Dirty Shame (Movie)
Dirty Work (Movie)
The author discusses the following throughout the book: numerous individuals with a background of experiencing sexual violence, sexual violence in institutions, the Buck v. Bell US Supreme Court case, PTSD that arises from sexual violence and other forms of violence, and general statistics about sexual violence against disabled people.
Many of the essayists discuss statistics about disabled people’s heightened vulnerability to sexual violence, as well as their own experiences. Several essays begin with content warnings, particularly those that involve sexual violence.
An actress has to perform a sex scene with an actor who insists they both be completely naked, but the actress is clearly uncomfortable with this.
There is a scene where one of the main protagonists does things that make it seem like he might be a paedophile, which alarms the other protagonists, but the joke is that he is not actually a paedophile, he just has an intimidating demeanor. There is a recurring character who frequently violates women's consent, which is always played for laughs. While the character is arguably presented as somewhat sympathetic, other characters frequently voice their disapproval of his actions. There is a reacurring plot point in which one of the female main characters (a teenage girl) has an older brother who tries to force his romantic affection onto her. She is frequently shown to be uncomfortable with this, sometimes actively rebuffing him. While the protagonist disapproves and sometimes tries to undermine the brother's efforts, no other action is taken to resolve the situation. There is a character who is a teacher that gets into situations which make it seem like he might be a paedophile, which the teenage characters are concerned by, but the comedic subversion is that he is not actually a paedophile. Worthy of mention: the (teenage) main character's grandfather is a 'tsundere' with his affection towards his grandson, and is shown getting very excited by his visits. While he does not say or do anything inherently paedohpilic, his actions are parodying a romantic trope, which can lead to some scenes that may be uncomfortable to watch.
The main character was raped in her past: the film shows the start of the attack. We find out later that she was impregnated by the attack. Worthy note: domestic abuse is discussed throughout.
Discarnate (Movie)
This documentary is about the depiction of transgender people in television and movies. As such, the documentary shows brief clips of those representations to underscore the points being made. Many of those clips feature implied and overt sexual violence against trans people, mostly against trans women. There are also scenes that depict gender non-conforming people raping and sexually assaulting cis people. Moreover, one of the actresses interviewed explains her real life experiences of sexual harassment on the set of a television show she was a part of.
Disco Elysium (Video Game)
At the beginning of the game, a child screams "Help ! Rape !" to try to get rid of a police officer who is asking questions to his friend. The police has no inappropriate question or gestures. There are mentions of the murder victim being a potentional rapist: it is later confirmed. SPOILERS: While not necessary to finish the game, it is possible to talk with one of the scab workers, who the main character figures out is an undercover mercenary. If we keep talking to him, there is a point where he discusses a woman his group took hostage as a sex slave until her death.
Disco Pigs (Movie)
The sexual violence scene (28:00-32:00) is confusing in that it is implied and not talked about openly in the film. Both characters have an estranged attachment, with the victim not willing to part with the abuser, so the event remains undiscussed while their friendship continues as normal. The abuse is handled realistically where the victim suffers in silence and no retribution or resolution is ever found, which makes the movie all the more disturbing. There are no overt moments in the movie where the abuser is said/shown to be wrong in his treatment to his friend, leading the watcher to think his morality is up to speculation; this seems to be the most harmful thing about this movie.
This book contains a mention of mass rape of women post downfall of Troy, including brief interaction with a minor character who has been raped and is afraid she will be again A major male character is enslaved and repeatedly raped by a Greek god, on and offscreen (descriptions of nonconsentual interactions are not detailed). The situation persists over many flashbacks to various parts of their lives together, and the emotional and sexual relationship dynamics between them become complicated. A secondary male antagonist attempts to rape female lead onscreen. She is rescued before things progress very far, but the descriptions of her struggles and his touch are detailed and emotionally charged.
The Discovery (Movie)
S3E5: a man captures and holds witches against their will and rapes them repeatedly trying to get them pregnant with vampire witch hybrids.
Disenchanted (Movie)
Worthy of note: a protagonist casts a spell that has unintentionally far-reaching effects on the thoughts and actions of those around her (including her spouse) without their knowledge or consent.
Disenchantment (TV Show)
Disobedience (Movie)
A woman is raped off-screen and continue to live with her rapiste because she is pregnant.
Disparu a Jamais (TV Show)
S1E2: dialogue with talk of prostitution and drugging someone to take advantage of them (around 34-38 minutes).
While drunk, the protagonist attempts to rape another character. His internal monologue shows that he believes the way she is dressed to be an invitation to sex. She says "no" and "stop" repeatedly in the interaction.
District 9 (Movie)
The film contains multiple references to inter-species prostitution.
Disturbia (Movie)
There's several scenes in this film involving voyeurism, and peeping at other people through binoculars without their consent.
Disventure Camp (TV Show)
Divergent (Movie)
The film contains a hallucination of an attempted rape (which is not in the book). In another scene, the protagonist is attacked by a group of men: in the film, they are trying to kill her while in the book, this includes her being groped. Worthy of note: the book the film is adapted from contains an attempted rape.
A scene in the book in which the protagonist is kidnapped, it is debated on weather or not the aim was to kill the character or rape/assault them before killing. The main character (16, female) and their Instructor (18, male) engage in a relationship, however they do not have sex and the relationship is very healthy. Worthy of note: the love interest (18, male) experiences physical abuse from his father which is vividly discussed. Though no sexual abuse occurs this may be triggering for some viewers.
The theme of rape is recurrent in the film, with multiple mentions and depictions that are graphic in nature.
Worthy of note: it is implied that a woman was punched by her husband off-screen.
Divines (Movie)
This film is set in the era of American slavery: Black characters are treated as chattel, with the specific implication that black women can be treated as sexual objects for the pleasure of men up to and including rape.
A woman who has recently graduated high school performs oral sex on a man from a band, and it is unclear what the age gap between them is.
Rape or sexual assault is not mentioned explicitly, but the alter ego of the main character talks about women and "his sexual encounters" in a demeaning way.
Do Not Reply (Movie)
Rape is implied but not shown.
Do Revenge (Movie)
The whole story of this film is based on revenge porn A girl makes up that another girl tried to hold her down and kiss her. Worthy of note: people dose an entire party with mushrooms.
A character tells a man to stay away from his sister because he thinks that he is a threat to her. After a woman declines having sex with her boyfriend, he physically makes sexual advances and manipulates her into performing a different sexual act despite her verbally declining multiple times.
A teen character agrees to have sex with her teen boyfriend out of a sense of obligation, although her thoughts reveal that she does not want to have sex. Midway through the scene, the character changes her mind and tells her boyfriend to get off of her, and he does not. She has to physically push him off, and the boy is cruel about it. A teen character recalls an abusive boyfriend of her mother’s from her childhood. She recalls finding the boyfriend raping her mother at knifepoint in a car. A teen character experiencing debilitating depression has sex with another boy out of a sense of obligation, although her thoughts reveal that she doesn’t want to do it.
A drunken man in a bar grabs a woman and tries to forcibly plant a kiss on her while she struggles against him. Off-screen, a man attempts to force himself on a woman before being shot dead by another woman who witnesses the act.
Doctor Foster (TV Show)
S2E3: the protagonist's son assaults a classmate.
Doctor Sleep (Movie)
The whole film contains subtext, imagery and sometimes references to pedophilia. One character has been molested as a child and takes revenge by setting up men seeking young girls. "Turning" of one character (bringing him to evil side) bears visual resemblance to gang rape.
S1E13: a woman (one of the doctors companions) is left alone with a man who turns out to be a ruthless person. In a scene, he tries to attack her, with her fighting back: the fight ends with her falling on the floor with the man just about to go for her, just before two men (one of them being the other companion) bang on the door. The woman rushes to let them in and they aprend the man.
S1E3: a character refers to the "wandering hands" of an unconscious woman he drugged and kidnapped. S2E2: the episode contains a running joke of a man chasing women around corridors. S2E14: a female character lies to the protagonist, saying that her fiancé 'wore her down' by repeatedly coercing and begging her to marry him. This lie is told while showing scenes where, in fact, the opposite happens and she coerces and begs the man to marry her. S4E10: although this episode contains no sexual violence or discussions thereof, it involves a main character being completely unable to move or speak while still conscious, and a group of people dragging his body while trying to kill him. The character is clearly traumatized by this. The scenes in question somewhat resemble being drugged and assaulted. S5E5: episode ends with a character forcibly kissing another despite vocal and physical protests, with the implication that this goes further. S7E11: the titular character kisses a woman without her consent and responds to her protestations with a joke. S8E11: a woman forcibly kisses the main character, which makes him uncomfortable. Later, after learning that she is really on of his oldest friends with a different appearance, he kisses her consensually. S14E4: it is *believably* implied that the antagonist of the story {a male prime minster} coerces a woman into a sexual relationship with him (32:42-33:22; 35:31-35:47; 36:45-36:58). SPOILERS: The end of the episode implies that none of the events that transpired happened due to going back in time and preventing it, also implying that the coercion never happens.
A 17-year-old girl is raped by an older man when she refuses to call off her engagement to another.
Dog (Movie)
Someone asks suggestively if female hostages are being abused.
Film depicts several scenes of sexual torture between individuals for the purpose of entertainment.
Dog Eat Dog (Movie)
Rape is mentioned at the beginning of the movie. Midway through the movie, a man forcibly kisses a woman at gunpoint.
Dog Pound (Movie)
The relevant scene is graphic and occurs towards the end of the movie.
Dog Soldiers (Movie)
Dog Star Man (Movie)
Doggie Heaven (Movie)
A man is raped by a dog, then later says that he has 'seen dogs do things that no human should see.' This occurs between the 3:14-4:14 minute marks.
Dogma (Movie)
A female character is frightened that she is going to be raped when a man breaks into her home. It is played for laughs as the character is an angel and physically incapable of sexual contact. His lack of genitals is shown onscreen. There are several other rape jokes throughout the film.
Dogman (Movie)
Worthy of note: at some point, two men go to a strip club, take drugs and dance with a young woman. One of them pushes the other to kiss her.
Dogtooth (Movie)
A woman gives another woman a present in return for sexual favours: yet, the woman does not realise the act she is performing is sexual. A man rapes his sister and she is extremely uncomfortable throughout the scene. Multiple incestuous sexual scenes are shown in the film.
Dogville (Movie)
Throughout the film, the main female character is raped repeatedly by several men, chained to a bed, chained to a heavy wheel, beaten and exploited by every individual in the small town she seeks refuge in.
In “Act 2” of the game, one of the main characters unconsensually brings the player’s hand to her chest, before saying that she “just wants to look at you.” She then stares at the player for a short amount of time, looking him up and down before another character interrupts. The player has no dialogue during this scene, therefore no consent was given. Later on (during the same act), one of the main characters states to the player that she stole his pen without his knowledge, and masturbates using it while thinking about him. The scene continues, with various dialogue strongly hinting at the character’s obsession with the player.
Rape is used several times as a punchline by the main character.
The Doll 2 (Movie)
Dollhouse (TV Show)
Manipulation of consent and nonconsent are recurring themes in the show, beyond just sexual assault.
Dollman (Movie)
Dolls (1987) (Movie)
A man is mistaken to be a pedophile, a rapist, and a murderer.
Dolls (2019) (Movie)
A seventeen year old and an adult flirt and make out.
The main character's daughter is molested by the father/husband. At one point there is a flashback sequence of him forcing her to touch him inappropriately; aside from this incident his actions are only spoken about.
Domain (2016) (Movie)
Rape is briefly mentioned in a prison context.
The Domestics (Movie)
The antagonists are intent on raping the female protagonist and kidnap women to use for sexual slavery.
Don Giovanni (Movie)
Don Jon (Movie)
A man kisses a woman very aggressively; she has to push him off multiple times and tell him to stop. He then proceeds to try to track her down online without her consent.
Don Juan (Movie)
A man tries to publicly shame a woman by throwing her into a pool against her will. Later, he orders another woman to undress and slaps her several times after she refuses.
Dong (Movie)
Donnie Darko (Movie)
A high school teacher is arrested for possessing and publishing child pornography. A highschooler says to another teenager that he hopes he gets molested. Two high school boys make a female classmate umcomfortable, standing behind her, touching her hair, saying they like her breast. A young girl asks when she can have a baby and her brother jokingly say not until eighth grade. While under hypnosis, the protagonist answers negatively to his therapist when he asks him if he thinks about "fucking his family" (36:16-36:50).
A character talks about disliking being touched by strangers who think it is ok to touch him without consent just because he is in drag. The touching is non-sexual, however.
A man mixes a woman's drink a lot stronger than his own, seemingly with the intent of getting her more drunk than he is and taking advantage of her. However, he doesn't make any actual advances.
Don't Breathe (Movie)
A woman is held captive and is revealed to have been impregnated by her captor. A man captures a female character and attempts to impregnate her as well.
One character says "I have raped".
Don't Click (Movie)
The plot of this movie revolves around pornographic website featuring videos of women being tortured and murdered.
Though there is no actual assault or harassment in the book, there are several references to past events or potential events. - Several mentions of hidden cameras that a male school employee put in the girl's locker room and bathrooms (known from events in the previous book); - Mention of how the same man previously worked at a funeral home and took naked photos of dead women; - Concerns that a male doctor would grope a patient while treating them so another woman stays nearby just in case; - Brief reference to past incestual sexual assault (known from the previous book); - Reference to sexual abuse at residential schools; - Video of people who flash British Royal Guards as a means to get them to lose focus; - Mention of when an older teen put his hand on a younger teen girl's thigh before the girl's mother drew him away; - Mentions of rumors of a male high school teacher and female student being in a relationship. It's later discovered that he tried to get sexual favors from her in exchange for information.
The main character becomes a target for increasingly severe death threats throughout the course of the book for having won an award related to her role in a video game. This hostility spills over into the offline world when certain individuals who also play the video game doxx her friend in one instance, and chase and attempt to brutalize her in other instances. A person who works for the company who gave her the award and to whom the main character attempts to report this harassment is dismissive of her experience and even threatens to rescind the award.
S1E3: mention of rape. Worthy of note: sexual assault is not discussed in the documentary, but one of the crimes (if you were to look it up for further detail), involved the sexual assault of the victim's corpse.
A man tries to sneak into a couple's tent so he could watch them have sex. A man takes photos of a woman swimming, then he watches her and masturbates.
In the introduction scene, a monster rapes a woman. This results in several parasites who later infect other women by crawling into their mouth or vagina.
Don't Hang Up (Movie)
One of the protagonists makes vaguely sexual comments to people over the phone. A man films a sexual encounter with a woman without her knowledge and it is implied that he does this routinely.
An abusive boyfriend stands over his girlfriend’s sleeping friend and thinks/fantasizes about sexually assaulting her. The spectators hears his thoughts, about what he wants to do and why he feels he has a right to do it. He pulls her blanket down and it is unclear whether he stops or not because it cuts away (54:40-55:30).
Don't Look Up (Movie)
A trump-esq news scandal is mentioned whereby a politician has exposed himself to someone and became aroused. Another moment occurs where one character attempts to kiss another and it is rejected however this is a lighthearted moment.
Worthy of note: in one scene, a woman is thrown onto a bed and has her hands tied behind her back. This scene might be taken to be suggestive of sexual assault, although none occurs.
It is mentioned that a woman is given a date rape drug. Nothing is described in detail.
Don't Speak (Movie)
Don't Starve Together (Video Game)
This is a coming of age comedy about a teen girl pretending to be an adult so that she can work in a corporate job. In a side plot, she experiences unwanted sexual advances (verbal, and gifts) from a sleezy colleague who does not know she is a minor and who does not seem to be in touch with reality (she is not interested but he does not seem to grasp this). She stands up to him throughout the film and (spoiler) he is exposed for being the creep that he is.
A boy walks in on a woman whilst she is naked and she begins to make suggestive comments towards him. This is not presented as predatory in the film.
The explicit sexual scenes in the movie are marketed as empowering a women's pleasure. However, an important part of the story is that the main character is living in a simulation against her will, so making all previously shown sexual activities non-consensual.
S1E1: a grown female nurse pulls the main character (a 16 year old boy) into a dark room at work. She gets close to him and undoes his scrubs revealing his underwear. She alludes to wanting to have sex with him. As his pants drop, the lights turn on and all of the other doctors and nurses hold up a happy birthday banner and shout “happy birthday”. It is played as a prank S1E2: a 40 year old woman hits on the protagonist. She kisses him and asks him to dinner. At the dinner, she explains that she wants him to be the father of her child. He misunderstands her thinking that she wants to be with him sexually. It is later discovered that she wants to go through artificial insemination and they discuss it together. They ultimately decide not to. The protagonist's friend later calls him a wuss for not sleeping with the woman. He jokes saying that he never wants to speak to him and he is out of his life.
Doom (Movie)
There is a male character who is a general creep: he verbally harasses a male teammate and later a several women.
There is a non-graphic rape scene of a main character in a sequence of highly graphic and intense violence; another character has his genitals severed.
Doom 3 (Video Game)
In a PDA audio-log, a lab staff begrudgingly admits that many co-workers make sexually harassing comments toward her, and that when she took this complaint to upper management; she is told to "Not worry" her "pretty little head about it". The scene is handled seriously as it is a recounting from the victim and is not played for laughs.
Doom Patrol (TV Show)
S1E1: a woman grabs a man’s genitalia to upset her husband. S1E14: a character accidentally causes everyone near him to orgasm from his superpowers. It is shown to to visibly distress the sexual assault survivor in the group. S2E9: a boyfriend coerces his girlfriend into participating in an orgy. During the sexual act the girl has a PTSD hallucination of her rapist father in place of the man on top of her. She has Dissociative Identity Disorder and rapidly switches between alters in a state of distress. She vocally pleas for him to stop and it does not until one alter shouts and shoves him to get off her. S4E1 contains sexual harassment.
Doomsday (Movie)
There is a brief general mention of a past rape. A man forcibly kisses a woman who he has tied up.
Doona! (TV Show)
S1E3: a stalker watches and photographes the female lead.
Door Mouse (Movie)
The plot revolves around people kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery at a hotel for the wealthy. No rape is shown, but hear sex noises are heard through a door from a woman about to be rescued. People are also shown being led to a stage in their underwear, wearing collars and led on leashes. There they are bid on and purchased.
The plot of the movie involves missing children, but it has nothing to do with sexual abuse or violence.
Dope (Movie)
Doreiku (TV Show)
Many episodes contain sexual violence, since the show deals with a Slave-Control-Method (SCM). For example, a girl uses it to force a boy to engage in non consentual sexual acts with her, and it shows a child sexually torturing women and engaging in sexual acts with them. In S1E1, a girl is raped in the car of a man.
Dorian Gray (Movie)
There is a sex scene involving large age gaps between a male character and his two partners, who are mother and (possibly underage) daughter. The mother and daughter are not in the scene at the same time, but it is implied that the male character has sex with one of them immediately after the other.
Dormitabis (Video Game)
The villain talks about how he raped a 15 year old girl.
Dorohedoro (TV Show)
In this show, an underage girl is shown half naked in multiple scenes. Her breasts are exposed around adult men and women who do not cover her up. S1E2: Some male bandits corner a woman and demand that she hands over her belongings and her clothes. The woman immediately overpowers her attackers and leaves. S1E4: an adult man lures an underaged girl to a secluded place and plies her with alcohol, but she kills him before we find out what his intentions were.
Dororo (TV Show)
A teenage girl is prostituted at an army camp so she can provide for her family.
Dorothy Mills (Movie)
A graphic scene where a girl is raped by several men occurs near the end of the film. A man makes unsolicited sexual comments about a woman in a public space.
Dos (Movie)
S1E1: it is mentioned that someone's testicles were cut off. A woman says that she is willing to give something in exchange for information to a man, who infers it as a sexual request (which it is not). Three drunken men at the bar approach two women and make a sexual request by saying that both of them are going to be their future ex-wives. S1E0: two women enter a room where an orgy takes places. Later, it is inferred that the women in that orgy are (forced) sex slaves. Two women are held captive and a man says: "You would not last 1 week upstairs (the place where the orgy was seen)", implying that they were going to be sex slaves. They manage to escape.
Double Blind (Movie)
Double Daddy (Movie)
A teenage girl's ex-boyfriend stalks her, making advances towards her that are implied to be sexual in nature.
Double Impact (Movie)
A woman is caught stealing and is frisked in an inappropriate manner by another woman before she runs away. In another scene, the same woman is tied up by her wrists as a hostage and a man attempts to assault her but someone comes in to save her.
Worthy of note: a woman discusses her husband's domestic violence.
Doubt (Movie)
The story follows a catholic school nun who is trying to figure out if the priest is having an inappropriate relationship with a pre-teen student or any of the other children attending the school. By the end of the moive it is still unclear.
Doukyuusei (Movie)
It is implied that an adult male teacher has been developing an interest in one of the male students he is teaching. He begins to sensually caress his face and tries to kiss him, until one of his classmates intervenes (21:40-23:20). Although the boy does not seem irritated. There are instances where the protagonist kisses the love interest at a time when the interest is clearly hesitant/unwilling to accept his advances. At times the protagonist also oversteps the love interest's boundaries and behaves in a fashion which might be perceived as sexually intimidating and aggressive. A teacher tries to kiss one of the students but it is broken up by another student walking in and stopping the teacher. Another scene later on features the same teacher talking explicitly about sex with one of these two students yet again. These students are maybe 17-18,. The rest of the manga also features heavy topics about student/teacher relationships.
Down By Law (Movie)
A key character is a pimp. At one point, we see a very underage girl and it's implied she has been involved in a sex trafficking ring. The scene is very brief and not plot-central.
Downrange (Movie)
The protagonist is a Chinese American young woman living in Atlanta, Georgia in 1890. Throughout the book, many characters, strangers and acquaintances alike, sexualize and fetishize her. There is passing mention of Chinese men paying for mail order brides that are younger than the protagonist (i.e. younger than 17). While the protagonist and a male character are walking together, a stranger addresses the latter, saying, "enjoy that fine piece of arse." An antagonist character attempts to intimidate the protagonist by having her meet him in a brothel while he is taking a bath. Towards the beginning of the book, there is discussion of a news story about the "rabid eyes rapist," a Chinese man who was accused of raping a white woman. We later find out that this was a false accusation.
Downton Abbey (TV Show)
S1E3: a female character is threatened by a character she is attracted to. Since he got into her room without asking, her reputation would be ruined if she screams. They eventually as sex, and this is used later by another man as a threat to her reputation. S4E3: rape is strongly implied (a man blocks a woman from leaving a kitchen before forcefully pulling her) between 40:20-41:45. The woman is later found bloodied and disheveled: a man helps fer hind new clothes and takes over her duties (45:25-46:37). S5E9 (Christmas Special Part I): a woman recounts in detail being molested as a child (19:50-22:19). The rape is mentioned frequently thereafter with her having to see the same man again whilst hiding it from her husband. The plot focuses entirely on her husband's revenge and her protecting her husband.
The narrator is a vampire who hunts people that she believes are bad. There are some brief and non-graphic mentions of rape and abuse as she mentions why she is hunted/killed someone to feed from them.
When the protagonist turns into his monstruous alter ego, he forces a woman to engages in an abusive relationship with him. It is implied that he repeatedly raped and beat her and a long scene about halfway into the movie shows him harassing and threatening her. He later strangles her to death. In the final scenes of the movie, the evil protagonist also attempts to sexually harrass his fiancee before people intervene.
Dr. No (Movie)
A woman is forcefully kissed despite her open reluctance. She then has consensual sex with the same person. In another scene, another woman describes being raped. She is then berated for her revenge on her aggressor.
In one of the scenes between the stories, while a man is tied to a chair, a woman rubs his legs while trying to goad him into having sex with her. In another scene he is forcibly kissed by a different woman.
Dr. Stone (TV Show)
S3E1: a man dressed like a woman is cornered by another man who him that he is gonna teach him first before he is allowed to see the master. The first character, scared, says that he is male but the other man does npt believe him. Before anything happens, the man hears commotion and leaves. S3E8: zhere is mention of girls that are 18 years old being forced to marry a village master. S3E9: a girl is picked up roughly. Her husband begs for her not to be taken away. There are other girls that are chosen to be taken to the palace. They look afraid. Later on, the antagonist nearly touches the breasts of one of the girls. She stops him as he is reaching. Worthy of note: a character fantasizes about two sisters being romantically involved. A female character is tackled by a a male character. As he holds her stomach side down the the ground, she tells him to "Watch where you put your hands."
Rape scene is not visually graphic, but marks the beginning of Komarovsky's disturbing psychological control over Lara (who he raped) through a large part of the film.
Worthy of note: the titular character preys upon women in a fashion reminiscent of sexual assault. However, he does not sexually assault them but drinks their blood.
Dracula (2020) (TV Show)
S1E1: a man is raped while having a sexual dream about his partner. He half awakes to see the rapist's face (not his partner) above him while it is still happening. It is implied that he may have been raped every night, as he wakes every morning to find he has been bitten (a sign of the first rape). It is revealed that the rape leaves a long term alteration on the man's body, as a potential allusion to sexual disease. The rapist also keeps three 'wives' captive in boxes. He has a child with one of them and he refers to them as 'toys'. He later becomes obsessed with making his new victim his 'wife' (i.e. an undead slave).
While there is technically no rape, Dracula turning women into vampires is well-known to have sexual undertones and to be related to the moral panic around women's sexual freedom at the time.
S1E1: a human wants to rape an elf who he thinks is a runaway slave. She is rescued by her human friend.
Dragon Ball (TV Show)
Dragon Ball Z (TV Show)
Worthy of note: S1E5: conjoined twins pretend to be in a relationship as they cannot find a partner. This is played for laughs and nothing inappropriate happens. S1E10: a girl is kidnapped and immediately saved by the protagonist.
S3E7: a major male antagonist physically corners, mockingly caresses the face of and taunts an opposing female character before killing her. The scene has clear undertones of sexual harassment.
DragonHeart (Movie)
A woman is kept prisoner by a man. He forcibly kisses her, and many interactions might be upsetting. She does escape, though the villain makes a point of chasing after her.
Dragon's Dogma (TV Show)
S1E3: an attack party of goblins undresses a woman with the intent to rape her. They are fended off. S1E6: a succubus poses as the lover of the main character with the intent to have sex with him, and is implied to have done so with a number of other men.
Chapter 2: rape is referred to twice. Chapter 4: a young adult woman is asked to strip in front of a pseudo-parental/authority figure.
Dragonwasps (Movie)
Drake & Josh (TV Show)
Volume 1: The primary romance is between a high school student and a college student. They are about two years apart in age; she is mentioned to have just finished 11th grade, while he just finished his first year of university. Their exact ages are never specified. They kiss once during the book but otherwise have no sexual contact. The main character's boyfriend attempts to rape her before she fights him off and escapes. Volume 2: No rape or sexual assault. Volume 3: A man flashes a crowd. This is played for laughs. The main character runs into an ex-boyfriend who previously attempted to rape her. This causes her to have a brief flashback to the incident and she is too scared to move or speak until her new boyfriend arrives and comforts her. The ex is portrayed as having become a better person since their breakup, but it is clear the main character will have no further contact with him if possible.
The main character is attacked by a gang and they attempt to rape him, but are fought off.
Drawn Together (TV Show)
Dread (Movie)
One character talks about the sexual abuse she suffered from her father.
The main characters are formerly enslaved women and because of their race, there are several implications of rape and sexual abuse. The main character is trapped by men on several occasions. She is a teenager while they are adult men.
A significant background character fled an unhappy arranged marriage that is implied to have been abusive in ways unspecified. She was pregnant at the time.
In the sixth story (Stained Affection), a man breaks into a woman's house and runs his hand up the her body, over her clothes.
Dream Boy (Movie)
A dfather falls into a wire trap made by his son to catch him, and the son runs out of the house with the mom yelling, "did he touch you?" The main character spend the latter half of the movie sleeping away from home to escape his father. A side character rapes him in an abandoned house while on a camping trip Worthy of note: during intercourse, the main character's partner suddenly and violently pushes him away.
Dream Daddy (Video Game)
Rape is mentioned once. One dream starts as potentially sexually threatening.
Dream SMP (TV Show)
During earlier parts of the series, there are a lot of uncomfortable and unwanted sexual comments towards some of the characters.
Worthy of note: the protagonist, who is a 17-year-old about to turn 18, has a crush on a functionally immortal character of unspecified age. They kiss in a few scenes, but there is no sexual relationship at this point.
The Dreamers (Movie)
The film revolves around the incestuous relationship of twins (brother and sister): multiple sex scenes are shown on-screen. At some point, they both challenge the protagonist (a man) to have sex with the sister: he tries to escape but he is held against his will, and visibly distressed as they undress him. He eventually complies and starts a relationship with the woman. This is framed as an erotic/romantic game.
Dreamgirls (Movie)
A male stage manager casually touches a female performers' behind towards the beginning of the film. Two male characters initiate relationships with underage female performers.
Dreaming Mary (Video Game)
One of the characters makes sexual innuendos towards the child protagonist multiple times. This happens in her dreams and it is implied that the character is meant to be a representation of her father. The protagonist is locked in her room by her father and it's heavily implied he sexually abuses her.
DreamKiller (Movie)
An inmate mentions being able to hear the noises of other inmates being raped.
Dreamland (Movie)
Worthy of note : a teenager tries to spy on a woman who is changing clothes.
Dredd (Movie)
A crime boss is mentioned to have once been a prostitute, who bit off her pimp's genitals after he scarred her face. The same crime boss instructs her men to kill a law enforcement officer quickly and simply, instructing: "No skinning, no raping." One character has telepathic abilities; a man intentionally imagines the two of them having violent sex in an effort to make her uncomfortable. In his imagined scene, it's deliberately unclear whether it's simply rough sex, or him raping her. The image of them is hazy and unclear.
A woman is drugged and then raped by her husband while unconscious (15:42-16:30).
Drift (Movie)
A man grabs the vulnerable main characters arm and tries to bring her somewhere against her will, promising to feed her. She is obviously scared of the risk of being sexually abused or exploited. A tour guide casually mentions rape a pillaging during a tour, which is obviously triggering for the main character. A group of home invaders, mostly child and youth soldiers, enter the main characters home and rape her sister in front of her after killing her whole family. The children/young people chant while they rape the girl, who is pregnant. She is killed afterwards. The main character is forced to watch. While the mechanics of the rape itself are not displayed on screen we still hear the chanting, listen to a graphic description from the main character and see the faces of the two women in the room as they keep their eyes on one another.
A prisoner says he had to perform sexual acts to get information. In his description he does not go into detail. A woman is raped by a zombie-like creature, who was a sex offender in a past life. The woman may or may not be conscious. Somebody else sees this and shoots the rapist, the description of the rape is short but vivid.
Drifters (TV Show)
S1E5: at the end of the episode, a group of elven women are brutally raped.
The Drifters (Movie)
A woman talks about how her stepdad started looking at her inappropriately when she was younger.
Drifting Home (Movie)
Drive (2011) (Movie)
A female character reveals that she was only 17 when a male character started a sexual relationship with her.
Drive Angry (Movie)
The male owner of a diner presses up against the back of a waitress and reaches down between her legs implying that she ill need to have sex with him to cover the cost of some food. It is stated that it is not the first time he has done that to her, but she fights him off and leaves. After getting home and finding her boyfriend cheating on her, a woman drags the other woman outside while she is still naked. After punching her and knocking her on the ground, a man comes up and takes pictures of her. While in a fight a man forcibly kisses a woman.
First story: a woman tells a story about how the night before a man drugged and raped her.
Drive My Car (Movie)
During an audition for a play, a man kisses a woman (as part of the action) despite it being their first encounter and without warning her beforehand. It is later revealed through a news broadcast that the above-mentioned male character had a relation with a minor. In one of the final scenes of the film, a character tells a story in which a man breaks into a house and attempts to rape a woman, but the woman in the story fights back and kills him.
Dronningen (Movie)
One character begins having sex with her husband while he is still asleep: he wakes up and eventually consents (42:28-43:43). This is played for comedic effect.
Drop Dead Diva (TV Show)
The movie is mostly light-hearted and comedic. There is one moment at a fancy event where the main character (who is an imaginary friend) slides around on the floor and looks up a woman's dress. She is unaware, meaning that this is non-consensual, but it's clear that the character doesn't actually exist and thus that this event never really happened.
The Dropout (TV Show)
S1E1: the main character's mother tells her she might get kidnapped and be forced to be a sex slave. The main character goes to a party. She reports being raped to the University, and they say it is her rapist's word against hers. They do not recommend any punitive action for the male student. She is clearly traumatized. S1E6: a female character recalls being sexually assaulted on campus.
The sexual violence scenes in this movie are particularly violent.
Throughout the film, sexual blackmailing, necrophilia, child abuse, and incest are mentioned or discussed. The attempted rape takes place 20 minutes before the end, by the main male character, who constantly tried to seduce the three female protagonist during the rest of the film despite their disinterest.
A flashback contains detailed information of how a mentally disabled tween was forced drunk and abused.
Drowning Love (Movie)
There is an attempted rape of the main protagonist (a middle school girl) about halfway through the film.
Druck (TV Show)
S2E7-10: sexual assault is a major theme in season 2, with the main narrator (just turned 18) getting drunk and harassed by an older man. She later reports it to the police and interacts with her harasser to confront him.
In the beginning of the movie, a junkie asks a woman how much he should pay to have sex with her. She rebuffs him. Later, a policeman looking for a drug dealer is mistaken for a peeper.
Drunk History (TV Show)
S5E11 (The Middle Ages): rape joke.
The Dry (Movie)
At the end of the movie, a character is detailing her sexual assault. Nothing is ever shown on-screen, but the content is disturbing. SPOILER: the rapist is the victim's father.
Dual (Movie)
Worthy of note: it is implied that the main character will have to trade sex with her trainer in order to pay for his services, though this is a misdirection.
Dublin Murders (TV Show)
S1E5: gang-rape. The following episodes contains flashbacks of it.
The movie does not thoroughly discuss the teenage marriage, but it is mentioned that the main character was not 18 when she married an older man (older in the movie than he actually was historically though). The rape scene is an extremely emotional scene, with a lot of screaming and several people including a child are shown overhearing the situation; it is also referred to in a discussion later in the movie, though with broad terms.
Duck Butter (Movie)
A woman mentions how she recorded her ex-boyfriend and her having sex and then threatened to release the tape if he did not pay for something she wanted.
Duck Soup (Movie)
On of the characters touches a woman inappropriately and she asks him to stop. The same man also charges into a woman's house while she is alone, but we do not see anything happen.
Dude (2018) (Movie)
Sex begins consensually. However, the woman insists that she only wants to do oral sex and her partner ends up penetrating her vaginally and ejaculating inside of her, all while she tells him to stop. This scene occurs between the 56:48-58:30 minute marks.
A blind boy touches the breasts of a woman under the guise of touching her face to "see" her. There is use of homophobic and anti-transgender language. A secondary character is a transwoman and is referred to as a "dude".
Duel (Movie)
A wife tells her husband that a man 'almost raped her in front of the whole party' and that her husband should have done something. He does not seem to take her seriously.
A woman looks through a keyhole at another woman undressing. We learn that this is part of sex game the women like to play. Worthy of note: a woman says her safe word and another woman continues on with the scene, ignoring her. This is not in a sexual situation but it is still a violation that is repeated throughout the film.
Worthy of note: towards the end of the book, the main character gets drugged at a public event. The antagonist who drugs her does not do so with the intention to rape her, but with the intention of making her appear drunk and to cast doubt on her character.
A character is met in a bathroom stall by another man who attempts to force him into having a sexual encounter. The scene is played for laughs.
Dumb Money (Movie)
Dumbo (1941) (Movie)
Dumbo (2019) (Movie)
Dumplin' (Movie)
Dumplings (Movie)
A woman brings her daughter to get an abortion and tells the person performing the procedure that the girl’s father is the one who impregnated her.
Dune (1984) (Movie)
Dune (2021) (Movie)
Antagonists plan on raping a woman before killing her: they are stopped before they touch her (01:27:50-01:28:30).
It is mentioned that a Duke keeps underage slave boys; nothing further is specified but this could be taken to imply a sexual component to the dynamic. There is description of an event in which a village has an "orgy" at which children are present, under the influence of a psychoactive drug. However it is ambiguous whether the term "orgy" here is used metaphorically (to refer to the melding of minds under the influence of this substance), literally or as a combination of the two. A Duke has teen sex slaves sent to his bedroom. It is strongly implied that he rapes them and sometimes murders them. At one point, this Duke asks one of his underlings to drug the boy sent to his room because he “doesn’t feel like fighting”. Two soldiers discuss raping a female character. One says, “I’ve never had a Duke’s lady before.” However, she is able to subdue them before they can attempt violence.
An antagonist makes a menacing, suggestive comment about the protagonist's love interest during a duel. It is implied that an older character is attracted to his grandson and even kisses him. [To be confirmed]: It could be argued that a woman uses mind control to force a man to have sex with her.
A male prisoner is put into a cell with another man and a woman. He speaks suggestively towards the woman but she quickly knocks him out.
Durarara!! (TV Show)
One of the main characters (16) is constantly sexually harrased by one of the teachers. The latter is a pedophile who also engaged in a relationship with another highschool student. The character is frequently cat-called or lusted by other characters due to her large breasts (altough this is most played for comedy). Two sisters are very fond of each other to the point where they seem to have a somewhat romantic relantionship. There is more than one scene of them kissing each other (this is also played mostly for laughs and to add quirkiness to the characters but can be unsettling to some viewers). S2E13: a character gropes one of the main characters, and while another character laughs at it, the harrasement goes further (she attempts to touch her crotch). The assaillant is stopped by another character. Again this scene is played mostly for laughs. S2E14: a 25 year old character is madly in love with his younger brother (16). Her incestuous obsession is further explored and the younger brother almost kisses her. S2E15: in a flashback, there is a conversation between a main character and a crime boss who talks about how he plans to prostitute a middle schooler and have sex with her to "taste her" first. He is killed before he can do anything. S2E20: there is a mild implication that one character sexually abused another character in high school, but this was left ambiguous S2E25: one character is imprisoned against his will in some kind of BDSM dungeon. His captor express her desires to bassically fullfill every depraved and violent sexual fantasy with him as a captive. In one of the light novels (Vol.9) one character tries to rape a woman after crippling her and burning his face. He is stoped.
Duvidha (Movie)
Dying Breed (Movie)
There are cuts to a woman who is struggling and screaming.
Dynasty (2017) (TV Show)
S2E1: a woman's uncle offers to settle a deal if she agrees to sleep with him. S2E21: discussion of non-consensual touching. In season four, a male character is harassed by a business partner and later poses as bait for him to say something incriminating. This includes groping and touching. SPOILER: two characters have sex and later get engaged, not knowing that they are half cousins.
The Eagle (Movie)
Eagle Eye (Movie)
A man grabs a woman by the face and kisses her: it is implied that the woman is ok with the kiss, but there is no obvious consent given before it. Later, the same woman is slapped twice across the face and pushed over by an abusive boyfriend.
The book opens with the protagonist, a schoolteacher, being fired because she has been accused of molesting her students. In reality, she reported to the police that one of her students was being abused at home, and since the child's mother's boyfriend is involved in the Albanian mafia, he decided to use his resources to ruin the protagonist's reputation by starting the molestation rumor. Although there are no formal charges, the protagonist is constantly worried that others will recognize her from the news and hate her on sight. Meanwhile, the student that the protagonist was attempting to protect gets sold into the Albanian mafia's sex trafficking ring. She and other girls are drugged, held in squalor against their will, and forced to have sex with adult men. They are in this situation for most of the book until they are rescued towards the end. Even before the student was kidnapped, she was in an abusive household. Her mother's boyfriend made passes at her, and her mother called her a slut for attracting him. The mother excused the behavior taking place by saying that she herself had been sexually involved with adult men when she was her daughter's age and that it isn't a big deal. A woman who is the mafia boss's second in command is also in an abusive relationship with him. The mafia boss brags that he has "subjected her to every degradation possible." This woman threatens to allow the protagonist to be raped the same way she has been, but this doesn't end up happening. Worthy of note: an FBI agent who is trying to bring down the Albanian mafia becomes aware of the schoolteacher getting unwittingly wrapped up in their business. Before this agent meets her, he immediately becomes infatuated with her from her photos. They happen to meet at a party, and the FBI agent doesn't reveal that he already knows who she is. They have sex. When the schoolteacher finds out later that the FBI agent already knew about her before they met, she feels very betrayed and assumes that he only had sex with her to get information out of her. He is able to convince her later that he is genuinely interested in her, but it takes some doing.
Early Summer (Movie)
In the Earth (Movie)
The main female character holds a nurse up at gun point and forces her to undress: her aim is to steal her uniform, but she assumes she is going to be sexually assaulted. There is also a patient in the room who is in a full body cast, and who refuses to press the help button because he wants to watch what happens.
Earth Mama (Movie)
The protagonist's older brother is found guilty by his college's administration of raping another student. Other than being suspended for a semester, he does not face any significant consequences or accountability. Their parents, specifically their mother, tries to save face and act as though nothing bad is happening. They don't believe they could have raised someone who could be capable of rape. The protagonist feels a great deal of sympathy for the rape survivor. There is a scene where she imagines in fairly graphic detail what the rape may have been like. The protagonist is upset that no one in her family seems concerned for the feelings of the student that her brother raped. They seem more concerned with placating their son's bruised ego. The protagonist contends with the fact that, prior to this event, she idolized her brother. There is a scene where the protagonist visits the rape survivor to apologize on her brother's behalf and check how she is doing. At the end, the protagonist doesn't forgive her brother but is still trying to make peace with him.
Worthy of note: the extremely graphic animal abuse depicted throughout the movie is sometimes sexual in nature and may be disturbing.
Chapter 6: general reference to child pornography Chapter 11: reference to incest and child abuse within a cult. A woman briefly discusses how three men tried to rape her but she was able to get away.
Earwig (Movie)
A man asks a doctor to perform a gynecological exam on a woman whilst she is unconscious for surgery, to check if she has any STIs.
The East (Movie)
During a party, a woman is supposed to distract a sex addict. After making a phone call and trying to leave, he pushes her against a wall and kisses her and rips her necklace despite her telling him to stop (about 45 minutes into the movie). She then stabs him with a pen and knocks him unconscious.
East is East (Movie)
The film contains physical domestic violence as well as attempted forced marriage.
East of Eden (Movie)
Eastenders (TV Show)
Two men go to a brothel, where we know from other scenes that the prostitutes are trafficking victims and likely drugged. One man is the other's superior in the mob and tells him to have sex with one of the women while he watches; he is reluctant but does so. Sex trafficking is talked about a few times: a 14 year old girl describes being trafficked in her diary. It is not graphic however she states that she was raped and became pregnant - this is a plot point that is referenced several times. The movie begins with the pregnant girl bleeding between her legs and then dying during childbirth.
Easy (TV Show)
Episode 1: a married couple in which passion is gone have sex in the second to last scene. The wife is clearly not enjoying the act and the husband has sex to gratify himself. Episode 2: rape is mentioned in a discussion. Episode 4: on-screen rape scene is conveyed as ambiguous due to the fact that the female protagonist is drunk and initially wanted to have sex due to her conflicted emotions.
Easy A (Movie)
A guidance counsellor has a sexual fling with a student at the high school she works at, though he's in his twenties due to being held back several times. The protagonist is nearly raped after a date but fights the aggressor off. He makes repeated attempts to physically approach/touch her, despite her repeated verbal indications that she does not want him to do so. The scene is not especially explicit/violent but may be upsetting.
The opening dialogue is a man, working as children's photographer, telling a 5 year old to get in contact when she is 20 (00:50). It is played as a joke and in a light hearted tone. At 56 minutes into the movie there is a scene where it is implied that a man in a park is trying to abduct/interfere with a small child. It is played for laughs and is dealt with in a light-hearted tone.
Eaten Alive (Movie)
At the very start of the film, a man tries to force a prostitute into anal sex while she screams and tries to get away. She is assaulted by another man soon after.
Eating Raoul (Movie)
There are several attempted rapes throughout the film, slightly played for laughs. The whole movie centers around making money from killing the men that try and rape the main female character, and then stealing their money.
Women are raped on screen and brutally killed.
Echo (TV Show)
S1E 1: a security guard gropes the main character during a pat down. She beats him up.
Rape and sexual assault are never directly indicated in this book, but issues of consent and domestic abuse are integral to the themes of the story. The protagonists are women who are mostly in positions of power within their lives during most of the plot events. One of the main characters had a father (absent in the present day, shown in flashbacks) who was explicitly controlling and physically abusive, implied to be possibly more. The other main character is a clone custom-designed to want to be a subservient housewife and mother, who gradually becomes independent; questions her goals and desires. When she deviates from her programming, her "loving husband" / creator becomes physically violent.
Echoes (TV Show)
Identical twin sisters switch places and sleeping with each other's spouses without the men knowing. This is not reffered to as problematic throughout the series.
A man and woman are flirting and the man tries to feel her up, but she stops him. He playfully tries a couple more times and then finally stops.
Worthy of note: a man spies on his female neighbor sunbathing as he describes the importance of sex in life to his nephew. He does this again shortly after while she is undressing but she knows he is there and appears to enjoy it. She turns out to be a plant placed there to seduce the man.
Ed Wood (Movie)
A woman walks into a crowded movie theatre, where she is verbally harassed and groped.
Worthy of note: at one point a woman propositions a man and he appears uncomfortable.
Eden (2012) (Movie)
The teenage protagonist is kidnapped and forced to become a sex slave by human traffickers. When she realizes that the people running the ring will kill her when she gets too old to be interesting to the customers, she begins working with her captors and working her way up the ranks of the operation in order to ensure her own survival.
Eden of the East (TV Show)
Eden Lake (Movie)
A teen boy harasses the main woman by showing her his flaccid penis.
Eden Log (TV Show)
An extremely graphic rape scene is depicted, with additional physical violence. The victim remains with assailant on-screen for rest of film with continued references to the event.
A main plot point of the films is that a woman trades her body/sex for food and safety.
In the first part of the movie (30 first minutes), a old man visits a prostitute. He later "hires" her to live and have sex with him. She accepts because she has been threatened by two Muslims for the work she does. One day, the old man gets drunk and tries to have sex with her. When she refuses, he gets angry and kills her.
A boy pressures a girl to have sex in a car, but she pushes him off and leaves.
An antagonist is strongly implied to be a serial killer who rapes his victims. At one point, he drugs the main character and attempts to mutilate his genitals, getting as far as unbuttoning his pants, but is interrupted. In a flashback, a psychologist suggests the main character (a child at the time) has a sleep disorder as a result of PTSD from sexual abuse. The theory is unfounded and the main character was not sexually abused.
Chapter 25: during a tournament, a prize offers a night with a captive human.
Worthy of note: whilst there are no explicit scenes including rape or sexual assault, the author is abused by her older, adult brother and describes an incident in which he calls her a slut/whore and tries to pull off her clothes. In another scene, he forces her to sit on his lap. Although handled sensitively, these scenes may be disturbing. The brother referenced above ends up marrying someone he met when he was 28 and she was a senior in high school. Although there is no indication of a sexual relationship before they got married, the author lays out the brother's pattern of gaslighting and abuse with his previous girlfriends.
Edward II (Movie)
A woman expresses sexual attraction towards the titular character. She leads him to the back of her shop, and he is unaware of what she is doing. She then sits on top of him and begins to strip: he panicks and leaves the scene. This is played for laughs. Later, he mentions it to his "family", who is rather schocked and does not make a comment about it. While two women are on the phone talking about how the main family is still having a Christmas party, one of them says: "He practically raped us, you know?".
The movie is mainly about a woman who had sex with a man while drunk (without remembering it) and who tries to escape his revenge-porn blackmail. In one of the final scenes of the movie, the spectator is led to think that the same scene happened again, but it eventually turns out that it is not the case. Another main character's storyline is him fantasizing about an 'exotic girl' trying to sell him something on the phone. He masturbates while talking to her without her knowledge. In the final part of the film, he even tries to meet her against her will, but it eventually turns out that she is only a computer.
There is a chapter on being discreet about workplace romances, but no mention of sexual harassment. Domestic violence is mentioned in passing one time as an example (among others) of a cause to get involved with through volunteering.
Effie Gray (Movie)
A man forces the main female character to grope him. She immediately pulls away and runs away from him. He chases her with the intention to rape her, and ends up finding her and cornering her but she escapes. Worthy of note: a man is heard masturbating next to his wife while he thinks she is asleep. Upon question, he immediately stops and pretends to be asleep. The husband is significantly older than the wife and had been pursuing her since she was a child.
Egyxos (TV Show)
The adult protagonist makes a bet to seduce a significantly younger woman (age is unclear but around 18, so possibly still a child) despite her being happily engaged. The protagonist arranges for the woman to accompany him and others to a secluded place in the countryside to seduce her. The protagonist repeatedly watches the woman bathe without her consent and paints the scene in secret. It is framed positively. After losing the bet, the protagonist is forced to have sex with the woman he made the bet with.
There are multiple instances of grabbing and verbal harassment done to several women by a hijacker in quick succession, one of which is especially intense. A Woman is called a “whore” by multiple passengers. An harasser is lead to a trap and is then shot and killed.
The protagonist, an eighth grader, learns that the boy she has a crush on recently broke up with his last girlfriend because she refused to send him nude pictures of herself. The main character proceeds to tell the boy she has a folder of nude photos intended for her future boyfriend on her phone and he is interested. He asks her if she gives blow jobs and she responds that she does and she is good at them. Later, the girl is seen watching YouTube videos about how to give oral sex. They are not graphic. Minutes later, the girl goes into the kitchen and takes a banana. She brings the banana up to her mouth, obviously intending to practice giving oral sex, but her father enters the kitchen and asks why she is holding a banana when she hates to eat them. The girl proceeds to try and eat the banana, clearly disgusted, but spits it back out and leaves. The scene is played for comedy. Later on, the main character is given a ride home by a male high school senior (age unknown, but he could be a legal adult). Shortly after the only other high schooler gets out of the car, the driver pulls over and gets into the backseat with the main character. He pressures her into playing a game of truth or dare, taking his shirt off and trying to get her to do the same. The main character grows increasingly uncomfortable and when the high schooler touches her, she shouts no. She apologizes several times and the high schooler gets back into the driver's seat. He is upset and guilts the main character, telling her she is going to feel ashamed when a boy her age finds out she is inexperienced, and that he was 'only trying to do her a favour'. The main character is dropped off at home, where she goes to her room and starts to sob; her father attempts to console her. The scenes are played very seriously. Bo Burnham, the writer and director, stated (regarding the car scene) during a Q and A after the early screening that scenes dealing with anything sexual were on closed, tightly controlled sets. Even if the banana scene plays 'funny' it was not funny on set, but handled respectfully. Burnham claimed he wanted to portray a sort of 'intelligence' in teenage males, rather than the 'brutish jock type' typically seen taking advantage of younger girls. He recognizes that even if nothing physically violent took place, the car scene depicts something terribly violating.
Eileen (Movie)
A man attempts to cut in while a woman is dancing with another woman at a bar. She rejects him verbally, to which he tries to grab her. She decks him and continues dancing with the other woman. The workplace of the main characters is a boy's prison. One of the boys murdered his father (cop) extremely violently. Towards the ending of the movie, it is revealed that his father was raping him regularly as a child, up until his murder. This is never shown or visually suggested in any capacity, but it is discussed in a disturbing monologue by the boy's mother about how she decided not to intervene with the situation after finding out, because the father would then come back and have consensual sex with her, which she enjoyed. The monologue is lengthy, uncomfortable, and disturbing, but not handled tactlessly. The characters surrounding her react to her story with appropriate horror.
El Angel (Movie)
Worthy of note: an adult woman proposes a 17-year-old boy to teach him how to kiss (and presumably more). They get really close but he eventually declines and leaves.
About halfway through the movie, it is mentioned that indigenous women were raped by colonizers.
Near the end of the movie, the protagonist (the boss of a company) uses the (extra-martial) relationship between two of his employees to fire a man, by pretending that he was sexually harassing her (which is false, but she has to comply to it). The protagonist (a mans in his fifties) entertains relationships with female trainees (in their twenties) from his own business: he is seen stalking them and looking inappropriately at them. The movie shows one consensual sexual encounter between him and a female trainee.
A group of men hires strippers. Nothing more is shown, but when the women leave, the men ask them to stay and to take their clothes off. They refuse and leave.
El Conde (Movie)
There is a ambiguous scene at 1:18:00. There is a short (not very graphic) rape on screen scene at 1:27:00.
After escaping from a reformatory, the protagonist decides to hitchhike and is picked up by a truck driver who takes her to a motel, drugs and brutally rapes her (the post-rape scenes are described in detail).
One of the main leads is a high school student who pursues a relationship with his teacher who rejects him multiple times.Throughout their 'relationship', he repeatedly threatens suicide and manipulates her. It was implied that he was there when his father murdered her. S1E4: he is seen masturbating to a portrait of her. S1E5: she confronts him and they sleep together though consent is ambiguous on her behalf. S1E16: it is revealed that he was forced into prostitution by his father. This is shown as a video with multiple nude men and it is implied that most of the boys involved were underage. The same high school student and his friend find a sexual video of the protagonist having an affair and blackmail her. He later pretends to be the protagonist and texts the man she had an affair with, telling him that she wanted to see him again. The man surprises the protagonist at home and holds her from behind, touching her while she protests. She gets free and the man apologizes after realizing she was not into it. Later on, she has a flashback and is about to masturbate before being interrupted by her partner. It is unsure if she was turned on by the situation or the thought of sleeping with the man again. The same high school student from before invites his two friends over and gets them drunk but one of his friends finds a hidden camera. It is unknown what he was going to use footage for.
A concentration camp prisoner has sex with another prisoner who is being forced to work in the camp’s brothel.
El Inocente (TV Show)
This movie is about a former sex worker: the scenes are abuses by clients and her boss (it is not explicit but it does include physical violence).
El Marginal (TV Show)
This show is based on the events of an Argentinian prison, and how a police officer infiltrates in it. Senes of explicit sexual violence take place all along the show, and even a rape on-screen is shown in the jail showers.
El Nino Pez (Movie)
There are perhaps various ways to interpret what is shown and talked about in this film. A girl is being molested by her father which leads to her being pregnant around the age of 13. She then leaves her house and is taken in by a guy who she at least at the age of 20 is intimate with (unclear when this started). Around the same time, she starts working for a wealthy family and at the age of 20 she is seen having sex with the father of family (again unclear when this started). At 20 she is imprisoned and it is suggested that she and other prisoners are being sexually exploited by the police on a regular basis.
El Norte (Movie)
El Topo (Movie)
There are many rape scenes, some of which are real, filmed rape and not just simulated.
Elden Ring (Video Game)
Miquella and Mohg's subplot: a character kidnaps and develops an obsession over another; seeking to become their "consort". The victim in question has the body of a child and is the half-brother of the kidnapper, it is unclear whether or not the dynamic is sexually abusive, but predatory, obsessive and possessive language is used, the victim is entirely unresponsive.
The game has little exploration of sexual themes, but there might be a few offhand comments from NPCS as well as a quest in Anvil. An NPC mentions necrophilia and asks the player player how much the fine is for it, implying to have practiced it in a different place. There is a quest (The Siren's Deception) in Anvil where women are posing as prostitutes but are in actuality luring men to an abandoned house to rob them. They trick the men into stripping before robbing them and boast about how they're never caught because the men are always too ashamed to report them. The women are caught and killed if the player does not do the quest.
The sexual violence, not shown on screen, is not handled sensitively, nor is it particularly relevant to the player character's story line. The sexual violence is described by the victim (an NPC in the Thieves Guild) in a graphic way that emphasized the violence of the act.
SPOILERS: A main character finds unwanted sexual comments written on her school books; it turns out that this character’s stepdad was the one who wrote these comments. The stepdad threatens to sexually assault this character and she has to escape from the situation.
It is implied that a female character was raped by her ex-boyfriend. It is also implied that she is the product of rape.
The movie depicts a relationship between an adult and a student in a way that might be triggering: In flashbacks at the beginning of the movie, we see an adult teacher seduce one of his students. He describes how "her pussy gets so wet" to his (male, adult) friend. A different teacher is uncomfortable with the student because of this in a way that is sexually charged. Later in the movie, the teacher fantasizes about the student while having sex with his wife.
Worthy of note: an old man asks a female prostitute to jump in front of him to make her breast bounce. He then asks her to come with him to have sex.
Election 2 (Movie)
Electric Dreams (TV Show)
S1E1: early on in the episode, a man rapes and beats a schoolgirl on-screen. As an older teen, the schoolgirl later explains more details behind the rape (including having an obsessive interest in her abuser, and that she thinks of him as an older brother despite not being related). There is also a major character who, while she does not make any sexual advances, does make several uncomfortable advances towards the protagonist, stalks him, breaks into his house, and insists they were previously romantically involved (despite barely knowing each other). Their relationship later becomes reciprocal and is never violent, but the dynamic may still be uncomfortable for some viewers. S1E2: the protagonist is mistakenly accused of sexually assaulting women on a train. While he is being reprimanded, his friend (who has a purely platonic relationship with him) forcibly kisses him and forces him to grope her so he can get out of the situation safely. She expresses shame for helping him, and initially blames the man for coercing her into it (even though it was actually the other way around). She later tries to undress in front of him so they can have sex (to which she refuses), as she was rejected by her actual love interest for being involved with the protagonist.
S1E10/11/12: a teacher says that he is falsely accused of sexually assaulting his female students in his previous school. Blurred flashbacks are shown but with no sexual assault scene. It is not fully clear if he actually did commit the crime (biased flashback) or if that the girls wanted to hurt the reputation of their teacher.
Elementary (TV Show)
Rape/sexual assault are occasionally mentioned/discussed throughout the series (not graphic). S1E7: a criminal is shown to have been keeping a sex slave and mentioned to have repeatedly assaulted her (8:00-8:10). S1E9: a criminal is mentioned to have been a rapist (15:30). A woman reveals that her husband sexually assaulted her on multiple occasions (26:30-26:40). S1E20: a 17 year old girl is mentioned to have been drugged and assaulted while also being filmed (03:00-05:00). Videos of various assaults are quickly shown on a computer screen (06:50-07:10). S2E4: there is a discussion of a female character who was sexually abused by her father. Later, it is revealed that a boy was sexually abused by his father and that the assault was filmed. Season 3 features a storyline centred on a rape survivor in the first half, focusing on her recovery and the aftereffects of the trauma. The storyline culminates in her confronting her attacker in S3E12. While it is handled with care, some discussions had and particularly E10-12 may be very difficult for viewers, as more details about her assault are revealed and the character is shown to be struggling with her trauma. S4E7: a girl mentions being kidnapped and raped by her captor. She then talks about another man who had raped his daughter and abused her. S5E5: a man catfishes men into thinking they are meeting up with underage girls to have sex. S5E11: this episode revolves around women being sex trafficked. Rape in prison is used as a threat towards a perpetrator. S5E14: this episode involves sex trafficking. A girl is stalked and pressured by a gang into being the girlfriend of one of them. S515: rape and sex trafficking are discussed. S5E23: a murder victim was was raped is briefly mentioned. S6E1: a sex tape being published online without consent is discussed. S6E10: a serial sexual harasser is introduced. S6E12: a detectives theorizes that a kidnapping victim has been raped. S6E12: Incels encourage people on message boards to rape and murder women. S7E7: a cop who pressures underlings to go out with him is mentioned. Other cops who sexually harass are mentioned.
Elena of Avalor (TV Show)
S1E6: a man constantly hits on the titular character even though she shows no interest.
Elephant (Movie)
A couple of sex workers forcibly plant kisses on the titular character.
The female lead is forced to marry a man or she may be killed, while the man does not rape her, she expresses discomfort with how close he gets and the way he touches her.
Over the course of the book, the protagonist ends up in relationships where people use her, neglect her, and infantilize her.
Elevator Game (Movie)
Elf (Movie)
Worthy of note: the socially unaware protagonist enters a women's restroom while another character is showering.
In a prior book, two characters had been identified as cousins engaging in enthusiastic incest. This book focuses on those two and clarifies that they are not blood-related. Rather, they were raised in the same commune in which familial titles are used for all members.
Elfen Lied (TV Show)
Two characters in a romantic relationship are said to be cousins, but it is unsure specifically how closely they are related. One interpretation could take the term to imply that they are simply close friends. A young girl (9-years-old) is repeatedly sexually abused by her father until she manages to escape the situation.
One of the main protagonist (a woman) gets raped by a man who kept bothering her. She ends up pregnant and she and her girlfriend have to take care of the child.
Elite (TV Show)
Season 1: two boys are forced into a threesome by a girl who manipulates them both. Later, one of those boys assaults the other. Season 2: continued subplot of sibling romance, justified by only being half-siblings. Season 4: a character leaves his home country to escape from the rumours that he sexually abused a woman. A character secretly records himself and another character having sex to have proof that it was consensual. A main character attemps to rape a woman. His family later tries to buy her silence and justifies the assault. It is revealed that he also abused another woman prior to the events of the show. A girl (16 year old) has sex with a much older man who offered her a place to stay after being kicked off her dad's bank account. S4E1: a man runs his mouth over another man's body, completely ignoring every time he says "no" or "stop" or "I have a boyfriend" even getting to the point of a unconsensual blowjob (over the clothes), telling him "It's riskier to try to tell yourself no than to say yes." and "It's not cheating if it's over the clothes." He even offers answers to a test in exchange (38:00-40:00). But the other man does eventually stop him, explaining that he could never betray his boyfriend. S4E4: a female sex worker is almost raped by a client but she is saved in time. S4E7: a 16 year old girl is blackmailed into keep having sex with an older man by threats of him telling her father that she has done sex work. Season 5: a woman is sexually assaulted/raped while unconscious due to drinking. The rapist is protected by his school, which dismisses the victim's testimony.
Elite Squad (Movie)
A teenager has his pants pulled down and is almost violated by a squad with a broomstick in a torture scene.
Elizabeth (Movie)
A man kisses a woman out of the blue and says something sexual: she seems flustered (~1:00:30).
One character reveals that another has been being sexually abused since she was 8 years old and implies that she was "unbothered by it".
Worthy of note: the protagonist is at one point grabbed and pulled to the ground with her mouth covered.
Elle (2016) (Movie)
Protagonist is raped on-screen in a graphic scene. Sexual harassment is depicted in a video game, supposedly representing the rape of the protagonist shown earlier in the film. Worthy of note: the film depicts some characters willingly role-playing as an aggressor" and a "victim" for sexual gratification, which, although consensual, may be upsetting for some viewers.
For Ellen (Movie)
Elling (Movie)
Rape is mentioned but not part of the storyline.
The author discusses Bill Clinton's sexual assault of Monica Lewinsky, rape allegations against Bill Cosby, rape allegations against Donald Trump, Donald Trump's blaming the Exonerated Five for the rape of the Central Park Jogger, false rape allegations by white women against Black men, rape by slaveholders against slaves, and Eldritch Cleaver's admission of intentionally raping women in his book Soul on Ice.
Elsbeth (TV Show)
The season involves a college professor sleeping with his students in return for giving them the best parts in a play. When he is threatened with exposing, he murders one of them.
Throughout the film, the female protagonist is approached by different men hitting on her despite her visible disinterest (following her, speaking to her even if she does not answer, dancing with her, etc.).
The female protagonist is constantly sexually harassed during the film by multiple different men who attempt to solicit her for sex. Male teenagers visit the same woman, taking pictures of her without her consent (while she is changing) and offer to help her clean up the house while sexually objectifying her. The film contains multiple sexual assaults: the first at a bowling alley, when two men sexually harass her and pull her up against them while making threats. The second time is when the woman tries to sell her house, and her realtor forces himself on her.
Elvis (Movie)
A government agent captures a woman and later kisses her forehead while stroking and smelling her hair and saying that she should be his wife; she resists his attention. A man is told to go kill a woman and her child. He goes to where they are being kept. He tells the woman to come to him or he'll kill her child and tells her he'll "be gentle", implying he plans to rape her.
Ema (2019) (Movie)
The rape scene is very graphic.
Embers (Movie)
About halfway through the movie, the main characters encounter the leader of a religious cult married to an apparently teenage girl. Worthy of note: just before this sequence, a scene set in the same location features children abuses (a priest whip them for their 'bad behaviour').
Emelie (Movie)
The film contains many uncomfortable scenes: the main antagonist replacing a tampon in front of a child; watching porn of their father infront of said children and implied genital mutilation.
Emergency (Movie)
There is mention of slaves being raped. The author discusses a desire to create a world where rape does not happen.
Worthy of note: the main character is held down by a man who puts a knife to her throat (no sexual assault).
Emily in Paris (TV Show)
S3E8 : there is a very brief mention of a female main character admitting that she was sexually harassed by a superior years ago and confronting her abuser. She emphasizes later that she regrets having had a relationship with said man when she was younger.
Emitaï (Movie)
Emma (1996) (Movie)
Whilst riding in a carriage alone with a man, the protagonist is unpleasantly surprised when the man moves to sit next to her and takes her hand, confessing his love for her. She rejects him and tells him to let go of her hand, and changes seats in the carriage, but he moves to sit next to her again as he persists in expressing his feelings. After some back-and-forth rejection, the man goes back to his seat and they sit in silence for the rest of the ride (39:07-41:57). Worthy of note: a group of gypsies attack one of the female protagonists, but not sexually, and she is quickly saved (1:23:57-1:24:37).
Emma (2020) (Movie)
Worthy of note: at one point a woman is alone in a carriage with a man who comes onto her very strongly, even implying that he will kill himself if she rejects him. This turns out to be an empty threat when she rejects him anyway, and nothing further occurs.
Emma Approved (TV Show)
During a carriage ride, a man passionately confesses his love for the protagonist and tries to get close to her persistently: she rejects him and moves away from him more than once (25:40-28:00).
Emmerdale (TV Show)
Empathy, Inc. (Movie)
The protagonist vocally protests sex with his wife. She keeps touching him and trying to initiate sex despite his wishes, at one point reaching down his pants. She does eventually stop.
The female protagonist (struggling with bipolar disorder) engages in multiple sex acts with her boss during the first 30 minutes of the movie. The scenes start abruptly and it is very dubious that she consiously consents, being clearly uncomfortable. In the first scene, he asks her to perform oral sex on him and she refuses; in the second one, she rebuffs him twice when he tries to engage sex. The fact that he is her boss and that he serves as a monitor of her mental health for social services means that the power dynamic is extremely skewed. She eventually exposes him in front of his wife and his employees.
The book makes passing references to the real life issue of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls (MMIWG). On two separate occasions, one character tries to initiate sex with another and doesn't listen initially when he says no. A character is mentioned to have "forced himself" on his younger cousin.
The Empress (TV Show)
S1E2: the titular character is forced to be checked over by a male doctor to make sure her hymen is still intact (28:00-30:52). She is surrounded by another man and a group of ladies watching over her. Shot only shows her from the waist up: she shows visible discomfort and begins to breathe very deeply and starts to tear up quietly. She kicks the doctor away but she has no choice but to lay down again. She cries as she endures the procedure and holds firmly onto another woman’s hand. Lather, there is a conversation about the abovementioned procedure between the victim and a spectactor (33:40). The victim disagrees that the procedure was part of duty and is encouraged to change her beliefs.
Empress Ki (TV Show)
Throughout the series, women and girls are kidnapped and enslaved as a tribute paid to the emperor. Additionnally, all the concubines are forced by the empress to drink something that harms their fertility, on a routine base. S1E7: an imperial soldier attempts to rape the main character, but someone rescues her. S1E45: the emperor performs marital rape to the main female protagonist while he is drunk. She has the duty to bear his child, but cleary did not physically consented it at that moment as she was screaming and desperately tried to push him away.
One of the main characters is forced into a political marriage, and then essentially placed under house arrest to keep her out of the way once she has given the emperor a child. Nothing physical is shown, but she is clearly upset about her situation.
The Empty Man (Movie)
En of Love (TV Show)
En Place (TV Show)
S1E2: rape is mentioned throughout for comedic purposes. It starts when one character mentions the Catholic Church and the Vatican and makes a hint about the sexual abuse of children. Shortly after, a male character explains that a politican has "a taste" for Thai girls aged 18-19: another character underlines the fact that it is thus legal. Later, that same character explains that he proposed (and performed) sexual favours to a politician in exchange for his support (oral sex). The main topic of the episode it the male protagonist (candidate for a political election) securing his public image "about MeToo issues'. Quickly, he explains that years ago, he "somewhat forced" a woman to have sex with him while they were drunk and drugged: he minimizes the fact as a normal behavior. Then, another man from his crew halfway confesses that he presumably had non-consensual sex with his ex-girlfriend's cousin (age unknown). When the protagonist is confronted with his presumed victim, she explains that he did nothing to her: he was too drunk to remember what really happened (she rebuffed his sexual advances when he asked for her consent and he accepted it). [Under further review]
En Roue Libre (Movie)
This comedy is about a woman (in a state of psychological distress) who finds herself trapped in her car with a younger, unstable man. His behaviour is erratic and he becomes violent towards her several times throughout the movie (slapping her, holding her by the throat, threatening her with a gun, taking her wallet/smartphone in her jacket after having tied her hands up, etc.). At one point the male protagonist, while forcing the female protagonist to speak with a psychiatrist at gunpoint, suggests that she might have been sexually assaulted by an uncle when she was a child (which is not the case). This is played for laughs.
Encanto (Movie)
There is a very brief mention of a telenovela involving a romantic relationship between an aunt and a nephew (57:22-57:35). Later on, a woman who was planned to marry a man explains that she was only doing it to please her family: this ends up not happening.
Enchanted (Movie)
An underaged girl reluctantly agrees to perform sexual acts on an adult handicapped man in exchange for his mother not reporting her shoplifting to the police. The same girl is also forced by her mother to engage in sexual acts with her dentist in a similar kind of agreement. The teenage victim is then shamed for these same acts by her classmates and even her own mother.
End of Days (Movie)
S1E1: a teenage girl mentions her stepfather having made an inappropriate comment towards her. Later, he offers her a beer, despite the fact that she is underage, and makes a comment complimenting her looks while suggestively touching her back (roughly 14:15). S1E2: teenagers accept a ride from an adult man after crashing their car. The man forces the teenage boy to masturbate him and tries to reciprocate it. The teenage girl uses this as blackmail to get him to give them his wallet (13:10-14:29). They discuss what happened directly after the event, until roughly the 15:00 mark. S1E3: a teenage girl kisses an adult man and invites him back to a house to sleep with her, he references the gap between their ages but ultimately complies. They kiss and partially undress but do not sleep together. He reacts negatively when she changes her mind about having sex and cuts their time together short. A teenage boy discovers photographs and videos which show nude women who have been tied up and injured/murdered (13:00-13:44). Only tiny and indistinct snippets of the videos can be seen, but screaming can be heard. Two teenagers take shelter in a house which isn't theirs. When the owner returns, he attempts to rape one of them, but he is stabbed to death and they escape (17:54-end of the episode). S1E4: this episode deals with the aftermath of the attempted rape in the previous episode, as well as the discovery of the disturbing sexual photographs which the teenagers discovered. Flashes of the videos of women being tortured are shown again, screams are heard, although the images shown are non-explicit (04:40-04:52). S1E5: there is a brief (1 second) and non-explicit flashback to the attempted rape from S1E3. S1E6: the photographs of women who were tied up and killed appear in a flashback (02:00-02:03). Three women discuss previous accusations of sexual assault made against the man who attempted to rape the teenage girl in S1E3 (12:00-13:29). Two women discover evidence (the videos and photographs) suggesting that the man from S1E3 may have been killed in self-defence. Mention of rape, in passing (17:30-17:40). In season 2, the survivor of the attempted rape (in season 1) deals with her trauma. There are some split-second flashbacks in several episodes, mostly of the perpetrator’s dead body and the survivor covered in blood. S2E1: a professor (who attempted to rape a teenager in season 1) starts a manipulative sexual relationship with a young woman in exchange for her attending his classes. He rewatches videos of his previous victims. The images are non-explicit and only on screen for a couple of seconds (~16:00). It is implied that the man sexually assaults another student (17:45-18:05). S2E4: a man exposes himself to a woman (19:00-20:55). S2E7: a woman recounts her attempted rape from season 1 (09:00-10:40). There are some brief mentions of this again for the rest of the scene.
Worthy of note: a dialogue mentions a "raped by psychic bedouins kind of self-consciousness".
End of Watch (Movie)
Endeavour (TV Show)
The show frequently depicts violent crimes. While not always graphic, the show's subject matter is almost always dark. The main characters are disgusted by sexual violence and usually express this, but it is still an extremely prevalent part of the show. Most of these things happen or are mentioned toward the end of the episodes. Pilot: teenage girls are hired to take part in orgies. A teenage girl has a sexual relationship with an older man. Nothing is shown on-screen. S1:E1: a man uses sex to blackmail other men. A man has a sexual relationship with a teenage girl. (Nothing is shown on-screen). S1:E2: a woman is raped and murdered. (Nothing is shown on-screen). S1:E3: a man gropes a woman's buttocks in a dance club. Worthy of note: a woman murders her rival love interest. S2:E1: toward the end of the episode, a man has sex with his long-lost daughter without either realizing they're related (they're shown in bed together). When he finds out, he murders her to avoid his reputation being ruined. S2:E3: worthy of note: a man seeks out women who have cheated on their husbands in order to murder them. S2:E4: the entire episode centres around child sexual abuse. At the end of the episode, an abuse victim commits suicide. S3:E1: references to the abuse committed in the previous episode. A man makes repeated unwanted advances toward a woman. S3:E2: worthy of note: a woman is forced/coerced into having an abortion against her will. S3:E3: worthy of note: a woman describes a physical assault in language which places the blame on the victim of said assault. S4:E1: a girl commits suicide to avoid being raped by her brother. The brother speaks about his sister to a main character. S4:E2: worthy of note: a man is brutally beaten because of his sexuality. A gay man commits suicide, a major motivation for which was the fact that he had to hide his sexuality. A woman kills a rival love interest, who is also a gay man. S4:E3: a doctor takes advantage of his position of power to date (and likely have sex with) nurses. S4:E4: worthy of note: a main character is in a physically/emotionally abusive relationship. It's implied that her boyfriend has caused her to miscarry by throwing her down the stairs. S5:E1: on-screen rape scene at the end of the episode, a woman is gang-raped. Throughout the episode, this character tracks down and murders her rapists, then commits suicide (again, this is onscreen and graphic). Sex trafficking is a major theme in this episode. The abusive relationship from the last episode is briefly referenced. S5E4: a woman grabs two men and kisses them without their consent. A man stalks a woman. S5E5: worthy of note: a man physically abuses his wife. S5E6: a teenage boy makes unwanted verbal advances towards a woman. It is implied that he might intend to rape her, but this doesn't transpire. A man pressures a woman into feeling his bicep when it's clear that she is uncomfortable with this. Multiple men have sexual relationships with a younger woman - it's unclear whether she's in her teens or early twenties. Physical and psychological abuse are key themes in this episode.
The Endgame (TV Show)
S1E1: a character discusses someone liberating a village where a warlord was raping women..
The Endless (Movie)
A character asks that another character perform a sexual act in exchange for something he needs, however it is quickly redacted. There is a discussion of a previous relationship between a young boy and an adult woman.
A woman is shamed for stealing by having all her clothes removed. The protagonist goes to a gay bar and a group of men attempt to rape him. A woman cries and disassociates as her husband has sex with her.
Enemy (2013) (Movie)
A man has sex with his asleep girlfriend until she tells him to stop.
The show features the ghost of a man who sexually abused his own daughter, driving her to commit suicide at the age of twelve. The abuse does not occur on screen but is verbally reenacted and pantomimed by a medium.
The older sister of the main character constantly goes on questionable tangents about her and her fiancée's younger sister. It leans into harassment towards the latter, and is played for laughs as the older sister is worshipped at school for being seemingly perfect despite her constant behavior towards the younger two. Her inappropriate behavior is frowned upon by nearly everyone around her that knows of it, but lasts throughout the entire show.
The English (TV Show)
The English Game (TV Show)
Worthy of note: there is a guy showing stalker behavior towards a woman with whom he cheated with and share a baby with, but nothing sexual happens. It is implied that a woman gets beaten by her husband on regular basis.
Enola Holmes (Movie)
Enough (Movie)
Worthy of note: domestic violence is the main theme of the movie.
Woman is harassed by a group of men. She fights many of them off but is eventually cornered and kills herself to avoid sexual assault.
The main characters have an incestuous relationship.
Entergalactic (Movie)
Enthiran (Movie)
The main love interest is used as prop multiple times throughout the film for the males heros to rescue her from attempted rapes. There are several instances where a women's lack of consent to the actions of men are used to forward the plot. The first instance is a gang of men threaten and corner the female love interest as an act of revenge. She is held down by multiple men and then rescued in the nick of time by one of the male leads. The second times, a young girl is rescued from a burning building however she is was bathing and thus naked. The deuteragonist rescues the girl from the fire but does not allow her to clover herself and is then brought into a massive crowd of people and reporters. The girl is so incredibly distraught by the humiliation she then runs into traffic ending her life. The main love interest offers herself as a 'one day girlfriend' to a stranger in order to make the protagonist jealous. The stranger then holds her wrist and threatens her when she attempts to leave. The main love interest is kidnapped by the antagonist who is madly in love with her. She does not return his feelings and he is overly affectionate. Worthy of note: there is no on screen depiction of rape/groping. Any attempts made towards women are very clearly depicted as morally wrong/done only by villains and is stopped by the protagonists. There may be cat-calling or verbal harassment in the native language of the film- Tamil- but it is unclear in English subtitle translations
The camera rolls as two girls sleep. One of the girls wakes up suddenly, screaming and crying, and says she had a nightmare that an entity/spirit had raped her. The next morning the girls discuss what happened, and one of the girls mentions the word 'rape' (1:05:55-1:10:00).
Entourage (TV Show)
This series contains constant verbal and emotional abuse from the main character towards his wife, as well as homophobic verbal abuse towards his gay assistant. The protagonist uses his success and position of power to manipulate women and use them for sex.
Enuattii (Movie)
Enys Men (Movie)
EO (2022) (Movie)
A truck driver offers food to a homeless woman. After she gets in his vehicle, he proposes her to have sex. She leaves and he says that it was a joke.
Epidemiya (TV Show)
S1E1: a solider cuts off a woman's underwear and then chloroforms her. Her step daughter fights the man off and kills him before anything else can happen. The daughter has dreams in several later episodes where she sees the man she killed but not of what happened. S1E8: a woman has a man, his wife and his daughter locked in her basement. She pulls the man out, ties him to the bed, and opens his pants before climbing on top of him. As he is struggling, she implies that she has assaulted men before. There is a noise outside that distracts her and he is able to knock her off and tie her up.
Epithet Erased (TV Show)
The Equalizer (Movie)
A big plot point is how the male protagonist saves a girl from a prostitution ring. The main antagonist is a pimp and beats the women and forces then to have sex with men who hurt them.
It is implied that a woman was drugged, filmed and raped by a group of men (18:00-24:00).
Equinox (TV Show)
The sexual violence, used as a plot device for the series, is not handled sensitively.
ER (TV Show)
Several episodes deal with patients who have been sexually assaulted. A recurring plotline in season 4 involves a serial rapist targeting elderly women; the rapist is eventually caught and dies at the hospital. S2E8: a brother and a sister have sex which results in pregnancy. The father attempts to kill his son because he believed he raped his sister. S13E1: rape on-screen (30:00-33:00). S8E16: a character is pressured by his coworkers to talk about his first sexual experience and reveals that he lost his virginity at age 11 to a woman in her twenties. A couple of the other characters present joke about this, including one person jokingly implying that the woman was paid by the character's parents to have sex with him. None of this is ever brought up or mentioned again. S15E8: one plotline involves a patient being accused of pedophilia. When he is attacked by his brother-in-law for interacting with a young girl at the hospital, one of the main characters witnesses this and does not intervene, instead allowing him to be injured. At the end of the episode, the character reveals to a coworker that he was sexually abused as a child and found it difficult to be objective because the patient's behavior reminded him of his abuser. While he describes the abuse he went through, the man accused of sexual abuse is shown interacting with the girl again in much the same way as the character describes his abuser interacting with him, implying that the patient is indeed a pedophile.
A character recounts how she was tortured with beatings and poison in prison to try to get her to divulge secret information. When the torture failed, her captor instructed the guards to "use her body as they saw fit." She was able to evade rape by using magic, though.
This show revolves around a series of child kidnappings, abuse and murder, with a man trying to find the culprit and prevent the kidnappings from happening by travelling trough time. A 10 year old girl is physically abused by her mother: this gets discussed (and shown) a lot, especially troughout the first episodes. Additionnally, a 29 year old man in the body of his 11 year old self seems attracted to the girl (no sexual interactions). Child sexual abuse is heavily implied and gets verbally confirmed (S1E6): there is no sexual assault on screen troughout the whole series. S1E1: a failed kidnapping attempt is shown. A hiogh school girl is shown inappropriately through the main character's point of view (close up of her chest), even after stating that she os too young. His mother encourages him to pursue her. S1E6: it is mentioned that a girl was raped and her murder is descriped. A men gets falsely accused of pedophilia. S1E12: another men gets falsely accused of pedophilia. Worthy of note: A woman is stabbed and murdered on screen early in the series.
Eraser (Movie)
At about 01:29:00, a woman is kidnapped and tied to the chair. Her kidnapper caresses her face while threatening her with rape. When she says "Don't even think about it" she is slapped and threatened with rape again.
Eraserhead (Movie)
An older woman interrogates a young man about his sexual relationship with her daughter, then kisses his neck in a way that makes him visibly uncomfortable. It's not a very intense scene and is very short, but it might make some viewers uncomfortable. It can be skipped without losing major plot information. The scene occurs between the 28:11-29:12 minute mark. Some scenes are surrealist in nature, but may be interpreted to reference sexual violence/harassment.
Ergo Proxy (TV Show)
Eric (TV Show)
There are repeated mentions of child sex trafficking, paedophilia, and attempts to sell a child to a sex trafficker. Statutory rape is shown on screen, involving a teenager exchanging oral sex for money with an adult.
Eroico (Video Game)
Some female enemies can sexually assault the male main character. The male main character cannot initiate any sexual acts toward female characters. Adult content can be disabled before beginning the game.
Eromanga-Sensei (TV Show)
The implied romantic feelings between an older teenage boy and his 12-year-old stepsister are the topic of an ongoing subplot. The stepsister also at times asks other girls to flash their underwear, blackmails them into wearing suggestive outfits, or removes their underwear without consent as inspiration for her artwork.
Escape 2120 (Movie)
Escape Academy (Video Game)
Worthy of note: two man (inmates) have sex with a woman (prison employee) with the sole purpose of escaping.
An inmate threatens the main character to take him as his sexual object, but before anything happens, he punches him and knocks him out. The main character gets attacked by the bully several times during the rest of the movie because of this.
At some point, the main character enters into a basement and sees men sexual harassing a woman. He does nothing and moves on.
Escape the Night (TV Show)
S3E9: a woman puts her hands down a man's crotch.
Escape Plan (Movie)
A person shows criminals and state that they are “terrorists, murderer, serial rapists” (29:00-33:00).
A man who has kidnapped a woman tells him he will let her go if he kisses her, when she refuses he kills her.
Worthy of note: a woman wakes up naked in a cage. She is not assaulted or harassed during the movie.
A male guard affixes a name badge on a female character’s chest without asking to touch her first. She says something along the lines of “most people would buy me a drink first”
A drunk character climbs on top of the protagonist while the protagonist is in bed and tries to remove her clothing. The protagonist starts worrying that she is about to be assaulted, but it is actually that the drunk character wants to give her a scarification tattoo. It is still written in a way that could be triggering, especially with the inclusion of phrases such as, "You want this."
The Escort (Movie)
S1E1: a woman's husband dies. He has been physically abusive to her: she has a flashback of them having sex and it appears to be non consensual
Esteros (Movie)
Estranged (Movie)
Eternal Boys (TV Show)
The premise of a show is someone being teased for being a virgin S1E1: a 25-year-old makes up a story about his teacher's sister sexually assaulting him at the age of 13 or 14. Beastiality is mentioned.
Eternals (Movie)
Eteros Ego (Movie)
Eungyo (Movie)
This film contains numerous scenes of full frontal nudity, sex and sexual acts with a "teenage girl." It is implied that an old man (70) has sexual desires for a teenage girl who is about 16-17.
Euphoria (TV Show)
S1E1: a young girl receives rape threats in a tex (03:00); a teen boy holds up his phone playing pornography and mimicks the scene to the girl (04:28); a girl recalls an attempt assault (11:40); a character gets catcalled while riding a bike (12:30). There are also disturbing scenes between 29:00 and 35:35. A seventeen-year-old girl pursues sexual encounters with older men, some of which are shown on-screen. A very drunk teenager asks a college-aged man to have sex with her in public in order to get back at her ex, and the college student complies. S1E2: a young boy stumbles across porn and later displays emotional issues which seem to be a result of this. One character repeatedly asks another if he raped a female character (the word is mentioned multiple times throughout the episode). S1E3: a teenage girl starts selling sexual content featuring herself online, although it is unclear if the men who consume this content are aware of her age. A boy has his clothes ripped off in a fraternity hazing. S1E4: a boy screams rape threats through a door while masturbating. Someone tricks a teenage girl into sending nudes and threatens to report her for producing child pornography. The narrator discusses how a character during uncomfortable sexual acts (painful or aggressive sex) pretends to not be in their body which is a trauma response for sexually assaulted people. S1E5: a man is arrested for child molestation. A man accepts a fourteen-year-old's offer to have sex, and the narrator makes a comment about how the girl was actually in control of this situation because she prompted the encounter (this comment may be intended to be tongue-in-cheek; unclear). A girl is coerced into giving a blowjob. S1E6: someone is the victim of stalking. When a couple is about to have sex, several college students wearing strap-ons burst into the room and humiliate the naked man by touching him and making homophobic remarks; this is not rape but in many ways closely resembles one. A boy tries to pressure a very drunk girl into sex, but she is able to leave the situation. S1E7: a girl is groped by her uncle. Somebody is sexually coerced. Somebody is the victim of revenge porn. S2E1: a group of people is forced to undress at gunpoint, including a teenage girl. A 12-year-old boy is also in the room and starts to undress, but the gunmen stop him and lock him in a closet, saying nobody wants to see him naked. S2E7: a character has a nightmare that he is being raped by his dad. It is unclear whether this actually happened in the past or if the dream stems from other emotional issues. S2E8: a character discusses a recurring nightmare where his father rapes him.
Euphoria (Anime) (TV Show)
Characters are forced into a game where the male protagonist must rape the female members so they can all leave the room they are trapped him. Sexual violence is at the centre of the plot.
Eureka! (TV Show)
Eureka (2000) (Movie)
It is briefly rumoured around the town that a child protagonist was raped during a bus hijacking: there is no further discussion around this topic. The film is about dealing with the aftermath of (non-sexual) trauma. Subtle signs of characters experiencing PTSD symptoms are shown.
Eureka Seven (TV Show)
Across the series, there is a very creepy, abusive dynamic between a teenage girl character and an older adult male, whom his organization has groomed to be a subservient child soldier through human experimentation on catatonic children. The same adult male also brainwashes child survivors of ethnic cleansing for a similar purpose. Another organization is also shown to have groomed another young woman as a child soldier in flashbacks. S1E5: a drunk female character has a creep-shot taken of her. In response, she breaks the creep-in-question's camera. Angry and provoked, he overpowers her, forces her to the ground, gets on top of her and attempts to force a kiss, but is interrupted and then thoroughly beaten by a third party protecting the woman.
Europa Europa (Movie)
A teenage boy is groped in the genitals while bathing unexpectedly by an older man.
Europa Report (Movie)
Eurotrip (Movie)
There is a joke about internet sex predators in the beginning. There is a creepy guy in the train, hugging and kissing the protagonists while they are clearly uncomfortable. The protagonists are on a nudist beach, and there are only men, except one woman. As soon as she undresses, they all run after her, but nothing happens to her (41-42 min in). One of the characters goes to a brothel in Amsterdam, and his safe word is not respected because he does not say it properly.
Two woman are forced into sex trafficking. Rape is not shown on screen, but only physical assault before it.
A group of girls rip off a classmate's clothing (down to undergarments) while shouting "Striptease" to bully her (35 minutes into the movie).
Event Horizon (Movie)
This film contains a brief orgy scene involving rape.
Ever After (Movie)
Ever After High (TV Show)
Everhood (Video Game)
The book contains a very brief mention of an attempted rape that happened in the previous book.
An older boy pressures a younger boy to take drugs and after he says no, forces the drugs into his mouth by kissing him. When he tries to get away and spit it out, the older boy kisses him again. Later on, the same boy tries to pressure him into sex while he is still under the influence of the drug.
There is a non-consensual kiss between two teenage boys.
At one point, one character knocks out two antagonists with dildos (by slapping them in the face). Shortly after, two men use objects for rectal penetration: they jump with their pants down on the objects to (kind of) "gain special powers" during a fight.
Everything Now (TV Show)
S1E5: two teenagers consensually have sex but the intercourse is misunderstood as a rape by the girl's siblings, who consider that she was vulnerable at the moment. The girl (autistic) was indeed drunk and crying but clearly enjoyed the act and asked her partner to have sex. S1E6: the issue of the previous episode (and the definition of rape) is discussed. Later, a rape scene in a fictional movie (not shown) is discussed between two siblings.
Eve's Bayou (Movie)
A child sees two adults having sex. A teenage girl kisses her father, which eventually becomes more intense and he tries to take it further. Much of the latter half of the film concerns whether this memory is accurate or not (different versions of the scene are shown).
Evil (TV Show)
S1E1: within the first few minutes of the episode, a man is being questioned. It is said that he raped his victims. S1E3 mentions priests sexually assaulting people, and the threat of a child getting raped in prison. Sexual assault is mentioned sporadically throughout the series, and at one point a ghost undresses a woman in her sleep.
The Evil Dead (Movie)
A woman is raped on-screen by possessed tree branches (25:00-27:03).
A demon tells a man his little sister is being raped in hell. A woman is held in the air by branches and a snake-like entity crawls up her legs and disappears between her thighs. She screams in pain. A possessed woman licks up another woman's legs and thighs with a bloodied tongue. She forces the other woman to kiss her.
Evil Dead II (Movie)
The rape scene (by trees) from the first movie is recreated. The clothes of the victim are tore off and vines and branches try to enter her mouth.
The film features a fairly graphic and long rape of one female character after she is trapped in a van by an escaped male captive (he rapes her while describing his captors).
Evil Genie (Movie)
S1E2: mention of rape, some description of the crime (37:50-38:10). Two other mentions of rape, one with reference to a man's crimes, and one metaphorical (41:20-41:50). S1E3: mention of rape in on-screen text (27:50-28:00). S1E4: a man says that he's a 'convicted child abuser' - nature of abuse is unclear (7:40-8:00). Mention of rape (27:10-27:25).
Evil Lives Here (TV Show)
Evil Things (Movie)
A group of friends walk in on one of their male friends taking a bath and film him while teasing him about it. Later while a guy is filming, he zooms in on one of the female friend's breasts.
Evil Toons (Movie)
Évolution (Movie)
Young boys are impregnated via a needle through the stomach. A young boy observes what looks like an all-female orgy and one of the women involved makes eye contact with him. A naked woman swims with a young boy. At some point, she swims with him and presses her mouth to his to give him air.
Ex Machina (Movie)
The Exception (Movie)
There is a dubious consent scene at 12:30 min into the movie. A captain tells a maid to take her clothes off and they engage in sex. He is her superior and does not ask for consent, even if she does not seem distressed. They have a romantic relationship later in the movie which is consensual, though he remains in a position of power over her due to his military rank.
Excision (Movie)
Worthy of note: violence and sex are very intertwined throughout the film.
A man flirts with the protagonist while she happens to be sitting by herself. She doesn't answer him when he speaks to her, and he starts touching her face until one of her friends enters the scene and defends her. A secondary character is the victim of a slut-shaming smear campaign.
A sex scene is interrupted where the man is killed and the woman begs to not be killed: the killer then makes her have sex with him. Later in the movie. another main character is taunting a man while grabbing the naked woman he was just with.
Two women are assaulted off screen: one of them is seen afterwards with her panties pulled down, revealing her bare bottom. She gets up to redress, and her bare breasts are briefly seen. A woman pulls out a dildo and forces a man to assault another man with it: he does so and they both cry.
A man is briefly seen forcing himself on a woman before being shot: both parties are fully clothed.
Exils (Movie)
A woman is pulled away by other angry women and forced to cover herself/to dress more modestly.
Existenz (Movie)
Though no sexual assault or violence is included, the movie contains strong use of body horror, like the digital penetration of a science-fiction game port drilled into the small of character's backs.
Exists (Movie)
A man films his friends having sex without their knowledge.
Exit 0 (Movie)
A woman is raped on screen (30:00-31:30). No nudity is shown, but it is clear what is happening. Two men discuss their plans to do so beforehand (29:15-29:30).
Exit (2005) (Movie)
Exodus (1960) (Movie)
Halfway through the movie, a character confesses how women and himself were used as sexual slaves in Auschwitz.
Exodus (2021) (Movie)
While possessed, a preteen girl performs violent sexual acts on herself with a crucifix, then shoves her mother's face in her crotch. She later gropes a psychiatrist who yells in pain.
When the teenage girls are found after missing for days, they get physicals at the hospital including a pelvic exam to check for sexual assault. It is concluded that neither girls were sexually assaulted. A demon makes one of the girls touch herself while possessed. Worthy of note: abortion is mentioned regarding an older female character’s past. The demon uses names like “baby killer, child killer” when talking to her. This can be extremely upsetting to some viewers.
Exotica (Movie)
The film centers on a strip club, and particularly on the relation between a stripper (dressed as a schoolgirl) and one of her clients (who apparently fantasises about his dead daughter). At some point, another man (the stripper's former boyfriend) manipulates the client (and later one of his accomplice) into thinking she wants him to touch her (which is forbidden). When it happens, she does not seem distressed at all but the man is ejected from the club.
The Expanse (TV Show)
S1E1: prostituted women are seen in a brothel. S2E3: one of the main characters compares interrogating a prisoner to interrogating a paedophile (30:23-30:50). An analogy to paedophilia is mentioned and discussed in relation to the prisoner. S2E10: forced child prostitution. Forced childbirth is discussed and paedophilia is described.
A female character, captured by the antagonist, is about to be raped by two guys but is rescued long before anything happens.
Film is a dramatic reenactment of the Stanford Prison Experiment. Depicts the attempted rape of an inmate.
Extinction (Movie)
Extraction (Movie)
Extracurricular (TV Show)
The premise of the show is about minors in highschool being sex workers. The main character is the pimp who oversees it all. S1E1: a man gags and beats up sex workers (one of whom is a minor).
Extraordinary (TV Show)
In this show, people possess powers that violate other people's sexual consent. S1E1: a joke is made about how we should not be Michael Jackson fans. A teenager accidentally gives his father multiple orgasms at a family reunion. All of this is played for laughs as they discuss how it is not funny. S1E2: someone's powers make them accidentally naked in front of another naked person. They do not have a good sense of boundaries. S1E3: a mask of a statutory rapist appear on screen. Also, a medium channels an old man who makes a state joke, and then uses the body of the medium to sexually assault herself. A laundry list of bad crimes is given in a comedic context including rape. S1E4: a serial murderer and rapist is mentioned. S1E8: a boyfriend uses his power to turn back time so his girlfriend canno't break up with him, over and over.
An adult supernatural creature uses psychic abilities to cause the teenage protagonist to have sexual dreams about another character against her will. Nothing graphic is described, but she describes the act as "out of line." The process of becoming a vampire is left deliberately vague, but is said to require the person being converted to be "intimate" with whoever is turning them. What this means is unspecified, but a vampire coercing a teenage girl into letting him convert her (when she was hoping her boyfriend would do it) is treated as an assault and traumatic for the girl.
S1E1: a husband is abusive to his wife and uses sexist language and derogatory comments inferring she is a sex worker. S1E4: the titular character is bullied. S1E9: children are kidnapped but returned safely. One of the parents says that the kidnapper could have been a rapist. S1E10: this episode revolves around the ethical implications of sexual relationships between neurotypical people and developmentally disabled people. Someone is arrested for rape for sex that would have been consensual otherwise due to her disability.
A woman says multiple times that she was held down while aliens performed tests on her. She does not say that she was assaulted but she is visibility panicking while speaking so the scene could be upsetting. A police officer taunts a man he arrested with threats of being raped while in prison. A man is anal probed to death by the aliens.
This film is a biography of a serial rapist and murderer and it contains vivid descriptions of his acts.
Extremities (Movie)
The film is based on a feminist play about a woman getting brutal revenge on a man who invaded her home and attempted to rape her. Sexual assault and rape culture are discussed throughout.
Extremity (Movie)
Two characters are forcibly stripped of their clothes near the start. A woman tries to coerce her girlfriend into sexual acts. A male sexually harasses a woman while they are working together. The main character has flashbacks of abuse and sexual assault by her father. Incest is a main theme in this movie.
The Eye (Movie)
The film contains two very violent rape scenes, the first involving a 17 year old girl (during the first 15 minutes of the movie).
A woman is harassed and slapped on the wrist by a soldier for being out in public with her lower arms/wrists exposed.
A girl and her father hold their mother/wife’s murder captive and have him chained in a barn with his eyes sewn shut and his vocal cords removed. After the girl has grown to adulthood, she brings the man into the house, undresses in front of him as he sits on the bed, and then it cuts to the next scene. It is unclear whether or not the man was into it because it is established early on that he has a very sick mind.
A man rapes a woman and tries to cover it up. It is implied he may have had sex with or raped a young boy as well.
The movie deals with sexual power dynamics within high society. It is left ambiguous as to whether a sex worker is ritualistically killed or sacrificed by a cult. Worthy of note: one scene briefly implies that a female teenager had sex with two older men.
Eyeshield 21 (TV Show)
S1E4: the female protagonist presses the male protagonist against her breasts while she hugs him (without sexual intent). S1E16: two women are harassed by three men. They are saved by the male protagonist. S1E102 : a man accidentally walks in a female changing room. S1E104: three boys corner a girl and tell her to hang out with them. She does not want to and is saved. S1E106: a man puts his arm around a girl. The girl tells him to let go and she is clearly scared of him. She is saved by the male protagonist, but later on pushed by the man.
F is for Fake (Movie)
There is a scene, lasting several minutes, in which men eye a woman who is walking near them. She is said to be acting as “bait”. A woman reports having been attacked by Martians - her description of the event may be taken to imply that this attack had sexual elements. Vague dialogue may be taken to imply that woman was raped, but it transpires that this was not the case. She is watched by a man who feels "tempted."
F is for Family (TV Show)
S1E2: a teenage boy claims that his teacher is perv. It is unclear if it is the truth or if he is lying to get off being in trouble for his failing grade. S2E6: a sexual relationship between an adult and a teenager happens before the adult is fully aware that the teenager is 14 years old (25:45). S2E7: the situation is not portrayed as dramatic or creepy, but as a 'funny teenage boy anecdote' (00:10-00:30).
The Fabelmans (Movie)
Fable 2 (Video Game)
In the tutorial, when the player incarnates young Sparrow, an adult man solicits Sparrow's teenage sister, trying to convince her to become a prostitute for him so she can feed herself and her sibling. She rejects him, stating that she will never be "that hungry". It is implied that this is not the first time the man has propositioned her.
In Fabric (Movie)
A man is pretending to advertise for a male enhancement pill and chases two unconsenting/unwilling women around the office while grabbing at them. There is a relationship between a 17 years old woman and a man in this 30s/40s.
Face 2 Face (Movie)
Both main characters are victims of abuse. There is a scene in which a young woman is raped by her father.
Faceless (Movie)
FaceOff (Movie)
A man impersonating a woman's husband has sex with her while she believes him to be her husband. The man gloats about this throughout the movie. A teenage boy attempts to assault/rape a teenage girl.
A drunk character grabs a woman in a way she does not like during a dance. Another character notices a group of men staring at her backside.
The Factory (Movie)
The movie is about a serial kidnapper who drugs and rapes women.
S3E2: a teacher is raped offscreen. One of the main characters is almost raped walking home from a party. S3E8: an elderly woman recounts a soldier attempting to rape her during World War II.
A 44-year-old has sex with a 17-year-old. A character lost his virginity to a grown woman when he was 14.
Faerie ()
Chapter 3 of this podcast talks about the events before, during, and after a supernatural rape.
Worthy of note: the female main character starts a consensual relationship with a male lead. She is then upset to discover that he has been manipulative and dishonest. She narrowly escapes a third party trapping her into marrying that male lead for their own motives.
Late in the movie (01:32:45-01:35:11), a woman is raped (during that started as a consensual sexual encounter) and has her head smashed against a bathroom counter.
Fairy Tail (TV Show)
Throughout the entire series, underage girls are sexualized. There are moments when both male and female characters are sexually harassed.
The female perspective character is raped repeatedly when she is 17 years old, early in the book. It is described in frank language but without excessive detail. Her abuser is a medical provider in a position of authority over her. After she escapes that situation, she spends some narrative time coping with the trauma. The focus is on broader mental health and personal healing issues. The story separately involves two male stalkers (one who is actively threatening to his underage ex-girlfriend).
One character must seduce another as part of a plan, and they are somewhat resentful.
Fakes (TV Show)
S1E5: it is discussed that a guy was "getting handsy" at a club.
Chapters 30, 31 and 36: the female main character recalls and discusses the sexual harassment she went through in high school - other students spreading sexual rumors, some groping/attempting to touch her, and teachers disregarding her coming to them for help and even continuing the rumors themselves. The topic does come up in later chapters again, but not with explicit details.
Falcon Lake (Movie)
The female protagonist, a 16 year-old girl, explains that her ex-boyfriend dumped her because she refused to have sexual relationships with him, and that he spread the rumor that they had sex anyway.
S1E3: rape or sexual assault is mentioned at 21:30-23:10.
The Fall (TV Show)
Due to the nature of the show, it contains a number of references to rape, sexual violence and sexual sadism. A man breaks into a house and places underwear and a vibrator on the bed. A man holds a woman down on a bed, attacking her; she is wearing only underwear. References are made to the fact that a man is sexually aroused by violence. A teenage girl tries to kiss an adult man. A woman is shown injured, with blood on her face, wearing only underwear.
The Fall Guy (Movie)
The whole show is full of workplace sexual harassment. Episodes 1, 2, 3 and 5 feature workplace sexual harassment. S1E2: people at an orgy are being filmed without consent by their host. S1E3: a woman reminds her employees that they signed a contract which included sexual favours. She is very angry they refuse to have sex but it does not go any further and she lets them leave. S1E8: it is implied that a character watched as other people did something to "an Inuit woman". It is not clear what was done, but sexual assault could be implied. Worthy of note: a husband abuses his wife by not helping her medically after receiving major burns. All scenes between them are rather disturbing as he is controlling and threatens that she cannot leave him. He drugs her so she is unable to move or speak frequently and just before she is saved, he removes her teeth with pliers. The scene is not loud and is very quick since she is drugged.
An adult man marries a 13-year-old girl, who eventually gives birth to several daughters. He has sexual attraction towards their eldest daughter when she is a child. He eventually rapes her and she dies giving birth. After the eldest daughter dies, he rapes another of their daughters when she is a child. This daughter has a sexual relationship with an adult man. The book contains both vivid descriptions of rape and implied descriptions.
Fallen (Movie)
Fallen Angels (Movie)
Several main characters are obsessive about and disregard boundaries of others, to the point of stalking. One character makes sexual advances repeatedly to someone who is not interested. A fairly brief scene resembles rape; with one person screaming, it is unclear if she was joking or not.
Fallen Shinobi (Video Game)
The game allows you to sexually assault the main character.
The Falling (Movie)
Falling Down (Movie)
The Fallout (Movie)
Worth of note: a boy does a sexual remark about a girl behind her back.
Fallout (TV Show)
S1E1: before getting married, a character comments “After 10 years of cousin stuff I’m finally ready for the real thing”. Incest is mentioned several times. A man is shown having sex with a woman with the purpose of attacher her afterwards. S1E6: this episode features reproductive violence / experimentation and death. S1E7: it is revealed that women were forcibly impregnated with mutant animals for an experiment. S1E8: it is revealed that some marriages are part of a breeding program, where only one partner knows what is going on.
Fallout: New Vegas (Video Game)
Players can find documents describing the selling of adults, teens, and children into sexual slavery. There is a quest where the player tries to convince a rape survivor to seek treatment for her trauma. Players discuss the details of the assault with the survivor, her fellow soldiers, and the soldier that was forced to watch the assault take place. The player is also tasked with killing the rapist. A major faction in the game is infamous for capturing or purchasing women and forcing them into sexual slavery. A companion character is traumatized due to being unable to save his pregnant wife when she is kidnapped by this faction.
The Falls (Movie)
There is a mention of seeing two men having sex outside in a public park (55:00).
A man keeps trying to pressure his boyfriend into receiving oral and restrains him while doing so.
False Arrest (Movie)
The female protagonist is stripped, pinned to the floor and raped by a group of female inmates.
Fame (1980) (Movie)
While a black male teen character (who is supposed to be around 14) dances in revealing clothing during an audition, several (white) female teachers look at him in a way that is clear they are attracted. A teenage main character is lured to an older man's apartment, where she is coerced to take her top off and perform sexualized acts before a camera. Two characters jokingly tell each other not to rape anyone, and that they will rape each other. One character tackles another off-camera, and while they fight, one makes sexual comments. Several boys watch high school girls changing clothes in multiple scenes, making suggestively violent comments. A gay protagonist is occasionally sexually harassed by another protagonist.
Fame (2009) (Movie)
A character sets up a camera as if a young female character is going to do an audition when he is actually trying to sleep with her, though he does not succeed.
Familia (Movie)
Family Blood (Movie)
Family Business (TV Show)
S2E4: someone implies that some other characters would be assaulted in prison.
Family Guy (TV Show)
As an adult comedy series, most episodes contain some offensive material. The comedy often goes to dark places and may be distressing to some.
Family Life (Movie)
The female protagonist is constantly slut-shamed and abused by her entourage throughout the film. Early on, she is forced to have an abortion, and her father beats her several times. In different hospitals and asylums, she is forced to ingest medicine and subjected to shock therapy despite her protests. In the final scene of the movie, she is exposed as a clinical case in front of an auditorium.
Family Plot (Movie)
A woman believes that a man has had sex with her when she was very drunk but this turns out to be a misunderstanding.
Family Ties (TV Show)
S1E6: an adult comes on to a young girl and tries to kiss her.
Fan Girl (Movie)
The film is about a 16 year old female fan stalking a male film star and staying in his house. While the girl is infatuated with him, there is a clear and dangerous imbalance of power and age. During the sex scene (01:14-01:19) she is an underaged virgin, under the influence of drugs and alcohol, it is loveless and it is clearly physically painful for her. The rest of the film from this point is about domestic violence.
The plot revolves around the main character stalking a celebrity she likes. They eventually end up having sex with each other.
Fando Y Lis (Movie)
This is a surreal movie and sexual assault is symbolically "implied*when a young is laid down between two men she meets backstage at a puppet show, and as she protests. The scene cuts to several hands squeezing eggs until they break. There is no nudity or below-the-belt touching or sexualized groping or even kissing. In a later scene where the main couple share some sexually charged kisses, the camera flashes to the scene of the woman with the men and when it flashes back to the present, she pushes him away as though she has been triggered. Shortly after this, there is a scene where the male protagonist invites three random men to touch his wife's naked body. She is guarding her genitals so nobody touches her down there, but as the men run their hands over her, one hand does run over her naked breast. She is not terribly thrilled by this scenario.
Fang (Movie)
A man coerces his girlfriend into pretending to be a sex worker in order to use her as bait to rob someone. When she gets in the man's car he pulls a gun on her and forces her to begin taking her clothes off, but he is stopped. A woman rips off another woman's dress and caresses her breasts.
Fanged Up (Movie)
Fanny (Movie)
A 18 year old girl has no choice but to marry a much older man when she learns that she is pregnant from her former lover. When the latter comes back after a few months, he forcefully tries to kiss her before his father stops him.
This film contains domestic and child abuse.
Fantasia (Movie)
Fantasia 2000 (Movie)
Fantasmas (TV Show)
S1E1: someone makes a joke about a teacher having sex with a student.
The sexual assault discussed involves (what is essentially) mind-control and has a clear racial component.
Chapter 7: a group of guys verbally sexually harass a girl. Chapters 8, 9, 11-14, 22: mentions of rape which are all brief and mostly in relation to rumors. As the story is told through many different accounts, there is talk of rumors of rape happening or fear of that happening but in no part of the story is that shown to be something that actually happened.
In the opening scene, a woman is grabbed by a masked man. The leaking of a woman's sextape is mentioned.
Far and Away (Movie)
The main female character runs out and screams that she has been raped (she was not) after stabbing the main male character in a barn.
Far From Home (Movie)
Sex trafficking, including trafficking of children, is mentioned in passing in one panel.
S1E3: after getting drunk together, a father figure tries to convince the 15 year old protagonist to walk into the mother figure undressing. He objects but ends up stumbling into the room: she slaps him. He later on gets a wet dream about her. When he wakes up, he is embarrassed and weirded out as he does acknowledge her as his mother.
The Farewell (Movie)
Farewell Amor (Movie)
In the first part of the movie, children are constantly abused (repeatedly spanked). At the end of this introductory sequences, the protagonist (a child) is assaulted by an old man who forces him to pee in front of him and then rapes him (off-screen). Later on, a sequence in a brothel shows a woman being sexually harassed by a group of men before escaping with the second protagonist.
Fargo (1996) (Movie)
Worthy of note: a character is attacked while having sex with a prostitute.
Fargo (TV) (TV Show)
A woman, when asked if she is innocent of a certain crime, makes a joke about her own history by saying she "hasn't been innocent" since her uncle cornered her in a barn at age 9. Later on, a man confesses post-consensual-sex that the man who briefly fostered him as a child did "terrible things" to him. "Things you shouldn't do to a kid," he says over an ominous flashback of a menacing-looking man with his hand on a 9 year old boy's shoulder. S1E7: a man and a woman have sex, and the latter asks him to slow down because he is hurting her. He speeds up instead, while picturing her husband (who bullied him), as a revenge. She initially aggred to have sex with him because of a promise he made in return, which he knew was a lie/false promise. S2E5: a man touches a woman between her legs and threatens her at gunpoint. S4E2: a female character mentions that people "raped the native out of her". Just after that, a young girl get whistled by a man on the street. S4E3: a man receives an unsollicited handjob from a woman who thinks he is spying and hitting on her. S4E5: rape is mentioned three times throughout the episode. S5E4 mentions child molestation. S5E7: using puppets, a woman tells the story of a couple who take her in at age 15. After the wife leaves, the man later comes into the young woman’s room at night and sits on her bed. Nothing more is shown, but the ominous tone suggests abuse. They later marry and he regularly beats her. This is mentioned again in S5E8.
Farha (Movie)
Worthy of note: one woman gives birth in precarious conditions.
The Farm (Movie)
A women is bound and forcefully artificially inseminated (27:00-30:00).
A character recalls a memory in which adult men stared at her chest when she was a teenager.
Farscape (TV Show)
Fascination (Movie)
Fast Colour (Movie)
Prior to the events of the movie, the protagonist struggled with drug addiction. During this period, she became pregnant. At one point during the film, she says that she does not even remember who the father of her child is because of the addiction. This could imply that drugs may have been involved with sex and that it was not wholly consensual, but this point is left rather vague.
A character comments on how the protagonist is blinded by a girl: a cop then proceeds to say "I don't blame you, I'd get off on her surveillance photos too buddy", to which the protagonist pushes the cop down (00:54:36), A man harasses a woman for racing, calling her baby and saying "how about I race you for that sweet little ass": she then races against him (01:10:34).
Fast Five (Movie)
A character makes a threat towards a character's sister ("I hear your sister is very beautiful, wherever she hides, I will find her") (18:23). A man checks a woman out (41:11). A man makes a 'flirtatous' comment towards a woman ("Sexy legs, baby girl, what time to they open?"). She then immediately pulls a gun on him and states: "They open the same time as I pull the trigger, want me to open them?" (42:49-43:00). A man compares entering a money vault to penetrating a woman ("No matter how much I caress her, no matter how much I love her, in the end she still ain't gonna give up that ass"): male characters around him then laugh (59:31-59:44). The film contains many shots of women's behinds for 'eye candy' (particularly at 01:03:19-01:03:53). A woman uses her 'sex appeal' to get fingerprints from a man who touches her behind. A scene later, two characters jokingly ask if he slapped or grabbed her behind and laugh about it (01:09:08-01:10:34)- A man breaks into a woman's apartment and pins her against a wall, covering her mouth and pulling off a necklace she is wearing (01:15:53-01:18:18).
Fast X (Movie)
The male antagonist unconsentingly grabs one of the female characters and discusses what they will do later on, despite her clear disinterest. Later, he is seen outside of her house, watching her through the window while she is changing before implying that he is going in without her knowledge (potentially with the idea of raping her before kidnapping her). During another later scene, he has kidnapped this same female character, holds a knife to her throat, then kisses and licks her face. He climbs on top of another female character after shooting her and presses his fingers into her wound, enjoying her screams. Worthy of note: the same character kidnaps and threatens to kill a child.
Fat Girl (Movie)
The final scene of this film is designed to be shocking, in a film otherwise largely focused on the grooming of the main character's older sister (~15 years old) by a university aged man: a stranger suddenly murders the sister and her mother with an axe before graphically raping the protagonist (~12 years old).
Most of the sex scenes in this movie are consentual but somewhere in the beginning, the lead male role wants to have sex while the woman does not anymore, and he forces himself on her. He eventually stops but it was a clear attempted rape.
Fatale (Movie)
A woman refuses to give a man his phone until he has sex with her again. The same woman invites him over when he is not sober.: they have sex even though she is sober but he does not fight back or struggle with PTSD symptoms.
Worthy of note: S1E6: a character kisses another one after she drugged him without his consent (30:00-31:19) The kiss is consensual and has nothing to do with the drug. Season 2: a character takes away people's emotions without their consent (by trying to help). She does it to her boyfriend repeatedly.
FateZero (TV Show)
S1E1: a young girl (about 5 years old) is thrown into a pit of worms while visibly naked. According to one of the other characters, the worms 'violated her from head to toe.' S2E7: a man is force-fed a worm that took the 'purity' of the girl from S1E1. S2E8: a female character is violently attacked by a male character. While she is not actually raped, the scene is shot to strongly visually resemble a rape scene. S2E11: a male character demands that a female character marry him. When she refuses, he attacks her with the stated goal of forcing her to agree to marry him.
The Father (Movie)
Father Brown (TV Show)
S1E1: the episode opens with a man and woman in a bedroom getting dressed. She has clearly been raped by him under threat of her husband being killed otherwise, and to ‘pay back’ an unspecified debt. Although the episode makes it clear that the rapist is a bad person, the rape itself is treated by her and the other characters as though it was infidelity on her part, and is never openly acknowledged as a sexual assault. The rapist sexually harrasses another woman later, who throws her drink in his face. He gets murdered. S1E5: a cult leader exploits his female followers to obtain pornographic photos and, it is implied, sexual favours from them. S1E9: a missing young teenage girl’s diary says she was having a sexual relationship with a much older man: it later turns out this was not the case. It is heavily implied towards the end of the episode that she was being sexually abused long-term since her early childhood by another man, but this also turns out in the end not to have been the case. S2E3: a couple argue and the man kisses the woman against her will. It is implied to shut her up or in the heat of the moment. She initially resists but the sexual assault is then framed as a “romantic” kiss. S2E6: a pornographic film is played to a crowd of people who did not want to see it (as viewers, we hear only the soundtrack). A historic case of a teenager being raped and murdered is discussed at one point. S2E8: a young girl is kissed by her (adoptive) father in the start of an attempted rape, which is thankfully interrupted. She ends up in a romantic relationship with her (adoptive) brother. S2E9: sexual harassment happens in an office. S2E10: sexual harassment happens in a bathroom . S3E2: rape is mentioned in passing. S3E8: sex trade is a theme throughout this episode, and one woman in it is murdered. A lesbian character is repeatedly sexually harassed and groped by a sex buyer. S3E9: there is an on-screen attempted rape early in the episode (the victim gets away). S3E14: child sexual abuse and incest discussed throughout the episode, as one of the characters had been molested by her uncle as a young girl. The phenomenon of practicing Catholic paedophiles being protected by the seal of the confessional is alluded to. S4E1: there is a strongly implied rape scene. It is unclear whether the rape occurs or is just attempted, but it is shown onscreen in the form of the shadows/silhouettes of the characters with audio. S4E2: a woman's marriage is arranged by her father for his financial benefit. She describes herself as having been callously sold off by him.
Fatherhood (Movie)
Father's Day (Movie)
Numerous scenes of gratuitous sexual violence throughout.
Faults (Movie)
At one point in the film, the main female character lures an older man, who is hired to help her escape from a cult, into heavy kissing. As the film presents it, she has powers learned from her cult that she states in the scene “put her in control” of him. In the next scene, the same man finds the awoman engaging in sexual acts with her father while her mother watches.
Faust (1926) (Movie)
Repeated instances of women being grabbed and kissed with no consent.
The main female character repeatedly details her rape fantasies throughout the film. She is also slapped on the bottom several times by men during the first sequences of the movie. During the opening credits, a cartoon woman is catcalled by a man. Overall, the movie contains abundant misogynist, racist and homophobic jokes.
Chapter 5: mentions of rape and trafficking as crimes
Chapter 2: the female main character recalls when an ex blackmailed her after secretly filming them having sex. He threatened to send the video out to her family/job/etc if she did not either pay him or have sex with him again but her boss found out and was able to get rid of the recording. Chapter 11: there is a brief conversation about a drug dealer who tried to get addicts to let him have sex with their children. This does not happen in the story. Chapter 29: the main character's ex forcibly kisses her after she tells him to leave her alone.
The Favourite (Movie)
There are some sexual scenes with unclear power dynamics and attempts at manipulation throughout the film. A sexual relationship between an adult and a teenager is discussed.
Fear (Movie)
The main character is hesitant to have sex with a man, but this does not stop him from continuing what he is doing. A male character physically harasses a woman, followed by assaulting her off screen.
The main character is constantly followed by a girl who seems to be obsessed with him.
S1E1: sexual trafficking is referenced as an aspect of mob activity.
Fear Dot Com (Movie)
There is no on-screen sexual violence, but it is a torture movie, and the victims are shown in bondage gear. All of the dead women have their breasts revealed.
Fear and Hunger (Video Game)
A boss enemy rapes the player character when the player is defeated.
The Fear Index (TV Show)
Worthy of note: in S1E3, a couple realise that there was a camera in a room in which they had consensual sex.
Fear Itself (TV Show)
S1E3: mentions of a serial killer/rapist. S1E5: brief verbal sexual harassment. S1E11: inappropriate relationships between a teacher and his young students and also mentions an old man who watches young girls in their swimsuits.
The protagonist makes woman he is holding hostage at gunpoint kiss him to hide his face from cops.
Gendered threats of violence and threats of rape are made throughout (11:00-12:00; 17:15-17:25; 46:25-47:00; 54:55-55:00; 01:12:22-01:13:10; 01:14:05-01:15:30). The male antagonists wants to break into the house but it is not for the sole purpose of assaulting the women within.
Fear of Rain (Movie)
Worthy of note: it is revelead that ons of the main characters captured a female child. She is rescued by the main character.
A teenage boy grabs his girlfriend’s butt while they are kissing and she makes him stop. It is implied they have talked about this before, but he stops when she asks him to and no one seems upset by it.
A male teen gropes a female teen at a bonfire. Later, two teen girls are shown to have their clothing ripped partially off while being searched for witch marks (it is not done enough to expose them).
S1E6: soldiers grab a teenage girl and try to get her to go off with them. Her step-brother attempts to fight them off and they leave her alone. S3E15: a character lost his medical license before the events of the show due to what he calls 'a misunderstanding with a lady patient'. In the later episodes of season six, an antagonist attempts to groom a teenage girl. He says that he is the only one who understands her, and her occasionally kisses her hand or cheek. She ends up killing him in an argument.
Fearless (TV Show)
There is brief discussion and suspicion mentioned at various points that the murder of a teenage girl was sexually motivated. It is revealed and mentioned throughout that an adult male photographer was taking 'glamour' shots of teenage girls. In episode 3, a character talks about a statutory crime which occurred when she was 15 and of parties she was told about where young girls 'met' older, wealthy men. SPOILER: They turn out to be irrelevant to the story, and the conversation in episode 3 is the only one with any detail on the subject.
One fight sequence features the male protagonist disguised as a woman in order to distract his male opponent, who is described as a pervert. During the battle, the opponent continuously touches "her" (fake) breast, kisses "her" and fondles "her"without "her" consent, which is played for laughs.
The main character consumes coffee that was roofied/spiked. She then goes back to her motel room and goes to sleep. Upon waking up, a figure can be seen going into the closet of her room. The motel manager knocks on her door and says, "I have complaints. What are you making all those goofy noises for?" which implies that the rapist moaned while raping her.
The Fearway (Movie)
Feast (Movie)
There is mention that one character has a history of being a rapist. They do not rape any of the other characters that are established in the film. The other characters in the scene are abhorred by this information.
Feed (Movie)
Feedback (Movie)
The plot of the film involves a man being held hostage by vigilantes as punishment for his participation in the rape and murder of a woman. This is discussed throughout the film.
Feel Good (TV Show)
S1E5: a man with a certain position of power offers a character a job. He then asks intrusive questions about her sexual history and requests a handjob (18:40-20:00). Although the character is able to leave and the man's behaviour is called out in the show, this leads to said character having an identity crisis in regards to her gender. Season 2: the protagonist (a woman) talks about having suffered child abuse (ans currently suffering from PTSD), as well as having a relationship as a teenager with a man who was in his 30s.
The Feels (Movie)
One character is upset throughout the film because she is about to get a divorce. The first person she tells (the only man present) consoles her and then initiates sex with her (28:21-32:51). This scene is framed as consensual, some viewers might find the underlying dynamics troubling. At various points throughout the film, individual characters face the camera in a documentary-style interview to speak about what their first orgasm was like. One character (1:00:28-1:02:43) states: "growing up, I couldn't actually have sex without it being this really, like, painful, intense thing ... 'cause in a way, I was reliving things that a lot of women live, unfortunately".
Fei Ren Zai (TV Show)
S1E6: a deity that has the appearance of a dog gets pets. He is so excited that he accidentally turns into his naked human form and is taken away by police. This is played for laughs and there is no sexual intent.
The whole movie is about an old man befriending a desperate woman to kill her (in the process, he convinces her to have an abortion). He fails at the last minute (in the final scene) but some video footage and dialogues imply that he previously befriended and killed many other women.
Felidae (Movie)
During one mating scene, the female hisses and scratches at the male after the act, which is usual for cats. A dead female cat is shown with her unborn kittens ripped from her stomach.
Later, a guy who the protagonist is visiting tries to initiate sex. The protagonist says that he is not ready for sex yet. The other guy seems to try to pressure him to continue, but eventually listens and stops. Worthy of note: the protagonist, a teenage boy, mentions in passing that "creepy older men" tried to buy him drinks at a bar.
A character has sex with an automaton made to look like a woman. There are numerous violent and dubious sex scenes throughout the film.
Fellow Travelers (TV Show)
S1E3: a man is smacked on the butt by his male boss (17:25). S1E4: a man is aggressively turned around by another man and is penetrated anally against his will. he fights the man off and walks away (35:45). S1E5: there is a mention of one man getting another man drunk and sodomizing him (20:54). S1E7: a man tries to get other men to kiss by pushing them together, the one is very hesitant and clearly uncomfortable (35:55). As the scene plays out that the same man wants to have a threesome with the two other men, and the one is very uncomfortable throughout but participates anyways to please the man.
In the first 20 minutes of the movie, a woman is actively being pimped out. It is not a violent scene, but she implies she does not want to do it later in the movie.
Worthy of note: a woman jokes that a man likes young girls. A teenage girl is exposed to some sexual things by her aunt.
There are frequent scenes of sexual violence throughout the film.
Femina Ridens (Movie)
A woman is being captured by a sadistic man and held hostage for a weekend while he tries to play out his devious sexual fantasies. Spoilers: The main male character implies to have raped women in the past, but this turns out to be a lie. The woman turns out to have let herself be captured and has a plan of her own.
Chapter 1: the author recounts the story of St. Maria Goretti, "a young Italian teenager who was almost raped and then subsequently murdered by her assailant" and who "is now the patron sain tof chastity, teen girls, and rape victims."
Fences (2016) (Movie)
Feral (Movie)
One character is sexually assaulted by a group.
Ferrari (Movie)
As a teenage girl comes back home, she discovers an intuder in her kitchen. She calls the police saying that she is scared for her body and that this intruder may hurt or violate her (1:10:08-1:11:00). Worthy of note: a character is preserved to be in a catatonic state because of a panick attack. While In that state, the main female character gets undressed in front of him thinking he would not notice. It turns our he was aware and was just in a panicked state and saw her get undressed. This is not shown just brought up and neither of them are uncomfortable with what happened.
Festen (Movie)
The plot of this movie revolves around a man who goes to his father’s birthday party and reveals in front of family and peers that his father had sexually abused of him and his late twin sister, who killed herself after his father started to assault her again. Almost everyone in the film pretends he is lying. It is a powerful commentary on gaslighting and keeping up appearances. There are also some scenes of general domestic violence (one of the brothers screams at his wife and has sex with her after the heated arguments, and hits his lover, leaving her unconscious).
A group of men surround a teenage girl, whistling and grabbing at her while she asks them to stop (1:18:00-1:18:40): another man approaches and gets them to leave.
Fido (Movie)
A character has a young female zombie that he keeps as a servant and he is implied to have sexual relations with. Nothing is shown or discussed, but the consent is dubious as she does not have a choice.
Fierce People (Movie)
The main female character's son is raped just over halfway through the film. It is briefly discussed for the rest of the movie.
Fifa Uncovered (TV Show)
The main character attempts to kiss a woman whilst she is sleeping/unconscious. She wakes up and asserts that he didn't have her permission to do so.
Worthy of note: the real life figure portrayed in the film has had two women come forth claiming he sexually assaulted them, though the film does not address this issue.
A caste of people called breeders must bear children with whoever authorities tell them to have sex with. A protagonist is one such breeder. The man she is set up with turns out to be gay, but he has had sex with women because he has no choice.
Story 1: a male manager only hires women he thought were attractive. Story 2: there is a mention of middle school boys who always smack a female student's bottom.
Multiple examples of ambiguous consent, coercion into performing extreme sexual acts, non-consensual BDSM acts performed. This is presented as romantic and erotic. The male lead is abused of screen by a woman and they have a BDSM relationship starting when he is 15.
Fight Club (Movie)
One character jokingls tells that she had sex when she was in grade school. There are also discussions of incest in a support group.
The Fighter (Movie)
Worthy of note: the girlfriend of a main character sets men up to be robbed by her boyfriend by getting into cars with them as a prostitute.
The book surrounds the discussion of child sexual abuse. The topic is handled carefully and the author was also a victim, which lends some credit to the depictions. The scenes are not graphic, but the book can still be distressing.
Filth (Movie)
The protagonist coerces a teenage girl into giving him a blowjob (11:35-11:50) by threatening to tell her parents she was caught having sex with an adult, who is revealed to be under the age of consent. it quickly ends because the man does not like how the girl does it. Protagonist sexually harasses a coworker's wife by phone. Protagonist is raped and strangled until he blacks out by a former mistress (15:50-16:30). Protagonist crossdresses and gets sexually assaulted, and threatened with rape, by a thug.
Filth (Short) (Movie)
The Final (Movie)
Worthy of note: teens are drugged through drinks (about 30 minutes in the movie) for non-sexual reasons.
A man and women are having consensual sex, but the man then grabs the woman and forces her to turn over (1:27:40). She tells him to stop and that he is hurting her, but he then commences to violently rape her anally. She is later shown waking up covered in scratches and bruises.
The Final Cut (Movie)
About a third of the way into the movie, the main character finds a memory of a father about to abuse his daughter. He is disgusted and hits delete before it happens
A teenage boy takes an up-skirt photo of an unsuspecting teenage girl.
One male character is generally sleazy towards several women in the movie. He also goes to get a massage, harasses the attendant at the desk and requests several times for a "happy ending".
Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)
Video game. Central characters are abusive men (including a pedophile and an attempted rapist).
Chapter 8 : a very subtle implication is made that if the main character does not win the money from a race his friends will be forcibly prostituted to get that money Worthy of note : women characters are often sexualised throughout the game.
Final Fantasy XIV (Video Game)
In the level 27 main scenario quest (“Big Trouble in Little Ala Mhigo”,) a distraught girl mentions that she was being held captive by an extremist group. It is strongly, but briefly, implied that they sexually assaulted her. She is interrupted before she can finish explaining what happened, and the character is never spoken to again. The level 30 ("Dark Knight Job") introduction sidequest ("Ishgardian Justice") opens with an NPC explaining the benefits of vigilante justice to the player character. The NPC mentions killing a high-ranking member of the clergy if he 'harms a child in unspeakable ways.' After this conversation, the player learns that a woman was kidnapped by corrupt town guardsmen. A passerby notes, "If she doesn't fight back, they might let her go after..." The player prevents this by tracking down and defeating the guards. The woman thanks the player and is never spoken to again. (This quest is available after completing the level 50 main scenario quest "Before the Dawn" and entering the Heavensward expansion.) In the level 52 Samurai quest ("The Sands of Debt"), the player stops a predatory money lender from selling a young woman into sex slavery. Corrupt town guardsmen are once again involved. At the end of the level 70 main scenario quest ('The Darkness Below'), an NPC tells us that he is the child of an indigenous woman and an imperial soldier. The young man says that his mother 'did not welcome [his] arrival.' Throughout the Stormblood expansion, there is an NPC who delights in torturing and executing hostages. She is without doubt a war criminal. SPOILERS for her entire story arc below: As the player progresses through the expansion, they learn that she grew up in an abusive family who sold her to the 'pleasure houses.' Her former traffickers express panic and guilt over what they did to her. Her soldiers are willing to die for her, to keep her in power and out of sex slavery. In the level 64 main story quest ("All the Little Angels"), the Big Bad of this expansion pulls her hair and threatens to kill her in a scene deliberately evocative of domestic violence. The captain of her guard reacts with a proportionate level of concern. After her defeat in the level 67 main story quest ("The Die is Cast"), she resurfaces in the level 70 main story quest ("Gosetsu and Yotsuyu") with amnesia causing age regression, and serves as the doting 'daughter' to one of the player's elderly party members. When her abusive family tracks her down and restores her memory, she takes her revenge on them, killing most of them. This comes to a head in the level 70 main story quest ("The Primary Agreement") where she is transformed by magic and the players are forced to fight her. In order to survive the fight, the players must protect her from the vengeful souls of her abusive family and the traumatic memories of intimate partner violence at the hands of the Big Bad. After she is defeated, her brother shoots her in the ribs and stands over her hurling verbal and physical abuse. She lets him get close enough that she can kill him, too, and expresses relief that the cycle of violence is over. Before she dies, the player is given an opportunity to tell her that she deserved a chance at a better life, and that she will be mourned. Audience reactions to this story arc may vary. While it is upsetting and tragic, it offers a glimpse into the gentle person she could have become if she had had the love and support that she needed, and takes time to drive home the unfairness of her fate. At the same time, it confronts her with the consequences of her war crimes, rather than erasing them. In the two scenes where she is abused on-screen, she is framed with sympathy. Despite her association with sex trafficking, she is rarely framed seductively, especially not during scenes of abuse. Unlike previous depictions of abuse within FFXIV, the victim is not passive or forgotten -- but she is unfortunately introduced as a villain. The commentary on the cycle of violence may land better with some audiences than others.
Final Fantasy XVI (Video Game)
There are a few occurences of attempted rape, but is not performed and not directly spoken out as such.
Final Girl (Movie)
A character hallucinates kissing his mother while on drugs. The protagonist is interested in her adoptive father, but her interest is explicitly not reciprocated.
Violence against women perpetrated by men is a central theme. It is not exactly sexual, but is often obsessive, personally targeted, and creepily intimate. There are multiple instances of stalking. When one major character was 16, she became very close with a police officer who saved her life from a brutal attack. He was her crush and her hero. When she was 18 and he 41, he saved her life again and then seduced her into an emotionally manipulative relationship. (He was already married.) He took advantage of her emotional vulnerability to exploit her personal traumas for his financial gain. In the present day, when she is an adult, he ends up directly supervising her while she is in jail.
A character jokes that another character only has sex with drunk girls, calling them his "conquests."
Final Space (TV Show)
About 18 minutes int, there is a discussion of incestual rape involving a minor resulting in pregnancy.
Two women are catcalled and have their path blocked by two older men at night. A ghost makes rape jokes. A woman is chased by a group of men who tear off her shirt, and she is seen being raped by one of the men while the others watch.
Finding Carter (TV Show)
Finding Dory (Movie)
Finding Nemo (Movie)
'Just keep swimming...'
The male main character develops a wholesome relationship with male children, and a side character makes remarks implying that the main character may have sinister ulterior motives with the children: this is not the case.
Finding Oscar (Movie)
A robber implies that he is going to rape a girl: he grabs her to another room but is stopped.
Finsterworld (Movie)
Film features a rape accusation.
Finye (Movie)
This film contains several scenes of violence towards women (a man beats his wife, a grandson beats his grand-mother, and several protesting students are beaten by policemen).
Fire (Movie)
A servant character is known to routinely watch pornographic films and masturbate while he is supposed to be caring for an elderly disabled woman who is unable to speak. We get the sense that he does not do this specifically to harm or involve her, but because the only television in the house is in her room. Still he watches the films in front of her, in spite of her visible discomfort. Another character is shown knowingly renting pornographic films to to boys who appear to be no older than ten years old. The protagonist's husbands force kisses on each of them at various points in the movie. One protagonist's husband initiates sex with her and only tells her afterwards that she might bleed. She is visibly distressed by her bleeding and he does nothing to help or comfort her. This can be viewed as marital rape.
In chapter one, a brigand comments on the female protagonist being 'pretty' and it is a 'waste' before trying to kill her. Nothing happens but the implications of desire to assault her are clear. In chapter three, a brigand corners a female character. He talks with another brigand about how she would 'fetch a pretty penny' and that she deserves it. Her friends save her before anything happens. In chapter fourteen, one of the NPCs mentions that his granddaughter was taken away to a castle because the ruler found her 'pretty.' A character in the main cast is flirtatious both in his cut scenes in the game and in his supports, even if female cast expresses fear or discontent - this is played as a joke. One of the characters in the cast has abusive past at an orphanage which has led him to show severe symptoms of PTSD. Although it is never stated what happened, the vagueness of it as well as some character traits makes it suspect he experienced CSA - the presentation of his trauma is handled respectfully. There are a few supports where teenage characters lead to having a romantic relationship with an adult, along with endings where it states that the teenager and adult got married and had children together.
Fire Emblem: Fates (Video Game)
The protagonist can both romance their blood and adoptive siblings, along with their cousin, through the supports of the game. This includes marriage and having children with them. Even if the player avoid this, the protagonist's adoptive sibling continuously sexually harasses them despite them being shown to be uncomfortable. The protagonist can also romance with child characters. There are several characters that are the children of other characters, that look no more than twelve that the adult protagonist can romance and marry. Along with that, these same child characters are sexualized through a cut scene where they talk directly to the player about how much in love they are with them. There is sexual harassment throughout the game. This includes the adoptive sibling throughout her support with the protagonist and the main story. Another character continuously sexually harasses other female characters in her supports. Another character stalks the protagonist in her supports. Despite the problematic nature of the relationships in these supports, if the characters are romanceable with each other, it will end with them marrying and having children (if possible). Worthy of note : in the Japanese version, there is more egregious content, including the (male) protagonist drugging a LGBTQ+ character to make her interested in him and increased sexualization of characters. The English version of the game toned down or took out these elements.
The game has a dating element where the protagonist (can be either male / female) who is the teacher can marry their students in the game. The protagonist is similar in age to most of the students, and when they are able to marry them, a timeskip has passed to make them all of age. However, the power dynamic and or age gap of some of students might bother players. This is however an optional mechanic and the player does not have to marry anyone / can marry non-students if they want. In several of the supports, there is implied or discussed sexual harassment or abuse. Ones of note are in some of Dorthea's support where she mentions being hit on as a child, even by who she suspects as her own biological father. Another is of Hanneman who in one of his supports with Edelgard talks about his sister who was sent into a forced marriage and made to have children until she died from the stress of the experience.
Throughout the game, a villain makes repeated predatory comments about the young female protagonist. He thinks of her constantly and talks about her as his 'prey.' When they meet, he announces that he would like to 'take her, be her 'master,' and that he wants her to struggle as it will be 'more fun for him that way.' Any scene involving him it is blatantly clear he desires to assault her, however this never happens and he is eventually killed. Within the supports, there may be a few unsettling relationships. Such as the support between the main female and male protagonist (twins). It is implied in their support and ending that their relationship is incestuous. One support involving an older woman and teenage boy has the woman repeatedly trying to convince the boy to do things he does not want. Such as become a dancer, touch his face, and kiss him. He tries to deny her several times but she continues to touch and manipulate him into inappropriate situations. She even tells him he reminds her of a 'ten year old child' to which he responds comparing her to his mom. The relationship they have is similar to an victim and groomer. There is a character that is a dragon who is designed to look like a small child but is an adult. There are uncomfortable scenes between this character and the male protagonist as she tries to have a romantic relationship with him. In the story itself, the game mentions pillaging of villages and victims of war. There is no direct talk about sexual assault but a warning might still be recommended because of the relation to pillaging in war in general.
Fire Force (TV Show)
This series covers mature topics such as death, religion, and abandonment, and handles it with grace. The tone of the show can be somber but is usually hopeful. One of the characters as a gimmick often finds her clothes slipping off her body, exposing her to those who happen to be around her at the time. This is played as a comedic bad luck, and she is upset whenever this happens thoroughout the anime. S2E12: a side character’s backstory is revealed that he was trained to become an assassin. At some point, his superior officer takes him to a storage closet where both he and the officer appear to be nude, for him to be whipped. The officer then says he is going to “defile him to the bone” before it cuts to black., heavily implying a rape. By the end of the episode the character kills him.
Fire Island (TV Show)
A man leaks a sex tape of him and another drunk man that the other man did not know was being filmed or posted online. One can infer that this has happened before and another character says that the man did not believe in “enthusiastic consent” and had pressured men into sexual before.
It is a common theme throughout the book that the main character is constantly verbally and physically harassed/assaulted by men. She often mentions the way they look at her, think/say threatening things, and even grope her. She also mentions how they often threaten rape, and that she feels unsafe around men. On page 44, it is mentioned that a man's wife was raped, resulting in a child. "He'd handpicked a brute from his prisons, a dirty, savage man, and sent him north to punish Brocker by punishing Brocker's wife." Page 48: "the few women he couldn't seduce with the power of his beauty or his mind, he raped. The few women he impregnated, he killed" Pages 143-145: a man verbally assaults the main character and says horrible things about what he will do to her – it is implied that he threatens to rape her. His specific words are not written.
Fire of Love (Movie)
Firecrackers (Movie)
A possessive ex boyfriend character takes one of the teens away and assaults her. The protagonist finds her the day after, mentally distraught. There is a lot of implied victim blaming as well.
Firecreek (Movie)
The film contains a very graphic and violent rape scene.
Fired Up! (Movie)
The Firefly (Movie)
Firefly (TV Show)
In the first episode, a character says that the Reavers (savages) will rape and kill those that they capture. In the last episode, an antagonist threatens a woman with rape to keep her from alerting the other members of the crew (20:34). He then tier her up without performing any sexual violence. The threat is then mentioned again (26:01) in order to forcer another character to assist the antagonist.
Firefly Lane (TV Show)
This series shows flashbacks of a rape scene as well as how the assault has affected the protagonist throughout her life. S1E1: one of the main characters is raped on-screen as a teenager. S1E2: in a flashback scene, one of the main character is date raped at a party. In season 2, the child of a main character is sexually assaulted at a frat party. S2E8: someone takes a photo of teenage girls in their underwear and then people post it all over the school: the principal makes the girls apologize for what the man did. S2E9: this episode features stalking and male bosses belittling female coworkers. S2E11-12: a teenage girl has a crush on her teacher. It is implied that he is into her as well.
The protagonist is raped by a teammate's parent. He gets her alone by claiming to have sensitive information on her, then he overpowers her in a hotel room. The protagonist dissociates, so there is no description of what happened. However, there is a lot of description of what he said to her, her feelings after the fact, and rape apologism expressed by people she knows (e.g. 'what were you thinking would happen when you were alone with him?). ' The protagonist overhears boys talking about her body in a sexual manner when they do not think she is around. Her brother defends her. There is discussion of a tradition called a "blanket party" in which groups of women apprehend someone who has "done something to a girl," wrap him in a blanket, take him to the woods, and beat him up. Worthy of note: for much of the book, the protagonist, who is 18, becomes romantically involved with an undercover FBI agent who is 22. Because the FBI agent seems young, towards the beginning of the book, he is pretending to be a high school student, and the protagonist doesn't know his true age or role at first. We later find out from the FBI agent's colleague that the FBI agent had the idea of pretending to date the protagonist in order to get close to her.
Firestarter (Movie)
Firewatch (Video Game)
During the beginning of the story, the main character discovers two drunk teenage girls skinny-dipping in a lake. You can pick up their bras and underwear optionally, although the main character vocalizes his discomfort if you do so. The girls accuse him of being a creep and stalking them, even though he is a park ranger and only politely tells them they need to leave. Some adult topics can be brought up while talking to your companion on the radio that could make the player slightly uncomfortable.
One character is beaten up, milk is poured down on them and their guts are torn open. The way it is filmed is very sexual, and the matter of consent is unclear.
First Cow (Movie)
Chapter 3: a character implies that he committed murder because the victim sexually abused him when he was a child. In chapter 9, he confirms this, and provides details of the circumstances but not the assault itself. Chapter 9: a female character says she wakes up at night to her male housemate in her room watching her sleep, and that she fears assault
The male character forces himself on his best friend, first kissing her (which she rejects) then pushing her down onto the bed and touching her breasts. Though she takes her own clothes off, she looks uncomfortable throughout the encounter.
First Kill (TV Show)
First Love (Movie)
There are a couple verbal and implied references to child sex abuse. There is also a scene in which a woman is held at gunpoint and is forced to strip (for ransom).
The protagonist of this book is friends with the protagonist of The Trouble with Hating You. Consequently, in this book, the latter's sexual assault is discussed here and there. Some people in the community do not believe she was raped, or they believe she brought it on herself. Worthy of note: the protagonist of this book is referred to by some antagonist characters as "defiled" for having consensual sex before marriage.
First Man (Movie)
In the opening scene, a woman is restrained while forcefully examined. Many scenes strongly imply multiple women being restrained while a beast/devil/monster enters them. It shows two women restrained while the devil/monster brutally enters them. There are multiple scenes of unconsentual touching. Teenagers are included among the victims. It is revealed one of the main character's mother's was raped by the beast/monster, and he then does the same to her (incest). The scenes are violent, graphic, and frequent.
First Strike (Movie)
While in a parking lot, a man is forced to strip naked at gunpoint so the person can search him for a wire. A group of women walk by while it is happening and stop to stare at him, one woman takes photos while he tries to cover himself.
As a plot twist towards the end, it is revealed that an adult man has unknowingly been in a sexual relationship with a teenager (played by an actor who is visibly in her twenties). When one of the protagonists reveals this to him, it is meant to be a moment of comedic triumph for her, as she will be able to use this information as part of her revenge on him. The character is portrayed sympathetically, particularly compared to the other mistresses, but the implication is that she lied about her age in order to sleep with a powerful man able to help her with her career.
Fish Tank (Movie)
The film's plot revolves around a sexual relationship between a 15-year-old girl and her mother's new boyfriend. In one scene, two men attempt to rape a girl, holding her down to restrain her. She manages to escape.
Fisk (TV Show)
S2E6: this episode features sexual harassment and a comparison to Harvey Weinstein is made.
Fist Fight (Movie)
A woman teacher mentions multiple times throughout the film that she fantasizes about and has had multiple sexual encounters with teens at the high-school. These are played off as jokes.
The Fits (Movie)
Children being kidnapped and murdered is a key plot point, but nothing sexual is ever implied and no children are shown being killed.
Sexual activity and sexual violence are both concepts that do not exist in current official releases (with the latest installment at the time of this review being Security Breach: Ruin).
Flag (TV Show)
The Flash (TV Show)
Worthy note: two characters who are a romantic couple are close to being siblings.
Flash (Movie)
This is a sexploitation film, which starts with a consensual sex scene followed by a rape scene before the credits. The protagonist is repeatedly stalked and abused by his coworker, which conspires to abduce her and rape her with a colleague from her workplace. This rape scene continues for several minutes until the end of the movie, when she is rescued by his partner.
Flash Gordon (Movie)
The lead female character is mind controlled and remotely caressed over her whole body using alien technology. The assailant discuss her sexual response with another male character. The lead female character is forced into a sexual relationship with a male character and then forced to marry him (27:00-28:00). There is a discussion with a slave girl in which the lead female character discusses that she has decided not to fight the sexual relationship and marriage (50:42-51:12). The male character enters the bedroom, begins to remove his clothes and starts to caress a woman's leg, before realising that it is the wrong person (59:40-1:01:10). A female character is bound and whipped by a woman and a man. There is a strong suggestion that there is a sexual aspect and the man is later promised that he can marry the prisoner once she has been interrogated (1:42:06-1:42:36). There is an attempted forced marriage which during which the female lead is forcibly restrained.
Flashdance (Movie)
Throughout the film, the protagonist and her female friends work as cabaret dancers at a local club (one of them goes to a "proper" strip club later on). There are scenes of patrons harassing and groping the characters and the women sometimes retaliate (e.g., pouring a groper's beer on his groin). The romance plot of the film is centered on the relationship between the 18-year-old protagonist and her 40-something-year-old boss. She is initially opposed to it, but she is soon "won over". The relationship is depicted as consensual and sexual. At one point in the film [36:05-37:05], two antagonists wait for the protagonist and her friend outside their work. One of them grabs her, threatening to intoxicate her, with the implication that he will rape her. Her friend and her boss are able to fend the assailants off. Later [1:14:20-1:16:50], one character becomes a stripper: the protagonist pulls her off the stage and into the street, fully nude before giving her a coat to cover herself.
Flashwood (Movie)
Full nudity is shown in a medical context. In one scene, a male student lifts up the cloth which is covering a body's genitals in order to taunt a female student in his class.
FLCL (TV Show)
A prominent dynamic exists between a young adult woman and a 12 year-old boy, with frequent sexual metaphors and innuendos shown in some intimate scenes.
Fleabag (TV Show)
The possibility of rape is mentioned several times, and there are a few occurrences of catcalling, as well as a non-consensual kiss. S1E4: a woman’s teen stepson attempts to get in a bath with her, despite her repeatedly saying saying no. A man must attend a company-mandated workshop to become a “better man” after touching his coworker’s breast several times, presumably without her permission. This is not shown, only discussed. S2E2: a woman mentions a lawyer who "mostly defends rapists".
The protagonist of the book is a vampire over 70 years old, but she appears to be a child because, in this universe, vampires age slowly. She engages in several sexual encounters with adult humans throughout the book, which can feel very uncomfortable to read, despite the fact that she is mentally an adult.
Flee (Movie)
The subject of the documentary and his brother are arrested by corrupt Russian police and thrown into a car with a woman. The police discuss raping the woman openly in front of them before letting the men go, and we see them closing in around the woman as the narrator talks about wishing he would have done something to stop them.
S1E2: one character recounts when his wife thought she got drugged (roofied). She was not sexually assaulted, but the threat of this was implicit in the incident. S1E3: a joke about getting roofied is made. The show calls out these kind of jokes, and comments upon how they were frequent in the 1990s. A man sexually harasses a woman at work and when she rejects his advances, chooses not to promote her. A doctor breaks a woman's water without her consent right after she discusses sexual assault. S1E7: a woman's forced labour (a result of an induction she did not consent to) is shown; it is clear that this incident is highly traumatic for the woman involved.
Worthy of note: an uneasy relationship in the second could be interpreted as a man taking advantage of a woman's compromised emotional state.
Flesh and Bone (TV Show)
Flesh Gordon (Movie)
The film is a "sex comedy" and contains much consensual sex, but also contains various instances of non-consensual sex. Instances include a woman being tied down, and forced to perform oral sex while she cries out, and a woman being penetrated by two men, one who forces a gemstone into her vagina and one who forcefully removes it while she tries to stop him.
This game focuses on themes of extreme sexual violence, torture, dehumanization, and sexual slavery. Girls are kidnapped and turned into "living fleshlights (sex toys)" at illegal factories. The two main characters you play as can be captured or surrender to the enemy factories and become a living fleshlight as well.
Flight (Movie)
S1E3 ('Mugged'): a supporting character briefly discusses her rape fantasies with the subject of her fantasies. S1E8 ('Girlfriends'): the episode revolves around a main character being abused by his girlfriend, culminating in an on-screen rape scene at the 20:41 mark and lasting until 21:09. There is an attempted rape at 13:29, which lasts until 14:13. Sexual harassment features in the episode, both between the man and his girlfriend and between another man and the girlfriend's friend (at one point, the former tracks and chases the latter down a dimly-lit street, trying to convince her to have sex with him). Discussions of rape culture and victim-blaming also occur.
The show is a crime procedural, and sexual assault is mentioned on occasion. In one episode, a woman is kidnapped and held hostage by her employer. A sexually manipulative relationship is heavily implied.
The protagonist enters a fake relationship with her costar to promote the television show on which they both act. In the contract outlining the parameters of the relationship, it states that the costar must get explicit consent for any touching or risk a lawsuit. The costar's manager claims that the wording of the contract insinuates that the costar is a predator when he has not done anything.
Flirting (Movie)
Float (2022) (Movie)
Around 24 minutes in, we see a flashback of a man appearing above a woman and the woman looking frightened. The flashback is very quick. In present day, the woman casually tells tells the story of the man raping her.
The main protagonist is a prostituted woman living in a motel with her daughter. At some point, an old man (presumably a pedophile) approaches the children playing outside (40:00-44:30). He is quickly spotted and pulled away by another adult.
Flower (Movie)
A teenage girl extorts an adult man for money by performing oral sex on him and blackmailing him. The same teenage girl tries to extort another man for money: they make out but he refuses oral sex. An adult male character is said to have a history of sexually abusing middle school students.
Flower of Evil (TV Show)
A girl is asked why she killed an elder man: she answers that ‘he tried to…’ but does not finish her sentence (sexual harassment is implied). There are also scenes of a woman in a cage that might be stressing for some vieuwers.
Two children are the product of an incestuous relationship. A teenage brother and sister kiss one another in a romantic/sexual way. Later, they are shown lying in bed together; nothing is shown, but it is implied that they had sex.
Flowers of Evil (TV Show)
The films takes place in (upscale) brothels. There are several mentions of prostitutes being beaten by their female superior, one of which mentions buying orphans when they are 7-8 as an investment (not all of them ending up being prostitutes).
Fluffy Paradise (TV Show)
A child happens to see a man naked when he transforms from beast to man. There is no sexual intent in this scene and her father was also by her side.
Flus (TV Show)
S1E3: during a threatening scene (about 13 minutes into the episode), it is implied that a person will be assaulted with a broomstick.
The Fly (Movie)
Worthy of note: the film contains a lot of talk of abortion. A women even has a nightmare about an abortion where she gives birth to a maggot.
Flying (Movie)
Flying Witch (TV Show)
Foe (Movie)
The Fog (Movie)
Follow Her (Movie)
The plot of the film centers around a fetish worker who films clients without their knowledge and posts the videos online with their faces blurred. She is made to say she faked stories of sexual abuse. She finds out she has been filmed (and posted) without her consent including while in the shower and while having sex.
Follow Me (Movie)
A young woman is sexually harassed by two men (15:40-16:35): they attack her, grope her and kiss/lick her until her boyfriend intervenes. Women are grabbed and pulled away from a bar violently with the implication that they will be kidnapped. One woman records people having sex without their knowledge.
Rape and necrophilia are mentioned, as they describe the deeds of a dead serial killer, who is heavily inspired by Richard Ramirez. One male friend "ball checks" another, them both laugh about it.
The show involves a conman who targets vulnerable women, having financially and psychologically abusive romantic relationships with them. Although there is no sexual content onscreen, these are adult relationships and they are shown to share a bed, so it could be inferred that rape by deception forms part of the relationship overall.
Food of Love (Movie)
A young boy (18 year-old) has an affair with a much older man. A woman makes sexual advances towards the young boy who shows he is clearly uninterested.
While speaking to a man at his dojo, the main character says very crudely that he would be assaulted in prison because he is feminine. He is also creepy during conversations with a new female student, stares at her during practices, and tries to kiss her multiple times. He also talks about sexual acts with one of his other students. All of it is played for a laugh.
Footloose (Movie)
Worthy of note: several scenes show men abusing women.
The male romantic lead is a former slave who was conceived when his slave master raped his enslaved mother. The female romantic lead is tricked and robbed by a man who tries to take advantage of her sexually. The female romantic lead’s sister is a sex worker with two children. One of the children repeats that her mother wants to sell their virginity to one of her clients. That does not end up happening.
On-screen rape (30 minutes into the movie). Rape and other possible sexual abuse are briefly shown on a TV.
A man watches two people have sex through a camera feed. A man walks in a woman in the bath and does not leave when she tells him to.
Foreclosure (Movie)
Foreclosure 2 (Movie)
Discussion of the fact that two girls were raped and assumed dead. A sexual/romantic relationship between a nephew and his aunt-in-law.
Forensic Files (TV Show)
The Forest (Movie)
Worthy of note: a woman gets stuck in a forest alone with a man she does not know well and who she finds out might be lying about who he really is. She becomes very scared and cries.
SPOILERS: A teenage boy tied up in a house claims that he and his sister had been kidnapped as children and held hostage, kept drugged to prevent escape. There is an implication that the two suffered sexual abuse. In the climax of the movie, doubt is cast on this claim, and things remain unclear by the movie's end.
A man hits on the female characters even after they have said that they are uncomfortable.
The Forest (Game) (Video Game)
Enemy female NPCs are shirtless, and male enemy NPCs appear to be naked, but do not have explicit genitalia.
Forever (TV Show)
A man pins down a woman and forcibly kisses her, reaching down to what looked like unbutton his pants. It is heavily implied that he had intentions of raping her (53:50-53:25).
The main female character has her nude picture put up in a naked collage in a male bathroom: when asked, the restaurant owner refuses to take it down.
The protagonist is lying in a hospital bed and a hooded man she suspects was her attacker leans over her closely (7:30). She wakes up as if it was a dream. The protagonist's friend suggests her amnesia might be due to having been abused (20:00). There are pictures of the protagonist graphically tied up (48:00). Throughout the end of the movie there are flashes of scenes of the protagonist trapped and tied up, but nothing sexual occurs.
Forrest Gump (Movie)
It is implied that a key female character was sexually abused by her father during her childhood. Later in the movie, as an adult, she is singing nude on stage and harassed by a male audience. The protagonist's mother agrees to have sex with the headmaster of a school in order to get her son, who is considered slow, enrolled. In a scene, the protagonist (as a young boy) sits on a swing outside his house while grunts from the headmaster can be heard, implying sex from within the house. When leaving the house, the man is wiping away sweat and tells the boy, "(his) mama really loves (him). The boy responds by making grunting noises meant to mock the man.
Fort Apache (Movie)
A woman has to avoid flirtatious advances from one of her students. It is revealed that he is 19 but it is still unwanted and makes her uncomfortable hence why she repeatedly avoids being alone with him. It is revealed that a man had to perform sexual acts for another man in order to get a play produced.
Fosse-Verdon (TV Show)
S1E3: the female protagonist freaks out when she finds out that her husband left their young daughter with an adult man in an hotel room when he was away (nothing bad happened). It is then showed through a flashback that she was raped as a teenager by a man who got her pregnant and whom she was forced to marry. The flashback also shows that he was an abusive husband. S1E4: the male protagonist (a choreographer), depicted as a manipulative womanizer throughout the show, becomes very insistent towards a female (younger) dancer after walking her home. He insists on going to bed with her: he gropes and kisses her against her will after she rebuffed him. The next morning, he becomes being particularly harsh to her in front of the rest of the cast and ends up giving her role to another woman. Later, the first woman (who rebuffed him) invites him to have a drink (and presumably have sex with her) in order to get her role back. S1E5: the male protagonist recounts how he lost his virginity (at 13 years old) with two 40 year old strippers who abused him. Flashbacks of them leaning onto him are showed. He jokingly recounts it but is visibly distressed by that memory. S1E6: the rape of the 13 year old male protagonist by two 40 year old women and its repercussions in his life is evoked and depicted by non graphic flashbacks. S1E7: the male protagonist is once again shown using his power position to have sex with one younger woman (implied off-screen), who is visibly uncomfortable (he came to her house late at night to ask for a favour).
The Fosters (TV Show)
One of the main characters discusses and describes how she was raped by her foster brother. Her PTSD is a subject of other episodes. A character has sex with his father's girlfriend while drunk, briefly onscreen. His trauma from this is a subject of later episodes. A teenage character is prostituted, and in one episode there is a verbal altercation between her, a pimp, and another character.
The plot concerns the aftermath of a teenage girl's rape, as she goes on a quest for revenge against her attacker and his accomplices. Rape, rape culture and sexual harassment are central to the plot.
Found (TV Show)
S1E1 mentions sexual harassment. A 22 year old regularly dates underage girls.
Found (2012) (Movie)
While at school, two boys taunt another while in the bathroom and they peek under the stall to try and see his penis. In one of the movies being watched a man decapitates multiple women and rapes their head. The older son attacks his mother by slamming her head into the wall. He licks her neck then begins unzipping his pants. Later screaming is heard from another room and the older brother walks out of that room naked.
Characters hear a female character screaming at night. They go outside to find a male character having loud intercourse with his ex-wife. They think he is assaulting her at first, but when the man stops, she encourages him to keep going.
Foundation (TV Show)
A main character engages in a sexual relationship with an intelligent robot who has been programmed to serve him. She views the relationship as coercive, and claims that she would end it if she had the ability to. It ia unclear how much free will she has in regards to specific actions, but she is not able to leave him. S2E5: this episode features someone pretending to be someone's dead lover and kissing them.
The Fountain (Movie)
There is a passing mention to the attempted assault from the previous book.
The Langoliers: upon coming to a realisation, a main character grabs a young lady and sniffs her neck. She misunderstands this as sexual advances. If she consents or not is dubious. Secret Window, Secret Garden: multiple main characters are stalked. Library Policeman: a character begins retelling about his relationship with the villainess. Once he describes himself as being "horny enough to rape the Statue of Liberty". In a later scene, he sees the villainess crouching infront of a child and making strange noises. He assumes she was molesting the boy, but it is reveals she was not. The villainess instructs a character to kill a small child, and she tells him to "Do whatever he wants with her". However he does not go through with it. In a flashback, the main character, as a child, is brutally sexually assaulted by an adult, in a very graphic and detailed scene. It is heavily implied that the man has assaulted other children before.
Four Rooms (Movie)
Worthy of note: the forcible abduction of human beings is presented throughout this film.
The Fox (Movie)
A man interjects himself in the lives of two women living alone and sexually harasses and threatens one. Because it is implied the women are bisexual and lesbian, respectively, these tense scenes particularly are difficult (and possibly triggering) to watch.
Foxfire (Movie)
Chapter 7: sexual harassment. A violent rape scene is described around the middle of the book. Rape mentioned throughout the series. It is implied that a character had a sexual relationship with their adult coworker while underage. It is confirmed that a character experienced sexual abuse multiple times as a child.
Foxy Brown (Movie)
The main character is drugged twice with heroin for the purpose of being assaulted, once off screen and once on screen. The main character is sexually harassed several times throughout the movie by police men, henchmen, etc. In a movie within the movie, an African-American woman is performing sexual favors for her African-American boyfriend who is in the hospital while his face is bandaged. They continue to have sex, even though he did not really consent. A nurse is exposed to this un-consensually, she discovers them having sex. (She deals with indecent exposure.) It is mentioned that a judge raped a 9 year-old girl. It is claimed she "enjoyed it."
Fractale (TV Show)
This game follows a main character who is a child sexual abuse survivor. This is not outright stated except for by her abuser, who refers to the act in euphemism. However, he is depicted as overly physically controlling, and several scenes show him manipulating her body, the framing of which is not explicitly sexual but is crafted specifically to invoke immense discomfort in the viewer. Episode 7, has a man attack this same character. She is depicted as having a flashback to her sexual abuse, and uncomfortable comments are made about her reaction (dissociation). The game is rarely explicitly sexual bar some scenes played up for “comedy”, and the sexual abuse involved is part of a greater narrative that heavily implies that two of the main characters are parts in a dissociative system created due to childhood trauma. The game holds itself to a standard of “show, don’t tell”, and this can be easily missed by some viewers. Other viewers may see the visceral imagery presented (as the show is very aware of the discomfort it purposefully invokes) and be reminded of their own trauma. The narrative is overall thoughtful and considerate of the themes it presents, and the abusers are dealt appropriate justice on-screen. However, breaks are recommended for individuals with personal experiences in the subject matter.
Fractured (Movie)
Fragtime (Movie)
The protagonist, who has time-stopping powers, looks up the deuteragonist's skirt while time is frozen. As the deuteragonist can also move when time stops, she quickly catches the protagonist in the act - though they both reach an agreement and the deuteragonist starts a consensual relationship with her afterwards. Later on, the deuteragonist is the target of sexually-charged bullying, with other students slut-shaming her and spreading false rumors that she had an affair with an older teacher. She also states most of her sexual advances are because she's only acting out of her partner's interests rather than her own - the implication being that she may have been the target of sexual objectification or sexual assault in the past, though this is never directly confirmed.
Worthy of note: the documentary contains a video archive of an adult male tv host asking a very young girl (the titular character) if she would be his girlfriend. Other images shows her sexualization by the media when she was still a teenager.
Fran Bow (Video Game)
In Chapter 1, the protagonist (who is canonically 10 years old) gets asked by an adult man to give him a kiss, and to sit on is lap in exchange for a key. The player does not need to say yes to continue with the game, and no matter what option of dialogue he/she chooses, the character will end up refusing: he makes no further advances. Multiple children in the mental hospital are mentioned to have been victims of sexual abuse.
France (Movie)
The female protagonist awkwardly tries to kiss a man who is visibly not interested. A journalist pretends to be someone else in order to seduce and have sex with the female protagonist, and to write an article about her. She is visibly distressed when she learns it, and the man keeps stalking her after that. In the final scene of the movie, she eventually agrees to have a romantic relationship with him. In one of the last sequences of the film, the protagonist interviews the wife of a man who raped and killed a young girl. She asks her about the past of her husband, who was a known rapist and pedophile.
Frances Ha (Movie)
Frank (Movie)
This is set in Victorian London and deals with period-typical themes of prostitution and the abuse of teenage girls. One teenage girl becomes pregnant from being raped by an older man. However, nothing is discussed explicitly or seen onscreen.
A 12 year old girl tries to kiss an 18 year old guy when he falls asleep with his head on her lap after nearly fainting. He moves away on time when he thinks he hears something.
Depending on the version of the book in question, the woman the protagonist marries is either biologically his first cousin and was raised alongside him as his sister, or someone technically unrelated to him who was raised as his sister. In either case, from a modern perspective, their marriage might be viewed as unorthodox despite the fact that it is never consummated.
S3E7: the plot is centered around systematic sexual assault and harassment which leaves victims unheard. An attempted assault is shown on screen and victims share their experiences.
Frasier (TV Show)
S1E10: a man aggressively kisses an unwilling woman while holding her face firmly in place. (7 minutes in). S2E10: a joke is made about buying a bride from a country with high poverty.
Freaks (1932) (Movie)
Freaks (2018) (Movie)
Worthy of note: a young girl says that the main character (another child) "comes in her room at night and makes her to things". Despite the nod to sexual abuse, it is not the case.
Freaks and Geeks (TV Show)
Three men sexually harass a woman walking home. Later, one of them attacks her and attempts to rape her. At a club, five men are sexually harassing various women but are stopped.
Freaky (Movie)
A person tells their friend that something they say is “rapey”. A girl asks another girl if a killer “did anything” to her. A man brings a girl into a room with two of his friends and they make lude comments about her. It’ i unsure whether or not the boys intend to rape her because she entered the room willingly (knowing that the main guy was looking for a hookup) and does not appear afraid or concerned. The boys are stopped before anything happens.
Freaky Friday (Movie)
The male romance lead for the female teenage character is an adult who works at her high school.
The title is based on the fact that the protagonist accuses his dad of molesting his younger brother. This isn't true but the brother is sent to a 'school for the sexually molested' with other sexually abused children. A woman attempts to perform oral sex on a man as a he repeatedly asks her to stop.
A person attempts to rape a young woman who is lying unconscious in a corn field after a rave/party. The antagonist kills both of them, technically stopping the rapist. Since his modus operandi includes killing people as punishment for "having sex", him killing the victim of the attempted rape as well as the rapist has troubling implications. A man kisses an unconscious woman and attempts to rape her at a party. One of the villains kisses the final girl without her consent. Later on the same villain puts his glove up the girls leg in a suggestive manner.
It is implied that a girl was molested by her father as a child.
Several times in the film, a man pays for sex workers and then forces them to read a passage in Latin. There is no sex, kissing, or groping. All of the flirting and initial interactions of the sex workers is consentual however the man degrades and yells at the women when they hesitate to read the passage.
Free! (2013) (TV Show)
Free Guy (Movie)
A male character is very happy to see another male character and when they disagree a little, he stands with his crotch touching the other's crotch very closely face-to-face, while speaking and breathing in a somewhat sensual way. There is some discussion about this.
Free Solo (Movie)
The author discusses the case of the Scottsboro Boys (1931) and the Kissing Case (1958), both instances of young Black boys being falsely accused of rape. There is also an exploration of how carceral feminism, which promotes incarceration as the primary or only response to sexual violence, itself perpetuates sexual violence and does not address its root causes. The book also contains a discussion of the case of Marissa Alexander, who was arrested for shooting warning shots into the air to protect herself against her abusive husband, who had been sexually assaulting her.
Worthy of note: one student makes a sexual joke about his teacher's body, in a non-threatening way.
Freeway (Movie)
The film's opening sequence has drawings of women in scenarios suggestive of sexual assault. A teenage girl's stepfather attempts to sexually assault her early on the film but is pushed off. Later, she is picked up on the road by a pedophile and murderer posing as a counselor. He gets her to open up about her sexual assault by her father in graphic detail, and then attempts to get her to say degrading sexual things as a form of therapy. When she tries to escape, he attempts to rape her.
Freeze (Movie)
A woman is found as a stowaway on the ship: one male crewmember implies that if others find her, they may rape her. Later, another man explicitly states that if he was not tied up, he would rape her.
Freeze Me (Movie)
Rape and revenge are central to the plot of this movie.
At some point, a woman giving a lecture about a male artist casually mentions that he tried to rape her: it is played for laughs. A 60-year old woman sleeps with a teenage boy. Before that, she voluntarily surprised him in his bath.
French Exit (Movie)
Frenzy (1972) (Movie)
The plot centers on a serial killer raping and strangling women: the crimes are discussed (and sometimes joked about) throughout, and there are multiple scenes involving the naked corpse of the victims. It contains a long graphic on-screen rape in the first quarter, and an off-screen rape scene a bit later.
Fresh (Movie)
The main character wakes chained up after being drugged: she asks her captor if he is going to rape her. He promptly responds no, but exerts extreme physical power over her and many other women for the entirety of the film. A woman bites off a man's genitals. A woman receives an unsolicited dick pick on a dating app.
Fresh Meat (TV Show)
One characters makes rape jokes all the time. They even go so far as to have a character call himself "DJ Rape". A professor uses his classroom to pick up his student. When the latter stops having sex with him, he threatens to report her to the school board if she does not continue. A main character makes up a story of rape when he was 12 by an older woman.
S1E5: date rape is discussed when a mother teaches respect to her son.
The protagonist tricks a woman into sex: this is viewed as comedic. There is catcalling and harassment, objectification of woman played for laughs throughout the series.
Freshwater (Movie)
Frida (Movie)
Worthy of note: since the film's release, Salma Hayek has reported that the film's director (Harvey Weinstein) repeatedly sexually harassed and intimidated her during its production, also pressuring her into filming highly sexual scenes with which she was uncomfortable.
A man pretends to drown to get one of the girls to give mouth to mouth: he then grabs her and begins kissing her while pulling her on top of him (about 20 minutes in).
A boy watches a couple undress and make out. The villain gets on top of the villain girl (despite the fact he could kill her with just his hand) implying he is gonna sexually assault her but is stopped before he can do anything.
A man slings something at a woman’s ass without her consent. Later on, the same man watches the same woman skinny dip and steals her clothes. The killer lays under the covers with a dead naked woman while her dead boyfriend to pinned to the wall. A woman’s body is seen at the killers shack near the end despite the fact she was not killed anywhere near it implying that the killer is planning on molesting her dead body.
A TV at the beginning mentions sexual mutilation. Although never shown or stated outright is it vaguely implied that the villain raped the final girl. In one scene a character says “what would a weekend in the country be without sex?”, to which his girlfriend replies “cool it” . The final girl replies that what happened to her at the lake happened a long time ago (indicating she has sexual trauma). The final girl acts cold toward her boyfriend and does not let her boyfriend touch her something he comments on several times in the movie. Finally, when the final girl explains why she is cold to her boyfriend she tells the story about Jason (a flashback is played and cuts off after the part where he drags him) and how she blacked out (common for rape victims to do). She also mentions how she woke up in her bed (it is unusual for Jason to leave people alive the only other time he lets somebody live is in the reboot). It is agreed by many that the villain raped her.
A rapist is stabbed while attempting to rape someone (1:07:30-1:09:00). A girl makes out with a male teacher without his consent.
About one hour into the movie, one character walks in on another character who is peeing with the verbal intent to rape: the second character passes out in fear. Shortly after, the second character is able to defend himself and subdue the first one. Later on, another character is sexually assaulted by a landlady, who tries to force him to have sex: his wife interferes and saves her husband.
S1E2: while waiting for a friend at a diner, a woman walks back to her truck and a man attempts to rape her. She fights off and flees. The same man shows up while stalking her in S2E1, and he attempts to do it again in S2E2. That time, her friend smashes his head with a lead pipe and they both dump the body in a river. The rest of the season mentions the investigation and the incident. S1E20: [description missing (around 35 minutes)].
It is implied that a character becomes a vengeful witch as an adult because she was raped by two boys while at an orphanage.
Friends (TV Show)
S1E11: two characters catcall a man, which leads to him being hit by a car and put into a coma. Despite being a stranger to them, they become obsessed and continue to visit him in the hospital, shaving him, touching him and changing his clothes (implying that they have seen him naked) all whilst he is still unconscious throughout the episode. When he finally wakes the two characters are upset that he does not want to date them and criticize him for "not giving anything back". S1E12: one characters is giving a massage to a man when he begins to grope/touch her without her consent, before exposing his erection to her (10:40). This is played off as a funny moment before another character uses this to their advantage in hopes of splitting the man up from his girlfriend instead of providing support to the friend who has been assaulted. S1E22: one of the main female characters (age 26) has sex with a boyfriend who afterward reveals that he is 17 (he had told her before that he was a senior in college, ostensibly 21). S2E1: one of the male characters is groped by a tailor measuring him for pants. This is done off-screen, but his reaction is shown. Him telling his friends the story is played for laughs, as is the reveal that another character has had this happen to him consistently since he was a teenager. S2E13: a character is tricked into removing his clothes in a public place by a partner as a revenge plot. The partner then steals his clothes and runs away, leaving him in female underwear and nothing else. The character's friends then come into the room and ogle and openly mock him, refusing to help him by not giving him clothes. The character is forced to take a door off the wall and use it as coverage as he leaves the public place. S2E14: a character attends a job interview where the interviewer seems to become sexually aroused while ordering the character to make food. He makes inappropriate comments, sexual innuendos and even moans, forcing the character to leave and miss out on the job opportunity. She later expresses that she had to take multiple showers to "wash the interview off of her" this is all played down for comedic effect. S3E16: A woman manipulates a drunk character to have sex with him without his consent. S4E4: a character develops a crush on her massage client. Whilst she is massaging him (naked), she ogles him biting his upper thigh/asscheek without his consent. She then openly professes her feelings whilst he is still nude in her massage room alone. S4E13: when a character tries to break up with his girlfriend (his friend's boss), she makes a sexual advance on him to convince him otherwise. She then leaves him pant-less and handcuffed in her office while she leaves the building and refuses to come back. He openly does not want to be left while handcuffed and in a vulnerable state, even repeating to her on the phone that she needs to come back and uncuff him, becoming very distressed. His friend breaks into the office and finds the character, she refuses to help him out of the situation in fears that she may be fired, handcuffing him to another item of furniture, all while he is still only wearing a shirt. S8E4: a character is filming himself when another character enters and they begin to have sex. The second party is not aware of the camera rolling, and the first party claims to have "forgotten" it was there. However he does not destroy the recording, instead making it into a tape and keeping it. He does not plan on telling the second party nor destroying the tape until it is accidentally revealed during an argument. S8E7: a male character willfully has sex with a woman, under the belief that she is her identical twin sister, whom he is dating. On realising the truth, the woman he is dating breaks up with him. While it is not confirmed whether or not the woman he has sex with intended to pretend to be her sister, she is a character notorious for deceiving people and being greatly apathetic.
Worthy of note: an employer makes his employee switch trousers with him because his has a coffee stain on them. The employee then takes off his pants to reveal he is not wearing underwear, exposing himself to the audience. A woman comments that off-screen her mother has started taking her clothes off in front of the man the woman is seeing.
Friendsgiving (Movie)
A female character mentions that men used to not ask before having sex in the 70s and one of the other characters asks her if she is talking about rape.
S1E4: a child flips the skirt of a woman. There does not seem to be any sexual intent and the woman doesn't really react to it
One of the main plot points of the movie is that a teenage girl is "enchanted" by an adult vampire and engages in sexual acts with him. While all of their interactions seem to be voluntary, she is under some kind of magical influence during all of them. He also changes her clothes while she is unconscious. In the beginning, the same character agrees to have sex with her boyfriend only after he voices his frustration about them not having slept with each other yet and after she initially says that she is scared of having sex. They end up not having intercourse in that scene.
A vampire kisses the female lead (a high school senior) against her will and this puts her under his control. Derogatory language is used about women throughout the movie. Worthy of note: the scenes where the main male character feeds on women is sexual in nature and they often beg him not to before, which could be triggering.
It is implied that a ghost has sex with a mummy. Afterwards, the ghost comments “I like it when they don’t move.”
Frightvision (Movie)
In the third story, while presenting, a female scientist is asked by a male investor if she is going to take off her clothes.
Fringe (TV Show)
S1E1: a character's colleague is mentioned as having sexually assaulted three people.
Frogman (Movie)
In the last 15 minutes of the film, a young woman is found to be captured and in a coma like state where she is pregnant. It is strongly implied she was raped by the titular antagonist. However, it is never discussed by the characters or given details about the events leading to her discovered state.
From Beneath (Movie)
From Beyond (TV Show)
The primary antagonist forcefully holds a woman hostage and rips open her nightdress, exposing her breasts. He gropes and mentions that in 'another life' he would enjoy her 'another way'. Later, said woman (under the influence of the villain's invention), gropes an unconscious man (nothing is shown) and straddles him. She is stopped by another character.
From Black (Movie)
There is a very brief clip of the main character’s young son being kidnapped off the street.
In From the Cold (TV Show)
S1E4: a spy has to have sex with her mark as part of an operation. She was blackmailed into the mission in the first place. A spy is disguised as a possibly teenage male: she is actually a woman. The spy is groped by a man who has been having a sexual relationship with the teenager male. S1E5+6: an adult man seduces a teenage girl, while lying to her. He is trying to catch her mom, a spy. S1E6: a spy seduces a woman so she can get to her father.
From the Dark (Movie)
A male friend greets women by hugging them tight and grabbing their bottom: they are not upset by it. A demon pulls off a man's penis before killing him.
From the Dead (Movie)
A man blackmails a woman, telling her she will have to have sex with him whenever he wants in order for him to keep silent. He leaves when she says that she will need to think about it, but he later breaks into her house while she is out, goes through her underwear and masturbates on her bed. He comes back again another night and tries to force her to perform oral sex on him. He tells her to strip at knifepoint, but is stopped before anything further happens.
One of the major characters is a convicted rapist/murderer who rapes and murders a hostage early in the film, then repeatedly fantasizes about a teenage girl, hallucinating that she's asking him for sexual favors.
From Hell (Movie)
It is revealed that a teenage boy abused his psychic powers to rape multiple (teenage) girls before killing them. The corpse of a girl with her tank top from her shoulder on her bed is shown. It is implied that two teenage children are pressured by their kidnappers to mate with each other to make a baby as part of an evil plan. Two kids are hinting to perform sexual acts on each other, as part of a Bonobo-stress (they get sexually aroused when in extreme stressfull situation), but they stop before anything happens.
A woman is hired to enter a sexual relationship with an enemy spy. While she consents to this, she was lied to regarding the purpose of this.
A boy and girl fall in love with each other, however, they are mistakenly led to believe that they are actually siblings. It later turns out they are not related, but they still eventually act on their romantic feelings before learning they are not related.
In the first segment, a man forcibly kisses a woman before strangling her. He then later rapes her corpse.
Front Cover (Movie)
Frontier (TV Show)
Frontiere(S) (Movie)
A man forces himself onto his adopted daughter: this is now shown but talked about. Two sisters (it is unsure if they are adopted or blood related) kiss and strip each other before having sex with two men side by side.
Frozen (2010) (Movie)
Frozen (2013) (Movie)
The premise of the show is that the main character (a teenage boy) is hiding a girl in his house and has to gamble to earn money for their daily expenses. The girl is later revealed to be a victim of human and sex trafficking that was saved by the protagonist. S1E1: a woman begs the underage main character to let her win deliberately as she took a large loan from the yakuza and needs to pay it. Because he refuses, she takes his hand and presses it on her breasts, offering to have sex with him if he helps her. S13+4: a flashback shows the main character accepting to gamble with a stranger he met online and being led to a secluded area. He realizes that the men are part of a sex trafficking ring. While rape is not shown on screen, there are other graphic depictions of physical violence against women that are quite upsetting. The main character is forced to stay and gamble. It is said that if he loses the game, he will have to pay off his debt by shooting pornographic movies with them. The men make various degrading comments and are amused by his helplessness (e.g., they laugh at the thought of taking his virginity). The main character eventually wins the game. Instead of money, he "buys" one of the girls who were being abused, as she helped him and he wants her to be free. While he is shown to be respectful, it is worth mentioning that she depends on the boy completely as she is in a foreign country with no documents or money. S2E2: a woman reveals to be a survivor of child sex abuse (committed by her father). In episode 4, a brief flashback is shown (not graphic). S2E4: a teenage girl gets forcefully undressed and groped by an old man. She remains in a state of partial undressing as she is forced to gamble.
S1E9: rape is mentioned. S1E12: rape on-screen. S1E13: hostage situation, non-consensual touching of a teenager by an adult, who becomes aroused and takes the teenager into a different room to assault her. However, it does not happen. There is a non-consensual relationship between a teacher and a student.
Fruits Basket (TV Show)
The main character's mother was in a romantic relationship with a trainee teacher (21 years old) at her school when she was 15/16. She has a baby (the main character) at 15/16. It is not explicit. One of the protagonist's best friend (a high-school student) has romantic feelings towards a man in his late twenties. A man makes flirty comments towards the main character (ages 16-18). There are some couples in the story that are ambiguously related (nothing explicit). A character falls in love and becomes obsessed with a girl before she is even born. He proceeds to groom her throughout her life and it is implied they had sex before she turned 18 whilst he was in his mid 20s, along with her having sex with another man of a similar age at around the same time. The groomer never seems to face any repercussions for his actions and the pair end up getting married. A man in his late 20s falls in love with an underage high-school girl. She laments whether or not this is legal yet still ends up in a relationship with him. There is a scene in which a teenage girl promises to do "anything" to/with/for an adult man for information on how to break a curse. He turns down her advances. A teenage boy flashes his privates to another boy offscreen to prove his hair colour is natural. The other boy becomes very shocked and the entire scene is played for laughs.
The entire story revolves around a 21 year old trainee teacher falling in love with a student whilst she is still underage. The pair have a child together before the student turns 18.
Fubar (TV Show)
S1E1: human trafficking is mentioned. A undercover father pretends he has slept with his daughter: the others do not know they are related. A joke about cow rape is made.
Fucking Amal (Movie)
A girl is drugged and almost raped but dies before it. At the end of the movie, a girl is almost raped. The villain in the story also turns out to be a registered sex offender.
Worthy of note: in S1E8, a female relative of the male protagonist pins him down. She covers them both with a blanket so they can speak without the cameras looking at them or reading their lips.
Discussed in the context of news.
One soldier exposes himself to a sex worker. The drill instructor is also shown to use abusive and derogatory language towards soldiers with sometimes sexually aggressive undertones. A man tells a rape joke.
The film contains violent rape scenes.
A man is catcalled by a group of women as he is running. Throughout the movie, six men repeat a striptease dance while a young boy (the son of one of them) is present. At some point, a police officer witnesses the scene (as they are in their underpants) and brings them all to a police station to explain the situation.
Worthy of note: there are several episodes where a child appears to be naked. In one of the episodes, the child is pinned down on a table to be experimented on. He is naked in this scene as well. Although no sexual assault happens in this scene, the image could trigger some viewers as the child is crying and trying to free himself.
Episode 45, 19:20-19:48: a commanding Officer slaps a soldier beneath him in rank on the butt, and it is implied that this is not the first time he has harassed her.
The side of a teenage girl's shirt is ripped off by a man: the side of her chest is shown a bit. There is no sexual intent as he did it to reveal a tattoo that she had.
A girl bear accidentally gives a male bear the wrong idea: he grabs her and holds her against her will (28:37-29:24 and 30:00-30:10).
The author discusses at multiple points how her father had sexual relationships with teenage boys, although she does not go into explicit details.
Funan (Movie)
In a prisoner camp, a girl is raped by a guard off-screen. She is told by a woman to take advantage of the situation to obtain food: she kills herself.
The initial scene follows a young-looking teen girl naked in the shower (she is later established to be around 18) where she is 'attacked' by a figure that is later revealed to be her younger brother (around 12) with a fake knife. A woman is attacked by a male figure who paid her for a sex act (shown non-graphically onscreen). The man then wants his money back, rips her clothes and strangles her.
Funny Boy (Movie)
A man kisses a woman without asking for permission. After that, the woman tells him that she did not wanted to be kissed and he answers that everybody wants to be kissed anyway A magazine director says ironically that she will have to drug a young lady to get her to Paris There is a very short scene in which a woman yells at man, who seem to be her lover, and says that he is disgusting. In response the man slaps her violently in the face. She directly seem to feel calm again and kisses him During a conversation a man forces the protagonist into having sex although she specifically express her disagreement. She eventually knocks him out and runs away.
A woman is undressed, bound and gagged (47:18-50:53).
Family is taken hostage in their home, a woman is forced to strip naked in front of her husband and son.
Throughout the book, there are news stories about women and girls who go missing and/or get found murdered. It is implied that many of these victims have been raped, but it is not spelled out, and there are not any descriptions of the violence they must have endured.
The protagonist (as a young child) has to witness her mother be tortured to death by violent men, with parts bringing rape to mind. A few scenes mention that the child was "guarded" from lecherous people. Multiple scenes in the film focus on the child being stolen away from her family. The protagonist is used as a trading chip between two parties. She is to become a future wife to one of the men's sons in return for the other party to gain authority. Multiple women are seen shown locked away in a vault, wearing chastity style belts. A main antagonist says that the child will grow to become one of his "mothers", strongly implying rape. An adult antagonist fondles the main character (still a child)'s hair while they watch an imprisoned woman give birth (inbreeding is implied). He later takes her during the night, cuts off her chastity belt and there is focus on him touching her hair before she escapes. She then has to hide that she is female in order to avoid sexual violence. A man tries to upset a traumatized woman by making remarks about raping her mother.
Furious 6 (Movie)
Two women interrogate a man and get physically violent after he makes a comments about them (39:23-41:40). Two men forces a third one to take off his clothes down to his underwear as payback (42:18-43:34). A man states he used to run women for an associate (01:01:54). The film contains many 'eye candy' shots of women, notably at 10:52 and 01:05:04-01:06:10.
Furious 7 (Movie)
Furry Shades of Gay (Video Game)
While all other sexual scenes and story paths are consensual, the "Dorm Buddies" story contains scenes of non-consensual grabbing, groping, questionable consent, and sexual coercion. After on character meets his new roommate, he reaches down to grope his buttocks. The latter announces his discomfort and politely asks him to stop. He continues and begins to coerce and pressure the other man into having sex with him. The man ends up having sex with him after the player progresses past this beginning scene. This story path is optional and is not required for players to view if they wish not to.
Fury (1936) (Movie)
Fury (2014) (Movie)
Soldiers break into a young woman's home and threaten her with rape, driving her to tears. When one of their colleagues prevents them from assaulting her, they express their frustration by continuing to treat her unkindly (i.e. by licking her food). Other encounters between soldiers and civilian women throughout the course of the film may have undertones of exploitation or threat.
Fushigi Yugi (TV Show)
On two different occasions, characters are lead to believe they are sexually assaulted. One character quickly realizes the truth while the other believes she was assaulted through almost the entire series A character is drugged and raped by a woman he believes is his girlfriend. S1E1: two characters are nearly human trafficked, one can put together it may be sex trafficking. Later in the episode, one character is nearly sold again and her skirt is looked up.
This game includes instances of dubious consent. Some may also view the usage of the term "futa", short for "futanari" in the game's title to describe transgender women or female-presenting people with male genitalia as objectifying, transphobic, or dehumanizing as well.
A female character responds to catcalling with suggestive comments to make the man uncomfortable. This is primarily played as comedy.
Futurama (TV Show)
S3E1: female on male rape as a means of execution.
The Planet Express crew discover a planet-sized, tentacle-covered alien which wants to copulate with every citizen of planet Earth using its tentacles. This is the central plot of the film.
The Future (Movie)
Future Diary (TV Show)
Multiple Characters describe being raped with flashbacks. At some point we see a character naked and tied in a prison against her will. Attempted rape against the female lead by multiple men. The male lead gets pushed into an unconsenting abusive relationship.
Future Man (TV) (TV Show)
Accidental incest occurs as a result of time travel. On-screen scene where consent is unclear; definitely not enthusiastic.
Fuuto Tantei (TV Show)
This show continuously hypersexualizes women. S1E11: one female character hides an object between her breats and a child takes it from her. He then forces her to take her clothes off for him: she stops when half of her breast is exposed, and manages to escape. This scene is presented in a sexualised way.
Fyre (Movie)
Worthy of note: first hand account of someone who thought they were about to be coerced into sex as a business favor. This person does not perform that act but the entire memory he recalls and the way he recalls it may be very unsettling.
Fyre Fraud (Movie)
G. I Jane (Movie)
S1E6: a girl calls vampires child molesting perverts.
Gabriel (Movie)
A story is told about a woman who was raped by a man who then forced her to work as a prostitute. In a later scene two men hit her and hold her down in an attempt to rape her but are killed before anything further happens. The main character restrains and forcibly detoxes and heals several people against their will.
Gacy (Movie)
The movie is about a serial killer and rapist.
Gadjo Dilo (Movie)
Early in the film, a old drunken man grabs a woman because he needs her help for speaking with a stranger. When she flees, he threatens to rape her. The scene is played for laughs. Near the end of the movie, the same man begs her to have sex with him and tries to rape her before the aforementioned stranger stops him. Another scene shoes the main male character spying on women taking a shower before being spotted. The scene is played for laughs. A young girl (seemingly underage) is seen dancing sexually for enjoyment of old men.
A rape scene occurs from chapter 8.94 to chapter 8.97.
Gaia (Movie)
Worthy of note: characters are attacked by creatures and a woman gets their blood on her. She is forcibly stripped to get the blood off but quickly wrapped up in a blanket.
One of the characters in the show loves the cuteness of kids and gets nosebleeds around them that is slightly creepy, but it is not sexual in nature.
Gal Pals (TV Show)
Worthy of note: a lesbian and a heterosexual man have sex while both are very intoxicated. This is treated as a comedic plot point, although the consent involved is dubious. This plot point is addressed in S1E7 and S1E8.
Galavant (TV Show)
S1E1: main character is kidnapped by the harasser. S1E7-S2E6: variaton of incest normalized within the time setting (marriage between cousins) is repeatedly used as a joke, called out for a purely comedic effect, without any sensitivity. It eventually becomes a plot-line: one of the main characters is being forced to marry her cousin, who is still a child; she is held captive and at the end has to give him her bra to break off the engagement.
Galaxy (Movie)
A woman is forcibly stripped and changed by another group of women. She is then brought out to the men who surround and grab her with the intention of raping her but they are all stopped before anything further can happen.
Galaxy Quest (Movie)
Very graphic rape scene of a female protagonist.
Chapter 8: Non-graphic mention of a child who was born as a result of rape.
The Gallows (Movie)
Galveston (Movie)
A child is revealed to be the product of rape. Near the end of the film, a woman is found dead, naked, and posed in such a way that implies she was raped.
The Game (Movie)
The Game (2014) (TV Show)
S1E2: a man touches a woman's knee and then attempts to climb on top of her, on a bed. S1E6: while never explicitly stated, it's heavily implied that a main character was sexually abused by his father. Throughout the series, multiple characters are pressured by superior officers into having sex with enemy agents in order to manipulate information from them.
Game Night (Movie)
There is a brief mention of the villain being involved in sex trafficking, and a computer display shows two people have been charged with human trafficking.
Game Over (Movie)
The Game Plan (Movie)
Game of Thrones (TV Show)
S1E1: a young woman is forced by her brother to marry a man she does not want to. Her brother threatens that he will make sure she is raped if she does not comply: she is raped on her wedding night. A twin brother and sister have consensual sex with one another on-screen. A young woman is touched in a sexual fashion by her older brother; although she does not resist, it is implied that she is uncomfortable. S1E2: in the beginning of the episode, a female character is raped by her forced-marriage husband. The scene is not graphic but she does not consent and is visibly upset. One character makes a remark to another about some convicted 'rapers' who were sent to The Wall as punishment. A woman talks about how her mother sold her into sex slavery when she was a young child. S1E4: a man pins his sister down and it is implied that he had intentions of raping her. S1E5: two men talk about how it' i rumored that a man is a paedophile and/or a necrophile. S1E7: a (presumably) teen boy talks about an older man touching his thigh and asking to see his genitals. S1E8: village women are raped indiscriminately by an invading army. S1E9: a man tells a story about how he once saved a woman from being raped before falling in love with and briefly marrying her. The man's father then forces him to watch and she is raped and 'paid' by a number of his men (an allusion to the fact that she is supposedly a sex worker who his father secretly hired for him; this sub-plot is mentioned at least once in every subsequent season). S2E1: a sub-plot involving a father who systematically rapes and impregnates his daughters, killing any sons they produce and keeping any daughters as future sex slaves, is introduced in this episode. S2E2: sub-plot featuring systematic incestuous rape. At another point, a man intimately gropes a woman he does not know is his sister in an attempt to seduce her. S2E3: sub-plot featuring systematic incestuous rape. S2E4: a man forcibly tears a teenage girl's clothes in front of other people. S2E5: a man talks about how he has raped women for many years. S2E6: a young woman is nearly gang raped during a riot. S2E9: a main character is rescued from being gang-raped during a military raid by another character. Earlier in the same episode, an older woman bluntly tells her that she and all of the other noblewomen present will be raped if they are found by the soldiers. S3E3: a woman is going to be raped by her captors before her fellow prisoner convinces them that she is from a very rich family and that they will receive a large amount of money if she is returned home safely. In the same episode, a man who is being kept prisoner is released and then recaptured. When he is recaptured, a soldier threatens to rape him, pulling down his own trousers as he does so. A sub-plot revolving around systematic incestuous rape features in this episode. S3E4: a man describes how, as a child, he was drugged and castrated by an older man. Similarly, in the same episode, it is revealed that recruits to the Unsullied army are castrated as children in order to make them better warriors. A sub-plot revolving around systematic incestuous rape features in this episode. S3E6: a woman is shown tied to an antagonist's bed, dead from arrow wounds. S3E7: a man asks another man if he was kicked out of the Order of the Maesters because he 'fondled one boy too many.' A man is being kept prisoner and cannot help but become aroused when two women are sent into his cell to seduce him. When this happens, a group of men enter the room and castrate him. S3E8, a woman seduces a man. He consents to sex with her, but it is a trick and she ties him up in order to drain his blood using leeches for use in a magical ritual. A teenage girl is forced to marry an adult man who she does not want to marry; he chooses never to consummate the marriage due to her displeasure with the situation. A man at the wedding ceremony jokes that her new husband might like to rape her. S4E1, two characters travelling together encounter a group of soldiers harassing and touching a woman in a tavern, while her father begs them to stop; the two travellers confront and kill the soldiers. S4E2: a man rapes his twin sister in the presence of the corpse of their son (note: this scene has been very controversial and some have argued that it was not intended to be read as rape). S4E3: men convicted of rape are shown on screen, and a man fears for a woman's safety because she is surrounded by "rapers." S4E4: women are heard being raped and begging. Sexual assaults are shown on screen. The wives of a male character are visibly and nakedly being raped in the background. S4E5: a (presumably teenage) girl is captured by traitors alongside her companions and one of them threatens to rape her, although they escape before this can happen. This episode also features a lengthy and graphic montage of soldiers raping women (who have previously been forced into sex slavery under their tyrannical father). S4E7: a group of soldiers are found on the verge of raping an innkeeper's daughter and imply that they have committed many more rapes during the process of destroying the town they are in. S4E8: a character mentions that an older man tried to touch him sexually once, although nothing came of it. In the same episode, another character repeatedly mentions how the man he wants to fight and kill raped and killed his sister and killed her children. S5E3: a very young king consummates his marriage to an adult woman; they are seen in bed together on their wedding night and it is implied that they slept together. Although he does not seem unhappy, he is clearly very young. S5E4: a grown man passionately kisses a teenage girl. S5E5: a man describes to his illegitimate son how he was conceived through rape. S5E6: a young woman’s unwilling marriage to an extremely violent and abusive adult man begins in this episode. He rapes her on their wedding night and forces his prisoner to watch. S5E7: a group of men intend to rape a woman and sexually harasse her before she is rescued. A woman is locked in a room and raped every night. S5E9: a man goes to a brothel and requests younger women until he is given a child to rape. S5E10: a man beats children he is implied to be raping. A woman is stripped, forcefully washed, her hair is cut, and then she is made to walk naked through a city while she is attacked and verbally berrated. S6E1: a woman is repeatedly threatened with rape. S6E4: a man threatens to gang rape a main character. S6E6: a man repeatedly assaults his young wife. [Further reviews pending] Worthy of note: in one of the animated 'Histories and Lore' stories released on Blu-ray (season 4, The Kingsguard), a character describes how he was forced to stand guard outside the room of a former king while he raped his wife, whose screams can be heard. When he asks his peers whether they should intervene, they respond negatively. In the show's main episodes, it is implied that these experiences deeply shook the character who stood guard.
Gamer (Movie)
In this movie, real-life people are avatars in other real people's video games. One man uses his female avatar (a real woman) to have sex with other male avatars (real men) and the avatars/real people have no say, nor can they deny these orders (16:30-19:08). This happens a couple different times, only one of which is graphic instead of implied (54:48-57:19). There are other sexual acts in the background of these scenes by other avatars.
Gandhi (1982) (Movie)
Gangsta (TV Show)
The plot of the film centers women and girls sold into prostitution against their will. An opening scene depicts one such girl on her first night at the brothel: the scene fades to black, but sexual assault is heavily implied. Later in the film, a 15 year old girl is married to a man implied to be in his twenties.
Gantz (TV Show)
The main character fondles a girl he is interested in, grabs her breasts and tries to convince her to have sex with him, even though she is clearly not interested and uncomfortable. Another guy tries to rape her early on, drags her off-screen and she can be heard screaming. She is saved in time; again when a couple of gangsters try to gangrape her later on. In one of the later episodes, a clearly drugged and unconscious woman in her underwear is beaten by a teen, while his buddy takes a picture of her exposed breasts, saying they will make money off of her.
Gantz: O (Movie)
A group of man makes remarks of how big the female protagonist's breast is.
Gap (TV Show)
Garcia (Movie)
This movie is about a wife who stages her kidnapping to frame her husband. About 45 minutes into the movie, two scenes show what is apparently (at this point), her (a tied-up hostage) being raped by her captor (wearing a mask): it is in fact consensual (since they are in fact lovers playing their 'role'). At some point, a drunk male character lifts up the skirt of a prostitute and then threatens her with a gun when the man she was dancing with protests.
Garde a Vue (Movie)
The film addresses the story of a man suspected of having raped and killed to children.
The Garden (Movie)
Garden State (Movie)
Worthy of note: there is discussion about an adult and a teenager being in a romantic relationship, but these are confirmed to just be false rumors. A teenage boy expresses romantic interest in an adult woman, but it is never made clear if she reciprocates.
The entire film deals with the abuse experienced by two characters, as well as its aftermath. The two protagonists, both aged 17, escape the home of their abuser and enter into sex work.
Towards the end of the movie, a young woman reads a passage about rape from a book out loud.
Garry's Mod (Video Game)
Some outside mods can contain sexual or inappropriate content. User interactions on multiplayer servers are not moderated actively.
A teenage girl mentions being gang raped in the past by three men.
Gaslight (Movie)
Although there is no rape or sexual content of any kind, this movie is where the term 'gaslighting' comes from. Consequently, the amount of abusive power that the protagonist's husband exerts over her can be very triggering.
Gate (TV Show)
The Gathering (Movie)
It seems heavily implied that a boy was abused, possibly physically and sexually, by several men.
Gatlopp (Movie)
Gator Bait (Movie)
Gattaca (Movie)
Gay USA (Movie)
G.B.F. (Movie)
Gecenin Ucunda (TV Show)
The sexual harassement of a woman is discussed at the begining. A man stalk a woman and takes non consensual pictures of her by putting a camera in her house facing her bedroom where she changes.
Gen V (TV Show)
S1E4: a character with the ability to influence minds uses it to try to sexually assault a character. S1E5: a different character talks about her experience of getting raped while under the perpetrator's mind control Neither victims recall the rape and the attempted rape, but they are clearly under distress from what happened. the character who was raped is tearful and emotional when talking about it.
The author of the last essay in the anthology references having been sexually assaulted as a teenager and using kink and sex work to heal from that experience.
There are sections that discuss incest in purely theoretical terms, specifically Sigmund Freud's and Claude Lévi-Strauss' theories about incest's role in culture.
General Hospital (TV Show)
Sexual violence is frequent, gratuitous, and handled in with genre-typical sensationalism and insensitivity.
Generation Kill (TV Show)
Genesis (Movie)
Genius (TV Show)
S2E3: a female character is abused and raped by her husband in the opening scene.
This is a historical and political book addressing a range of genocidal events throughout history. In some sections, sexual assault and rape are addressed as elements of the genocidal events in question.
Genocyber (TV Show)
Two children, a boy and a girl, both get sexually abused right in front of each other. The girl almost gets raped.
Gentefied (TV Show)
S2E6: there is a passing mention of settlers raping indigenous people.
Gentleman Jack (TV Show)
S1E4: a woman discusses how she had sex with a man without her consent because she did not know how to say no. He then uses this fact to try to blackmail her into marrying him. S2E3: a woman tells her husband that their daughter is being touched sexually by her uncle in law. S2E4: it is discussed that a man is raping his 18 year old niece.
Gentleman Jim (Movie)
The main male character tries to kiss a woman, who slaps him. At the end of the movie, it is revealed that she was in fact in love with him.
A woman fights with a man who ends up pinning her down on a desk and attempting to rape her. He is stopped and murdered by the victim's husband. It is implied that a man was forced (on drugs) to perform sexual acts on a pig. The scene was filmed as a form of blackmail: we hear the sound of video being played.
The beginning of the movie features several scenes of catcalling.
S1E5: rape jokes.
S1E1: a possessive husband takes a picture of his wife (the female protagonist) while she is in the shower, without asking for her permission. She tells him that she disapproves but he does not care. S1E2: the possessive husband uses the nudes photos to blackmail her. Aditionnally, her new alcoholic husband (the male protagonist) violently pushes her against a wall while he is drunk and pursues her while grunting. She flees. S1E4: while drunk, the male protagonist gets very violent once more, pins his wife to the ground, and when she escapes, shots in the air with a rifle. She manages to flee. S1E5: a side character beats his wife. He is manipulating the female protagonist into becoming his wife, a process which includes repeatedly and secretly writing misogynist slurs on the frontdoor of her house while pretending to protect her.
A woman faints and is carried around by a man whilst she is unconscious. Whilst there is no implied sexual intent, he does repeatedly touch her face and neck while she is passed out. A man is sexually harassed by a gorilla.
The protagonist fantasises about violently raping a young woman. This is shown with her chained to the ground, being choked, and surrounded by cameras. In the next panel,he smashes her head with a hammer. The protagonist visits a sex worker, and describes her as "villainous". He thinks about following and murdering the above-mentioned woman. He then meets with her, has sex with her, and tells her about how he wanted to rape and murder her. She laughs about it. The woman says that the first time she had sex was with a 60-year-old, and she was 16 (this is somehow lega where the book is set). While the two characters are having sex, they are being watched by members of the government, despite being assured that their room was safe. The protagonist is stripped naked and tortured while in prison.
Georgia (Movie)
Georgia Rule (Movie)
The film centers around a teenager who accuses her stepfather of sexually assaulting her. For the most part of the film it is left ambiguous whether he actually did it or she is lying, but eventually it comes out that she is telling the truth. Nothing graphic is shown on screen.
Geostorm (Movie)
Gerald's Game (Movie)
Film centres around a husband who handcuffs his wife to the bed for sexual purposes, and attempts to roleplay nonconsensual scenes. One scene shows a father sexually assaulting his daughter. The child sex abuse scene is clearly shown towards the end of the movie and there are hints of it leading up to this point.
Gerry (Movie)
Get Backers (TV Show)
A 21 year old man and 17 year old high school student are in a relationship. This anime contains jokes and scenes of sexual harassment.
The Get Down (TV Show)
A woman discusses how a male character coerced her into oral sex before firing her. In S1E6, she then coerces the man to give her oral sex as an act of revenge, telling him that nobody will believe him if he reports the rape.
Get Duked! (Movie)
A character speculates that the villain is a pedophile because he believes all old, posh people are pedophiles: this is mentioned several times throughout the movie.
Get Gone (Movie)
A woman is kidnapped and drugged by the family. She is told that she belongs to the son and that they are going to have lots of children together. He locks her in the basement, but she and the other woman there are both able to escape before anything further happens.
Get Hard (Movie)
The implication is made that it is necessary to be able to perform oral sex on men in order to survive in prison, despite the character's reluctance to engage in this activity. Sexual violence within the prison system is mimed and somewhat graphically described. Various predatory personalities, hand motions, and emotional emphasis may make this scene triggering.
A male character is raped by a woman.
An intimate romantic relationship is revealed to have been undertaken by one partner for ulterior motives. A woman gropes the main character and asks his girlfriend about their sex life. There are frequent vocal references to sexual slavery throughout the film. Worthy of note: possible disturbing undertones with reference to consent, implication that individuals are made unable to control their own bodies, possibly (although not explicitly stated) also in sexual contexts.
Get Real (Movie)
A girl places her lips on and kisses a man who is not kissing her back (53:10-53:50).
Get Shorty (Movie)
A man walks in on a couple beginning to have sex, then makes the whole group feel uncomfortable by fighting against leaving the area. A man kisses his ex while they are arguing.
Ghare-Baire (Movie)
Ghost (Movie)
Worthy of note: a burglar watches a woman undress via a mirror without her knowledge and a ghost possesses a woman's body against her will.
Ghost Adventures (TV Show)
Some episodes may contain reference discussion of real-life events that can be attributed to a "haunting" that the Ghost Adventures team investigates for that episode, such as cases of murders, child abuse, rapes, or widespread deaths such as disease outbreaks or war. Some guests on the show claim to experience sexual assault by ghosts.
Ghost Hunt (TV Show)
S1E3: a 23 year old woman asks a 17 year old whether he has a girlfriend and that she is willing to put up with him. This seems to be a joke. However, she does refer to his rejection a few times throughout the series. S1E11: the 23 year old woman volunteers to play a couple with the 17 year old boy. She caresses his face, but he rejects her. At the end of the episode a 25 year old man asks the 16 year old girl to go on an actual date. However, he does this to cheer her up and is not meant in a romantic way. He treats her like a little sister and calls himself an uncle throughout the entire show. He never acts inappropriate. S1E19: a girl's clothes are ripped off and she is surprised that she is wearing a kimono under her clothes. It is later on revealed that it was a dream.
Ghost Rider (Movie)
Worthy of note (Spoilers): The malfunctioning gynoid sex robots have an illegal 'ghost' (soul/awareness) which is duplicated from captured human little girls. Early in the film, one of them repeatedly says 'please help me'. Some of them get released at the end of the movie.
Ghost Ship (Movie)
Ghost Stories (Movie)
The series contains frequent off-color references to rape, sexuality, homophobia, and intolerance, all played for jokes. The underage cast of main characters often catcall each other. There is also some brief perverse panty shots.
Ghost Storm (Movie)
A Ghost Story (Movie)
The protagonist of "The Lake" is a child predator. She lures to teenage boys to her home, tells them not to tell anyone where they are, and strips naked in front of them. In "Like Daughter" a character is physically abused by her father and sexually abused by an uncle as a child. In "Herd Immunity," the protagonist cuts off her hair to avoid being "an obvious rape target." She later kisses someone on the mouth while he's sleeping, despite the fact that he told her to keep her distance. In "Carriers," the protagonist recalls being restrained and raped in a medical setting.
Ghost Team (Movie)
There is a brief mention of putting cameras into a public bathroom, but this does not happen in the movie.
The central theme of the game is the occupation of an island by a foreign (barbarian) army. There are frequent sounds of women screaming as soldiers enter villages, and some hinted rapes (eg. soldiers chasing a woman fleeing into her house). In one of the first scenes of the game, a main female character pretends to be afraid of a soldier coming to her house, begging for his mercy. However, she quickly kills him. A small subplot (The Tale of Yuna) features a main female character explaining (non graphically) that she suffered from sexual abuses from a man who took her and her brother as slaves during her childhood. One side quest in Umagi Cove (about one-third into the game, titled "A Thief of Innocence") requires to search for a missing girl and talk to witnesses. One of the witnesses is a ronin, who is asked "have you seen a girl named Kuma?" He replies, "Girls. Boys. Chickens. I have whatever you could want for the night, and for the right price, you can call them whatever you like..." indicating that child trafficking and beastiality are being used to help finance the war.
Ghost Voyage (Movie)
A male character threatens to rape a female character at the beginning of the film. About halfway through, a male character tries to rape a terrified female character but is driven away by ghosts. The female character recounts the attempt to another male character.
Ghost Wars (TV Show)
S1E5: there is a flashback in which a male character drugs a younger female character with the intent to rape her. She dies from the drug before anything happens.
Ghost World (Movie)
Early in the movie, one of the main characters jokes that a man will date-rape a woman. The female protagonist (a 20 year old) sleeps with the male protagonist (a 40 year old) while they are both drunk.
A man coerces his “wife” into sex. She refuses, he tries to get on top of her and she escapes the home before anything further happens.
One character, while possessed by a ghost, tries to seduce a man who refuses to sleep with her. In another scene, a ghost hand grabs a woman's breast and holds her down, pulling down her shirt to reveal her body. Two people kiss passionately while possessed by evil spirits. There is a dream sequence in which a man receives oral sex without his consent. Two main male characters lightly stalk the female character: one of them also gaslights her in order to go on a date and uses his professorship power to deceive a student into going on a date in the first scene, which is a clear abuse of power.
One of the protagonists makes sexually harassing comments toward a receptionist. It is mostly played for laughs because the receptionist is a man and the protagonist is a woman. One of the ghosts is a “flasher,” but the camera stays above his waist.
Worthy of note: it is implied that two adult characters have sex while they are possessed and controlled by spirits.
A man comes up to one of the main characters and kisses her (49:48). It is not violent and she does not resist, but it's sudden and unexpected, and looks uncomfortable for her. Shortly afterwards, when asked if the two of them are a couple, the man repeatedly answers "yes" while she says "no."
Ghosted (TV) (TV Show)
S1E1: about 14 minutes into the episode, Kevin Spacey is mentioned casually in dialogue (considering this was filmed before he was exposed for his sexual misconduct).
Ghosting (Movie)
Ghostland (Movie)
Ghosts (TV Show)
A ghost character has an affair with a decapitated ghost’s body which the head of the body does not consent to. Another character talks about assaulting women and pinches a woman's bum.
Ghosts of War (Movie)
Chapter 4: the aftermath of a rape scene is discussed in detail. It is used derogatorily against the victim.
Ghoul (TV Show)
A character is revealed to have been mind controlled into two different relationships, both implied to be sexual.
Gia (1998) (Movie)
Giant (Movie)
The film's hero (a man) kisses his female colleague while she is sleeping next to him on an airplane. The two had not been romantically involved beforehand.
Giant Killing (TV Show)
A boy lies to his friends that that another friend went down on him in his sleep. This spreads, and it hurts the person. A girl reveals that at a party, she woke up naked in a closet and did not remember anything other than that (53:50).
It is revealed that a male character was repeatedly molested by his father as a child. The film also contains several scenes of domestic violence.
A man drugs a woman and videotapes himself laying her on a bed. It's heavily implied that he raped her as an act of revenge on her husband.
The Gifted (TV Show)
Gifted (Movie)
Worthy of note: mention of kidnapping.
Gigi (Movie)
Worthy of note: the movie is about a man who falls in love with a teenager and who takes her as a wife. Throughout the film, the women are speaken of as objects or preys. A the beginning and at the end of the movie, an elderly man sings a song named 'Thank Heavens for little girls'.
Gigli (Movie)
The protagonist consistently sexualizes and harasses the main female character, who is a lesbian. He goes on a rant about how lesbians are inferior to men in pleasing women. The narrative makes her out to be a viable romantic choice for him, and they even end up having sex.
Gilda (Movie)
A woman is catcalled by a man, she does not seem to notice it.
The Gilded Age (TV Show)
S1E1: an older female character refers to her marriage and implies that she was abused throughout that marriage. Another female character later explains to a third party that the late husband in question "wasn't a man you would want to be alone with". It is not mentioned in any greater detail than this in season 1. S1E4: a young woman tells her friend that she was raped or molested by possibly her dad or brother and her mom did nothing about it. Nothing explicit is discussed however the woman is shown to be uncomfortable in romantic situations. Also in the episode, a woman gets into bed with a married man naked, the man at first believes this is his wife, but he realizes and pushes her away before it gets any father.
The book takes place in a severely patriarchal and misogynistic fictional society. The protagonist and many others like her are considered impure based on the in-world religion, and people use that impure status as a justification to harass and assault them. These so-called impure people are all teen girls and the people targeting them are mostly adult men.
Gilmore Girls (TV Show)
S2E9: a character remarks that he can only imagine his girlfriend kissing someone else if she was crying (implying that she would have to be forced to do so). S3E19: a plot point is that a male teenager gets angry at his girlfriend for saying no to sex. He pushes her down on a bed and continues to kiss her, attempting to remove her belt despite her protests. In order to end this interaction, she has to physically push him away. Season 4 (in particular, S4E9, S4E10, S4E19, S4E20): features a relationship between an 18-year-old student and a professor in his 60s. This is handled with a comedic touch, but some viewers may find the imbalance of power between the two (due to the professor's position and age) unsettling.
Ginger & Rosa (Movie)
A sexual encounter between a teenager and an adult is seen briefly from the point of view of another teenager. The scene is not explicit, although sexual noises can be heard and the moment becomes a central focus of the film thereafter as the teenager involved in the encounter falls pregnant as a result.
There is a werewolf attack early in the film; it is graphic and resembles sexual assault. It looks like the werewolf is biting a girl’s crotch while she is on her period. There is a lot of screaming. There is constant ogling and cat calling by high school boys to high school girls. A teen girl and boy are kissing in a car: the girl becomes forceful and rapes the boy. There are multiple scenes where girls are cornered or pinned down by a boy. A girl is worried her sister will be raped: it does not happen. There is a scene indicative of incest: a character tells her sibling they are “almost not related anymore” and asks to “swap some juices” and gets on top of her against her will. A girl attempts to rape another boy. He tells her multiple times to stop and she does not. He eventually pushes her off of him.
An employee at a rehab centre extorts sex from female patients, some of whom are teenagers.
Gingitsune (TV Show)
S1E11: the uncle of the female protagonist grabs her by her butt. Throughout episodes 11 and 12, he compliments the girls in a way that does not seem appropriate. S1E8: the driver of one of the girls thinks she is beautiful. He realizes that she is in high school and that it is inappropriate for him to develop feelings for her. When he arrives at a shrine, he makes a wish not to fall in love with her. He appears in episode 11 and seems to be shy around the girl but nothing develops any further. One of the girls seems to have a crush on the father of the female protagonist. Nothing happens.
Ginny & Georgia (TV Show)
Most of the offending material takes place or is implied to have happened during the flashback sequences. The main character and her sister also get in a fight in the present where it is discussed heavily. Nothing graphic happens on screen. S1E1: in the last five minutes of the episode (52:58-53:30), a scene shows a stepdad touching the daughter's legs and getting closer to her genitals while pretending to help her with yoga. S1E6: discussion between two characters about child sexual abuse by a family member (41:00-43:00). S1E7: discussion between two characters about child sexual abuse by a family member (47:00-48:00). Season 2 mentions incest again, and has a lot of depictions of abuse and sexual harassment and assault. It is handled sensitively but the season could be very triggering.
Gintama (TV Show)
Giraffe (Movie)
Girl (Movie)
The main protagonist has sex with a guy who lives in her apartment building. It's unclear how old either of them are.
Two girls hold a boy down and undress him (they take his underwear) and he runs away upset. They are all around 10-13. His friend (the main girl) allows it reluctantly. There is a scene in which the main character and her two friends (all children) visit strangers door-to-door selling fake lottery tickets. Once found out and already invited inside, a group of old men sat around a table in suits insist that the main girl kisses their cheeks as an apology before the girls are all allowed to leave. They clearly get a kick out of it. The main girl (10) does so reluctantly.
A father rapes his daughter on-screen in a basement. The films contains a scene of on-screen childbirth and miscarriage.
The Girl Before (TV Show)
A woman was sexually assaulted prior to the events of the show: it is discussed throughout. S1E2: the sexual assault (the woman being forced to perform oral sex on a man) it shown through flashbacks. S1E4: the rape is shown in more details.
Stalkers going after the protagonists show a message through a window that they 'want the girl' (45:00). Nothing else happens.
S1E1: relationship between an adult and a teenager. S1E2: rape on-screen. S2E4: rape on-screen. S2E5: sexual harassment and mention of sexual assault.
The premise of this book is that a wealthy woman falls in love with someone on her security staff. The female lead directly asks the male lead if he feels coerced into having sex with her because she pays him. He says no. When the two decide to be a committed couple at the end of the book, the male lead quits and talks about pursuing other work in order to remove this conflict of interest and power dynamic. This decision to quit is framed as his own decision and was not prompted by the female lead. The female lead makes a passing comment about how she was groped when she was a teenager and that her father thought she was making it up. Prior to the events of the book, the female lead was kidnapped for ransom and has has PTSD as a result. Although there is no mention of any sexual assault involved with this kidnapping.
The film follows the stories of different girls at an in-patient psychiatric facility. The main character is admitted after attempting suicide: she had an unconsensual sexual relationship with an adult man who assaulted her when she was at least 17. One of the patients in a psychiatric ward is raped repeatedly by her father (not on-screen) and is mocked by it by another patient, who states that she "knows (she) liked it" and that she cannot be cured. Following this incident, the patient who was being abused by her father commits suicide. A character escapes from a mental institution and is left penniless as a result. She remarks in tears that she had to perform oral sex for money in order to take a bus back to the institution (this incident is not shown on-screen). There are several scenes in which the main character is shown both before and after having sex with her 'boyfriend.' In both instances, the characters have an uncomfortable conversation before the encounter but the sex itself is consensual.
The Girl King (Movie)
Prior to the events of the book, the main female character was in a relationship with the son of a powerful family. She got into the relationship because the guy wore her down by asking her out every day for two years, despite the fact that she always said no. She described the relationship thusly: "I was with a guy ... And once I agreed to be with him, I suppose that meant, in his mind, that I always agreed ... I mean, he didn't really care if I said yes. Most people don't care about yes. A few more people care about no." Throughout the book, although they are broken up, this ex harasses her and slut shames her publicly while secretly trying to win her back by sending her flowers and presents. There is a scene where she and her sister are in a restaurant and two men come up to her table and ask, "When you gonna give me a ride, babe?"
Tha main character is gang-raped by a man she had met in a club.
Girl Meets World (TV Show)
A girl is tied up and relentlessly tortured in a basement by her aunt and neighborhood boys. She is sexually assaulted, humiliated, raped, and eventually murdered due to the abuse.
A woman is asleep in bed when a man creeps into her rooms and begins to have intercourse with her. At first, she resists, but then she is seemingly overcome with lust and apparently responds positively.
Though the sexual violence is mostly implied, a major theme depicted in the movie is violence against women.
Worthy of note: violence against women is a common theme throughout the book. There is mention of a relationship that a main character had with an older man when she was a teenager. There is no detailed discussion of their sexual relationship, although it is specified that he waited until she was "of age" (16) to engage with her sexually. This character also mentions that she was a sex worker as a teenager. During a police report, it is mentioned that a crime was not sexually motivated; the book specifies that this means the victim was not raped. This is mentioned twice over the course of the story. In one scene, a couple has sex despite the fact that the woman involved does not want to; this is because she "does not know how to say no". The encounter is not necessarily forceful, but some may find it uncomfortable (pg. 268). On another occasion, the man in this relationship tries to persuade the woman to "come back to bed" and she says no, but he holds her forcefully and says "I'm not taking no for an answer" (pg. 274).
Girl Picture (Movie)
There is a very brief relationship between a girl and a very old demon (this ends when his true identity is revealed, even if she still occasionally sees him in a positive light).
This is a horror movie based on a true story of a woman who was kidnapped on her way back home from school by a man. He brought her to his home where he bound her with zip ties so tight that they left scars, stuck tape over her eyes, wrapped a t-shirt around her head, and forced her into a motorcycle helmet. Then, he raped her. For nine months, she remained his prisoner. Though the movie does not have any on-screen rapes, the story behind the movie can be disturbing to many viewers especially considering this is a grown man and a child, though the movie takes a big step away from how the true events unfolded as sexual assault wasn’t even implied. There is one scene in the movie where he attempts to kiss her and she backs away.
Girl 6 (Movie)
A prostitute is seen giving a blow job. A man binds a woman and forcibly injects her with drugs.
The main (nonsexual) romance occurs between a 16 year old girl and two gods of unspecified ages.
A woman is made to perform oral sex for money. Later, she washes her own mouth out with soap. Graphic rape scene where a woman is handcuffed and stripped. In revenge, the woman who was raped later rapes the man who raped her with a sex toy.
The main character's state-appointed guardian extorts her into performing oral sex on him by threatening to have her institutionalized. Later, they have a meeting at his apartment that includes an extremely graphic and brutal rape scene. It is revealed later in the movie that several characters were sexually abused by family members throughout their childhood.
This book has a section named for each of the 12 main characters. Many of their stories involve some form of sexual violence. Dominique's story involves child sexual abuse at the hands of a relative. Carole is gang raped as a teenager by a group of adult men. Bummi is sexually harassed by her pastor and coerced into sleeping with him for money. LaTisha suffers date rape. Penelope, a teacher, observes that male teachers sexually harass and even have sex with female students with no repercussions. Grace is sexually harassed while on the job as a maid.
Girlboss (TV Show)
S1E5: someone mentions getting in jail because they flashed their breasts in a crowd in an attempt to get a guy's attention.
Girlfriends (Movie)
A cab driver makes inappropriate comments towards a woman.
There is a storyline in one of the seasons where it is heavily implied that one of the main characters was groomed and either sexually abused or pimped out to be sexually abused by a photographer when she was a young teen in the modeling industry. The woman who groomed her now has children who go to the same school as the characters children, and so they have many tense interactions where the character is treated as crazy for being defensive when her former abuser is around her children. When the situation is explained to other central characters there is a lot of kindness, sympathy and understanding, and anger at the abuser, but no justice is ever sought or received. There is a scene at a school auction where a provocative photo of the victim is being auctioned off, and many of the background characters are bidding on it, but the victim ends up spending an exorbitant amount on it just to bring it home and burn it. The photo is shown in full, and though in real life it is not an image of a child, it is implied the character was underage when the photo was taken. Topics like rape and harassment are also mentioned throughout the show in vague ways, and jokes are made about the #metoo movement. There is a questionable relationship between an older male lead and a newly adult female celebrity, but the character is of age, and the relationship is consensual, though it creates an uncomfortable dynamic.
Girlfriends (TV) (TV Show)
Girlhood (Movie)
Girlhouse (Movie)
Women perform sexual acts for customers on the internet. Two young girls trick a boy into showing them his genitals, then they make fun of him. A killer chokes a webcam girl to death with a sextoy. Earlier he hallucinates being accused of sexually harrassing women at his workplace.
Girls (2012) (TV Show)
Jokes are made throughout about rape, child sex abuse etc. They are not treated seriously but neither is anything in this show. S2E9: a man tells his girlfriend to crawl on the floor: she does so reluctantly. Ge then performs oral sex on her after she refuses. Afterwards, he ejaculates on her in a manner in which refused. She afterwards seems disturbed saying “I really did not like that.”
The sexual violence in this book is pretty extreme and graphic. The following occur throughout the book: rape at the hands of a friend's parent, marital rape, sex trafficking, child sexual abuse, and sexual assault at gunpoint. Victim blaming, both external and internalized, are frequent themes, along with general misogyny.
A major plot point in the latter half of the film involves a sexual relationship between a teenage student and an adult teacher and the resulting pregnancy. The two are shown in bed together but nothing more explicit. Also in the latter half, there is a scene depicting a teenager giving oral sex to an old man in exchange for money. Nothing explicit is shown, but it is heavily implied.
Girl's Last Tour (TV Show)
S1E1+2 mention a political sex scandal involving non consent. S1E7+8 revolve around a sex scandal. In episode 8 it i's revealed that one character is sleeping with another character to use them and uses their phone to change a password and post bad things.
Girls Trip (Movie)
Chapters 1 and 2 contain brief, non-graphic mentions of past rapes, as well as of the experience of hearing a woman being raped in a neighbouring jail cell.
Discussion of past sex between adult and a 14 year old girl (not nonconsensual, exactly, but she has a lot of mixed feelings about it afterward). Pervasive misogynistic microaggression. sex between two adults who have been drinking. The woman is much more drunk than the man and regrets it the next morning. Implication that he may have deliberately stayed more sober than she. Mention of past sex between a college boy and a high school girl who was too drunk to remember what happened.
Given (Movie)
One of the characters, whilst coming out of an unhealthy relationship and under the influence of alcohol, gets angry at his best friend and says "You're in love with me, right?" before attempting to force sex onto him. Despite the fact that his friend visibly struggles and asks him to stop, after the fact the assailant describes the interaction as "practically consensual." The relevant scene occurs between the 19:30-21:47 minute marks.
The antagonist expresses sexual desire for his sister; in one scene he harasses her and touches her mouth, and in another he attempts to coerce her into a sexual relationship with him. He also attempts to provoke the main character by telling him his wife has been raped by soldiers.
In a brief scene, a grandmother inappropriately touches a preteen boy, though nothing is shown on screen. It is implied that she also abused his father. An older man kisses and gropes a teenage girl. The girl convinces him to stop without any violence.
The teenage main character's foster father has behaviours that imply sexual attraction towards her (i.e leaning close to her to put on her seatbelt, but making it clear he wants to kiss her). The teenage girl later discusses her discomfort with this behaviour with a lawyer.
Glass Mask (TV Show)
At one point, several main characters spy on a couple who are about to have sex without their knowledge. Ultimately they do not have sex.
Glass Trap (Movie)
Glee (TV Show)
S1E1: a teenage boy tries to pressure a teenage girl into showing him her bra in exchange for a positive review (5:00 minute mark). S1E7: a teenage boy tries to coerce a teenage girl into giving him some of her dirty underwear in order to protect her friend's secret (09:00-10:00 minute mark). It is implied later in the episode that she did so. S1E12: a man confronts his wife over her having faked a pregnancy, pushing her against a wall and raising her shirt to see the fake pregnancy belly (25:48-28:47). S1E14: a woman talks about having drugged a man and slept with him, and then blackmailed him with the threat of telling his wife about the incident (4:00-5:00 minute mark). They are seen lying in bed together. Between the 37:00-38:00 minute mark a teenage girl mentions in passing that she is carrying a rape whistle. S1E15: a girl talks about her boyfriend becoming angry at her when she tells him she doesn't want to have sex. A pamphlet titled 'Help! I'm in love with my Step Dad!' is shown briefly on-screen. Both of these scenes occur within the first 6 minutes of the episode. S1E17: a teenage girl mentions that she has 'made out' with the school janitor (10:00-10:30). S1E21: a man is coerced into kissing a woman (he is given the choice between this and another undesirable option). He is about to comply when she changes her mind, meaning that the kiss doesn't happen. S2E1: a teenage girl is instructed to falsely accuse a female teacher of touching her inappropriately, with the intention of ending that teacher's career. She does so before admitting, when reminded of the consequences of her actions, that the accusation is fabricated (30:30-31:40). S2E6: a character confronts another character for bullying him (for being gay). They have a heated argument, and then the other character forces a kiss on him (28:58-30:06). He is visibly traumatized, and shoves the other boy away when he tries to go in for a second kiss. It acts as a reasoning for the bullying (the bully is closeted and in denial of his sexuality), and is therefore quite intense to watch. One season three plot arc involves the sexual tension and 'will-they-won't-they' uncertainty between an adult woman and the teenage biological father of her adopted daughter (the boy in question also attends the school that she works at, and is her biological daughter's ex-boyfriend). They kiss once (S3E4), following which she rebuffs him. They have sex (S3E7) and then breaks their relationship off entirely, stating that it was a mistake to sleep with him. The same teenage boy's tendency to sleep with adult women is a running joke in earlier seasons. S3E5: a character is pressured to have sex by his drunk boyfriend, and is distressed before he leaves the situation. S3E6: a woman mentions having accused a man of sexually assaulting automobiles (28:30-29:00). Worthy of note: towards the end of the episode a lesbian teenager is also publicly outed without her permission - this story line continues into the next episode. S3E7: a lesbian is propositioned with corrective sexual assault/rape (this is portrayed in a negative light). S3E18+20: these episodes contain a storyline about domestic abuse. S4E2: there is a mention of childhood sexual assault, although it is said in a very joking manner by a character who is known to have lied on multiple occasions in the past. It is never made clear if this is a misguided attempt at bravado (which is self-consciously the purpose of the statement) or if it is really based in reality. The subject is never brought up again. S4E11: hypothetical sexual assault is mentioned in passing, in a joking tone (1:00-2:00 minute mark). S4E20: a teenage boy reveals that he was sexually abused by a teenage girl as a child. The reactions of some other teenage boys in the room is dismissive; they suggest that this should have been a pleasurable experience for him, and that he is lucky. They are reprimanded by their teacher and peers (17:30-19:00). In the scene immediately following this, a teenage girl describes a similar experience she had as a child, and the social exclusion which followed as a result (until the 21:30-minute mark). Throughout the show, a high schooler regularly discusses having sex with older women (this is portrayed in a positive light).
This movie contains a lot of BDSM scenes and imagery, particularly women tied naked, punished or threatened with objects such as knives. The main character asks if people will rape her. The main character says to be underage, but performs in sexual acts. There is a lot of touching without clear consent being given.
Glitch (TV Show)
S2E4: a woman witnesses her friend's rape and is told that she will be next (23:40-24:15) . S3E2: a woman is held hostage against her will by people who believe that she has 'miracle blood' and can save people.
There is passing mention of a minor speaking sexually with adults on the Internet, presumably without the adults knowing they are speaking to minors.
Glorious (Movie)
The main character believes he will be required to have sex with a creature through a glory hole in order to save the universe. This is a misunderstanding and never occurs, however, we see the man go through mental distress while deciding whether or not to go through with it. He inserts his penis into a gloryhole and is then corrected. SPOILERS At the end of the film, it is revealed that the main character raped and/or murdered multiple women. There are several polaroid photos of various women in distress shown during this sequence.
The Glory (TV Show)
S1E1: a teenager is bullied and tortured by her high school classmates. One of them is ordered to "shut her up" by the ringleader and forcibly, non consensually kisses her while she cries and screams for help. S1E9: a teenager who was bullied then killed is revealed to have died pregnant with the child of one of her bullies, strongly implying she was raped. S1E16: there is a brief flashback of a male character sexually assaulting a secondary female character whom he used to bully.
GLOW (2017) (TV Show)
S1E9: a middle aged man tells a young woman that he does not know or care if she is over 18, and kisses her. She recoils and reveals that she is in fact his daughter. They are both horrified, but later reconcile. There is a certain amount of ambiguity in this interaction, as up until this point the audience was lead to believe that the woman was romantically interested in the man. S2E5: an executive gropes an actress and tries to coerce her into having sex with him.
Gnosia (Video Game)
There is some uncomfortable flirting and comments by two particular characters that other characters explicitly shows discomfort to, however they are in very small scenes and said scenes will only be seen once in a playthrough. There is another character who has sexual assault in his backstory, and this is referenced though it is not said super explicitly. He does however experience flashbacks and panic attacks relating to this which are depicted on-screen.
Go (Movie)
The protagonist gets set up on a date with a boy who turns out to be "all hands" when they get alone. The protagonist and a friend, who are teenagers, go to a party with adults. The adults drug and rape them. She and that same friend later start dating college students. A character was raped throughout her childhood by her stepfather. Foster siblings also assaulted her. The protagonist is coerced to perform sexual favors for an adult man in exchange for drugs. Later, the protagonist is overpowered and forcibly kissed by a stranger while walking in a park. A 13-year-old character describes becoming a "baby prostitute" at the age of 10 due to drug addiction.
Go Figure (Movie)
S1E5: at the end of the episode, a woman is getting harassed by 4 men. She is quickly saved by a hero.
The main female character is gang raped.
Go With Me (Movie)
A main female character is sexually harassed. A young women is seen handcuffed to a bed naked: it is strongly implied that men have been paying to abuse her.
Goat Simulator (Video Game)
Humorous references to phallic objects can be found on one of the playable maps.
Goat Story (Movie)
The main female character is catcalled and groped against her will: this is played for laughs. Later, a male character spies on the same female character through a telescope while she is nude and unaware of being watched.
Goatman (Movie)
When the male producer meets the female reporter, he pulls her shirt out so he can look down at her breasts. Later he tells her that she needs to "show more skin" when filming the story.
Goblin Slayer (TV Show)
One of the antagonists' routine acts of evil is to rape any women they find. S1E1: a young female adventurer is raped in a graphic scene.
[The four first paragraphs of this description concern scenes from the extended version only.] A flashback shows a character having her clothes torn off before being assaulted (2:42-2:44). A few seconds later the victim is heard screaming and her attackers laughing, but the act is not shown on-screen. After that, the victim appears with a battered face and tears streaming from her eyes. Two monsters approach a main character with the intent to assault her, but she is rescued in time (3:17). During these shots, her unconcious friend is laying by her, with her clothes mostly been ripped off. A girl gets tackled to the floor by monsters who begin to rip off her shirt: however she is saved before getting assaulted further (11:12). Few seconds later, the main character is cornered by a giant monster. She says "No" multiple times as it approaches and it is implied that she would be sexually assaulted. She eventually gets bitten but the scene is framed to appear like a sexual assault. We then briefly see the girl having her clothes torn off again. The main male character awakens in bed next to the underage main female character (completely naked). Nothing sexual has happened between the two, but the scene is still suggestive. She awakens, clearly embarassed at the situation. [The following time marks refer to the regular version.] While the main character and her friend are taking a bath, the former makes a comment about the latter's breast size, to which she becomes visibly uncomfortable (6:45). At 15:20, a naked and bruised woman is shown laying unconcious on an altar/shrine. We later learn that she has been sexually assaulted. In a flashback (21:40), the same woman sees an unconcious female ally being dragged away by monster. She pleads and she is heavily implied to be assaulted as her clothes are ripped. She is sexually assaulted off-screen. Few flashing images of a sexual assault are shown around 27:50. After 28:40, we see shots of battered, half naked women, chained up and sobbing, or unconcious in jail cells. At around 35:50, a woman has flashbacks of monsters pulling her limbs and hair, exposing her bare back as she is branded. She screams in agony with tears streaming down her face.
Due to the main characters in this movie - a middle-aged man and a 16-year-old girl - there is frequent speculation and discussion by other characters about the nature of their relationship, which is actually strictly platonic and unromantic. The girl says that her mother's boyfriend rapes her every night. This is later revealed to be false. A pedophile makes several salacious comments to the man regarding the girl: the main character chokes him to death. There is a mention of 'boys raping their mothers' during a movie watched by the protagonists.
Women are kidnapped at a young age to join a satanic cult: they are beaten up on screen. A woman is shown being sexually assaulted by at least one man at a "party" on screen. It is strongly applied this has happened to all of the women/girls before.
It is revealed that two siblings once engaged in consensual intercourse with one another. A woman is sexually harassed by police officers when she attempts to report a crime. A young boy is sexually assaulted by a stranger - the scene is quite descriptive, as is the account of his resulting trauma.
God of War (Video Game)
The main antagonist implies to a child (the son of the protagonist) that he had sexually assaulted his late mother: this is probably untrue and said only to anger the kid.
God of War: Ragnarök (Video Game)
The Godfather (Movie)
During the opening of the movie, a man explains that his daughter was beaten as a result of resisting a sexual assault from two men (she is described as 'no longer beautiful'). The characters say that the victim would be impure and dishonor her family if she was raped. Worthy of note: explicit depiction of domestic violence. Whether or not this includes sexual abuse is ambiguous.
S1E1: a man is raped off-screen roughly 45 minutes into the episode. S1E3: implied off-screen rape of a black woman by a police officer (first 5 minutes of the episode): the build up to the event is on screen. There is frequent discussion of this event throughout the episode. At the end, the rapist is raped off-screen. S2E5: a character is blackmailed for participating in sex with prostitutes. S2E7: a character discusses her rape and subsequent abortion . There is nudity, consensual sex scenes, and prostitution throughout the series.
Worthy of note: domestic violence is shown on screen.
One of the main plots of the movie revolves around consensual incest between cousins.
Godland (Movie)
Godless (2017) (TV Show)
S1E1: during a flasback scene depicting a train robbery, a woman is violently gang-raped by two bandits and others are presumed to be sexually assaulted off-screen (the two men are eventually stopped by another man). Later on, one character suggest that the band responsible for this robbery will probably come into a town mostly inhabited by women and sexually assault them/killing them. This is the show's main narrative arc (even though sexual assault is not explicitly discussed further). S1E2: a man (the antagonist) tells how his family was attacked by strangers when he was a child, and how the women were raped in front of him. After that, he forces the people he is adressing, to choose which woman he will rape. A few scenes later, we see him waking up next to a woman who is sobbing, clearly traumatised. Her rape is discussed on-screen, and her injuries are shown later in the show. S1E4: in a flashback, a group of men violently try to rape a woman (a man eventually kill them), leaving her severely wounded. The physical scars from this encounter are seen in S1E6. One of the main characters discusses how his sister was raped. One girl is publicly spanked butt-naked by her uncle because she flirted with a boy. S1E5: a woman says that a man asked her sexual favours in exchange for an advertisement in his newspaper.
S1E1: sexual assault is mentioned once, briefly.
The protagonist gets used as "bait" to attract the attention of a god. The god fondles her and kisses her without her consent.
Throughout the film, the protagonist makes suggestive comments to young men. At one point, after the protagonist puts a gas mask on his young friend, he takes advantage of his impaired vision and gropes him, and there is a (non-sexually) violent retaliatory scene following.
Contains some low-key agressive sex scenes.
Worthy of note: a doctor implants a woman with his own son's cells instead of/in addition to what he promised. This violation of her consent could be taken to be metaphorically linked to sexual assault.
Prostitution as an economic mean of survival is mentioned.
Gogglebox (TV Show)
S9E6: a (fictional) rape victim is discussed in negative terms.
Rape within a male prison between inmates is mentioned frequently as a ‘joke’ within the film and this is then shown on screen very graphically and played for laughs.
One of the musical numbers shows a kid spying on women changing through a curtain that shows their silhouettes and he goes so far as to deliberately pull up the curtain so as to see the nude women, though when this happens, they have already finished changing.
The Gold Rush (Movie)
A man forcibly kisses a woman after she tells him no: she slaps him afterward. Worthy of note: one of the main characters is played by Charlie Chaplin, who has been embroiled in sexual abuse allegations during recent years.
The main character is sexually assaulted within the first twenty pages of the book. The event plays a central part to the story and is brought up often.
This fictional nomad society has a rape culture. It is explained to the main character that it is their way and that she should not intervene. The main character does intervene in a specific scenario where a woman is orally raped but is held back by the main love interest. The same love interest who raped her in the beginning of the book. Some other women talk about their experiences being raped in this nomad society but it eventually just gets pushed to the side as a normal thing in favor of focusing on the romance aspect of this book.
The Golden Girls (TV Show)
There are repeated jokes about rape of one of the main characters. I it explicitly narrated in S5E3: she says that she was drugged and that her mother never believed her and blamed her. She often makes fun of her daughter for becoming pregnant. This rape shamed the main character into marrying this man. S1E20: a students professor sexually harasses her. He says the only way to pass his exam is to have sex with him. S6E6: a woman's dentist touches her breast. She notices it after the gas wore off. S6E10: a main character's date jokingly says that if he was not such a gentleman, he would make her drunk and take advantage of her. S6E16: one main character sexually harasses a police officer mistakenly thinking he is a stripper. After finding out he is not a stripper she slaps him one more time. This moment is used for laughs.
There is a passing mention of rape against domestic workers.
Golden Time (TV Show)
GoldenEye (Movie)
One of the antagonist (a woman) seduces her male victims before murdering them. Halfway into the movie she tries to distract the protagonist by aggressively kissing him (1:05:00-1:06:00). He plays along with it but knows her true motives. Later, the male antagonist aggressively grabs and kisses another woman, who is held as hostage, for a few seconds before she slaps him (1:27:20). The titular character's inappropiate behaviour towards women, is lampshaded in this movie, but never seriously addressed and ultimately portrayed as harmless or even charming. The titular character flirts with a female colleague despite knowing she has just been on a date with another man and is thus likely not interested: she calls this out as sexual harassment, but jokingly so. A man hacks into the computer of his female co-worker and locks it, requiring a password to unlock it again. The password is a synonym for breasts. It is implied that similar things have happened in the past. A man kisses a woman against her will. It is heavily implied that he is planning to rape her, but he is interrupted before he can go through with it. The titular character kisses a woman without her consent. She tries to pull back, but he does not let her.: she then kisses him again, implying that she enjoyed this.
The Goldfinch (Movie)
Goldfinger (Movie)
There is a scene in which the main character attempts to initiate sex with a woman (openly a lesbian) in a barn. She clearly rejects his advances, both verbally and physically, prompting a fight scene in which she tries to stop him from kissing her, and which ends with him on top of her as she punches him but eventually relents. This scene is largely played for laughs. At various points, the protagonist slaps women's behinds. One of the running themes in the film is the moral ambiguity of the main character. Arguably, the above scene could be interpreted as an exploration of this theme.
Goliath (TV Show)
S1E4: at the end of the episode (50:00), a young woman is coaxed to her boss’s office after the alarm in her workplace building goes off and she gets stuck in the elevator. It is implied that her boss caused this to happen. Her boss is naked when she arrives to his office, and it’ i implied that they have sex. The tone of the scene makes clear that this is coercive.
Gone (Movie)
Child sex abuse is strongly implied (visually) and discussed.
Gone Girl (Movie)
Main character inserts the top of a wine bottle into her vagina to make it appear as though she has been raped (action is obscured and not fully seen). She proceeds to discuss her 'rape.'
A protagonist lies multiple times about having been raped by her husband and other men, even going so far as to collect DNA from the men and harm her own genitals to make her lies appear true. There is mention of a group of homeless men gang raping a girl, but this is a rumor. It is mentioned in passing.
Towards the end of the movie, two men restrain and drug a distressed young woman. This is done for explicitly non-sexual purposes and the reasoning is explained to the viewer prior to this occurring.
Gone Too Far! (Movie)
A husband (drunk) picks up his wife and carries her up the stairs against her will, and the next scene is of them in the morning, after an implied night of 'love-making' - this could be interpreted as marital rape.
At one point, one of the characters is trapped in a pitch black room with nothing but a small flashlight while a naked disfigured man moves very slowly toward her.
Between 15:00 and 21:00, rapes committed by the Hell's Angels are mentioned. While witnesses talk about a gang-rape during a party (which nobody tried to stop), illustrative images are shown on-screen. It is mentioned that the protagonist audio taped the scene.
A man is wanted on numerous accounts of rape. A man beats a woman and it is implied that she is raped.
Good Boys (Movie)
Good Burger (Movie)
Good Dick (Movie)
The whole film revolves around a man stalking a woman and trying to figure out ways to get into her home. The inappropriate nature of their relationship is discussed throughout. It is implied that the main female character has experienced some kind of sexual abuse in the past from her father. None is shown on-screen.
S1E10: a male doctor touches a female doctor on the lower back at work and it makes her uncomfortable. Later in the episode the male doctor asks out the female doctor. When she rejects him he becomes angry and threatens her. S2E2: discussion of graphic child abuse. S2E9: one doctor mentions that one patient raped a child (11:10). The episode is centered on diagnosing this said patient. S6E8: one patient goes to the hospital for a headache. Doctors find out that she was drugged and flashbacks show that she was raped. One doctor talks about being raped when she was a student.
The Good Fight (TV Show)
S1E6: frequent and intermittent occurrences of people aggressively reading violent online threats depicting graphic rape scenes. S1E8: the episode deals with an accused clergy member and a teenager. S6E1: a woman is sexually assaulted in VR (virtual reality) on-screen. The episode is all about if this is the same as an in person assault. S6E10: someone being sexually assaulted by their boss (a prominent politician) is mentioned. It is revealed that the character made up the sexual assault. Past sexual assaults by a law firm partner is mentioned: the grandchild of the perpetrator asks his mom about it.
Good Game (TV Show)
S1E4: at the 8:59 minute mark the word rape appears on-screen. S1E6: at a party, one man hugs another, who is visibly uncomfortable during the exchange (12:05 minute mark). Later on in the episode (at the 18:18 minute mark) a bartender mentions that the name of one of the drinks he is serving has been changed because the old one "makes people think of rape."
SPOILER: Aa sexual assault case goes to court but the perpetrator wins the case, leaving the victims with a spike in mental health issues
Worthy of note: a drunk husband comes home to his sleepy wife and tries to engage sex. She does not protest but does not seem into it. When the man realizes that he cannot get an erection, his wife tells him: "it doesn't matter".
S1E1: a woman's boss tries to coerce her into a sexual relationship (29:50-31:50). They are interrupted before anything can happen. Near the end of the episode, he attempts to rape her but is stopped by her sister (40:30-41:25). Both scenes are graphic. S1E2: mention of the aforementioned attempted rape (03:50). S2E3 : it is implied that this same character rapes another woman. S2E7: three women are held up in a house by men with guns and told to 'go to the basement' with an armed man.
The main character goes to a party and a boy makes an unwanted advance on her. She leaves before it is too late. A teen girl is said to have had sex with two grown men in the past, one being her teacher. A character is found out to have been selling date rape drugs. One of her regular clients, who is a side character in the book, is revealed to have raped several women in the past, including the dealer’s sister. Worthy of note: near the end, the main character, who’s 17-18, is slipped a date rape drug. However, the reason wasn’t for sexual assault, but for a character to be able to escape with the main character stopping her, SPOILER: There is a sexual relationship between a teacher and one of his students. This can be considered very upsetting because the teacher is a trusted character in the book.
Good Grief (Movie)
A character who is possessed by a demon forces a teenage girl (probably 13 years old) to give him oral sex. Later, this character goes to kill another character, who in turn thinks he will rape her. In the climax, this possessed character plans to rape his ex-wife before killing her. He strips some clothes off of her, but is stopped before he can complete the act. We learn that the grandmother to whom the titular house belongs to inherited the house from an affair she was coerced into. She was a Black maid serving a white man in his home, and he later willed the house to her. The main character occasionally thinks back to having been abused by an older man when she was 13 years old, which culminated in a rape at that time, although this is not described in any detail.
Good Kill (Movie)
There are two moments in the film when the main characters helplessly watch a man raping a woman on a monitor.
The Good Liar (Movie)
Near the end of the movie, one character grabs a girl’s butt violently without her consent. He then goes on to rape another teenage girl on screen.
Good Madam (Movie)
Good Manners (Movie)
A woman who is sleepwalking unconsensually kisses her maid, who eventually consents to it before being bitten because the woman is "possessed". They later engage in a relationship.
The crimes of a serial killer based on Dennis Rader (the BTK killer) are mentioned, and they involve the victims being sexually assaulted or raped. One of the victims was a child, but it is also mentioned that the killer didn't anticipate the child being there while going after the child's mother, so it is not known if these same acts were also done to the child or not. Pages from a pornographic magazine themed around torture are also shown at one point.
Good Morning (Movie)
Good Mourning (Movie)
Good Omens (TV Show)
Good On Paper (Movie)
A Good Person (Movie)
A girl (16 years-old) has a sexual relationship with a man (20 years-old). At some point, she is unresponsive while high/drunk and lays in bed with him. Nothing happens as the grandfather steps in: the man claims that he only wanted to 'make out' with the minor.
The Good Place (TV Show)
S1E3: in one of the flashback scenes of a woman's life, her then-boyfriend tells her not to buy coffee from someone on their street because he was revealed to be sexually harassing people. He shows her a button-cam video that a reporter took while pretending to interview for a job of the man groping her breasts; this is shown from the chest point of view, since the camera was attached to her chest. At the time of the flashback, the woman doesn't think that this is a big deal and signs up as a rewards customer out of spite for her now-ex boyfriend. This is supposed to demonstrate one of the many ways in which she was a horrible person while alive on Earth, but is also somewhat played for humour. S2E7: A character implies she was sexually abused by a teacher while in school. S2E8: a character mentions that the teachers at the high school he went to would sleep with their students. S2E12: a man mentions attempting to have sex with a woman he stalked, after which he gets maced (12:00). This happens in conversation and is not shown on screen. S4E11: a main character mentions that she slept with her boyfriend's twin without realising it until halfway through, and that she thought she might as well finish. It is not specified whether or not the twin was deliberately impersonating her boyfriend, and therefore committing rape, or genuinely thought that she wanted to have sex with him and not his brother. A minor character is revealed to have sexually harassed his female employees. A character films two other characters having sex without their knowledge.
Good Satan (Movie)
Two demons are in a room with a sleeping woman and they debate raping her. There are also scenes of sexual harassment throughout the film.
The Good Son (Movie)
A fugitive hides in a house inhabited by an old woman and her granddaughter. The man and the 16-year old girl are watching TV, when the portrait of the criminal appears on the screen, he immediately kisses her and brings her to a room as a diversion. They engage in a consensual sexual relationship but are quickly interrupted by a noise in the house.
The film showcases a fairly long scene (2-3 minutes total) of a new sex worker crying during one of her first client interactions. Throughout most of the film, she appears fearful and anxious.
Good Trouble (TV Show)
This show, which features bosses sleeping with their employees, is a spin-off of the series The Fosters, which is flagged for 6 out of the 8 warning materials. S1E8: a character talks about being raped while in foster care, during a larger discussion of sexual harassment in the workplace. S4E17: a cult, including sex abuse is discussed. Women are being held against their will. The cult is discussed several times during season 4 Worthy of note: throughout season 4, one character is blackmailed by her parents to attempt to give up her baby for adoption.
At some point, the main character, speaking to his therapist, describes a situation where someone was standing over him and began touching him 'down there'. It is treated as a joke and it is only revelead to be a fake story afterwards. A girl is walking down the street when a group of men pass her. They call her names and harass her and make sexual gestures toward her.
A woman is groped and is forced to say she wants to have sex, but she fights her assaillant off. The scene is a central point of the plot. Later, the same woman is asked "how much?" by a store attendant when he sees she is buying more stuff than last time and assumes she is selling her body.
Goodbye World (Movie)
A man grabs a female character's breast at gun point, then puts his hand down the front of her pants.
Goodfellas (Movie)
The main character's girlfriend tells him that a long-time family friend tried to grope and assault her, and then pushed her out of a moving car when she fought back. We see her after, when she is a bit roughed up from the incident.
A Goofy Movie (Movie)
Goon (2011) (Movie)
Verbal and occasionally physical harassment involving references to genitals, crude sexual and homophobic content in the context of 'hockey chirping'.
The Goonies (Movie)
A girl's boyfriend keeps trying to tilt a car mirror to look down her shirt. One character jokes with another one that he has naked pictures of his mother. A girl kisses a boy thinking he is someone different.
S1E1: a person uses time loop knowledge to trick someone into making out with him.
The Gorgon (Movie)
Gosford Park (Movie)
A character kisses and forces himself on top of a protagonist against her will. The character is soon stopped. It is unclear how far the character would have gone if uninterrupted. A plot point includes knowledge of a rich industrialist who has multiple affairs with servants and factory workers. The sexual relationships are not violent, but the power dynamic may be uncomfortable to some.
Gossip Girl (TV Show)
S1E1: a male character is shown trying to force sexual advances on two girls. One manages to push him off and the other gets help from her brother. This character is redeemed throughout the show and his victim forgives him in a brief scene. S2E16: a woman is trapped in a room, violently groped and almost assaulted before being rescued by her son. S2E17: a female teacher has sex with a male high school student. This is not presented as an explicitly negative thing. The main character lies to the other main character (who she is in love with) in order to get him to sleep with her. She purposely records them without his consent, then tells him it was an accident and lies about deleting it. Later the man is told that in order do plead date rape, he had to say no. One character has sexual relationships with a high schooler when he is a adult.
In the first few episodes, full grown adults take pictures of a 15 year old with her shirt off and her boyfriend and post them on social media. Later, these same adults receive a video of a 17 year old having sex. Nowhere in the TV show, does anyone point out that these pictures and the video are legally considered child pornography. S1E4: a teacher sleeps with a 17 year old student of his. The age of consent in New York is 17, so this is not illegal, but a teacher is abusing his position of power and blames the student for this behavior in S1E7. The student films the encounter without the teachers knowledge or consent and sends the video to a social media account. S1E7: the teacher who slept with his student admits that he was wrong and quits teaching at the schoo. He also encourages the other adults to quit bullying the students. Worthy of note: cheating is a frequent occurrence on the show and the characters do not properly inform their supposedly monogamous partners, thus non consensually exposing them to possible STIs. S1E8: this episode features a storyline about a man who serially gets women drunk and has sex with them. He is a rich white man who tries to have his lawyers disprove what happened. There is a discussion about how only 2 to 6% of rape accusations are made up and how usually the perpetrator gets away with it. S1E9: there are conversations about how horribleteachers are being to the students by bullying them, tracking them, taking photos and video without consent. The episode explores how hard it is to prove that someone is a serial sexual consent violator. There is a lot of nuance and discussing how victims are damaged when they come forward, and how it is never a victim's responsibility to come forward and how the justice system fails rape victims. There is also a discussion on how women are constantly harassed by men when a bunch of drunk "Santa Con" goers grope and sexually harass women. S1E10: the show continues exploring a rich white man serial rapist. It includes some discussions about hard hard it is for victimes, with mentions of several actual public figures who are rapists and still work. S1E12: characters get a teenager drunk, despite her repeatedly saying she should not drink. S2E1: the season 1 recap shows an adult grooming a teenagerm and a text on screen says that the teacher groomed him during the first part of the actual episode (the sexual predator is on screen). An orgy is mentioned, which includes adults and teenagers. An adult asks teenagers to take pictures of other teenagers having a threesome. S2E2: a throuple tries to stay in the closet by pressuring the third into sexual situations with other people. These people also pressure him for sex (which he does not want). S2E4: someone uses their partner as a cover for dating a guy her parents do not like. The one partner thinks they are in love, but she uses sex to distract him while the other sneaks out. A girl cheats on both her boyfriends with her twin brother: the sex is consensual and a joke is made about "twincest". S2E5+6: a main character (16 years old ) has sex with a guy who she did not know was filming. She was also lying about her identity to him. He blackmails the actual person who he thought he was filming non consensually, who is also a teenager (17 or 18). S2E6: a main character is drugged and her clothes changed while is drugged A main character's dad being a rapist is brought up again. It is revealed that he got one of his victims pregnant and that he buried her in legal fees so she could not sue him. S2E7: a girl wants to drug two teenagers and stages them naked on top of each other. S2E8: a joke about pedophilia is made.
Gotham (TV Show)
S1E2: a minor threatens to accuse someone of 'touching' her. S1E6: a male character stalks and harasses a female character who has told him multiple times that she is not interested in him. He does not do this maliciously, but he still is being generally creepy. S3E4: a male character is introduced alongside his sister. While talking with another character, the sister says 'but then he [her brother] started putting other thoughts in my head, thoughts a brother should never have.' This heavily implies that he is sexually attracted to his sister. Some may find the interactions between these characters uncomfortable at times.
Gotham Knights (Video Game)
When playing as Nightwing, one villain continuously comments on his bottom. She calls him Night'butt,' rates his bottom, and tells him he should continuing exercising so he does not lose it. In the final act of the main campaign, a female villain touches a male character a few times when he is under the effects of a mind altering substance, calling him 'beloved' throughout.
Gothic (Movie)
A male character constantly grabs or forcefully kisses other characters. This is often (but not always) responded to positively.
Gothika (Movie)
This film is centred on a murderer who is sexually violent towards women, and who films their encounters. In one scene, a woman is tied to a bed. In another, a woman is thrown up against a cell window and it is strongly implied that she is being raped.
Gotti (Movie)
One character says the word "rape", but nothing is further discussed or implied.
Grabbers (Movie)
There is a brief single mention of rape within a list of crimes that happen in another city.
Grace (Movie)
S2E5: a man slaps a woman's bottom without her consent. She seems to not like it but makes a joke about it later.
There are mentions of places being "unsafe, especially for women", discussion of characters who harass women, a brief mention of girls who disappeared in one country and appeared in the brothel of another, discussion of a forced marriage of a young woman, and a scene where a teenage girl is harassed and teased by a group of men, who later make jokes about wanting to assault her, saying "If only it weren't for locked door and protective fathers" (this is the most detailed incident). Nothing is described in further detail, and the words "rape" or "sexual assault" are never mentioned.
The Graduate (Movie)
The sexual relationship between the protagonist and an older woman begins with her undressing in front of him without his consent and also blocking the exit to the room with her body. She does not use physical force on him but she is coercive. The female lead falsely accuses the male lead of raping her while she was drunk, in order to hide their consensual affair to her daughter.
Graduation (Movie)
A music teacher flirts with students and invits them to see him on a tour that summer. A little later, another student comes in to talk about her grade.: we find out that she is being failed and will have to go to summer school. She begins flirting with teacher who at first says "Don't.", and then "Not here, someone might see us." She locks the door and takes off her shirt: we see the teacher bury his head in her chest. A girl and a boy sit on a bench talking about sex. The girl remarks that she wants to fool around, and the boy turns her down. She then unbuckles his belt to his protest: they are interrupted before anything further happens. A women rides into a town and the driver makes rude comments, including using the word 'lesbos'. He forcefully grabs her leg and slides his hand up. She ends up stopping him by grabbing his crotch and threatening him.
Grain (Movie)
Gran Hotel (TV Show)
S2E28: implied rape of a main character by her husband.
Gran Torino (Movie)
Some verbal references to rape. A woman is approached by three men, who forcefully grope her and make sexual remarks. It is implied that a woman was violently raped; her beaten and bloody face and body are shown. This incident is referred to once; 'she was raped.' It is discussed that a man raped his own family member (his cousin).
Gran Turismo (Movie)
Grand Army (TV Show)
S1E3: two boys sexually assault a girl in a taxi cab towards the end of the episode. Her rape is a major plot line for the rest of the show.
Grand Piano (Movie)
Grand Star (TV Show)
S1E16: an older man tells a subordinate woman in the army that she has "a pleasing profile" and that she is "too sexy" while leering at her. He tells her to turn around slowly. She is used repeatedly by the army to entice men and has little choice. S1E22: a man in power beings a teen slave girl in to examine and repeatedly tries to touch her legs and lift her skirt. She is examined offscreen by another man who says he is attracted to her. There are also overtones of racism and the power dynamics resulting from that. The same man is inappropriate in several episodes with another teen girl.
Grand Theft Auto V (Video Game)
Sexual assault/harassment is mentioned throughout the game. It is implied in one of Trevor’s switch scenes that he raped Floyd.
This book contains - repeated domestic violence (husband on wife) in flashbacks: description of bodily damage in the aftermath; some details of particular occurrences including while protagonist was pregnant; -marital rape- referenced without detail multiple times, often in conjunction with some detail about domestic violence being given. These passages can all be avoided by careful skimming and/or outright skipping of the flashbacks about Grandma Gatewood's marriage that are interwoven at points throughout the narrative. There is also one very brief teen-and-teen rape mention (a news story, not developed characters) in the section about rising teen/youth violence in the news in the early 1950s.
Grandma's Boy (Movie)
A woman accidentally walks in on a man who is masturbating and he ejaculates on her. A woman begins working in the office and over the course of the movie several of the men hit on her or make other comments which she mostly brushes off.
There is a few scenes of sexual harassment. Mainly, a villain in a flashback harassing a girl but this ever time is stopped as the protagonist intervenes. Throughout several, recurring scenes in the novels one of the main love interest becomes drunk. It is described that he acts like a child when drunk and never remembers what happens afterwards. The protagonist teases and flirts with him in this state and while drunk the love interest reciprocates. However, near the end of last book, they perform sexual act while this happens. The drunk love interest wakes up during this act shocked about what happened and the protagonist feels as if he has violated him. We do not get insight into the drunk love interest's thoughts, but it appears he also thought he had violated the protagonist. This is resolved later, however the lack of clear consent that was involved in this is not mentioned or explored more than that. In the middle of the book, during a flashback sequence, the protagonist is blindfolded during a competition. Someone sneaks up on him and forcibly kisses him. It is not revealed then but the person who kissed him was the love interest. A major reveal near the end of the novels is that one of the villains unknowingly married his biological half-sister, both were unaware at the time they were married that this happened and had a child together. Another reveal in a flashback near the end of the story has this same villain torturing his father by having him be raped by numerous women as he was sick and dying. The women also did not consent to being forced to do this so therefore both the father and women were raped. This is not described explicitly, however it is talked about and there is a brief scene where the protagonist sees it in a censored flashback. Near the very end of the book, the protagonist and love interest have sex and the protagonist asks the love interest why he didn't do this to him when they were teenagers, however it is put in a way that makes it sound as if the protagonist wishes the love interest would have raped him rather than had consensual sex. In the extras in the last book, there is a explicit rape scene in a dream sequence between the protagonist and love interest.
A teenage boy swims underwater around a teenage girl so he can see her in her bathing suit. He then makes suggestive comments and forcibly kisses her. There is one mention of a woman who was raped in the past. At the end of the movie, one character discovers that his grandfather raped his daughter (the character's mother) which is how she became pregnant with him.
Early in the film, a scene takes place in a brothel: nothing graphic is depicted.
Grange Hill (TV Show)
Sexual violence occurs multiple times in various episodes of the show, and is usually handled sensitively and used to make points regarding consent/sexism. However, in season 30 a sexual assault is excused because the victim was drunk and the perpetrator faces no blame or consequences.
A man asks his daughter to undress in front of him. This is not shown on-screen.
In a fictional movie inside of the film (satirical), a couple making out uses coercive language. A man who is recording walks in on his male roommate masturbating and continues to film as he is being told to leave. Later, the roommate is passed out drunk and the guy teabags him and posts pictures of it online.
One of the central plot threads involves a series of ritual murders, described in some detail. Each one appears to begin as consensual bondage sex and clearly becomes physically violent while the women are restrained. It is unclear whether anything overtly sexual occurs after the violence begins. Additionally, the male love interest repeatedly pushes the female lead's boundaries (non-sexually mostly but not always). Not quite to the point of harassment, and she does reciprocate his feelings, but the dynamic may be uncomfortable for some.
Gravity Falls (TV Show)
Throughout the series, a boy constantly harass a girl who has stated plenty of times that she does not like him, nor does she want to be with him. He even kidnaps her a few times. The main male character has a crush on a girl a few years older than him, and it is frequently played for comedy because he i too socially awkward to admit it to her. The girl eventually lets him down easy once she admits that she always knew about the crush.
The Gray Man (Movie)
A woman about to be interrogated by her boss complains that this is harassment: he jokingly brushes it off by telling that what is coming to her will be worse. When he puts his head close to hers, she asks him to get out of her personal space, which he does. During the final fight scene with the antagonist, the protagonist has flashbacks of being abused by his father (drowning him in the bathtub). The abuses have been addressed previously as an important backstory of the protagonist.
A Gray State (Movie)
Grease (1978) (Movie)
A woman is upskirted. A song alludes to date rape. The boys sing a song asking the male protagonist how it went with the female protagonist: the lyrics include 'did she put up a fight'. A much older dance host tries to drug a woman's coke with the date rape drug Rohypnal. She catches him but thought it was asprin. The male protagoniste attempts to date rape the female protagonist in his car. He suddenly pins her down under him and she reacts in shock. We hear her scream 'Don't' and 'Get off me'. The film has 'minor' sexual assault and mysogyny littered throughout. Despite the attempted rape, the male protagonist 'gets the girl' and she becomes his girlfriend at the end (only after she completely changes how she looks for him.
This show features frequent cat calling. S1E1: a student sleeping with a teacher is mentioned. A rumor is spread that a teenage girl had sex with half a baseball team. S1E2: the sexual harassment continues. S1E3: there is a musical hallucination of racist sexist homophobic men: one of them appears to grab the main teenage characters bottom. S1E4: the student-teacher relationship is mentioned again. A teenage girl is blamed for "distracting boys in class": she sings a song about the double standard. S1E5: the teenager is alone with the teacher and they appear about to kiss. S1E7: casino waitresses are sexually harassed. S1E8: the student and teacher kiss again. A girl trying to hide her sexuality tries to force herself on a guy. When he says no, she says "a real man would be into it" S1E9: the recap shows all the previous sexual harassment and assaults and the sexual relationship between the student and teacher.
The Great (TV Show)
The lead character is assaulted by a clergymen in the first episode and this is mentioned throughout the first season as the character seems to have trauma from it. There are also multiple scenes in which a female character is shown to be disinterested in having intercourse. There are many scenes in which the emperor has sex with wives of men in his court: there is a large power imbalance and the women are implied to be forced to consent for them and their husbands. Additionnally, there is one especially troubling scene in which a man is about to penetrate a corpse. S2E6: incest between a brother and sister is mentioned. S2E7: rape is mentioned. S3E1: a rape joke is made. S3E2: a main character's aunt non consensually watches him have sex with his wife. This character frequently has non consensual sexual relationships throughout the series. S3E3: one of the main characters describes multiple sexual assaults as a 12 year old. Also, they want to force people to "fluff" a horse so it will breed. S3E5: a person is pretending to be Peter the Great in order to obtain oral sex. Rape is mentioned several times. S3E7: a woman blackmails her boss into kissing her. Jokes about fingerings a minor, about paedophilia and about incest are made. A depiction of having sex with a horse is shown in a play. S3E8: marriage to those under 15 id discussed. A woman talks about forcing another woman.
The main protagonist (based on real life musician Jerry Lee Lewis) marries his 13-year-old cousin and sexual intercourse is shown on-screen.
One of the co-hosts repeatedly makes sexual remarks about the contestants baking process and final creations. Both co-hosts repeatedly make homophobic remarks about themselves and the other contestants.
There is a scene where a character calls in his secretary and then holds her down as though to kiss her, until he is interrupted by a phone call.
There is a lot of rape in the series, happening multiple times. As this is a narration of myths with a mix of classical pictures and animation, the rapes are not acted out on screen, but narrated in the story, sometimes with still drawings of naked women.
In a magic dream-like sequence, a female character is nude and fights an antagonist who shouts "vile" things about what he will do to her when he defeats her. The remarks are not written out; it is only stated in the text that he shouts things leaving the reader to imagine what they may be. It is unclear if they pertain only to the violence of combat or if they are sexual in nature. However, because the female character is nude in this scene, one could assume the comments may have been sexual.
A mouse performs a suggestive dance number in a bar, and some patrons of the bar can be seen desperately attempting to get on stage with her. In a bar scene, a patron makes kissy faces at a waitress, who then punches him in the face.
Great Pretender (TV Show)
Child trafficking - mostly within the sex trade - features in case 4. In some scenes, children can be seen being touched by wealthy people. In an attempt to seduce a man (her target), a woman undresses and swims naked in a pool. The man tries to get hold of her but she gets away.
The film's villain (a man) forces a kiss onto a woman and implies he will give her money in exchange for sex. Later, he attempts to rape her in front of her lover, while the lover is held down by another man.
There are a lot of jokes about a teacher falling in love/sexualizing teenage girls.
This book takes place England and India in the 1890s. The protagonist's brother, noting that the protagonist was alone with a man during an emergency situation, asks the protagonist if her chastity is still intact. A satyr looks up a woman's skirt. A teenage character's parents plan to marry her off to a rich man to improve the family's financial situation. One man whom they allowed to court her kept pinching her bottom while they were dancing. Towards the end of the book, she is forced to get engaged to a man who is older than her own father, and she commits suicide as a result.
Greatest Days (Movie)
Greed (Movie)
A dentist forces a kiss on a patient of his after he sedates her. This man later falls in love with the same woman and forcibly plants kisses on her a couple more times.
It is mentioned several times that enemy soldiers commit rapes: the male protagonist even describes an instance where the wife of a village chief was gang-raped in front of the rest of the village as a punishment. In the last part of the film, a female character is used as a "distraction" when soldiers want to capture an enemy: she thus has to sleep with him. After she does, her brother-in-law despises her for a few scenes before acknowledging her sacrifice.
Green Book (Movie)
A bed-ridden patient catcalls a nurse, he is ignored.
Green Hell (Video Game)
A written note can be read at the illegal mine that categorizes a group of women, presumed to be part of a tour group, by their sexual features alongside their names. It is optional to read the note.
A long scene shows a virginity test being used on the female characters. The virgin woman is then taken to a hut, where she is drugged off screen: it is implied that she is raped. Later on, one of the women is tied up and a tribe is about to mutilate her genitals. She escapes before she gets cut. Female genital mutilation is talked about during several points of the film as well.
Aa character talks about her sexual assault and decapitation, her scenes include lines such as “don’t touch me! You should know better, you’re a knight” and “what will I get in return for my services?” A character awakens nude. A scene involves an on-screen sexual encounter with dubious consent.
A man is framed for the rape and murder of two little girls. A character is groped Several times a character is sexually harassed, groped, etc. While no characters are raped on screen the scene of the two little girls fades to black with screams, cries, begs, etc.
Green Room (Movie)
Greener Grass (Movie)
Greenland (Movie)
Greenleaf (TV Show)
A major plot point of the show involves a member of the family having sexually abused his niece (leading to her suicide) and other teenage girls in the community. This is discussed at length in some episodes. S2E8: the same character gives a young girl alcohol and then attempts to assault her as she sleeps (31:55-33:53). She awakens, struggles, and is ultimately able to escape.
Gregory (Movie)
S1E1: in the first 20 minutes of the episode, one character mentions that a blackmailer and presumed killer threatened to rape the mother of the titular character.
The film opens with a group of teenage boys peeping on a woman undressing.
Gremlins (Movie)
A gremlin wearing a trench coat flashes a woman. Because gremlins usually do not wear clothes, it is not presented as predatory or creepy, but more as a joke.
A man is non-consensually touched between the legs by his female manager while at a restaurant. He is visibly uncomfortable, knocking over a glass of water, and tries to leave immediately. She then grabs him by his tie and kisses him near the mouth.
Greta (Movie)
A young girl interviews for what she believes is a housekeeping job and is asked if she is a virgin. There is another indirect reference to the girl participating in sex work.
Greyhound (Movie)
Grey's Anatomy (TV Show)
S1E2: a victim of a rape is shown to have major injuries. It is revealed that she fought off her attacker. S1E3: one of the main characters is kissed without her consent. S2E19: a main character has sex onscreen with an intoxicated woman who is clearly too drunk to consent. S8E20: a patient talks about kidnapping and sexual assault she dealt with as a child. S9E22: in the beginning of the episode, women joke about getting roofied by a guy at a bar. S12E7: a woman hugs and then forcibly kisses a man. He pushes her away and makes an excuse to leave, then avoids her. S12E24: a female character gets drunk and a male coworker takes her home and helps her get into bed. She falls, and he falls on top of her. At that moment, the woman's boyfriend comes home and, seeing the man on top of her, beats him up before he can say anything to defend himself. The woman screams for her boyfriend to stop, but he does not. S13E1: the woman's boyfriend says that he thought the man was sexually assaulting the woman. No actual sexual assault occurs in the episode, but the storyline does deal with the false allegation and belief of it and the physical assault to the man. S13E23: a character recounts a past incident when someone attempted to rape and kill her. S14E20: sexual harassement and assault mentioned at length. S14E21: sexual assault and harassment are mentioned throughout the entire episode. S15E19: sexual assault is discussed with a patient at great length. S16E18: human trafficking of a teen girl central to the theme of the episode. S17E6: human trafficking is a part of the main plot line. A character discusses systemic sexual violence against women of color.
The Grifters (Movie)
Incest is discussed.
A male character peeps into the bathhouse to watch two girls showering. Another male character makes jokes about a girl's chest size multiple times.
Grimm (TV Show)
A female character disguises herself as an ex of the protagonist in order to trick him into having sex with her. The same female character takes advantage of another male character while he is under the influence of magic in order to have sex with him and uses mind control magic to seduce a third man. S1E1: a man character mentions that a suspect was wanted for rape. S1E4: magical creatures use pheromones to trick women into wanting them. A woman begs one to kiss her as he kills her. The creature is a serial rapist who impregnates women. S1E11: a woman comes back to a man's apartment after an art show. They kiss, but she then decides that she does not want to go further: he violently kisses her, but she turns the tables on him and kills him. She is clearly traumatized by the event. S1E14: a female knocks a man to the ground, gets on top of him, kisses and and rips his shirt open. She then shows a stalker behavior. In a season 2 story arc, two characters are put under a spell to be attracted to each other. There is kissing that they are both confused by and upset by: it is traumatic for both of them. S2E2: a woman in a coma is kissed by someone she does not know, to magically wake her. After she awaks, another man (her boyfriend) then kisses her, but it turns out she has amnesia and is clearly distraught that a stranger is kissing her. S2E3: a 17 years-old girl is kidnapped by her family, who wants to rape her as part of a cultural tradition. S2E4: a man very graphically hits on a woman while she is working: she gets upset and rejects him. S2E6: a female character kills a man attempting to rape her. S2E13: two characters are under a spell, forced to have deep sexual attraction to each other. They try and fight it, but have extreme foreplay and a physical altercation. S2E17: a man guses magical pheramones to convince a lady to go back to his hotel room, where she did not want to go. S2E20: a woman uses magical powers to seduce various men. S3E11: viewers discover that the motive of a killer is that she was gang raped a number of years ago whilst working in the military. She kills as a form of revenge against her attackers who walked free. S3E19: a young woman is approached by two men in a truck who attempt to assault her in a field. It looks as though they succeed but it is later revealed that she murdered them before they could. A woman pretends to be someones girlfriend and has sex with him. S3E4: a man claims someone was going to rape his daughters (he makes it up). S3E5: a man attempts to rape a woman but is killed before he does. S3E14: a monster sneaks into pregnant women's bedrooms at night, sticks his tongue up their vagina and drinks the abiotic fluid which kills the babies. S4E5: a woman is told that she must have sex with her fiance while in the form of another woman (in order to reverse a spell). S4E12: a pimp is shown forcing a woman to continue doing prostitution. S4E14: a woman seduces a man by pretending her husband has left her. They make out. Before they have sex, it is revealed to be a grift. S4E16: a girl is harrased by men because she is always distant and accused of thinking she is "too good for them." A man comes on to her and she asks him not to touch he: he tries to grab her to confess his love for her and she woges into a poison frog and he dies. Later, another man tells her that he is going to take from her what she never gave to anyone. He woges into a wolf and pins her to a wall and tears open her shirt. She woges and her poison kills him. It is revealed that her mother and her grandmother were also a victims of multiple attempts of rape: the grandmother tries to burn her face and screams: "it must be done or you'll be raped like your mother and me!" S5E16: a woman disguises herself as a man to sleep with someone for information. S5E21: a child uses voodoo dolls to get her parents, who are no longer together, to make out. S6E7: the whole casting is under a spell to be in love with people they do not actually love (they kiss each other). S6E11-13: a child is meant to be the bride of Satan.
Grizzly (Movie)
Grizzly Man (Movie)
One of the female kidnappers makes suggestive comments to a man that they have kidnapped One of the male kidnappers tries to kiss a woman they have kidnapped and he later tears off her bathrobe.
Groundhog Day (Movie)
A man pressures a woman to kiss him and have sex with him after a date, despite her repeated protests (53:30-55:00). She ultimately slaps him and walks out. Later, the same man threatens to grope the woman while she is sleeping, but does not act on this threat in any way (1:02:15-1:02:30).
Grown-Ish (TV Show)
S2E7: Offscreen, a boy and a girl meet at a party, get drunk, and end up having sex. While both parties insist the encounter was 100% consensual despite their intoxication, the story spreads and is twisted to the point where the boy is accused of having raped her while she was blacked out. This leads to the school instilling an official policy that all sexual encounters on campus are expected to have "sober, enthusiastic consent" from both parties. Most students doubt this policy really protects anyone, others feel it's just the school covering their backs, while others feel that if it gets people to stop and think, it's a good thing. The episode revolves around the characters discussing what counts as "sober, enthusiastic consent," and where the line between consensual and not when alcohol and lack of communication is involved. A character recounts a time a male friend felt pressured into having sex with two women and only went along with it for fear of being mocked. Other characters laugh at the idea that this was assault, until it's pointed out that if the genders were reversed, no one would be joking about it. Multiple characters feel that alcohol is essential for their "game," and the merits and flaws of this view are discussed. Worthy of note: an adult college student has a romantic subplot with a professor at her school.
Mentions of sexual abuse, rape, assault, child abuse, kidnapping, and addiction to opioids. The premise is that an influential 28-year-old celebrity grooms the protagonist, who is 17 at the start of the narrative, into a relationship with him. He kidnaps her, repeatedly sexually violates her, and abuses her verbally, emotionally, physically, and financially. We later learn that his victimization of teen girls is a pattern of behavior. Early on in the book, the protagonist is almost raped by a classmate. The abuser character confesses that he "lost his virginity" with an adult woman when he was 14. The author reveals in the author's note that her first relationship was with a 22-year-old man when she was only 15. The book has many parallels to the R. Kelly case, although the author states that the book is not about him, but the many men like him and the systems that facilitated his abuse.
Grown Ups 2 (Movie)
GS Mikami (TV Show)
The main male character frequently sexually harasses the female characters.
This show centres around a romantic relationship between an adult man and a high school student: however, the relationship is not physically intimate. S1E2: Two men kidnap a student and threaten her with rape; "a female student goes to such a remote place and what happens to her..." (1:14:24).
All 16 books in the Guardians of Ga'Hoole series contain no sexual violence.
In prison, a male character is approached by another (visibly physically stronger) male character who makes a suggestive comment to him and touches his face without consent. Worthy of note: In the same prison, a female character is aggressively harassed and cornered by several male characters, though not with the goal of sexually assaulting her but rather with the goal of killing her. Though sexual slurs are used, the situation in itself is not sexual.
The whole movie is about the abuse and experimentation of children and animals. A character is psychically manipulated to be in love with another character (40:00).
Worthy of note: a male character discusses his past actions of purposefully sleeping with multiple women with the goal of impregnating them. Although it is assumed these relationships were consensual, it is unknown whether these women knew of his intent to impregnate them.
There are a lot of jokes with pedophilic undertones or straight up pedophilia jokes. S1E1: the male protagonist asks a young child whether she called him so they can take a bath together. And if so, he would gladly accept.
Gui Da Gui (Movie)
Two men watch a couple having sex through a peephole without their consent. A woman claims that a man she was having an affair with tried to rape her, but the narrative makes it clear that this did not occur. She also gaslights the protagonist throughout the movie.
The Guild (TV Show)
Guild Wars 2 (Video Game)
While this video game's world is relatively void of sexual reference and the main story does not touch on sexual relationships, some would constitute the works of a character named Snargle Goldclaw to be a form of sexual harassment. The game features a collectable series of steamy romance novels written about famous in-universe individuals, usually using plausibly deniable fake names such as “Gritlock” as a stand in for the character Rytlock. This is a meta-aware gag about real-person erotic fanfiction, and these collectibles always fade to black before they can become explicit. Snargle’s works are also considered popular in-universe, and characters have in the main narrative made fun of the “real” counterparts depicted in these novels, calling them by his plausibly deniable stand-in names to tease them for having steamy fanfiction written about them.
S1E8: a man keeps kissing his wife for a moment, even though she does not want it.
The main male character has dinner with one of his employees and then they both go back to her house. She is initially on board with having sex but then changes her mind, but he continues anyway as she continues to say no and push him off (15:30-16:50).
Guilty At 17 (Movie)
Guilty Gear Strive (Video Game)
The backstory of a clinically deranged female character involves her happening upon an anthropomorphic key, which she takes and declares to be her "Husband". She is constantly fawning over it and it is generally played lightly. A victory screens shows her cuddling it and making suggestive advances. The key, which is conscious, is implied to be uncomfortable with the situation.
The film begins with a detective examining a highly dismembered corpse: the victim is later revealed to have been raped (parts of her genitals are cut off). One of the protagonists is tricked into doing pornography. She later gets raped while having an affair with someone met on the street, and is forced to call her husband during the act. She then meets a girl who gets her involved in prostitution with her rapist pimping her. One of the protagonists is involved in a BDSM-type affair. Her lover calls her while parked under her house and blackmails her to come out in a highly sexual manner. He later comes to her house. then he repeatedly calls her on the phone. The way he addresses her borders the line between consensual/non-consensual. One of the protagonists was a victim of incest from her father.
The entire film is about three men torturing a woman, but no sexual violence takes place.
The entire film is about a man dismembering a woman. There are some scenes where he suggestively feels her thigh, but no sexual violence takes place.
Gully (Movie)
A clearly uncomfortable younger man/teenager is pressured into giving oral sex to a much older man. It is discussed by other characters that this may have been going on since the victim was younger (29:30-32:06). It is used as a plot point throughout the film. Other characters offer support to the victim, confront and attack the perpetrator later on in the movie (58:20-01:02:16). A group of men break into a couple’s house, attack the man and violently rape the woman. The perpetrators brag about it afterwards (37:30-38:40). A group sex scene where consent is questionable. All members are on drugs and alcohol and the men lied to the women by telling them that one of the men was famous. There is then a 1:1 scene where consent is similarly questionable (42:30-45:10) The women are seen being interviewed by police the next day (46:15-46:25).
Gummo (Movie)
In a clip, a young girl speaks (voice over) about her father molesting her. In another clip, a drunk man asks another man to kiss him and despite his refusal, tries to kiss him. He also says that he was abused by his parents as a kid. In another clip, a boy speaks about a man who uses to have drugged sex with women in front of children. The two protagonists (male teenagers) go to a man's house to have paid sex with his mentally disabled young sister (off-screen). An elderly man puts his hand up a young girl's skirt, but her sisters defend her and drive the man away.
Gun Crazy (Movie)
Gun Frontier (TV Show)
Relevant scenes do nothing to progress the plot and may seem gratuitous as a result.
Guns Akimbo (Movie)
The male antagonist kidnaps a woman and acts threateningly towards her: it can easily be assumed that he would sexually assault her if he had the chance. The male protagonist reads a comment about how someone wants to kill the female protagonist and "teabag" her corpse.
Gurren Lagann (TV Show)
The many examples of sexual assault and implied rape are used for the sake of comedy or suspense throughout the show. S1E7: the main character tears up the outfit of the magical girl she is battling up to her breasts and panties, before forcing her to “ride” a panda rocking horse with a gag in her mouth whilst whipping her. At the end of the battle, the magical girl is “mind broken”, as she then proceeds to lick the main character’s shoes and beg her to hurt her more.
Gut (Movie)
A theme in this movie is the derivation of pleasure from thoughts or images of tortured women. There are scenes in which women are restrained, undressed and caressed against their will. A wife exerts pressure on her husband to sexually perform.
Gutterballs (Movie)
A woman is raped and has a bowling pin inserted into her genitals. Several other characters experience sexual violence throughout the film.
Guy (Movie)
One of the character grabs a woman and turns her around and forces a kiss on her. Worthy of note: a man tricks a woman into drinking alcohol on a date. She then seems to want to sleep with him but he finally renounces (1:18:20- 1:37:11).
The Guyver (Movie)
A young woman is repeatedly pursed by the villains throughout the movie. When she is abducted by them, she wakes up to an older man touching her (clothed). Until she get rescued at the very end, the same man keeps touching and grabbing her despite her visible discomfort. He also repeatedly comments on her appearance.
S1E2: a chiropractor touches the thigh of a 16 year old boy and compliments his legs. He also grabs his face and gives him his card. The chiropractor is not actually interested in him, but the boy does feel uncomfortable.
Victims of an infection get's grabbed by advanced technologic entities that sticks a huge tube in their anus and mouths (shown in detail). One woman is grabbed by see-through tentacles, while she yells no and gets dragged.
Chapter 18: there is a brief flashback that suggests rape.
The a relative of the author alludes to the risk of sexual violence that she and other women worried about while crossing borders during the Ethiopian-Eritrean war. The author describes a situation where a classmate in a dance class kissed her hand and made her uncomfortable.
One of the main characters is a caregiver that rapes a woman in coma. It is not explicit but is discussed.
A woman is groped by her father-in-law. A teenage girl's grandfather refers to her as 'tempting.' There are incestuous undertones to the family's relationships as a whole; for instance, one character is heavily invested in the details of her brother's sex life. There is a relationship between a teenage girl and an adult man who seems to be in his twenties (his age isn't explicitly stated).
Hacks (TV Show)
S2E8: incest/pedophilia is mentioned as a joke. S3E1: a joke about Roman Polanski is made. S3E7: sexual assault joke.
Hacksaw Ridge (Movie)
Hagazussa (Movie)
Haibane Renmei (TV Show)
Haider (Movie)
Haikyu!! (TV Show)
Worthy of note: in one episode, a male character repeatedly asks for the number of a female character. She refuses. Another male character ends up distracting him. Throughout the entire series, two male characters seek attention from a female character. They compliment her, protect her from other guys etc. She ignores them, shuts them down or firmly sets boundaries. Their comments never go as far as sexual harassment.
Hail, Caesar! (Movie)
Hairspray (Movie)
A villain (female) tries to pretend that a male character is cheating on his wife and hits on him, despite him showing no interest multiple times. She is then briefly seen sitting on his lap, still against his will. The scene is short but it might be uncomfortable for some viewers.
Halber Mensch (Movie)
A male character has the common but problematic view that one can kiss someone without verbal consent because of a "look." The movie goes in the right direction by having a woman reject his unconsented kiss, because a "look" (in this case, highly mistaken) does not count as consent (they both kiss each other without consent). The movie ends with the woman kissing a man without consent.
Half Light (Movie)
Half Nelson (Movie)
The sexual assault takes place when the main character shows up wasted at his lover's house. He forces kisses whilst holding her as she struggles, he then pins her to the couch and rips her top off. She eventually breaks free by hitting him and manages to get away. The assault is never mentioned during the rest of the film.
The Hallow (Movie)
A teenage boy makes a joke about taking the clothes off of the little girl his girlfriend is babysitting: the girlfriend laughs. It is strongly implied throughout the movie that the final girl was raped by the villain. The villain stabs his topless sister in the breast. He watches a girl in her underwear get stuck in the window. He also pretends to be a girls boyfriend and watches her shake her breast.
A man makes crude sexual remarks towards a teenage girl; the daughter of his partner. A teenage girl jokes about a man making inappropriate sexual advances towards her. A 10-year-old boy walks into his sister's room and tickles her bare thigh; she becomes angry when she realises that her brother is the one doing it. A girl is raped at a mental hospital. Note: this scene is not included in the Theatrical Version of the film.
In the released alternate cut of this film, it is implied that a a teenager is raped and impregnated by her uncle.
The villain pretends to be a woman's boyfriend and sets his hand on the woman's body allowing her to caress and kiss his hand.
Necrophilia is mentioned and discussed.
A woman is abducted, taken to a building and strapped down to a table. However, there is no suggestion of sexual assault. The main character makes a "How old are you?" joke to his young-looking love interest before having sex (it is clear in the movie that she is an adult).
Brief mention of a sexual assault that occurred earlier in the series.
This movie begins with an on-screen rape during a home invasion.
Ham On Rye (Movie)
Worthy of note: a group of men follow a teenage girl in their car for a short while and she looks uncomfortable.
There is some sexual touching/kissing between American soldiers and Vietnamese sex workers. At some point, one soldier gets angry with a sex worker.
Hamilton (Movie)
A female character is forced by her husband to seduce and sleep with the titular character multiple times. In the beginning, the latter does not want to either, but he eventually agrees.
Hamlet (1948) (Movie)
The film has been directed to imply that Hamlet has incestuous feelings for his mother; they kiss on the lips passionately several times.
Hamlet (1996) (Movie)
Worthy of note: a male character throws a female character onto a bed in a fit of anger. This is not intended to be sexual but may be alarming for some viewers.
This book involves a caravan of people who are formerly exiles due to being considered "mad" by society traveling across a desert towards some unknown thing. During their journey, there is a massive storm and, after sheltering in tents for many days, when they emerge the main character discovers that some soldiers raped the women who were in a tent with them. Subsequently one of those women starts having sex with men in the caravan for favors, and the way the other women react to that exemplifies the (negative) way that survivors are slut-shamed or their behavior is not seen through the lens of trauma. It felt like crucial and traumatic events once again just being thrown in to add "realism" to a fantasy or scifi setting. There are well-written female characters and positive depictions of consenting sex in this book as well.
Hana-Bi (Movie)
A teenager has sex with his neighbour (an adult woman).
A doctor briefly sexually harasses a patient.
A woman's uncle forces her to read erotic passages to a group of men. A history of childhood sexual abuse is implied, as she was trained to read pornographic material to men from childhood. Non-consensual touching/grabbing occurs on quite a few occasions. Non-sexual violence is used to create fear in a child. Rape and sexual assault are implied in a pornographic image and in a casual conversation between two characters. Attempted rape scene occurs near the end of the film.
The story of The Handmaids Tale is set in a dystopian future where due to declining fertility rates, fertile women are conscripted into becoming 'Handmaids.' This involves state-sanctioned rape and, as such, rape and sexual violence/control are running themes throughout the show. Related themes include female genital mutilation, sex trafficking and domestic violence. S1E1: mention of campus sexual assault (16:00-17:00). Description of gang-rape, by the victim; a group of women are compelled to tell her that this was her fault (25:00-27:00). Ceremonial rape on-screen (ceremony begins at 28:30, sexual contact and direct aftermath from 29:20-32:30). A man who has been convicted of rape is presented to a crowd of women for punishment, and the nature of his crime is described (42:20-45:50). S1E2: episode begins with ceremonial rape on-screen (until the 2:00 minute mark). S1E4: ceremonial rape on-screen (ceremony begins at 26:10, sexual contact between 29:00-29:45, although no actual intercourse occurs). S1E5: ceremonial rape on-screen (ceremony begins at 19:50, sexual contact between 22:40-24:10). This process is repeated with a different man, with the ceremony beginning at 26:50 and sexual contact occurring between 27:25-28:18. S1E6: a man tells a woman to kiss him. She complies, but it is clear that declining is not an option and she is disturbed by the encounter (23:30-24:45). Discussion of rape, explicit description (42:51-43:00). Mention of rape (46:40-46:50). S1E8: a man sexually assaults a woman on-screen (31:30-32:30). Much of this episode takes place in a brothel/sex club where it is made clear that women are forced to work. Various sexual acts and encounters between these women and men visiting the club are shown on-screen. Although none of the women physically resist the men, it is clear that they have no ability to reject their advances. S1E9: ceremonial rape on-screen (ceremony begins at 22:25, sexual contact and direct aftermath from 22:50-23:20). The victim is visibly distressed and resistant. Rape on-screen 23:35-24:25, with the direct aftermath of this event shown until 25:40. S1E10: mention of rape (34:40-34:50). S2E5: a group of adolescent girls are married off to adult men. S2E6: an adult and adolescent (15) have marital sex. The scene includes the preparation and the direct aftermath (37:14-40:37). S2E8: the episode recap shows on-screen rape(1:13-1:20). A woman is asked to testify against her abusers. Her testimony includes an extended description of the rape and abuse she endured (17:00-22:40). S2E10: ceremonial rape on-screen (1:30-3:20). A man violently rapes a pregnant woman (26:00-30:10). S4E1: a child describes how several men sexually abused her (33:10-35:00). S4E4: a woman is forced to gived a handjob (37:05-38:00). S4E7: a woman rapes her husband on-screen (41:40-43:20). S4E10: the recap includes scenes of rape (0:00-1:40). There is also an on-screen rape at 07:05-07:20.
The Handmaid's Tale is set in a dystopian future where, due to declining fertility rates, fertile women are conscripted into becoming 'Handmaids.' This involves state-sanctioned rape and, as such, rape and sexual violence/control are running themes throughout the book. Related themes include female genital mutilation, sex trafficking and domestic violence.
Worthy of note: at some point, the protagonist, who thinks he will become a murderer because his new hands once belonged to one, warns his fiancee to stay away from him.
Handy Dandy (Movie)
There is an implication that one of the men has pressured/assaulted women in the past.
Chapter 13: a man theatens to cut off another man's penis. He snips a hole in his pants but lets him go.
The Hangover (Movie)
A man catcalls women from his car. There are two scenes in which a man moves a baby as though to suggest that it is performing a sexual act; this is played for laughs. In another scene, the protagonist questions whether or not he has been a victim of rape. This is undetermined, although the suggestion is that this most likely did not occur.
A transgender woman describes having sex with a character while he was intoxicated in graphic detail to him, now sober, and this is played for laughs.
Hanhua Riji (TV Show)
Hanna (Movie)
One of the characters in the film is a child molester.
The caretaker of the protagonist gets kidnapped: her captor licks her face and attempts to finger-rape her. Women in a boat are imprisoned as sex slaves.
A man attempts to have intecourse with a gay women he is friends with and touches her without concent while in a gym showroom. There are implied incestuous thoughts of the main characters that impacts their actions and implied incestuous abusive relationship between twins (the brother abused his lesbian sister in the past). There is an implied child abuse from that same character: he has allegations of child molestation in the story and emotionally manipulats a child into killing a cat during the narrative. A man has his seminal fluid forcefully extracted while sleeping (off-screen). There is a scene at the end whitch Is heavily Implied to be concenting but one of the characters is partially drugged and manipulated and does a sexual act that is nit incestuous but reminiscent of incest (breastfeeding feeding a man).
Hannibal (TV) (TV Show)
S2E10: a woman is implied to lie about being on birth control in order to get pregnant. S2E11: an antagonist is implied to have away with child abuse and sexual violence because of his wealth, and emotionally abuses a child in a scene with sexual overtones. He also has his sister's uterus forcefully removed so she cannot bear children, and is all but state to have molested and/or preyed on her throughout the series (partially out of sadism, and partially out of lesbophobia). He verbally harasses several female characters across episodes. S3E7: implied bestiality and incestuous impregnation. There is a briefly discussed off-screen rape in which an antagonist is sedated and has his prostate milked with a cattle prod. [Contested] The protagonist "gets into the head" of a serial killer who rapes his female victims and partially mutilates their bodie after death. He partially mentions this while retracing the steps of the killing. This is also mentioned later on. S3E12: brief threat of prison rape. A man is stripped naked while he is unconscious and then tortured in a scene with sexual overtones. He is filmed naked without his consent, told what to say, and then has his lips bitten off.
Hap and Leonard (TV Show)
S3E4: two men drag a woman to their truck before she is rescued by another man. The latter is then arrested, released, and later found dead.
Worthy of note: inappropriate jokes are made throughout by side characters.
Happiest Season (TV Show)
Paedophilia is a theme: a father speaks to his son about various sexual topics, including how he raped two children who were his son's friends. He drugs his family in order to rape one of the boys. He tells his son that he masturbates to avoid raping him. A character masturbates to teenagers' magazines. A woman confides in a man, telling him that she was raped by the doorman of her building.
Two boys are sexually assaulted by an adult male off screen. A male character graphically discusses rape fantasies. Worthy of note: in one scene, a sumo wrestler gets on top of his girlfriend and she starts making distressed noises, but this is due to his weight.
Happy! (TV Show)
The entire show has overtones of implied childhood sexual assault. S1E7: long and graphic rape scene played for laughs.
A boy sees a woman being pinned to a bed and yelling for help, but cheers and leaves the room instead of helping. It turns out that the assaillant was not trying to rape her, but to kill her: he fails.
Happy Endings (TV Show)
Characters joke about, and possibly were sexually assaulted by their therapists. Rape jokes are consistently made throughout the show. Rape and pedophilia often the subject of jokes
Happy Feet (Movie)
Worthy of note: small arctic birds cat call at some female birds who are in on the joke (38:10-38:29): this is played for laughs.
Happy Gilmore (Movie)
Happy Sugar Life (TV Show)
A teenage girl kidnaps an 8 year old girl and is obsessively in love with her. The child is groomed into wanting to stay with her abductor and when her older brother finds her, she declines his offer to come stay with him. In episode 11, she has a wedding with the 8 year old and kisses her. A teenage boy is kidnapped and raped by a female manager. Another woman kidnaps and ties him up later on in the series. Because of this, he sees himself as "dirty" and develops an obsession with the 8 year old girl mentioned above. A woman was raped by a boy as a teenager and gets pregnant as a result. Her parents and the parents of the boy then force her into an arranged marriage with her rapist as a way of making him take responsibility for impregnating her.
The book contains a mention of male hikers on the AT trail cuddling up to the female main character while she is sleeping (she felt their male parts against her). This is very briefly mentioned in a passing thought and the main character does not dwell on it and moves on quickly as it is merely an annoyance she deals with being a woman in a male dominated activity.
'Ipso Fatso': a character hits on 2 characters to their discomfort.
Happy Valley (TV Show)
S1E2: on-screen rape.
Happyish (TV Show)
S1E4: towards the beginning of the episode a man jokes that black men are running in the streets raping white women. He states it twice, to prove that another person in the meeting is being racist.
Harakiri (Movie)
The Harbinger (Movie)
Hard Boiled (Movie)
A man is told to take his pants off. It is stopped before anything happens (toward the end of the movie).
Hard Candy (Movie)
The film's plot revolves around a teenage girl's attempts to expose a man who she suspects is a paedophile (having spoken to him in sexually suggestive terms via an online chatroom for weeks prior).
Hard Rain (Movie)
An attempted rape takes place in the last quarter of the movie.
Hard Target (Movie)
In the very beginning of the movie, it seems like a woman will be assaulted for a brief moment, but she is quickly saved.
An attempted rape is discussed. Women are grabbed many times and harassment occurs frequently throughout.
Hardcore (Movie)
This movie is about a father looking for his runaway teenage daughter, who is making porno films. He often finds himself in situations with women (and sometimes with men) where he does not consent to intimacy, but is pushed or forced to. Rape, bestiality, teenage prostitution and snuff movies are discussed.
Attemped rape of a woman by several police officers. Her clothes are being torn off as one of the men removes his pants. This is interrupted and stopped by the main character. The woman is disheveled but not nude. The main character then mutilates the genitals of the police officer with his trousers off through his boxers. The scene is quite violent, and occurs around the 54:00 minute mark. When they enter a brothel, the main character is touched by prostitutes and they undress him while he is unconscious. The main character's wife is groped about ten minutes into the movie. At the end of the movie, the main villain kisses the main character while he is barely conscious and unable to stop him from doing so.
A man slaps a woman's butt (17 minutes in). Worthy of note: domestic violence is mentioned two times.
Hardware (Movie)
A women is stalked by a man who watches her have sex with her boyfriend through a telescope. He calls her on the phone and talks about what he wants to do with her. He eventually shows up at her door and comes in without permission and acts threateningly: he is killed by a robot before anything can happen.
It is mentioned that a teacher sold one of his underage students for human trafficking. Pictures of underages girls, crying, were found in his desk. [This serie is reviewed till S1E5]
Harland Manor (Movie)
A man tells a story from the past when a 15 year old girl was brought to a hospital for treatment and it is later revealed that she is pregnant. After attempting to perform an abortion, the doctor kills her and it is revealed that he had been sexually abusing young girls who were in his hospital. This is referenced several times after the story is told while the crew is doing the walkthrough of the house.
Harlots (TV Show)
Harmonium (Movie)
A man tries to have sex with a woman as she is repeatedly saying no. She eventually pushes him off her.
About 30 minutes in, prisoners are forced to provide oral sex to the prison guards (referred to as ‘cockmeat sandwich’). It is treated as a joke within the movie and one prisoner appears to be scared and panicking.
Harold is 19, and Maude is 79. They have a romantic - implied sexual - relationship. The age gap might be uncomfortable for some viewers.
Harpoon (Movie)
During the first 20 minutes of the film, a shipworker invites a woman on a tour of his ship to get her alone with the intent to rape: he is interrupted after pinning her down and beginning to undress. There is also a nrief story told about a high school teacher who was abusing students.
Harriet (Movie)
Someone briefly mentions that young slave girls (children) are raped in the plantations (1:33:26). In one of the final scenes of the movie, a man tells the antagonist (a slave owner purchasing her escaped slave, the titular character) that he will have some 'alone time with her' once he catches her.
The main character, who was previously a victim of rape, ends up in a romantic relationship with the main villain who assaults and attempts to rape her on multiple occasions and does rape her at least once. He never receives any consequences for his abuse and it is never acknowledged as such.
The protagonist kisses a woman without her consent though she herself also does not want to do so but is instructed via a note. The woman is shocked but does not seem disturbed by this and teases the protagonist about it several times.
A ghost looks at the 14-year-old main character while he is in the bath and gets close to him. This clearly makes him uncomfrotable. It is implied that she has spied on other (15 to 17-year-old) students. While the ghost died as a teenager, she is played by an adult.
A teenage girl sends a teenage boy sweets infused with a 'love charm', which would cause him to become immediately infatuated with her and lust after her if he ate them. The sweets are eaten by another teenage boy accidentally and have the same effect on him. He is soon provided with an antidote. The intentions of the female character are never explicitly stated to be sexual, but it is worthy of note that she wished to simulate romantic reciprocation from somebody who did not naturally provide it. Worthy of note: at the holiday party, Hermione talks about her date being 'all hands' and eats a smelly hors-d'oeuvre to put him off.
An older man recounts that when he was 14, he lost his virginity to a 20 year old woman.
Harry Wild (TV Show)
Within the show, any sexual violence is mentioned or discussed rather than shown. S1E1: a convicted sex offender is muredered and his victim is suspected. S1E5: this episode involves several serial rapists. S2E5: this episode contains a description of sexual harassment.
Harvester (Movie)
This video game involves heavy themes of assault of both adults and children. It is not protrayed as a good thing, however, like the rest of the game, it is sometimes played for Black Comedy.
Harvey (Movie)
The main character frequently expresses his sexual attraction to a woman, oblivious to the fact that she is actually his daughter (season 3 onward). In one episode (season 3 or 4), a man rapes a female intern. The scene has no bearing on the plot and is never mentioned again.
Hataraki Man (TV Show)
S1E1: an editor in chief mentions that whenever he makes a comment, he is accused of power play or sexual harassment. S1E2: the female protagonist pretends to kiss her co-worker during a stake out . He is uncomfortable but then goes along with it to make someone leave. S1E6: a man accuses a female reporter of sleeping with someone to get an up-close scoop. A woman says she does not mind sexual harassment if she can use it to her advantage. S1E10: a man says a woman has an air about her that says ‘I am yours.’ However she has already turned him down multiple times and he calls her worthless because of it. The same woman is later on ordered to take off her clothes by another man. It is revealed that she models for his paintings. The situation at hand seems consensual. Worthy of note: there is a lot of misogyny.
Hatchet (Movie)
Two women are led to show off their bodies and touch each other under false pretenses, another man says this is a good idea.
Hatchet II (Movie)
A man films girls/women nude under false pretenses and tries to get a minor to strip for him.
Hatchet III (Movie)
Short but detailed description of rape, by the survivor. This happens on a handful of occasions, relating to two separate incidents. The veracity of these accounts is unclear. Mention of paedophilia in the context of discussing vigilante justice against child sex abusers.
In a flashback, a man is forced to walk naked through the snow and perform fellatio on another man.
The Hater (Movie)
S1E2: mention of rape S1E3: a man’s fiancée is a teenager, but nothing is shown between them.
Project DIVA is a rhythm game series, consisting of music made with the voice synthesizer program, Vocaloid, and its sister program Piapro Studio NT. Some songs available throughout the series contain some themes of sexual assault or other unhealthy relationship dynamics. Note that some songs may vary in availability or playability across the series, as it has had multiple installments and reboots since its original release in 2009. - "Adolescence" by SignalP features a relationship between two siblings that is heavily implied to be romantic/incestuous in nature. However, the lyrics are also intended to have multiple interpretations - for example, another interpretation of the the song is simply about how platonic affection between siblings is scrutinized once they reach teenhood. - "break;down" by hmtk: The song is about a woman who is in obsessive love with her coworker; there are undertones of stalking and possibly sexual harassment. - "Cantarella" by Kurousa-P: Loosely inspired by the story of Cesare and Lucrezia Borgia, it depicts a man who drugs a woman in order to assault her; they are also heavily implied to be siblings. - "Close and Open, Demons and The Dead" by Hachi: Often interpreted to be about sex workers of the Edo period, specifically about the assault and abuse sex workers faced. Another theory posits it's specifically about children conscripted into sex work in the same era. - "Don't MyList Me!" by Live-P: Included in the compilation song "Cool Medley: Cyber Rock Jam", but is not included as its own song. It features a meta-narrative about Rin becoming popular on Nicovideo, a Japanese video service where many Vocaloid users share their work. Throughout the song, Rin expresses feeling victimized and objectified by her fans who "MyList" her (a feature on Nicovideo that allows people to save songs to favorited playlists). - "Envy Catwalk" by Tohma: While the lyrics are not explicit and do not contain themes of sexual assault, it is heavily implied to be about a sex worker. - "Gothic and Loneliness" by Narushima Takashi: The song is about an immortal woman who has spent centuries in isolation; when a well-meaning knight comes to her castle, she begins to monopolize him, prevent him from leaving the castle, force-feed him aphrodisiacs, and force him into a relationship with her. - "Holy Lance Explosion Boy" by rerulili: While it does not contain themes of sexual assault, it has explicit lyrics about a teenage boy's reckless sexual behavior, which may be disturbing or uncomfortable for some players. - "magnet" by minato: While this song does not have themes of sexual assault, it depicts a relationship played by characters who are an adult and a minor, respectively. Many fans choose to interpret this as the minor being aged up or playing the role of an adult in the song. - "Rin-chan Now!" by OwataP: The song is about Miku and Luka showering Rin with affection and openly dreaming about affectionate and romantic scenarios with her, some of which have sexual connotations (like Luka making a comment about making sure Rin does not find pornographic content of herself). While it is intended to be lighthearted and humorous, the song does have mild themes of stalking, harassment and possibly unhealthy age gaps (as Luka is 20 and Rin is 14). - "RIP=RELEASE" by minato: The song is about a woman who engages in reckless sex with a man who does not reciprocate her feelings. She obsesses over him, possibly stalks him, and threatens to kill him. - "Secret Police" by BuriruP: While it does not contain themes of sexual assault, it is about an oppressive police state that spies on its citizens - many undercover police are also close family members or romantic partners of citizens being spied on. Some aspects of the song may be uncomfortable to some viewers. - "Two-Sided Lovers" (aka Two-Faced Lovers) by wowaka: While the lyrics are vague and up for interpretation, some theories are that it's about a woman addicted to love or sex, or that it's about a woman who falls in love with a man, but is quickly discarded by him once he's had sex with her. - "Your Diva" by BokuP: The song itself is a meta-narrative about Miku, as a program, learning to work and sing alongside her new producer. There is a brief joke about her producer making her sing perverted songs, which she immediately rebuffs and tells her producer to instead create lyrics from their heart.
There is a constant mention and threat of sexual violence in the book. Marital rape is also discussed in many occasions. The narrative is that men do not have the ability to control themselves and that sexual violence towards women is expected both in daily life and in times of war. It is mentioned that the female lead endured marital sexual violence from her really old husband starting since they were married. She was around 12-15 when they got married. The male love interest rapes the female lead in the beginning of the book, after her escape from the husband's house: initially, he saves her from drowning but then she loses her consciousness. While she is unconscious, he starts having sex with her. The scene is described vividly. In another scene the male love interest contemplates raping the female lead again, but he does not act on the urges. The scene starts with him saving her in the fishing hut (where she is unconscious). Additionally, there is an antagonist male whose plan is to rape the female lead and get married with her. There are some scenes with him and the female lead where he is being really threatening.
Haunt (Movie)
Worthy of note: the main character is in an abusive relationship. The movie often shows flashbacks of her father abusing her mother.
The Haunted (Movie)
The main male character is raped by a ghost/demon.
Chapter 2: a boy mentions that his uncle always says "weird things" to him, and that his mother calls the uncle a pervert- Chapter 32: brief mention of prison rape.
The main character's girlfriend asks the main character not to film them when they're having sex, but he does it anyway.
A possessed man tries to rape his wife: she fights him off (01:05:00).
Haunted Trail (Movie)
Haunter (Movie)
There is a scene (about 2/3 of the way through the movie) where the ghost of a man pins a woman down on her bed and is coming at her. He does not get her or touch her but is menacing.
This story centers around a man stalking a woman that he is in love with, and his intent is that she should reciprocate his feelings. There is a scene in which he forces himself on her, but over the course of the story she begins to develop feelings for him. By the end of the story they are in an ostensibly consensual relationship. The male lead spends most of the book tracking down a pedophile ring and human traffickers. There are mentions of rape, sexually violent dark web sites, a scene with dozens of women and girls being held in a warehouse and scenes with other children being kidnapped individually. Though there is no graphic description of what happens to any of these children/women it plays a large part of the plot of the story and is discussed frequently.
The book's central theme is misogyny and generational trauma experienced by the protagonist and her ancestors. Many of her ancestors experienced some form of sexual violence.
The series often has people possessed and forced to do things beyond their control, including suicide. S1E1: a young boy watches a grown woman undress (without her knowledge) for a brief period before she realises he is there. S1E3: when a woman and her future lover are chatting at a table over tea, she talks about how many women leave their pupilage due to men sexually harassing and groping them. S1E7/8/9: a man recounts to his mother how his father would rape him as a child, and that his father sexually assaulted other children as well. He is angry with her for telling him the abuse was normal and for not protecting him as a child or an adult. Two ghosts who were lovers in life possess a brother and a sister: it is implied that they will continue their relationship now that they are once again corporeal.
Worhty of note: a drunk father becomes aggressive towards his family.
A man goes into the women's bathroom while filming: we only see the women kicking him out, nothing that was recorded.
S1E1: mention of metaphorical rape in passing (43:00-43:10). S1E3: a child psychologist working with a 9 year-old girl discovers the girl is being molested by her foster father.
A man approaches the protagonist on the beach and speaks to her in such a way that suggests he had been stalking her, but nothing sexual happens and nothing comes of it.
The female protagonist complains of nightmares throughout the movie. At the end of the movie, she discovers that she is pregnant with the baby of a demon (1:16:00-1:19:12). However, no sexual violence is shown, mentioned, or implied.
It is theorized that some paranormal events could be the doing of a 'prowler' (no one in particular), but there is no implied or direct mention of sexual violence/abuse.
A girl is haunted by a spirit, but there is no abuse or violence involved.
Haven (TV Show)
Havenhurst (TV Show)
A foster child is abused by her drunk foster father when her foster mother is absent (34:00-37:00). The child fights him off by stabbing him with scissors and then kicking him in the face before fleeing.
Hawaii Five-0 (TV Show)
Hawkeye (TV Show)
Haxan (Movie)
A woman uses a series of love potions on a monk. Witches have to kiss the devil0s ass against their will.
Hazbin Hotel (Movie)
Multiple scenes have sexual misconduct played for laughs (buttock slapping, nonconsensual exposure to kinks, offering to perform sexual acts in a completely unrelated conversation, etc.) A main character is a porn star/prostitute, and several explicit references are made to his line of work. That said, this character is under the physical and psychological influence of his manager who hits him, forces him to act in violent pornographic films and to prostitute himself against his will. S1E4: this episode contains scenes at the pornstar's work that feature dubious consent as well as relationship abuse and violence. Later in the episode, someone attempts to drug him with the intention of raping him but is stopped before the character is drugged.
He She It (TV Show)
He, She, They (TV Show)
A running subplot of the show is about a woman who accused a driver at a rideshare company of sexual assault.
Head Count (Movie)
Head-On (Movie)
In the second part of the movie, the main female character is raped during her drunk sleep in a bar. Just after she has been thrown out by the agressor, three men harass her on the street. They severley beat her up and one of them stabs her before leaving her for dead.
Headgame (Movie)
Worthy of note: while at a party, a group of people are drugged and changed into new clothes before being left in a warehouse.
Headless (Movie)
The above-mentioned scenes are extremely violent and include necrophilia.
This film contains several rape jokes.
Headshot (Movie)
A woman enters a room from the shower, holding a towel to her chest. A man surprises her and pretends to have a gun in his pocket to force her to put her hands up. The towel falls and the man is shown staring at her: both appear sexually aroused. The man goes forward and kisses the woman.
The movie is about an abusive, neglectful and drug-addicted woman who lets other people sexually exploit her child, sometimes even encouraging it. At various points in the movie her child is raped.
At the beginning of the second chapter, the female romantic lead is reflecting on how she hates giving blowjobs, while she is giving her boyfriend a blowjob. She feels like he expects her to do this for him, and he pushes her head while she is doing it. Towards the end of the book, a tertiary character is mentioned to have been ousted from his job after several women accuse him of sexual harassment.
The whole show revolves around two teenage girls making a map that is discovered, revealing to the whole school who has hooked up with whom. It contains a lot of sexual harassment, as well as attempted sexual assault. During season 1, it is slowly revealed that someone was the victim of an attempted sexual assault, and successful kidnapping. Season 1 recap shows an attempted sexual assault. S1E1: a teacher is accused of raping a student People are bullied for their sexuality and or lack of it Three teenagers are incapacitated by alcohol, and a traumatic event and then have a threesome. S1E2: this episode features PTSD about a sexual assault. S2E2: this episode blames the victim for her assault. S2E6: this episode eveals that someone has been lying about their identity while seducing people. S2E8: this episode talks about sexual harassment.
A deceased male character had abused victims as a sexual sadist. A major male character had deliberately drawn the brunt of his abuse to protect others. He was definitely repeatedly beaten, and implied to have been raped. All this happened before the series begins and is named without any detail.
Hearts of Iron IV (Video Game)
Hearts of Iron IV does not include references to historical WW2 events that have included wartime sexual assault.
Heartstopper (TV Show)
S1E1: a teen is pushed against a wall by his ex-boyfriend and forcibly kissed despite his protest (20:20-20:38).
A character pushes the protagonist against a locker and starts kissing him, despite the latter's repeated verbal protests. Another character acts on the protagonist's behalf and interrupts the situation.
Heat (1995) (Movie)
Worthy of note: the film depicts very troubled domestic scenes and features a storyline about a serial killer who has sex with women before beating them to death. A scene is shown in which this serial killer (who has a swastika tattooed on his chest) has sex with a black sex worker before accusing her of lying about how good the sex was and grabbing her roughly by the hair. Her battered body is shown in the next scene.
In the first sequence after the opening credits, a police officer watches a naked woman (later revealed to be a girl of 15) through a window. This girl is later brought to the police station, pregnant, and a man is accused of statutory rape. Soon after, we meet the man who actually abused her: he handles her roughly but no sexual assault occurs on-screen. An adult man describes how he was arrested after watching the same girl disrobe.
S3E1: a female character is raped on screen by a male character. The scene is extremely violent and she is blindfolded during the attack. She goes to a hospital with her husband and is examined by doctors. She has extremely negative emotions after being raped. The rapist tries again twice, but is unsuccessful She has some difficulty with having him arrested, but he is arrested at the end of the episode.
The main character's boyfriend often forcefully kisses her without her consent. After she breaks up with him, he does it again, this time pinning her to the couch until she punches him and breaks free. In another scene, he wraps his arms around her after she dumps him, despite her clearly not wanting him to, and she again has to shove him off. Two football players are stated to be date-rapists. One has sex with a girl he's on a date with, but it's unclear how consensual this is. A teenage girl is coerced into performing oral sex on a college student. A college student makes a pass at the protagonist and she responds by quickly leaving.
Heathers (2018) (TV Show)
There is a teacher who is a pedophile. He is seen making out with a student, and also putting something in another girl's drink, but someone warns her and helps her sneak out of the bar. Additionnally, he is seen watching cheerleading on TV with a creepy look on his face. As a dark comedy, the show contains scenes with victim-blaming and jokes about how creepy this guy was.
A female character has a seizure and falls unconscious while arguing with a male character. After she is unconscious, the male character starts removing her clothing and fondling her. He is stopped before raping her, but he clearly would have done that if not interrupted. Later, whenever he reflected on this incident, he tells himself that she was so alluring that "she did it to him." A child character is forcibly institutionalized. The other patients are mostly adult men. One of the attendants is a sexual predator and takes advantage of boys, knowing they either are incapable of speaking against him or won't be believed if they do. This predator prepares to rape the main child character, but he is interrupted.
Worthy of note: a man stalks a woman and eventually kisses her by surprise. She later explains that she enjoyed it.
The main female protagonist gets tortured and brutally raped by Viet Cong officers when being interogated. She is forced to be a prostitute to provide for her child.
The movie features a brief scene where a drunk man makes unwanted advances on a woman.
This film is about the romantic relation of the female protagonist with an abusive boyfriend. In the opening sequences, he asks her to cut her wrists with a razor blades for him, which she does.
S1E1: a flashback shows that the protagonist (an older teenage) met his love interest when he was a young child. However, by the time there is any romantic interaction both are immortals, adults, and over thousand years old along with the older protagonist not realizing the child they met is the love interest in the present. S1E2: men make lewd comments and touch the corpses of women. S2E2: a woman attempts several times to convince the protagonist to do a sexual act with her despite him being shown to be uncomfortable and denying her multiple times. She eventually leaves him alone.
In the third book the main character breathes in something of an aphrodisiac (a poison that basically sends him into a mania that was meant to make him partake in sexual activities) After that, the fruit of the plant that did that to him harass him and a solider (who is a minor) verbally, and by appearing as naked human beings. This so for the purpose of the main character to have sex. A minor is there, and involved. Due to the situation the main character self harms to prevent himself from becoming unpure, as that is where he gets his power due to the kind of cultivation he uses.
An adult and the protagonist (a 14 year old girl) have sex. Even if she agrees to let him into her bed and later goes to his house (explaining in a voice-over that she had no choice), the younger character is clearly disassociating and flashes in and out of fantasy sequences replacing her reality. Earlier in the film, the other main female character explains, during an expose in front of a classroom, that a (fictional) queen has to escape her husband's constant sexual sollicitations: it is played for laughs.
Heaven's Gate (Movie)
Parts of this film take place in a brothel. About 02:20:00 into the movie, the madam (a main character) is raped by three men. Additionnal shots show other female prostitutes dead and naked (presumably raped and killed by the same group of men). The scene is about 6 minutes long.
Heavy Metal (Movie)
28:17-28:18 minutes: a man mistakenly gropes a woman's breasts in the dark. 34:47 minutes: a man is accused of 37 counts of rape. 36:58-37:01 minutes: mention of an underage prostitute ring. 49:53-50:10: there is a scene in which a man attacks a woman - this may be interpreted as an attempted rape. 1:13:23-1:13:41: two men cat-call and talk about a woman in sexual terms. One of them tries to grab her and she knocks him to the ground. 1:16:48-1:17:11: worthy of note: a woman is tied down naked and whipped. Nothing explicitly sexual occurs beyond these events and the actual tying up is not shown.
Heavy Traffic (Movie)
In addition to the fact that characters are groped at various points, the main male character is sexually assaulted by a prostitute hired to take his virginity.
Heavy Trip (Movie)
Heavyweights (Movie)
Heckler (Movie)
Worthy of note: it is strongly implied that one woman, a sex worker, has her freedom restricted by her pimp and has been ostracised by the community she was born into.
The Heike Story (TV Show)
It is mentioned how a 9 year old girl had to marry an adult man. It is also implied that other young girls had to marry adult men. Not much of this is shown on screen, but it is mentioned/implied. Worthy of note: the story is based on an old Japanese tale. The family did actually exist: an adult woman (who is also a character in this anime) married a 12 year old boy.
Season 1: gang rape.
There is an adult male character who continuously hits on an adult female character (not the YA perspective character) despite his advances being clearly unwanted. It's played for laughs; the perspective character even considers arranging a marriage between the two adults. (The situation consensually resolves for political reasons after a point.)
The Heist (TV Show)
Helck (TV Show)
Helen of Troy (TV Show)
The titular character is raped by a man in public display. The same character is forced by her fiancee/husband to stand naked for display in front of men.
Hell Fest (Movie)
Hell Girl (TV Show)
S1E6: rape is the main point of this episode.
It is mentioned that a guard should be hired so the female characters do not get raped. One male character routinely harasses one of the female characters, asking her to take her top off and propositioning her. Some male characters walk into a woman’s room while she is in her underwear and a t-shirt. They excuse this by saying she should have left her door closed. One female character plays a damsel in distress type: while her hands are bound, a male character cuts the front of her dress so that her underwear is visible.
Worthy of note: a roofie joke is made by a couple after they danced at a bar. The joke is that the girlfriend convinced him to have some shots. It is unrelated to the plot and they all laugh and move on.
A male bank robber puts money in the bra of a female bank teller who is clearly fearful. A man intimidatingly corners an assumed sex worker and asks to "sample the goods," but she is able to escape the situation.
Hell Ride (Movie)
Hell Trip (Movie)
Hellarious (Movie)
A woman is tricked into helping a family of bandits on a cross-country scheme. They threaten her with rape, although one of the bandits steps in to say that no one should touch her. Later, she partially undresses to wash herself in a spring and one of the bandits follows her, watches her, and then attempts to rape her after she catches him spying. She is once again saved by one of the other bandits. One of the bandits gets into trouble after raping and murdering (off-screen) a woman the viewers never see. He blames her for this, claiming that she egged him on.
A main character's uncle attempts to rape her (01:48:50-01:50:45): she pretends that she will do what he wants as long as she is not otherwise physically harmed, but instead sets the room on fire, saying "I would rather burn".
Hellions (Movie)
A secondary older male character makes the female lead uncomfortable by gripping her hands and wrists, and by some creepy flirting.
Hello, Dolly! (Movie)
A woman get into the shower with another woman and makes sexual advances on the woman which clearly makes her uncomfortable. A possessed woman and her father make out.
A bonus chapter at the end of volume 3 briefly explores the relationship between a teenage girl and her adult girlfriend. It is not made clear how large their age gap is, and this relationship is not referenced anywhere else in the story.
Hellraiser (Movie)
The most significant relevant scene occurs between 58:06-59:43. SPOILERS: A male character encourages the protagonist to get drunk, which she does. It is implied that they have sex later that night. In a flashback, the protagonist's stepmother is assaulted at knifepoint by her brother-in-law on the eve of her wedding. The movie portrays her as having enjoyed this. She is romantically involved with her rapist in the film, fantasizing about him and aiding in his resurrection. The same brother-in-law, resurrected and wearing his brother's (his victim's husband's) skin, attempts to rape the protagonist (his niece). The demonic characters in the film are embodiments of sexual torture and violence, and their character designs are oriented around this concept. Scenes featuring severed body parts (including genitalia) hanging from hooks occur near the beginning and end of the film.
Portion of the plot revolved around a father sexually abusing his daughter (this is not shown explicitly). A woman dreams of her past: it is implied that she was raped.
A man asks his ex-girlfriend to come over. He heavily implies he wants her to have sex with him. When she says no, he coerces and cajoles her until she begins to give in (38:22). When she changes her mind, he grabs her by the belt and drags her toward him. It is possible his intent was to kill her (as another woman had been killed), not rape her, but the scene is ambiguous and heavily implies his intent is rape. During the assault, the aggressor uses the phrase "Come to daddy" to coerce his ex-girlfriend to come near him, ostensibly for sex (44:24). This is the same phrase as was used in the first Hellraiser, in which the main female character's uncle attempted to rape her. If the viewer is aware of this reference to incest, in addition to the idea of "daddy" being used out of context as a sexual term, it may be particularly triggering. The scene ends at 45:52, after which the victim sacrifices her rapist to a supernatural evil force and he dies.
A detective briefly mentions how a missing man has gotten in trouble before for child porn. Later on, the detectives go into the missing man’s house and one of them goes onto his laptop which shows a popup for a child porn site.
A woman revokes consent during consensual sex and is then killed after saying to the rapist to get off of her. A woman and her brother kiss (although it is later revealed that it is not actually her brother).
Hell's Kitchen (TV Show)
S1E1: a character is verbally threatened with rape. The attempt does not succeed because both her and her assailant are shot. S1E7: a man murders a woman, tears the shirt off her corpse, and proceeds to rape her. The women’s child is hidden in closet a forced to watch so she is not found. S1E8: it is revealed that the protagonist was repeated rape as a child and was a sex slave but escaping and becoming a soldier. The clip showing this is very shortly but can be very distressing due to how clearly young he is and the dialogue that goes along with it.
Helluva Boss (TV Show)
An employer frequently oversteps his boundaries with an employee by stalking him, joking that he has a small penis, and threatening to have sex with him and his wife if he performs poorly at his job. This is all played for laughs. There is an ongoing relationship between two characters in which there is a severe power imbalance and lack of respect, with the implication that the consent of the lower-status character is under duress. The more powerful character has scenes where he dirty-talks the other character, who is visibly uncomfortable, which is played for laughs. Further into the series, this dynamic is explored with nuance. S1E3: one of the main protagonists is sexually assaulted by a group of succubi antagonists. This assault is on screen, but sillhouetted, so details cannot be seen. This is played for laughs, but the assault is the 'final straw' for the main character to escalate his feud with them. S2E4: a woman and her brother share a conversation at around the middle of the episode. The brother uses words like "vixen" to refer to her, and is overall very flirty, though nothing is outright stated or shown on screen (10:42-12:19). Worth noting: in S1E2, one character makes several sexual comments in front of his teenage daughter. One of these is a comment that "people want our money and our bodies", including both him and his daughter in the statement. This is played for laughs. There are also frequent jokes about characters being 'perverts', and characters being uncomfortable with others' sexual advances.
The Help (Movie)
This movie depicts an abusive and violent relationship from a man towards his wife. He throws objects at her, who pleads him not to hurt her. It is mentioned that the threat of him killing her exists (48 minutes in). The woman has a black eye from the beating (02:15:00).
Helpless (Movie)
A woman's mother is mentioned as having been raped and murdered. It is implied that a woman is forced into prostitution to pay off her father's loans, eventually leading her to become pregnant through rape.
Hemlock Grove (TV Show)
One male character has romantic and sexual feelings for each of his two half-sisters, both before he knows that they are his half-sisters (the first is played out in season 1, and the second in season 3). The same character experiences sexual tension with his estranged mother in season 1. S1E5: a teenage character is getting a blow job from a middle-aged adult woman. S1E7: a fairly graphic rape scene is shown on screen, with the woman begging for the man to stop and the man ignoring her. S1E8: during a dream sequence, a character is groped by the naked image of his mother and shows physical repulsion. S1E13: flashbacks to a mind control rape between half-brother and sister. SPOILERS: The first of these incestuous relationships is the result of vampiric mind control: the half-brother and sister involved are not aware of what is happening/in control of their actions.
Worthy of note: a character fears that if she comes out, people will sexualize her for being both Brazilian and bisexual.
The film opens with a close-up on the corpse of a naked woman. After that, several dead bodies of women (with their clothes ripped off) are lingered on by the camera, with voice overs of their murders and sometimes their rape. This is cut with images of the titular character preparing to kill his victims. The main female character talks about her father repeatedly raping her and beating her for years when she was a child. The titular character tells her that his mother (a prostitute) forced him to watch her having sex with clients when he was a child. The two main male characters take prostitutes in their car and start having sex with them. When the titular character gets violent, one of them protests and he kills both women. The two main male characters go on a killing spree and film their crimes. At some point, we see one videotape, showing them killing a couple and their kid, and one of them sexually assaulting the mother. The same man is about to rape her after murdering her, but he is stopped by the other man. The videotape is shown again, immediately after (in slow motion), and then some time later. Throughout the film, one of the main male characters makes inappropriate comments and gestures towards his sister (who lives with him). He asks her to dance naked for him, tries to watch her when she is undressing, and then tries to have her sit on his lap and kiss him: he is stopped by the male protagonist. In one of the last scenes of the film, he violently rapes his sister and tries to kill her before he is stopped by the protagonist. Prior to that, the same character, selling drugs to a man, puts his hand on his thigh: the client punches him and leaves.
Henry VIII (Movie)
The film contains a non-historical assault to demonstrate a power imbalance.
Her (Movie)
There are passing mentions of marital rape throughout. There are references to rape in literature, such as in The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Psychologists, other doctors, and court judges discussed at some points in the book believed that queer women would indoctrinate or sexually assault their children. One person in the study discusses who she was sexually abused by her father.
In Her Shoes (Movie)
Early on in the film, one of the lead characters has her car towed, along with two other men. They all agree to hang out before heading to the impound lot to retrieve their cars. As it gets dark, Rose realises she feels uncomfortable around one of the men, who has his arm around her. When they reach the lot, she says goodbye and tries to leave. One of the men pursues her, trying to get her to hang out or go somewhere, which she refuses. He grabs her but she manages to shove him off and get in her car. The other man shouts for him to leave her alone but does not intervene.
A man spies on a woman as she' is getting changed. It is presented as a comedic moment.
A female character is subjected to physical and verbal of abuses from men. She is being held hostage by a monster who she later says "thinks 'no' means 'yes' and 'get lost' means 'take me I'm yours'". A male character watches women characters from hiding in a bush and then chases after them, not taking no for an answer.
S1E6: the attempted rape of a woman is mentioned.
Worthy of note: A couple of time,s a male character says that he thinks a group of home invaders, who are trying to kidnap a child, may be "sex perverts". However, it is said is an campy humourous tone, with no sense of real menace.
Here and Now (TV Show)
S1E1: a 17 year-old girl has sex with a mid-20s male model.
Hereafter (Movie)
It is implied a father sexually abused his daughter. ("...he's sorry for what he did to you...").
Hereditary (Movie)
The Heretics (Movie)
The main character coerces a guy into sex while she is delirious with fever.
There is an abusive relationship, but most of the abuse is implied. A pimp brands his prostitutes: this is only told and never shown.
Hermana Muerte (TV Show)
At 01:05:47-01:06:47, the protagonist watches the memory of a raid in the convent during the war, in which several nuns suffer violence: it could be implied that they were sexually assaulted. In this same memory, she witness a specific rape of one of the nuns, which is graphically shown on-screen. After that, there are some other flashes of this same assault.
The rape scene, which is quite violent, is flashed in over and over again, since the whole plot is how the protagonist got pregnant through rape.
A Hero (Movie)
Hero Mask (TV Show)
Worthy of note: in season 2, the male protagonist forms a bond with a 14 year old girl after saving her. Nothing inappropriate happens: they never see each other again when the crime is solved.
Heroes (TV Show)
S1E1: this episode features a sex worker under threat of violence. The sexual violence does not happen S1E3: a 16 year old cheerleader is almost raped before being accidentally murdered during a party by the quarterback of the football team. He is shown pinning her down, and her trying to physically fight him off, screaming and crying for help. She gets accidentally stabbed in the neck by a tree branch. S1E4: another girl mentions to said cheerleader (who is immortal) that she was raped by the same man. The rape is mentioned in the next few episodes. This episode features a person seducing someone for the purpose of blackmail. She is also being coerced to do this by blackmail. S1E6: it is revealed that a woman was getting close to a man, and seducing him just to get information. S3E5: a man forces a woman to kiss him. S4E2 includes references to child molestation and pornography. S4E6: one character takes over another character's body and has sex with his wife.
S1E1: Holy Roman Empire aggressively asks a young Italy (known as Chibitalia) to "become one with him"; this is played off as an awkward confession of love as both are young children, but this is still upsetting to Italy. This dynamic is continued in later Chibitalia segments. S1E10: Holy Roman Empire lifts up Italy's skirt and looks at his underwear while trying to chase a mouse. S1E12: France, due to his leader pressuring him into it, proposes to England. When England refuses, France forces him to sign a marriage registration. When England further resists, France restrains England and forcibly drags him away (due to the nature of the scene, some viewers have interpreted this as a prelude to France assaulting England off-screen, but this is not confirmed). Later in the same episode, Italy gives Japan a surprise hug; Japan treats Italy as if he had made an explicit sexual advance, and demands Italy "takes responsibility [for Japan]". S1E15: Japan sees Italy and Germany undressed in public due to the heat; when Japan expresses discomfort with this and asks them to put on clothing, they refuse. S2E6: Rome, as a ghost, harasses Germany for details on his sex life, despite Germany making it clear he is uncomfortable with the conversation. Rome also asks Germany if he is attracted to young boys, noting that relationships between older men and young boys were common when he was alive. S2E9: France, wanting to start a nudist Olympics event, publicly undresses himself and encourages other people to also undress for the event. When England calls him out on indecent behavior, he starts forcibly undressing England and does not back down until a third party steps in. S2E11: after France sarcastically tells Italy to flash his buttocks to other people, Italy misinterprets it as a serious suggestion and flashes Japan without consent. S2E16: Belarus sexually harasses her older brother, Russia, and even destroys some of his property when he refuses to marry her. S3E1.5: Hungary, who Prussia mistakenly believes is a cis man, complains of throbbing pain in her chest. Prussia responds by groping her and joking that it is her "weak spot", however, upon noticing she actually has breasts, he reacts with shame while Hungary laughs him off. S3E7: France stalks Austria, muses to himself about how he finds Austria attractive, and says he wants to make Austria "French territory". Later in the episode, there is a flashback with Italy as a young teenager visiting France, who openly fantasizes about Italy belonging to him and then exposes him to pornographic material. S3E12: after Prussia conquers Austrian territory, Austria states that Prussia has "invaded [his] vital regions", with other characters expressing embarrassment at his wording. While no sexual assault is actually involved, this line became a fandom meme, often in jokes involving sexual assault. S3E15: another Chibitalia segment focuses on Italy accidentally flashing his underwear to Holy Roman Empire while trying to reach a pantry; When Italy gets stuck, Holy Roman Empire hesitates because he is afraid that if he pulls Italy out, he will think Holy Roman Empire is assaulting him. Ultimately, he accidentally pulls off Italy's underwear, but Italy is otherwise unharmed and unaware of the situation. S3E17+18: there are no sexual advances, but Sweden repeatedly gets physically affectionate with Finland and even calls Finland his "wife" (even though Finland is male), despite Finland being visibly uncomfortable with Sweden getting affectionate with him. S4E14: after Hungary is wounded in a fight, Prussia rips clothing from his crotch to bandage her up. She refuses the bandaging due to it being from Prussia's crotch, but he tries to force it on her regardless (and only backs down once he sees her breasts and remembers she is a woman). S4E19: after Poland agrees to marry Lithuania for political purposes, Poland demands that he sees Lithuania's penis, despite Lithuania's discomfort with this. S5E3: exclusive to the English dub: after seeing Hungary swim, Italy makes multiple sexually-charged jokes towards her without her consent (this is not present in the original Japanese dialogue). S5E4: in a segment depicting Russia and Ukraine as children, Russia asks Ukraine how to make people listen to him. She suggests that Russia shows people "[his] breasts", to his discomfort. S5E11: multiple characters are blackmailed into dressing in embarrassing outfits, many of which are skimpy or sexually revealing clothing. S5E12: America destroys a window to talk to Japan, who is currently naked and taking a bath. S5E19: an adult man flirts with a young girl, and tells her he wants to make a pass at her when she is older. Several webcomic-exclusive strips and web-exclusive supplementary material, especially holiday special comics, often have sexual assault references that are much more explicit than the anime. - 'April Fool's 2007' involves France encouraging Spain to strip naked to appease a fictional god; Spain consents to this, but it is quickly revealed that France was purposely deceiving him. Supplementary material published alongside the comic depicts France forcibly stripping and groping several characters, as well as taking revealing photos without their consent, in response to fan requests. - 'Christmas 2007' heavily focuses on France stripping and sexually assaulting several characters; furthermore, there is a scene where France says he is attracted to children, and poses with two young boys while naked. There is also a scene where France assaults Austria, and his wife Hungary is visibly aroused by the assault. - 'Christmas 2010' has a major plot point of finding a person with a mole on their chest to prevent an apocalypse. While it is later revealed there were no sexual intentions, a significant part of the comic focuses on several characters (including minors) either being kidnapped then forcibly undressed, re-dressed in sexually revealing outfits without consent, or undressing themselves despite being uncomfortable, all with the purpose of finding someone with a matching mole. - The strip 'Botticelli's Erotic Paintings' involves France and Spain forcing a child to strip, groping him, and fantasizing about having sex with him. - In 'Comic Diary 7', Spain asks two children (Romano and Italy) to marry him when they are older. As an adult, Romano conditionally accepts the marriage proposal. - A running gag involves webcomic-exclusive character South Korea groping and caressing other people's breasts without consent. - The supplementary visual novel ('Gakuen Hetalia'), involves two instances of sexual assault; England chains Seychelles to a dog collar and mandating that she submits to all of his demands. Later, France ostensibly defends Seychelles from England, but then follows this up with getting physically affectionate with her and trying to undress her against her will. Worthy of note: two popular ships in the fandom are America/England and Spain/Romano, and while neither are confirmed canon, there have been some hints in canon material about romantic relationships involving these characters (mainly in webcomic material omitted from the anime). However, these ships have been considered problematic by some viewers due to the fact that Spain and England were formerly parental figures to Romano and America as children, respectively, and England also considered America an adoptive brother (though it has been confirmed in the manga they no longer consider each other siblings). Additionally, there are multiple running gags throughout the show involving Italy and Romano: Italy often strips naked: it isnot his intention to flash people, however, he often unintentionally flashes people and runs around naked (to many characters' discomfort). Another running gag involves Italy sleeping in the same bed as Germany, often while undressed, even though Germany expresses discomfort with this. Italy and Romano have protruding hair curls that serve as erogenous zones; when their curls are touched, they will become aroused. There are multiple gags where characters run into awkward situations upon pulling their curls, unintentionally or otherwise (a notable example is S4E1, where an adult Spain pulls on a child Romano's curl).
Hex (1973) (Movie)
The relevant scene occurs from the 28:00-32: 00-minute mark.
Hex (2022) (Movie)
There is a character who was physically and sexually abused by a husband who is dead at the time the book takes place. This is periodically discussed in an unkind way throughout the novel. Another character who has been tortured attempts to rape this character. The novel centers around a murdered witch who haunts a small town. One of the teen boys cuts her dress to expose and mutilate one of her breasts. He accused her of raping his mother.
Heya Camp (TV Show)
Worthy of note: girls go to a public bath with a female teacher who is the club advisor (S15+11). The scenes are not sexual at all, but some might feel uncomfortable.
Hi, Mom! (Movie)
During a theatrical performance , woman has her clothes stripped off and is threatened with rape.
Hick (2011) (Movie)
There is a scene where the main character (a 13-year old girl) is in the bathroom, and a man comes in and attempts to rape her. Later, she is raped (off-screen) by an adult who kidnaps her. Another character then talks about being raped and getting pregnant as a result.
Hidden (2015) (Movie)
A woman is forced into prostitution after becoming a prisoner of war: we see her pimp grab her roughly. Two men have a discussion implying they will take advantage of a sleeping woman.
Hidden (TV) (TV Show)
The first season is centred around a human trafficking case in which the main villain, who is an adult man (noticeably older), kidnaps young/very young teenage girls and keeps them in his basement where he sexually abuses them. This is mentioned throughout. One scene features an attempted rape of one of these girls but she fights back and he gives up. There are frequent discussions and visuals of the aftermath of the abuse.
This book is about a family of 12 siblings, half of which develop schizophrenia. There is loads of mentions of physical and mental abuse to start, then about halfway through they start to mention the older siblings sexually abusing the younger ones.
It is implied that a young man is framed for sexual assault. There is reference to him being a 'peeper' and stealing women's undergarments, although it is unclear if these things are true.
Hideout (Movie)
High Life (Movie)
High and Low (Movie)
High Noon (Movie)
A man forcefully kisses his girlfriend when she is leaving him. She rebuffs him and manages to make him stop.
Sex or sexual topics are never even discussed, let alone assault/rape.
A woman is harassed and then raped on-screen by a man. In another scene, a woman is raped on-screen.
High-Rise (Movie)
S1E4: sexual situations between teens and adults. A small child could be interpreted as loli-con.
High Seas (TV Show)
In the beginning of the film, an imaginary scene shows a man performing a sexual act onto a severed head. The same man kidnaps a young woman and it is implied that he has kidnapped many other young women in the past. He admits to finding her sexually attractive and since he kills all other members of the family, we have to assume that he abducts thewomen for sexual purposes.
Highlander (Movie)
The movie villain acts threateningly to a woman while fighting another character, and after killing the character he grabs her. The scene cuts, but later in the film the villain boasts about having raped her. This antagonist also has violent sex with a woman and it is commented that she was traumatised by it. He also goes on to repeat his threatening comments and kidnap other female characters. Overall the film contains extensive themes of rape and sexual assault.
Highlander (TV) (TV Show)
S1E1: a man breaks into the main character's home and threatens the woman vaguely with rape twice before leaving. He stalks her, calls her to threaten her, and breaks back into her home to hold her hostage in a really creepy way. A police officer insinuates that men in jail will rape a boy who is going to jail. S1E21: the plot of this episode revolves around the rape of the main character's stepdaughter.
Hightown (TV Show)
This show contains multiple torture scenes involving little girls. There is a recurrent theme of abuse on a orphaned little girl by a family member. A boy acts like a pervert to one of the twins at times (for laughs). A strange disease causes a young man to have bizarre erotic fantasies involving his classmates, including three girls who are no more than 13 years old.
Hikaru No Go (TV Show)
The Hike (Movie)
There are multiple scenes in the movie with women being chased, pinned down, forcibly kissed and assaulted. The women are trying to go on a camping trip and they encounter a group of men who later capture and rape them. The film opens with a different group of women who are all running and being killed or captured making it clear that this is not the first time these men have done this.
Hilda (TV Show)
Hillbilly (Movie)
About halfway through the documentary, the rape scene from Deliverance is briefly shown to emphasize the harmful ways that the Appalachian community is often depicted in media.
A mutant attempts to rape a teenage girl but stops when he is interrupted.
A man licks and sucks a woman's chest and breasts against her will: she cannot resist because he is holding a gun to her infant child. A teenage girl is raped by a mutant man. Her sister is groped and then murdered in front of her. Both scenes are graphic and violent.
A kidnapped woman is raped.
A man jokes about how he would “eat any girl” if he were a cannibal.
A brother is in love with his sister.
Hippopotamus (Movie)
The main female character is raped: her flat mate is shown grabbing her and pushing her onto her bed, removing her clothes while she is shouting for him to stop. He punches her in the face until she stops making noise. The camera moves out of the room but the shadows on the wall show that he proceeds to rape her while she is unconscious (this is also discussed and confirmed as rape). This explains how the woman ends up kidnapped and is relevent to the story line.
Worthy of Note: while there is technically no sexual assault or abuse, a setting element that frequently becomes plot critical is, among other things, a metaphor for sexual awakening and puberty. In the latter half of season 1, this plot element is brought up and while again, no actual sexual assault occurs or is even implied, there are a number of things that are clearly metaphors for it - and are directed, written and acted in ways that make it abundantly clear that this is symbolism is deliberate. There is also a great deal of explicit child abuse that is non-sexual throughout season 1, including physical assault, gaslighting, and emotional abuse/abduction to the situation with the aforementioned symbolic sexual abuse.
The rape scenes in this book were not handled with care at all and seemed to be mostly done for shock value. It contains a graphic gang rape scene, and the sexual exploitation of a teenager ends up being a major plotline which is unskippable. SPOILERS: From the killer's perspective, we get the lines, "They let her. They could have said no. There is always a choice." The sixteen year old girls are on drugs after being pressured to take them.
His House (Movie)
The protagonist reflects on how she and her classmates had relationships with adult men while they were in secondary school. As an adult, she ends up marrying someone who is 13 years older than her.
HIStory (TV Show)
S2E1: sexual harassment. S3E7: a character drugs and attempts to rape one of the main characters, but is fought off fairly quickly.
Discussion/mention of sexual harassment and of a teacher touching a student inappropriately, non-explicit. The situation in which this inappropriate touching occurs is shown, although the touching itself is not depicted in any great detail. This plot line could potentially be upsetting to viewers, especially as the movie's judgement on these events is left more or less ambiguous. A different teacher, less than 5 years older than the student in question, is sexually propositioned by said student and does not react negatively.
An ambiguous but intense scene which some may find distressing: a violent argument between a married couple transitions into a very aggressive sex scene which some may interpret as rape.
During the French Revolution segment, a woman is gangraped. It is played up for laughs, but it includes the king calling for her to be gangraped, and descriptions of genitalia.
Hit and Run (Movie)
Rape and sexual violence are mentioned throughout the film for comedy purpose.
Hitch (Movie)
Worthy of note: the premise of this movie is that the protagonist helps men get dates with women whom they consider to be out of their league. The women do not know that the men pursuing them are receiving this assistance. Although the romance/sexual encounters in this movie are generally requited, there is a lot of messaging that is reminiscent of pick up artist (PUA) culture that some might find triggering. Specifically, ideas like, women do not know what they want, women are always lying when they say that they are not interested in a date, any man can end up with any woman he wants (ignoring that lesbians and asexual/aromantic folks exist), etc.
Hitman: Absolution (Video Game)
The main antagonist may attempt to "Distract" the protagonist with a strip tease. He has no reaction to this whatsoever and simply shoots her.
Hitman: Blood Money (Video Game)
The player has the option to approach a prostitute and be alone in a room with her. What the player discovers is that she is an assassin hired specifically to interfere with the protagonist's own assassination and results in a game over screen where she kills him. An another level, the player can follow a middle aged woman to her room who drunkingly hits on him, before she passes out on her bed. The only reason the player is motivated to do this is to gain a vantage point to snipe a Saudi Arabian CEO, his intended target, to fufill the contract
Hitman: Codename 47 (Video Game)
A prostitute kisses the protagonist, who reacts as if he is physically disgusted.
Hitman: Contracts (Video Game)
A hooker kisses the protagonist, causing him to physically recoil. He looks physically disgusted after the fact.
The trilogy of games sold in one package as a single piece of software includes Hitman 1 (2016), Hitman 2 (2018), and Hitman 3 (2021) The player has the option to "Roofie" any NPC or target's drink with 3 types, sedative (Knocks them unconcious) Enemic (Forces them to puke) and lethal (Instant death). A runner for a fashion show may be heard telling stylists to be mindful of make-up use on models lest they look like "Unkempt sluts" The protagonist can disguise himself as a golf instructor to get his intented target alone. The player is motivated to "Roffie" her drink with any of the 3 described poisons with the end goal of killing her, as he was paid to. One of the targets is a rockstar that, in the heat of the momen , pushed his girlfriend in a heated arguement, and crawled to his father who enacted a social media campaign to portray the girlfriend as a rowdy, drunk party girl that very likely threw herself off the roof but simultaniously deserved it, resulting in his acquittal for the manslaughter case.
In a flashback, a woman's butt is groped at a bar.
The Hoarder (Movie)
Hoax (Movie)
While camping, a man watches and records two others having sex without their knowledge. A woman is captured by the family living in the woods. She is told that she is going to marry one of the men in the family, and it is revealed that they captured one of the missing women from the camping trip at the beginning of the movie.
Hocus Pocus (Movie)
When two sisters get on a bus, the bus driver hits on them and says that he will give them anything they desire. They say they desire children. He says "that may take me a few tries, but I'll certainly try" in a very sexual way. The main character is constantly harassed in the film for being a virgin. A main female characteris constantly being sexually creepy. Two bullies discuss watching girls undress. Worthy of note: non consent is a running theme through the book, with the witches constantly mind controlling people.
Hocus Pocus 2 (Movie)
Two children are supposed to get married. One woman gets sad that she does not get to lure children anymore.
Hold the Dark (Movie)
Hold Me Back (Movie)
About halfway through the movie, the protagonist remember a past agression and memory loss.
Hold Tight (TV Show)
S1E4: this episode contains two scenes of sexual harassment. S1E5: rape is mentioned.
The Holdovers (Movie)
Holes (Movie)
A white man makes unwanted advances on a white woman who rejects him. Later, when he finds out she's in a relationship with a black man (this section of the novel being set in the 1800s in Texas, meaning interracial relationships are illegal), he leads a lynch mob and murders the woman's lover. When the woman initially realizes her lover is in danger, she goes to the sheriff for help. He only agrees to have her lover's life spared if she kisses him, which she refuses to do, so in retaliation, he allows her lover to be murdered. In another section of the novel, also set sometime in the 1800s, a 15 year old girl is married to a man old enough to be her father. She does not seem to care, but was also given little say in the matter.
Holidate (Movie)
The girlfriend of a main character starts making out with him even though he is clearly against it and verbally objecting (removing her shirt then initiating kissing and fondling). WHile he continues to object, she moves off-screen and the change in the man's demeanor and facial expression strongly implied that she is performing oral sex.
Worthy of note: Infidelity is a prominent secondary theme, and some of the sex occurs when one party is more drunk than the other.
Holiday Hell (Movie)
First story: while at a party, a man kisses a girl and she pushes him off her. Third story: a man shoots another man several times in the penis with a nail gun.
A woman is drugged and impregnated; although her rape is not shown, a man is seen standing over her bed. She is then kept as a prisoner by women who want access to the baby she is pregnant with.
The Hollow (TV Show)
S3E5: someone kisses the hand of one of the main characters: she reacts in disgust (05:03-05:10).
The protagonist is kidnapped, drugged, and taken to a party where it is strongly implied some form of assault took place, then taken to a room upstairs where he is undressed, forced to witness an antagonist sexually assault and murder another man, and then left there with the intent of framing him for the other man's murder.
An invisible man pulls off a woman's robe and rapes her. A man tells a rape joke.
Hollows Grove (Movie)
The protagonist is followed by men who sexually harass her until she yells at them. This prompts the protagonist to recall a real-life rape and murder case and reflect on rape culture in general.
Hollyoaks (TV Show)
This is a long-running soap with many characters, so some stories are in the past and will be referenced infrequently in present episodes. Stories are normally sensitively, albeit imperfectly. As this is a pre-watershed program violence has to be off-screen but events are often played for emotional drama, and will be discussed frequently in a way that may cause some viewers distress. Crimes are generally recognized as such and several plotlines involve offenders being taken to court; while this is generally a positive point, it also could be distressing.
Hollywood (TV Show)
S1E2+3: a Hollywood agent pressures an actor into sexual acts.
Hollywood Cop (Movie)
Holy Motors (Movie)
It may be upsetting to some viewers that a naked child is present in one scene: he is wandering through aisles of a theater with some dogs. A comedian character briefly plays the role of someone married to a chimpanzee: they seem to have a chimpanzee child.
There is a group of sex workers in this film and one of them is a child. A man comes up to girl and kisses her hand. A man says that he often has sex with his employees with the intent of getting them pregnant and trapping them into being his wife. A woman, as part of an art exhibit, has her head covered but is otherwise nude. Her body is painted. A man approaches and fondles her breasts and vagina while this happens, possibly without her input.
Holy Smoke (Movie)
Home (2008) (Movie)
Worthy of note: there is a scene of domestic violence one hour into the movie.
Home (2015) (Movie)
Home Alone (Movie)
Merry Christmas Ya Filthy Animal!
The film contains minor occurrences of non-consensual touching played for laughs. An antagonist wears a glove with adhesive material, that sticks to a woman's purse: he flirts with her. Later, the protagonist, having been kidnapped, pinched the butt of the same woman then places the blame on the antagonists as a means of running away. Worthy of note: the protagonist watches a movie in which a man shoots and kills a woman while laughing because he thinks she is 'smooching' other men.
Home Fires (TV Show)
A woman is emotionally and physically abused by her husband. In at least one scene, it's implied that she feels pressured into sex with him.
Homebodies (Movie)
Child marriage and the rape of slaves by slave masters both occur.
Homeland (TV Show)
A woman attempts to seduce a coworker by pressing up against him in S1E1. This is non-consensual. In S1E1 a man has violent sex with his wife, however, the nature of the encounter is very much forced. In S4E2, there is a sexual encounter between a very drunk man and a sober woman.
The lead character is put in a situation where his awareness is obscured and a priestess touches and grabs him in an attempt to entice him into a ceremonial orgy against his will. He manages to break away before anything happens to him. The scene is not graphic.
Homestuck (TV Show)
Webcomic/book. No rape is shown, but sexual assault/harassment are implied in multiple scenes. Pages 3507, 5553, 7449, 6707, 6794-6830.
One female character (antagonist) uses psionics to force a woman into a sexual encounter. This is explicitly mentioned to be non consensual.
S1E4: sexual harassment.
One of the protagonists of the story is a cat. In the latter half of the movie, there is a play on the word "cat-calling" when several dogs in a pound make suggestive comments about her. This is played as a brief joke and play on words.
Homunculus (Movie)
A high school student is raped by an adult man (51:45-55:25). It is implied that her "subconscious" wants it and that he is just trying to help.
Honest Thief (Movie)
Honey Boy (Movie)
The main adult character (the father of the other main character, a child) is a convicted sexual offender, who attempted to rape his son's mother in a car (she had to jump on the road to escape him). This is mentioned several times during the film. The boy also has several intimate interactions with a adult woman in a motel. Except kisses on the cheek, nothing sexual is depicted, but the nature of their relationship is clearly not platonic.
The college love interest is designed to look and acts like a young child, which may make some readers uncomfortable. At the end of the manga, the uncle of a young college protagonists confesses to having feelings for her.
There is passing mention of a tertiary character who cannot keep his hands to himself and disrespects the fact that the protagonist is a lesbian.
Honeydew (Movie)
Near the end of the film, an old woman who mutilated and ate multiple victims grabs one character and forces them upon the another one.
Worthy of note: a woman stabs herself between the legs in an attempt to remove something inside her.
The film contains sexual scenes that are not consensual and forced intimacy.
Honeymoonish (Movie)
The film's premise revolves around a preacher who has been accused of sexual misconduct with teenage boys. None of this is shown on screen but there are mentions of the boys being groomed and the scandal being covered up.
Honkytonk Man (Movie)
An adult woman tells a teenage boy (said to be 16) to come back to her when he is older, implying that she is willing to have sex with him. Later on, the uncle of this same teenager brings him to a brothel and arranges for him to have sex for the first time. The story takes place in the 1930s. The titular character (an alcoholic man in his fifites) wakes up naked in bed with a female teenage character (16 year old). It is implied that they had sex when he was drunk. This female character, portrayed as being enamoured with him and willing to have a child with him, functions as a comic relief throughout the film. It is implied that she was abused by her former boss and the protagonist constantly treats her like a maniac. At some point, she mentions having to deal with "dirty old men". The protagonist explains that his former lover was a woman who was married by force when she was 14 and had children with her husband.
The female protagonist is kissed twice by her boss without consent, each time accompanied by him insisting they become a couple. She denies him during both instances.
Honor Society (Movie)
Rape culture is alluded throughout the film and roofie pills are part of the plot. An adult school counsellor propositions an underage student to have sex with them.
Worthy of note: there is a scene where a character is robbed.
Throughout, the author discusses her experiences with being sexually harassed, drugged, and assaulted. She also shares statistics about sexual violence, particularly sexual violence at the hands of the police.
A character is mentioned to have had a slaveholding ancestor who impregnated one of his slaves.
Hook (Movie)
The protagonist kisses an unconscious girl without her consent (about 3/4 through the movie).
Worth noting: in the first chapters of the book, the main male character has plans to sexually "break" and degrade the female main character in order to hurt her father. This does not happen and there is no sexual assault that actually takes place.
The Hoot Owl (Movie)
This film features a story of a past murder where a couple was killed and the man's penis was cut off and put in his wife's mouth.
The main male character's mother was gang raped prior to the events of the book and bore a child as a result. The main female character, who is a free Black woman, assumed that she was conceived from an affair between her mother and her mother's slavemaster. It is later revealed that the actual father was the slavemaster's son. The relationship between her mother and the slavemaster's son is framed as consensual, and there is no mention of an age difference. However, the inherent power difference in this relationship is highlighted frequently. A Confederate soldier threatens to sell the main female character into prostitution, and makes veiled allusions to the fact that he would rape her if she were his slave. This book takes place during the United States Civil War, and the primary couple in this book consists of a free Black woman who spies for the Union cause and a white Scottish Union soldier. The characters have honest conversations about this power dynamic and how their coupling would be perceived by other people.
A girl agrees to show her genitals to a group of boys in exchange of jewels.
Horace and Pete (TV Show)
S1E1: the episode starts with a woman intruding on one of the main character's privacy. They also have a long discussion about refugees and rape. S1E7: the episode starts with the discussion of Sodom and Gomorrah.
A movie is shown where a woman clearly is getting sexual harassed in an alley. But she has super stength and beat the guy.
Horizon Worlds (Video Game)
While no sexual content is part of the gameplay itself, there have been numerous instances reported of players being virtually sexually harassed and assaulted in-game, such as being groped by other players' characters. However, the game offers a safety feature that allows you to prevent unknown players from approaching a boundary around your character called "Safe Zone".
Horizon Zero Dawn (Video Game)
Horns (2013) (Movie)
A woman is beaten and raped.
One character's boss repeatedly sexually harasses him in his workplace despite the fact that he clearly has no desire to reciprocate and is soon to be married; this is played for laughs. She repeatedly orders him to have sex with her, despite his refusals. At one point, she locks him in a room with her and implores him to have sex with her while she is practically naked. In another scene, she invites his fiancèe to the office, claiming that the free dental work is a wedding gift. He is unable to explain why he does not want his fiancèe to get this work done and while she is unconscious his boss implores him to have sex with her on top of his fiancèe's unconscious body. She threatens to show his fiancèe nude photos of him which she took without his consent while he was unconscious unless he sleeps with her. He manages to escape the situation. The same woman routinely sexually touches her unconscious patients. The man who is being sexually harassed explains that he would like to leave his job but can't because he was wrongfully placed on the sex offenders register for urinating in public. His harasser is aware of this and uses it to manipulate him.
Necrophilia and the drugging of women for "sexual games" are main plot points.
The villains discuss raping the main character at the end of the film, although they do not do this.
Horrific (Movie)
Story 1 : a man has sex with a woman while she is possessed by a demon. Story 2 : a monster fondles a woman while she is sleeping. Later, it watches another woman while she is showering and touches her while she things it is her husband. At the end of the story both women are implied to be pregnant.
Horror 101 (Movie)
A prison rape joke is made. A man gropes a woman when the lights go out.
Horror House (Movie)
There is one story in this anthology movie that involves sexual abuse. In this short, a girl makes herself look like her favorite doll to escape and cope with her mother's abuse. She tries to get one of her mom's boyfriends to "play" with her, but her mom interrupts them before anything can go further. Another one of her mom's boyfriends try to get her to "shake his hand" while he is standing in the dark, but she pretends like she canot speak english to get him to leave her alone. The mother is also very physically and verbally abusive to the girl. Later in the short, another one of her mom's boyfriends calls her a "real life doll" and says "i wonder what kind of doll you really are". She asks him to play with her, he then unzips his pants. We do not hear or see anything other than that, but we do see the girl lying completely still on her back in the morning. Her mother verbally abuses her again, not knowing she was assaulted. This short ends with her mother selling her daughter in a box at a garage sale, calling her "some old junk".
This documentary contains discussions of 'Birth of a Nation' and the stereotype of black men being predatory towards white women.
Vengeance: three men drug and rape a woman at a party as revenge against her for speaking out that she was raped by one of the men's brother in the past. Creeper: a man breaks into a woman's house with the intention of raping her, but she forces him to cut his penis off. End Preview: a man rips open the shirt of a woman who he has tied to the bed.
Hors Saison (Movie)
Horse Girl (Movie)
Horsemen (Movie)
Photographic evidence of a man sexually assaulting his adopted daughter is shown twice (around the 45-50 minute mark). It is implied that this also happens to his other daughters.
At one point, women spy on a couple having sex without their knowledge.
At the beginning of the movie, a male character breaks into a home where a female character is and kisses her. She pushes him off and runs outside. He runs after her and gets on top of her on the ground. She tells him to get off and he does.
Host (2020) (Movie)
Hostages (2013) (TV Show)
A surveillance video of a rape which, whilst not graphic, is played several times in both seasons.
Hostel (2005) (Movie)
A man and a woman have sex in a bathroom stall. He photographs his actions on his phone and sends it to his friends without the woman's consent. One character gets gropped on a train by a strange passenger.
A woman is pinned down by a man who unzipps his pants. She hits him around the head and gets away.
Hostiles (Movie)
It is strongly implied that kidnapped women were raped, One of them is asked if she can ride the horse before they move on.
Hosts (Movie)
Attackers lick and drool on the characters, and one rubs his face on the face of an unconsenting woman. He later grips/strokes her thigh (attic scene), saying he "just wants to get to know her."
Hot Box (Movie)
The Hot Chick (Movie)
The protagonist hears from her friend that her grandfather makes her get undressed before spanking her. Such a scene is depicted in one of the comic panels. The protagonist tells her own mother about this, which alarms the mother.
A teenage girl falsely accuses a woman of groping her.
Hot Fuzz (Movie)
There is an off-hand joke made about a character's parentage saying that the character's mother and sister are the same person. The character in question also is described as 'having the mind of a child' and unspecified developmental disabilities. It may trigger people sensitive to incest. It is brief and does not go into any further detail than that.
Women appearing underage is presented as a desirable trait by multiple people. Man refers to some women in the sex industry as ‘teeny-boppers,’ implying that their lack of experience (real or apparent) is a significant part of what makes them sexually appealing. Potentially exploitative sexual relationships/dynamics are a continuing theme; glorification of sex with very young people (teenagers, mostly girls), and of unprotected sex, as well as people entering into sex work in order to remedy financial struggles. Many young women are encouraged to take up sex work with promises of money and other luxuries. In one scene, a man pretends to be the adult friend of a young girl’s family, ‘taking advantage’ of her sexually. The actress is instructed to act as though she is ‘never fully engaged’ in the sex, and the actor is told that he should begin undressing her and assume that he can continue although she never explicitly expresses consent. Later, she talks about how much she 'hated' filming the scene. References are made to websites which specialise in pornographic videos specifically of exploited teenagers. One storyline addresses the prevalence of ‘forced oral sex’ and other abuse in pornography, often taken to extremes (one woman is made to vomit and lick her vomit off the floor). Women are verbally abused; often, there is a racial element to this abuse. A woman jokes that a dog ‘tried to rape her.’
Hot Rod (Movie)
Worthy of note: one characters paints a picture of another character having sex with a horse.
Rape in prison is discussed, but only in the hypothetical.
Two men are forced to have oral sex after a confrontation with another group of men. This is played for laughs Early in the movie, one male character says of another male that he is "raping angels".
Hotel (2004) (Movie)
Hotel Artemis (Movie)
Hotel Du Nord (Movie)
Hotel Rwanda (Movie)
Towards the beginning of the movie, a group of male zombie construction workers witness a female zombie walking past. They wink and nudge one another, but they do not bother her. Later on, a human character reaches through a skeleton’s ribcage. She takes offense at this and another skeleton comes to defend her.
Hotline Miami (Video Game)
A female character is shown in a room surrounded by cameras and appearing to have been drugged and abused. Another character rescues her: she moves in with him.
During the prologue, the player punches a woman to the floor and gets on top of her to rape her. The action is stopped when he puts down his pants by a filmmaker, since the scene is actually a film being shot. In the opening of the game, the player can choose to skip the last part of this scene. Worthy of note: later, a detective enters a woman's apartment without being invited to and after the woman said that she was about to get changed. Nothing further happens.
Hounddog (Movie)
A 12-year-old girl is raped on-screen.
Hounded (Movie)
The straight male lead has a magical weakness that makes him more vulnerable to seduction and manipulation. Several female characters use this against him. Some female allies leverage this to tease him (including kisses that are not unwelcome, but are partially compelled) and make the point that he needs to be more cautious while his enemies are in active pursuit. One female character whose allegiances are ambiguous wears a passive "I'm beautiful, so you wish to do things that please me" charm that the protagonist actively resists. The impact of these episodes is softened considerably by the fact that he views them as annoyances, turn-ons, and/or reminders to protect himself, rather than seeming especially distressed. There is a running gag in which his sentient dog begs for a harem of French poodles. The dog is extremely excited when his master arranges for a date with a group of poodles in heat. It is played for laughs at every point, which can get uncomfortable as a reader.
A woman is kidnapped, tied to a bed, stripped and implied to have been raped several times by her captors.
The Hour (TV Show)
Worthy of note: A character in S2 has a history of violence against women. It is not necessarily sexual violence but it is committed against women he sleeps with. One such attack occurs off-screen in S2E1 and is a main plot point thereafter. There is also discussion of "false accusations" in relation to this which some viewers may find triggering.
A guy watches a woman undress when she is unaware.
The Hours (Movie)
House (TV Show)
Throughout the show, the main protagonist comments on his boss' cleavage and backside. This is handled mostly as a joke, and the topic of sexual harassment is brought up multiple times to then be brushed aside or cast as a joke. The theme is constant throughout the whole series, until the original boss leaves in the second to last season. S1E15: whether or not the male patient was a victim of prison rape is discussed repeatedly. S1E17: date rape is discussed. A female patient is diagnosed with "sexsomnia" and told that she has been repeatedly initiating sex while unconscious with her ex-boyfriend, and that he cannot be held accountable for the violation that she feels from it. S1E19: a 12-year old girl turns out to be pregnant and has an abortion. There are some slight hints in the episode that she is being molested by her adult swimming coach but the father is never identified or punished: the titular character colludes in keeping the rape a secret. The patient claims that she was able to consent to the sex and knew what she was doing. S2E2: a possibly terminally ill 9 year old patient asks her 30 year old male doctor to kiss her, which he does. As part of the differential diagnosis doctors speculate about whether she's been raped or not. S2E12: the episode starts with a violent onscreen attempted rape as what appears to be part of a sexually-motivated home invasion, but it later turns out to be a pre-arranged roleplay between the couple. At one point, the titular character is denied permission to cavity search the woman for concealed poisons, which a male colleague compares to a rape. S2E13: a father admits to having sex with his daughter. Throughout the episode, the titular character makes repeated sexual comments abouts the body of his 15 year old patient to her face, dad, staff, and a waiting room full of patients. At one point, he makes a bet with a coworker on whether her breast is real or fake. She is generally sexualised by every male character without being met with much protest. At the end, she removes her hospital gown and all men in the scene stand and stare until she covers herself again. S2E15: the episode starts with a violent onscreen attempted rape as what appears to be part of a sexually-motivated home invasion, but it later turns out to be a pre-arranged roleplay between the couple. At one point, the titular character is denied permission to cavity search the woman for concealed poisons, which a male colleague compares to a rape. S3E2: sexual abuse is considered in the differential of a young boy with rectal bleeding, but was not the cause. S3E4: a 17-year-old girl repeatedly sexually harrasses the titular character at his workplace, talking a lot about how the US age of consent is arbitrary, unimportant and too old. It is strongly implied in this episode and the next that he would have liked to sleep with her, although he does not. S3E5: a male patient is punished for being annoying by having a rectal thermometer left in him for several hours. A brother-sister incest is part of the plot. S3E12: a character is raped and has become pregnant. S3E19: there is a strong suggestion that a 6-year-old girl is being sexually abused by her father, but in the end it turns out she is not. At one point she is given a vaginal exam whilst incapable of speech and therefore is not clearly able to consent. Her older brother sexually harrasses a woman in the workplace. S3E22: a woman receives a breast exam while her doctor is high, and he winks at her unprofessionally. The titular character gets a much younger woman to agree to go on a date with him, by lying to her that it is a job interview. S4E4: while having a seizure, a character hallucinates that she is being raped by one of the corpses she is working on. S4E10: the titular character asks a young girl sexually inappropriate questions with no medical justification, only to try and make her uncomfortable. S4E15: the episode starts in a strip club. S5E2: a little girl is shown crying in pain as she receives a rectal endoscopy, for which there is very little medical justification. S5E3: a male patient briefly and unexpectedly attempts to assault, possibly sexually, a female doctor, but she hits him and gets away quickly. S5E5: a female patient is someone a female character has slept with; the titular character makes inappropriate comments about lesbian sex throughout. S5E8: a teenage girl patient claims that her father has raped her. She turns out to be lying. S5E11: a schoolgirl patient turns out to have had a baby with a boy at her school involved in bullying her. She claims the sex was consensual and then dies of the complications.
The House (Movie)
S1E1: some scenes may be triggering (derealization, child neglect, alcohol consumption).
House (1977) (Movie)
Worthy of note: a girl has a crush on her teacher but nothing comes of it. High-school aged women are physically exposed whilst or before dying; whilst this is not sexual it might be troubling to some viewers.
House (1985) (Movie)
Rape joke (~5:00).
About 17 minutes into the movie, a man pushes the female lead onto a bed. She protests and he finally gets off. There is also a romance including intimacy between a high school student (the protagonist) and her neighbor who is in college (52:00).
House of Cards (TV Show)
Season 2 contains the detailed discussion of rape from the perspective of survivors from episode 15 onwards. The long-term impacts of sexual assault are woven into the plot for the remainder of the season. The emotional impact of rape is the focus of the narrative, and there are no grim or graphic depictions or details offered. Season 3 contains a number of scenes that depict violence within a marital relationship, one of which has a potentially very distressing sexual element. In season 4 there are some scenes of domestic violence which are presented as fantasies. This could be distressing to some audiences.
A ghost story is told involving a little girl being raped by a gang of men and left for dead (1:10:00). The movie also revolves around a woman taking a very drunk man home and making sexual advances on him. He is always very willing in sexual situations and tries to instigate additional ones.
A man from a 'rape play fantasy' site enters a woman's house and tries to forcefully have sex with her, but she has not consented and does not know what is happening (because someone pretended to be her on the site). He grabs her but gets knocked out before anything else can happen.
The entire film is about trapping woman so a satanic cult can impregnate her with Satan's baby. Something is summoned into a restrained victim's womb: the character is not nude and their genitalia is not touched, as this happens externally and through magic. The main female character tries to kill herself, but it does not work and in the end, she is in a coma and it is implied she will carry the baby to full term. There is a simulated rape scene at the end of this film.
S1E1: a main character calls another a rapist and uses a sword to castrate him (21:00). Rape is mentioned again (23:00), as is bestiality at a later point. A father suggests that his teenage daughter go "give comfort" to a king. Nothing happens, but it is implied that she is to start a relationship with him. S1E2: flirting continues between the teenage girl and king. It is suggested that the king might marry a twelve-year-old (his cousin) but he instead marries a fifteen-year-old. S1E3: an seventeen-year-old girl is told that she should marry. A teenage bride has a baby after having sex with a king. S1E4: a child proposes to a 17-18 year old. An eighteen-year-old has sex with her much older husband: she clearly does not like it. An adult uncle has sex with his teenage niece (ostensibly consensual). A princess is ordered to marry her cousin. A sexual encounter between two characters has questionable consent, since the only word the man says is 'stop'. He is uncomfortable and there is a power imbalance between them: he thus feels objectified, exploited, then discarded). S1E5: two cousins get married. They are not sexually interested in each other, but vow to give the realm heirs. A niece tells her uncle to fight for her and make her his bride. S1E6: the marriage of a child to a fully-grown man is mentioned. S1E7: two brothers discuss one of them marrying their sister. The idea of keeping the bloodline pure is discussed. There is a consensual in-depth sex scene between an uncle and niece. It is presented romantically. An uncle marries his niece. S1E8: a royal rapes a commoner and when she comes forwards, she is paid in order to keep quiet (19:21). More marriages between relatives are proposed. Marital rape is strongly implied when a female character talks about her marriage to her brother and says: “it isn’t so bad, mostly he just ignores you, except sometimes when he’s drunk”. S1E9: a thirteen-year-old boy having sex with an adult sex worker is mentioned. There is a discussion that women with royal wombs are expected to have babies and that this is all they are good for. S2E3: mild sexual harassment of a bar maid. A brother taunts his sibling about choice of sex partners: he also walks in on him during a sexual monent. This is repeated in the recap on episode 4. S2E5 contains a vision of a son sleeping with his mom. S2E6: a woman tells about her father repeatedly raping her.
A woman explicitly states she was raped repeatedly. Her rapist also carved the word "harlot" into her groin area with a knife. A 22 year old man has a relationship with a 12 year old girl, but says he will not do anything sexual with her until she is 16, which is still underage. None of the characters seem to point out the problematic nature of their relationship. A man is strongly implied to have raped women and children. A girl has an incestuous attraction to her older brother. He does not reciprocate her feelings and expresses disgust. At one point, she disguises herself as the woman he likes and tries to kiss him while he is sleeping.
In one of the first scenes of the movie, the main male character attempts to raoe the female protagonist (a blind dancer) in a brothel. He is stopped by the police. The female protagonist is partially undressed during a swordfight. The male protagonist, who is pretending to be someone else, watches the female protagonist bathing despite promising her not to. She then reveals that she knew he was there: they initiate sex but she stop him. About 1:20:00 minutes into the movie, another man attempts to rape the female protagonist: she is rescued.
A pair of adult twins share a consensual incestuous relationship (along with their mutual mistress). Throughout the book, blood-drinking (and at times, other kinds of bodily consumption) is a direct metaphor for possessive sex. This is initially portrayed as darkly romantic, and becomes disturbingly obsessive and abusive. There is no non-consensual sex, but there is lots of non-consensual sensual intimacy. It is also strongly implied that the act of repeatedly having one's blood drained creates a supernatural affection similar to Stockholm Syndrome. One character discusses her childhood relationship with her father in language that heavily implies incest. The father repeatedly drank his daughter's blood, making his wife jealous.
A female character is strapped to a chair, where a mad doctor touches her around the shoulders and head (54:00). He then violently tortures her.
S1E4: it is mentioned how a female character was almost harassed by a man. She turned him away and nothing end up happening. This is not shown on screen. Worthy of note: it is mentioned how geisha's have to be bought out of prostitution if they want to live a normal life.
A man asks a woman to his house to visit his wife, but when they arrive at his home the wife is not there, and he attempts to have sex with her, saying she owes him due to the fact that he made her money. He forces a kiss on her. She leaves before anything else happens.
In the very beginning of the movie, the patients of a mental institution start a riot. They violently grope and undress nurses against their will, further assault is implied. Later in the movie, a male character seemingly kisses and touches a female corpse in a sexual way. He also gives her an injection into her lower region with a syringe. It is quickly revealed that the woman is alive and has a sexual relationship with the man. It remains unclear how conscious she was when he started kissing and touching her.
One of the female characters reveals that she was sexually abused as a child by her uncle and that her parents knew about it. Later in the haunted house, they are in a room where the abuse took place: she is attacked by her uncle. He pins her down to the couch and taunts her bottom there is no on screen sexual abuse. Worth noting: another character is harassed for being gay, while in the haunted house he finds his locker filled with photos of naked men and he is later beaten.
The main character (the serial killer) gropes a victim's breasts and uses a marker to draw dashed surgical-style lines around them with a marker. He later cuts them off (the actual mutilation occurs off-screen but the viewer is witness to everything right before it happens). The viewer see that he then takes one of the breasts and puts in on the hood of a police car. Later, you see that he is using the other breast as a wallet. The rape of a female victim's corps is strongly implied. A corpse can be seen in the background of some scenes throughout: it is laying prone and naked from the waist down. There is a lot of dried blood on and around the corpse's bottom and inner thighs/groin area and not elsewhere on the body. More generally, most of the murders are committed by the main protagonist on women in vulnerable positions.
The movie takes place in a brothel, and one of the character is 16.
A character's top becomes covered in blood and she changes it. During this, an antagonist character watches lustfully and two of the characters friends shield her from his gaze. Later, the same character is kidnapped and held by a man who glued her mouth shut as a gag. Nothing sexual is shown, but the man's reactions and way he talks to the character could be interpreted that way. It is implied that one of the male antagonists kidnaps and rapes women in the basement of his gas station. There are polaroids on the wall that show naked women, although it is in the background and not not focused on at all on screen.
Chapter 22: brief mention of men having sex with children in an attempt to cure their STD.
A witch kisses a man while disguised as his girlfriend.
There is a sexual relationship between twins. It is dubiously consensual in the backstory, and one is actively trying to escape it during the film's plot.
It's revealed that a highly emotionally disturbed and stunted man has been spying on and drawing scenes of the main character and her family since she was a child, including when she was in the bath. However, his intentions were not sexual and it's implied he doesn't even realize the implications.
Housekeeping (Movie)
The Housemaid (Movie)
One character threatens to falsely accuse someone of rape.
The main character is unable to escape the advances of her boss, who ends up raping her.
Throughout the book, there are references to women and girls being raped by soldiers or oil workers. In the chapter entitled "Yaya," a character learns that her husband was sexually assaulted by an uncle when he was a child. When he told trusted adults about the incident, they minimized his pain and expressed worry about ruining the uncle's life since he was an influential figure in their village. Towards the end of the book, shamans complete a ritual where they insert semen into the vagina of one of the main female characters while she is unconscious, without her knowledge or consent.
This books contains a discussion of the #MeToo movement and corporate responses to sexual harassment and sexual assault scandals.
There is passing mention of sexual harassment charges levied against some of the author's clients.
A few chapters include non-specific, passing mentions of the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse. Worthy of note: each chapter is named after a person the author interviewed. In Lina's chapter, she gets engaged at one point to a cousin. However, she ends up breaking off the engagement.
S1E11: a character seeking legal help reveals that her husband is holding two girls hostage in their basement (about 9 minutes into the episode). She non-graphically describes her past with this man as a 16-year-old runaway looking for protection, and mentions abuse (implied sexual abuse) that she did not want to happen to the two girls. Their rape is discussed around the 24:00 minute mark. S1E13: a character angrily discusses being sexually abused by her uncle as a child. S1E14: a teenage boy is mentioned having been sexually abused by a priest, causing him to committ suicide. S2E5: a character shows another a video on a laptop of a young girl sitting on a bed being told by her father they are going to “play a game.” The shot focuses on one character’s crying face as you hear the man tell the girl to take her clothes off and crying/yelling can be heard. S2E6: mentions of gang rape and a character who had been sexually abused by her father as a child. S2E14: A character reveals that she was raped long ago by another character. In season 4, a councilman is accused of rape. This forms an integral part of the plot and is referenced throughout.
This movie is entirely about sexual assault, from the perspective of a 16 year old female character.
A character develops a romantic attraction to her cousin, and they carry out a romantic relationship together. A woman is beaten by men who intend to rape her but successfully flees her captors.
A main character continuously tricks women to sleep with him, which is used for comedy.
How It Ends (Movie)
A man makes a joke about a woman having to sleep with someone to get her job. A joke about incest is made.
A man repeatedly phones a woman to ask her out despite her telling him not to.
An adult male character says to the protagonist, a young girl at this point, that he "needs a girl." She does not exactly understand what he means, but she lies and says she is younger than she is anyway. As the protagonist becomes a teenager, men pay her a lot of unwanted attention, in large part because she is the one Chinese person in a white settlement. Her friend's fiancé is particularly harassing. She tells her friend that this fiancé forced kisses on her and made sexual comments to her, but her friend does not believe her. The book ends with the protagonist's sibling having tricked her into being a sex worker to pay off the sibling's debts. Also worthy of note: the protagonist is a victim of domestic violence at the hands of her father.
S3E1: around the 7:05 mark, someone makes a joke about someone consenting to sex by being drunk.
The main character (17 years old) dates a student teacher at her school (20 years old). The two previously dated when she was a freshman in high school and he was a senior. The relationship is not portrayed positively by the narrative, and the power imbalance is remarked upon.
Howard (Movie)
A woman is attacked by two men but they are chased off. The manager of a girl band withholds the girls' money with the intent to pressure them into sexual acts. A woman jokingly tries to seduce a male duck, making him very uncomfortable. The same duck is stripped by police against his will.
Howlers (Movie)
A woman undresses a man while he is unconscious to tend to his injuries.
The Howling (Movie)
A character is receiving calls from a serial killer of a sexual nature. She is part of a sting operation to find him, and he lures her to an adult video store where he forces her to watch a video of a woman being raped (which is fully visible on-screen) and indicates that it is what he is going to do to her, but he is shot by the police (09:15-11:33). A man blocks a woman's way to solicit her for prostitution (03:15-03:37).
A man threatens to sexually assault someone and unzips his pants: he is killed before he can do anything.
A pair of armed soldiers see a much smaller, civilian woman walking alone in an alleyway. They begin to flirt with her pretty aggressively, blocking her path and ignoring her efforts to get away from them. One of the soldiers remarks that he thinks the woman is "even cuter when she's scared." The scene ends relatively quickly.
The show is about the daily life of workers in hell. They mention how people are punished for various sins such as sexual assault. The sins are never detailed, but briefly mentioned to explain why someone is getting punished.
Hrutar (Movie)
Hud (Movie)
Throughout the movie, the protagonist gets increasingly inappropriate with his maid. At some point, he comes about behind a woman and nuzzles her neck as she is washing dishes. She tells him that she does not like sudden passes: ge does not apologize, but he backs off. About 01:30:00, he attempts to rape her while he is very drunk. He kicks down the door to her room and forcibly kisses her: the attempt is thwarted when his teenage nephew intervenes (and says that he did it because he was drunk). The woman (leaving town) encounters him later and tells him that they would have had sex sooner or later if he had not tried to rape her: he responds by saying that she will always be 'the one that got away'.
Huesera (Movie)
The film's plot revolves around extreme and non-consensual acts with sexual overtones.
The protagonist is said to have been raped by his father as a child (nothing is shown on screen). The protagonist brutally rapes a woman with a barbed wire.
A woman is coerced to be a man's sex slave. She is both sexually assaulted and later raped while she is in a coma.
In addition to what appears to be a scene of attempted rape by labor camp guards, the labor camp houses comfort women (sex slaves).
A character brags about harming a woman, with the harm that is heavily implied (and later in the movie, confirmed to be) raping said woman.
S1E3: at the beginning of the episode, there is mention of assaulting women. It is not clear whether this refers to sexual assault. Later on in the episode it is mentioned that a police officer sexually abused undocumented women. The assault is not shown on-screen and is only briefly mentioned. S1E4: a man stalks a woman across multiple countries. While in a drunken rage he pushes her into a room and starts beating her. He then fumbles with his belt. The woman pours hot water on him and escapes. He keeps stalking her and tries to murder her. S1E6: children are kidnapped. The concept of human trafficking is then explained, including different types of human trafficking such as sexual exploitation.
Human Nature (Movie)
About 50 minutes into the movie, a man who was brought up as an ape, jumps on two different women and mimicks having sex with them. It is part of a 'test' to help him become civilised/human. The scenes are played for laughs. Shortly after, he is seen in a stripclub, and it is said that he had sex with a prostitute. This occurs several times in the rest of the movie. About 1h15 into the movie, a man gropes a naked woman without consent. He is rebuffed.
Worthy of note: one of the main characters is a woman who was married to a physically and emotionally abusive man. She continues to be stalked by him after having ended their relationship.
The entire premise of the movie is that an experiment backfires, resulting in a group of monsters that goes on a rampant rape spree.
Humans (TV Show)
The topic of sexual assault is dealt with in the show, and sexual assault is consistently presented in a very negative light. However, there are scenes which some viewers may find disturbing. This happens in many episodes but it is usually clear when something of this nature might be about to happen. Child sexual abuse is only ever mentioned, but one of the characters is very affected by the fact that this happened to her. The show also features forced sex work. The lines regarding this are often blurred, as the show is about robots (who exactly resemble humans) which have gained consciousness and experience feelings in the same way that humans do. However, human people are unaware that the robots are conscious. This results in scenes which could be interpreted as rape, which are felt to be rape by the female robots targeted, but which the human men involved do not interpret as such.
Worthy of note: the narrator is an alien who replaces a human man and steps into every part of his life, including his relationships. He has sex with the man's wife and with his mistress. When the wife discovers that he is an alien replacement, she feels betrayed and troubled (even though he treated her far better than her actual husband had).
Humongous (Movie)
A woman is raped at a cocktail party, and the life of the son she has as a result (a murderous monster) is the main subject of the film.
Humpday (Movie)
A woman starts having sex with a man whilst he is asleep. He is shown to enjoy it at first but then says that he is 'uncomfortable'. This is not presented as violent in any way.
An elderly man becomes infatuated with a woman. He forcefully grabs and threatens her. Later, before he is about to execute her, the man offers to save the woman from death if she submits sexually to him. She refuses and he proceeds to carry on with the execution. The woman is later saved. The elderly man comes up behind the woman and pulls her arm behind her back, holding her forcefully in front of him. He leans in to smell her hair. It is implied that he is imagining sexually abusing her.
There is a passing discussion of Israeli Occupation Force soldiers raping Palestinians.
The Hunger (Movie)
Hunger (2008) (Movie)
Prison inmates are violently handled, undressed and their cavities are searched by the guards against their will. These scenes are not sexual in nature but are very intense. A brief scene of someone masturbating to a photo while someone else in the room is asleep.
Multiple instances and scenarios of sexual violence occur in this book. A man tells multiple people that their sexual relationship with him will end on his terms, not theirs. A man is revealed to have been sexually assaulting his daughter between the ages of 15-17. She becomes pregnant and dies by suicide. There are many occasions on which men imply that they will sexually assault a woman or a girl. A man tricks multiple teenagers into thinking they will be killed if they do not submit to him sexually assaulting them.
Worthy of note: the protagonist stalks and manipulates his love interest throughout the book.
A male character grabs a female character and kisses her. A male character talks about how he was prostituted as a child.
A male character describes being forced into sex work by the government after winning the Hunger Games.
Worthy of note: the story as a whole is about a society that is numb to violence, so despite nothing happening, there are some things that could possibly be triggering, such as a girl being taken as a slave and having her tongue cut off prior to the events of the book. A key part of the plot is the presumably primarily adult audience of the Hunger Games being deeply invested in the protagonist's performed romantic relationship with another character. The protagonist feels a lot of pressure to kiss him and perform romantic devotion to him even though she does not feel those feelings. There are also scenes where she has to be naked in front of adults she does not know while they are styling her.
This book contains detailed descriptions of the author's rape by a group of boys during her early teenage years. She also addresses, at length, the effect which this incident has had on her since it happened.
HunieCam Studio (Video Game)
This game makes reference to "teen" fetishes, although this age group is presumably 18-19 as each character is adult. No sex scenes are present in the game.
A man is falsely accused of abusing children. This is central to the plot. A brother exposes his little sister to pornography, and this action causes various issues (emotional incest).
Hunt to Kill (Movie)
A teenage girl is almost raped in front of her father. Later, she is also beaten up offscreen.
Even if there is no rape, sexual assault or child sex abuse in this film, it contains many jokes stemming from the fact that some of the characters assume that one of the character (a 65-year-old man) had kidnapped the 13-year-old protagonist in order to coerce him into having a sexual relationship with him. It is not the case.
Hunted (Movie)
The main character is hunted by two men who intend to rape her: there are many tense scenes of attempted rape. The two antagonists are rapists and discuss what they plan to do to the protagonist and what they have done to other women. An antagonist watches videos of women he has kidnapped before, it is heavily implied these women were raped.
A woman tells a ghost story about a woman who was beaten and likely raped by her husband.
Hunter Hunter (Movie)
In the first 30 minutes, a man discovers a group of dead bodies in the woods, they are women, and it is implied they have been raped. Towards the end of the film, a woman is attacked by a man: he stands over her, forcibly undressing her, strongly implying rape.
S4E69: it is mentioned that an inmate has committed rape. Worthy of note: a character is a masochist and gets aroused during fights. The twelve year old protagonist also goes on a date with an adult woman, though nothing sexual is implied. In one episode, an adult man is seen looking at two young boys lustfully (played for laughs).
A man, who has control over that child's body, says a child's beauty is turning him on (enough to make him throw up). Another male character mentions how two young boys are his unripe fruit.
Hunters (TV Show)
S1E1: in the opening scene, a man caresses a woman and makes comments about her appearance at a barbecue. One character briefly mentions a Nazi raping a prisoner. A central plot point is that a Nazi doctor takes a romantic interest in an Auschwitz prisoner. She rejects his advances, and there is no indication in the plot that he rapes or sexually assaults her. He instead turns all of his aggression towards torturing her romantic interest, a fellow prisoner. Although there is no child sexual abuse per se, a side character is framed as a pedophile. He denies that he is, and the plot provides no evidence for it: according to the plot, the pedophilia framing occurred to get him to stop investigating the presence of Nazis in America. In addition, an adult main character mentions playing the child to get information out of someone.
A male character has a harem or cult of women whom he calls his wives. One of the protagonists, a teenage girl, seeks help from this community. There is discussion about the protagonist being made one of his wives, but that never happens.
In a cutscene, the antagonist (uncle) probes the main character off-screen to see if she is fertile.
The film's plot revolves around a man's attempt to retrieve his 'wife,' who he kept as his subordinate, treating her as property, before she was taken away by another man (who claims that he wants her to teach him to read - they later fall in love). A sex worker is assaulted and tortured (primarily off-screen, although much of her nude body is visible) with a cigar and cigar cutter.
The main character flees an abusive relationship (before the book starts, but the abuse is discussed). Later in the book, she gets knocked out by a man smashing a vase into her head after she refused his advances.
Husbands (Movie)
There is a very long scene of coercion and attempted sexual assault in which the man is repeatedly joking about how closed off the woman is being.
Hush (Movie)
Husk (Movie)
The Hustle (Movie)
Women use sexual manipulation to hustle men out of money.
Hustlers (Movie)
Paid sexual favors (strip tease, unconsensual touching and even sexual acts) are the main themes of the movie.
Hwarang (TV Show)
S1E5: a guy starts dragging a girl somewhere after saying something that could be interpreted as a sexual innuendo (43:48-44:40). The situation is resolved by another guy. S1E7: a girl mistakes a man for another one and grabs his butt (54:00-54:30).
Hyakushou Kizoku (TV Show)
Hydra (Movie)
One of the convicts on the island is a known rapist and there is brief discussion of when he was arrested and charged in the past. While on the island, he pins a woman against a tree with the intention of raping her but is stopped by another man.
Hyènes (Movie)
Hypnotic (Movie)
There is a mention of a case where a woman reports a rape. A later scene shows two men engaging in intercourse. The man has a flashback/panic attack, asking to stop and hallucinating an unconsenting partner.
Hypothermia (Movie)
While rape and sexual assault are discussed, it is treated sensitively as it is being discussed by women comedians recounting their experiences performing comedy over the years. There is no sexual violence depicted, only a discussion of unfair standard men impose on women.
This film discusses Sigmund Freud's case study about a teenage girl who is sexually assaulted by her father's friend, of which Freud interprets as repressed lust. The reading of the case study is intercut with various other famous cases of sexual assault.
Hytti Nro 6 (Movie)
The One (TV Show)
I Am (2010) (Movie)
The third sequence of this anthology is about a man whose step-father molested him as a child.
The story line is a vigilante dealing justice to those who ran the trafficking ring. The two main investigators are both women who emote over the case but are also focussed and capable investigators. Given that it involves children, tere are some scenes which are particularly disturbing such as views of the cells where the girls were held. On the whole, the material is handled with sensitivity and care.
Near the beginning of the film, a fourteen-year-old is kidnapped and rapped off-screen as a part of a marriage story. It is revealed that she was raped every day of her abduction. It shows the perpetrator climb on her as she pleads before it cuts away. The man tries to rape her again, but she talks her way out of it. Worthy note: the film is based on the real-world kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart.
I Am a Ghost (Movie)
I Am Lisa (Movie)
A rape takes place off-screen (without sound) about 20 minutes into the movie.
I Am Mother (Movie)
Worthy of note: in the last episode of season one, a character is called a slut and harassed over her sexuality.
I Am Sam (Movie)
It is implied that the main character's daughter was conceived from rape, and it is revelead that one of the characters was molested by her father as a child.
I Am Samuel (Movie)
I Am ZoZo (Movie)
A woman is pinned down to the bed by a ghost.
This movie is about a girl's attempt to survive and cope with being groomed. 15 minutes into the film, the grooming escalates to on-screen physical and sexual abuse: the sex is on screen, and is shot from the perspective of the teen.
Worthy of note: early in the movie, the main female narrator explains that she had two children when she was 13 and 14.
I Came By (Movie)
It is implied that an unseen young man might have been forced into a sexual relationship with a character's father (1:06:25-1:08:30).
I Care a Lot (Movie)
The film centers around elder abuse (financial, emotional) although no sexual abuse was shown or mentioned. A man says he hopes that the main character gets raped.
I, Claudius (TV Show)
The (male) author devotes a whole chapter in the second half of the book to gang rape of the main character. The chapter is very detailed, describing the sensations and thoughts of the teenager as she is assaulted by a group of men. Worthy of note is the emphasis which the author places on the darkness of the rapists' hands in comparison to the white skin of the main character.
I Feel Good (Movie)
I Hate Suzie (TV Show)
S2E2: it is mentioned that David Bowie is a statutory rapist.
Many of the essays throughout the book deal with sexual assault, particularly how it is handled or mishandled in leftist queer communities.
A character remembers how he coerced a previous girlfriend into having sex with other men in front of him for his entertainment, and then broke up with her, calling her a slag for doing it. Pedophilia is mentioned in a few places, specifically how the gene matching could be abused to match pedophiles with children.
S1E2: a mother briefly mentions childhood sexual abuse from her step father (13:30-13:40).
This is a biographical two-part television mini series about a boy who was kidnapped and sexually abused for seven years before escaping.
The movie contains heavy allusion to child sexual abuse and it is revelead (on-screen) that one of the main character regularly raped his wife.
A teenage girl begins working as a stripper and when her boss is made aware of this, she is hired anyway.
The I-Land (TV Show)
S1E1: a female character is wrestled to the ground and the attacker pins her down and only retreats when threatened with a knife (18:45-19:10). Other characters later doubt that the attempt took place as the attacker ridicules the victim's claim in front of everyone (25:00-26:15).
I Like Movies (Movie)
A woman explains her experience in the film industry and mentions without giving any details that she has been abused by a producer (01:02:00-01:05:00). She obviously still suffers from it.
I Love Dick (TV Show)
I Love Lucy (TV Show)
In one scene, a man's friend gets up to make an announcement while at a dinner party with his friend, his friend's fiancee, and a number of their family members. In this announcement, he heavily implies that the man's fiancee should perform oral sex on his friend, much to her embarrassment.
No rape or sexual assault however there is brief discussion where it is implied that men are coerced into performing oral sex in return for favours while in prison. The scene is played in a comedic way, leaving it up to the viewer's interpretation. It is also implied that the character Phillip Morris has been lied to by men in the past in order to be persuaded to perform sexual favours for them.
I, Madman (Movie)
The premise of this show is that the protagonist was raped while high on recreational drugs. Because she does not remember what happened due to her inebriated state and because of dissociating, the bulk of the show is her piecing together what happened and navigating the trauma that ensued. Near the end of S1E1 (from 28:55), she gets a flashback of her rape, but does not at first realize what it is. The flashback is repeated at various intervals throughout the show to illustrate that it is an intrusive thought. Early on in S1E2, a brief flashback of the rape is shown. Throughout the episode, the protagonist questions her male friend (who was present on the night that she blacked out) about what happened. He is very evasive and seems to be dishonest. She then visits his mistress, who claims that she does not remember what happened and mentions that she may have been spiked (17:00-21:08). When the main protagonist suggests that her lover may have been involved, she becomes angry and shouts in denial. The main protagonist leaves and calls a rideshare to the police station to report what she remembers of the previous night to the sexual assault specialists. The officers question her sympathetically and she undergoes a medical examination (22:08-27:48). In S1E3, the protagonist and her friend go to a club while they are both very high. The latter ends up having sex with two men who tricked her into believing that they did not know each other. When she realizes it, she appears troubled (24:27-27:25). In S1E4, the protagonist has a flashback of her rape while having sex with a colleague (19:00-20:07): she acts as though everything is fine. After that, the man removes the condom without her knowledge or consent (21:51-23:00). Meanwhile, after having consensual sex with a man, a male character is physically forced on the bed, restrained and thrusted against from behind, despite his protestations. He is shown visibly distressed afterwards (from 27:52). In S1E5, the protagonist learns that there are social media forums where people learn to take off condoms without their partner's consent in the middle of sex and make excuses for it if they are caught (3:41-4:50). Then we see flashbacks of this happening to her. She later asks a police officer if this act counts as rape, and the officer agrees that it does (24:57-28:55). Towards the end of the episode, the protagonist publicly accuses her colleague of having raped her, describing the tactic he used. Her previous partner finds out and victim blames her by saying that she should have watched her drink better to avoid being drugged and raped (18:57-21:32). Meanwhile, the protagonist's friend goes to the police station to report an his own assault. The police officer belittles him for not knowing his assailant's real name, asks if any penetration really happened, and then ultimately dismisses the case since the encounter started as consensual (26:19-27:07). In S1E6, there is a scene focusing on a support group for people who have been sexually assaulted. Participants describe experiences with sexual harassment and rape. The protagonist states that she wants to learn how not to be raped, implying that she internalized the victim blaming from her ex (04:36-07:55). Later, a flashback scene features two teens engaged in what starts as consensual sex. At some point, the boy takes a photo of the girl on his phone without her consent. When she catches him, she appears upset at first but then goes along with it when he says that he will pay her. When the boy is not looking, the girl destroys his phone (12:11-17:24). Later on, she cuts herself with a knife, and when a teacher notices her bleeding and appearing distraught, she says that her partner raped her at knifepoint. Other students find out that this is not true, and they tell the headmaster before the boy can be arrested (17:42-26:34). Later on, her stepfather references how her father supposedly raped her and her mother. The girl says that she lied about the rape at the insistence of her mother, who wanted sole custody (27:17-29:11). Towards the beginning of S1E7, the protagonist reads a personal essay aloud, in which she wonders if she has the right to be affected by her experience with sexual assault when so many women have it worse (3:30-.5:00). The protagonist's best friend asks the male friend that the protagonist interrogated in S1E2 not to come to a party because his presence might trigger the protagonist. The male friend argues that the best friend encouraged him to leave the protagonist by herself, potentially facilitating the rape (9:52-12:53). Later on, the protagonist's gay friend says reminisces about how he lost his virginity as a child when two adult men invited him to have sex with them in their car. He does not seem to realize how alarming this sounds until he sees the distressed look on his friend's face (14:25-15:14). The protagonist's friend claims that Black people, apart from the protagonist, do not get raped (19:00-19:14). The protagonist locks her gay friend and another man in a room together, thinking that she is facilitating a hookup, but not knowing that her gay friend had been sexually assaulted and is still uncomfortable with sex as a result (22:35-27:47). There is discussion of rape in the context of colonization (23:00-25:00). Once freed from the room where he was locked with the man, he tells the protagonist's best friend about his bad experience reporting his sexual assault to the police (28:00-29:05). S1E8 opens with the rape and sexual assault support group (00:56-3:04). The gay friend decides that, because he was traumatized by his sexual assault, he will pursue women instead of men. He goes out on a date with a white woman who clearly fetishizes Black men. She initiates kissing and sex with him, despite his visible discomfort. While he is having sex with her, he keeps having flashbacks to his own sexual assault, in part because the same song is playing and because he is pinning her down in the way that he was pinned down (15:28-16:28, 16:55-17:58). The protagonist hears from the police that they are closing her case because they could not find the rapist. She appears to dissociate upon hearing this (5:25-10:22).
A teen girl falls in love with her teacher, who falls for her as well. The teacher is a man pretending to be a woman: the girl does not know this and only finds out at the very end.
I Onde Dager (Movie)
The rape scene is played for comedic value, and is perpetrated by a predatory gay man. There are also threaten rape throughout several scenes in exchange for money.
Near the end of the movie, the male protagonist suddenly and forcefully kisses his brother's wife. Throughout the movie, it is (more or less) implied that the protagonist entertains an incestuous love for his sister.
I, Robot (Movie)
Worthy of note: the protagonist rides in an elevator with a female character, who says that she is to accommodate him during his visit. The man asks "Really?" in a way to imply a sexual manner. She glares at him and their character relationship is respectful there-after.
The protagonist of this movie is a serial rapist/serial killer. There are thus several scenes of brutal violence towards women, who are also verbally and sexually assaulted during long and graphic scenes. A man attempts to rape a young girl, removing her clothes and exposing some of her body. He appears to sexually assault her off-screen but is interrupted. A man rapes a woman, briefly revealing some of her body. Later, he is shown raping her on-screen. A man undresses and rapes a woman as she resists him: in the film, she appears to begin to enjoy the intercourse as it is happening. This scene only exists in the Korean cut of the film.
One character denies the rumor that an unseen character claimed she touched her boobs. It is unclear whether it happened or not and the conversation quickly shifts gears afterwards. A scene where domestic violence can be faintly heard upstairs but the nature of it is unclear.
I See You (Movie)
The subplot of this movie is the hunt for a pedophilic serial killer. There are no graphic scenes, but there is a brief interview with a former victim and shots of the crime scene.
A woman is said to have been molested as a child. A woman rubs her feet against another woman's leg under a table. The other woman looks uncomfortable and gets up and leaves. A woman talks about how men have historically 'raped and pillaged' in order to gain supremacy over women.
The film's central plot revolves around a woman seeking revenge against the men who violently raped her. A woman is raped by a number of men: these scenes are prolonged and graphic. The film contains three relatively long and very graphic rape scenes in total. The woman seduces one of the men who previously raped her before killing him.
The film's central plot revolves around a woman seeking revenge against the men who violently raped her. A woman is raped by a group of men: this scene is prolonged and graphic. A man is formed to perform fellatio on a gun and his own castrated penis. Another man is raped.
A woman writes a book about her rape and becomes a counselor for rape victims. A man rapes a woman, then another woman attempts to rape the woman. A woman finds out she was the result of a rape.
A woman is kidnapped, raped, and tortured then takes revenge on her abusers.
There are many instances of sexual violence portrayed throughout this film, with flashback to the rape of the main character from the first film in the installment (which opens this sequel). Rapists are always male assaulting cis women and the movie contains several scenes of sexual violence against men and the mutilation of male genitals. Some of the film takes place in a group therapy setting, which is not a safe place and ridiculed by the film. There are frequent visits by the cops, a male member of the group frequently loses his temper, yells, throws chairs and storms out and the therapy leader touches the protagonist (hug and pet her face) when she does not consent. Additionally, the protagonist's private therapist emphasizes that forgiveness is the only way to heal. A teenager in the group therapy tells about her step-father continuously assaulting her. It is later revealed that she still lives at home with him and that her mother does nothing to protect her. The man is killed by the main character when she uses a sledgehammer to insert a metal pole into his anus, the scene is shown in graphic detail and blood splashes on her face. A male character in the group therapy tells about his daughter killing herself as a result of being raped by her trainer. The main character tracks him down and attempts to kill him but fails and is only saved from him attempting to rape her by a police detective who shows up at the last minute. This negates the series' guiding light, which is that the protagonist will get revenge instead of the broken judicial system. The protagonist and her friend follow an old, drunk man back to his house from the bar and pull his pants down and scare him after he made a victim blaming comment: he subsequently pisses himself and they laugh and run away. A group of men harass the main character throughout the film. She is also forced to perform oral sex on her friend's killer (her abusive ex boyfriend): she cuts his penis off and kills him.
I Stand Alone (Movie)
The film features implied sex between a father and his mentally vulnerable daughter.
There is a mention of necrophilia.
I, Tonya (Movie)
There are two instances of sexual harassment on-screen: in one scene, an underage girl is groped, without her consent, by her older step-brother. In another, there is a short shot of non-consensual/forced kissing. Worthy of note: this film contains repeated scenes of domestic violence.
The One (TV) (TV Show)
S1E2: a few minutes in, a girlfriend asks her boyfriend if he would get with someone else if she died. He replies that he would wait till her body got cold and then find someone else. She replies, “That’s not funny.” I’d love to believe this wasn’t a rape joke but I don’t see how it could’ve been anything else".
The entire movie centres around the aftermath of the sexual assault of the main character. It is discussed frequently throughout the film. While the sexual assault is not shown on screen in full, we do see what happens directly before and after the assault. There is also a quick shot that shows the protagonist’s face during the assault. Worthy o note: while there is no child sexual abuse in the film, the protagonist, who works as a nanny to a child, does escape the site of her assault with said child under the implied fear that her assailant may also attack his child. This implication may be distressful to some viewers.
I Vitelloni (Movie)
Throughout the film, men sexually harass women and one of the scenes could even be described as an attempted rape.
The female protagonist pushes the male protagonist against a wall saying she is playing a 'naughty joke' on him. She attempts to kiss him which he seems to want to reciprocate, but she backs out last second telling him its a joke (51:30-54:10). Then the male protagonist becomes angry, grabs her, and pushes her on a bed. She asks what he is doing and tells him to stop. When he does not, she becomes more desperate and starts crying believing she is about to be assaulted. He stops, seeming to realize what heis doing, not getting any more than holding her down. The scene ends with her crying on the bed as he runs from the room.
There is flirting between adults and two teenage girls mid film. The men are unaware the girls are underage when this happens (no sexual contact is ever made).
A leader of the communist party warns a female member that men might make unsollicited advances to her.
In the last 30 minutes of movie, there is a joke about someone "having his way" with a housewife.
Ib (Video Game)
IBoy (Movie)
Icarly (TV Show)
A villain repeatedly tries to blackmail another girl into kissing him. Both characters are underage. S1E23: one character (a minor) is forced to rub an ice pack on the stomach of a sweaty man, who asks him out.
Ice Age (Movie)
An old rabbit turns to kiss an old sloth and she stops him with her cane (1:16:17-1:16:21). It is implied that she would have kissed him, but not on the lips.
The protagonist, believing that he and the female lead are the very last mammoths alive, awkwardly asks her to help her repopulate the species. This is misinterpreted as sexual harassment by the female lead, with her adoptive brothers accusing him of being a pervert. However, the conflict is later resolved and the protagonist explains it was not his intent to harass her.
A man walks in on a woman while she is changing. While he continues to move boxes into her house, he makes her feel uncomfortable by continuing to stare at her.
A few pages in, there is a gang rape scene.
The Ice Road (Movie)
The Ice Storm (Movie)
The main female protagonist (a teenager) proposes to show her genitals to a boy about her age if he shows his. After she did, the boy gets nervous and shouts: 'what do you want?' and they are interrupted by his mother. Later on, she gets him drunk and both get naked in bed. Even if he (drunkingly) says that he loves her, he later seems distressed by the experience. Another girl (about 16-17 years old) passes out between the legs of a boy who has a crush on her. She had just told him that she only sees him as a brother and the boy takes (what is presumably) a few minutes to move her head from this position. At a 'key party", where married couples swap sexual partners by having wives select other husbands' keys from a bowl, a man makes a comment about the young boyfriend of a woman, saying that 'she brought her son'. He says that he regrets that nobody brought his daughter.
There are multiple violent, graphic rape scenes throughout the film.
ID: Invaded (TV Show)
S1E4+6: a man kisses the female protagonist without her consent. He could not control his actions due to a brain injury.
There are a few scenes where the protagonist's classmates make harassing comments to her and others.
Ida (Movie)
The author references false rape allegations used to excuse lynching, rape against slaves, false rape allegations against the Exonerated Five, and the kidnapping and gang rape of Recy Taylor.
Ideal Home (Movie)
There is a mention of the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer being a rapist.
The two main characters were raped by their father as young children. This is described in detail numerous times through flashbacks and is a key plot point. One of the characters gets so high she basically immobilized and the man she is with initiates sex. She consented but she was not in the proper mental or physical state to. One of the characters desires to have a romantic/sexual relationship with one of her teachers. He then flirts with her back and even invites her to his house. It is implied that he wants to take things further but feels it would be wrong and he stops before anything can happen between them.
During a flashback sequences (in which everything is very blurred), several men undress a woman they kidnapped and take her away, presumably to rape her. All of it happens in front of a bonfire at night, so all characters are only silhouettes.
Identity (Movie)
Worthy of note: a woman who had previously been a sex worker gets called a few slurs and one of the men sometimes invades her personal space in a non-sexual way for no apparent reason.
A woman repeatedly flirts with an uninterested married man. A woman and man try to force another man into a threesome, after he says “no” multiple times. She urges the man to physically grab the other man and expose his genitals to him. It is played for laughs and not as something serious. The second man hides in the bathroom while the other man and woman have sex in the bedroom and he is forced to hear it against his will. There is a kidnapping scene of a man throwing a woman into a van and though it is not sexual, it could still be triggering.
Idiocracy (Movie)
The Idiots (Movie)
The movie follows a group of people who pretend to be mentally disabled in public areas. One of them (a man) is left by his friend with some bikers in a bar, caught at his own 'game'. When they think he has to go to the toilet, they try to help him by pulling down his pants and holding his penis to help him pee. He seems visibly distressed by the situation but can not tells the truth, out of fear of being beaten up. Near the end of the movie, the group initiate a gang-bang. When one woman refuses to join in, she is groped, purchased and stripped by several men. She is not distressed at all and laughs as if it was a game. She finally accepts to take part in the orgy.
Idle Hands (Movie)
A man knowingly tries to hook up with a girl still in high school. The hand grabs a woman's chest before killing her. A man accidentally tears off his girlfriend's dress while he and his friends are trying to get her out of a trap.
The Idol (TV Show)
S1E1: non-consensual choking.
Idolish7 (TV Show)
While not a major aspect of the story, the show does have occasional commentary on the sexualization of boys and men in the idol industry and the negative effects that have on them. Mainly this includes one character in particular's experience with his image being twisted into something more sexual than he is comfortable with, but there are also a few scenes of blatant sexual harassment, one of which includes a minor. S1E2: a 23 y/o man's answer in an interview is immediately sexualized by the interviewer and he is shown to be uncomfortable. S1E11: a 23 y/o man is uncomfortable with a woman touching him and tries to move away. She continues to touch him until his friends come in the scene. S1E12: a female ambiguous in age attempts to manipulate 17 y/o boy to kiss her in an act that she will tell him where his missing family member is if he does. He does not kiss her and is shown to be disturbed by the experience afterward. VibratoE2: a 23 y/o man is shown to be upset about being over-sexualized in a commercial. VibratoE8: in an intentionally similar scene to S1E11, a 23 y/o man is uncomfortable with a woman touching him and tries to move away. He is only able to when his friends come into scene.
The film consists in three stories. In the first, a man kisses a woman without her consent. When she rebuffs him, he apologises and leaves. Later on, that same woman asks him to have sex in order to get pregnant (her husband being unable to do it). He starts to kiss her but she quickly changes her mind. It takes several seconds and a a few protestations from the woman for him to stop.
The central conflict of the book is that one of the protagonists was accused of rape. It is believed by most of the characters that this is a false accusation, but whether or not it did happen is ambiguous.
Prior to the events of the book, when the protagonist was eight years old, her father left her alone with one of his friends, who tried to touch her inappropriately. This prompted the protagonist to leave the house. At the time, her mother chastised her for running away because the protagonist was too traumatized to explain what happened. She also knew that her father would brush off responsibility for the incident. The memories of this event resurface when, as an adult, the protagonist is at a party and sees the man who tried to touch her. She is deeply distressed upon seeing him and decides to leave the event. Later on, she tells her mother the whole story of what happened, and her mother apologizes for blaming her. The protagonist finds out that a previous girlfriend of her love interest made false rape allegations against him. It is clear in context that these accusations are actually fake, and he is not simply claiming that they are. There is passing mention of men catcalling the protagonist while she is out running.
The Two Popes (Movie)
Towards the end of the film, during a discussion between the two main characters, one of them confesses that he heard stories about priests molesting children and did nothing against it. As he continues to describe it, his voice is covered by an high-pitched sound. Once he is finished, the other man, visibly shocked, has to give him his benediction.
A man kisses a woman while she is limp from the effects of a drug, thinking that she will not remember the incident. He leaves her alone after this.
Ikiru (Movie)
Il Boemo (Movie)
A husband assaults his wife and then rapes her: she was already afraid of him, but after the rape, she shows signs of depression and kills herself.
Il Gattopardo (Movie)
The rape scene is long and explicit.
Il Sorpasso (Movie)
A man mentions putting his hand up a woman's skirt when he was younger. This same character also mentions forcibly kissing a woman a who slaps him in response (this happens of off screen). Earlier he had pinched this same woman on the cheek. He also tries to kiss his ex-wife when she does not want it and stalks a couple of girls who appear to be minors, following their car, though he ultimately leaves them alone. A girl who is stated to be 15 is in a relationship with a much older man.
The main character undresses his wife even though she is telling him to stop. It then cuts and it is implied that they have had sex even though they are both dressed. The main character (around 50 years old) massages a girl's (around 17) back because it is hurting, while she moans (in pain, although the scene feels sexual in nature). Then, it is revealed that they do have a sexual relationship.
This is a true crime book examining the crimes of the so-called Golden State Killer/East Area Rapist with a view to discerning the identity of the perpetrator, which was still unknown at the time of writing. As such, the details of these crimes (many of them sexual in nature) are discussed throughout the book.
An adult female being held captive asks her male captor if he plans to rape her: there is no danger of it and he does not intend to hurt her.
There is one character who is known to be physically violent towards women, but no implication that he was sexually violent towards them.
Ils (Movie)
Ils Etaient Dix (TV Show)
This series contains sexual violence, which is an addition from the book it is adapted from. S1E1: an attempted rape scene on-screen is followed by a heavily implied off-screen rape (15:30-17:00). The victim is shown being dragged off-screen by her hair while screaming. The aftermath of the rape is also shown (35:30-38:00 + 46:00-48:00): the victim tells the rapist's mother what happened. The mother downplays it and asks the woman not to report her son, and then murders the victim by electrocution in order to silence her. The mother is later murdered in punishment for this event, but there is no indication or sign that the actual rapist ever faces any consequences. A man unsuccessfully hitting on a woman sarcastically says: "I'm not going to rape you, jeez." S1E2: an ex-policewoman has flashbacks to a rape case in which the rapist was described as a “lovely young man” and the victim as “an unstable junkie.” The victim is shown on-screen accusing him and trying to hit him. The policewoman threw the case out of court: the rapist later attacked another woman, and this time, murdered her. In a flashback, a young boy's trousers are pulled off him by bullies, to humiliate him in front of his crush. S1E3: a woman deep in panic and extremely upset grabs and starts kissing a man; they have sex, which is not shown on-screen at the time. However, a short clip shown later in the series makes it clear that the sex was filmed without their knowledge or consent. S1E4: a woman taunting another woman says “what’s up with you, were you raped as a kid or something, was it your daddy?” S1E5: an ageing male celebrity cheats on his wife with young fangirls. No sex scenes are shown onscreen, but a scene where he is blackmailed over the phone reveals that two of the girls were underage teenagers.
The author mentions a time when an Uber driver said he could smell a young girl passenger's "sweet pussy." Sexual harassment and sexual violence are discussed in abstract terms throughout.
The author discusses how her mother was emotionally and sexually abusive towards her, gaslight her, and manipulated her into developing an eating disorder. The mother consistently undermined the author's boundaries about her body and preferences, even going as far as to wipe the author, shower with her, and shave her legs, well after the author was capable of doing these things on her own. In the final chapter of the book, the author specifically points out how her mother would give her breast and vaginal exams, despite how uncomfortable it made the author feel. The author's manager is also described as having been manipulative toward the author and other clients. The author describes being coerced into having her first kiss be on camera with a co-star. The discusses having dated two men in their 30s when she was 18 years old. The author discusses having been raped by a man who initiated sex with her when she was too drunk to know what was going on. Part of the book also references the Dan Schneider sexual misconduct scandal at Nickelodeon.
The author describes being raped at a party.
A male character implies that he had sex with a female dead body. A male character threatens to rape another male character. A male character ties up and caresses a female character, then bends her over a car and leans over her. A male character makes sexually violent comments on others’ social media pictures- A character claims an older man had child pornography. -Cameras are installed in hotel rooms to watch guests, it is implied that a man is filmed while he begins to masturbate.
The main character confesses to her rival that she is in love with her. The rival rejects the confession, but the main character continues to stalk the rival even going as far as wanting o become the rival's maid. There are two incestuous scenes; one has to do with a brother and a sister planning a revolt so they can be in love; the other is when the rival's sister transfers to the school and the rival tells the main character that she would rather be with her sister than her: the rival plays in into that just so that the main character can start actually doing something to earn her rival's love and affection. The rival and her distant relative refer to each other as "sister" but they are not that closely related. The first instance of incest is portrayed in a strongly negative way by the show. One character likens it to homosexuality but this is also thoroughly denounced.
I'm No Angel (Movie)
A possessive man embraces the protagonist: she pushes him away and he stops (20:59-21:19). The protagonist visits her jealous lover in jail. They hold each other's arms consensually, but he grips her arms tight and expresses his possessive jealousy (26:48-27:28). A man takes the protagonist's arm and pulls her firmly closer to him (37:28-38:38). The leading man leans in to kiss the protagonist and she stops him, but it is clear that she is just teasing him (41:53-42:06). The leading man takes the protagonist's hand, which she initially objects to, but it is clear that she loves him (59:47-1:00:30). It is subtly implied in the movie that the antagonists take young adult girls and put them to work in the sex industry.
IM Not There (Movie)
S1E3: a girl is harassed by three other girls. They lift up her shirt, exposing her chest while they are streaming online.
The author makes a passing mention about fearing that her body would be "violated by the state".
Two people discuss the song 'Baby It's Cold Outside' and one implies that it is a song about rape.
S1E4: a female character victim of sexual assault is quickly saved before anything other then her shirt being opened happens. S1E5: a female character is threatened with sexual assault, but is saved. S1E5+6: implied sexual assault/rape.
Imaginary (Movie)
The female lead is subject to some verbal sexual harassment. The government ultimately forces the protagonist to undergo chemical sterilization in the form of hormone therapy in harmful doses. Agents seen interacting with him or discussing his case are portrayed using casually homophobic language.
Immaculate (Movie)
A woman is impregnated without her consent, but it is never shown nor described as to what happened in detail.
The film centres around the experience of an immigrant woman who has moved to the USA. She is forced into sex work against her will and subjected to a number of violent abuses. It is also revealed that her father attempted to rape her as a child. SPOILERS: At the end of the film, she falls in love with the man who forced her into sex work against her will.
The film contains an extremely graphic rape scene (49:30-51:00).
The protagonist's daughter tells the reporter that she was raped by a relative after her mom died.
The Imperfects (TV Show)
One of the main characters is a succubus who does not know how to control her power, so there is a lot of non consensual harassment.
Impetigore (Movie)
A man sexually harasses a woman whose husband has been gone for a long time, crudely asking if she wants to see his erection.
Several episodes show nonconsensual touching. One episode even shows nonconsensual touching of a mans pelvis region. Several episodes use eluding to child sexual abuse for comedic relief. S1E37: a rape joke is made. S1E38: a rape joke is made.
Impromptu (Movie)
The protagonist's ex-lover shows up unannounced where she is staying, sneaks into her room, and grabs her in his arms - but nothing else happens (24:19). A man grabs a woman and bites her on the neck, touching her breasts, at first against her will - she pulls back to say no, but then kisses him herself, and they have consensual sex (45:04). A man drunkenly bursts into the protagonist's room and wrestles her onto her couch, but she successfully pushes him off (46:48).
Impulse (TV Show)
The 16-year-old protagonist discovers her ability to teleport when she is in a truck with a teenage boy, who tries to rape her. She has a seizure and teleports away from the situation, inadvertently injuring him and leaving him paraplegic. The consequences and emotional fallout of this event are referenced and dealt with throughout the show.
Inbred (Movie)
Incantation (Movie)
Incendies (Movie)
A woman is seen dressing herself after having been raped. [SPOILERS] A mother, imprisoned as a political prisoner, is raped by a prison guard who she later learns is her long-lost son. She becomes pregnant and gives birth as a result of this The two resultant children then search for their father and brother throughout the film, eventually learning that they are the same man.
Inception (Movie)
Worthy of note: one character uses a distraction in order to 'steal' a kiss.
At two separate points in the film, rape is implied off-screen. Two fully clothed girls are lifted up by a man, who then proceeds to smell their vaginas. In another scene, the same man is shown putting his hand inside one of the girl's underwear as she cries, but it is very brief.
The main character is sexually assaulted by her husband in a flashback scene toward the end of the movie.
The book is the author's biography, focused on her time as a slave in South Carolina, as well as her escape and what came after. Jacobs describes how her owner and other slaveholders would harass, assault, and rape the female slaves around the plantations. Her owner repeatedly harasses her and tries to force her into having sex with him, both personally and by threatening to punish Jacobs' family. In addition to this, her owner's wife reacts by punishing Jacobs for this perceived transgression. Jacobs is ultimately protected from her owner's advances by the fact that he fears her grandmother, a former slave who is universally respected even by the white people in the community.
Worthy of note: the main character is 17 and is having an affair with a 27-year old woman. She is called a freak and receives homophobic slurs multiples times.
Violent sexual assault is a foundational part of the film. The damage done to the victims’ bodies is also later described in great detail.
Worthy of note: A woman and a man are about to have sex and it is very clear that the woman is drunk. However, as the scene goes on, she becomes more lucid and participates in a way that depicts her as consenting to the interaction.
An off-handed jab is made, asking an alien abduction survivor if the aliens performed sexual experimentation on him, in an attempt to get a rise out of him.
Indian Horse (Movie)
Even if nothing is depicted on screen, it is revealed that the lead character was sexually molested.
Worthy of note: one of the main character is a violent man who went to jail for beating his wife.
A man grabs a woman and says that he can do what he wants to her before forcefully kissing her without her consent. The woman reprimands him before forcefully kissing him herself, again without explicit consent. Later in the film, he holds a gun on her, shoves her against a wall, and threatens to choke her, but this is not in a domestic or sexual context. She threatens to scream if he does so and he does not threaten her any further. The woman in question is a Nazi and the latter act is done to retrieve stolen intel from her before it reaches the other Nazis. However, the former scene is not handled sensitively.
Indigenous (Movie)
Indika (Video Game)
Towards the end of the game, the female character is imprisoned and tries to reach an agreement with the jailer to be released. he quickly makes her understand what he wants and she breaks down crying. The rape is not visible on screen, but when it happens she finds herself in conversation with the devil. the scene is disturbing and suggests that she is responsible and that she is committing a sin.
Industry (TV Show)
S1E1: a wealthy client who is inebriated non-consensually grabs a young new employee.
About 01:15:00 into the movie, one of the main male characters, who is in charge of his boss' wife's security, asks her to leeave her husband for him. When she goes away, he grabs her, pins her to a wall and forcefully tries to kiss her despite her protest. She then slaps him and leave.
During a therapy session, a female psychiatrist confesses that as a child, she falsely accused a man of molesting her.
Chapter 16: while on a date, a man forcibly kisses a woman.
Inferno (Movie)
Worthy of note: the film contains brutal kills of women, often from a home invader, supernatural or otherwise.
Forced-prostitution: the victim does not physically protest but it is a nonconsensual situation.
The Infidel (Movie)
Infinite (Movie)
During an argument between a child and her father, the child explains being frightened to stay alone at home "because of rapists".
Infinity Pool (Movie)
It is stated that the police will rape and kill women they arrest. However, we do not see this happen, and there is no implication it happened to any of the characters in the film. A character is snuck up on and masturbated to completion by someone without any consent given: he does not resist but is clearly shocked by it. A woman is in the process of having sex with a man when intruders pull her off of him while she is nude. She is tied up and forced at gunpoint into a living room where she sits on her knees still nude. She is not touched inappropriately. A man is held captive and tied up with a cover over his head and is urinated on by another man. The film is largely about a cult-like group drawing a new person into their sadistic psychosexual games.
Infinity Train (TV Show)
S3E7: a male character attempts to remove a female character's long glove despite her protestations and physically fighting back. There is clearly no sexual intention in this act, but the imagery of someone trying to remove clothing without consent can be triggering.
Influencer (Movie)
A man is drugged at a bar by an acquaintance (his girlfriend’s roommate). She takes him back home, strips him and herself, and simulates sex acts with him in order to convince him that they had sex (she even opens and throws a condom onto the ground). She also takes photos of them together.
Informer (TV Show)
Infrared (Movie)
A man implies that he wants to sleep with a woman and attempts to intimidate her when she refuses, forcing himself into the room where she is and blocking the exit.
A father the main character is babysitting for sends her lascivious texts and a graphic nude photo of himself. There are slight hints that the main character’s father might be abusing her. The main character’s mother implies that she is trying to seduce her father away and take her mother’s place in the family. The main character’s best friend is “in love with her” and has stolen a dress belonging to the main character and uses it to masturbate and sleep with. The main character’s oldest sibling was born by incest: her grandfather raping her mother. Her mother murdered the baby as an infant to “correct God’s abomination.”
Inherent Vice (Movie)
A woman says that she was raped to a man, which is quickly followed by very abrupt sex with no verbal consent from the woman. A teenager is in a sexual relationship with a man.
There are very detailed scenes of a woman being tortured. She worries to herself that she will be taken advantage of. Worthy of note: the protagonist, who is 15 at the start of the series and 18 by the end, ends up with an elf who is over 100 years old. The elf had hitherto this point stated that their age difference was a reason that they should not be together.
One character caresses another character's face without her permission.
Inhyeongsa (Movie)
An older male tries to coerce a high school girl to privately model for him, and attempts to take a photograph of her using the bathroom.
An attempted rape occurs at 1:17:34-1:23:32.
Initiation (Movie)
This film heavily revolves around a fraternity date raping and assaulting women. A woman is shown being drugged and is presumably raped off-screen (flashbacks suggest it when she realizes). Rape and sexual assault is discussed, and women are frequently sexually harassed by the fraternity.
The details of a woman's rape and murder are discussed in great detail.
Inland Empire (Movie)
A woman is talking to a man about how she gets angry. She mentions having gauged a man's eyes out when he tried to rape her when she was 15 (1:24:25-1:25:50). This is a scene where the attempted rape is discussed (no graphical scenes).
Worthy of note: the protagonist suspects two adults of having had sexual relations (or spoken about sex) in front of children. There is no evidence to suggest that it is true. Additionnally, a young boy kisses his adult governess on the lips.
Sexual assault occurs several times throughout this film, including characters being forced to undress against their will and an on-screen rape.
Insaniquarium (Video Game)
Insatiable (TV Show)
A large part of the plot revolves around the sexualisation of teenage girls. At ont point, a man is falsely accused of inappropriately touching a teenage girl S1E9: a male character sends off strong signals towards another man who does not want it. A character meets again with the boyfriend of her mom: they talk about how he was 26 and she was 14.
The main character has an incestuous relationship with her stepdad as a child, who molests her. She is later raped on screen, albeit in a dark room where the act is hardly visible, and impregnated. It is also implied that while she works as a prostitute, that she is raped by a client after her madam locks her in a room with them.
Insectula! (Movie)
A woman on an inner tube is impaled through the anus by the monster. A male scientist accidentally shows a video he took of a woman while she was in the bathroom. The scientist molests a woman who is trapped in the insect's nest. The scientist kidnaps his assistant and strips her down to her underwear. He tells her that when he was a college professor he kidnapped one of his students to try and force her to love him. He later gropes his assistant's chest.
Insecure (TV Show)
S1E5: the protagonist refers to a video of her online as "rap rape" because the video was taken without her knowledge or consent. S1E8: a group of female friends dares one of them to grab an unsuspecting male waiter's behind. She ends up grabbing his crotch instead.
Inseminoid (Movie)
A woman is raped by an alien monster, and becomes pregnant from the attack.
Insiang (Movie)
A major part of the plot involves the title character being date raped after being choked into unconsciousness.
Inside (Movie)
Inside Job (TV Show)
S1E3: there are mentions of roofies as they pertain to Supreme Court Judges and sexual harassment. S1E4: a man is sexually assaulted off-screen by a woman after repeatedly telling her 'no' (15:43-16:04). It is casually shrugged off as a minor plot point at best, but the victim gets angry about it. No one in the show acknowledges that what happened was sexual assault. S1E7: a flashback sequence shows a woman getting incredibly drunk before sleeping with a stranger (00:40-01:10).
Inside Man (TV) (TV Show)
S1E1: the opening scene of the first episode is one of sexual harrassment; a man on the tube stands uncomfortably close to a young woman and berates her and others who intervene. He is portrayed unsympathetically and faces law enforcement at the end of the scene. Later, a side character present only in this episode, who is a high-profile politician, is revealed to have gotten away with historical rapes. The rapes themselves are named as having happened, but never described in detail or shown onscreen. Worthy of note: the series plot revolves around the fact that child pornography is on a USB drive. None of the child abuse is ever shown onscreen, only people's horrified reactions when they look at the contents. The paedophile who has put the pornography onto the drive is treated somewhat sympathetically, being referred to repeatedly as a "troubled man" and framed as needing protection (rather than punishment) because of his mental health issues and suicidal ideation. He is never held responsible, but does eventually kill himself. For most of the series, a woman is held prisoner in a cellar by a man. There is no sexual motivation for this and she is never sexually assaulted.
Inside No. 9 (TV Show)
An anthology series - some episodes may contain no content relating to sexual violence. Relies heavily on plot twists, some of which may make instances of sexual violence less easy to predict. 'Sardines' - off-screen child sexual assault 'The Understudy' - character engages in some potentially uncomfortable flirting, is framed for sexual harassment. 'Devil of Christmas' - some interplay between sex and violence. 'Riddle of the Sphinx' - a character is paralyzed, another character gropes her and suggests rape. 'Zanzibar' - some sexual activity occurs in conjunction with mistaken identities/hypnosis, although this is mostly played comedically and doesn't involve intercourse. 'Bernie Clifton's Dressing Room' - brief mention of Yewtree, an investigation into sexual assault. 'To Have And To Hold' - plot twist involves a sex slave. 'Death Be Not Proud' - incest between mother and adult son (mentally impaired). 'Mr. King' - the main character is accused of sexual harassement on a student, and the headmaster takes a picture of his penis.
Inside Out (Movie)
Inside Out 2 (Movie)
One interview subject readily admits to having written a song praising an incel murderer. When the interviewer challenges him about it, he expresses remorse. Another interview subject repeatedly catfishes attractive women to humiliate them. This is shown on screen (the victim is not shown). The man states extreme misogynistic viewpoints and reveals that he physically abused a girlfriend in the past and was arrested for violating a restraining order. He does not show any remorse.
The Insider (Movie)
Insidious (Movie)
One of the ghosts that appears suggestively licks the female protagonists on her face and she screams.
Characters sexualise, nonconsensually touch and kiss two young women, whose ages are not specified (1:33:33). A man physically and verbally abuses his daughter. When she is 16, he makes a comment which off-handedly implies sexual abuse/carries sexual implications, saying that 'all you've ever done is ask for it.' (38:10) This is never expanded on. Worthy of note: women are held captive in a dark room in their underwear.
Insomnia (Movie)
A detective briefly discusses one of his former cases having to do with a child who was sexually abused and then killed (there is no visual depiction). A sexual relationship between a high school girl and a middle-aged man is strongly implied and discussed. Domestic violence is frequently discussed and briefly shown.
Child sexual abuse is briefly mentioned in a discussion. A teenage girl exchanges nude pictures with an adult (nothing explicit on screen).
Insurgent (Movie)
Insurrection (Movie)
Within the first few chapters of the book the main character finds her best friend raped and dead on her bed. Whilst she was able to hear the assault taking place, she arrived too late in order to save her friend.
The main character's backstory is that she was sexually harassed by a superior. There is a shot of him groping her butt and one of him touching her face, but nothing beyond that. At one point, she returns home and finds her home vandalized. Some of the graffiti is rape threats, including one that says they left semen on her pillow. A man touches a woman against her will and says he will rape her when he has the chance (39:30).
A fascist officer enters a house at night in a secluded village: the voice-over explains that he is planing to rape a young woman (nothing more is shown or said). He is killed (off-screen) by men of the village.
Intergalactic (TV Show)
S1E1: around 22 minutes, a man makes an inappropriate comment on how a female colleague lost weight. S1E2: a woman hides drugs inside of her and two men performed surgery on her to extract the drugs (19:20 and 24:03): she screams in pain and is tied to the table. A character mentions that the people (likely the army) of the regime steal and rape the other peoples of the world (31:20). S1E3: a character mentions that her mother was raped by guards of the regime (42:30). S1E4: there are distressing scenes of a man wanting to extract a woman's ovaries without her consent to use them for an experiment. She is tied to a medical bed, in distress, screaming, and her former clothes have been removed off-screen and replaced by a gown. The man touches her cheek. He cannot perform due to being interrupted. A character says that she was drugged by her father as a child so she could be abused by his friends (39 minutes in).
The lead villain is known for attacking women, often in his employment. At the very end of the film, he rapes and strangles to death the lead female character.
The Intern (Movie)
A female massage therapist unpromptedly and without "warning" starts massaging a man's shoulders (they have not met before, and she approaches him from behind) in an open office office environment in full view of two of his co-workers, and goes on to rub his back and sides (getting close to the buttocks and thighs) in an inappropriately sensual way. He obviously enjoys it (even gets an erection) and happily fist-bumps two other men right after the therapist has left, so it is clearly a positive experience for him.
Intersect (Movie)
There are zeo scenes where a male bully verbally harasses a female student: one in which he licks her face while she is restrained by someone else. A similar scene happens towards the end of the film between the same two characters when they are adults.
Interstellar (Movie)
The Interview (Movie)
A young girl sings a satirical patriotic song for North Korea, which includes wishing rape on women of other nations. This happens at the very beginning of the film.
In this series, vampires compulse people to have sex with them. Several people are made into vampire without their consent. S1E1: a man has anal sex a woman without her consent. S1E3: a protagonist watches people have sex without their consent. S1E5: the protagonist's 14-year-old daughter (turned into a vampire at 14 but at least 10 years older) is violently sexually assaulted by an older boy (20s). Most of the assault occurs after a fade to black, but she is still violently physically assaulted on screen and what happens is clear. It is mentioned that an uncle used to watch a little girl pee. It is discussed that a vampire in a 14 year old body (but who is older) only attracts young boys. S1E6: the young woman's rape is discussed again (with her), with veiled threats of it happening again. S2E3 contains more details about the previous sexual assault. S2E6 shows an attempted rape on screen.
A major plot point is that the protagonist and another character turn a five-year-old girl into a vampire. The protagonist's internal monologue indicates that she became a woman (psychologically) in that instant. The character grows mentally but always appears to be five years old. The protagonist has a sexual relationship with this character, but it is unclear when this started.
A vampire who resembles a child flirts with and attempts to have a sexual/romantic relationship with an adult man. A woman is stripped on a theatre stage against her will. Many of the vampire feeding scenes involving women evoke sexual assault imagery.
There are a handful of discussions (some direct and some indirect) through the book about when the main character was 18 and her high school boyfriend shared the naked photos that she sent him. Chapter 10/11: a man verbally sexually harasses a woman at a bar (the same event overlapping both chapters).
Into the Dark (TV Show)
S1E1: sexual assault is mentioned. S1E3: a woman's stalker comes to her new house, where he pins her to the wall and trheatens her while unbuckling his pants. She pretends to be willing to have sex with him so she can lure him to another room where she can attack him. S1E5: a woman is tricked into having sex with a man who she thinks is someone else S1E6: rape/sexual assault repeatedly mentioned. The male main character is revelead to have raped many women in the course of his life. He is then force by a coven of witches to be sexually assaulted, caged, and forced to wear women's clothes as he is antagonized by the coven. S1E7: sexual assault mentioned, unsolicited sexual pictures, necrophilia mentioned, hidden cameras above hotel beds. S1E10: rape on-screen (brief and non-graphic) and attempted rape. S1E11: rape mentioned. S1E12: sexual assault mentioned. S2E2: a teenage daughter and both her parents are changed into pilgrim clothes off-screen, against their will. S2E3: rape/sexual assault is mentioned and there is sexual harassment on-screen. S2E4: non-consensual kiss. S2E9: sexual harassment.
A few brief, non-detailed mentions of one female character's past experiences of sexual harassment.
A woman is raped on-screen; her struggle with her attacker, as well as her subsequent injuries and trauma, are seen.
Into the Night (TV Show)
S1E2: three soldiers are discovered to have been on trial for rape and murder before the apocalyptic events of the show take place. One of them makes unwanted sexual advances on a stewardess: she refuses. The soldiers are seen as evil by the other characters, but it is heavily implied that the stewardess is left behind with them when the other characters escape. Her ultimate fate is unknown, but likely rape and death.
Into the Wild (Movie)
An adult (in his early 20s) and a teenage girl have a romantic relationship. She attempts to seduce him but he refuses to sleep with her on the basis of her age.
The scenes featuring Red and the Wolf imply rape and/or sexual assault off-screen. On-screen, the Wolf makes overt physical and verbal advances towards Red. Worthy of note: the scenes between Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf are an allegory for a child predator attempting to kidnap a victim.
One of the main characters is often hitting on a woman who is clearly disinterested. It is played as light hearted bravado and the woman never seems distressed or frightened by this.
Introverted Boss (TV Show)
The boss, a secondary character, uses his power to rape his secretary: she commits suicide soon after. She did not consent, but was coerced. Yet, the narrative does not make that clear. The secondary character is softened and has his redemption at the end, and everything seems like just a mistake.
The Intruder (Movie)
Forced kissing (around 16:30). This movie contains domestic abuse and stalking throughout.
A man grabs a woman and forces her to the floor while tearing at her clothes, as she tells him to stop (01:01:00-01:01:30). The scene stops at that point. Later, the same woman, in a distressed state tells a group of people that the man "forced" her, and that he has "put something inside" her (01:12:45-01:14:00).
Intruders (Movie)
The movie is centered around family secrets. Child sexual abuse is alluded to and discussed at multiple points throughout the film, most notably: Around 6:40, when a brother encourages his sister to forgive their father. Around the 1:07-1:08 mark, when a woman recounts her father’s child sexual abuse. For the rest of the scene, there is some dialogue about “fixing” other pedophiles. At the 1:16-1:17 mark, an intruder chokes a woman on the bed, while alluding to raping her. He calls himself daddy and makes other disturbing remarks, trying to provoke memories of her sexual abuse. It is unclear if his intention is to rape her, as he is interrupted, though his motivation seems to be about inflicting fear during her murder. The scene is upsetting. There is also an earlier scene where a woman urinates during a panic attack. One of the intruders is tasked with cleaning her up. He attempts to remove her soiled clothes and force her into clean ones. He is also interrupted.
Inu to Boku SS (TV Show)
A 15 year-old female character and a 20-something adult male are involved in a romance and mistress-servant type relationship which develops throughout and eventually leads to discussions of whether or not they wish to get pregnant as a couple. The said male also has a stalker-like side to him. The same female has a previous arranged engagement to another 20-something adult male. The said male is a BDSM fanatic and labels everyone and everything "S" or "M" based on his determination. He often references and foists fetishes on the rest of the characters, even casually putting one young girl in a metal slave collar. S1E2: one female character goes missing and another female character pulls out a camera and fantasizes over the potential of her being sexually assaulted (12:30-12:45). She uses the word "rape" in this occurrence and makes light of it by saying she hopes it is happening.
Inu-Oh (Movie)
One of the main characters drugs and has sexual contact with another character. The scene is fetishized.
Inuyasha (TV Show)
S1E2: the main characters skirt is tugged on and inappropriate remarks are made about it (12:10-12:40).
Inuyashiki (TV Show)
S1E4: a man holds down another man and tells him to perform a blowjob on him. He briefly struggles and is then forced down to his waist. A woman is seen nude after being drugged: a man threatens to rape her, but is stopped.
Invader ZIM (TV Show)
Inventing Anna (TV Show)
S1E1: a discussion of #metoo happens. There is a thoughtful dialogue on how journalists are exploiting women. S1E5: a guy gropes the protagonist's bottom when she is clearly uncomfortable, and he insists on going up in her room (about 26 minutes into the episode). A man touches protagonist's hand and back without asking. She is uncomfortable.
The conceit of the movie is that only the main character can lie, thus everyone believes any lie he says: he attempts to use this superpower to get sex. The entire movie has giant tones of women only having value as baby incubators, and men owning womens' sexuality. The protagonist hits on a woman, who rejects his advances until he says that the world will end if they do not have sex, which she immediately believes is the literal truth. As this does not meet his fantasy (she focuses on the time in order not to die), he cancels the plan and fakes a call from NASA saying that the world will not end. She is relieved and wants to talk, but he just abandons her immediately. This is played for laughs. In a different situation, rape is mentioned in the list of "bad things that if you do you won't go to the good place". There is anothe scene where a female character dates someone else, so the male protagonist gaslights her into not having sex with the other person by saying there is a rule that you can only have sex after marriage. Later, he lies again to have sex with her.
The film opens with the murder of a woman by her lover (the protagonist) while they are having sex. Shortly after, flashbacks show them enacting roleplays where the protagonist always ends up killing her: rape is mentioned multiple times during these scenes (in the first 20 minutes of the movie). Similar scenes and mentions of rape are also featured a couple of times throughout the rest of the film.
The Investigator (TV Show)
Worthy of note: the series features accounts and reconstructions of domestic violence and emotional abuse within a marital relationship.
The main character is raped in issue n° 110. Before leaving, the female rapist tells him to man up (trying to downplay the rape). We learn that it happened many times as we see that she had a child. It is treating very seriously. The protagonist is physically assaulted and raped by a woman that he was, until then, familiar with. She tells him to man up and coerces him to come back multiple times since "It" may take more than one session. The distress this causes him becomes a major plot point. She becomes pregnant by him and the protagonist eventually meets the offspring and realizes who the mother is.
In pages 82-85 of the hardcover edition there is a sexual harassment scene in which a man forces a kiss on a woman and gets angry when she refuses him. On page 192 (resources section) there is mention of the sexual abuse of autistic children.
At 18:41, one character states: "an Invisible man can rule the world, nobody would see him come no one would see him go, he can hear every secret, he can rob and rape and kill!"
An abusively relationship is a center piece of the plot. At multiple points, the female protagonist is physically assaulted by an unseen antagonist. At 18:00, the protagonist explains that she took birth control to avoid getting pregnant when her partner assaulted her: it is strongly implied that she was frequently sexually assaulted by him. She then becomes pregnant and does not know how, implying that she was sexually assaulted.
Discussion of sexual violence committed by police against women as a form of police violence.
Once it is revealed that one male character is a vampire, a female character attempts to leave but is blocked: he kisses her cheek despite her saying “no” and crying.
IO (2019) (Movie)
A man is kissed forcibly without consent, and it is implied that he was later coerced into sex by a woman saying "we have to" after repeatedly kissing him.
Ip Man (Movie)
A man briefly acts threateningly towards a woman after commenting on her appearance, but he is stopped before getting started.
Ip Man 2 (Movie)
Ip Man 3 (Movie)
Ip Man 4 (Movie)
Irish Wish (Movie)
The whole plot of the movie revolves around a person wishing they could marry someone who was supposed to marry her best friend.
The Irishman (Movie)
Irma Vep (2022) (TV Show)
S1E5: an actor is shown on camera being chloroformed and felt up while she is passed out. Additionnally, the ethics of portraying a rape scene are discussed (also in S1E6).
The narrator's brooding vampire ex (a clear parody of Twilight's Edward Cullen) is still stalking her. He acts very possessive but not sexual toward her: he declares his love periodically; enters her bedroom to watch her sleep; interferes with her plans in the name of protecting her from harm; etc.
The Iron Claw (Movie)
In the book, the main character is influenced by another person using a magical artifact. The rape scene is vague enough but the scenes leading up and prior and disturbingly visual. The main character has no control of their actions and then the rape is discussed in detail, with main character still present, to a variety of friends and acquaintances moments after it happened. The main character is traumatized but the author uses that as a way to deepen the relationship between the main character and her love interest.
Iron Lung (Video Game)
Iron Man (Movie)
Iron Man 2 (Movie)
A male character looks up a woman who is his employee and, upon finding pictures of her posing in lingerie, makes a suggestive comment to a second woman who is the first woman's superior. It is unclear whether he was talking to the second woman or to himself; nonetheless, she promptly shuts him down.
Iron Man 3 (Movie)
The Iron Mask (Movie)
A hoard of men chases a woman with intent to rape or assault: one of them grabs her chest. A woman pretends to be prostitute and seduces a man in order to steal a man’s clothes. An old man dies after desperately asking a woman he had not seen for 30 to touch her.
Iron Monkey (Movie)
From the author's note: "Please be aware that this book contains scenes of violence and abuse, suicide ideation, discussion and references to sexual assault (though no on-page depictions), alcohol addiction, and torture." A character reveals that he killed his brother because the latter raped a girl.
The Irrational (TV Show)
S1E2 mentions sexual assaults.
One of the female main characters is in love with her older brother, whose only emotion is his love for her, and the two often appear as a couple to other characters who sometimes point it out. An adult male abuses and brainwashes a high school girl off-screen and attempts to do so to other characters on-screen.
The Irregulars (TV Show)
S1E4: three men rape a drunk woman in a bar.We see them going to a bed room and close the door. The rape is inferred because the woman gets syphillis from this encounter, the bar owner (who is paid to keep quiet) portrays her as a whore, and this encounter gives the woman the reason to kill all those men in a gruesome manner.
Graphic rape of protagonist by stranger is central plot point. Film focuses on the events after the rape of a woman in reverse-chronological order.
Isabel (TV Show)
S1E3: a rape occurs on-screen (08:00).
One character attempts to have another rape a woman. Another female character is also implied to be a sex slave.
This book takes place in Korea during World War II and a subsequent autocratic government. Rapes committed by Japanese colonizers and then by Korean soldiers and police officers are widespread and routinely mentioned. There is mention of Korean police officers forcing a man to rape his daughter in law at gunpoint. A group of soldiers cut off the breasts of a mentally disabled woman in front of her village before killing her. The protagonist’s best friend ends up in an arranged marriage to a physically abusive man.
Island Zero (Movie)
The Isle (Movie)
Rape is an integral part of the narrative: the cause of the supernatural events in the story are due to a spirit taking revenge for her rape and accidental murder. The violent rape occurs on screen between 1:19:00 and 1:21:07, and discussions about it continue until 1:22:20.
Isle of Dogs (Movie)
The female romantic lead works throughout much of the book to uncover details about a Russian sex trafficking ring. This character gets kidnapped towards the end for finding out too much, but she escapes and survives and is never sexually assaulted.
A man and a woman have sex beginning consensually, but quickly turning negative. The woman repeatedly asks the man to slow down and to stop, but he ignores her and continues against her consent until completion. Afterwards, the woman is clearly traumatized by the event.
Ispansi! (Movie)
The descriptions of the film indicate that a woman is the main character of this story, however, the story is narrated and told from the point of view of a man. In one scene, he spies on the woman while she bathes and without her consent. In a later scene, while she is in mourning, he sexually assaults her and she, through tears, says she would like him to kill her when he is "done", implying that death would be better than having to live with the experience of this rape. He stops the assault and tells her she is already dead. A few scenes later the man says "I can't wait anymore" and initiates intimacy again with the woman. This time she reciprocates. Then they "fall in love" and get married. In summary, this movie suggests that stalking and violently assaulting a woman is a lead-up to a romance. The sexual predator is the narrator and hero of the story.
The IT Crowd (Movie)
S1E2: a character says that he can't go to prison because 'they'll rape the flip out of me.' S2E2: a male character who is a sexual harasser is introduced. There are multiple mentions of him getting sued for sexual misconduct in the past. For the rest of the season, there are multiple mentions of his inappropriate conduct towards one of the main characters while being their boss. S2E6: the previously mentioned character makes unwanted advances multiple times when he hires one of the main characters as his personal assistant. When rejected, he turns to spiking her drink with a "love potion" which turns out to be Rohypnol. Two of the main characters get locked in the room with previously mentioned character, who, having drank the spiked drink becomes aroused and approaches them. S3E3: we are told that one of the characters that got locked in a room with the previously mentioned character was kissed against his will, but has no memory of it due to having disassociated. S4E3: a masseuse kisses a male character's backside while he is lying down for a massage. In the same episode, the character goes to court to give evidence against the masseuse on sexual assault charges; this is played for laughs.
A woman remarks that her troubled brother "did something quite obscene" with the maid (28:17). She says further, "she was terrified, of course." A man grabs the buttocks of a woman while she is boarding a bus. It is made clear that this is done for sexual reasons, while he pretends that he is helping her. In the next scene, he and the woman are shown arriving at a police station, in a police van. As she struggles to get through the door of the police station he again grabs her buttocks. While stopped in traffic, a man reaches out to a random passing car and strokes the arm and hair of a woman driver through her window. The woman slaps him.
Page 11: it is mentioned, in passing, that the young daughters of poor families were sometimes forced into sex work "having barely reached puberty." Page 48: mentioned within the context of women's marital rights during the Victorian era. It is observed that women would not be legally eligible to be granted a divorce if their husband had committed adultery, but only if he had committed adultery alongside another crime (one of the examples listed is rape). Pages 69-71: discussion of the sexual threat, exploitation and violence to which homeless women were often subjected during the Victorian era, including a number of examples. Page 72 includes a discussion of homeless women who chose to turn to sex work; although these women did not make this choice as a result of direct coercion, it was as a means of survival. Pages 169-170: discussion, in general terms, of the sexual liaisons which often occurred between women working as servants and their masters, colleagues or other individuals; it is mentioned that these liaisons were sometimes consensual and sometimes non-consensual. It is mentioned that these liaisons often resulted in unplanned pregnancies, the consequences of which women were often forced to bear on their own. Pages 171-174: discussion of laws enacted during the 1800s which required women suspected of engaging in sex work to submit to regular genital examinations, under the pretence of preventing the transmission of diseases. References to this process and its implications are made throughout the remainder of the chapter. Page 247: it is mentioned in passing that, during this time, it was largely seen as socially acceptable for a man to physically abuse his wife if she resisted his sexual advances. Page 312-316: there is an extended discussion of sex trafficking during the Victorian era. This discussion is not graphic in nature but elaborates on how women were often deceived into travelling abroad and then coerced into sex work.
Ivalu (Short) (Movie)
A girl is molested by her father; the lead-up to the act and some related interactions are shown through the eyes of her sister, though the actual act is not shown.
A captain harasses a nurse in the army: he goes with her in an isolated place (a forest), and eventually kisses her without her consent. Another character then arrives and it stops.
A woman repeatedly takes pictures of a couple kissing without their consent.
This book contains regular references to abuse in a previous relationship and a detailed rape scene.
IZombie (TV Show)
S1E3: the main character is sexually harassed by someone slapping her rear at a party (flashback). S1E2: the main character tries to seduce her ex fiancé and another man in a police interrogation; later the same man follows her at an art gallery to tries to corner in the basement and attempts to rape her. An artist is revealed to have been murdered over the grooming of a teenager: it is not investigated and only the murderer has an issue with it. S2E4: flashback of woman looking in a mirror and getting groped from behind by her boss wanting 'service' for money. S2E11: sexual harassment from the main character to her boss by spanking him when he bends over a desk. S3E5: the main character sexually harasses an artist in an interrogation room. There are some more sexual harassment scenes speckled throughout the series other than these particular scenes. A woman is implied to have tampered with her birth control: her partner cries with the implications of rape by deception.
Jabberwocky (Movie)
A soldier harrasses and then grabs the genitals of a man who is dressed as a nun. Later a man is dragging a woman off, and looks like he is going to rape her (but no rape happens as she gets free).
Jack (Movie)
An adult woman makes out with a ten year old boy (1:23:49-1:24:01). He tries to get away and she kisses him again (1:24:12-1:24:16).
Jack & Diane (Movie)
There is sexual assault as a plot point, with a drunk girl being assaulted on-camera in a frat house.
Jack Frost (Movie)
A woman is raped to death by a snowman: it is played for laughs.
A man learns that he was sexually abused by a babysitter as a kid. Nothing is shown, just talked about.
Jack Jeanne (Video Game)
In Yonaga's route, a character leads the protagonist away and attempts to touch her without her consent. Her friend saves her before anything happens.
Jack Reacher (Movie)
Early in the film, rape is mentioned as a minor plot point (justifiying a past action of a side character under investigation).
S1E3: the topic of prison rape is jokingly insinuated (26:00-27:00).
Jackass 2.5 (Movie)
A man has a non-consensual prostate exam.
The Jacket (Movie)
Jackie Brown (Movie)
Jack's Back (Movie)
This comedy portrays a fictionary matriarch kingdom where men are veiled and subjected to women's will. There are multiple sexual harassements, sexual assaults and rapes (off an on-screen) of men throughout, all played for laughs. The protagonist (a man) is groped and harassed several times, raped on-screen by a woman, and a group of women assault him and attempt to rape him before another man intervenes (who himself explains that he was regularly raped by these women). Near the end of the movie, there is also a scene in which he forces a woman to kiss him at gunpoint, but she eventually agrees to have sex with him. Forced marriage is an underlying theme of the film.
Worthy of note: there is a dream/hallucination/nightmare scene where a woman is dancing sexually with a man whilst another man looks on. Midway through the scene, the man dancing transforms into a huge creature, which it is suggested consumes the woman's entire body, penetrating her with a claw/horn. There is a brief close up of the horn protruding from the woman's mouth, and she appears to be dead. It is revealed that this scene was a hallucination on the part of the onlooking man.
Jaddeh Khaki (Movie)
Jagged Mind (Movie)
The plot of the film revolves around a woman being repeatedly manipulated into being in a relationship with an abusive woman through the power of a time loop. Through this, we see the way she is constantly pushed into being in a relationship she wants to leave. Furthermore, she has memory problems as a result of the time loop so the audience is left to assume that there is a variety of non-consensual activity that the main character does not remember participating in.
Worthy of note: the protagonist stalks his love interest.
Jailbird Rock (Movie)
The female lead is almost sexually assaulted in the showers by another inmate but someone intervenes before it can fully take place.
Jakob's Wife (Movie)
Rape is mentioned as a common occurrence in the War on Terror. The protagonist is coerced to promise to marry a man and consummate that marriage, despite the fact that she doesn't want to. She ends up not having to consummate the marriage because their wedding is interrupted. Terrorists threaten to marry the protagonist's daughter, who is 15, to an adult man. This does not end up happening. A character's sexually harassing uncle is mentioned in passing.
Jamestown (TV Show)
A character is raped in the first episode, and it is a key plot point throughout the rest of the series.
Mention of rape (3:40).
Jamon Jamon (Movie)
The female lead is stalked and sexually harassed by a man paid to seduce her. He slaps her bottom without her consent, follows her, and forcefully kisses her in a public bathroom (where no one reacts to the assault). She eventually falls in love with him, and when her boyfriends discovers it, he attempts to rape her.
There is an incest mention. A woman questions whether she should start a relationship with her 18 year old student. She ultimately decides not to.
Jane Eyre (2006) (TV Show)
The protagonist's employer expresses growing romantic feelings for her as time goes on: the implication is that the protagonist enjoys these moments, despite the power imbalance. Worthy of note: The protagonist experiences a physically and emotionally (but not sexually) abusive childhood (S1E1: 1:40-14:52).
Worthy of note: throughout the film, a wealthy master makes repeated romantic, slightly suggestive overtures at a much younger, poorer woman he employs. The power imbalance may make this slightly disturbing for some.
Jane the Virgin (TV Show)
A woman has sex with a man while impersonating her twin sister. It is never acknowledged as rape. Seasons 2 and 3: The protagonist's friends pay a stripper to surprise her in her office but instead he humps her in front of her class and she is clearly upset. A male character is kidnapped by his stalker and she tries to convince him to have sex: she forces herself on him even though he clearly does not want to. A man sues a woman for sexual harassment in retaliation when she broke up with him even though their relations were consensual.
The Janes (Movie)
There are multiple sexual jokes made that fall under sexual harassment: some of these jokes involve children.
Janos Vitez (Movie)
Japan Sinks 2020 (TV Show)
The series contain two quite graphic attempted rape scenes: S1E3: a young adult woman is threatened by a man who takes his belt off and bears a stun-gun. She ends up beating him up with another woman. S1E5: a 14 year old girl fights off a potential rapist after he tried to come on to her.
The story plays out in an empire in which women are valued only as dutiful wives, mothers, and religious sacrifices. Misogyny is a constant backdrop via concern about women's purity and proper place, and threats of violent execution. One main character is in a complicated marriage that she sought out to gain leverage to protect her conquered people. Her husband treats her with the empire's version of love and respect for one's wife. She implies that she considers her marriage, and sex and pregnancy, to be sacrifices she found necessary and would rather not have needed to make.
Jason Bourne (Movie)
Worthy of note: a man complains about having to use a condom until his female partner is coerced into throwing the condom away. There are several genre-typical scenes of women struggling to avoid violence, often while scantily clad.
Jason X (Movie)
Java Heat (Movie)
The film contains heavily implied pedophilia. A scene shows a man bathing a woman against her will.
Jawbreaker (Movie)
Three high school girls lie to the police and imply that their friend has been raped and killed in a home invasion: the audience knows this is not true from the beginning. One of the high school girls, who we assume is underage, later has sex with an adult stranger in her dead friend's bed in order to frame him for her rape and murder.
Jaws (Movie)
Jaws 2 (Movie)
Jaws 3-D (Movie)
Crimes of rape are mentioned fairly frequently throughout by the police officer. Rape is mentioned as if it is a sexual desire (for the victim) and not a crime.
Early in the film, a woman taking tango lessons is forced to dance with a man who clearly makes her feel uncomfortable. Throughout the movie, he makes several advances to her despite her apparent disinterest. All of it is played as a joke.
A man talks about lusting after his 11 year old daughter.
One storyline of this movie is about a woman who was sexually abused by her step-brother during many years when they were children. This is discussed throughout.
Worthy of note: a jealous husband beats and eventually murders his wife.
It is mentioned and joked about that the protagonist was sexually abused by her step father.
Although there is no sexual assault or harassment of any kind in this film it should be noted that the director is a convicted child molester.
Worthy of note: the director of this film is a convicted child molester.
The topic of this documentary series is the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein and related investigations. The sexual crimes committed by Epstein against minors are a central theme and are discussed frequently across all episodes, including some detailed descriptions of survivors' experiences.
Jellyfish (Movie)
The film contains a brief on-screen rape scene of a young girl.
There is a scene that features two of the main characters, who are teenage girls, being shown and touching an adult woman’s breasts. It is consensual and not inherently sexual, but the age gap is very uncomfortable nonetheless. The main characters are also occasionally shown from revealing angles.
A drunk teenage girl is kidnapped by a group of men and she thinks that she is going to be raped (she appears frightened and fighting to get away). She is in fact captured to be sacrificed to Satan. Rape is mentioned several times throughout the movie. Seducing people and then killing them is a major theme of the film.
Worthy of note: a father makes inappropriate comments about his daughter's relationship with a woman.
Jerichow (Movie)
Worthy of note: the film contains scenes of domestic violence.
The Jerk (Movie)
Jerry Maguire (Movie)
Jersey Girl (Movie)
Jeruzalem (Movie)
Jessabelle (Movie)
Jessica Jones (TV Show)
Rape, sexual assault and abusive relationship dynamics are central to the plot of season 1. The antagonist has the ability to control minds and employs this ability to coerce numerous women into abusive sexual relationships. One of these relationships results in an aborted pregnancy. The effects of this are shown through the protagonist, whose mind was controlled by the antagonist for eight months. Her character suffers from depression, PTSD and alcoholism as a result of this sexual and psychological abuse. In the season finale, the antagonist threatens to repeatedly rape the closest friend of the antagonist. An incestuous relationship between a brother and sister is hinted at but never made explicitly clear. In season 2, the protagonist continues to deal with PTSD, depression and alcoholism resulting from past events when she was mind-controlled and forced to enter into a sexual relationship with a man, who is now out of the picture. The fact that she was raped is mentioned several times, and is generally handled sensitively. S2E2: the protagonist's sister is a survivor of sexual assault. She was repeatedly sexually assaulted by an older man when she was a child/teenager. Their mother is aware of this, and in the present-day, even says that she trusts her daughter with him more than she would her daughter with the protagonist (around 45:33-46:00). On-screen, she tries to blackmail him for information and the topic of her past sexual assault is brought up. He essentially says that it wasn't rape and that he was the one being used. It is possible that he is still engaged in sexual abuse with underage girls. A friend of hers hears the conversation and confronts the man, who once again blames her and says it wasn't his fault. Conversations happen between approximately the 36:50-39:03 and 42:32-43:05 marks. S2E4: the protagonist says that she was raped, referencing past events that have already been discussed on the show. The protagonist and her sister once again confront the man who raped her sister when she was a child. The topic of this past sexual assault is brought up. S2E6: two characters have sex while one is under the influence of an unknown drug. S2E7: there is a flashback in which the protagonist finds her sister about to engage in a sexual act with a man who gave her drugs, and puts a stop to it (the sister is high during this encounter). S2E11: the protagonist repeatedly experiences hallucinations featuring the man who repeatedly raped her in the past, including: one where he briefly touches her while she is naked in the shower and one where they both reference the fact that he raped her (but the rapist makes it sound like they had consenting sex).
Jessie (TV Show)
A 15-years-old male teenager tries to hit on a 19 years old nanny who is not interested in them. His mom also says no to dating this nanny. The situation is used for comedy.
The Jester (Movie)
Jet Boy (Movie)
The 14 year old main character is a prostitute. One of his clients beats him with a belt off screen and he is scarred. His perception of sex and love is warped, which is shown throughout the moive, specifically with the man acting as his father figure throughout the film. On one occasion the boy begins to take off his clothes and get into the man's bed. Later in the moive the two are sleeping in the same bed and the boy touches the man in his sleep again assuming he wants to have sex. When the man wakes up and pushes him away he says, "you can fuck me if you want." The boy also reveles that his mother used to "sell him" and in a different scene he says that his mom used to have him watch while she had sex. He said "it turned her on and her boyfriends too." He also says that some of his mother's boyfriends used to molest him. In one of the final scenes the boy prostitutes himself again although once he tells the man, "i don't go all the way," the man begins aggressively kissing him. It is unclear how far his sexual assault went as the scene cuts to black and the next we see of the boy is him hiding in the bathroom.
Jexi (Movie)
Jezebel (Movie)
There is a scene where a young woman is asked uncomfortable questions by her older sister's boyfriend in regards to the cam girl work she is doing.
The Jezebels (Movie)
Jigokumon (Movie)
The film centers around a man who is obsessed with a woman who is already married and has rejected his advances. At one point, he grabs hold of the woman he obsesses over, telling her menacingly while she is visibly terrified that he will kill anyone who gets in his way of getting to her.
Jigokuraku (TV Show)
Some characters are implied to have raped a young girl as part of their sexual practices towards each other.
Jigsaw (Movie)
The titular character tells his "psychiatrist" about being sexually abused by a 12 year old girl when he was a child (about 6 year old): the girl forced him to touch her genitals at multiple instances despite him asking her to stop. Upon discovering this at the time, his older sister blamed and physically punished the boy for this event. This is all illustrated through non-graphic flashbacks scenes.
Throughout the movie, an annoying man heavily tries to seduce a woman, who ends up hitting him to get rid of him.
A woman constantly flirts with one of the protagonists, despite the fact that he is visibly uncomfortable with her actions. She is constantly pushing herself on him and trying to get him to touch her or hold her.
Jinn (Movie)
Jinsimi Dadda (TV Show)
A case revolves around a woman being stalked by her ex. He enters her room without consent and is about to hurt her, but she gets saved. The main protagonist is stalked by a rich investor of her drama's. One time she gets drugged through her drink. She wakes up in his apartement. The stalker stares at her and said that he enjoyed staring at her while she was sleeping all the time. Whether it is kept to just "staring" at her while she was unconscious remains unknown; she was however fully clothed when she wakes up at his couch. The same woman is lured by the stalker in a room alone. He grabs her firmly, but then cops enter the room. The stalker is at her house one night. He again gras her and yels at her to love him. Then her boyfriend comes to rescue her.
Jinx, Mingwa (Book)
The main character is established to be a survivor of past sexual abuse. The first sexual encounter between the main two characters is violent, consistent asking to slow or stop is ignored, with triggering aggressive dialogue, and fully shown in the comic.
Jiok (TV Show)
Joe Dirt (Movie)
The main character threatens a town with a bomb if he does not get what he wants, which includes a woman showing him her breasts when she very clearly does npt want to. It is played for a laugh and we are meant to side with the guy.
Sentient cockroaches run up a woman's leg and into her cleavage.
John Carter (Movie)
A main theme of the movie is of the female lead being coerced into an unwanted marriage to prevent the destruction of her city. Her father, who is the leader of the city, takes a leading role in the coercion. She states several times, often tearfully, that the marriage would be against her will. The male lead grabs or picks the the female lead and carries her off on more than one occasion. This is not portrayed as sexual, but is done without consent. The female lead slaps the male lead on the backside. This is done in anger rather than playfully.
One character is implied to have rape feature as part of his backstory but this is not made explicit.
The titular character mentions being harassed by a doctor who constantly attempted to have him take off his shirt and explicitly describes it as “sexual harassment" (31:30-34:00).
About 30 minutes in, there are jokes about the Catholic Church and their reputation for child sexual abuse, but nothing is shown or described in detail.
Worthy of note: there is a story about a child homicide expert visiting a school to talk about stranger danger and possible scenarios kids could get into and how they could get out of them.
John Q (Movie)
John Wick (Movie)
A man gropes the protagonist while patting him down for weapons. The scene is played for laughs but the character looks uncomfortable.
The main character is an American soldier who has lost his four limbs, as well as his ability to see, hear or speak, while fighting in WWI. Still, we hear his thoughts as he tries to make sense of his surroundings and recalls his past. One of the nurses that tend to him, who is throughout the film presented as the one who is kindest to him and most sympathetic to his condition and the possibility that he might still be capable of thought, is seen in one scene reaching down to his genitals under the blankets. Off-screen, we hear her moan. The scene is quickly cut off and we do not get any commentary of the main character about it.
A woman who wants to work as a bodyguard is insulted, being told instead to try sex work in some detail (21:42-21:55).
Jojo Rabbit (Movie)
Part 1 "Phantom Blood" and Part II "Battle Tendency": a woman is forcefully kissed, against her will. In another scene, a character peeks through a keyhole to watch a character bathe without her permission or knowledge. In the first episode, there is a mention of crime involving the sexual assault of children. In episode 12, there is a scene where multiple women with baskets of food are groped and have their skirts lifted during a 'cavity search.' Part 3 "Stardust Crusaders": a young woman is almost raped by an orangutan, but she is saved. A character's sister is murdered, and a bystander claims that she was also raped. It is later implied that her attacker raped numerous women before her, as he claims that he had many girls who 'loved and admired' him, her being just one of them. In one scene, two men's bodies become magnetised, causing them to become caught in sexually suggestive poses. This is played for laughs, and they are fully clothed. One of the men's magnetization pulls up the skirts of two women. The man is upset by this, too. The two men later go into the women's bathroom to chase the Stand user, and accidentally open all the occupied stalls. A character is transformed into a child but retains the body of an adult man. He is bathed by an adult woman and is shown hugging her (clothed) breasts and clearly enjoying the experience. An antagonist forces lip contact with a woman (E2). One of the main characters has a backstory involving the rape and murder of his little sister (E5). Part 4 "Diamond is Unbreakable": a serial killer is said to have raped, mutilated and murdered young boys. At one point, a flashback of one of the boy's corpses is shown. It is implied that a teenage boy transforms himself into other people in order to have sex with copies of his crush; he explains that he only does this because he does not have the 'courage' to force himself on her. A man and a young boy are shown in a bath together; at first glance, this is a normal scene because they are father and son. However, the scene takes on a disturbing tone when it becomes apparent that the older man is actually a serial killer posing as the boy's father. Part 5 "Golden Wind": in episode 8, a graphic flashback scene shows one character stopping what appears to be a rape attempt. We see an intoxicated woman being beaten with her clothes torn: the assailant tells her not to resist. In episode 12, a flashback includes a professor who attempted to groom a young boy, with implications that he had sexually assaulted him before. The teenage boy is approached by this professor, who grabs his shoulders and offers to help with a test in exchange for sexual favours. In episode 17, a man harasses a woman who is alone on a train. His Stand forces itself onto the woman. The character's arms are shown and sounds are heard throughout. This narrative is continued throughout the episode as the woman becomes pregnant with the child of her attacker. In episode 34, all the protagonists switch bodies, and one of them keeps trying to scratch his testicles (i.e. his vagina now), and it angers the woman whose body he is in, who forces him to stop. In episode 36, an implied rapist swapped bodies with the cop who was arresting him, and uses it to harass a woman. Part 6 "Stone Ocean": two characters who do not know that they are siblings end up in a relationship and do kiss on-screen. However, nothing else sexual happens between them and their relationship ends not long after (episode 31). In the very beginning of the first episode, a female prisoner mentions that another prisoner is arrested due to sexual assault. Later, a female inmate is beaten by two men in an armored truck, looking for money. They start focusing on her breasts and how they will need to examine them, but are stopped before. It is a very uncomfortable and drawn out scene. In episode 6, a man rubs the leg of an unconscious woman. In episode 30, a villain searches an 11-year-old boy. Although not sexual at all, he moves the boy in slightly suggestive positions and stops immediately before undoing his belt. The scene of the villain's hands nearing the boy's belt is very close-up and may be upsetting. In episode 31, a man tries to forcefully kiss a 14-year-old girl and hold her as if she was about to be raped: he is unsuccessful. The male character is beaten as the female character is beaten, threatened, and told to give out kisses to the men holding her.
Joker (Movie)
Three men are seen on the subway catcalling a woman and throwing food at her, as a result of which she is visibly uncomfortable. She later flees the scene and the three men are murdered. A man follows a woman from her apartment to her place of work. Although she is seemingly unfazed by this, the situation may be uncomfortable for some. The man later walks into the woman’s apartment and kisses her without invitation or provocation. Again, she is seemingly reciprocative. It is later revealed that all of their interactions were delusions in the man’s head, which occur whilst he walks her into her apartment and she is visibly frightened. A man puts his hands on a child’s face in order to make him smile. The scene is tense and uncomfortable. A man kisses a woman on live television. She is visibly stunned and is later jokingly asks “you ok, doc?” A character is revealed to have been abused by his step-dad.
Joker Game (TV Show)
Jolt (Movie)
The entire plot of the movie if that the main character has sex with a man who is lying about his identity, so that he can trick her into falling for him. Worthy of note: the main character gets catcalled and is repeatedly touched on the leg by creepy men.
Jonas (TV Show)
Jonas (Movie)
A character says that he was sexually assaulted as a child. It is revealed that this was a lie.
Jonathan Creek (TV Show)
S1E4: this episode implies that a teenage girl may have had a relationship or violent encounter with a much older rock star, but it turns out that this has not happened. S2E12 (Christmas special): a female character is murdered in a particularly gruesome way that involves gynaecological injury. A male character openly talks about deceiving a younger woman in an attempt to get her to sleep with him, because he fetishises her virginity, and hints that he is planning to put something in her drink (ie, may rape her). None of the other characters take any issue with this and it is treated as normal conversation between men. S3E1: a male character visits two prostitutes. S3E4: a woman is groomed and sexually assaulted by her much older uncle for many years starting when she was a teenager. We see him beating her onscreen while she describes their romantic and sexual relationship. She then tricks a man with amnesia into believing that he is her husband and they have been in love for many years and they have a sexual and romantic relationship based on her taking advantage of his amnesia. S4E6: this episode revolves around footage of a teenage girl's face as she winces in pain and breathes heavily. For most of the episode, viewers are led to believe that this is on-screen footage of her being raped by her uncle. It later turns out not to be a video of sexual violence, but that she was stabbed. Whether or not she was ever sexually abused by her uncle remains unclear. S5(Christmas special): in a film within the episode, multiple women are strapped to a wooden table, where it is implied that they are tortured and raped, though this is not shown onscreen. In the same film within the episode, another woman is shown screaming on a bed struggling to escape from beneath a man who is clearly about to rape her (although both are fully clothed and the rape is not shown onscreen, writing onscreen specifies that she will be a victim of his "lechery"). All of these depictions are heavily sexualised and clearly intended to be "titillating." In the context of the episode, these women are actresses in a tasteless film, rather than genuine victims of rape and torture.
The protagonist gets involved in sex work as a teenager, and some of his clients are adult men. The protagonist reflects that he almost always has sex while very drunk, leading to situations where he blacks out and does not remember how the sexual encounter began or the person he is having sex with. There are several passing mentions of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls (MMIWG).
There are two passing mentions of domestic abuse and one of someone collecting child pornography (all in the course of case investigation). No details and no main characters involved.
Two past instances of (non-sexual) domestic partner violence are mentioned. The m/m instance has very little detail. The m/f instance is described in greater detail and involves someone actively protecting the woman and child from harm. The main case involves a man physically attacking multiple women with in escalating force. The attacks are non-sexual in nature.
The main characters are police detective consultants, and the story unfolds over two main cases and multiple secondary cases. No details of sexual assaults are described, but it is a running theme. One secondary case involves a short scene interviewing a pedophile while he is in jail for his crimes. One of the main cases involves a woman shooting a man who she falsely believes has been stalking her and attempting to extort her. The other main case involves hunting down a man who stalks, rapes, and kills young women.
A male secondary character is being stalked by his controlling, emotionally and physically abusive ex-boyfriend. His friends protect him from further harm. A married secondary character discovers that her husband has been manipulating, socially isolating, and lying to her and her children for years. She has support in safely separating from him. One mystery plotline concerns a woman who (in the past) was accidentally killed by her stalker when he physically assaulted her to prevent her from fleeing.
Chapters 1-8: while one male character never makes any explicitly sexual remarks, or innuendo, he does constantly try to convince a female character to marry him. Despite her repeated refusals he continues pursuing her.
The female protagonist accuses the male protagonist of being a pervert even though he has not done anything perverted. She later on threatens to lie about him sexually assaulting her if he does not bring her somewhere. He tells her to do whatever she wants. The grandma grabs the male protagonist by the testicles. She tells him she will cut it off if he brings the female protagonist somewhere without her permission again. This is played for laughs.
Josep (Movie)
About 21 minutes into the movie, a female prisoner is raped by camp guards. We briefly see her being cornered and we mostly hear her muffled struggling. This is briefly refered to through a drawing near the end of the film (01:02:00). A couple of minutes later, a female singer is cat-called by members of the audience, and another woman grabs the bottom of the titular character (a married man).
Jour De Fete (Movie)
It is heavily implied that a female character was being married/sold off to older men by her mother: nothing explicit is shown.
Journey (Video Game)
The film features sexual harassment of a civilian by an officer during wartime.
Journey's End (Movie)
Joy (Movie)
In the third story, one of the women is invited back to another woman's house, who then allows her husband to rape her. We see the man approach the sleeping woman, rip of the bedsheets and get on top of her as she struggles. The woman returns to her own house and tells her family what happened but they do not believe her and kick her out. She later becomes pregnant through the assault, and her attacker and his wife take the baby boy to raise as theirs, whilst she returns to their house to become the 'Fourth Wife'.
Joy of Sex (Movie)
Joyeux Noel (Movie)
Joyland (Movie)
Early in the film, a transgender character is harassed by a group of aggressive men when she is dancing in a bar/nightclub.
A senior employee talks about how he enjoys looking at visitors' breasts (mostly without their knowledge). He also makes suggestive comments to a significantly younger girl. Late in the story, when discussing a series of murders, a character points out that one of the cases was different because the victim was sexually assaulted.
Ju Dou (Movie)
The premise of this movie (set in 1920s China) is that an old impotent old man bought a wife (after having killed his his two previous wifes), to torture her (including sexually). His (adult) adoptive nephew grows fond of his "aunt", whom he watches showering without her knowledge. She is shown feeling distressed when she discovers it, but the two then starts a romantic relationship. SPOILER: The torture scenes (heard and shown) stop about halfway through the movie (~45:00), since the old man becomes paralyzed.
Ju-On 2 (Movie)
This show contains very graphic, violent and disturbing on-screen, off-screen, and implied sexual assault, rape and child sexual abuse. It is entirely founded on the first two episodes, in which the main character is set up to be raped (while being threatened with a knife). It is also revealed that she was raped by her father as a kid and that her mother blamed her for 'seducing' him: she gives birth to a child. In S1E1, an on-screen rape takes place between 25:30 and 25:39. In S1E2, an on-screen rape takes place between 00:25 and 3:00.
One of the main characters repeatedly makes unwanted sexually suggestive comments to a woman. He is shown masturbating (with his back to the camera) while watching another woman have sex from across the street. During a topless scene involving the woman he has been harassing, he stares at her breasts and holds out his hands as it to grab them.
Juanita (Movie)
Early in the movie, one of the main male character is shown talking to a woman in a Black Panthers party reunion, despite her apparent disinterest. He is called to order by the leader and forced to do push-ups to teach him a lesson. About halfway through the movie, the FBI director explains to an agent why Black people are a threat to the nation and mentions rape.
Worthy of note: some viewers might find references to 'race defilement' (in the context of 'Aryans' engaging in 'improper' relationships with Jewish people) distressing. There is discussion about whether an elderly Jewish man should be beheaded, as he is accused of sleeping with a 16-year-old 'Aryan.'
Judy & Punch (Movie)
The antagonist verbally harasses a woman and calls her a whore.
Jug Face (Movie)
The first 5 minutes show a brother and sister consenting to incestual sex.
Jujutsu Kaisen (TV Show)
S1E1: a demon gets hold of a girl and it looks like it is groping her (no explicit sexual violence). S1E24: a story is told of a woman that was raped, impregnated and aborted multiple times. While none of this is shown on screen, there are visual effects such as blood splatters which emphasize the horror. Fetuses are shown developing on a blank background (04:36-05:32). S2E2: a teacher gives her number to a teenage boy. She seems to be interested in him. This is played for laughs and she is never shown again. S2E22: a woman lays naked next to her little brother. He fawns over her and she seems to ‘playfully’ flirt with him. This relationship has incestuous undertones. However, nothing ever happens. A jujutsu kaisen short at the end of an episode showcases two teachers (a man and a woman): the male mentions “a nice girl” and the female tries to guess which teenage girl the man is talking about. It seems like he is talking about his romantic type, but it is not the case. Worthy of note: in one episode, a male teacher mentions a female student is his perfect type. The same teacher pretends to be a romantic interest of one of the male students in order to embarrass him when he thinks the student is getting hit on by a woman. Both scenes are not relevant or discussed further in the series.
A man guesses that a woman is having a lot of dreams about being raped: at that moment, a monster is seen touching her thigh, so the man exorcizes the monster (~47:00-49:00). (The word 'rape' is only used in the japanese version: the english dub replaces it with 'assault'). Worthy of note: two young girls are seen in a cage with visible wounds on their face. Although there is no sign or mention of sexual assault, this image could be upsetting to some viewers.
Jukai Mura (Movie)
Jules (Movie)
Julia (TV Show)
S2E2 features work sexual harassment.
Julie & Julia (Movie)
Juliet, Naked (Movie)
Worthy of note: a woman mentions stealing another woman's phone to put her number in it.
A group of men make harassing comments towards the protagonist and slap her behind while she is shopping alone in a corner store. This takes place towards the beginning of the book.
A group of men make harassing comments towards the protagonist and slap her behind while she is shopping alone in a corner store. This takes place towards the beginning of the book.
A boy attempts to grab his classmate's breast. The scene is played for laughs.
Jumbo (Movie)
This film is about a young woman engaging a romantic relationship with a merry-go-round. It is implied that she is bullied by a group of boys, and all her relatives shames her for her relation. (Worthy of note: she experiences her first orgasm in a surreal sequence: dressed only with her panties, she is progressively covered by a dark liquid, which is implied to be oil). Early in the movie, a man unintentionally walks in on her changing: he immediately turns around but discreetly peeks on her. He tries to start a relationship with the protagonist, who only anwers his advances because she is trying to adhere to "normal" social norms. At some point, he attempts to kiss her and she does not reciprocate. After a distressing experience with her love-interest (the merry-go-round), the protagonist presents herself naked to the man: he tries to touch her but she rebuffs him, suggesting him to get undressed. He then has sex with her without noticing that she is crying and being mute: she is very distressed and forcing herself to have sex with him to fit in and escape social pressures.
Jump In! (Movie)
Jumper (2008) (Movie)
Towards the beginning of the book, a boy tries to engage a girl in a game of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours." The girl is uncomfortable with this.
Jungle (Movie)
In an attempt to eat the young protagonist, a snake hypnotizes him and handles him with his snake coils in a way that can be very triggering to the audience (9:42-12:12 and 54:06-1:00:25). An elephant lines up his herd military style and smacks his wife's rear with a stick to get her rear end in line (15:16-15:26): it is meant to be comedic. The protagonist's panther guardian tries to pull him off a tree by his loincloth when the protagonist throws a tantrum (19:37-19:58). The loincloth stretches but does not come off when the panther lets go. A curious bear sniffs the protagonist, and the protagonist pushes him away and tells him to leave him alone. The bear picks him up and puts him back down again (21:27-22:16): it is clear the bear is a friendly character. Monkeys kidnap the protagonist and handle him against his will: the king of the monkeys shoots bananas into his mouth (32:42-33:46).
Jungle Cruise (Movie)
A man is taken captive and forcibly undressed: men grab his penis painfully while he is tied up. Later, the man is fondled while just asking for food and water. The man later rapes a woman graphically on-screen.
Junior (Movie)
A woman kisses a man without his consent. A woman mentions being attracted to her cousin when she was younger.
A boy mocks the small breast of his female friend and tries to touch her: she rebuffs him. Later, he inappropriately touches the sister of that same girl: he is kicked by both.
A high school student has an affair with her teacher. An elementary school student is taken in photos against her will. S1E8: the main character is strongly implied to be raped while in a catatonic state.
Junjo Romantica (TV Show)
A relationship between a man and a boy is depicted as normal, even if some people mention that this is problematic. S1E1: on-screen sexual assault scene (6:00-7:37). The older man (28) pushes the younger man (18) down on the bed. Despite the younger man's struggles the older man proceeds to touch his body, kiss his cheek, and put his hand down the younger man's pants.
Juno (Movie)
The main character's friend attempts to engage in a relationship between herself and her teacher, including using the phrase “I love Woody Allen” due to his nature of being intimate with younger girls. Worthy of note: the film's plot revolves around the unplanned pregnancy of a 16-year-old girl. Additionally, the same girl maintains a friendship with a much older man which, while it is not sexual, some may consider inappropriate (there is one scene where they dance together suggestively).
An antagonist plans to marry and then kill the the main character.
Jurassic Park (Movie)
Doctor Ian Malcolm has the famous quote: "What you call discovery, I call the rape of the natural world."
A woman holds another woman hostage while they are trapped on a boat. She hits on her several times, implies that she is going to assault her, and pins her down at one point.
One character is adamant about hugging another who does not want to hug people. Worthy of note: one character who is 2 years older than another (15 and 13) talks about dating her. They seem to become a relationship in season 4.
Jury Duty (TV Show)
The main male character - mentioned below - plays a caricature of himself in this show. S1E1: a male character mentions that he is working for a director that has not been "metoo'ed yet". S1E5: the same character says that a director called "some bitch sweetheart and has been cancelled".
Jusqu'au Declin (TV Show)
Just 6.5 (Movie)
Child rape is mentioned (1:29:00-1:30:00).
The author describes a time when an adult man offered to pay to look at her breasts when she was a ten-year-old. Later, she and her sister confide to their mother that two of their father's adult cousins had touched them inappropriately. The author became pregnant at 17 when her boyfriend pressed her up against a wall while she was trying to leave his apartment, lifted her skirt, and initiated sex with her. The author specifically states that she felt that he didn't force himself on her. However, since she didn't really even know what sex was at the time, and since he didn't discuss what he was doing to her and blocked her exit as she was trying to leave, others may feel differently. When she is seeking acting lessons, a person who is interviewing her stares at her breasts and then tries to force a kiss on her. The author discusses her friendship with Bill Cosby, and how he never touched her, but not necessarily in a way that dismisses the women who have spoken out against him.
The protagonist is an intersex teenage boy. The premise is that he begins menstruating after years of presenting as and being accepted as a boy. A bunch of boys surround him after school one day and demand that he show them his genitals, but he gets away. A person the protagonist considered a friend touched his chest to see if he had breasts. Later, after the protagonist's mom cajoles him into presenting as female, a boy tries to force a kiss on her.
Just Cause (Movie)
Sexual violence against a child (who was murdered off-screen before the movie begins) is mentioned several times by lawyer, coroner, police, etc. Nothing is shown on-screen. Later, a criminal character verbally implies he intends to sexually assault a mother and daughter, but does not.
Just Charlie (Movie)
A girl left alone with two strange men at a party is trapped by one of them against a wall while he forcefully touched her under her dress. Worthy of note: this same girl is then beaten to the ground by a group of three men.
A bully tries to reach under the protagonist’s skirt.
This whole documentary is about a man who molested and raped his daughters as children. There is frank and explicit discussions of these assaults from the survivors as well as discussions of continued incest in the family.
This is a memoir of a lawyer whose career has focused on reversing death sentences, particularly in cases of false accusations, incarceration of children, and incarceration of the mentally ill. The author highlights several cases that he worked on throughout his career. Throughout the book, the author references instances where his clients were falsely accused of rape, instances where his clients were raped or sexually assaulted in jail by either fellow inmates or by prison staff; and instances where his clients were victims of rape, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, and incest in their formative years before being arrested.
Just Wright (Movie)
A person at a party touches the protagonist inappropriately. She calls him out immediately and her friends and the host kick him out of the party.
A character admits to the brutal assault and rape of a young woman.
Rape is discussed in passing: the main characters are law enforcement and occasionally discuss such crimes. A man admits to being a rapist. The main female character mentions people attempting to assault her in the past. She mentions being worried that her much older mentor and patron might wish for sexual favors from her when she was 17-18 and resigned herself to it, but he did not. She also admits to being somewhat infatuated with him anyway.
Justified (TV Show)
Over the 6 seasons of the show, most instances for the above tags are mentions of criminal charges, stories from the past, or jokes. When on screen assaults happen, they are typically over quickly and not excessively violent. S1E2: a lawman jokes about another one getting raped. Two non first cousins are sleeping together. S1E4: while attempting to cross the border into Mexico ,a male guide threatens a woman with rape after they cannot pay his increased fee. S1E5: this episode mentions child rape and murder. S1E7: a man mentions "playing with" a woman's children when he is done with her. S1E10: someone makes a joke about their uncle molesting them. S1E11: statutory rape is mentioned. S2E1+2: a male character has past statutory rape charges. He harasses a 14 year old girl and ends up kidnapping her but she is rescued before she is assaulted. These events are discussed in E2. S2E2: an inmate who got pregnant by a guard is featured. S2E6: a male bank robber sexually harasses a woman during the robbery, making suggestive comments and running a hand up her leg. S2E8: rape is mentioned. S3E3+6+10+11: we see a man tied up and gagged wearing only boxers. It is not explicitly clear what happens to them but it is seen during unsettling scenes. S3E10: a man talks about how his father forced him into sex work when he was a child. S3E11: this episode mentions sex with a minor. S4E1: this episode features an underage teen trying to have sex with a full grown man and flashing a full grown man. S4E2-3: a child calls federal marshalls "perverts". S4E3: a man ties a woman to a bed and gets on top of her, straddling her. It is unclear if he just wants to her hurt or rape her. S4E4: this episode features a teen offering oral sex to a grown man. S4E6: this episode mentions rape of a minor. S4E7: there is an attempted assault while at a party where a man grabs a woman and tries to pull her from the room. Her boyfriend comes in before anything further can happen. S5E2: a male cop threatens and gropes a female witness. S5E4: a male guard at a woman's prison refuses to allow her to leave her cell. He tells her that she needs to strip and bend over the bed, but another guard comes in and takes the prisoner out before anything further happens. S5E7+8: prison rape is mentioned. S5E7+10: a male guard at a woman's prison has sex with a prisoner as payment for helping/allowing them to smuggle drugs into the prison. You can hear it happening in the background, but the assault is not seen. In E10 this is mentioned as something that multiple women were forced to do. S6E4: a prison rape joke is made. S6E5: another joke about prison rape is made.
S1E1: a teenager is sexual harassed. S1E2: a man makes suggestive comments about a 15 year old girl. S1E7: rape of a dead body after murder is mentioned.
Juvenile Justice (TV Show)
There are many implications of minors being involved in prostitution. There is an attempted rape on a minor, relatively early in the series. S1E8: a group-rape starts to be mentioned at the end of the episode. S1E9: this episode revolves around the rape started in S1E8. There are graphic descriptions of it, partly on screen.
K-11 (Movie)
K-12 (Movie)
K-12 (2019) (Movie)
There are two musical numbers about: a) men/boys sexually harassing girls; b) a high school student being sexually preyed on by an adult. Worthy of note: the main character is played by an actress who also directed and written the film, and who has sexual assault allegations against her.
K-ON! (TV Show)
Kaboom (Movie)
The following stories in the anthology involve sexual violence: "The Black Stain": individual rape and gang rape of an ethnically oppressed enslaved woman. "Spider the Artist": physically abusive marital relationship. "The Winds of Harmattan": a woman is physically restrained and raped by her husband. "Biafra": passing mention of rape under a military government regimes.
Kadaver (Movie)
About 22 minutes into the movie, two actors engage in very rough sex while doing a scene and a group of people watch them. It is implied that it is consensual because they are acting.
KaDeWe (TV Show)
The rape scene was in a dream that the main character had about raping his sister. Apparently he did not want to do it but it just happened in his very vivid dream. There are also graphic sex scenes that involve the main character who is a young teenage boy and an older woman who he assumes is him mother.
Kageki Shojo (TV Show)
A stepfather of one of the main characters forcibly kisses her when she is a child. Followed are scenes of how she handles this event and continued harassment from her stepfather.
S1E9 & S1E10: a potential victim of a sexual assault is portrayed as "wanting" a potential perpetrator to assault her, despite being unwell.
Kai Byoui Ramune (TV Show)
S1E5: the male protagonist asks a child if he really has a dick. Inappropriate jokes are made throughout the series.
Kaiju No. 8 (TV Show)
This book takes place in a fictionalized ancient India. The protagonist is someone who we might call asexual today, but obviously that terminology is not used. She is forced into an arranged marriage and is very uncomfortable with sex. There are allusions to her basically being forced to have sex so her husband can produce heirs. She dissociates when this happens. In one scene, a child says that women are supposed to only show themselves to their husbands and that women who participate in public life are whores. He repeats this from an adult who said it. Throughout, there are mentions of intimate partner abuse, but the protagonist does not experience this herself.
Kairo (Movie)
The book is about a relationship between a 19 year old woman and a 58 year old married man. He enjoys her dressing up in a school girl-ish way. The man eventually turns their affair into a sado-masochistic one, such as beating her with a belt. When he finds out she slept with someone else, he begins to verbally abuse her and emotionally torture her until she has a minor mental breakdown and almost attempts suicide. He also blames her for miscarrying their child towards the end.
Kajarya (Movie)
At roughly the 19-minute mark, a main male character rapes a drugged woman who he has beaten. She is not shown in the scene.
Kajillionaire (Movie)
Kakegurui (TV Show)
S1E4: the main character is strangled and threatened with rape.
Worthy of note: one female character is in a relationship with a male character who has violent outbursts (typically directed at other men out of jealousy) which clearly distress her. He does not appear to abuse her physically, but the dynamic may be uncomfortable for some viewers to watch. In one episode they have sex right after having a heated argument, but this is not portrayed as non-consensual.
Kalifornia (Movie)
This film is about a couple working on an illustrated book about famous serials killers, while unknowingly carrying a serial killer (the antagonist) and his girlfriend with them. Early in the film, it is mentioned on two occasions that a female serial killer was raped by her father as a child. Throughout the film, the antagonist acts increasingly threatening towards one of the female characters. When they stop in a motel, he watches her getting dressed until she notices, and then sneaks into her room, pretending to help her with her luggage. Nothing further happens. The antagonist's girlfriend explains on two occasions that his boyfriend is abusive, stating among other things that he whips her "when [she is] bad". She then reveals that she feels safe with him because she was raped by three boys, who beat her and sent her to the hospital for four months when she was 13. During a bar scene, a man grabbs a waitress, who rebuffs him. The main male character, fascinated with serial killers, plays a real audio tape of a woman who was kidnapped by one: we hear her crying, begging for her life, screaming, and then presumably being killed. He listens to this despite his girlfriend being distressed by the behaviour of the antagonist (a serial killer himself). The maim male character's girlfriend then takes photographs of the other couple having sex without their knowledge. When the antagonist notices it, he gets aroused and ignores his girlfriend saying that he is hurting her. At a gas station, the antagonist violently grabs the main character's girlfriend when she discovers that he is indeed a killer. After that, the antagonist takes them all as hostages and ends up killing his own girlfriend and taking the other woman as his "new girlfriend". He brings her to a secluded place to rape her: he fondles her breasts and bottoms while she stays petrified. She then stabs him but he pins her down on a bed and handcuffs her before raping her off-screen. She is shown the morning after, traumatized.
Kameradschaft (Movie)
KamiChu! (TV Show)
Kamikaze (Movie)
A woman character mentionned that she was forced to be someone's mistress.
Kamisama Kiss (TV Show)
The main romantic relationship takes place when the main female character is 17 and the main male character is over 600 years old. The girl forces a kiss on him to in turn make the man her attendent/servant. They get married later in the series and have children. The main female character makes transphobic comments towards a gay man in the series by use of Japanese transphobic slurs. The main female character is kidnapped by one of the other male characters later in the first season.
Kamome Diner (Movie)
Kanal (Movie)
Kanamemo (TV Show)
One college-aged young woman is a pedophile who frequently harasses, gropes, leers at, and fantasizes about middle-school and younger aged girls, primarily those who are her coworkers. Despite being played for laughs and usually resulting in physical punishment for the character, it comes off as creepy.
Kanata No Astra (TV Show)
S1E6: one of the male characters tries to force another male character to take off his clothes to show whether he is male. The character is intersex, but identifies as male. Worthy of note: the female characters are a bit over sexualized even though all of them are minors pre-timeskip.
Kandisha (Movie)
Kangaroo Jack (Movie)
A woman's breasts are groped without her consent.
Kanon (2006) (TV Show)
A major character unrequitedly loves her first cousin; due to differences in culture and attitudes, this is not treated as incestuous. One character walks in on another in the bath and makes a teasing comment about getting in with her; she refuses and leaves and the incident is not addressed again. While sex scenes with potentially dubious consent exist in the source material, they are removed from this adaptation and the only implied offscreen sex is consensual.
Kanzashi (Movie)
The opening scene of the movie is a very graphic rape scene.
Karas (TV Show)
The main protagonist is a product of incest (his mother and brother had a sexual relationship).
A male character roughly kisses his ex girlfriend.
Karen (Movie)
Karla (Movie)
There are multiple instances of on-screen rape.
Karppi (TV Show)
In one scene, a woman coerces someone to tell her more information related to a police case by threatening that she will say he groped her breasts (which did not happen) and send him to jail. In another scene, a teenage girl has (consensual) sex with a similar aged boy but the boy records the intercourse without her knowledge or consent.
Katamari Damacy (Video Game)
Kate (Movie)
Katla (TV Show)
S1E3: in the end of the episode, there is an ambiguous scene where it seems like a caretaking husband might sexually take advantage of his bedridden wife, but in the end only imagines it and does not actually do so. Parts of his imagination is shown on screen.
Keanu (Movie)
A woman tells her husband over the phone that a man she was with was being inappropriate with her and it made her uncomfortable.
Kedi (Movie)
The Keep (Movie)
A female character is grabbed by two soldiers, has her underwear removed and is then raped by one soldier while the other one holds her. The rape is interrupted by a supernatural presence.
Keep Breathing (TV Show)
The entire premise of this series is sexual abuse.
The Keepers (TV Show)
The sexual abuse of children is the central topic of every episode. A woman talks about how her uncle sexually abused her as a child. Women talk in detail about how they were raped as teenagers.
Keeping Faith (TV Show)
This movie is about two soldiers attacking three women in order to rape them. There are thus multiple scenes where the latter are in dangerous situations, with the constant threat of being raped. The film opens with a woman running out of a carriage after having been raped (her clothes torn and a soldier zipping up his pants coming after her): she, and another female witness, are killed. A man attempts to rape a woman at gunpoint on a bed: he is killed after having gagged her. A slave woman recounts rape at her master's hands when she was a child, as well as subsequent pregnancies.
Kekkaishi (TV Show)
Worthy of note: in S1E2, it is mentioned that many male teachers are secret admirers of the female protagonist.
Kemono Jihen (TV Show)
S1E7+8: the mother of a character is shackled onto a table, being raped by a monster. It is implied that she was systematically raped by different monsters as an experiment. S1E10-11: the twin brother of a character is implied to have grown up being repeatedly raped by the women in their village, with whom he shares a father.
Ken Park (Movie)
Kes (1969) (Movie)
A woman receives an unsollicited kiss from one of her lovers.
Keteke (Movie)
S1E1: a character tries to convince his wife to participate in a sexual act she is uncomfortable with and they have discussed before. It is implied that they have sex, and then we see the main character appear to be uncomfortable after the fact. In the same episode, the main character is catcalled, and momentarily trapped in a car with a man who thinks she is sexually interested in him. S1E2: the main character asks to speak to a man and his friends walk past and say something like “use your rape whistle”. She later gets in a car to buy drugs to a man who thinks that she is a prostitute. She tries to leave but there is a child lock on the door. She eventually gets out (34:20-35:32). S1E3: there is a talk of "touching little kids". S1E8: the main character suffers an attempted strangulation from a friend.
Key Largo (Movie)
A woman is grabbed and kissed without her consent and rapey comments are made.
Key and Peele (TV Show)
S4E2: the opening scene features a news segment that mentions sexual assault. It is brief and the joke is that this and a murder story is the "Sports News".
Kick-Ass (Movie)
A father asks his son whether he was abused by muggers: he says no. Worthy of note: one character fantasises about having sex with his teacher: in his fantasy, the teacher is shown removing her top and wants to have sex with him too. Nothing happens and this is played as a joke. One character says that he is attracted to a character who is visibly a child: this is pointed out by another character, but they say that they ‘will wait’. This is played off as a joke and nothing is mentioned further.
Kick-Ass 2 (Movie)
The villain prepares to rape a secondary female character but fails to get an erection.
Kickboxer (Movie)
A rape is implied after a woman's shirt is ripped open by two men. She is later seen crying.
The movie starts with a woman running away, she is captured and brought back to a room that is filled with other girls, and she is then killed for running away. The discussion implies that she and the others have been forced into sex work. Later an underage girl was singled out and kidnapped by the same man from the beginning of the movie. Off screen she is forced to undergo a medical check to confirm she is a virgin and arrangements are made to sell her but then she and the other girls are rescued.
A man kidnaps a woman in order to hurt her husband. He pins her down and rips open her dress as she screams and in the next scene her husband is given pictures that aren't clearly seen on screen but are implied to be after her assault. A woman continues to kiss a man after he tells her that he doesn't want to sleep with her.
Kid Cosmic (TV Show)
Near the end of the movie, we find out that a man kidnapped, raped, and impregnated a child.
Kidding (TV Show)
S1E3: the episode starts by showing a woman having sex and clearly not enjoying it. She later explains that she was prostituting herself to get drug. S1E5: two children discuss what happened to a kid who got kidnapped and molested. At this very moment, the grandfather of one of them drives-by and calls his grandson in. He gets into the car while the other kid, unknowing of who the adult is, panicks and calls for help. The scene is played for laughs. S1E9: a woman (a main female character) forces a man to have sex with her. We hear him repeatedly saying 'no' off-screen during the act. S2E6: the brother of the man raped in S1E9 denounces the rapist in front of a crowd and chases her while yelling that she raped his brother. After that, another man says that he also would like to be raped. This is all played for laughs.
Kidnap (Movie)
Antagonists remove the titular character's clothes and make her pee in-front of them when she asks for the bathroom: she is tied up and screaming, telling them that she is refusing to get naked in-front of them.
Kids (1995) (Movie)
Follows a group of teens who fixate on performing sexual acts on virgins and pre-teen girls. In one of the final scenes of the movie, a boy rapes an unconscious girl on-screen.
The shows features a relationship between an adult man and a high school girl, as well as multiple scenes of sexual harassment and attempted sexual assault. Most of these scenes are used as a plot device to push other elements in the story and are barely mentioned after the event.
Kids Return (Movie)
Kidulthood (Movie)
Most of the sex scenes in the movie are consensual but frequently involve adult men and teenage girls. Multiple sexual acts are performed under pressure.
Kika (Movie)
Rape, voyeurism and sexual abuse are main themes of the movie, and are often discussed. A scene shows a very violent rape scene at knife point, ambiguously played for laughs. A lesbian character has been forced to be her brother's way of 'blowing off steam' throughout her life.
Kiki (Movie)
A man briefly discusses how he was sexually abused as a child.
Kikujiro (Movie)
A child is abducted by a pedophile and is almost forced to take off his underwear, but one of the main character saves him.
A man attempts to rape the protagonist while she is in a coma, but is killed before that. However, it is implied that she has been raped many times before. A Japanese teenage girl asks a Japanese man if he wants to have sex with her. In the anime segment of O-Ren Ishii's parents' deaths, it is said that boss Matsumoto is a paedophile.
A man is held captive by a group of young girls. His sexuality is discussed. His girlfriend finds him and ends up accidentally murdering him while he is tied up. There are implications that if given the chance one of the characters would have assaulted him. A teenage girl is revealed to have had sex with a member of the band, all of whom are young adults. The encounter was consensual and she allowed him to take racy photos of her, but afterwards, he sent them to his friends despite her begging him not to. He then invited two of his friends into their room while she was still naked in order to humiliate her. Another character mocks the girl for this after the fact.
Kill La Kill (TV Show)
A character is briefly groped by her mother. It is implied that there is further sexual abuse. A student is sexually harassed by a teacher and it is played off as humorous.
Kill List (Movie)
There is a video - not seen by the audience - where someone is screaming. It is not explicitly clear if there is a sexual element to the torture the person is experiencing. In the next scene, the person who keeps the video is called a pervert though again it is unclear if the video has a sexual abuse element or if he is sexually gratified from the violence.
The plot is based on a black man being falsely charged with the rape of a white girl. This is discussed throughout the film, although not in particularly graphic terms.
A substantial portion of the plot deals with the trial of a Black man who has been accused of raping a white woman. It is very clear in context that this is a false accusation.
Kill Teaser (Movie)
There are two sexual assault scenes: one very strongly implied (the beginning is shown), the second on screen (very graphically). First, the assaulted person is manipulated into believing it was her fault: she thus ends up going back to the man and being assaulted a second time.
This documentary follows the journey of the father of a 13-year-old girl who was violently gang-raped as he seeks justice for his daughter.
On the way back to a woman's house, thugs try to rape her, but the protagonist overpowers the men and she remains safe.
Killer Bees (Movie)
A college student is hit on by her professor who tries to kiss her. When she attempts to leave his office, she finds the door locked. The professor tells her "this is what you want. Maybe you like things a little bit rougher" while caressing her and pulling her jacket off. He grabs her roughly and pins her arms, forcing her against a will. She begs him to stop while he starts kissing her arms and shoulder. She kicks him in the genitals. He calls her crazy and unlocks the door to his office. As she tries to leave he grabs her face, roughly telling not to tell anyone. Threatening "one word and you're finished. Your writing career will go down the fucking drain" before he lets her leave.
Killer Fish (Movie)
Killer Joe (Movie)
The titular character assaults a woman and forces her to simulate oral sex on a chicken drumstick.
Killer Pinata (Movie)
While one couple is having sex, the pinata crawls under the sheets and touches both of them. While a woman is asleep, her ex boyfriend uses her hand to masturbate but she wakes up shortly after. The pinata bites off a man's penis.
Killer Sally (TV Show)
S1E1 (49:10-49:49): a woman describes being raped by her husband in the context of a violently abusive relationship.
Killer Sofa (Movie)
A man stalks and harasses the main female character, trying to get her to marry him. He is seen installing hidden cameras in her apartment and he masturbates in her bed. Nothing sexual/personal is seen in the videos when the cameras are discovered.
Killer Toon (Movie)
A girl draws scenes of people's death that is going to happen in the future. One drawing is of a woman on the floor, hit by a vehicle, but her corspe is surrounded by men with evil expressions like tongue sticking out and about the touch the body. When it happenend, her death was only mentioned that she was hit by a car. Nothing was shown, but told afterwards.
The Killers (Movie)
There are several non-consensual grabbing/groping, particularly in the first half of the film.
S1E3: a group of people (including a detective) watch a tape which shows a rape happening (at the 42:00-44:00 minute mark). Season 3 is focused on rape and prostitution (most of the girls are underage). S3E2: a character is captured. The camera cuts away but it is heavily implied that she is raped by her captor (about 37 minutes in). S3E3: police find multiple home pornography videos of underage girls. Rape is never explicitly shown, but some of the videos include girls crying and a man (of-screen) asking if they are virgins. Clips of these videos are shown throughout the season. S3E4: an underage male is forced to have sex with his parole officer. The actual rape is not shown. S4E3+4: a sexual relationship between a high-schooler and an adult is discussed. Episode 4 also includes a high-schooler implying that his mother forced him to be sexual with her. S4E5: later in the episode, a hazing ritual is shown where boys are forced to masturbate to photos of their mothers while other boys watch.
Killing Eve (TV Show)
In the first season of the show, it is mentioned one of the main female character had a sexual relationship with her French teacher when she was a teenager. S2E7: one if the main characters starts to have sex with their younger coworker while they are asleep and making him an unconsenting part of a 'threesome'. S3E4: one of the main characters watches as the other main character has sex with her husband without the partners knowing or consent. The character that acts as this voyeur brings it up later by saying something like 'you need to close your curtains'.
The main character (a surgeon) and his wife act out a sexual fantasy where she pretends to be anesthetized. The main character reveals to his son at one point that, as a teenager, he sexually stimulated his own father while the man was unconscious. The female protagonist performs a sexual act on another character in order to gain information.
Stalking is an ongoing theme throughout this title. The book contains frequent major acts of violence as well as allusions to childhood sexual abuse committed by a parent against their child. There is a scene where a someone is raped by their uncle and another one where someone is raped by their mom. It is in very graphic detail.
A character says that the prostitutes he visits are not “pretty enough to rape”.
Killing Zoe (Movie)
Killjoys (TV Show)
S1E1: bad guys threaten to sexually assault the female lead. She fights and beats them up fairly easily, revealing that she was never in any real danger. The scene is played for laughs and nothing bad happens to her. The phrase 'rapey hill people' is used at one point.
Killshot (Movie)
Diane Lane is forced to undress down to her undergarments and her nipples are visible through her top very briefly. A woman is physically assaulted by a man as he tries to get her undressed.
Kim Possible (TV Show)
S1E18-19: the protagonist's father is overprotective and says that she is too young to date. He forbids her to ever date boys. S1E20: a male character's teacher says that the ideal man is big and strong, and points out that the said character has been frequently rescued by a girl (questioning his masculinity). S4E4: a supporting character builds and uses a device to make a girl fall in love with him and she is made at him for that when the effect wears off. Later this device is used by a villain who says he is gonna use it for evil as if the use of this device itself is not bad. Later he controls a crowd of girls.
Kimi (Movie)
The main plotline centers around a person who hears a recording of a woman being murdered: on the recording, the woman accuses a man of raping her. It is later revealed that the main character had previously been assaulted and suffered anxiety from the event.
Kimi Ni Todoke (TV Show)
Kimjongilia (Movie)
Human trafficking and sexual slavery is one of the topics of the movie, addressed through the testimonies of female survivors.
S1E0:a man does a "dong chim" to another man at work, which involves touching his anus with his fingers, and this is a main plot of the episode. It is implied that the man who experiences this is not actually upset, but is using this to get revenge on the man who did it, for something else. Iti s a bit disrespectful and tone deaf, but not ultimately disturbing, and the situation is played for laugh.
Kind Words (Video Game)
The game's concept involves sending letters to anonymous strangers either to support or spread kindness. In the game's content itself (the animation, stickers, ect) no warnings apply. That said, there is always a chance in the letters from users there will be discussion of any of the warnings aside from 'Rape on-screen'.
A police officer jokes about stalking a reluctant female witness for as long as she refuses to give testimony. A young boy in kindergarten looks up 3 kindergarten girl’s skirts while they are standing on a table. Worthy of note: A man slaps a woman and shoves her to the ground. A man often abuses his son and wife. The abuse is not shown and the mother states he is getting counseling for it. A man puts a gun to his son’s head in a kidnapping attempt. The boy is not hurt.
Worthy of note: the main female character (a teacher) definitely crosses a line in her obsession with on of her student's talent, though she never behaves inappropriately with him in a sexual way.
Kindred (Movie)
The premise of the movie is that the protagonist goes to visit her boyfriend's mother and brother. The boyfriend dies in an accident, and the mother and brother find out that the protagonist is pregnant. Throughout the movie, the two gaslight her and place extreme control on where she can go. Towards the end of the movie, the late boyfriend's brother starts making romantic overtures toward the protagonist and trying to touch her, despite her distress. At the end of the movie, after the protagonist gives birth, he tells the hospital staff that he is the father of her child, and no one believes her when she says that this is not true.
The premise of the book is that the protagonist keeps being sent back in time to save the life of her ancestor, who was a slaveholder. In her journeys to the past, she realizes that, in order to protect her own existence in the future, she has to ensure that her slaveholder ancestor rapes her enslaved ancestor so that the latter will bear a child. This does end up happening, and the enslaved ancestor commits suicide after giving birth. Towards the end of the book, the slaveholder ancestor attempts to rape the protagonist. She fights him off and kills him. Towards the beginning of the book, a slave patroller tries to rape the protagonist, but she escapes.
The premise of the book is that the protagonist keeps being sent back in time to save the life of her ancestor, who was a slaveholder. In her journeys to the past, she realizes that, in order to protect her own existence in the future, she has to ensure that her slaveholder ancestor rapes her enslaved ancestor so that the latter will bear a child. This does end up happening, and the enslaved ancestor commits suicide after giving birth. Towards the end of the book, the slaveholder ancestor attempts to rape the protagonist. She fights him off and kills him.
A character visits her ex-husband for a drink and he drugs her and we see the sexual assault of her lifeless body on screen (01:40:00-02:45:00). She is subsequently punished by the cult that she is in for “having sex”.
The King (Movie)
King Arthur (Movie)
A warrior is stopped from raping a woman.
Worthy of note: there are several quick scenes early in the movie showing some of the women in the brothel being hit/having been beaten by men.
A man is kidnapped by a man and a woman. The woman talks about having sex with the kidnapped man whilst he is tied to a chair. She sits on his lap and gets undressed in front of him.
King of the Hill (TV Show)
S2E14: a flashback scene shows a teenaged boy being forcibly kissed against his will by a teenaged girl. His wife finds out about the incident and views it as cheating rather than sexual assault. S3E16: a man is raped by a dolphin and is paid by the establishment where it happened to prevent him from reporting it. A woman working at the same establishment is sexually harassed by male patrons. S4E23: a character is manipulated by their doctor into creating sexual fetish material under the guise of creating empowerment videos. The videos are posted to an internet porn site without their consent.
King Knight (Movie)
One of the first scenes of the movie shows a man in a brothel, groping several women (one of which is asleep). There is a prison rape joke (the main protagonist having spent several years in jail). Near the end of the movie, it is mentioned that one of the antagonists the main character killed was involved in child prostitution.
There are discussions in this book regarding a character being raped by the former king. It follows the same thread as the other books and does not go into detail about it. There are discussions of another character being forced to marry as a 9 year old, but she escapes before it can take place and there is no assault that happens.
Kingdom (TV Show)
A man enters a woman’s sleeping quarters. She holds a knife to his throat and tells him to go. Once released, he reminds her of his position as a soldier. The rape is off-screen, though she has substantial bruising on her hands, as well as some facial injuries, in the following scene. The scene (starting at 50:50) is handled sensitively, with an abrupt cut before further physical contact between the woman and her abuser.
There is a flashback showing a man breaking into a woman's apartment and raping her. A woman recognizes a man who sexually abused her when she was a child. There is no assault shown, but there is a flashback to him walking her into a closet and it is discussed later in the movie. The same man takes another child and begins to unbuckle his belt but he is stopped before anything further happens.
Kingdom Hearts (Video Game)
Kingdom Hearts II (Video Game)
Kingdom Hearts III (Video Game)
The protagonist and her siblings are cyborgs with a similar role to Disney princesses in Disneyland. The protagonist often observes men staring at her inappropriately, or hears them make inappropriate comments about her appearance. In one instance, the protagonist has a dream about one of her sisters' sexual assault experiences. We later find out that the cyborgs are offered as sexual partners to powerful men. The cyborgs then have their memories erased.
Kingdom of Valor (TV Show)
S1E10: one character is taken in a cave and implied to be raped. Another character arrives in the cave and he screams and begs for help while his captors laugh and mock him (saying "his dignity is gone" and "I guess he's less of a man now". It is played off like a joke. After that, his skin sports a torn cloak and multiple bloods spots. He becomes suicidal and talks about killing himself several times. His captors then discuss them doing it again. When confronted about this, the series creator, says that the series was very funny.
S1E1: a woman is sexually assaulted.
There’s a subplot where spies try to seduce someone, and it leads to some discomfort.
This book has substantially less reference to and portrayals of rape in it than the previous two books and has no on page rape. Chapter 2: the man torturing one of the protagonists alludes to his desire to rape that protagonist in the past - but there is no explicit mention of that in this chapter. Chapter 16: this chapter reveals the protagonist's sexual abuse as a child from a family member. This reveal is not done in a way considerate or respectful of his trauma and his right to divulging information regarding his abuse given that it’s his abuser doing the revealing solely to upset and throw off the other protagonist. The above mentioned material is also present in chapter 17.
All mentions of rape/sexual assault are past events mentioned in passing, without vivid descriptions. A princess is rescued from an attempted rape and she later has (consensual) sex with one of her rescuers. It is mentioned that a character’s mother was sold to a brothel as a child, and implied that the was the product of a rape (the mother immediately murdered the father).
A male spy has sex with a woman with the intention of inserting a tracking device into her vagina which she does not know about and does not consent to. We see a full screen close up of him putting the tracking device into her without her consent, and then we see it travelling inside her vagina as it rapes her. Then we get a scene of a group of people at computers talking about the tracking device inside her.
A male character makes suggestive comments about his wife in front of her son and a third male character, hinting at a sexual encounter between the couple and the third male character. The woman is clearly uncomfortable with this situation. In another scene, a male character makes a suggestive comment to a man suggesting that the third male character from the previous scene is a sex worker, deliberately talking loudly and while standing next to the younger man who is their topic of conversation. Worthy of note: main character is drugged with Rohypnol at a bar, and wakes up restrained in an unfamiliar location; however, the situation is not sexual.
In two occasions the main couple has intercourse when one of them is intoxicated. A secondary character drugs and attempts to assault one of the mains on both of these occasions before the intercourses.
Sexual assault is never depicted, but it is implied that the sorceress acts the way she does because she had been sexually assaulted.
A man touches a woman and she tells him to stop. He persists and starts to take off her cardigan, but she stabs him before he can do anything more.
A woman is chained to a bed while a man kisses and caresses her.
Kiss in the Dark (TV Show)
A man is in a sexual relationship with his teenaged nephew, who thinks his uncle is his biological father.
There are lots of nudity and aggressive/violent sexual acts with questionable consent.
Kiss Me Again (TV Show)
The films opens with a desperate woman, wearing nothing but a trenchcoat, running and hitchhiking alone at night. She forces one car to stop by staying in the middle of the road: the driver almost crashes but still lets her in. He is mad at her and does not care that the woman is visibly distressed. He even says that he suspects that she has been raped (which is not the case) but he does not seem to care. However, he eventually calms down and helps her. At the end of this opening sequence, both are kidnapped by a group of men and the woman (naked) is tortured to death (we only see her bare legs shaking).
Kiss: the Series (TV Show)
Worthy of note: two characters are tricked into believing they had (consensual) sex with each other after a night of hard drinking (for everyone involved).
Kiss X Sis (TV Show)
The main focus of this series is the romantic and erotic dynamic between a high-school age male and his twin step-sisters who are a year older than him. The series also features erotic involvement between him and a female teacher.
Kissed (Movie)
A man kisses a dead body on the lips.
A boy says a girl wearing the short skirt “is asking for it “. A boy tries to drag a girl into a hot tub before he is stopped.
The Kitchen (Movie)
A man tries to rape one of the female main characters, but is shot dead by a third party before he can do so.
Kite (1998) (Movie)
A school girl has been groomed and trained to become an assassin by a corrupt detective after her parents were brutally killed. Said detetcive raped her for the first time when she was a very young teen and at some point they entered a sexual relationship. He rapes another girl at one point as well. In the uncensored version, the on-screen rapes all feature underage girls and are very graphic with full frontal nudity (one girl has tape across her mouth and is crying and audably making noise).
A protagonist is violently raped by a much older boy when he is a child. The scene is not graphic, but it is unambiguous, and the incident is heavily discussed for the rest of the narrative.
A young boy is raped by an adult man.
Klaus (Movie)
Kleo (TV Show)
S1E5: a man takes pictures of his clients in their underwear without their knowledge and consent. Supposedly he does it for "collection" and not for "personal use".
Klute (Movie)
Though no character is sexually assaulted, there is an ever present fear of that or murder happening in this movie. The main female character is stalked, her apartment is broken into when she is not there by a guy who masturbates with her underwear, and he leaves her threatening and creepy phone calls.
The film is an expression of the sexual revolution during the Swinging Sixties, thus themes of promiscuity and similar, predominantly in a masculine lens, are present. A prevalent theme shows a man's supposed need to dominate over women, as demonstrated by proclaimed womanizer: “Women. Not individuals. Just types.” It carries an uncritical and flouncy perspective on the topic of rape. Rape is mentioned, though not graphically shown or described, at about 15 minutes in. About 55 minutes in, the above-mentioned character persuades a woman to take off her coat, which she is shown to be uncomfortable with. At 58:30, he forces her against a corner and forcibly kisses her; soon after, at 59:40, he reassures that nobody will rape her and claims, “Girls don't get raped unless they want it.” At 1:06:30, zhe woman expresses discomfort over him touching her, his hands visibly shown going down her chest and to her knees. She objects to this and backs away, and soon faints. Two other characters fortunately protest again him after they find the woman on the ground and try looking for any marks he planted on her. After the woman wakes up, she believes to have been raped and coins the word, saying it profusely all over town and hangs it over one character. It is framed as comedic.
The Knick (Movie)
S1E1: because of an urgent situation, a nurse has to inject cocaine into the protagonist (a male doctor)'s penis while he is in distress. S1E2: a female character (a nun) is revealed to perform illegal abortions. One male character shames her for it in the next episode. S1E3: the episode starts with a woman explaining how she contracted syphilis because of her cheating husband, how she lost her nose from it and has to live with it as a social stigma. A main (married) character is revealed to entertain a relationship with a prostitute: we see them together in bed. S1E4: one of the recurring characters, who is a pimp, has two new prostitutes to show their naked body to him, and then forces them to have sex with two of his employees. S1E6: in the opening sequence, the protagonist hires two prostitutes to test medical material and procedures on their reproductive system. They appear naked and not distressed. A woman says that a woman she has just helped abort was raped by her boss. In the last scene, a man enters the room of his (adult) daughter-in-law while she is getting undressed, makes creepy comments to her (suggesting that he is expecting sexual favors from her in the future) and kisses her on the cheek: she is left visibly shocked. S1E7: in the last scene, a nurse engages an intimate relationship with her boss (the protagonist) by inviting him home. S1E9: a man asks a main female character to put her foot in his mouth during a sexual act, in exchange of drugs for her drug-addict lover. It is implied that she accepted to do it off-screen. This is referred to again in S2E9. S1E10: a woman getting an abortion (off-screen) is slut-shamed by the man driving her to the operating room. A pimp enters a room where a client is having sex with a prostitute: one of his henchmen punches his penis. A recurring theme of season 2 is the adoption by one character (a doctor) of eugenics theories: he thus performs vasectomy on dozens of young children deemed "idiots" without their approval. S2E2: a doctor accepts to freely examine prostitutes for obvious unprofessional (i.e. sexual) reasons. S2E3: a man hits on a female colleague despite her clear disinterest. A preacher beats up his adult daughter after she publicly confessed her sins: he ends up spanking her. S2E6: women (some of whom are financially obliged to prostitute themselves) discuss the fact that men, despite agreeing to 'pull out' during sex, do not and impregnate them. One man implies that he is prostituting two Siamese women he is exploiting in a freak show. They later confirm it, visibly distressed. They are then saved by the protagonist. S2E7: the father-in-law figure from S1E6, who had people spy on his daughter-in-law, enters in her room and act threateningly towards her while touching her shoulders. She is paralyzed by fear and then tells her husband that she wants to leave the house (since they are momentarily obliged to live in the father-in-law's house). However, she learns that it is not possible. The women from the previous episode discuss how to protect themselves from men: the discussion is about contraception, but another character enters the room and mentions how they could also physically fight men off. S2E8: a recurring male character tries to kiss a recurring female character after they spent an evening together and expressed their appreciation for each other. She rebuffs him and leaves. This is referred to in the next episode, since they live together as roommates. S2E10: despite the rebuttal from S2E8, the man asks the woman to marry him. She refuses. He later confesses to someone else that he set her up (making her loose everything in her life) in order to be with her. She eventually agrees to marry him.
A man briefly looks at a woman undressing/changing clothes on two instances, both without her knowledge.
Knock Knock (Movie)
Two women gain entry to a man's home by telling him that they are stranded and need help. The two women claim to be fifteen years old for the majority of the movie, although this is later revealed to be a falsehood. The film centres around their abuse of him following this. Explicit and arguably gratuitous rape scenes, extended sexual harassment throughout. In one scene, the man is forced into having intercourse with one of the women through the use of blackmail. Although he seems to enthusiastically cooperate with her sexual demands, it is clear that he did not freely choose to have intercourse with her. During a sexual encounter, one of the main female characters reveals that her own father sexually abused her as a child and repeatedly refers to the main male character as her "Daddy," becoming extremely upset and violent as she recalls her trauma.
Knocked Up (Movie)
An intoxicated woman is lead to a sexual encounter in which she does not have the capacity to consent: both characters are drunk. The man, who involved recounts the situation as if she wanted to have unprotected sex, and gaslights her when she questions his account of what happened.
Knocking (Movie)
This book is the memoir of Chanel Miller, the woman who was raped by Brock Turner. The book discusses details of the investigation of the rape, her memories surrounding it, court cases, and how the experience affected her psychologically. The author describes in detail the times she has been catcalled and sexually harassed before her assault. Throughout, she references news stories such as rape allegations against Bill Cosby, the #MeToo movement, Donald Trump’s statements on sexual assault/allegations against him, Anita Hill’s allegations against Clarence Thomas, and Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations that Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape her. Quotations expressing rape apologism and victim blaming are frequent leveraged against the author and other survivors are frequent throughout the book.
Knowing (Movie)
Knucklebones (Movie)
The demon makes a sexual joke before impaling a guy with a chainsaw.
Kobato (TV Show)
KoboldKare (Video Game)
This is a multiplayer farming game featuring adult content. Players and NPCs can have sex with each other. The player can be grabbed by another player during a multiplayer game, but can press the spacebar to regain control of their character.
Kodomo No Jikan (TV Show)
A nine-year-old girl sexually harasses and pursues a sexual relationship with her adult teacher. The adult teacher accidentally gets into suggestive situations with children, such as noticing a young girl's large bust. The mother of the girl was involved in a romantic relationship with her own cousin. Two children have sex with each other, not knowing what sex is. The female child of this pair becomes pregnant.
Koi Kaze (TV Show)
The serie is the story of how a 15-year-old and her 28-year-old brother fall in love with each other. There is off-screen sex.
Kokkoku (TV Show)
A woman is retained by a trio in a forest as their dog licks her private parts. A large man forcefully slow dances with an unconsious woman while her pants are dropped, and her underwear partially up. A man s shot on his private parts. An old man touches the buttocks (only covered in underwear) of an unconscious woman. Multiple torture methods used are sexual of nature.
Kokomo City (Movie)
Kokon (Movie)
Mention of a flasher being provoked by girls wearing short skirts. There is a relationship between two teenage girls and, whilst they are both minors, there is an age difference between the two, which some viewers may be uncomfortable with.
Komatta Jii-San (TV Show)
Throughout the series, the titular character's beauty means she is routinely gawked at in ways that sometimes make her uncomfortable, including from adults. S1E2: a character asks another to date him, and is definitively rejected. He refuses to respect their rejection, instead forcefully grabbing their wrists and making a menacing comment about how he "won't let [them] get away." He is stopped before anything further can happen. S1E4:a character is romantically obsessed with another character; it initially seems like adolescent crushing, before it is revealed that she has been stalking and photographing the object of her interest. This is portrayed as humorous. S1E7: while they do not say anything out loud, we are shown that a group of boys is quietly "rating" the bodies of their female classmates. S1E11: a character expresses a desire to grope a girl in a dark room so she won't know who did it. Other characters validate this as being a good idea. Later, the same character is accused of filming up said girl's skirt, though this is never confirmed. S2E2: a character spends a few scenes scheming to try and see another girl's underwear for clearly sexual reasons. She tries to take a photo up the girl's skirt, but is unsuccessful. S2E8: a group of teenagers ask a tour guide inappropriate questions, like if she has a boyfriend or would want to date them. She is clearly uncomfortable, but it is treated as a joke. Later, a girl schemes to use a communal bathing area to grope another girl in an overtly sexual way, even outright asking her if she can. She is unsuccessful at doing this. She also tries to covertly observe the same girl undressing. A group of teen girls are depicted on screen discussing and comparing their bodies in a somewhat sexualized way. A group of boys do the same, with one demanding that another undress. We are briefly led to believe we are watching two teenagers have sex, until it is revealed that it is a visual gag and they are actually just posing for a picture. S2E11: a girl surreptitiously photographs another girl's legs for sexual reasons. She also repeatedly invades her personal space whilst clearly aroused. She later steals a pair of the girl's used stockings for sexual reasons.
Konferensen (Movie)
Koshikei (Movie)
The film revolves around the execution of a man who killed and raped two women. Both crimes are discussed continuously throughout the film, with multiple reenactments in the first half of the movie. During one of them, a prison guard kills a woman and lifts up her skirt. Most of it is played on the tone of dark comedy.
S1E3: a child follows a woman to her job at a host club. His guardian picks him up immediately. S1E4: a woman gets drunk and ends up dancing in her bra infront of a child. However, the scene is not portrayed in a perverted way but in a comedic way. S1E6: a woman's underwear is stolen. They accuse a man but it turns out to be done by a cat.
Kotoko (Movie)
Kowabon (TV Show)
Koyaanisqatsi (Movie)
Kpax (Movie)
S1E3: multiple characters have sex while under a demonic influence. The lack of consent is strongly implied and it is treated as horrific in-narrative.
Krampus (Movie)
Kroll Show (TV Show)
S1E6: a man in jail is told by another man that he is going to rape him. It is played for laughs. S3E4: a rapist is discussed (for laughs).
Krysar (Movie)
A woman is harassed by a man who is infatuated with her and who keeps showing up at her house with jewelry to impress her. She continually rejects his advances, and he keeps, literally coming up to her in an aggressive fashion. Later, this same woman is gang raped and murdered by a group of drunk men off-screen, including the guy who harassed her earlier.
Kuessipan (Movie)
Just before having sex for the first time with her boyfriend, the female protagonist says that her first time "was not a real first time", hinting at a potential rape (previously, a very short and ambiguous flashback showing her lost in the woods as a child wakes up her at night). A boy playfully holds a girl down on a sofa and eventually kisses her (she is laughing and does not protest).
S1E3: the main heroine teases another girl by pretending she will do something bad to her (but then does not). Afterwards, they make commentary about it, implying that they are joking about sexual assault.
Kundun (Movie)
Kung Fu (TV Show)
Season 1: a main character is sexually assaulted by her boss and extorted into signing an NDA for money. Later, another character is going to work for this boss. She decides to step forward. The subject is handled well, with lots of nuance: everyone believes the victim and is very supportive. S2E6: the rape from season 1 is mentioned. In another episode, fraternity brothers roofy women, have sex with them, and then use the tapes as blackmail. A whistleblower is doped which results in his death.
A main character briefly mentions the word rape, and another character tricks a young woman into kissing him.
Kung Fu Panda (Movie)
Kurage Hime (TV Show)
Kursk (Movie)
Kuso (Movie)
A man talks about having sex with a woman who was passed-out drunk.
Kwaidan (Movie)
A man pulls down a woman's shirt.
Kyoukai Senki (TV Show)
Worthy of note: S1E10: A man appears naked in front of a woman. She is startled and kicks him. He is confused by her reaction as they had seen each other naked before.
Kyousogiga (TV Show)
After a sexual assault, a character retreats to be alone and the movie portrays her reaction respectfully. The sexual violence in the village is treated in character as a norm; the movie does not make a joke out of it or treat it gratuitously.
The L Word (TV Show)
There are on-screen sexual assaults/rapes in multiple episodes of this show, though some of the actresses involved and the show's creator have denied that they are rapes/assaults. That said, they may be triggering to some viewers. S1E8: a woman sexually assaults a man by forcing him to have intercourse despite the fact that he says no multiple times, expressing that he would rather use a strap-on because he identifies as lesbian. S1E14: a woman violently forces another woman nto having sex after she is found to have been cheating. In season 2, an overarching theme is a man videotaping a couple's sexual encounters without their consent. Child abuse is also strongly implied. S2E1: a woman gets woken up with sex. S4E11: a trans character is coerced into receiving oral sex after he expresses his discomfort multiple times.
S2E3: a female character describes being sexually assaulted by another character.
La Bamba (Movie)
A man breaks down a door to rape his girlfriend. There are also later mentions that he has to “practically rape her” to get her to have sex with him. He is shown to be violent towards his girl friend, mother, and others, too.
In the opening sequence of the movie, taking place in a reconstituted 17th century dinner, the guests talk about how they will use a black houseboy (present in the room) as a sexual slave later. In the final scene, one character mentions that in the 1970s, woman could be raped at any time.
A female teacher grabs another male teacher's crotch in the school hallway. It is later obvious they are having an affair. A male teacher and a female student have an affair.
La Captive (Movie)
The plot of the film revolves around a possessive man who monitors the woman he is in a relationship with constantly. There are a few sex scenes which can be read as non-consensual as the woman does not seem to have the option to say no. However, there is no penetrative sex shown on-screen.
Worthy of note: this film contains a fair amount of gratuitous female nudity.
La Caza (Movie)
This film contains very violent rape scenes: there are flashbacks throughout and the protagonist has intense PTSD.
La Ciociara (Movie)
In one of the first scene of the movie, the main female protagonist is raped by the best friend of her late husband after he locked her in his basement. After that, when she explains 'regretting' the sexual relationship, he jokingly slaps her bottom. At multiple occasions throughout the film, the woman is later catcalled, groped, or put in threatening position by men. Near the end of the movie (taking place in World War II Italy), the main protagonist and her teenage daughter are beaten and raped by a group of soldiers. They are shown afterwards badly hurt and shocked, and the crime is dismissed by the superiors of the soldiers. After that, an adult man takes them both abord his truck, and explains that his girlfriend is 15 years old. It is implied that he then tried to seduce the daughter off-screen.
Worthy of note: this film is about children being kidnapped by a mad scientist who wants to steal their dreams.
In the beginning of the film, the male protagonist says to a colleague that he puts up with his hard job by thinking about the ass of his female colleague, who is sitting next to him. She seems visibly uncomfortable. This is referred to several times throughout the film (mostly after this scene). The same protagonist later puts his hand under the skirt of the said female colleague and makes other inappropriate comments to her. A bit later, the male protagonist tells the woman he is living with that her boss probably tries to grope her at work. Later, the male protagonist tries to force his wife to have sex with him, but she rebuffs him.
Domestic abuse perpetrated against women by men is a major theme through the entire movie. While a lot of the focus is on one character’s personal vendetta regarding domestic abuse, it is still abundant through the entire film. About halfway through the movie there is a scene with a young woman who has been beaten and sexually assaulted. The woman is tied to a bed, and the imagery of her bruised face and arms tied to the bed frame are very graphic. She is saved: no nudity is shown. Before and after this scene, the assault of the young woman is discussed and the word “rape” is specifically used.
La Dolce Vita (Movie)
There are two scenes in which women get slapped by men. In some other scenes, some drunk women get humiliated by a drunk man during a party.
A man flashes a distressed woman on the street (~18:30). A man engages sex with a woman who is crying and visibly distressed: consent is dubious. It is worth noting that the man manipulated her as part of his artistic projects in order to meet her.
La Entidad (Movie)
It is implied that a woman is raped before being killed early in the movie. This is then stated as fact towards the end of the film.
Throughout the film, a man tries to "seduce" a woman with techniques such as getting her drunk, kidnapping her, etc. At one point he tries to make her jealous by flirting with another woman, whose behind he touches without her consent. However, this woman is seduced by him and later forces him to have sex with her by locking him in her room: this scene is very short, off-screen, and played for laughs.
La Flamme (TV Show)
There are mentions of rape, incest, child abuse and sexual assault throughout the show: all of it is played for laughs. Sexual harassment is also played for laughs.
La Forteresse (Movie)
This movie has a couple of "orgy" moments which are not graphic. The participants are on acid so they are mostly just giggling and rolling around. There is a female character who does not want to participate in the orgy but she is being coerced: the film does not show what ends up happening, as the scene cuts. There is also an attempted rape which involves ripping of clothing.
In the last sequence of the movie (30 min), a young woman (presumably just over her 18) decides to entertain a room full of (rather old) men with a belly dance. Their lustful gazes are shown throughout.
A man states that his nanny 'always rapes him'. A woman climbs on top of a man when he is clearly unwilling and humps him. A woman is made to show off her naked body to a man, even though she keeps refusing.
Early in the movie, the protagonist (a middle aged man) is surprised by a group of men while he is showering in a factory. One of them forces him to sit in front of him (still naked) to assert dominance. Nothing further happens. Later, the protagonist stumbles upon a woman who holds a woman captive and enchained as a slave and treats her as a dog, forcing her to give "kisses" to him (licking his face while he is visibly uncomfortable). When he tries to set her free, the woman beats her slave and mutilate her with a knife. The man is then knocked unconscious and kidnapped by human traffickers. They hold him incapacitated and mention selling men, women and children and their body parts, and being able to do anything they want with him. He and the woman eventually manage to escape by killing their guard. Near the end of the film, the protagonist encounters a man while he is in a vulnerable position. The latter is very handsy and the protagonist appears uncomfortable.
Note: the story revolves around prehistoric humans who do not possess modern language or culture, making boundaries and sexual consent muddled and uncertain. A male neanderthal sneakily follows a small group of females, then begins having sex with one as she is bent over to drink water. The female seems surprised, but does not appear to be in distress. The other females do not react. A man tries to initiate sex with a woman, who pushes him away. A different male then grabs her and has sex with her as she seems to scream and protest. The scene is not long, but is graphic. The woman does not appear traumatized afterward, but it does not seem like she wanted the contact either. The same man and woman begin having sex again, this time seemingly consensually. The woman protests at first, but only because she wants to change positions. A man is captured by another tribe, who then make him have sex with several of the tribe's women. The man does not seem distressed or bothered by this, and the women are clearly interested.
La Haine (Movie)
La La Land (Movie)
It is implied that one character was molested as a child by her priest. This same person also discusses having an incestuous relationship with her dad. She is also catcalled at one point. A guy tries to forcibly plant kisses and embraces onto two other guys despite them pushing him away.
La Llorona (Movie)
A military general is on trial for genocide against indigenous people of Guatemala and one of the indigenous women gives a testimony about his soldiers killing the men and raping the women as a form of warfare. There are no graphic descriptions or anything, however. There is also a flashback scene where a soldier drags a woman through a cornfield by her hair and it could potentially be implied that he was going to rape her, but the next scene just shows her and her kids being held hostage and interrogated. A maid accuses the general of spying on her whilst she is taking a bath.
A 13-year-old has a crush on an older man and is convinced he likes her back, despite his multiple rejections. She threatens to tell his wife that he kissed her. An older man is dating an 18-year-old.
Towards the beginning of the movie, a woman is sexually harassed by men verbally. It becomes physical and they threaten to rape a man as well, restraining him. A woman with a gun stops them before it goes further.
La Mif (Movie)
There is a sex scene early on between a 14 year old boy and 17 year old girl. The girl is charged by the police for rape for this act, though it is discussed throughout the film if this act can be considered consensual. A teenage girl mentions that she had sex with a 29 year old man. A young girl talks about how she was raped by her father. It' i later revealed that she was lying about this.
La Nina (TV Show)
Though the rape happens before the series' events, there are multiple flashbacks that detail it. Though they are non-graphic, they are potentially distressing to watch and the discussion of the rape is a major overarching plot throughout the show, as they try to arrest the man who violated the character.
La Nina Santa (Movie)
This film is based on the true story of a serial rapist who sexually assaulted over 90 women between the 1980s and the 2000s. The rape scenes are numerous and all of them are extremely graphic (deliberately shot in a horror/gore-esque vein) and instances of oral rape are explicit and show the genitals of the perpetrator. The overall atmosphere of the film is opressive and the sound design is anxiety inducing. On top of all that, there are numerous instances of victim-blame. At the end of the film, they show (graphically) the very first attack of the rapist in the 1980s, and we later find out that the said victim is underage. Altough the crudeness of the film was intentional, in order to show the horrors of sexual violence and even though the graphic scenes were discussed by the director with actual victims (they agreed on the explicitness of the scenes), it was not without controversy. The target of this film is not victims of sexual abuse but people who need to reflect on it.
La Notte (Movie)
In the beginning of the movie, a man visiting a patient in a hospital is grabbed by a sick woman, who is clearly not in her right mind. She takes him in her room, kisses him and gets naked on her bed. He joins her until they are interrupted by nurses. He later confesses to his wife that this encounter was unpleasant. In the final scene of the movie, the man's wife tells him that she does not love him anymore. After she reads him a letter a love letter he wrote years earlier, he kisses her and initiates sex despite her protests.
La Nuee (Movie)
La Nuit Du 12 (Movie)
This film is about a police investigation surrounding the murder of a young woman (shown on-screen in one of the first scenes of the movie). Among the suspects is a man who was previously condemned for domestic violence: we see pictures of the swollen face of his previous victim and we hear him threatening his current girlfriend with physical and sexual assault over the phone. The woman is presented as being under his influence (protecting him from the police).
This film follows a surgeon attempting to recreate his late wife by forcefully performing sexual reassignment surgery on a victim. About 30-40 minutes into the movie, an intruder enters into a house, rips off a woman's clothes and then carries her to a bed to rape her. A woman is asked by a man if she is high: she lists a number of medications she is taking and the man responds that he is also high. She is stumbling and clearly under the influence. He begins to grope and kiss her, at times she reciprocates but is confused and unsure of what is happening. He rapes her and she is frozen in fear: she screams 'no' and bites his hand hard. He slaps her across the face, leaving her unconscious (55:00-01:00:00). Later (shown earlier in the film) her father finds her unconscious, when she wakes she is confused and thinks he raped her.
La Primera Vez (TV Show)
S1E2: a group of students believe a female classmate is a sex worker and arrange a deal. She gets them to undress and then photographs them by surprise. The scene is played for laughs and the group become friends. S1E10+11: a student consensually performs oral sex on a friend but is later accused of doing it while the friend was asleep. Worthy of note: there is a lot of fistfight violence, including a severe attack on a gay student.
La Quietud (Movie)
La Rafle (Movie)
In the first part of the movie, police officers act sexually threatening towards Jewish women (including underage girls), when they round them up (at home). One girl is particularly subjected to sexually threatning behaviors from policemen throughout the movie.
La Sentinelle (Movie)
A group of medical students learn to do an autopsy on a man who was apparently raped with a foreign object. The body is not shown but its condition and injuries are described in detail.
La Strada (Movie)
The movie is about a street performer who buys a young woman to be his wife and assistant. He constantly beats her throughout the film, and the first scenes implied (off-screen) that he also forces her to have sex with him (the woman also mentions it later).
Policemen eye women in a creepy way.
The female romantic lead is 18 and the male romantic lead in his mid 20s. They exchange only kisses and she is considered a marriagable adult by the standards of the time.
La Vanite (Movie)
At some point, the main female protagonist mentions that she learned about sexuality because she was educated by nuns as a child, hinting that she was molested. This is played for laughs.
A woman learns that the man she is dating is her half-brother. The man does not know and persists on seeing her romantically and sexually until she is forced to reveal their relationship. Both parties are disgusted by their romance with one another, but still pursues the relationship to the point of having sexual intercourse. The last remainder of the show reveals that they do not share a father at all, so they get together officially. A lead character is raped on screen. It is implied at least one, if not all of the main characters were conceived via sexual assault of their mothers.
In the second part of the movie, the protagonists (a group of young men) sexually assaults a young girl on-screen, in the middle of a crowd. They grope her and take down her underpants. They rape her off-screen. Their crime is mentioned several times in the rest of the movie. A young man stalks the female protagonist and follows her from her job to her home while trying to make her stop to talk to him. He finally goes away when she tells him to but the next day, her boyfriend blames her for the stalker's behaviour. Later in the movie, the same stalk scene repeats, but the girl deliberately takes another route. When she is alone with her stalker, she grabs his hand and puts it in her underpants: he flees. She later apologizes for doing so.
A woman is crying in agony and telling others that the person who was having sex with her wanted to play "Doctor" and someone mentions blood.
Labyrinth (Movie)
Worthy of note: the adult antagonist has romantic feelings for the teenage protagonist (16), but she doesn't appear to return them.
In occupied France, the main protagonist uses his position in the German police to force himself into a relationship with a Jewish girl. Towards the end of the movie, he assaults her (on-screen) and rapes her (off-screen). After that, he saves her from the Nazis and she is obliged to live with him for a time, until he is arrested. Before all that, is it hinted that this man (17 years old) is sleeping with an adult woman.
Ladda Land (Movie)
Worhty of note: domestic (child) abuse.
It is hinted that one of the main characters was raped by a much older man numerous times in her apartment.
L'Adversaire (Movie)
Early in the movie, a woman shows her low-cut neckline to a group of friends. Her husband jokingly warns her that she is exciting "strong and vigorous" men around her. Near the end of the film, the protagonist, who has suddenly beaten up his mistress, goes on top of her to strangle her but fails. For a few seconds, it could appear as an attempted rape.
Lady Bird (Movie)
Worthy of note: a boy tells the main character that she is his first sexual partner. After they have sex, he tells her that he already had multiple sexual relationships before.
A man non-consensually touches woman's fingers during a conversation (25:00).
Lady Driver (Movie)
A 19-year-old man makes inappropriate sexual comments towards a 16-year-old girl.
Lady Dynamite (TV Show)
The Lady Eve (Movie)
Worthy of note: this setting involves political arranged marriages. All affected characters consent, though some are reluctant about it; would really rather it were not necessary. All sex depicted within these couples is consensual (though sometimes not enthusiastic).
Lady Jane (Movie)
The main female protagonist is forced to get married against her will but eventually falls in love with her husband. The couple only has consensual sex.
Lady Macbeth (Movie)
In one of the first scenes of the movie, the female protagonist (who is 14 year old) is sexually harassed by a drunk adult man, who then follows her home and rapes her (off-screen). After that, she begins working as a prostitute. Later, the same character (a singer) is forced to collect banknotes from male clients between her legs, in a degrading scene.
There is a rape scene in the first act of the film, meant to set the stage for the protagonist's ultimate revenge.
A sympathetic character gropes the female main character (25:00-25:20): the man is in a position of power and the incident is treated jokingly.
There are three on-screen rape scenes throughout the movie.
Ladybugs (Movie)
The film contains two jokes about child molestation.
Historical misogyny is a pervasive theme. The female main characters talk around the danger of sexual assault at intervals. One is forced into marriage, though her husband does not attempt anything sexual before she escapes.
Ladyworld (Movie)
Laggies (Movie)
Worthy of note: the protagonist is pregnant for most of the book. While traveling through customs at the airport, she gets pulled aside by security and asked who the father of her child is. She finds this question invasive and refuses to answer.
Two hallucination scenes include clearly implied, but not graphic, scenes of women being raped by a group of violent men as part of a broader violent scene.
The Lake (TV Show)
S1E4: a guy tricks his boyfriend into a threesome.
Lake Artifact (Movie)
Lake Bodom (Movie)
An incident where a character was drugged and had nude pictures of her spread throughout her school is discussed on multiple occasions. While this turns out to be untrue, the rumours still have an impact on her life.
One nonbinary main character is provoked into a fight by a bully who misgenders them and snaps their binder painfully. The bully's friends stalk and threaten them afterwards, and some adult authority figures gaslight then about the situation.
Lake Mungo (Movie)
A teenage character is raped by her neighbors on-screen (about 55 minutes into the movie).
Lamb (Movie)
A man makes unwanted sexual advances toward one of the protagonists whenever they are alone, and watched her bathing with her son. In one scene, he attempts to blackmail her for sex but fails.
Lambs of God (TV Show)
Rape is mentioned and a character is implied to have been raped throughout the series. A women begins masturbating a man without his consent. The man is restrained. She is unaware this is a sexual act. In the final episode a women has a flash back of her rape. An adult man is shown in a POV shot implied to be raping her when she was a teen. Genitalia isn’t shown but scene could be quite disturbing to some viewers.
L'Amica Geniale (TV Show)
Lammbock (Movie)
One of the protagonists unwittingly sleeps with and accidentally impregnates his sister while she is asleep, assuming she is someone else. The film does not portray it as rape but as an accidental incest scene.
Lan Yu (Movie)
Worthy of note: this movie depicts a love story between a student and an older man, which begins as a prostitution deal.
Land (Movie)
The movie is about serbian rape camps set up for Kosovo muslims during the war in the early 1990's.
Land Girls (TV Show)
S1E1: an American soldier preys upon a 17-year old girl. He does not violently force her into anything, but he does encourage her to get drunk and it is clear that he is manipulating her. S2E4: a woman sleeps with a man who has been sexually harassing her for some time because she is in desperate need of money. S3E2: a man tries to forcibly kiss a woman.
S1E4: a man wants to kidnap a girl and tells her comrades that he will take good care of her. It is insinuated that he is planning on sexually assaulting her. The girl fights back and nothing happens. Worthy of note: in S1E6, there is a long drawn out seen of three young girls taking a bath. There is a lot of nudity. The female protagonist is a 17 year old girl.
A young boy touches a woman's breast. A mother kisses her daughter. The last scenes features a woman (the protagonist) visibly distressed but forced to dance a strip show while faceless men (some masturbating) are watching her.
A young girl is abused by a man.
Landline (Movie)
The film follows two children (a sister about 12 years old and her younger brother) who journey from Greece to Germany by themselves. Halfway through the movie, the girl is raped (off-screen) by a truck driver when the boy is asleep. We see the man catching her up as she is trying to flee and bringing her to the back of his truck. After that, we see her touching blood between her legs. After that, she develops an interest for a young adult man who accompany them for a while. Nothing happens between them.
Landscapers (TV Show)
S1E2: a victim of sexual child abuse recounts the events of the abuse and is relatively disturbed and emotional about it (38:24-41:14). The abuse itself is not shown on-screen.
Lang Tong (Movie)
In the first 20 minutes of the movie, one of the main characters sexually assaults a woman.
Lang Ya Bang (TV Show)
Years before the story, a secondary female character was drugged and forced into marrying a borderline abusive man. They are shown interacting in the present as a married couple with a complex relationship, though she ultimately achieves separation from him. A female main character is drugged the same way and narrowly escapes a similar forced marriage.
Lantana (Movie)
At some point, a woman is about to engage sex with a younger man in his car. When he becomes too eager, she asks him to slow down, but he does not listen to her. She has to push him off to make him stop. She then leaves his car and he slut shames her. In the last part of the film, it is revealed that a woman died because she tried to escape a man who was driving her home at night. A flashback shows how she got out of his car while driving, when he took a shortcut across the woods without telling her what his intentions were. He then briefly tried to reassure her, but she hid and fell to her death. Worthy of note: it is mentioned several times throughout the film that two of the main character's daughter was killed prior to the events of the film.
An adult man cat-calls a girl, and other men watch her walking by too (54:39). A 30 year-old man watches a girl, blushes, and calls her beautiful again. He is about to inappropriately touch her before seeing another character. Later, another man brings flowers for the girl. Both end up helping her (1:11:34-1:12:16).
The protagonist walks down a hallway of jail cells: the prisoners cat call her and gesturs at her through the bars (28:05-29:00). The protagonist is forced to go on a walk with the antagonists: one of the men grabs her neck and tells her to keep moving in an inappropriate manner (1:29:26-1:29:32).
Larva (Movie)
Las Mil Y Una (Movie)
A teenage girl talks about being in a relationship with a 40 year old woman. No sex between them is shown on screen.
Worthy of note: there is a lot of casual nudity of young actresses.
Las Vegas (TV Show)
Over the course of five seasons various incidents occur. Male characters are often victim to unwanted kissing, groping, and often portrayed as constantly horny. Male security often is caught watching the women through security cameras, although never in the rooms, they do zoom in on breasts often. One of the female leads has a story line about being sexually abused by her father, including learning her father remarried and had two more daughters who are very young but come to the female lead for help because they're terrified of testifying against their father. The father later is released and found not guilty. A female peer pressures a male into sex several times by threatening his job. A male pressures a woman into sleeping with him, threatening to stop being friends with her, he later becomes borderline obsessed with her. A female lead is kidnapped and almost raped but manages to shove the man out of the airplane he is holding her hostage on, killing him. She never does recieve help for it. Another female lead is kidnapped and it is heavily implied the men are going to rape her, she is rescued beforehand. A female accuses a male lead of groping her and forcing her to participate in Oral while intoxicated. He denies this accusation, everyone choosing to side with him, the woman later drops the allegation in exchange for his help on something. It's never specified if he did or did not do it. A woman accuses another of being trans to try and seduce a man that they both want. A female lead implies that she was sexually abused or raped in the past but never specifies. A female "comedic" character often talks about sex, her talk is often graphic but in broken english, her character is also asian and partakes in racist sterotypical things, including "Tight but in a good way" talk A female lead is portrayed as an escort in a specific episode, she meets a male client who does not want to have sex. She respects his wishes, however, he begs her to lie to his father as his father has been pressuring him to lose his virginity. The female lead who admits to her father sexually abusing her is pressured by friends to drink, party, and participate in sexual acts despite being uncomfortable, her friends call her a "buzzkill" and leave her alone.
In this rather lighthearted film, the killer abruptly decides to rape a woman while he is on the job.
The author describes her experience of being in an abusive relationship, which involved rape. Worthy of note: the author of this book was accused of child sexual abuse and molestation.
The Last Czars (TV Show)
In one scene an adult man seduces a teenage girl. S1E2: it is mentioned that a characters was raped and had a child. It is not dicussed in details. S1E3: an adult man inappropriately touches a teenage girl while she in unconscious. The series also discusses the way Rasputin takes advantage of women who come to him seeking "spiritual guidance", creating a sex cult.
A mother passionately kisses her adult son. Cousins kiss and later are implied to have sex. A man who is acting and treated as a dog suddenly begins humping two different women at different times. Everyone treats this as a mere annoyance. It is later implied that he is a sexual threat to a young woman.
Worthy of note: the protagonists (men) talk about women and sex throughout, rahter objectifying.
The Last Duel (Movie)
The film contains two long rape scenes from both the rapist and the victim’s perspective: the rape is the central theme of the movie, and thus referred to throughout. The survivor is blamed and shamed by almost all characters (including her step-mother who reveals that she was also raped but never complained). She is publicly told that she got pregnant because she enjoyed the act. Meanwhile, several characters explains that the rapist regularly rapes women, and that it is normal that he gets away with it. Earlier, the rapist is shown chasing a woman during an orgy: she repeatedly screams 'no' but it is implied that all of it takes place in a "playful" context. However, the scene foreshadows the central rape scene of the film, where the rapist "chases" the woman who screams 'no' multiple times. In the last part of the film, when the woman reveals to her husband that she was raped, he forces her to have sex with him so the rapist would not be "the last man that knew her'.
Worthy of note: forced marriage is a major plot point.
A teenaged girl is believed to have been impregnated by her father.
A young woman licks the face of another young woman while she's sleeping. A man touches a young woman's back and arm in a couple of scenes and she pulls away and tells him to "stop touching me."
Near the end of the film, the protagonist explains that he had always dreamt of raping someone.
This book is clearly written and marketed as YA, but the sexual assault content is pretty severe for that genre. The adult male chief of police gropes and leers at the teenage female lead. He is revealed to have sexual abused a number of other underage girls before. In the last third of the book, there is an extended scene in which the policeman prepares to rape the teen lead. He does not touch her, but he coerces her by threatening to torture her friend, makes many lewd comments, and undresses in front of her with the intention of bathing together. She is able to incapacitate him and escape.
The Last Guardian (Video Game)
Last Holiday (Movie)
The entire film revolves around two girls being raped and killed then one of the girl’s parents taking revenge. It is also mentioned on a radio broadcast that one of the guys who rape the girls is a child molester.
Two girls are kidnapped and sexually assaulted in a car: one of them is then raped in a forest (28:00-43:00).
A rape is described in great detail in the beginning of the book.
The Last Kingdom (TV Show)
S1E1: 22:58 - 24:10 women can be heard screaming in a camp. 23:15 - a woman is tied up on the floor and being beaten by a man on top of her surrounded by jeering onlookers, she is screaming. 31:49 - a young girl (Thyra) has her clothes ripped off by an older boy (Sven). 33:35 - the assault on the young girl is mentioned as her father tries to get justice. 51:32 - a woman (Thyra) is kidnapped as the rest of her family is burned, a man (Sven) askes her “do you know what I will do to this body, this mouth? I will do all i have dreamt of and more.” He tells her that he has killed her father and her brother as he grabs her breast and strokes her lips. 55:03 - a woman (Thyra) is led away from her home in her nightdress with a rope ‘lead’ around her neck. S1E2: 27:30 - a man (Storri) is tied naked to a horse with a branch anally inserted at 28:00, the horse starts galloping and the man (Storri) repeatedly cries out in pain as he is taken away. S1E4: 06:00 - a girl (Mildrith) of about 16 is made to marry a man (Uhtred) she does not know as she cries at the altar. S1E6: 35:00 - two men (Skorpa and Uhtred) discuss the ‘sharing’ of an unconsenting woman (Iseult) “Do we split her too? I’ll have the tits you have the arse”. 37:30 - a woman (Iseult) is dragged away with an axe to her throat with strong connotations that the men are going to rape her - she is let go. S1E7: 17:51 - a woman (Hild) can be heard screaming as she tries to fight off her rapists. 18:00 - on screen rape of a woman (Hild) by two men - she is saved by another woman (Iseult) at 18:40 and stabs her attackers. 19:25 - women can be heard screaming as they are attacked by Danes. 22:32 - a man (Leofric) and a woman (Hild) talk of how she was being “humped against her will”. S2E1: 29:30 - 30:10 a man (Slave trader) makes sexually aggressive comments about a woman (Hild). 31:00 - a man (Sven) touches a woman’s (Hild’s) face and tells her to “take off [her] skirts”. 40:47 - a woman (Thyra) is shown to have been imprisoned by her attacker (Sven), locked up in a cellar for many years. The man (Sven) tells her that if she does not keep quiet “he will have men hump” her. S2E4: 47:40 - a man (Kjartan) takes pleasure in describing the gang rape of a woman (Thyra) to her brother (Ragnar). S2E6: 16:07 - on screen rape of woman (Aethelflaed) by her husband (Aethelred). 25:00 - two men (Sigfried and Eric) make sexually agressive comments towards and joke about raping another man’s (Athelred’s) wife (Aethelflaed). 42:18 - a man (Aethelred) harasses and assaults his wife (Aethelflaed). S2E7: 05:01 - a woman (Aethelflaed) is taken captive and forced to ride on the same horse as her captor (Erik) with his arms around her. At some point, someone attempts to sexually assault her. 22:15 - a group of men non-consensually watch a woman bathe.
This is a comedy and includes jokes about rape. At the 29-minute mark, a fight breaks out regarding a mask. One of the characters refers to the mask having been metaphorically "raped." Around the midway point, a man asks one of his friends if he had been molested. This prompts a further exchange in which rape is mentioned and referred to repeatedly.
The Last Man (Movie)
One of the boss's henchmen tells the main character that he could do "all kinds of things" to his girlfriend and describes a few. The scene occcurs about halfway through the movie in the main character's bunker. Then the audio is replayed to the boss in his office towards the end of the film.
A woman is kidnapped and forced to marry a man.
The film revolves around a female character who is a victim of human trafficking (she is coerced into sex work). Sexual assault/rape, trauma/PTSD and victim-blaming are featured throughout, both literally and metaphorically: this includes a recurrent flashback scene showing the character being killed by her pimp standing on her with a knife. Early in the movie, two men (a taxi driver and later a man in a bar) subsequently make inappropriate comments to the female protagonist: she is visibly distressed, but nothing further happens. Another recurring male character also makes inappropriate comments to her despite her visible uncomfort.
A stepfather has sex with his teenage stepdaughter. An older woman does the same to a teenage boy. Another teenage boy is pressured into sex with a prostitute.
One character becomes pregnant through stranger rape. An adult male character takes a 16-year-old boy to a strip club so the latter can experience a lap dance.
Near the beginning of the movie a woman meets with the male protagonist and he initiates sex. She seems very uncomfortable throughout the entire encounter, not to mention she is underaged, and is actually seen crying after the fact. Despite this, she continues to have a consensual relationship with him throughout the movie.
In the last ten minutes, the film shows a scene of violent rape role play, containing transphobic language.
A woman is abducted: nothing else untoward is mentioned.
Last Shift (Movie)
A cult leader says “I will rape your humanity” during a police interrogation. The line is repeated once more later in the film.
The main protagonist is motivated by what happened in his childhood as a teen (which has an extreme vivid description of rape in the second half of the book. And is mentioned through the full book in passing, with one scene being extremely emotional and details the aftermath the protagonist felt.). He is tasked with protecting a child until said child becomes and adult to save him from marriage to an adult man who only wants to marry the child because of his appearance.
Note: the actress involved in this rape scene (Maria Schneider) was not informed of it beforehand as it was not in the original script with which she was provided. Schneider has since spoken about the humiliation she felt as a result of filming the scene. The director of the film (Bernado Bertolucci) is quoted as having wanted her reaction to the scene to be one of genuine upset and humiliation.
A mutilated girl is raped and killed.
The Last Tree (Movie)
A main character is tied to a tree and accidentally makes the tree alive. He is trapped with his face in the tree’s bust and the tree touches his face with leaves and flowers. The tree also makes several moaning sounds that can easily be seen as sexual when it is first awakened. He does not want this and calls another main character for help. The scene is designed to be a joke, is played for laughs, and is not mentioned again for the whole movie.
The Last of Us (Video Game)
An adult man holds a teenage girl captive, threatening to kill her when she rejects his advances.
There is a mention of a 13 year old character being promised to an elder in the cult he is in: he runs away before this can happen. In the final sequence of the game, one of the main female character is captured by a group of men. Nothing is shown on-screen but it is implied that she was enslaved for months (along with other men and women), and it is thus highly likely that she was sexually abused. We only see her afterwards, badly wounded and apparently traumatized. At several occasions, the two female characters are pinned down by armed enemies.
S1E2: in the final scene of the episode, a woman is kissed on the lips by a “zombie” who wants to infect her with a mouth-transmitted infection. S1E4: the male protagonist says that people would do "way more than rob us" to the female protagonist while explaining why she should be afraid of them. S1E5: a rape by officers is mentioned. S1E8: a majority of the episode features the main female character (14 year old) being held captive by a violent man (a religious leader and former elementary school teacher). It is implied that he has been assaulting and raping several underaged girls. He tries to convince her be his wife and sensually grabs her hand. About 50 minutes into the episode, he attempts to groom her. When she rejects his advances and tries to escape, he holds her down, and when she fights back, he responds that “the fighting is the part [he] enjoy[s] the most", before attempting to pull her pants down. There is no nudity in this scene and she emerges unharmed.
Among the many ambiguous scenarios proposed by the plot throughout the film (mainly a discussion between a man and a woman), one possibility is that he raped her. There are some some hints in the dialogues and two scenes illustrate this idea: one where the man touches the woman's breast and she says no; and another one where he enters her room and she seems frightened.
Lastman (TV Show)
Rape and sexual harassment occur throughout the series, but particularly in episode 21.
L'Atalante (Movie)
A newlywed tries to have sex with his wife just minutes after the ceremony, out in the open. She rebuffs him and he only stops after being disturbed by cats.
Latcho Drom (Movie)
A man mentions that he tells his teenage sisters when he masturbates. A therapist is caught in a compromising position with one of his clients.
The titular devil character makes a sexually explicit joke involving two characters, who in turn look visibly uncomfortable.
Late Phases (Movie)
Late Spring (Movie)
Latex Dungeon (Video Game)
This game primarily focuses on themes of rape, "defeat", sexual "brainwashing", and the main character being repeatedly raped and attacked by monsters on screen. There is little to no consensual sex in this game.
Women are briefly shown being strangled: the aftermath is only suggested or mentioned.
One of the victims is accused of being a rapist. Some of the main male characters are shown hitting on a female protagonist. One of the main victims is shown handing over a business card to a waitress, to which his friend tells him that the waitress is way younger than him. Later on, while waiting for the waitress to arrive, it is established that he wants to manipulate her into having sex in order for her to get the job. The killer, at one point, slaps a woman's ass without her consent. At the end of the movie, the killer is implied to mutilate a man's penis. There is also many parts that may seem to lead up to sexual assault, but which do not.
Worthy of note: In S1E7, a man playfully hugs a woman and she pushes him away. He continues to pursue her, but it never goes as far as sexual harassment. At the end she reciprocates his feelings. In a flashback it is shown that he fell in love with her when he was a child. However, he is 20 years old when he pursues her.
Laura (Movie)
The protagonist's friend enters a relationship with an adult man and becomes pregnant as a result. The friend gets an abortion.
Lavender (Movie)
It is implied that a man is going to or has been inappropriately involved with a female child.
L'Avventura (Movie)
In the first part of the movie, the male protagonist forcefully kisses the female protagonist while they are alone in a boat: she flees. Later, he stalks and grabs her in a train despite her protests but eventually leaves her alone. After that, in the last part of the movie - when the two are now lovers - she resists him when he tries to engage sex: he stops. At some point, the female protagonist ends up alone in the street, surrounded by a large crowd of men silently staring at her: nothing happens.
Law & Order (TV Show)
The main focus of the show is a team of detectives who investigate sex crimes; all forms of sexual assault are discussed extensively, and sometimes shown onscreen, though actual rapes are rarely shown in vivid detail. S6E2: a perp sexually harasses a detective. S9E15: a main character is sexually assaulted while undercover. The scene is quite graphic. She experiences flashbacks to the attempted rape for the rest of the season, and the event is occasionally mentioned or alluded to in later seasons. S15E1: the same woman from S9E15 is kidnapped and tortured for several days by a serial killer. He forces her to watch him rape other women, including an underage girl (none of which are shown on-screen) and attempts to rape her, but she manages to escape. S15E19: the man from S15E01 manages to once again kidnap the same woman from that episode. He sexually assaults and attempts to rape her, and threatens to instead rape a young girl if she does not comply. This event along with the one from S15E1 are both discussed heavily throughout Season 15, and are mentioned or discussed occasionally in later seasons.
The Law of Ueki (TV Show)
S1E5: a guy uses his power to lift up the skirt of the female protagonist. S1E7: a girl gets harassed by three men. She is saved by the protagonist. S1E9: a guy hugs the female protagonist from behind and touches her body in several places. A kid tries to help a guy who saved him. He wants to wash his clothes and tries to undress him. The guy screams and runs away.
Lawless (Movie)
The film contains an off screen gang rape.
The main protagonist is beaten by Turkish soldiers and it is implied that he is also raped off-screen.
Layer Cake (Movie)
Near the beginning of the film, there is a line where a character says that drugs get you more time in prison than rape. Worthy of note: there is also a brief brothel scene.
The film is about a women's asylum in 19th Paris, where several of the women there have been assaulted (which is mentioned in the film). Also mentioned and shown are Charcot's "medical performances" where he triggers the traumatised women into a state of "hysteria" in front of an audience of male doctors. The on-screen rape scene towards the end of the film (1:49:05-1:50:47) is violent and graphic.
Le Beau Serge (Movie)
The two main characters (male adults) maintain a romantic relationship with a teenager, who is later raped by her father off-screen.
Le Bossu (Movie)
In a scene, three men see a naked girl bathing in the river: they violently harass her and other women to have sex. The women eventually are saved by the girl's father. Later in the movie, a boy and a girl, both crossdressed, are invited to a fancy diner. The boy is forcibly dragged into a room by a man to have sex. As the man realizes that he has been fooled, he hits him brutally. The boy gets saved by the girl. Worthy of note : as the girl realizes that the man she has been living with is not her father, she starts to have feeling for him. He refuses her love. He eventually gives in to this love.
Le Boucher (Movie)
Le Calendrier (Movie)
A paraplegic woman is being given a ride home by a creepy guy. She falls asleep in the passenger seat. When she wakes up, she finds the guy with his hands down her pants and enjoying the fact that she was not responding.
Half siblings are lovers before finding out they are siblings: they do separate after finding out.
It is explained that a woman is sold into slavery. A very brief mention by this character of a "client" suggests that she was forced into prostitution.
This movie depicts a real-life relationship between a 14 year old girl and a famous writer in his 50s that took place in 1980s France.
Le Corbeau (Movie)
Le Daim (Movie)
Le Doulos (Movie)
Worthy of note: a woman is unexpectedly beaten up, knocked out, gagged and tied to a radiator. It is later explained that she was killed off-screen (and then shown on-screen) by being thrown off a cliff in a car.
In the second scene of the movie, a man who appears to be a pedophile approaches two young girls in a public park and gives them pictures while telling them not to show it to adults (impliying that it is pornographic material). It is then revealed that it was in fact photographs of historical monuments. About 30 minutes into the movie, a scene involves a young man being in a romantic relationship with his aunt (since he was a child). She seems uncomfortable with his advances and he eventually forces her to undress. When she refuses to show herself, he tries to kill her but then stops. After that, a sadomasochist couple surprises a group of people they invited in their room unknowingly with a spanking scene.
Relevant scenes occur between 57:13-57:38.
Le Grand Bain (Movie)
A drunk man violently grabs and lifts a woman as she tries to bring him back home. Enraged, he also beats her savagely before raping her. Worthy of note: at the end of the film, the man and woman reconcile as though no violence had occurred between them.
A woman is kidnapped by a man: another man suddenly rips off her clothes (exposing her breast) and grabs her breast. She is later found strangled to death, naked on a bed (it can thus be concluded that she was raped). This film is about the criminal activities of a mafia family, which includes procuring: female prostitutes are shown several times walking towards or with male clients. Worthy of note: the movie opens with a scene of traditional circumcision.
Le Havre (Movie)
Le Jeu (Movie)
A man asks a woman if she is wearing panties and she does not want to tell him. so he attempts to pull her skirt up.
A son inappropriately touches his mother late in the movie.
Le Nouveau (Movie)
Worthy of note: a young boy playing truth or dare is presumably kissed off-screen by another boy as a forfeit: he runs off playfully.
The film begins with the rape on-screen of the main female protagonist. She ends up killing her assailant. During the rest of the movie, a man who investigates the murder harasses her. At several occasions, she is forced to get drunk and abused by several men trying to make her confess.
Le Passe (Movie)
A man taking pictures of a woman (with her consent) insists on photographing her while she takes a shower, despite her refusal.
Worthy of note: the female protagonist is forced to marry a man against her will.
In the beginning of the movie, it is strongly implied that the love interest of the protagonist (a waitress) is forced to have sex with her employer. The latter is shown making inappropriate comments at her and asking her to go to his room and wait for him.
Le Trou (Movie)
Le Vent D'Est (Movie)
A mother explaining her story tells of how her ex boyfriend broke into her apartment and raped her. (24:40-24:50): she is pregnant with his child. There are no other details.
The League (TV Show)
S1E1: a girlfriend and boyfriend engage in sex. The girlfriend repeatedly behaves in ways causing her boyfriend to say “not okay” and “stop”. S1E4: two main characters discuss how one of them has been “trade raped” (meaning an unfair trade in Fantasy football). The “joke” is that they are getting massages and the masseuses believe that he really means rape.
A male character gropes a woman's rear without her consent (1:18:00).
In one scene, the team's chaperone is grabbed and forcefully kissed without her consent by the team's manage). Later, he slaps her on the rear without her consent. Both instances are played for laughs and the assaults are not addressed.
Season 1: men sexually harass women throughout. S1E8: a woman kisses another woman without her permission. Worthy of note: women are beaten by cops for being gay.
One of the male leads mentions his father raping women, more specifically, his girlfriend, who he then paid to leave. He continues texting her despite knowing what happened and telling her he's sorry and wants her back. The same male main lead has sex with a woman who he then thinks is being trafficked, she is not, but this tricks him into signing a contract in exchange for her freedom if he participates in a sex club. The female lead gets upset about this, however, the two still end up with the other male lead in the end. The first male lead is recorded preforming sexual acts and the tapes are sent to his father. The female lead references past events that are related or heavily implied that this is not the first time she and the second male lead have tricked someone into signing a contract in exchange for them working at the sex club. Female lead is kidnapped, returned safely, although its heavily implied the two men who kidnapped her plan to assault her.
Leatherface (Movie)
A teenage boy continually harasses women, particularly a female nurse he kidnapped, throughout the film.
One character heavily implies that the titular antagonist should "play" with their female victim and alludes to the fact that his daughter is a product of the rape of a previous victim. A man makes sexual advances on a woman at a gas station and continues on even after the woman is clearly uncomfortable. The same man watches the same woman in the gas station bathroom without her consent.
Leave (Movie)
There is a brief scene of attempted rape by the main character’s cousin: she is thrown on a table and grabbed non consensually, but gets away and ends up killing her attacker from fighting back.
A teenage boy takes pictures of a woman in a bikini without her knowing and without her consent. He is later seen masturbating under a blanket in bed while looking at the photos.
Chapter 15: marital rape is strongly implied as the reason a character must leave their marriage.
Early in the movie, a man harasses a woman in a creepy way in a bar, gets into her space and makes lewd comments about her. The female lead character is gang raped in an hotel room. A female character recounts sexual assault verbally.
Leaving Lenin (Movie)
A teenage boy tries to pressure his girlfriend into having sex with him. When she is clearly not interested, he eventually backs off and nothing happens. He then insults her for this, and later lies about the ordeal, telling his friends they did actually have sex.
Lebanon (Movie)
There is a scene where a young woman is stripped by a soldier, as she stumbles round a waste ground.
L'Eclisse (Movie)
The female lead is grabbed and kissed by men several times throughout the film, but she rebuffs them. The first time (in the opening sequence), it is the man with whom she just broke up with. About halfway into the movie, it is her new lover.
Worthy of note: the male protagonist acts threateningly and grabs the female protagonist's wrist multiple times throughout the film. In one of the first scenes of the movie, he asks her to give him her hand while saying that 'nothing bad will happen to her'.
Lection (Movie)
The Ledge (Movie)
After a group of climbers have been drinking at the campfire, a woman goes into the woods to go to the bathroom. One of the men follows her and grabs her, trying to open her jeans. She tries to push him off but he knocks her over and pins her down. He tries again to get her clothes off when the other men in the group run over and stop him. She runs off and they chase her, where the same man hits her and knocks her over a cliff edge.
Within the first 20 minutes of the film, the main character is drugged and then ganged rape while being unconscious. She then dies from the drugs while being raped.
A teenager is attacked and left in the woods by a teacher with whom she had sexual relations.
The Leftovers (TV Show)
S2E6: this episode shows a violent rape of a male character by a female character onscreen. It is discussed further in S2E9 and the male and female become romantically involved.
Legacies (TV Show)
S2E8: a teenager girl has sex with an old vampire, who has the appearance of a teenage boy. The main character's boyfriend kisses her whilst she is asleep. This is displayed as romantic. An agelesse creature lies about who he is and repeatedly has sex with the main character who believes he is her boyfriend. A friend of the protagonist makes a golem which thinks he is the main character's boyfriend: they have sex.
The Legacy (Movie)
Legacy (2023) (TV Show)
The main character's mother is shown to be raped by her boss at work, and her husband later in time, with the scenes being alternated to show the trauma repeating itself. She eventually fights off her husband, however. She is shown to get a safe abortion after the first incident.
Sexual assault is not discussed in detail, it is only mentioned: two of the subjects of the documentary are a father and grandfather of a twelve-year-old girl who got murdered with suspected sexual assault.
The film contains sexually harassment throughout and the protagonist gets catcalled several times. The main character's boss attempts to forcefully kiss her and fires her when she refuses his advances. The protagonist is offered a promotion, but only if she accepts her professor's sexual advances. He places a hand on her knee and insinuates that she has no chance to be a real lawyer if she does not sleep with him. The protagonist immediately stands up, voices her objection, and leaves the room. A fellow intern sees this scene (before the protagonist's objection) and assumes that the protagonist is just sleeping her way to the top. Another character does believe the protagonist and helps her. A character admits to requiring her pool boy to wear a revealing swimsuit so she can see his behind when he bends over. This character is accused of sleeping with her pool boy, but that turns out not to be true.
Legend (Movie)
In one scene, a drunk man pushes a woman around and forces her to the floor; the scene ends.
S1E40: a man tells another man how he took a woman by his authority, and with violence. The next scene, the woman is naked in bed.
S1E5: Over the course of the episode, the main character harasses a boy she likes to admit to having feelings for her despite the fact that he denies her multiple times. When he finally admits that he does have feelings for her, but is in a complicated situation because he has equally strong feelings for his girlfriend, she interrupts him by kissing him. S2E6: one of the main characters is involved in filming a moving picture and becomes convinced that his female co-star is in love with him, not being able to tell the difference between her and her character's attraction to his character. During one scene, where her character is thoroughly tied up and unable to escape, he deviates from the script by forcefully kissing her. Her discomfort is clearly shown. When chastised by the director, he says it just 'felt right'. Afterwards, he tells his co-star that it seemed like she liked the kiss and must have feelings for him, to which she responds with disgust. He goes on to treat other love interests poorly, even bargaining with an ex-girlfriend to help her find her missing family only if she promises to take him back when they're done. He continually makes comments throughout the search about how his actions are him 'winning her back.'
A man hits on a woman and does not leave her alone until several of her male friends confront him. Later he tracks down where their group is camping with plans to beat them up, but does not harass the women any further.
Characters talk about potentially "servicing" the main female character (who then escapes).
This show contains lots of talk about brothels throughout and purchasing women. S1E2- beastiality jokes are made (about a "goat groper" and a chicken). S2E12: while fighting the main enemy, two protagonists go into the enemies' anus to attack from inside.
When the player goes to Great Fairies fountains to obtain an upgrade, he/she is forced to be kissed or to be taken into the fountain by giant female characters (what happens exactly is hidden with a fade to black): the protagonist is visibly distressed and scared.
It is heavily implied that the Great Fairies kiss the protagonist when upgrading his armor, and he is shown to not want it. It is mostly handled as a joke, since it lasts less than ten seconds and we do not see or hear anything about it afterwards. This could be upsetting to some viewers because they were forced into a kiss and/or seen someone going through the same thing.
The protagonist finds out that her ancestor, who was a slave woman, was raped by her slavemaster and bore his child.
A succubus character is repeatedly sexually harassed by a man who ignores her requests for him to leave her alone. He uses the fact that she is a succubus to assume she is willing to date and have sex with anyone.
Legion (TV Show)
S1E5: a main character implies that her first time having sex was a rape by deception. This event is shown in S2E4. S2E4: scene of sexual assault. S2E11: the protagonist turns antagonistic and psychicly drugs his girlfriend before having unconsenting sex with her. He is later called out for it and the girlfriend looks him in the eye as she forces him to understand that he has raped her (which takes him a while to understand). Worthy of note: throughout season 1, the antagonist gropes and sexually assaults characters without their consent.
A female antagonist attempts to kiss the male protagonist multiple times, despite his clear disinterest. It is not explained in the movie, but her kiss is lethal: her desire to kiss him is not due to an attraction to him.
LEGO the Hobbit (Video Game)
Lemebel (Movie)
Lemming (Movie)
Lemon Cake (Video Game)
A woman has a vision of another woman in the past being beaten, raped and killed.
L'enfant (Movie)
Worthy of note: a brief scene of domestic violence ends up with the man falling over the woman.
Worthy of note: two prostitutes are briefly forced to stay in an apartement with a man despite wanting to leave when they learn that he is a criminal. They then seem to agree to stay. At some point, the protagonist gets violent towards his girlfriend.
Leo the Lion (Movie)
A gazelle and a lion force a mother zebra to flip over on her back so the hungry lion can drink her milk. They do not ask her nor does she consent to it. Its framing is extremely uncomfortable and she keeps saying no repeatedly. A subplot involves the main antagonist attempteing to force a protagonist into marriage: she is shown as extremely uncomfortable with it.
The film, set in occupied France, contains one scene with a very pushy and almost threatening American soldier asking a woman to sleep with him. Another soldier tells him to let her go after she rebuffs him several times and he finally leaves.
The precise nature of the relationship between the two protaganists (a grown man and a twelve year old girl who came into his care) is ambiguous - potential interpretation of romantic feelings between the two are never acted on. Girl tells hotel manager that the man is not her father but is her lover (this is a lie intended to shock the manager.) Twelve year old girl repeatedly emphasises how much she loves the man, sometimes in sexual terms.
Leprechaun (Movie)
The leprechaun caresses a woman’s legs without her consent. Later on, while running, he stares at the woman’s ass.
Leprechaun 2 (Movie)
A leprechaun attempts to force a woman into marriage with him by is stopped by the woman’s dad. Later on he forces another woman into marriage and kisses her without her consent.
Leprechaun 3 (Movie)
A man wishes sarcastically for a woman who does not like him to fall in love with him and it comes true. While under the spell the man takes the woman to a hotel room to engage in sex. Under the spell still the woman starts to undress but the coin is stolen by somebody else breaking the spell. The woman is confused on where she is at and how she got there. The man who is also her boss fires the woman for refusing sex.
A woman is unconscious while a doctor kisses her body and takes her blankets off. He is stopped by another doctor before he can remove her bra. The doctor refers to him as a naughty boy.
The film is about a French soldier falling in love with a Vietnamese prostitute during the colonial era. It contains several sex scenes between prostitutes and clients. The main protagonist attempts to rape his love-interest who tells him to go away. There is also a scene where a soldier interrupts a rape by shooting the perpetrator. During a dream sequence, a man thinks he is in bed with a woman, but he is actually with a child.
The film centers around a romance between a man named and his maid, who he cheats on with his wife. The maid is shown in an idealized and exoticised way for the presumed male viewer. In the middle of the film, the maid is sexually harassed by a chef. The male protagonist tells him to leave, but he is angry at his maid. In a following scene, he watches her taking a shower while she is unaware.
There are many non-consensual sexual encounters throughout the whole movie, most notably the rape of a woman by five men.
S1E1: a man kisses the female protagonist at a bar. He has alcohol in his mouth, and spits it into her mouth during the kiss: she does not drink and pushes him away.
Rape is mentioned two times throughout the film. A man watches a woman undressing/bathing naked two times without her consent. Two policemen pursue and grab a woman to arrest her, but the action looks like an attempted rape. A woman puts a blindfolded man's hand on her breast without his consent. A man harasses a fleeing woman (trying to grab her). The film contains frequents homophobic, racist and sexist remarks and jokes (to discredit characters saying it).
Les Harkis (Movie)
A man is tortured naked with electricity: the cables are placed on his testicles. A man mentions that soldiers raped a 13 year-old girl.
Throughout the entire film, the main male protagonist manipulates women to have sex with them as a game. He sexually harasses them and even rapes one of them off-screen. However, his wife (and accomplice) encourages the victim to pursue her relationship with him. Another man is shown harassing women in a ski lift.
A character has sex with a man to get money for her daughter, who she believes is dying.
There are two rape scenes in two different episodes, as well as a back alley abortion scene in which the woman can be heard screaming for about a minute. Women are sexually objectified, including long shots of their breasts.
Discussions of past assaults, including those that happened to the women as children.
Les Rascals (Movie)
Worthy of note: a joke is made about liking a young men and keeping children in their basement.
Les Ripoux (Movie)
Early in the film, an old policeman tries to "teach a lesson" to a younger colleague by asking him to take the deposition of a paedophile. There is no further mention of his crimes. Just after that scene, the same old policeman sets up the same colleague: he hires a prostitute to pretend having been repeatedly raped and harassed by a man on the phone. The first man voluntarily dismisses her claims as compulsive lies. The whole sequence is played for laughs.
Worthy of note : The film is about Auschwitz survivors. However, there is no mention of the sexual violence committed there.
In the movie's opening sequence, a bunch of men start chasing after a woman shown dancing topless onstage.
One of the main characters wakes up after a night of partying next to the bloody corpse of a naked woman in his bed: she was stabbed and he has a knife in his hand. He is immediately arrested and admits that he does not know if he is guilty or not. However, he is innocent. Later on, the same man recounts a story (mentioning in passing that he could have forced a woman to be his wife) about how he denounced a woman who had killed her violent husband after years of sexual and physical abuse (which started when she was 17). Short flashbacks of the abuses are shown (the man hitting her while being on top of her), as well as her punishment (being forcefully stripped and branded with burning iron before being hanged). During a party, the female antagonist takes advantage of a drunk man to seduce him and steal something from him when they are kissing. Worthy of note: a subplot involves the arranged marriage of an adult man and a presumably younger girl. The ceremony takes place in the final scenes of the film.
In the first part of the movie, the female protagonist tries twice to seduce the male protagonist despite his clear and stated disinterest: she jumps on him, starts undressing him and kisses him both time. Near the end of the movie, the female protagonist states that she was abused by men her whole life.
The plot revolve around an older women who hunts and kidnaps younger women to remove their faces.
At a party, a character tries to flirt with the protagonist in a way that is racially fetishizing: she punches him in the face.
To Leslie (Movie)
A man places his hand on a woman’s thigh and aggressively kisses her while she protests and then pushes him away.
There is discussion of how the objectification of nature led to the objectification of women. There is mention of how women around the world do not have control of their bodies and how many children they will have.
The heterosexual main character is forced to endure homosexual sexual assaults to pay off a drug debt.
The Lesson (Movie)
There is cat calling throughout the show and the main character is forced to be in a pageant for the company so she is not fired. Her employers ask her to have more sex appeal and show more skin, and another girl in the pageant says that her team paid her $10 to to do. The main character ends up leaving the pageant after this. S1E1: halfway through this episode, the main character is approached by her boss in a small room, who is upset that she has embarrassed him by leaving a pageant he forced her to be in for work. During this scene, she is flashing back to backing away from another man. S1E2: a female MC is sexual assaulted by a male higher-up (01:34-02:16). The event has a major impact on her life, and she arguably has PTSD (with flashbacks whenever she is in a similar situation, although these flashbacks are not graphic). The main character is raped by her teacher.
Chapter 4: detailed description of a violent rape. The victim reports the attack to the police and is dismissed by them, despite her physical injuries, with the suggestion that she must have done something to provoke the attack or is otherwise misrepresenting what happened. As a result of her assault, the woman is forced to suspend her PhD studies (her attacker was one of her professors). This is referred to in passing on occasion throughout the rest of the book. Throughout the book, men repeatedly make derogatory remarks demeaning and sexualising the protagonist. At one point, when the protagonist confesses that she never completed her PhD studies due to being sexually assaulted, the woman she is speaking to reveals that the same thing happened to her, also resulting in the suspension of her further studies. On a few occasions, it is mentioned that church-run boys' homes like the one the male protagonist grew up in are a breeding ground for paedophiles. On at least one occasion it is implied that the protagonist was subjected to one of these priest's advances, fending him off with physical force. Another priest characterises this incident as the perpetrator trying to show the boy affection. Later on in the book, a woman meets with her boss who attempts (unsuccessfully) to sexually assault her as retribution for her "bad behaviour." She deters him with a threat that causes him to have a heart attack.
A bandit rapes a woman.
Let Her Out (Movie)
Let Him Go (Movie)
Four men force themselves into an hotel where an old couple sleeps. One grabs the elder woman by her hand and says something in the line of: "I will keep her company but eventually give her enough reason to stay" in a sexual manner. Nothing happened as the husband grabs a gun. Worthy of note: the film shows multiple physical abuses of a woman by her husband (no sexual content).
This book takes place during the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. There are passing mentions of how women in the movement risk sexual harassment or worse from racists.
Let Me In (Movie)
Worthy of note: a 12 year old girl vampire who has been alive for a long time, has a close friendship with an old man, who is posing as her father. It is shown to be innocent, though we can infer from her subsequent relationship with the 12 year old protagonist (e.g. she is shown kissing him) that it may have been more romantic. In one scene, the main character (a 12 year old boy) catches sight of his friend changing. He (also a young boy) is revealed to have been castrated, with a brief glimpse of scars.
This book takes place in 1917 in Harlem, and the romantic leads are a Black woman who owns a nightclub and an Indian man who is her employee. The power dynamic of their work relationship is not brought up as a serious problem. There is passing mention of the female romantic lead ensuring that bouncers know which men not to let in because they sexually harass her workers. She refers to her late husband as a pimp because he "insisted she wear as little as possible" and was very rough with her in a way she didn't always like but felt she had to accept. One of her clients grabs her waist without warning while she is walking past. She is at first angry at this, but soon feels the need to accept the unwanted touching because he is a powerful man. She reflects on a memory of being forced to perform oral sex. In another memory, she reflects on a situation where a man threw her on the bed "and started trying to get crazy" because he "thought because he was paying for it, he could do whatever he wanted." Someone else intervenes and pulls the man off of her.
Letchik (Movie)
The whole movie is about a sexual relationship between an adult woman and her teenage stepson. The boy often pressures the woman into sexual acts into which she "gives in". She implies having been raped as her first sexual experience. All times but once her husband and the mentioned boy essentially just use her body, finish, and thats the end of sex (there is also no communication or her doing anything, she just lies there while they do things to her, even when in the one scene she gets head and then orgasms from penetration). The one sex scene between her husband and her is him touching her, immediately going to penetration, finishing, and rolling off - she responds positively to this.
One of the main plotlines of this movie is that the main character's mother was sexually assaulted by three men who broke into her home, which results in the birth of the main character. The assault itself is not shown, but there are flashback scenes where you can see the mother's feet, or shadows which explicitly imply what is going on. Worthy of note: there is one flashback scene from when the main character was young: she gets scared by her father touching her hips. He did not have bad intentions, but it still might be sensitive to some viewers. There is another scene where the main character lies to her past teacher about two men forcing her (the main character) into prostituting herself, or another scene where she convinces said teacher to remove her bra in a restaurant.
There is a questionable scene, in which the male character asks a female character to have dinner with him. She repeatedly politely and unambiguously declines, but he continues to demand, grabs her shopping baskets and dumps it out, and eventually grabs her arm and leads her out of the supermarket. However, once being led out of the store the female character appears to be laughing off the male character's action. The characters later have consensual sex, and there are no further problematic scenes.
Let's Eat (TV) (TV Show)
Chapter 2: discussion of sexual violence suffered by Esther Fairfax that her parents either facilitated or ignored. Specifically, her mother, Lotte Berk "dared her daughter to perform oral sex on men and convinced her to become a topless dancer in Paris." Her father Ernest made Esther sleep in the same bed with him while they were both naked and she was 12 years old. Chapter 3: runner Katherine Switzer was grabbed while running in the Boston Marathon by the marathon director, who was trying to remove her from the race. Years later, he grabbed her again, and, without warning, directed her to face cameras and kissed her on the cheek. Chapter 7: mention of Yogi K. Pattabhi Jois sexually abusing his students (page 214). Mention of Bikram Choudhury being accused by several women of "rape and sexual assault, as well as false imprisonment, discrimination, and sexual harassment, leading him to be called the 'Harvey Weinstein of Yoga.".
A character physically restrains the protagonist on a bed with his body weight while she is appearing to have a panic attack. Nothing sexual happens, but the imagery can be alarming.
There are a couple of spanks and straddling between friends at a slumber party, as well as someone licking another person's ear: consent is not explicit, but they stop when asked to.
A demon licks the leg of the female protagonist. Later on, he appears in the bathtub while she is taking a bath. The demon acts somewhat like a child and there is no sexual intent in his actions. A different demon smacks her butt after she does not follow all the steps. There does not seem to be any sexual intent, but it might upset some viewers.
Letterkenny (TV Show)
S2E7: there is talk about roofies and drugging in order to force sex between two dogs. S9E2: a woman's butt is grabbed offscreen by an underage girl who receives a long lecture from a group of people including "what happens in jail" and several references to "molestation" etc. S12E3: a man briefly mentions raping and pillaging.
Letters Home (Movie)
Level 16 (Movie)
L'Evenement (Movie)
Leverage (TV Show)
S1E5: sexual harassment.
S2E11: a serial rapist's crimes are the subject of the episode. Many stories of sexual assault are shared, highlighting issues in the justice system which prevent victims from receiving justice.
A male crewmember catcalls a female crewmember.
A husband discovers his wife cheating on him with his friend: he beats both of them off-screen. The woman is later seen with bruises on her face. After both more or less "reconciled", the husband suddenly kisses his wife, who seems very surprised and not consenting: he engages sex and they are heard moaning shortly after. Later on, after the wife committed suicide, an investigator accuses the husband of having killed her: he states that it is unclear if she was raped (impliying by him) beforehand.
Levius (TV Show)
Lexx (TV Show)
S1E1: this episode features a woman who was forced to marry a child husband and then transformed into a sex slave.
Lez Bomb (Movie)
Worthy of note: a teenage girl threatens her professor to blackmail him with false accusations of paedophilia.
L'Humanité (Movie)
The film centers on the investigation about the rape and murder of a 11 years old girl. The opening sequences shows her bloody vulva in a close-up. SPOILER: the final sequence reveals that the rapist is one of the protagonist friends (a main side character). There is a scene in which the investigator grabs the head of a man in custody and gets very close to him to sniff him in an inappropriate way. In the final sequence, he even forcefully kisses the killer/rapist on the mouth. Worthy of note: early in the film, the protagonist watches a couple having sex. The woman notices him but says nothing and keeps on going.
Liar Liar (Movie)
There are a few non-consensual kisses in this film. A man talks about having sex with a woman for a promotion. A woman jokes about a man being molested in jail.
Libertarias (Movie)
The Librarians (TV Show)
S2E7: a woman mentions that she was constantly belittled, harassed, and touched inappropriately by army men. She is later sexually harassed by a man in person.
The entire plot centers on a romantic relationship between a 25 year old woman and a 15 year old boy. No sexual physical contact is shown but characters with this age gap (presumably) end up getting married at the end. During one of the first scenes, the female protagonist is given a non-consensual slap on the bottom by one of her bosses. At some point, the protagonists argue because the woman does not want to show her breast to the boy: she ends up doing it anyway. Later, when they are both lying on a bed and the woman is asleep, the boy almost touches her breast while she is sleeping, but eventually renounces doing it. In the latter part of the film, one man pretends to help the woman drive a truck as a pretext to get really close to her, flirt with her and almost kiss her: she is visibly distressed.
Lidia Poet (TV Show)
S1E1: a female lawyer gets cat-called by male prisoners. S1E6: the female protagonist poses as a prostitute and is harassed by a man.
L.I.E. (2001) (Movie)
The main plot of the movie follows the relationship between a pedophile and the main character. While they do not have sex there is no ambiguity of the real nature of their connection. He makes multiple suggestive comments to him, introduces him to pornographic material, smells a fabric he left behind creepily, etc., all while posing as a mentor figure to him. The protagonist also has a friend who is his same age,: it is suggested once or twice that he does sexual things for other men in exchange for cash. One of the main character's friend brags a few times aboutt how he has sex with his sister and sees no issue with the whole being her brother thing. This same friend lays down on the floor and looks up the skirt of a woman walking by.
Lie to Me (TV Show)
Liebes Kind (TV Show)
There are several graphic scenes depicting a woman held captive and the antagonist. The woman is shown being urinated on and being chained to a bed. Throughout the show it is implied he got her pregnant and has been planning to do so for awhile. There are children in the home when this takes place, but there is no graphic showing of him doing anything to the children or the children witnessing this first hand.
Lies We Tell (Movie)
Throughout the film the protagonist (a minor by the historical standards in the film) is harrassed sexually by her cousin (an adult). He at multiple points touches her waist without consent in a way that is portrayed as particularly egregious for the circumstances. He also verbally pursues her for marriage throughout despite her constant rejections. He rapes her around 50-60 minutes into the film. It is shown on screen. It lasts a few minutes. It is not gratuitous exactly but very realistic. It happens at night in her bed. She is woken by him entering her room. The scene ends showing her screams filling the house. The protagonist talks openly about the fact that she has been raped in following scenes. She becomes pregnant from the rape.
Life (2015) (Movie)
Life (2017) (Movie)
A zombie throws the main character to the ground and tries to rape him. He is able to get away. A maid leaves the house where she is employed because her employer walks around naked around her and tries to get her to have sex with him.
Life After Life (TV Show)
S1E2: rape on-screen about 20 minutes into the episode. The protagonist is also portrayed as being distraught afterwards.
A male character touches another character’s behind while standing for a wedding photo. He continues to do it again even though she tells him to stop. It is played for laughs. A teenage boy enters a sexual relationship with his female teacher.
Life and Beth (TV Show)
S2E9: this episode features a scene with a sexual assault of an unconscious teenager (16:30).
Life of Brian (Movie)
A woman mentions rape in regards to the conception of her son.
Life of Crime (Movie)
A rather graphic attempted rape scene is shown.
Worthy of note: in a "dream sequence", the main protagonist enters a shop to purchase a woman. The movie also contains a short scene of domestic violence.
Pedophilia is a major subject of the film.
Immediately after the opening titles, a girl is raped by two men. Later, another scene shows a man being tortured by forcibly receiving an enema.
S1E4: the main character is drugged, tied to his bed, raped by a woman and left naked to be found the next day by his boss and one of his colleague. He is then repeatiely teased about it by different characters.
Life Partners (Movie)
Several jokes are made about a character being a sex offender. A character is said to work on the show 'To Catch a Predator', and paedophiles are mentioned.
Life of Pi (Movie)
Life in Pieces (TV Show)
Life (Short) (Movie)
Life is Strange (Video Game)
A female character is drugged and taken advantage of. As a result of this, she attempts to end her own life. A teenage girl is confirmed to have a relationship with two adult men. A male character drugs a female character and takes a picture of her passed out. An adult male character drugs, kidnaps, ties up and psychologically tortures a teenage girl.
Life Unexpected (TV Show)
In season two, the main character has a relationship with her adult teacher. Also in the second season, it is revealed that the main character was sexually abused by her foster father as a child, and she has to recount the events in court.
There are no explicit discussions of rape or sexual assault in this film. However, the entire undertone of the plot is that there is a drastic 'shortage' of females in the world, and they need to pretend to be male to avoid being hunted.
Some sex scenes are intermixed with scenes of violence and several scenes imply the possibility or a threat of rape. One of the two male protagonists fondles a naked woman who is presumed dead, but who is quickly revealed to be a living mermaid.
During an era of witch trials, a pregnant woman is assaulted by a town official. The perpetrator is cursed by a witch for his actions and falls ill. The victim of the assault is later accused as a witch and is arrested.
Like a Boss (Movie)
Like Dogs (Movie)
The main character is implied to be raped whilst drugged on hallucinogens in about the middle of the movie, near the end her rapist admits to it out loud.
Like Father (Movie)
A man approaches a woman from behind and begins invasive physical contact: she pushes him away and turns towards him. He places her on the kitchen cabinet and kisses her, caresses her and grabs her by force. She grabs the coffee pot and hits him over the head. She regains power and threatens him if he tries anything again. Tension builds very quickly, but is released just as quickly by the reversal of the situation.
Lili Marleen (Movie)
Lilies (Movie)
Two boys tie a third boy's hands behind a tree, and one of the boys forces a kiss onto him (15:30).
Lilja 4-Ever (Movie)
A 16-year-old enters prostitution after being abandoned by her mother. After discovering she is a prostitute, her male "friends" rape her and there is an on-screen struggle. She is later betrayed by someone she trusts and is sex-trafficked. She is raped on-screen during this time, though the shot is only of her face: nothing graphic is shown, but strongly implied. The overall message of the film condemns her abusers and shows the effects these assaults have on her. It is also based on a true story.
Lillyhammer (TV Show)
Lilo & Stitch (Movie)
One of the titular characters (an alien monster) kisses an old woman without her consent: it is played for laughs.
Lilting (Movie)
Limbo (2020) (Movie)
There is a non-graphic flashback showing a female character when she was young, making a delivery. A man says he has payment elsewhere and takes her to his home where it is implied he abuses her. When she gets back, her mother notices and further abuses her with a fire poker. While at a dinner, a man tries to reach up the woman's skirt but she stops him. A manager blackmails the woman into performing a BDSM style beating on him and photographs her doing so: the scene itself is not shown, only discussed before and after. After getting married, the woman's husband rapes her after she tells him that she does not want to have sex at all and tries to get him to stop. The scene is short and non-graphic.
Limitless (TV Show)
Lincoln (Movie)
The plot of the movie is about the track of a sexual predator, whose crimes are shown on-screen throughout (violent and graphic scenes of violence towards women and on-screen rape). The rape of the mother's sexual predator is also mentioned several times.
S1E9: a main character tells of a law professor who tried to rape her. S2E1-2: the professor is mentioned again, and confronted.
In this movie about a cruising spot for men, there is a running-gag about a man masturbating while watching men having sex. Most of them are not bothered by it, even if they sometimes ask him to go away. At some point, he grabs a walking man's crotch, who gently rebuffs him without being distressed.
Line of Duty (TV Show)
Descriptions of violence against women, sex trafficking and discussions of child sex abuse are constant throughout each season. There are also numerous relationships with clear power imbalances and coercion.
Lingui (Movie)
Link Click (TV Show)
S1E1: a man swaps bodies with a woman and almost touches her breasts. He is stopped by another man. A woman is sexually harassed by her boss and coerced into almost kissing him. S1E8: a man tells a woman he can arrange an internship for her if she agrees to be in a relationship with him. He later on tries to drug her after being rejected. She fights him back in time and nothing ends up happening. S1E12: there is a flashback of the sexual harassment of S1E1.
L'Innocent (Movie)
The film opens with a torture sequence: one soldier fondles a woman and threatens to rape her because she is the sister of one of the prisoners. The protagonist and titular character is violent towards women throughout the movie. He sexually harasses some of them and beats up several of them, including his wife, up to the point of putting a gun in her mouth. Other women (prostitutes) are also beaten off-screen.
A L'Interieur (Movie)
Lion (Movie)
Early in the film, the main character finds refuge with several other lost children in a train station. During the night, men come and begin to chase and capture some of them. The main character successfully escapes, but not before passing a policeman, who seems to know what is happening and yet does nothing. It is strongly implied that these children are most likely being sold into human trafficking. The main character eventually meets a woman who welcomes him into her home with seemingly helpful intentions, promising to help him find his family. However, she invites a man over the next day: he lies next to the main character on a bed and then proceeds to examine his body, feeling his arms and legs. He then tells the woman that the main character is "exactly what they're looking for", possibly implying that they mean to sell him into human trafficking. The main character, however, escapes after suspecting that the two adults have ill intentions. The main character is eventually placed into an orphanage. There, an older boy, who was seen in a distressed state earlier in the film, is woken up during the night and given to an adult man by some orphanage employees. They say that the man should "bring him back before morning". The boy tries to fight, shouting loudly, but the man stops him by placing his hands on the boy's face and implies that they have done this before. The main character, who has been adopted by an Australian couple, is introduced to his new brother, the couple's second adoption. Though the scenes are brief, the new child's behaviors are very similar to those of the boy at the orphanage. It can be assumed that this child had similar traumatic experiences to the boy from the orphanage.
Lipstick (Movie)
A female model is brutally raped. Later on, her 13-year-old sister is raped by the same man.
Liquid Sky (Movie)
A man drugs, chases, beats and rapes a woman. The same woman is also forced into sex by a former instructor. She then is coerced into oral sex by onlookers. Later, her girlfriend forces herself onto her while she is hold down by a group of people. The main character escape abusers by murdering them.
The on-screen rape is depicted to be 'oddly sensual'.
At a party, a boy takes a girl on drugs to a room and grabs her chest and puts her hands over his penis through his pants. He says something along the lines of ‘you can’t stop something you started.’ The scene is brief because she flees the room. A teenage boy’s penis is cut off with an axe. This scene is violent and gory.
The a List (TV Show)
Little Bear (TV Show)
The protagonist begins the story in an immigration center where she learns that many of the other asylum seekers have experienced sexual violence. Chapter 5: a refugee describes seeing her sister raped and tortured to death.
Little Birds (Movie)
An adult man sexually assaults and attempts to rape a main female character.
The circumstances of the onscreen sexual assault are extremely psychologically upsetting and imply a continuous nature.
Little Boxes (Movie)
One character is a paedophile who was imprisoned for exposing himself to a child. He is discussed throughout by the other characters (mostly suggesting to castrate him), and warning posters against him are omnipresent in the film. About 45 minutes into the movie, he goes to a swimming pool and scub dive while looking at the children bathing. The parents notice him, make the children leave the pool and the is escorted out by the police. About 01:03:00 into the film, the same character goes on a date with a women who explains her psychological problems to him and says that one psychiatric suggested that she may have been molested as a child. After dinner, they discuss in her car and without any prior notice, the man starts masturbating, leaving the woman petrified with fear. He additionnally threatens her not to call on him. In the final part of the movie, the peadophile character, who has been harassed by a side character (a cop suffering from PTSD) throughout, ends up cutting off his genitals with a kitchen knife (off-screen).
A major plot point is a woman has a rape fantasy that she asks her boyfriend to fulfill. As a result, he repeatedly attempts to rape her but she keeps thwarting him, either by realising it is him doing it or by seriously harming him. All of this is played for comedy's sake. There is a character who throughout goes around to his neighbour's houses to inform them that he is a registered sex offender
Little Evil (Movie)
The female lead mentions being in a cult and conceiving a child while blacked out in a ritual (37:37).
Worthy of note: in a flashback several episodes in, a man stares at a main character on the subway and then follows her when she gets off. His intentions are revealed to have been benign. However, this apparent staring and stalking is a recurring nightmare for Mia in prior episodes. Also, one character who considered himself to be friendzoned by another character calls her a slut for being involved with his brother. Finally, a main character has sexual experiences with people who technically have authority over her: her college professor/mentor (she is presumably 18 or older at this point) and her boss at the restaurant where she is a waitress. There is no indication in the narrative that the character felt coerced into these experiences, and she appears to want them, but the power dynamic may be uncomfortable to some.
Little Fish (Movie)
Little Gandhi (Movie)
There is a very brief mention of women who were raped by the Assad regime.
An adult male makes sexual advances - comments, spanking, non-consensual touching - towards a 13 year old girl. Other characters, including police officers, make reference to knowing he likes "pretty little girls".
Worthy of note: In one of the possible endings, the protagonist (a lesbian woman) is forced to marry a rich man she is not attracted to because she made a deal with a demon to obtain wealth.
Part 1, chapter 3: non-graphic mention of a past rape. Part 4, chapter 25: discussion of a past sexual encounter. The ages are unclear but one person is mentioned to be a teenager and the other seems to have been an adult Part 4, chapter 27: a man threatens a woman but he leaves after seeing that she is armed and nothing further happens Part 4, chapter 29: brief mention of past rape.
There are multiple rape scenes, which are played for laughs.
S7E17: a schoolgirl is raped and impregnated. S7E18: the same girl is almost raped again.
Little Italy (Movie)
A female police officer searches the male main character, grabs him and says something sexual.
The main character is a victim of sexual violence and domestic assault at multiple points during the book. The accounts of these events are often vivid and have the potential to be upsetting.
Little Man (Movie)
The movie is about a man with dwarfism who is prettending to be a baby. He harasses women troughout the film (touching, grabbing, pushing a women's head down to his private parts, etc.). All is played for laughs.
Some viewers may consider the way Ursula caresses Ariel to be predatory.
The opening of the film features intense arguing between the main character and his (soon to be ex-) girlfriend (7:56-10:23). The main character inadvertently exposes his five-year-old nephew to his ex-girlfriend and another man having sex. The main character then says that his ex-girlfriend has a "slutty vagina" in the presence of his nephew (16:52-17:07). The main character masturbates to a photograph of the main female character, a teacher (50:40-52:05). Later in the scene it is revealed that this photograph is actually a class portrait of the teacher with her kindergarten class which had previously been zoomed in.
Little Nicky (Movie)
Little Nightmares (Video Game)
Little Nightmares II (Video Game)
Little Odessa (Movie)
About halfway through the movie, a man mentions that his mother had to consent to a sexual act with a guard to escape Russia in her youth.
A pedophile looks at a little girl’s underwear when she bends over. At one point, his zipper opens on its own and a hand comes out, symbolizing an erection. The little girl later flirts with him to trick him into following her toward a trap.
Worthy of note: the villain (a monster), captures a princess to be his bride. However, there is no suggestion of sexual assault.
A woman is in an abusive relationship with a man who rapes her and sexually harasses her throughout the movie. She escapes from the relationship later in the film.
Chapter 5: the protagonist glimpses bruises (the result of sexual abuse) on her 10 year old neighbour. She questions her neighbour about these bruises in an ignorant and unempathetic manner that some people may find upsetting.
Worthy of note: nude female corpses are shown throughout the film.
Little Woods (Movie)
A man implies that a woman would need to have sex with him in order to obtain a healthcard. He grabs her arm but nothing violent comes of this because she runs away.
Liv and Maddie (TV Show)
Over the whole series, the father of one of the titular character is being a overprotective patriarch as if he owns her. Pretty much anything her boyfriend says he can interpret it in a weird way. This trope is used for comedy. In season 1, a girl wears a costume and flirts with her brother to give him more self esteem. He then develops a crush on this "mystery girl". This is presented as a funny situation. S1E16: a girl keeps hitting on a boy which is clearly (in several episodes) not interested in her. She hugs him even if he does not want to. He runs away from her as soon as he sees her but she does not accept his rejection. Another female character gets continious unwanted attention even though it is obvious that she is not interested and that she is uncomfortable to be bothered.
A woman consents to have sex for the first time, although she does this after the main character uses her faith to deceive her into thinking she cannot refuse. The film does not treat this as problematic. As this female character's powers of divination are tied to her virginity, another male character's previous intentions to "take them away" are revealed to be rape threats. His anger towards her sexuality is a recurrent theme throughout the film.
A woman is raped by a state official in the back of a limousine.
The book's whole story surrounds a teen girl who was abducted as a child and sexually assaulted for years by her kidnapper. Then, when she is too old for his tastes, he teaches her how to groom another little girl for them to kidnap together. It contains several graphic descriptions of rape told from the first-person perspective of the victim, and speculations of what the kidnapper will do to his next victim.
A man ties up another man and rapes him whilst holding a gun in his own mouth.
Lizzie (Movie)
The titular character's father is strongly implied to have sexually assaulted the family maid, He comes into her room and strokes her body, but we see no more than that. She is seen coping with the trauma for the rest of the film.
The main character's sister, who is 21, ends up involved in an abusive and controlling relationship with a man who's strongly implied to be much older than her. The boyfriend coerces the woman into filming a sex tape and then attempts to sell the tape online without her consent. He's stopped, but the experience is highly traumatic for the woman and she ends up having to go into counselling.
About halfway through the film, a scene shows that the protagonist's sister is forced into prostitution by her husband. She states that she does not like her work at all and the characters discuss the fact that only her brother can buy her out of this position. Near the end of the movie, the male protagonist runs after his wife and tries to strangle her. The scene is played for laughs.
The Lobster (Movie)
A hotel staff physically grinds on the protagonist's crotch. One conversation mentions violent sexual acts. Rape is simulated in a skit that is shown to the main character.
Locke (Movie)
Locke and Key (TV Show)
This show features magic allowing to puppeteer someone else. The victims literally have no control of their body and have to do things that are sexual in nature. In season 1, a supernatural being which is an adult but appears as a teenager, has sex with two teenagers under false pretenses. In S1E2 a woman begins intercourse with a random man she found in a club. She asks him to choke her and he does so but not to her liking. She flips him over and says "my turn" before choking him to death while he begs her to stop. S2E1: a supernatural being pretends to be someone's boyfriend. They kiss and have a romantic relationship while the main female character believes that she is kissing her boyfriend. A guy compliments a woman's behind and complains that he can't compliment a girl's bottom anymore. She pretends to be ok with it and forces him to kiss her while she bites his face off. S2E5+6: the girl dating the demon pretending to be her boyfriend finds out and blames herself for not knowing. S2E6: the same character has to pretend that she doe not know who he is, and every time he touches her, she has to pretend that she is ok. This is clearly traumatizing for her. S2E10: a teenage girl who has been possessed by a demon, threatens to 'expose' a teacher for sexual impropriety, which he did not to. It is revealed that the teenager who had been originally possessed by the demon was still conscious inside and so was being forced to do evil things including rape, with no control.
Locked Up (TV Show)
S2E2: on-screen rape (32:00-35:00). There are many occurrences of sexual harassment and sexual assault throughout the series.
The main protagonist (an incarcerated female teenager) is forced to strip in front of a number of cell mates, and goaded while it takes place. She is later struck with a baton and forced to strip again, and then gang raped by three male guards.
Lockout (Movie)
Lockwood & Co (TV Show)
A ghost was killed by her lover in what is implied to have been an abusive relationship. A male teen main character develops a close, quasi-romantic relationship with a much older woman (in her 40s). Nothing sexual happens but the romantic overtones are strong. The woman ultimately seriously endangers him in pursuit of her own agenda.
The antagonist of the film is a rapist and there are many graphic scenes.
A teenage boy looks at a woman showering without her consent.
The Lodgers (Movie)
Loev (Movie)
A man rapes his friend. The scene is portrayed is romantic after the fact but is clearly non-consensual.
The Loft (Movie)
There is rape aftermath discovered including the woman bruised, bleeding from the head, crying and accusing the man (55:45).
Logan (Movie)
There is a short scene that can easily be mistaken for an assault in a bathroom stall It is in fact an old man being helped onto a toilet. It is mentioned that Latino women were impregnated with mutant genes for an unethical experiment (seemingly without their consent). They are said to have been killed after giving birth. Worthy of note: there are many scenes and talk of children being abused (non sexually).
Logan Lucky (Movie)
Worthy of note: one character mentions that his sister either quit or was fired from a job at a local store because the manager 'started getting handsy' and she rejected his advances.
Logan's Run (Movie)
A female citizen is brought to the quarters of a police officer: sex is discussed and she asks if she is able to refuse (28:47). She is told that she is. The same two characters are swimming naked and sex is discussed again (1:16:40). The female character again asks if she can refuse and is told that she can. A woman and two men run through a sex club full of naked customers (50:10). The woman is grabbed by two naked men and carried off. Both of the men are grabbed by an assortment of naked men and women and held for a few moments. The woman and men manage to break free and leave the club.
Sexual harassment played for jokes.
Loki (TV Show)
LOL (2012) (Movie)
One character has a crush on another character and the feelings are not shared: the character is quite touchy and trying, but this is played off as a joke. Worthy of note: Aa student has a crush on a teacher and talks about wanting to have sex with them.
Lola (1961) (Movie)
In one of the first scenes of the movie, a man lustfully watches a 14 year old girl on the street. she sticks her tongue out at him. Later, the same girl hangs out with another adult man: she and her mother suggest that this could be misinterpreted.
Lola (1981) (Movie)
A great part of the movie takes place in a brothel and thus many scenes show women in degrading positions.
Lola Montez (Movie)
The main protagonist escapes an arranged marriage at young age. At the end of the film, we see a queue of men who paid to kiss the hand of the main protagonist, who became a circus attraction.
Lolita (Movie)
Lolita (1962) (Movie)
Although often marketed as a romance, the movie is centred around a dangerously obsessed paedophile who imprisons his stepdaughter, blackmails her into giving him sexual favours and conspires to eliminate her mother, who he married in order to gain access to the aforementioned girl.
The central plot of this book revolves around a grown man's romantic and sexual obsession with a pre-teen girl. The same man seduces and then murders the girl's mother in order to get close to her, eventually kidnapping her and travelling around the country.
A character says she was "raped with kisses." The main character is a teenage boy who enters a sexual relationship with a woman in her 40's.
London Spy (TV Show)
The main character and a woman escape a burning ship into a river, and come ashore. The man forcefully tears the woman’s clothes off, and she thinks he is going to rape her, but he reveals that he is doing it so they can dry off and warm up.
The film contains sexual violence leading to murder in order to silence victims. Perpetrators draw straws to determine which one of them will take the blame for the group’s actions. In a later scene, a pimp attempts to rape a woman sold to a brothel. The woman bites off the tongue of the assailant, who dies of shock, to prevent the assault, and is later threatened with torture.
A man rapes a woman on-screen, and kills her in the process. A bandit threatens to kill a sex worker unless she has sex with the protagonist; the protagonist agrees to have sex with her.
During the final scene, a man asks a woman if he can kiss her. She says he can kiss her cheek, but he kisses her mouth and begins grabbing her. They kiss for a moment, then she pushes him away and he leaves.
Loner (Movie)
There is multiple mentions of a stepfather raping his stepdaughter.
Lonesome (Movie)
This film contains strong sexual content and plotline, some stretching of consensual barriers, with potential implications that one character is not fully enjoying the sexual activity.
Lonesome Dove (TV Show)
This movie contains multiple scenes of gang rape, sexual violence, and torture. The occurrence is a central theme in the show and is mentioned several times after.
Long Shot (Movie)
Note: One screen shows a sexual relationship between minors, whereby a thirteen year old kisses a sixteen year old, and getting an erection.
There are several scenes with detailed graphic sexual and domestic violence including rape. One scene involving gun violence within the sexual assault.
Long Time No See (TV Show)
There is a flashback of a character being bullied for being gay (he is peed on).
In passing, it is mentioned that, as a joke, a male character hacked his male co-worker's computer and filled it with nude images of himself which made the co-worker extremely upset. This anecdote is meant to be funny.
A man mentions having a formative sexual experience with one of his cousins.
Longlegs (Movie)
Little girls are targeted throughout the movie, but there is no implied sexual reason, motivation, or actions for this. The serial killer hogties one of his potential victims at one point. She is fully clothed and the scene ends before anything further happens. There is no implied sexual content. A character reads a letter in which the writer makes a threat to cut off the character's mother's 'tits' if the character reveals information to the FBI.
Longmire (TV Show)
S1E10: a teenage boy is forced to rape a girl while being held at gunpoint by a group of teenage boys. The girl is then gang raped and the attackers are acquitted of the crime.
Look Away (Movie)
A girl grabs a boy’s crotch without consent and whispers provocative comments in his ear, then licks it. Without her knowledge or consent, a boy follows a girl into the locker room with the implied intention of either watching her shower or assaulting her. A girl makes explicit comments to a boy, and moves her hands up his legs and crotch despite him repeatedly saying stop. He becomes more enthusiastic and they then have sex. Later on the same girl continues to kiss this boy while he repeatedly says stop. Also worthy of note: while not strictly non-consensual, the film contains multiple sexualised scenes with a 17-year old female character, including her masturbating, her breasts being seen in the bath and naked shower scenes, as well as multiple sex scenes, and her rubbing paper over her vagina while in class and passing it to someone to smell. There are also some sexualised overtones between this girl and her father, including she and him watching a sex scene together at the cinema, her kissing his neck. There is also extended full-frontal nudity when this girl removes all of her clothes in front of her father.
This documentary about the genocide in Indonesia contains several testimonies about the use of torture, and it mentions several times the example of man whose penis was cut off by two men with a machete.
There is a joke in the very beginning about marital rape of an unconscious woman.
S1E1: a female character mentions being non-consensually groped by a male friend. She laughs it off and does not seem very upset.
A priest corners and gropes a woman in his church.
Loop (Movie)
Lor (Book)
The Lorax (Movie)
There is an implied relationship between two vampire siblings.
One subplot involves a royal advisor who has become sexually infatuated with his king's much younger niece. The man becomes much forward with her after her brother, who was protecting her, is banished: he corners her in her bedroom and tries to kiss her. She is disgusted and frightened but nothing further happens.
Worthy of note: a spider jabs one main character with poison, and he becomes limp. Jokes are made about how the spider will "have her way with him" before she eats him.
Lord of War (Movie)
Brutal acts of violence are shown against women and children in war-torn countries, and although never directly shown sexual violence is strongly implied. Worthy of note: sex workers are sent to sleep with a man by his enemies. They know that the women have AIDs and hope that the women will infect him.
The protagonist denies allegations that rapes were committed by a group of rebels.
Two men are in a basement and tell a woman to take her clothes off. She reluctantly does, and then the movie cuts to the next scene. A young man is groped by an older man. The young man is fairly uncomfortable during this and leads the older man into a park where he stabs him to death.
A boy who has just won a trophy, unconsensually kisses a woman presenter. The same character later makes inappropriate comments to elderly women while passing by them in a car. A girl engages sex with a boy, who does not want it because her brother is close-by: she gets pushy so he eventually leaves.
In a dream sequence, the main character has her head forcibly lowered toward a priest's groin after which her head remains mostly off-screen.
Lore (Movie)
The main character is coerced and raped by her best friend's brother. She says repeatedly she wants to remain a virgin, but her rapist ignores her and continues to undress her/ molest her. When he continues and it becomes clear he will not stop, she says ok, but it reminds clear she does not want it. It does not depict penetration, but gives vivid detail about her mindset thought the trauma. She describes wanting to stop but not thinking she was allowed. Her rapist takes photos of her while he is assaulting her. She describes retreating into her mind to try and stay safe until he's finished.
Loro (Movie)
The first part of the film focuses on a man's escort agency and shows (young) women having sex with (elderly) male clients. A woman flirts with a man: he engages sex but she asks him to stop. He does not. The protagonist (70) tries to seduce a young escort woman (20): she rebuffs him because of their age gap.
A man spies on a woman undressing with his binoculars. A woman is alone with a strange man in the woods. The man threatens the woman with a pair of scissors to make her take off her clothes. When she tries to run, he chases her and she is knocked unconscious. He drags her, takes off her clothes, then leaves her unconscious in the woods.
The male antagonist (a young man) acts as a sexual predator towards a young woman in the first half of the movie. He surprises her when she is alone and tries to kiss her at first (between 17:00 and 19:00). He does it again later (about 34 minutes into the movie) and asks her for a kiss in exchange for money (since she is very poor). She agrees but he then tries to sexually assault her. She protests vocally (off-screen) and the rest of her family can her her next door: her brother stops a boy from intervening, since he considers it to be "normal". She manages to get away from him before he can rape her. About 47 minutes into the film, during a silent scene, a man presumably offers money to a boy in the street in exchange for sexual favours. Their encounter is stopped immediately when a cop shows up. Near the end of the film (01:11:00), an old blind man tries to take advantage of a young woman who has been helping him. She is ready for it and has a knife with her. She stops him when he becomes too touchy, but he then propose treats to her, presumably for sexual favours. Their encounter is stopped by another character.
A woman is kidnapped and has her legs cut off by the antagonists before being raped: the camera lingers on the rapist before he kills her.
A male character looks up under a female character’s top without her consent and comments that she is not wearing a bra (18:05-18:45). After knocking her unconscious, a male character exposes the bra/chest of a female character and attempts to rape her. She wakes up and another character knocks him out (54:10-56:32). This event is briefly mentioned/discussed by characters later on in the film.
Loser (Movie)
A male teacher and an underage female student take part in a sexual relationship. The same girl is roofied at a party that the male teacher invites her to. At the end of the movie, he ends up in jail.
A guy grabs a woman wanting to dance with her a couple of times and she pushes him away each time. Later, the same guy grabs the same woman in an act of sexual teasing that she does not want.
Lost (TV Show)
S1E13: a step brother and step sister are shown having sex. S2E9: part of one character’s backstory includes a step father who has known her since she was a child making sexual comments about her while drunk. Someone else later implies he was sexually abusing her as teen/child, and she denies that ever happened, but as she is a character that tends to lie for her own safety, it could be interpreted otherwise.
The Lost Boys (Movie)
At the beginning of the movie, a gang harasses a woman on a carousel: anoter man pushes them away.
The Lost City (Movie)
Lost Creek (Movie)
There are a couple of scenes where a woman is facing a group of men and feels uncomfortable because they feel ominous, but luckily nothing happens. In another scene the woman returns from a party at night and a young man waits on the street near her home, and for a moment the mood is threatening.
Lost Ember (Video Game)
Page 115: it is mentioned that interrogators in a political prison had been found to be sexually abusing female prisoners. Page 136: there is a discussion of the ways in which the Khmer Rouge organisation sought to control the sexual lives of those living under it. It is mentioned that one member of the organisation was 'purged' for the crime of rape. Page 206: discussion of violence in refugee camps, including domestic violence and rape. There is a description of a situation in which a woman was killed by her partner for having been seen talking to another man.
Chapter 8 contains a rape scene.
There are several mentions of domestic violence throughout the book. There is a murder of a woman by her abusive, alcoholic husband (chapter 19). A female character enters a prison as a cleaner and there is catcalling, flashing, and she very briefly thinks of rape as a possibility (chapter 24).
Lost Girl (TV Show)
S1E1: a character is drugged by a man and rescued by the protagonist before anything happens.
The story implies that the female protagonist is a victim of past assaults and portrays Captain Hook as her assailant.
The book centers around three teen girls who were all groomed and then turned vampire by their common ex-boyfriend, who is over 100 yrs old. After turning each, he became emotionally abusive and then abandoned them for the next teen. They seek to stop him from turning a fourth girl (18 yo). He is explicitly identified as a stalker and serial killer. All four vampires (including their ex) theoretically remain at their teenage mental/emotional ages at turning. The main character was turned at 16 and is actually around 50. She becomes romantically an sexually involved with the antagonist’s would-be new victim, who is 18. She struggles with herself about the ethics, but her relationship with an 18 yo is overall portrayed favorably instead of as predatory. The protagonist feeds by seeking out and draining adult men who sexually harass teens. Several short scenes of attempted predation play out. Each time she is fully capable of dispatching her would-be assailant.
Lost Highway (Movie)
A woman is coerced into performing oral sex at gunpoint.
The titular character is subject to sexual harassment in various forms throughout the movie, including invasive questions about her sex life from police authorities (one when she first meets an investigator directly asking if she had sex with a male suspect), obscene phone calls, and unwanted pornographic junk mail.
S1E3: mention of incest/child sexual abuse (14:00-14:45).
Lost River (Movie)
Several scenes are taking place in a club where women are mistreated as sexual objects.
The Lost Room (TV Show)
The Lost Symbol (TV Show)
The Lost Tomb (TV Show)
The show contains one crudely worded line to a female character in a dangerous profession about what could happen to her if something goes wrong (i.e. rape, murder).
S1E12: after a character is rescued from a kidnapping, his friend jokes that he hopes he was not raped.
Lou (Movie)
Between the 22:30 and 22:40-marks C.K. jokes that 'maybe he wants to [sleep with]' an attractive child. He speaks about this until the 23: 15-minute mark, escalating to joking about sleeping with a dead child (he argues that this is better because nobody would actually get hurt).
Worthy of note: the subjects of this documentary are religious extremists, who use vivid and derogatory language when discussing the sexual lives of others (specifically those within the LGBT community).
This episode covers inmates at San Quentin prison, including some convicted of sexually violent crimes. Nothing is shown on screen but some sexually violent crimes are discussed. One inmate, a transgender woman incarcerated in a men's prison, mentions that she feels at risk of sexual assault by other inmates.
Louis Theroux interviews a variety of in-patients at a mental health hospital, including one man who was committed after sexually assaulting a female family member. This crime is discussed in some detail, including with the victim.
Louis Theroux interviews a variety of in-patients at a mental health hospital, including one man who was committed after sexually assaulting a female family member. This crime is discussed in some detail, including with the victim.
Sexual assault is mentioned in general terms as a common theme in the personal histories of addicts. A man and a woman are apprehended by the police, and are revealed to be in a romantic relationship despite being siblings.
The topic of this documentary is sex trafficking. Nothing is shown on-screen, but the title does feature prolonged discussions of coerced sex and rape, sexual violence, and other related topics, including in relation to young teenagers and with individuals for whom their experience of these issues is not yet in the past. At one point, a convicted offender is interviewed and discusses his actions without remorse.
This episode is focused largely on sexual offenders who have been released from prison and are trying to reintegrate into society. Discussions of their various crimes (including child sexual abuse) and related behaviours are featured throughout, although nothing is shown on-screen.
It is mentioned that some inmates are in danger of being raped during their incarceration. Rape is mentioned in passing as one inmate describes the motivation for his crime. It is revealed that some inmates will masturbate publicly in an attempt to harass and disrespect female guards. Some men are seen partially off-screen and it is noted that this is what they are doing.
Rape is mentioned in passing when discussing an inmate’s charge.
Worthy of note: the subjects of this documentary are religious extremists, who use vivid and derogatory language when discussing the sexual lives of others (specifically those within the LGBT community).
The topic of this documentary is paedophiles who are currently serving time in a mental institution following their convictions. Discussions of their offences and impulses (as well as the strategies being used to treat or manage their behaviour) occur throughout the episode, although nothing is shown on-screen.
In this documentary, Louis Theroux re-examines his media relationship with Jimmy Savile in light of the extensive allegations regarding the latter's grooming, sexual assault and rape of dozens of children and young women. At points, specific assaults are described in great detail, often by the victims.
At circa 1 hour into the documentary, it is alleged by the subject of the show that he was molested by his older brother as a child. The brother in question is then interviewed and dismisses the accusation. It is discussed that the subject of the show entered into two relationships with different men, both of whom were 19 years of age when they met him.
Worthy of note: the subjects of this documentary are religious extremists, who use vivid and derogatory language when discussing the sexual lives of others (specifically those within the LGBT community).
Love (2015) (Movie)
Worthy of note: the movie is technically pornography, as the majority of the graphic sex acts are real rather than simulated, and as such it is difficult to discern the potential aspects of coercion in the making of the movie or the permanent preservation of the sex acts the actors participated in.
Love Actually (Movie)
One man makes unwanted sexual advances towards a woman, who feels unable to respond as she might like to due to his position of power. They are interrupted when another man enters the room. The woman is visibly uncomfortable throughout.
Twice, a man pressures a woman into staying with him in his hotel room despite her continually rejecting his advances. The first time he does he follows as she tries to leave and gets up close to her, almost pinning her against the door, before ultimately letting her leave. This woman later develops an attraction to this man and starts a relationship with him. Notably, he is a playboy who is at least double her age.
Love & Anarchy (TV Show)
The protagonist's parents, upon finding out that she is gay, take her by force back to her home country of Bangladesh in order to arrange a marriage for her. The marriage ends up not going through. The protagonist's grandmother shares diary entries about her own arranged marriage, which happened when the grandmother was a child and her husband was an adult.
Love &Pop (Movie)
Teenage characters practice compensated dating in order to raise money for a ring. Two scenes are particulary graphic: - one where a character is coerced and forced into practicing a handjob in a porn section of a video store; - one violent attempted rape. One voice message implies that a person is seeking someone before even the japanese age of consent.
The protagonist is an aromantic, asexual woman who feels alienated from her peers because she does not experience attraction. She agrees to enter a relationship with a man in hopes she'll eventually grow attracted to him; he invites her on a date with the intention of having sex with her but does not communicate this, and she is visibly traumatized with him attempting to force himself on her. However, she escapes safely and breaks up with him; bonus material at the end of the book shows that they later reconcile and her ex-boyfriend acknowledges what he did wrong. Later in the story, an alloromantic asexual man recounts a similar story to the protagonist, about his ex-girlfriend insisting on having sex with him. He initially consented, especially due to pressure from male peers about being sexually active, but he recounts the experience as being traumatic and uncomfortable. He was later shunned by his peers for mishandling the relationship and accused of using his ex-girlfriend for sex.
The show centers on a love triangle between a possessive male lead, a gentle male lead, and a female lead who becomes emotionally entangled with both of them. The possessive lead often acts in a forceful and even threatening manner towards the female lead. Twice (S1E1-2 + 11-13) the female lead and possessive male lead kiss and swap bodies. This creates awkward situations around touch, bathing, etc. The first time it was an accident and they were both unhappy about it. The second time the female lead initiates it, and the possessive-male-in-her-body repeatedly attacks/assaults the female-in-his-body in an attempt to control her behavior and/or swap back. They wrestle and attempt/evade kisses, clothes-on, with no particularly sexualized touching. S1E12: the possessive male lead drags female lead into a tight embrace and forces a kiss while glaring at the other man she loves. It is a moment of startling violence in what had become an increasingly loving dynamic. Prominent secondary situation: an antagonist character is obsessively devoted to his former teacher and (implied) lover. He gaslights her severely and makes choices that keep her in intense psychological pain, rather than allow her to die… even when she asks him outright to let her go.
Love is Blind (TV Show)
S2E2: a woman recalls when she was sexually assaulted as a girl. S5E1: a man discusses unconsensual sex he had as a teenager.
Love By Chance (TV Show)
S1E14: a character is raped while he is passed out from drunkenness. The next morning the rapist tells him that he (the victim) was the aggressor and that he should "take responsibility" and be his boyfriend. He then initiates sex again without consent. Throughout the series leading up to this, the rapist has been spying on his victim. A side plot involves a character who is in love with his stepbrother. The said stepbrother is a rape survivor who discusses his rape and its affect on his mental health with a friend and then with his stepbrother. He is shown to have nightmares and to react poorly to being grabbed.
Love Child (TV Show)
S1E1: girls are cat-called. S1E4: awoman is cat-called. During this episode someone also reveals that she got pregnant as the result of a rape. She meets the perpetrator a few times during this episode and is clearly distressed during the meetings. S2E3: a man touches a girl inappropriately (14:30-15:00). S2E8: the rape mentioned in S1E4 is briefly mentioned again (38:00). S3E1+2+3: scenes of teenage girls living in a youth detention center. It is implied that the male director of the facility has sexually assaulted multiple girls living there (and gotten them pregnant). S4E3: a man touches a woman inappropriately. S4E6: a young woman describes in detail being assaulted by her stepfather (32:00-37:00). She was probably impregnated by him. It remains unclear how old she was when the violence started but it probably began as child abuse. After her confesssion other people comfort her. S4E9: a girl starts making out with a random guy. She seems to be getting uncomfortable with the situation and expresses wanting to stop. However, the guy continues with the kissing: she kicks him and leaves.
Love Crimes (Movie)
S1E1: multiple mentions of gang rape and one instance of sexual harassment. S1E2: a woman has sex with a man while controlling his perception of reality (she is well-meaning). S1E3: a nearly naked woman is chased through a city by a murderer. S1E8: sexual harassment and attempted rape.
The film surrounds the acts of three emotionally abused people and one of the main themes of the movie is taking pantyshot photos of unaware girls in public. Two characters are shown to be sexually abused as children by their fathers (one discusses it). A boy is shown stealing a girl's underwear. He is later coerced into sex work (making panty shot tapes and performing host's role during pervert's events) so he can see his love interest agains. The way in which their relationship plays out is full of plot twists and my be uncomfortable to some viewers. There are several scenes where the main character tries to forcefully hug/hold/pin down his love interest (who is soon going to be his step-sister) and confess his love to her, while she screams "stop it, pervert" The main character's dad is in a messy relationship and there are a couple of scenes where his girlfriend tries to kiss him against his will. After one of the incidents, the woman confesses to her daughter that "she raped him beautifully". At one point main character joins a religious cult and is repeatedly shamed and punished for having an erection.
Love Hard (Movie)
The plot hinges on a woman being catfished, and she is hurt and angry when she discovers her online boyfriend was not who he said he was. However, it is clear nothing more than texting took place before she found out the truth. The boyfriend is portrayed sympathetically and never having intended for the lie to go on for as long as it did, and the consequences of starting a relationship under false pretenses (whether online or in person) are explored.
Love-Hate (TV Show)
S3E1: a woman is raped towards the end of the episode. The assailant is shown making unwanted advances before quickly cutting to the assault; the act is shown briefly but graphically. S5E6: a woman is gang raped in prison. The scene is graphic.
Love to Hate You (TV Show)
The topic of harassment (adults and children) comes up a few times troughout the series. Nothing graphic, but it's spoken about, since the protagonist is an attorny and seeks justice. S1E4: the protagonist thinks her client is paying a minor for sex: it turns out to not be true though she tells the story of an old man being creepy towards children (00:43-00:45). S1E5: a man takes drugs in a club an harrases the protagonist's friend.
The plot of the movie deals with a serial killer/rapist, who is mainly mentioned in the background. Some of his actions are shown on-screen briefly, but in most scenes it is difficult to tell what is going on. The killer is background and not relevant to the main character's life until towards the end of the film. The main character is a gay man in his early thirties who has a romantic relationship with a 17 year old co-worker. The main character is hesitant to have much of a relationship with the teenager and tells him at one point that he would be bad for him. A sexual relationship between the two is never shown on-screen but they do kiss and there is a scene where the main character asks the teenager to undress, but then leaves. There is a scene where two adults do drugs with a teenager and lie about what the drugs are. While they are all high one of the adults has sex with the teenager, who later reveals he cannot remember the incident and does not know which of the adults had sex with him. None of the characters treat the incident as an assault, including the teenager. There is a rape shown on-screen briefly. There are two separate attempted rapes on-screen, and those scenes are longer and both involve main characters. One of the main character's friends is a sex worker, and he owes her a favor. To repay her, he helps her with a client. The main character is visibly uncomfortable throughout the encounter, but later laughs about it with his friend. During the scene where they laugh about it, she implies that she was sexually abused by her father.
Love Hurts (Movie)
The female lead kisses the male lead abruptly when they do not know each other. She does ask for permission first, but mistakes his grunt for a "yes." He points out he could report her for this, and she agrees he would be within his rights to do so, but he ends up deciding not to. The verbal sexual assault is insensitively used as a plot device to break the main couple up. The dialogue here is particularly intense.
This book deals with child sexual abuse, disassociation during sex, as well as several other disturbing themes.
There is domestic violence off-screen with wounds shown on-screen. Sex is exchanged for employment. A woman is blackmailed by another woman and has sex with her (off camera) to keep her quiet. While it is not framed as being forced, it does feel like coercion.
Throughout the series, frequent sexual abuses and harassments between teenagers are portrayed as jokes. One of the main characters gropes the other main characters' breasts as a "punishment" and calls it "washi washi". The characters (when groped) are visibly uncomfortable when it happens.
Love Me (TV Show)
S1E3: a joke about Harvey Weinstein is made.
One of the characters speaks about how she had previously been married at sixteen to a man in his 70's. One of the songs in the movie has a remark in it about wanting to have a kid with a woman (that the singer had just met): she is disgusted by this and runs off. The person who sang it then tells this woman he loves her despite having just met her. There is some innuendo dialogue that the characters perceive as sexual harassment. One of the women characters says she sometimes thinks about schoolboys. A guy kisses a woman while she is sleeping.
The main character mentions being on the receiving end of verbal harassment, both in person and online.
A man attempts to rape a woman and is chased off by a dog. She is deeply traumatized; the scene and aftermath are upsetting.
The romantic relationship between the 12-year-old protagonist and a 36-year-old priest features significantly throughout the book's plot. Although it is implied that the relationship never becomes outright sexual, the two secretly meet every night to eat, recite poetry and (literally) sleep together.
Love, Simon (Movie)
Love Stage!! (TV Show)
A main character of the book was married to a 52 year old man at the age of 11, so that is discussed throughout the book. There is also a description of a gang rape of a teenage girl and a description of an attempted sexual assault of a teenage girl by a person in a position of power over her.
Love (TV) (TV Show)
S1E1: in the last minutes of the episode, two girls start to have a three way with the main protagonist before it is revealed that the two are sisters. Everything stops and the protagonist is upset by it before they leave.
Love, Victor (TV Show)
S2E2: a character mentions that his father brought him to a strip dance and made someone give him an unsolicited lap dance to prove that he was straight.
An older man repeatedly makes sexual advances towards an uninterested woman. A group of men attempt to rape a woman, but another man intervenes.
The Lovebirds (Movie)
Worthy of note: the main characters come across a group of frat boys, and assume that they are probably date rapists. They say that their gathering appears to be a "Roofie Factory" and they refer to one of the men as "Little Brett Kavanaugh" and "Date Rape McGee." There is never any instance of any of it on-screen.
S1E2: a man and a woman are kissing on a bed and the latter changes her mind ans asks him to stop. He does not comply and continues to undress. When he takes off his pants, a snake jumps out and attacks the woman. The episode also contains a discussion of a slave master impregnating a slave who was the ancestor of the protagonist. S1E3: the protagonist and the female lead have sex in a way that does not appear consensual at first but that is framed as consensual later in the episode. He finds her alone in the bathroom and has sex with her without saying anything. Because there is no foreplay and she is not wet, she bleeds but blames it on her period. She is visibly distracted and troubled directly after that (27:35-29:25). S1E4: a white man, who was previously shown to be involved with a racist and sexist secret society, buys drinks for the female lead's sister (who is Black). In their conversation, she keeps saying that she will not have sex with him , but the next scene shows them having sex (29:16-31:21). They both appear to be enjoying it, but the combination of alcohol, racial power dynamics, and the fact that the white man probably has some ulterior motive implies that this is not a fully consensual experience (38:15-40:25). S1E5: a man repeatedly makes flirtatious comments towards a newly-hired female employee. This man is later seen harassing another woman, potentially with the implication of an attempted rape, in an alleyway. Later, a woman seduces this man before violently raping him with a foreign object - this incident is shown on-screen. Another man having a sexual relationship with a woman is revealed to be another woman using shape-shifting magic to hide her true identity. S1E6: a woman grows tentacle-like tails during a sexual encounter which penetrate her male companion.
One character is the descendant of an enslaved woman and her slave master. In one chapter, a black female character is catcalled by a group of white men. They are frightened off by a dog.
The film's plot revolves around a teenage girl and her father kidnapping and torturing a teenage boy who the daughter has unrequited feelings for. The antagonist and her father lust after one another (incestual relationship): she tries to persuade him to consummate their relationship, but he clearly has misgivings. A teen girl engages in sex while heavily intoxicated to the point where she cannot consent: multiple adults witness this and do not intervene.
Lovelace (Movie)
The film's plot revolves around a woman who is coerced into sex work and subsequently a career in porn by her abusive husband, and is based on a true story. At several points, a woman is forced at gunpoint to sleep with men. A woman's clothes are ripped off of her and she is forced into a shower. A woman is left in a room with multiple men and begins to cry as they undress her. Rape is strongly implied, although not shown on-screen.
The Loveless (Movie)
A man kisses a woman without her permission. After she does a striptease, a man steals a woman's dress to prevent her from putting it back on. A woman implies that she has been sexually assaulted by her father.
Loveless (2005) (TV Show)
Soubi, a young man in his twenties, keeps holding, hugging and kissing 14-year-old student Ritsuka against his will. It's implied that the two have romantic feelings for each other. A number of other characters have been raped in the past, some as children.
An adult woman begins a relationship with her 17 year old co-worker. She is reported to the police by the teenage boy's mother and is threatened with charges of statutory rape.
The main character is raped and murdered by a pedophile and deals with the aftermath from the safety of the afterlife.
The main character is raped and murdered by a pedophile and deals with the aftermath of this attack from the safety of the afterlife. Compared to the movie, the book's rape scene involving the protagonist is much more explicit.
Lovely Molly (Movie)
Child sex abuse is a major theme of this film. SPOILERS: Two sisters briefly discuss having been assaulted by their father, in general terms. A woman is shown being raped on-screen by an unseen entity. This scene is not sexualized or portrayed in a titillating manner.
Lovely Writer (TV Show)
The Lover (Movie)
A 15-year-old girl is in a relationship with an adult man and many sex scenes occur between them. This is statutory rape.
The Lovers (Movie)
Lover's Knot (Movie)
Lovesong (Movie)
Loving (Movie)
Early in the film, when the female protagonist is in jail, a police officer says that he should put another man in the cell for the night alone with her, as a threat. Seconds later, he in fact lets her go on bail.
The main theme of the movie is the relationship between a 17-year-old main character and her female teacher. There is an on-screen sex scene between them, initiated by the 17-year-old. The teacher is later arrested for statutory rape (or similar).
The film contains rape jokes throughout. A teacher tells student they are dressing like they want to be raped by a basketball star. Another teacher reads a book to children that includes mention of a dog raping a cat. A kid jokes about being sodomized for lunch money.
Lowlifes (Movie)
Løvekvinnen (Movie)
A girl is sold to a circus. She is visited in the night by one of the bosses at the place and is molested. It is implied he does this to other children in the circus. In the next scene she is shown naked to an audience. All of this is made against her will.
Worthy of note: at one point, a mermaid character "kisses" a teenage boy to give him air, and the boy appears somewhat aroused by this. The said mermaid character's actual age is very difficult to determine, but she resembles a small child.
Luca (Movie)
Lucas (Movie)
A group of school bullies make fun of a younger student for the size of his genitals, then proceed to pick him up while he is naked and rub him with hot sauce. They then throw him outside of the locker room while he is naked for everyone to see.
Luce (Movie)
A young woman discusses her sexual assault.
Lucia (Movie)
This film in three episodes deals with colonialism and the patriarchy in Cuba. - In the first segment, a group of upper-class/petit bourgeois women gossip about the life of a homeless woman who is causing a scene, and how she became a grifter. 10 minutes into the film, it is said that she was a nun on a battlefield. The conversation then leads to talk of a brutalization of the nuns, which happens in a scene of multiple gang rape depictions. The homeless woman is further harassed by men about 30 minutes into the movie: one of them gropes her while a crowd dances around them to tease her. Later (about 40 minutes in), the love interest of the female protagonist becomes very insistent towards her: he fondles her, forcefully grabs and kisses her. She is in love with him but resists because she learned that he was married and father of a child. When he stops, she pursues him and they eventually reconcile. - The third segment is about a jealous and possessive husband who (literally) locks up his newlywed wife and forbids her to work outside. He brutally grabs and pushes her several times throughout and frequently gets in fight with other men because of his jealousy.
Lucia De B. (Movie)
A teenage girl is a forced prostitute by her mother. We see her getting raped by a man.
Lucifer (TV) (TV Show)
The main character keeps asking a woman to have sex with her even though she has repetitively refused. He stalks her and even breaks into her house. S1E10: a character turns down sex with a woman because she is too intoxicated. What's troubling is the implication is that he normally would sleep with her, but has suddenly had a change in character. S2E1: a guest character forces herself on and kisses the main character without his permission. She also tries to unbutton her shirt and show him her breasts: he actively tries to push her off. S2E4: a character discusses drugging the drinks of two young women with what the character thought was a "roofie" but accidentally poisonning them. S2E8: a guest character mentions a past rape that occurred years prior. No details are discussed. A yoga guru is said to have two sexual harassment cases against him. Later in the episode, a woman admits that said guru had sexually assaulted her previously. S2E18: the main character’s brother is knocked out. When he wakes up the main character and his friend asks him where he has hidden an object they are looking for. The main character jokingly asks “Ah, Keister it did you?” (meaning to hide it up one’s rectum) whereupon the friend states that she “already checked that” meaning she searched the unconscious characters rectum without consent (18:52-18:57). S3E6: a stripper comes to the office. A female character immediately protests, and tries to push him off. He grinds on her anyway. In season 5, a woman dates a man who is lying about his identity. He turns out to be a serial killer. A man takes upskirt photos of an unsuspecting woman (15:01). One of the female characters straddles a hotel clerk and forces her breasts in his face while he actively protests (10:35-11:31). A woman tries to kiss the titular character. She continues to push on despite his protests, until he has to push her off (21:00-22:00). SPOILERS: In this show, God creates the main female character for his son (the main male character): they have no free will to resist each other despite hating everything about each other. The woman has to talk herself into overlooking how the man's personality and interest bother her over and over. The man changes into an arguably better person because his father (God) knew best and gave him a woman to make that happen: he is thus conscious of everything and willingly decides to accept his father's gift of a sexual and romantic partner that has no say in being. In summary, God trafficks a human being to his son, setting her up in a life where her personality will become exactly what he wants and accept being made for a man as a gift: this is framed as a good thing in the story's narrative.
Luciferina (Movie)
In a gathering of friends, during a conversation about the protagonist's virginity, the abusive boyfriend of the protagonist's sister grabs his groin and makes a lewd remark towards her (17:20). The same man corners the protagonist in a closet and tells her not to poison her sister's mind against him (28:40). He then begins to molest her, but he is interrupted by the sound of people downstairs, so he makes one final threat and leaves. A character possessed by the devil attempts to rape the protagonist, but is fought off by the abusive boyfriend (1:14:00). The possessed man taunts the protagonist using sexually violent verbal and body language (1:30:00). The protagonist lures the possessed man to have ritual sex, but it is clear that she does not consent (1:44:00). The scene features sexual intercourse that is mostly rape. In a vision, the protagonist's sister reveals that their father has been abusing her.
The main character is drunk and it is implied that she is raped off screen and then onscreen by a different man. She goes to the bathroom and blood is shown to be dripping from between her legs. She is then later raped again and struggles/screams. She then dissassociates before being able to fight off the rapist this time successfully (40:40-43:00). There are very triggering conversations and victim shaming throughout the film. Overall it presents a complex central character who is weaving her way through the legacy of her assault during a time of increased stress in her life.
Lucky (2017) (Movie)
Whilst there is no explicit rape in this film, it is implied to have happened to the protagonist, as well as multiple other female characters, portrayed through the metaphor of a man hunting them down and trying to kill them (1:03:57). The entire film is a metaphor for the main character coping with trauma.
Lucky (2020) (Movie)
A police officer tells the lead that the person breaking in was probably after more than just robbing since he came into the bedroom.
Lucky Grandma (Movie)
Lucky Hank (TV Show)
S1E4: Jeffrey Epstein and his "attacks" on women are briefly discussed without much detail.
It is briefly mentioned that a minor character spent time in jail for “forcing himself” upon a minor.
Lucky Star (TV Show)
In one episode, the main character and her friend group talk briefly about creepy boys stalking girls, and harassing them. This conversation carries on for about 30 seconds. The main character's father also displays a creepy attitude towards the main characters friends. He mentions a few times that his daughter and her friends (teenagers) look like those cute anime girls in his dating sim.
Lucky Strike (Movie)
We learn that one of the characters has killed a man who was accused of rape. It is said that a man also touches a woman's leg to see her tattoo. Worthy of note: we learn that a woman gets beaten by her husband.
Lucy (Movie)
A man gropes a woman's chest while she is cuffed to the wall (24:05-24:23). She later lures a man with the promise of sex and then escapes.
Ludwig (Movie)
Worthy of note: the main character kisses his (female) cousin and later plans to marry another of his cousins but cancels it after understanding that he is homosexual. He then has frequent relationships with his servants.
Throughout season 1, a father tries to prostitute his wife to older men so that they can hire their son. S1E8: the main character is raped by a prostitute hired by his father, who thinks that his voice will change if he has sex and becomes “a real man”.
Luke Cage (TV Show)
S1E6: a young girl gropes another girl’s chest at a swim class aggressively and without consent. We can hear the harassment continuing off-screen, while boys stare at the two girls and comment on the situation.
The Lullaby (Movie)
Lumumba (Movie)
The rape of women by soldiers is mentioned several times. At some point, one woman is stopped at a roadblock and sees the corpse of a woman, presumably raped before she was killed. Soldiers tear off her clothes and presumably rape her off-screen after the scene cuts off.
Luna Nera (TV Show)
S1E2: a female teenager is stripped naked by a younger girl in a bath scene and they end up kissing. S1E4: a boy and girl kiss (26:30). It is ambiguous whether they are brother and sister or not. Worthy of note: women accused of witchcraft are tortured off-screen several times, but there is no implication of sexual violence.
Luna Park (TV Show)
S1E2: around 8:50 a woman is forcibly held within a guy's arms and she tells him and another man to leave her alone. She gets rescued by another man. This is a very dramatic recreation of a western movie within the series; they are all actors. S1E6: two actors have to recreate a scene in which a guy assaults a woman (whether it is sexual or not it is not clear). The scene becomes a little too realistic and the guy is very violent towards the actress and starts chocking her. She manages to free herself.
The plot centers around a very young woman who is being held captive and forced to marry an abusive man much older than her. A man walks into a room where a drugged woman is passed out. He leers at her and briefly holds her hand in his, but nothing further happens. The patron of a pub inappropriately propositions his waitress, but she seems to find it funny rather than distressing.
The Lure (Movie)
A story told in the past concerns a doctor at the asylum sexually abusing the patients. He rapes and impregnates a 16 year old girl which leads to her killing him. A woman is captured by the patients. One of the men says that he is glad that she is here because they need "outside blood" to help keep them from inbreeding. She is approached by a patient and the scene fades to black but later when trying to escape she says she was raped. Another woman is captured as well. Most of her clothes are torn off and she is carried out of the room. There is a long segment following that where she' i heard crying and screaming in the background.
Lust, Caution (Movie)
A rape scene is particularly brutal.
A character discusses how he was tricked into assaulting a man: he was under the impression he was entering a CNC agreement, but was catfished. A man threatens to make a woman miserable by 'enjoying her daughter'.
Lux Aeterna (Movie)
In the first scene, one actress mentions being naked on a set to shoot a scene where she is burned as a witch, and having a crowd of men looking at her lustfully.
Luz (2018) (Movie)
Lyle (Movie)
Lynn & Lucy (Movie)
A woman reads a magazine where the front cover talks about a rape case.
M (1931) (Movie)
It is vaguely implied that the child serial killer also molests his victims.
M (1951) (Movie)
Plot revolves around attempts to catch a serial killer who targets children. At one point, the murders are referred to as "sexual crimes," but the circumstances in which the children are killed and what specifically has been done to them are never mentioned.
M. Butterfly (Movie)
Worthy of note: one of the protagonists is unaware that his love interest is male throughout the film.
M3GAN (Movie)
A bully character sits on top of the titular doll in a threatening posture: he hits her, calls her pretty, strokes her haid and starts taking her clothes off.
Ma (Movie)
An older woman grooms teenage boys and it comes across as very creepy. Her flirting is not taken seriously at first, and other teenagers laugh about her trying to hit on the boys. Her behavior becomes worse over time. In flashbacks, it is revealed that a woman was sexually assaulted as a teen. A boy she had a crush on left her a note asking her to meet him in a closet, and she was encouraged by another girl to perform oral sex on him. She did so, but afterwards, she discovered it was all a cruel prank; the boy who sent her the note and the girl who talked to her arranged for someone else to wait in the closet for her, tricking her into having perform oral sex a total stranger.
Ma Mere (Movie)
A little more than 30 minutes in, a character talks about how a bunch of white men broke into his house and "had their way" with his mother.
A character describes how, when he was a child, a mob of white men broke into his family home and raped his mother in front of him.
This film takes place in an orphanage. At some point, one character explains why each of the children is there. It is implied that one of them (a girl) was sexually abused by her father and that she is suffering from trauma. The father of another of the children killed his wife because he thought she was cheating on him.
Maborosi (Movie)
Macbeth (Movie)
The titular protagonist sends solders to kill a family. During this scene, a woman is showed being held to the ground screaming as she is raped by soldiers (1:49-1:52).
MacGruber (Movie)
Machete Kills (Movie)
A woman tells another character that her dad used to come into her room after a night of drinking.
The Machinist (Movie)
Macross Plus (TV Show)
Mad Father (Video Game)
A flashback shows that a female character was adopted by a man when she was a child and worked as his assistant. Even though he could technically be considered her adoptive father, he has a relationship with her in the future when she is an adult (while also being married to another woman).
Many of the video elements and fantasy creatures featured in the film contain overtly sexual imagery that may be disturbing to some.
Mad Max (Movie)
The villains engage in a car chase with a young couple and run them off the road. The woman is raped and it is implied that the man is as well.
The premise of the film is that a group of women is trying to escape from sex slavery in a male-dominated society where women are used for reproductive and sexual purposes and treated as objects. Additionally: a woman from a far-off clan disrobes in despair, use of naked women as bait.
There is a scene where a woman is a assaulted by a man on-screen for a fairly long amount of time. The protagonist of the movie watches this happen and does nothing.
Mad Men (TV Show)
S2E3: a character forces himself onto a woman. This is quite complicated, however, as the forcefulness is something the woman ostensibly enjoys. S2E12: a man rapes another character. S3E4: when a character discusses moving to Manhatten with her mother, she tells her that 'you'll get raped. You know that.' S3E8: Pete Campbell forces himself on the neighbour's au pair - she doesn't want to sleep with him and says no but he blackmails her because he had saved her from getting in trouble. The assault starts on screen but most of it happens off screen. S4E2: a joke is made about the government 'raping our wives'. S4E8: a character is accused of 'walking around and trying to get raped.' S6E1: a character makes a joke to her husband about him raping a teenager while she holds her down to 'spice things up.' S6E8: a woman engages in sexual activity with a young boy (a minor) despite his unwillingness to participate. The show explores gender roles at great length. As a result, sexual harassment (often based in the workplace) is frequently depicted on-screen, much of which is physical.
Madagascar (Movie)
Worthy of note: a zebra walks down the street and a woman in a striped jacket walks past him. He stops and turns around for a few seconds to look at her (18:00-18:12) .
Madame Claude (Movie)
This movie is a biopic of a female pimp (told from her point of view): there are thus many scenes of sexual relationships between prostitutes and their clients. Many of them are abusive (physical and psychological violence) and some even ends up in violent gang rape (off-screen). The women are shown being very distressed by these encounters and being physically and psychologically hurt afterwards, but their sufferings are disregarded by their pimp and other characters. One important subplot is about one of the two female protagonists having been sexually abused by her father (who appears several times in the film) when she was a child. This is discussed throughout, with the other protagonist explaining that she was also sexually abused by her uncle as a child, and several characters discouraging her from filing a complaint (because the rapist is a power figure). At some point, it is mentioned that a man kidnapped a young girl, beat her and raped her before leaving her in the woods.
Madame Secretary (TV Show)
This film revolves around a romantic attraction between a schoolgirl and her teacher, but it does not appear to ever turn sexual: the teacher does kiss the student at one point.
One of the main female characters is held captive and repeatedly raped by a group of escaped criminals, an experience which leaves her profoundly traumatised, even after being rescued by her friends. The same group of escaped criminals are known to be otherwise sexually violent and there are several points in the novel where other female characters feel at risk of being attacked by them. At one point, a group of male beings who are humanoid in appearance but follow different social norms surround the woman who was raped by these criminals and proposition her for sex in the way which is accepted within their culture. She reacts to this with fear and panic.
Made in Abyss (TV Show)
There are two scenes where characters check to see if a character is 'anatomically correct' without his consent, once implied (while he was deactivated) and once on-screen. A young girl is naked and strung up as a punishment, shown struggling and embarrassed, though the scene is played off lightheartedly. Later on the series, a child character and others imply to being sexually abused. S2E1: sexual assault is heavily implied in the first minutes. We see the child facing his abuser and closing his eyes before it cuts to the next scene.
Made in Heaven (TV Show)
The topic and depiction of sex are highly present in this show. There are many instances of consensual sex; however, the show also aims to highlight darker sex-related topics within the context of India, which may be deeply traumatic to viewers.
Made of Honor (Movie)
During the first minutes of the movie, a guy with a mask enters a woman's room at night, goes on her bed and hugs her from behind. He thinks it is his date that he wanted to sneak up to, but it is her roommate who is terrified when it happens. This scene is portrayed as funny, as she pepper sprays him. They later become close friends.
A woman is chased into an alley by a car, strangled until she blacks out, and wakes up naked on a bed with the man who strangled her on top of her. The implication is that he raped her while she was unconscious. He yells at her that she needs a pump to stay safe. During a job interview, a man asks a woman how much she wants the job, while caressing her hair and shoulders. After that, a loud yell is heard, and we see the man on the floor holding his crotch. After a man helps a woman, she asks him where he wants to "do this", implying that she will repay his kindness with sex: he declines the offer. A man approaches a woman at a party and makes a comment about her being sexy. When she threatens him, he translates that as a sexual proposition. A man talks about a woman having been raped by football players.
It is revealed that one of the adult female characters was raped as a 13 year old and that she had a child, who is still in her life, but raised by someone else. The aftermath follows the dynamics of this relationship and her outbursts of anger and sadness. The end of the movie has her breaking down and promising to seek therapy. It's handled well.
Towards the end of the movie, a woman describes the moments leading up to sexual assault when she was a child, implying that it was constant from that point on. Another woman replies to the first, informing her of her mother prostituting her in exchange for drugs Throughout the movie, characters are sexualized, despite being related in some shape or form.
Madeinusa (Movie)
The female protagonist meets a man to counterfeit her ID. He tells her that he is attracted to her and acts a bit threateningly/strangely: she stays because she needs the ID but nothing further happens.
Worthy of note: this movie is about a rich widow who takes advantage of a mother and her daughter (who were forced to prostitution for financial reasons) to take revenge against a libertine who fooled her. The plan is humiliate him by getting him to marry the young daughter without knowing that she was a prostitute. She has to comply with this plan despite her protests.
Madeo (Movie)
A woman breaks into a man's house and ends up hiding in a closet, where she spies on him having sex with a teenage girl.
Mafia (Movie)
Early in the game, a mission (titled 'Sarah') consists in protecting a woman from street gangsters as she is walking home at night. They harass her (grabbing her against her will and threatening to rape her) before the protagonist beats them up. In several following missions, it is mentioned that these characters were rapists.
Mafia II (Movie)
Early in the game, the protagonist goes to jail. When he enters the prison, he mentions child molesters. After a while, he is assaulted by three men in the shower, attempting to rape him: he successfully fights them off. After his release, his friends make prison rape jokes. A long scene takes place in a brothel, where the protagonist and two partners spend the night and get drunk.
Mafia III (Movie)
Mafia Mama (Movie)
A man attempts to rape a woman, but when he struggles with undoing his belt, she fights him off. The attempted assault is brief and most of the scene is her fighting him.
Rape happens on-screen near the beginning of the movie.
This series has a bunch of scenes where a little boy goes into brothels, and gropes random womens’ chest’s. In a lot of these brothel scenes, one of the other main character thinks he is going to get a pretty lady but a big muscular unattractive caricature of a women comes out and it cuts to him being roughed up with kiss marks and clothing ripped. This is portrayed as a joke.
Magic (Movie)
The puppet makes a lot of crude remarks to/about women.
Magic for Humans (TV Show)
Magic Magic (Movie)
Magic Mike (Movie)
Episode 1 starts with the main characters' bullies hiring two classmates to rape her. The main character's brother also physically abuses her and it is implied that some sexual abuse may be involved. A couple of characters are also either sexually assaulted or harassed throughout the series.
The Magicians (TV Show)
There are multiple instances throughout the series of characters having sex while one or more of them are concealing their identities (through possession, assuming a false identity, etc.). Lycanthropy (being a werewolf) is a sexually transmitted curse with dire consequences if it is not passed on. Werewolves are referred to broadly as rapists in the first season, although it is later made clear that this is a generalization. S1E1: the scene where a female character is recruited to a new magic school involves her sexual assault (her shirt is forcibly removed). S1E7: two characters have sex and enter a romantic relationship, but it is later revealed that one of them was possessed the entire time they knew each other. The other character seems very disturbed by this, because it meant the possessed character did not actually consent to anything. S1E9: scene of child sex abuse. S1E12: he main characters travel to a magical world and meet another student from their school who discusses how some of his classmates had sex with talking animals. It is mentioned on occasion throughout the series that cross-species relationships occasionally happen in this world and are technically not bestiality, as the animals/magical creatures are sapient and can give consent. Two main characters have sex while shapeshifted into foxes. S1E12+13: three characters are affected by alcohol and a spell that heightens emotion. A gay man falls down while his two best friends (male and female) put him to bed: he immediately passes out. The other two characters begin to have sex, and eventually wake him up to include him. The threesome progresses to full intercourse, and all three characters wake up naked. The gay man is blacked out throughout. None of the characters involved ever acknowledge that he was raped; he is blamed by other characters for the event. All characters are implied to have fragmented memory of the encounter, and all characters attempt to lay blame on each other (no one is considered to be fully responsible for their actions because of the effects of the spell). S1E13: graphic and potentially distressing on-screen rape of a female lead. She becomes pregnant as a result of this event, although she then terminates the pregnancy (these repercussions are dealt with into seasons 2 & 3). It is revealed that a key male character was a victim of child sexual abuse when he was younger. He is portrayed as being 'evil'. An overarching plot from the end of season 1 onwards involves a male character, who is primarily gay, having to enter an arranged marriage with a woman: some sexual encounters between them could be considered coercive. S2E1: two characters discuss the fact that they have both been raped, and one suggests that the other permanently remove all of her emotions to "feel better" like he did. S3E5+6: a 27 year old character is forced to marry a 15 year old boy. He makes several creepy advances towards her, but she avoids consummating the marriage by getting him blackout drunk and convincing him they did have sex. S3E3: pirates board the protagonists' vessel, and there is discussion of the possibility of sexual assault and PTSD occurring between the sentient boats. The (female) pirate king also flirts with a female character, which could be seen as somewhat threatening, given that they are demanding that their boat be allowed to rape the protagonists' boat or else they will kill the human crew: no assault occurs. There are references to a professor having had multiple affairs with adult students.
The entire show is a historical drama based on the real events of the Imperial Ottoman harem, where young girls and women were recruited or enslaved as servants and concubines for the Sultan. However, all of the concubines in the show are depicted as adult women. The main character, Hurrem, is a sex slave and war prize based on a real historical figure. She falls in love with the Sultan, who is essentially her slave master. Concubines of the Sultan are not permitted to deny him if they are ordered to his bedroom. However, all of the concubines are depicted as willfully and enthusiastically consenting, even though they are slaves. S1E16: there is a violent attempted rape scene of a concubine by a palace guard (1:03:03-1:04:57). After the concubine is rescued, victim blaming occurs, with another woman saying she should not have left the harem late at night.
Magnolia (Movie)
Maid (TV Show)
This series is about a woman trying to free herself and her daughter from her abusive husband. The abuse covered is primarily verbal and emotional, but there are close calls where the protagonist's abuser throws things at her or breaks things around her. S1E6: a man mentions that a woman kept shoving her hand down his pants despite him saying no. S1E7: towards the end of the episode, the protagonist goes into shock after witnessing her mother have a mental health episode. The abuser takes the protagonist to his home, rather than to the place where she has been staying and initiates sex with her, even though she is visibly distraught. Although she kisses him first, and he asks her, "Do you want this?" and she says "Yes," she is very clearly not in a mental state to consent to sex.
The main character is forced into a marriage with a near-stranger because she resembles the girl that he raped years earlier. Worth noting: the rapist is treated as the victim in this arrangement, and characters state multiple times that he did not know what he was doing. This view is not challenged on screen.
Maid Sama! (TV Show)
Maiden Holmes (TV Show)
Worthy of note: One man is briefly creepy about wanting to draw a woman.
Maidentrip (Movie)
The film is an investigation about a young woman's murder (not shown on-screen). Prostitution is mentioned frequently in the first part. In the first scene of the movie, a woman (in her underwear) is shown being uncomfortable while a female tailor helps her get dressed. In one brief scene, a woman tries to kiss another woman, who rebuffs her. One male character is said to be violent towards women: it is said that his mother settled a judiciary case involving physical (i.e. sexual) abuse with money. A woman is tricked by a couple, who invites her to their apartment to force her to perform sexual acts for money with the woman while the man watches and masturbates. The titular character (a male captain) encourages her to go there to solve the murder, without knowing exactly what would happen to her. She is shown afterwards being traumatized. It is then revealed that the said couple regularly framed young women with the same method, including the victim of the murder (who is 20, i.e. minor in 1950s France). Worthy of note: it is said that the victim was not raped, but her bloody dress (from knife wounds) is shown several times in the first part of the movie.
This film contains a long attempted rape scene: the victim seems generally unbothered afterwards . There are two similar attacks during the rest of the movie, which involves revenge.
The Majestic (Movie)
This movie is about a man suffering from memory loss, who is mistaken for somebody else. He engages (without deceptive aim) in a romantic relationship with the former fiancee of the man he is thought to be. When he remembers who he really is, he confesses to the woman, who says that she unconsciously knew he was not her former lover. They eventually decide to pursue their romantic relationship after a brief pause.
Majo No Tabitabi (TV Show)
S1E9: a little girl becomes a mad murderer because her father did "perverted things" to her. It is strongly suggested that a slave girl is raped.
Major! (Movie)
Several interviews of the documentary discuss being raped, specifically at the hands of law enforcement officers and correctional officers. They do not go into detail.
Major League (Movie)
S1E4: during a visit, a worried father mentions sexual harassment as one of the dangers in the job of a geiko. The scene takes place when he is having a conversation with mothers.
Make Me Up (Movie)
A scene features written messages of rape, mutilation, murder, and general misogyny.
The male main character/love interest is a "fish out of water" and is thought of as a child at first by the female protagonist until he unwittingly undresses himself in front of her and a shop clerk. This is played for laughs. The male protagonist (a clone) kisses the female protagonist, she is repulsed until she quickly recognizes the man's true identity and kisses him back.
In the first chapter, the author recalls playing a character in a play who had experienced incest. In the chapter about working in a bakery, the author says one of her workplaces closed suddenly when it was found that the boss was kissing a teen employee. The author apologizes in one chapter for writing the word "penis" on paper any time she was writing in a scene for the show 'Fresh Off the Boat', recognizing that others considered this to be a form of sexual harassment. The author describes her experience of being raped, and how she did nit realize it was rape at the time because it was not violent, per se. One chapter focuses on the author's experience working with one 'Fresh Off the Boat' producer who manipulated, gaslit, and sexually harassed her.
S3E14: the protagonist's brother grabs a girl's chest non consensually. She then proceeds to beat him up, but the whole episode has a creepy vibe from him trying to deceive her to grab her boobs. S6E2: a man pretends the be an advert and sings 'read the newspaper to find out the local raper' early on in the episode.
Malcolm X (Movie)
It is mentioned that women were raped.
Maleficent (Movie)
The scene where Maleficent wakes to find that her wings have been stolen has been confirmed by the writers to be an intentional allegory for rape and its aftermath. A man kisses a woman while she's unconscious in order to break a curse. He openly wonders whether or not she would be okay with this, but is shushed.
Malena (Movie)
The whole movie is about a beautiful woman who is sexually desired by all men and jealoused by all women. Throughout the movie, men act in a very innapropriate and vulgar way towards her (they mostly say inappropriate things without her hearing it). At some point, the rumors become real harassment against her Another important information is that through the movie, a young teenager stalks her through a small hole in a window. He watches her naked multiple times. The 'sexual relationship between teenager and adult' takes place in the boy's fantasy (in his fantasy also, he imagines pulling off her clothes as she sleeps). In another scene, an adult woman masturbates the teenage protagonist during a movie (00:59:50 - 01:01:04). Later, the teenager is brought to a brothel by his father and has sex with an adult prostitute (01:19:44 - 01:23:46). The titular charater's lawyer rapes her (00:58:08 - 00:59:15) Worthy of note : there is another scene in which she accepts to have sex with a man only because she has no money to pay the food he delivers her (01:13:11 - 01:14:02).
Malevolent (Movie)
The entire book is based off of a woman who murders her step-father while he is raping her. She is seventeen when it happens and its described in great detail what he does before she manages to kill him. She does not tell anyone she was being raped at the time and instead remains quiet, later telling the readers how it started at age 13 and in great detail of when, who, how. Her mother ends up being the one who holds her down when the husband wants to "have sex" with her. She is later almost assaulted by a group of inmates but is saved. She is also drugged and it's heavily implied that she was raped but a kit comes back negative. She ends up finally telling someone in great detail about whar happened and why she killed her step-father before the book comes to an end.
A character plans to blackmail the protagonist. The protagonist likens this blackmail to rape. The protagonist's childhood friend writes a novel in which a middle school student rapes another student. It is revealed later that this is based on a real event, in which he held a girl down while one of his friends raped her.
Malignant (Movie)
A character's biological mother was sexually assaulted as a teenager and forced to carry the baby to term.
Mallrats (Movie)
A man unknowingly statutory rapes a teenager who he claimed was 36. We see the sex tape get played (no nudity, various sexual comments played for humor) and he ends up getting arrested for it. A male character slaps the backside of another male character unknowingly. There is also some prison rape jokes, especially a visual joke where the perpetrator gets raped in a jail cell (no nudity, just his facial reaction).
Mama (2013) (Movie)
At the end of the book, we find out that an 11-year-old victim has been the victim of grooming and sexually assaulting at the hands of a family friend. The trauma of this sexual violence manifested in the 11-year-old having extreme physical symptoms: wetting the bed, losing her ability to walk, etc. When the girl tells her family what happened and they confront the family friend, he tries to gaslight them all, saying that the girl is a temptress and that he is innocent.
Mamma Mia! (Movie)
Worthy of note: there is a dance sequence in which a man stumbles into a bachelorette party of masked women, who swarm him and touch him suggestively as he tries to get away.
Mammals (TV Show)
S1E2: a husband goes through his cheating wife's phone and finds a sex tape. He watches it without her consent.
The plot turns on attempting to end an arguably incestuous marriage.
E2: a brief scene involves a man giving oral sex, and he is clearly struggling with it in the following scenes.
Man Bites Dog (Movie)
There is a graphic scene in which a film crew gang rapes a woman in front of her husband.
Man Down (TV Show)
One episode portrays (not realistically) the on-screen rape of a lamb by a dog. This is played for laughs and portrayed as funny.
A Man Escaped (Movie)
One main character attempts to provoke another by suggesting his mother had sex with multiple men under financial/political coercion; it is implied that this is true.
S1E5: attempted sexual assault and sexual harassment of the main female character during a job interview. It occurs in the final scenes of the episode. S4E6: a character tells about the rape she endured when she was a minor (~ 25 minutes into the episiode).
Man Like Mobeen (TV Show)
In season 3, a special needs character (adult) references having had sex with his school nurse as a teenager. The same character previously mentioned kissing his 73 year old nurse at their school prom in S2E1, when he was 15/16. This is presented as comedic rather than problematic. S3E5: a man chases another man around the yard while demanding that he remove his clothes. The fleeing man repeatedly yells "no" as he flees from the man who is trying to rip his clothing off. Two bystanders discuss the possibility that the fleeing man may be raped.
Man of Marble (Movie)
Man On Fire (Movie)
Man Vs. (Movie)
S1E1: a woman is offered new shifts if she will sleep with her boss.
A woman is carried and dropped on the floor, multiple men dive in to try to assault her: she is quickly rescued by the protagonist and returned to her family (12:29-13:22). A mn mentions his wife being killed and “violated” (20:06-20:12). A woman is grabbed and tossed around by multiple men until she is rescued by the protagonist (37:30-38:00). A man tries to assault a woman, she pushes him away (01:04:38-01:04:53). Men lament not being able to rape a woman and talk about two previous women whom they raped (01:12:38-01:13:22). The protagonist tells men they raped and killed his fiancée (01:15:24-01:15:30).
It is falsely implied that a character abused a minor prior to the events of the film.
Mana (2014) (Movie)
Manborg (Movie)
One of the main characters (an adult man) hates his mother (one of the antagonists) for several reasons, but a scene near the end of the movie implies incestuous past abuses: she kisses him on the lips while he is hypnotized. In the book it is adapted from, the incest is part of the plot. Worthy of note: the above-mentioned character ends up killing his wife.
Mandabi (Movie)
The protagonist of the movie has two wives: early in the film, he (briefly) threaten them physically when he learns that they did something without his approval.
The Mandalorian (TV Show)
Mandibules (Movie)
One man briefly puts his hand on the thigh of a woman in a pool: she casually asks him to put it away and he immediately complies and acts as if he did not do it on purpose (it is not shown on screen). It is worth mentioning that the actor playing this character was accused of sexual harassment. A bit later, a mentally ill woman tells a man to stop flirting with her and to stop looking at her breast: since the man is not at all doing it, it is played for laughs.
Mandy (Movie)
A cult leader attempts to rape a woman who he later murders. It is implied that other cultists are being sexually abused.
This is an exploitation film which contains an on-screen rape as well as on-screen "ritual" group sex performed on one woman which does not seem entirely consensual either.
Manhunter (Movie)
A man lusts after women that he later kills. He does not rape them, but he does touch them. It is implied he molests them after killing them. Rape and molestation and incest are mentioned a number of times but never shown.
Maniac (1980) (Movie)
A serial killer stalks and kills women, but does not do anything sexual.
Maniac (2012) (Movie)
Worthy of note: this film is about a serial killer of women.
Maniac (TV) (TV Show)
S1E6: a mother kisses her (adult) son on the lips in a way that is more intense than what could be considered normal. The nature of their dysfonctional relationship is addressed several times. S1E10: sexual assault is discussed throughout most of the entire episode and a security cam video of a man groping a woman is shown. It is implied that the man forced her to urinate on him: this revelation concerns the trial mentioned in most of the series episodes.
Manifest (TV Show)
Worthy of note: in S3E1, a woman is held captive by her parents and is seen crying whilst bringing a knife to her wrist. There is talk on two separate occasions about women being abused by their husbands. No abuse is ever shown on screen.
Sex workers are catcalled and sexually harassed. A woman recalls her experience of being sold into sex work: she was drugged and likely raped. She recalls other girls also sold into sex work being drugged and forced to engage in sexual acts for clients like dancing naked. She also recalls how her pimp kept her locked and forced her to do whatever he wanted. Presumably, he also rapes her as she reveals she has a four month old baby from the ordeal.
Mank (Movie)
Mann V. Ford (Movie)
The Manor (Movie)
A male creature sneaks into the women's rooms and watches them sleep and there are accusations implied against a male nurse.
A little girl ends up in a cult, where it is implied that she will be a sex slave. Worthy of note: the antagonist repeatedly slaps his tied-up wife until her cheeks are bloodied.
We overheard conversation about a man trying to get a date with a girl even after finding out she is under 18. A man gropes a woman while he is robbing her A sentient male dog breaks into a house intentionally while a female dog inside tries to get away from him. The next scene pained yelps can be heard and then at the end of the movie, the female dog has puppies.
It is revealed that the protagonist's uncle, who has a colony of slaves in Antigua, actively participated in raping and torturing them with other slave owners (1:27:30-1:28:50). The protagonist finds out by happening upon a book of graphic drawings, which we see on-screen, showing these acts (sound effects accompany the drawings).
There is an on-screen rape about 19 minutes into the movie: it is briefly shown but the audio continues.
The Mantis (TV Show)
Worthy of note: in S1E5, there is discussion of a botched vaginoplasty.
A woman is forcefully grabbed, pinned to a table, and raped. The camera spends a long time on the woman’s pained and crying expression and the man’s face during the act. There is also a flashback of this type of attack happening in the past.
A group of boys grab the protagonist's sister. They lift her skirt and one tries to disrobe to rape her. The protagonist tries to fight them off but is too small. The protagonist's uncle ends up chasing off the boys. This scene is referenced multiple times after the fact.
A major aspect of the plot of this movie is the subjection of the main character's race - the Iorphs - who have the appearance of children. There' i a whole subplot revolving around one of the characters being in a forced marriage, raped, and having a child. The abuse is non-explicit but it is heavily implied and discussed. There are also implications of pseudo-incest between the main character's adoptive child and her in one segment of the movie. 9:12-9:20: two soldiers leer at the Iorphs and comment on their youthful appearance. One of the soldiers laughs and asks the other if they are "into this type of thing?" 10:21-10:27: brief scene of soldiers being ordered to kidnap woman and girls of the Iorph and them fleeing. 23:47-24:06: a kingdom that has kidnapped a girl discuss the forced marriage and desire for her to have a child with another character. 38:24-38:50: a girl reveals to her friend that she is pregnant after being held captive and raped. 50:10-50:16: an adult male slaps a girl's butt as she is working. Another male leers and comments on her appearance distastefully. 54:50-55:31: people holding girl captive discuss abusing her. They further dehumanize her and people's worth to their ability to bear them children. 55:32-57:55: a girl has breakdown about the abuse she has gone through and her feelings on the child she was forced to have. 1:02:29-1:04:14: an adoptive son attempts to kiss mom and comments on others saying they look like "lovers." The mom is shown to be uncomfortable and tries to push him away. Further into the scene he gets more violent and pushes her up against a wardrobe. The interaction ends when they accidentally knock over a lamp and start a small fire. 1:19:53-1:22:36: a boy attempts to take girl from captivity. He touches her face which she looks uncomfortable with. When she refuses to go with him he becomes violent. The scene ends when another character interrupts them. 1:35:45-1:39:48: a girl meets the child she was forced to bear for the first time. She then leaves the child soon afterward and grieves what happened to her and her relationship with the child.
Mar Adentro (Movie)
A very brief scene shows a man trying to kiss a woman in a back alley. She rebuffs him and he leaves.
Marcella (TV Show)
Season 2 involves extensive discussion of child abuse, including sexual abuse. A pedophile tries to brush off his interest in children by saying he has not assaulted a child in years, though this is framed in the show as repulsive and unacceptable. Detectives report signs of sexual abuse on a corpse. It is revealed that a boy is being sexually abused by his father. A woman recalls being given alcohol by a celebrity and raped at the age of 14. A boy is tied down to a bed by a pedophile who wants revenge on the protagonist. The man takes off his own shirt and tells the boy his mom will have to watch him be hurt. Police intervene before the boy is physically harmed. In season 3, two man attempt to rape a teenage girl in an alley, but the protagonist quickly intervenes. There are also other brief scenes of men getting physically violent against their patners.
S10+11: the male protagonist has a flashback, implying that his step sister sexually assaulted him (he was 17 and she was 21(. The step sister is also romantically involved with a man who is 42 years old. He calls her a stalker who has been bothering him for years. It is not clear when their relationship started. The male protagonist starts developing feelings for a 14 year old girl when he is 18 years old. He met her when she was 13. In the manga, he kisses her when she is 15 years old and he is 19 years old.
A good portion of the plot revolves around the villain's schemes to force a much younger woman to marry him. The woman clearly hates and is disgusted by him, and is not coy about this. Around the climax of the film, the villain begins carrying the young woman away as she screams and cries and tries to get away. She is quickly rescued, and nothing further happens.
Marco Polo (TV Show)
This show glamorizes sexual trafficking, pedophilia, rape, incest, murder (including child murder), child abuse, etc.
Mare of Easttown (TV Show)
S1E1: the episode opens with a young woman screaming because a man is watching her from outside her house while she is undressing. This is addressed again in the beginning of the episode. The episode closes with a shot of the corpse of a young woman undressed. S1E2: the episode closes with a girl saying that she thinks that an adult had a child with a teenage girl. S1E3: in the opening of the episode, detectives ask a coroner if the deceased girl has been raped: the answer is negative. They briefly discuss potential sexual assault immediately after that. Potential sexual relationships between the victim and male adults are mentioned several times throughout the episode. S1E4: a young prostitute in a car with a client gets assaulted early in the episode, (the scene cuts after she starts undressing) and it is revealed in the last scene of the episode that she was kidnapped and locked up in a basement. It is also revealed that a priest was accused of sexual assault on a teenager girl. S1E5: two women are locked up in a man’s basement. One woman who has been there for a year before the second is captured says that there was another woman locked up with her before: rape is implied. The potential rape/sexual assault of a teenager girl by a priest if mentioned again. S1E6+7: an incestuous sexual relationship between an adult man and his teenage niece is revealed.
Mare Fuori (TV Show)
S1E1: attempted rape.
Marebito (Movie)
In the opening of the movie, the protagonist finds an unresponsive, naked, pale girl with a chain around her ankle; he takes her home (to help her) and ends up keeping her as a pet.
Marerittet (Movie)
The movie's plot revolves around a demon trying to be born into the world via impregnating women in their nightmares, but the sex portrayed in the movie is consensual. In one scene, the protagonist has a nightmare that the demon (in the form of her boyfriend) goes under the covers and crawls towards her, but she wakes up soon after.
The main theme of the movie is an incestuous relationship between a brother and a sister.
Worthy of note: social pressure for the main couple to consume their marriage is shown.
Marihuana (Movie)
A man tries to pressure his girlfriend into having sex with him in a car: she consistently resists and eventually leaves the car.
Mario Kart 8 (Video Game)
Marius (Movie)
A 18 year old girl tries to make her lover jealous by accepting to be courted by a 50 year old man who wants to marry her. When her lover asks her if she thought about what would happen once she is alone with her potential husband, she seems very distressed. Furthermore, a very brief scene shows the woman being groped by a group of men as she tries to enter a building.
Worthy of note: at some point, the main character involves his love interest into an arranged marriage. When she discovers his real identity, it turns into a love marriage.
Child sexual abuse is mentioned as part of the widespread system of indentured servitude. Children who are no longer able to do factory work are sold to more extreme workplaces like mines or brothels. A teenaged main character is briefly threatened with this fate a couple of times.
The titular character is threatened with gang rape at the very beginning of the movie, and when the men arrive, they discuss their plans in details. She is then raped on screen twice: once in the beginning (23:00) and once at the end (01:25:00). There is a lot of talk about the rape during the film.
Marnie (Movie)
Early in the film, the main male character kisses the protagonist (a woman) against her will while she is having a panic attack. She seems visibly distressed. Later, he blackmails her into marrying him. On their honeymoon, she appears vividly repulsed by any physical intimacy with him. He firstly respects her wishes, but after a few days, eventually rapes her. She attempts to kill herself the next morning, but is rescued and then forced to live with him. In the final sequence of the movie, it is revealed that the protagonist is (unconsciously) traumatized by having killed a man when she was a little girl. The man was a client of her mother (a prostitute), who kissed her (the girl) against her will.
Marooned (Movie)
Worthy of note: a married couple is not attracted to each other but have sex to have a baby. The main character expresses having to shut her eyes and imagine someone/thing else happening.
Marrowbone (Movie)
The movie is about a mother and her children fleeing from their abusive husband/father and at one point, there is an article title that says that he “abused his daughter”: nothing sexual is ever mentioned or implied (it i’s unclear what kind of abuse occurred).
The Mars (TV Show)
A women is abducted, kept in a marsh and has a child with her abductor.
The Marshes (Movie)
In a discussion about a popular song (about 14 minutes in), the true story underlying the lyrics is revealed to be about the rape of a farmer's wife (no name given). Stigma around sexual assault is discussed a little as well but is historicized in a not entirely correct manner. A young male character makes several comments about wanting to avoid being raped by a male antagonist and the character he tells these too also treats it as a joke.
The protagonist has escaped from a sexually abusive cult.
The Martian (Movie)
There is a recurring joke that the father of one of the main characters finds her sexually attractive.
Several scenes feature grown men either catcalling or discussing the beauty of 16 year old girls. There is a short discussion about clothing a comatose woman because keeping her unclothed is sexual harassment.
Martin (Movie)
A man admits to raping women after drugging them with sleeping pills. We see a woman get drugged, the man says he will rape her but she will "go to sleep" and that he "won't hurt [her]." We see him take off his shirt, caress her exposed breast, and kiss her. Then the scene cuts to a different scene. Later we see him covering her up with a blanket as she rolls over, seemingly soundly asleep.
Marty (1955) (Movie)
People are tortured, but there is no sexual abuse. A detective says that a tortured girl was not raped; this is the only mention of rape or anything else sexual in the movie.
Martyrs Lane (Movie)
There are a variety of non-sexual, non-romantic abuse dynamics past and present. Consent (its honoring or violation) is a general theme (mostly around the use of magic). In one early scene, a character's emotionally abusive ex-boyfriend deliberately humiliates him with commentary on their sex life in front of a stranger.
S1E1: when the titular character gets bailed out by another woman, she asks her if he got "chick raped". S1E3: characters casually speculate on wheter a person is a rapist. S4E1: a character uses a rape joke to insult someone. S4E2: a character states "Frankie Borden should be raped by a zebra" after he finished a comedy set (~37:00). S4E3: two pedophiles are mentioned. S5E2: sexual harassment takes place at a workplace. A man impersonating Winston Churchhill who then pulls down his pants in public is mentioned. S5E3-4: a woman's boss continuously asks her out. S5E5: a woman is sexually harassed in a way that seems on the road to assault, when she is defended by the main character, who then gets arrested because she lost a man's coat. A good discussion of why a female coworker who sleeps with her boss is denigrated, with the man praised happens.
S2E6: a character attacks and kisses a woman he has overpowered. S2E10: a paid female sex-worker is forced to perform oral sex on a villain.
Marvin's Room (Movie)
Flashes of a TV show a side character is watching frames a woman struggling and screaming as a man attacks her.(09:30-10:05) Nothing beyond that is showcased, but the character states the woman had been raped offscreen. References to this show and its characters, exempting mentions of rape, are made throughout, including the ending.
A young woman breaks off a "flirtationship" with a man, who reacts very poorly. He refuses to leave her alone or respect her rejection, and there is an ominous, threatening tone in how be speaks to her; he starts waiting for her outside her place of work and following her around, and she is disturbed and uncomfortable. This does not escalate further.
A woman tells a horrific story of how a woman, when she was caught with a man who was not her husband, was raped and killed.
Mary and Max (Movie)
It is mentioned several times throughout the film that the main male protagonist (who is autistic) feels very uncomfortable with a woman (member of his overeater anonymous group) who keeps kissing him without his consent (he is unable to protest).
A woman is threatened and subsequently raped in order to force her to consent to marriage.
Mary Shelley (Movie)
A male acquaintance suddenly kisses or tries to kiss the titular protagonist without her permission (52:50-54:30): she clearly does not like it.
One male protagonist marries a woman who was adopted by his family and raised as his sister.
The film contains several instances of sexual harassment. One sequence shows the protagonist at the cinema, watching a movie depicting a woman getting chased and cornered, brutally prevented from calling the police and being physically forced to perform barely-offscreen (only the upper half of face is shown) oral sex. This is depicted as something interesting and erotic for the moviegoers. The protagonist passes an implied rape on his way without any further glance.
MASH (TV Show)
Many episodes contain period-typical casual sexism like men cat-calling, groping, peeping and making persistent advances towards women treated in a lighthearted, joking manner. S1E5: one soldier has a young, possibly underage Korean servant/slave who was sold to him by her family. There is no overt assault, but it is implied she is expected to perform sexual services. The plot of the episode revolves around the main characters trying and succeeding in freeing her. S1E7: two captains lead another captain to believe a major (woman) is interested in him. They set him up to sleep in her place (by lying, saying it is visitors quarter). When she comes (in the dark), he scares her when the first thing he is saying is if he should help with her bra and starts to make out with her despite her screaming and calling for help. Those two captains use this prank so that they get a vacation and that one of them does not get admitted by the psychiatrist. S3E2 + S5E1: the possibility of being raped by enemy soldiers if captured is briefly discussed by some characters, mostly in a serious tone, with any jokes implied to be a way of coping with the fear with black humour. S3E18: there is a scene where a false rape accusation is used to resolve a plot line and is treated in a very cavalier manner. A nurse makes advances towards a doctor who is initially uninterested but eventually responds. Hwever when someone walks in, because it would damage her reputation to be caught fraternizing, she claims he tried to rape her. No one takes it seriously and there is no resolution, the scene is entirely played for laughs. S8E8: an teenage Korean girl attempts to prostitute herself because she desperately needs money. The soldier she is propositioning is told she is underage but he clearly intends to go through with it anyway before he is stopped by a main character.
S1E4: the protagonist accuses another teenage boy of being a lolicon for having a picture of a young girl. He denies this and says that the young girl is his sister (saying that he is a siscon, someone who is extremely fond of their sister). Nothing inappropriate happens and the brother seems to care a lot about his younger sister.
The Mask (Movie)
During some scenes in the movie, the main character kisses people on the mouth without their consent. In one scene in particular, a woman screams upon seeing him in his mask: as a response, he grabs and forcefully kisses her on the mouth. There is a scene where the main character suggests being intimate with the female lead, in a supposedly funny innuendo: she kicks him and runs away at first, but ends up staying with him. Another scene depicts a group of men chasing the same woman.
Mask Girl (TV Show)
S1E1: a subway passenger grabs the protagonist's behind (off-screen) and angrily denies it when she confronts him. They end up at a police station, where two (male) police officers ask her if she was mistaken. The assaulter says that because she is ugly, no one would want to touch her, hence he is innocent. The assaulter and the protagonist fight in the station. A senior (male) police chief tells her to let it go because she was just seen assaulting the man in front of the police. This incident was meaningful and illustrated victim-blaming quite well. All this happens between 40:20 and 42:30. S12E2: a fan of the protagonist meets up with her under the guise of wanting to treat her to food and drinks. Over the course of the night, he convinces her that he thinks she is attractive. He pressures her to go into a motel and posts online that she is "uglier than I thought," that he would post pictures of her, and that she is so ugly but he still wants to "have a taste." In the motel, he tries to convince her to have sex but becomes frustrated and pushes her onto the bed. She gets up to leave, but he says that if she did not want to have sex, she should have said so, so that he would not waste so much money. In addition, he asks her why she is "playing hard to get" when she is so ugly. After she hits him, he forces her onto the bed again, she kicks his groin, and they fight. No sexual content occurs after that, but his actions and words seem realistic and could be quite triggering to some. All this happens between 36:30 and 40:00. This episode also introduce one coworker of the protagonist, who becomes unhealthily obsessed with her. At first, he seems to mean well, saying that she looks even better without her mask and thinking of ways to confess to her. However, he finds out that she has a crush on another character and witnesses them go to a motel. In a jealous rage, he sends her an anonymous email saying that he knows she is Mask Girl. Later, he finds out she is meeting up with the above-mentioned character, then sees on his page that he is planning on taking advantage of her. He appears protective and well-meaning as he tries to find them so he can warn her. He even kills the offender and hides his body. However, she quits her job the next day, prompting him to get her address from the offender without her consent. After she finally answers the door later that night and they have a tense conversation, he pushes her onto her bed forces himself onto her. She resists at first, but stops moving as he removes his trousers and pushes up her dress. This scene is especially triggering because of the realistic sex scene. She stabs him to death while distracting him with sex. All this happens between 52:20 and 58:10.
During a fight sequence, a woman is forced to kiss her attacker, who then undresses her with his weapon. This is played off as harmless flirtation.
A woman is forced to have a bath.
Mass (Movie)
Mastemah (Movie)
A man approaches the protagonist in a bar and makes a lewd comment, grabbing his groin (8:50). The protagonist is in bed and a hooded man climbs on top of her (19:00). She fights him off and runs downstairs, but it all turns out to be a dream. She dreams again that the man covers her mouth, then wakes up for real. A man picks something out of the protagonist's hair while standing close to her (38:00). The protagonist is unconscious in a car with a man (1:31:00). He leans in and smells her, then adjusts her coat over her chest.
The Master (Movie)
The main character is revealed to have had an incestuous relationship with his aunt as a child.
Master (2022) (Movie)
While a woman is jogging at night, two college boys run out of the woods past her. A college girl is crouched down, and her knees are scraped and bloody. She refuses to talk about or report the incident.
Master Keaton (TV Show)
S1E14: a father tries to rape his 13 year old adoptive daughter. She stops him by choking him with his tie.
Master of None (TV Show)
S1E7: this episode revolves around the different struggles women face in the world compared to men. A woman is ominously followed home from a bar by a creepy man at night. He follows her to her apartment and harasses her from outside the door while she calls the police. The issues of sexual harassment are well handled, but the aforementioned scene could be upsetting.
S1E8: a boyfriend tries to force his ex girlfriend to go with him after she breaks up. She is saved by the female protagonist. S1E 9: at the end of the episode, a woman explains how the female protagonist saved her from a man who was sexually harassing her on the train.
S1E1: a woman is raped by her abusive husband. S1E4: a man tries to force his wife to have anal sex. S1E12: this episode has instances of necrophilia. S1E13: the episode has several instances of rape, some involving a child and incest. S2E5: a teenager is raped by the devil off-screen. A man is genitally mutilated. S2E6: a man attempts to rape a stripper. Later, she asks him to stop during sex and he does not. S2E7: in this episode, a plague causes men to be extremely violent to all females. A man tries to sexually assault his daughter. S2E10: a man claims to have raped another boy when they were children. It is implied he may have raped or molested others.
Chapters 33+35: man is locked in a viewing room where human-hybrid creatures are forced to either "fight or fuck" based on the viewer's choice. The human level intelligence of the hybrid creatures varies so it is unclear how much they all understand what is happening. The viewer initially chooses fight, but he later has no choice but to choose the other option. Chapter 35 contains a brief semi-descriptive scene of the creatures having sex.
Rape is mentioned a couple of times when the protagonists evoke crimes committed during the Sri Lanka Civil War.
Worthy of note: a teenage girl briefly mentions being groped.
Matewan (Movie)
Two men who work for a coal company act really creepy towards a woman they encounter and she clearly does not like it.
Matilda (Movie)
The premise is that a werewolf and a woman whose family hunts werewolves fall in love. The werewolf stalks the woman at her job for a month because he believes they are fated to be together. This behavior is very lightly chastised in-text because the woman is very much aware of what he is doing, and she ends up feeling the same way eventually. There are sex encounters, but they do not feel coerced because they are either initiated or verbally requested by the woman. Still, the stalking part could be triggering to some. The werewolf mentions that the only humans he hunts are rapists.
Matriarch (Movie)
The Matrix (Movie)
At some point, a man gets on top of an unconscious woman and talks about how attractive she is.
A character offers a drink to a young woman, aware that it has been spiked and alluding to it making her consent sexually. He is seen bragging about this fact to other characters, and follows her to the bathroom.
A woman is kissed without her consent when time is frozen: on the movie's logic, it might not have actually happened.
A man pins a woman to the bed and says that he is going to rape her, but then it turns out that he is just acting out a scene that he is trying to write: he still fondles her breasts and puts his hands all over her.
Maurice (Movie)
About the 01:09:00 timecode, a character watching tv says that American soldiers in Afghanistan kidnap women and rape them. About the 01:12:00 timecode, a lawyer mentions defending rapists. About the 01:34:00 timecode, the main male character is tortured in prison during a long sequence: part of it invovles being raped by a masked woman soldier. About the 01:41:00 timecode, the captors of the protagaonist threaten to imprison his mother and hints that she would be raped in jail. This is mentioned again about the 01:47:00 timecode.
The Maus (Movie)
Mauvais Sang (Movie)
The male protagonist (in his twenties) has a love affair with a 15 year-old girl. At some point, he follows a woman in deserted streets at night and accelerates when she starts running to loose him. He eventually loose sight of her. Later, he kisses a woman while she is unconscious. A peeping tom spies on the main female character. She explains that he does so regularly.
Worthy of note: animales are heavily implied to want to mate with a character due to the fact that the protagonist rigged his mouthspray with animal pheromones.
Max Mon Amour (Movie)
Worthy of note: the plot centers on bestiality.
Max Payne (Movie)
Early in the film, a young girl trying to hitchhike gets a ride from an older man: he tries to run his hand up her leg. She takes it off first, then when he does it again, she says "do something like that again and you won't have your arm".
Maxine (TV Show)
The main male character is discussed to have assaulted children and teenagers. None of this is shown on screen.
MaXXXine (Movie)
There are a few scenes of non-consensual touching throughout the movie. The female protagonist is accosted by a male with a knife and unknown intentions. Before he is able to do anything, she pulls out a handgun, forces him to strip nude and perform oral actions to the barrel of the gun. He is then commanded onto the ground where his testicles are crushed with her heel. A woman has flashbacks to a scene in X where she was molested (caressed by an old woman while asleep).
May (Movie)
There are initiated kisses without explicit consent.
May December (Movie)
The film follows a married couple, which started their relationship 24 years ago, when the man was 13 and the woman was 36. They were caught having sex when he was 13 and she gave birth to his children a few years later. The main focus of the film is the start of this relationship. An actress enters their lives to play the character of the woman in the film and she exhibits signs of being aroused by the story. She calls 13 year old boys not "sexy enough". The child of the woman says the woman was repeatedly molested by her two older brothers. The woman denies this.
S1E2: an older man touches a woman on her leg without her consent and continues to do so after she told to stop: she is seemingly uncomfortable (51:17-51:58). He makes sexual harassment a condition in an offer to get her a lawyer position in his company. Later, the same character grabs her shoulder and leg: she hits him and one colleague hits him until she asks him to stop (52:31).
Mayans M.C. (TV Show)
S1E4+6: a presumably underage female character working as a sex worker has an off-screen sexual relationship with an adult. After running away from her father, she gets into a truck and offers a sexual favor to the driver, who accepts. She also takes off her shirt infront of the main character to show the same truck driver beat her after she tried stealing from him. S1E5: one of the main couples, having a toxic relationship, have a disagreement that leads to them physically hitting each other. It ends with them kissing and sleeping together. In a later season, the husband chokes his wife while they sleep together with the intent to kill her but is unable to go through with it. He later on drugs her wine while she is in the bath and waits for her to drown but is unable to go through with it. After learning about that attempt, she tries to flee with her child but in the end of he takes the child and forces her to return. S2E2: a recurring female character is taken advantage of while under the influence of drugs. She later meets with her rapist, who is caught and murdered. A bystander to the assault appears in later episodes. S3E8: the main characters love interest is cat-called by two men who also make racist remarks. She attempts to leave the situation but the main character gets into a fight with the two men resulting in her being accidentally hit and getting a black eye.
Mayday (Movie)
A man continues to hit on and touch his wife to try and convince her to join the mile high club, even as she continues to tell him no.
Mayday (2021) (Movie)
One of the male characters has the female main character trapped in a freezer and it is implied that he forced himself onto her as shown with a timeskip of him adjusting his clothing upon leaving, revealing a disheveled and on edge main character trying to get herself together.
Mayhem (Movie)
S1E2: a man cat-calls a woman. S1E3: a character who is portrayed as promiscuous is harassed in the bar where she works. Shortly later, another character finds her crying and it is revealed that she was raped off screen and a good part of the rest of the episode deals with that, such as reporting it to the police.
Me Before You (Movie)
One of the adult characters has sexual fantasies regarding two teenage girls. We do not see his fantasies, but he does write down descriptions on pieces of paper and tapes them to his apartment window for the teenagers to read. The descriptions are very sexually explicit and could be triggering for some. In another scene, two teenage girls harass another boy their own age, trying to persuade him into letting them perform oral sex on him. They do perform the act and a younger girl peeks in on the scene from outside his bedroom. This same boy and his very young brother chat on an online sex chatroom with an anonymous older women who does not know they are children. The younger brother continues to chat with the woman before eventually meeting her in person, where she kisses him. Their conversations never gets too sexually explicit, but the inherent nature of the relationship could be upsetting for some.
Mean Dreams (Movie)
A father grabs his daughter's face and says that she reminds him of his wife. This is not sexual, but it is tense and unsettling.
Mean Girls (Movie)
A teacher has sexual relationships with multiple teenage girls. A character offhandedly reveals that her cousin is a 'good kisser.'
A female character's mother makes a comment about how hot boys are, implying she might make a move on high school boys.
Mean Streets (Movie)
There is a scene where a drunk man attacks a woman at a party, but he is quickly stopped by a group of people. The intentions of the man are unclear, so the scene may be upsetting to some viewers.
Meander (Movie)
Meatballs (Movie)
A man begins to harass his co-worker once their boss leaves the room. This includes looking down her blouse, aggressively wrestling her, and burying his face in her behind while she is pinned down, all while she screams “no!” In terror. When she begins to scream for help, he flips her over to be on top of him, screams along with her, and deceives her and their boss into thinking that she was the one attacking him. This scene occurs at the 23:30 minute mark.
Mech Cadets (TV Show)
The Mechanic (Movie)
Worthy of note: The protege seduces a pedophilic target with his youthful looks, in a sequence that includes roofies, excessive drinking, and gets as far as foreplay in the bedroom before the protege finally attempts to assassinate the target. It plays out like a date rape scene. Shortly after, we are told a boss sexually abuses his very young female employees.
A woman works with an organization that helps people who were trafficked so it is mentioned several times. One of the targets of the movie is a man who trafficked underage girls. The information file of a case shows a man marked as a sexual predator.
The Meddler (Movie)
Medici (TV Show)
A twelve year old girl is married off by her notoriously abusive father. A wife is repeatedly emotionally abused and screenplay suggests an abusive sexual relationship as well. There are intermittent mentions of rape and scenes of sexual harassment.
Medieval (Movie)
This historical drama based on real events contains plenty of sexism and sexual harassment. About an hour and a half in, a brief scene shows men pillaging a village and there is a fast clip of a man ripping a woman’s clothes off and raping her on screen. It is not very long but it is violent.
The author references the following throughout the book: rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment in the abstract, including statistics; rape against slaves, rape that took place during the Chicago race riots, sexual assault allegations against the comedian Jamie Kilstein, sexual assault allegations by Anita Hill against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, sexual harassment experienced by women staffers in the Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign, the racist idea that black men's sexuality is out of control and will lead them to rape white women, the use of sensationalised stories of rape in the press to discourage white women from joining the workforce during the Great Depression, and sexual harassment that the author experienced herself.
Medium (TV Show)
S1E14: a child (said to be around the age of 4) is abducted and the abductor (a grown man) is shown to be likely naked and touching her. Rape and sexual assault are heavily implied. He finally buries her alive. S1E15, S2E12, S3E4: the spirit of a rapist possesses doctors in order to gain access to young female patients. There are several graphic verbal descriptions of this. S1E12: the protagonist has a vision that a woman she is talking to was raped by a cop years before. S5E8: the protagonist has a dream about a home invasion where one of the female victims is raped by one of the invaders. It shows her being dragged to the other room in one scene and, on the other scene, the man closing his pants back after, with her half dressed on the bed behind him. The matter is discussed throughout the episode, as the case is investigated.
A possessed woman forces her uncle to grab her breast and shoves her hand in his mouth after fingering herself. The same woman is revealed to have had an incestuous relationship with her brother.
Medusa (Movie)
Meet Cute (Movie)
A rat tries to rape a poodle. Worthy of note: a man meets a teenage girl when she is 16 and it is implied that this is when there relationship starts, though nothing sexual happens between them.
The male protagonist's boss sexualizes his employee's teenage daughter and severely sexually harasses his wife (grabbing her legs and waist, motorboating her breasts, and chasing her into the kitchen to press her up against a wall, even shouting "no means yes"). Her son and husband come to beat him up and end up murdering him.
The Meg (Movie)
While on a date at a man's house, a woman attempts to leave but her drags her back to the couch. He rips open her shirt, pins her down and kisses her. He is attacked by a scorpion before it can go any further.
Megaboa (Movie)
Megaconda (Movie)
When they are discovered to be having an affair, a woman lies and says that the man was planning on raping her.
Megalo Box (TV Show)
S2E4: a man suggests he and a young teenage boy go to the bathroom together. The boy threatens him and tells him not to get the wrong idea. Nothing else happens. S2E6: a man grabs a young teenage girl by her arm and tells her to keep him company. She is immediately saved by someone and nothing else happens.
Megalomaniac (Movie)
This horror movie is about a serial killer and his sister: the sister is raped multiple times at her job (on screen and off screen) by multiple men. At one point she has an incestual and graphic dream about her brother. A woman is kept chained in a bathroom.
Megamind (Movie)
Worthy of note: a main plot point of the movie is a woman being repeatedly flirted with and asked out by her co-worker, despite her rebuttals. When she rejects him, he reacts in anger.
At a party with their peers, girls are told that they must either pay $10 for entry or perform sexual favours for one of the male hosts. Later, one teen boy attempts to grope a girl while his friend films the interaction. The boy slaps the girl when she pushes him away. These scenes consistently feature very young teens drinking, doing drugs and engaging in sexual contact (often under pressure). It is revealed that one of the main characters (a young teen) was raped by her stepfather over a two-year period from the age of 9 onwards, resulting in his eventual imprisonment. Her mother, afraid of being abandoned by this man, blames the daughter and treats her poorly as a consequence. The film's primary plotline revolves around one teenage girl's disappearance, which follows her striking up a relationship with somebody who she believes is a teenage boy online, eventually meeting him for an in-person 'date.' Prior to their meeting in person, he makes numerous sexually-charged advances, i.e. asking her to pan her webcam down, ostensibly so that he could see her blouse. In conversations following the girl's disappearance, the same online man makes comments regarding the missing girl's perceived promiscuity, implying that nothing which went on between the two was out of the ordinary. When the other female (also aged 14) lead reports her knowledge of this man to the police, he threatens her via an online chatroom. It is revealed that sexually explicit photos of the kidnapped girl were uploaded to an internet fetish site; she is shown bound and bloody, clearly having been abused both sexually and otherwise. The film ends with what captions claim are the final 22 minutes of raw, unedited footage from the video camera of the girl who reported the man. These scenes feature the graphic and disturbing rape and torture of the teenage girl in question. Worthy of note: although this film is fictional and performed by actors, some may find it more disturbing due to its claims (at the beginning) that its plot is based on real events.
Worthy of note: a nightmare sequence shows a boy being pushed by a girl to remove his underpants in order to be jet showered.
One female protagonist frequently gropes another, and attempts to blackmail other characters by framing them for groping her and taking pictures.
The end of the first part of the book takes places in Prague during World War II. First Jews and then Germans are rounded up and taken away, and there are instances described of violent assaults, women being taken away and mutilated, and of gang rape/sexual assault on the street. The instances are briefly described, but the tension of the chapter and horror of these violent or sexual happening seemingly everywhere is very disturbing.
Chapter 30: the main character is cornered by her boss in the bathroom. He kisses and touches her forcibly, ignoring her as she tells him to stop and tries to push him away. Someone else comes in and it distracts him long enough for her to get away. This is discussed again in chapter 34, when it is revealed that similar instances have happened with other people. There are no graphic details provided during that conversation.
Memento (Movie)
Film contains more than one depiction of rape and also scenes of domestic violence.
After a Geisha was stripped of her clothes it is then implied that she was sexually assaulted by the same man, but nothing is shown only implied. A young geisha is gradually stripped of her clothes once being forcefully kissed. A geisha suspected of having sex is handled roughly by another woman, implying non-consensual touching.
At the beginning of the book, the main character is a young girl who is sold to an okiya (geisha house) by her impoverished family. Later in the book, upon having been trained to become a geisha herself, it is proposed that her virginity be sold to one of her clients. She repeatedly encounters the man who would like to buy this and is distressed by these experiences. In one scene, a man invites her into a building on her own and forcibly undresses her. Following this incident, she is chastised by her elders for her 'inappropriate' behaviour.
Memoria (Movie)
Worthy of note (SPOILERS): In one of the final scenes of the movie, the protagonist "discovers" the memories of another character, which are supposedly traumatic. It is discussed and not shown, and nothing graphic is said (only that the character was hiding under his bed to hide from presumably ill-intentioned people).
Memories (Movie)
TLDR: The film is about an investigation on the rapes and murders committed on young women. A lot of dialogues discuss the crimes and a few flashbacks show parts of it. 2:58-3:11: the nude body of a female murder victim is shown with her hands bound behind her back. 3:28-3:35: a group and children find and hold up the above mentioned woman's underwear. 3:48-3:52: the body is shown again. 5:08-5:25: a detective states that this is a rape and murder case, and asks a witness of his impression of the victim; specifically if she is "sexy or pretty." 7:34-7:42: a female murder victim is shown. She is clothed, her hands are tied and her eyes are covered with a girdle. 9:24-9:48: the Police Chief points to two men sitting side-by-side and tells the detective that one is a rapist and the other is the victims' brother. He asks the detective to identify which one is which. 12:55-13:05: a detective asks a male suspect if he murdered a female victim in order to touch her breast. The man asserts that he did not touch or kill her. 24:03-24:16: a detective reviews crime scene photos showing women gagged with their hands tied and heads covered. 26:54-27:06, 27:50-27:55: the detectives attempt a re-enactment of the assault with the male suspect and a male officer dressed as a women. The officer bends over in front of the suspect, simulating a sexual position. 35:35-35:40: a detective asks if there is evidence of rape. The coroner says that there was semen found at the crime scene. 35:54-36:06: a stocking is shown around a female victim's throat while the detectives discuss the case. The victim's face is covered by her underwear, and her hands are bound. 36:14: the corpse of the aforementioned victim is shown wearing only a bra. 44:07-44:13: a detective asks another colleague if he is hard and grabs his penis. 46:47-48:22: a woman is shown walking alone. She thinks that someone is nearby and begins to run. At 48:22, a man climbs out of a ditch and screams. 48:58-49:10: the aforementioned woman is shown dead. The police remove a stocking from her mouth and her hands are bound behind her back. 50:14-50:52: a detective briefly mentions rape cases and mentions that the defendant must not have pubic hair due to none being found at the scene. 1:01:31-1:02-53: a man pulls a bra and underwear from his trousers and arranges it on the ground. He pulls down his trousers and reveals that he is wearing red, lacy underwear. He begins to masturbate into the undergarments. 1:19-32-1:21:13: a female victim describes being assaulted. This description is accompanied by shots of her being restrained by her attacker. 1:24:33-1:24:40: a female victim is shown partially undressed. Her bra and underwear are seen on the ground and her hands are tied behind her. 1:25:01-1:25:52: the aforementioned woman is shown on the coroner's table. The coroner removes several pieces of peach from her vagina. 1:52:13-1:52:20: the killer carries a bound female victim. There are several close-ups of the visibly distressed woman. 1:54:13-1:54:32: an investigator describes the state of the aforementioned woman's body, specifying that she has injuries to her breasts and genitals.
There is an attempted non-consensual kissing and non-consensual touching in a locker room (43:00-58:00).
The Memorist (TV Show)
S1E14: the main character uses his memory scan powers on a politician. A rape is briefly seen in memory scan flashback (56:11-56:22). S1E15: rape is discussed and characters talk about what happend to the victim. More flashbacks. A girl is walking in the woods and a group of guys corner her (25:20-31:40).
Memory (2022) (Movie)
At the beginning, an underage character is shown being prostituted by her father (not graphic), which is told to be a recurring situation. A brief video is shown from one of these implied rapes (nothing graphic). It is revealed that the previously mentioned adult character abuses of his power to sexually abuse kids (while hosting parties for guests). A minor character is mentioned to abuse children in these parties. A policeman character threatens someone with the potential of sexual abuse in prison.
The film opens with a man (a policeman undercover) paying the father of a 12 years-old girl to have sex with her (organised child prostitution). The girl starts kissing the man and touching his crotch, revealing that he is wearing a microphone to record her testimony. She warns her father, who is later killed by another cop. Child prostitution is mentioned multipled times throughout the film, as an underlying theme. About halfway through the movie, it is hinted that the protagonist (a man) was sexually abused as a child.
In a story written by the main character, a woman is held captive and implies that her captor sexually assaults her on a regular basis. She does not say these words explicitly, but implies that he "does all sorts of things to her" on a bed.
Men (Movie)
The theme of the movie has to do with intimate partner violence, harassment, rape culture, and how most women feel they cannot escape the violence of men. A vicar puts his hand on the main character's leg in an inappropriate situation, she is clearly uncomfortable. Near the end of the film, when the main character runs into the bathroom, the same vicar attempts to rape her, pushes her up and against a wall in a humping position, though both are fully clothed: she eventually stabs him with a knife. A naked man is seen throughout the film: he stalks the main character and tries to break into her house. Flashbacks of the main character's past show that her husband threatened to kill himself if she divorced him, and that he punched her once. Worthy of note: There is a 'body horror' sequence at the end where a man essentially gives birth to himself multiple times from 'vaginas' on random parts of his bodies.
An attempted rapist drags the main antagonist into the bushes with the intent on sexually assaulting her. Nothing is shown but it is implied. A man asks what "Anal probing" is as it is a subject many aliens are interested in.
In the beginning of the movie, the main male lead is poisoned and begs a female alien to give him an antidote by promising her "anything she wants". In the next scene, he wakes up next to her in a bed, impliying that she has forced him to have sex with her.
There is a mention of people having sex with animals. Women die because of a dangerous and unconsensual cesarean section (scientific experiment).
The Mentalist (TV Show)
As a crime procedural show, there are multiple cases of killers and perpetrators committing acts of sexual assault, such as in episode one where a teenage daughters diary reveals her father was sexually abusing her. There is also an episode where a teacher sleeps with their teenage student. There are also victims who were said to have been raped but it is not shown. S1E22: the director of a wilderness “wellness program for young adults” assaults / rapes his student. It is not shown, only mentioned and confirmed by the victim that was under pressure to perform certain acts. When she is asked, she says she did not want to have sex with the man. S2E3: the episode is focused on the case of a serial child rapist. Ages are mentioned, a vengeful parent is shown. There are no images or vivid descriptions of the crimes. S2E11: a woman is kissed by am intoxicated man who confuses her for someone else. Even with that context, it is clear that the person he intended to kiss would have been assaulted as well. S2E14: a young woman mentions someone is threatening her, and that he beats her and “has sex” with her after he gets high on cocaine. The cops across her make sure she knows it is assault, and not normal.
The Menu (Movie)
A female character describes how a man, her boss, persistently made sexual advances towards her despite her rejections and then ignored her for a prolonged period in response. Another female character (a sex worker or escort) reveals that an older male character in the vicinity had previously paid her to watch him pleasure himself, asking her to refer to himself as his daughter as he did so. It is implied that the female character physically resembles his own biological daughter. Sex workers are referred to in a negative manner.
Mephisto (Movie)
Worthy of note: a flashback shows how a former policeman lost his job for accepting a fellatio from a prostitute: he slaps her. The same character later beats his wife when intoxicated.
Early in the movie, one character mentions a male boss who likes female interns "a little bit too much". At some point, two characters discuss the use of GHB (date-rape drug) and joke about it.
A side character is implied to have been assaulted in the distant past.
Mercy (2014) (Movie)
Mercy (2016) (Movie)
Mercy's Girl (Movie)
A date rape scene occurs in a bathroom, in which the main character is assaulted by a man. No body parts are visible but some may find the scene upsetting.
Merlin (TV Show)
There is incestuous flirting between two characters in the beginning of the show but this dies down by around season 2. All of it is prior to them finding out they are related. S2E4: a group of men insist on watching a character get undressed, despite her asking them to look away. She manages to flee the scene. S2E6: a man and a troll (female) go to bed together. The man is under her enchantment so it is implied that this would not have happened otherwise. It is stated that they have shared a bed for multiple nights.
Merlin (1998) (TV Show)
This film is about a house with dancing girls which is turned into a brothel, with the resident women forced to have sex for money. The beginnings of these encounters are shown. In one scene, an older man sees the owner's very young daughter and attempts to rape her.
In the opening sequence of the movie, a prison guard tries to committ suicide because he has been accused of raping a prisoner. The fact is further mentioned a bit later, and it is said that the victim could be assaulted again by other prisoners. Finally, when the guard commits a ritual suicide, it is hinted that the sexual relation was consensual and that the two were lovers. Worthy of note: the film centers on a homoerotic fixation of a Japanese captain towards a British officer in a WWII prisoner of war camp and thus features an asymmetrical relation of power. Additionnally, in a flashback scene, a hunchbacked child is mocked by his schoolmates during a fresher initiation. His shirt is ripped.
The romantic leads are a tattoo artist and a university student. The tattoo artist hires the student, already knowing that he was attracted to her. They begin a sexual relationship while she is still his employee. Prior to the events of the book, the tattoo artist's mother started a relationship with his father when she was 15 and he was 27. The father was abusive to her and to their children.
Mersal (Movie)
A young boy intentionally bumps into a young girl because he was experiencing one of his first erections. Throughout the film, he tries to flirt with girls by caressing them without asking for their consent, encouraged by older boys who told him that woman either agree or do not protest about being touched. In the last minutes of the film, he even grabs the breast of one of his friends but quickly stops after she says no.
Meshi (Movie)
Near the beginning of the movie, a woman gets stabbed and then raped in the presence of a child she is trying to protect. The scene is extremely graphic.
A man has sex with his wife but gets too rough. She asks him to stop several times as he pins her down but she has to yell before he does stop. While at a neighbour's house the same man is drugged by the woman who lives there and she rapes him.
Mestari Cheng (Movie)
During a scene where the protagonist wakes up, a woman wearing a bikini is getting changed in front of him: the player can press R1 to get a POV prospective to stare at her behind whilst in her bikini getting into her outfit. A woman is taken hostage by a man at knifepoint. When she tries to escape, he pulls her back by grabbing her chest. He then is surprised that she has breasts and that she is a female spy, then comments "This bitch is wearing perfume". A woman is strangled and electrocuted by a man who grabs her breast until her tights start to rip. He then says "you shall entertain me until the rain stops" (this could imply he rapes her later off screen).
When the main character meets the president, the president grabs him in the crotch, causing the main character to push him away. A character talks about being assaulted by his step mother when he was 14. There are no graphic descriptions, and it is taken seriously. The step mother doesn't appear in the game.
The main villain (Skull Face) captures a former ally (Paz) of the main character and proceeds to torture her. The torture includes gang rape and beatings. These are not shown on screen but the rape and torture is recorded and be can heard on cassette tapes audio logs you can find in game. Another ally (Chico) of the main character is captured and forced to watch soldiers rape Paz repeatedly. In one the audio recordings Skull Face forces Chico to have sex with Paz after she was gang raped. He refuses at first but Paz consents to him. The issue is Paz is in her 20s and Chico is 13 years old.
Episode 45 ("A Quiet Exit"): the agressor takes off a victim's pants, whom he thinks is dead.
Metamorphosis (Movie)
A father makes a sexual comment toward his daughter (33:13).
Meteor Garden (TV Show)
This show contains frequent sexual harassment including kissing against female lead's will.
The story focuses on the relationship between a 16 years-old girl and a 19 years-old boy. At some point, the female protagonist is touched by a man while she is waiting for her boyfriend. She rebuffs him and her boyfriend finally arrives.
Metod (TV Show)
Metro Exodus (Video Game)
The player can fight groups of bandits. When the player is hiding from bandits who are actively searching for them, the bandits will occasionally call out threats to rape the player. No event ever occurs, even if the player is discovered.
Metro: Last Light (Video Game)
Level 14 (Bandits): the player is able to choose whether to intervene in the attack. If the player takes too long, the woman is accidentally killed by her attackers.
Metro Manila (Movie)
Early in the film, a woman is kidnapped by two men in a public space at night: no one in the street reacts, despite her screaming and trying to fight them off. The female protagonist is compelled by her financial circumstances to work in a strip club as a sex worker: we see her being forced to be examined by a gynecologist, being "picked up" by clients, and then fondled and sexually assaulted by one man. She is visibly very distressed and during the rest of the film, we see her repeatedly leaving work deeply affected. She eventually leaves this job when her boss says that she will force her to prostitute her daughter (a child) too. In a bar scene, one man grabs a female waiter's bottom without her consent.
Metropolis (Movie)
Near the end, the inventor of a female robot character tries to force himself upon her.
The protagonist is sexually assaulted in what she believes is a dream. The family of the manor she is visiting has history of incest and one of the members of the house attempts to rape her.
In this anthology film, many of the stories involve implied or off-screen sexual violence. The third and the fourth sequences are the most explicit. The 3rd sequence, Drena/Drain by Aaron Soto involves a teenage girl being coerced into stealing blood from her older sister’s vagina by a demon. And the 4th sequence, La cosa más preciada/That Precious Thing by Isaac Ezban, involves a teen couple going on a date to a remote location, where the girl is raped by a goblin. The rape scene takes up the majority of the running time and is very graphic.
A woman talks about a man masturbating in front of her nonconsensually when she was a teenager.
M.F.A (Movie)
Rape and sexual assault mentioned throughout. This film has two major rape scenes. One occurs early on in the film and happens to the protagonist. The other occurs in a video that is part of rape case in which none of the three rapists are convicted. Each of these events haunt the protagonist and are often intercut as flashbacks whilst she is enacting her revenge. We learn that a friend of the protagonist was also sexually assaulted and we see the aftermath of this in pictures, but the event itself isn't shown on-screen.
Miami Blues (Movie)
Miami Vice (Movie)
It is implied that several women in the beginning of the film are being trafficked into sex work.
The movie is about a paedophile who keeps a captive child in his basement.
The first five minutes of this stand-up special is a long monologue about otters raping baby seals, dogs raping each other and animals deserving to be raped. The comedian mimes holding a seal down as it is raped.
Stand-up routine makes jokes about rape whistles, Bill Cosby and the role of women. As such, there may be mention of distressing themes with the intention of provoking a comedic reaction.
The Mick (TV Show)
This show features a sexual relationship between a grown man and a 17 year old which is encouraged by the other characters. One episode features sexual harassment/revenge porn - a man sends a naked photo of his girlfriend to several other men and some 13 year old boys who are in his football club.
Microhabitat (Movie)
Mid 90S (Movie)
The main characters jokingly discuss the idea of raping their own parents. During a house party, the protagonist (a boy around 11-13) does sexual acts with a teenage girl older than him (around 16-17) off-screen. The encounter is commented afterwards. Worthy of note: the main character is frequently beaten up by his older brother throughout the film (eg. being pinned to the floor whilst screaming and punched).
Middle Men (Movie)
This film is about the beginning of the porn industry on the internet. At some point, two characters learn that the website they created features teenage actresses (16-17 year old). This is then a recurring theme of the movie. Early in the film, an antagonist is shown acting threateningly towards a female prostitute.
The female lead is continually sexually harassed at her job.
S1E3: a story is told about teachers having a thing for a high school senior. S1E4: two guys cheat on their girlfriends with each other, and they give the girl herpes: she kills them because of it. The episode does not directly involve non consent other than the kissing someone else unknowingly put the person at risk.
It is implied that men interrupting a couple having sex proceed to rape them (not on screen). There are several flashback montages of the rape of both a man and his girlfriend by a group of men.
S1E2: a TV scene is shown where the sexist comedian grabbs the behind of a nurse without consent. The scene is portrayed as funny as she is not reacting to it seriously. The comedian then continues by making distasteful request towards the nurse (to make love with him) because he is about to die.
There is a brief sexual harassment (groping and leering) of an older-teen girl by adult men.
In the first half of the movie, the main character persuades a woman to remove her shirt, put her hair down, and try to charm her way past a guard by acting like a "slut". The same woman is forced to sit in a man's lap at gun point while he says he wanted to have sex with someone with her name and puts his gun between her breasts. The woman later refers to him as "rapey". One man touches another and the man says, "bad touch, get off!" Later, the woman tells a man that another man grabbed her chest and ripped her shirt. Pne man twists another man's nipple while he is tied up. The movie overall treats most of these instances lightheartedly.
Midnight Mass (TV Show)
S1E7: throughout this episode, there are long drawn out shots of men feeding from and laying on top of unconsenting women while they scream and struggle.
Midnight Run (Movie)
In the middle of the movie, the two main characters jokingly mention being attracted to animals.
Male employees and the male manager discuss a female applicant after she had an interview. They make sexual innuendos and look her up on a dating website, then decide to hire her based off of this.
Midnight, Texas (TV Show)
S1E2: an invisible demon attempts to rape a witch, bus is banished (28:00). She is held upright by invisible tethers, and her skirt is hitched up. She is terrified. S1E4: this episode around a woman who seduces men and eats them. S1E7: a main character implies that he is the product of rape. S1E9 features a woman accidentally killing her boyfriend before sex and its revealed a demon wants to have sex with her because she is a virgin. This plot line continues in episode 10. Season 2 contains many instances of sexual acts with people lying about who they are and sex scenes where someone uses the sex to injure someone on purpose, non consensually. S2E2 features a woman drugging a man and committing reproductive violence. S2E4 mentions a pregnant woman being held captive. It also shows a woman drugging her ex boyfriend so he will not be in love with her anymore. S2E5 reveals that someone's blood was taken to make a clone of her. S2E8: incest.
Midori (Movie)
The titular character (a child) marries an adult: no character has an issue with this. The only concern is that she is "not a virgin" because she was raped off screen earlier in the film by one carnival worker.
Midsommar (Movie)
A male character is drugged and then coerced into sex with a female character. This female character is implied to be in her teens, and only recently of an age where her culture/community permit her to engage in sexual relations. It is mentioned that members of a community engage in incestuous sex with the sole intention of producing disabled children, believed to have prophetic powers.
Midway (Movie)
The Mighty Boosh (TV Show)
S2E1: the group is held captive and are threatened with rape. They escape. In the same episode, a man is raped and killed off-screen. S2E3: a very young character/child is described as 'a violent and sexually deranged being from the fourth dimension'. This is played for laughs. S3E5: a joke is made about the moon being a 'vanilla rapist.' In the same episode, a decapitated (but still living and conscious) head is raped by a non-human creature. S3E6: a homeless person admits he had planned to rape a key character. During the same episode, a character also makes similar comments towards a different character. Worthy of note: in the Book of Boosh it is mentioned that the hobbies of the Hitcher character include 'playing cards and raping.'
Migration (Movie)
Miitopia (Video Game)
A man tries to kiss a woman and hits her when she rejects his advances. A man has sex with a woman despite her saying no over and over; he then tries to have his friend have sex with her. She cries and slaps him. The men leave.
A woman walks into a house to find her husband bent over passionately kissing her adult daughter. Her daughter tells her mom that they have been in a relationship, even before her mother's marriage, implying a love affair with the step-daughter. One male character, after having a few to drink, gets a little handsy with a female character, harassing her by attempting to kiss and hold her in a way she does not want and he initially refuses to accept her rejection of his advances before he eventually leaves. Another female character is catcalled while working as a dancer in a club.
Milk (Movie)
The Mill (Movie)
There is an implication of incest by the birth of a deformed baby and the family saying that they needed "new blood". A woman, her daughter, and later a male scientist, are kidnapped by the family living in the woods. The daughter is forced to marry one of the kidnappers, her mother and the scientist are both threatened with rape and forced marriage. Both of the women are forcibly kissed, all three are touched and tied up. Though the daughter is taken away to the bedroom, they are all able to get away before any further assault happens.
A woman is stuck in an abusive relationship. At one point, her abusive boyfriend keeps trying to take off her bra despite her repeated objections.
Miller's Girl (Movie)
The primary plot is between an 18-year-old high school student and her adult teacher. Though she does push for the relationship, he does also go along with it. This includes him kissing her and masturbating to a short story she wrote about the two of them based on his writing. There is also a second student who attempts to sleep with her teacher as well, with this leading to the primary plot of them movie.
A man is repeatedly harassed by another man for sex.
S1E14: a character reveals she was molested by her uncle as a child. It is implied her mother was also a victim (21:00). S3E10: a teenager is groomed by her teacher. He records her dancing in her bathing suit and later masturbates in her presence (off-screen). She believes it is her fault, but other characters assure her this is not the case. Sexual assault discussions are handled sensitively.
A character mentions having been molested by his uncle as a child. A now-adult woman reveals that she was married to an adult man at age nine, and the two have been having sex since then. He later attempts to rape her onscreen, but she knocks him out before he can.
Milou En Mai (Movie)
Inappropriate comments are made about a child.
The Mimic (Movie)
Worthy of ntoe: the film revolves around severe child abuse.
Minamata (Movie)
At some point, the male protagonist explains that one should not ask for the permission to photograph someone, because it would be like asking consent before kissing.
Minari (Movie)
Mind Over Murder (TV Show)
The documentary is about the rape and murder of a woman. The assault is discussed frequently, graphic confessions regarding the assault are shown and read aloud, and re-enactments show the assault multiple times.
Mindhunter (TV Show)
The series revolves around interviews with serial killers, many/most of whom have also committed sexual crimes. S1E1: rape is briefly mentioned in the context of a crime scene reconstruction (33:47-33:36). Description of a crime scene, including the bodies of a woman and her young son, who have been beaten, sexually assaulted and murdered (51:59-54:54). This verbal description is accompanied by a series of relatively graphic photographs of the crime scenes and bodies. S1E2: a man discusses some of his past violent sexual attacks (26:41-27:02). This continues in more general terms until roughly the 29:20-minute mark, including the man's description of his intense contempt for women in general. Brief mention of a violent rape and murder (29:33). Discussion of a sexual assault (groping, assault), accompanied by photographs of a beaten and bruised elderly woman (33:08-33:12). Mention of rape (40:49-40:54). A man describes murdering his mother and 'humiliating' the corpse (43:00-43:32). S1E3: mention of rape/necrophilia in passing (07:40-07:45). Discussion of a sexual assault against an elderly woman, accompanied by relatively graphic photographs of the crime scene and body (14:51-15:04). This continues - with occasional, briefer flashes of the photographs - in more general terms until roughly 16:17. A man mentions his desire to rape women (27:55-28:09). S1E4: rape mention in passing around the 4:00-minute mark. A man mentions the women who he raped (06:20-06:25). He mentions these crimes again between 07:50-08:00 and discusses them again between 9:40-12:59. Rape mention in passing (20:10). A brief description of a rape/murder (20:10-20:26). Rape mention (25:27). Brief, general discussion of rape (44:17-44:32). S1E5: Mention of rape in the context of discussing a murder (15:18-15:35). Much of the episode revolves around the murder and sexual mutilation of a woman: includes some factual descriptions of her injuries, but no images. S1E6: mention of sexual assault - description of a situation where a man wanted to sleep with his girlfriend but knocked her out when she didn't comply (04:30-04:40). Rape mention (06:20-06:30) and rape discussed generally/alluded to during the process of an interrogation until 07:00. Rape mention (16:10-16:20). The details of this crime are mentioned and discussed more generally until the 17:50 mark. Rape mentions in passing, referencing the circumstances of an investigation (25:00-25:23). S1E7: a man begins masturbating while two FBI agents and a guard are present - non-graphic, no nudity is shown but the man's back is seen and sounds are heard (25:25-25:44). Rape mention in passing, in the context of discussing various violent crimes (roughly 38:55). S1E8: discussion about a school employee (principal) who 'has a thing for tickling' young children (under 10) in his care, when they are sent to his office for disciplinary reasons - it is strongly implied that this has a sexual overtone, is inappropriate and may lead to more overt sexual advances towards children in the future (7:09-8:40). This is mentioned again in another conversation (10:20-11:35) and again until 12:52 in a discussion with a police officer who denies the seriousness of the reports. A mention of necrophilia (19:40-19:43) and discussion of sexual assault until roughly 20:52, with the implication that a victim 'probably liked' being coerced to take sexual photographs. Mention of violent necrophilic act (25:50-26:00). Discussion about the actions of the school employee mentioned earlier in the episode (28:00-28:40). Another discussion about this, with the perpetrator (who defends his actions), occurs from roughly 28:55-30:30 and more generally, amongst other characters, until 37:10, when they return to discussions with the perpetrator until 38:30. A brief discussion about the school employee who tickles children in his care (roughly 48:38-48:50) and again in general slightly later (43:25-46:04). A discussion regarding the continued employment of the aforementioned school employee and the potential for his behaviour towards children to escalate (49:50-50:46). S1E9: graphic sexual threats, which are not acted upon, from a man in a cell (06:40-07:37). These include slurs for POC and LGBT people. Reference to potentially forced fellatio, in passing (09:10-09:15). Discussion of rape and murder, with the perpetrator of these crimes (11:45-13:30). Discussion of violent sexual crimes (18:40-19:35). Conversation with the wife of the school employee from the previous episode who was fired for tickling children, in which she expresses anger regarding her husband's dismissal and subsequent ostracisation from their community (23:20-25:28). Discussion of the kidnapping, rape and murder of a 12-year-old girl, accompanied by black and white photographs of the crime scene and corpse which show no nudity or gore (26:41-29:40). Further discussion of this incident, without the photos, continues in other settings until 33:10. S1E10: mention of the rape of a child, in passing (04:03). Discussion in which a 12-year-old girl is talked about in sexual terms, in order to make a suspect feel at ease (12:00-14:07 and 15:22-19:03). Brief mention of the previous discussion about the sexual appeal of very young girls (21:00-21:10). Mention of rape, in passing (25:11). Mention of rape (27:10-27:25). Mention of the rape and murder of a 12-year-old girl, in passing (39:35-39:41). A number of sketches of nude women bound and apparently in distress are seen as they are thrown into a fire (49:00-49-48).
This is a non-fiction book about investigations into serial killing cases. Many of these cases have sexual components and as such, descriptions of violent sexual attacks and their aftermaths occur throughout.
Worthy of note: the film contains frequent and sometimes detailed discussion of domestic physical abuse and child abuse.
Mindkiller (Movie)
The premise is that a man gains psychic abilities/hypnosis and uses the power to manipulate women into wanting to have sex with him. The women are consenting but it is implied that without the hypnosis they would not be interested.
In S2E2 a (relatively) sober person kisses someone who is clearly very intoxicated. When he protests the kiss, she says that 'nothing happened, you liked it.' In the same episode, it is implied that a different sober woman led the drunken man away to have sex. In S3E4, a man is having consensual sex with a woman and repeatedly tries to initiate anal sex, which she does not consent to, despite his partner's protestations.
The Mine (Movie)
While discussing the ghost story behind a mine, it is briefly mentioned that the previous owner's two young daughters were raped and killed.
Mine Games (Movie)
When their van breaks down, a group of people discusses splitting up, which leads to a suggestion of rape.
Minecraft (Video Game)
Minions (Movie)
A character wonders aloud if another character had been raped during the Khmer Rouge regime, which the former escaped.
The movie is about a man trying to get a woman to love him despite her clear disinterest (he eventually succeeds and they marry at the end). Throughout the film, the female protagonist is repeatedly beaten, threatened, harassed, kissed, grabbed and groped against her will by different men. Most of it is played for laughs.
When a character thinks another character can read minds and detect misdeeds, he says "All that stuff you see between me and my female cousin is just thoughts! Just thoughts!" A character briefly describes being in prison and alludes to sexual abuse by a large prisoner who called him "Nancy." Nothing graphic is described. In a political advertisement, featuring victims of crimes that were prevented, a woman says "he was gonna rape me" (15:20). When discussing a fictional technology, a detective asks why it cannot foresee rapes (23:20). A young boy is abducted from a swimming pool. The event is referenced throughout the movie. Although the boy's parents never find out what happened to him, it is strongly implied that he was abducted and killed, potentially by a paedophile (01:14:00-01:15:30).
Minutemen (Movie)
Minx (TV Show)
S1E1: a male boss massages the shoulders of a female employee in a creepy way. Men cat call women several times very explicitly. S1E2: a man rubs a woman's arm without her consent. She is obviously perturbed. A man says he will advertise in a woman's magazine, but only if they deliver a woman for him to sleep with. A woman tells a story of when that same man grabbed her ass when she was 12 at a tennis tournament and that is why she quitted tennis. S1E3: children accidentally see pictures of adult penises. S1E4: a woman sleeps with a male model for the magazine she edits. A discussion of employers having sex with their employees and stalking follows. A male character suggests that he had sex with his teacher before he was of age. A model wants to pull out of a nude magazine, but he has already signed consent. A thoughtful discussion follows about the ethics of this.
Mira Por Mi (Movie)
There's some cat-calling throughout the film and during a speech, a woman mentions that «american white men rape the black men's daughters and wives» (00:19:50-00:20:10).
Miracol (Movie)
Around the middle of the movie, a young woman is violently raped then brutally murdered by her cab driver (the scene lasts several minutes).
When they are both their superhero persona, the main female character is frequently harassed by the main male character (who she only sees as a friend) for dates, despite her constant objections. This is romanticized and the two are portrayed as 'soulmates'. The main female character (this time in her civilian form) shows stalker tendencies towards the main male character (also in his civilian form) by having pictures of him in her room (though these are taken from magazines as the boy is a model) and knowing his schedule off by heart. Their classmates know about and encourage this behavior. Two female antagonists often cling to the main male character despite his visible discomfort. The main male character has an abusive father (he is extrememly neglectful and manipulative) and he seems to display some of these traits on occasion (such as manipulating the being that gives him superpowers in order to be told a secret he did not need to know). One of the protagonist's cousin backs the female protagonist into the wall in order to try to kiss her without her consent. She pushes him away. The main male protagonist (in superhero form) tries to kiss the main female protagonist (also in superhero form) on several occasions. Every time this happens she rejects the kiss, and despite the male protagonist knowing, he keeps on trying to kiss her. In a certain episode, the main female protagonist (in civilian form) enters a wax museum with the main male protagonist (also in civilian form). The male protagonist pretends to be a wax statue. The female protagonist nearly kisses him, thinking she is kissing a statue of him, but he quickly pulls away as he did not want to kiss her. SPOILER: The father also happens to be the main villain and actively manipulates both those around him and those he does not know for his own gain.
Mirai (Movie)
Miranda (TV Show)
S2E3: a man comes to a woman's flat (she does not want him there) and gets naked.
Worthy of note: a male character is forcefully given a love potion that makes him hopelessly devoted to a female character until an antidote is found. While the action of giving him the potion is treated as deplorable, the man's state while he's under the influence is played for laughs, and mocked by the other characters.
Mirrormask (Movie)
Mirrors (Movie)
One of the female characters goes to bed and the TV is on, giving the evening news. One of the news reports describes a graphic sexual assault (34:10).
S1E11: the protagonist gets drunk at a company holiday party, to the point where she cannot speak coherently or stand up unassisted. A coworker takes advantage of this by leading her back to a bedroom and raping her (8:11-9:53). The event is not framed as rape in-universe at all. It is framed as a regrettable sexual encounter, in large part because the man who rapes her is awkward, nerdy, and unattractive to the protagonist. S2E11-12: the last two episodes in the series involve the protagonist and her coworkers having to attend an anti-sexual harassment workshop because of alleged sexual misconduct in the workplace. During the workshop, several employees rather eagerly act out the scenarios in which they're harassing coworkers or the workshop facilitators (inappropriate comments and touching). Some characters are visibly uncomfortable with this. The scene is mostly played for laughs due to the incompetence of the workshop facilitators (S2E11 9:23-11:55, S2E12 0:00-5:05).
Misanthrope (Movie)
An actress gets sexually harrassed by an actor, who puts his hand near her bottom: she seems suprised and turns around.
Misao (Video Game)
The game revolves around a teenage girl who went missing and put a curse on her school. As the game progresses, the truth of her dissappearance is revealed: she was raped by a boy in the girl's bathroom after school and a teacher found her crying. Once she opened up to the him, he tried to make sexual advances towards her. When she refused, he murdered and raped her. Although these two instances of rape are not shown, disturbing sounds can still be heard. In the True Ending, the teacher's backstory is explained and he is hugged and forgiven. This is poorly handled and problematic because the man who raped and killed a teenage girl is portrayed sympathetically and forgiven for his crimes. A scene of the teacher's backstory shows he was friends with a girl in highschool whom he had romantic feelings for. One day he confessed his feelings while trying to grab and kiss her without her consent. She pulled away, saying she did not have romantic feelings for him and only befriended him out of pity. He then pinned her to the ground and began screaming at her. Afterwards, someone finds them after hearing her cry for help. The scene ends there and the girl escapes relatively unharmed.
Worthy of note: it is reveled that one character self-harmed his genitals (off-screen).
Misery (Movie)
Worthy of note: the film's plot revolves around a woman's unhealthy obsession with her favourite writer. Her interest in him is not sexual, however.
Misfits (TV Show)
Season 1: a girl's power consists in touching someone to make them want to have sex with her. She is taken advantage of many times, and takes advantage of others. S2E3: a man tries to have sex with another man and attempts to pull down his pants after struggling. Throughout the entire show, rape jokes are frequent. In the final season of the show, there are multiple on-screen rape scenes. One of the characters gains a power which enables him to take others' powers by having sex with them. It leads him to using it as a weapong and raping enemies to strip them of their powers.
The Misfits (Movie)
The main female protagonist gets spanked by a stranger in a bar, but a friend of her immediately intervenes to stop the man.
The main character, a 13 year-old boy, lives with his abusive father and his three uncles, all of whom are alcoholics. He sleeps in a room where one of them frequently has sex with women. At some point, his father forces him to put his pants down and to compare his penis with his, in order to remind him that they are father and son. Later, all the men go to a bar with the main character's cousin (a girl about his age). A man jokes about the fact that she is too young to be the girlfriend of one of the adults.
Discussion of rape and sexual harrassment twice within film. Once in relation to politics (acts that prevent violence against women) and a second time in more detail relating to the singer's personal experience (55:26-57:17). Photo of the moment is shown on screen and the trial against the man is highlighted. Words such as sexual harrasment and rape are used to describe the event multiple times.
Miss Bala (Movie)
A woman has her buttocks groped by a man at a nightclub. A man forces a woman to undress at gunpoint.
Sexual assault between student and professor briefly/vaguely discussed and an early scene where a man slaps the rear of his female co-worker in a public setting without her consent. Various sexual innuendos/comments (i.e. 'nice apples' in reference to a woman's breasts).
Sexual violence is mentioned several times throughout the course of the series. S1E1: the murder victim is a rapist. His crimes are never shown but they are mentioned. S1E3: a woman is blackmailed into providing sexual favours to a man. S1E4: a romantic relationship between a step-mother and step-son is mentioned. Earlier in the episode, the characters assumed the relationship was between the brother and his sister. No sexual content is shown. S1E7: the show references the main character's previous abusive relationship, showing some non-consensual touching and kissing. S1E9: an adult male has an ongoing relationship with two teenagers, murdering one and attempting to murder the other. The relationship is not shown on-screen in explicit detail. He is arrested for his crimes. S1E12: an underage character who is involved in sexual relationships with two adults is murdered. S2E1: brief mention of marital rape. S2E8: an incident in which a woman is drugged (potentially with 'sinister motives') is mentioned. The discussion does not go further into the topic. S2E12: one plot point is the human trafficking of women.
Miss Hokusai (Movie)
Worthy of note: the female lead tries to hire a sex worker, feeling that losing her virginity might improve her painting. The sex worker tries to get her to relax and have a sexual encounter, but the protagonist is so clearly uneasy and uncomfortable that they relent, and nothing further happens.
Miss Meadows (Movie)
A man catcalls a woman and pulls a gun on her to get into his car, she immediately shoots him. A man is discussed to be a convicted child sex abuser . A convicted pedophile priest forces a young boy to preform oral sex. When the main character walks in on them, the boy runs away and she shoots the priest. This is scene is very brief.
A bully character makes advances towards one of the protagonists: she defends herself and gets away.
Miss Potter (Movie)
Miss Sloane (Movie)
Miss Stevens (Movie)
Miss Violence (Movie)
Miss Virginia (Movie)
Worthy of note: a drug dealer threatens the main character's safety. Later, a man runs up to her in the dark and she thinks that he is coming to steal her purse. As it turns out, it is a person she knows coming to greet her.
A woman flashes a bartender.
A woman is briefly cat called, but does not seem to notice.
This movie is about saving young women who were kidnapped to be sold to sex traffickers. It is implied twice during the film that the female protagonist was raped, and that it is how the daughter she is trying to save was conceived. The male protagonist also mentions another woman being raped. About an hour in a woman is pushed against a rock and is about to be raped when she is saved from her attacker.
Missing Link (Movie)
The Missing (TV) (TV Show)
The show centers on sexual predators who prey on children.
Non-consensual kiss (01:12:06-01:12:12).
A woman is sent to get back with her ex as a part of the mission and she is reluctant to do so. It is implied multiple times that they have sex, even though she does not want to and would not under any other circumstances. Her ex forces her to undress in front of him and later comments to someone else about enjoying her while he has her.
A minor is forced to perform fellatio on an adult. A man rapes his younger cousin. A relationship between an adult and a 16-year-old.
The Mist (TV Show)
In S1E1 it is revealed that a female teenage character was raped while intoxicated and drugged. She is accused of lying. It is a recurring theme throughout the series, is discussed further throughout the remainder of the series. SPOILER: S1E10: There is a revelation that the rape of one character was incestuous as the rapist was the victim's half-brother.
The book opens with a man planning to rape one of his enslaved women. Slaves who are raped must, by law, be executed immediately or soon after to prevent pregnancy. A male character reveals he was forced to have sex with an enslaved woman when he was a child, the woman was then executed. Rape is mentioned in passing as a frequent act that happens to lower class women by noblemen, and as a fear that the main character expresses she had growing up as a poor woman.
The teenager (19) and adult (~45) relationship from the previous book continues but the teenager is now 20.
A male protagonist has a sexual relationship with a teenage secondary character. Both are manipulating each other for political reasons though it is implied later that they both enjoyed aspects of the relationship. A male antagonist kisses the female protagonist without her consent in the middle of combat while he stabs her in the breast. A female secondary character was forced to participate in "breeding programs" in her youth where she was repeatedly raped and forced to give birth. A male antagonist has numerous "mistresses" in order to attempt to breed magical children. It is implied these women are his slaves. A male antagonist threatens to rape the female teenage protagonist in order to taunt her boyfriend. When he is unable to do so, he decides to rape another teenage girl who looks like her instead. It is implied that this girl is one of his slaves.
Mister Lonely (Movie)
There is a scene in which a man asks insistently if his wife slept with another man. He even goes so far as to touch her intimacy against her will. He asks her if by removing his fingers he will smell the scent of this other man (40:55-42:12). Later in the movie, the man starts to kiss her and to touch her body. He continues even though she asks him to stop.
Mister Organ (Movie)
The protagonist is pursued, literally and figuratively, by men who want to take her from her partner.
In a sacred ritual, the protagonist has sex with a man she does not know (54:00). She is afraid at first, but they have consensual sex. Unbeknownst to both characters at the time, they are brother and sister.
A boy slaps the bottom of an adult woman, presumably because he saw her male colleagues do the same previously. Later on, the same boy peeps on the woman while she is posing naked for an artist. The boy's love interest asks him insistently to show her his genitals because she has just showed him her breast. He refuses and goes away.
The male romantic lead in this book frequently expresses guilt over not being able to protect several characters from being raped by his fellow soldiers in the previous book. Prior to the events of the book, the female lead, then a teenager, tried to get the male lead, who is six years older than her, to have sex with her. He rejected her then. They do not actually have sex or enter a relationship together until they are both in their twenties. There is mention of an athletic director "who lingered a bit too close to the girls' locker room." The female lead mentions a classmate who flashed his genitals to her. Another classmate offered to drive the protagonist home when her car broke down and then tried to reach under her skirt while he was driving. When she rejected him, he claimed that she was just trying to play hard to get like Asian girls in the porn he watched. A college dorm mate forces a kiss on the female lead on two separate occasions. A male coworker ogles her and implies that she is a lesbian for rejecting his advances. A female coworker is mentioned to have bitten someone's hand who tried to touch her behind. The protagonist's female friend is drugged by an antagonist character, who told her he was just giving her tea. The protagonist saves her friend before anything bad happens. Both the protagonist and her friend get kidnapped toward the end and one of the kidnappers makes a veiled rape threat toward them.
Mixtape (Movie)
MM! (TV Show)
This show explores sexual perversion and general weirdness. One of the three central characters is revealed within the first three episodes to have androphobia as result of attempted rape and physical abuse (shown on screen) by her middle-school boyfriend. In episode three, the agressor is shown to accost her on the street, threaten her about telling anyone about the assault, and harassing her via phone messages and emails. This causes the girl to have a mental breakdown and hide in her bedroom and cry when approached. Regarding adult-minor relationships, the school nurse is shown to groom some of the students into wearing her handmade fetish costumes. In the specials, she is also shown to hide hidden cameras in the changing areas to watch the students undressing. A character's mother and older sister both have attraction to him and attempt to be intimate with him in an incestuous manner. This is shown repeatedly at various junctures, despite his rejection of them. Another woman is very childlike, and is desired by her assistant (a lolicon-type pedophile) for her childlike body. Their interactions are deliberately a nod to child sexual abuse. An expert masseuse goes around all the time groping and molesting those she finds attractive, often forcing them to orgasm with her touch.
Mo (2022) (TV) (TV Show)
Moana (Movie)
Mob Psycho 100 (TV Show)
S2E4: a girl is possessed by a demon who says that her dad hired people who were touching her inappropriately. It was in fact not the case since he is saying that to make the girl's father look bad by having people think that he is lying about the girl being possessed. S3E8: a middle school boy eats something that aliens gave him and runs around naked. He wakes up with kiss marks all over his body. It is unclear whether anyone took advantage of him. S3E12: a gust of wind exposes the underwear of a girl.
S1E4: several men in a bathhouse discuss peeping in on women in another bathhouse, but nothing comes of it.
Though no actions are shown or implied, it is strongly verbally implied the main villain is a pedophile.
A major character is engaged to a 9-year-old girl.
A character hugs another character, who says “this is sexual harassment.” The villain forces a woman on a bed and begins pulling her clothes off, but stops before he goes any further; no nudity is shown.
S1E4: a man is tortured while being naked (no sexual assault). S2E3: a woman has a head trauma that causes her to think she is a young child again. She also thinks her boyfriend is her father. Nothing romantic or sexual happens while she is in this state.
It is implied that a woman was forced into child prostitution.
S1E17: an adult woman presses her breasts into a male teenager’s face to convince him to do a favor for her; he finds this off-putting. S1E42: in more scenes played for comedy, the same woman presses her breasts into a teenage boy’s face; the boy still does not like this.
Chapter 11: it is implied that at the age of 15 a boy was told that he could remain in a pack if he performed sexual services for other members of the pack.
A character mentions on how she believes a girl could have been assaulted by one of her doctors due to her masturbating in public. There are also images of severe child abuse throughout the film.
A character reports on how he was groomed as a teenager to have sexual relationships with rich adults. He also reports that some of them were involved in incest.
The Model (Movie)
The movie ends with a rape scene.
Modern Family (TV Show)
A son-in-law makes weird sexual remarks and odd reactions to his step-mother in law: his wife knows about it and sometimes has to stop him.
Modern Times (Movie)
A character chases after a woman to tighten the bolts (buttons) that are strategically placed on the front of her jacket, with wrenches in his hands.
Modest Heroes (Movie)
Moesha (TV Show)
A main character goes to a college tour and attends a party where a guy slips something into her drink. The same main character also has a relationship with her teacher.
Mogeko Castle (TV Show)
Mojave (Movie)
In the beginning scene, the protagonists go to talk to an old man to help them on their mission. The old man insists on talking to the young woman protagonists, and speaks lewdly to her about wanting to hold her hand. He takes her hand and touches it, making her uncomfortable. Nothing else happens.
Mokke (TV Show)
S1E8: an older woman touches the behind, chest and face of a young girl. She starts laughing and says that kids feel great. It is later on revealed that the woman did this to get rid of the demons who were possessing the child. Later, she also smacks the behind of the child to tease her. There is no sexual intent, but the child does feel very uncomfortable. S1E12: a small demon says sexual things to a young boy. The demon later convinces the boy to buy a bikini magazine that has a girl on it who resembles his crush.
The Mole (2022) (TV Show)
In the beginning of the movie, a priest tries to molest the protagonist as a child but she stabs him with a knitting needle. About 1/3 in, she also has to undergo a hymen check to be "pure" enough to live in a certain house (this she goes into willingly). She also then becomes a prostitute and does not want to have sex with the man her enployer tells her to.
Molly of Denali (TV Show)
Molly's Game (Movie)
The film contains several occurrences of sexual harassment (mostly verbal) from men towards the female protagonist. At some point, a mobster enter the female protagonist's apartment and beats her up, in addition to putting a gun into her mouth. The lawyer of the female protagonist explains that she could end up in jail and mentions that prison guards would likely rape her.
Moloch (2022) (Movie)
A folk tale is orated in which a servant is raped by her lord (55:00-58:30): no sexual violence is shown on-screen.
Mom (TV Show)
A character tells her friends about being raped at a party. A character briefly talks about his sexual abuse by a babysitter.
Mom and Dad (Movie)
Mommy (Movie)
Mon Garcon (Movie)
There is a mention of "someone that touches children" paying to get kids kidnapped.
Mon Oncle (Movie)
Mona Lisa (Movie)
The film contains scenes of rape enactments with prostitutes, drugged sex and medical sexual violence.
It is stated that a student and a male professor had a sexual relationship. While this is consensual, there is definitely a power dynamic between her and the professor. It is mentioned during the dancing in the wedding scenes. A woman's fiancé kisses another character without her consent.
Monday (Movie)
Worthy of note: in one scene, a man tries to prevent a woman from leaving a room when she clearly wants to do so.
Money Heist (TV Show)
S1E1: a graphic scene shows a 17-year-old girl being assaulted on-screen. S1E7 : a woman offers herself sexually to a man who is holding her hostage. Although this scene is ostensibly consensual as she initiates the interaction, the implication is that she is doing this in order to ensure her own safety. A man discovers the woman he loved and thought was dead is in fact alive and attempts to have sex with her while she resists. A man kisses a child who is being held hostage. S1E8: a woman kisses a female student who is an hostage. There is a clear power imbalance. S3E8: a man offers a woman who he is holding hostage some sleeping pills. Once she is unconscious, he touches her inappropriately and without her consent. Later, she confronts him for having assaulted her and he denies that this ever happened, telling her that her perception of events is unreliable due to the pills she had taken.
Money Monster (Movie)
Monga (Movie)
Monica (Movie)
The Monitor (Movie)
A social worker forces himself into an apartment and makes unwanted advances on a mother. His threats are mainly verbal, though he invades her personal space.
Monk (TV Show)
S3E14: a man catcalls a woman serving drinks "hot pants". S6E6: a teenager hits on an adult woman several times and gets rejected by him several times. The woman is uncomfortable.
Monkey Man (Movie)
The protagonist infiltrates a club that traffics women. Most encounters between clients and victims play like a normal club scene, yet one scene sees a woman groped by a man: she and the protagonist are both visibly uncomfortable. The antagonist attempts to rape the protagonist's mother in a flashback, she fends him off with a knife but the he beats her to death with a belt.
Monolith (Movie)
Mononogatari (TV Show)
Worthy of note: S2E2: a man joins a poemclub. In order to keep him there, the female members lock the door and recite poems to him. He is scared of them and runs away. This is played for laughs.
Mononoke (TV Show)
S1E5: a brother and a sister confess their romantic feelings for each other. The brother later on says that he never loved her. S1E12: a man and a woman are in a physical fight which results in the exposure of the woman's chest and underwear. The man also stands between her legs when he tries to kill her.
Monos (Movie)
A female teenager who is holding a woman hostage begins to kiss her. After a few seconds, the hostage rebuffs her and the girls laughs.
Monsieur Spade (TV Show)
In a flashback, a veteran of war relives witnessing the rape of a civilian in front of her children. Worthy of note: there is a flirtation between an adult in his 20s and a 15 year old girl. He describes himself as a "patient man" to another character in regards to her age. It is unclear how the girl feels about the relationship, she seems to flirt and enjoy his attentions but also uses his this as a distraction to pick his pocket, etc.
A main character is revealed to have been molested by an older family friend when she was young. It is implied that he attempts to repeat this behavior with another young child by first teaching her how to kiss with tongue.
The Monster (Movie)
Rape and torture scene.
Spoilers: In its second part, this film contains brief scenes of homophobic bullying.
Monster House (Movie)
A woman (implicitly teenaged) is distracted by a man with a scary story before he tries to non-consensually grab and touch her. Much of this is obscured but the woman reprimands the man and is blatantly distressed. The man calls her a prude for her distress. While his age is unconfirmed, the man in question is seen carrying and consuming beer and is known to have been in a band for some time, so he is almost certainly an adult.
Monster Party (Movie)
Two teenage guys sexually harrass teenage girls.
The protagonists blackmail a girl with photographs that were accidentally taken of her.
Monster (TV) (TV Show)
E49: a young child witnesses a prostitute being raped by a professor on a trash can.
Monsterland (TV Show)
S1E3: this episode centers on sexual abuse (a pediatrician sexually abuses his patients). No acts are described beyond the term "sexual assault." Audience sees the word "rapist" written, but the term is never spoken.
Monsterland 2 (Movie)
One of the protagonist assaults a woman by kissing her suddenly without consent. It is portrayed as acceptable behaviour and the man faces no repercussions for it.
A woman and a man are in a car together: the woman makes affectionate advances (implied to be sexual) towards the man, even though he protests and says he is not ready. She does not go through with any sexual advances due to being interrupted by an outside event. Worthy of note: while no sexual assault is involved, the protagonist is forcibly dressed in a different outfit while she is unconscious, and it is clear that she was dressed by someone else.
Monte Carlo (Movie)
Monterey Pop (Movie)
Worthy of note: a group of teenage girls attempt to undress a character under the pretense of medical care despite his protests.
Mood (TV Show)
The main theme of the programme is how vulnerable and financially desperate young women are groomed into the sex trade, and then exploited once involved in it. From episode 3 onwards, all episodes contain one or more explicit on-screen sex/rape scene in which the main character clearly does not freely consent, and is upset by the experience, but is being financially coerced. S1E1: a young woman/late adolescent yells at her stepfather that he has the "face of a nonce" (paedophile) and is probably trying to sleep with his (other) stepdaughter. This is not backed up as factual by the rest of the plot. S1E2: the main character is peer-pressured to work in a strip club and to create a "Dailyfans" (clearly Onlyfans-inspired) profile, both of which she refuses to do. Her male roommate walks in on her whilst she is on the toilet and refuses to leave for a long time. At night, he comes into her bedroom and asks her to join him in his bed. He accepts her refusal, but it is made clear that there is a long-term threat of sexual violence to the protagonist from him, unless her living situation changes. Later in the episode, he threatens her with a katana while saying she is "only good for getting on her knees." In a conversation between two women, one talks about how her ex-boyfriend wanted to replicate degrading acts he had seen in pornography (such as choking and spitting). At the end of the episode, one of the women spanks the other without consent for a "Dailyfans" video. S1E5: a group of women are sex-trafficked to attend a party. One of the women refuses to have sex with one of the men, and another attempts to peer pressure and offer her money to do it. A later scene in which she appears with bruises all around her neck makes it clear that he raped her. One of the women is seen leaving the bedroom of a teenage boy (his exact age is unclear). S1E6: flashbacks reveal that the main character was raped by two adult men when she was 13 years old. The rape is not shown but implied offscreen and talked about verbally.
Moolaade (Movie)
This movie is about the genital mutilation and forced marriages of girls. It contains one scene of excision, showing a young girl crying and shouting while the mutilation is performed. One character accuses the men of the village of being pedophiles, because they marry underage girls. In the opening of the movie, that same character proposed a young girl to have sex with him as a form of payment. A flashback scene shows a woman having non-consensual sex with her husband. She is visibly in pain because of the genital mutilations she was inflicted earlier. A man is supposed to marry his cousin.
Moon (Movie)
To the Moon (Video Game)
There is a brief conversation where a women mentions feeling threatened by a man but nothing comes of it.
Moon Knight (TV Show)
Moonfall (Movie)
A main character has an inappropriate romantic interest in one of his students. She is not the first teenage girl he has developed feelings for, but she is the first one he actually kisses. This same character attempted to rape one of his peers when he was a teenager, but she was able to fight him off. This scene is vividly described. The schoolteacher describes another relationship with a 17 year old student that involves kissing. His wife responds to his noticeable distance by strongly pressuring him into sex even though he says no multiple times and attempts to walk away. He eventually agrees but acts violently during sex in an attempt to hurt his wife. This is a vivid description of an unhealthy relationship where sexual coercion is met with sexual violence.
The main female character and her two love interests are all first cousins. In the era of publication, first-cousin marriage (especially among upper classes) was considered very normal.
Moonstruck (Movie)
A man violently grabs a woman who is alone with him and kisses her without her consent. However, she then realizes she enjoys it and kisses him back.
Moral Orel (TV Show)
S3E4: rape is discussed and strongly implied. S3E6: brief mentions of rape/sexual assault.
Morbid (Movie)
Morbius (Movie)
A contributor to the book mentions in passing that she has PTSD from being sexually assaulted.
S1E1: a man tortures and murders multiple children (off-screen). When the protagonist catches him, he asks him whether he likes his meat young. It is unclear whether he meant sexual assault. S1E5: a man distributes opium to rich young men so they can take part in evil pleasures. It is unclear what these evil pleasures are as it is not shown on screen. S1E6: it is mentioned how a man has committed a lot of crimes including rape. S1E9: it is mentioned how a man repeatedly molested women around him. S2E4: a woman, who disguises as a man in order to hide her identity, walks into a men's dressing room. She announces that she will be using it just like the other men. A naked man objects as he is aware that she is a woman. The other men have no problem with it. S2E7: a woman is harassed by a man. She is immediately saved by a bartender and protagonist.
The Morning Show (TV Show)
Season 1's main story arc revolves around a superior who has coerced coworkers. He is portrayed semi sympathetically through the show. Other workplace romances also occur, but are probably consensual. S1E8 shows some of the sexual assault that happened. S3E2: a main character's private video is hacked and leaked. S3E4 includes two white men blackmailing two Asian women. One of the Asian women is part of the power dynamic. The 4th person, is a waitress and paid to lick a drink off a table and then catcalled while doing it. S3E8: this episode features a woman reading her girlfriends private emails about having sex with someone else. The first season is brought up again and a main character is accused of crying rape.
Morocco (Movie)
Two characters discover that they are siblings and continue their relationship anyway. A man humps the leg of another man who is chained to a chair and is visibly uncomfortable (26:35).
One of the main male characters repeatedly and aggressively sexually harasses one of the few female characters, including making suggestive comments and questions.
A man thinks he hears two women having sex so he walks in as an attempt to join them. A woman squeezes a man's penis as means of torture.
Mortel (TV Show)
Season 1: the main male character is thought to have raped the main female character. It is later proven to not be true. S2E5: it is strongly implied that a character was abused by his coach as a child. The coach's son also says that his father abused him. This is briefly discussed in later episodes. A character is exposed for helping drug girls.
Mortuary (Movie)
A man kidnaps, drugs, and undresses a woman before rubbing her down with some liquid.
In the second story of this film, while having sex, a man removes the condom without the woman's knowledge.
S1E3: a man comes home drunk and rapes his wife (32:49-33:59).
A man spies on a woman while she is in the shower; he attempts to rape her later on and kills her off screen when she resists. You can hear the muffled struggle in the background.
There are several instances of characters making lewd comments at one another, sometimes for the specific purpose of irritating one another. In the fifth season, a character believes he's cheated on his boyfriend when he wakes up in bed with another man after a night of drinking. However, towards the end of the season, it's revealed they didn't actually have sex, the other man specifically pointing out that the character was way too drunk to give consent.
Mosul (Movie)
Rape is briefly discussed around the 1hr27min mark.
Motel Hell (Movie)
While sitting in the car at a drive-in, a man tries to grope a woman's chest. She tells him to stop but then he crawls over her and begins kissing her while she struggles to push him off. He stops when he receives a call on his CB radio.
Mother! (Movie)
A man gets angry at his wife because she does not want to have sex with her. He begins to forcefully kiss her and initially she protests, but eventually she submits. Towards the end of the film, the main female character is beaten and groped (her breasts are exposed) by a crowd of people: the scene is pretty violent.
The movie centers around a woman trying to protect her daughter from two abusive exes (both of whom are leaders of criminal organizations) who want to use her to get to the protagonist. When the protagonist attempts to rescue her daughter from the first of the two, she is held at gunpoint and is threatened both physically and verbally with sexual assault. After she kills him, she implies that he previously assaulted her by saying they "never had a safe word". Additionally, we find out that both of her exes are involved in the human trafficking of children. While no sexual assault related to this is explicitly shown, we see a shipping container full of children and there are multiple lines of dialog referencing powerful people who want "things that aren't on the menu".
The author describes sexual abuse at the hands of her pastor when she was a child. There is also a scene where someone breaks into her apartment and attempts to rape her, but she is able to talk him out of it.
One of the main characters keeps pressuring another character to have sex with a guy in a festival that is known to be an event for girls to take it as chance to sleep with other people. Worth mentioning: in S1E3, teenagers are encouraged by adults to have sex as a part of a ritual, but all participants that do so seem voluntary.
Near the end of the movie, the main antagonist delivers a long speech about how he raped the main female character's mother.
Mothman (Movie)
Moulin Rouge! (Movie)
The unrequited love of an older man for a young (although adult) woman - as well as her need to, at least ostensibly, reciprocate this love in order to maintain financial security - is central to the plot of the film. There are a number of scenes in which he touches or otherwise pursues her in ways she is evidently uncomfortable with. She continues their relationship only due to fear of what might happen if she does not (as well as due to pressure from other characters). Near the end of the film (1:20:31-1:21:57), the man tries to rape her before being stopped by another character.
The main female lead character is raped on screen by the villian.
Twice, the male protagonist has to rebuff a woman who (tries to) kiss him: it is assumed that she is not the woman he previously hit on, but that she was transformed into something/someone else.
The main female character (who is a virgin and underaged) has sexual intercourse with an older man. She cries throughout the whole scene because she is in pain, and the man continues without paying attention. He leaves her abruptly on the floor once he finishes.
Movie 43 (Movie)
Moving On (Movie)
The plot centers around a woman getting revenge against a man who sexually assaulted her. Towards the end of the film she describes details of the assault briefly when confronting him.
Moxie (Movie)
There is strong controlling, manipulative behaviours and sexual harassment/assault from men throug out the movie. Boys are shown touching girls as a joke: discomfort is shown by the girls, and one of them directly tells one boy that she does not like that. A boy who gets rejected by a girl forcefully grabs her drink and gits in it to assert dominance. The last third of the film strongly discusses rape and is used as a plot point. We see the survivor being supported in speaking about her experience and feeling. A schoolgirl admits being raped by a classmate.
Mr. Brooks (Movie)
Mr. Iglesias (TV Show)
There is a lot of sexual harassment in this show that gets played for laughs. A male student tells a female student that she should wear more revealing clothing in order to hang out with him. A teacher confronts him about this. Another male student constantly makes comments about the female principal's body and clothing choices. In these instances, either there is no reaction, or she appears to be flattered but conflicted. The main character's best friend consistently flirts with and tries to ask out a female coworker, despite the fact that she always says she is uninterested. At one point, the two mention a situation where he invited her to a party but did not tell her that no one else would be there. The female principal repeatedly discusses her dating and sex life among her coworkers. In an effort to encourage the main character to date, she hires a guidance counselor with the requirement that she be single.
Mr. Inbetween (TV Show)
S2E9: the protagonist's niece is abducted. It is hinted/implied throughout the episode that they were abducted by a sexual predator. Later we learn that the abductor is a human trafficker (not a predator) and the girl is rescued before anything nefarious occurs. S3E1: the main character is locked up for punching someone in front of a cop. He jokes with his cell mate however that he is actually in for being a rapist (23:30-24:30). He reveals that this is just a joke quickly after. S3E6: a young girl enters the house of a known male drug dealer and performs oral sex, presumably as payment for the drugs (20:30-21:20). The girls age is unknown, though its implied they are a teenager.
Mr. Klein (Movie)
While speaking in tongues, a tertiary character confesses having been sexually abused as a child. This is a passing mention.
Mr. Mercedes (TV Show)
The majority of potentially troubling content relates to the relationship between a parent and their child. While no sexual abuse is shown while the son is still a child, the abuse is mentioned several times and there are several scenes in which the abuse is shown to continue into his adulthood.
S1E1 mentions a pedophile. S1E2 involves sex acts that are sort of coercive and designed to be able to drug someone. S1E3 mentions child molestation.
Mr. Nobody (Movie)
Mr. Right (Movie)
Mr. Robot (TV Show)
S1E1: child pornography is mentioned near the beginning of the episode. A character refers to a type of malicious software as "a serial rapist with a very big dick" S1E2: a woman is found naked and unconscious in a bathtub. She explains that she and a man got high together, but that she doesn't remember anything after that point - especially having had sex with him. She chooses not to report the incident, despite her friend's insistence that she should. Later, the man who she had been with boasts about having raped her, in code, on Twitter. S1E5: as a power play, one of the characters follows another into the bathroom while she is peeing. She says not to come in but he does. He stands silently and watches her, before leaving. S1E6: a woman is violently murdered by a man who previously raped her. A lawyer says that her client violently raped his pregnant girlfriend S1E7: a woman is strangled to death during what began as a consensual sexual encounter. A man in a position of power tells a young woman that if she wants what she asks for, she will have to perform oral on him first: she stands her ground and leaves. S2E5: a man is revealed to run a black market website that deals in sex slaves, among other illicit goods and services. S2E7: a gang corners a man in an alleyway and attempts to rape him. This scene is violent and graphic and may potentially be disturbing for some viewers. S2E11: a very young girl asks a grown woman whether she 'cries during sex.' S4E7: two characters discuss their experience of child sexual abuse in-depth (one of them was abused by his father). Half the episode is devoted to the subjet. Additionnally, one character strokes another character's without her consent. It is briefly and vaguely implied (one line) that a main character sexually abused another main character in the past, and that she may be a serial abuser.
Mr. Roosevelt (Movie)
Mr. Thank You (Movie)
One of the character's, a teenage girl, is discussed as being on the way to be sold into prostitution due to her family's economic situation (this is discussed as being a social trend at the time the movie was made) , this ultimately does not happen to her. This same teenage girl is also consistently eyed creepily by a guy on the bus.
Mr. Turner (Movie)
The titular protagonist sexually exploits his housekeeper (who is apparently in love with him). This is shown on two instances. In one of the first scenes of the movie, he grabs her breast and her crotch without asking her consent. Later on (about one hour into the movie) he suddenly appears between her and rapes her. Both times, he does not say a word. Worthy of note: at some point, the protagonist goes to a brothel and enters a room with a much younger prostitute. He asks her to expose her breast, but only to draw her / use her as a model.
Mrs. America (TV Show)
S1E1: a woman is coerced into having sex by her husband. S1E4: a feminist activist is portrayed naked in an erotic magazine (cartoon) against her will. S1E6: a big plot point in this episode is the fact that secretaries are sexually harassed and assaulted at work. At about 23 minutes in, there is a conversation between two characters, one of which says that 'those kind of woman invite this behavior' and that 'virtuous women are rarely accosted by unwelcome sexual propositions'.
Mrs Brown (Movie)
Mrs. Davis (TV Show)
S1E1: a group of women are called whores.
Mrs. Fletcher (TV Show)
S1E6: a female character preforms oral sex on a male character, which turns nonconsensual after he becomes forceful and aggressive. She ends up punching him to get him off her, and is in tears after she kicks him out (21:38-22:50). There are also multiple times when women are objectified, including derogatory language. It is presented as a negative thing.
Mrs Miniver (Movie)
Ms .45 (Movie)
The film contains multiple vicious rape scenes and multiple scenes of sexual harassment. It falls under the rape/revenge sub genre.
The Ms. Pat Show (TV Show)
While not explicitly said, it is heavily implied a character was groomed by the father of her two oldest children when she was 13. S2E7 revolves around the main character (a comedian) trying to cope with her and her sisters childhood sexual abuse.
Muck (Movie)
A woman is seen wandering mostly naked in the opening credits. A woman is tied up and men rip her clothes off while she screams for them to get away. She is later seen naked and bloody when her boyfriend returns from looking for help. A man watches through the window as a woman gets undressed. She is grabbed and then is heard screaming for help off screen. The men pull a woman out of a car and begin ripping off her clothes before they are stopped. Her date makes multiple comments about the men being rapists.
Mud (Movie)
Worthy of note: there is a scene in which a woman gets violently beaten up by a man.
The Mudge Boy (Movie)
A boy forces another boy to perform oral sex on him, then rapes him.
Mulan (1998) (Movie)
Mulan II (Movie)
The Mule (Movie)
About 28 minutes into the movie, two DEA agents make prison rape threats to a man under custody.
A man smacks a woman on the buttock.
The film is an absurd comedy, thus the two rape scenes are in this tone (one by a giant lobster).
Towards the beginning, the male protagonist kisses the female protagonist without her consent. At the beginning of the film, a character commits suicide, with the implication that this decision was a result of nonconsensual sex with another character (21:16) Later in the film, the villain kisses the female protagonist while she's asleep (20:22). At another point, the male protagonist forcefully kisses the female protagonist without her consent (1:21:27). The antagonist tries to make the female protagonist his wife. The female protagonist is attempting to purchase the male protagonist, and the man selling him feels her up.
At the end of the movie, the protagonist (male) grabs the mummy (female) by her arms and pins her to the ground. He then places his mouth over hers in an aggressive, open mouth, forced kiss (supposedly to suck the magic out). This happens with the protagonist on top of her, on the ground, while she is kicking and screaming the entire time. It lasts for about a solid minute.
Munger Road (Movie)
Munich (Movie)
Muoi (Movie)
A woman is raped by three men, while two others are filming.
Worthy of note: a series of women in swimming costumes run out of a tent screaming, followed by a giant monster who is chasing after a car. It is implied that he accidentally came to be in their dressing room and was not intentionally trying to invade their privacy.
Worthy of note: there are a few non-consensual kisses that happen on-screen.
Misogyny is directed toward main characters. There is sexual harassment offscreen toward a minor character.
Murder Party (Movie)
The protagonist enjoys raping, torturing and killing women and a young girl.
Murder Weapon (Movie)
A character mentions how she was molested by her father (nothing is shown on-screen).
Worthy of note: in this scifi setting, sapient cyborgs are enslaved and tightly controlled by their human handlers. The perspective character (a relatively free cyborg who hacked its control unit) mentions several times the existence of sexbots. It has never been used that way and seems more or less indifferent to their existence.
Worthy of note: in this scifi world, sentient cyborgs are typically under strict human control and built for specific functions. A secondary character in this novella is a "comfortbot" aka sexbot controlled by a woman it wishes to escape. Nothing sexual is shown or directly alluded to, and ultimately it achieves freedom.
Murdercycle (Movie)
A woman reading a man's mind sees that he has thoughts of raping and killing her.
As a mystery show, several cases involve sexual assault. The main character (a man) is also assaulted on screen several times. S1E10: child sexual abuse discussed, not shown on screen. S3E02: sexual assault of a young Chinese immigrant, off screen prior to start of episode. S3E04: pedophilia mentioned, pedophile brought in for questioning, no child sexual abuse occurs. S4E10: attempted sexual assault off screen prior to episode. S4E11: no sexual assault, but does involve young girls being coerced by an older man into 'liasons'. It is mentioned that the man was previously accused of sexual assault. S5E12: a main character is stalked by a former partner, the man is prevented from assault, but the scene implies that he would have attempted to assault her. S7E09: the main character is forcibly kissed by recurring villain. S8E01-02: episodes involve discussion of human trafficking of young women and girls. No explicit sexual contact on screen, but the implication is there. S8E07: discussion of pedophilia and minors engaging in sex work (human trafficking). Nothing on screen or graphic mentioned. S8E11: a male main character is harassed by a woman, including the woman letting herself into his hotel room. S8E13: a female nurse is accused of sexually assaulting female inmates at a psychiatric hospital. By the end of the episode, it is revealed that a male caretaker was the perpetrator. A main character is forcibly kissed by a recurring villain. S9E04: murdered women are electroplated and displayed naked in public. S9E15: a woman is implied to have sexually assaulted male workers at her husband's mill. Attempted assault of main character interrupted. S9E18: the main character is kidnapped and assaulted (forcibly kissed, tied up, on screen attempted rape). The scene is the most explicit in the show (14:00-15:00). The perpetrator is a woman, the survivor is a man. S10E06: character was assaulted prior to episode. Nothing explicit on screen, but survivor tells the story. Other characters say victim blaming things, but this is not said by any of the protagonists. Protagonists do not appear to be victim blaming. S10E9: a young couple is in the back of a car, and the man pressures the woman to kiss despite her protests to leave. He then forcibly kisses her. S10E10: flashback to previous sexual assault of main character, forcible kiss from S7E09. S12E3: one of the bridesmaids at a wedding attempts to force a man into sex despite his protests.
Musaranas (Movie)
The plot revolves around a woman who was repeatedly raped by her father. It is featured heavily in the second half of the movie.
Muse Dash (Video Game)
This is a rhythm game that sometimes features characters in revealing outfits. Some on-screen text could make the player uncomfortable, such as a loading screen that directly makes fun of the player: "How old are the girls? You're asking too many questions!", presumably in reference to some characters that appear young.
Mushi Shi (TV Show)
Mushoku Tensei (TV Show)
It is mentioned that the main character's father raped his maid when they were younger The main character is a 34 year old in a child's body that makes perverse actions against women his age (10 years old) and teenagers. There is a character who needs to have sex in order to gather mana (sometimes she partakes in group orgies with non-human characters), majority of her encounters are extremely uncomfortable to watch.
A male minor is raped by a male adult. The minor does not tell him to stop, he completely panics and all he can do is lay there and not move. In the book, the rapist tells the minor to come to his place. The minor decides against it. He gets upset when about to be very intimate with his now-boyfriend (the rape happened 1-3 months before) and tells him what happened. He talks to him mom too. This was unconsenual sex, with a minor, by someone over the age of 18. The rape has traumatized the victim, and this may be triggering to readers. This is handled sensitively.
The Musketeers (TV Show)
S1E1: A man forces a kiss on a woman in order to disguise themselves. He does this again in S1E2. S2E8: A character discusses selling young girls as sex slaves. In that same episode, a man tries to rape a woman, which includes throwing her on the floor and pinning her down. S2E9: The off-screen attempted rape of a family member is discussed.
This highly-acclaimed feminist film calls out the rampant misogyny in conservative Turkish culture by depicting five young sisters' survival in an abusive household. The director took events from her own life: - Teenage girls are beaten by family members. - "Virginity tests" take place, where teenage girls are forced to go to doctors and obtain written proof they have their hymens intact to restore their honor. - Multiple teenage girls are married off against their will to older men. - Implied rape of teenage girls by an older male family member happens twice off-screen. - A teenage girl has sex with an older man off the street as a form of self-harm.
Mutafukaz (Movie)
Mute (2018) (Movie)
The Mutilator (Movie)
Mutt (Movie)
This book contains passing reference to sexual harassment in workplaces.
My 600-Lb Life (TV Show)
Many of the people on the show mention being sexually assaulted in their past.
The actions are portrayed from the perspective of the victim and are viewed completely negatively. However other characters around her do victim blame her, and we as the reader are never granted closure on whether or not the perpetrator is punished, which may also be triggering for certain readers.
The film opens with a couple having sex but both parties are asleep. The man wakes up and realises that the woman is asleep and stops. A man has a sexual fantasy about his own mother.
Worthy of note: one scene in which a man exposes his bare buttocks to a woman in a car.
The book contains an in-depth discussion of the 1964 rape and killing of Kitty Genovese. The author also describes her experience prosecuting a child pornography case. There are non-explicit descriptions of the videos created by the defendant.
The book takes place in the late 80s, so what would be considered rape now is not treated as such. It is mentioned that a character's brother drugs girls and rapes them. He faces no consequences for his actions even when caught because he "comes from a good family". A coach lectures female students that they should not get drunk because they put themselves at risk, and states they are responsible for protecting themselves by protecting "their most valuable gift". It is implied that multiple girls have been raped while drunk and that it is their fault. A twelfth grade boy is only attracted to girls that are younger than him and sniffs his little sisters underwear.
Worthy of note: Tte main character's gay male best friend gropes her a few times as part of pretending to be her fiance. She does not seem to mind.
The film contains a scene of consensual sex turning into swift sexual violence and murder.
The main character's love interest kisses her twice while she appears to be asleep. While she is in fact awake, there is no indication to the man when he initiates the kisses that this is the case.
S1E18: two female characters are in a bathhouse, and one of them rips the towel off of her friend and touches her without permission, despite her friend protesting the whole time. There are a lot of boys on the other side of the wall and they are all very leery and gross. Later, a different woman touches another woman in the bath, who shrinks away from it. S1E19: school-age kids get drunk and a female character sits on top of a male character and intends to have sex with him. A male character jumps onto the back of a female character and grabs her chest - she tries to get him off of her and yells but it takes a while for him to be shaken off. S1E26: a female character is captured by a notorious bad guy and he repeatedly mentions his intentions to rape her throughout the episode. He also roofies her so she cannot move or hear.
The movie begins when one of the main characters, commits suicide. Throughout the film we find out that she was beaten and controlled by her father as a child, and raped by him as a teenager. Her mother accused her of seducing him and this imposed guilt and the violence she endures at the hands of men is one of main subjects of the movie. There are also scenes where some men start laughing at the other main character after she gets drunk on her own in a bar. They start telling her to sit with them, invite her for drinks and warn her jokingly of the presence of a molester. A hooded man runs after a girl, the attitude is menacing although his intentions are not cleared in the movie.
My Brother (Movie)
A brief scene where a boy continuously tries to get a girl's attention by professing his love (21:02-21:40). She is clearly not interested and ignores him the entire scene, until he takes her book where she calls him a 'jerk.'
My Child Lebensorn (Video Game)
The talks of rape in this are very sensitive but there is no way of stopping it and the victim is seven years old. The abuser is her/his teacher who also urinated (off-screen but shown in drawings ) on the child. He/she stops eating and playing and does not want to be touched.
When the two main protagonists arrive in a prison cell, they talk about having to become "sex slaves." When their lawyer arrives, one of them thinks he is going to have to have sex with him: there is a misunderstanding fueled by innuendo including phrases like: "you're getting fucked either way" and "it's your ass not mine...you should be grateful...you should be down on your knees."
My Dangerous Life (Video Game)
During certain character relationship routes, such as with Chad, the main character can experience frequent sexual harassment, such as non-consensual grabbing, kissing, unwanted sexual comments, and touching. During the beginning of Chad's relationship route, he chases the main character throughout the city. Later on, the main character wakes up to Chad pinning him down on the bed, but nothing further escalates. During Brad's relationship route, Brad's ex boyfriend attempts to rape the main character, but is stopped by Brad. Other instances of harassment include ridicule of the main character's appearance, such as purposely calling him a girl and misgendering him. There are no bad endings, and each relationship route ends happily.
This novel is about the seduction and continued abuse of a 15 year old boarding school student by her 42 year old English teacher. The plot escalates as grooming turns into sexual abuse, much of which is disturbing and explicitly forced. The protagonist is followed as an adult in alternating chapters as the impacts of this relationship on her life are explored.
My Dog Stupid (Movie)
A recurring theme of the film is the main character's dog sexually assaulting men and raping other dogs. His owner explains that he takes pride of it and uses it against the people he dislikes.
My Eyes Deceive (Video Game)
The female main character is a child and does not understand a lot. She is told the outside world is dangerous by a man assumed to be her father and is constantly drugged. If the player chooses to stop taking her medication, the father comes down, he is heard unzipping his pants and saying "Lets get this over with" before being stopped by a knock at the door. This is the "Good ending" in which the player can escape and run outside to freedom, what happens afterwards is unknown and its revealed the father may have been questioned in relation to another sexual assault case of a child. If the player chooses to continue the medication the child ends up pregnant, the symptoms are there such as her saying she is even mord hungry than before, feeling sick, and asks her father "why her belly is so big and round?" this is considered the "Bad ending" and what happens afterwards is unknown.
S2E1: a senior student known for harrassing drunk students prepares a drink for a girl, and forces her to an isolated place. Knowing that her phone battery is dead, he locks the doors of the car and grabs her leg. Before he can do anything else, someone rescues her.
The movie tells the story of the high school life of an infamous real-life cannibalistic necrophiliac serial killer and sex offender “Jeffrey Dahmer” who killed 17 men and boys. The movie portrays the killer’s early deviant sexual fantasies. The teenaged (17-18 year old) main character is paired with a black classmate as roommates. The main character’s friend makes a racist joke and said that “if the black guy tries to rape you, just knock on my door” (~52:05). The main character is aware that he is perfectly healthy, yet meets an adult male doctor to get a physical. A scene implies that the main character may have orgasmed when the doctor was checking his testicular region, which makes the man uncomfortable. Then, it cuts to another scene of the main character masturbating (59:20 - 1:02:50). The main character sexually fantasizes of a man’s dead/unconscious body. Nothing much is shown other than the boy sleeping on top of the man (1:09:40 - 1:10:35). The main character hides within the trees while holding a bat as he intends to physically/sexually assault a man that supposedly passes by the road. However, the man does not come by the road and the attempt fails. (1:18:05 - 1:19:00) The main character invites his classmate to his empty house for a drink and creeps behind him which causes discomfort to the latter. Then, he and grabs a bat silently, and it is implied that he wanted to knock him out and sexually assault him, but the said classmate soon leave before anything gets to happen (1:36:20 - 1:37:25).
My Girl (Movie)
S1E11: one of the characters briefly mentions a tradition of family members marrying each other to preserve their bloodline for his house / clan.
One of the characters is a sex worker but there is no overt sexual imagery and absolutely no assault, implied or direct.
An adult man knowingly catcalls a minor. Throughout the story, there are instances of the same man being a general creep, and references to him having hidden cameras. Discussion of rape-revenge as a movie genre . There is discussion around without explicitly mentioning a father molesting his daughter. Several people are asking her to admit that it happened so they can provide help but she refuses. It is later revealed that he raped her when she was 11 but there is no explicit description of it happening.
My Hero Academia (TV Show)
One character during the first season gropes a female character inappropriately. While she responds negatively, the scene is largely presented as comedic. Later in the show, the first character and another boy trick the girls in their class into putting on cheerleader uniforms. Worthy of note: the father of another character, who was in a very high position of power, was abusive to his wife, who in turn harmed their son during a mental breakdown. It is unclear whether or not sexual assault was involved between the father and the mother.
There is a character whose main trait is being a pervert, and two background characters who harass a couple of girls but are dealt with quickly.
A character's whole personality is centered around being a pervert, often making jokes and being rude to female characters, with another character often egging him on.
My Lady Jane (TV Show)
The whole series is about women who are forced to get married. S1E2+3 specifically feature a young woman having to marry a very old man, or the threat of it.
The manga is an autobiography about the author's own experience with her burgeoning sexuality, and the complications that come with being a lesbian, while also being touch-starved and sexually repressed. The author discusses being aroused by small interactions with her mother (like touching her mom's breasts, finding enjoyment when her mom briefly checks her pants or other private areas, watching her mom shower, to name a few examples), but she realizes it is not necessarily real attraction to her mother - rather, she craves touch and affection from another person, and she is trying to break free from an unhealthy, codependent relationship with her parents. Later, she hires an escort to help her lose her virginity. While both parties are fully consenting, the author feels largely uncomfortable during most of it, due to her rushing into having sex and using her time with an escort to find the affection she craved.
Worthy of note: a character is implied to have been raped by her father in the past.
Worthy of note: the female protagonist gives a man a consensual but slightly unenthusiastic kiss, but immediately afterwards engages happily.
My Little Eye (Movie)
A woman is ordered to lie on a bed at gunpoint and straddled by her attacker. One character tells a story in which rape is briefly mentioned. In a throwaway joke, one character simulates sex with two dolls during which the male doll penetrates the female doll anally without prior discussion.
The entire short film acts as a metaphor for rape and recovery. The victim is a young child and his own father, the rapist, is shown undressing, caressing, and licking the kid (the father himself also removes some of his clothes). No actual rape takes place, but the intent is extremely clear. The child has injuries on his arm, which is heavily implied to be from his father's previous abuse.
S1E1: a high school student threatens to rape his classmate. He often grabbed her violently.
The show's premise focuses on a high-school age older brother and middle-school age younger sister who have strong sexual and romantic tension while negotiating other girls interested in the brother. Both siblings are heavily involved with eroge (Japanese erotic/sex games/visual novels).
My Mad Fat Diary (TV Show)
My Name (TV Show)
A man kisses a woman while she protests in two scenes; she is being held captive through most of the movie.
This is a "reverse harem" anime, meaning the female protagonist is surrounded by others (in this case both male and female) who are in love with her. The overall tone is sweet and light. However, several men and occasionally, women, are aggressive in their pursuit once the characters become young adults. The protagonist's fiancee is a repeat offender, from frequently stepping into her personal space; making suggestive comments to pinning her and kissing her without permission (season 2). There is one scene in early season two (while she is kidnapped) that looks like it is headed toward rape, but is interrupted. One character is a distant blood relative of her, formally adopted as her brother when they are both children. He is in love with her, which feels borderline incestuous because of their adopted sibling relationship. Late in season two he pins her to a bed to warn her not to be alone with men who could do anything to her. This scene comes as a particular shock because he is usually sweet and gentle. Two siblings (who are part of the harem) can be interpreted to be in love, since in the lore of the show, the little sister was supposed to a rival for her brother's affections.
The main character is a homeless teen hustler who has sexual encounters with older men and women. He is a child of incest, which is mentioned severel times in the film.
My Policeman (Movie)
In My Skin (TV Show)
S1E3: rape off-screen. The aftermath is explored in the following episodes of the season (not in season 2).
My Suicide (Movie)
During this movie, an underage girl goes to a party and gets black out drunk. While she is passed out, boys surround her, and touch her breast in a nonconsensual way.
It is shown in a relatively brief flashback that the titular character was raped as a girl.
Thw book revolves around the main character overcoming the gaslighting by her family to try and make her forget the violent gang rape she experienced as a little girl. Flashbacks of the incident in varying levels of graphic detail are described in first-person. A teenager has a sexual relationship with her adult piano teacher, who she seduces by role-playing as a much younger girl. A father has several creepy, incest-implying moments with his daughters. A 13-year-old girl is married and their wedding night is dubiously consensual at best.
S1E2: a model describes being forced to post nude when she was on a shoot.
My Way (Movie)
The main character finds out that a man only had sex with her because of a bet A man tries to have sex with a girl who does not want it: she says 'no' and gets away, but is traumatized. A third man she tries to have sex with keeps trying to feel up another guy while they are kissing. The main character then also tries to feel this guy up: he eventually says 'no' and gets away. Statutory rape is discussed.
A male character is raped with a strap-on; this is played for laughs.
Mystere (Movie)
An older man has a younger woman kidnapped and when she is brought to him he says to give him a kiss or else she will be thrown in jail or made to walk the plank. A man attacks her while she is in the jail cell and the other men see and walk away, but it is revealed that it's her friend.
The abuse of young boys by an adult man and their resulting trauma is a key plot point of this film; there are multiple scenes that depict these relationships. There are multiple scenes of a teenage boy engaging in sex work with much older men; one of these develops into a very graphic and violent scene of rape. The film also contains child on child sexual abuse.
Mystery Men (Movie)
Mystery Team (Movie)
Mystery Train (Movie)
The film consists in three segments. In the second one, a woman in a restaurant is harassed by a man who comes sitting at her table and starts talking to her. She listens and gives him 20 dollars to make him leave. He then touches her hand but she quickly removes it, causing the man to quit the place. However, he waits for her outside of the restaurant with another man (it is nightime and the streets are empty): again, he verbally harassed her and both men follow her as she is escaping to a nearby hotel. She is visibly distressed and then asks another female customer to share her room because she does not feel secure.
A non-verbal man corners a woman with unclear intention, although the framing is threatening nothing comes of it.
The Mystic Nine (TV Show)
S1E14: a character's ex-fiancé attempts to rape her. We see the ex-fiancé on top of her and him putting some superficial tears in her clothing before her new fiancé fights through a group of men to get to her and save her. They then fight and the new fiancé is victorious. In a later episode, there is a flashback to this scene, but the flashback only includes the fights and the saving, not the attempted rape.
Mystic Messenger (Video Game)
In the first three days before a route and the routes themselves, there is a chance depending on what decisions you make that the MC or love interests can be kidnapped by a villain, some of these include CGs of collars being around necks, forcibly restrained, ect - If you avoid bad endings, you should not see these. Jae-hee: no sexual harassment or assault. 707: no sexual harassment or assault. Yoosung: no sexual harassment or assault. However he compares the MC who he has romantic feelings for to his cousin. His excessive mention of his cousin when doing his route might make players uncomfortable, but there's no explicit implication of him feeling romantic feelings towards her. If the player gets his Bad Story Ending 3, he will be kidnapped by a villain and there is a CG of him being held by the man with a collar around his neck. Zen is the most flirtatious of all the characters to the MC, however this is always done respectfully . In his route, there is discussion of sexual harassment he experienced as a child actor. There is also a woman that makes a false rape accusation against him and this is not handled tactfully. Jumin: in his route, he locks the MC in his mansion and refuses to let her out. The game makes it so to get the 'best ending' you can't directly try to get away from him and instead walk a line of appeasing his abusive behavior which might make some players uncomfortable. In his Bad Story Ending 2, where the player acts obsessive towards him the route ends with him tying her up, putting trackers on her, and not letting her escape. Rika Behind DLC: though nothing explicit, it is mentioned that a pastor sexually abused a young girl 'hundreds of times'.
Mystic Pizza (Movie)
A married adult man has an affair with his babysitter (a young adult, early college-age but it does not specify exactly how old she is). A woman wants to have sex with her boyfriend and continues trying, even though he repeatedly says he does not want to and is uncomfortable. Her parents then walk in and he leaves.
In the very first episode, assault is explicitly shown repeatedly as a plot point. The perpetrator is 'punished'/ suffers for it, but only after the assaults are shown over and over again. The victim feeling helpless is focused on extremely heavily.
Mystic River (Movie)
Worthy of note: in a kiss scene, an underage girl seems uncomfortable. There also some awkward tension between an adult and two underage characters.
"He Fell Howling": there are several references to Zeus kidnapping people to take back to the mountain or disguising himself to sleep with them. "Kali_Na": here is online harassment at several points in the story. "Live Stream": the entire short story is about the following events. While drunk, a man coerces a woman into performing oral sex where he then take a picture of her without her consent. She stops and demands he deletes the picture, but he only pretends to and instead keeps it to show it to others. He then stalks and threatens her, forcing his way into her apartment and coercing her into another sexual situation which she uses to get him to confess while she is recording (he is unaware that she is doing so). During this encounter there is no sex as she stops everything once she has gotten the confession from him.
Mythic Quest (TV Show)
In this show, women are often sexually harassed. S1E3: pedophiles are mentioned. S3E1: a story is told of an old man leaving pornographic magazines on his desk at work (which is depicted in earlier seasons). S3E2+3: harassment is used for comedy. S3E5: a joke about pedophilia is made. Worthy of note: a main side character (an old man) is shown being creepy through out the show (as one of his character traits). The show alludes to him having a sketchy past in regards to women and having creepy tendencies towards women in the present. This is shown for laughs and the rest of the show's characters are in agreement that he is a creepy old man that they avoid.
In the middle of the movie, a woman undresses in front of a man. Another man appears and she is embarrassed and quickly redresses. Later in the movie he says that he cannot imagine anything else than seeing her naked. Towards the end of the movie, a woman is grabbed by a man and she is told that he will find ways to make her pay for escaping him; the implication being she would pay sexually. Nothing comes of this.
Myths & Monsters (TV Show)
Nacho Libre (Movie)
Nails (2017) (Movie)
Naked (Movie)
The film contains several rapes on-screen, as well as many physical and sexual abuses. The main protagonist is one of the rapists.
The Naked Gun (Movie)
In the opening scene, the main character drives a cop car through a women's showers. Towelled and naked women are shown screaming and running away. Later, the same character looks up a woman's skirt when she climbs up a ladder. He also climbs along a roof and grabs a woman's breasts, then accidentally breaks off a roof statue's penis. He falls through the window of her apartment and charges at her with the penis. At some point, he frisks baseball players looking for weapons and touches their crotches.
There are multiple rape jokes regarding prison throughout, but nothing happens on screen. There are also multiple occurrences of people being forcefully kissed.
Naked Killer (Movie)
There are constant rape threats throughout the film, as well as many instances of sexual assault and attempted rape.
Naked Lunch (Movie)
Chapter 21: one female character is captured by "flesh peddlers" who sell primarily women and children into sex slavery. The leader of the group approaches her cage intending to enter it and rape her. She is rescued before anything happens. Prior to this there are mentions of flesh peddlers throughout. After being captured the slavers comment about how some men will like a woman that struggles or fights back during rape.
Nana (TV Show)
One character is a 15-year-old boy who makes money by sleeping with older women. One of the characters is only 15 years old and has a relation ship with a 23 year old women, this is showed in many chapters. It was not shown as something good, kind of the opposite, but also theres never any consequences or any kind of sensitivity for the victims, rather the whole problem is ignored and avoided. Episode 34: one of the characters wants to be intimate, while the other clearly does not. While one insists, the other make excuses for not doing it, until the other turns violent: out of fear, she cedes (09:20-09:56).
S1E1 features a teenager having a sexual relationship with a grown man.
Nanny (Movie)
Nanny McPhee (Movie)
A very strict and violent nanny abuses children with magic, making them do things they do not want to. She glues them to bed when they play being sick (17:23-18:46) and forces them to drink a medicine and eat disgusting food (29:14 + 32:39). She basically scares the children into being obedient by using magic force and violence. An evil stepmother threatens children into being obedient (01:15:57).
Worthy of note: at a few points, an adult male character looks at and speaks to underaged girls in somewhat flirtatious ways. At one point said adult is alone with a teenage girl and makes inappropriate comments about her body and invades her personal space; the girl is visibly uncomfortable and nervous, but nothing further happens.
Narcos (TV Show)
S1E2: gang rape, aftermath on-screen. The scene is fairly explicit/violent.
Narcos Mexico (TV Show)
S3E7: a person is captured by the military. In an interrogation, soldiers threaten to rape him. S3E8: rape is implied. We see a person lying on a bed without moving, and an intruder putting his pants on. S3E10: a rapist and murderer detains a victim but is captured by police. There are talks about implied rape.
Narcosis (Movie)
Naruto (TV Show)
A male character frequently spies on women and makes derogatory comments. This is played for laughs. Worthy of note: a 12-years old character transforms into a semi-naked woman to get the attention of his godfather.
Narvalo (Movie)
S1E1: one character mentions that he was sitting in a courtroom when and that a man who talked to him was there because he was charged with sexually assaulting teenagers. S1E2: the main female character tells how she gave birth to her child. In a flashback, we see how a doctor asked multiple interns to examine her without her consent: she seems visibly distressed and her partner does nothing about it. This is played for laughs. S1E3: a man mentions that a woman asked him what he would like her to do to him sexually, and that he jokingly told her to lick his anus, which she did. This is played for laughs. S1E4: this whole episode is about a man explaining how a man attempted to rape him by inviting him to his home and making him drink and smoke. The man is ridiculed by his friends and all of it is played for laughs. The rape of another man is mentioned, once again for comedic purposes. S1E5: the episode opens with a telephone conversation hinting that someone is sexually harassed at his/her job. Shortly after, one female character explains that she does not remember if she had sex with the man she came home with the night before, because both were drunk. This is played for laughs.
Narvik (Movie)
Nashville (Movie)
During one of her performances in a club, a female character is pressured into doing a strip tease, that she does not want to do, for all the men in the club to get them to stop booing her and improve her chances of getting a record deal. Catcalling also ensues during the strip tease. She is also catcalled during a separate club performance she gives earlier in the film.
Nashville (TV) (TV Show)
S1E10: a female character is locked in a backstage room with a man. He tries to force himself but she is saved by her uncle. S4E21: a man tries to coerce a 16 year old girl into having sex with him. He stops her from leaving and gropes her, but is interrupted before anything else can happen.
A subtitle is shown stating that one of the antagonists was raped in prison (1:42). A male character watches several half-naked women through a window. A character debates having sex with a passed out girl he is unaware is underage, ultimately deciding not to.
An adult male show host grabs the teenage daughter of the main character and kisses her gratuitously without her consent.
Native Son (Movie)
A man discusses the fact that he will be accused of rape after being accused of murder.
This game is about a 20 year old woman who is prostituted by her brother for money. She endures on-screen rape, assault, self-harm, drug abuse, and even suicide.
S1E3: a lot of demons attack the male protagonist. He tells them to stop sexually harassing him (they are not). S1E8: a female demon hovers over the male protagonist holding his hand when he is sleeping. He wakes up and tells her he is not who she thinks he is: she lets him go S1E12: a female demon thinks the male protagonist is someone she knows. She starts hugging and touching his face. She only finds out that he is not because he does npt have breasts. S2E12: a female demon asks the male protagonist to strip down. He hits her, but it turns out that she wanted to write a protection charm on his heart. S2E13: a group of children mistake the male protagonist as a stalker who has been stalking their friend. They chase him away and call him a pervert. S5E5: it is slightly implied that a demon developed a crush on an underage girl. The demon himself is not aware of what the feeling meant (no relationship develops). S5OVA2: the female demon touches the face of the male protagonist: he pushes her away. She later on asks if she can visit him in his bed: it is unclear whether she means it in a sexual way. S6E7: a female demon is locked up by two male demons as they fight who gets to marry her: she is saved by someone.
Nattlek (Movie)
Natty Knocks (Movie)
A man watches a teenager get undressed through her bedroom window.
The father of the main female character abuses her and her family. He makes remarks about sexually abusing her and he is later killed by her lover. About 31 minutes into the movie, short clips are shown of the main male character assaulting a woman who had been kidnapped and tied up. Worthy of note: although ages are not confirmed in the script, the protagonists are based on a real criminal couple with a man in his twenties and a girl in her mid-teens.
Navalny (Movie)
Naz & Maalik (Movie)
There is a discussion of rape, relating to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. An adult man lures one of the teenage protagonists up to his apartment with clearly predatory intentions, and even asks for the boy's phone number, but no sexual encounter occurs. A character who is presumably homeless and mentally ill shouts nonsensical things, including sexual statements, at strangers.
NCIS (TV Show)
S1E2: in the very beginning of the episode, a couple is in a car. The guy tries to pressure the girl into having sex, she says no repeatedly. He is stopped.
Near Dark (Movie)
In the beginning of the film, the main character meets a woman on the street and flirts with her, following which she asks him to give her a ride home. He agrees, but while they are on the way he stops the car and tells her he won't drive her the rest of the way unless she kisses him. She kisses him and then bites him to turn him into a vampire. The relevant scenes occur between the 10:29-12:05 minute marks and the two characters are portrayed as love interests throughout the film. When the vampires are in a bar, one of them grabs the waitress as if to forcefully kiss her and makes her sit on his lap as a ruse to slit her throat (between the 45:01-45:26 minute marks).
Nebraska (Movie)
An old woman mentions that her husband's cousin groped her when they were younger. Another old woman mentions that her nephews are doing "community service on account of rape". Her mother corrects her by saying that it was not rape but sexual assault.
Necronomicon (Movie)
This film contains an alien gang bang rape scene.
Necrosis (Movie)
Neds (Movie)
Neecha Nagar (Movie)
A child has a dream where he touches himself in front of his speech teacher. A few minor characters are pedophiles. They own physical copies of child pornography, which is described vaguely. Two of these characters are said to have raped young (prepubescent) children in their past, but the scene is only referenced, not discussed in detail. None of these incidents are portrayed as positive and the characters are shamed by others.
This game focuses on the career of a female social media star who struggles with her mental health, and there are candid depictions of the abuse and trauma many internet celebrities face explored in the game, including sexual harassment. Throughout the game, there are several sexually charged comments made towards the protagonist across different social media platforms, including parasocial relationships, asking the protagonist to expose herself, unwarranted comments about masturbating to her livestreams, and several more. It is possible for the player to delete most harassing comments on livestreams for a small in-game benefit, there is no way to get rid of harassing comments on other in-game websites. While the player can make the choice to avoid these websites as much as possible, it is often necessary to go through these comments in order to progress through the game. An optional route involves the protagonist livestreaming increasingly sexually explicit material. While these livestreams do incur in-game benefits like more followers, these suggestive livestreams will often cause her to have a severe mental health relapse if her stress levels go unchecked. It is made clear she does not enjoy making sexual content, but may choose to do so anyway, solely to gain more followers. Some routes also have an exposition of the protagonist's backstory, where she explains that, as a minor, she narrowly avoided being forced into sex work by her mother. Worthy of note: one ending has the protagonist being addicted to sex, to the point she forces it on the player character, leading to a non-standard game over.
Nefarious (Movie)
Worthy of note: a couple accidentally catches their neighbors having sex through their windows and continue to watch without them knowing.
Nekopara (TV Show)
This could be described as a lolicon show.
Nekromantik (Movie)
There is discussion and depiction of necrophilia throughout the film.
Nekromantik 2 (Movie)
There is necrophilia throughout the film.
Nell (Movie)
The main character, Nell, was born from her mother's rape. She is also sexually harassed in a bar.
Neo Ned (Movie)
One of the main characters discusses having been raped in her youth and bearing a child as a result.
Neo Yokio (TV Show)
Plot centred around group of women who become obsessed with becoming successful models, murder and sexually assault those who get in their way. A man can be heard raping a teenage girl from another room. The film also contains a necrophilia scene.
An adult kisses a teenage boy, nothing else happens between them. A teenage girl tries to have sex with an adult man, but the man rejects her.
A character masturbates over a comatose girl’s body. Later, an adult kisses a teenage boy with the implication that she will have sex with him.
Worthy of note: There is an almost 10 year age gap between two characters in relationship.
Neptune Frost (Movie)
Football players have a few scenes near the beginning where they sexually harass characters. Also in the beginning, the antagonist behaves extremely sexually towards a protagonist who very clearly does not want to be involved. Later, he comes into her bathroom while she is bathing and joins her while she protests: by this point at least, it is clear that she is into the idea and this is a sexual fantasy for her.
Nereus (Movie)
A woman forces a man to undress so that she can confirm he does not have a curse mark on him. A man pins a woman down and kisses her neck while she screams for help: she is able to stop him before anything further happens.
The Nest (Movie)
Chapter 5: non-graphic discussion by the princess in regards to her marriage (him abusing her), and how he insists on having guards in the room while they have sex which makes her uncomfortable.
Network (Movie)
The main character, a security consultant/ bodyguard, notices a character described as an adolescent (no exact age given) secretly meeting with man claiming to be her age but is at least 12 years older who is clearly attempting to lure her away from her family and friends to private locations and potentially attempting to drug and/or rape her. The main character prevents this from happening and the whole incident is only mentioned in passing as a point of tension between the main character and the adolescent.
S1E5: one of the male protagonists tells a group of men they can buy a girl if they win. However, he is very sure they cannot win. S1E6: a man grabs a girl from behind and she struggles to get loose. Nothing else happens. S1E11: a man tells a teenage girl she looks good in a maid outfit. He tells her he is gonna take a picture, but she tells him no. S1E20: a man compares women to furniture. At the beginning of the episode he asks two women to serve as a table for him. This is played for laughs. S1E24: there is a short scene where the man from S1E20 is trying to use a woman as a table. This is also played for laughs
While there is no sexual assault in the movie, it may be worth noting that accused abuser Amber Heard stars in the movie. In one scene, one character grabs a girl’s arm to prevent her from walking away while they are fighting in a public place and does not let go for a bit. There is no sexual violence in the scene, but it could possibly be triggering.
The movie contains stalking, non-consensual touching/grabbing, attempted rape and forced underage prostitution with strongly implied rapes.
S1E6: a teenage boy is lonely and decides to meet someone from Reddit to watch the football game at a pizza place. The person from Reddit is a 50 year old man who tells him to blow “slower” on the pizza slice and stares at him as he does it (12:46). S3E8: someone makes a joke about a teacher molesting a student. The same teenager (now 18) is continued to be objectified by adult women S3E10: someone makes a joke about a college student losing their boyfriend to a college professor. S4E5: a man is pushy towards a woman at a party. She is 'saved' by her ex-boyfriend, who minimizes it. Worthy of note: there are at least two adult female characters who make flirtatious and sexual comments to and about a teenage male character who is considered extremely attractive. These scenes are played for laughs. A different male teenager meets someone he knows from the Internet, thinking that this person is a fellow teenager, but who actually turns out to be a pedophile.
A teenage girl reveals that many of her sexual encounters have not been consensual. A young girl is pressured and manipulated by an older man into a sexual situation for money. A man masturbates while alone in a subway car with two young women. Worthy of note: an abortion is performed on screen.
Chapter 21: the female main character discusses how the man she was previously set to marry harassed her, and snuck into her bedroom at night and touched her. It does not explicitly say that it was sexual touching but he would taunt her with explicit threats of what he would do to her when she they were married. This is mentioned briefly in previous chapters as she had been afraid of him and tried to get out of the marriage. Chapter 41: the female character is kidnapped by the man noted above. He threatens her with assault and forcibly kisses her. After she is rescued, her husband is concerned that she was raped, but there was no assault aside from the kiss.
Neverknock (Movie)
Neverlake (Movie)
Repeated impregnation through rape is implied.
Several times throughout the book a teenage boy is called a slur that is later revealed to mean ´child of rape´. Chapter 2: a young man touches the face of a teenage girl without her consent. She manages to chase him off. He later returns with another man. It is implied this man wants to rape her. Very short scenes and both men get killed by the girl before they can harm her. Chapter 16: a boy wants to buy a girl a drink, she declines. He becomes pushy and grabs her wrist, but his boss stops him before he can harass her any further. Chapter 20: a teenage boy reveals that he was conceived as a result of rape and that his grandfather detested him: seeing his grandson's face reminded him of his daughter's rapist. Chapter 25: the same boy reveals that when he was born he was frail, and his mother was told to drown him as his people would never accept him. His mother refused, and as a result was shunned from society. Chapter 30: a teenage boy who does not have any teeth reveals he was enslaved in a pleasure house when he was young. The main character then states that she finally understands why the boy doesn't have any teeth, but does not elaborate. Short conversation (one paragraph), but it could still be disturbing to some.
Neverwhere (TV Show)
New Amsterdam (TV Show)
S1E1: a child talks about how she was sexually abused by her foster father. S1E21: there are discussions of a doctor inappropriately touching his children clients, though the children themselves never seem uncomfortable. A minor discusses how his aunt sexually abused him at a young age. It is discovered in another episode that an engaged couple are actually brother and sister through their individual mothers using the same sperm donor. A woman discusses that she was assaulted by a family member and she was impregnated by said family member. S2E8: rape is mentioned. S2E18: a doctor is being sexually harassed by a patient. Other doctors do not believe him. S3E8: a pregnant woman discusses multiple rapes that resulted in the baby. S4E5: from 9 minutes on, a rape case is discussed in court. It gets dismissed due to the psychiatrist's statement that recurring memories are probably false. S4E21: this episode deals with sex trafficking. S5E3: this episode features a child bride. S5E7: a doctor tells how she got raped in college.
New Blood (TV Show)
S1E1: a protagonist is groped by an antagonist while he is working undercover as his employee. S1E3: the assault from S1E1 is referenced in a conversation about the antagonist's various crimes. S2E1: a man grabs a woman's arm and speaks to her in a threatening and demeaning way. S3E1: a man tries to cut another man's penis off in order to scare him away from investigating a crime (the man escapes before this can happen and nothing is shown).
It is implied that creatures mind control and then "breed" with teenage girls.
New Girl (TV Show)
S1E12: a man and a woman are making out (with consent) in a parking lot. Because it looks like an assault, the police comes and arrests the man. Later, a joke is made about a man in a white van trying to pick up a little girl. S2E8: a man kisses another man against his will. S3E4: a woman is tricked into performing a sexual act she is not into with her boyfriend, who also does not like it. It is implied that he was too scared to say anything, stating that he feels 'very real fear'. S6E14: the main character and her then-boyfriend go on a camping trip together and realize that they are distant cousins. They immediately break up as a result.
Pregnancy resulting from incest or rape is mentioned a few times in passing.
The author references the following throughout the book: low conviction rates for rapists, Trump's declaration that Mexican immigrants to the United States are rapists, Obama's opinion that child rapists should be executed, racist fears that Black men would rape white women, and Willie Horton's rape and murder of a woman while he was on work furlough from prison. The author generally discusses rape in the abstract, as opposed to detailing specific acts of rape.
The New Kids (Movie)
The New Look (TV Show)
S1E1: a woman sets a trap to get Nazis to try and rape her, and then they are shot.
A female character jokes about sexual assault, and talks about “showing where it happened” on a puppet. She later has multiple flashbacks from her childhood, about repeated sexual abuse she suffered from adult men. It eventually leads to her having mental breakdowns.
This series is a satire in which the main character does many offensive/triggering things.
New Tricks (TV Show)
The series overall has an intentional general atmosphere of casual and commonplace 1990’s sexist banter and workplace misogyny, with men (including the male main characters) leering at women when they cannot be seen, calling their boss "sweetheart," saying things like “nice tits” behind their backs, etc. Rape is mentioned casually and in passing in many episodes, in the context of discussing autopsy reports (eg, whether or not there was any sign that a murder victim was sexually assaulted), or officers saying they did not focus on something because they were too busy investigating a rape case, etc. The sex trade is frequently alluded to, with characters working in it occasionally being side characters, questioned as witnesses, etc. Pilot episode: a male character looking through job applications with a woman says of one of the applicants, "don't leave him alone with your kids." S1E1: a man steals women's underwear for a fetish, stalking young blonde women. S1E2: a police officer talks about a previous case in which a 14 year old girl claimed to have been raped, and it's heavily implied that her accusation was false. S1E4: a flasher is discussed as having been victim of a false accusation. This episode contains rape mentions because a serial rapist was convicted on DNA evidence obtained as an afterthought. S2E1: this episode delves a lot into the sex trade, with one of the male main characters clearly seeing no issue with soliciting prostituted women and implying that he has frequented many, which is treated as a joke. At the end of the episode, all of the main characters collaboratively enable a cover-up to prevent a woman in the sex trade's "list of clients" becoming public, specifically because this would embarrass men in law enforcement professions. S2E3: a young woman/girl falls in love with her kidnapper and has his baby - this is treated as romantic. The 'happy ending' of the episode is when he goes without any punishment. S3E1: the episode revolves around a man in the sex trade who takes compromising photographs of his female clients and circulates them without consent, online for money, sometimes resulting in blackmail. S3E5: male characters are spiked with an aphrodisiac drink without knowing it, and pleasantly surprise their wives with the results. A female character is revealed at the end of the episode to have been sexually abused when she was younger. The abusive man was murdered by other women in retaliation for this. S3E8: about 57-58 minutes in, a woman is grabbed by a male colleague and kissed against her will, to which she reacts in disgust. S4E1: the murder victim of this episode turns out to have been a paedophile who had historically worked with and abused children, including his own son, who committed suicide as a result. No sexual abuse or detailed descriptions of the abuse are given onscreen, but there is some discussion about the psychological impact of abuse. S4E2: an officer lies to a nurse that one of her patients is unwell in order to get her onto a dance floor, where he starts forcefully dancing with her until she acquiesces. S4E7: a man runs an illicit sperm bank, lying to his female customers (including one woman whose capacity to consent is somewhat doubtful) that the sperm is collected from male models, but in fact it is his own. This is not illegal and he faces no punishment. Instead, a main character concludes that “ignorance is bliss,” and the victims are never told. S5E3: a woman recounts being sexually harassed and groped by her former boss (who has since died). Old records show that the same man had likely also committed statutory rape of a 15-yr old girl. Male characters victim-blame both victims. It is suggested that there may have been other statutory rapes of young fans (groupies) by radio stars. One woman was 14 when she was raped by a character and calls herself stupid when she reflects on it. She thinks the perpetrator had also done it to other girls. None of the harrassment/assaults are onscreen, only described by characters. S5E5: a woman is told that her father used to patronise women in the sex trade, and it’s implied that he used his position as an officer to hit on or sexually prey on women. This is also the episode with incest - two characters feature who are adult siblings. It turns out that years ago, the sister had an abortion, the father of the pregnancy having been her brother. S5E7: a 15 year girl had slept with an older teenage boy, and her family had allowed it. She narrowly escaped sex trafficking. Domestic violence towards women in the sex trade is briefly mentioned. S6E4: in this episode, a Hollywood director was pressuring young actresses to star in porn films. A clip of video with a woman being slapped in the face by a colleague is shown repeatedly. BDSM footage is watched by characters as evidence, and they mention the possibility that it could be an extract from a snuff film. At one point, characters walk in on a couple making out and it becomes apparent that the man has paid for sex. The same woman talks about having been sexually assaulted before. A woman has killed a man in self-defence when he sexually assaulted her. S6E5: a woman used to be in the sex trade; she wasn’t trafficked but forced into it through financial desperation, and it is clear that it was a traumatic experience for her. S7E3: a paedophile is the prime suspect in the disappearance of a five year old. His crimes are not described but he was a teacher for ten years before apprehended, and “inappropriate behaviour towards young boys” is mentioned. In the end the reason for the child’s disappearance turn out not to be sex-crime related. S7E4: a serial stranger-rapist who has gotten away with it for decades is investigated. The episode includes interviews with visibly distressed victims who describe what happened. There is also a sub-plot where one woman, a genuine victim, makes a false accusation by accidentally mis-identifying the wrong man. The real rapist is apprehended at the end of the episode. S8E1: a tasteless joke about marital rape is made.
The New World (Movie)
Worthy of note: though Pocahontas's real story was more gruesome, in this movie there is no rape or sexual assault.
A serial killer picks up women in order to kill them. In one scene, a woman offers to have sex with him in order to convince him no to kill her; he ignores this suggestion.
A woman is sexually harassed by another woman's ex boyfriend.
The male protagonist is very pushy with the female protagonist in the first scene, which may have uncomfortable implications for the rest of the plot.
There is a tense sequence in which a young girl is pursued by a group of men who want to purchase her for sex trafficking and/or to rape her. They are all killed by the male protagonist and they never lay hand on the girl.
Next (Movie)
Worthy of note: the main character can see the future and uses this to his advantages to try out different ways to win over his love interest.
Next Friday (Movie)
Next Gen (Movie)
About 1/3 of the way into the movie, the main female character sneaks out of the school. Five men who have previously harassed her chase her and one of them yells menacingly. She manages to escape. A bit later at a gas station, a man grabs the main female character and raises his eyebrows suggestively at her. Her guardian has to beat him up until he lets her go.
Towards the end, a woman is restrained on a bed by a man. It is not really clear whether he is trying to kiss her or slobber on her or bite her.
Throughout the first season a male character repeatedly verbally harrasses a female character, and this behaviour is romanticised with the female character portrayed as snobbish for refusing his advances.
Ni Una Más (TV Show)
This series deals with the rape of a teenager, that is shown on screen. There are many other triggering scenes throughout the whole series including non-consensual touching, adults praying on teenagers, psychological abuse, victim blaming, an adult having a relationship with the protagonists friend, self harm after the abuse; etc.
Niagara (Movie)
Worthy of note: a woman starts to take money out of a stripper's underwear, the joke being that she is trying to make change. She is thrown out of the club by security.
The Nice Guys (Movie)
It is implied that a 13 year old girl is having relationship with a man three times her age. Worthy of note : there is a scene in which a young teenager watches a porn movie with an adult woman.
Nichijou (TV Show)
Worthy of note: S1E23: a male teacher is in love with a female teacher. Her little brother tries to bribe the male teacher with a picture of the female teacher as a high school student. He accepts the bribe. This could make some people uncomfortable. The picture is not anything explicit or weird.
At one point, it is implied that a character (incorrectly) believes she has been kidnapped and that her kidnappers plan to rape her.
This is a fictional retelling of abuses that occurred at the Dozier Academy, a reform school for teenage boys in Florida. The systemic abuse includes rape, which is referenced throughout (sometimes using the word rape, sometimes using references to “Lover’s Leap.”). There is one character for whom rape is a central part of his arc, which is recounted on pages 148-49. Given the history this book is based on, the sexual violence was handled carefully and non-graphically.
Nicole (Movie)
There is mention of slaveholders raping enslaved women. There is a scene where the protagonist kisses a boy and he starts trying to go beyond kissing. He does stop or slow down when asked, though.
The Night (Movie)
The male protagonist grabs the female protagonist into a standing embrace and kisses her (there is no action or implication of anything more): she objects and tries to resist his kiss, but he persists (1:11:20-1:12:00).
The Night Agent (TV Show)
S1E3: a man in a bar pretends to be picking up a college girl, and very graphically describes sexual things he would do to her. He then tries to physically assault her because her father is a politician he disagrees with. There is a possible flirtatious relationship between a college professor and a college student. S1E4: the professor who is flirting with the student has ulterior motives for flirting. An unsolicited dick pic is mentioned. S1E5: the professor has the student over to their house for a sexual rendezvous. During foreplay another guy is watching. Then she is kidnapped violently in her underwear, but it not sexually assaulted, other than the professor was in on it. But he did not want her harmed and felt bad about lying to her.
The main male character gets kissed by the female lead and looks very uncomfortable with it.
Social workers discuss how a teenage girl was molested as a child. A teenage girl is groped and made to have sex with an adult man in order to purchase a gun. The sex itself is off-screen.
A man spanks a stripper while she is performing: she pushes him away and he tries to grab her but she runs off stage. There are several mentions of rape as a crime A man has a woman tied up, and he pins her down and begins to lift her shirt but another woman comes in and attacks him before anything further happens.
A character fondles his partners and attempts to pressure them into sex, using their previous relationship with someone else as evidence of their sexual availability. They do not force them but punish them for refusing.
Physical violence towards women is a major theme of the movie (discussed and depicted on-screen). SPOILERS: It is revealed in the last part of the movie that the protagonist's late husband had no choice but to profile women that looked like his wife and bring them to a secluded house to kill them (in order to 'trick death' and not kill his own wife). The film shows several of these scenes, as well as a statue representing a woman tied up and impaled on sticks (one of them entering in her vagina). In one of the final scenes of the film, the protagonist embraces an invisible presence whom she thinks is her late husband's "ghost": it fondles her before revealing that it is not her late husband but a maleficent force.
The former reverend tells of his dismissal from the clergy due to an incident with a "very young" Sunday school teacher. In another scene, an underage girl sneaks into the same reverand's room and he allows her to kiss and almost sleep with him before being interrupted (the actress was, in real life, about 17-18 during filming, and the character is supposed to be younger). She is also featured dancing provocatively in front of adult men while wearing short shorts.
A teenager has sex with a bunch of girls throughout the film, but ends up having sex with a woman around the age of 25-35.
The movie's plot involves the diary of a young boy who chronicled the years of sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of his parents and their friends.
Women are grabbed by zombies trying to maul them: it is not sexual in nature.
S1E1: a woman is shown with bruises from her partner. Later in the episode, she is found dead. S1E2: the protagonist enters an abandoned house where a couple is having sex and goes next to them to get them out. S1E4: a male antagonist briefly and ironically mimicks trying to give a blowjob to the protagonist to mock him. S1E5: one of the main female characters explains that she does not feel well being the only woman in a military camp in the midst of the desert. Her husband then slaps her because he suspects her of spying on him. S1E6: a man instructs his bodyguard to torture his partner (on-screen).
In the fourth sequence (Rome) of the movie, a cab driver explains to a priest that he practiced zoophilia in his youth with a goat.
The film contains multiple scenes of rape and torture perpetrated by concentration camp guards against their prisoners. A trauma bond relationship is explored after the end of WWII between a former prisoner and the guard who was her abuser.
Night Ride (Movie)
Two men harass a trans woman on a bus, making sexual comments and at one point pushing her face into one of their crotches.
Night Shadows (Movie)
Worthy of note: one scene shows a group of children hiding to see a woman urinate and some of them masturbate. She seems aware of the situation and even smiles.
A college-aged girl is non-consensually groped at a bar.
In this documentary series, survivors detail their accounts of being raped and molested by serial killer Richard Ramirez over multiple episodes. This includes survivors who were children at the time. There are also pictures and details recounted by police and reporters about what victims experienced, beyond sexual violence, including mutilation and murder.
Night Swim (Movie)
Comedy segments by Michelle Wolf and Hasan Minaj contain several references to sexual assault.
Mentions of rape as a weapon of war, with the longest mention from a woman who is explaining her admiration for a man who prevented the soldiers who killed her father from raping her.
A man sexuall harrasses his male and female coworkers: he grinds his crotch on a sleeping man and tries to rub his crotch on a woman butt when she is bent over. A woman says "if you have your pants down again I'm reporting it" when she thinks he is nearby. He attempts to steal parts from a corpse to sell to fetish websites.
Night in the Woods (Video Game)
Nightbeast (Movie)
A man goes to his ex's house with the intention of having sex with her. He crawls over her while she is in bed and pins her down briefly. While arguing, he grabs her shirt and when he throws her down it rips her shirt open. Later while he is fighting with a female deputy her shirt is also ripped open.
Nightbreed (Movie)
A sexual assault is hinted for a second, but nothing happens.
A woman is forced to enter into a sexual relationship with a professional acquaintance, who threatens to get her fired if she doesn't comply.
Chapter 30: a man attempts to rape a woman when she returns to her office. He gropes her several times and pulls her in to rub against her before she is able to fight him off Chapter 34: the same woman is made to strip naked at gunpoint by a group of men to prove that she doesn't have anything on her.
Nightflyers (TV Show)
S1E7: four men are lying on tables, having just been captured, and a woman enters with a machine. This machine is for obtaining their 'seed' by masturbating the men until they orgasm. The scene is not overtly violent but may be unsettling to viewers. The scene initially occurs about halfway through the episode.
The sexual violence scenes serve the narrative and are contextualized in the experiences of women in the historical period. There are at 5 graphic rapes shown in the film as well as implied rapes.
The Nightmare (Movie)
During his first encounter with a woman, the male protagonist takes a bath and does not hide while he is undressing, which visibly surprises the woman. After that, she grabs his penis while he is in the tub without asking for consent. He is visibly shocked but then complies when she starts masturbating him: they kiss. When the protagonist is about to have sex with his girlfriend, she implies that she has been raped. In one of the final scene of the movie, an antagonist, who has been said to have forced his wife to miscarry (which caused her death), reveals that he 'hurt' multiple women while trying to replace her, impliying that he presumably raped and/or killed them. The protagonist tries to kill his mistress who betrayed him by strangling her with a phone cable, lying on top of her on a desk: he is stopped by security agents. Worthy of note: the main character arc implies that he was abused as a child by his father.
Worthy of note: throughout the film, a woman is held captive against her will by her "creator". In the end of the opening sequence, she fights him off to escape him.
'Mashit': while possessing someone, a demon grabs a woman and grinds their bodies together.
The villain puts his glove between a girl’s leg in a suggestive manner. Later on, he also licks the girls without her consent and tells her “I’m your boyfriend now”. It is also implied that he might havee also been a pedophile in one scene as the girls mom refers to him as a “filthy child murderer”.
It is heavily implied that the villain was both a child molester and killer.
A man's clothes are stripped off by ghostly forces.
In a dream sequence, the villain disguises himself as an adult female nurse in a mental institution and kisses a male teenager who has a crush on her. It is revealed that the villain was conceived after his mother was raped by multiple men. This information is given verbally without flashbacks but contains many very upsetting details.
The villain kills a girl by “sucking face” without her consent.
Although no rape is shown on screen the villain's mother is shown being locked in a room with tons of men then giving birth. A newspaper clipping referring to the villain as a child molester is shown on screen (though it is in the background and only shown for a second”).
A doctor drugs female patients, picks them up and moves them around while they are passed out.
An on-screen rape takes place between 27:45 and 30:23.
Night's End (Movie)
The villain in the movie is a necrophiliac, and this is mentioned a number of times, as well as the film showing the aftermath of these activities. Worthy of note: in the beginning of the movie, the villain attacks and murders a sex worker before engaging in intercourse with her body, although this act is not shown on-screen.
Worthy of note: the plot revolves around an escort girl service and the murder of two prostitutes.
Nimic (Movie)
Nimona (Movie)
Nim's Island (Movie)
Nine Days (Movie)
Nine Dead (Movie)
A woman describes the event of being raped in her past. It is mentioned a gay man raped a young man and gave him HIV/AIDS. (Extremely homophobic). One of the main characters is a pedophile and rapist.
The show contains a lot of "subtle" non-consensual touching, like grabbing someone's shoulders and rubbing them to assert dominance.
The author references the following: the rape and murder of Mia Zapata, Anita Hill's sexual assault allegations against Clarence Thomas, Tupac Shakur's conviction for rape, Harvey Weinstein's conviction for rape, the #MeToo Movement, Mike Tyson's conviction for rape, politicians' sexual relationships with interns (particularly, the Monica Lewinsky scandal), and the movie American Beauty's protagonist's obsession with his teenage daughter's best friend.
Ninja Kamui (TV Show)
S1E2: a cop touches a woman's bottom without her consent. There is a male character that makes lots of sexual comments when he talks about fighting.
Ninja Scroll (Movie)
The film contains two graphic non-consensual sex scenes. The first shows a man grabbing and kissing a naked woman and the second features a man inserting his fingers into the vagina of a tied up woman.
Ninjababy (Movie)
Ninotchka (Movie)
There is an attempted rape scene between a child and a ghost which is described in fairly vivid detail but the character blacks out so it is unknown how far the rape scene actually goes. There is also a scene in which a character has been videotaped while she performs sexual acts, in this scene she is under the influence of a drug, though the rape itself is not described in detail. However, the after-effects on the character are, as well as the character being coerced before the rape occurs, it should be noted that the actual act is explain briefly but remains off-page. The main character was previously in a relationship with an adult while she was a teenager. The scenes are handled well for what they are, they serve a purpose and are portrayed with sensitivity.
A man sets up a hidden camera in order to film a sexual relationship but the woman finds it before they can have sex.
Nip-Tuck (TV Show)
Throughout the series, there are several episodes featuring talks about rape, sexual assault or child molestation.
Nitram (Movie)
In the last part of the film, a TV report briefly mentions that a killer had molested children.
Nixon (Movie)
No (Movie)
Worthy of note: in the context of a referendum's political campaign (yes or no), two commercials depicting a couple in bed are shown. They feature a husband who insistently says "yes" while touching his wife, and a woman who says "no", as a parody about consent. Both are played for laughs.
An teenage girl is sexually assaulted graphically on screen more than once. In one scene, a mother propositions her underage daughter for oral sex. The act is not shown on screen. A man prostitutes his teenage daughter: she later prostitutes herself.
A husband and wife talk on the couch while they watch television. Jokingly, the man says 'keep running your mouth like that and I'll take you in the back and screw ya.' Could be perceived negatively.
The author reveals that he and his grandmother were raped by several relatives while being confined at these relatives' house. The author also discusses Alice Walker's book Overcoming Speechlessness, in which she interviews Congolese women who were victims of sex slavery and other forms of systematic sexual violence. Both of the above are in the essay called "Fighting Words"
An attempted rape is quickly stopped.
No Exit (Movie)
Two guys kidnap a girl and the main character call them “child molesters” (which they are not). One of them kiss the main character without her consent and pass his hand on her breast.
No Game No Life (TV Show)
One of the two main characters, a 10-year-old girl is sexualised by her older brother throughout the whole serie. For example, he tries to sneak into the bathroom while her sister's showering, he even thinks and talks about her underwear and her breasts.
No Good Nick (TV Show)
The main female protagonist makes sexual advances towards the male protagonist which makes him uncomfortable. He then pepper sprays her. She asks him why he does not just carry “a rape whistle”. After a party, the main male protagonist is ready to have sex with the female protagonist but she says she does not want to have sex with him because he is drunk and not in the right state of mind.
The theme of this movie is two brothers taking advantage of female-only tenants to tie them up and sacrifice them in a basement. A male character puts his finger forcefully inside a female character's mouth and puts a bottle of wine down her throat (50:00-52:00).
Spoilers: Worthy of note: in the course of the film, the female protagonist is restrained and a parasite is forced into her mouth.
This book contains very graphic illustrations of child rape and incest.
No Man's Land (Movie)
Rape is briefly mentioned (as a war weapon) by a soldier.
There are frequent but non-graphic references to rape and sexual assault allegations against Trump and other politicians, as well as references to Trump’s labeling of Mexican immigrants as rapists.
Worthy of note: after he received confirmation that his wife is cheating on him, a man rushes to him in order to beat her despite her protest: it then cuts, but we see her later with bruises on her face. She ends up killing the abusive husband shortly after.
No Tell Motel (Movie)
A man leans in to kiss a woman but she pulls back in refusal: he respects it and stops (29:44-30:18) A man drugs a woman and rapes her on-screen while she is unconscious (50:55-:51:55). Earlier in the movie, a woman discovers that she is pregnant. Later, a man admits to her that he put something in her drink at a party and raped her while she was unconscious. She discovers he is the father. During the scene, he tells her how he feels about her and grabs her, but she pushes him away and he stops (57:39-59:49). In another scene, the same woman is tied down to a table by a man who attempts to rape her. There is a struggle, and she ends up escaping, but has a miscarriage in the process (1:11:16 - 1:17:28).
A man lies ontop of and kisses a woman who he has tied up. A man humps a dead woman's body.
No. 6 (TV Show)
One character, said to be younger than the main characters who are 16, poses as a sex worker in order to get information from an older man. The older man touches the young character's leg and before anything happens, the young character drops the act in order to get him to stop. They are visibly uncomfortable throughout the scene.
No. 6 (TV) (TV Show)
A major character runs a prostitution service: while this is mostly off-screen, it does come up occasionally and there are hints that some prostitutes he has pimped out are minors. S1E4: a prostitute forces herself on the protagonist and forcibly kisses him, then continues to get physically affectionate with him even when he protests. She only stops when the deuteragonist steps in and tells her to get off of him, at which point she demands payment for the kiss she gave to the protagonist; in turn, the deuteragonist forces a kiss on her. Later in the same episode, the pimp offers a prostitution job to the deuteragonist (who is also a minor), but the protagonist shuts down the offer. S1E9: a teenager goes undercover as a prostitute to get information from an older man. After he fondles them and licks them, they retaliate by punching him and other characters involved in the operation further restrain the man. Also worthy of note is that the man misgenders the teenager and aggressively questions their gender, while the pimp (who is also going undercover for this job) simply comments that gender does no't matter if a prostitute is that young, implying he has had experience with handing out underage sex workers. The teenager is later shown visibly traumatized by the experience.
No Way Up (Movie)
No.6 (TV Show)
A major character runs a prostitution service; whilst this is mostly off-screen, it does come up occasionally and there are hints that some prostitutes he's pimped out are minors. S1E4: An adult prostitute forces herself on the teenaged protagonist and forcibly kisses him, then continues to get physically affectionate with him even when he protests. She only stops when the deuteragonist steps in and tells her to get off of him, at which point she demands payment for the kiss she gave to the protagonist; in turn, the deuteragonist forces a kiss on her. Later in the same episode, the pimp offers a prostitution job to the deuteragonist (who is also a minor), but the protagonist shuts down the offer. S1E9: a teenager goes undercover as a prostitute to get information from an older man. After he fondles them and licks them, they retaliate by punching him and other characters involved in the operation further restrain the man. Also worthy of note is that the man misgenders the teenager and aggressively questions their gender, while the pimp (who is also going undercover for this job) simply comments that gender doesn't matter if a prostitute is that young, implying he's had experience with handing out underage sex workers. The teenager is later shown visibly traumatized by the experience.
Worthy of note: while mostly naked, a male main character is bound and forced to walk through a bathhouse of (mostly female) strangers. He is embarrassed but not distressed.
Nobody (Movie)
Worthy of note: a woman in the bus feels uncomfortable because she is surrounded by a group of drunk men. She eventually gets saved, and nothing sexually happens.
Nobody Knows (Movie)
A teenager character is bound and ball-gagged in a chair. An adult makes uncomfortable remarks, but it does not go futher than this.
Two women (one of whom is a teenager) are sexually harassed by a group of men. There is a short and implicit but still potentially disturbing rape scene in which a woman is restrained and screaming. The perpetrators boast about raping and murdering women throughout the film.
A male character unknowing films female characters as they change clothes. Another male character tears off a female character's shirt when she refuses to take it off during a game of strip blackjack.
A teacher has a sexual relationship with a teenage student. All sexual activity between them occurs off screen and claim that it happened "with her consent."
Noelle (Movie)
Noir (TV Show)
Nomadland (Movie)
A teenage, pregnant, tertiary character first became pregnant due to date rape. Upon finding out that the protagonist is intersex, a character starts tearing off her clothing to try and find a penis that she does not have. He tries to isolate her in an alley, but someone intervenes on her behalf.
Many people ask the protagonist invasive questions about her body because she has cybernetic parts.
There is a weird conversation between two guys and its unsure if they talk about rape but one of them is angry because of a woman and says to the other man 'she has no idea what i want to do to her'. There is one instance where two woman are attacked and one is grabbed by the hair by a rapist. he later reveals that he was going to rape her. He also gives an description of how it felt to rape women.
Nope (Movie)
Early in the film, "anal probing" by aliens is mentioned.
Noragami (TV Show)
S1E5: a young teen boy attempts to touch the breast of a sleeping young teen girl (10:30). He is stopped by another character before anything happens. He later confesses to the girl what he tried to do and apologizes.
Norma Rae (Movie)
Normal People (TV Show)
S1E3: the main female protagonist is groped by a stranger at a nightclub (~4:00). Most of her friends are dismissive of the situation but two of them look after her. S1E7-9: the same character engages in a couple of relationships with men that involve a consensual sub/dom dynamic. In episode 9 (~16:30), her partner encourages her to be photographed naked and tied up, but as the shoot progresses she becomes distressed and leaves. S1E11: the same character is affected by domestic abuse. She reveals in episode 3 that her late father was violent towards her mother, and a subplot of ongoing abuse from her brother escalates to violence (~20:12).
Normale (Movie)
The opening sequence mentions a rapist/serial killer (played for laughs). The love interest of the protagonist (a teenage girl) asks her to give him oral sex in public in order to prove that he is not gay (he does not act threateningly but rather awkwardly). She first declines, then accepts (in exchange of his help for something else), but it ends up not happening.
Norsemen (TV Show)
Rape is constantly mentioned to be a normal and fun part of Viking pillaging. Sexual assault is used as a punchline multiple times throughout the show, including onscreen. One man recreates a pillage like rape scene with his new wife because he cannot get in the mood without it. The same wife is later to be raped by a leader of the neighbouring committee, she clearly desires the intercourse but it is used as a way to taunt her husband. It does not occur because of performance issues of the male. The main female lead constantly talks about how raping is her favourite part of pillaging. She rapes via jumping the face of another Viking in order to prove her worth for pillaging. She also cuts of men’s genitals and wears them as a necklace, both dead men and men she has raped.
The rape scene is both on and off screen and is very drawn out.
North Country (Movie)
Sexual harassment at work is the main theme of the movie. It contains a graphic scene in which a teenage girl is raped by her teacher. It is then revealed that she had a child from it.
A woman says that a man put his hands on her in the car (58:30).
North & South (TV Show)
In S1E1, the main protagonist gets cornered on a staircase by a large crowd of men who catcall at her, invading her personal space and trying to take her scarf. She is visibly distraught. In S1E1-2, the protagonist rejects two different marriage proposals. In both cases, the men involved react to her rejection with anger and attempts to make her feel obliged or guilty.
The North Water (TV Show)
Worthy of note: a female character has consensual sex with a man under the assumption that following their relations they would be engaged; the man turns her out afterwards (1:17:11-1:18:11).
The Northman (Movie)
Rape and sexual assault is present throughout the film, usually when men attack and pillage villages (they are shown violently taking women in order to rape them off-screen: they are shown struggling and crying). Most female characters are slaves who are regularly sexually abused by men off-screen. It is implied during most of the movie that the protagonist's mother has been coerced into a marriage by her late husband's brother. It is eventually revealed that it was in fact her late husband who took her as a wife when she was a slave, and that the protagonist is the product of a rape. During that scene, she kisses her adult son and promises to be his queen if he kills all her family.
A Nos Amours (Movie)
The protagonist (a 16 year-old girl) and a boy kiss laying in a field: when she stops him from going further, he blames her for it. Shortly after, she has sex with a stranger: afterwards, she says that she did not know what she was doing, but does not regret it. Later, she tells her friends that she made a dream where her ex-boyfriend grabbed her in a subway station and threatened to rape her before she woke up. Throughout the film, the protagonist is beaten up by her brother for being promiscuous. At some point, the latter jokingly tries to touch a woman's cleavage: she rebuffs him.
NOS4A2 (TV Show)
S1E4: it is strongly implied that a teen with a developmental disorder rapes his mother after murdering his abusive father. S1E8: it is strongly implied that a man rapes a teenage girl he is holding captive. He also confesses to raping his mother and another woman he murdered in an earlier episode.
Nosferatu (Movie)
In the beginning of the film, the titular antagonist tries to suck the blood of the protagonist after he accidentally cuts his thumb. In the end of the movie, a woman decides to kill the antagonist by letting him bite her and drink her blood.
In the beginning of the film, the titular antagonist tries to suck the blood of the protagonist after he accidentally cuts his thumb. The antagonist later enters the appartement of a woman, hoping to seduce her. Not frightened, she drives him away. After that, the same woman decided to kill the antagonist by letting him drink her blood. Before doing so, he lifts up her robe and she gently stops him. Finally, as he bites her neck, he also grabs her breast.
A girl spends the entire movie trying to have sex with her brother (the male protagonist) and assaults him in one scene. Himself also harasses another girl throughout the entire movie. Three boys spy on girls in the locker room through the vents and spend the entire movie trying to find women, sexualizing every woman they get the chance to. There is no official relationship between a student and a teacher, but at one point, towards the very beginning, a (presumed) teacher hits on some of the girls that he calls “slutty.” This is all in the name of parody and comedy.
Not Dead Yet (TV Show)
The show0s workplace is full of sexual harassment as jokes. S1E6: a ghost watches someone pee without their consent.
Not Okay (Movie)
Worthy of note: during a sex scene, a man refers to how helpless and broken the woman he is having sex with is.
Not Wanted (Movie)
The Notebook (Movie)
The film is about a teacher having an affair with a student.
A man talks about getting a woman drunk in order to get her to have sex with him.
This documentary mentions child sex abuse at the hands of the Catholic church. It also mentions the Magdalene Launderette, an institution known for punishing women who had been raped.
Notorious (Movie)
A woman is driven out to the middle of nowhere by a group of men. They talk about how they are going to rape her. The audience sees the aftermath of her running through the woods, crying. Whilst she is modelling, a photographer touches a woman's leg and is immediately reprimanded. Several producers attempt to proposition the protagonist, which she rejects.
Notting Hill (Movie)
A group of men speak in demeaning and sexual terms about a woman, unaware that she is listening. They apologise when she confronts them. Another subplot involves a woman of whom sexual videos and photographs have been publicly released without her permission.
A woman working in a factory is sexually harassed by her supervisor. He tries to kiss her when they are alone in her office. She escapes, cries, and seems visibly distressed by the aggression. The man repeats his attempt later in the movie. At some point, the father of that woman tries to marry her to a man against her will. Finally, it does not happen.
Nova Lituania (Movie)
November (Movie)
There are multiple mentions of a woman being raped while being captive: we also see flashbacks of it happening.
Now Apocalypse (TV Show)
The show contains several rape scenes shown on-screen.
Now and Then (Movie)
A group of girls spy on a group of boys swimming naked in the river. A girl comments on how a strange man could be a 'sex fiend'.
A young girl being held captive by the army is implied to be regularly sexually assaulted. We see her fight off a man trying to force himself on her. Later, we find out she is pregnant as a result of this.
Now, Voyager (Movie)
Nowhere (Movie)
There are scenes where women are being forced into large caged trucks.
One character rapes and beats another, who later commits suicide. There are other scenes of consensual violence during sexual situations.
Nowhere Boy (Movie)
Worthy of note: a man asks a woman "show us your jugs" in a playful way, as they are in some sort of relationship.
Nox (TV Show)
Worthy of note: as part of a criminal investigation, one of the characters watches tapes of her adult daughter having apparently consensual sex with multiple people.
Nr. 10 (2021) (Movie)
Nu (Short) (Movie)
There is one scene were a married couple is about to have sex which may seem unconsentual at first but we see quick that she is alright with it.
A character continually asks another character out, despite the fact that she has made it clear that she is not interested in dating him. He considers her to be "playing hard to get." There is later discussion of this harasser character having broken the arm of a previous girlfriend and getting away with it because his family is influential. Later, the harasser character forces a kiss on the character above while she is drunk at a party. The protagonist, her friend, punches him. The next day, the harasser character makes a non-apology that could be considered gaslighting, saying that they both had a lot to drink and there were "mixed signals." The climax of the book entails the harasser character bringing a gun to school to attack the character who rejected him. He corners her and calls her a cocktease. She is saved and no one dies. Presumably, the harasser character ends up in police custody because the protagonist records and broadcasts his threats to frame her in the shooting.
The rape scene occurs in the middle of the movie. Some criminals attack a family, and throughout the film, several nuns are exploited by a corrupt clergy.
Nuevo Orden (Movie)
The rape scene (at 47:45) is very long and graphic. There is a scene where a man is sexually tortured.
Numb3Rs (TV Show)
The Nun (Movie)
The Nun II (Movie)
In the second part of the movie, after having escaped the mistreatment of her mother superior, the main character (a nun) finds refuge in another convent. There, the mother superior makes repeated sexual advances towards her. After she rejects it, her superior sexually harasses her but she always manages to escape. Finally, a monk helps her to flee, but he also ends up trying to take advantage of her. She escapes once again but is taken by a woman to a brothel. When she realizes the situation she is in, she jumps out of a window and kills herself.
Nun of That (Movie)
A priest is verbally reprimanded for apparently having sex with a 14 year old girl. Someone makes a joke about priests being pedophiles. A group of three men attempt to rape the protagonist. They lick her neck, shove her around, and bend her over. One unzips his pants but does not undress further. They are killed before she is undressed or further assaulted. Later, a sex worker is told she has to do sex acts with a client that she does not want to do. The scene is eventually shown from the waist up. An antagonist orally rapes a nun by performing cunnilingus on her.
A Nun's Curse (Movie)
Nuovo Olimpo (Movie)
Worthy of note: There is a brief power struggle between two men. However, it is shown as playful and sex-related.
S2E4 (Demon Capital or S1E4 as labeled on Netflix): a man attempts to rape a princess. She successfully defends herself with a sword, after which he decides that he is interested in more of a relationship with her, and takes off. Later interactions are very forceful and qualify as harassment, but the show portrays this harassment as ironically charming for the princess.
Nurse 3D (Movie)
A character is given drugs without her knowledge or consent while at a nightclub and, as a result, proceeds to have sex with a number of other characters. This is not acknowledged to be rape.
Nurse Jackie (TV Show)
S1E5 (and subsequent episodes): a doctor has a nervous compulsion and grabs women's breasts. This is played for laughs.
A man sexually harasses a nurse by touching her (1:18:20).
Nuts (Movie)
The protagonist (a woman) is a call girl, and one evening one of her customers gets particularly aggressive, threatening her, physically beating her, and attempting to rape her in the bathroom. It is also revealed in the film that her father molested her as a child.
The protagonist (an awkward university professor) uses a serum to turn into a charming man and to court one of his female students. He is particularly insistent despite her clear disaffection with him, to the point of leading her to a secluded place to make out with her: he insists but after she rebuffs him, he eventually adopts a less threatening attitude and is forced to leave. He nevertheless kisses her later on, and they end up having a romantic relationship (after his real identity is revealed). In the final scene of the movie, one character slaps the bottom of his wife, whom he is talking to with a very humilliating tone, in front of a classroom: she seems embarassed.
A character is anally raped by a giant mutant hamster.
Nyad (Movie)
Memories of the main character's child sexual assault are portrayed. At 01:00:00-01:02:00, we see the scenes leading to the first assault, and the girl lying on a bed asleep, with the rapist approaching her. She is then shown afterwards, visibly distressed. Other, more graphic scenes are depicted at 01:11:00 and 01:15:00. After that, the sexual assaults are discussed and referred to until 01:22:00.
Follows the life of a self-diagnosed nymphomaniac and includes a scene wherein she has sex with an 18-year-old boy at the age of 14. At one point, the main character performs oral sex on a man despite his asking (or begging) her to stop throughout. The main character later acknowledges this is wrong, although it is unclear that this isn't because he was a married man. Another character even praises her 'forwardness.'
Near the end of the movie, a man attempts to rape the main character.
O (Movie)
The first scene shows a woman being raped by multiple men.
The OA (TV Show)
Worthy of note: two characters discuss a rescue plan that involves claiming the captors molested another character.
The OA (TV) (TV Show)
One disturbing scene has strong implications of a threatened sexual assault with one character pressing a knife threateningly to a woman's neck and then ripping at her dress exposing her breast. There is also minor nudity and sex on screen and graphically displayed and talked about.
There are multiple flashbacks to a period of deeply inhumane war, and some of them either state or imply that soldiers (including a specific named antagonist) were raping and pillaging in the aftermath of conquest. Sexual violence is never shown onscreen or implied for any specific named character.
A caste of people called breeders must bear children with whoever authorities tell them to have sex with.
Obi-Wan Kenobi (TV Show)
Obliterated (TV Show)
S1E4: threats of sexual violence. A woman has to masturbate to get a man's attention to save her life. S1E5: threats of sexual violence and graphic sexual violence (torture). S1E6 features a couple having sex in public. A father and son can see them.and they keep going.
Oblivion Battery (TV Show)
A character mentions frat parties often have sexual assault. Another character mentions a main character could have been raped, but they have not.
Obvious Child (Movie)
The O.C. (TV Show)
S1E19-22: the main character's mother sleeps with her daughter's ex boy friend who at the time is only 17-18 (she has known him since he was a young child.) The show only shows how traumatizing it is for the daughter and presents it as a comedic storyline. S2E21: the main character is attacked by her boyfriend's brother who attempts to rape her. S3E6: flashback to the assault of S2E21.
A paedophilic character steals a little girl's underwear and attempts to put a 24-hour vigilance camera in said girl's room.
The villain of the story is an otherworldly creature who takes the form of a human being. She has the power to affect people's minds; at one point, she seduces the protagonists father, and he briefly sees them having sex (with little descriptive detail) before fleeing the house. It is unclear if she uses her psychic power to induce the seduction or if the father does this of his own will.
Ocean Waves (Movie)
The main character, a man trying to reconquer his ex-wife, grabs her by the arm when she is leaving the restaurant where he intended to meet her by surprise.
Worthy of note: as part of the heist, a man drugs a woman to seduce her. It is a diversion and he does not take advantage from it.
Ocean's 8 (Movie)
October Faction (TV Show)
S1E4: attempted rape. S1E5: the attempted rapist accuses the survivor of assaulting him: she is suspended from school.
Octopath Traveler II (Video Game)
During the Winter bloom arc, the female character is repeatedly harassed. She is outnumbered at one point and told that three men were going to "have their way with her" after harassing her.
Oculus (Movie)
One female character is pushed into an arranged marriage she does not want. Her interactions with her betrothed do not contain sexual harassment or anything like it.
Odd Thomas (Movie)
The Odds (Movie)
Relevant content includes somebody who is incapacitated and unable to consent being touched suggestively. A character is victim-blamed for past encounters, during which she is implied to have been too intoxicated to consent.
OddTaxi (TV Show)
S1E5: it is mentioned that a criminal has committed several illegal acts, including sexual assault. A man (who is over 40 years old) knowingly engages in a relationship with someone who is 18 years old. He proposes to her on their first date.
Oedipus Rex (Movie)
The main character unknowingly marries and sleeps with his own mother.
The book contains multiple instances of rape and frequent threats of rape. There are also implied incest and physical abuse of the children.
The Offer (TV Show)
S1E8: a man (an actor) makes inappropriate comments to a female assistant (asking for a foot massage, to turn around. etc.) Later, while acting in a scene where he is slapping a woman, he really hits her (off-screen: we only see the bruised and distressed actress). The producers then asks another actor to beat him (for real) up during a scene as relatation.
The Offering (Movie)
Office Space (Movie)
Mention of prison rape.
The Office (UK) (TV Show)
S1E1: a man makes an inappropriate comment to his female employee. A man makes inappropriate comments about a woman over the phone, unaware that he is on speakerphone and she can hear him. A man makes a pun alluding to child molestation. S1E2: a number of men publicly make sexual remarks about a woman who is new to the office; she appears uncomfortable. A crude sexual email about a man is circulated around the office. A group of men make inappropriate and derogatory sexual remarks towards their female boss; she is angry and upset. S1E3: a man makes inappropriate sexual comments about a woman. S1E4: mention of rape. S1E5: men harass women in a nightclub. S2E3: men make inappropriate sexual comments towards a woman, who is obviously uncomfortable. S2E5: a man makes inappropriate sexual comments and gestures towards a woman, who is obviously uncomfortable. A group of men forcibly take off another man's trousers and expose him publicly. A man forcibly kisses another man, who tries to physically resist him.
The Office (US) (TV Show)
Sexual harassment and misconduct are generally presented in a critical (although lighthearted, given the genre) light throughout the duration of the show. S1E1: a woman's boss comments that 'if you think she's cute now, you should have seen her a couple of years ago.' A man makes a number of crude remarks about a woman over the phone, unaware that he is on speakerphone and that she is in the room listening. S1E2: a (white) man suggests that everybody in the office should say a race which they are sexually attracted to as part of a pro-diversity training session. One man complies with this suggestion, and the woman he is sitting next to (the only woman in the office belonging to one of the ethnicities he named) appears uncomfortable. S1E5: a woman's boss makes derogatory and sexually objectifying remarks about her to her fiancee and a group of men, without her present. He continues to make derogatory remarks regarding the appearances of women who work for him through the duration of the episode, often in their presence. S1E6: the episode revolves around a woman visiting the office who many of the men are attracted to. This results in them (especially the manager) treating her strangely, and some make inappropriate comments about her appearance while not in her presence. S2E1: the manager gives out a 'hottest in the office' award to an obviously uncomfortable employee, slapping his rear as he leaves without his consent. He makes a number of other inappropriate comments over the course of the episode. S2E2: the title of this episode is 'Sexual Harassment.' Its plot revolves around one HR employee administering a seminar on sexual harassment, while the manager and his chauvinistic friend try to 'prove' that such seminars are not necessary (and, in doing so, prove the opposite). S2E6: a man and a woman are play-fighting. It appears that they are both enjoying this until the woman becomes nervous and upset and demands to be let go of; the man complies immediately. S2E7: a man and his boss engage in sexual contact while drunk. The next morning, she is clearly regretful and asks him whether he intentionally got her drunk or 'slipped her something.' This marks the beginning of their on-and-off romantic relationship, which is often highly one-sided. S2E10: a drunken woman spontaneously kisses a man who is not expecting it, and who reacts negatively. Another drunken woman reveals her breasts to another man, who also reacts negatively. S2E13: a woman's manager tells her that she should wear her hair one way rather than another because it's 'sexier.' S2E14: some male characters make a number of objectifying comments about a female coworker. S2E15: a man discovers a sex doll with his own face taped to it in the company warehouse. S2E18: a grown man makes a comment which implies that a middle school-age girl is sexually attractive. The same girl tries to flirt with a different grown man, although he does not reciprocate. S3E1: a man forces a hug and a kiss on a man who he has forcibly outed as gay in order to 'prove' that he is not a homophobe. The man who he is hugging and kissing is visibly distressed and resistant, and is eventually offered a financial settlement from the company to stop him pressing charges over the incident. S3E3: a woman is made to feel uncomfortable by a man openly ogling her at work. S3E6: verbal sexual harassment. S3E9: verbal sexual harassment of a breastfeeding woman. A man says that one of his employees is a 'convicted rapist' - this is untrue. A man alludes to rape in prisons (intended to deter criminal behaviour). S3E11: a revealing photo of a woman is circulated among her employees and coworkers without her permission. S3E13: sexual harassment/impropriety in the workplace. S3E14: a man suggests that he will remove his employee's bra without her permission. When she refuses, he has a male employee wear a bra and pretend to be her. In the run-up to a woman's wedding, a man suggests that he is claiming 'prima nocta,' the right to 'deflower' a bride on her wedding night. A man leers at and makes derogatory comments about a woman. A man orders strippers to perform at bachelor and bachelorette parties, both hosted in an office where a number of people are uncomfortable with the situation. He does this despite acknowledging that doing so could qualify as sexual harassment. Men in the office make a number of derogatory remarks about the female stripper and treat her in ways which, at times, seem to make her feel uncomfortable. A man makes another man come to a sex shop with him, despite the other man's obvious discomfort. A man volunteers to receive a lap dance and swiftly becomes uncomfortable when it happens. S3E16: a man talks about a teacher who 'hooked up' with a number of his students when they were in the eighth grade. Mention of 'sex predators' in passing. S3E17: a man makes repeated inappropriate comments about his partner in a public setting, and she is obviously uncomfortable. A woman makes persistent sexual advances towards a man, despite his repeated statements that he does not want to have sex. S3E18: a woman tells a man she kissed another man a month before they were supposed to get married. The man gets angry, yells at her and throws an object that breaks glass. She walks out. S3E19: a man makes a derogatory sexual comment about a woman he works with. S3E20: an adult man realises that his 'girlfriend' is a high school student. He says that they 'didn't do anything illegal,' but it is unclear whether or not this is true. S3E21: a woman asks her boyfriend to come to her house and have sex, offering to pay him money to do so despite his saying that this proposition makes him uncomfortable. A man exposes himself to a woman in the office parking lot (off-screen: this is only discussed). The office manager makes derogatory comments about the woman who was targeted and performs a crude impression of the perpetrator. Another man encourages the women in the office to dress conservatively and stop wearing makeup in order to avoid being targeted. A man mentions how his girlfriend 'pretended she didn't hear' him say their safe word the last time they had sex. S3E23: a woman calls her coworker's haircut 'sexy hot,' which makes him obviously uncomfortable. A man makes inappropriate comments about the physical appearance of two women he works with. S4E1: a woman knocks on a door and the man inside says that she can come in. When she enters, he is partially nude; it seems as though the man was embarassed by this and did not have sexual intentions. A man pulls down another man's trousers. S4E8: an incident in which a revealing photo of a woman was circulated without her permission is referenced and discussed. S4E11: it is mentioned that a website's social media function was 'infiltrated by sexual predators.' This is briefly discussed. S4E12: a man makes inappropriate sexual comments about a woman wearing glasses. Another man makes an inappropriate comment about the same woman, while not in her presence. S5E1: a man makes an inappropriate comment about his employee's appearance. A man tries to kiss a woman without her permission. S5E5: a woman is crying and a man asks her if another man 'touched her.' S5E6: a woman falsely claims to have been raped in an attempt to get out of trouble. S538: mention of child sexual abuse in passing. Discussion of sexual harassment: two characters plan to get one of their coworkers fired for sexual assault when he has committed none. They attempt to trick him into hugging and kissing a woman in the office 'no matter how hard she struggles.' S5E9: a man tricks a woman into marrying him without her knowledge. S5E13: an incident where a revealing photograph of a woman was shared without her permission is mentioned. S5E21: a man makes an inappropriate comment regarding his coworker's physical appearance. S5E26: mention of an incident when a man groped a woman without her permission. S6E1: mention of a 'Monica Lewinski incident,' in which a boss mentioned Monica Lewinski to his interns so often that the intern scheme at the company was shut down. A man makes inappropriate comments about a woman's body in relation to her pregnancy. S6E2: mention/accusations of sexual harassment. S6E6: a man pretends that his employee is his employee's wife and mimes groping his chest. S6E9: a character working in the office shows the receptionist nude photos of their coworker while asking if she has ever been photographed. She is not asked if she wanted to see this type of image. S6E12: a man dresses up as Santa and makes numerous comments with sexual overtones regarding people sitting on his lap. S6E13: replays of numerous scenes from past episodes involving sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual comments in the workplace. S6E15: mention of sexual harassment, in passing. Mention of metaphorical 'molestation.' S6E20: man sexually harasses his coworker (regarding the fact that she has recently given birth). S6E23: mention of rape at the end of the episode. S6E26: mention of paedophilia at the beginning of the episode (before title sequence). S7E2: a man accuses his coworker of wanting to 'molest' him; there is no evidence that this is true. A man talks about being 'probed' by aliens and a puppet. It is strongly implied that this never happened. S7E17: it is mentioned that a character in an amateur movie was a 'convicted animal rapist;' this is not elaborated upon further. S8E7: a man repeatedly gropes another man's crotch without his permission (non-sexual). S8E10: mention of sexual assault in passing. S8E17: multiple mentions of a man being a 'sexual predator,' alongside a suggestion that he should make advances towards teenage girls (this does not happen). S8E22: mention of rape (not graphic or descriptive). S8E24: a man kisses a woman. At first she resists him, but she quickly begins to reciprocate. S9E1: a woman tells one of her coworkers to 'sit on her face.' He is visibly uncomfortable. S9E7: a woman mentions that another woman allegedly had an affair with her 17-year-old assistant. Later, a man tries to use this history in order to get the woman to buy paper from him, bringing a young (22-year-old) sales associate to a meeting in order to seduce her. S9E13: a man makes a sexually suggestive comment to a man in the office and he seems uncomfortable. a woman makes an ambiguous comment which seems as though it could suggest that she ‘dated’ a now-grown man when he was an infant or child. S9E17: a man makes inappropriate comments regarding a woman’s body. S9E18: people in the office become uncomfortable when a woman becomes openly aroused by listening to an erotic audiobook. A woman flashes her breasts at everyone in the office. S9E21: a man mentions hypothetical sexual assault and then attempts to grope the crotch of one of his coworkers.
Offret (Movie)
Offspring (TV Show)
Okami (Video Game)
The titular character has a sidekick who sexually harassed women. Also, many of the female characters are rendered in sexualized and revealing ways.
Okaruto (Movie)
When a woman does not get involved in a conversation, a man pesters her about not joining in with the rest of the group. He argues with her and begins to make snide comments about her personal dating life, and then calls her gendered slurs after she is gone. Later, the same man asks if she i's going on a date when she says she has plans elsewhere.
Okja (TV Show)
An animal character is forcibly bred to another creature and cries out in pain and terror.
Okko's Inn (Movie)
Oklahoma! (Movie)
A male character inappropriately grabs a female character a couple of times.
S1E4: rape attempt (33:00-34:00).
Okupas (TV Show)
This serie is a slice of life drama about the street life in Argentina during the economic crisis. It slowly becomes a hardboiled but realistic crime thriller. S1E4: one scene shows the protagonist almost getting gang-raped by the antagonist and his goons. Luckily he is saved by his friends but the longetivity, decadent atmosphere, realism, uneasiness and overall intensity of the scene make it nothing short of nightmarish.
Old (Movie)
Worthy of note: two of the children who are aging rapidly are mentally around 6/7 years old when they physically become teenagers. They have sex off-screen but they do not really fully understand what they did because of their actual young age.
Old Enough! (TV Show)
Old Enough (Movie)
The Old Guard (Movie)
The Old Gun (Movie)
Rape on-screen (circa 32:00-34:00).
Old Joy (Movie)
Old People (Movie)
A man attacks a couple while they are having sex. He gets on top of the woman and drools on her face (possibly attempting to kiss her).
Old School (Movie)
The Old Ways (Movie)
Old Yeller (Movie)
Oldboy (2003) (Movie)
A man runs into the bathroom a woman is in and forcefully kisses her on the mouth and attempts to pull her clothes off and rape her. A woman is held hostage by gang members while tied up and shirtless: she is groped on screen and it is implied through dialogue that the men assaulted her with their tongues as well. A brother and sister have sex. A man and woman have sex: it is later revealed that the woman is his daughter. Worthy of note: a consensual sex scene takes place where the woman tells the man that it is painful and she is enduring it for him.
Oldboy (2013) (Movie)
Incestuous relationships feature as a recurrent theme throughout the movie. A man stands over a woman with the implied intention of raping her. He harasses her in a very crude way. She forcefully rejects his advances but is very clearly troubled. A character is forced to watch footage of his ex-wife being raped.
The story plays out in an empire in which women are valued only as dutiful wives, mothers, and religious sacrifices. Misogyny is a constant backdrop via concern about women's purity and proper place, and threats of violent execution. One secondary female character is forced into an arranged marriage with the cruel emperor in exchange for her tributary state's safety. Multiple scenes from the emperor's POV involve him fantasizing about torturing and murdering his wife and his (main character) sister.
Towards the end of the book, the titular character is raped by an ex-boyfriend. Later, she explains other times she was sexually assaulted in the past to a trusted person.
Some of dogs repeatedly cat-call other dogs.
Olla (Short) (Movie)
The Omen (Movie)
Omori (Video Game)
An adult character finds an underage boy attractive and it is implied that she wants to have sex with him. When he rejects her she puts him and his friends in a dungeon.
The film contains a brief but very intense scene of sexual violence, which clears up a lot of issues hinted at prior in the movie.
One of the protagonists was sexually abused by a psychiatrist as a child. In a flashback, it shows the psychiatrist (who he confronts later in the movie) asking him a sexual question and putting his hands on the child's thighs.
Towards the end, the villain does make some faintly veiled threats towards a female character, but nothing happens.
The author discusses the rape of enslaved Black women by white men and white women falsely accusing Black women of rape.
On My Block (TV Show)
An adult says he would have sex with three teenage girls. Two of them are disgusted and one is flattered. S4E5: a gangster makes a kissy face at a girl while he is holding her and her boyfriend at gunpoint.
Early in the movie, two friends go to see prostitutes. At some point, they dunkenly try to take off the pants of one of the man against his will. He protests and they eventually stops. Later, a man engages sex with a woman who says that he is hurting her by going too strong. He immediately slows down and they have consensual sex. After receiving 'mixed messages' from a woman he met on the train, the male protagonist follows her home, and insists on speaking with her despite her apparent uncomfort. They eventually engage in a relationship.
On the Rocks (Movie)
The main male protagonist briefly mentions a cult where women force kidnapped men to have sex. He also mentions several times are men are subjeted to their sexual desires.
A woman is raped by a main male character. A woman is raped by a alien creature.
On the Town (Movie)
There is an entire musical number where a female character acts rather aggressive towards a male character in wanting him to go with her to her place despite his pleas of no. She places her legs on him despite him not wanting it and eventually stops the cab to chase him.
On the Verge (TV Show)
Two friends are in a car, and the woman knows her male friend is a sex addict. They kiss, he pushes her away, she then goes to give him a blow job, he says "no" repeatedly. Eventually he says "okay" and because he enjoys it. Her and her friends joke about it later and it is a punchline throughout the series.
Worthy of note: a male character says that he needs to get a female character home, his reasoning being that there are too many men around with 'only one thing on their minds.'
Once Bitten (Movie)
At the beginning of the movie, a teen guy pressures a teen girl into having sex (they do not). During a shower scene with 3 men, two of them grab the last one with the intention of seeing if he has bite marks on his upper thigh, but he does not know their aim. After that, the two men talk about how they were "enacting a prison rape scene". There are also various scenes throughout the movie where the main character is made to pass out by the vampire while she sucks his blood, and a lot of sexual coercion by the vampire.
Love potions and spells to force characters to fall in love are used, but no characters are depicted as having sex while "under the influence." The main character is an older teen, and one of her love interests is an immortal creature who is centuries old. The main character is kissed and touched against her will, and is also ordered to kiss other people under the influence of a magical contract.
Once Upon a Time (TV Show)
Characters frequently coerce others into having sex with them by magic or simple deception throughout the series. Throughout much of season 1, there is an ongoing sexual and romantic relationship which is a result of mind control. S1E7: rape off-screen of a character being controlled by another. In season 2, there is a rumored sexual relationship between an adult and teenager: the age of the character said to be an adult is never revealed. This plot appears in S2E6. In season 4, there is a side plot where, through magic means, a female character assumes the form of another character's wife in order to coerce him into having sex with her (off-screen) and impregnating her. This plot appears in S4E17. In season 7, there is a variation of the above. In this case, the male character did not know the female character, nor the form of the character she assumed. The intercourse happends off-screen but the scene afterwards includes many unwanted touches. This plot appears in S7E7.
This film contains two scenes depicting rape. The one taking place in a car lasts quite a long time: the driver does nothing during the entire scene but kicks the rapist out afterwards and drives the girl home.
Late in the movie, there is discussion of a gang making a deal trafficking Chinese prostitutes to America. There is also a scene where a woman is taken to a man's room for the purpose of raping her. She fights back, but is knocked out. The man is fought off before he can commit rape.
Worthy of note: the lead character (an actor) plays the role of a bad guy in a western. It is hinted that this villain "hurt" a young woman before, and the way he is holding a child he has kidnapped in another scene could be upsetting. Some scenes take place in the Playboy mansion.
Sex and sexual content is never even discussed, let alone assault or rape.
Rape is shown on screen. No physical coercion is readily apparent, though it is clear that refusal to participate would incur the threat of social, physical and financial harm. In another scene, a man tears an item of clothing from a woman, exposing her. A man also storms into a room where a woman is shown bathing.
A woman is beaten and raped by her husband (off-screen). The husband's friend rapes the couple's 13-year-old daughter (on-screen), resulting in her suicide.
Women are sexually harassed (grabbed, cat-called and even kidnapped) several times throughout the film.
A character and her obnoxious, sexist coworker discuss an offscreen incident where he told her she 'looked hot,' and she responded by pointing out that they were at work and his comment was inappropriate. He asks if such a comment would be appropriate outside of work, and she coolly tells him 'no.' A character talks about being stalked and catcalled by men while out with their significant other. S1E2: sexual harassment in the work place is discussed. S3E2: sexual harassment/assault against women are the main theme of the episode. A teenager reveals they were harassed in public and catcalled to kiss their partner. Another character reveals her mentor sexually harassed her as well. This is all handled sensitively.
The film opens with six brutal murders (stabbing and suffocating), including three women, one of which is gropped by one assassin while tied up and gagged, and the other slapped several times before being tied up. It is hinted, halfway through the movie, that the female protagonist (a Black woman in her twenties) got pregnant from a relationship with the protagonist (a racist middle-aged cop). She starts talking about it at approximately 01:10:00 into the movie, and their relationship is then discussed at length.
An adult man talks about having had sexual relations with a teenager. This character was charged with having committed statutory rape, among other things, and decided to get himself transferred from prison to a mental institution in order to live out his sentence in greater comfort.
The main character forces two characters to strip and emulate sex positions while he photographs them. Child sexual abuse is referenced briefly in a conversation.
There is a passing mention of the kinds of sexual harassment that occur on public transit.
One Mississippi (TV Show)
S1E3: a character briefly states that she was molested as a child (18:55-19:07). S1E4: a character and her stepfather (not the perpetrator) have an argument relating to the abuse she has endured - he demonstrates a lack of understanding (22:38-23:04). S1E5: a talks to her family about the effects her childhood abuse still has on her and recalls the day that it came to her mother's attention (17:00-20:49). S1E6: in an imagined sequence in a cemetery, several women share their experiences in a faux light-hearted way (05:40-07:30). Later, a character remembers her mother's support after she found out about her abuse (19:45-20:30). Lastly, the character's stepfather apologizes for his failure to understand her situation and emotions (23:18-23:45). S2E1: several characters share stories regarding a spectrum of child abuse experiences (13:10-18:30, 21:10-22:15). S2E5: workplace sexual harassment - a producer masturbates in front of a female character in a meeting, without her permission. S2E6: in the wake of the above incident, two female characters talk about sexual abuse and one shares the story of her abuse as a child on air.
One Outs (TV Show)
Many characters are considered to be perverts, though their actions are almost always punished for what they are doing. These include (but are not limited to): - Sanji: often tries to look at women without their consent. He is always head over heels for any woman. *Spoiler* He is also forced to marry a 16-year-old when he is 21 as part of a political game in the Whole Cake Island Arc. - Brook: his most common joke is to politely ask women to see their panties. - Absalom: has the ability to become invisible and uses it to look at women without their consent. While invisible, he snuck into another character showering, restaining her as he does. He also restrained another character, whom he licked. While shei is unconscious, he tries to marry her, with him trying to kiss her. - Lola: is constantly chasing Absalom in an attempt to marry and kiss him. - Vander Decken IX: is obsessed with a 16-year-old since she was 10, constantly asking her to marry him and attempting to kill her when she says no - Kin'emon: expresses perversion towards women when it comes to what they are wearing, sexualizing the character who is wearing a bikini top. - Momonosuke:dDespite being 8, often puts his face into female characters breasts with it being shown he is doing it with the intention of sexualizing them There are also often jokes about looking at women, mostly the characters Nami or Robin, while they are in the bath, to which Nami often hits them for it.
One Punch Man (TV Show)
S2E5 (specials): one prisoner kisses another prisoner without his consent. He also threatens to French kiss other prisoners if they do not listen to him or the guards. It is implied that he has actually done this to others.
One Tree Hill (TV Show)
There is a passing mention in the beginning about the protagonist fighting back against a kid who was flipping girls' skirts in a kindergarten class. SPOILERS: We find out over the course of the book that the main antagonists have a tradition of hunting "fallen women" for sport. Many of these women are vulnerable, poor, racialized, queer, etc. An antagonist leaves the protagonist in a situation where he assumes she will die, and he brags about going off to rape two other women.
A character receives rape threats and is sexually harassed online.
One Week Friends (TV Show)
Ongaku (Movie)
The male protagonist grabs a girl's behind: she punches him in the face (37:00-38:00).
Onibaba (Movie)
A merchant offers a woman more millet if she sleeps with him, she refuses and does not get as much millet as she wanted as a result. A man grabs a woman on her breast and starts to forcibly disrobe, causing her to slap him. Afterwards, they have consensual sex at various points in the movie.
Onihei (TV Show)
Onipan! (TV Show)
In the opening of the film, a woman has sex with a man she is visiting for work. He does not seem to be into it at all. Spoilers: a man discovers the body of a dead woman. He hides her and lives with her for a few days before dumping her (and himself) in a hole. A man vists a young woman whom he believes has been flirting with him online. In fact, he has been victim of a scam. He tries to approach her but when the woman rejects him and kicks him, he flees.
Underage prostitution is a major theme of the movie.
Season 1: someone's girlfriend lies about their identity, and seducing someone to cover up their involvement in something. S1E1: a character mentions that men sexually assault women every day. S1E7: a woman gropes a man in an elevator. S2E6: a main character mentions a former coworker getting handsy at work. S2E10: a boss sexually harasses his female employee. S3E1: this episode features a mother and son kissing on the lips. She says "he's gay so I can kiss him like that". It also mentions a producer under investigation for sexual harassment. S3E7: description of someone sending unsolicited dick pics. There is a mention of sex between cousins.
At some point, two men hold a woman captive. When she is asleep, one of them touches her hair and is about to fondle her breast when she opens her eyes: he thus stops. The next morning, she tries to escape and is shot.
Onward (Movie)
There are multiple attempted rapes and rape of males and one woman in this series.
A character confesses to have lied about his age to someone he was dating, saying he was 18 when he was actually 17.
Open 24 Hours (Movie)
While working at her job, the main character is hit on and cat-called by a male customer.
Open Grave (Movie)
A woman is forcelly and non-consensually grabbed and kissed, whilst being physically overpowered and held down (1:03:30-1:05:05).
Open Graves (Movie)
A violent man climbs into the bed of a woman who is asleep. When she wakes up and tries to flee, he straddles her and punch her unconscious. She awakes bound to a chair, with the man menacingly touching her and then torturing her.
A man hides a camera in the bathroom with the intent to film his girlfriend taking a shower but it dies before anything is recorded.
The whole movie focuses on the aftermath of sexual assault and how it can strain relationships.
Open Your Eyes (TV Show)
Worthy of note: the protagonist, a 17-year-old, invites an adult man to spend time together: he agrees. It is unclear what the intention of this request is.
Opening Night (Movie)
Opera (Movie)
A woman is repeatedly tied up by a killer, who often gropes her.
Worthy of note: a woman is tortured.
The Operative (Movie)
The main female character is forced to hide in a car, in which a man stucks his hand down her pants.
Ophelia (Movie)
There are two instances of attempted sexual assault in this film.
Oppenheimer (Movie)
Oral Fixation (Movie)
A couple is secretly watched while having sex. A woman takes off her shirt and forcibly kisses a man, and derives audible pleasure from scenarios where he is upset or uncomfortable.
Rape or sexual assault discussed/mentioned/implied: In S1E8 sexual violence is threatened by a guard, who makes multiple inappropriate sexual advances, including groping an inmate in an earlier episode. In S1E10, a flashback shows the teenage years of one character, during which she lived on the streets and stole to survive. It is hinted that she left home due to a problematic family life and she makes a reference to her 'rapist stepfather.' In S7E11, a foreign woman struggles to explain that she wants to get an abortion. Eventually, a flashback strongly implies that she was raped by smugglers before entering the US. Sexual harassment on-screen: in flashbacks (S2E4), it is revealed that one character stalked a man who she'd developed an obsession with at length. This resulted in the man moving several times, changing his phone number and email, and getting a restraining order against her. Her stalking escalated into threats and eventually actual violence, with the inmate threatening to strangle him and his girlfriend and leaving a homemade explosive under his car, leading to her arrest. She continues to refer to him as her 'fiance' throughout early seasons, until the reality of the situation is exposed when the man visits her in prison and threatens to kill her if she ever comes near him or his wife again (also in S2E4). S1E3: a male guard abuses his power when patting down an inmate and gropes her breasts on screen and another woman tells after that he also grabbed her butt during the search. In season 5, prison guards are taken prisoner by inmates during a riot and subjected to a series of humiliating ordeals, often being stripped naked and/or forced to perform, notably in S5E2 (where captive guards are paraded in front of an audience of inmates and subjected to intense humiliations, including public stripping and, in one case, a forced 'cavity search') and S5E4 (where guards are forced to take part in a 'talent show' for the amusement of inmates). In S6E1, two prisoners are handcuffed to poles and sprayed with cold water as punishment for fighting: two officers force them to kiss each other (33:55). Attempted rape: a military woman is assaulted by one of her fellow soldiers while she is asleep. She eventually wakes up and manages to stop him when he has his hand in her pants (S7E2). Rape off-screen or strongly implied: in a flashback, it is revealed that one of the prison guards previously worked at a men's high-security facility and had a romantic relationship with one of the inmates, who was severely beaten and raped by other inmates when they found out he was gay (S5E10). The circumstances of this death were covered up. Rape on-screen: In S3E10 a woman is raped by a man who she used to have transactional sex with (in a flashback). In the same flashback, her mother is seen telling her that men would always want sex from her, and that she must grin and bear it. Years later, this woman is seen to regularly engage in sexually irresponsible behaviour, resulting in multiple abortions. In season 3, she develops a relationship with a male member of the prison staff, who, in S3E10, progresses to treating her in an aggressive and demeaning fashion and eventually rapes her. He does the same on multiple occasions after this event. She and her friend plan to rape him in revenge, but never actually do. The psychological implications of her rape, as well as her relationship with the prison officer, remain a theme of the show throughout the rest of seasons 3, 4 and 5. Later, she seems to forgive him, apparently willingly initiating romantic contact. One subplot involves a prison guard coercing prisoners into giving him sexual favours by trading them for drugs which he has smuggled into the prison. In S4E6 an inmate has sex with a female guard in exchange for heroin. Worthy of note: in season 1, an inmate strikes up a romantic and sexual relationship with a C.O. and both recognise that the relationship is forbidden by prison rules. The inmate eventually becomes pregnant and decides to keep the baby, but who the father is has to be kept a secret because the father could be imprisoned for rape, as prisoners are not, by law, considered able to give consent. The inmate, her mother and the father of the baby plan for the inmate to seduce another officer and accuse him of rape in order to provide an alibi. Prison officials want to avoid a scandal so the accused officer only receives a suspension.
S1E2: it is heavily suggested that a police constable preys on children. S1E3: it is revealed that a main character raped a teenage member of his staff, resulting in a pregnancy. Additionally, another character is drugged and has an abortion performed on her without her consent.
This book is an account of the author's escape from North Korea. Whilst crossing the border from North Korea to China, the author's mother is raped by a man who is helping them to cross. The uneven power dynamics between women seeking escape and the smugglers who assist them comes up repeatedly - it is mentioned that women are often offered help in crossing the border, only to be forced into sex work when they reach the other side.
The characters make occasional reference to a minor antagonist who groped a male waiter without permission. Two male secondary characters periodically harass the female lead character, pressuring her to break her monastic vows and have sex with them. She is unbothered and wholly capable of defending herself.
A brief scene shows the police asking a distressed teenager sexual questions, and pulling down her bra to reveal her chest.
Ore Monogatari!! (TV Show)
S1E1: a young girl is groped in the train until another man steps in.
Ore, Tsushima (TV Show)
Orfeu Negro (Movie)
The female romantic lead gets catcalled several times, but the comments are not explicitly sexual. Most of them are just calling her beautiful. There is a grocer who accepts kisses from women in lieu of payment. He does not stop people from paying with actual money, but when his character is introduced, he does appear to be forcing a kiss on one of the customers.
Original Sin (Movie)
Gang rape implied.
The Originals (TV Show)
S1E2-10: on multiple occasions, a vampire hypnotises a woman into forgetting that he is a vampire so she will not be afraid of him. However, his motives are not sexual/romantic in nature, and after discovering what he is doing, she eventually forgives him and decides to spend time with him of her own free will. S1E1-2: a woman is being held captive so she cannot abort a baby that was the result of a one night stand. When the father of the baby finds out she attempted to escape and abort it, he chokes her in a rage. She eventually changes her mind about aborting the baby and returns to the vampire family of her own volition. In S1E22, the birth is very traumatic and violent, as she is kidnapped by witches who want to sacrifice the baby. The plot of season 2 revolves around the antagonists possessing stranger's bodies so they can interact with and spy on other characters without them knowing who they are. There are elements of seduction in two relationships, and some scenes may seem coercive or menacing. However nothing sexual occurs while the antagonist's true identities are unknown, and that is not their primary goal. Although there is no incest textually onscreen, it is implied between a villainous brother-sister pair in season 3. The main characters all have very unhealthy, co-dependent relationships with their siblings. A main character's possessiveness towards his younger sister could be seen as having incestuous undertones/subtext. One of the main relationships is between two people who are technically aunt and nephew by way of unofficial adoption. The male character became the ward of his love interest's brother when he was 11. Whilst he considers her brother a father to him, obviously they do not see their relationship as familial, and no character ever mentions it. They are never seen to interact in any flashback of him as a child. Other pseudo-incestuous relationships such as multiple love triangles involving two family members competing for a third party, and a main character whose main love interest is his niece's mother. When his memory is wiped, he even calls himself out on the possibility that his feelings for her are primarily because her being the mother of his brother's baby. Regarding age gaps in vampire/human relationships: it is stated that vampires do not mature past the age they were turned at, but it is not clear how exactly old that is for the majority of characters. Two main relationships could be considered teen/adult; in one the female character is 17, and the male character is approximately 18-20 in human years, and around 1000 in vampire years. In the other, the female character is approximately 17-19 in human years and around 1000 in vampire years, and the male character is 30 in human years and around 200 in vampire years. In season 5 a guest character appears who had a one night stand with one of the main characters (when she was 17 in human years and 20-21 in vampire years, and he approximately 20-22 in human years and 1000+ in vampire years). In season 2, a main female character enters an arranged marriage. Despite initially assuring that he understands that the marriage is for practical purposes, and respects that the woman does not have feelings for him and does have feelings for another man, he continually guilt trips her about not returning his love and becoming involved with someone else. His behaviour is creepy, but it seems unintentionally so. He does not appear to coerce her into sex and their encounters appear consensual. In general, some scenes of vampires feeding on/killing humans may contain imagery reminiscent of sexual assault. Additionnally, supernatural means of deception and mind invasion/control happen frequently and dysfunctional, borderline/pseudo-incestuous dynamics between all the main characters are a constant theme.
Örkarlen (Movie)
Orlando (Movie)
Orphan (Movie)
A sex scene between two parents contains a lot of convincing in it, but is framed as consensual. There is also a scene where a daughter figure attempts to seduce her father figure.
Orphan Black (TV Show)
S1E1: a man has sex with a woman whom he mistakenly believes to be his girlfriend. A plot in season 2 involves a clone's ability to reproduce being exploited by a cult. S2E5: rape on-screen. The rape is never addressed after the fact, and this is likely because it involves a woman attacking a man rather than the other way around. Although not explicit, the scene is unambiguously not consensual. S3E1: a woman is groped by a man. Season 4: an ongoing sexual relationship between an adoptive mother and her son. This may not be technically considered incest, but a character has a relationship with the woman who both created him (as a clone), and then adopted him.
S1E5+6: it is revealed that a woman printed out her dead wife. She does not tell the dead wife that she is a copy.
Worthy of note: towards the beginning of the movie, the protagonist seduces and kills a guard. The protagonist is an adult but looks like a young child and the guard is heavily implied to be a pedophile.
The Orphanage (Movie)
Oruchuban Ebichu (TV Show)
Sexual violence is shown for comic purposes. S1E1: sexual relationship between adult and teenager implied.
The Orville (TV Show)
Throughout season 1 a main character repeatedly makes sexual advances and hits on another main character even though she says no. Eventually, while under the influence of a substance, graphic sex is shown on scene with these two characters (S1E9). Other than the woman briefly saying "I don't want to see this guy" after, the show does not treat this like rape. Several other characters almost have or have sex while under the influence here too. The character who excretes the druglike substance does not reveal that people are under the influence until after the sex has taken place. S1E1: a main character is shown to be cheating on his spouse. It is later revealed that this sex was under the influence of a drug he excretes, so non consensual. S2E4: it is revealed that the main character had a relationship with an alien disguised as a human. She seduced him in order to entrap him. S2E7: a character is put to death for his sexual orientation after having a date with someone, but it is then revealed that he faked his death. S3E7: characters talk about how a "wife mated with another male". This is referring to the rape that took place in season 1, where the alien used pharamones to get her to have sex with him. No one ever calls this act rape throughout the show.
There is a description of child pornography, which two teenage boys access through an adult's computer. One of the children from these videos becomes a central character in the next book in the series. The teenage boys also view torture porn.
Os Parcas (Movie)
Multiple scenes have sexual assault either happening on screen or verbal sexual harassment. It is always played as a joke or as a normal thing. The off-screen rape scene takes place at 50:00, and is later briefly mentioned around 55:00.
Osama Game (TV Show)
The whole plot of this series is about performing malicious missions in order to stay alive: a lot of those missions involves sexual assault or rape.
Osama Ranking (TV Show)
S1E22: a child who is approximately 12/13 years old declares he will marry an adult woman. She passed away a few years ago, but her spirit has been stuck in a mirror for multiple years. She spoke to the child through said mirror and the child has known her since he was a toddler. Her relationship to him is similar to that of a groomer and an underage child. S1E23: after the woman is revived back to a human, she accepts his marriage proposal. The child forgives her for her crimes and carries her.
Oshi No Ko (TV Show)
A young girl has a precocious crush on her doctor, an adult man - she sees him as her first love, but he turns her down (saying "I'll consider marrying you once you're 16", though he is not serious, as she is dying from cancer and he only wanted to gently rebuff her as he is an adult.) The doctor later becomes a fan of a teen pop idol that his patient also enjoyed; he fantasizes about being in a relationship with her despite the age gap. When his coworker calls him out for pedophilic fantasies, he does not deny it after further pressing from his coworker. The same teen idol comes to his practice while she is secretly pregnant, hoping to get treatment in a remote location so that she is not recognized in public. She deliberately keeps the father's identity a mystery, but there is an implication that the father may have been an adult. After the doctor is murdered and the young girl passes away, both are reborn as the idol's twin children but still retain their past life memories. The boy (formerly the doctor) still struggles to see the idol as his mother, and as a teenager, it is heavily implied he still views her in a romantic way; the girl still seems to have a precocious crush on the doctor, not knowing he is now her brother. Later, the boy makes friends who joke that he has a "sister complex" because of how attached and protective he is of his sister, but he is not shown to have any sort of romantic feelings for her.
While a man is arranging to have someone drive them to a city, the female driver kisses him after making him take a hit of a drug.
Osomatsu-San (TV Show)
Otaku Elf (TV Show)
S1E8: a news show playing in the background discusses a man exposing himself to a child.
A woman is raped after refusing to have sex with a man. After suffering a msicarriage, a woman and her brother plan to have sex in order for the woman to become pregnant again: however, they do not actually follow through with the plan.
A police captain makes a joke about a serial rapist being on the loose. He also gives a man a rape whistle as a joke.
The Other Two (TV Show)
S1E2: a joke is made out of a full grown woman thinking an 11 year old is a 30-ish year old because of her makeup. She then thinks the 11 year old wants to have sex with her. When she finds out the truth, she is worried about the consequences. Worthy of note: the character is played by an actual 30 year old. S1E3: an incest joke is made. A man tells a story about attempting to smell another man's nderwear without his consent. A female character recalls kissing a guy when he was asleep: it is named as sexual assault. Adult women send a teenage boy underwear. A man is non consensually outed as gay, and then subjected to homophobic behavior that is played for a joke. A joke about exposing his penis is also made. S2E5: there is a mention of child sex abuse. S2E8: a main character is used by a straight man pretending to be gay. S2E9: a main character has a picture of his anus leaked nation wide. S3E1: this episode contains several jokes about people waiting for a child star to turn 18. Pedophilia rings are mentioned. S3E3: someone forgets to turn their camera off on zoom and showers while people are watching. They know his camera is on and watch anyway. One of them mastrubates to him without his knowledge. S3E8: sexual harassment by a therapist is mentioned. S3E9: a man's boyfriend refuses to use lube while having sex despite his partner telling him to wait. This is played for comedy. A woman sneaks into her ex-boyfriend's apartment and stalks him: he is then forced to chase her outside in a towel. Sexual assault allegations are mentioned. A woman watches a teen mastruabte outside his window.
Throughout the film, a man putting his fingers in a woman's mouth is meant to symbolise sex. There are two occasions in the film where the man forcibly puts his fingers in two separate women's mouths, forcing them down their throats, simulating rape. It implied throughout the film that the man leading the cult has been having sex with teenage girls, many of whom are his daughters.
In the beginning of a book, the protagonist is recruited to participate in a magical land. He accuses his recruiter of being a child predator in jest. A character surprises the protagonist with a kiss that he does not want. There are passing mentions of inbreeding in the British royal family. A main character also comes from a family with some inbreeding. While 16, the protagonist has a short relationship with a 20-year-old man.
Other People (Movie)
A homeless boy wakes up and a dude stands over him mastrubating and asks if he wants to give him a blowjob for money.
Purity culture is a large part of this book. It is stated that if a character that had been blessed with power from the gods has any sort of physical touch, they will "lose their divinity." When a character received physical touch and did not lose her powers, the church forcibly took her "divinity."
Worthy of note: Self harm is heavily implied.
OtherLife (TV Show)
The Others (Movie)
Otis (Movie)
Otoshiana (Movie)
The only woman character in this film is raped and murdered, and she becomes a ghost like the male protagonist. While all the murders in the film are treated as dramatic and traumatic events. On the Criterion Channel, an extra short commentary by a scholar does not acknowledge it as rape.
A man briefly looks at a woman showering (48:59-49:15).
Ouija Shark (Movie)
A child is groped from behind at a public fireworks show (the character is implied to be trans and is presenting as female in public for the first time), and the teenaged protagonist accompanying them jokes that they were groped because of their cute appearance. They then lash out at the protagonist and this event makes them feel uncomfortable about presenting as female later on.
Our Father (TV Show)
S1E5: worthy of note: two side characters posing as married are actually brother and sister. S2E1: there is a scene where a woman makes romantic advances towards a man. It is implied that she is offering his friends a place to stay if he sleeps with her. He appears confused and uncomfortable at first but in a later scene indicates that he enjoys the relationship. S2E2: there is a scene, played for laughs, in which a character vents about his trauma relating to surviving at sea, when he had to go to extreme measures such as eating rats. As a joke, he says something about a "human puppet," implying that someone was sexually assaulted. S2 worthy of note: two characters are in a toxic relationship. It is addressed by the characters in the show, who acknowledge that it is toxic, and is shown in a negative light. Some of the scenes in which the characters physically harm each other may be upsetting to some, although they are not explicitly sexual in nature. S2E4: a female character sits on a male character's lap and aggressively kisses him, even as he verbally indicates that he is not consenting and does not want her to touch him. Later, she lies and says he gave her a "proper tonguing", at which point he has to say, "no, she kissed me", to make it clear that she instigated the kiss and he did not want it.
A man mentions that his sister once had a relationship with their cousin.
The protagonist interrupts a man raping a woman at a party. The scene is a plot device to establish what a good guy the protagonist is.
An Iranian schoolteacher tells a girl that she will be hanged over a fire by God on judgement day by the hair not covered by the girl's hijab. The animation shows a nude woman over a fire.
There is a passing mention of a man masturbating while the protagonists, two women, are kissing in a movie theater. There are a few other instances of the protagonists' relationship being fetishized or not being taken seriously by men who are attracted to them.
Two teenage twin brothers joke about 'forbidden love,' stroking each other's faces and suggesting that they only feel comfortable around one another. It is mentioned or implied on various occasions that this running joke is only for show, and is not reflective of a real sexual/romantic relationship between them. The main character is touched without permission and made to wear revealing clothing. At one point, another character attempts to assault her, but is is revealed that he was not going to go through with it and only wanted to scare her. S1E1: a girl fakes sexual assault by pulling a character on top of her in a way that parallels real sexual assault. She claims that the character attacked her though as the audience we see that she faked the attack. She is then confronted about the situation and the conflict is resolved. S1E8: a character pins a female character to a bed, implying she can pay him with her body. Nothing happens on-screen.
A man grabs a woman's crotch and implies that, if his wife dies, he will rape the woman to impregnate her.
Towards the beginning of the book in the first "The Gang" chapter, a group of boys contemplates luring the female protagonist somewhere and raping her. The female protagonist's stepfather grooms her and sexually assaults her multiple times. He and several other people in their town want her to marry him, saying it is legal to do because they are not blood related. Her grandmother even supports this, saying she was 14 when she married her husband, who was 25 at the time. The stepfather finally fully rapes the female protagonist in the last few chapters of the book. In the epilogue, we find out that the racist news media produces a story that she was raped by a Black boy. In reality, she had been dating this boy consensually.
Out of Sight (Movie)
Outer Banks (TV Show)
S1E3: two characters begin to get intimate and the woman consents to sex (about 23 minutes into the episode). However, she then says "no", stating that she is drunk. The boy gets really angry at her and starts shouting, making her feel bad for having changed her mind.
The Outer Limits (TV Show)
S1E13: a female prisoner is asked if she has been tortured by alien captors. She says that she was told to strip naked and was then leered at by the male aliens, before two female aliens arrived and "examined [her] inside". S1E9: about halfway through the episode, a man recounts how he saw another rman putting his hands where they did not belong and forcing himself on a woman to rape her. S1E16: this episode is about a female cannibal who attacks and eats the men she has sex with. S2E5: near the end of the episode, a doctor asks a woman if she has ever been sexually abused or raped. She never was. S2E17: this episode is about a group of women who have sex with men without telling them that it is part of an alien ritual, and that they are going to have an alien baby immediately. S3E4: a woman is held against her will by a doctor, who has her legs up in medical stirrups. She repeatedly begs for help from another man. The scene is played as a flashback throughout the episode. S3E7: towards the beginning of the episode, a woman prisoner is forced to go meet with a male jailer in charge. A male prisoner asks what he wants with her, and a female prisoner says "she's a beautiful woman, what do you think he wants with her?" Upon arriving, the male jailer tells her that he will kill her kid if she does npt do what he says. She starts to undeess, but he stops her, because that is not actually what he wants. Later a male prisoner tries to force himself on her but she refuses and escapes. She is (falsely) berated for trading her body for food. S3E8: towards the end of the episode, a man caresses a woman's face threateningly at gunpoint until another man breaks in and says to leave her alone. S3E10: a woman talks about being probed by aliens. Another woman hallucinates that she is kidnapped and almost probed. A man talks about having sex with the female main character while she was unconscious. S3E12: a professor makes his research group strip makes in front of him and each other. Those who do not want to end up leaving, but those who stay are coerced by the promise of a privileged research group position. S4E12: a woman is attacked in her home by a man and her blouse is torn open before another man pulls him off of her. Later, it is implied that a priest has raped a young girl, and tells a young boy who finds them that "she wouldn't stop screaming". S4E15: child molestation is mentioned. A man has sex with an artificially intelligent robot that cannot refuse: she exhibits a freeze response while he begins. S4E18: rape is mentioned as one of many acts a dictator does. S4E22: a man beats a woman. The aftermath is shown several times throughout. S4E23: the clothing of men and women is removed and they are experimented on without consent. S5E3: a man holds a woman and her son captive in their home. Her father is told that unless he complies with their demands, the son will be killed and the woman will be "worse than killed", implying rape. The man drags her upstairs to the bedroom as they force the father to comply. He yells "don't touch her!" She is returned safely. S5E7: a man and a woman are coerced into having sex by an AI, whose intentions are to create more slaves for itself. They do not know each other at all and go through with it out of fear. S5E8: a woman recalls her childhood during which she and her sister were repeatedly sexually abused by their father. A man says that his wife was mugged and raped and died; she is shown bloody and dying in the hospital. S5E10: a woman who has received in vitro fertilization and was lied to about who the father is tells a man that he practically allowed them to rape her. She confronts the man who did it to her and he has a very creepy speech; she gets very upset. S5E14: a man wants to have sex with a woman who does not. He injects her with a shot that will make her more submissive, then he takes her to his apartment and while she is drugged, he starts to undress and kisses her even though she repeatedly says no, tells him to stop, and pushes him away. His intention is to rape her. She escapes at this point. The man is portrayed as the hero/victim, and the woman he assaulted keeps trying to help him and is very sweet to him afterwards, even after he attacks her again. S6E3: a woman sleeps with a man under false pretenses - having altered her appearance. A different man does the same thing later in the episode. S6E21: a female minor is raped onscreen at gunpoint by a man. Partway through, another woman appears and tells him he ruined her life by raping her. It is revealed that he is done this multiple times to different women and girls. The woman recounts her experience to a court that disbelieves her. S7E1: a teen girl repeatedly tells a teen boy who is trying to rape her to stop. A robot stops him at this point. S7E20: throughout the episode, a woman is triggered by everyday occurrences and has 8 separate PTSD-style flashbacks of being tied down and raped that are all shown. At one point another female victim in a mental hospital from suffering the same trauma describes her experience in detail and says "not a part of my body was sacred and I wondered if they were violating Jennifer (her 12 year old daughter)" Other people around laughed as the rape was happening, and no one believes her afterwards. It is revealed that the woman's daughter is the product of rape. An adult man takes a 16 year old girl to an abandoned warehouse and gets super creepy with whispering to her and touching her shoulders. The entire episode is about this trauma and the fallout from it on family and friends, and the scenes and language used to describe it are disturbing. In another episode, a man tells another man that something he dislikes is "like we're violating your daughter".
A woman being chased by a bounty hunter is temporarily unable to move. He says he wants to have some fun since she cannot move and begins unbuckling his pants but he is stopped before going any further. An adult woman is in a sexual relationship with her father, and it is revealed that they did have a baby together.
A detective kisses a woman he is investigating without her consent: she pulls away, referring to her marriage, but he kisses her again (chapter 13).
Outlander (TV Show)
S1E1: a woman is almost raped by a military officer, but is rescued by a man. S1E2: in a flashback, a woman is attacked by two soldiers who intend to rape her. Her brother attempts to protect her but she is recaptured by a third man, who publicly undresses her in order to humiliate her and her brother. It is implied that she then endures rape in order to protect her brother from severe punishment for his actions. Later in the episode, a man is sceptical when a woman attempts to convince him that a man under his command attempted to rape her. S1E4: a group of men attempt to force themselves on a lone woman. She attempts to fight them off and is eventually rescued by a man. The man who saved her then drunkenly attempts to force himself on her, and she fights him off. Later in the episode, a man grabs hold of the same woman asks her male companion (who violently declines) whether he can 'keep her.' S1E5: a man is loudly teased by his peers, who 'encourage' him to 'have biblical relations... with his sister.' S1E7: a woman is placed in a position where she must marry a man who is not her husband in order to secure the safety of she and her peers. It is revealed that, in order for this marriage to be considered valid and binding, they must consummate the marriage on the wedding night. S1E8: a man intends to rape a woman but she stabs him and escapes. Later, the same woman is taken hostage by a different man, who ties her up, strips her and threatens her with a knife in a prelude to rape, before another man intervenes. S1E9: a woman is partially stripped and beaten by her husband as punishment for her actions. S1E11: a woman has a flashback about being knocked unconscious amidst being sexually assaulted. In another flashback, a man tries to make another man have sex with him under threat of being flogged. The man refuses, and while being flogged, his father has a heart attack and dies. Both the man and his sister feel at fault for their father's death, as they both refused to have sex with the man that flogged him. S1E12: flashblacks from episode 2 (a young woman is sexually assaulted on screen by a man who then attempts ro rape her and knocks her unconscious. It is implied that she was raped while unconscious). S1E15: a man is taken prisoner by another man and brutally raped. S1E16: a man graphically relives the brutal rape which he endured while in captivity. There are graphic and potentially upsetting scenes throughout the episode. S2E2: the man who was raped in S1E15 shows many signs of PTSD from the assault, including nightmares that graphically show the rape as well as flashbacks while attempting to have sex with his wife. S2E4: a woman is raped by a group of bandits, who flee when another woman arrives at the scene. S2E5: a woman is cared for following her rape. The aftermath and consequences of this attack are also dealt with. S2E7: a woman is coerced into having sex with the king in order to save her husband. This happens shortly after she has given birth. A man rapes a young boy on-screen, and a man remembers a rape by the same man (20:40-24:00). The boy is shown to be struggling with shame and guilt for the consequences following his rescue. S3E3: a man is flirted with by another man, who holds a position of power over him. It is heavily implied that, as a result, the man being flirted with is reliving his past rape. S3E4: a man is coerced into agreeing to sex through blackmail and is raped by a woman on-screen. Later, the man offers to let himself be raped by another man in exchange for his child's protection. S3E6: a woman is attacked by a man and he threatens to rape her. S3E7: the scene from the previous episode continues (2:30-3:20). S3E12: an adult woman rapes a teenage boy. Seasons 4 and 5: continual references to the rape from S1E15 and S4E8 throughout. S4E1: an adult woman rapes a teenage boy. S4E8: a woman is rape off-screen, while men jeer and laugh in the adjacent room. S4E9: the injuries of the victime from the previous episode are shown (2:30-9:50). The victim is distressed and the attack is a theme throughout the episode (it is described towards the end of the episode). S4E10: the attack from episode 8 is a major theme in this episode. The victime has a nightmare of the attack (shown on-screen). S4E13: the sexual assault from episode 8 is mentioned. S5E1: a woman has a flashback to when she was raped (between the 26:00-28:00 minute marks). S5E6: a man attempts to rape a woman (on-screen). S5E10: a rapist captures the woman he attacked in S4E8. S5E12: a captured woman is raped by a group of men, who discuss wanting to assault her. She is then violently gang raped during a brutal and long scene. At the end of the episode, her injuries are shown on camera. Throughout season 6, the rape in S5E12 is frequently brought up as the victim deals with her trauma. She has nightmares and flashbacks of the attack and turns to sleeping gas in an attempt to clear her mind. S7E2: a man reveals that he had sex with his sister. This is shown on screen in a flashback in which the sister is clearly in a state of distress.
Outlaw King (TV Show)
In one of the first scenes of the movie, the titular character is part of an 'arranged marriage' with a woman: they do not have unconsensual sex. About one hour into the movie, brief scenes shows soldiers brutalizing women: rape off-screen is implied. A bit later, another woman is briefly threatened by a man, who stops when soldiers invade the castle. Different women are beaten several times throughout the movie.
Outlaw Star (TV Show)
A man sexually harasses the male protagonist on multiple occasions asking him to sleep together, blowing in his ear, etc.
The Outlaws (TV Show)
S1E3: a guy justifies violence by saying he could be protecting a woman and child from getting raped. S1E5: a lawyer happily says they might have a client who is famous for child molestation. This is played for laughs. S2E5: a male lawyer hits on his lesbian client by saying "I know you say you're a lesbian, but would you ever try doing it with a bloke?"
Outnumbered (TV Show)
The Outpost (Movie)
A man watches a woman in the shower through a security camera. A teenager's boyfriend continues to try to kiss and grab her several different times after she tells him to stop.
Outrage (Movie)
This movie is a tactfully told story of a rape survivor. The PTSD and flashbacks experienced by the protagonist throughout the film may be disturbing.
Outside In (Movie)
A teenage girl has clear feelings towards the main character, who is an adult, but nothing happens between them.
The Outsider (Movie)
One character mentions a woman who claims that she was raped. A characters attempts to rape a woman but eventually stops.
In one of the early sequences of the movie (in a drive-in theater), several instances of sexual harassement are featured on-screen: - A woman angrily quits a car because her 'boyfriend' inapproriately groped her; - A very pushy man catcalls and harasses a woman (sniffing her hair, making inappropriate and unsollicited sexual comments, trying to kiss her) despite her repeated protests. He eventually leaves her alone; - Another man lifts up a woman's skirt to show her underwear; - A woman reluctantly joins her 'boyfriend' in order to avoid a fight with another man.
The Outwaters (Movie)
When characters are in a tent, it is implied that an alien entity comes into the tent and restraints all the living survivors with its tentacles and rapes them. The whole tent is soaked in blood on the inside and everyone else is soaked in blood and slime. The survivors scream while this occurs but is distorted with screams of pain and pleasure. The scene is one in a first person perspective.
Over the Moon (Movie)
The author discusses how he was sexually abused as a child by another child who was older than him, as well as the psychological ramifications of that abuse.
There is a scene in which a character mutilates her own sex organs.
Overdrive (Movie)
Overlord (TV Show)
S1E10: two female characters are stopped by a group of male bandits. It is assumed that they had the intention to rape them; they claimed that they will let them live as long as they behave. As the leader tries to grope one of the woman's chest, she stops and kills him. S2E7: it is implied that a female side-character got raped. She was found brutally assaulted and naked on the street. It was later clear they she got anal rupture, and sexual dissease. S2E9: a naked big man beats a naked woman unconsious in bed for sexual pleasure. He is on top of her but is stopped before raping her.
The Owl House (TV Show)
S2E15: in this flashback episode in which a character is a teenager, the beginnings of an unhealthy student-mentor relationship with them and an older woman are shown. Though not explicitly sexual, grooming is still portrayed and may be triggering to some viewers. S3E2: one character pins another one against the wall and begs her to stay with her. It is revealed that a third character was using magic to pose as the second one: the first character backs away.
At the beginning of the movie, a man tries to initiate sex with a woman while she lightly resists, but he stops eventually (16:57). At several points a man tries to non-consensually kiss the same womany. At one point he climbs on top of her on a bed while she resists his advances (01:08:30). He does not manage to kiss her. At the end of the movie, the latter man is locked inside a room with her twin who is in chains and it is implied he might try to rape her (01:22:20).
Oxygen (Movie)
This book contains a very graphic rape scene where one underage character gets raped by his aunt, and is seen scared and shaken up. Another adult character also almost has sex with a young girl, but does not actually do it.
Oz (TV Show)
Ozark (TV Show)
The male main character obsessively watches a secret video of his wife and her lover having sex throughout the series. His wife does not know about until later (to which she reveals feeling very uncomfortable). S1E6: the main character's teenage daughter has sex with a man over the age of 18. She admits that she is a minor before they have sex and it appears to be consensual but she exhibits uncomfortable facial expressions. In that same episode, the male main character has sex with his wife but does so in a way as to replicate the video of her having sex with her lover. He lightly spanks her and she appears uncomfortable with the encounter as she seems to piece together that this is what her and her lover did. An FBI agent sent to investigate the main character seemingly receives oral sex from a male prostitute. During the interaction he forces the man's head down and the man makes gagging and choking noises (although the encounter is consensual). The same FBI agent forms a fake bond with a closeted gay man with internalised homophobia in order to use him to get information. The gay man uses words such as 'faggot' to describe the FBI agent and they begin a rough but consensual sexual (and romantic) relationship. Overall, these scenes involve consensual sex but many of the interactions feel very tense and uncomfortable due to characters' facial expressions and the general atmosphere of the show. Many of the characters do not take into regard other's feelings during sexual encounters and there are multiple instances of physical fights and arguments in domestic settings. Additionnally, non-sexual torture is a recurring event in the series and a 21-year-old character develops a consensual, romantic relationship with a 68-year-old character.
Paatal Lok (TV Show)
Pachinko (TV Show)
S1E2: attempted rape (28:30). S1E4: a man starts stroking the back of a woman’s neck suggestively without her consent while she is eating. She is visibly uncomfortable.
An adult man stalks and impregnates a teenage girl. He then keeps tabs on her and her family for years after the fact under the auspices of protecting her. Many characters discuss how Korean women were raped during World War II, the Korean War, and under the totalitarian regime in North Korea.
The short is narrated by a woman remembering a holiday at her grandparents where she was sexually abused by her grandfather. Nothing is shown or talked about directly; it is all done through subtlety and implication.
The Pacific (TV Show)
The corpses of two tortured soldiers are shown for approximately seven seconds on screen. The first soldier’s genitals have been removed. The second soldier has been beheaded and the first’s genitals are in his mouth.
Pacific Rim (Movie)
Pacifiction (Movie)
It is revealed that female sex workers are regularly visiting a (secret) submarine and that the soldiers/sailors there are abusing them physically. The male protagonist asks the men's boss to calm things down because he fears that an "incident" will happen (meaning one of the women getting killed).
The Pacifier (Movie)
Paddington (Movie)
Paddington 2 (Movie)
Paddleton (Movie)
Padre Padrone (Movie)
In the first part of the movie, the protagonist (as a young boy living in the mountains) has his first sexual experiences with a donkey and (along with other boys) with chicken.
While in a haunted house, a man falls over onto a girl and grabs at her thigh. After she pushes him off, he responds that she liked it.
Pain Hustlers (Movie)
The main male character talks about how a foster parent tried to sexually assault him when he was 13 year-old (4 minutes into the movie).
S1E5: in a crowded room, one of the lead characters is touched without her consent and then when she pushes his hand off, he makes her touch his crotch. Later she finds out one of the younger women has slept with him because 'she had to' and was given a bracelet in return. It is applied that many of the women working for the company feel some expectation to sleep with the doctors they supply to.
A man tries to watch women changing but is caught by them, and the other men make a joke about how he would try to get into the girl's locker room while in high school.
This film contains numerous graphic scenes of rape and sexual assault throughout.
Paipeulain (Movie)
Paisa (Movie)
Worthy of note: the film is composed of six short stories. In the first one, a German soldier briefly mentions that he and his two comrades could take advantage of a lone woman they found in an abandoned house. Still, no sexual assault happens. In the third segment, a woman tries to prostitute to get out of her misery, but she choses a man who is too drunk to do anything.
SPOILER: The plot twist involves the main character's daughter (a young adult) being accosted and raped by three men at night. The assault is not shown in detail but there is a long scene in which she can be seen and heard screaming, sobbing and attempting to fight off the men while they make degrading comments (01:45:40-01:46:10). She is then shoved to the ground and shown having been beaten, bleeding and crying to her father.
The Pale Door (TV Show)
Worthy of note: a great part of the movie takes place in a brothel.
Pale Flower (Movie)
It is not entirely clear whether a character is actually assaulted or not in an early scene, but what is clear is that there does appear to be unwanted touching initially at the least.
Pale Rider (Movie)
One antagonis kidnaps a young woman and starts raping her while his partners watch. He rips her clothes off but he is then stopped by the protagonist. It is mentioned that a woman married at 15.
There is a discussion of rape at the hands of the Israeli Occupation Force and other repressive governments around the world. There are passing mentions of surveillance technology being used to catch pedophiles.
Palindromes (Movie)
Rape and pedophilia are recurring subjects throughout the film, and the perpetrators are depicted somewhat sympathetically.
A woman tells a police officer that her husband is trying to molest her (though he is not). This same man later in the movie tries to forcibly kiss her despite her rejection.
Palm Springs (Movie)
Worthy of note: one of the protagonists is under the impression that she and the male character never been intimate with each other and it is later revealed, once they start a romantic/physical relationship, that it is not true.
This film revolves around a relationship between a teenager and a man twice her age, who eventually coerces her into prostitution.
Prostitutes are featured throughout the movie. At some point, a main female character is attacked by several men and dragged away. There is audio of her screaming/crying and men are shown standing over her undoing their pants, before the scene ends.
Palo Alto (Movie)
Pam & Tommy (Movie)
This series is about how a private sex tape of a couple was stolen and made public without their consent. S1E1: a man enters the house of the protagonists at night to steal from them, and he briefly watches them as they are sleeping naked. S1E2: the male protagonist stalks the female protagonist. S1E4: the female protagonist discovers that her sextape was stolen and commercialized. She mentions feeling violated and humiliated several times throughout the episode and appears visibly very distressed. People are shown watching the tape. S1E6: during a deposition scene, the female protagonist is forced to answer victim-blaming questions and forced to watch her leaked sextape in a room full of men (the purpose of clearly to humiliate her). S1E7: consent and victim-blaming is a major them of this episode. [Review in process]
The child sex abuse of the titular character is mentioned.
Pamyo (Movie)
Pandemic (Movie)
Worthy of note: twice in the movie two the main female characters are dragged away by men (one time from a first-person viewpoint). The only intention is for the infected to eat them, however seeing this can be upsetting, especially as the the women are forced on their back with the infected males clawing at their clothes to try to eat them.
Pandorum (Movie)
Panic Room (Movie)
The premise of the book is that a fifteen-year-old girl is kidnapped by an adult man. The man drugs her and films himself and other men raping her. The actual instances of rape are not described. The kidnapper reveals that he had been stalking her and her family for months and that he has kidnapped other girls around the US before. He threatens to kidnap the girl's younger sister if the girl does not comply with being sold to another trafficker. The girl does manage to escape in the end. A separate teenage girl is in a physically and verbally abusive relationship for much of the book. The boyfriend views sex as something that she "owes" him. Towards the end of the book, he sends revenge porn photos of her to all their friends and classmates. Many of her male classmates react to the images by verbally harassing her. The boyfriend does get arrested for distributing child pornography in the end.
Paper Lives (Movie)
Paper Moon (Movie)
It is revealed that a woman lost her job because her boss wanted her to have sex with his friends (referred to as "putting out") and she refused to do so.
The scene (situated in chapter 12) is a pivotal moment in the story. The location is not violent but is vivid. It is between a brother and a sister.
The Paperboy (Movie)
Papicha (Movie)
The movie is set in a prison and gendered/homophobic threats are frequently made. One of the secondary characters is persistently touched, groped and grabbed by another man without his consent, eventually caving into the man's demands for sex in order to further his escape plan. The secondary character then attacks the man as soon as he is unconscious. Nothing is shown on-screen but faint noises are heard.
The villain ties down the protagonist and touches her against her will, slaps her and fondles her breast. He then penetrates her forcefully with his hand, moving his arm up from her vagina through her body to her throat: this rips her in half and uncovers her alter-ego, who is naked. This animation is fantastical and occurs within the context of a dream, but is very violent in nature. The alter-ego is then grabbed by another antagonist with a tentacle-like arm, which strangles her and penetrates her throat. Later she is kissed by a man she works with and trusts while she is unconscious. She slaps him but this event is not framed as problematic. Shortly after, during a fantastical parade, schoolgirls characters, dressed with skirts, stops in front of "cellphones-characters": they take pictures under ther skirts.
Paradise (Movie)
A woman is kidnapped, locked in a box and kept like an animal. A 5-6 year old girl is kidnapping and restrained. Another girl is restrained and tased.
The movie involves an airline pilot who is barred from working with all the major airlines because of his habitual sexual harassment.
The whole movie eventually centers around human trafficking, especially the trafficking of young girls. Nothing is ever shown or discussed in detail, but it is implied that the girls are forced into this life.
Worthy of note: people are sedated.
A character is a victim of marital rape. Another character tells her mother that, when the mother left home, the father tried to "bother" his daughter. There is discussion of domestic workers being raped. There is a scene where white men drive up and expose themselves to young Black girls who are walking along the road.
Paradox Lost (Movie)
Paramedics (Movie)
Paranoia Agent (TV Show)
Episode 4: a middle-aged man insists that the woman who is his sexual partner refers to him as 'daddy.' Later, he is stealing from a house, with the inhabitants restrained. Their daughter unexpectedly arrives home and it is implied that the man rapes her: she is heard screaming as the scene cuts away. The man keeps the girl's bag as a 'trophy.' Episode 6: The same man's daughter finds images of herself in various states of undress on her father's computer. She then finds the associated camera behind a bookshelf in her bedroom. Within the context of earlier scenes and his established fixation with being called 'daddy,' it is heavily implied that the man is sexually attracted to his daughter.
Paranoid Park (Movie)
A 16 years old girl has sex with her boyfriend, who previously expressed having no interest in sleeping with her. He is completely passive and absent-minded during the act and later says that it was entirely her idea. She gets angry and when he leaves her, she accuses him of only wanting to sleep with her.
A man pretends to turn his camera off before having sex with his girlfriend. His girlfriend , laughing, calls him out on that. He tries to lie but she insists and they end up laughing about it.
While the rape itself is off screen, there is a bloody aftermath in the woman's bed that is quite graphic (about 75 % of the way through).
The demon of the film is assaults or rapes a main character off-camera multiple times, with her shown to be distressed and traumatized. The film ends with an extremely graphic rape/murder scene involving the invisible entity.
Paranorman (Movie)
A character's butt is grabbed without her permission (off-screen).
A college student (aged around 20) engages in a romantic relationship with a female high school student (aged around 15) he is giving private English lessons to. Another college student in the movie states that he wishes to have an official relationship with her after she graduates highschool, and implies that any man his age would try to engage with her.
S1E1: the main protagonist somehow accidentally ends up touching his female friend's breast (3:50-4:28). It is implied that this fondling is a result of the parasite living in his hand. Towards the end of this same episode, a man stabs a woman to death. The woman is in a state of undress, implying he may have raped her as well (from 20:40). S1E3: a female character verbally and physically confronts a male character for touching her butt on a crowded train (00:00-00:41). Later on in the episode, this character, who is acting as a teacher in the protagonists' school, requires the protagonist to have a meeting with her after class. A male classmate starts applauding the protagonist, wishing that he could be "taught" by the teacher after class instead of the protagonist, assuming that the teacher was trying to have sex with the protagonist (07:00-08:00). While there was actually nothing sexual whatsoever at this meeting and both parties knew this, the character who made this joke is perpetuating the idea that underage male students who are targeted by female teachers for sexual reasons are somehow lucky. S1E18: a male character who is revealed to have been a serial killer starts immediately masturbating upon seeing an attractive woman. When she leaves in disgust, he says to the main protagonist: "You got a cute face there, boy. I bet if you put on a skirt or somethin', I could rub out another one." and starts laughing (19:00-21:06). S1E19: there are flashbacks with the serial killer character, showing him stabbing a woman. It is revealed that he is the same person who stabbed a woman in the first episode. The way that he kills women seems to connote that he gets sexual pleasure from doing so (licking his lips, having a fiendish look in his eyes, etc.), and may have raped his victims in addition to killing them (02:22-03:11).
Parched (Movie)
Although no image was particularly violent, and definitely not gratuitous, the film wants to denounce the misogynistic behaviours in a rural Indian village, so this violence is a central plot point.
Worthy of note: a girl loses a game and is challenged to skinny dip. The challengers proceed to steal her clothes.
Parenthood (Movie)
A mother finds a pornographic DVD in her son’s room. She plays the tape and a woman is heard struggling and visually trying to fight a man off of her in the video. This scene is brief and barely addressed throughout the movie. A hole is poked into a contraceptive diaphragm without her partner’s knowledge. He confronts her about it. A man speaks to his sister in law and says “Susan, you look great! lf you weren´t my sister--…“ and then the subject is changed. Worthy of note: A little boy is seen completely naked. He is not sexualized in any matter.
Parents (Movie)
Pariah (2011) (Movie)
Paripi Koumei (TV Show)
Worthy of note: S1E9: three women (in their early twenties) are asked to put on revealing clothing similar to lingerie for their performance. They look uncomfortable, but later on agree to wear the clothing.
Paris, Texas (Movie)
Rape is briefly discussed/mentioned by a woman working in a peep show. The relationship between the main character and his wife has a significant age difference: it began when she was 16-17. Worthy of note: SPOILERS The plot is centered around the main character stalking back the woman towards which he was previously abusive to after relapsing on alcoholism while she was experiencing post-partum depression, and reuniting her with her child that she said she is not able to be a parent for. He finds out her workplace after following her car. He frames some of his abusiveness as jealousy. It is mentioned that he tied her to a cowbell or to a stove to prevent her from escaping.
The Park (Movie)
Parker (Movie)
The female lead is taken hostage and one of the kidnappers loosens her blouse and swips little around her chest. She spits on him which prompts him in making threats that he is going to rape her. Fortunately, she manage to shoot him dead before anything really happens.
The Parkers (TV Show)
Throughout the series, a woman stalks and harass a man who has no interest in her. She is constantly touching him, which makes him very uncomfortable. She breaks into his home often, and even tells people she is married or engaged to him.
Parkland (Movie)
One male character makes sexually inappropriate comments and sexually harrasses a female coworker multiple times throughout the show. At some point, another character suggests that the two date (which they do). During S2E6 a man appears unexpectedly and naked in front of a woman. This is played out for laughs but may be distressing for some viewers. S2E15: one character mentions non-consensual sexual relationships among horses. S2E8, S3E4, S5E9: a main character's ex-wife tries to convince him to have sex with her through the use of graphic verbal sexual imagery. This continues after he expresses that he does not want to have sex with her. This is shown in a comedic light, but could potentially be uncomfortable for some viewers. S3E15: a woman places her hand on a man's leg as a sexual advance. S4E1: a storyline follows a man sending a picture of his genitals in an attempt to harass his female coworkers. S4E2: a main character reveals that his ex wife has known him since he was born and has held various positions of authority over him throughout his life (teacher, babysitter, etc). The main plot of the episode is her manipulating him into rekindling their relationship as his friends attempt to steer him away from her. While she is framed as a villain, the matter is not seriously discussed and used mostly for shock value given the comedic nature of the show.
Paroma (Movie)
Partner Track (TV Show)
Sexual harassment of female lawyers is a common theme in season 1. S1E1: one lawyer tells another lawyer that she is hot and needs to use it before she loses it.
Party Down (TV Show)
S1E1: a professional party host employee flirts with a client's teenaged daughter, leading to them making out in her bed before being interrupted by the employee's boss. This scene is meant to be comedic and there are no negative consequences for the employee. S1E4: an employee of a party hosting company is caught looking up the skirts of the guests. This character is meant to be "creepy," but there are no negative consequences for his actions.
Party Girl (Movie)
A man attempts to follow a drunk woman into her apartment building after she rebuffs his advance. When she manages to lock him out he shouts at her and rattles the door.
The protagonist encounters a news story where her love interest (a senator), denounces a fellow senator for perpetrating sexual harassment. This is a plot point that is mentioned in passing exactly once, and no one goes into detail about it.
Party Mom (Movie)
Sexual harassment on-screen (41:20-43:18).
Party Monster (Movie)
A man mentions how he was molested as a child: it is not shown on screen.
Party of Five (TV Show)
There are two instances of attempted date rape on teenage girls, at two different times. The series also contains a domestic violence storyline.
Pasolini (Movie)
The film starts with footage of the film 'Salo' featuring humiliation of naked people. A man makes a comment about a woman's bottom in the street. In the final sequence, the titular character sollicits a sexual relationship from a 17-year old boy in his car: he performs oral sex on him for money.
A central point of the film is a false testimony of attempted rape.
Passages (Movie)
It is heavily implied that a major source of one character's trauma was an elementary school teacher who he later beats to death. The nature of this trauma is not specified but is likely intended to be from sexual assault or abuse. The character refuses to talk about the teacher so this is never discussed within the film, but past sexual abuse is undeniably a popular interpretation.
Passenger 57 (Movie)
The main terrorist pushes a stewardess up against the wall twice and threatens in a vulgar way to rape and kill her.
Passengers (Movie)
The main character’s relationship came about through the lie that the female character woke up by accident, which constitutes an indirect coercion. The male character manipulates the woman’s life based on his attraction to her and traps her in a situation which ultimately lead to sex.
Passing (Movie)
Passion (Movie)
Past Lives (Movie)
Near the end of the film, a 15 year old boy is raped on screen by a woman older than him. A married woman suggests that the same male character should „elope with her”. Nothing comes out of this.
One of the protagonist comes across a man who is about to rape a woman and kills him. The other protagonist hires a sex worker and hits her several times, after which she and several other sex workers are shown engaging in foreplay with him.
Patch Adams (Movie)
One of the characters confides in a doctor about her molestation as a child.
Worthy of note: an adult man is fixated on a teenage girl and attempts to render her dependent on him.
Paterson (Movie)
The Path (Video Game)
Much of the game's horror comes from abstract imagery and allusions to events that are never fully explained, many of which pertain to sexuality and abuse. One of the central characters (15 years old) is implied to have a romantic relationship with an older boy, but nothing is ever confirmed. Another central character (17 years old) is heavily implied to have had sex with an adult man, and the imagery and her body language afterwards suggests it started off or became violent. The teenage character is stated to often flirt with men, and thinks she is ready for an adult sexual relationship, before the events of the game. Like the above character, nothing is ever stated outright; however, the subtext is much more obvious in this storyline.
Pathology (Movie)
A character talks about her father raping her when she was a child.
The ending scene involves a woman being hounded and whistled at by soldiers in a bar while the guy who introduces her to the soldiers makes comments about her body. The situation changes when she starts singing, the soldiers stop hounding her.
Patient Seven (Movie)
Patient Zero (Movie)
Patlabor (Movie)
Patrick Melrose (TV Show)
The title character's backstory involves being molested by his father as a child. There is a brief scene where the beginning and end of one of these incidents is shown, though nothing graphic is on-screen.
It is briefly mentioned that the soldiers may rape some of the female characters.
Patriot Day (Movie)
Patriot Games (Movie)
A female character has a talk with another female character, where she implies that when her husband gets drunk, he will not take 'no' for an answer. On top of that, in several scenes he is both emotionally, verbally and physically abusive to her. The same character explains how her father married her mother when she (her mother) was very young, and also implies that as she got older, her father would assault her.
The protagonist and her girlfriend are ambushed and sexually assaulted by a man. They are eventually rescued. The protagonist's roommate's boyfriend masturbates near her when he thinks she is sleeping. He then moves on to raping her while she is pretending to sleep. There is passing mention of a queer male character putting a little boy on his lap. There are multiple scenes of street harassment, particularly street harassment motivated by gender nonconformity. There are a few mentions throughout of the police rape of Abner Louima.
Patton (Movie)
At approximately 16:00, there is a joke about soldiers dragging a woman from her bed and raping her in a field.
Paul (Movie)
Several men ask an alien if he is going to probe them with fingers or metal probes: the alien says this is a myth. At 53:00, a woman is cornered by two threatening men harassing her. After a woman finds out that there is no god/heaven/hell/sin, she kisses a man and makes him touch her breast as well as grabbing his crotch area even after he says no.
A man kisses a 15 years-old's legs while she is asleep. When she wakes up, she kicks him but does not seem distressed at all. Throughout the movie, there are several discussions about whether or not adult men should seduce and engage in a relationship with the teenage girl. Women also frequently have to physically rebuff men who try to hold and kiss them.
Pay the Ghost (Movie)
A man's young son disappears. The culprit is originally presumed to be a sexual predator, but this turns out to not be the case. The child's disappearance has nothing to do with sexual abuse/violence. The man and a police officer have a conversation about the man's missing son. They discuss recently released convicted sex offenders and other missing children's cases (30:02-31:39). One particular case is talked about in detail using language that may be triggering. Worthy of note: a woman and children are captured and killed, but there is no sexual violence (1:10:54 - 1:12:14).
The book centers around three queer female witches who seek revenge against their common ex-boyfriend Gareth. Gareth variously cheated on them, emotionally manipulated them and made them feel worthless. In the first couple chapters the female lead (one of the three above) encounters Gareth at a bar. He does not recognize her; hits on her pretty aggressively until the barkeeper comes to her defense.
Paycheck (Movie)
A male main character consciously resists a succubus's magical aura of seduction (Lara Wraith, who is a major character in this book). In some scenes her magic is simply passive. In one scene, she uses it to enthrall, subdue, and rape a male guard who had been trying to kill her. This sex-with-someone-under-mind-control is somewhat graphic, and the perspective character describes it with appropriate horror but does not interfere. Offscreen, a male minor character tries to magically entrance and seduce a female minor character. It fails and he faces consequences onscreen.
Peacemaker (TV Show)
S1E1: a main character calls a waitress 'Sweet Cheeks' and talks graphically about the breasts of his coworkers. A guy non consensually touches the arm of a woman at a bar. Worthy of note: a main character has sex with someone. It appears to be consensual, but then she tries to kill him. S1E2: there is an in depth discussion of Louis CK exposing himself to people. This is used for laughs as another character says he does not want someone else to expose themselves to him.
Peaky Blinders (TV Show)
S1E1: a character tells a woman that she would be unsafe working at a bar because the bar patrons would assault her. In a later scene, he tells the woman that if one of the bar patrons tried to assault her he would not do anything about it. In another scene, someone makes a reference to child prostitution. A brief scene shows a man having sex with a sex worker: it is unclear if she is a child (18:15). S1E3: a character forces themselves onto a woman and attempts to rape her after she resists. S1E6: a man attempts to rape a sex worker but is killed, allowing her to escape. At the end of season 2, it is implied that a character was raped in prison. S2E1: at the end of the episode, a woman is abducted to be raped in retaliation for the actions of her brothers. She is beaten, partially undressed and fondled, then rescued. S2E2: this episode starts with the sexual violence implied at the end of the previous episode with mildly graphic groping, attempted undressing, and kissing. S2E3: a woman is blackmailed into sex and raped. S2E5: a woman is blackmailed into sex. S2E6: a woman is raped on screen by a soldier during a derby race (about 34 minutes). The soldier killed shortly after. S2E7: attempted rape. In season 3, it is revealed that a main character was sexually abused as a child. The character getting revenge for his abuse becomes a major plot point in the season. The abuser is frequently shown interacting with children, though actual abuse is never depicted. S3E5: rape is briefly shown on-screen as a flashback, when a main character engages consensual sex. A male character is erotically asphyxied unwillingly. He is also raped by being coerced into sex. S4E5: a naked woman says that right before the scene, several male soldiers watched her get strip-searched. S5E1: two people kill a man who had been prostituting children. S6E5: very graphic violent sexual assault. A man’s genitals are strangled by a wire in a locker room: blood is seen dripping down his legs.
Pearl (Movie)
The female protagonist goes to a projectionist's booth (whom she fantasizes on). He shows her a porn movie without asking for her consent: she does not seem disturbed but rather fascinated. The man does not have bad intent nor does he acts threateningly.
Peau De Peche (Movie)
Pee Mak (Movie)
Peep Show (TV Show)
S1E3: a man (aged 27/28) is shown having sex with a 17-year-old. Although this appears consensual, there is a large gap between their ages. S5E4: a character wakes up to a woman having sex with him.
Peep TV Show (Movie)
The movie involves people being stalked and filmed without their knowledge, with the recordings broadcasted and at some point monetized on a vouyeristic internet website with ominous writing.
Peeping Dorm Manager (Video Game)
The game focuses on stalking and spying on unknowing women, such as installing spycams in their apartments and stalking their social media pages.
Peeping Tom (Movie)
This film contains themes of voyeurism: it goes as far as watching other people making out in public.
Two men torture a spy, and discuss raping her on her father's bed. Later we see her tied (clothed) to a bed and the men walking away with disheveled clothing.
Worthy of note: there is a relationship between a university teacher and his 24 years old student.
Pen15 (TV Show)
S2E14: a main character falls victim to a modeling scam where the photographer asks her to take her shirt off. The main character is supposed to be 13, but is played by a 34 year old woman.
One character’s father is friends with someone who ends up being investigated for pedophilia. The father defends his friend during the investigation. Another character is sexually assaulted as a child by her swim instructor and becomes fearful of men as a result. A third character is sexually abused by her father. An in-world true crime podcast that comments on the crime central to the book fetishizes the suspects, all teenage girls, for supposedly being lesbians.
Penance Lane (Movie)
A man aggressively tries to verbally pressure his girlfriend into giving him oral sex in his car, and slaps her when she refuses (6:00). The protagonist interferes and nothing sexual happens further. A female character who is chained up with the protagonist gets taken away by an antagonist, where she is tied down and almost raped, but the protagonist saves her (46:20).
Penelope (Movie)
Peninsula (Movie)
Penny Dreadful (TV Show)
Season 3 features scenes of a teenager who was saved from sexual slavery, who later becomes sexually active with adults. Many characters have sexual trauma involved in their stories.
Chapter 7: a woman says that she looks through websites with child pornography to try and find her young daughter who was kidnapped. Chapter 35: a woman makes jokes about being molested by a ghost. Epilogue: mention of rape as a general crime.
The uncomfortable content begins with several adult men making moves on/catcalling a teen girl throughout the movie, and endsin a full-length rape complete with an assistant.
The Pentaverate (TV Show)
S1E2: a man grabs another man's penis as part of a "test." It is played for laughs. S1E3: a man thinks that another man is being anally probed, but he is mishearing the man on the phone. It is played for laughs. S1E5: a man grabs another man's penis. It is played for laughs.
A consensual incestuous relationship between two siblings is mentioned and hinted. There is also implied sexual abuse towards their 'daughter', but nothing is shown.
This documentary features a graphic cartoon rape scene during its final 20 minutes.
A character’s backstory involves his adoptive father bing a serial sexual predator of teenagers, including him. This is described in a non-graphic way. The movie is about being a comedian, and there are various references to other comedians being sexual predators.
Pepper Ann (TV Show)
Worthy of note: S3E1: a police officer uncuffs a woman implied to be a sex worker, and says "Go free, you little vixen!" then pushes her.
Peppermint (Movie)
A woman is kidnapped by one smuggler family after her husband was accused of cheating at cards. It is implied that her kidnapper is forcing himself on her. There is also a scene where he kisses her and she appears relucant.
Percy (Movie)
A 23-year-old asks a 16-year-old main character if she loved him. She did, in fact, have a crush on him. It is unclear if he had romantic feelings for her, too, but in a later book, she claims he did. His character, throughout the series, was cruel and manipulative to her.
Worthy of note: the protagonist's mother lives with an abusive man and it is implied she only lives with him to protect her son.
S1E3: this episode features Medusa, a character often associated with sexual assault. There is no mention of it in the episode; the character says that, simply, Poseidon loved her but did not stand up for her.
A psychotic criminal couple kidnaps a random teenage couple. The woman rapes the male captive, and lets him watch his lover being raped by the man.
Perfect Blue (Movie)
Stalking, slut-shaming, and rape culture are major themes and are shown in multiple scenes. The main character acts as the victim in a gangrape scene for a drama, and dissociates during filming (31:28-34:58). No rape actually occurs, but the experience is shown to be traumatizing outright and the scene is acted out semi-graphically on-screen. A photographer coerces the protagonist into stripping nude for a shoot (44:46-45:42). A dream sequences shows the protagonist graphically murdering an exploitative showriter while flashes of her sexual abuse are shown on-screen (56:23-57:30). An attempted rape is shown on-screen (1:03:33-1:06:44).
Perfect Days (Movie)
The main character's daughter was sexually abused by her stepfather. This is discussed multiple times and is shown in a flashback.
Worthy of note: there is a scene where a character is having sex with an imaginary person (assumed woman). It sounds weird, but seems consensual.
S1E6: two main characters decide to have sex, start kissing, lie down on the bed, but at one point the woman seems to have difficulty breathing and says "calm down, I can't breathe". She blocks the man to stop him but he says "I can't hold back any longer" and holds her hands, continuing to kiss her even though she seems out of breath. The scene is cut to another environment and the drama continues, implying that the act has concluded, without him respecting her request.
A girl's mother's boyfriend grabs the girl with the threat of sexual assault implied. The girl is then seen crying and being comforted by her sister in the aftermath of the incident. The boyfriend rapes the unconscious mother in front of her children.
Flashbacks of implied incest committed by a woman's father/stepfather.
This film is about an escaped convict taking a young boy hostage with him on the road. In one of the first scenes of the movie, another convict breaks into a house and attempts to rape a woman at gunpoint (he threatens her, grabs her, fondles and kisses her) before the protagonist intervenes and stops him. Later, the same man attempts to rape a young boy when they are alone in a car: he asks him to show his genitals, comments on them and starts fondling/kissing him before the boy escapes. The rapist is killed by the protagonist shortly after this event. A man acts in a sexually threatening manner towards the female protagonist of the film while they are in a secluded place: another character intervenes before anything further happens. A child briefly watches two adults having sex without them knowing: they stop immediately when they see him. Near the end of the film, a father is violent towards his son: it is implied/mentioned throughout the film that the protagonist had similar traumatic experiences with his father when he was a child.
An amputee woman sexually assaults another woman by using the stump of her amputated limb (1:13:00-1:15:00). The scene is very graphic. It is later revealed that this was false and planned by the two women to trick the antagonist.
Perfume (2018) (TV Show)
The main female character has an abusive husband who rapes her. In flashbacks, it is implied that she was gang raped by three men and she is also raped by another main character. She gets pregnant and aborts the baby herself, almost dying in the process.
The protagonist unintentionally kills a woman. He strips the clothes of the corpse and smells her body intensely; also smelling and touching her breast.
The Peripheral (TV Show)
S1E1: a main character uses sexual coercion to trick and drug another character. Someone else is telling them to do this. Drug dealers say that they will give a character pills if she sexually services them.
The main character has a breakdown while dealing with the psychological ramifications of past incestuous sexual abuse. No graphic scenes are shown. Another main character reveals that her first kiss was with her father's boss when she was only eleven years old. It is implied the abuse went further than that event. The main character mentions that his friend was often made to get drunk with the upperclassmen when she was a year or two younger.
Perpetrator (Movie)
Persepolis (Movie)
A female teenager grows up in a very misogynist and sexist post-revolution Iran. A very brief scene taking place in Vienna shows a group of men approaching her, most likely to sexually assault her (1:00:20-1:00:27). One scene features the adult protagonist running down the street and being stopped by the police, who insists she must not run, lest the movement of her buttocks be too arousing. Furious, she tells the officers off and they leave her alone afterward.
S1E4: a woman is found to be planning to avenge her sister's suicide after being raped by the episode's antagonist. Other sexual assaults by the antagonist are verbally detailed by the main characters during research, nothing is shown.
Persona (Movie)
One female character discusses an orgy she and her friend had with two boys; she and her friends were adults and she describes the two boys as "very young", implying they were underage. Worthy of note: a woman sleeps with another woman's husband in front of her. The reality of it is a bit vague/dreamlike.
The movie starts with a scene where the teenage characters are under a love spell and appear as though they're about to have sex. They break out of the spell. One of the characters, still under the spell's influence, aggressively catcalls and attempts to grope another, but is quickly slapped out of it.
S1E24: the killer in the series basically states that he killed people because they did not have sex with him. One of these people is an adult, and the other is a senior in high school.
Persona 5 (TV Show)
An antagonist frequently sexually abuses female students at the school he works at, one of which attempts suicide to escape the abuse. S1E3: a teacher is strongly implied to be sexually abusing students.
Persuasion (Movie)
Worthy of note: a woman has sex with her sister's father, who she is not related to.
The premise of the book is that the protagonist and an otherworldly being try to figure out who in the community is a "monster," the in-universe term for a sexual predator, in order to bring him to justice. The monster turns out to be the protagonist's friend's uncle. The uncle had been molesting the friend's younger brother. There are no specific descriptions of what the uncle was doing to the child. The uncle makes several gaslighting statements when his actions are revealed.
Petaru Dansu (Movie)
Petite Maman (Movie)
Peyton Place (Movie)
One of the major plot points of the movie relies on the fact that a man rapes his step-daughter.
Phantasm (Movie)
A teenage boy spies on his older brother having sex.
Phantom Dust (Video Game)
A man keeps on trying to get into a relationship with a woman who does not love him back even going as far as forbidding her from seeing her boyfriend and kidnapping her.
A powerful man manipulates women into sex using his music industry connections. He holds fake auditions that essentially amount to orgies. The women are depicted as being willing participants.
Worthy of note: the male protagonist is obsessive and controlling. His relationship with the female protagonist is clearly a toxic and unhealthy one.
Phase IV (Movie)
Phase 7 (Movie)
Phasmophobia (Video Game)
Phat Girlz (Movie)
While the male and female protagonists are seated at a table, a man comes by and leans in towards the female protagonist flirtatiously and offers her his card. The male protagonist gives him a sharp look and the man goes away (34:55-35:13). Two of the protagonists have consensual sex in a tub: the man expresses his exhaustion and asks to go to lunch, but the woman says that she wants to continue and kisses him as he tries to resist. This is played for laughs, and the implication is that they will continue to have frequent enjoyable and consensual sex (54:00-54:24).
Phenomena (Movie)
Two men have a woman in their car while driving and one of them is trying to hold her still, but the woman escapes before anything happens.
Philadelphia (Movie)
Worthy of note: the movie opens on a scene of domestic dispute between a husband and wife. The man pushes his wife to the ground. She is not shown to be particularly injured or upset, and it is played for laughs. Throughout the movie, the ex-husband's violent past is mentioned and similarly played for laughs. Towards the end of the film, it is suggested that the protagonist had consensual sex with another character while both drunk. The protagonist is plainly appalled by this possibility.
The context of the book is that most cis women have the ability to do magic and most cis men do not. Throughout the book, there is a terrorist, religiously motivated group that tries to outlaw the use and teaching of this magic and make women subservient. At their demonstrations, they make rape threats as well as misogynist and whorephobic statements towards women. Aside from the above, there are several scenes where men catcall women sprinkled throughout the book.
The protagonist is the only man in an all-female division of the armed forces. They routinely sexually harass him, including forcing kisses on him and telling their sexual fantasies about him.
Phobias (Movie)
A middle school student confronts her teacher about having sex with her dad and tries to force her to strip.
The protagonist sees a man dragging a woman through the street as she protests. She follows him, thinking he is her husband. He drags the woman into a dark alley and we hear protests and then suggestive sounds. The woman walks off after wiping her mouth. When the protagonist checks to see if it actually is her husband, the man gropes her and then steals from her.
Worthy of note: a man talks about a past relationship, where he would have a lot of sex with a woman, and says that at one point he would have to 'fight her off in an alleyway' to stop her from having sex with him. He does not present the encounter as a dangerous threat but rather as an annoyance.
In every episode, a family (including some with children) or individual are spied on in their home in a way that is either clearly, or could be interpreted as, sexually motivated, invasive and violating. S1E1: a teenage girl describes being hugged by a home invader against her will (and there is a reconstruction video of the event) but it ended quickly. S1E2: the rape and murder of a young pregnant woman are mentioned, as well as her children’s murders by the same person. S1E10: a clearly high-risk sexually motivated intrusion is documented, where the victim’s underwear is stolen from her and voyeuristic photographs are taken of her when she believes herself alone at home, over the course of many months. The perpetrator is given a suspended sentence and so does not serve jail time.
Physical (TV Show)
The shows contains sexual harassment (cat-calling, non-consensual touching) throughout. S1E8: the main character discusses sexual assault at the age of 13 with a family friend. Her mom does not believe her. S2E3: one character references her rape as a child. S3E2: imagined cat calling. The previously mentioned rape of a teenager by her father's friend is mentioned.
Physical: 100 (TV Show)
The Physician (Movie)
The Pianist (Movie)
The Piano (Movie)
The plot of the film involves a woman 'earning' her piano back from a man in exchange for various favours. These include him being allowed to touch her in ways that often make her recoil from him. A man attempts to force himself upon a woman as she runs from him.
This film follows a young man romantically pursuing a masochistic piano teacher. It contains a scene where a young woman is raped by a man. About 1:42:00 in, the female protagonist rolls onto her mother and starts kissing her mouth, telling her she loves her. Her mother tells her that she is crazy and the woman starts to cry.
Piccolo Corpo (Movie)
Pickpocket (Movie)
Picnic (1996) (Movie)
The male protagonist is tied to a table, drugged and raped by his therapist in a "punishment room" in a psychiatric facility. He experiences a nightmare/hallucination in which someone is urinating on his face and he is forced to drink the urine. There are subtle implications of repeated "torment" related to a past teacher/student relationship.
At several occasions in this movie about the disappearance of girls, some characters suggest that they may have been raped: nothing suggests that it could have been the case. Worthy of note: children abuse is hinted.
The show features an LGBT student-teacher relationship, which is presented as romantic.
Pieces (Movie)
At the very end of the movie, the hand of a corpse grabs a man’s crotch and claws his penis off.
Worthy of note: A father accidentally walks in on his daughter changing. This is not presented as creepy, although he does not close the door properly to let her finish.
Pieces of Her (TV Show)
The main character was physically and mentally abused by her father throughout her childhood, and it is implied that there was sexual abuse as well.
The main character was physically and sexually abused by her father.
Rather long attempted rape scene by the male protagonist on the female protagonist (who are partners) (56:56-58:52).
Pig (Movie)
One character says ironically that the protagonist maybe has sexual relationship with his pig, which he denies.
Piggy (2022) (Movie)
Pikadero (Movie)
Pilgrimage (Movie)
There is a graphic rape scene involving a teenage protagonist and the antagonist, conducted under the threat of the protagonist's brother being executed. There are discussions of rape and attempted rape in multiple places in the book, usually in the context of battles or oppression by the gentry.
A large group of teenagers "pranks" a girl by having her boyfriend pretend to meet her to hook up. While she is undressed they open the curtain and take pictures/video of her.
Pillow Talk (Movie)
Pin (Movie)
A man briefly reads his own (non-explicit) poetry about incestous rape in front of his sister: her boyfriend perceives this as a threat towards her. A woman has sex with a life-sized doll: it is unclear at that point whether the doll is sentient.
Pin Cushion (Movie)
Pine Harbor (Video Game)
The player finds a diary that is needed to continue the game, when reading the diary it briefly descibes a male being raped by other men in the bathroom. When the diary's writer confronts a higher up to discuss this, they are told to drop the subject or they will be next.
First cousins are in a romantic relationship.
One female character is repeatedly grabbed and kissed by her lover's nephew, despite her systematic protests. There is also one instance of a male character insisting on a female character getting drunk (despite her repeated refusal to drink alcohol) as he stays sober. He does take advantage of her drunkenness to kiss her. When she passes out, he does not take further advantage of her and simply carries her to bed and lets her sleep. His nephew sleeps in the same bed, and he admits to letting her believe she might have slept with him.
Pink Wall (Movie)
A woman tries to perform oral sex on her partner: he goes from verbally declining to physically fending her off (26:00-28:00). The scene is intense in the moment but immediately afterwards they move on almost as if nothing has happened.
Piranahaconda (Movie)
After kidnapping several people, a man forcibly kisses a woman after insinuating that she would need to have sex with him to make him keep his promise to not hurt any of their group.
Piranha (Movie)
Piranha 3D (Movie)
Piranha 3DD (Movie)
The Pirate (Movie)
This film takes place in a setting where women are married off to men they do not know. There are incessant come-ons, and a woman is kissed while under hypnosis.
A woman working on a cargo ship mentions that she is in more danger than her male colleagues due to the possibility of her becoming a target for sexual violence should pirates successfully seize their ship. It is mentioned that her parents worry for her safety as a result of her occupation.
There are several rape jokes throughout the film, but no sexual violence is shown.
Pirates (Movie)
There are two rape scenes in the movie, one attempted.
A man tries to sexually assault/kiss a woman, but she fights him off. In the beginning, Elizabeth is asked to remove her weapons and clothes to enter Sao Feng's bathhouse, many of which are hidden in humorously questionable spots. We don't see her change, but later see her reduced to a very short bath robe. Ragetti, hidden under the floorboards, looks up under her skirt (though we don't see anything). He gets Pintel to look as well but, at that point, a large man has taken Elizabeth's place, issuing a look of disgust from Pintel.
Two men tell a girl she will be forced dine naked with the crew if she refuses to wear the dress that the captain instructed her to wear for dinner. A woman is told to take her dress off (although she is wearing a tight low cut dress underneath so this does not leave her naked). A man makes a remark about the removed dress still being 'warm.' Later, the captain mentions that his crew has been hospitable to the woman and that it is her turn to return the favor. She is turned over to the men, who immediately start grabbing at her clothes and pulling at her and grab her head by her hair. Her lover turns up and bargains her freedom.
The protagonist's parents try to arrange a marriage for the protagonist, who is in her teens, and the suitors are mostly adult men. They engage her to someone without her knowledge, but she escapes. The other main character is an enslaved girl who escapes with the protagonist to become pirates together. An overseer character tries to punish the protagonist by selling this enslaved girl, who is also a teenager, to a brothel. The protagonist intervenes as this overseer tries to rape the enslaved girl. We later find out that the enslaved main character was conceived through the protagonist's father raping the enslaved girl's mother. It is not framed as rape in the book, and the gravity of that revelation receives scant consideration. While pirates, the two girls dress as men to blend in. Often, when someone finds out they are actually girls, they make lewd comments or threaten to sexually assault them.
Pistol (TV Show)
S1E1: at the end of the episode, a father has his toddler giving him oral sex (graphic).
Pitch Perfect (Movie)
In the first few scenes, the main female character is given a whistle and told to blow it if she is sexually assaulted. Later on, a man repeatedly touches a woman on the breast with a microphone. She is apparently uncomfortable. A woman gropes another woman's breast: she tells her to stop and blows a rape whistle. It is played for laughs.
Pitchfork (Movie)
A man and woman have consensual sex, but afterwards, the woman seems upset and disappointed, and the man is rude to her (30:52-31:52). A woman is knocked unconscious by the antagonist: he licks her face and leaves (47:49-48:29). The antagonist captures a woman and ties her up, touching her and making gestures towards her in a sexually violent way (1:03:52-1:09:42). A man is captured and tied up. A woman straddles him and touches him inappropriately (1:19:12-1:21:32). In the same scene, the woman molests her adult son. It is implied this was not the first time she had done so (1:24:52-1:26:02). Worthy of note: achild is captured but not harmed in any way.
Pixel Perfect (Movie)
Pixels (Movie)
The partner of one character who is violently raped believes her and reports it to the police and the main characters stand up for her, even if it is taboo in the context of the series. The survivor is scarred and physically bruised and the rapist told her that people will not believe her.
A main character is accused of raping a young woman. However, it is strongly implied that the accusation is false. A character has sex with an older mentor figure when he is underage. His consent is ambiguous and the relationship is only referred to through dialogue. A man lusts after his best friend's wife and some of his behavior towards her could be interpreted as sexually threatening. A teenage girl tries to coerce an adult man into having sex with her, but they are interrupted.
There is implied sexual harassment and/or attempted assault by a young adult to his teenage cousin, and by an older man to a young woman he has some authority over. A man stalks and attempts to rape a woman. She escapes, but he later murders her. These are not major characters, but their story has significant effects on the other plot threads.
Plan B (Movie)
A young man exposes his genitals.
Plane (Movie)
Planet Dune (Movie)
Planet Earth (TV Show)
A character suggests that being seen with the main character (from a different tribe) will result with either her being ritually raped or him being castrated. It is mentioned only in one sentence and the female character quickly reassures him that it is not something her tribe would do. The topic is immediately dropped and does not get brought up again.
Planet Terror (Movie)
One of the military guards forces a hostage to dance for him, then attempts to rape her before being stopped by another hostage.
Planetes (TV Show)
S1E1: the female protagonist mentions sexual harassment after seeing her coworker in a diaper. S1E4: a woman is attacked by a man as part of a movie they were shooting. S1E15: a woman explains how her husband pimped her out to other men in order to make money. They would use electric collars and beat her up when she refused to get piercings on places she did not want to. This is not shown on screen. S1E15: a man kisses the female protagonist without her consent. She pushes him away.
A woman is grabbed off screen while other characters discuss what is happening.
Platinum End (TV Show)
Platoon (Movie)
The rape of a Vietnamese girl by soldiers is implied (56:50-58:04).
In the opening sequence of the movie, the 11-year-old female protagonist is grabbed by a couple of men in a Needle Park. She quickly escapes. It is heavily implied that a side character (another young girl) is beaten by her father. It is hinted that the protagonist's mother (a junkie) has sex with men to buy drugs.
Play Dead (Movie)
The Player (Movie)
No sexual assault is placed upon any of the children in the book. It remains evident in two of the adult character’s pasts since one groomed the other and that groomer had an incestuous relationship with her biological mother. The groomer also has ideas of grooming one of the children but it never happens and the child she intends to groom never even knows about the idea. There is a graphic description of horrific sex, but the past grooming is mentioned is minor detail throughout the book when in the groomed individual’s persepective.
Playtime (Movie)
A teenager catcall-whistles a group of women who do not acknowledge it (1:15:21).
Pleasantville (Movie)
The premise of Pleasantville is that two modern-day teenagers become trapped within the world of an idyllic 1950s sitcom. As the sitcom never discussed the topic of sex on the air, the characters within the world of Pleasantville do not know what sex is. 33:35-34:11: there is a brief scene where a modern-day teenage girl has sex with a teenage boy from the sitcom without his knowledge of or consent to what is happening - she does not explain the act or ask for his consent beforehand, and continues even after he expresses concerns about the act (saying 'I think I might be ill" after presumably becoming erect) and becomes visibly unsettled and anxious. The scene is not overtly violent and is not reated by the movie as anything other than an ordinary sexual encounter.
Please Give (Movie)
Please Like Me (TV Show)
S2E6: female-on-male rape scene.
Pleasure (Movie)
This film is about the debut of a young woman in the porn industry. All the sexual encounters take place after all parties signed a consent agreement, however, most scenes show that the characters involved are either uncomfortable, hurting or unconsenting, but pressured to go along. The aim of the movie is to denounce these problems. Early in the movie, the protagonist jokingly says that her father raped her as a child when asked why she wanted to become a pornstar. The protagonist, who agreed to film a rape scene (described by the characters as a 'rough' or a 'hardcore' scene), is raped by two men while another one films. After being comprehensive and professional when she becomes overwhelmed and asks to stop, the men eventually pressure her to finish the scene, which she does. Shortly after, she blames her agent for letting this happen: he dismisses her claims and tells her to be cautious when using the word 'rape'. As the protagonist prepares to film a threesome scene with her female friend and a male actor, she sees him harassing her co-star. When they begin filming the scene, (involving humiliation and degradation) the actor abuses the same woman on-camera. When she protests and asks the protagonist to confirm that he was harassing her beforehand, the protagonist denies in order to protect her career. In the final scene of the movie, the protagonist rapes one of her female rivals (they have sex with a strapon) when they have to shoot a lesbian scene together. She apologizes afterwards, but her co-star, having to deal with the situation without protesting, answers 'for what?'
Plebs (TV Show)
The show is set in ancient Rome. A joke is made passingly about masters assaulting slaves.
Pledge (Movie)
A girl referred to as a prostitute by the antagonists clearly isn’t consenting to her situation. Later, she is found tied up in the basement.
The film centers around a retired detective trying to catch a serial killer who targets little girls. When discussing the case, they say that the victims are sexually assaulted but do not go into much detail.
Plemya (Movie)
The Plumber (Movie)
A character makes an ambiguous comment about having gone to prison for rape.
Pocket Mirror (Video Game)
Poetry (Shi) (Movie)
The film follows a woman whose grandson (a teenager) repeatedly raped a girl with his friends, leading her to kill herself. Throughout the movie, we see the fathers of the rapists trying to pay a settlement to avert a police investigation. The main female protagonist works as a caretaker for a elderly stroke victim. One day, the man takes Viagra before she has to wash him, grasps her and asks her to have a sex with him. She gets out and quits her job. However, she later comes back and agrees to have sex with him.
A woman is raped during the last quarter of the film.
A woman seduces a man with the intent of distracting him but it is quite clear from her face how uncomfortable she is.
Point Break (Movie)
Worthy of note: A woman is held hostage in only a nightgown. There is no threat of sexual violence. A man lies to a woman about who he is and pretends to have the same past trauma as her. He has sex with her several times before she finds out.
Poison (Movie)
A man strokes the penis of another sleeping man. A man forces another man to give him a blow job. A man rapes another man on-screen.
Throughout the film, the father has a sexual relationship with his daughters teenage friend who is staying in their home.
The main character is a survivor of rape, and it is the main reason the story happens. It was a plot point that the author treated seriously, and the sexual harassment that came later was to emphasize that the people doing so were dangerous and bad people.
Pokemon (TV Show)
A main character asks reluctant women to date him in nearly every episode.
A adult pokemon known as a criminal lures and manipulates a child pokemon away from their sibling. The intention is not made out to be sexual but the plot point might make some players uncomfortable.
A girl kisses a boy who is visibly uncomfortable.
Poker Face (TV Show)
S1E1: a child porn ring is discussed. Spousal domestic abuse is featured. S1E2: a guy spies on a girl with binoculars and is generally creepy toward her. S1E4: a woman is sexually harassed at work.
Polar (Movie)
A character describes her sexual assault as a teen.
Worthy of note: S1E17: a teenage girl is in love with an older man. He asks her to go somewhere with him and she thinks he asked her on a date. Later on, she finds out he brought her to the zoo, because he thought she was just as obsessed with panda's as he is. Nothing else happens. A young female panda is in love with an older man. However, she only wants to admire him from afar. Nothing inappropriate happens.
Polaroid (Movie)
It is implied that a girl is sexually abused by her father regularly.
Poldark (TV Show)
The protagonist bursts into the bedroom of his former fiancee and demands that she cancel her wedding to his enemy. She orders him to leave but he forcefully kisses her twice despite her trying to push him away. He looks pointedly at the bed before she and says : "You will not dare. You will not dare." He replies: "I would Elizabeth. I would and so will you," before pushing her onto the bed where she appears to finally consent.
There are a lot of jokes at the expense of women. A man pretending to be in a position of power tells a woman to give him her phone number and to show him her thighs. This main character continues to harass her throughout the movie. The men are called female names and "girls" as insults. In addition to sexism and racism, it is also worth nothing that slurs against LGBTQ+ folks are thrown around and supposed to be funny. This is the source of "comedy" through the entire film.
A woman is tied up on a bed against her will as a man tries to have sex with her. He leaves suddenly and two men come in, say she is a plaything, and try to rape her. This is all played for laughs.
Police in a Pod (TV Show)
S1E2: the first half of the episode is about a 16 year old girl who ran away from home. She has been working as a prostitute and tells stories about the sex she had with grown men. The police write it all down to catch the men. She later on also reveals that her father has raped her multiple times. The police arrest her father immediately. None of what happened to her is shown on screen. There is also a woman in the episode who is being physically abused by her boyfriend.
Police Story (Movie)
This film is about a cop protecting a female witness in a drug-lord trial. She is constantly chased, grabbed, pushed, kidnapped and mistreated throughout. Early in the film, the protagonist tries to convince her to accept his protection by hiring another cop to pretend he is a criminal trying to kill her. This fake killer breaks into her house while she is in her gown and acts like he is actively trying to kill her with a knife. During a comic scene in the police station , the protagonist tries to cope with different phone calls from people who need the police. One call is from a rape victim: she is ridiculed when she says that she was raped one year earlier and that she is seeking abortion pills.
In order to push a criminal to confess, female cops threaten to wrongfully accuse him of having raped a child. Female characters are slapped several times throughout the film.
A female character is drugged and has experiments conducted on her womb and vagina without her consent.
The Politician (TV Show)
In season 2, one character is harassing a couple of women, asking for a date multiple times after they said no and looked uncomfortable, implying that he « received mixed messages ». At one point, he fires one of them because she refused his advances.
Pollen (Movie)
Poltergay (Movie)
A woman's clothing is removed by an invisible force.
A ghost possesses a man who then touches his wife in a sexual manner against her will and pins her to the ground. Earlier, there is a vague comment about the husband having endured some sort of abuse as a child.
Polyester (Movie)
Pom Poko (Movie)
A slave is 'inspected' by a woman who feels his behind and says that it is firm. She then enquires about his 'weaponry' and is told that she must pay to see it.
Pontypool (Movie)
Ponyo (Movie)
Poolman (Movie)
Poor Things (Movie)
The film follows the main female character who has the body of a grown woman and the brain of a child. Throughout most of the film she walks and speaks in a childlike way. Her exploration of the world begins with masturbation and then sex with a man who takes advantage of her naivety. Later she is hired into sex work as she discovers her sexuality and is regarded as fascinating by the men around her. There are several graphic scenes of her working which include moments where she appears extremely uncomfortable before pretending it is fine. In one scene, a man comes into the brothel with his two young sons and makes them watch as he has sex with the main character as a "learning experience". Her biological body's former husband mentions his plan to circumcise her and then impregnate her. While the film is whimsical and surreal, all this is played of as "normal" in the film.
Pootie Tang (Movie)
Pop Team Epic (TV Show)
S2E3: girls say someone is sexually harassing them. S2E8: the perverted man from S2E3 makes another perverted jokes.
Popcorn (Movie)
A possessed kid grabs his mother's breast sexually and asks to be breast fed. A mother comments that her teenage daughter is wearing too short shorts around adult men. A possessed kid tells an older man that he is going to “fuck him” and that he is “going to be coming”. A man mentions the child sex abuse taking place in the church and connects it to a female side character.
Populaire (Movie)
This film is about a romance between a female secretary and her male boss. There is a clear imbalance of power between them and the movie contains many inappropriate moves, looks, and words from the man towards the woman. All is portrayed as normal, romantic or played for laughs. Another man also unconsensually kisses the female protagonist.
A man passes by a room where a woman is changing with the door cracked open. He stays and looks at her for a few moments then leaves.
Video game.
Porcile (Movie)
Porco Rosso (Movie)
Towards the end of the movie, there is a sub-plot in which a seventeen-year-old girl is going to be forced to marry an adult. However, the context for this is light-hearted (the teenage girl has put herself up as the prize in a bet, confident that the person she is backing will not lose) and there is no real threat that the girl will really be forced to follow through with the marriage.
Porky's (Movie)
A much older man takes a 17 year old girl to dinner in hopes of having sex with her. She goes to the dinner to get revenge on him for ruining the high school play: nothing sexual happens between them. A group of teenagers force a bunch off KKK members to get circumcised by their Jewish friend. When the KKK members try to leave they threaten them with violence. The teenagers parade the naked KKK members through a assembly of Christians extremists and politicians.
Porno (Movie)
Two teenage boys spy on a couple having sex. Throughout the film, it is mentioned that they do this regularly. It is revealed that a man has installed a camera in the women's toilets for the purpose of spying on the women there.
Much of the movie's focus is on loss of control of your own choices and actions. However, most control is represented in a lighter manner of interest.
In the last story, a man is tied to a chair by three sorority sisters. One of them kisses him and grabs his penis through his clothes. It is revealed that he slept with all three of them as a fraternity bet. In other scenes, the other fraternity pledges are being paddled by their frat members as part of their hazing.
Portlandia (TV Show)
S8E2: this episode deals with sexual harassment in a feminist way that highlights the issue of workplace sexual harassment, but also lists several instances of it that could be upsetting. The show in general is socially conscious.
Porto (Movie)
Worthy of note: the main character slaps a woman in the face for no wanting to maintain a sexual/romantic relationship with him. At the beginning of the movie, a man drunkenly approaches women in bars who clearly express that they are not interested in him. These scenes are not graphic but may be uncomfortable to some viewers.
The background of the story is about the pre-planned marriage of a young woman. A subplot involves another young woman having a late-term abortion: about 85 minutes in, the procedure is shown on-screen (the woman laying on her back and experiencing pain).
The main character kisses a woman without her consent.
Pose (TV Show)
S2E1: a photographer makes a woman undress and touch herself while he is taking pictures (34:19-35:28). A character is shown speaking to a female secretary at work, and tells her he "can tell by looking at her how she grooms her pubic hair". S2E6: in a dream sequence, a character gets revenge on an adult who molested her (15:00). S3E4: a man discusses how his stepfather raped him as a child.
Poseidon Rex (Movie)
A man and a woman are grinding against each-other, and the man tells the woman not to resist him (1:21:00). Worthy of note: there are sexual implications in this depiction of a mentally unstable female character in a toxic relationship. One scene shows a violent and very graphic miscarriage (1:14:40 - 1:17:50).
The female protagonist has consensual sex with who she believes to be her husband, but finds out later that he was not her husband (1:13:51-1:15:50). In a different scene, there is a struggle between them and he rips at her shirt.
Chapter 11: a man kidnaps a woman after she tells him that she does not want to go on another date. He tells her that he is going to rape her, but is stopped before anything happens. Chapter 32: there are mentions of sexual assault as part of police case files but no details or descriptions. Chapter 41: the same woman is kidnapped by the same man and is threatened with rape but nothing happens. There are also non-graphic mentions of a rape in the past.
09:30: mention of child sex abuse from father to son, details of abuse not specified but there is a brief description of circumstance (where/when). 18:00: a threesome is initiated by two people, while all parties are heavily intoxicated on psychedelics, and the third seems scared and confused. It is not shown on screen and not treated as abuse. 44:00: the titular character (while possessed) caresses his sleeping sister's legs under the covers.
Possessor (Movie)
This film is about a woman possessing a man's body and using it to kill people. Whilst she is in his body, she has sex with his girlfriend. Early in a film, a man jokingly tells about a monster going between the thighs of sleeping women to feed on their menstruations. Later on, a man unknowingly watches a couple having sex via their webcam (this is part of his job).
The film follows two women being followed by, as they describe, 'violent men'.
Possum (Movie)
This movie is about a man and his childhood trauma, and specifically the sexual abuse inflicted by his uncle. At one point during the climax of the film, the main character is forced to suck on his uncle’s fingers and there is quite detailed and heavy discussion regarding past abuse. His uncle also grinds/humps him while they are fighting on the floor.
The Post (Movie)
Post Grad (Movie)
Postal (Movie)
A man is thrown and locked into a room with 1,000 monkeys and is implied to be raped by them off-screen. This is played for laughs.
Postal 2 (Video Game)
On Wednesday, the main character is knocked out and abducted by two men. When the player wakes up, they are dressed up in a BDSM gimp outfit, presumably while they were unconscious. Nothing further happens. It is also implied that the two men stripped the player naked before putting the gimp outfit on them, as we can see the main character's buttocks in a cut scene.
A man mentions having sex with a woman whilst she was very intoxicated, to the point where the woman cannot remember if it happened or not.
Pottersville (Movie)
There is no sexual activity depicted in this movie, but furry culture plays a fairly large part of the narrative and it is wildly misrepresented and shamed.
Sexual abuse, torture, and rape are prevalent throughout this film. This includes the rape of a child.
The Power (Movie)
The authors reference a welfare seeker who was a survivor of sexual assault, a person who contacted a crisis text line because her father was raping her, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)'s practice of performing nonconsensual hysterectomies on undocumented people. These discussions are in passing and not graphic.
The Power (TV) (TV Show)
The whole show revolves around legislating women's bodies. Throughout season 1, the wife of a dictator clearly fears her husband. S1E1: a single is made comparing someone sweating to being like a rapist. A foster dad wipes ice cream off his foster daughters leg: it is focused on in a way that seems creepy. He attempts to rape her and it is implied that he has successfully raped her before, and probably other people as well. The rape attempt is shown, but the girl is able to fight back. Her foster mothers knows this is happening and just turns up the radio to drown it out. S1E2: there is a flashback of the attempted rape. A male politician tells a female politician to "not get her panties in a bunch". S1E3: sexual violence against women is mentioned. S1E4: a new act is mentioned where a 26 year old performs an unwanted sex act on a teen girl. S1E5: sex trafficking (including children) is featured. A gymnastic coach slaps a gymnast's bottom. A government official then asks her out. Her father tells her to accept so she can get to the Olympics. S1E6: a teenage couple makes out in a car, when the man says "stop" repeatedly and eventually has to use physical force to get the woman to stop. Neither party seems to feel they were really assaulted, but they do have a good conversation afterwards to explain their feelings. This episode also features triggering incel messages, though only violence is mentioned, not specifically rape by the leading incel character. S1E7: thie episode mentions human trafficking, and shows an awkward kiss between two women with a huge power imbalance. The one who initiated it does it without asking, and has the power. The woman receiving the kiss looks very uncomfortable. It also features PTSD flashbacks of an attempted rape. At some point, a girl talks about nude pictures of her being shown around school. A woman recalls her uncle sexually assaulting her. S1E8: there is a mention of past sexual assault and derogatory talk towards sex workers. This episode also features a non consensual outing of an intersex person. S1E9: a woman is given the power against her will. Sexual threats against women who run for office are mentioned: it also talks about hundreds of sexyal assault threats per day to Hilary Clinton. A conversation about concentration camp is mentioned for an intersex teen who has the power. Rape against women is mentioned being down: it is mentioned that no rapes or murders against trans women and women of color have been reported.
A minor female character was previously raped by her employer, and is now ostracized for her unmarried pregnant state. Her experiences are never described in detail, but are mentioned often (sympathetically). A major female character is forced to partially undress in front of antagonistic men. A friend quickly covers her with his own waistcoat.
Poyopoyo (TV Show)
Worthy of note: one cat humps other cats and people.
The antagonist physically assaults one of the protagonists. The antagonist grabs one of the protagonists to brand them with a ring as a claim. It is later found out that the antagonist has raped and murdered previous partners. When the antagonist is dead, he comes back to haunt the protagonists and he possesses her on her bed and it is implied he is abusing her this way (maybe sexually). The protagonist drugs her boyfriend. Aunts cast a spell to make their niece fall in love.
Pray Away (Movie)
A speaker discusses being exploited for the ex-gay movement, being required to share the story of her rape as a way to justify why she ended up being a lesbian.
A woman describes an incident where three warlords ordered a woman to clap and sing whilst her young teenage daughter was being raped. The daughter becomes pregnant as a result of this attack.
An on-screen gang-rape takes place in a prison (24:30-27:00): the victim, who was previously harassed by the perpetrators, kills himself in the next scene. The scene is violent, and the main character is pinned down and forced to watch.
Preacher (TV Show)
Throughout the series, there are frequent references to an abusive and violent sexual relationship between a couple as well as several off-screen rape scenes. In season 1, a man witnesses a woman being gang-raped as her son is forced to watch. There is also a character who confesses that he has fantasied about a girl on his school bus, but has not acted on it. As he speaks, he continues to place the blame on the child. A man is raped with a rifle.
There is a discussion of attempted non consensual penetration. Worthy of note: the film contains multiple scenes of sex under the influence of alcohol and BDSM scenes.
Precious (Movie)
Throughout the film, there are quite a few scenes depicting incestuous rape. This is on-screen and highly upsetting. There are also some scenes that discuss this in detail.
Predator (Movie)
Predator 2 (Movie)
A rival gang breaks into an apartment while a couple is having sex. The woman is not assaulted, but she is held naked in a room of strangers. While on a subway, gang members grope and harass several women.
Predators (Movie)
One character makes a gratuitous comment about the one female character's body, and later states he wishes he was back home "raping women".
During a confrontation with a street gang, a man and woman are told by a knife wielding gang member that he intends to rape the woman. However, when the gang member attacks, the woman injures him with a knife and he and his gang flee.
Chapter 10: mentions of sex trafficking. Chapter 17: prison rape joke.
The Prestige (Movie)
Pretty Baby (Movie)
The film is about a child prostitute.
Pretty Cure (TV Show)
One character communicates that they wish they could become an adult with another character while in bed with another one (Sailor Moon), and flirts with him. It is communicated that the second character is her father in the future. Sailor Moon wishes that she were a child, so that she could receive all the care and attention from her boyfriend. Two characters reverse ages later in the show: another character later has a conversation with a female character, and remarks being “thrown off” by her being a child, as if to imply that he would have preferred to kiss her or be close with her. Later, Sailor Mars is in a wedding dress as another character (inner child), whose deepest desire is revealed to her: the inner child in bride dress leans in for a kiss with a villain and full-grown adult.
An adult woman has sex with 17 year old boy early on in the film.
A relationship between a teacher and their student is an ongoing plot point in the show and is shown in a positive light. Throughout the show, teenagers are continually/groped/harassed/pursued by adult men. Most are viewed as positive encounters. S1E1: a high school student and a teacher have an affair. The teacher wants to stop and the student gets mad at him. A students mom has sex with a cop to get her out of trouble. A high school student has a thing for her sisters adult boyfriend. S1E2: this episode features a peeping Tom. S1E3: a girl's boyfriend tries to force her to have sex. He is stopped by another guy. S1E22: a step sister blackmails her brother into sleeping with her and threatens to say it was not consensual. S2E10: one character gives a main character a massage while she is naked. She does not know it is him.
Rape and sexual assault are common in the show: it is mentioned constantly and multiple characters are assaulted. An adult manager very clearly attempts to sleep with a high schooler who works with him. The main character's pregnancy is revealed to be the result of rape. A main character (teenage girl) has an ambiguous relationship with an unrelated middle aged man whose daughter has gone missing. While it does not seem overtly sexual, it has strong reminisce of grooming.
In the manga, the titular character (who is 14 years old) entertains a relation with an older boy (who is 17 years old). In the anime, the boy is supposedly older, even if his age is never clearly stated (he is in college). Season 1: a young girl character falls in unrequited love with an adult villain. He uses these feelings to manipulate her into meeting up with him alone to lure out the titular character on multiple occasions. At the end of this arc, he genuinely falls in love with the girl before dying. Additionnally, an episode shows a middle school student admitting to spying on/taking photos of his unknowing teacher. S2E37: the titular character is captured by a male antagonist. She falls unconscious and wakes up on a bed in different clothing. The villain tells her that he would “do anything to make her his", and is about to physically force her to kiss him when another man intervenes at the last second.
The lawyer friend of the main love interest tries to force the main character into sex, using her profession as an excuse.
Prevenge (Movie)
Prey (2019) (Movie)
Rape is mentioned by the main character when he first arrives on the island in a historical context ("the settlers raped the land").
Prey (2022) (Movie)
The main character (a young woman) is captured by a group of hostile men, who keep her in a cage: they imply several times, physically and verbally, that they will (or would like to) rape her.
A man mentions that his sister was raped and became pregnant from it, but lost the baby.
One of the protagonists, a young girl, was conceived when a god raped her mother. Her mother has continual nightmares about this event and poor mental health as a result of no one taking her seriously. The god has a human form and lives in their village. The mother tells her daughter to never interact with the man. The daughter does end up interacting with him, and there is a scene that seems to be leading up to her getting raped as well, with him removing her clothing. However, rape does not occur, and that is not his intention. The daughter ends up seeing the man as a father figure and spending more time with him. Her mother finds out, and she assembles the village to stone him and shame her. Members of the crowd pull at her clothing, knock her down, and laugh at what she looks like naked.
The Price of Flesh (Video Game)
The protagonist is sold off at an auction to one of three characters. This game features graphic sexual assault, extreme gore, extreme sexual torture, and other dark and violent themes. It is playable without adult/sexual content.
Pride (Movie)
A man equates homosexuality to paedophilia.
A man in his 30s elopes with a 14 years old girl.
An man elopes with a 15 year-old girl. Some other adults treat this as normal and fine, while others are horrified.
Primal Fear (Movie)
The film revolves around a court case where a teenager is accused of killing a priest, who is later revealed to have been sexually abusing and grooming him and other teenagers at the church. A video tape is discovered which shows the priest forcing the teenagers to have sex with one another.
A man at a gas station makes lewd gestures towards a woman getting gas. Later she and her husband encounter the same group in the woods where they make several suggestive comments and keep a generally unsettling atmosphere. After being captured and tied up by the creature, it rips open the back of her shirt and touches her skin.
Primer (Movie)
Primeval (Movie)
In this movie, "Evil" is transmitted via a liquid: it mostly takes place with a possessed character 'projecting' the liquid into the victims' mouth.
A slave woman is presented to two princes as a gift. They proceed to sexually harass her. Worth of note: a central theme of the film is slavery, which has many implications of sexual violence. There are many depictions of violence done to enslaved people.
One character has sex with someone who they think may be mad and not aware of his surroundings, thus not be capable of consenting. It is also implied that she is coerced into doing so because a king tells her to and could kill her if she does not: he kills other people for disobeying him.
A woman mentions how she has often had to escape the 'advances' men have made towards her.
The above mentioned material appears in chapters 1, 13, 15, 18-20.
The Princess (Movie)
The main character’s young sister is mentioned to be married to the bad guy instead of the main character, both obviously non consensual.
Princess Cyd (Movie)
A teenage boy forcibly kisses a teenage girl in front of a crowd of people.
For the sake of her dream, the female protagonist kisses a frog despite being very uncomfortable with it (29:24-29:37). Stuck in a hollow tree, a male character flirts with the female protagonist off-screen and it is implied he tries to get close to her: she slaps him away (35:34-35:48). The scene is meant to be funny. In the very last scene, a full grown woman dances with a 6 year old and says she will wait til he is an adult and marry him.
Princess Nine (TV Show)
Several supporting characters are former prostitutes, who were rescued from brothels and brought to work in an iron town. No clear sexual assault is shown, but there are occasional references to their past (such as some women joking that in their current town, the men know their place).
Worthy of note: although there is no sexual assault or rape that is depicted or implied, a character is in a physically and verbally abusive relationship. Prior to the events of the book, a previous partner of the male romantic lead leaks a sex tape of him without his consent or knowledge.
Princess Tutu (TV Show)
This series is dark, and there are many elements of abuse and manipulation. There is one scene that can be considered sexual assault in the form of a forced kiss. All other abuse and/or assault is non-sexual in nature. There are uncomfortable moments in which a teacher makes verbally suggestive advances towards their students.
A lesbian main character has sex with an older man (though it should be noted that she is 26) for the sake of continuing the royal lineage. She states that she feels nervous, and is uncomfortable with the idea, but she does so anyway. Later, she briefly mentions the dissociation she felt during the act. Two main characters have sex, and both verbally consent, however one of the characters was undergoing an extreme PTSD episode, and was not entirely in her right mind. A main character is coerced into kissing a main antagonist for knowledge. A main antagonist admits to raping her adult son whilst controlling his mind. Outside of this, there are a few consensual sex scenes and brief descriptions of masturbation.
Priscilla (Movie)
The film depicts the relationship between two characters who first meet when she is 14 and he is 24: the film takes place over a 10 year time period. The film is not gratuitous in its handling of the material, it handles this relationship with sensitivity; regardless, there are some scenes that might make viewers uncomfortable, as it is very clear that the man is grooming the woman. There is a scene at the end of the movie where he attempts to rape her during a few seconds. There are other scenes throughout the film of him being emotionally abusive and controlling over her.
Prison Break (TV Show)
A main character is in prison for the rape and murder of children, and there are implications that he was also raping his young cell mate. He is seen harassing young inmates. A man attempts to rape a man he plans to kill. During a riot, a group of inmates attempt to rape a female doctor. One character's mother was raped by her brother, implied to be his father. A flashback shows a boy being sexual abused by his father. Two characters, a brother and a sister, are implied to have previously had a sexual relationship. A woman is handcuffed to a rail and a man attempts to rape her. A man kisses a woman on the forehead after previously tying her to a chair, hitting her and covering her mouth with tape.
Prison Playbook (TV Show)
The first episode revolves around the main character going to jail for severe physical assault against a man who tried to sexually assault his younger sister. Nothing is mentioned specifically other than “attempted rape”. Towards the beginning of the series the viewers find out that one of the protagonist’s cell mates is in jail for rape and sexual assault. S1E4: the protagonist is victim of an attempted rape. A prison mate tries to touch his face, but when his hand is slapped away, the prison mate tells 2-3 others to hold him down, beginning to advance upon the protagonist. Before it can get any further the protagonist's friend, a prison guard, steps in and everyone is sent back to their cells.
Prison School (TV Show)
The premise of the show (eechi anime) is five boys who attend an otherwise all girls school. One female character has a dominatrix like persona and consensually and non consensually both sexually assaults and physically assaults the 5 main characters. Another female character also violently and sexually assaults the boys, and becomes fixated on one of them. She becomes obsessed with urination and clearly receives some sexual gratification from it. She forces this character in multiple instances to strip showing his genitals and exposes her own genitals to him. They engage in genital touching that is nonconsensual and eventually she decides that in revenge she is going to take away all the male character's "firsts" so that he cannot experience them with his love interest. During this scene she forcibly kisses him and again engages in naked genital touching, implying an attempted rape. In the first episode, the boys are sent to a "prison" within the school for getting caught peeping in the girl's bath. Worthy of note: a female character is repeatedly exposed to her father's pornographic collection and frequently interrupts him mastrubating at work.
In one scene, there is audio from a radio show where people are debating the treatment of and policy related to sex offenders (38:54-41:22). One person says that laws need to be stricter and that the community needs to "stand with the parents and the kids." Another argues that most instances of child sexual assault are at the hands of someone the child knows, such as a family member, teacher, or clergyman, not a stranger on the sex offender registry.
The Prisoner (TV Show)
S1E14: the antagonist of this episode attempts to sexually assaults a woman several times, and ends up killing her.
Two characters who are engaged to be married are stated multiple times to be cousins, though nobody treats this as unusual because they are royalty. "How close" of cousins they are is never noted.
Prisoners (Movie)
Worthy of note: sex offenders are mentioned during the questioning of suspects.
Private Life (Movie)
Private Practice (TV Show)
S1E5: a patient discusses being sexually assaulted during a home invasion. S2E4: a woman talks about her sexual assault from months prior. As a result, she goes to a main character about 'returning her virginity'. S2E7: a main character testifies in a trial where the defendant is a pedophile. There is mention of pedophilia and images of children. S2E21: a woman commits statutory rape, giving a 17 year old boy an STD. S3E4: a character discusses her pregnancy, which was a product of rape. S4E3: during a flashback, a patient admits to being a pedophile when he believes he is dying. S4E6: at the end of the episode, a woman is raped on-screen The next episode opens showing the physical effects of the attack. The incident is discussed throughout the remainder of the series and becomes an integral component of the plot. Please be aware that there will often be flashbacks which can be sudden. S4E10: a patient discloses being sexually abused. S4E22: a patient is discovered to have been a victim of rape. S5E13: it is discovered that a man was sexually abused by his superior during his time in the military.
A Private War (Movie)
A woman tells her father that her former lover (the protagonist) raped her several times a few days earlier. This is a lie used to cause him discomfort: the sexual encounter in question was shown beforehand and was consensual. At some point, a man touches the bottom of a woman in an elevator without asking her: she seems to enjoy it and they talk together once they leave the elevator.
S1E10 (Magic Clock): a character claims herself to be another character's biggest fan, and is unhealthily obsessed with him. It was made clear multiple times in the episode that the other character is extremely uncomfortable around her and made uncomfortable by her advances towards him.
Problemos (Movie)
Repeated jokes are made about an adult wanting to have sex with a teenager. At one point it is implied that he raped her, but he denies this.
Procession (Movie)
The whole documentary revolves around the sexual assault of young boys by priests.
Prodigal Son (TV Show)
Although there is no sexual assault, there are some murders with sexual undertones throughout the series. One of the main characters is a psychopathic serial killer who is obsessed with his adult children. It is revealed that he would drug his son as a young child with chloroform and groom his son to help him torture and murder his victims. Again, no sexual violence, but the relationship is abusive in a unique way and could easily be read as a metaphor for child sexual abuse. S1E9: a woman aggressively comes onto a man and tells him "we're going to have sex." as a statement and not a question. He never actually consents to it and is nervous and clearly uncomfortable, and is seen stumbling backwards while she advances on him. She slaps him across the face without any prior negotiation/warning, kisses him, throws him down on his bed, and rips his shirt open all while he awkwardly protests and clearly does not want it at all. The scene stops there when she finds he is wired with a mic and they are interrupted by his team (about 18 minutes into the episode). S2E12: a woman kisses a man who she previously had consensual sex with, but he is physically unable to move away and clearly does not consent to be kissed.
The Prodigies (Movie)
A child threatens to frame an adult for sexually abusing him and has a graphically detailed version of the story prepared.
The film contains several rape (and sexual harassment) jokes (mostly during the first scene, and one of the last scenes).
The male protagonist has sexual relationships with many older women. He is not interested in these relationships and is only doing so in order to solicit money to fund his musicals. He catcalls women from his balcony.
This movie is about a ménage a trois which started when a couple of university professors started a romantic and sexual relationship with one of their students. An engaged woman tells a married woman that she loves her, and forcibly kisses her. The married woman eventually kisses her back before pushing her away. A woman is shown repeatedly spanking one of her fellow sorority sisters with a pallet, due to initiation rites. The scene has clear sexual undertones and is unwanted for both parties.
Professor T (TV Show)
S1E1: a woman describes her sexual assault experience: her teacher at a boarding school groomed and then sexually assaulted her when she was a teenager. She is obviously visibly upset when recounting her experience for the camera.
Project A (Movie)
The protagonist tells a woman “do you know what would happen if those men caught you?” while they are being chased. He alsoO tells her to “take off her dress” so she will be disguised, but she does not understand and slaps him when he starts unbuttoning it for her. Several pirates are shown lifting up and carrying away women. A pirate captain grabs a woman and pulls her dress away from her breasts to look at them, lifts her up as a prize. A woman calls for help because a drunk man is following her, and the man who helps her is grabby. She is uncomfortable.
S1E9: a female character drugs another female character on screen. She then takes her to the bedroom, unzips her dress, and kisses her. It is implied that she raped and took photos of the woman for a mission.
Project a 2 (Movie)
In a flashback, a man threatens to assault a girl with plans to "break her in" so that he can pimp her out later. The scene ends, but it is confirmed later that she was raped.
Project Power (Movie)
Worthy of note: a young female character is kidnapped and thrown in a trunk by an older male character.
A wp,am is killed by a man she is giving oral sex to: he kills her with his penis. Sexual assault is discussed.
The Prom (Movie)
Prom Dates (Movie)
There is sexual harassment on screen consistently throughout the whole movie and also other uncomfortable sexual scenes. These scenes include: A teenage girl pulling down her shorts, briefly revealing her naked bottom to an adult janitor without his consent, acting like she is doing him a favor. A man catcalling a woman from a van (she then proceeds to actually get in the car and later has consensual sex with him). A girl trying to lose her virginity on prom night, talking about who she will have sex with in a very unenthusiastic manner and it seems like she actually does not want to have sex with any of the men: she proceeds to make out with a boy but does not sleep with him, prompting him to become upset and telling her that he will find another prom date to sleep with him. A man groping a girl in the hallway and later aggressively kissing her without her consent wearing a ski mask and harassing her in the cafeteria while only one person even attempts to help her in any way and dozens of people just stand around doing nothing. He gets suspended for this but is still allowed at the prom.
The premise of the movie is a high school teacher romantically obsessed with a teenage girl. There is a scene where three young women enter an elevator with several older men who proceed to "flirt" with them and invite them to their hotel rooms, taking advantage of the situation in which they cannot leave. They do not touch the girls.
Throughout the movie, a girl constantly tries to start a relationship with a boy which clearly the boy uncomfortable.
A man talks about how he was sexually abused. A woman makes sexual advances on her best friend which clearly makes her uncomfortable however the woman quickly redacts it and says it was just a test to see if the friend is gay. A man records a couple have sex without their consent.
Promare (Movie)
Worthy of note: the protagonist inadvertently embraces a woman. He appears to lean in for a kiss, while she is visibly uncomfortable. However, it is quickly revealed that he was not interested in kissing her and then he drops her from his arms. Later, the protagonist gives the (nearly-dying) deuteragonist CPR, including mouth-to-mouth resuscitation; the protagonist expresses mild discomfort with this as the resuscitation is framed as a kiss.
Prometheus (Movie)
Worthy of note: after two characters have sex, the woman gets pregnant even though she thought she was infertile. She violently aborts the fetus (1:18:10-1:25:00).
The Promise (Movie)
The movie shows a lot of horrors of war and genocide, and though sexual assault is never explicitly mentioned or implied, there are images of women being chased/pulled.
An unnamed teenage character circulates revenge porn of an ex-girlfriend. His phone gets confiscated and school resource officers also circulate these photos. A school nurse recalls inappropriate touching from the principal.
Season one: one character mentions having a romantic interest in the female protagonist. Even if they are often mentioned as siblings, they are not (they live in an orphanage together).
The theme of rape is central in thie movie, which is a revenge thriller against a rapist (and everyone involved that in some way). There is discussions about rape throughout the movie. The long beginning scene contains an attempted rape. 8:45: cat calling. 14:30-20:40: a man takes advantage of a drunk woman, making her take cocaine. She asks him to call her a cab, but he insists that she stays and puts his hand up her skirt. 38:00: the main character gets a prior classmate drunk, then discusses past rape at school with another student, and tricks classmate into thinking she has been raped. 44:00-49:34: the main character tricks a woman into thinking her under aged daughter has been sexually assaulted/raped. 53:00: a guy at a bar picks the protagonist up to take her home when she is seemingly black out drunk. They are distracted and it does not go further. 56:20: the protagonist meets with a rapists lawyer, where he admits and details how the law firm helps rapists get away with their crimes by attacking the victim with slander. 1:14:26: a former classmate and the main character discuss past rape. 1:17:20: the protagonist watches a tape that is strongly implied to be the videotaping of a rape. 1:19:15 the tape is shown again to someone else off screen for 15 seconds. 1:24:37: the main Character shows up to bachelor party of abuser as a stripper. 1:29:30: the abuser discusses previous rape with main character, denying he did anything wrong.
Proof (Movie)
The premise of the film is that a female boss forces her young male assistant to marry her. A man puts his hand on a woman's ass without her consent and she asks him to take her hand off. He does it again later in the film and she threatens him. A woman is given a lap dance and she look uncomfortable throughout.
The film's narrative is centered on dealing out retribution for a rape and multiple murders in 19th century colonial Australia. This inciting incident is mentioned continually throughout. The attack on screen is in penultimate scene of the movie.
The Protege (Movie)
A man pulls open the over shirt of a preteen girl, then gathers bedding with the intent to assault her (1:36:43-1:37:00). He is killed well before that can happen.
Prowl (Movie)
The Prowler (Movie)
Proxima (Movie)
Przesluchanie (Movie)
The protagonist is encouraged to get drunk until passed out, after which she is taken hostage, stripped naked and there is a graphic shot of someone just about to enter their fingers into her in order to „have a search”. Some of the tortures she endures as a political prisoner have sexual elements to them, most commonly getting naked, and rape is alluded to or threatened at various points of the film.
Psych (TV Show)
S2E3: a man sniffs a woman he has previously flirted with. She is uncomforable with the sniffing. S2E12: a teenager harasses an adult woman by flirting with her. She is uncomfortable. S4E2: one of the main protagonists slaps another man on the butt without asking. S5E2: a police officer mentions a case that involves a serial rapist. S5E9: a woman potrayed as "crazy" makes advances on the protagonist and starts to kiss him though he is not interested in her. S5E12: a relationship between an adult woman and a teenage boy is mentioned. The father of the boy mentions that his son was "taken advantage of". S6E2: a group of characters are drugged and one character speculates that this was because someone was trying to take advantage of him sexually. The other characters dismiss this. S7E2: a man grabs another man's buttocks non-consensually. This episode also centers around women who are murdered for rejecting an antagonist, who makes some misogynistic comments about his motivation for murder.
The game is an Otome game. The player is a high school girl that has the opportunity of being in several relationships with boys in the game. Hikage Route: - Hikage is a shape shifting entity that takes on the appearance of a high school boy, who implied being several hundred years old in comparison to the rest of the cast. Just from that alone, the player may feel uncomfortable as the main character is a 17 year old high school girl. At some point, he forcibly kisses the main character, which she is shown to be extremely distressed about. Yamato: - There is no sexual harassment and he is the same age as the player character. Monshiro: - He is the same age as the player character, but the game portrays his mental age as being younger than his physical appearance. He has circumstances that make him act like a small child and the other characters dote on him. With that said, a player might find it uncomfortable based on his implied mental age to do his route. Karasuba: - This character is by far the most egregious when it comes to sexual harassment and assault. He is constantly teasing the main character, playing 'jokes' and 'pranks' on her. There are several scenes of her grabbing her when she tells him to stop or making sexual innuendos which is also played off by her brushing him off. In his bad ending, he traps her in a world where only he and she , making her forget about her other friends, so he'll stay there forever with him. In the final scene of this ending, despite her saying no twice he traps her on a bed and kisses her several times. Kagiha: - This character is about two to three years older than our main character. There is no sexual harassment in the main game, but similar to Karasuba in his 'bad route end,' in Kagiha's ' bad ending ' he tricks her mind into an alternate world where they act out as if they're married.
S1E7: a woman rips the shirt off the male protagonist and caresses his chest. She then tasers him. S1E8: it is implied that the mother of the male protagonist was kidnapped, raped and impregnated by the antagonist. They do not go into detail and this is not further discussed.
Psycho (1960) (Movie)
A man spies on a woman undressing without her knowledge or consent. A woman is murdered in the shower; there is no nudity shown.
Psycho (1998) (Movie)
A man spies on a woman undressing without her knowledge or consent while masturbating. A woman is murdered in the shower; there is no nudity shown.
Psycho II (Movie)
Psycho III (Movie)
After the attempt, the victim has to stay in the same place as her attempted rapist. He apologies and acts like it was no big deal.
It is implied that the villain had been molested as a child by his mom.
Psycho-Pass (TV Show)
S1E1: a woman is raped by a criminal. It is heavily implied that he has otherwise physically harmed her. Explicit scenes at 9:40-10:40 and 13:27-13:42.
P'tit Quinquin (TV Show)
During a very short scene, a drunk man grabs a woman by her shoulder while asking for her name. She clearly feels uncomfortable about it. Worthy of note : later in the movie, a woman gets slapped many times during an interrogation. A man also hit her with a book.
The main character plies with alcohol and rejects advances of another character: an implied rape takes place off screen.
S1E8: two men discuss abusing their girlfriends. S1E10: through symbolism, it is implied that one woman (a witch) is a rape victim. She appears a spider made up of hands coming out of a schoolgirl's skirt. Her minions take the form of the lower half of the body (a short skirt with legs). The witch's domain is also shown to be laundry themed, with her repeatedly washing her clothes.
Worthy of note: near the end of the film, there is a scene of two men making misogynistic comments about their girlfriends, some of which are sexually charged. A major character calls them out and it is implied she uses her magic to physically retaliate against them. Additionally, the magical girl/soul contract system can be seen as an allegory for human trafficking, but this relies heavily on individual interpretation.
Near the end of the movie, the protagonist (Homura) reunites with the deuteragonist (Madoka) as Madoka comes to rescue her and take her to the afterlife, but Homura grabs Madoka by the hands as she forcibly takes away Madoka's magical powers, and refuses to let go of Madoka when she protests - this is then followed up by several potentially disturbing comments (such as Homura saying she "will never let go" of Madoka ever again, that the emotion that cursed her soul gem - which is relevant both in the original series and this movie as an emotion-based magic source - is reserved only for Madoka, and later confirming that her actions were inspired by love). Whether or not this can be seen as a sexual assault allegory depends on audience interpretation, but some parts still may be disturbing for sexual assault victims.
Pulp Fiction (Movie)
A key male character is taken to a backroom and is raped as punishment.
Pulse (Movie)
Pumpkin Scissors (TV Show)
Pumpkinhead (Movie)
Two men attempt to rape a woman in the woods. They pin her down and begin tearing at her clothes, but she is able to run away from them.
Pumpkins (Movie)
Dialogue from the first few pages of the book: "My boss wouldn't let me leave early. Not unless I did him a 'special favor.'" "Gross, what a dirtbag!" "But don't worry, friends, I did him one better ... and kicked him in the huevos."
Puparia (Short) (TV Show)
The Puppetman (Movie)
Puppetmaster (Movie)
The Purge (TV Show)
S1E1: a woman is rescued from a group of men who strongly imply they intend to rape her. S1E4: a woman is tackled to the ground by a man and forced to take a drug. Sexual assault is attempted but stopped before anything happens. S1E5: discussion of sexual assaults. S1E6: a woman is forced to consume a sedative by a man who catches her in the street. S1E7: women forcibly tied up and touched against their will. S1E16: an event is held where women are tied up and groped by men.
A man breaks into an apartment and threatens to rape the mother and daughter living there (01:14:12-01:13:25). It is heavily suggested that he was about to rape them before getting distracted. He is killed before he can do anything to them.
At 12:25, a girl says she will shout 'rape'.
Purple Noon (Movie)
In the first sequence of the movie, one man pretends to be blind to approach a woman. He takes advantage of the situation to grope her. When the two are kissing (with consent), his friend also gropes the woman and kisses her, even after she rebuffs him a few times. A little bit later, the same man incapacitates his angry girlfriend and kiss her. At the end of the movie, a man impersonates his friend to kiss and grope his asleep girlfriend. Once she is awake, he threateningly touches and she seems very distressed. It is strongly implied that he pressurs her into having sex with him.
Purple Rain (Movie)
A man tries to get a drunk woman to get into a limo with him, but is stopped. Worthy of note: there are a few scenes of [non-sexual] spousal abuse.
Pursued (Movie)
The film is a love story between a woman and her adoptive brother. At some point, when she is about to get married to another man, he forces her to dance with him.
Pushing Daisies (TV Show)
A female character has an unrequited crush on a male character who has told her he does not feel the same. Despite this, she continues to make advances and at one point kisses him without asking.
The author references rape of enslaved women, the sexualization of Black girls by their peers and teachers, police interactions with Black girls that constitute sexual assault or sexual harassment, the author's own experience with sexual abuse, and the targeting of Black girls for sex trafficking from as young as 11.
Puss in Boots (Movie)
A character makes a prison rape joke.
Putney Swope (Movie)
The film contains a mention of a man having sex with a 13 year old. Nothing is shown on screen.
Puzzle (2014) (Movie)
The rape scene takes place about 50 minutes into the movie.
Puzzle (2018) (Movie)
PVT Chat (Movie)
A man follows a woman home. He later breaks into her home and hides there whilst she and her boyfriend are at home. A woman mentions how a play makes her feel 'raped'.
Pyaasa (Movie)
Pyewacket (Movie)
The Pyramid (Movie)
A woman is filmed without her consent by a robot as she is undressing. It is later revealed that the robot belonged to her boyfriend, who used this as a form of teasing.
Python (Movie)
Q Force (TV Show)
S1E7: a main character dresses up and takes another character out on a date, pretending to be someone else: he kisses him.
Because of the involvement of sites like 2chan, 4chan, 8chan, and 8kun throughout the series, each episode contains moments of discussion surrounding child sex abuse, rape, sexual assault, and several characters being interviewed display sexual harassment behavior. It is not limited to any one episode.
A window washer washes a window with a woman's office on the other side: it is mentioned that he has repeatedly washed the window in the past and does so specifically so that he can see her (01:45-02:41). A man watches a woman sunbathe topless through a telescope (05:58-06:50). Worthy of note: a woman mentions being hit by her boyfriend.
There are several instances of trading/requesting a woman as part of a business deal. There is a bried mention of past rape told by a woman who saw her mother raped when she was a child. A general has a woman bound and attempts to rape her in his hotel room: he is stopped before he is able to get her dress off.
Quarantine (Movie)
Queen & Slim (Movie)
A plot point revolves around an orphanage owner molesting and raping the young girls.
The titular character is 17 years old while her husband is 23. S1E1-3: a woman has continual uncomfortable sex that she does not desire but "consents" to as she is his wife/feels she must. This occurs multiple times over the course of the first three episodes until he, during intercourse, passes away. S1E1: throughout the episode, a woman is being raped by her husband. It is not forceable, but she has no opportunity to say no because of her situation and is clearly not interested in sex. She comments later that is bad enough when it happens and she has warning, but now she gets no warning. She takes baths after each rape and comments to others how she does not want it. S1E2: forced sex between a husband and his wife. S1E3: a wife mentions that her late husband only saw "girls" as suitable for breeding (it is unclear whether this means he cheated on her with minors or whether she is referring to her experiences within their marriage). Either way this comment is delivered in an emotional manner and may be upsetting for viewers. S1E4: a widow returns to the room where she and her husband used to sleep and when she touches the bed, she has flashbacks to the uncomfortable sex they continually had throughout the first three episodes.
Queen Crab (Movie)
While at a bar, a man hits on a woman and leans in to press against her: she has to push him away and he chases her out of the bar. A man picks up a woman who is hitchhiking. He tries to coerce her into sex and grabs her to keep her from leaving the car, but she is able to get out and away from him.
S1E1: the main character is raped on screen (27:30).
Queen Sugar (TV Show)
S1E1: a basketball team is accused of gang-raping a woman. There is victim blaming. A main character's husband is accused of rape: the wife confronts him after there is video evidence. The video of right before the rape is shown on screen. The main character is sexually harassed by reporters asking about her husband. S1E3: the rape is mentioned again. The husband says that the woman was a hired escort. S1E4: the basketball player is suspended for "rape". The audience does not get to know if the incident in question was actually rape, or consensual sex with a sex worker. A rape kit is mentioned. Teenage "sexting" is mentioned. S1E5: the wife of the accused rapist goes to visit the victim. She refuses to believe her husband could be a rapist, just because the victim is a sex worker. The wife offers to pay off the victim: she says that she wants the player to admit what he did. S1E6: two radio hosts blame the rape victim. The accused player's wife is mad at her sister for calling her a victim. The rape victim meets with the basketball player: he told his friends that they could have sex with his callgirl. The wife finally realizes her husband is a rapist and leaves him. S1E9: the rape is mentioned again. S1E13: the rape is mentioned again. A white police officer forcefully grabs the bottom of a Black woman who wrote a critical article about the police force. S2E6: the sexual assault is mentioned again. S2E8: Donald Trump is quoted about illegal immigrants raping US citizens. S2E10: a woman is catcalled: S2E9: a woman is catcalled by a man from her past. Her fiance slut shames her for it. S2E16: a woman describes how she got pregnant (she was high and there was a group of guys and she does not remember). S4E1-3: the rape payoff is mentioned again several times. S4E4: sexual violence threats towards a 10 year old are mentioned. S4E5: a relationship between a college professor and a student is revealed. S4E10: while discussing a main characters past actions, the episode points out that women who are intoxicated cannot consent to sex. It also tackles spousal rape when a main character discusses her abusive husband. S5E10: the basketball players rape accusation is mentioned again. Throughout season 6, details of an attempted rape of an 18 year old by a 33 year old man are revealed. S6E1: another relationship between a college professor and her student is revealed. S6E3: a character reveals that she was raped when she was 18, and that she left town because everyone blamed her and no one believed her. She outed her friend to her father because she did not believe her about the rape. S6E6: the rape by the grown man against a teenage girl is mentioned again. S6E7: full details about the attempted rape of an 18 year old by a 33 year old man are revealed. S7E4: a main character's past rape is mentioned, as well as the fact that her rapist is running for Congress. Another side character's past attack is also mentioned. S7E5: a previous rape is mentioned in a flashback. A main characters rapist calls her and threatens her. S7E6: a main character is repeatedly threatened by her rapist. S7E7: a woman's rapist shows up looking for her. A woman's domestic abuser and another woman's rapist calls from hospice while he is dying. S7E8: the aftermath of the previous episode is discussed and shown. More is dealt with about the main character's rape too.
In one scene, the protagonist speaks with a man who openly stares at her body in a sexual way while he is talking to her. The protagonist's brother reacts strongly against her, a Black woman, being in a relationship with a white man because of the history of white men raping Black women. In the climax of the book, the protagonist's brother reveals that he and a friend of the family used to take turns having sex with their employer's wife. It is unclear in the narrative whether the wife actually agreed to this, but regardless, the brother and the friend were teenagers.
The female lead uses sex to cope with death of a loved one. She intends to murder second female lead for causing death of loved one, however, she tries gaining her trust via sexual favors to play "submissive" to get her guard down. She states she was 13 when signing a contract with a sex club owner stating she would get a large sum of money to keep her loved one alive. However, she was to return to the club at age 21 and work off her debt. The second female lead hints that her neices and nephews may be in sexually absuive relationships as they were forced into marriages, including a phone call to her sister, discussing the possibility of pregnancies and abuse. Several other discussions take place in the book that hint at possible sexual abuse/assaults in the past for characters. Wothy of note: There are heavy implications of cheating and the second female lead saying she is okay with it despite telling readers otherwise.
The main character (who is a teenager aged around 16-17) has sex with a college student after smoking weed with him.
While the protagonist is an 8-year-old in orphanage, a fellow orphan who is 12 years old enters her bed one night. The 12-year-old touches the protagonist's genitals and attempts to get the protagonist to touch her also. The protagonist feels uncomfortable from the start and eventually shouts for the 12-year-old to stop. The 12-year-old's assault is never discussed after the fact, and the two have a friendly relationship years later. The 12-year-old later claims that she is having an affair with one of the adult workers at the orphanage. As an adult, she claims that she lied. When the protagonist is a teenager in high school, she takes a college class and hangs out with college students. One student initiates sex with her without getting clear consent.
Queer As Folk (TV Show)
Queer Eye (TV Show)
In season 6, a woman mentions having been forced to marry at 16 after accidentally getting pregnant. She has had 7 kids, and it is implied that it was with the man she was forced to marry. It is not heavily pressed on.
Sexual violence is discussed multiple times throughout the book. Although most of the descriptions are not detailed, the sheer volume of mentions can be overwhelming and triggering. Topics covered include catcalling, rape statistics, anti-sodomy laws, rape as a tool of colonization, racist stereotypes of Black men wanting to rape white women and of Black women being hypersexual, sexual violence at the hands of law enforcement officers, rape in prison, LGBT people as both perpetrators and victims of sexual violence, rape apologia, and domestic violence.
The origin of the terms Sodomy and sodomizing are discussed, particularly in terms of same-sex rape. There is a passing mention of ancient Roman adults having sex with young boys. In the chapter on Josef Kohout, the author describes how he and other gay men during the Holocaust were coerced into giving sexual favors to authority figures in concentration camps for more lenient treatment. In the chapter on Silvia Rivera, there are a few passages about her fending off attempted rapists, including police officers. The Kristina Vasa and Eleanor Roosevelt chapters explain how both figures married cousins—in Roosevelt's case, a distant cousin.
The main character's last girlfriend was emotionally abusive and cheated repeatedly. At one point during the story, that ex initiates an unexpected unwanted kiss.
Quicksand (2019) (TV Show)
The Quiet (Movie)
It is heavily implied throughout the movie that a teenage girl is being sexually abused by her father. Several scenes show them lying in bed together, and the girl describing some of their encounters with her cousin. Towards the end of the film, during an intense, emotional argument, he becomes increasingly aggressive towards her, violently slapping and shoving her, until he forces her onto the bed. He then climbs on top of her, unbuckling his belt, but is stopped and killed by the girl's cousin.
There is a brief catcalling scene towards the beginning of the book.
In one scene, a man kisses a woman; she initially resists him. Although the scene is not sexual in nature, it is worth noting that, at another point, he drags her for approximately five miles against her will, occasionally kicking or throwing her.
A Quiet Place (Movie)
A group of adult men rub and touch a teenage girl on her hair, head, arms, and torso (1:03:35-1:04:48). They take off her jacket and backpack, and a man gazes at her in a sexual manner before starting to lead her away. She escapes by diving into water.
Quills (Movie)
The film is about the Marquis de Sade, and sexual abuses/torture are thus recurring themes. It features two rape attempts and several scenes of sexual harassment from the very beginning of the movie until its end. In addition, it shows an old man who forces a teenage girl to be his wife, and it contains a martial rape scene, which is later parodied by a theatrical troupe. Finally, a dream sequence shows a man committing necrophilia with the corpse of a woman. There is also a scene of domestic violence (hitting, name calling, blaming).
Quiz (TV Show)
Quiz Show (Movie)
Serbian soldiers cat-call women throughout the film, and one gropes a woman while searching her for weapons. Near the end of the movie, one soldier restrains a woman while her husband is taken away: it could be thought that she will be sexually assaulted off-screen.
Rabi-Ribi (Video Game)
The main characters are sexually harassed by strangers when they teleport to the city. Lewd photographs are taken of one of the main characters without her consent, and the CG is shown on-screen.
Rabid (2019) (Movie)
There is passing mention of Tarana Burke and the #MeToo movement, but the author does not describe the movement. The author references racist and eugenicist medical reproductive violations, specifically forced sterilizations, Marion Sims' gynecological experiments on unconsenting enslaved women, and the display and dissection of the genitals of Sarah Baartman.
Worthy of note: in the opening scene of this film, a sleeping woman is woken by a group of men. After about 40 seconds od them pinning and grabbing her, her mother appears and reveals that she asked the men to throw her daughter in the swimming pool. There is no rape, but the implication/interpretation could be troubling to some viewers.
Radiant (TV Show)
S1E17: a 20 year old woman kisses a 15 year old boy: he is shocked.
The protagonist mentions carrying a rape whistle and fearing sexual assault when out at night. While at a party, a stranger grabs the protagonist's behind while she is dancing.
The book opens with someone attempting to rape the protagonist. Although the would-be rapist is killed, the protagonist has traumatic nightmares and flashbacks of the event throughout the book. The protagonist also describes a scene where she heard a woman screaming, followed by sounds of men whooping and making lewd comments. It is left ambiguous what happened, since the protagonist technically did not witness anything, but it is strongly implied that it was rape.
Radium Girls (Movie)
Radius (2017) (Movie)
Worthy of note: the romantic leads in this book are a woman and a male nanny under her employ. It is clear in the narrative that their attraction to one another is mutual and that the employer does not make the pursuit of a sexual relationship a condition of his employment. The nanny character quits when their relationship becomes serious.
Rafiki (Movie)
A woman receives conversion therapy connected to religion: she is surrounded by friends and family praying for her to be cured. Worthy of note: the two main characters are violently attacked by a group of men in an act of homophobia.
Rage (Movie)
A sixteen-year-old girl commits suicide after having sex with an eighteen-year-old boy. There is mention of this being statutory rape. Another girl is manhandled and shown a video of her having sex with a boy that was filmed without her consent.
A man makes several innuendos towards a woman and she is shown to be visibly uncomfortable.
Raging Bull (Movie)
Raging Grace (Movie)
Toward the beginning of the film, a montage of the protagonist's experiences while working as a cleaner contains a brief scene where a man touches himself and moans while she is bent over cleaning a stain off the floor. No physical contact occurs. She turns around distressed and begins cleaning the stain again and the montage continues. The main plot focuses on an undocumented mother who begins working off books as a full-time live-in caregiver for a wealthy family. The mother sneaks her young daughter (aged ~8-10) into the house, and it is implied no one knows she officially exists. An elderly man is introduced who displays grooming behaviors towards the daughter such as isolating her from her mother, asking her to call him "grandpa", etc. It is revealed that the protagonist's daughter was the product of a sexual assault; the elderly man threatens to reveal this to her daughter and uses this to further separate them emotionally. The elderly character displays increasingly racist, fetishizing behavior towards both of them. It is revealed that this man has previously killed a woman of the same nationality and kept her preserved in a case in the basement. At the climax of the film, when the old man and young girl are alone in the house, he begins to act malicious, but his intentions are left somewhat ambiguous (though the anticipation of potential assault will likely be present for many with sa trauma, as it was for me). He threatens to put her in a glass box and tries to attack her, but is ultimately killed. The neice of this character also has a major role in this story. It is never overtly discussed, but it is implied that she has some form of extensive trauma resulting from their relationship which, given her uncle's actions throughout the film, could be sexual in nature.
Ragnarok (TV Show)
S1E4: on-screen rape, which is later mentioned by the characters. One teenaged character uses (questionably sexual) powers of persuasion to convince other to cooperate, including seducing or at least kissing a 3000+ year old character to change their grade. S2E6: one character uses illusion powers to trick another into thinking that they are having sex. The character did not consent and is visibly uncomfortable with it. In the illusion, the manipulator trades places with another character who seems uncomfortable with it. Additionnally, this scene is cut with a choking scene between different characters. A 3'000+ year old principal has sex with teenage students. Some characters are shown or implied to have a sexual relationship or feeling for each other: there are questions as to whether or not they are related.
The Raid 2 (Movie)
Prison rape is briefly mentioned. A crime boss forces an underling to undress in front of him to make sure he is not wearing a wire. In a karaoke room where the protagonist and the antagonist go with two prostitutes, the latter gets violent, threatens one of the women and forcefully sticks a microphone up her skirt. A scene takes place in a studio where a porn film is shot: a woman wearing a strapon is presumably raping a man behind a curtain.
Chapter 11: there is a non-graphic mention of a child who was born as a result of rape.
The female protagonist is repeatedly threatened and kidnapped throughout the film. She repeatedly says things like 'get your hands off me' and is ignored. She is spied on while changing, and a man says that he is going to sell her, assumedly into sex trafficking. Another man grabs her and implies he is going to rape her, and says that he will let other men have her if she does not please him.
The female lead is paid to fake-date the male lead: she expresses discomfort with physical touching. The male lead expresses concern over being her boss and making her feel pressured to do things. The male lead does not ask for consent before kissing the female lead, instead saying "I'm going to kiss you now" in a more demanding way. Two non-lead characters are implied to have won another non-lead female character as a prize, and might do sexual things. The female character does not vocally consent and later confesses that her father is forcing her into doing these things for his own motive. The female and male leads argue over the power imbalance of boss x employee: they end up together.
The Rain (TV Show)
S1E2: sexual harassment (15:00-16:30). S1E5: it is implied that a teenage girl is raped, and the build up to and aftermath is shown in extreme detail (her drink is spiked, the effects of the drug are shown in graphic detail). The scene involves non-consensual filming and implies gang-rape. She is shown in the morning after the act, crying, as she is victim-blamed (24:00-28:00).
This serie contains very graphic sexual violence (S1E2+6 being the most graphic). The original manga is written from a semi-autobiographical perspective.
The Rainmaker (Movie)
A woman victim of domestic abuse talks about how her husband mistreats her by being obsessed with sex. A prostitute is briefly seen being groped. A woman says that she had to have sex with different people in the company to improve her rankings.
The description of an assault and attempted rape could be upsetting to read as they are described as it occurs (pp. 234-5).
The film focuses on the rivalries between the four wives of a wealthy man. Based on the backstory of the protagonist (forced to marry the man because her family is bankrupt), it can be assumed that none of the women voluntarily joined the household. In the last part of the movie, one of the wives is dragged to a lone room (on-screen) and hanged to death (off-screen) for having being unfaithful.
Raising Dion (TV Show)
A family friend kisses the protagonist‘s mother. She is visibly uncomfortable after the fact and ask him not to do it again. In subsequent episodes, the family friend character acts entitled, being angry that she rejected him.
Raising Hope (TV Show)
Rape is used as a punchline multiple times in the series. Many times it is applied as a humorous device (for example, a dog humping and breaking a lamp). There also is a scene where a character describes a relationship as starting with a date rape which is still played off as a joke.
The Raking (Movie)
Rambo (1986) (TV Show)
Rambo (2008) (Movie)
Depictions, implications and mentions of sexual abuses and rapes are constant throughout the movie. It is heavily implied that the main bad guy likes to have sex with young boys. There is a scene where his soldiers bring a little boy to his room, he then pats the little boy on the head like a dog and leads him into his room. Rambo sees this and closes his eyes in disgust. Whilst attacking an enemy, Rambo screams that the enemy "would have raped them 50 times before cutting their heads off". A soldier drags a woman to his quarters and prepares to rape her but is stopped. Two soldiers assault a woman with one holding her down and the other tearing open her shirt. Her bare breasts are shown and then the camera cuts away. A woman is held down by one man while another man approaches, undoing his pants, and is interrupted.
Throughout the film, female prostitutes are shown going to a military camp in the jungle and being with soldiers: none seems distressed.
Rambo III (Movie)
One character mentions that Soviet soldiers rape Afghan women. We later see women imprisoned in a Soviet base.
A teenage girl is kidnapped and forced to work in a brothel. A man brings a woman to his truck before shoving her down a a seat, preparing to assault her but is stopped.
Rampo (Movie)
In one scene, a man shows a woman projected footage in which he binds the hands of naked women behind their backs and proceeds to grope them. He then ties the woman's hands behind her back and smears her bare back with the makeup he's wearing on his face.
Ramy (TV Show)
A recurring theme at the end of season 1 and throughout season 2 is a romantic and sexual relationship between two first cousins. They claim it is okay because they were not raised together and met in adulthood. S1E8: an adult man and a high school girl pursue a romantic and sexual relationship with each other. However, nothing actually happens between them, and they change their minds.
Ran (1985) (Movie)
The Ranch (TV Show)
One of the main character's actor was convicted of two accounts of rape in real life. His character catcalls and makes suggestive comments throughout the show but the female characters brush it off or find it funny. His character dies in S6E3.
A murderer kills several women throughout the film: near the end of the movie, he is standing on a wounded woman lying on the floor before killing her.
The Ranger (Movie)
Worthy of note: an adult male character has an obsession with a female character that began when she was a child.
Raoul Taburin (Movie)
Rapito (Movie)
Worthy of note: a male student bullies a female student, and when she tries to talk to her teacher about this, the teacher tells her it's just because he likes her.
Raptoid (Video Game)
This game also features BDSM, sexual humiliation, and both consensual and non-consensual sex. Non-consensual sexual content is not presented in a serious or horrific way. Raptoids are captured by an unknown robotic faction that turns their species into sex slaves. The main character can be captured and sexually tortured by these robots. Upon freeing other captured raptoids, the main character can have sex with them.
Rashomon (Movie)
The film's plot centres around the rape of a samurai's wife by a bandit.
Ratatouille (Movie)
Worthy of note: a man kisses a woman without her permission. She initially is going to pepper spray him but seems to change her mind in the moment.
Ratcatcher (Movie)
A teenage girl is repeatedly harassed by a group of teenage boys on-screen. It is implied that she is raped by them off-screen.
Ratched (TV Show)
Rape is mentioned several times throughout the show. One male recurring character makes several inappropriate comments and gestures towards female characters throughout. S1E4: it is mentioned that a woman had sex with her brother in the past. He briefly puts her hand on his crotch but she stops him, stating that it will never happen again. (It is revealed in S1E6 that they in fact are not biological siblings). S1E5: a woman suffering from trauma explains under hypnosis that she was kidnapped and beaten by a group of men, who locked her up naked for days. S1E6: the backstory of the protagonist is told through flashbacks and a puppet show. She was repeatedly abused by several foster families as a child. One of these families forced her to perform sexual acts with her "brother" in front of adult who paid to watch them.
Rattlesnake (Movie)
Worthy of note: the main character is being pad-down for weapons and shows discomfort.
Ravage (Movie)
It is implied that an unconscious woman is about to be raped by at least one man, if not more. A man's belt buckle is seen being undone and two men are seen standing over her in the background. No nudity and the act itself is not shown. Later, a man confirms the woman was raped by telling her that he 'had her good.'
The Raven (Movie)
Chapter 11 (pages 214-222): strongly implied rape scene. Rape mentioned throughout the series.
Ravenous (Movie)
Raven's Home (TV Show)
S1E2: the mother and the brother of a girl spy on her "out of love" (16:12). S1E4: an ex-husband breaks into his ex-wife's house to surprise her.
Raw (Movie)
The film contains violation of conditional consent.
Raw Force (Movie)
Rawhead Rex (Movie)
Worthy of ntoe: there is one scene where the titular character pulls a woman out through a window, her clothing gets caught, and it rips her shirt off leaving her exposed to the other people around.
Ray (Movie)
Ray Donovan (TV Show)
Child molestation is discussed throughout the series, and PTSD is shown in many episodes.
Raymond & Ray (Movie)
Razorteeth (Movie)
Razzia (Movie)
One of the main characters is raped by her boyfriend.
Re-Animator (Movie)
A woman is raped by a disembodied head towards the end of the movie.
Re-Kan! (TV Show)
Throughout the series, a lecherous talking cat frequently, sometimes repeatedly, harasses the female characters asking to see or get pictures of their underwear. However the rest of the supernatural cast typically punish him severely for doing so.
Reacher (Movie)
S1E1: a prisoner is about to rape another prisoner but is stopped. There is an illegal strip search of a prisoner by a guard. A woman is sexually harassed. S1E2: a man is killed and his body displayed in a way that involves sexual violence. S1E3: a womanis sexually harassed. S1E4: a character describes how he saw children being raped. S1E5: a woman is non-consensually grabbed while working at a strip club.
The Reader (Movie)
The first half of the movie focuses on the romantic relationship between a woman in her thirties and a boy who is 15.
This book is a coming of age story of Adele from the classic novel Jane Eyre. Adele becomes a vigilante against men who attempt to abuse or sexually assault women. As the child of a sex worker, her childhood was spent in a brothel, where she learned ways women protected themselves from men, especially with the understanding that the police would be unlikely to help them if they were in danger. Later, she interrupts a man attempting to assault her friend. While visiting another friend, she sees a painting depicting the Rape of Persephone, and this friend's father turns out to be an abuser. Towards the end of the book, the protagonist's father reveals that he had been posing as her penpal, a boy her own age living in another country. He argues that she fell in love with him and that he can take her as his wife, despite already being married. He forces a kiss on her, and then she fights him off.
Ready Jet Go! (TV Show)
Throughout the movie, a woman is frequently grabbed and pinned down by men trying to kill her. Towards the end of the film, there is a sacrificial ritual which involves holding a screaming woman down (nothing sexual).
Real Artists (Movie)
Real Love (Movie)
One of the main characters is raped off screen but there are flashbacks. Throughout the rest of the movie, rape and sexual assault are discussed and handled well: the main character receives a lot of support.
Real Steel (Movie)
This film portrays the way conversations around sexual assault get derailed when abusers are given a platform to speak their side of events. Major details are not given around the sexual violence but it is mentioned and discussed throughout, often adjacently.
The main character is first introduced to her lover by him molesting her. This same man later rapes another woman onscreen. The female protagonist sexually assaults a child, also onscreen and graphically, at one point. She also threatens to have her lover rape another woman.
The show handles rape and sexual assault as jokes. One of the constants victim blames another contestant, which may be triggering for survivors. S1E7: a man describes how he was raped by a woman.
Reap (Movie)
News headlines regarding a man being caught with pornographic material/sexually abusing minors are shown.
The Reaping (Movie)
The scene is brief and not gratuitous, but enough to make clear what is happening.
A man watches a woman dress without her knowledge. In another scene, the same man observes a young man forcefully kissing an older woman and then being pushed out of the woman's apartment. This is also seen through a window without their knowledge.
Reasonable Doubt (TV Show)
Season 1: A rapist sexually abuses his employee (off-screen) and kills her after she wants to speak up on TV. A husband who is not living with his wife (relationship problems) puts a camera in her house which she knows about. One time, he spies on her, and another time, she has sex in front while he is looking.
Reba (TV Show)
History of incest, it is very subtly implied that a man's first wife was a sexual predator.
Rebecca (2020) (TV Show)
A sexual relationship between two adult cousins is discussed, although the characters are not shown interacting. A man teaches a woman to ride a horse by sitting behind her and touching her thighs. The things he says have double meanings. The film contains gaslighting and emotional abuse between two people living in the same house. SPOILER: it is revealed that a man killed his wife because she cheated on him. The film portrays him as the victim.
A character in an asylum is known to be "handsy with the ladies." A character works to protect her cousin from sexual assault at the hands of her father, sexual assault that she herself has endured. This character blames herself for the assault and tries to deny that it happened. A character who can read minds taunts her about this experience. A character gives absinthe to the protagonist and her friends. He then gets the protagonist alone and tries to initiate sex with her when she does not know what is happening, but he is stopped.
A young girl is targeted for harassment by invading soldiers (all of whom are adults). Her mistreatment culminates in a scene (32:44-34:40) where she is picked up by soldiers who discuss a plan to rape her over the next few days in captivity while she is crying. At first, their leader seems like he is stopping the behaviour of the lower rank soldiers but instead he states that he wants to be the first to hurt her. She is eventually saved by a female character. One of the main characters is non-consensually touched by a person who is trying to "buy" him as a sex slave (50:09-50:20).
Worthy of note: the 17-year old female protagonist kisses her father in a non-sexual way. He repeatedly pushes her away saying that she is too old for that.
The main character, a "young" prince, must repopulate his kingdom with his six sisters, which is revealed to him at his "coming-of-age" ceremony. The game mentions that males rarely live past the age of 10, as well as the detail of the main character being of an extremely short stature compared to his sisters, talking childishly, and being referred to as "little brother" by his sisters. The age of the main character is never revealed officially, but can safely be assumed to be a child.
Reborn Rich (TV Show)
S1E8: two characters follow through with their arranged marriage. Before the wedding, the man threatens the woman and blackmails her into not backing out. Their relationship consists of thinly veiled threats and accusations. No verbal threat of rape or assault is made but the woman's ability to do so is an undertone to the tense encounter. S1E14: the female character reveals that she is pregnant with her husband's baby. Their combative relationship has not changed and the nature of their physical relationship is not explored as there was no implication that they had slept together at all. No accusation of rape is made or implied. One can assume that consent was given, perhaps out of obligation to produce an heir, but it is completely open to interpretation.
The Rebound (Movie)
REC (Movie)
REC 2 (Movie)
The Recall (Movie)
Reckless (Movie)
A woman is violently kidnapped by two men, who blindfold her and tie her to a bed. They cut all her clothes off in a very intense scene and take pictures of her naked body. One of the kidnappers later reviews these pictures with obvious interest. When she needs to urinate, they pull her trousers and underwear down and force a plastic bucket between her legs. At one point, she initiates some passionate kissing with one of the kidnappers in a desperate attempt to manipulate him. Although the men never force themselves upon the woman, the implicit threat of rape is present for much of the movie. The woman spends the majority of the movie tied up and unable to defend herself against whatever the kidnappers may decide to do to her, and this uncertainty is used as a major source of narrative tension. The men also kiss each other, and it is implied that this is not consensual, but is one of the kidnappers' own desperate attempt to manipulate his partner.
Chapter 4: a man is threatened with being forced to perform oral sex on another man. The act does not happen and the threat does not hang over the character’s head afterward.
After discovering the dead body of her teenage daughter's lover, a housewife takes desperate measures to protect her family from scandal.
Reckless (TV) (TV Show)
S1E1: it is revealed that a female police officer was drugged and raped by several other officers while incapacitated.
The Reckoning (Movie)
Teenagers are pressured into taking illicit photos of themselves and posting them online. A teenage girl and her girlfriend have consensual sex, but are filmed against their will, and the footage is leaked specifically to incite a homophobic harassment campaign against one of them.
S1E3: a domestic violence situation and sexual assault is implied. A man changes in front of two other men as a means of a powerplay to make them uncomfortable. S1E6: a date is used as leverage for a covert operation. S1E7: an undercover agent must pretend to be a boy toy for someone. He makes a joke about filing a complaint with HR, since he has been trying not to have sex with the CIA asset, since she has been trying to coerce him into sex.
Rectify (TV Show)
S1E2: the main character discusses being assaulted in prison in non-graphic terms, but bluntly.
RED (Movie)
A man asks a woman to fix something for him so that she will bend over in front of him.
Red Beard (Movie)
A woman forcibly plants a kiss on a guy before attempting to kill him. This comes after she recalls being molested by several men as a child and teenager. These however are not depicted. Another character is a victim of child sexual slavery and her trauma plays a major role in a part of the movie. However, the abuse she suffered is also, not depicted.
Red Dawn (Movie)
Throughout the game, the protagonist is knocked out and incapacitated several times. During the "free parts" of the game, the protagonist can encounter women who are hogtied and shouting on the back of men's horses: the protagonist can choose to intervene or not. Early in the game, the protagonist has to save two women from men who try to sexually assault/rape them. One of the optional missions features a couple who drug and rob the protagonist, and their dialogue reveals that they are brother and sister. The protagonists threaten to cut a prisoner's testicles with wrenches in order to make him talk (they put his pants down and show him the pliers). While collecting a debt, the protagonist suggest a man to sell his wife to repay him. The protagonist can visit a cabin, which will lead to a cut scene in which he is knocked unconscious. Over a black screen the sound of a belt unbuckling can be heard, with a voice saying "you struggled and you lost" and calling the protagonist his "pet". The character later awakes in a clearing and walks in a bow-legged manner for a while. During the 'Rhodes' part (confrontation between two families), incest among one family is mentioned, as well as some members being depicted as 'slave fuckers'. In the final mission involving two lovers from these families later on, rape is mentioned. Soon after when the protagonist enters a town called Saint-Denis, he mentions that it is full of rapists. One mission in that city consists in freeing two men held captives by someone involved in slave trade. Anoter mission consists in saving a woman who was kidnapped by a group of men: sexual assault is highly suggested (the protagonist rescues her in a mansion where she is tied up and gagged). In a side mission of stagecoach robbery (during the Saint Denis part), sexual harassment/rape is discussed. In another side mission where the protagonist helps a man to escape from a town while being dressed as a woman, the latter is catcalled by men (which does not bother him), and he suddenly kisses the protagonist without his consent to hide from a (supposedly) antagonist character. The protagonist encounters twice the widow of a man he extorted, who became a prostitute to meet her financial needs. Eventually, he helps her during a side mission: she is shown being desperate, and about to have sex with a man for sex. During a mission consisting in killing people living in a cave, the protagonist encounters a female captive, deeply traumatized (sexual assault is implied). During another side mission consisting in helping a secluded woman who lost her husband, the widow warns the protagonist that she can defend herself against his potential bad intentions. During one of the last missions of the game, one female character mentions that the men who killed her husband and child "did something" to her (presumably sexual assault).
Red Desert (Movie)
Red Dot (Movie)
The film contains a threatened forced abortion by particularly violent means. Worthy of note: a man confronts the main female character at a gas station and it seems like he may sexually harass or assault her. This is not the case.
Red Dragon (Movie)
The plot of the movie revolves around catching a serial killer who rapes the women of the families he chooses to murder. It is briefly shown that the clothes of one victim gets ripped open (21:00). Another scene shows the perpetrator removing his gloves right in front of his victim's genital (impliying that he assaulted her).
Red Dwarf (TV Show)
S2E6: a female character starts flirting with a male character, using pickup tactics he is familiar with. The man makes it known that he is not interested but the woman forces herself onto him and says that he is asking for it by "wearing tight trousers." S3E2: a man describes losing his virginity and reveals that he was 12 years old when this happened, without specifying how old the woman involved was. However, he does say that she was "gorgeous enough to work at a perfume shop", which implies that she was older (but possibly younger than 18).
The main character tells a story about a man attacking her: rape is heavily implied.
Red Heat (Movie)
It is mentioned that a character is wanted for rape and that his father was convicted of raping women during World War II. A male character receives an injection in his buttocks from a female nurse who then slaps him on the buttocks when he complains about the injection.
There is enthusiastically consensual incest between two cousins. The narrative jokes about it repeatedly. One male lead pursues the other in ways that cross the line into sexual harassment a few times. The impact is softened as chemistry develops between them.
RED 2 (Movie)
Red Joan (Movie)
Red Light (TV Show)
Red Lights (Movie)
Red Moon Tide (Movie)
Red Notice (Movie)
One of the characters say something completely normal and the other person who is talking to him makes it seem like it was about sexually assaulting someone. A man says that he had a boned when a woman beated him. A woman puts an electrode in a man's genitals.
In one scene, a mentally ill woman implies that she murdered her father, who she says was guilty of having raped her. She speaks about this incident in detail, albeit briefly. This scene is played as darkly comedic.
The rape scene is clearly shot with the intention to titillate, and is never mentioned afterward.
A character has romantic feelings for a boy who is later revealed to be her half-brother. However, nothing ever happened between them, as her mother knew the truth and kept them away from each other.
This story is set in a dystopian future. The main characters are about 16, and are treated either as adults or as basically adults. Rape occurs in the context of these characters participating in an extended military training exercise where factions are created and pitted against each other in a long campaign. It happens 'off-screen' with mentions of screams. An attempted rape also happens in this context. These acts occur similarly to how they might in real life military conquest, and serve to demonstrate aspects of characterisation and the world/society. The characters mention and discuss these rapes, as well as hypothetical ones and ones that have happened in the past. In this story, there exists a class of people raised from birth to be sex slaves. This is not the focus of the book, and there exist otehr classes who are oppressed from birth (in different ways). There are no detailed descriptions of sexual violence in this book.
Red Road (Movie)
A woman falsely accuses a man of rape following a consensual sex scene.
Red Rocket (Movie)
The main character grooms and has multiple sex scenes with a 17-year-old girl about to turn 18.
Red Rose (2022) (TV Show)
A teenage boy is kissed twice at parties without his consent, and to his apparent surprise, by girls: one of the girls is making a point, the other has been blackmailed into kissing him. That teenage characters have consensual sex offscreen is implied: their exact age is not stated but judging by contextual factors they are c. 16. A plot line involves a girl being watched by her stalker through her laptop webcam. This includes a scene where she is being watched as she is about to undress, although the stalker opts not to watch this. The stalker is presented somewhat sympathetically, as if this is understandable behaviour for a lonely teenage boy. Because he then shares access to her webcam with multiple strangers on the internet, it is implied that she may have been watched in further intimate moments by them. It is mentioned in passing that child abuse images were loaded onto his computer by somebody else.
This book deals with situations of ongoing physical and emotional abuse within systems of authority in some distressing ways. However, none of the abuse is sexual in nature.
The Red Shoes (Movie)
Red Sparrow (Movie)
A 16-year-old girl tries throughout to run away from an older man her family has married her off to without her consent.
Red Vs. Blue (TV Show)
Worthy of note: at the start of season 5, it is implied one of the characters was impregnated while sleeping.
Towards the end of the book, a senator character reveals that, prior to the events of the book, when he was an intern for an attorney general, the attorney general would offer mentorship and connections to interns if they would "just get a drink with him after work." There was "a strong implication that 'no' was unacceptable." Most of the people the attorney general targeted were young women, but the senator, then a young man, was also targeted. The senator recalls how the attorney general got him very drunk. It is heavily implied that the attorney general would have raped him if he had not gotten away. The attorney general threatened to reveal personal and family secrets if he ever told anyone what had happened. Over the course of this book, the attorney general becomes a senator and runs for president. He vows that as president, he would start a "Young Congress program." The senator who was his intern strongly believes that this presidential candidate would use such a program to continue targeting and raping young people, so he intervenes. Aside from this plot point, there are several allusions to in-breeding, specifically cousin marriages, in the history of the British royal family. These allusions are mostly played for laughs. One of the romantic leads mentions a time when he tried to defend his sister against a stranger who had touched her inappropriately in public. The two romantic leads often have sex while very drunk. This is not ever presented as a problem in the book. When the sexual relationship of the romantic leads is publicly revealed, the grandmother of one of the leads insist that he deny that he is gay, saying, "I can't imagine people would be as eager to welcome you into children's hospitals" where he had been volunteering prior. She is implying that others will assume he is a pedophile, when that is not the case.
A woman is kidnapped and raped.
The plot follows an Arkansas mother who takes her 11-year-old daughter to Illinois to obtain an abortion. After it is revealed the daughter is receiving the abortion, a flashback from the mother shows the police investigating their ransacked apartment, carrying away a pair of bloody underwear, and the daughter sitting in shock on her bed.
Red Woods (Movie)
The film is about a woman who was forced into sex work as a young girl: there are several scenes featuring harassment. Her husband's brother claims that she owes him for a ride and the two of them have sex. There is a scene featuring forced abortion and sterilisation. The protagonist was abandoned by her father when she was a little girl; as an adult, she punishes him by having sex with him at the brothel. When he finds out he had sex with his daughter, he kills himself. Towards the end of the movie, there is a scene where the female lead is locked in a room; it is strongly implied that she is listening to a man assaulting two young girls. In the end she escapes with them both. Details: A young girl is sold into prostitution (33:13-37:00). It is revealed that a man unknowingly slept with his daughter (38:40-39:38). A young woman is held down while her pregnancy is terminated (1:17:20-1:17:50). A young woman is coerced to perform sex on a man as payment for a ride into town (1:21:20-1:23:14): she can be seen coughing and throwing up behind a tree after the fact. Children are heard being sexual abused in the next room (1:50:18-1:50:40). Even through this is off screen, the audio is disturbingly graphic.
The author explains in detail how her father's girlfriend's son groomed her and molested her for an extended period of time. The person who groomed her was also a minor, but was older. As the author transitioned in her early teens, she observed that men began catcalling her. There are also explicit discussions of the author and her peers participating in sex work prior to the age of 18 to save up for gender affirmation surgery.
Redes (Movie)
Redline (Movie)
Redo of Healer (TV Show)
The plot revolves around a 14 year old boy who was enslaved, then sexually physically and psychologically tortured for 4 years, before going back in time to go on a rape-filled rampage against the people that previously wronged him. Many rapes are shown on screen, and the main character is the perpetrator of most of them.
The Reeds (Movie)
Reed's Point (Movie)
A woman is captured after being in a car crash and kept locked up in a man's basement: she is brainwashed into believing that he is her brother.
The Reef (Movie)
There are elements throughout the movie that imply sexual violence, though nothing ever happens to the knowledge of the audience.
Refuge (Movie)
S1E2: a girl says there is a "creepy vibe" to an older teen boy. A couple of vampires are drugged into an orgy with two other vampires. One of the partners of the male couple is made to believe the other was murdered, but he is not. S1E3: it is revealed that one of the vampires in the relationship was there out of obligation. S1E5: a woman seduces a man so she can kill him.
Regression (Movie)
The movie follows a detective trying to solve a case where a 17 year old girl reports her father for sexually abusing her. This involves several graphic descriptions as well as flashbacks/hallucinations/dreams that include assaults or events surrounding assaults happening on screen. It is later revealed that the girl had been in a relationship with an older man and after he refused to leave with her, she made the story up.
The Rehearsal (Movie)
An ongoing subplot centres around an adult man who is engaged in a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl. The sister of this girl sees the two of them having sex, which causes a scandal. When talking to the older sister about this incident, a man asks if her little sister was raped. The older sister reassures him that the encounter seemed consensual.
Reign (TV Show)
S1E1: A man is ordered by another woman to rape the main character. S1E7: a group of men take the main character and her friends hostage and attempt to rape them. This is stopped when the men are killed, but it is mentioned that another character was raped by her guards when she was a child. It is revealed that half-siblings had a sexual past. The sister convinced her half-brother they did not share a father when, in fact, they do. S2E9: The female protagonist is raped during an invasion of the castle by enemy forces (during the final few minutes of the episode). Although not graphic, this scene is unambiguous and potentially upsetting. The aftermath of this attack is also dealt with. S4E16: two main characters are drugged and coerced into having sex with a witch who attempts to use magic to get herself pregnant against the man's will.
The Rejected (Movie)
Relic (2020) (Movie)
The Remains (Movie)
A man is falsely accused of rape. This is a major part of the plot and gets mentioned several times troughout the entire series. S1E6: a man grabs and forcefully kisses a woman (about 45 minutes in).
Remember Me (Movie)
SPOILERS Worthy of note: The opening scene is a woman and her daughter waiting in a subway for a train. Two men pull guns on the woman and rob her and kill her. The scene is very tense and the men are very physically close to the woman trying to take her things. The daughter is not harmed.
A woman slaps a man after he kisses her without her approval.
In a locker room scene, a male character kisses another man without his consent. The scene is played off as a joke despite the the man being obviously distraught and angered over the matter. This is barely brought up later in the film, as a means of playing off the first character's ambiguous sexuality.
Reminiscence (Movie)
The protagonist, a child, kills an adult man in self defense who would have dragged her into an alley.
Renfield (Movie)
Reno 911! (TV Show)
S1E5: a female officer instructs a room full of children that they were all be raped and that it is inevitable. It is played for awkward laughs. S2E3: during a skit about graffiti, a cop mentions that something is "worse or better than rape". S3E2: a 5-minute sketch focuses on a videotape that cops make a rape victim watch. He has flashbacks and is very upset by seeing the tape. The rape is described in detail, but not shown. The whole thing is played for laughs. S3E4: a cop mentions that some children are "products of rape" during a children's show taping. S3E5: a group of cops sing to students about the dangers of prison including being raped. It is played for laughs. S3E7: halfway through the episode, a woman is sexually harassed on stage. She yells for help and another woman assists her. It is played for laughs. In the end credits, cops talk about the number of rapes in the holding cell being a typo and a female officer yells: "please don't rape, it's me". It is insinuated that she has been raped before and the whole thing is played for laughs. S4E1: a male and female officer discuss a "rape shield" product for roughly 2 minutes, giving scenarios including one where the woman in the conversation relates details of her rape. They both say that if someone is raped twice, then "shame on them" because it is their fault for not being prepared. It is played for laughs. S4E2: two officers discuss travel and one says that people from a certain country "will rape you in a heartbeat". It is played for laughs. S4E3: a woman screams "rape" to escape arrest, and a man says that their group is like a family that would kill and rape each other. Everything is played for laughs. S4E5: rape is discussed in a police context. S5E9: a man tells a woman that she will be raped in jail and a second woman says that it will be very bad. S5E13: a male 911 operator tells a woman "If you've been raped, you need a confirmation number." It is a different woman calling in, and is played for laughs.
Rent (Movie)
A woman implies that she has been cat-called and viewed sexually since puberty.
Rent-A-Pal (Movie)
A character says: "men are entitled to what they want" in reference to a girl turning him down. He follows with "I eventually got what I wanted". No details are added, and the audience does not know if this is referring to anything real.
The Rental (Movie)
One character watches people showering without their consent.
Rentaneko (Movie)
A man stalks a woman back to her house despite her asking him to leave her alone.
Replicas (Movie)
One of the antagonists is stated to be a rapist, but only in the promotional materials. One antagonist mentions wanting to have sex with his sister. A side character says that she started 'turning tricks' at the age of 13. Worthy of note: a young woman, who is highly addicted to drugs, is engaged in a sexual relationship with a drug dealer.
The Report (Movie)
The film focuses on the abuses suffered by prisoners held by the CIA after 9/11: this includes forced nudity and forced enemas, both on screen.
The Reptile (Movie)
A rape joke is made early in the film. Rape is also mentioned (and ruled-out) as part as an investigation about a murdered woman.
Repulsion (Movie)
The rape scenes approximately take place between 00:54 and 1:50.
Requiem (Movie)
One plot of this film revolves around young women addicted to heroin who go into sex work in order to pay for drugs. A final scene shows the female protagonist forced to have sex in front of an audience and crying. This is an act of violence from her dealer, who knows that she will do anything, and who uses that power for money and sexual pleasure.
The Requin (Movie)
The Rescuers (Movie)
Reservation Dogs (TV Show)
S1E2: mention of a character's uncle being "the handsy one'. Nothing happens on screen. S2E7: pedophilia is mentioned. S2E8: two characters stumble upon a cult initiation in the woods in which the new members (all male) penetrate the corpses of catfish. The genitalia are blurred but everything else is shown (blood, sounds, etc.). S3E6: omeone calls a zombie a "diddler".
A graphic joke is made about the fact that a character was raped in prison.
The Resident (TV Show)
This series discusses in season 4 and 5 a main character who was raped with she was 13 and gave a child up for adoption. It is handled well, lots of nuance and emotions. The adult child is also a character on the show. This is an ongoing character arc. S3E17: a man brings a girl (unknown age) who he says is his fiancé to the ER and one of her symptoms is bleeding “down there” (in her words). Two main characters discuss that they think she is being trafficked and may not even be 18, so they get her alone and she confirms their suspicions and talks in minor detail about what happened to her. In seasons 4 and 5, there is a character who is revealed to have been raped and impregnated by an adult neighbor when she was 13. This is discussed on occasion but is handled well.
Resident Alien (TV Show)
The main character pretends to be someone's husband (he is an alien who disguises himself as a human) and they repeatedly have sex. S2E3 explores a variety of consent issues in a thoughtful and important way: it shows how often women get sexually harassed and how terrifying it can be. A man tries to seduce a woman so he can break into her science lab. He is interrupted by a friend who knows he is not genuinely interested in the woman but is using the fact that she is sexually interested in him to gain her trust and swipe her key card. He then morphs into her body and later, she is sexually assaulted: the man beats up the person. An important discussion follows. In season 3, it is revealed that aliens are engaging in reproductive violence. S3E1: this episode contains an unsolicited dick pic played for laughs.
Resident Evil (Movie)
Worthy of note: a woman is captured and held captive.
A woman is tied down (10:04-10:50): a group of men and a woman hold her and call her slurs. One of the men slides a knife down her body, over her clothes, stopping at her crotch. She says he should not do that and he slaps her in the face. When he starts unbuttoning his pants, she kicks him in the chin, killing him instantly. The others knock her unconscious, and she wakes up in a cage (there is no implications that the other men abused her).
S1E4: someone makes a joke about a priest and a choir boy.
A male truck driver hits on a woman hitchhiker he picks up. He puts his hand on her leg and asks if she would rather stay with him than get dropped off: it goes no further than that.
Residue (Movie)
Resolution (Movie)
The Resort (Movie)
S1E1: a professor preys on a student (sending nude photographs, saying he is falling in love with her, inviting her for dinner, talking about penetrating her, etc.).
Respect (Movie)
This movie shows that the protagonist was a sexual assault survivor and that she got pregnant as a child by her abuser.
Misogyny is a major theme. This takes the form not of sexual violence, but rather of patriarchy limiting women's lives and resulting in the dismissal of their thoughts, desires, and goals. There are a few moments (one in a backstory conversation, one in a climactic scene) in which a man in a position of power threatens a woman with severe violence of an unspecified type. In both instances, the woman is able to escape.
The male antagonist grabs the female protagonist's face, gets very close, smells it, and licks her nose (1:18:08-1:18:41).
A sex scene, which is not violent or aggressive, involves a psychiatric patient, who cannot truly consent, a fact which is acknowledged in the book. This scene and the attempted rape scene are both handled sensitively, and written from the perspective of the man perpetuating. The whole book is about acknowledging the character's mistakes as he looks back at his life, so these two moments are not romantisized or justified. Neither scene is overly graphic, but quite psychological (i.e. describing complicated feelings and focusing on the feelings rather then the physical aspect.)
Resurrection (Movie)
Retaliation (Movie)
This movie is about an adult victim of childhood sexual abuse confronting his past.
The Retreat (Movie)
Retribution (TV Show)
Women are stalked and harassed. One woman's stalker seems to attempt to rape her in a motel room.
Very sudden, violent rape scene at the beginning of the film. The following scenes of her in the hospital having a rape kit taken are also shown. There is communication between the rapist and the woman throughout the film.
A man implies that he wants to not only kill a girl but rape her. Later on, the same man busts into a room to try to rape a girl but is stopped. A man licks a girl without consent.
Returner (Movie)
The main villain, a yakuza, grabs a female scientist by her breast and licks her cheek. She is angry but does not say anything: the movie goes on and it is not adressed.
A man makes unwanted advances to a girl he is holding at gun point. He asks if he can keep her, but she is rescued before anything can happen.
The Revenant (Movie)
A man grabs a woman and rapes her on-screen (1:42:55-1:44:52). She struggles against her attacker and then remains motionless, crying, teeth gritted whilst on screen during the assault. The protagonist eventually intervenes and stops the rapist by threatening him with a gun. The woman grabs a knife and threatens to cut off his testicles.
Revenge (TV Show)
Though the editing jumps around scenes while the sexual assault takes place, the entirety of the lead up is shown on screeen (forcing against the door, pulling down underwear), as well as several jump cuts that show the woman being raped through the door's glass (17:00-23:00).
A kid is bullied by someone saying that he is going to remove the kid's pants and cut his penis. He is stopped. The wife and daughter of the protagonist get brutally gang raped while the father has to watch.
A female character unknowingly has sex with a boy disguised as her boyfriend. The male protagonists install cameras to watch girls undressing. When trying to rent a home, a male character gets flirted with by an adult woman (25:55-26:07). When asked about if he has a date for an upcoming party, a college student responds: 'I've been out combing the high schools all day' (36:12-36:21). Nerds sell pies with unconsented nude photographs of female college students at the bottom of the tin (1:10:56-1:11:14).
There is passing mention of how Melvil Dewey (the father of American library science and the creator of the Dewey Decimal System) sexually harassed the college students under his tutelage. Worthy of note: in one chapter, two 12-year-olds are caught looking at porn on a public computer.
Revolution (TV Show)
S1E1: two men attack the protagonists and imply that they are going to rape both girls (22:05-23:05). One tries to assault one of them, but he is killed.
Because this book is about intimate and domestic violence in all its forms, sexual violence is discussed in most of the essays. Forms of sexual harassment, sexual assault, and rape are described both in the abstract and in in-depth examples.
This series briefly discusses rape of colonial women by British officers. It also briefly discusses rape allegations as propaganda.
The chapter called "Pursuing a Radical Anti-Violence Agenda Inside/Outside a Non-Profit Structure" focuses on a group called the Coalition Against Rape and Abuse (CARA).
Portrayals of rape/incest in the show are nongraphic, mostly implied, and arguably shown in a negative light, but viewer discretion strongly advised. These themes appear in many episodes across the series, but episode 33 is particularly notable for its potentially disturbing statutory rape scene. The show uses surrealism to convey some events and themes, including sexual violence. In particular, cars are strongly linked to many of the implied assaults. Because of the way the series deals with same-sex attraction and relationships, there is also an element of corrective rape in some scenes which some viewers may find disturbing. There are explicit scenes in which an adult grooms a teenager. Among other things, the series is largely about overcoming abuse and breaking out of toxic gender norms.
Based off of the TV series Revolutionary Girl Utena, dealing with many of the same themes and potentially difficult elements. Additionally, adds backstory elements that were not shown in the original series for a particular character, involving sexual abuse as a young child. An explicit scene shows a man raping then stabbing his sister. It is implied that he had put something in her drink many times before, but this time it did'not work.
Worthy of note: the final presents a self-induced abortion.
Revue Starlight (TV Show)
Worthy of note: in S1E5, a major character, who is implied to have a crush on the protagonist and is jealous of her friend, goes through her belongings multiple times (burying her face in her pillow, holding onto a towel drenched in her sweat, and almost kissing a water bottle she drank from) all without her consent (10:00-12:00). However, there are no clear sexual advances.
The author discusses the clinical ramifications of sexual assault and rape for survivors. At another point, he talks about the sexualisation of father-daughter relationships which can occur as a result of pornography consumption, using a specific case study in which a man began thinking about his daughter in sexual terms as an example.
S1E6: a male character convinces another man make to get extremely close (face to face) and dance (7:02-7:19). They soon pull away and the first man makes it aparent that he was uncomfortable. After that, the man once again engages in dancing despite the protest of the other man (11:20-11:25).
There is mention of child sexual abuse at Indian boarding schools. Towards the end, an antagonist character attempts to rape the protagonist. The antagonist is interrupted by another character and killed.
At the beginning of the movie, a woman is raped on-screen while her father is forced to watch.
Characters discuss memories of being raped by a man in a position of power; this is a central plot point. The effects of domestic violence are also depicted.
A student gawks at other female students and talks about them in a sexual manner.
Rick and Morty (TV Show)
S1E3: a theme park ride is described as being 'really rapey' and a character reveals that he was molested by his brother as a child. S1E2: a teenage girl is shown trying to seduce her grandfather and brother; this scene is the fantasy of one of the teachers at her school. S1E5: an underage boy is forced into a toilet cubicle, with the intention of raping him. His assailant is fought off, but it is revealed that this has happened on numerous occasions with other children. A grandad and his 14 year old grandson are on trial and the grandad makes a joke about prison rape. S1E6: a character deliriously asks for details regarding the genitalia of an underage boy. S1E7: the attempted rape of a teenage girl, but she is saved before she can be further assaulted. S1E8: a man has sex with an old woman's corpse that is being controlled by cats in a TV show they are watching. You see it happen in shadows. S1E11: there is an attempted rape of a man at gunpoint; however, he is saved before anything more happens. S2E9: one protagonist calls a group of men running at them during a purge night rapists. The implication is that anything is legal and they have probably done that. S3E9: a man reproduces with non-human creatures and commits incest with the offspring they produce. The creatures he reproduces with are also implied to all be children. S4E4: a form of soulbonding is introduced which is implied to resemble sex. This soulbonding once happens with a bigger grip that includes a child and his grandparent. S5E3: a young looking girl is about to be sold to an older man. Worthy of note: in S1E1, one of the characters forces another to shove a huge seed in his rectum. In S1E4, a character has sex with a version of his wife who, unbeknownst to him, is a simulation. He is aroused by the fact that she is not moving. This is played out for laughs, as the intention is to highlight his disregard for female sexual pleasure, however, some audiences may find this distressing.
Ricochet (Movie)
The protagonist is raped by a woman after being drugged.
Riddick (Movie)
Ride Or Die (Movie)
The Rider (Movie)
It is mentioned that two characters were sexuallly assault edin the past and suffer from their trauma: one of them was a sex slave and we see him tied in a submissive position.
A little boy defecates in the mountains while an old man accompanying him takes photos of him and records it.
Near the end of the film, the female protagonist interviews online for a new job as a flight attendant, which is quite objectifying (asking her to get up, turn around, explain how she stays in shape, etc.). The interviewer also asks her what she would do if one passenger makes inappropriate comments to her.
The Rift (Movie)
Prior to the events of the book, the main character ended a verbally and emotionally abusive relationship. Since they were coworkers at the time, her ex retaliated by attempting to force her out of her industry with a rumor. There is a point in the book where this ex visits the main character while she is alone in her bed room. It is clear in the narrative that he has come specifically to intimidate her, if not assault her. Someone else intervenes before anything happens. It is later revealed that the ex had harassed and assaulted other women.
Throughout the show a character is shown to have a distressing relationship with sex. In S1E9, she describes to an ex (who she had formerly made uncomfortable by possibly pressuring him into sex) about her only former “boyfriend” (former college professor) who she raped. In season 2, a character creepily asks another character if they would fuck their brother if a gun was to her head, and says that her brothers want to fuck her. S2E6: several men threaten to rape another man. This is played for laughs. S2E9: it is discussed that a pastor is sexually abusing orphans. S3E4: molesting is mentioned.
Worthy of note: a woman reporting assault is brushed off and perceived as overreacting.
Rigor Mortis (Movie)
Two sisters are at their teacher's house to get tutoring. He rape one of them before being stabbed to death by the other. The scene is shown again two times as flashbacks.
Someone threatens to rape a man’s girlfriend: she is captured but no sexual violence occurs.
The show contains rape and sexual torture scenes.
The Ring (Movie)
The Ring 2 (Movie)
Rings (2017) (Movie)
A college professor dates and sleeps with his student towards the beginning of the film. The relationship is mostly minor to the movie. There are no explicit scenes between the two, everything is implied. It is revealed that a woman's mother was kidnapped and raped by their town's priest; this is never shown on screen but is discussed by multiple characters rather in-depth in the second half of the movie.
Ringu (Movie)
Rinkai! (TV Show)
Rio Bravo (Movie)
The Riot Club (Movie)
The Ripper (TV Show)
This documentary is focused on the crimes of the Yorkshire Ripper and the investigation aimed at identifying him which occurred during the 1970s. The Ripper's crimes were directed exclusively at women and based in sexualised misogyny; in particular, the show features discussions around sex workers (esp. violent crimes against and denigrating attitudes regarding them) and the domestic violence which occurred in the Ripper's childhood home. Moreover, the series continually addresses the misogynistic attitudes of the investigators themselves, as well as the negative impact which these attitudes had on the efficacy of their campaign. These issues are analysed critically by the show itself.
Ripper Street (TV Show)
There is a brief scene (a few seconds) which includes sexual harassment in a club.
The main character keeps two people inside a barn. During this time he repeatedly rapes the woman while making the man watch.
Risen (Movie)
S1E1: the protagonist is accused of committing sexual assault.
Riso Amaro (Movie)
Women are subject to sexual harassment at various points in the movie. One woman in particular is repeatedly harassed including being asked questions about her bust size, attempts to kiss her which she does not want, and being touched despite repeatedly saying that she doesn't want to be. At one point, this same woman is raped off-screen.
The 21 year old female protagonist pushes herself onto a much older man. She corners him in her room and pushes him down on a chair while taking her sweater off. The man is shown to reject her advances but she only stops when someone else comes into the room. She continues to pursue him even though he has rejected her multiple times. A man who is 40+ years old is married to a girl who is still in college. She is described as a very young girl. It is unclear whether the girl is a teenager or not.
The Rite (Movie)
When discussing what else might be wrong with a pregnant girl other than her being possessed, rape is mentioned a few times (she might be experiencing severe PTSD from her father raping her). When a demon attacks another woman, he implies forcing himself on her. Both scenes are on-screen momentarily.
The River (Movie)
Shortly after the middle of the film, the male hero attempts to rape the main female protagonist. He only stops when he hears his son shouting. This scene serves as an illustration for the poster of the movie. At the end of the film, the same man forcefully takes the woman as his wife.
The River (TV) (TV Show)
River Wild (TV Show)
Late in the movie, it is implied that a woman was sexually assaulted by a man when she was a child. The same man grabbed another girl earlier in film (off screen).
Riverdale (TV Show)
A teenage character has a sexual relationship with his adult teacher. He insists that she cares about him but other characters point out that the relationship is unhealthy and later episodes show that she is a serial statutory rapist. S2E5: A teenage boy forcibly kisses a woman, who pushes him away. Later in the episode, he drugs another character and attempts to rape her, but is stopped just before he is able to do so. The victim faces scrutiny for bringing this to light but ops to press charges regardless. Another character is unnerved to realise that she went drinking and partying with him dozens of times and it's implied that he may have done something similar to her, or at least tried to. Two characters who are distant cousins unknowingly commit incest, even conceiving a child together. One side of the family thinks they're far enough apart genetically that it's not a big deal, but the other side is completely disgusted. One character's father tries to force her to have an abortion without her consent, and it's revealed that he also forced his wife to give up a child for adoption. One subplot addresses a cyber sexual harasser in the school. The character is punished but eventually returns. In one scene, a character punches a man in order to reject his aggressive sexual advances. S2E19: the teenage character kidnaps one of the main characters, blackmails his girlfriend into meeting up with him at a hotel for sex. However he does not succeeed because the girl roofies him before anything can happen. S4E2: a boy makes a prison rape joke. S4E10: during a meeting, a teen girl reveals that her uncle molested her as a child. She tells her mother, who does not believe her. A male teen tells a story of his father forcing him to be with a sex worker. S4E12: a main female character recounts the time a boy tried to rape her. Her girlfriend talks about how something similar happened to her, too. The boy is later drugged and filmed being tickled. In the same episode, it is revealed that a different boy has been filming teen couples having sex without their consent. Season 5 deals with a serial murderer, who is also possibly a rapist. S5E10: a main character makes a pass at his friend while high. S6E2 mentions an older teacher having inappropriate relations with male students. S6E6: a male character asks a main female character if her current boyfriend "satisfies" her like he once did. He says "you know you want it" and makes two physical advances on her. She pushes and then punches him away, and then he calls her crazy for doing so. S6E13: he statutory rapist is brought up again.
River's Edge (Movie)
Worthy of note: the naked body of a murdered teenage girl is shown throughout the film.
Rizzoli & Isles (TV Show)
This shows contains mentions of sexual violence throughout. S1E1: a man breaks into a woman's home and cuts (or rips) her pyjamas off. It is revealed that she is raped: this is mentioned multiple times in the episode. S1E2: mention of rape. S1E3: a detective is told to look up for any sex offenders or predators. There is also a mention of paedophiles. S1E4: some language used can be interpreted as sexual harrassement. There is also a mention of college professors soliciting college student sex workers (seemingly consensually). S1E6: it is determined that a woman was sexually assaulted, there is mention of rape and a hate crime. S1E7: the episode features some sexual harassment (which seems to be played for laughs). It is discovered that a shooting victim raped a 15-year-old girl. S1E8: discussions of domestic violence. A man threatens to rape one of the main characters. S2E3: mentions of rape. S2E4: mention of rape, captivity, and sexual assault. S2E6: mention of a professor raping his student. S2E14: while the main characters are doing a self defence class, it is mentioned that the techniques are important so that they are able to fight rapists. S3E7: a man believes that he is in love with the main character. There is unconsentual touching and kissing, and an attempted rape is implied. S3E8: mention of human trafficking and rape. S4E3: mention of rape and brief mention of sex offenders. S4E4: a titular character is believed to be drugged and raped. It turns out to be false. S4E7: a teacher has unconsensual sex with his students. Some of the encounters are described and briefly shown. S4E9: mention of child abuse and rape S4E11: mention of rape. S4E13: mention of child abuse and kidnapping. S4E14: non-consensual grabbing and harassment. S6E12: at the end of the episode, a title character is abducted. There is no rape/sexual assault, but the actions are disturbing and can be triggering. S6E13: thie episode is a continuation of the previous one. There is no sexual violence, but it can be very triggering.
The Road (Movie)
A husband and wife discuss the potential for the wife and their son to be raped in the post-apocalyptic scenario.
Pregnant women are seen being held captive by men, and later the remains of a cooked baby are seen above a fire; the implication of this could be taken to be that the women are being systemically sexually assaulted in order to provide their captors with a food source.
Chapter 33: the main character's ex corners her and threatens her to try and get her to drop the charges she has against him. He forcibly kisses her and leaves right after
Page 224: as part of a general discussion around the sexual liberties which Jim Jones felt free to take with his followers, it is mentioned that at least one surviving member of the temple has spoken about where he "crossed the line into rape." There is a description of her experience and of specific incidents in question. Page 225: discussion of the fact that Jim Jones was sexually involved with at least one teenage member of the temple. Page 299-300: description of an incident where Jim Jones was arrested for exposing himself to a police officer in a bathroom. Page 411-412: discussion of the fact that Jim Jones, when rebuffed by a teenage temple member he was sexually interested in, would routinely have her drugged in order to assault her.
A man being led away in handcuffs by police screams (56:13): "He was raping my wife, he fucking raped my wife" No sexual assault is seen or discussed beyond this.
Road Trip (Movie)
Two characters film themselves having sex. Later, the male character's friends pressure him to show them the tape; however it turns out that the sex tape was mailed to his girlfriend so they are not able to watch it. A male Teaching Assistant at the University is obsessed with a female student and makes her uncomfortable.
Worthy of note: the main character repeatedly pursues the female dog, who is clearly uninterested. He then promises her to a gang leader without her knowledge.
Roar (TV Show)
S1E1: a 'Metoo scandal' is mentioned and a joke is made about it. S1E5: a woman entertains an abusive relationship with a sentient duck. There are no consent issues with the animal but he becomes abusive and keeps her from her family and life. S1E6: a detective makes a comment about a woman wearing bunny ears on when she is found dead (saying that it is "kinky"). She is in lingerie and tied to a tree, so they theorize it might be a sexually based thing. The woman's ghost is watching the detectives theorize and is disturbed. The male cops make a ton of sexist comments towards a female cop and the victim. The victim's ex (who is dating an 18 year old) is also sexist toward her and blames her.
Rob Roy (Movie)
A guard whistles at a male character disguised as a woman.
The main heroine is nearly raped but is saved at the last moment by the hero.
A woman instructs a man to rape another woman, with the intention of making her pregnant. The man then pins the woman down and attempts to rape her: it lasts a couple of minutes.
Robin Robin (Movie)
Roblox (Video Game)
This game is a user-generated platform where players create their own games, characters, and more. Player interactions are not actively moderated, and inappropriate content may slip through the filters. Players may experience sexual harassment by other players through the chat or by "humping" another player's character, and other players may bypass the in-game chat filter to talk about inappropriate sexual content, although this type of behavior is banned. A 2018 news article claimed that a mother allegedly witnessed her 7-year-old girl's avatar being sexually assaulted on screen by two other players who inserted malicious code into the game's server, while Roblox responded and claimed they "have zero tolerance for this behavior". A 2020 lawsuit against Roblox also claims that the platform aided in a California girl's sexual exploitation.
RoboCop (Movie)
The film features an attempted rape scene. The offenders are stopped by the titular character before they can seriously harm the woman. The cop handles the situation very gracefully and offers the woman to direct her towards a rape crisis center.
Robots (2005) (Movie)
Robots (2023) (Movie)
A female character is raped and treated as the guilty party while her rapist is the sympathetic victim.
The Rock (Movie)
About halfway through the film, one of the protagonists jokes about avoiding gang rape in prison and "losing his sex appeal" leadjng to less rape.
We see a singer at a concert where women grab him and kiss him, one for quite a long time as he tries to escape her. A man grabs a microphone during an interview, walks close to the camera and licks the head of the microphone, mimicking a sexual act as a woman looks into the camera and says that rock music is "Raping the ears of our children." A man tells another man that a singer indulges in satanic rituals by sewing female genitalia closed.
Rock & Rule (Movie)
The female lead spends much of the story kidnapped by a man, with some implication that he may want her in a sexual way. However, he never makes any clear advances. A scene set in a night club contains many instances of people leering at and touching others inappropriately. At one point, a woman grabs a man's genitals, causing him clear distress. The female lead is publicly bound and displayed on a stage in very suggestive clothing, with it being clear that someone else forcibly dressed her.
Rock-A-Doodle (Movie)
A female character is coerced by her boss into having a sham romantic relationship with another character in order for her career to advance.
Rocketman (Movie)
Rocks (Movie)
Worthy of note: a teenage girl accuses a man of being a paedophile after he attempts to physically remove her from his hotel.
Rocky (Movie)
A girl is visibly uncomfortable and says she is uncomfortable with the protagonist's advances. In anoter scene, he kisses her against her will.
Rocky Balboa (Movie)
Several characters are 'handsy' and their advances may be interpreted as assault. A character is tricked into sexual contact, and then is coerced into sex despite screaming and refusing (49:30-50:52). He continues to force himself on her until she gives in. The exact same thing happens to a male character (52:35-54:16). This all takes place as silhouettes behind a curtain. This is all played for laughs.
Rocky II (Movie)
When the titular character (a boxer) encounters difficulties in his marital relationship, his best-friend and brother-in-law jokingly suggests that he should beat her to fix it: the protagonist lightly declines the idea.
Rocky III (Movie)
Early in the film, a wrestler, accompanied by a couple of women, mentions his "love slaves".
Rocky IV (Movie)
Rocky V (Movie)
One character antagonizes the protagonist by saying that he should have sex with his wife.
R.O.D. (TV Show)
S1E3: an abusive relationship is depicted and there are mentions of toxic love, followed by an attempted murder (07:00-08:45).
Roger Dodger (Movie)
The film revolves around a man trying to teach his teenage nephew how to get women to sleep with him, escalating to more violating and uncomfortable experiences. This includes putting him in situations where the teenage boy is drunk and being kissed by an adult woman, where he is left alone in a room with an unconscious woman and where he is taken to an underground brothel, from which he ends up fleeing in terror after a woman tries to take his trousers off.
Rogue (2007) (Movie)
Rogue (2020) (Movie)
This movie is based on the premise that a group of mercenaries rescue girls who are being trafficked in Africa. At one point they leave a woman behind and the main character says: "you know what they'll do to a woman", implying that she will also be trafficked. The girls are suffering from PTSD and are jumpy when touched, and are chased through the entire film by their captors.
When visiting a Japanese club, a woman with torn upper cloth leaves a room while crying. The men in the living room are laughing and one says when it was his turn. A naked woman is offered to a man.
Roh (Movie)
A female character implies that a man may have assaulted a child.
Rohtenburg (Movie)
Worthy of note: a man asks another man to bite his penis off. When the man tries and is unsuccessful, he cuts it off with a knife instead.
Rojst (TV Show)
S3E2: rape on-screen.
Role Models (Movie)
A woman is verbally harassed (~0:15:25). A woman suddenly gropes a man: he does not seem to mind (42:40). About a quarter through the movie, one of the male characters leans over to a female character and flirts with her. She says that she os engaged and he says he has a boner. She gets up and sits further away from him. A few minutes after, the same male character makes a joke to another male character about being raped. A child attempts to falsely accuse a man of touching him inappropriately. The man did not actually touch the child. This is played off as a funny scene.
Roma (Movie)
Roma (1972) (Movie)
Worthy of note: some scenes take place in cheerfully depicted brothels.
Roman Holiday (Movie)
Romance (Movie)
A male character explains to his coworker that he is not the kind of man to flash women. A man catcalls a woman. A middle-aged male character explains that he is turned on when he sees a young girl. A elderly woman explains that her father made sexual advances to her when she was young. A man rebuffs his mistress (that he is dumping) when she asks to give him a blowjob before he leaves.
Romantic Killer (TV Show)
Romantiche (Movie)
A woman kisses another woman by surprise, and when she pushes her away: the first woman takes it a little badly and urges her to try again. When she is pushed away a second time, she becomes aggressive in the way she talks, but does not try again. One woman tells her psychologist that she has slept and fallen in love with cousins several times, without knowing that they were cousins. Later, she is seen flirting with a man and interacting after sex, and in the course of their conversations we learn that they share a grandmother. The first scene is a little bit violent but is not depict as a good or normal situation. However the incest is not seen badly by the character because those relationships were consensual, her casualness toward the situation can be awkward and unsettling for the viewer.
Rome (TV Show)
There are numerous instances of rape on screen in the series. S2E4: on-screen rape.
Rome: Total War (Video Game)
Romina (Movie)
A teenage girl is raped after purposely drawing the sexual attention of teenage boys, seemingly trying to tempt them into raping her so she can murder them in retaliation. The film is a confusing blend of victim blaming and a rape-revenge.
A man says he will only lend a woman a car if she has sex with him. They only pretend to have sex. It is a revealed that a woman lost her virginity to her cousin.
Worthy of note: a woman accidentally walks naked into the men's bathhouse.
S2E10-11: a female character is abducted. This includes drugging, forced body modification (tattoo), and highly stressful situation (trapped in oil barrel and left to suffocate). Worthy of note: a woman is tortured by her ex-boyfriend.
Room 104 (TV Show)
Room (2015) (Movie)
A female character is raped repeatedly throughout the film; she has been kidnapped and is forced to raise her child in a confined space, under the dominion of her rapist.
Near the end of the movie, a child growns up unnaturally to his teenage years and takes the appearance of his father: he assaults and rapes his mother.
Room 203 (Movie)
In a bar, an ancillary character rubs the main character's thigh without the main character's consent (20:50-21:10). She tells him to stop and moves his hand away; he then rubs her thigh again. The other two characters at the table react disapprovingly. The offender then insults the main character and the main character's friend reacts by incapacitating the offender with a punch to the face. The incident is mentioned briefly later in the movie.
Room 33 (Movie)
A man watches a woman get changed through a security camera.
Room for Rent (Movie)
Early in the movie, an elderly woman is walking by a skatepark where she is sexually harassed. Later she is sexually assaulted by a teenage boy who puts his hand up her skirt.
A woman kisses a man and then later expresses that she did not want to. A man is accused several times of being a paedophile because he hangs around with children. This does not seem to be true and no child sex abuse is shown on screen. A man harasses a woman and traps her in the room with him. She eventually escapes from him.
Much of the plot revolves around the social fallout of a man grabbing and forcefully kissing the unwilling protagonist when they appear to be alone together. A witness to this forceful kiss is upset by it and asks "what would have happened to" the protagonist if she had not intervened. Later in the film, the same man once again grabs and kisses the same woman, though she appears less shaken the second time.
The Roommate (Movie)
The main character's professor kisses her (briefly) without consent and she is visibly upset by it. Her roommate then goes to the professor and kisses him when he tells her to and then she says he is hurting her and starts screaming for him to stop (he is not actually touching her in the way she says he is) (46:42-51:48). The roommate was recording the whole time and ends up getting him fired. The protagonist's roommate attacks herself (punching and cutting) and then when the main character comes home, she says that a man attacked her in an ally but that she got away (53:56-55:57). She asks the main character no to tell anyone. The roommate tricks the main character's ex-boyfriend into sleeping with her (1:16:27-1:17:33).
There are several references through the book that discuss times when the porn performers faced harassment, felt unsafe, or were pressured into scenes. There is not any graphic discussion of events, but it does pop up a few times. Chapter 29: a character mentions that her boyfriend posted her nude photos online without her knowledge or consent.
Roots (2016) (TV Show)
S1E1 Part 1: a main female character is brutally attacked and dragged to a slave ship captain's quarters to be raped. This happens twice. S1E2 Part 2: a plantation owner's daughter tells her friend, who is enslaved, that it is her right to see her private parts in a joking tone. Also, the slave master says it is time that a girl is "bred" when she is 15. The same character is later raped on screen and forced to carry the pregnancy that results from the rape to term. S1E3 Part 3: a slavemaster continues to rape a main female character into adulthood. S1E4 Part 4: a woman is violently raped by multiple slavemasters while her husband is forced to watch.
Rootwood (Movie)
A woman films the man in their group and makes suggestive comments while he is bent over.
Rope (Movie)
A man gets his main-character-girlfriend and his ex-girlfriend drunk. He and his ex attempt to pressure the main character into a sexual threesome including forcing a kiss. When she resists, the man turns verbally abusive. She locks herself in the bathroom until a friend comes to retrieve her.
There is at least one scene with sexual harassment (a man harasses a woman). It happens in the first train scene. Later in the book, other sexual harassment is described.
This is a revenge story: the main character is adopted and discovers that she was a child of rape after locating her birth mother. She also witnesses an attempted rape and stops it. There are some flashbacks on her mother's behalf, and eventually, she confronts her birth father who attempts to rape her.
An sexual harassment scene takes place in episode 28.
Rosemary & Thyme (TV Show)
The lead is drugged and raped by her husband as she falls in and out of consciousness (43:30-50:00). She is surrounded by people chanting ritualistically. She dreams she is being raped by a creature. When she wakes and notices the scratches left on her body he casually admits having sex with her while she was passed out. Worthy of note: the director of this film is a convicted child molester.
There is a rape joke early in the movie. A group of traveling performers are demonstrating parts of their performances, which includes one of them being 'raped.' The head of the performers says that they’re desperate for pay and suggests that the main characters could sexually assault one of the actors in exchange for money. The main character responds with hostility to this suggestion.
Rosetta (Movie)
Sexual harassment takes places approximately at 22:00-24:00 minutes into the movie.
Throughout season 1, the characters mistakenly think an adult man had a relationship with a 19-year-old. This is not actually true and nothing bad happens. In flashbacks, a teenaged character stalks the 19-year-old character while possessing another character. This begins when the possessed character is 14, it is implied that the character was 17-19 year-old when he began possessing and stalking the 14-16 year-old. A character is lied to and manipulatied by another character he is in a romantic relationship with: his deception calls her consent to the relationship into question. S1E5: the phrase "rape murder, and steal our jobs," is used by a character to show he is right wing, nothing bad happens. S1E6: flashback to an attempted abduction/rape of a 14 year old girl by an older man. The scene is brief and we just see him trying to drag her away before she is rescued. S1E10: a character says her nail polish has a "date rape' detector sheen in it that changes colour. She used it to check to see if another character has been drugged for non-sexual purposes. Nothing bad happens. S1E12: the beginning of the attempted assault of S1E6 is shown again from a different perspective. It is a bit more detailed/graphic/upsetting the second time, showing a longer struggle and more screaming. It is also implied the character who later possesses her and seduces her under false pretences targeted her because of her trauma from that night that he witnessed due to them both being telepaths. It's also not totally clear what his age is, but he appears to be an adult man when he first becomes obsessed with her when she is 14. A character discovering she is has/been in a long-term relationship with a stalker/murderer is an overarching plot of the whole series, but mainly the first 2 seasons. S2E8: a character says she needs a rape kit after being found unconscious after being kidnapped, nothing bad actually happened to her while she was unconscious.
Rosy (Movie)
This movie is about a man kidnapping a woman with the hope that they will fall in love.
It is mentioned in the first part of the movie, that a 17 year old girl may be prostituting. Shortly after, the film deals with the case of a 13 year old girl who was orally raped by a serial rapist. The case is briefly mentioned again near the end of the film.
Half of the film (via flashbacks throughout) takes place in brothels. In the first scenes, we see two women "bought" for the pleasure of two men.
Rough Night (Movie)
The whole story centers around a boy of about 12 and his family after his mother is very violently raped. It opens with him going with her to the hospital, and her recovery is chronicled in the book. She at one point gives a detailed description of the attack. The protagonist and his friends often sexualize other girls, and an underage character has sex with a girl in a church basement. He later confesses this to a priest who attacks him. The protagonist and his friends spy on a priest changing clothes. The protagonist blackmails his adult aunt, a former stripper, into performing a strip tease and dance routine for him, too, when she does one for his grandfather (her father-in-law) for his birthday. He also sexualizes her throughout the book and tries to subtly touch her chest at some opportunities. He ejaculates under a blanket while she rubs his feet without her knowing. There is a discussed and implied relationship between a teenage girl and the governor of her state when she is interning for him, and she has a child due to this relationship. She is another victim of the attack on the protagonist's mother.
The male narrator pressured a young man into sex and escaped while the young man was executed for his "sin." The narrator reflects on this past experience while facing the predatory Dracula picking off a group of trapped sailors (physical and implied sexual assault).
Roxy (Movie)
A teen sends a nude picture to his classmate/tutor: as revenge, the tutor's friend shows most of his nude (everything except the crotch) to the whole school.
The Royal (TV Show)
S2E6: sexual harassment occurs between 37:25 and 37:35.
Royal Alchemist (Video Game)
There is a subplot about child trafficking, though the reason of the trafficking is never explicitly stated. The characters all show disgust when it comes to this and there is extensive time within the game dedicated to one of the children's healing from this experience.
The whole film has this tense vibe where the men are using young women as their entertainment. There is unconsensual grabbing, cat-calling, taking advantage of the intoxicated state of women, and intruding in the place they are staying. There is a brief shot of sex in the beginning and it is unclear if this is consensual.
Royal Jelly (Movie)
The main character, who is a high school student, is kidnapped by an older woman. At one point she is tied to a chair and a man kisses her and cuts open the bottom of her dress but does not rape her. The woman then comes in and threatens to have her bred many times. In a later scene, the same man attempts to rape the girl but she kills him before he is able.
Royal Pains (TV Show)
A romantic relationship develops between siblings, one of whom is adopted.
The Royal Tutor (TV Show)
S1E2: a 14 year old prince makes a comment about the private parts of a tutor. He is also seen hanging out with many girls who look older. However, their age is unknown.
The Royals (TV Show)
Season 1 contains a storyline about a girl being coerced/ blackmailed into a dominating relationship. There are mentions of filming sex while the girl is drunk.
Rozen Maiden (TV Show)
Worthy of note: S1E1: the male protagonist lifts up the dress of one of the dolls. However, at that point he does not know the doll could come to life. S1E10: when the male protagonist sees the dolls get dressed, he gets flustered and leaves the room immediately. He tells himself not to get excited by it. Later on in the episode, the sister seems to be having a weird dream about her brother. This is not shown on screen.
RRR (Movie)
Rubber (Movie)
A sentient tire watches a woman shower without her knowledge.
Rubble Kings (Movie)
Ruby Bridges (Movie)
An attempted rape occurs at 1:10:00.
Ruby Sparks (Movie)
Incest is mentioned briefly in a dialog. Worthy of note: the premise of this movie is that a female character created by a male author comes to life, and that he controls her totally by writing. There is particularly one scene near the end of the movie, where he makes her do different actions and we see how panicked she is of not controlling anything.
Rucker (Movie)
In a brief flashback to her prom night, a woman narrates a letter to her absent father that he never received, where she vaguely implies that instead of taking her to prom, her date drove her to a secluded area and raped her in his truck. The 'vague implication' is only verbal however, as the girl struggling and quietly screaming under the narration she is giving are shown in a paper cutout style silhouetted inside a stylized car.
Ruido (Movie)
The fifteen year old protagonist is raped by a shape shifter pretending to be his step mother. Another character discusses details of her own rape in the context of helping the protagonist understand if he was raped. Sexual slavery is a prominent feature of the book's world.
Ruin Me (Movie)
Rule of Rose (Video Game)
Two teenage female characters are sexually abused by an adult male character.
Mentions of the history that two characters have in regards to their respective stories. The mentions are non-graphic.
A character is raped while blacked out at a party as someone films it, and the scene is shown in reverse as well.
Chapter 6: a man watches a woman through a two way mirror and sees her as she comes out of a bath. Chapter 7: a man tells a story about how a woman drugged him after they had sex so she could alter his body.
There is a scene where a woman is screaming as she is seemingly assaulted. It turns out to be a trap, she pretended to be assaulted to get someone to approach.
The main character tries to force his girlfriend to touch him intimately. Later in the book the main character also has thoughts of raping his girlfriend.
The main character wakes up after a night of drinking in another character’s bed, not remembering what happened. When she learns, she is very upset. However, they still pursue a relationship. It is not addressed and the audience is expected to root for them as a couple.
Run (Movie)
A school shooter threatens to kill students unless the teacher removes her shirt and bra: she complies. A boy tells about having his pants and underwear pulled down in front of a big audience in an assembly hwne he was younger.
Run Lola Run (Movie)
In addition to sexual harassment, this film includes violence against a woman by a man, as well as instances of victim blaming and other people ignoring the victim when she tries to get help.
Runaway Train (Movie)
It is mentioned that one of the main protagonists was in jail for "statutory rape" (i.e. having sex with a 15 years old girl). At some point, he is in a room with a woman, and threateningly asks if she wants to have sex with him: he then gets rebuffed by another man.
The Runaways (Movie)
Men make crude remarks about the sexualities of the teenage protagonists. On multiple occasions, these teenage girls sleep with or are propositioned by grown men.
Runaways (TV Show)
S1E1: a teenage girl is drugged and her clothes removed in an attempted rape.
The Rundown (Movie)
A woman tells another woman she is lucky she was not raped during a kidnapping. A man threatens a woman he is on top of in a manner that could suggest rape but no attempt is shown.
The film contains a subplot with two pedophiles. It is implied that they kidnap and rape children or force the children to perform sexual acts on each other, and then videotape all of it before killing them. We see video tapes in their home, implying that they videotaped themselves raping children, or the children performing sexual acts. All of this is heavily implied, but never shown. We see two kidnapped children dressed up and wearing adult make-up.
RuPaul (TV Show)
There is a mention of sexual assault in season 10.
S10E6: a contestant discusses being raped at a party in college in limited detail, and other contestants are sympathetic. One contestant of season 12 was eliminated from the race after admitting to sexually exploiting one man and humiliating four others. Each episode opens with a disclaimer acknowledging the disqualification without explicitly stating what happened (using instead the phrase, "recent developments and [the contestant's] statement"). International airings of the show retain the contestant's full screen time; however, the U.S. version edits out the contestant wherever possible (for example, during a runway segment). The contestant will not be returning for the season finale.
Rupert (TV Show)
Rush (2013) (Movie)
A male cop makes several suggestive comments towards a female cop he works with. A man accidentally touches a woman's chest as means to hold her back, he immediately removes his hands when he realizes.
Rush Hour 2 (Movie)
In a fight a man pulls off another man's towel. Later, after losing the flight, two men are stripped and dropped off naked in public.. A man watches a woman get undressed through binoculars.
Rush Hour 3 (Movie)
After going through an airport, two men are forced to undergo a cavity search as a means of intimidation. A man enters the dressing room at a theater and pretends to be a costume designer. He has the women strip naked and inspects them.
Rushmore (Movie)
The main character (a 15 year old pursuing a grown woman) attempts to kiss another character violently and against her will.
Russian Doll (TV Show)
Worthy of note: a man calls the main character 'legs'. She responds indignantly. S2E1: prostitution is implied.
Rust Creek (Movie)
At the beginning of the movie, two male characters corner a female character and grab her butt, strongly implying that they are going to rape her. She escapes, and the two male characters try to hunt her down.
Chapter 23: brief mention of two underage girls being raped and murdered as revenge for a mafia killing. Chapters 29+31: brief non-graphic mentions of human trafficking Chapter 35: a hitman threatens to rape the woman's body after he has killed her. Chapter 45: brief mention of a past instance of sexual harassment.
RWBY (TV Show)
In the 'Yellow Trailer,' on of the protagonists (17 years old at the time) goes to a bar and demands information from the adult owner. She proceeds to grope his genitals when he refuses. Also worthy of note: the trailer opens with the camera looking under her skirt. S2E11: an adult antagonist flirts with the teenage protagonist before engaging in combat. S5E1: a minor character makes unsolicited comments regarding a protagonist's body and attempts to touch her hair, but is prevented from doing so.
Ryan's Babe (Movie)
At the very beginning of the film, a woman is threatened with rape. The main character gets drugged by a rape victim and her friends with the plan of cutting off his penis and displaying it to him. However, this is interrupted after the woman recognises that he is not her rapist. Later on, the same man is drugged and raped off-screen by an older woman. This is not called/acknowledged as rape by any of the characters. A woman is assaulted and pinned to the ground by a man but escapes before a presumed rape.
Chapter 21: there is a brief discussion of rumors of monsters being forced to have sex for entertainment.
Ryman's Club (TV Show)
Worthy of note: in S1E10, a man tries to force a female worker to drink by continuously filling up her glass even though she refuses. He then invites her to his place. Her coworker ends up helping her out by drinking her glass and asking where they are all going. Nothing else happens.
Sabita Naifu (Movie)
The main character’s primary motivation in the film is the rape and subsequent suicide of his girlfriend. The rape is discussed throughout. The lead-up and parts of the rape are shown; none of the images are very graphic.
Sabrina (Movie)
The Sacrament (Movie)
The Sacred (Movie)
Mention of rape as a general crime.
Sada (Movie)
The protagonist (14 years old) is raped at the beginning of the film while her mother is banging on and crying by the door. She is left bleeding profusely. Another man covers her up and performs a surgery on the spot for her internal wounds. The rape is discussed vaguely or alluded to visually at many points of the film. The protagonist becomes a geisha, then a sex worker. She is visibly uncomfortable and dissociating during her first series of encounters. After seeing one of them, a man with whom she had a brotherly bond forces himself on her. The same protagonist strangles a man to death (it is unclear if i is out of his or her will), cuts off his penis to carry it with her, and carves her name into his dead body.
Sade (Movie)
The film centers (and romanticizes) on the Marquis de Sade and thus contains numerous mentions of rape and scenes of sexual assault.
This book follows a nineteen-year-old girl as she searches for the man who murdered her sister. The man in question also happens to be her perpetrator; early on, it is implied that Sadie experienced child sexual abuse at the hands of her sister's eventual murderer. Another character is revealed to have a hidden collection of photos depicting child sexual abuse. A 10-year-old girl is also present as the man's most recent victim.
There are multiple scenes where the main character engages in BDSM with other characters. These scenes are dubious and mostly consensual, but some involve force used by the main character and may be uncomfortable for some readers. For example, there is a scene where the main character forces a lesbian to have penetrative sex with a male character, neither consent to this. She also repeatedly molests a specific male character. There is a bisexual male character who makes repeated (some succesful) attempts to rape a straight male character, and later on engages in rough dubious BDSM scenes with another bisexual male character who occasionally asks him to stop, and complains to other characters about his forcefulness. Many sexually dubious scenes are passed off as consensual, but often resemble sexual assault and may be uncomfortable for some readers. It seems that the moral compass of the book twists itself inward simply to justify these things, even when it is obvious, borderline rape as with the ending involving the bisexual male character, and it's side story involving him and one of his victims. Said victim's abuse is seemingly justified by the conflict between him and the main female character. It is worth noting, however, that the graphic novel itself is basically porn.
The Sadness (Movie)
The film contains several gratuitous and violent rape scenes. 20:00: a man makes lewd gestures and threatens sexual assault against a man's girlfriend. 25:00: a man verbally harasses a woman on the train, makes unwanted comments. 31:00: a man is shown raping another man, another man forcibly licks a clearly underage girl's face and it is implied that she is raped, later shown with her clothing ripped off 37:00: the verbal harasser from train continues to make sexual remarks/lewd gestures while chasing women. 41:00: a man is shown after raping a presumably dead body. 45:30: a group of men genitally mutilate a man. 59:00: a woman is raped on-screen. 01:01:00: a man rapes a woman's eye socket on-screen (audio is graphic). 01:06:00: sex on screen, consent unclear but very gory. 01:10:00: the verbal harasser makes more comments for a few minutes. 01:25:00: very brief mention of child sex abuse. 01:28:00: more verbal sexual harassment.
Safe (TV Show)
Safe (1995) (Movie)
Safe in Hell (Movie)
A woman is raped off-screen; this incident and its ramifications are central to the film's plot. The title also features scenes of sexual harassment and coercion.
Safe House (Movie)
Safety Last! (Movie)
Sailor Moon (TV Show)
S1E2: a male character flips up his female teacher's skirt. A group of boys stare up this teacher's skirt when she falls prone on the floor. A male character grabs the protagonist's hand and tries to force a kiss on her: she cries, and he stops.
No clear sexual advances are made, but the antagonist tries to monopolize the male lead, affectionately touches him without consent, and tries to sabotage his relationship with his girlfriend: this is heavily implied to be romantic in nature. The film also features an age gap relationship between a 14 year-old and college-age character.
Saint Frances (Movie)
It is implied at one point during a sex scene that the male partner may have removed protection without consent.
Saint Laurent (Movie)
At the beginning of the movie, the titular character explains that during the algerian war, when he was hospitalized, some of the other patients tried to 'touch him'.
Saint Maud (Movie)
A character is touched without consent and raped after pushing a man away and telling him no (50:00-51:10).
Saint Omer (Movie)
Saint X (TV Show)
Sakugan (TV Show)
S1E1: te male protagonist asks a woman to cuddle with him and he grabs her skirt. S1E4: the male antagonist threatens to punish his subordinates with a weapon. They cover their behind whenever he mentions this. It is implied he uses this weapon on their behind. This is not shown on screen and used as a comedic relief. S1E12: the male protagonist holds onto a female character. She tells him she will hit him if he cops a feel. He tells her he was not planning on doing that.
Sakura Quest (TV Show)
S1E6: a child slaps a woman's behind in order to embarrass her. S1E17: a man touches a woman's behind in the dark. S1E18. a man tries to secretly watch a woman take a bath. He is immediately stopped by another woman.
Salem (TV Show)
S1E4: a prostitute is raped in a church.
The Salesman (Movie)
The whole film is based around an assault on a woman and her husband trying to figure out who hurt her.
Sally Face (Video Game)
The plot of the film involves young men and women taken prisoner and forced to perform various violent and distressing sexual acts over a long period of time. Extremely graphic scenes throughout.
Saloum (Movie)
A former child soldier confronts his former captor as an adult and says that he “defiled [him] every night” when he was 11 years old.
Salt (Movie)
The first few minutes of the film show the female protagonist getting tortured by North Korean soldiers while only in her underwear and bra. Nothing happened as the scene is over: nothing hints that she was sexual assaulted during her torture.
This movie uses visual metaphor to convey the protagonist’s a loss of power and the loss of her heritage. In one of the earliest scenes the protagonist is physically “searched” by airport security and then forced to strip naked. Later on a young woman (the main character) and her male friend are driving in occupied Palestine when they are stopped by a car of Israeli army men. The army men force them to get out of the car with their hands up and then instruct them to undress, and the male friend tells them she is a woman. They allow her to remain clothes but still force him to strip naked.
Saltburn (Movie)
This film contains voyeurism and sex with dubious consent. There are also jokes about molestation and incest. A boy breaks into another boy's room at night, climbs on top of him, and gives him a non-consensual handjob in order to try to force him to act a certain way. A boy says he accidentally fingered his cousin once. It is reference that a boy has had sexual relations with his past teachers.
Salto (Movie)
Salvador (Movie)
Salvage (Movie)
The protagonist is recovering from an abusive relationship with her boyfriend/ coworker. The relationship is never described in detail and what he did to her is never discussed. However, the whole situation is framed using the trope of no one believing her, particularly her employer, when she tells people what happened and her having to leave her life and job while he remains employed. The most detail given is that her boyfriend "got fed up of her", became angry and aggressive, and then was on top of her. One could read this as non-sexual assault or as sexual assault, however the framing of the narrative and the main characters worries heavily imply she is a rape survivor. Two male characters verbally harass the main character under the guise of flirting, making her very uncomfortable. She is stuck in confined quarters with one and is afraid, checking the locks and doors to make sure he couldn't get to her if he wanted to.
Sam Was Here (Movie)
It is implied that a child was molested and murdered.
Sambizanga (Movie)
Sami Blood (Movie)
In one scene, the main character is forced to strip in front of adult men and other children as part of eugenic study. A group of boys spy on the scene through the window and the protagonist is visibly uncomfortable. Worthy of note: the main character is held down by a group of boys who cut her ear. The assault is racist in nature.
Samsara (Movie)
Samurai Champloo (TV Show)
Throughout the show, there are heavy references to rape and characters in brothels, with sex work acting as a central theme in some episodes. Most of the sexual situations in this show are implied to a certain degree and relatively brief. The main female character is 15 years old, and is catcalled and sexually harassed by the other main characters (played for comedy most of the time) as well as others background characters. In episode 5, there are several sexual paintings whose subjects include the main female character. Another painting shows a character being raped.
Samurai Cop (Movie)
The film contains plenty of verbal sexual harassment (and violence) targeted against female cops and nurse. The female lead refuses the lead male's advances several times verbally, then goes home with him and has a 'romantic date' that leads to tender sex scenes.
San Andreas (Movie)
San Tiao Ren (Movie)
Sanctuary (TV Show)
S2E5: a character is grabbed, forcefully stripped and sprayed with water. This is not sexual in nature, but could be triggering.
The Sand (Movie)
Sand Dollars (Movie)
During the first half of the movie, American soldiers stationed in China often go to a brothel. One of them falls in love with a prostitute whom he aims to "free" from her owner by buying her liberty. The woman is frequently groped, stripped, threatened and sexually harassed by other men and a scene even features her "auction" like she was merchandise. She always seems very distressed by the situation. During the first scenes of the film and during its last minutes, several dialogues mention on-going or potential rapes by Chinese soldiers and warlords.
Sanders Sides (TV Show)
A young boy fakes drowning in a pool to force a kiss on an older teenage lifeguard he's attracted to. The girl visibly resists, is very upset, and the boy and his friends are kicked out of the pool. This scene is played for laughs, and the girl later marries the boy.
The Sandman (TV Show)
S1E5: this episode revolves around a person who has a magical power making people tell the truth. It reveals some unbalanced work life power and sexual dynamics with six people. S1E6: it is mentioned that a woman was raped and impregnated by her cousin as a child. S1E7: woman who has woken up from a coma explains that she became pregnant and hand a child while in the coma. At the time of the reveal, one assumes she was raped. However, in later episodes it is revealed that she met a man in her dreams and had a relationship with him. Due to supernatural circumstances she became pregnant in real life. A man asks how old someone is: other people say '16, too old for you'. It is unclear if he wants to murder or rape young boys. S1E9: a rape joke is made. S1E9+10: an adult male serial killer displays a preference for attacking young children and talks about how he lures them away from their families. He attempts to do so to a young side character, who is quickly rescued. There is no confirmation that the serial killer rapes or sexually assaults his victims, however the hallmarks of pedophilia are present. S1E11: a man keeps a muse hostage and says force is the best way to get her to inspire him. A character is kept hostage and it is strongly implied that they are raped off-screen: the rapist is shown to have minor damage from the attack afterward.
Chapter 1: a male character compels two women to have sex with each other and implies that one will also eventually murder another, though nothing is depicted. This is done as an amusement. The youngest sister of the abovementioned character is portrayed partially nude at different points. She is an ancient manifestation of human thought patterns and does not appear to be directly drawn as a minor (rather as a young woman), but her youthful appearance and sometimes childlike personality may cause this to give some readers discomfort. Worthy of note: in chapter 5, a love goddess, working at a strip club, gives a performance that destroys the building and causes all the men inside to die graphic deaths while experiencing overwhelming sexual ecstasy.
"Tales in the Sand": a woman falls in love with a male character but runs away from him for fear of the repercussions that might result from them being together and mutilates herself in an attempt to drive him off. He touches her private parts without her consent to heal her, and they have sex. (While this sex is implied as being something they both want, no explicit consent is given.) When she later refuses to stay with him, he condemns her to Hell. "The Doll's House": a character reveals that they had partial responsibility for the events in the previous story. The main character meets her grandmother, who alludes to the fact that she had a child via rape while under a magical effect that kept her asleep for decades (though the fact that it was rape is not discussed). A nightmare who removes and eats people's eyes, is shown to have tied up a male sex worker in the bathroom before murdering him; the language used in this scene is sexually charged, though no acts are shown. "Moving In": a group of men harass the protagonist and threaten to rape her, though they are quickly fought off by another character. One character is shown to have murdered two more men, implied to be sex workers also. "Men of Good Fortune": it is mentioned in passing that rape has become increasingly common in a tavern conversation. "Collectors": this story centers around a convention of serial killers that collect trophies from their victims. The convention opens with a rape joke. Some of the killers have names such as "Hello Little Girl," though details are not given about their methods. One attendee reveals that his preferred victims are children, and while he explicitly says that he does not like language dealing with sexual things, his own tone and words imply an element of gratification from the murders. Another, murders transgender individuals who have not undergone gender-affirming surgery, and a brief depiction implies a sexual element to the murders. Another describes in detail the sexual gratification they get from stalking, murdering, and dismembering women. One attendee is not a murderer but expresses a belief that women are objects for male desire and is shown to write for a pornographic magazine with Nazi imagery. "Into the Night": a depiction of a character's dream, while ambiguous, could imply a nonconsensual sexual encounter. "Lost Hearts": it is revealed that a character was the one who raped another's grandmother as part of a plot to cause problems for another character.
"Calliope" : a muse is held captive by two men over the course of decades, and it is explicitly depicted that, to gain artistic inspiration, they rape her. She is depicted as nude in her captivity. "A Midsummer Night's Dream": elements of harassment present in the original Shakespeare play are present here. A queen is shown to be trying to lure a young boy away, though her intentions are never revealed. "Facade": a god grabs the main character while she is nude to grant her powers which she does not consent to. Nothing is shown of what happens next, but rape can be one interpretation.
A government official has an underage concubine who is drawn partially nude, but no sexual situations are depicted.
"August": a vivid depiction of Julius Caesar raping his nephew is shown at the end and is alluded to throughout the story. "The Song of Orpheus: Chapter One" : a satyr attempts to rape a female character, resulting in her death from a snakebite as she flees. He tries to defend his actions and asks her if she wil tell anyone as she dies. "The Song of Orpheus: Chapter 4": a group of ritually frenzied women depicted as nude, come upon a male character and order him to celebrate with them, one of the things they compel him to do being to have sex with them. When he refuses, his body is gruesomely torn apart. One woman is depicted kissing his decapitated head as blood drips from his neck into the mouth of what appears to be a minor. "Ramadan" : a male character is depicted as having a harem filled with both adult women and underage boys (no exact age range is given, but they are described as having no hair on their chins). Both are described with sexually charged language.
"Lullabies of Broadway" : a trans character has a vivid nightmare in which she is prepped to undergo forced genital surgery, which she has pointedly mentioned before that she does not want. Another character has a nightmare where a character from Preludes and Nocturnes (who was depicted in a rape scene, though this is not mentioned) returns to her, and they discuss the physical abuse that this character perpetrated against another character (though this abuse was not sexual). Worthy of note: a character early on is shown to be stalking the protagonist, and it could appear to be sexual at first, though it is quickly revealed that this is not the case.
A woman is followed through an airport by a stranger who will not stop staring at her after having openly read a pornographic magazine next to her on a flight. At this same airport, she is groped by a security official. This same woman later meets a grandparent who impregnated the woman's grandmother via rape, and this incident is discussed directly. Worth of note: in a tale told by another character, a man spies on a woman as she bathes nude and then steals her clothes, refusing to give them back unless she has sex with him. The woman says that she will not unless he agrees to certain conditions as well, which he agrees to while planning to find a way around them, and then they have sex. The coercive circumstances of this encounter may make some readers uncomfortable.
"Sleep of the Just": a woman who has been magically induced to sleep 24 hours a day is raped and gives birth to a baby, which is given away for adoption, all without her knowledge. When she wakes years later, she believes the baby was a dream. "A Hope in Hell": worthy of note: there are nude bodies depicted as dead or being tortured on the gates of Hell. "24 Hours": a man uses a magical ruby to control and manipulate people in a diner. At various points he causes a man to threaten to rape a woman, another woman to admit to having engaged in and enjoyed necrophilia, and forces two characters (likely the former man and woman, though who they are is obscured behind a counter) to rape each other.
A Prologue: a previous story in which elements of ambiguous or ungiven consent were present is alluded to. Chapter 5: a god harasses a goddess, and the woman from the story alluded to in the prologue, is shown bound and nude. Chapter 6 : an ambassador of a female character directly discusses having sex with a young boy; his exact age is unclear, but he is clearly a minor. The woman from the prologue is freed. Epilogue: two characters discuss the events that led to her imprisonment in Hell at his behest. Worthy of note: in chapters 1-4 and the epilogue, nude or partially nude bodies are depicted in scenes of torture, though none of these tortures appear sexual in nature.
Brief mention is made of a character having had concubines.
In "Cluracan's Tale", a ruler offers the storyteller to send a girl or a boy to their room, implying that it is for sexual purposes. He refuses.
Sanitarium (Movie)
The second segment implies that a man is sexually abusing his son.
Sans Soleil (Movie)
The film is about a female drifter and the people she meets; two men discuss "having" her while she is alone on the beach, one man expects sexual favors in exchange for giving her a ride, and there is one scene where it is strongly implied she is going to be raped but it is not shown on-screen.
It is implied that an enslaved character is forced into prostitution.
Santa & Cie (Movie)
S1E1: a man attempts to force himself onto a his female coworker who defends herself (he verbally harasses her). He then goes to her house to attempt to blackmail her into sleeping with him but nothing further happens. A married woman finds it hot that a man does not take no for an answer (not her husband). S1E3: mentions of a 26 year old man who was in a relationship with a high school girl. S1E6: brief mentions of sex trafficking as part of a police file. S2E3+4: sexual relationship between a woman in her early 20s and a high school boy.
Santa Claus (TV Show)
Santa Jaws (Movie)
Santa Sangre (Movie)
A church (not officially recognized by residing Christian authorities) is formed around the patron saint Santa Sangre, a little girl who was brutally gang-raped after rapists cut off her arms for resisting the rape, then leaving her to die. Her story is depicted by a series of large, amateurish paintings hung around the church, in the absence of stained glass. The church has a pool of diluted red paint in the center to represent the blood she died in on the spot the church was built. The father of the main character overpowers and hypnotizes the mother, who is initially threatening him with a knife. The father says "My little child" and the mother repeatedly pleads "No" and "Don't do that" before falling fully under the spell. Clowns and musicians do nothing but look on and play music as this happens, following them until another clown disperses the crowd and says to "leave them alone." This is followed by a poorly hidden act of public rape (portrayed as loud passionate sex), which is viewed by the main character, a child at this part of the movie. This film deals heavily with gender identity and how it is affected by child abuse. During a funeral procession, the biologically male child main character is given a dress-like gown to wear by his mother (the leader of a cult). During the procession, he cries while leaning on his father, who tells him to "stop crying like a little girl" and telling him that "I'll give you a charm that'll make you a man." After the procession, the father takes him to a room alone, cuts the gown off of him, ties him to a chair, and brutally tattoos a hawk across his entire chest with a knife. At the end, he shows his son to a mirror and affirms "now you're a man, just like me." This traumatic event is one of several that plague the main character as an adult, especially as he struggles with his identity. The friend of the main character, a little girl unsupervised by her guardian, witnesses the main character's father walk outside completely naked, covering his bloodied crotch (dissolving from an acid attack). The father walks directly in front of the little girl as he rounds the corner of a building (less than two feet away from her). He then commits suicide in full view of his son, another minor. A pimp drugs four people with down syndrome (possibly implied to be minors) and helps them purchase a prostitute. The guardian of the deaf-mute girl (possibly still a minor even after a time skip) pimps her to a soldier with gigantism while she is sleeping. He walks into her room and picks her up in his arms. She wakes up, panics, resists, and succeeds in escaping before he can go through with it. She spends the rest of the night sleeping outside on top of a fire truck, but not before also being touched and grabbed inappropriately by a man who terrorizes her with his fake ear. A burlesque show is performed titled "Jane the Virgin" in which the dancer dresses as a schoolgirl in a children's classroom and strips for an audience full of excited men, who are also allowed to grope her and strip her during the show. A man also dances from the door of the classroom, singing a love song. The killer lures to his home and kills a trans woman athlete. It is not explicitly because she is trans, but the scene is horrific either way.
Santa's Slay (Movie)
Sapphire & Steel (TV Show)
The Sapphires (Movie)
S2E8 involves the rape and pillage of the Mongolian people centuries ago, but sexual violence is not an aspect of the comedy in this episode.
S1E4: the cover of a adult manga is shown, but it is blurred.
An adult man expresses interest in a young girl, which is reciprocated, and this is portrayed in a romantic, uncritical light.
Satanic Panic (Movie)
The main character is raped by a demon and gets pregnant.
In one scene (between the 43:00-45:00 minute marks), a woman is attacked by several female vampires. Although their aim is to kill the woman, the scene consists of them grabbing her arms and legs and tearing at her clothing. At one point, one of them places a hand on the woman's inner thigh and runs it up her body to her breast.
A group of men bother a woman and say that they think she is a call girl.
Sator (Movie)
Sausage Party (Movie)
There are numerous scenes involving approximations of rape, many of which are played for laughs.
Savage Dawn (Movie)
This B-movie contains graphic sexual violence.
Savage Grace (Movie)
A mother has a threesome with her son (adult) and another man (only briefly shown/implied strongly). Later on, near the end of the film, the mother begins a sexual act with the son and he is apprehensive and briefly pulls away, but she continues and he allows her to do so (prolonged scene) This is based on a true story.
A long scene features the gang rape of a disabled woman. There is also a scene of sexual assault against another woman by a group of men.
Savages (Movie)
A rapist drugs his victim and takes a video of it to show her when she's conscious. The scenes are purely for shock value.
Chapter 10: brief, non-graphic mentions of rape and forced pregnancy as part of medical experiments done during WW2. In the early chapters, there are several mentions of one of the men in the group staring at one of the women. She mentions to another how it makes her uncomfortable. Chapter 12: the same man grabs her breast and twists her nipple Chapter 13: the same man rapes her. He is caught doing so by one of the other women who tries to get him to stop. When he tells her that he is going to do so again, they fight and she kills him.
A young teenage daughter is visited by a blonde older teen/young adult (unclear) and the blonde begins to undress the girl and touch her without consent (23:23-24:10). The teenager seems confused and was not asked permission for the touch nor for a kiss afterwards.
This novel-writing guide features summaries and breakdowns of several famous novels including "the Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini which features the main character witnessing a rape and "The Heart Shaped Box" by Joe Hill which features a man sexually abusing his two step-daughters and grand-daughter. These plot points are discussed in analysis of the works.
Save Me (TV Show)
S1E4: short clips of child molestation videos. Worthy of note: rape and child pornography are implied and discussed throughout the series.
Saved! (Movie)
While practicing at a shooting range, a girl mentions that she is practicing for if she were to meet a rapist.
There are numerous mentions of the Myanmar army's practice of raping ethnic minority women and girls as a fear tactic and as a way to "assimilate" them. There is mention of women from villages being kidnapped for sex trafficking. A teenage boy reminisces about having groped a girl at a party.
Saving Hope (TV Show)
S2E1: a sex tape is shown of an abusive man having sex with a drunk woman. S2E15: it is revealed that a girl was kidnapped at age of 12. Now 27, she has Stockholm syndrome and calls the man her husband. S3E12: a patient asks a doctor for a sponge bath and hits on her. S4E5: a patient tells a doctor that her father molested her as a child. A main character is raped on screen by her boyfriend: this is discussed throughout the rest of the season and the perpetrator assaults another character. S4E16: a rape is shown in flashback. S5E4: a character says that her foster father sexually assaulted her. S5E14: a character talks about getting raped in college. S5E15: the rape from S5E4 is mentioned again. S5E15+16: a patient pursues a doctor and threatens her when she refuses to be with him.
Two jokes are made that refer to sexual harassment/assault (02:05:55): one man jokes that a woman told his friend "Don't touch me" and another man jokes that an unconscious girl is "easy" (meaning easy to take advantage of).
The film contains a prison rape joke about halfway through.
Saving Zoe (Movie)
Savior (Movie)
Rape is mentioned and one of the main characters is a survivor. She is shamed in a few scenes for having being raped.
Saw (2004) (Movie)
A policeman makes a brief reference to paedophilia.
Saw 3D (Movie)
Saw II (Movie)
Saw III (Movie)
Saw IV (Movie)
A character is a rapist and surrounds himself with pictures and videos of himself raping and murdering women.
Saw V (Movie)
Saw VI (Movie)
Saw X (Movie)
A man tries to rape a prostitute before being stopped. He violently shoves her into a car before climbing on top on her.
Say Anything (Movie)
Sayat Nova (Movie)
Scandal (TV Show)
S1E3: the premise of this episode is about a billionaire's son being accused of rape, and his mother employing the services of the team to clear his name. It turns out that the boy did not rape the girl in question but did rape another girl. S2E5: the episode opens with a distressing scene of a woman who has been rape, and followed by details including her describing the incident (quite graphic details). S3E7: a woman is harassed on-screen and raped on-creen by her father-in-law. She is then forced to suppress her feelings in order to assist her husband, the rapist's son. S4E21: the main character's client has been raped by a senior member of the military, resulting in pregnancy and abortion. No graphic details are mentioned: the discussion concerns the legal case and politics.
Scanners (Movie)
Scare Me (Movie)
Scare Us (Movie)
Scarecrow (Movie)
About 2/3 into the movie, a man tries to rape another man in prison: he resists and they fight. The scene ends while attacker is hitting the victim and it is ambiguous whether the rape happened off-screen or not. The two following scenes reference it.
This podcast explores reported stories of paranormal encounters. Many haunted locations have a history of true crime events that are thought to be connected to the haunting. It relates both the true crime event(s), including sexual crimes in many episodes, as well as the reported haunting.
It is strongly suggested the male lead has had an incestuous relationship with his sister.
Scarlet Hollow (Video Game)
Scary Movie (Movie)
This film contains lots of jokes about adults being attracted to teens, a closeted gay character being inappropriate to his male friends, roofies, a trans character being creepy to her students, etc.
The film centres a lot around Jeffrey Epstein and describes his assault of teenage girls extensively. There is a scene where a woman is acting child-like and asks her boyfriend to pretend that she is 13 during sex. He is horrified by this and leaves the situation.
S1E2: a husband towards hugs his wife, who is leaving him, after she asked him to let her go. S1E4: during this episode, taking place during a divorce procedure, the wife repeatedly tries to get close to her husband despite his refusals. In the final scene of the episode, the two violently fight.
Scenes include the forced stripping of Jewish prisoners by Nazi guards. In one scene, a man kisses a woman who clearly does not want to be kissed. Plot also features a sexual relationship between a Nazi and a Jewish maid; troubling power dynamic (a strong implication that sex is coerced).
Schitts Creek (TV Show)
S1E2: a main character goes up to a man who later becomes her boyfriend and kisses him. He kisses back but there was no consent: it is played off as romantic. S1E3: incest joke. The series contains several rape jokes (i. e. S1E4).
Schmigadoon! (TV Show)
Season 1 involves a teenage girl who has a huge thing for an adult man, and there is a whole song about how she is technically legal and her daddy wants her to get married. S2E1: a man is in jail for presumed rape, which he denies. A joke is made about that fact that "no doesn't always mean no". S2E2: a sexual relationship exists between a boss and employee. S2E6: a man tries to force a woman into marrying him. He has also done this in the past.
The School (Movie)
S1E3: a teenage boy gets a nosebleed when he touches a child’s cheek. His friends says that he is too much of a child loving deviant to be a babysitter. He is shocked and says he loves children the regular way. This is a running joke in the anime. S1E5: a male student is in love with his female teacher. The male protagonist misunderstood that the student and teacher are in a relationship. This ends up not being true. The female teacher is not aware of the boy’s feelings at all and talks lovingly about her husband. S1E6: the teenage boy from S1E3 ruffles the hair of a child. He does not like it and calls him a pervert. S1E10: a parent says to a few students and children that if he was 15 years younger he would ask for their hands. He also says he was excited to see the cute female students of the baby sitter club. This seems to be a joke, but can make some uncomfortable. S1E11:aA child touches the breasts of a teenage girl telling her she has the same breast as her mother. The babysitter then comments that the girl probably has a difficult time due to the sexual harassment. Later on the girl mentions she does not seem to get along with kids because they flip her skirt and spit on her.
S1E9+10: a mentally unstable school girl is raped by another student who seems to think that rape equals love.
The main character kisses someone without asking for their consent first. The person does not seem to mind it and it is not discussed further.
School-Live! (TV Show)
Worthy of note: at points, there is some sexualization of teenage girls - we see them getting undressed and in their underwear and bikinis. They're juniors and seniors in high school, but the art style makes them appear younger.
Worthy of note: the plot of the film involves a man pretending to be a substitute teacher to make money. When he is found out, the parents very much assume the worst. He says an innuendo regarding to 'touching' their children, him meaning it figuratively, in an innocent way, but the parents assume the worst.
School Spirits (TV Show)
S1E1: a ghost sits in the high school men's locker room and stares at the naked teens. He is also a teen, but they do not know he is there. A teenager uses the locker room after school is closed: when a coach catches him, he makes a joke about how the coach should not be watching him. S1E2: a teenage ghost says that she has measured an (alive) teacher's penis. S1E3: a ghost tells her alive friend that a teacher gave her his number. He looks concerned so she says: "not like that". It is implied that a guidance counselor was romantically interested in a senior in high school: he ended up killing her.
Scissor Seven (TV Show)
This series contains multiple instances of sexual harassment. A 21 year old man is in love with a 17 year old girl and flirts with her on multiple occasions: at some point, she falls in love with him as well.
Chapter 28: there is a singular nongraphic mention of rape as part of a myth . Chapter 29: a story is told via third party about a sexual relationship between a male high school teacher and a female student that resulted in pregnancy.
Scoob! (Movie)
Scooby-Doo (Movie)
One of the male characters swaps bodies with a female character and he looks down her shirt to see her breasts.
The main character is recognized by a man and told to "keep her mouth open" so he will keep his shut. He attempts to coerce her, but she tells him "not here", and they move into an alley when she escapes. Later, she recounts the story to a different man saying that the first man was trying to rape her, but she got away before he got what he wanted.
Score (Movie)
Scott & Bailey (TV Show)
S1E2: attempted rape and rape off-screen.
Worthy of note: there is a relationship between a high schooler (aged 17) and the (adult - aged 23) main character in the beginning of the film - comedic jabs are regularly made about it ('babysitting,' etc). Whilst vaguely romantic, the relationship is never obviously sexual in nature; for example, it is mentioned that they 'held hands once.'
Worthy of note: a robot is modeled after the main character's deceased sister. The main character expresses discomfort at this due to the male scientist's affection for the robot and after seeing that the robot has breasts.
A teenage boy and girl spy on a woman getting changed through her ceiling window. A relationship between an adult man and teenage girl is referenced throughout, and we learn that she has become pregnant by him. The man is repeatedly harassed for this relationship, with the words 'child fucker' spray painted on his caravan.
This movie is a horror comedy with many crass and sexually violent jokes. It features an explicit rape on screen played as a joke roughly halfway through the film: a zombified elderly woman sexually assaults a male teenager, who screams and tries to get away. At one point, a male character gropes a female zombie's breasts: the scene is played as a joke Later, there is another non-consensual sex scene involving a zombie.
A movie about a serial rapist and murderer who lets his victims write about their experiences before he kills them. The entire movie is about sexual violence and torture. A woman tries to seduce her younger brother.
Scream (1996) (Movie)
A reporter claims that a character's mother was raped by the killer; this turns out to be untrue. Still, the rape is referred to frequently and even used by the main character's boyfriend as a way to try to pressure her into sex (after she clearly expressed not being interested). He touches her beyond agreed boundaries and berates her for not consenting. He finally gains her 'consent' via lies and elaborate deception.
Scream (2022) (Movie)
A man in his twenties is dating a high school student.
Scream 3 (Movie)
It is revealed that a main character's mother was sexually assaulted at a party. The event is discussed twice throughout the movie. A character is revealed to have participated in sexual coercion in the past and a room meant for nonconsensual voyeurism of said coercion is featured prominently.
Scream 4 (Movie)
Scream Park (Movie)
There are a few jokes and references to the manager of a park being a pervert. One masked man catches a woman and tells her she has a pretty mouth. She tries to get away and he knocks her down, then rips open her shirt. She is next seen crawling away and looking beat up but it is not clear what happened. The same man pins another woman against a railing, and tells her that after he has done the other man will get a turn but he' i stopped before anything further happens.
Scream Queens (TV Show)
A teenager has a sexual relationship with her highschool teacher. A teenager's first sexual encounter with her boyfriend is filmed without her knowledge and shared on the internet.
Scream VI (Movie)
In the party scene, a male character tells a female character to come upstairs with him while she is intoxicated: he has clear intentions of raping her. Near the end of the film, one of the male killers makes an inappropriate comment saying “i’ve always wanted to stick something in you” to which she replies “fuck you.”
Screamplay (Movie)
A woman forcibly has sex with a man in this movie: it is played jokingly/not seriously and does not last long. There is also some sexual harassment.
Scrublands (TV Show)
Spoilers: It is said that a priest is a pedophile, but this is turns out to be a lie.
Scrubs (TV Show)
S1E3: an older doctor calls one of his interns (female) "sweetheart". A doctor slaps one of the interns (female) on the bottom. S5E17: during a flashback showing two characters going out to dinner with another couple, the latter roofie the drinks. After they pass out, the wife says: 'party time". S6E18: in the first minutes of the episode, the protagonist asks his neighbors if they were having sex or raping a baboon. A man admits to a woman that when they dated he took a picture of her butt when she was asleep. S8E18: after one character finishes singing, another character says that he feels like she raped his soul.
Scum (Movie)
Set in a Young Offender Institution, this film includes a graphic scene of a male inmate being gang raped by other male inmates, in a greenhouse, while a guard looks on. The victim later commits suicide.
Throughout the novel the protagonist references the love interest having had sexual relationships and makes alludes to not all of them having been consensual. Additionnally, the love interest sexually assaults the lead several times (e.g. tearing his clothes off, shoving him onto bed and threatening to rape him etc.). There is at least one instance in the extras where the lead is hurt and bleeding during a sex scene, yet the love interest does not stop even when he is asked to, suggests the lead says something he finds deeply uncomfortable for the love interest to stop, then demands the lead says it again several times and yet does not stop even after that. While the authorial intent is clearly to show that the lead is secretly enjoying the sex, it is not conveyed properly and the whole scene reads as marital rape. Also, the love interest manipulates the lead's emotions to pressure/coerce the lead into sex practices the lead is clearly uncomfortable with. There are several instances where the love interest directly disregards/ignores the lead's words when the lead says "I don't want to/I'm uncomfortable with that". A story is written by a female character depicting the two male leads in a romantic and sexual relationship. This can be particularly upsetting since at the original time of its publication the love interest was only around 15-17. This story is referenced multiple times throughout the novel and it used as a point of comedy. Other characters speculate that the lead had a sexual relationship with the love interest back when the love interest was a teenage and the lead was his teacher. This was untrue but still offhandedly mentioned a few times. A male side character is hit with an aphrodisiac in one of the extra chapters. Nothings comes of it and it is used for comedic effect. At the end of chapter 14 the love interest activity assaults the lead by pinning him down a threatening to rape him. Even as an empty threat it is quite uncomfortable to read. At the end of the novel there is a plot relevant sex scene that neither of the main characters consent to. The love interest is under the influence of an external source and is not fully conscious or aware of his actions, and while the lead does consent he truly didn’t have any other option considering it was either they have sex or the world ends. It’s quite uncomfortable to read and was not enjoyable for either of them. The scene can be easily skipped past. (Chapter 21) The extra chapters at the end of the novel contain multiple sex scenes that may be upsetting. Full consent is given but some people feel as though there’s manipulation at play since the love interest tends to play with emotions to get his way. All my with that the lead is an unreliable narrator who will often go out of his way to claim he isn’t enjoying something. Both of these things are again for comedic reasons but some people find them uncomfortable. (All of this information is based off the English publication by Seven Seas. Due to translation errors and culture differences there may be some context left out).
Scum's Wish (TV Show)
Se7En (Movie)
One of the victims is made clear to be a rapist. One man is forced at gunpoint to violently rape a sex worker, resulting in her death. This occurs off-screen but the circumstances are discussed in graphic detail. Pictures of a foreign object used in the rape are shown during this discussion.
Sea Fever (Movie)
Chapter 1: the main character is 14 and her mother is attempting to arrange a marriage for her. Chapter 4: the much older man that she is set to marry exposes her by pulling up her skirt to cane her. He threatens to penetrate her with the cane, then touches her after he beats her with it. He tries to rape her, but she kills him before he is able to. Chapter 17: now 21, the protagonist is taken captive by the navy and thrown into the hold with other pirates. The men hold her down, one fingering her and telling her that they will gang rape her. Before he rapes her, the navy captain shoots him and takes her out of the hold. Chapter 20: as punishment, the navy captain repeatedly slaps her vagina. Though he does not attempt to rape her, he does have an erection while this is happening.
When she was 10, the female main character was molested by a male friend of her mother's. This event (minimal detail) and her subsequent mental health struggles (in-depth) are referenced multiple times.
The one female lead is tricked into selling her virginity to pay off her lover's debt. While she is reassured by a friend who works at the "auction" that she can leave at any moment, she repeatedly tells him she is fine despite telling the reader she does not want to do this but feels as though she must. She is sold to her enemy (other female lead) who gets her for a week. She consistently tells the readers during the sexual acts that it feels wrong. Her lover (Male lead) is also "property" of the enemy, he, however, has fallen in love, and despite his debt being paid off stays with her, wanting the three of them to be lovers. The second female lead implies she has been sexually assaulted in the past. She also sort of holds the first female lead down during sexual acts, although the first female lead does have a safe word and does not say "no" or "stop" she is hesitant While everything here is "consensual" the first female lead expresses regret and hurt after losing her virginity, saying she wished it was on different terms. Worthy of note: The three end up being lovers.
A man watches a woman through a peephole to the showers while masturbating. A ghost touches a woman while pretending to be her boyfriend and she yells at him to stop. It is unclear exactly what happens offscreen. Characters discuss and are haunted by a man who used to sexually abuse and rape young girls before killing them.
A man makes suggestive comments about a female body in the morgue. While possessed, a man pins down a woman and pulls at her clothes but she is able to get away before anything further happens. Later he forcibly kisses her.
Search Party (TV Show)
A man lies about who he is to have sex with someone, He later tries to physically force a woman to kiss him and have sex with him. She gets away before it happens.
It is implied that a man had sex with his niece, which is later proven false. A sexual offender publicly confessed to having abused and killed a teenage girl: it is revealed later to be false.
A woman is harassed by a man at a party but he is told to leave pretty quickly.
It is heavily implied that a young girl has been sexually assaulted by a priest (a secondary character). She is shown crying with blood and bruises on her body.
The movie takes place in a brothel in which captive women (some of which are potentially teenagers) are held as sex slaves. It features a violent on-screen rape.
Sebastiane (Movie)
Seberg (Movie)
There is a very brief depiction of actors shooting a scene involving an attempted rape. There is a consensual sex scene that is recorded and released to the public unconsensually by an outside party.
S2E1: a call girl is conned by a man who tries to force himself on her. S4E5: a woman kisses a man without his consent. He tells her to stop. S4E6: that same woman gets in bed with a man while he is sleeping.
Worthy of note: there is a passing comment about a character wanting to marry his cousin. The two characters in question are children, so it is pretty innocent, though.
It is occasionally mentioned that a main character sleeps with another character only when he himself is drunk and later claims not to remember. It is unclear whether this is true, but the first assumes he is lying. A character fantasizes about choking and raping a female character (this is only mentioned and not described in detail) in a moment if light-headedness. A major plot point in the last third of the book is the incestuous relationship between a twin brother and sister: they kiss in a sexual way and the brother eventually becomes physically abusive toward the sister (which is not shown, only the aftermath, i.e. bruises/injuries).
Mention of the American Library Association's decision to oust founder Melvil Dewey for repeated instances of sexually harassing women. Mention of acquaintance rape among a list of social problems. Neither mention is graphic.
One of the main characters was molested by his father as a child. A girl has sex with her step-brother.
Although there is no sexual violence, the protagonist suffers physical and verbal abuse at the hands of her father, especially towards the beginning and end of the book.
A Secret Love (Movie)
A typical 1980s comedy wherein sexual harassment and coercion are frequently played for laughs.
Secret Smile (TV Show)
This miniseries shows the effects of an abusive man in the life of a woman. Throughout the episodes, he non-consensually touches and verbally harasses multiple female characters. He is also shown slapping/going to hit them a few times. E3: the main male protagonist rapes the main female character.
Very graphic.
The plot is centered around a FBI agent whose daughter is brutally sexually assaulted then murdered. The (brief and) graphic scene happens early in the film. This is discussed here and there throughout the film.
Secret Window (Movie)
This film features a highly tempestuous relationship between a secretary and her boss (including sexual assault). The main character is shown to be in a delicate mental state and is occasionally touched sexually and beaten (within the context of BDSM) without her consent, but the movie portrays this relationship as romantic.
Worthy of note: a scene features a homeless man depicted as watching women in a displeasing way.
This show features sexual abuse.
S1E3: a tween or a teenager is sexually abused.
Secuestrados (Movie)
There is an intense on-screen rape near the end of the movie.
Security (Movie)
Sedimentos (Movie)
See (TV Show)
In the first season, an aunt and nephew conceive a child together, but the woman miscarries because of the lack of genetic diversity in the village. S1E1: a midwife says that women and children who remain in the village will be raped. S1E2: a queen character has a bell that she rings for a servant to come and sexually pleasure her. S1E6: the queen becomes a slove and one of the other slaves says that she is fed, sheltered and 'unmolested' there. She reveals that until the age of 9, she and her 5 siblings lived with her lustful father. The slave master feels around the queen's chest co cut ou an amulet. In the second season, a queen drugs her nephew to seduce him Because of this, the sex is not fully consensual (S2E5+6). S2E2: a woman's uncle ties her down so she can be raped. A man undresses and gets on top of her: he strangles her and begins to take off her clothes. She is rescued by a soldier. Later her uncle tells her father she will be raped for the rest of her life until she is no longer useful. S2E4: the aunt kisses her nephew. S2E8: previous incest is discussed. S3E7: an aunt forcefully kisses her nephew.
A film director implies to an actress that her role in a film depends on doing him some unspecified sexual favour. She refuses and the director is confronted by her husband, and he is portrayed as having been a bad person for this.
S1E2: a man grabs a woman's wrist and she calls him a possible sex offender (about 22 minutes in). The situation is not threatening.
The Seed (Movie)
An alien basically mind-controls two women to have sex with it to impregnate them.
After Chucky captures a female character and ties her up, he leans in readying to grab her breasts as she attempts to move away and tells him to stop (56:43-56:59). A woman is knocked unconscious, tied to a bed and has a half doll half men's semen injected into her via baster. She is nonconsensually forced to become pregnant and give birth to the child of the assaulter.
Seedpeople (Movie)
Seinfeld (TV Show)
S6E18: a man suspects his dentist and hygienist sexually assaulted him while he was unconscious. He is upset, and his suspicion is confirmed by an anonymous story submitted to a magazine. This all played for comedy.
Seirei Gensouki (TV Show)
S1E7: one character tries to rape two girls, who are saved by the protagonist (about 20 minutes in). The offender is brutally beaten and put in prison.
Sekasin (TV Show)
Season 3 features an older woman who has sex with a 17 year old guy. At first he seems to like the relationship, but in S3E4 they do something where consent is unclear. It is implied that she has similar relationships with other boys as well. S3E4+5+6 rape is discussed because a woman was raped by someone who has power over her. The rapist is blackmailing her with a video of the rape. Worth of mention: season 3 features a married couple with a 16 years old wife who is lot younger than the husband. Apparently they got married when she was 12.
A character is advised not to deny any wishes that a male character may have. She interprets this in a sexual way and later yells at him when she assumes he is about to make advanced towards her. The misunderstanding is resolved quickly. A minor character alludes to being sexually assaulted by a rebel which causes her to be very anxious.
S1E9: after a show, the titular protagonist is suddenly grabbed by an angry man: she punches him.
Self Made (TV Show)
S1E1: mention of rape (~7:10). S1E2: attempted sexual assault (10:00). Flashes of a struggle are shown. S1E3: brief mention of past rape (~10:00). A man whistles at a woman in the street (~13:10).
Self Reliance (Movie)
Selfie (Movie)
Selfie (TV) (TV Show)
Selfless (Movie)
S1E9: a woman is stalked by a man. He enters her apartment at night and holds her at her bed. She manages to struggle out of his grasp and is then rescued. S1E10: continuation of the previous stalking case where the victim tries to catch the stalker on the act on tape while puting herself at risk of being raped or assaulted. He hold sher on her bed, arms are locked by him, but gets rescued before anything happened.
Selma (Movie)
Chapter 27: there is a brief mention of a young girl who was murdered and raped by a serial killer.
A character experiences sexial violence.
Senior Year (Movie)
Sense 8 (TV Show)
S1E1: a man says "women don't close things, they open them", to a woman. A man tells two other men that when they see something, their "dicks are gonna be shriveled". S1E2: a kid makes a joke about a cop being "hot for him". A woman is made fun of because of her fake breast. A woman coerces her way into a man's apartment and tries to have sex with him. S1E6-7: a character takes pictures of two main characters having sex. Her phone is stolen and the pictures are used for blackmail. S2E11: one character finds out that his mother was also his half-sister, who was sexually abused by her step-father.
Senseless (Movie)
The main character wants to donate sperm. He asks for “dirty magazines” to help him. Magazines display cheerleader women in bondage. A woman comes over to a man’s house. He loses feeling in his arm and begins hitting her breasts and side with his arm. This scene is not viewed as abusive, but it may be triggering for some.
The Sentinel (Movie)
Two characters masturbate and grope one another with the intention of making the protagonist uncomfortable (23:40-27:15).
Sentinelle (Movie)
The film revolves around revenge for rape, but the rape itself is only discussed and never shown.
Seoul Station (Movie)
A character tries to prostitute his girlfriend (08:20-11:30) and later another man tries to rape a woman (1:28:00-1:28:30).
One plotline of this movie is about an elder male character who is discovered to be a sexual predator. This is discussed throughout, and once he explains to a younger woman (who has a crush on him) that he only does it because he is afraid of women, the movie proceeds to redeem him. The happy ending is about all the other characters accepting him as he is. The second plotline is about a divorced couple reuniting: it is mentioned that the man used to beat her and went to jail for it. At some point, he knocks her down again in the movie. He is also presented as a hurt character who is equally victim and abuser of his ex-wife.
A Separation (Movie)
A vampire character named often harasses the teenage characters and is very odd towards children (he openly only drinks blood of children, and states that he only finds children beautiful). He particularly harasses the deuteragonist (who is 16), many times throughout the series, through touch and comments. He grabs the deutaragonist's bottom, threatens to rape him, tries to get teenage girls to look at his genitalia, etc.. Overall, his predatory behavior is treated as comedic relief and he is given plausible deniability about actually being a pedophile, because it is established in the series that vampires are not capable of actually experiencing attraction.
Ex-pornographic actor creates extreme and illegal porn films depicting acts such as rape, child sexual abuse, necrophilia and bestiality.
Serendipity (Movie)
A recurring group of antagonists are known for using rape as one of their tactics.
An abusive relationship is a central plot point.
S1E1: a couple briefly appears on-screen: the girl keeps saying no. S1E8: an eight grade girl has a sexual relationship with a teacher. The sex is not shown but the lead up to it is.
The book opens with the (female) protagonist arriving to murder a (male) serial rapist and killer. She finds him already dead. His crimes, and the crimes of similar perpetrators, are repeatedly mentioned throughout the book– never in detail. At one point the protagonist startles a male character by enthusiastically kissing him (without consent) as a distraction. He gropes her while surprised. They later refer to both of these incidents as sexual assault within the context of witty banter. She decides that she has feelings for him and makes ongoing repeated jokes about "claiming" him as her own, regardless of his opinion (this is perhaps mitigated somewhat by his revelation that he already had a crush on her when she set her sights on him). It is casually mentioned that a lycanthrope's bite inherently creates a lifelong mutual romantic and pheremonal bond.
Serial Mom (Movie)
Worthy of note: the adult antagonist attempts to marry his fourteen-year-old adopted daughter, though his explicit intent is merely to get her family's money.
The adult antagonist attempts to marry his fourteen-year-old adopted daughter, though his explicit intent is merely to get her family's money. However, he makes some flippant remarks about the marriage that are a little dubious. S1E2: an adult character suggestively touches a young teenage girl's shoulder and say that he will 'touch whatever (he) wants'. The girl seems disturbed. S2E7-8: adults kidnap a teenage girl in an attempt to cut off her head. She is restrained and knocked unconscious with anesthesia. No indication of sexual violence, but it could be triggering, particularly given that the man orchestrating the kidnapping is the same man who tried to marry her earlier in the show.
A Serious Man (Movie)
The Serpent (TV Show)
Throughout the series, men and women are drugged (often undressed) and killed. S1E1+2: a woman's drink is spiked and she is consequently kidnapped and murdered. S1E2: the male protagonist, who has just recently started a romantic relationship with a woman, suddenly says that he has to 'take what he wants' while grabing her by the neck and engaging sex. S1E4: the protagonist spikes the drink of his girlfriend (she willingly drank it as a 'test'), undresses her and hesitates to kill her with a pillow: he does not. Later in the episode, he touches an unconscious naked woman (drugged), with whom his friend has just slept with. S1E5: the protagonist punches a woman in the stomach and brings her to his room (presumably to kill her). A man intervenes and stops him. In the final scene of the episode, an antagonist is surprised by a woman in a room set in the dark. He threatingly comes near her but nothing happens. S1E6: one antagonist suddenly pins a woman to a wall, threatening her while speaking very close to her face. He eventually lets her go. S1E7: a woman is drugged, kidnapped and murdered. The protagonist goes to his ex-girlfriend's house, who is visibly afraid of him. He enters and stays despite her protestes. He ends up getting really close to her and threatening her. S1E8: the protagonist threatens his girlfriend (on-screen) and beats her up (off-screen).
Worthy of note: a man has his genitals mutilated and this is both shown and talked about.
Serpico (Movie)
The first day as a police officer, the main character encounters three men raping a woman and apprehends one of them. The scene is graphic.
Servant (TV Show)
S3E4 : a female character is harassed by a security guard who makes her clearly uncomfortable.
S1E17: a man kisses a woman without consent. Rape is mentioned.
Session 9 (Movie)
It is discussed that one of the former patients in the hospital had a (non-consensual, for the patient) incestuous relationship with her father and grandfather.
The Sessions (Movie)
Set It Off (Movie)
A boss agrees to give his new employee an advance only if she has sex with him first.
Set It Up (Movie)
Settlers (Movie)
A man knocks a teenage after having killed her parents: she wakes up tied to a bed, but is saved at the last minute by a robot who shoots her attempted rapist (1:20-1:30). Psychological abuse pervades the relationship between this female character and the man who controls her life.
Seuwiteuhom (TV Show)
Throughout the first season, a character is shown being mentally abusive to his wife: it is heavily implied that he is physically abusive off screen. S1E5: it is strongly implied that a character abused children in the past, though it is unclear if the abuse was actually sexual in nature. S1E9: attempted rape (30:00). S2E6: a girl wants to "own" a man and hugs him with a knife in her hand: he is visibly uncomfortable. She leaves after that and later watches him sleep while holding his hand.
About halfway through the movie, a man making a pass to a woman jokingly tells her that she can scream in case he does anything inappropriate. Several lines of dialogue then concern this line (the woman not being distressed at all).
There are many vivid descriptions of domestic violence.
Seven Mummies (Movie)
A man tackles the woman they hve taken hostage and gropes her several times before the other men pull him off her.
Seven Pounds (Movie)
The film features a lot of brutality towards women: there are mentions of women being raped and killed in flashbacks in the beginning and the middle of the movie.
Seven Samurai (Movie)
This film is about a rural village hiring samurai to defend them against bandits. Early on, one character (rhetorically) asks another if he would give his daughter to the bandits. One hour into the movie, a father tries to force his daugther to cut her hair to avoid being "seduced" by the samurai. He runs after her with a razor blade and eventually succeeds in cutting her hair off-screen. At about 01:25:00, one samurai runs into this woman "disguised" as a man and berates "him" for skipping training. He catches "him" and they start struggling before discovering that she is a woman: he is confused and lets her go. At 01:30:00, rapes committed by samurai (in general) in wartime are mentioned. At 02:20:00, one woman living with the bandits sees the samurai ambushing them but does not react. It is implied that she was kidnapped by the bandits. At 03:09:00, a father beats his daughter because she slept with a samurai. He slut-shames her in front of the village and she ends up crying alone in the rain.
A character tells a woman he could rape her, and forces a kiss on her.
Severance (TV Show)
Worthy of note: there is self-harm and suicide-based content.
A woman (who also happens to be a living sex doll) forces sex on a man: her boyfriend victim-blames him and demands he pays up for having sex with her, then later kills him. Later, when a gang associated with the man comes to avenge his death, the woman forces sex on several of the gang members to obstruct them. This is played for laughs, and all sexual advances are cartoony and unrealistic.
Sex Appeal (Movie)
Sex and the City (TV Show)
A character engages in consensual rape role play. The main character is continually involved in a subtly emotionally abusive relationship with a much older man. It is framed as though nothing is wrong with their relationship. S1E2: the protagonist's friend (a painter) mentions and shows his "real art" to her, which is videos of him having sex with women. When n being asked if they know, he replies “maybe!”.
Sex Doll (Movie)
Sex Education (TV Show)
In season 1, the main character is accused of having slept with her second cousin by bullies, and makes a referential remark to this fact. This is not true. S1E5: a trans-presenting character is violently assaulted by a stranger. S2E3: a teenage girl is sexually harassed by a man on the bus, who masturbates while standing directly behind her in the crowded bus. She calls attention to the situation, but none of the other passengers appear to do anything. She flees the bus. Recounting the event later, she acts nonchalant about it and says it is not a big deal, making excuses for the man, saying he may just have been lonely. However, her friend convinces her to report the assault to the police. The event and the effect it had on the girl are discussed on numerous occasions throughout the rest of the season. She is shown to be paranoid about encountering the man again, avoiding the bus entirely and imagining seeing him in crowds. She has trouble being intimate with her boyfriend as well. S2E7: a group of girls in detention discuss their own encounters with men harassing them. One character recounts being followed home, another being groped by a man walking past her, yet another being flashed by a man at the pool when she was younger, etc. A girl has sex with a boy who is clearly being incapable of giving consent. He lost his viriginity with her and cannot remember it the next day. It is later revealed that she intentionally has sex with nerds when she is feeling down. She forces him to pay for the morning after pill. A teenage girl is accused of statutory rape because it turns out her boyfriend is only 15 years old. It is not entirely clear if he lied to her about his age or if she just assumed he was 16. The boy's family does not press charges against her. Season 4 deals with the sexual assault of a main character that happened in earlier seasons. S4E4: in the opening scene a middle-aged man is pushed onto a sofa by a female colleague who begins to have intercourse with him. He does not actively consent, is visibly uncomfortable and appears to have a freeze response. He experiences shame after the event, but the narrative does not treat this event as a sexual assault. S4E5: two protagonists are in an empty pool and one is very adamant about having sex. The other does not seem very comfortable. When he tells her to stop, they stop. S4E6: a girl gets catcalled by a group of men. She calls them out. S4E6-7: a boyfriend is being overjealous to his girlfriend. When her best friend talks with her about him being weird and intense she gets mad. In episode 7, he gets jealous for no reason again when she helped out someone before an exam. He accuses her of lying. He stops her from going by holding her arm tightly and hurting her. He says "Dont walk away from me". S4E7: during a flashback, an adult man touches a girl's leg in a sexual way. Her sister walks in because she got suspicious and notices it. The girl replies with "Don't be jealous'. A manipulative boyfriend holds his girlfriend's without her consent, being overjealous because she helped someone. He then suddenly changes behaviourt and later texts her that she is over reacting. S4E8: one (adult female) character talks about the abuse she experienced as a 12-year-old at the hands of her mother's boyfriend. Worthy of note: S3E6: the head teacher of a school forces a non binary person and bisexuals to wear signs around their neck to shame them. No other students are allowed to talk to them. The non binary student is consistently not allowed to express their gender identity.
Sex, Explained (TV Show)
Several scenes of rape from other TV shows are played during an educational discussion of rape fantasies.
S1E1: the main character is in a sexual relationship with her college soccer coach. Both are over 18. A main character's boyfriend comes to college knowing he wants to break up with her. Before he breaks up with her, they have sex with each other for the first time. She is very upset and immediately calls him out for it. The main character (19 years old) drinks while sad: she goes on a dating app and finds a 34 year old to have sex with. Their encounter seems fully consensual and empowering for the younger partner. A main character does not want to drink a glass poured by a bartender at a frat party because she thinks there could possibily be roofies in it. There is no alternative given to drink at this party so she drinks it anyway, without negative consequences. Worthy of note: a girl wants to make the college comedy newspaper staff. She decides to have a drink and then gives 6 handjobs in order to ensure she gets on the team. S1E2: human trafficking is used as a joke matter to make a point about how college girls might be worried when their roommate does not come home for good reason. S1E4: a girl who is in the closet has sex with a man, pretending to be straight, to get into a sorority. S1E5: the Brett Kavanaugh hearings are used in a joke by a main character saying "all you know about Frat guys comes from the Brett Kavanaugh hearings". A character tries to expose inequality in locker rooms of sports teams and makes a video of the men's locker room without knowing there are men using it. She accidentally films a 18 year old naked man. Later, it is discussed that she is lucky that no 17 year old was there, or she would have created child pornography. It is implied that someone wears a hidden body camera to a frat party, as part of an investigation to make sure that fraternities are not being sketchy. Fraternity reputations are discussed, and one make a point to show that they only use certified bartenders and that their drinks are safe. An editor for a comedy magazine gets a main character alone in his room. He tells her he wants to show her a funny video, but it is porn. She tells her friends about it and they are horrified: she tries to say that it is not a big deal, but she is clearly upset. Two girls who have been drinking have an argument about one of them being a straight privileg person: she proves she is not straight by kissing the girl without asking (everyone is into it though and neither party is visibly intoxicated). S1E7: the discussion continues over the affair with the soccer coach. A main character mentions starting to make out with bartenders when she was 14. A minor character is revealed to have been repeatedly getting catfished by her cousin: it is used as a joke The same character who showed porn to a main character non consensually grabs her without her consent. She says no, and he gets upset about it. The main character is upset about it and assumes she will not be chosen for the comedy magazine, she is still chosen. Two main characters are about to have sex in a professors office without his consent. S1E8: someone reports that the coach had sex with the player. The college takes it seriously: the coach is fired and the student does not have her life ruined. Another girl admits that the comedy writer guy sexually assaulted her too. The victim (a main character) denies that anything happened to her because she is scared she would get kicked out of the comedy magazine. A discussion follows. The main character and other victim meet with someone from the women's center to discuss. S1E9: the discussion of the relationship between the student and the soccer coach continues. It turns out the latter had done it before. The student's soccer team calls out how he was clearly wrong and supports her. The girl who was sexually assaulted by the comedy writer and her friend have told people about it: discussions about their options ensue. S1E10: the discussion over the comedy writer who assaulted two women continues. Some characters defend him and others not. S2E2: a joke is made about a high school boy dating an older woman who showed him the ways of love. A male older colleage professor tells a college student they should "fuck sometime". S2E4: a woman considers not telling her sexual partners that she has contracted chlamydia. S2E6: there is sex between an 18 year old and a a man in his thirties: the woman is sleeping with him to try and get a job. S2E10: a character says that she has left Polaroids of her breasts in a delivery guys truck without asking him.
Sex and Lucia (Movie)
Sex Tape (Movie)
Two characters are shown have covert sex in the park. A man is shown watching two characters have sex through an open door.
Sexy Beast (Movie)
One male character says that he was sexually assaulted by a steward on a plane: this is a lie in order to escape the legal consequences of having smoked a cigarette inside a plane. During the heist sequence of the film, there is a brief close-up of pictures that are hinted to be taken from a snuff movie (they show women being mistreated).
Shabu (TV Show)
Shadow (Movie)
Shadow and Bone (TV Show)
Prostitution and child sexual assault are mentioned. Sexual assault and exploitation are discussed. A character discusses her past abuse from an authority figure (nothing is shown on screen). S1E3+4: both episodes contain brief mentions of the abuse that a character endured. S1E6: a character is asked to "come inside" by a man. When she refuses, his comrade attacks her: she escapes but is forced to flee). S1E7: a side character describes ongoing sexual abuse from an authority figure (31:00-32:00). S2E5: a woman is asked whether or not she was forced to have sex with an authority figure, which she confirms. At this point in the show, the audience already knows of the abuse. The abuse of a woman is described: she reveals to her abuser's wife how she poisoned him, ultimately leading to his death, by putting the poisonous substance on her skin so that every time he touched her, he was slowly killing himself. When questioned about the ongoing abuse that the woman endured as a child/woman, the wife of the abuser states that "she was a servant" (implying that the abuse did not matter).
A background character is implied to have been sexually harassed or more by her boyfriend. This happened in an era when he could, and did, arrange for her to be committed to an insane asylum for defending herself. Unnamed other women are mentioned to have also been committed for "domestic disputes" and other suspicious excuses.
Throughout the film, cat calling and suggestive comments are made to the female protagonist (with many statements relating to her, her body). Additionally, there is clear talk of spousal abuse (a drunk husband beating his wife).
A woman is held down on a bed and drugged by a group of men. This is done so that a vampire can drink blood from her neck: he grabs one of her breasts and holds it throughout the long scene in an overtly sexual manner.
S1E9: two characters are (wrongly) told that they are siblings after having kissed several times. They break it off immediately and the truth is clarified in S2E10. S2E4: a character struggles with his feelings for a woman who he believes is his sister and is questioned by authorities about his feelings for her. S2E5: a character uses a demon to impregnate young women. One character is left with said demon but escapes. S2E17: one character kisses another while knowing she is in a relationship and has already turned him down once before. This character also knows they are siblings, while the character being kissed does not until S2E18. Worthy of note: throughout the series, there is coercive drug usage and mind control that is sometimes played off as romantic. Season 3: the main character's brother is obsessed with her, to the point where he shapeshifts and pretends to be her boyfriend. They share a kiss before she finds out. A woman who refers to herself as a character's mother kisses him while he is in the body of another person that did not consent. This happens twice.
Shadows House (TV Show)
A naked woman is surprised and harassed by a man in a field: she flees and he does not pursue her.
Shady Grove (Movie)
A man who has been drugged goes to take a shower and a woman gets in behind him and begins touching him. When he gets out he realizes she is not his girlfriend, but she knocks him down and rapes him
Shaft (Movie)
Shallow Grave (Movie)
Two scenes worthy of note: - A man violently pins a woman to the floor, ties her hands behind her back and pulls part of her clothing over her head: there is no sexual assault but it happens without warning. - A man hits his partner when she tries to leave, towards the end of the film.
The Shallows (Movie)
Shame (2011) (Movie)
Shameless (UK) (TV Show)
Shameless (US) (TV Show)
An underage teenager has sexual relationships with several older men throughout the show before he turns 18. Throughout the show, there are many episodes in which adults are too drunk to consent and still sleep together. One female character lies to her boyfriend about being on the pill so he will have sex with her and she can baby trap him. S1E2: a woman rapes a man with a dildo. S1E11: a teenage girls rapes a drugged man, unable to fight back, but who verbally objects. She makes a video of it, which she sends to people without consent. Later, the man is victim-blamed by several characters, one of them urinates on him as a sort of punishment. During season 3, a gay character is having sex with his boyfriend when they are interrupted by his boyfriend's abusive father, who immediately resorts to physical violence. The boyfriend is forced to have sex with a female prostitute at gunpoint by his father, while the other man is forced to watch. It i mentioned that a young woman is pregnant as a result of her father raping her. A man has a relationship with sexual overtones with his daughter, during a period when she is not aware that they are related to one another. An adult man masturbates in front of a young teenage girl on a bus. A girl has sex with an older male friend while he is blacked out. S5E6: a character impulsively kisses her ex boyfriend and they start to have sex on the kitchen floor. She realizes that she has made a mistake and tries to get him to stop: he eventually does. Later, a mother meets with a couple who might adopt her baby: the wife goes back into the room with the surrogate mother. While this is happening, the adoptive father stays in the waiting room and the prostitute woman who brought the surrogate mother to the appointment seduces the adoptive father. She touches his body and his penis on the outside of his pants without his consent. Male sexual assault is played for laughs in the later seasons. A teenager lies about having sex with an adult and tries to convict her of statutory rape. The main gay couple begins with a physical fight before realizing they are attracted to one another. They stop fighting, have sex, and end up marrying each other. The same gay male enters prison and says he can handle "rape". A straight male brags about raping men in prison and this is again meant to be laughable. S9E5: a female character takes a 8 year old boy into a custodian closet at school and rapes him. He later tells his siblings that he had sex. S11E6: a character recalls that she married an adult man when she was 15. In the same episode, a man wants to use a condom, and his female partner does not: she puts him inside her and does not let him come. The show then has an actually quite good discussion with the victim saying he got raped. His dad says "he's lucky he got to rawdog her", but his sister is very clear that it was rape because he had an established boundary that she crossed. The victim goes to report it to the police, and the officer assumes it is a female victim. S11E7: the main male character who was raped by his girlfriend forcing him to not use a condom discusses the ethics and efficacy of slipping a morning after pill into her water, so he can avoid paying child support if she gets pregnant. He then takes her the morning after pill and says she needs to take it because she raped him and he is not going to get pregnant: she says that she does not need it because she is on birth control. She adds that she did not rape him because she is allergic to latex. He then tries to ask her out. This felt very dismissive of the seriousness of the action that happened. Later, he says "is it weird that I'm in love with my rapist?' to his family members, and one of them says "yes", while another says "you weren't raped." In this episode, the same character is forced to dress up in a mascot costume to educate kids about child abuse. He is traumatized and yells at the kids about his rape. S11E8: one of the main characters defends a politician who is a pedophile. This is played for laughs.
A man attempts to pursue a woman and she refuses. After that, men takes another woman to the man's chamber: it is strongly implied that he raped her. She then goes on to kill him a couple of scenes later.
The protagonist and her sister are forced into an arranged marriage. The protagonist describes having her virginity taken and bleeding. Later, the protagonist and her mother are raped by soldiers.
S1E5: Attempted rape between 21:50 - 23:25. S1E6: Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed or implied; attempted rape between 31:45 - 32:40. S1E9: Worthy of note; two characters are kissing but one doesn't know that the other is possessed by a demon. The possessed character then tries to kill the other character.
A man makes sexual advances towards the main character, a mute woman, who is his employee, because he likes the idea of a woman being silent during sex. He makes potentially derogatory sexual comments referencing her condition. Her clear unwillingness to reciprocate his advances does not dissuade him. Linking to this, at an earlier stage in the film he is seen covering his wife's mouth during intercourse for the same reason, preventing her from voicing her discomfort. The sex is initiated on her part and consensual, but some may find this sex scene uncomfortably aggressive..
Shapeless (Movie)
Share (Movie)
This film revolves around a teenage girl trying to work out if she was assaulted after she passes out and a video goes around of her unconscious and having her clothes removed. This is discussed throughout. At the end, we see a video of her being assaulted whilst very drunk however the screen is positioned so it is looking out the window so we only hear the sounds.
Share Or Die (Movie)
Shark Bait (Movie)
A man hassles a latin woman, making "cleaning lady" jokes and referring to her as "the help". Lather, he ogles her friend's chest and makes uncomfortable comments toward her. He makes her strip down to her bra and underwear and licks her neck (much to her discomfort) after she stabs him in the leg.
Shark Tale (Movie)
The protagonist mentions reading Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. Famously, Melinda, the protagonist in Speak, experiences sexual violence, but the protagonist of this book, Kita, just says "something bad" happens to Melinda. There is passing mention of “Chester the Molester” in a list of fears unlikely to come to pass.
Shark Waters (Movie)
Sharknado (Movie)
Sharkula (Movie)
A man sniffs then steals the bra and underwear of a woman.
One of the central characters, a thirteen-year-old girl, behaves in an extremely sexually aggressive manner, sometimes towards adult men, and is stated to already be sexually active. Her affection towards her older half-sister also has a sexual overtone. Her behaviour is due to mental illness and an abusive childhood. The main character has been sexually active since she was thirteen. She had several encounters with older boys that she viewed as consensual (if ill-advised), and is taken off-guard when another character refers to them as rape. She references having had other partners as an adult who either were or wanted to be violent with her. The main character dismisses the idea that a woman being drunk means she can't consent, and says it's due to the woman making a "bad decision." However, it is heavily implied to be because she hasn't processed her own past assaults. The main character (mid-30s) has a sexual encounter with an 18-year-old boy. This is neither endorsed nor condemned by the narrative. Rape and sexual assault, of both adults and children, are often discussed. However, no actual incidents are drawn out in the writing.
Sharp Stick (Movie)
The main character, who is very naive and inexperienced, enters a relationship with an adult man whom she nannies for.
Sharper (Movie)
There is no onscreen sexual violence or assault, but the film includes multiple confidence tricksters having adult relationships with their unknowing targets, so it could be inferred that offscreen rape by deception forms part of those relationships. A young and vulnerable woman is wary of a strange man, telling him that she has a knife and to not 'try any shit,' when she gets into his car and goes to his place. They have an unhealthy relationship in which he is financially and emotionally controlling her.
Shattered (Movie)
A thief threaten one characters by saying that he will rape his girlfriend and calls her a bitch (19:09-19:17). A character confronts another character who spied on her wearing a bikini: the latter ends up mocking her and doing a sexual gesture (23:35-23:54). The same man spies on a woman doing yoga naked by a telescope. Worth of note: a man keep repeating the word “shame” to tease a woman after he saw her going out with a man.The same man (a landlord) enters the house of a character because she does not respond to him: he keeps asking if she is decent so he won’t walk on her naked, then he says to himself “I hope not”.
An antagonist male character forces a kiss on a female character as a display of power.
The main characters tells his mother that his step dad used to "touch" him. It is a lie, as he is trying to get his mother to stop caring about her husband.
Rape is a common occurrence for the protagonist. Several characters threaten rape or otherwise speak about it in an intimidating way.
Shayda (Movie)
She (1935) (Movie)
One of the male counselors surprise kisses a female counselor: she pulls away and he attempts to kiss her again, but she leaves. A male counselor kisses another male counselor after he ties him to a tree. Later he also grabs the breast of a female counselor.
Worthy of note: an adult man dances suggestively with a pre-pubescent girl. Both he and the girl are reprimanded for this.
There is an overlong, crude conversation about dolphin sex that references sexual violence by dolphins.
It is implied that one of the antagonists takes advantage of naive young women and makes them do sex work. The protagonist visits her possessive boyfriend in jail: he grips her arms as they embrace (26:57-27:30). A man pulls the protagonist close to him as she tries to leave: she is not fazed (37:29-38:42). The main love interest tries to kiss the protagonist and she stops him, but it is clear she is teasing him (41:55-42:1). The protagonist's possessive lover breaks into her room and tries to grab her and strangle her, but he cannot follow through with it and stops (44:41 - 45:25). The main love interest takes the protagonist's hand: she shakes him off but he takes her hand again, and puts a ring on it (59:53-1:00:53). The implication is that she is happy about it.
One of the protagonist's gets hit on while she is at her job. She is uncomfortable with this because the person hitting on her is a man, and she is a lesbian.
The protagonist's ancestor married into a rich colonizer family whose home she worked in as a servant. It is doubtful that this marriage is her choice.
S1E1: men catcall the main character and make aggressive movements towards her. They instantly get punished. S1E3: a woman impersonates Megan Thee Stallion to date and have sex with someone. Also sexual harassment is used as a joke. S1E7: it is revealed that a guy slept with the main character just to copy her phone and take body fluids. He also takes a picture of her naked. S1E8: it is revealed that someone taped the main character having sex (the video is shown). S1E9: it is revealed that the man the protagonist had sex with (without informed consent), was hired to steal her body fluids. What happened in S1E8 is adressed but not called rape.
The chapter entitled "How to Mind Your Own Damn Business" touches on Bill Cosby's alleged serial rapes and the kidnapping and trafficking of Black girls in the US.
The film centres on a group of human traffickers and it implies that many of their victims are subjected to fetishistic torture. A brother and sister almost kiss on the lips.
Some may interpret the main couple as pseudo-incest, since they have the same mother figure/caretaker (confirmed to be an adoptive mother for one of them and strongly implied for the other) who plays a big role in their relationship. S1E8: the protagonist is forced to dance with one of the villains, looking visibly uncomfortable and scared when the villain implies that they harmed one of her friends in some way. When the protagonist tries to fight the villain and prove that she is there to cause harm, other people do not believe her and claim her to be the aggressor. S2E5: the villains use a magical device that renders the protagonist unconscious and later when she wakes up she appears "pg drunk". It can be interpreted as if she was drugged. While the protagonist is unconscious the villains talk about how they can use her as a weapon to make her kill her friends. At the end of the show, the protagonist ends up in a relationship with one of the former villains, who gaslighted, tried to kill, physically harmed and tortured her numerous times. This fact may be unsettling to some people.
She Said (Movie)
This movie is about the investigation of the journalists who contributed to the launch of the #MeToo movement with an article about Harvey Weinstein's sexual abuses. Sexual violence is thus a major theme and sexual harassment, assault and rape experiences are detailed throughout. Brief and non-graphic flashbacks show some survivors being shocked and distressed after a traumatic experience. An audio tape of one of these encounters is played: we hear Weinstein trying to coerce a woman to perform sexual acts despite her constant and repeated refusal.
A man leaves a camera running while he and a woman begin kissing each other. They start taking off their clothes before she notices and turns it off. The other men with them are also watching and recording from inside the cabin, laughing about what is happening.
A theme throughout the book is that women in this context (1300s China) have no autonomy over their own lives. The protagonist's father tries to sell her to bandits so they will spare him and her brother. The narrator comments that this is a common behavior for peasants. There is a scene later on where a group of women are expected to sexually entertain a group of military men.
She Will (Movie)
The main character is an actress who was sexually abused by a director when she was thirteen. Nothing is shown on-screen. Another main character is offered alcohol and drugs by a man, which she accepts, but when she tries to go home, he attempts to force herself on her against her protests. He is stopped before he can rape her and the scene is not graphic, but it could potentially be upsetting.
Shelley (Movie)
Sherlock (TV Show)
S3E3: a blackmailer talks about someone's husband receiving sexual letters and photos of a 15 years old. He also is into power plays and licks the wife's face. The way he talks about both the wife and the 15 years old is threatening and has sexual undertones. S4E3: a woman mentions that she raped one of the guards.
A woman is cornered in an alleyway by two armed men; whether they plan to rob her or sexually assault her is unclear, but they comment on her attractiveness. She quickly overpowers her attackers and leaves. Later in the film, a woman drugs a man and leaves him tied naked to a headboard in her hotel room. The maid who comes to change the sheets is horrified and thinks the man is trying to get her to sleep with him. A character later comments his surprise that she was so scandalized, implying that a hotel maid should be accustomed to sexual harassment and assault from guests.
A man exposes himself to a woman, who is clearly shocked and disturbed. Throughout the interaction, however, the man does not seem to understand or even notice her discomfort, almost as if he were unaware that he is naked.
The rape scene is unnecessarily long and does not add anything to the plot.
Sherwood (TV Show)
This show contains onscreen male violence against women, but it is not sexual or sexualised at all. "Rape by the state" is mentioned in one conversation, in the context of describing undercover police officers having sexual relationships with unsuspecting civilians. One female character is an undercover officer in this way, and her husband does not know (he never finds out in the course of the series).
One of the main guys buys a hotel room for him and the main girl (who does not like him). He wants to get her to sleep with him, but she is well informed about consent and always carries a device that makes really loud sound when pressing a button. Later, she tells the guy she really loves that she has just used the device when he wanted to touch her and that nothing happened. It is handled as comedy. Nothing sexual between her and the one that bought the hotel room is ever shown on screen. One character puts pubic hair on someone else’s food but then is forced to eat the food. A high school senior tricks a high school senior girl to go to prom with him. They leave prom early and shelater tells another character that he sexually assaulted her and that she blew his eardrum out with an air horn. The high school senior is later shown struggling to hear his name called at graduation, implying that he is now deaf in one ear.
A woman threatens to shove pencil up a man's penis.
Series opens with account of the street calling protagonist has been subject to; a large part of the storyline revolves around main character being violently grabbed by a catcaller in the street before she escapes. She makes resistant art about this experience but it is then vandalised with sexist language. The protagonist's love interests make 'victim blaming' style comments about various experiences she has had (it's clearly framed by the series that all of this is wrong and it is a feminist series but this is potentially distressing nonetheless). There is a minor subplot about deprived children who are likely victims of sexual assault and their teacher who admits she was 'pimped out' by her mother to adult men when she was a girl.
Worthy of note: a man physically attacks a woman after they have sex but no sexual violence occurs.
She's the Man (Movie)
When the main female and male characters are making out, he asks her if they can slow down or stop for a minute, and she says no. It is played for a laugh. There are also sexual jokes littered throughout the movie, mainly making fun of the man character.
There is an unexpected attempted rape in this movie, which is handled sensitively and resolved quickly. It does not involve any undressing but it does involve violence. The film is about teen sex, withconsensual activity (but with peer pressure). However, there is also a bit of victim blaming here and there due.
Shetland (TV Show)
Shibainuko San (TV Show)
The Shield (TV Show)
Shigofumi (TV Show)
An underage girl is called a sex model by her classmates. It is later revealed that her father forces her to undress and let other men take pictures of her. It is insinuated that other things happened as well. There are more instances of abuse throughout this series.
Shiki (TV Show)
Shimmer Lake (Movie)
A girl repeatedly tries to force herself on a boy, touches him inappropriately and even tries to rape him. All of it is played for laughs. S1E12: a female character forces a male character to oral pleasure her he actively ries to escape but cannot due to her having super strength. He is visibly in distress during it and she then forces herself on him orally and the scene after implies she might have forced him into anal sex.
Shin Godzilla (Movie)
Shine (Movie)
The male protagonist touches the breast of a woman several times without her consent. Since he is suffering from schizoaffective disorder, the scenes are played for laughs and the woman does not seem distressed.
The Shining (Movie)
Although the movie contains no confirmed sexual assault, it is theorized that the main child protagonist may be a sexual abuse victim of his father. There are subtle references to this in the movie and his possible abuse, although not specifically defined as sexual, is a plot point throughout the movie.
Although the book contains no confirmed sexual assault, it is theorized that the main child protagonist may have experienced sexual abuse at the hands of his father. There are subtle references to this in the book and his possible abuse, although not specifically defined as sexual, is a plot point throughout the book. There is a scene where the above-mentioned abusive father starts initiating sex with his wife while she is trying to have a serious conversation. She does not appear to be bothered by this.
Shinjuku Boys (Movie)
There are heavy discussion of sexual assault, but handled sensitively: the details of rape are not given, victims discuss their experiences with a heavy focus of post assault.
Power and cycles of abuse are major themes of this trilogy and it comes to a head in this book. There is one graphic rape of a woman by a man. Another woman is repeatedly raped (fewer details on-screen) during captivity. A male character is coping, poorly, with memories of being physically and sexually abused as a child. And there is a woman (Etta) who continues to be happily in dysfunctional relationship with a man who views her more as a convenience and a possession than as a person. The author handles everything in a sensitive and appropriately serious way.
Shirkers (Movie)
Shirley (Movie)
Shirobako (TV Show)
Worthy of note: S1E3: a woman slaps another woman's behind in an encouraging way S1E14: a man wants to hire women based off of their looks. The women are not present when the comments are made.
Story 1: there a couple brief rape mentions as they happened within Greek mythology. Story 2: it has several interlocking stories of sexual harassment that the women fend off/fight back against in various supernatural ways.
Shithouse (Movie)
Shiva Baby (Movie)
Shivers (Movie)
The child abuse above is only mentioned and not shown. The film does opened with a man attacking a teenage girl who could be assumed to a minor, but it is revealed that she is 19.
Shock (Movie)
Worthy of note: a young boy spies on his mother in the shower.
A main plot line revolves around fake incest between a married couple pretending to be siblings in order to get the husband in undercover to a psych ward. As such, incest is talked about throughout the movie. Additionally, a character is assaulted by a group of women who tear at his clothes and kiss him, but are stopped before they can do anything further.
The author references Abu Ghraib, where rape and other forms of torture took place. The author does not go into detail about the sexual violence aspects of the torture, mentioning it in passing.
The film contains a brother and a sister who frequently imply incestuous acts on the other. A "blind" man "accidentally" attempts to walk in on a woman showering. He is interrupted.
Shogun (TV Show)
S1E7: during the meeting of the two brothers, one makes a comment implying his “consorts” expected to be sexually assaulted by his brother’s army in a gleeful tone (08:00).
Shonen (Movie)
Worthy of note: domestic abuse. Near the end of the movie, one scene ends up with the man strangling his wife while sitting on top of her.
The main character's female associate is held hostage. She is initially attacked in her home by a gunman, who holds his face intimately close to hers and calls her "baby". She is later (about 2/3 into the movie) seen bloodied and terrified on the floor, with her shirt removed. The intruder leans over her and says: "It's just you and me, baby." He then appears to sit or kneel on her legs, while she is crying and saying "no." The scene cuts away abruptly. In a later scene, the man has been shot and lies harmlessly on the ground, when she unprompted shoots him multiple times and then breaks down crying and does not answer when asked if she is okay. The implication of these scenes together appears to be that he raped her.
Shooter (2016) (TV Show)
S1E2: a prisoner's sexually violent crimes are mentioned in passing between the 24:35-24:55 mark.
Shooting Stars (TV Show)
A female employee makes a typo that starts a misconceptation that the male protagonist has a small genital size. The male protagonist, who is angered and has certain authority over the female employee, corners her into the men's bathroom, where he unbuckles his pants; wanting to force her to see his genitals to prove the size to her. It is stopped because multiple male colleagues intervene. Although the directory portrayed this scene and the aftermatch as more lighthearted; the female employee does experience multiple nightmares from this incident.
Shoplifters (Movie)
Shoresy (TV Show)
Short Circuit (Movie)
An ex boyfriend picks up the main female lead against her will in an attempt to get money from her.
Short Term 12 (Movie)
The protagonist, who was sexually abused by her father, suspects that a teenage girl may also be a victim of abuse. About 56 minutes into the movie, the teenager tells her about the abuse through the story of an octopus and a shark. Later, because a counselor does not believe that the teenager is abused, he allows his father to pick her up. The protagonist then goes to her home and she discusses her own abuse with the teenager (about 80 minutes into the film): it encourages her to denounce her father.
Shortbus (Movie)
Shortcut (Movie)
Shot Caller (Movie)
A group of prisoners hold down a new inmate and are clearly about to gang-rape him. The camera cuts away to the main character who is sleeping nearby and can hear the rape happening in the background.
Shounen Omnyouji (TV Show)
S110+11+12: a girl is to be married off to an older man to become his concubine in the future. This ends up not happening because her sister takes her place. It is unclear how old her sister is as she is not shown throughout the entire series. S1E19: a woman is revered to as a concubine. S1E20: a man becomes obsessed with a female deity and ends up kidnapping her. A woman thinks the man is her father and the female deity is her mother. This ends up not being true.
Show Dogs (Movie)
Worthy of note: critics have noted that one plot point in this film is reminiscent of child sexual abuse/grooming techniques, although the scenes themselves are not sexual. The main character (a dog) is new to competing in dog shows and needs to learn the process so his partner and a former show champion work to get him ready for the final round of the competition. It becomes apparent that during the finals, the main character's genitals will be inspected. The main character's partner touches the main character's genitals to get him used to this, and the main character is so uncomfortable that he snaps at his partner. His partner and the former champion tell him that he needs to go to his 'zen place' when it happens in order to get through it. His partner attempts to inspect his private parts a number of times, and each time he snaps out of discomfort. On the day of the finals, it is clear that if the main character does not let his genitals be touched he will lose the competition. During the competition, the judge's hand reaches behind him and the main character goes to his 'zen place' as his genitals are inspected. One of the film's writers announced via Twitter that the film would be re-cut without this plot point, so some versions may potentially not include it.
Near the end of the movie, a woman is lured into her idol's hotel room and she is gang raped by his bodyguards.
Showing Up (Movie)
Shrek (Movie)
A female dragon pursues a male donkey, after he compliments her to avoid being attacked by her. After she mistakenly assumes he is flirting with her, she pressures him into going on a date and getting into a physical relationship with her, as well as affectionately touching him and trying to force a kiss on him. He protests and says he is not interested, but he is quickly rescued and later makes amends with her. This is all played for humor. The female lead tries to force the protagonist to kiss her and immediately expects a romantic relationship with him, after he rescues her from being trapped in a tower. However, she backs off when she realizes he is not interested. A Robin Hood-esque character kidnaps the female lead and tries to get physically affectionate with her, to her discomfort. However, she fights back and defends herself.
Shrek 2 (Movie)
A character forces a kiss on another character in order to make her fall in love with him. It does not work. Another character looks up someone's skirt while chanting "I see Paris, I see France."
Shriek (Movie)
Shriekshow (Movie)
Shrill (TV Show)
The chapters "Death Wish" and "It's About Free Speech, Not Hating Women" deal heavily with the debate over whether or not it is ever appropriate to make rape jokes in standup comedy. Specific comedy sets involving rape are mentioned, including an infamous one by Daniel Tosh. Louis C.K. and Bill Cosby are referenced as well. "Death Wish" in particular provides a detailed description of the Steubenville High School rape case from 2012. The author also recounts the mountain of explicit rape threats she received over the years in response to her television appearance and writing on Jezebel. The author refers to Miss Piggy from the Muppets as a rapist because she does not respect Kermit's bodily autonomy. She recounts a statement made by a dog breeder, that a particular dog had a bark that sounded like a woman being raped. She mentions a friend whose partner slipped off a condom during sex without her knowledge or consent, transmitting herpes.
The Shrine (Movie)
Two women have their clothes ripped off by a group of men so they can be put in a ceremonial dress.
Shrink (2009) (Movie)
Shrinking (TV Show)
S1E7: an adult woman tells a story about how she had sex with a 50 year old when she was 19. S1E8: a high school student wants to hook up with a college student. They do not have sex, and a joke is made about her age by her dad and friends. S1E10: a neighbor tells a story about watching his neighbors have sex.
Shugo Chara (TV Show)
A teenage boy stalks and harasses an elementary school girl constantly throughout the show, and eventually falls in love with her. A girl kisses her brother on the lips. He became angry and pushed her off, telling her she can not do that.
Volume 1 - The Search for Black Panther
A child molester threatens to assault a child, and a possible past of CSA is mentioned briefly.
Three men drug, gang rape, and photograph a young woman who is in a relationship with one of them. SPOILERS: the plot revolves around a woman's ghost seeking vengeance against a group of her coworkers who sexually assaulted her, leading to her death. This American remake is far less brutal than the original Taiwanese film, but these intense themes may still be upsetting to some viewers.
Worthy of note : a man (who is interned in a psychatric hospital after he assaulted a nurse with broken glass) says during an interrogation that 'the nurse was sweet but we could see in her eyes that she'd liked to be naked and to suck cock'. He then specifies that 'when he cut her, she screamed'.
Siberia (Movie)
A woman is flashed at her place of work. Girls are forced to give oral sex, verbally manipulated into doing so. You also see one of the girl’s reactions which is a sort of breakdown.
A women with a learning disability is assaulted, and left in a catatonic state.
Sibyl (Movie)
Before interrogating a man and torturing him (water boarding) off-screen, a man acts threateningly towards a man held prisoner by invading his personal space (he is standing and his crotch being very close to the sitting man's face). Halfway through the movie, the female protagonist invites a man to sleep with her at her place, but she then understands that he is actually a threat to her. She asks him to stop: he complies, but when he realizes the situation, he tries to kill her, ending up on top of her and choking her: another man intervenes and saves her. A man threatens another man's daughter with sexual violence.
Sicily! (Movie)
Worthy of note: a woman mentions that her ex-husband used to beat her.
Sick (Movie)
Sick Note (TV Show)
Throughout the show, a boss repeatedly makes sexual passes at an employee, who seems fairly oblivious to the situation. For example, he schedules one-on-one "meetings" in an attempt to either seduce or assault her, and she never questions: in S1E4, he shows someone his genitals. S1E1: the episode starts off with two men discussing whether or not they would have nonconsensual sex with the dead boy of Marilyn Monroe. S1E5: a woman gives an hospitalized man a handjob even though we do not know for sure if he is fully conscious or not. S2E7: a man harasses a disguised cop thinking he is a woman. When he does not accept his offer, he calls him a 'bloody lesbo'.
Sightless (Movie)
There are male characters that could be seen as possessive, though nothing constituting as sexual harassment.
The protagonist kisses his love interest without asking first and feels guilty and apologizes after the fact. There are non-specific references to the attempted rape that took place in the previous book. A side character mentions that a group of soldiers cornered her daughter, but does not go into detail. A professor and a group of soldiers have taken over a college campus and have forced the few international students still living there to work. It is revealed that the soldiers routinely rape these students as a "perk" of their position. The few soldiers who disagree with what is going on don't stop the others who are perpetrating this act. Part of the reason seems to be that they tried to stop them but were not able to do so, but part of it is that they do not want to go against a fellow cadet. The professor, who was a mentor to one of the romantic leads, appears to have been grooming him. The professor kisses him at one point, but the romantic lead was uninterested.
Signs (TV Show)
A prisoner throws sperm at a woman's face whilst also shouting abuse. The main antagonist of the movie (a man) forces female characters to moisturise under threat of violence. One man asks an uncomfortable woman if she was sexually assaulted in her youth. Worthy of note: nude bodies of murdered women are shown on screen.
The Silencing (Movie)
This film contains themes of violence against underage girls: teenage girls are hunted, kidnapped, tied up, and gagged. The only scene shown of that actually happening is a short clip of a young girl running from a kidnapper on a security camera. There is no hint/implication of sexual violence.
Silent Hill (Movie)
A girl hides in the bathroom from her bullies and is raped by the school's janitor, who is aware of her situation. A woman is forcibly stripped naked by a monster. Near the end of the film (1:49:07) the main antagonist - a woman who leads the town in persecuting innocent people on religious grounds - is forcefully and violently penetrated by the film's monster. This scene is very graphic and culminates in the woman's bloody death.
There are harassing comments on a teenager's social media page insisting on her posting sexier pictures Journal entries are found about a girl who felt uncomfortable about the attention her brother was showing her.
Silent House (Movie)
It is revealed that the protagonist's father and uncle have routinely sexually abused her as a child. The victim-blaming language used by them as well as polaroid photographs that are briefly seen are especially uncomfortable.
There is one discussion of one character's experience of sexual abuse at school by a teacher.
During this film, a mother's shirt is ripped off by the killer: she is raped both on and off screen. Also during this film, a coworker of the main character is raped on screen. Throughout the film, it continuously cuts back to these shots.
A man watches a woman get changed through her window. A woman kisses another man and when her boyfriend comes out, she yells and pushes him away. When her boyfriend asks her about it, she lies and says that he repeatedly hits on her while at work and has made advances on her making her feel uncomfortable around him. There is a mention of a sex offender within an old newspaper article, who is the current owner of the place they are staying at. He is later confronted by one of the men in the group and it is implied that he assaulted him as a child.
A brief sexual assault/harassment is shown on the television around 44 minutes in.
The Silent Sea (TV Show)
One of the main characters is in a relationship with a teenage girl. SPOILERS: The character has raped and killed a girl before.
Silicon Valley (TV Show)
Silmido (Movie)
Two prisoners escape a camp and assault a nurse: they are punished immediately after.
Silver and Gold (TV Show)
S1E7: a young woman is manipulated by her ex boyfriend into playing poker and ends up losing a big sum of money. The ex boyfriend and his friends want her to pay by selling her body, amused by how distraught she is. They proceed to rape her onscreen and after the act they humiliate her further by making fun of her. It starts at 03:45 and ends at 04:52. Further sexual abuse is depicted at the end of the episode (20:50-22:15).
Silver Haze (Movie)
A man is shown masturbating over a sleeping woman. He is shown to have ejaculated in her hair whilst her sister was in the same room as her. We see her observing the aftermath in the mirror.
During a scene in a bar, someone starts making a dirty comment about women when someone's girlfriend is present. The comment is loosely related to the girlfriend.
Silver Spoon (TV Show)
The Similars (Movie)
The breasts of a dead female body are fondled.
The main character recounts having sex with her half-brother: some scenes are shown in flashback (no nudity).
The Simpsons (TV Show)
S12E5: a protagonist is sexually assaulted by a panda off-screen. This is played for comedy. S23E22: a character is kissed without her consent. Though it initially seems as she is upset, it is shown immediately afterward that she found it very pleasurable. S14E9: the male protagonist appears visibly scared of his wife, and repeatedly tries to communicate that he does not want to have sex with her (about 15 minutes into the episode). She then pins him down and says “I wasn’t asking”., before it cuts to a scene where he is sitting in the kitchen the next morning, too sore and tired to take care of his children. It is strongly implied that she raped and caused physical harm to his body.
The Sims (Video Game)
The Sims 2 (Video Game)
There is a chance if your male sim is abducted by aliens they will become pregnant, which is implied to be non-consensual.
The Sims 3 (Video Game)
If the player has the Sim's 3: Seasons, there is a chance that if a male sim is abducted by aliens they will return pregnant, which is implied to be non-consensual.
The Sims 4 (Video Game)
If the player has The Sims 4: Get to Work, there is a 25% chance if a male sim is abducted by aliens they will return pregnant, which is implied to be non-consensual.
Sin City (Movie)
A police officer talks about a girl who has been raped and killed.
Sin Limites (TV Show)
Sin Nombre (Movie)
About 30 minutes into the movie, an antagonist forces the protagonist's girlfriend to come with him to an isolated place and attempts to rape her. As she tries to escape, he kills her. A couple of minutes later, the same man tries to rape another girl, but he is killed after having pinned her down. Near the end of the movie, the female protagonist is catcalled by men.
One of the circles of Hell for a female character is being a waitress in a canteen full of rude men. One of them calls her out for bringing him a burnt burger, and he begins touching her which leads into them fighting and the man getting the help of other men to pin her to a table. He begins throwing comments at her about raping her and we see a shot of him undoing the zipper in his pants. The fight is stopped by a higher command but it is kind of assumed that it isn’t what usually happens.
Sing (2016) (Movie)
A male mouse keeps touching a female mouse who does not know him: it is perceived as flirting but it is not.
A female robot kisses one of the male characters without his consent. A teenage boy likes a girl and sometimes watches her through the security camera's of the school.
Sing 2 (Movie)
Sing Street (Movie)
The female lead (a teenage girl) has a relationship with an adult because she is portrayed as ‘mature’ for her age. Later, she tells the main character that the man physically and verbally abuses her, but there is no mention of sexual abuse though it is implied that they have sexual relationships. The headmaster of an all boys catholic school beckons the main character to use his toilet: although there is no sexual abuse, the man chases and physically assaults the boy, forcing him to remove his makeup violently. The main character’s father is verbally abusive towards his wife, making inappropriate remarks on her underwear and clothing, and using sexual slurs. The main character is bullied by another boy who corners him in the toilet and threatens to physically assault him if he does not take off his underwear for him. He repeatedly uses homophobic slurs but nothing happens. He later punches him for not doing what he said. In a daydream of the main character, the female lead is seen to be harassed by her adult boyfriend and she is clearly uncomfortable and uneasy. This is stopped by the brother of the main character who fights the older boyfriend.
There is passing mention of a 30-year-old man who likes to date high school girls. A character who works as a waitress makes allusions to her and her coworkers being grabbed or otherwise sexually harassed by customers. A white woman intentionally falsely accuses a Black man of sexual harassment, and he and his wife are lynched. A prison guard rapes and brutalizes a "good time girl."
On top of the above, the film contains on-screen necrophilia.
The main character says 'I will not molest you. I am but a humble jester, and you?' as a joke to a female character, who later becomes his love interest.
A man attempts to rape a woman, but she manages to escape by punching him. A woman engages in oral sex with her twin sister's boyfriend, without him realising that she is a different woman.
Single's Inferno (TV Show)
Singularity (Movie)
A group of men catch a woman and surround her, with the suggestion that they might rape her. They begin to open her jacket.
Sinister (Movie)
Sinister 2 (Movie)
Sink Or Swim (Movie)
The father (who was previously shown to be abusive, eg. waterboarding his daughter for misbehaving) treats his daughter’s meeting with a local boy as a betrayal and as cheating. He later writes a poem about it.
Sinkhole (Movie)
The Sinner (TV Show)
The main character's sister is revealed to have lusted after her, and the two eventually have sex. It's unclear whether the main character truly consented, or only caved into pressure out of guilt for 'abandoning' her sister. The main character's flashbacks seem to be related to sexual assault. A male detective engages in intense BDSM throughout the series. Season 2 involves a boy raised in a cult with various forms of abuse, including sexual abuse. It is unclear if he was exposed to any of this or if his trauma symptoms are solely a result of other events in the series. S1E6: two sisters kiss. The younger one places the older's hand on her breast and then in her underwear. S1E7: a woman under the influence of cocaine believes she is having sex with her boyfriend, but she is actually being penetrated by another man. The situation was orchestrated by the boyfriend, who is also shown verbally abusing his ex-girlfriend. The two sisters are shown kissing again. S2E4: mention of a forced sterilization. S2E5: a woman is pinned to the floor while a man assaults her. Nothing is shown on screen, but the imagery and information revelead later suggest it could have occured. S2E6: mention of rape and a resulting pregnancy. S2E8: a teenage girl is raped by the father of one of her friends.
Chapter 3: there are rumors of a character keeping women imprisoned as sex slaves.
S1E1: this episode alks about child sexual abuse.
The antagonist blackmails his uncle into forcing his (adult) daughter to marry him. After he accepted, the antagonist goes to the woman's room and tries to kiss her despite her clear refusal: he persists and she flees. Later, a similar scene occurs when they are both alone in her house.
Siren (Movie)
A humanoid creature is held captive and forced to perform sexual acts for her captor's customers. When freed, she stalks and sexually assaults the man who rescued her.
Siren (TV) (TV Show)
S1E1: the main female character is getting a ride from a man who stops in a secluded spot to try to rape her. She kills him.
About 3/4 of the way in, the protagonist's fiancé initiates sex with her. The premise of the book is that the protagonist was in an accident and lost her memories, including those of her fiancé. She asks him to take things slowly, meaning that she wants to stop, but he interprets that as her wanting to start with more foreplay. She seems to dissociate during the sex, thinking that she was not in her body and on a cloud somewhere. Throughout she feels that she should be happy that she is having sex with him because he is rich and handsome. At the end, she is disappointed that he does not check in with her to make sure she had an orgasm. This event is framed as bad sex, not as rape. Passing mention of strippers getting groped by clients and by managers.
Sissy (Movie)
Sister Act (Movie)
Sister Aimee (Movie)
A male character enters a female character's tent: it is implied that he has bad intentions. The female character shoots him.
Incestuous relationship between two sisters.
Sister, Sister (TV Show)
Worthy of note: throughout the show, the main characters’ next door neighbor tries to get them to go out with him, despite being met with repeated rejections. This is mostly played for laughs since he is younger than the main characters are and they are all (at least at the beginning) children. S1E5: several female characters preparing for a wedding flirt with a man who is clearly uncomfortable. One squeezes his butt as he walks by. Later, one of the protagonists goes on a date: her date tries to kiss her and she protests. Someone else intervenes to stop him. S1E12: the protagonists meet a rapper who makes sexually suggestive comments to them, despite knowing that they are underage. S2E7: a man pretends to be dead and grabs an unsuspecting woman's behind. S3E21: a 16-year-old starts going out with a college sophomore who is 20. The audience do not receive any indication that the relationship is sexual and they break up by the end of the episode. Later on in the episode, one character’s mother gets grabbed suggestively by two men as she is walking in the bus station. Another character’s father receives repeated unwanted flirtatious comments from a woman in the same bus station. Both scenes are played for laughs. S4E10: the protagonists' father plans a formal dinner with a potential business connection. When she arrives, she clearly has the intention of flirting with him rather than talking about their business interests (i.e. touching him and trying to press her body to his inappropriately). The scene is played for laughs. S4E17: the premise of this episode is that an adult man pretends to be a famous photographer in order to lure women (including underage girls like the protagonists) into his apartment. One of the sisters falls for this scheme, and the other sister goes to rescue her. He tries to get them to dress in skimpy clothing for his photographs. E6E1: The twins begin moving into their dorm room at college. They find out that they share a bathroom with two jocks who immediately begin hitting on them and fetishizing the fact that they are twins. This makes them so uncomfortable that they move out. S6E3: The mother (a fashion designer) hires a fashion assistant, in spite of her misgivings about his lack of experience, because her daughter persuades her to give him a chance on the basis that the man is attractive. The mother ends up firing him because he is incompetent. The man then attempts to sue the mother for sexually harassing him. In reality, the mother never sexually harassed him, but her daughters and their friend flirted with them and she shooed them away. In one scene, she asked him to model a garment she was making because he forgot to call the modelling agency and she needed someone to fill in. This whole situation is played for laughs, not only by implying that the concept of a woman harassing a man is laughable, but also because the two parties give wildly different accounts of what happened.
In the opening scene we see a blind woman walk into a locker room and start undressing in front of a man. We later find out they are on a tv show and the scene has been staged; he leaves before she takes off her top. A doctor kisses and gropes the breast of his ex-wife/patient who is likely drugged and possibly hypnotized.
A sex worker in a brothel is implied to be unhappy about her work, and it is implied that she has been treated poorly by customers.
The central issue of this book is Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG). The protagonist uncovers a conspiracy by influential members of her tribe to traffic teenage girls into the sex trade.
Sisu (Movie)
A Nazi soldier in a truck full of women is seen buckling his pants back up, his most recent victim still lying on the floor and crying (11:44). A soldier uses the barrel of his machine gun to push at the knees of a female prisoner to force her legs apart: he then blows her a kiss (58:58).
The female protagonist was sold into child sexual slavery at one of the many brothels that exist in the fantasy world. Sexual slavery and slavery in general are common in this universe and frequently mentioned and referenced.
Six Feet Under (TV Show)
A storyline involves a borderline-incestuous relationship between a brother and a sister. They never actually go on to have sexual intercourse, but are shown to have an intense and co-dependent relationship. S1E1: rape joke. S1E3: a man sleeps with a girl and asks her to suck on his foot. He then tells the whole school about it since he had sex with her just to mess with her. S1E5+6: rape is mentioned. S1E8: a character who finds the closeness between the aforementioned brother and sister unsettling has a drug-fuelled hallucination in which they are kissing. An adult and teenage have a sexual relationship. Season 2 features a guidance counselor who says there is sexual tension between him and a high schooler S2E6 mentions a 15 year old boy losing his virginity to a 32 year old. The family is mad but also laughs. Season 3: an 18-year-old college student is seduced by his middle-aged teacher. S3E10: this episode features a scene where the aforementioned brother kisses his sister on the lips. She immediately rebuffs him and he claims that the kiss was platonic, although it is heavily implied that this is untrue. S4E4 mentions adult men having sex with teenage girls. S4E5 involvesa car jacking, kidnapping, where one of the main characters is forced to take drugs and then is sexually assaulted. There are also hate crimes. S5E2 mentions child rape and a joke is made about it. There is also a mention of an adult wanting to have sex with his babysitter (a teenager). S5E4 involves a boyfriend attacking his girlfriend and trying to have sex with her. S5E10: it is revealed that a character taped another character having sex with him without his consent and is showing it to other people. S5E11: incest is mentioned.
One of the queens is a victim of child sexual abuse and performs a song about her experience. The song documents her realisation that the men in her life have been using and abusing her and the subject is portrayed very sensitively. The choreography includes the other queens, who act as backup dancers, placing their hands on her, but it isn’t violent, except for during the final chorus when the lead singer is visibly flinching away from the others. Worthy of note: one of the male characters was historically accused of sleeping with her own brother, which resulted in charges of incest (only the adultery charges are mentioned in the show).
Verbal sexual harassment occurs on the school bus and at various other points over the course of the film. A character sells peeks at a 16-year-old girl's underwear to a group of boys without her permission. Towards the end of the film, characters plan to commit incapacitated assault during a conversation. Later, they act on this plan. More detail - SPOILERS - One excerpt from this conversation: Character 1: I have Caroline in the bedroom right now passed out cold, I could violate her in 10 different ways if I wanted to. Character 2: What are you waiting for? Later, the two characters come to an agreement: one will keep his incapacitated girlfriend's underwear and the other will take her home. Character 1: She's so blitzed she won't even know the difference. Character 2 throws the girl over the shoulder and places him in his car. Character 1 tells her that Character 2 is him, and says: She's totally gone, have fun. Character 2 and a group of his friends take pictures of the girl in and out of consciousness. The next morning, it is implied that they had intercourse which she does not remember. This is presented as a happy ending.
SK8 (TV Show)
The main antogonist is a presumed pedophile (not confirmed).
Sk8 the Infinity (TV Show)
The antagonist (Adam) sexually harasses/assaults a main character (Langa) many times. He also grooms a character who is 13 (Miya) and assaults and harasses the main character (Reki).
SKAM (TV Show)
A central plot of S2E8-E11 is that a main character blacks out at a house party and illicit pictures are taken of her and shared. She assumes she was raped, but doesn't remember.
Skargardsdoktorn (TV Show)
Skate Kitchen (Movie)
A group of teenage girls discuss their various experiences of having their consent violated. A teenage girl looks visibly uncomfortable as her friends try to coax her into group sex by touching her leg.
Skater Girl (Movie)
S1E1: graphic attempted rape scene (the woman is saved by the male protagonist).
It is revelead that one of the main characters was abused by his teacher when he was 15.
Sket Dance (TV Show)
Throughout the series, there are multiple moments where female characters get harassed. There is a lot of sexualization of female characters after the first season.
Worthy of note: in S1E1, a guy accidentally walks in on girls undressing. A few seconds later, it is shown that a girl fantasized about how funny that situation would be (it did not actually happen).
Worthy of note: a male character has a vivid wet dream that becomes a nightmare about a demon possession. A female character mutilates a human young man during a passionate kiss. It is consensual, the man is overjoyed to receive this badge of honor (it is described in deeply disturbing detail).
Skinamarink (Movie)
While there is no sexual assault content, the movie revolves around two very young children who are in constant physical danger. There are tense and potentially disturbing scenes involving the children and their parental figures as well as dialogue that could remind viewers of realistic abusive situations. The film depicts children enduring abuse they cannot fully understand or defend against.
Skins (TV Show)
In season one, a male teenager has a sexual relationship with a teacher. S1E8: a group of boys attempt to force a high school student to rape his unconscious/drugged sister, but it does not happen. S6E4: a rape is shown on-screen. A man visits a brothel and is implied to have had sex with an 11 year-old girl in the first scene. Two boys attack and rape a woman in an alleyway before she bites the penis of one of them.
Skip Beat! (TV Show)
A 21 year old guy and 16 year old girl are in love with each other.
Skip and Loafer (TV Show)
It (1990) (TV Show)
Worthy of note: domestic violence.
It (2017) (Movie)
One main plot point is that a young girl's stepfather sexually abuses his daughter. He is shown to be extremely possessive and controlling throughout the film (going through her underwear drawer), and she is visibly frightened of him. He is shown climbing on top of her towards the end of the film and seems to be unbuckling his belt. During this scene, he threatens to prove that she is still his little girl. The girl kicks him and escapes. In the final scene of the movie, the antagonist briefly transforms into her father to frighten her.
In a dream sequence, a woman passionately kisses a teenage boy.
It Follows (Movie)
This is a horror movie where the monster is a shapeshifting, unstoppable entity passed on through sex. Several of the monster's forms are that of disheveled, naked or half-dressed people who are bloodied. Two preteen boys spy on the main character while she is swimming and changing clothes without her consent: her reaction implies that this is not the first time this has happened. The main character has a consensual sexual encounter with a man, but it takes a turn into potentially disturbing territory when he drugs her, knocks her out, and whisks her away to an unknown location. She then wakes up half-naked and strapped into a wheelchair in an abandoned warehouse for the purpose of him explaining the curse he has now passed to her, after which he lets her go. She feels understandably violated and betrayed, consequently filing a police report. The monster shapeshifts to a victim's mother and, after killing him off-screen, is seen gyrating on his dead body in a suggestive manner.
Child sexual abuse is very strongly implied (father sprays his deceased wife's perfume on his daughter and then hugs her/touches her while she is visibly distressed and uncomfortable). A scene shows an abusive husband hitting his wife and attempting to rape her. A woman is restrained and attacked by a zombie, who ends up putting his tongue inside her mouth.
The protagonist (living in Palestine) passes a police car with two cops in the front, and one blindfolded woman in the back.
One of the men attempts to rape the heroine but is killed just before or as it starts by the zombie that has been following her. It is fairly obvious this is going to happen and it is a brief scene with no blood or torn clothes.
The only main character in this book that is female often experiences nonconsensual touching. It also heavily implied that her father wanted to sexually abuse her when she was a child, although he never does. It is mentioned that she is abused sexually and physically by her partner as an adult, but there are no detailed descriptions of a rape scene. One male bullies rapes another male bully while the female protagonist watches.
It Takes Two (Video Game)
S1E1: two of the characters conspire to get another one of the characters drunk so that he will have a sexual encounter with a man and stop marketing their venue as a gay bar. S1E3: the bar becomes a 'safe haven' for underage drinkers; potentially concerning power dynamic between drunk, inexperienced teenagers and adults. S1E4: one of the characters tells women he has been diagnosed with cancer in order to get them to sleep with him. One character mentions that he previously had sex with another character that he considered non-consensual and describes how she ignored his refusals during the acts. S1E7: a key plot point in this episode is a former teacher getting arrested for molesting his students. Some of the characters whether one of one of their friends was a victim of this teacher and another character is jealous that he, too, wasn't molested. S1E34: this episode revolves around the group going to a sexual harassment seminar, as their pub has been labeled as unsafe, and so the entire episode is about sexual assault. A character being molested by their uncle is brought up again, as well as a new revelation that he was raped by another character off-screen and tried to say no but the other character put her hands in his mouth to get him to stop talking. She pretty much agrees that it was in fact rape. Another character accidentally exposes himself to a woman. S2E1: a man uses the fact that he is in a wheelchair to get attention from some women who are strippers. The whole gang decides to fake disabilities in order to get attention and sympathy. S2E4: a man attempts to get a woman he has feelings for to sleep with him through the use of lies and deception. S3E9: a key plot point in this episode is one of the main characters taking up a relationship with somebody who may have a mental disability. Another character pens a potentially disturbing song about being molested by a strange creature. S3E11: a key plot point in this episode is one of the main characters being mistaken by the community for a convicted sex offender who has been released from prison due to overcrowding. S3E13: a man's father compels him to sleep with older women for money in order to pay off the group's debts. S4E1: there are references that two characters have been "teabagging" a character since high school. A later scene has a character discover that he also got his shaved pubes glued onto his face while he was asleep. S4E4: two characters listen to two other characters having sex without their knowledge. S4E13: one of the characters attempts to write a musical based on a song he composed in an earlier episode about being molested by a strange creature. S5E4: a man attempts to seduce his former sister-in-law. S5E12: a character reveals his 'foolproof' system for seducing women, which is based largely on emotional manipulation and deception. S6E1: upon hearing that a transgender woman from an earlier episode is getting married, a character spends the entire episode protesting against gay marriage out of jealousy. S6E2: a character finds out that her partner is only with her in order to hurt his wife. S7E1: derogatory treatment of sex workers. One character pretends to be a millionaire in order to trick a woman into sleeping with one of his friends. S7E3: a character becomes involved in local beauty pageants and is terrified of being accused of paedophilia. S7E8: two characters stalk a man who shushed them in a bar. S11E4: two characters make a film about the man's rape by a librarian when he was in school. S11E5: evidence mounts that one of the main characters regularly sexually assaults women. S11E6: during a scene in POV perspective, a character gropes a woman's breasts twice and then 'motorboats' her all without her consent. In a later scene, one character explains that he is in trouble because he "got handsy with a pretty young thing [who] looked 18". S11E8: the cold open of the episode contains a joke about children being molested. S11E9: one character talks about a woman and another comments that "she looks 12 years old": he replies that he checked her age beforehand. In the same scene, one character talks about getting sexual with a man who backs out, and threatening him with a rape accusation, effectively coercing him into sex. A later seen has the character encounter the woman alone and comes across as rapey. S11E10: the cold open has a character state that his sin was a bit of lust but "my thing, not a rape". S12E2: a girl says to a man (who will become his partner in crime): "try to touch me and i'll scream "rape"" S12E3: one character makes jokes and references to pedophilia. He also touches another character on the back multiple time through the episode with them being clearly uncomfortable and telling him to get off. S12E4: there is a joke about the Catholic Church "banging kids". A later scene references a woman being harassed online with people calling her a bitch and her saying "pretty much everyone wanting to rape me". Two men try to promote their drink to women but end up harassing them about their bodies. Near the end of the episode, one character states: "turns out there are two things that can't be forgiven, raping children and disliking dogs". S12E5: one character says off-screen that a woman has a big bottom, with the woman responding "Fuck off, creep". S12E6: during the cold open, a man approaches a woman with mirrors on his shoes in order to try and look up the woman's skirt. A later scene implys a man waited for an underage girl to become of age to then have sex with her. A later scene repeats the joke about the man trying to look up the womans skirt. S12E7: the cold open contains a joke around "blowing kids" but it is actually in reference to a guy trying to give CPR to a child in a video game. A later scene references the rape of a character by an older women in a library when he was 14 (original joke in S11E4). Two characters play father and son for a strip show and a stripper is tricked into doing a lap dance on his own daughter, thrusting his penis near her face. She says that her finger touched his anus: the two are horrifyied when they recognise each other. S12E8: a character refers to another one as "rage-fuelled and rapey". S12E9: this episode has a very brief flashback to the tricked father daughter stripper incident as seen in S12E7. Worthy of note: one of the main characters is a serial sexual predator who targets both men and women. Although the audience never witnesses any of his assaults, one of the show's running jokes is regarding this character's creepy behaviour. He videotapes the women who he has sex with without their consent. Despite being in his mid-to-late thirties, he tries to have sex with teenagers/coerce them into having sex with him. Other characters on the show explicitly refer to his actions as rape on multiple occasions. In addition to this, it is heavily implied that one of the main characters was molested by his uncle as a child and his trauma around this is repeatedly discussed. Another recurring plotline involving this character addresses his stalking/harassment of a woman he has known and been infatuated with since high school. There is a family of characters (the 'McPoyle Family') that is featured in many episodes. They are portrayed as being 'creepy' and are rumoured to be incestuous until later when they display incestuous behaviour between cousins and siblings (this is mostly implied, but is made unambiguous).
In the introduction, the main character explains that he is depressed by problems "less dramatic" than being sexually abused. Later, he jokingly tells that someone tried to rape a penguin.
One character proclaims that she has been violated, when in fact she has not.
The protagonist's reputation is threatened by someone working at newspaper company unless she would grant him sexual favors; she rejects it. The protagonist is showing severe stalking behaviors towards her love interest (saying that he is going to be hers, forcing him to see her by manipulating the situation).
It's a Sin (TV Show)
S1E1: a man's boss makes him take his shirt off and shows him 'cleanliness' before getting interrupted. S1E2: the same boss character almost sexually assault him before seeing an AIDS magazine in his room. Later on, that man starts a sexual relationship with someone wich has questionable consent at first but we see later on that it was consentual although there is a strong power dynamic.
A man chases a housekeeper and insists he is in love with her. There are also scenes with men ogling a woman as she walks down the street. A woman loses her robe while walking home, leaving her naked. She hides behind a bush and we do not see anything, but the man she's with refuses to return the robe and jokes about selling tickets to see her naked. A woman is slapped on the butt.
Itsy Bitsy (Movie)
The female protagonist is forcefully grabbed by her boyfriend to prevent her from running away during an argument. The protagonist is twice drugged to sleep - once willingingly as part of a ritual but later unwillingly. Neither occurrence resulted in anything sexual but after the second occurrence she is questioned regarding why the drug showed up on a drug test and was offered the opportunity to speak out if she believed she was a victim.
Sky High (Movie)
A 14-year-old boy is manipulated into a relationship by a woman the same age as his parents (though she looks 17). They share an on-screen kiss.
Sky Monster (Movie)
Sky Sharks (Movie)
A drunk passenger catcalls a flight attendant multiple times. Two people are filmed having sex and it is unclear if they are aware of it.
A woman wakes up in bed with a man with no memory of the night before. Both are partially undressed, so she assumes they drunkenly had sex. However, he later clarifies that nothing happened.
Skyfall (Movie)
One of the characters is revealed as having been a sex slave when she was younger. Later on, the protagonist sneaks up on her when she is in the shower and starts a sexual interaction, when she has given him no previous indication of being interested in him. On screen, the woman appears into it, but given her past and the power dynamic between the two of them, it can be upsetting. The protagonist is tied to a chair while another man touches his neck, chest and thighs. He stops when the protagonist seems mostly unbothered. Later, the same man kisses a tied-up woman- she is clearly uncomfortable with it.
Skyquake (Movie)
Skyscraper (Movie)
In one scene, the antagonists kidnaps the protagonist's daughter to hold her hostage, but it is not sexual in nature.
After being abducted, girls are asked if they were raped. While they initially do not remember what happened to them, they eventually remember that there was no sexual assault at all.
Slash-Back (Movie)
Slasher (2016) (TV Show)
S2E4: there is a very graphic rape scene at the end of the episode.
In the first two stories, there is discussion of sexual assault and an adult man who repeatedly harasses young girls. The story The Girl Without a Face centers around a rape.
A man walks in and films a group of women who are all changing, later they discover another camera hidden in the changing room. The same man also grabs the breasts of one of the women, and walks in on them while they are showering.
Worthy of note: aliens keep asking two human captors if they are going to mate.
A demon-possessed boyfriend rapes his girlfriend on screen while she begs him to stop and take her home.
Slaxx (Movie)
One character refers to another as 'jail bait'. It is unclear how old this character is but he and a colleague are implied to have a sexual relationship.
Slay the Princess (Video Game)
Slayers (Movie)
This film contains mentions of rape. It also features a scene where teenage girls are attacked and bitten by older men who are revealed to vampires, which is reminiscent of rape.
SLC Punk (Movie)
Sleep Tight (Movie)
A pedophile who works at a children's summer camp despite his coworkers knowing about his tendencies, tries to sexually assault a child but does not succeed: he is immediately punished and no longer part of the staff for the rest of the movie. It is implied that a killer inserts a hot curling wand into a victim: the scene is seen as a shadow. There are several instances of characters rejecting romantic or sexual advances and the other person reacting aggressively.
A sex scene between a middle aged man and a teen begins between 23:00 and 26:00. A sexual harassment from a male camper on the protagonist is stopped (50:00).
The film contains a lot of transphobia and homophobia, especially in the beginning and near the end of the movie. Two boys take nude pictures of the girls including the killer without their consent. Later in the movie the boys go on a panty raid in the girls cabin.
In the story "Emeline", the titular character tells another woman how she was always being watched by a man who she implies assaulted her.
The film's plot revolves around the continuous sexual abuse and rape of a group of four teenage boys by guards at the correctional facility where they were sentenced to stay when one of their pranks went disastrously wrong.
Worthy of note: when the female protagonist is born, she is arranged to be married to a prince once she comes of age. He kisses her while she is asleep: when she wakes, she is happy about it (1:11:22-1:11:33).
The film centres on a woman who performs a type of sex work where she is put to sleep and men are allowed to grope her. She consents to this and it is explicitly stated that they are not allowed to penetrate her. There is one instance where a man burns her with a cigarette during one of these sessions and proceeding clients are warned that they must not leave permanent marks.
The film revolves around a woman performing oral sex on her dog when she was in college and telling her current boyfriend about the act. It is not shown on-screen but it is discussed throughout, in a fairly respectful, non-graphic and measured way.
An on-screen rape scene between married couple could be, although consented, seen as forced because the woman is scared of getting beaten by her husband if she refuses. It is shown that she does not enjoy the sex at all. She shows PTSD symptoms when her date does not immediately stops the sexual initiation when she says stop.
Worthy of note: the female lead stalks the male lead.
A wealthy, older man in the community is revealed to have a sexual relationship of some kind with a far younger woman of lower stature; the relationship seems consensual, but there is a clear inequality at play. A demon seizes a screaming woman and kisses her so hard she bleeds. He then rides off with her, which could be taken to imply that he intends to assault her further.
Season 2: a woman agrees to live with the man she hates to protect the man she loves. She says she will grow to love the new man. People are frequently possessed, thus not being on control of their body People are lured by the pied piper. S2E7: a woman is impregnated by a demon through her nose. S2E8: this episode features a succubus. S3E11: a woman is about to be raped by a man on a first date. She is "rescued" by a creature/demon who then murders her. S3E11: a creature/demon knocks out a human to make her his wife.
Slender Man (Movie)
Slimy Sextet (Video Game)
This game contains non-consensual sex with tentacle monsters, and themes of "mindbreak" and pregnancy.
Slither (Movie)
A woman is undressed and changed into a nightgown while she is unconscious Worthy of note: there is a sexually coded scene where the male alien is infecting a woman. He pins her down and covers her mouth, but does not sexually assault her.
Slugs (Movie)
While at a party, a teenager and her boyfriend kiss. He tries to move things further a few times and she continuously tells him no, eventually leaving. While walking away, another guy knocks her over and pins her down. He tries to take off her underwear but she shoves him off and runs away.
Slumber (Movie)
Worthy of note: teen boys watch teen girls undress without them knowing. Later in the movie, the killer says to a female victim: 'You know you want it'.
It is implied that the villain was raped by his uncle when he was younger. Towards the end of the movie, a girl offers the villain that she will let him touch her if he doe not kill her. He partially undresses her, kisses her, and gropes her breasts, then kills her anyway.
Slumberland (Movie)
A woman is forced into sex work.
Small Axe (Movie)
S1E2 (Lovers Rock): the sexual violence and harassment in this episode were handled sensitively and from a perspective that centred women's experiences.
There are references to non-consensual sex towards a drunken teenage girl. Near the climax of the film, a character is orally raped and blackmailed.
A character who is thought to have cheated on the protagonist later implies that she was coerced into the encounter.
A Small Light (TV Show)
While there is no sexual assault the movie does include some potentially triggering visuals such as a someone’s drink being spiked with sleeping pills and a teenage girl being tied up and gagged on video.
U.S. title: Big Time Operators. A woman is sexually assaulted by a cinema crowd.
Smallville (TV Show)
In both of the episodes listed below, the main character is hypnotized/brainwashed into making out, groping, and engaging in sexual activity under duress. S1E2: a teacher with the "superpower" to make anyone fall in love with her attempts to kiss (and possibly more) a fifteen-year-old boy. He turns down her advances and backs away from her and she does not actually kiss him, but she gets very close to it (17:28-19:10). The fact that what she is trying to do is illegal is never addressed. He tells a fellow student afterwards, who does not take it very seriously. He also tells his parents, and his mother responds with horror and tells him that a teacher seducing a teenage boy is against the law and that she will call the school board and have the teacher fired. The boy is blamed by the teacher's husband (who is implied to only be in love with her because of her powers and could not knowingly have given consent). S5E6: the entire episode involves violence against strippers and the reveal that a strip club owner is invoked with human trafficking. A young girl (barely adult) is sold, but is saved at the last moment.
Smile (2009) (Movie)
A woman is grabbed from behind in an alley and sexually pushed against the wall. It is framed as consensual and they know each other.
Smile (2022) (Movie)
Smile Pretty (Movie)
This movie is about a girl who was abused as a child. She then goes on to have a relationship with an adult man, who convinces her to bring another teenage girl into their relationship. She stars in child pornography and ultimately, she helps the police put her "boyfriend" in jail. In her final conversation with the police officer, she accuses him of liking child pornography too because he chose a job that requires him to watch it. Childhood sexual abuse is mentioned and there is on-screen sexual abuse of a child.
A man married a 16 year old woman, but they had no sexual relationship in two years they are married.
Smiley Face (Movie)
Smiling Friends (TV Show)
Smithereens (Movie)
One of the male main characters follows the female protagonist to her job and then her home to ask her on a date. Another man grabs the protagonist's chest without consent and asks for sex, she denies him. He asks for sex multiple times throughout the film. A kid grabs a piece of the protagonist's underwear from the street floor and runs off. There are multiple instances of kissing under dubious consent. The protagonist behaves stoically through all of these events. None of the scenes are particularly violent and are mostly portrayed as casual.
The Smoke (TV Show)
There is a scene where a bunch of drunk women during a bachelorette party push a man onto the ground, take off his pants, and touch him. The women are called off before anything else happens, but the man is clearly distressed afterwards. It is handled well and not made to seem like a joke.
A woman describes a violent rape in detail for an extended amount of time towards the end of the film.
Smoke Signals (Movie)
Smokin' Aces (Movie)
A man says that another man should be raped when he is found.
Smooth Talk (Movie)
A woman is blackmailed with pictures of her masturbating to do various things like wearing a short skirt and buying a vibrator. A man makes another man take off all his clothes. He then kisses him on the face.
The Snapper (Movie)
About halfway into the film, the twenty year-old protagonist stumbles out of a bar very drunk. She is greeted by a middle-aged neighbour, then the film cuts to him on top of her. During the encounter she is on the verge of unconsciousness and clearly unable to give consent, so drunk that she does not even recognise the man when he goes to leave. The scene is over quickly.
Snatch (2000) (Movie)
There's a brief joke where a woman worries that she and her companion will be sex trafficked, but they are assured that they are safe because traffickers only want young and beautiful women.
Sneaky Pete (TV Show)
Worthy of note: in season 1, a female character is in a relationship with the villain out of fear.
Snow Falls (Movie)
In this book, marrital sex is considered like a duty from the wife and true consent is sometimes unclear: sex is described in some scenes.
An antagonist is revealed to have raped a woman in the backstory, and is implied to have raped others. He also attempts to rape his step-niece while she's imprisoned, but she gets away before she can. It's revealed he 'watched' her while she was imprisoned. It is also heavily implied that the two antagonists are in an incestuous relationship.
The woman antagonist has an inappropriately intimate relationship with her brother: she kisses him and he appears uncomfortable but nothing graphic is shown. The protagonist is surrounded by unsavoury men who do not care about her discomfort; one of them later rips her clothes, insinuating that he could take this further and become sexually violent.
Worthy of note: a man kisses the unconscious female protagonist to wake her up.
Snowfall (TV Show)
S1E3: a man is raped by another man off-screen.
A woman has her clothes forcibly removed by a man while another takes pictures.
Snowpiercer (TV Show)
Season 1 contains a plot line of a murderer that cuts off mens genitals while they are alive. This character is killed off, but was doing it under orders of a girl who remains in the show until season three. S1E2: a guard gives a man medicine in exchange for oral sex. S1E4: a teenager has a sexual relationship with an adult. It is not clear if she is over the age of consent, but her father says "morality is a sliding scale" in regards to their relationship. Season 2 (mid season): there is a character arc where a woman has clearly been sexually traumatized by a man who used to "own" her. She has escaped and is now being asked to go back to him to help the cause. S3E10: right after the intro, a man kisses a woman without consent and says something sexual.
Snowtown (Movie)
Thie movie is about a real homophobic serial killer who kidnapped, tortured and killed paedophiles (or presumed paedophiles) with some accomplices. Rape, incest and child sex abuse is discussed and hinted throughout. In the beginning of the film, one man is shown taking inappropriate pictures of young boys. One character rapes his brother (the protagonist) on-screen: this is implied to be hapenning on a regular basis.
Volume 8: in chapter 2, two drunkards harass White and grope her chest. A little after, Ariel also does it but it is more treated as a comedic moment than harassment. The incest part is one-sided, Sue has been often depicted as overprotective of her half-brother Schlain and was also implied to be in love with him. This all leads to volume 15 chapter S4 in which Sue drugs and attempts something with him before being stopped by Schlain’s party. (There is an illustration of a half naked Schlain underneath an annoyed Sue in the interlude narrated by Katia following this chapter.)
So-Won (Movie)
A little girl is kidnapped on her way to school, raped and beaten. This isn't seen, but talked about, and her recovery from the assault is the subject of the movie.
Chapter 18: mention of a late show host interviewing a candidate running for public office who had bragged on tape about assaulting women.
The author describes several moments where co-workers made sexually harassing comments towards her.
Sobibor (Movie)
A woman drinks so much she passes out, and is taken home by a man. She confirms later they had sex. She at first insists it is not assault because she would have said "yes" if she were conscious, but later acknowledges it as rape. The same man later forces a kiss on a teenage girl, though he is unaware of her age until he is told. A woman is regularly catcalled by a man who lives near her apartment, who shouts sexually-charged comments at her almost daily. When she insults him in response, he follows her and grabs her until she fights him off. One woman kisses and vaginally fingers her friend without consent. She later gets angry when the friend pulls away. The friend is unsure whether she wants it or not, but never seems to consider it assault.
The xenophobia-motivated rape and killing of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar is mentioned in passing.
A young male main character faces occasional sexual harassment from other men. One antagonist deliberately manhandles him and promises future sexual assault as part of an interrogation.
The Society (TV Show)
The shows contains repeated talk and jokes about sexual assault and rape.
Society (Movie)
A character hears an audio recording of their mother, father, and sister having sex. A character is forced into a body horror flesh orgy.
Towards the beginning of the book, a character grabs the hand of one of the protagonists and tries to force a kiss on her. She is able to fight him off. There are several references to professors and other characters with authority sexually assaulting their female students and turning public opinion against them.
An ambiguous attempted rape scene shows a woman struggling against a rapist.
Worthy of note: at some point, a man goes to a brothel and has sex with a prostitute (off-screen).
Soft & Quiet (Movie)
A woman is raped with foreign object by another woman: we only see the perpetrator move and hear the victim cry. Rape is mentioned at ~45 minutes. Sexual assault is mentioned at ~1 hour 10 minutes.
Solar Opposites (TV Show)
Two characters are having sex and are filmed without their knowledge: the scene is played for laughs.
Solaris (Movie)
Soldier (Movie)
Soleil O (Movie)
Two white women discuss their sexual fantaisies objectifying Black men. One of them then seduces the protagonist (a Black man) but after they have sex, she expresses her disappointment that he did not fulfill her expectations. The protagonist is shown visibly distrissed by this dehumanizing experience, which process is the focus of the film.
Solo Leveling (TV Show)
S1E8: three male prisoners join the protagonist's party for a mission, hoping to reduce their sentence. They immediately start verbally harassing the woman in the group, before being told off by their overseer (19:00). S1E9: in a flashback, a man is shown bribing the prisoner's overseer to kill the three men (4:40). He explains that the three prisoners assaulted his daughter (age not given or implied). The girl then committed suicide. When it cuts back, the overseer kills the prisoners.
A woman seems to be in a relationship she was pressured into.
Solstice (Movie)
Worthy of note: in S1E5+11, a child is pinned down by creatures who try to kill her.
Near the end of the movie, there is an incredibly violent and graphic rape scene where the main male character rapes the main female character (1:15:10-1:17:15). It is revealed to be part of a larger role-playing event.
Somebody (TV Show)
S1E1: rape is mentioned several times: a) a police officer mentions murder and rape b) a woman tells a man that she would freeze if he attempted to rape her c) a man kills a woman while having sex with her. S1E4: a man attempts to rape a woman in the beginning of the episode. She is able to fight him off and runs away, but the aggressor proceeds to chase her together with several other men. She is found by one of them and she kills him when he attempts to rape her. After this, the other men flee and call themselves the victims of the situation. S1E7, 43:30-46:00: a man accidentally kills a woman while choking her during sex (both consensual: she repeatedly asks him to choke her harder, but he does not notices her suffocating.)
About 5 minutes into the movie, producers of a show talk about their genitals (workplace sexual harassment). A fiance jokingly tells her husband (who is drunk) that she wants to "take advantage of him". A side character gets hit in the testicles several times in a row.
Someone Great (Movie)
S1E1: marital rape (~14:00). Female prisoners are beaten and humiliated.
The male coprotagonist does a background check on his coprotagonist and finds out that he is a registered sex offender. However, the latter explains that the record is due to a misunderstanding; he was caught publicly urinating, but did not realize he was urinating on a (closed) daycare.
Something New (Movie)
The premise of this book is that two women, a showrunner and her assistant, fall in love. The plot deals thoroughly with the power differential and the age difference (the showrunner is 41 and the assistant is 27) between them. They have some near kisses throughout the book, but they don't actually kiss or have sex until close to the end, when the assistant is about to transition to a different job in which the showrunner will no longer be her boss. A director, who is a colleague of the showrunner, attempts to persuade the assistant into giving him a handjob or a blowjob, citing a rumor that the assistant has no qualms with sleeping her way to the top. The assistant tells the showrunner what happened, and the showrunner leads a campaign to expose the director's misconduct, leading other women in the film industry who had also been harassed by him to do the same. The director does not retaliate or respond in any way.
Worthy of note: one of the 12 year old male protagonists likes to climb a tree and spy through the windows of what appears to be a brothel or peep show. No details given; it is part of a greater motif of him being in a hurry to grow up.
The entire film is centered around a rape survivor's attempts to begin anew after the (off-screen) attack. She is later coerced and held prisoner by another man in his apartment.
Somewhere (Movie)
It is very much implied that the main character in the film is imagining an incestuous relationship between her husband and his cousin.
Son (Movie)
When talking about the past of the main female character, incest, child sex abuse and rape are discussed multiple times. The whole plot leads the viewers to believe that everything weird that is happening is the protagonist's PTSD after she and her friend experienced her father raping her and pimping her off to his friends. It turns out she was used as Lucifer's "mate"; he raped her and she got pregnant. There is no actual sexual violence shown on-screen, besides a motel owner that catcalls the protagonist and threatens her.
Son of a Gun (Movie)
During the start of the movie, the protagonist’s cellmate is implied to be repeatedly raped off-screen, but can be seen being harassed. Soon after, the protagonist suffers an attempt on him on-screen.
Son of Rambow (Movie)
Son of Saul (Movie)
There are repeated and explicit scenes of Jewish prisoners forced to strip completely naked before being put into gas chambers. In one of the stripping scenes, it is strongly implied that there is an assault/attempted assault on one of the women. Two guys later on are explicitly discussing raping a woman, saying things such as 'she was so beautiful I couldn't resist' and 'she should have saw it coming'.
The Sonata (Movie)
Sonatine (Movie)
A woman is taken by force to a beach at night, pinned down, and her clothes are ripped off while she is screaming and struggling against her assailant. The protagonist watches from afar and does nothing. He eventually shoots the rapist when the latter threatens him.
Sonbahar (Movie)
Worthy of note: the main female character (a prostitute) briefly tries to engage sex with a man she thinks paid to spend the night with her. He resists and when she insists, he explains that this is not what he wants (impliying he is in love with her).
Women are taken captive when their villages are raided: they are “given” to the warriors as “bed slaves”. A main character saves another from being implied to be raped by the leader of an army. A woman is said to have been forced into marriage and raped several times by a man. Two teenage boys (main characters) are coerced into having sex with a girl; one of the scenes is described in detail, and is not treated as sexual assault by the author.
Worthy of note: much of the narrative involves characters reacting to news of a woman who was murdered by her boyfriend, as well as the subsequent victim-blaming in the media and community.
The film is about children abuses. A boy is raped by a priest on-screen.
The first few pages of this book describe a character being gang raped.
The Song of Saya (Video Game)
This game contains multiple explicit scenes with violent and graphic sexual assault, including cannibalism and body horror that have sexual undertones. The protagonist is a man who, after a botched brain surgery, perceives every human as monstrous piles of flesh due to severe agnosia. The only thing he sees as a normal human is the deuteragonist, who is actually an alien monster, but appears to the protagonist as a young girl. Despite her childlike appearance, the man starts a romantic and sexual relationship with her. Throughout the game, she can further manipulate him and convince him to commit violent sexual assault on other people. A supporting character has his mind manipulated by the deuteragonist, afflicting him with the same severe agnosia as the protagonist's - after which the supporting character will kill his family and rape the deuteragonist. An optional route in the game depicts a female supporting character being kidnapped by the deuteragonist. The deuteragonist violently rapes her and slut-shames her, then encourages the protagonist to also rape her. The supporting character is brutally tortured to the point of feeling endless pain and becoming a sex slave, as well as being forced to help the deuteragonist procreate and reproduce more of her species.
Song to Song (Movie)
Songbird (Movie)
A male character keeps a woman in a motel room in which he lured her before the start of the film. He forces her to maintain a sexual relationship with him against her will. In one scene she straddles him and he kisses her while she looks away, it is implied that he also had sex with her. Later, when she tries to end their arrangement, he states he owns her. She is able to escape him.
The film contains one mention of involuntary probing (by aliens) and one insinuation of child abuse which is not actual.
Sonny Boy (TV Show)
S1E5: a female teacher presses a male student against her breasts.
Sons of Anarchy (TV Show)
S1E1: two women are mentioned to have been forced to perform sexual acts on a group of men. S1E3: in the first 10 minutes of the episode, a 13 year old girl lies in the dirt, stripped with her pants down, impliying that she was raped. S1E7: a man is instructed to initiate sex with an unwilling woman. She successfully fends him off. S1E8: a man who stalked one female characters returns to town. He is violent and she has a restraining order against him. This culminates in him hiding in her house and attempting to rape her (approximately 38 minutes into the episode). There is also an episode revolving around a teenage girl getting sexually abused by a group of men. Season 2: one of the characters is raped as a means to humiliate her and her husband. S4E1: an inmate makes a pass at a MC member: nothing comes from it. S5E5: an insurance agent is drugged, and, while unconscious, posed with a prostitute for blackmail purposes. The poses involve much unconsensual touching. S5E6: a character forces two other characters to get naked and get in bed together at gunpoint (about 20 minutes in). S6E1: an MC member is shown being raped in prison by another inmate as a guard looks on (about 6 minutes into the episode). A girl is beaten by a group of men, who are forcing girls to have sex with them and brutally treat them (about 15 minutes into the episode). They record it on video to sell it afterwards. It is mentioned, that the girls did not know, that they have sex with a group and are brutally treated by the (about 24 minutes into the episode). S6E1: a character tells that she has been assaulted (about 21 minutes into the episode) S6E5: guards force a couple to have sex, threatning to rape the woman if they do not (about 45 minutes into the episode). S7E10: one character is raped in prison (during the opening sequence). S7E12: the same character is raped by a rival club member (about 16 minutes into the episode).
The protagonist is a psychoanalyst. In the first 10 minutes of the film, one of his patients (a sex maniac) tells him that he is afraid to end up raping someone. This character appears at several other occasions throughout the film. A few minutes after that, the protagonist's daughter does her homework with a friend who insists to kiss her despite her refusal. Her parents are in the next room and her mother signals to her husband not to pay attention to the incident.
The Sopranos (TV Show)
Domestic violence against partners and violence against sex workers is commong throughout the whole show. S1E9: a subplot involves a high school girl practicing self-harm. It is revealed later in the episode that she had sex with her soccer coach (a celebrated figure in the episode). He ends up getting arrested. S1E11: a male character is pressured to undress in order to check for a wire, the character is clearly uncomfortable and is trying to leave the situation. S3E4: a woman is raped in a parking garage (17:30-19:34). The following scene shows her talking to detectives at the hospital. In the remainder of the episode, it is revealed that the cops messed up the case and that the rapist is allowed to walk free. The victim coincidentally sees that he is an employee at a restaurant nearby and fantasizes about the protagonist killing him. S5E1: about 2/3 of the way through the episode, a man kisses a woman without her consent. S5E10: two men threaten to rape another man with an object if he does not give them information they seek. S6E12: a man is beaten to death and it is implied that he was raped with an object while this occurs. S6E19: a man verbally harasses a young woman. The harassment is mentioned again later in the episode.
Sorcerer (Movie)
Sorority Row (Movie)
The film begins with a 'date rape prank' where a group of women trick a man into 'drugging' one of their friends to make her easier to sleep with. The woman being 'roofied' is in on the prank and this is done in retaliation for him cheating her. This ends up being the instigating incident of the film. The prank is discussed throughout and jokes about date rape are also made. There is repeated sexual harassment of the women in the film. A teenage girl tells a woman that she slept with her boyfriend. This is not shown on screen and we only see the aftermath.
The perspective character grew up on a religious cult commune. When she was thirteen, a police officer coerced her into sex. A cult leader pressured her into marriage after, and by fifteen she was pregnant. The same teenaged character enters into a sexual relationship with a much older woman. Later it is revealed that the woman has been actively working to harm her in multiple ways. It is mentioned in passing that some men in the commune believe they have a right to sex with their wives, regardless of consent.
Sort Of (TV Show)
Soul (Movie)
Soul Eater (TV Show)
S1E5: a girl is held by her hair by an adult man, and has her shirt lifted to reveal her stomach before she is freed. The scene is not sexual, but it is suggestive. A man discusses non-consensual experimentation done to him while sleeping (not sexual). S1E9: a teenage boy is pursued by someone trying to pull his clothes off. This is supposed to be comedic. One character frequently spies on his partner whilst they are bathing in the nude. Another, on multiple occasions, touches the breasts of his two female companions in order to make comments on the differences between their bodies. This is played for laughs. A teenage character is frequently harassed by an adult, who wakes him up by sitting on him and smothering him with her breasts. This is also played for laughs.
Chapter 23 : a man is threatened with being locked up with monsters, the implication being that they would rape him. Chapter 26: monsters attempting to capture the same man imply that he'll be used as "entertainment" for the monsters.
Soul Plane (Movie)
A female airline agent forces a male passenger to strip and drop his pants, claiming she is attracted to him and saying she has the power to "violate every one of his civil rights". She puts on latex gloves and shouts "cavity search": he screams "no" while the screen goes black.
Soul Survivor (Movie)
After the main character's boyfriend dies, he shows up in a dream and she asks him to make love to her : we find out that she was talking in her sleep and that her friend had sex with her because he thought she was talking to him (or so he says). About halfway through the movie, the main female character goes to the church for help and the priest puts his hand down her shirt. We later find out that he was just checking her necklace to see if she was Catholic to give her last rites. The main character also gets pinned against the inside of a car when the same friend tells her she liked when he kissed her. This turns out to be part of a dream too. Its also worth noting that the main character is constantly followed and physically attacked by men.
Soulmates (TV Show)
S1E2: a sexual assault between and older professor and his college student is discussed. S1E6: a woman gets catcalled and shoved around in an alley by two different men. The first man is trying to teach her how to breathe in scary situations but the second's dialog indicates he plans to attack her.
This movie is about child trafficking (for sexual exploitation essentially) and based on real events. A young teenager is raped, and her little brother is sexually abused and photographed for child pornography. The child also present PTSD symptoms.
S1E1: the underage lead is physically harrassed by her adult male employer, which is implied to be attempted rape/violence (47:45-49:45). She pushes him off, which leads to physical hostility as he threatens to call the police and accuses her of "using" his kindness for money. [Review in process]
Do, a deer, a female deer...
There is a mention of sexual abuse on a child by his grandfather (35:00).
S1E14: the mother of the protagonist dresses up and goes to a club. She is grabbed by a man, and pushed into a room of men. She wants to escape but the door is blocked by a man. Nothing happens because the men in the room happen to be some acquaintance of her son. But it is clear that something fishy is going on and it is a regular way of doing business in the club.
Sounder (Movie)
Sous La Seine (Movie)
Worthy of note: an older man makes a comment to a female police officer. It may be seen as a catcall, but it is in no way predatory or uncomfortable, and it comes off as a simple compliment.
South Park (TV Show)
The show is notorious for having insensitive jokes scattered throughout and being controversial in general. Most non-consensual scenes are short and played for laugh: however some are pretty graphic. S1E1: aliens anally probe a character. S3E6: the episode focuses on sexual harassment lawsuits. A 3rd grade class is informed of the subject by a man in a panda suit telling them that sexual harassment is not cool. S3E7: a young teenage girl is in a relationship with a young adult man. They make out and the man pressures the girl to have sex with him, but is rejected. S3E17: incest and rape are implied/mentioned. S4E5: a man is gang-raped by paedophiles off-screen after being mistaken for a child. The scene is played for laughs. S4E15: a young boy gives a man a blowjob in return for money off-screen. S4E16: children falsely accuse their parents of molestation. S5E2: a scout leader orders his scout boys to strip for naked photographs off-screen. S5E8: a character is mentioned to be experiencing date rape psychosis (this is an excuse for kids to play video games). S6E1: one character explains that he wants to give children ‘AIDS’. This is taken out of context, as he meant "aides". S6E8: the episode focuses on the Catholic church sexual abuse scandals. A counsellor asks the boys if they were molested. S6E10: several young boys become somewhat oddly obsessed with a young girl’s boobs. A young girl becomes envious to another girl who has developed boobs and decides to get a breast implant surgery. S6E11: a man lures in a child to his van, but nothing happens as the man gets arrested. S6E12: a man interviewed by news media repeatedly makes pedophilic jokes of raping young boys. S7E5: a child gives a handjob to a man and sleeps with him somewhat against the child’s will. S7E14: young girls dress in skimpy outfit and act flirtatious as waitresses in a restaurant. S8E5: a man asks a child in a robot costume if he can give the man sexual service. The child runs out quickly and the man is seen chasing after with his pants off. S8E6: a man sleeps with a couple of young children (without sexual intent). The children’s parents suspect that the man may be a pedophile and warns the children. S8E7: a big pile of men have orgy in public. By the end of the episode, three children join in, but nothing is shown. S8E10: a group of young teenagers ask younger children to take picture of one of the children’s naked mother. However, the younger children come up with other plans. S8E12: the episode revolves around Paris Hilton posing corruptive influence on young girls, in which girls start to objectify themselves and act like ‘whores’. S8E13: a serial killer murders several women but nothing is shown. In his house, there are cut-out pictures of naked women. It is implied that the killer had a sexually abusive mother. S9E7: a doctor asks a child to remove his shirt so they can make out, but his request is rejected. The same child has sex with an adult prostitute off-screen. S10E1: the entire plot of the episode revolves around the sexual abuse of children. It is constantly mentioned throughout the episode An investigator demonstrates to a fourth-grade class what paedophiles do to children with a featureless doll. A young boy says his uncle did that to him once, indicating that he was sexually abused. S10E10: a kindergarten teacher embarks on a sexual relationship with a student. One character reports it to the police but he is not taken seriously, because the perpetrator is a conventionally attractive woman, setting the episode’s conflict. S10E11: naked children on leash are seen held among a group of clergymen. Jeffrey Dahmer has visceral sex with a dead man’s internal organs. S11E2: a character takes a sordid photo of his so-called friend while he was sleeping to humiliate him. He reverses the positions to trick him into oral, only for his father to catch him and send him to a conversion camp. S11E8: a young boy lures in numerous pedophiles to a building with the promise of sex, but nothing happens as all the pedophiles soon commit suicide once entering the building. S11E10: a young boy loses a bet to another boy, which punishment is to suck the winner’s testicles. The loser is unwilling to do so while the winner continuously pressures the loser until the two next episodes. A child jokes about a stranger raping himself and his friends. S11E11: adult characters are raped off-screen. S11E12: evil wooden critters discuss hunting down people, killing them and sodomizing their corpses. S12E1: a young boy infects another boy with HIV via blood injection while the victim is asleep. People are under the impression that they had unprotected sex, but that is not the case. S12E8: Steven Spielberg and George Lucas rape Indiana Jones, as a jab to purists who claimed that they “raped their childhoods.” The characters who witnessed this are traumatized by it. S13E1: a couple of young girls are called in backstage to see a boys band, and they got the wrong idea that they are called to give the band a blowjob. S13E8: two male judges masturbate when pageant girls are performing on-stage. S13E9: multiple young girls sell themselves for kissing and hug services. A young boy harasses a couple of young girls while offering if he can pimp them out. S13E10: a wrestler places two children in a somewhat compromising position, this is not meant to be taken sexually and the children misunderstood the situation and soon bail out. S14E7: a boy is raped by a shark. S14E9: a rat monster rapes characters, only to be stopped by one of the protagonists. S14E8: a child falsely informs a man that his wife has been raped. S14E10: a teacher threatens to orally rape a young student. In a flashback, the said teacher was molested as a young child. S14E11: a child suggests that another child should pose naked with a man in a photograph so they can blackmail a third party. S15E1: a child ‘falsely portrays his mom as his molester’. This is done because of the child’s spoiled character after his wish is not fulfilled by his mother. S16E1: characters are inspected and surveilled thru CCTV camera when using the bathroom. A TSA agent who is surveilling people is seen masturbating. S16E8: a child sells his semen as bottled drink product. Various consumers drink the product, not knowing what is it. S17E5: a toddler tries to have sex with a woman behind a mascot suit. S17E8: a brother and sister news host team have sex in a Game of Thrones parody. S18E5: few children peep and take a picture of a naked unsuspecting woman via drone camera. The picture later got spread around town. S19E2: a character is pressured into raping a Canadian girl, only to befriend her instead. A man rapes the Canadian president to death. S21E7: the president rapes immigrants. This is viewed as horrifying. S22E2: churchgoers make jokes about the priest being a pedophile (which is false). Throughout the episode, the said priest is seen hanging out with a young boy constantly, leaving people somewhat concerned and confused. S24E1 (Pandemic Special): discussion and visuals of a bat and a pangolin being raped by a lead character. Repeated, graphic discussion of DNA (sperm) inside of these animals. The same character puts his sperm into a joint and forces another character to smoke it, also tricking a number of other characters into smoking/ingesting it unknowingly. S24E2: a man asks a child if he knows what pedophilia is, then offers to demonstrate as an explanation. Nothing happens as the child calls for his mom. S25E6: a young boy is jailed for sexual assault after pinching a young girl (his intention is not sexual). Saint Patrick gropes and caresses several women and men.
Southbound (Movie)
The titular vampire character rapes the protagonist's friend and threatens to kill the friend's family if she tells anyone what happened. The rape causes her to have a mysterious autoimmune disease from which she later dies. The vampire primarily targets and abducts children. Before she identifies him as a vampire, the protagonist believes him to be a child molester. He sucks blood from his victims' inner thighs, which adds to the quasi-sexual nature of his attacks. He specifically targets children in a poor Black neighborhood because he knows that the wider community won't defend or care about them. He later begins to target the children in the white community that he lives in. Towards the end of the book, the protagonist catches the vampire sucking blood from her teenage daughter. Almost everyone gaslights the protagonist when she suspects the vampire. The vampire in particular makes excuses for himself, saying that he has to suck people's blood to manage a health condition that he has. He also claims that his attacks on the protagonist's children are the protagonist's fault for suspecting him and trying to oust him from the community.
One man says he will 'take' another man's wife - meaning is left ambiguous.
The Souvenir (Movie)
This story features a woman coping with the memories of an extremely, violently abusive relationship. It is never explicitly stated what age she is when the relationship begins but it may have been her mid to late teens after she was unsuccessful at becoming a sex worker. The focus of the protagonist's memories are the non-sexual violence of the relationship. Their sexual relationship is never really mentioned. A few chapters are spent with some secondary characters, one of whom is an adult man, 30+, who is married to a teenager. They are never seen together in the story. There is a brief passage explaining one of the methods sex workers use to prevent clients from interacting with them in non-consentual ways which describes some hypothetical non-consentual acts.
Space Brothers (TV Show)
Worthy of note: a 30 year old man meets a 15 year old girl, who develops feelings for him. He tells her to find someone of her own age. Later, he continuously watches a video of her doing ballet. It is unclear whether he has feelings for her. In the manga, he mentions how he will be thinking of her. It is unclear whether he means this in a romantic way.
Space Dandy (TV Show)
Space Force (TV Show)
S1E1: the main character’s wife is in prison and a joke is made about her being raped or molested by a guard who slips her food while she is being denied food by the prison (around 19:00).
Space Jam (Movie)
Multiple characters make harassing comments and wolf whistles toward a female character.
While there is no sexual assault in the show, there are multiple instances of characters being heavily sexualized: the antagonist in particular has a highly sexualized design, and a minor crossover character is a living sex doll who does not wear any pants (her original source material does have explicit sexual assault, but this is not referenced at all here).
Space Sweepers (TV Show)
The topic of false memory syndrome is brought up shortly in the game, which could make some players uncomfortable with how the history and use of it has affected sexual assault victims.
A character discusses three females captives, asking whether they are pretty, young and soft, and stating that young girls are nicer to touch (27:20-27:50). A man forces a young woman into the water and then washes her hair against her will and then forces her to wash herself while he watches (33:00-34:00). The three female captives are held by guards. Their leader orders one of the women to be undressed. As the guard starts to pull the woman's clothes off, he is ordered to do it slowly. The leader makes overtly sexual sounds as he watches (48:00- 48:40). The character who earlier talked about touching young girls, attempts to grab a restrained woman's chest, but she manages to pull away (1:12:30). A woman is chained up and a male character tells her that she is going to give herself to him. An unexplained process then follows in which the male character gestures and makes sexual noises and the woman is physically affected, although there is no contact. Despite the lack of physical contact the allusion to rape is very strong (1:18:00-1:19:00).
Spanish Princess (TV Show)
A drunk guy gets on stage whilea female band is performing: he grabs the singer's chest and she shoves him offstage.
Spark (2014) (Movie)
Spark (2016) (Movie)
While there are no clear sexual advances, the villain forces a woman to be betrothed to him even though she clearly doesn't reciprocate his feelings. He attempts to force a kiss on her at the end, but she refuses and defends herself.
There is a point where a young looking woman says that she had a sexual relationship with one of the band members who is clearly an adult, and said they knew each other since she was 14. It was not made clear their ages when they were in a relationship. Worthy of note: the protagonists discuss teenage girls who were fans of the band being disrespectful of boundaries, such as pressing them against buildings and running onto stage hugging them.
Due to a cultural misunderstanding, one of the main characters becomes a sex slave for a wealthy aristocrat. He is violently raped by him and his friends many times over the course of several months. It is worth noting that much of the book (and its sequel) focuses on this character’s experience with and recovery from PTSD. While the sexual violence is discussed many times, these discussions mostly focus on the survivor’s perspective.
Spartacus (2010) (TV Show)
Spawn (Movie)
Threats of sexual violence in this movie are particularly violent, sudden, and cruel. 21:37-21:40: inappropriate comment towards a child. 1:03:11-1:03:53: rape threats. 1:15:28-1:15:49: sexual harassmen. 1:21:43-1:22:06: more rape threats and sexual harassment.
Speak (Movie)
The film is about a teenage girl who is overcoming the effects of a rape. She is bullied by her peers for calling the police to break up the party where she was assaulted.
This adaptation follows the same plot as the traditional print version, in that the protagonist spends a school year recovering from a rape that took place before the events of the book. The illustrations related to the rape are stylized to portray the disgust and horror the protagonist feels, portraying the rapist as a monster or predator, but there are no nude or sexual depictions.
The book is centered around the protagonist recovering from being raped before the events of the book.
Speak No Evil (Movie)
The premise of the movie is that one family goes to visit another that they met as tourists. While the wife of family A (the guests) is taking a shower, someone from family B (the hosts), presumably the husband, enters the bathroom and starts brushing their teeth. Although the shower has frosted glass walls, and no one can see in or out, the fact that someone walks in on wife A, without knocking or acknowledging the transgression, makes her visibly upset. During a sex scene with couple A, the husband from family B stares at them through a window 38:44-39:50. Later, child A is crying in the middle of the night because she is lonely. Husband B picks her up and brings her to the bed he shares with his wife. He sleeps naked in the bed.
Worthy of note: the protagonist, a high school student, goes on a few dates with a college student. However, they are both 18. Spoiler: police shoot one of the protagonists on the assumption that he is raping someone. He is not.
The Special (Movie)
When characters' health points reach 0, their clothes become ripped off completely and can trigger a sex scene, which are presumably rapes. The game revolves around themes of defeat, sexual humiliation, and violation of the characters. This game also contains more niche fetishes that a mainstream audience would likely not enjoy, such as scat, urine, giving birth, vomit, excessive bodily harm, crucifixion, and more.
S1E3: a man forcibly tries to kiss and touch a woman. She asks him to stop and eventually hits him in the throat to make him stop. She returns to her room and locks the door. The man knocks insistently on her door until security leads him away. S1E4: the main character's drink is drugged. The man who drugged her takes her out into the woods and prepares to rape her, but her handler and other team members find her. They threaten the attacker and kick him in the genitals several times.
The Specials (Movie)
Species 2 (Movie)
Spectral (Movie)
Speechless (Movie)
This is a short film discussing sexual assault and rape amongst teenage boys. There is a discussion of a teenage boy's rape and a brief segment addressing the aftermath of this event.
Speed (Movie)
There is one scene that involves a women being chained to a pole as a prisoner, and this may be distressing to some viewers.
Speed Grapher (TV Show)
Spell (Movie)
A couple times it is implied that the main character (16 year old) has encountered creepy people/harassment or similar during her journey. None of that is described, just briefly mentioned. Chapter 12: this chapter contains two rape attempts: first, by the river and then when the protagonist is visited by someone. In the end, the main character gets in a relationship with an adult man whose age is unclear.
Spellcaster (Movie)
A woman's boss grabs her bottom while she is washing dishes: she is very uncomfortable but feels like she cannot respond. A woman attempting to take a bath is picked up by a man who is trying to rape her. She fights back and repeatedly yells, and is rescued eventually before the man gets the chance to.
Spencer (Movie)
A man asks another character whether they were sexually assaulted whilst held captive.
Spice World (Movie)
Towards the end of the movie, it is implied that a mentally challenged character raped a woman, who wakes up having apparently enjoyed it. The whole scene is played for laughs.
Spider-Man (Movie)
A character is cornered by a group of men and her clothes torn, implying a forthcoming sexual assault, which is prevented by the arrival of the hero.
Worthy of note: an adult man pins down a teenage boy during a battle. It is not sexual at all, but the boy is squirming and constantly trying to fight him off. Additionally, the man has been ripping his costume off, which is skintight, and whispers into his ear at a close distance.
Worthy of note: an adult forces an underage teenager to undress in front of her. The teenager looks visibly distressed and attempts to end the encounter multiple times. In another scene, a character tries to peek at another character while he changes clothing. Both scenes are played for laughs.
The main character is non-consensually slapped on the buttocks by another teenager (49:30).
Spider-Man 2 (Movie)
Worthy of note: non-sexual threats to women are made by male villains.
Spiderhead (Movie)
Prisoners who sign up to be part of drug trials in exchange for a nicer prison and amenities consent to be drugged with a drug causing their libido to increase, leading to them willingly have sex with each other. While they technically can decline to be drugged, it is shown that they are threatened with removal from the program and sent back to regular prison if they choose not to be drugged.
Spielberg (Movie)
Worthy of note: there is a part where the bad guy pokes his finger into the pigeons cloaca when he is trying to figure out if it is a robot bird. It only shows the pigeon's surprised face of shock.
Spin Me Round (Movie)
Spinning Man (Movie)
There is a relationship between the lead man and one his (adult) students.
Spinning Out (TV Show)
Spinster (Movie)
Spiral (Movie)
Spirit Trap (Movie)
Spirited Away (Movie)
Worthy of note: Some fans think that the main character's experiences in a bathhouse for spirits were directly inspired by narratives of human trafficking. However, this potential allegory is subtle enough that it is unlikely that children, or even some adults, will make the connection on the first viewing.
Spiritfarer (Video Game)
Splendor (Movie)
Splice (2009) (Movie)
A woman is raped and impregnated by a human hybrid. She is paid to keep the baby to full term. A human hybrid is strapped to a table and her clothes are cut off. There is a sex scene between a man and a human hybrid who is being raised as a child: it is unclear if she is an adult.
Splinter (Movie)
Split (2016) (Movie)
It is implied that a character has been sexually abused by her uncle since she was a child and that the abuse is still happening. A man orders a teenage girl to remove her clothes. The scene changes before anything is shown, but abuse is implied.
In the very beginning of the book, the narrator describes fearing recess as a child because of boys habitually chasing girls in order to touch them inappropriately. There is also mention of a teacher who fondles his girl students. Later on, the narrator describes a boy attempting to rape her.
The Spoilers (Movie)
A man forcefully kisses a woman. Later, another man grabs the same woman to abuse her, but before anything happens, he is stopped by that previous man.
Story 1 (Repent): a high school boy drugs a girl, strips her naked and leaves her like that at a party. It is specifically stated that no one assaults her, but that the rumors were enough to ruin her reputation which was the intention. Later, there are brief, non-graphic mentions of women being abused by the police.
The entire film has a heavy theme of sexual abuse/trauma with the main character. There are lots of talk that alludes to previous abuse or inappropriate behavior from the various foster homes she has been to and there are a few scenes throughout the movie where it shows either explicit unwanted advances from other characters, or her perception of the advances due to hallucinations from LSD. Her most recent foster father has a couple scenes that are heavily hinting at his sexual desire and need for her; there is one scene where he tries to coerce her into a sexual act when she comes home late, though she attacks him instead. In one scene, she is having consensual sex, and the man starts getting rough and choking her. She says she is into it, it just seems questionable whether she truly is or not. Overall it does depict the consequences of years of childhood sexual abuse pretty well, so it was portrayed accurately. It is very intense at times.
Spotless (TV Show)
A man has sex with a deceased person: we can see him on top of her and getting off doing up his trousers. It is discussed how taht same man had sex with his deceased wife to ‘love her back to life’. A niece tries to seduce her uncle. It is heavily implied that a teen girl going to be exploited to adult man, but is saved by her father before anything happens.
Spotlight (Movie)
Spree (Movie)
The film contains a mention of "date-rape" (1:05:52), kidnapping and unwanted advances (1:11:06-1:32:32). A male character tells a female character that he is taking her to his house so they can make a sex tape and leak it to further their brands. She is trapped in the backseat of his car and attacks him to try to escape: he takes a poll to his live stream on what he should do to her and the rape option loses (1:16:30-1:17:26). There are date rape jokes throughout the movie.
Spring (Movie)
About halfway through the movie, the main male character talks to one of the female protagonist, who is willing to leave his place. Getting close to her, he tries to convince her to stay while touching her face and getting threatening. The woman is visibly distressed, but nothing further happens: she then leaves.
At 29 minutes in, the protagonist accidentally walks into a room where a woman is changing. At 31 minutes, he touches her breast while she is asleep. She is surprised and rebuffs him but then reciprocates. They are stopped by another character walking in. At 35 minutes, he again touches her breast and she slaps him. After that, they have consensual sex several times. SPOILERS: Years after, it is revealed that the protagonist eventually killed her because of his jealousy.
Sprung (TV Show)
S1E1: sexual harassment is discussed. S1E3: a joke about a handsy uncle is made. A man is forced to show his penis. S1E4: during a robbery, thieves leave a picture of a penis at the scene and make it seem like a person ordered a dick pic online. Two characters look at each other through holes in a wall (flirting): they are conflicted about it. It is mentioned that a girl's father only filmed the other girls in a gymnastic competition.
Sputnik (Movie)
The Spy (TV Show)
S1E3: a soldier sexually harasses a waitress multiple times, while the other men surrounding them laugh. S1E4: three women are brought to a military man of high rank and the other soldiers grab the women and joke they should be given to the soldiers first so they can "get them ready".
Spy (2015) (Movie)
The film contains many instances of cat calling. Additionnally, a man repeatedly tries to kiss a woman despite her being visibly against it.
Spy Kids (Movie)
Spy X Family (TV Show)
A main character shows obsessive behavior toward his older sister. This is played off in a comedic way. This is a common theme when this this character is on scene (with or without his sister on scene). Worthy of note: S1E2: a woman says she finds her boss a creep for looking at her. S1E13: after losing her daughter, a mother is afraid that she got kidnapped to be forced to marry someone. However, this is not the case (played for comedic effect). S1E9: a boy asks his older sister to marry him. As an adult he is referred to as a siscon which is someone who is overly obsessed with their sibling. However, he is not actually in love with her but admires her a lot for taking care of him. Nothing inappropriate happens.
Spyro the Dragon (Video Game)
The main characters are werewolves who hunt rapists or would-be rapists. They lure young men by using themselves or others as bait while they are in their human forms.
An artist attempts to rape a woman as part of a performance.
Squealer (Movie)
Throughout the movie, women are shown naked being violently murdered.
Squid Game (TV Show)
S1E5: a man claims that he and others had sex with a dead woman's body (37:00-38:00). S1E6: a sexual abuse by a father on her daughter is mentioned briefly. A character says that he and other men took turns assaulting a girl before they killed her. S1E7: a man tries to force another man into oral sex. He defends himself. Beforehand, the victim is told to take off his mask and show his face, the assaulter threatening to kill him if he does not. Since the victim is in disguise as a server, there is an extreme and inherent power imbalance.
A little boy smears his semen on multiple surfaces in school. An older professor tries to force his young female student into giving him oral sex and is stopped by his son opening the bedroom door (18:50).
Squidbillies (TV Show)
S1E2: a man in a church holds down a woman and is preparing to spank her against her will as he tells the woman's husband to watch. S2E1: a man calls himself “the rapist” because many people come into his office thinking he is a therapist. During a conversation he mentions that many woman “aren't into rape” and that he will not change his ways. S6E3: a man disguising himself as Jesus attempts to have sex with one of the side characters. it is very clear that she does not want to and she is very hesitant. A few seconds later it shows her running out of the house. S6E5: a man flirts and has obvious intentions of having sex with his son's girlfriend who is very obviously underage and touches her. She rejects his advances and walks out of the trailer.
Squirm (Movie)
A woman is visibly uncomfortable at being left alone on a boat with a man. Soon after he tells her that he wants to be in a relationship with her and forcibly kisses her but she pushes him away. Later he tries to kidnap her, and he does gag her but nothing further happens.
St. Trinian's (Movie)
Stage Mother (Movie)
The film features a scene of date rape that happens to a lead female character. Detail is handled sensitively but the scene is quite shocking in an otherwise mostly comedic movie.
The Stairs (Movie)
Stake Land (Movie)
A group of men attempt to rape a woman, but she escapes. A man motions towards a woman to 'join him' in his tent, which she does not want to do.
A doctor is shown kissing an unconscious teenage patient recovering from surgery. The plot revolves around the doctor's obsession with the teenage patient: he drugs, abducts, ties up and kisses the teenager without consent.
Stalker (Movie)
Stan & Ollie (Movie)
The Stand (TV Show)
Stand By Me (Movie)
This summary concerns the 1990 Uncut Version of the Book. Some of these scenes may or may not appear in the Original (1978) edition. In the backstory of a villain, it is told that he attempted to sexually assault a woman. A man approaches a male character and his female compantion, trying to purchase the woman. Later, these same men are in search of the woman, it is implied that if they were to find her, they would assault her. But they are unable to find her. When two groups of main characters meet up, a young man accuses an older one of wanting to "use" his female friend. Later on, the two men have a brief discussion about sexual assault. A male protagonist is seduced by, and has sex with a 17 year old. In a character's backstory, we learn he has been sexually assaulted in prison. The same character later mentions that he knows the result of war will be rape and murder, but he does not care. Later, he runs into a perverted young man, who forces him to give him a hand job, while sexually assaulting him with a pistol. After being stalked, the main group gets ambushed by men who are revealed to keep women as sexual slaves, it is heavily implied that some of them were children. After a fight, women are rescued and talk about their experiences, traumatised. The main villain meets up with a woman. They begin to consentually touch. However the woman changes her mind before the act, but he brutally sexually assaults her. It is shown that she is pregnant and deeply traumatised after.
The Standoff (Movie)
Star (TV Show)
Season 1: a woman is raped by her foster father. Season 3: an old woman is raped. It is revealed that a character was raped multiple times by her father when she was younger and got impregnated by him at a young age.
Star Trek (TV Show)
S1E5 ('The Enemy Within'): a character gets split into a good half and an evil half of himself. His evil half attempts to sexually assault a woman. S2E11: the female protagonist continually asks not to be touched and is forcefully carried by the crew. A man touches her pregnant belly, and after being repeatedly slapped, he slaps her to comply. S2E16 ('The Gamesters of Triskellion'): a man forces himself into the prison cell of a protagonist, and she can be heard screaming off-screen for some amount of time. S2E19: a woman tries to bargain with a group of men from an opposing tribe: they attempt to rape her and she is killed by one of them. S3E10: several members of the crew are forced to kiss one another against their will. S3E11 ('Day of the Dove'): the protagonist threatens to rape another character and physically assaults her while he is under mind control. An invading alien continually kisses a main male character against his will: he forces her off (15:00). A woman is sexually assaulted off-screen by a man while under the influence of the hive-mind.
S1E19: a character discusses war crimes, including rape. S2E7: characters sexually harass and grope several crewmates throughout. It is played for laughs. S3E6: a 16 year old boy and a 20 year old woman have a romantic relationship: his father is not happy and flags it as inappropriate. S3E19: a main character sleeps with a side character who wrongly thinks he is her established partner. S6E17: in flashbacks, a main character discovers that her mother had been a 'comfort woman' to a main antagonist during a war. It is ambiguous whether she developed Stockholm Syndrome and came to love her captor, or if she did not resist solely out of fear for her life and the lives of her husband and children. S6E23: at the start of the episode, the bar owner blackmails an employee to read a book on sex acts for his race (ferengi) mentioning that he can fire her. In this episode a main character gets surgery to pose as a female in a meeting with a high ranking ferengi and gets invited back to the ferengi's quarters where he chases the character around and makes unwanted sexual advances. This is played for jokes. S7E9: a character refers to discoveries made in a previous episode where a character finds out that her mother had been a 'comfort woman' to a main antagonist during a war. It is ambiguous whether she developed Stockholm Syndrome and came to love her captor, or if she did not resist solely out of fear for her life and the lives of her husband and children. as well as this later in the episode it is discovered that two characters have had sex one getting the other pregnant it is left unclear and somewhat implied that this encounter was not consensual. after the conversation, the father of the child attempts to kill the mother (S6E17). S7E18: a man seduces a woman pretending to be a Bajoran messenger of the prophets, while actually being a Cardassian operative with ulterior motives.
Ongoing plot about a survivor of sexual assault and torture interacting with his abuser, including many flashback scenes of sexual abuse and torture. The survivor is presented as having enjoyed some of this abuse. The survivor goes on to coerce another character into sex at a later point in the series. SPOILERS: one character is in a relationship with another character and, during the course of this relationship, their physical and mental self is altered to the extent that they appear to be another person. However, this process is not perfect and there is some 'bleed through' - these memories are interpreted by the 'new' personality as rape and sexual abuse. The revelation of what is actually going on takes place throughout several episodes in the first season.
S1E6: while a Vulcan woman is being held captive, an Andorian guard says he "looks forward to having her.... As a prisoner", the implication being that he hopes to assault her. S1E17: a female character is assaulted telepathically in an extended metaphor for sexual assault. S1E18: female characters are threatened with sexual slavery. One woman is touched in a way that is seen as sexual by the abuser while he assumes she is unconscious. S1E19: the episode has lots of discussion of sexual slavery, with multiple female characters threatened with being sold into slavery. S2E25: one female character undergoes "Pon Farr", which means that her mating drive is driven up. She triesseveral times to convince one of the make characters to have sex despite his obvious discomfort. S3E4: a female character is pressured into a physical act with sexual overtones. S4E4: characters and plot elements regarding sexual slavery from S1E12 return. S4E17: multiple male characters are chemically coerced into sexual acts.
It may be taken as implied that a character is sexually assaulted off-screen; having been held captive, restrained, and tortured, he is asked how long it is been since he last had sex. He is kissed against his will and although he kisses his assailant back, it is clear that this is because he has been coerced. The scene cuts away. leaving a certain amount of ambiguity, but viewers connecting the dots can assume he is raped off-screen after the scene ends.
The encounter between an adult and a teenager is only implied; nothing is shown on screen.
S3E5: a character has their body taken over by a piece of their younger self's consciousness, which had been previously erased by a brain implant. The consciousness then uses his body to sexually harass a coworker.
A protagonist is telepathically forced to experience her consensual sexual partner being replaced by another party forcing himself on her.
S1E3: a character's backstory involving rape is mentioned. S1E6: a character has a hallucination where she is back in her home colony being chased by a "rape gang". It lasts 15 seconds, during which the rapists are seen in her doorway. S2E1: a protagonist is telepathically impregnated without her consent. S3E6: a protagonist creates a simulation of another person on the and begins a romantic relationship with the simulation. S3E8: a visitor to the ship secretly uses telepathic powers to take advantage of other people, including starting a sexual relationship with a main character. S3E14: the episode revolves around a protagonist being accused of rape. The accusations are dismissed as a misinterpretation and the protagonists view the accusations as an injustice. S3E21: a protagonist creates non-sentient simulations of coworkers for romantic and sexual relationships. S3E22: a protagonist is kidnapped and frequently gaslighted by his captor. The latter is revealed to also have enslaved a woman for 14 years, boasting of how 'naive' she was when he found her. He spills acid on his clothing in order to get him to change into clothing her prefers. In the same scene, he states "personally, I'd be delighted to see you go around naked". (21:33-22:59) It also might be of note that the captor could be interpreted as a queer-coded villain, thus reinforcing harmful stereotypes. When the protagonist attempts to escape, he murders her brutally. S3E24: a protagonist and her mother are kidnapped and stripped, though nothing in the episode implies this is for a sexual reason. S4E6: a character's backstory involving rape is discussed. S4E15: a protagonist is coerced into sex in exchange for protection. S4E16: this episode is a sequel to S3E6. A protagonist pursues a colleague, going so far as to set up a romantic dte under the guise of a professional meeting. The colleague finds out that the protagonist has previously simulated her and though she feels violated, she later apologizes for feeling uncomfortable for it. S5E12: a protagonist is telepathically assaulted and forced to experience a memory of another protagonist forcing himself on her. Rape is mentioned at 43:50.
S1E15: one character mentions that someone he fell in love with was raped and killed (33:50). S2E26: a character mentions how Native American women were raped, adding to the plot of a male main character having his DNA stolen by a woman to conceive a child without his consent. S4E20: an alien using the form of one of the crew is intimate with the crewmates partner. Later, he is physically aggressive when she turns down a date with him.
S2E14: the titular character stalks another character with forbidden magic because she has got a crush on him. She sees what he is doing and destroys his date with another girl by accident (15:53-16:15). S2E16: the titular character (14 year old) shows a crush on a 30 year old version of another character (18:53). S3E18: two character kiss under dubious circumstances. S4E3: a queen switches her body with another character who can crystallize people and tries to un-crystallize her husband. She thus violates the body of this character with dark magic.
S4E14: an adult woman is shown spanking a young female character. S4E20: a character rejects a man's advances and he grabs her by the arm in retaliation. Another female character is being held hostage and transported to a man she would be forced to marry. S5E8: a young woman is captured and in discussing her ransom, her captor implies that she will be sold to a male criminal for sexual purposes. There is also mildly implied necrophilia.
Worthy of note: towards the end of the film, the male protagonist chokes his wife while another man pleads him to let her go.
SPOILERS There is a kiss and (implied one-sided) attraction between siblings. However, both are unaware that they are related at the time. Worthy of note: at the time that the film was written/came out, it had not yet been decided by the writers, director or production team that the characters would later be revealed to be related.
A man grabs a woman in order to get her to be quiet. She tells him several times to let go, and he responds: 'don't get excited.' SPOILER: One scene depicts a kiss between a brother and sister (they aren't aware that they are related).
Character is held prisoner and forced to dress in a metal bikini while chained. Strong abuse of power and sexual overtones.
Worthy of note: the antagonist captures the main character and tells her he can take whatever he wants, meaning thoughts and memories rather than anything sexual, but the tone of the scene may be uncomfortable for some.
A woman kisses a man without consent. Worthy of note: the main female character returns to an older male character who had previously captured and restrained her while violating her mind. After working together for a period of time, he continues to emotionally manipulate her.
Starcrash (Movie)
The female protagonist is captured by enemies and tied up.
Stardew Valley (Video Game)
During a cutscene involving an available-to-romance NPC, the character takes the player on a date alone at sea, where he non-consensually kisses them after proclaiming his love for the protagonist. At that point in the game, the player would already have to be romantically involved with the NPC (by choice) to trigger this event, but in the scene, he states that the player and him had “been friends for a while,” therefore implying that you were not dating by that point.
It is briefly implied that a pirate may act violently towards a woman, but the threat is quickly dispelled and the scene is handled comedically.
Starfish (Movie)
Stargate (Movie)
A team arrives on a planet where a woman is offered to them as a sexual gift by a tribe. At first, the man refuses, but because the woman faces humiliation of rejection, he eventually gives in later. This is later portrayed romantically since they become a couple.
S2E4: this episode involves a person taking over another person's body and kissing someone. S2E15: when a constable becomes unsatisfied, he implies to a woman that she might have “something else” to offer him. He then forcefully grabs the woman’s arm against her will. The situation is quickly stopped by one of the main characters, and he fights the officers. S3E3: this episode revolves around a man who is revealed to be systematically drugging the people in the town he lives in with a potion that makes them highly susceptible to suggestion. He uses this to make everybody do what he wants, including coercing women into having sex with him. At the end of the episode, the main characters are able to stop him from continuing to drug the townspeople, and the effects of the potion wear off. This character also shows up again in a later episode and the main characters are concerned that he may be drugging people again, but it is revealed that this is not the case. S3E5: the main characters experience hyper-realistic hallucinations induced by their captors in an attempt to extract information from them. They do not realize that what is happening is not real until it is over, at which point one character vaguely implies that the hallucination he experienced involved some form of sexual assault. This is played as a joke. S3E15: this episode features the rapist again. He is no longer drugging people, but he is still using his cult of personality to draw innocent people in and deceiving them. Also a threat of rape is made against villagers.
Stargate SG-1 (TV Show)
*Because some sites combine the first two episodes of the series into one, any episode in the first series will not always be numbered in the same way.* S1E1: a female character is stripped naked and implanted with a parasite in a manner that is strongly reminiscent of sexual assault. S1E4: a main character is repeatedly kissed, touched, and threatened with rape throughout the episode as she is held prisoner after being "purchased". Her team disregards all of her fears beforehand and the trauma is not dealt with after. S1E5: an attempted rape occurs on screen. It is unclear how far the attempt gets before it is thwarted. The victim's clothes are ripped off below her waist, and she screams throughout the scene. This is witnessed by several main characters, one of whom wants to help but is commanded not to. Another main character burshes the incident off as normal behavior for the person who comitted it, due to him being from a less-evolved species. This character also states that all copulation was probably forced when humans were less-evolved. S1E9: a main character is drugged and discovers upon regaining consciousness that the woman who drugged him had sex with him. This is played as a joke. S1E14 + S2E22 + S3E1: the rape of a main character is not acknowledged as being coercive despite the perpetrator clearly and repeatedly drugging him with what is alluded to be a aphrodisiac, which allows the perpetrator to completely control the actions of her victims. It is only ever brought up later in a joking manner except when the perpetrator is in a later episode and sexually harasses the previously assaulted character. In season 1, she is about to rape another main character but at the last moment instead violently cuts the character’s stomach open. S3E12: a character experiences the memories of another (deceased) character's attempts to escape from an alien prison. These memories are shown to be extremely painful and upsetting for the character to recall, and it is eventually revealed that they are memories of how the deceased character escaped from the prison by entering into a sexual relationship with a guard. The way these memories are recalled and presented is strongly reminiscent of rape, but it is not referred to as such within the show. Some concern is also vaguely expressed by the characters that the person who currently holds these memories will be sexually assaulted by the guard in question, but this does not happen. S9E19: a female lead is impregnated against her will with an evil entity via scientific means. The character is extremely distressed by the forced pregnancy, wished to terminate it and is unable to due to the primitive conditions she is trapped in, and reveals in a later episode in season 10 that she 'could have put a stop to this' and that she regretted not killing herself to end the pregnancy. She is also coerced into entering into a marriage against her will because she worries would be killed for being unmarried and pregnant in the preindustrial village she is trapped in. S10E14: it is revealed that the same evil entity, now rapidly grown to an adult, sexually assaults a male lead by forcing him to have sex with her, the male character is spared consciously experiencing this because another character possesses him so he will not have to experience it.
Starry Eyes (Movie)
To the Stars (Movie)
In one of the first scenes of the film, the teenage protagonist is sexually harassed by a group of teenage boys when she is alone in the middle of nowhere. They first catcall her and one of them tries to grab her breast, encouraged by the other. They are eventually stopped by another character who chases them away. The alcoholic mother of the protagonist makes repeated sexual advances to a teenage boy throughout the film, which makes him uncomfortable. Worthy of note: homophobia is an important plot point.
Stars Align (TV Show)
Starstruck (TV Show)
Startup (TV Show)
S1E1: a character gets intimate with another character. It is clear that one is not enjoying it and only doing it so to have a roof over the head. There is no choice to say no because the character has nowhere to go: no signs of direct force but also no consent either. S1E2: one character opens the shirt of someone without asking (around 31 minutes in). S2E8: during a meeting, a character is exposed to have done intimate pictures. It is also implied that another character showed them to a colleague without consent. In S3E5+6, we learn that a character (who insisted on being hurt during sex in season 2) was abused as a 15-year old by multiple business partners of their father. The character meets one abuser again and confronts them in a meeting. The abuser tries to gaslight and talk everything down. The father of the character admits, that he knew somehow wrong was going on but was not sure and he victim blames the character. No details are given but it is a big part of the plot.
Starve (Movie)
At one point, the antagonist becomes frustrated with the main protagonist's boyfriend and rips her shirt off, before impliying that he is going to assault her (1:20:15). She escapes, mostly clothed.
Chapter 3: a man gets injected and forces himself upon another man. It does not show upfront, but has the panicked sentences from the man on the pages. All genitalia (including nipples) are not shown. It is mainly implied, but not fully shown on page. Women beg to have intercourse with others, and this is due to a stimulant being injected into them. Sexual violences are not used in this manga to sexualize women,
Stateless (TV Show)
This series features sexual assault, PTSD, and child abuse.
Station 19 (TV Show)
A minor character mentions being raped. S5E14: the end of the episode features an extremely violent/graphic attempted rape scene (the survivor fights off her attacker and escapes). S5E15: this episode deals with the aftermath of the attempted rape from S5E14 (the survivor is a main character).
A boyfriend briefly acts violently towards his pregnant girlfriend: she falls on the ground but the man is stopped.
Station Eleven (TV Show)
Stay (Movie)
An old VHS tape showing women lined up implies they are being sold as sex slaves; this is later confirmed in dialogue.
Stay Close (TV Show)
S1E2: a man spikes a girl's drink. The latter uses color changing nail polish to discover the drugs and then switches the drink and drugs him instead. He is over 18, she is a teenager. A woman tells the story of her boyfriend, who offered a private strip show to his friends, and who broke someone's fingers after they tried to touch her despite her refusal.
Towards the end of the book, two cis men corner a trans man in the bathroom, beat him up, and forcefully remove his shirt and his binder, exposing his breasts.
Stay Here (TV Show)
The rape scene occurs approximately one hour into the film.
Steins;Gate (TV Show)
The show has a male character that is a stereotype of a 'pervert.' He repeatedly, almost every episode he is present, sexualizes or makes sexual jokes about the female characters in the slow. S1E1: a man attempts to manipulate girl into making a sexual joke about touching male genitals, her friend stops this. S1E2: the protagonist worried a girl was hurt prods and pokes her looking for a wound, she is clearly uncomfortable and not understanding his intentions warns him she will call the police. S1E3: the girl refers to her previous interaction with the protagonist (E2) as an excuse for sexual harassment. The protagonist and a male character attempt to manipulate the girl into a sexual joke. When she calls them out on this, they accuse her of having perverted thoughts. The protagonist tells her to forget all the sexual harassment he committed against her. She agrees, but she and the protagonist call each other perverts throughout the episode. S1E5: a man sexualizes the imaginary relationship between two girls and one of them calls him a pervert. A friend tells another girl it is dangerous to take a shower with the protagonist and another male character around. The friend asks her why she is around them which leads to the girl in question stating that she is being held hostage by the protagonist. The friend takes this seriously, almost calling the police but ends up not. S1E6: a male character makes more sexual jokes about the female characters of the show. S1E7: a father accuses the protagonist for not being able to 'control his lust' around his young daughter who appears under the age of ten. This did not happen in the slightest. A male character makes sexual jokes and is called a pervert by the female cast S1E8: two girls touch an LGBTQ+ character without their consent, once behind a curtain and once on the chest. This character tells them to stop and they do not. There is a lot of emphasis on this character's gender which leads to other characters making sexual jokes where this character is clearly uncomfortable S1E9: more scenes of sexual harassment by a male character. S1E10: the protagonist grabs a girl and touches her breasts and crotch directly on screen trying to prove she is male, the girl begins to cry. A female friend stops this. S1E15: a male character makes a sexual comment about a girl. S1E16: a repeat of the scene from S1E15. A father when finding out that a girl is his daughter makes an uncomfortable sexual joke about calling him 'daddy.' S1E19: a man restrains a women, when she attempts to call out for help he forcibly kisses her to stop her. His intention is not to assault her, but the scene is very intense and might disturb some viewers.
A drunk man tries to forcibly plant a kiss on a teenage girl.
The antagonist is a rapist and serial killer.
A stepfather catches his daughter consensually kissing a boy and calls it "attempted rape." There's also a shower scene of a 16 year old.
Worthy of note: two women overhear a couple having sex and listen in on them without the couple's consent or knowledge.
A character voices discomfort about having sex with her husband, saying that she is never really interested, but he is always "chasing her around the bed" and trying to get her to wear fetish gear. In a conversation between two adult women, one notes that there are a lot of teenage boys around "with permanent erections," and the other jokes, "Send them to my place." Worthy of note: the climax involves the protagonist running away from her husband and trying to escape the notice of any other men. Several men find her and corner her. Nothing sexual happens, but the fact that they are cornering her is very tense.
Stephanie (Movie)
Steven Universe (TV Show)
S2E14 (Historical Friction): one character slaps another character's butt without his consent (10:13). It is treated as a joke. Worthy of note: in S1E37 (Alone Together), two main characters are forced to dance with a man and are uncomfortable, and have a discussion afterwards about how it affected them though they didn't completely understand what had happened. This is not inherently sexual, but the conversation is similar to one between people who have been sexually assaulted. S1E52 ('Jail Break'): an antagonist coerces a supporting character into fusing. The supporting character does not relent when the antagonist is unhappy with the direction the fusion takes. S2E8 ('Keeping It Together'): two of the main characters are made to see 'forced fusions' created by the antagonists. One of these characters is deeply unsettled this, and she explains to the other character that forced fusion isn't true fusion. S2E11 ('Cry For Help'): one of the main characters repeatedly tricks another main character into fusing. Subsequent episodes in the arc (such as 'Keystone Motel') discuss the impact of this deception. S2E13 ('Onion Friend'): the impact of the non-consensual fusion of S2E11 is mentioned. One character is forced by another child character to watch him being born on a video tape without his knowledge or consent. The same character is repeatedly made uncomfortable by him, but he feels he cannot end the 'play date' in order to appease the adults applying pressure for them to be friends. S3E15 ('Alone at Sea'): the antagonist and the supporting character from S1E52 discuss the effects of their fusion. S3E23 ('Earthlings'): an antagonist forcibly fuses with a 'corrupt Gem' who cannot give consent.
S1E17: the main character (a teenage boy) is forcibly kissed by an older gem of ambiguous age. He reacts angrily, and she replies with a joke. While it is implied that the kiss was not intended sexually/romantically and was more of an overbearing greeting, it may still make viewers uncomfortable.
Stick It (Movie)
A man attempts to coerce a young woman into sex, despite her clear disinterest, and she spends the entire episode trying to avoid his advances.
The Sting (Movie)
Stinger (Movie)
A man threatens to "have some fun" with a woman before killing her.
Stir Crazy (Movie)
In one of the first scenes (04:31-05:33), a main character implies that the weed he has is for his girlfriend that will let him "have her mind and her body [and also of] two of her girlfriends. At the same time (06:19-06:48), another main character insists to a woman he doesn't know that she has "nothing under that coat".
Two boys attempts to rape a woman, but ends up unintentionally killing her instead.
Stitches (Movie)
Stoic (Movie)
Stoker (Movie)
A schoolgirl is harassed by a group of male classmates: they use mild innuendo and show her a crude drawing of a naked woman. They make verbal references to incest. At one stage, a teenage girl (18) and her uncle become sexually intimate, until the girl's mother intervenes. A teenage girl goes into a wooded area with a boy: they make out but the encounter soon turns violent and he attempts to rape her, however he is stopped and she exacts revenge on him (53:00-54:00).
The book contains a note by the author stating: "Dear Reader, I want to let you know that Stone Butch Blues is an anti-oppression/s novel. As a result, it contains scenes of rape and other violence. None of this violence is gratuitous or salacious". This book about LGBT life in 1970s America contains several graphic descriptions of rape, including a gang rape of a character who is a minor. Rape and sexual harassment, and the impact of such an event on one's life, is a central theme in this novel. It is accurate to the history of how women and sexual minorities were, and continue to be, treated. The second chapter contains a child on child sexual abuse.
A male doctor speaks to a group of students in a classroom about a female patient. She is brought into the room. She pleads that she is not "mad". The man says she will have an episode if her breasts, thighs, or ovaries are touched. She says, "Don't touch me" as he moves towards her. Then she has the episode of her body tensing up. It is said that a woman harmed her husband when defending herself from his sexual desires. A female patient talks about her and the other patients being tortured, stripped, and intimately examined by the staff. A male patient forcibly kisses a female patient. A character makes a joke about his father putting drugs in his drink when he was a child. He makes a vivid gesture showing his father sexually assaulting him.
Stonewall (Movie)
Stopmotion (Movie)
Although it is never explicitly said, it is heavily implied the protagonist is a survivor of childhood sexual assault. A monster touches the protagonist's face and feeds her a part of himself without her consent. Later in the movie the same monster eats a fictitious version of the woman, also without her consent. When the woman tries to change her film to not include these scenes, the child version of herself tells her "that's not how it happened"
Storage 24 (Movie)
Storks (Movie)
Storm Cell (Movie)
The pushy male antagonist attempts to rape an unconscious woman in the last 20 minutes of the film.
The film is about the unrequited love of a woman for a man and her obsessive behaviour toward him.
The lead character is harassed, raped off-screen, then held hostage by her rapist.
Storytelling (Movie)
The first half hour of the film is about a professor who abuses his power to have sex with students.
Stowaway (Movie)
Straight Time (Movie)
Straight Up (Movie)
Previous sexual assault is mentioned a few times but not talked about in depth. During one scene a woman is straddled and forcibly made out with in what is supposed to be a comical tone by the assaulter.
Straightheads (Movie)
The protagonist is gang-raped on-screen in the beginning of the film whilst her boyfriend is beaten almost to death and unable to help her. The rest of the film revolves around her determination to find the perpetrators and exact revenge: the rape is thus discussed throughout, and shown again, in a longer and more graphic scene. One of the rapists has a teenage daughter, who the other men clearly intend to rape: the protagonist's boyfriend tries to rape her. The final scene shows the protagonist raping one of her attackers with a shotgun.
The Strain (TV Show)
S2E11: a woman escapes an attempted rape (31:30-32:50).
Strange Angel (TV Show)
S1E1: a cult is shown, which is about to sacrifice a virgin. S1E2: a priest tells a woman that she must try to get pregnant. S1E6: a woman seems hesitant to engage in a ritual threesome. S1E7: a priest seducing young girls is mentioned. The wife from S1E6 reveals that she does not want to be involved in the cult. S1E9+10: it is implied that a father has sexually assault both of his female children.
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE TWIST AT THE END OF THE MOVIE: A young woman is pregnant and believes that the father is her dead high school boyfriend. It is eventually revealed that the real father is the adult male with whom she is living and by whom she is employed; he is a former police officer and as a result, was able to steal Rohypnol from the evidence locker before he retired. Using these drugs he drugged and raped the protagonist, resulting in her pregnancy.
The plot involves the sexual torture and murders of numerous women. There are multiple graphic images of tied up women throughout the film.
Strange Days (Movie)
About midway through the film, a scene shows a man entering into a woman's hotel room, beating her, blindfolding and restraining her, cutting her clothes off, raping her and killing her. This is seen through the 'first person' point of view of the rapist (who is recording the crime on video), and experienced, in the film, through a VR device by another character. This is discussed and shown in flashbacks several times during the rest of the movie (one character even says that the tape is good film material). Near the end of the movie, a similar 'tape' is shown, with another woman being restrained, blindfolded, undressed and raped on-screen, but it is then revealed that it was staged and that the sexual relationship was consensual. One man tries to sell a kind of VR device to another man by making him experiencing 'being a 18 year old taking a shower': the footage he is shown is real. Throughout the movie, the male protagonist tries to get his ex-girlfriend back despite her clear disinterest. There is violence against women throughout the film.
Strange Empire (TV Show)
The premise of this show is that all of the men in a wagon party are killed, leaving the women and girls in the party to fend for themselves in the wilds of 19th century Alberta. Two young girls (13-15 years old) are trafficked as a result of being purchased by a man who intends to force them into sex work: they are saved from this fate by the female lead adopting them, but the man who bought/trafficked them continues to be a main character in the series. The same male antagonist tells the displaced women and girls that he will only offer them aid and shelter in exchange for them becoming sex workers in his brothel. The same male antagonist and his wife use the two previously mentioned child characters to force the female protagonist who adopted them into forced sex work: she escapes before actually being forced to do anything. Another character is forced into sex work against her will to support her children. A pregnant girl is later revealed to only be about 15 years old: she is only spared forced prostitution because she goes into labour. The girl then has her child taken from her against her will so that the brothel owner and his wife can pose him as their son. This same character, in a later episode, has a relationship with an intellectually disabled man in his 20s: this relationship is treated as a positive thing. Another female character is revealed to be 'married' to her adoptive father following her adoptive mother's death. The adoptive father's character is portrayed as having no interest in a sexual relationship with his adoptive child, however other characters try to push them to consummate their marriage and the female character is shown at one point to be willing to do so. A 15-year-old character gets her first period and several episodes later is put in an arranged engagement to a man in his 30s as a trade for the man investing in the town. It is later revealed that this man has been molesting his teenage niece for years and intended to keep both girls in a harem. A transgender male character is stripped in front of strangers and violently sexually assaulted and misgendered. The aggressor is shot in the head and mortally wounded; it is unclear whether the rape attempt is stopped in time or not.
The short is about an incestuous relationship between a father and son: the son is the aggressor in the relationship and the father is clearly uncomfortable and disturbed with the situation. There is one especially difficult scene where the father is taking a bath with the door closed and the son breaks in and then the camera switches to the mother, who is in the room next door and can hear the father screaming. She turns up the volume on her TV and pretends not to hear it, but it is still audible.
Strange World (Movie)
The Stranger (Movie)
A woman who is being stalked is told by her stalker that he knows of a sexual relationship that happened with her teacher in highschool who also stalked her. She later reveals that she ended up telling everyone she lied because no one believed her, but it did actually happen. It is mentioned many times through the film to make people question if she is crazy or truly being stalked.
Stranger Things (TV Show)
S1E1: during a secret study date in her bedroom, a girl's boyfriend initiates intimacy. She is into it but hesitates because her parents are home. She says 'no' because she does not want "to be a notch on his bedpost": he apologises and backs off. They go back to studying. S1E2: a character is photographed without her knowledge while undressing in her boyfriend's house. A significant part of the scenes in this episode show a girl's hesitation lessening and becoming more comfortable with her boyfriend. It culminates in her getting his attention to have him turn around to watch her undress: she eventually initiates and consents to sex. S4E3: two teenagers kiss on a bed and we hear the girl teenager's inner thoughts which say "Can i say no? I can't say no. He'll leave me" (35:34). We do not see any more of this encounter. Worthy of note: S1E3: sexual scenes are spliced with scenes of a girl trying to escape a monster, crying for help (00:36-01:55). S2E9, a teenage boy implies that another teenage boy has a sexual interest in the first boy's sister, who is in her early teens. This is untrue and it is unclear whether he really believes what he is saying or whether he is saying it in order to be provocative. In the same episode, the same teenage boy who made this accusation has an overtly flirtatious encounter with an adult woman. S3E1: several middle-aged women at a public pool takes sexual pleasure in watching a teenage boy lifeguard take his shirt off. The boy makes sexual advances toward one of them who clearly expresses attraction to him and later show up at his home: they flirt and plan to meet up for a sexual encounter but do not go through with it. S3E2: the end of the episode involves a scene where a possessed character kidnaps a girl and takes her to a secluded location in order to feed her to a monster (no sexual assault). She is tied up with tape over her mouth and held to the ground. Her attacker tells her not to be afraid, and that she should stay very still. While not directly related to sexual violence, season 4 may be distressing to survivors of sexual violence because of the way it handles trauma. Trauma is an overarching theme, and multiple characters experience vivid flashbacks of past traumas and exhibit other symptoms of PTSD (anxiety, hypervigilance, flashbacks, etc). There is also a creature (a villain) who preys on people (mostly children) who have experienced traumatic events. This is a main plot line throughout the season, and is exhibited to varying extents in every episode.
A woman briefly discusses an incident of rape in her past, and the man listening victim-blames her.
On-screen rape and sexual assault feature throughout the film. A woman is raped by her ex-boyfriend. Immediately after this, the same woman is raped by another man. Both scenes are relatively graphic. On another occasion, a man attempts to rape a woman, ripping open her shirt.
A woman is raped by two men in a row. The second attack is substantially more violent than the first, although for the most part only sounds are heard. Flashbacks to these attacks occur at various points throughout the film.
Strawberry Panic (TV Show)
The series contains groping and attempted rape.
Stray (Video Game)
A female character hints that she was sexually assaulted in her past.
The Strays (Movie)
As a movie depicting sex work, prostitutes are routinely seen sexually harassing men, often quite aggressively, for sex.
Street Trash (Movie)
Sexual violence takes up a large portion of the movie.
The lead character is raped off-screen by her brother-in-law. The main character's sister is implied to have been fired due to sleeping with one of her teenage students. She also kisses and flirts with a rather young-looking actor who is implied to be "young".
Stridulum (Movie)
The Strings (Movie)
Stripes (Movie)
A man spies on women showering without consent (50:18). In the film’s extended cut, the main character asks his friend on how he would feel if his sister was raped by Russians. The friend makes a poor joke by replying “Come on, you know my sister. You practically raped her one night. The Russians would just have to buy her dinner” (1:42:28-1:42:38). The joke goes by quick, and nothing is visually described or seen.
This film contains rape flashbacks throughout.
The series involves a serial kidnapper who targets women. Worthy of note: homophobic, transphobic and rape jokes are made throughout the series.
Strong Island (Movie)
A character says that her father, who she had not met before, “made a pass” at her.
Stuber (Movie)
Stud Life (Movie)
Studio 666 (Movie)
The Stuff (Movie)
One character sometimes throws his arm around another, who is not interested in him. He also jokes that she can reward him for helping them, implied sexually. She just sort of ignores it all and laughs it off. There is an implication of a sexual relationship when a man mentions a past instance where he secretly taped the apartment that another man rented for a 17-year-old girl and sent the tapes to the man's wife.
The narrator witnesses a scene in which a woman is lectured by her boss. She compares the scene to a rape and describes it: the description if extremely violent (1:08:30-1:09:24).
Stutz (Movie)
The Stylist (Movie)
Worthy of note: awoman breaks into another woman's house and masturbates in her bed.
Subarnarekha (Movie)
Sublime (Movie)
Submarine (Movie)
Submarino (Movie)
Subspecies (Movie)
A male vampire pulls down a woman's shirt while she is sleeping. Later he has another woman chained up and wearing clothes that are torn across her chest.
A protagonist mentions that his mother, who struggles with mental health issues, once walked out of the house wearing very little clothing. Some young boys teased her. The protagonist says that the boys were more so teasing her about her mental health struggles, but sexual harassment is implied. Another protagonist attracts the attention of an antagonist who at first seems to have pedophilic intentions. He is evil, but he demonstrates no sexual intention.
Frequent jokes are made regarding a character who raped a girl in highschool and is a teacher now.
Story #2: mention of a man getting handsy regularly. Story #7: a woman sleeps with a teenager whose age she does not know, assumed to be somewhere between 16-18.
Suburbicon (Movie)
Worthy of note: a child walks in on two people having (consensual) rough sex. It is disturbing from the child's point of view.
Succession (TV Show)
The dismissal and cover-up of rape and sexual harassment by people in positions of power, including many of the main characters of the show, is a major theme throughout the series. As they do with many sensitive topics, the characters often discuss these issues in a joking and insensitive manner, but it is not presented as something the audience is supposed to agree with. A recurring plotline (introduced in season 1, but starts featuring heavily in the plot in season 2) involves several characters becoming aware of a decades-long scheme to bury rape and sexual assault cases brought against the company's cruise line division. These activities included blackmailing, bribing, and intimidating victims into not reporting their assault or dropping charges against the company. This situation is made public in season 2 and is frequently discussed as a problem the company is trying to "solve" (i.e., make it go away again). One character involved in the scandal – who dies offscreen without ever being physically introduced – is referred to with a nickname based on the word "molester;" it is also vaguely implied that he was a pedophile. S1E3: a father mistakes his daughter for his wife and puts her hand on his crotch She is very upset. S2E9: several characters are called to testify about their knowledge of the company's cover-up of the sexual assault cases. Towards the beginning of the episode, the characters are seen watching (and mocking) a news report which reveals additional disturbing details about the scandal, specifically the company's policy of labeling cases where the victim was a sex worker or worked in a foreign port as "no real person involved." Later, a female character is sent to persuade a woman not to testify about her assault; she does this by convincing the woman that speaking up is not worth the public scrutiny, as well as offering her money and promising that she will personally deal with those responsible for the assault from inside the company. She successfully coerces the woman into staying silent, and the people responsible ultimately face little retribution. In season 3, it is implied that a character is in a sexual relationship with his much younger assistant (he is 80 and she is likely in her 20s or 30s). A main character frequently jokes about child sexual abuse, the jokes often featuring himself as a victim. It is never stated explicitly, but a popular fan theory is that this character is in fact a survivor of child sexual assault/abuse.
Such Brave Girls (TV Show)
The show is riddled with incest jokes and people misunderstanding consent.
There is passing mention of a coach who had an inappropriate relationship with a high school junior at some point before the events of the book.
To cope with being institutionalized, the protagonist imagines she's in a fantasy-world brothel and that she and the other patients are sex slaves. In the fantasy sequences, the girls are passed between customers and there are three on-screen attempted rapes. It's also heavily implied that the protagonist was institutionalized in the first place because she was raped, and her attacker got her committed so she wouldn't be believed.
Sud Pralad (Movie)
The protagonist walks in on an adult man aggressively kissing and shoving a pre-teen girl. The protagonist runs away immediately, before anything explicit happens, but the abuse of the girl is referenced several times by the man to intimidate the protagonist.
Worthy of note: part of the story revolves around a romance between a 15 year old female character and a 100+ year old fantasy male character (age range unclear). S1E11 : A girl finds herself in an ambush. Several boys try to torture her. She ends up being saved.
The book is a historical fiction account of being forced to attend an Indian boarding school. The priest in charge of the school raped the protagonist and several other characters. The assaults are not depicted or described in detail. The story focuses on the trauma of those interactions.
Sugar Hill (Movie)
Sugar (TV) (TV Show)
Suicide Club (Movie)
A man rapes a kidnapped woman and kills her afterwards.
It is repeatedly implied and partially shown that some women get raped in orgies. Volume 6, chapter 59 : a main character describes her childhood, mentioning the sexual abuse done to her by her adoptive father. Volume 11, chapter 101 : a trans woman is naked, it is implied that she very recently got raped. The implied rapist claims that she consented. Volume 15, chapters 144 - 146 : a few women are verbally forced to strip naked ; they get to dress again during chapter 146.
Suicide Kale (Movie)
Worthy of note: there is one throwaway line about a character being a child bride to the rapper Tupac. This was in reference to the fact that she had a crush on him as a child and wanted to marry him and would not have been thinking of the ramifications of that as a child.
The whole plot is based off a 16-year-old girl with special needs (mentally younger) being groomed by a 50-year-old-man which leads to him getting her pregnant. The girl is then killed made to look like a suicide to cover up the sexual abuse/rape that occured seeing as the girl was still in the mindset of a child.
Suicide Room (Movie)
Suicide Squad (Movie)
Worthy of note: the relationship between the Joker and Harley Quinn is highly dysfunctional but romanticised by the film.
During the film’s climax, it is briefly mentioned that one of the villains “had their way” with the villain and those controlled by the creature’s sort of hive mind system. None of the assaults are shown on screen, but the implication along with the graphic reveal of how these individuals were tortured and mutilated is disturbing. The main female character briefly describes her trauma from an abusive relationship and how it affected her.
Much of the film revolves around body swapping and there is a scene where a man swaps bodies with a woman and then has sex with that woman's husband without her consent.
Suits (TV Show)
A women details how she was sexually harassed at work, told she needed to have sex with her boss to keep her job, and after telling HR she was fired and black listed. False sexual harassment claims are used against male characters as a way to attack them in court. S1E1: there is one mention of a pro bono sexual harassment case. S1E10: a woman kisses a man without asking. He seems unsure about it considering he has a girlfriend (which she was aware of when she kissed him). S1E11: the rape of more than 30 victims by a rapist (who is then in prison) is mentioned (32:49). S2E4: a woman slaps a co-workers but jokingly to make him move (14:53-14:56). Moments later, a guy knocks on the door so she quickly ruffles and pulls on the co-workers hair and his tie to make it look like they were doing sexual things (15:20-15:52). S6E11: a male character gets out of prison and a teenager mockingly asks if he ever “dropped the soap”. S9E8; a man's sister comes to him in an effort to prevent a merger with a company run by a man who attempted to rape her 15 years ago. It is discussed throughout and other characters mention more rape cases that failed to see justice in court. The assaulter shows no remorse, but the recurring characters are kind and ready to fight for the survivor.
A rape scene occurs onscreen.
Sully (Movie)
The titular protagonist is hugged and kissed on the cheek without asking for his permission, by people thanking him.
Summer of 84 (Movie)
Teenage boys watch their neighbor undress through her window.
Summer Rental (Movie)
Summer School (Movie)
A student works as a stripper and is harassed at his job. Off-screen, his aunt and mother molest him, not initially knowing it's him. A teenage girl is ogled by two of her classmates as she takes off her bra at a beach, but stops when a classmate warns her not to.
The two love interests are the main character's step sisters.
Summerland (Movie)
Summer's Moon (Movie)
Two teenagers have sex and it's later revealed that they're half-siblings. When the teenage boy takes the teenage girl captive, he attempts to force feed her and kisses her against her will. The same boy also forces his mother down on the table and kisses her. Eventually, the teenage girl fakes a relationship with the teenage boy in an attempt to get him to trust her and they have sex, though she only does this in an attempt to escape. It's also hinted that the teenage boy and his mother may have had sex. Finally, the teenage girl is forced to go with her father and he puts his hand on her thigh and it's understood that he's going to try to have sex with her.
Summertime (Movie)
A character mentions her ex husband assaulting her.
Suncoast (Movie)
Sundown (Movie)
A stranger at the barber shop touches a woman: she is visibly uncomfortable.
Sunset (Movie)
Worthy of note: a woman falls in love with a man and slaps him when he rejects her advances.
Sunshine (Movie)
Supacell (TV Show)
S1E3: this episode contains an attempted rape, which gets punished.
Super (Movie)
Super 30 (Movie)
Chapter 1: In an optional scene, a female character pranks three other female characters by locking them in a bathhouse while the boys are in there. The scene is played for laughs. Chapter 3: A girl is revealed to be a sadist that psychologically torments her twin sister and has an incestuous infatuation with her. The girl also grooms her sister to only rely on her. The other characters, including the girl's sister, are disgusted at the revelation. Chapter 4: At one point, the main antagonist is tied up, stripped down to his underwear, and repeatedly punched by another character.
Super Deluxe (Movie)
A trans woman is forced perform sexual favors for a police chief in order for her and her son to be released unscathed (1:34:17-1:40:14). The power dynamic is clearly being exploited and the lack of consent is made abundantly clear by the woman’s crying and reluctance to comply.
Super Drags (TV Show)
Super Fly (Movie)
The protagonist threatens his employee, saying he will put his wife to work as a sex worker.
Super Lovers (TV Show)
Super Mario Bros (TV Show)
A princess is kidnapped by the villain, who makes some suggestive comments and shakes his lizard tongue at her, which she clearly does not want. Nothing is explicit and he does not touch her, but says: "little girls ... they never forget the first time they were kissed by a lizard."
The main villain touches a male protagonist's face in a predatory manner. It is most likely not meant to be sexual, but he does it without his consent, and it exudes that same feeling. A major plot beat is a villain attempting to marry one of the protagonists. When she makes it clear she does not want to marry him, he manipulates her into agreeing at one point. There is in general a lot of coded manipulation and predatory behavior to his desire to marry her and his attempt to force her into it. The scenes are played light, but the character's reactions show clear disdain and disgust.
Super Mario Sunshine (Video Game)
Similar to the dynamic across several other games in the Super Mario series, the main antagonist kidnaps the female love interest; in this game, he intends to kidnap her so he can go on vacation with her, as well as convincing his son that she's his mother. However, none of this is depicted in a particularly disturbing or realistic manner, per the usual light-hearted tone of the series.
Super Tanker (Movie)
Super 8 (Movie)
Superbad (Movie)
The central plot of the movie revolves around procuring alcohol so as to get women intoxicated, with the expectation that they will be more likely to get sex if the women are less capable of providing informed consent.
SuperBob (Movie)
Superdeep (Movie)
Superhost (Movie)
Superjail! (TV Show)
Superman (Movie)
There are two non-consensual kisses in this film.
At the start of the movie, a woman walks towards a group of men while naked (or just wearing a trench coat): they whistle and cat call.
Superman II (Movie)
Superman III (Movie)
One character says that they do not want to go to prison because, "they have robbers and rapists, and rapists who rape robbers" (34:00).
Supernatural (TV Show)
S1E1: a character is held down and straddled against his will. There is an implied orgy with triplets. S1E7: a man and a woman make out, and when the man tries to touch her breast, the woman clearly says 'no'. He treis again afterwards anyway. S1E6: two men are tied down and molested. S1E8: a Native American man mentions that American cavalry raped and killed his ancestors. S1E9: a man attempts to assault a teenage girl. He is stopped before anything happens. S1E11: prostitutes are implied to be forced into the job or at least are not given as much choice as they should be. S2E5: a character who can control people by giying them voice commands, touches a girl while she is crying, telling her to stop. He then commands her to slowly undress and implies that he is going to have sex with her (27:35-30:00). S2E13: a man attacks a girl and assaults her. S2E14: the main character is possessed by a demon and assaults a young (possibly teen) friend of his. It only has sexual undertones and the character is stopped. S2E15: a teacher invites his university student to his room and kisses her, intending to do more. A university student gets probed by fake aliens: they then make him slow dance with them (it is very handsy). A demi god creates fake women with his mind for sexual reasons. S2E20: a creature smells and rubs his face on a drugged, tied up, semi unconscious young woman and groans liks it is enjoying it. Season 3: one character arc towards the end of this season involves a woman who was raped by her father at the age of 14. S3E16: a demon who was a 10 year old child, possesses a woman and physically restrains a man, kissing him while still acting like a child. S4E3: during a time travel sequence, a character comments on how his mother is attractive. In the same episode, a man is possessed and kisses his daughter. S4E4: two characters kiss, and one is vampiric and starts to bite the other one. She starts screaming to stop it, but he continues enacting sexual violence. It was triggering for me. Poorly handled and gratuitous S4E8: a woman is 'drugged' with magic by a man who wants her to love him. S4E10: a character recounts his experiences in hell and alludes to sexual violence. S4E11: a girl is impregnated by her father and kills herself after the child is born. The child is the main villain of the episode, and the details around her conception are directly discussed by the protagonists. S5E11: a man is tied down while a female creature licks him in a sexual way, with the intent of having sex with him. S6E5: a main character is hit on by a man in an alleyway. He turns him down and is then thrown and pushed against a dumpster and turned into a vampire (14:14-15:53). The interaction has sexual undertones and can easily be read as a metaphorical rape, especially because the vampire continues to make sexual comments toward him later in the episode that are framed as predatory. S6E6: a man who is being compelled to tell his darkest secrets implied to his friend that when his daughters was spending the night at his house with his own daughter, he raped her and knew he would not be caught. It is not explicity stated that it was not consensual, but presumably, the girl was underage and therefore not able to consent. S6E9: multiple suggestions of off-screen sexual violence, alluded to as part of an alien/fairy abduction. S6E10: the female character from S1E16 ties up and molests a main male character and sexually assaults another main male character to grab his sword. The assault is retaliated against in similar form by the male character, to her surprise, while she is envesseled. S6E16: a trucker helps a young girl and she kisses him till he pushes her off him. She then forces him to kill his family. S7E1: sexual violence is alluded to. S7E8: someone is drugged to manipulate them into falling in love. S7E13: a non human woman has consensual sex with the main character. However, it is a trick to get pregnant with a baby that grows up fast and who is sent to kill the character. S9E3: male character has sex in exchange for food and shelter, and is killed shortly after. S10E2: the main character (a demon) touches a stripper who tells him not to: he then drops some money on the ground, telling her to pick it up (04:12-05:27). She starts to leave but he grabs her before security stops him. S10E9: a female teenager is offered as a trade to a male loan shark by her unofficial male caregiver. The loan shark touches her unconsensually and attempts to assault her, while she is visibly distressed and tries to push away. The assault is stopped short by another male character. The assaulter then tries to attack another male character who was there to rescue the girl, but then the assaulter gets killed violently. A main character recounts a time that he was underaged and was drugged by adults who likely planned to sexually assault him (29:05-32:04). The assault was stopped presumably before it started. His recounting is not explicit and he does not go into specific details. S11E9: past rape is strongly implied and used to taunt a character. This ends with the character being trapped with their abused, being told they will be raped and beginning to cry while backing away in fear. Throughout the last half of season 11, the character is forced to work with their abuser. S12E2: a character is drugged and raped while being held captive, and is subsequently taunted regarding this. S12E3: a man stabs a woman's hand into a table and kisses her hair while she is begging him not to kill her. He also appears to get off on 'eating' psychics, hearing them scream and one of the victims who is saved is a teenager. S12E8: a woman is tricked into becoming pregnant after having sex with a man she did not know was possessed by a different entity. She then dies carrying the baby to term. S12E13: a female character recounts being raped. S13E16: two main male adult characters show attraction to and eventually assault two teenage girl cartoon characters. No one treats it as anything out of the ordinary. In an episode, a character paralyses people by kissing them and then murder them: he does it several times. Additionnally, a child is turned into a dog and has his temperature taken anally off-screen (14:14). Worthy of note: characters commonly make jokes alluding to rape or sexual assault throughout the series. The theme of supernatural possession frequently appears in several episodes. Many have interpreted this to be an allegory for rape, as characters are coerced into acts they did not consent to.
Supernova (Movie)
Superstar (Movie)
Superstore (TV Show)
S1E2: a reporter is seen kissing an employee on a video tape. The employees all think and insist he was raped by the reporter and it is played for laughs. The encounter was in fact consensual. S1E3: one character accuses another of being a rapist in front of who he belies to be a secret shopper to try and get ahead. S2E3: a woman plans to rape her ex-boyfriend (who is in a coma) in order to get pregnant with his baby. S2E5: an adult harasses a teenager, but nothing further occurs. S3E4: after a robbery takes place, one of the female employees assumes that the male employee present during this event was sexually assaulted by the robber. This did not happen and the assumption is played as a joke. Following this robbery, all employees receive rape whistles. S6E13: a character says they will trap someone in a relationship by "poking a hole in a condom" without that person knowing. They do not end up going through with this plan. It is played off as a joke.
The main characters are women who work in a sports bar, so there is some discussion of sexual harassment on the job but nothing graphic. Near the end, there is a joke about someone being "groped" during an audition.
The male protagonist grabs the female protagonist's breast and tries to kiss her despite her asking him to stop. She later explains that she was surprised but would agree to have sex with him. Shortly after, he tries again to kiss her but she rebuffs him. At approximately 1:15:00 into the movie, a man attemps to rape the female lead after she got drunk in a club. The male lead eventually rescues her. Throughout the movie, the female lead is repeatedly grabbed against her will, pushed against wall and so on by different men.
There is unconsensual grabbing and touching throughout the film. Someone watches another person undress through a peephole. Multiple sex scenes that lack explicit verbal consent or expressions of pleasure. This film contains heavy themes and depictions of incest between siblings, both unknowingly and knowingly. At 43 minutes into the movie, rough sex is initiated without explicit consent or foreplay, while another character is waking up.
The author describes being raped in college: a male friend invited her to his apartment and ignored her when she said she wanted to leave and forced her on the bed. At one point, a roommate pokes the author's breasts to see if they are real.
Surveillance (Movie)
A police officer forces a woman to kiss him. Near the end of the film, the killers near the end restrain their victim and grope her before killing her.
The Surveyors (Movie)
It is mentioned in passing on several occasions that the code of behaviour adopted by the Khmer Rouge forbade rape and sexual assault (i.e. pages 120-121). Page 266: a woman's corpse is violently penetrated with a foreign object following her death by torture. Soldiers look on and laugh while this occurs. Pages 314-315: it is described how the Khmer Rouge would regulate sexual and romantic relationships between 'war slaves' by forcing them to seek permission in order to marry and by forcing some couples to live as married couples against their wills. Page 365: it is mentioned in passing that men stealing vegetables metaphorically 'raped' the gardens. Page 366-367: it is mentioned that a woman who had complained about the regime was gang-raped and murderd in her home. Pages 408-409: refugee women attempting to flee Cambodia are raped and robbed. Page 413: it is mentioned that some Thai civilians and soldiers raped and robbed Cambodian refugees who had crossed the border and were living in aid camps. Page 418: the young daughter of a refugee family descibes fleeing Vietnam by boat, and the refugees' abuses by Thai pirates; the author comments that she doesn't mention any sexual violence, but that its having occurred was evident from her demeanour. Page 439: rapists are mentioned in passing. Page 450: the author mentions that the refugee camp he was living and working in was unsafe, with robberies and rapes occuring at night.
The author discusses Jeffrey Epstein's trafficking sex crimes against women and girls.
A teenage girl denies the fact that her father touches her.
As the film takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, the female protagonist offers to have sex with the male protagonist in exchange for food and shelter early in the movie: he agrees. At some point, because he thinks she is taking a blade to kill him, he violently pins her to a wall naked. They two eventually become lovers. Later, another man surprises the woman, points a gun to her head and gropes her. She is saved from rape by the former man. Toward the end of the movie, the male protagonist explains that his brother tried to rape a woman, but was forced to flee because she screamed.
There is a long scene in which a male officer searches a suspect for weapons, feeling and grabbing at him. It may be uncomfortable for some viewers. In another scene, a man tells officers that a woman is being raped. When they go to check, there isn’t actually a rape happening. However it is implied the officers went to the wrong place and that someone may still be in danger elsewhere.
Survivor (TV Show)
In season one, a contestant repeatedly strips around others and once rubs against someone without consent: it is discussed very little. Season 5 had an instance of one cast member rubbing up on another cast member and trying to engage her without her consent. She brings it up to other cast members and the men all gaslight her and call her crazy. In season 39, a woman repeatedly was touched without consent and ended up getting voted off because she came forward.
A flashback implies that the protagonist (an Auschwitz prisoner) was forced to have sex with a female inmate while a Nazi guard was watching them. In the same scene, taking place years after, the protagonist struggles in engaging intimacy with his new wife because of this trauma.
The Suspect (TV) (TV Show)
The sex trade is a theme in this series, with women in the trade being murdered. S1E1: we learn through dialogue that a main character has historically been accused of sexual assault. S1E2: a woman clearly feels violated and that she hasnot given fully informed consent when she realises that her husband, by cheating on her without protection, has put her at risk of contracting an STD. S1E3: a woman who has a history in the sex trade mentions an occasion in her past when she was raped by six men, and further traumatised by the police reaction (the rape is not described in any further detail). S1E5: two men in the series are revealed to be brothers. When they were children, their mother regularly sold both of them to be sexually abused by a paedophile ring. There are some flashbacks but not of the actual sexual abuse, which is never shown onscreen.
Suspect Zero (Movie)
Approximately halfway through the film, a man kidnaps a woman by shoving her into his vehicle and driving away to a secluded spot. She defends herself, which results in the assailant beating her head and face senseless against the dashboard until she is catatonic. He then proceeds to sexually assault her.
While there is no rape or mention of rape in the film, some of the violence is purposefully erotic. In particular, the first murder scene (10-15 minutes into the film) is very intense and may be taken to invoke the imagery of rape. The woman's head is grabbed by the murderer and her face pressed against the window, close to the murderer's body. She is then stabbed multiple times through the chest: we see a lot of close ups of the knife entering her body. He continues to stab her while she is lying on the floor, and attaches a cord to her waist, which makes her body shake and convulse. Then we see a close up of her being stabbed directly in her now exposed heart: this looks a lot like non-consensual sexual penetration. She is then hung, and lines of blood drip down her legs from under her dress.
A brief scene shows an incapacitated and naked man being teased by a group of women (witches).
Suzhou River (Movie)
The film features a romance between a girl and a boy who appears to be older. The ages of both are not clear. The relationship seems to not involve more than kissing. Although he knows she has a temporary tattoo on her upper leg.
Suzume (Movie)
Swallow (Movie)
About halfway through the movie, the main character describes how she was conceived (a rape) to her therapist. The subject is briefly brought up a few other times after this scene, when the therapist reveals this confession to the main character's husband (during a conversation that she overhears). Worthy of note: prior to these events, the protagonist (a woman) finds herself alone with one of her husband's drunk colleagues, whom she does not know. He asks her for a hug, while stating that he feels lonely: she agrees.
Swallowed (Movie)
A menacing stranger asks the protagonist if he wants to perform oral sex on him while making threats (25 minutes in). The villain threatens to extract a package from the the protagonist's anus (50 minutes in). The villain says "people took advantage of me" while bathing the protagonist who has undressed and gotten into the tub under threat of being shot (65 minutes in).
Early chapters have brief mentions of drunk tourists making sexual comments directly at or in reference to the underage girls working at Swamplandia Chapter 19: an adult male rapes a 13 year old girl .
Swarmed (Movie)
Sweat (Movie)
The protagonist (a female influencer) notices that a man is stalking her. He is parked in front of her house and when she confronts him, he starts masturbating. She makes him leave and later discovers that he posted an apology video online, explaining that he feels lonely. This encounter disturbs her but when she talks about it to her family, they blame her for knocking on his window. She then invites a male colleague to her house and they start kissing but she quickly shows that she is not into it. She explains him the situation and asks him to scare the stalker off (who is in front of her house again). He agrees but eventually beats the man up. When he comes back to her apartment, she asks him to leave: he refuses and starts masturbating in front of her before leaving. The protagonist then checks on her stalker, who is severely injured: she brings him to the hospital.
Sweatshop (Movie)
In the opening scene, a woman wakes up naked in the factory and is chased by the people living there. A drunk man comes across one of the women who has been tied up and tortured. He attempts to rape her but is killed before he can. They find the severed penis of one of their friends while searching for them.
The antagonist rapes the protagonist's wife in a flashback, and what is shown is a crowd of people mocking her. He then raises her daughter as his own and grows to lust after her when she is a teenager, secretly spying on her in her room, and attempting to force her to marry him.
The plot heavily revolves around incest (a father abuses his young daughter) and rape (nothing overtly graphic happens on-screen).
Sweet Bean (Movie)
A character's father sexually assaulted her in the past and has begun sexually assaulting her young cousin. The character knows she cannot say anything against her father because he is a well respected man and no one would believe her. The instances of sexual assault are never described, only referenced.
Sweet Girl (Movie)
A father sexually abuses his teenage daughter. A scene shows them lying together and kissing.
Sweet Home (TV Show)
A man tries to rape a woman but is interrupted. A man frequently abuses and beats his wife.
Sweet Magnolias (TV Show)
A man bribes a columnist with a sexual favor from a womn who is visibly uncomfortable.
A woman discusses how she had sex with a man she came upon in a graveyard, and who 'just lied there'.
One of the opening scenes of the film is of a young boy being raped by an adult woman. This scene is explicit and a few minutes long. The film does not portray this act in a negative way and it is never discussed by any of the characters, but it is important in understanding the main character's backstory. The young boy in this scene was played by the director's 13-year-old son.
Sweet Thing (Movie)
Sweet Tooth (TV Show)
One of the main antagonists in season 3 is doing science experiments with expectant mothers. A teenager is told she will need to be someone to breed later.
Sweetheart (Movie)
Worthy of note: a girl is tied up after fighting with two other characters.
The Swerve (Movie)
Swim (Movie)
White soldiers raped Indian women during mass forced displacement. Their experiences are told with limited (though potent) detail, amongst a litany of oppression and survival in the main character's family history. The main character gets entangled with a family with a long history of domestic abuse of various kinds.
The Swimmers (Movie)
Swing Time (Movie)
Switch (1991) (Movie)
Switchback (Movie)
In the opening scene, a woman is held hostage and the male murderer holds a knife up to her genitals under her dress. Off screen, he stabs her to death.
This show includes a relationship between a teenager/high school-aged girl and an adult man. S4E4: a main character wakes up in bed with her ex-boyfriend and cannot remember what happened the night before. S4E5: this episode deals with the fall-out of the previous one. The main character wonders whether she has cheated on her long-distance boyfriend and cannot remember if she consented to sleep with her ex at all. She tries to piece together the events of the night before. From this point, the series features frequent discussions of rape and some instances of victim-blaming (some discussions are potentially very affirming and generally handled well, but others may be more difficult to watch).
Sword Art Online (TV Show)
The second half of season one introduces an arc villain who kidnaps the protagonist's girlfriend, consistently sexually harasses and threatens her, and attempts to rape her; this is played for fanservice visually even as the narrative condemns it. The same arc also introduces the protagonist's sister (biologically his cousin), who has unrequited feelings for him, similarly played for fanservice that undermines the story's condemnation. The sister remains in the story after this arc but stops pursuing her brother. S3E10: a student is sexually harassed by her mentor off-screen. There is one fairly graphic scene including the attempted rape of two girls.
S1E9: a man threatens a girl by telling her that he is going to grope her avatar's corpse. He is killed immediately afterward.
"The Bounds of Reason": a king admits to raping and then marrying a woman to take control of her kingdom. A woman's clothes are ripped open, and a soldier threatens to rape her while groping her. Another character stares at her despite her request for him to stop. A mentally handicapped character is said to be the product of his mother being gang raped by soldiers. "A Shard of Ice": the main character sees a tavern keeper groping a 12-year-old. His only reaction is annoyance. (It has been established in another book that he doesn't intervene in such situations, even if he find them abhorrent.) "Eternal Fire": a character restrains a woman during a fight scene and does so by deliberately putting his hands on her chest. "Sword of Destiny" : a man is held captive by dryads so that he can be used for the purposes of inducing pregnancies. While he seems happy with (or at least okay with) the situation, it is still a choice where he either does this or is executed. Some humans also threaten to rape said dryads after burning their forest. Mention is made of the potential for incest among royal heirs. "Something More": a character is afraid that the protagonist wants to rape his wife (though this worry is unfounded). A sorceress is mentioned to have enchanted a man with the intention of having sex with him, though this never ends up happening. The stories are set in a medieval-style fantasy universe where sexism and sexual violence are common; passing mention of such topics are present throughout the book.
Sword of God (Movie)
The rape of a side character happens explicitly in one scene of this book with text that heavily implies the act in its description, but is not outwardly graphic or vivid. Details: A female side character is found by the main character being raped by an enemy soldier during a raid. The side character deals with the emotional aftermath in a few scenes following for the rest of the book, and also discovers she is pregnant as a result. Ultimately the rape and pregnancy devastates this character into committing suicide.
Worthy of note: a child is scared of being sold to assassins who are hunting him. A man wants to marry a princess after killing her father. He receives the permission of another man without her presence or input. This does not end up happening.
Sybil (1976) (Movie)
The film's plot is centred around the psychological effects of childhood physical and sexual abuse. It is worth noting that the story told by this movie, based on real accounts of psychiatric treatment, was later subjected to controversies.
Sydney (Movie)
The main character is a sex worker: there is a scene where she does not get compensated for her work.
Syk Pike (Movie)
Sylvester (TV Show)
Sylvie's Love (Movie)
The Sympathizer (TV Show)
A historical black comedy miniseries based on Viet Thanh Nguyen's book of the same name, The Sympathizer, about the Vietnam War. Although general themes like war and violence are portrayed in a dark comedy fashion, sexual assault specifically is handled seriously. S1E4: an attempted rape is acted ou for a film. S1E7: sexual harassment in strip club. Off-screen rape in a flashback, symbolized by forcefully inserting object in victim's mouth.
The book deals with themes such as identity, war, and otherization: sexual violence (extremely graphic) is intended to shed light on the brutality of the Vietnam War.
Early in the film, Black Panthers hold white women hostages while one of them is reading about Black men's sexual desires towards them (rape is mentioned). They are fondled against their will, presumably sexually assaulted before being shot (both off-screen).
A man walks into a room where another man had just been having sex with a woman who is either dead or under anesthesia. There is another scene in which a man licks a woman’s ears suggestively before attaching jumper cables to them.
Synchronic (Movie)
A note is shown in which it is stated that a man was raped the previous night. Worthy of note: a woman makes a joke about spiking a man's drink, but nothing comes of this.
Worthy of note: throughout the film, many flashbacks show the abuses suffered from the protagonist (a little girl).
Szamanka (Movie)
T-34 (Movie)
In a monologue, the main protagonist mentions rape-jokes, slut shaming and revenge porn (1:01:59)
Table 19 (Movie)
Taboo (2017) (TV Show)
The show features an incest plotline, which is evident from the first episode. It is explicitly revealed in S1E3 that this is the nature of the relationship. The show subsequently includes very graphic scenes of incestuous sex between these characters (brother and sister). A woman is forced to have sex with her husband multiple times. S1E4: a woman is taken into custody and her top is removed as part of an attempt to get her to cooperate. It is then heavily and uncomfortably implied that if she does not cooperate she will be raped. It does not happen.
Taco Chronicles (TV Show)
Tactics (TV Show)
It is implied that a demon was used by his master for sexual purposes. This was against his will as he could not refuse due to her being his master. A child is in love with an adult man and this is shown throughout the series.
Taffin (Movie)
After a date, two characters are blocked in a parking lot by an 18 wheeler truck: six men get out. The woman is pulled out of the car by two men and thrown onto the hood of another car. The main male character beats them up but then gets beat up himself.
Tag (Movie)
Tail Sting (Movie)
A male passenger hits on a female passenger and she becomes uncomfortable and leaves her seat.
Tailbound (Video Game)
Attendees at a game convention are drugged with a mind-controlling gas that causes extreme sexual arousal. The main character is immune to the effects of this gas and ventures throughout the convention building to find the antidote for the gas. At the beginning of the game, two males attempt to sexually assault the main character, but he escapes. After this scene, another scene is triggered where two monsters rip off the main character's clothes and begin to rape him, although the main character seems to not mind and is shown as being sexually aroused. Throughout the game, the player can choose to have sex with multiple monster enemies to "defeat" them. After defeating a boss, the player can choose to have sex with the defeated boss, which is presumably non-consensual. This game also features sex with non-sentient animals and monsters.
Taipei Story (Movie)
The Take (TV Show)
Take Shelter (Movie)
Taken (2008) (Movie)
The main character’s daughter is abducted and transported into an underground underage sex ring where girls are auctioned off to wealthy men for sexual abuse. Several drug dens and brothels are shown with men violating drugged/drunk girls and women.
Taken 2 (Movie)
A kidnapper runs a blade down the front of a woman's chest snipping at her clothes while he leans in to smell her. A kidnapper says to the protagonist that they are going to capture his daughter and sell her to "the worst brothel that exists".
The Taking (Movie)
Taking Lives (Movie)
Worthy of note: the film contains sexual coercion, since two characters have consensual sex but one uses uses a false identity.
A man leers at a female passenger on a train, she is clearly uncomfortable and he slowly licks his lips while looking at her (05:10). A few moments later her momentarily grabs her thigh as he walks past (05:45). Later in the film, the same man deliberately touches the breast of another woman with the barrel of a machine gun and then claims that she is a sex worker and makes a number of derogatory sexual comments towards her (52:35).
Takt Op. Destiny (TV Show)
Worthy of note: a man makes a few jokes in the hopes of making the male protagonist uncomfortable. The comments never go as far as sexual harassment.
The Tale (Movie)
Based on the writer-director's real experiences, the film is about a 13 year old girl's sexual abuse at the hands of two adults.
A rape scene is described in full detail from the point of view of the perpetrator, who up to this point is mostly a trusted character when it comes to this stuff in the story.
Worthy of note: during a brief scene with a female ghost, blood is seen dripping through between her legs.
S1E11: the antagonist intimidates the female lead by grabbing her hand, kissing it, and saying he's quite fond of her while she resists. S1E12: the antagonist blackmails the female lead into going on a date with him and wearing an outfit he's chosen for her (dress and heels).
The plot involves middle-age men courting a teenage princess, and she has to come up with ways to discourage or fend them off.
Tale of Tales (Movie)
A man forces a female character onto a bed and pins her down with his knee in between her legs. Rape is strongly implied here.
A male character refers to a sexual act as "maintenance". He then proceeds to seduce his girlfriend who is at first uninterested and says "don't". However, tThe scene continues with both giggling and moaning with pleasure. Another male character laughs at this while the main character watches in the reflection in disgust.
The protagonist pointedly asks his niece if she was ever “bothered” by her mother’s boyfriend. A local politician has photos of naked teenage girls.
In the beginning of the movie (~22:40), slave traders attempt to rape a teenage girl. Before they can do anything, they are stopped by the main male character who fights them (until ~25:25).
The first part of the movie is about a coerced pregnancy. The third section depicts men who drug and rape women while attempting to film the act.
In the second story of the film, a man makes several comments discussing sexual violence and degradation of black women.
Talk to Her (Movie)
A nurse rapes and impregnates a woman in a coma.
Talk to Me (Movie)
A demonic entity forces someone to act sexually: ut takes over a teenage boy's body and starts making him act in a sexual manner as well as making out with a dog. The scene does not go any further and people intervene before anything graphic happens. A woman sucks on a man’s toes while he is sleeping.
A girl gets pushed to the ground and a man holds her down with ill intentions before the man gets hit in the head in a slapstick kinda way.
A man attacks a woman and holds her against her will. She fights back and stabs him with a scissor to get away.
The Tall Man (Movie)
There is a mention of a man seducing and molesting a young teenage girl.
In the last part of the movie, a male character says he has only ever slept with his wife while she is unconscious. It is played for laughs.
Tallulah (Movie)
A female mouse character is locked in a bird cage only in her underwear by a much bigger male character and routinely sexually abused. photos of her in sexual and compromising abusive acts are plastered on the wall. She later manages to escape. The same male character chases the female protagonist in what appears to be a rape scene.
Worthy of note: one of the female characters is very fond of the little brother of the female protagonist (at some point, she makes jokes about wanting to marry him). She is not actually in love with him, but has a comedic rivalry with a young girl who is in love with the little brother.
The man wooing the protagonist grabs her and puts her on his lap while she struggles, but he lets her go (37:26). He chases her around, pinning her down and making inappropriate jokes until she is too tired to run away - he then grabs her by the wrist and twists it behind her back, bringing her to see her father to say that she has agreed to marry him. She then runs from him and locks herself in her room, where he lies that she has consented to marry him. However, aside from this, the scene is not sexual in nature. The protagonist tries to say no when it comes to exchanging 'I do' at the wedding, but right as she tries to, her husband forcefully kisses her to stop her (1:03:45).
A man makes lewd comments about having sex in an elevator to the protagonist when they are stuck in it together, but nothing further happens (24:49). The protagonist's now husband throws her on the bed to force himself on her, then she tells him to get on with it - but after snarling at each other, he gets off her and says he can not do it, and she protests, indicating the sex was actually consensual in nature (1:01:10).
Tampopo (Movie)
While not fully sexual, there is a scene in which an adult man eats an oyster out of the hand of a teenage girl, and she then licks blood off his lips, which are portrayed erotically.
Worthy of note: S1E4: the main protagonist makes a comment about a girl's chest size. The girl is not present when the comment is made and the comment itself was not said to sexually harass her. The main protagonist has a little sister who is very fond/obsessed with him. Nothing weird or inappropriate happens.
Tangerine (Movie)
The film follows two sex workers so it contains several scenes of paid sex as well as some assaults (e.g. : a man pulls open a sex worker's clothes to expose her).
Tangled (Movie)
Tango & Cash (Movie)
A man makes a verbal threat of sexual assault regarding a woman who is kidnapped: he is soon killed.
Tanin No Kao (Movie)
A man suddenly pounces on his wife but immediately stops when she does not reciprocate. He does complain about her "refusing him". There are two very brief on-screen scenes which depict attacks which might be attempted rape but in both cases the victim escapes quickly and easily. There is an off-screen incestuous sex scene between two consenting adults.
Tank Girl (Movie)
The sexual violence in this movie was always from non-heroic characters, and Tank Girl (Lori Petty) always either physically defends the victim or convinces the assaulter to leave, sometimes using their own homophobia against them. Attempted rape/child sexual abuse: occurs shortly after Tank's imprisonment at Water and Power and an attempted rape occurs at the Liquid Silver Club.
Tannod (Movie)
A father sexually abuses and rapes his daughter.
Early in the book there is an instance of a man verbally harassing and grabbing a woman in a bar. She subdues the man, and her handling of the situation is referenced a few times later in the story. In the last few chapters, the rival MMA fighter verbally degrades the main female character in order to offend her boyfriend.
Tar (Movie)
The film is about a woman in position of power who exploits her position of power over several young women for sex, driving on of her victims to suicide. Nothing graphic is depicted. There are instances of this person making light but inappropriate touches to students. There is a scene where the main character is on a run and hears what might be an assault- we do not see anything or find out what happened, but the audio may be distressing to hear.
Targets (Movie)
Tarot (Movie)
Tarzan (1999) (Movie)
Worthy of note: the titular character examines the female protagonist (38:01-40:38), which makes her uncomfortable (nothing sexual).
Taskmaster (TV Show)
A man abruptly pinches a woman's bottom early in the movie. Women are wolf-whistled at. A man kisses a woman after she tells him not to.
The documentary discusses various incidents of sexual assault experienced by the women featured in the film. It covers rape when the women were minors and being in a relationship with a man that has raped multiple girls. This man is the stepfather of one of the women.
In one of the last episodes, a male haracter explains how he tricked women into Russian parties, which they think are just to dance, but end up raped by the entire platoon.
Taxi Driver (Movie)
A young girl, roughly 12 years old, is a sex worker. An ongoing theme of the film is the protagonist's obsessive stalking of a woman.
Taxidermia (Movie)
A man looks through a window to watch two women bathe. He later masturbates while secretly watching them playing outside. The same man fantasizes about tricking a little girl into touching him. Worthy of note: the same man has sex with a disemboweled pig corpse while fantasizing about the two women from earlier.
There is a kiss between a 17 year old boy and an adult woman but it never becomes sexual, though it is implied that it is something they both want.
Teacher (Movie)
A child is physically and emotionally abused by an adult: there is no mention of sexual intent.
A Teacher (TV) (TV Show)
The entire series revolves around a teacher/underage student relationship.
A female teacher is forcibly partially undressed in order to stage photos of her supposedly having an affair with her underage student. Teenagers touch a blindfolded man, who is expecting sex, in ways that comply with his fetish. The same man expects sex from a sick woman and does not accept no as an answer, refusing to leave her house. A teenage boy is kissed without his consent multiple times during the movie, this is played as a joke each time. The main character's deep fear of pregnancy and resulting sex repulsion promptly disappears after she is prude-shamed and she immediately has sex.
Team America (Movie)
One character jokes about forcing another character to perform oral sex on him. Later on in the movie, he actually forces him to perform oral sex in order to “prove his loyalty to the team and the cause”. Another man hates actors because he was raped as a child by the cast of Cats. All of these incidents are played for laughs.
Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)
Players can customize weapons and cosmetic items with custom names which are not actively moderated, which can include sexually explicit or offensive content (e.g. someone could name their gun "Rape"). A personal censorship filter can be applied to the in-game text chat if the player wishes to do so.
Teardrop (Movie)
The story is about war and genocide, and gives a very raw depiction of what happens.
Ted (Movie)
About a half hour before the end of the movie, a man walking home says to a woman: "If I get raped it will be my own fault because of what I'm wearing." This is played for a laugh. The main character touches a woman’s breast without her consent while she is taking a photo with him: it is not presented as being a problem.
The movie is about Ted Bundy, notorious serial killer and rapist. His crimes are mentioned throughout, and in one scene, he tells a woman he is going to strangle, then rape her. A main female character discusses an event where her sister was brutally raped and left for dead.
Ted 2 (Movie)
Ted Lasso (TV Show)
S2E11: a man kisses a woman without her consent. He quickly pulls away and apologizes, and she does not appear to be severely impacted by it. S3E1: a character makes a joke that she got her office space cheap because the boss was pinching employees' "butts". The response is "one man's grope is another woman's gain". This i played for laughs. S3E3: a joke about a child psychologist having sex with her clients is made. S3E6: a man makes a woman tea and leaves a note saying that it is not drugged. The same man makes a joke about watching a woman through a peephole. A character mentions that his abusive father took him to lose his virginity to a sex worker when he was 14, and it is implied that he was traumatized by it. S3E7: a joke about Jeffrey Epstein is made. S3E8: private sex tapes and nudes are leaked for celebrities including characters on the show. A discussion between footballers takes place on the ethics of keeping nude photos that people have sent you. One player is accidentally outed during this process. A character remembers when a teacher passed around a nude photo of her when she was 15. A joke about handsy old men is made. S3E9: a gay character is subjected to homophobic slurs, which is handled well by the show. A boss creepily tries to get his employee to cheat on his girlfriend and expresses disappointment when he does not. The boss is also creepy to the girlfriend. S3E10: an employee tells his boss that she is hot. The aftermath of the sex tape being leaked continues. S3E12: an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate is mentioned. A joke about peeping on people in a locker room is made.
Teen Spirit (Movie)
At a party, an adult, takes advantage of a drunk teenage girl. There are also mentions of rape and hints of sexual violence in other unrelated scenes.
Teen Titans (TV Show)
In one scene, the antagonist torments a teenage protagonist in a highly suggestive manner and rips her clothes.
A psychic character perceives someone thinking sexual thoughts about her and feels uncomfortable. One character touches another character on the shoulders. The latter voices discomfort with this and the former immediately apologizes.
The protagonists pass a character who is wishing a man would leave her alone. There is a passing mention of human trafficking as a concept.
Teen Witch (Movie)
Teen Wolf (TV Show)
One of the main characters is continually abused by a male character, who tries to rape another female character (it is heavily implied verbally). The show ends up redeeming him. There are a few moments where one of the main male characters is sexually assaulted by two female characters, and this is viewed as romantic. S1E6: a male teacher verbally sexually harasses a male student saying something about how he bets he visits porn sites every night. S1E8: a werewolf's supernatural powers basically make him in heat and he makes out with a girl he was not previously interested in. S1E10: the alpha wolf dates the main character's mom just to blackmail the main character. S1E11: a female main character licks the abs of a male main character she is holding captive and talks about how she seduced him in the past in order to get close to him and kill his family. S2E3: a teen is seduced into being a werewolf. A teen girl's ex boyfriend physically intimidates her. S2E4: a teenage girls who has been turned into a werewolf makes out with the adult man werewolf, who says that he already has a mate in mind for her. S2E5: a teenage girl werewolf sexually assaults a teenage boy werewolf. She slides her hand up with thigh, and then does the same thing with his girlfriend, but in a more threatening way. S2E6: rape is mentioned. A man tries to convince a girl to kiss him: she refuses. He then keeps badgering her, whih is played off as flirting. S2E7: a naked possessed teenage boy intimidates a female teen main character after she surprised him in the locker room: it is vaguely sexual, but mostly violent and threatening. He does not know what he is doing and is surprised when he comes to his senses on top of her. He is then beat up by the protagonist. A mom tells another mom that their teenagers are having sex. One female character jokingly tells another that he is using rapey language. S2E8: a teacher is seen with a girl who appears to be a teen at a rave. He says "she's 21", but it is doubtful. S2E9: a stalker is featured. S2E10: homicidal teenager boy tells a girl he would not have tried to kill her if she gave him a chance. S2E11: the stalker (who is then dead) is revealed to have photoshopped himself into photos with a main female character. Throughout season 3, a woman kills people. The man she is sleeping with doe not know that she is a murderer. S3E2: a teacher makes a joke about the size of a student's penis. S3E3: this episode features the ritual sacrifice of virgins and burying of homosexuals. S3E6: the main character seems to be possessed and creepily walks in on his ex girlfriend in the shower and tries to get physically close with he. He snaps out of it and does not remember what happened. S3E9: two people have a sexual encounter under the influence of magic - this could be interpreted as rape. S3E22: several people have sexual encounters with people under the influence of magic. S4E2: an adult woman turns her former lover into a teenage version of himself. He has the mind and memories of his teenage self. This adult woman murdered most of his family, but when they were teens, they had a sexual relationship before she killed his family. She turns him into a version of himself who does not know, and then seduces him so he will give her a magical item. S5E7: two characters who have sexual chemistry are either actually making out or think they are making oit and have hallucinations that are super disturbing. This is the first time these two characters have kissed. Its unclear if they are actually in control of what is happening, or if it is all just a hallucination. S5E20: a antagonist makes out with a person whom he had resurrected, pretends to be into her, and then kills her while she is straddling him. One main character (17 years old) had an off-screen, pre-series relationship with an adult woman as a teenager. This relationship could have included sexual abuse. The same woman makes numerous sexual and suggestive comments towards multiple teenagers and young adults later in the show, without their consent/reciprocation.
Teen Wolf Too (Movie)
An adult female teacher has a brief lustful look towards one of her male students after she gives him an A on his work. The male student is happy about the look.
S1E1: in the first scenes of the episode, a man explicitly states that he is religious and thinks that he and his girlfriend should save themselves for marriage. He starts to pray and the girl ignores what he wants and gets on top of him and has sex with him. After that, he keeps asking if what they did was ok. At some point, a main character says that her friend's dad said that she was 'developing nicely' when she was a younger teen. Additionnally, during this episode, the two main characters chase a man who has beatn up a sex worker.
There is a recurring bit about the turtles being “milked” by bad people. They are eventually restrained and “milked;” this is not graphic or made out to be an especially sexual joke but it may be found uncomfortable.
Teeth (2007) (Movie)
The protagonist is touched by her brother when she is a child. The protagonist is knocked out while attempting to fight off a rapist and he continues. Worthy of note: the whole premise of the story is a woman who is predated on by various men, but she gradually uses her unique anatomy to take revenge.
Tekken (Movie)
There is a past non-graphic mention of rape which leads to the main character learning that the rapist is his father.
While a man is sleeping, a woman pretends to have sex with him, A man has a woman pinned against the wall, he touches her face and calls her pretty while she tries to get away from him,
The protagonist has a consensual sexual encounter with his older brother. The two later go see a movie where a character was a victim of incest at the hands of her father. One of the protagonist's love interests discusses her experiences of rape and incest. The book takes place in the first half of the 20th century in the United States. While the protagonist, a black man, and his love interest, a white woman, are walking along a street in a small town, a bunch of white men proposition her and make suggestive gestures at her.
A woman is violently assaulted by her boyfriend who disfigure her with acid.
The two men featured in this documentary were sexually abused by their mother and pimped out to her friends as children. One man has no recollection of his childhood, and having learned only a few details, his brother finally discusses the full extent of their abuse with him. The subject matter, the main focus of the documentary, is handled sensitively.
The documentary is about a woman having a sexual relationship with a nonverbal disabled man who she did communication work with. She claims that he was able to communicate and consented to their relationship, but his family and another communication expert disagree.
About half way through the film, a girl is grabbed and is held down while screaming.
Chapter 2: the main character is held down and sexually assaulted by her step mother and sisters as a form of punishment because she was caught examining her own body.
A man begins to fondle a man without his consent (at first). A man and woman have sex in their bed while other creatures watch secretly A character pretends to masturbate at a woman.
Two characters have circumstances that force them into sex work at various points.
Temple (2017) (Movie)
Ten Canoes (Movie)
All the men of the movie (members of a tribe) have three wifes, one of whom probably is a teenage girl. This particular girl is kidnapped and sold by another tribe.
During the first half of the movie, there are multiple implied sexual harassement and rape from masters on women slaves. The main plot also involves a forced marriage with heavy hints of marital rape. During the last 15 minutes of the film, during an orgy scene, several woman are seen harassed and tied by men and it is implied that they are raped.
At the end of the movie, when the two main characters are singing with the devil, one character sings about potentially getting raped.
Content Warnings for this book from the author’s website: Death of a parent/grief, animal death (on page - cow and lizards; off page, referenced but not described - cat; off page, referenced and somewhat described - unspecified animals), mentions of self-harm/suicide, drinking and drug use, infidelity, discussions of toxic intimate relationships, detailed body horror/gore, violence, death (includes child death).
There are many sexually violent scenes in this book. The main plot (a factory farm of humans) is described in vivid detail, including the horrific rapes used to inseminate the women in the farm. These women are only described, never given an active role in the plot. Their trauma is not discussed, and they are never granted freedom or justice. In another scene, the main character rapes a woman on-screen in vivid detail. This is not really described as rape, but her discomfort and his forceful actions are described. This is a pretty long scene with lots of sexual imagery. The main character also has sex and impregnates one of the women raised on a factory farm, despite her not being able to speak or understand language. She has been treated like a farm animal her whole life, so she has no education and lacks the ability to consent. The book ends with the main character hitting this woman, and it is implied that he will kill her. This book can thus be extremely triggering to anyone who is sensitive to themes of sexual assault. It is not a hopeful or positive book at all, and it does not explore any trauma left by these scenes. The point of this book is to be horrifying rather than to handle these topics with sensitivity.
In the beginning of the book, it is mentioned that the main character's father sexually assaults her on a regular basis, leaving her pregnant several times at a young age. Later, she (still underage) is gang raped. A festival takes place in a village where men are encouraged to chase women, and several women force the men to touch them inappropriately. A young woman is molested by a man in the form of a bear. Several men are anally raped with a hot poker as an act of revenge for her mother's assault.
Tenebrae (Movie)
A woman is grabbed by a man who intends to assault her, but escapes. He later appears, having followed her home, while she is being murdered.
Tenet (Movie)
Worthy of note: domestic abuse is a theme throughout. A husband physically and emotionally abuses his wife, who feels unable to escape from his control or the relationship.
S1E12: one character assaults another character and psychologically tortures them about who they are (about 20 minutes in). A woman is hooked up to a monster half naked. There is thus non-consensual touching, and it is heavily implied that it continues into rape off-screen. Nothing was sexualized, and while the show contained plenty of near-nudity beforehand, in this case we are only shown legs, back, shoulders, and face of the victim, while the aggressor is largely clothed or shown from the rear. S1E13: a man says that the characters from the previous episode have been too noisy, confirming that said rape has happened. It is said to have been going on for two days.
Tenjho Tenge (TV Show)
A protagonist's girlfriend is assaulted offscreen (in the manga version, she is raped). The said assault is only used for shock value and is never mentioned again. The same victim later molests a female protagonist in hot springs. A character is implied to have romantic feelings for his sister but no sexual interaction occurs. A male protagonist tries to peek on a female character on his shower: the scene is played for comedy. There is also offhand homophobic comment made about an effeminate male character.
Tentacoli (Movie)
The book is about a teenage girl who is raped by a peer and her recovery after the fact.
Teorema (Movie)
The Terminal (Movie)
A woman mentions being groped by men during her work as a flight attendant. Men mention having collected the panties of a famous woman in an airport lounge: it is implied that some of them watched her having sex without her consent. Men set up a woman to make her ends up on the knees of her love interest (the main protagonist): it is played for laughs.
A character has flashbacks to being sexually abused as a child.
Termination (Movie)
Worthy of note: In chapter 1, a woman is drugged unconscious by a man so he can perform medical experiments on her and she sees another women who has also been put through this. There is no assault but the drugging may be triggering.
Terminator 2 (Movie)
A guard in a mental institution verbally harasses a patient. He also gets very close to the face of a sleeping woman.
A man and a woman kiss passionately; the man reaches into the woman's dress and caresses her breast (no nudity is visible); she becomes offended and angrily stops him.
Terra Formars (TV Show)
In the first OVA prior to the first season, there is a scene that implies a sexual assault/attempted rape happened: a young teenage boy is hitting a man after saving a girl who is on the floor with her her close ripped off her body (her bra is exposed).
Terraferma (Movie)
A woman gives birth to a child conceived through the guards "visiting" women at night during her time in immigration jail and tells the story to another woman, saying that the children were kept in the same area and could see (1:00:00-1:01:22).
Terri (Movie)
One recurring storyline of the movie is about a teenage girl who got pressured to perform sexual acts by a boy during a class (digital penetration). The boy is shown being very pushy, and other students witness the act, which causes the boy to get fired and the girl to get publicly shamed. The coercion and the act are referred to several times throughout the rest of the film. In one of the final scenes of the film, the three protagonist (teenagers) are intoxicated and one of them acts threateningly and ends up asking the girl to perform oral sex on him: she laughs him off and mocks him, making him leaves. After that, she ends up undressing in front of the titular character and asking him to join her on the floor: he is visibly distressed and refuses, so she eventually stops.
About halfway through the movie, it is mentioned (through the reading of a private diary) that the antagonist is a pedophile, who abused one of the main female character as a child. It is played for laughs. This is briefly mentioned again later on, and in the final part of the movie, the antagonist is killed (off-screen).
Terriers (TV Show)
S1E6: a drunk character says no to a man trying to put her in his car. A few scenes later she wakes up in the same man’s bed without her clothes on, implying that the man raped her.
Terrifier (Movie)
A woman’s breasts are cut off and then worn (off screen). Another woman has her underwear ripped from her naked body and is sawed in half from the vagina up while conscious and restrained.
Terrifier 2 (Movie)
A male character wears a shirt that says “just the tip I promise”. Worthy of note: the antagonist mutilates one of his victims by stabbing him in the groin over and over and cutting off his penis, then showing some of it to another character. There is no sexual dimension to him doing this.
The Terror (TV Show)
Worthy of note: in season 1, an Eskimo girl (the only woman of the show) is frequently threatened to be left unprotected among the whole crew of a ship, who thinks she is responsible for the deaths of several of them. In episode 8, a man tells a story about a family being attacked by Indians, and mentions that the mother was later found with her skirt ripped. S2E1: mentions of domestic abuse. At some point, a group of men (one of whom is the protagonist) go to a brothel. S2E3: the female antagonist (an evil spirit incarnated in a woman) kills a blind man by getting on top of him and biting his tongue off. S2E6: the episode opens with a scene showing the honeymoon night of a married couple from a forced marriage. The woman seems visibly distressed, but the man eventually kicks her out of the room and does not assault her. S2E7: a major in the army, who entertains an unequal relationship with a woman who is forced to be his secretary, makes threatening advances to her when they are alone (and after killing her boyfriend). The woman complies because she is recording their encounter in order to get him fired. S2E8: the major from the previous episode, who learned about having been taped, drugs the woman, kidnaps her and breaks one of her finger. It is heavily implied that he is planning on sexually assaulting her. She eventually manages to escape and kill him.
Chapter 2, "Franklin", features a flashback scene in which two sailors, implied to be in their 30s, engage in a sexual relationship (separately) with a teenaged Inuk girl. Worthy of note: a lone Inuit woman lives for a time on a ship inhabited by exclusively male sailors. The fact that she needs to be protected from these sailors is occasionally discussed; this is partially due to the fact that some of them believe her to be evil/a witch, but it is implied that there is also some possibility of sexual violence.
Worthy of note: the female antagonist kisses the male protagonist. This happens out of the blue. The male protagonist does not seem to mind the kiss as they used to be close friends.
Terror Train (Movie)
A man thinks he is being invited into bed by his date but it is a prank: he is tricked into touching a dead body. Later, a woman makes out with a masked person pretending to be her boyfriend.
Terror Trips (Movie)
There is mention of sex trafficking that happened in the past, and it is also implied that the women kidnapped during the movie are going to be trafficked.
Terrortory (Movie)
In the second story, two people go into a tent to have sex and a man masturbates outside of it without their knowledge.
Tesla (Movie)
Test Pattern (Movie)
This is the sequel to Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale." A central feature of the plot is an authoritarian regime which systematically controls women's sexuality, paring those of them who are fertile with "eligible" men and obligating them to partake in ritualised rapes, with the intention of impregnating them. Women who rebel against this regime are met with cruel and violent punishments.
A woman rapes a man with a metal pipe attached to her body. A cyborg tries to rape a girl, but she manages to escape.
A sheriff briefly fondles a dead woman’s breast and makes a crude comment. A male captor caresses a female protagonist’s face. A man touches a woman’s butt without her permission.
It is implied that one of the cannibals molests his female victims. A woman asks the family if they fuck all their cousins.
An antagonist runs his chainsaw, implied to represent an erection, moving up the woman's thigh and crotch. Later, an antagonist is visibly aroused and makes thrusting motions at a woman with a chainsaw. Towards the end of the movie, the antagonist kisses the protagonist without her consent after she is tied to a chair.
Texhnolyze (TV Show)
The main character is implied to be coerced into sex multiple times in the series starting in the first episode and other times during the series. There also happens to be a scene where a female side-character is threatened with implications of possible rape.
Thanksgiving (Movie)
A man makes a comment that vans are the chosen vehicles of pedophiles and rapists.
ThanksKilling (Movie)
A woman is raped by a turkey puppet.
TharnType (TV Show)
Sexual assault in this show includes, but is not limited to: A main character was kidnapped and sexually assaulted as a child. He is still very much dealing with the trauma. Another character was the victim of a gang rape and is heavily traumatized by that. One of the main characters kisses/leaves hickeys all over the chest of the other main character while he is asleep. One of the main characters initiates kisses and sex despite the other telling him to get off of him/let him go. A character does whatever it takes to ensure that he is the only stable presence in the object of his affection's life, including arranging the gang rape of another character, as he was dating the man he is obsessed with at the time. He continues to use this against him by using a tape of the gang rape to blackmail him into helping him with his plans. A side character is heavily implied to be in love with his stepbrother.
That '70S Show (TV Show)
S1E8: rape joke involving a record. S2E2 (Red's Last Day): a teenage girl gets into a teenage boy's van, comes onto him, straddles him, kisses him, shuts the van's door, and sex is implied, with the van rocking back and forth. While it is established that the teenage boy is attracted to the teenage girl (they kissed twice in a previous episode, and prior to her getting into his van, he was daydreaming about having more than one girlfriend). However, before this incident, he'd already told her that he was still dating someone, and after the van door is closed he is heard saying 'don't,' 'stop,' 'hey, those are my pants,' and 'no.' This scene occurs around the 13:44 minute mark. Following this, he says yes, but this verbal consent is only granted after the teenage girl has already ignored multiple protestations on his part. Later in the episode. he excitedly says, 'I totally did it with her!' His initial resistance is not addressed. S3E5: a teenage boy debates in his head whether or not to take advantage of a drunk girl. S6E17: a joke about a boy “ sexually assaulting himself” through masturbation is made. S7E22: a plan to commit rape by deception is made.
That 90S Show (TV Show)
S1E3: one of the main characters kisses an employee at the mall unconsensually after he rejects her advances multiple times. S1E5: an older woman lies about selling a hot tub to get in the hot tub with two teenage boys and touches their feet. She then offers that they can “try out her bed” upstairs.
One of the protagonists is a 16 year old boy whose ex-boyfriend is 26 years old. They are no longer together, but they remain friends and the adult occasionally makes flirtatious comments towards the boy and his friends of a similar age.
Worthy of note: at the beginning of the book, the male lead is coming to terms with the fact that he is demisexual. That knowledge comes with the realization that most of the sex that he had when he was younger was not sex he wanted to have, but that his partners expected of him. This is not framed as rape, but as a pattern he wants to avoid in the future. It still might be frustrating or upsetting for those readers who identify as asexual, demisexual, or aromantic. The female lead deals with the ramifications of gaslighting, emotional abuse, and verbal abuse from both her mother and her ex-husband. She does try to get the male lead to have sex with her early in the book when she is very drunk, but this is before she knows that he is demisexual. She later apologizes.
A king character forces himself onto one of the titular female characters after she said she would not have sed with him until she is queen/his wife.
The trigger warning at the beginning reads: "Please be aware, this book contains light BDSM, dubcon, violence, mentions of sexual violence (no rape or sexual assault occur; it is mentioned in conversation), and sexually explicit content that could trigger certain audiences".
The plot involves dubious consent, love potions, and kidnapping by an antagonist for non-sexual reasons.
The shows contains a lot of sexual grabbing to female characters.
The main character was conceived through the statutory rape of his father (a teenager at the time) by his high school teacher; this is the basis of the plot. The incident is played for laughs and never acknowledged to be rape.
The Thaw (Movie)
A woman is forced at gunpoint to strip naked so that her body can be inspected for bugs.
To the Bone (Movie)
For the People (TV Show)
A man puts his hand on a woman's knee and around her shoulder.
Theeb (Movie)
The protagonist's grandmother, who started life as a slave, was raped and impregnated by her master. The protagonist was conceived when the protagonist's mother was raped at the age of 17 by a schoolteacher. Male characters constantly comment on and covet the protagonist's beauty.
In Their Skin (Movie)
A couple is forced to have sex at gunpoint. One of the home invaders watching this is a child/young teen. There is a creepy behavior from a captor to a captive (touching, innuendo, victim blaming). One of the captors forces a victim to perform sex on them and forces their partner to watch: this is cut short. There is a described past of a teenager "falling in love" with their adult captor.
Thelma (Movie)
A man attempts to rape a woman until another woman intervenes, stripping her of her clothes. The attack is violent; he hits her and insults her repeatedly. The woman is obviously upset and begs him to stop. The scene is relatively graphic and some may find it disturbing; it occurs near the beginning of the movie.
Them (TV Show)
S1E4: it is strongly implied that a woman was previously sexually abused by her father. They have a discussion about her needing money and her father says he will write the check after supper but first she must take a bath. The woman is clearly upset scared and tearing up she ends up fleeing the house after sitting in front of the bathroom watching her father start the bath. S1E5: on-screen rape (18:08-22:18).
S1E1: a man stares at the legs of the main female protagonist on a train and makes her feels uncomfortable. He later acts threateningly towards her but she eventually is seduced by him in the next two episodes (they have consensual sex). S1E2: a woman hints that a girl was the result of a rape committed during wartime.
A former ensembke dancer is sent to a monastery for conversion therapy: he is subsequently raped by a priest supposed to "cure him". He escapes but is forced into prostitution to survive. Nothing of this is shown on screen. A character worries the same fate will happen to the protagoist. Worthy of note: homophobia.
Therapy (Movie)
Roughly the last half-hour of the film centers around child sex abuse (the rest of the film does not talk about sexual abuse). There are graphic first-hand accounts.
There are passing mentions of sexual assault in chapter 12.
The author's first sexual relationship was with a man who was 19 while the author was 16.
A group of people believes that an alien is looking to mate with the women, and it does tear open one of their shirts while it is attacking.
Therese (Movie)
Worthy of note: when the female protagonist tells her husband that she plans on leaving him, he states that he could legally get away with murdering her because she cheated on him.
The protagonist encounters two men kidnapping a young girl, planning to rape her. He kills them and saves her.
In general, there is a lot of discussion about the rape of slaves by their masters. One character, an adult woman, initiates a sexual affair with a teenager whom she employs to do yard work. This relationship continues until the woman dies decades later. The person with whom she is having an affair abducts three little girls and takes them into the woods. There is no evidence in the plot that there was child sexual abuse, but it is in general a very ambiguous situation because the abduction and the subsequent events are framed in terms of magical realism.
There are several graphic sequences of sexual assault. Many of these are dreams or hallucinations, but are still potentially upsetting. Obsession and abuse play major roles in the story.
There is a passing mention of a character getting catcalled. Both protagonists get sexually harassed on an app.
One character - an adult during the movie - is strongly implied to have engaged in a sexual relationship with an adult whilst a teenager and to have been a victim of childhood sexual abuse.
In a satirical scene, a man nearly has sex with his grandmother.
They Live (Movie)
There is one mention of a stepfather raping his stepdaughter.
Within the first few minutes of the film, one character jokingly says that his basement is for "raping animals". It is implied that he is not serious.
They Nest (Movie)
The premise of the book is that one of the protagonist’s is a serial killer of men who abuse or sexually assault women. The protagonist and several other characters have experienced sexual assault themselves. Several professors in the university where this book takes place have sexual relationships with their students. One of the main characters is drugged and assaulted. Aside from the trauma of sexual assault itself, there is also a great deal of rape apologia in the book. This apologia clearly identified as morally wrong, but it could still be hard to hear for some audiences.
They Remain (Movie)
Worthy of note: about halfway through the movie, soldiers mention going to a brothel. The sequence if illustrated by a cartoon showing a prostitute visibly displeased.
They-Them (Movie)
A camp counselor (older man) leers at the teenage girls attending the camp and watches a monitor of them showering without their consent. At some point, he feels up a camper (teenager). Camp counselors look at the phones of campers without their consent: this inclued lewd photos. An adult woman aggressively flirts with a teenage girl, who is visibly uncomfortable. She touches her hand and arm, and seems amused that she is uncomfortable: the teenage eventually runs away. Around 1:50:00 into the movie, a man seduces another man with the intent to trap him. The victim is forced to undergo aversion therapy.
A man kisses a woman while strangling her.
The Thick of It (TV Show)
The author references the following: receiving street harassment, getting hit on at a bar, her suspicion that her mother was sexually abused as a child, sexual violence in slavery, rape apologism, the #MeToo movement, adultification of Black girls, general statistics on sexual violence in families; and sexual assault allegations against R. Kelly, Charlemagne Tha God, and Bill Cosby. Although these topics come up throughout the book, the chapter that focuses most on sexual violence is “Black Girlhood, Interrupted.”
Thief (Movie)
Mentions of prison rape (~40 min).
A man approaches a woman and begins to caress her elbows; her reaction is clearly fearful. Worthy of note: this same man is forcing the same woman to marry him.
S1E1: girls are raped by a group of men (between the 22:00-25:00 minute marks). Young women are hunted down and raped by a group of men. Another rape takes place in a brothel. S1E5: some female prostitutes in a brothel are visited by a group of men who touch them even though the women seem distressed. Later, it is implied that the same men attempt to rape these women (43:00-45:30). S1E9: two women are successively raped on-screen.
One policeman mentions suspecting that a man's intent in an attack might have been sexual. During a re-enactment, a drive-through movie theatre shows a very brief scene of two young people kissing in bed. The man attempts twice to take off his partner's underwear despite her refusal. The movie largely focuses on a murder case and does not linger on the subject of sexual violence.
A man tells another man a dirty joke in Norwegian. The joke mentions sex, incest and a child in a sexual context.
Worthy of note: this books features an unhealthy relationship with sadomasochistic themes: both parties are adults.
There is a passing mention of a tertiary teenage character who became pregnant while in a relationship with an adult man. A teenage character jokes that he gave an adult man a handjob in exchange for a vinyl record. He says this just to get a rise out of someone, and it turns out to be untrue.
It is implied that a woman became pregnant as a result of rape.
Thinner (Movie)
A man makes suggestive comments to a female ghost who is nude.
The Third Day (TV Show)
S1E2: a man talks about a child who was kidnapped and killed (15:40). He mentions that the child was "not molested or anything like that". A teenage girl kisses an adult man (44:18): there is not any kind of sexual or romantic relationship between them, before or after that. S1E4: an adult man approaches a teenage girl and talks about a drawing of a naked woman on a wall. It is implied by the scene and her mother that he had sexual intentions (19:30).
It is revealed in the second part of the movie that the murder victim (a father) had been sexually assaulting his daugther since she was 14. This becomes a central part of the plot and is thus discussed frequently throughout the rest of the film.
The plot revolves around a teenage girl being married off to an adult man. They have a sexual relationship, though very little of it shown on screen. An adult woman is shown to have a secret sexual relationship with a teenage boy. A teenage girl watches people have sex without their knowledge/consent on several occasions.
Thirst (Movie)
A character says that women should not allow themselves to be sedated at hospitals because doctors might take them. The attempted rape scene takes place towards the end of the movie. A man accidentally walks in on a woman while she is changing.
Thirteen (Movie)
The main character and her best friend, both thirteen years old, attempt to seduce a grown man. He is uncomfortable and tells them to leave. Several older teenage boys make passes at them as well. A character reveals she was molested by her uncle when she was younger.
There are brief mentions of different harassments that women faced (never more than a couple sentences) in chapters 1, 11, 16 and 17.
An adult man flirts with a teenage girl. He manages to find her alone and then grabs her arm. She steps on his foot to get him to let her go. When others find out what he did, gaslights her and tries get her fired. His assistant reveals that he also harassed her in the past, indicating that this is a pattern of behavior for this character. The harasser character gets asked to leave and the remaining characters support the teenage girl who was harassed.
This Bed We Made (Video Game)
This Boy's Life (TV Show)
In the beginning of the movie, a woman's ex-boyfriend who has been stalking her tries to engage sex multiple times despite her protests, and acts increasingly threatening. On their wedding night, the antagonist and the protagonist's mother engage in consensual sex. At some point, she asks him to "do it face-to-face' but he violently puts her head down and rapes her. Teenagers joke about wanting to have sex with a woman tied down against her will in a tv show.
The author references the following: sexual abuse against elders as a form of elder abuse, sexual assault allegations against banker Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar, and a news story about an old man who groped a young woman in a grocery store. Most of these are in the chapter entitled "No Expiration Date: Sex and Intimacy."
Worthy of note: the protagonist is implied to have accidentally wandered into a red light district.
At 45:45- 48:40, a female character enters their home and she go upstairs to get some rest. For an unknown reason, the other male characters start talking about who is most likely to rape her and starts accusing each other of who would be. She overhears this and leaves. At 1:07:10 -1:08:31, a man gets ready to go to sleep when a demon creature enters the room and takes the covers off of him. He then wakes up, realizes that it is not a dream and protests. The creature supposedly succeeds in raping him: the scene cuts away before it happens. The rape is then mentioned several times throughout.
A 15-year-old girl kisses a 12-year-old boy, and asks if he wants to 'suck her tits' This is not seen on-screen, and whether he complies is unclear. An older man talks about his past sexual relationship with a teenager. Several pornographic posters (breasts and rear visible) are displayed in a lengthy scene with a child present. A character describes how they believe the country is being 'raped' by immigration.
S1E2: child abuse is discussed S1E3+4: explicit on-screen rape and attempted rape.
There are mentions of child sex abuse and rape jokes throughout.
Near the end of the film, the main female character is attacked by a man that she had tricked earlier: he threatens her with a knife and then throws her to the ground and attempts to rape her, but she headbutts him and escapes.
The female narrator spends multiple chapters wrongly convinced that she accidentally dosed her (female) love interest with a coercive love potion. The narrator's ex-girlfriend was emotionally abusive, and she struggles with her lingering insecurities. Because of her insecurities and her concerns about the love potion, she repeatedly and painfully pushes away her current love interest. Mentioned in passing: at a festival, someone gave an unnamed woman essentially a magical date-rape drug. She was rescued before anything happened.
This Is Us (TV Show)
Sexual harassment on-screen: In S1E14 a woman is propositioned. When she refuses, the man states “you don’t know it yet, but this is happening.”
A woman mentions that her father sexually assaulted her during her youth.
This War of Mine (Video Game)
A woman is raped by a soldier unless the player intervenes. The player cannot see what is happening, but they can hear it. A different woman will be at that location the next night and will discuss the outcome of the assault. Other members of the player’s group will discuss whether or not they felt the player should have intervened. A woman warns the player about groups of bandits breaking in to houses and raping people at night. The player can rescue women being sexually trafficked in a brothel. A child playable character talks about an older teen who would do “adult things” to the younger children in the orphanage.
This Way Up (TV Show)
S1E5: a woman is groped when her friend propositions her. (~17:35) Two women casually joke about the possibility of being raped at a few points throughout the series.
Several implications of a lesbian character being raped are mentioned throughout the book, it is later confirmed by this character saying she in fact was raped but never reported it. There also scenes of the same guy making several sexual advances on the lady knowing she is a lesbian, including groping and unwanted kissing during a junior prom. It is mentioned with her brother describing the events after the assault/rape There are warnings for the book as it describes the event of a school shooting, however, not any warnings for the actual sexual assault.
The Quiet Room: mention of rape within a myth. The Screams of Dragons: a boy forcibly kisses a girl twice. Little Miss Queen of Darkness: news headline about a man charged with dozens of counts of rape. The Female Factory: brief mention of a male boss having sex with a female employee so she can earn favor/advance. Mothers lock up your Daughters: a high school girl is coerced into a sexual relationship by her adopted brother. Children of the Fang: past accusation of rape. Madame Damnable's Sewing Circle: girls who are likely underage being kidnapped into prostitution.
Thor (Movie)
The main character's clothes are removed by magic in front of a huge crowd: his comrades and others visible enjoy this.
Thoroughbreds (Movie)
One character is mentioned to have done jail time for statutory rape for having sex with a minor when he was 23 (31:08).
S1E1: a 22 year old woman kisses a 16 year old boy.
There is some muffled cat-calling in the background during a very short segment.
Threads (1984) (TV Show)
Three Amigos! (Movie)
The film focuses on the mother of a young girl who was raped and murdered and the lack of progress made on the case by the local police. The mother buys three billboards in order to shame the police chief. The first billboard says 'RAPED WHILE DYING'. The mother reflects on the day her daughter died. Her daughter got angry about not being allowed to borrow the car and yelled that she would just walk and said she hoped she would get raped. The mother, in her anger, yelled that she also hoped her daughter would get raped. Later in the film, a man mocks and tries to intimidate the mother by claiming to have committed the rape, subsequently denying these claims.
The main character has sex with a woman who he has taken hostage, and she is visibly uncomfortable throughout.
First segment (Dumplings): a teenage girl gets an abortion and it is revealed that her father is the one who impregnated her. Third segment (The Box): a man is very close with a 10-year-old girl and it is hinted that their relationship may have had a sexual aspect. This same man gropes a woman later on in the story.
There are plural mentions and scenes of rape and child abuse. This film features multiple scenes where an old husband has sex with one of his wives, who is underage. Worthy of note: there is also a lot of fatphobia.
Three Ways (Movie)
Thriller (Movie)
Chapter 1: a man forcibly kisses a woman as a means to take her magic into himself.
Implied incest between a brother and sister. A woman describes a hallucination she has wherein a giant spider sexually assaults her.
Throughout the film, a young man tries to convince a young woman to marry him. He firstly harasses her grandmother, and later the girl herself, despite her clear disinterest (she never answers his questions during the whole movie). The last scene shows him insistingly following her home and harassing her.
Thumbelina (Movie)
A beetle appears in front of her and speaks to her inappropriately, invading her personal space and making her feel very uncomfortable. He then kisses her on the arms and hands as she protests and tries to resist. He drags her off to his club where she will perform for him (37:20-39:04). During a struggle, the toad and the beetle try to grab her as she runs away (1:10:23-1:10:54). Worthy of note: the titular character is kidnapped by toads who intend to force her to join their musical troupe and make her marry one of the toads against her will (28:50-29:18).
Thumbsucker (Movie)
Thumper (Movie)
Thunder Road (Movie)
Thunderball (Movie)
After attempting to force himself on a woman, the main male character blackmails her into having sex with him. His victim is later shown to have enjoyed it. Later, the villain ties a woman up on her bed and threatens to torture her with ice cubes and a lit cigarette before being interrupted. His intentions are not sexual, but it is quite reminiscent of an attempted rape, and leads another character to assume that this is what was happening.
Thunderbird (Movie)
There are mentions of checking for signs of rape when investigating a dead body, but none are found.
Thunderpants (Movie)
The Tick (TV Show)
This documentary is a brief sequel to "Tickled," which contents explore an alleged tickling ring where some men encounter blackmailing/threats/stalking when involved in the ring. Therefore, there is discussion about the possibility of it not being consensual but it is not necessarily sexual.
Tickled (Movie)
Whilst there is no sexual violence, there is mentions of exploitation of a sexual nature. Several men are coerced into filming fetish videos and are threatened with exposure to their loved ones and employers if they do not fully co-operate. Some of the people in the videos are said to be underage.
Ticks (Movie)
A man hits on a teenager multiple times, touches her hair and blows kisses to her. While everyone is trapped in the cabin, he also grabs her and means to escape the cabin with her but does not.
Tideland (Movie)
Worthy of note: there are multiple occasions where an adult man kisses a young girl. The man also discusses how he used to be kissed by an older woman as a child. A young girl sees a woman and man having sex.
Tides (Movie)
While searching a woman's room, a man makes suggestive comments towards her: when she does not respond, he pins her back against the wall and begins kissing her and tearing at her clothes. When he becomes distracted, she is able to get away from him. She then kisses him to proceed to kill him. SPOILERS: It is revealed that one man orchestrates the kidnapping of young girls and indoctrinates them into his way of thinking. By doing this, he is planning for them to breed with "his people" when they are women. Howver, there is no harassment/assault of the children within the story. We also learn that this man's supposed wife and child are those of another man, whom he had arrested and imprisoned. Considering that he is in a power position, the relationship is presumably unconsensual, even if no coercition or violence is shown on-screen.
The film is about a woman who is kidnapped, then ends up falling in love with her captor.
There is one flashback to the protagonist fighting off a boy who tried to kiss her on a dare.
Tiger King (TV Show)
S1E3: a woman explains that she was raped when she was 14. Worthy of note: it is implied that two men were coerced into or otherwise unhappy in their relationships with another man, who was able to exert a degree of control over them through various means. Another man lives with a number of women, with all of whom he is sexually involved. It is discussed that these women usually became involved with this man when they were very young and that he exerts a high degree of control over their lives (including having them work for him, provide all of their income and dictate what they should wear). S2E2: a character is revealed to be going to Costa Rica regularly to hire trafficked children as prostitutes.
Tiger& Bunny (TV Show)
One of the male character grabs the butt of another male character. He also makes sexual comments to the male protagonist. The male protagonist laughs it off. Worthy of note: a 16 year old girl is dressed very provocatively in order to attract more male fans. Her parents address this in one of the episodes.
Tigerland (Movie)
A man teaches soldiers how to torture people by using electric wrenches on their enemies' testicles. One of the soldiers is forced to pull his pants down and the sergeant pretends to demonstrate the procedure on him: it does not happen. Early in the movie, a rape joke can be heard.
Human trafficking and veiled rape threats towards child are mentioned.
Till (Movie)
A black teenage boy compliments and whistles at an adult white woman with no ill intent. She falsely accuses him of sexual assault, resulting in his being lynched by a racist mob. She later describes the non-existent assault in court. This is a true story based in Jim Crow-era USA.
Till Death (Movie)
The male main character is subjected to ongoing physical abuse from his wife. Most, but not all, occurs offscreen before the start of the story. S1E14: the male main character is drugged and participates in implied sexual activity with the female main character. This is treated as being owed to the other character and not addressed as nonconsensual. This is previously mentioned in S1E7.
Timbuktu (Movie)
Time (Movie)
Time of Eve (TV) (TV Show)
A 10-year-old African American girl is attacked and raped by two white adult men. When the girl is found, her father remembers another racially-motivated attack against an African American girl in a nearby town, for which her four assailants were acquitted. The rest of the film's plot revolves around his attempt to bring his daughter's attackers to justice.
Time Lapse (Movie)
Time Raiders (Movie)
S1E3: strongly implied rape of a female character (age 16). We see the events leading up to it, vaguely the act, and when the victim admits that she was raped as well as the aftermath of the harm from the rape (discussion of the trauma).
Time traveling peculiarities aside, one character grooms the other from childhood to expect a romantic relationship, which begins when that character is in her mid-teens.
Timecop (Movie)
Antagonists grab and attack a female character, who screams as she is pressed up against a window and touched in a sexual manner (14:00).
Timeless (TV Show)
A major male character was physically and sexually abused by a male sadist in a position of significant power over him. For five years, he deliberately drew the brunt of the abuse to protect other would-be victims. Little detail is given of his ordeal, but the circumstances and political consequences of his abuser’s death (before series start) are discussed frequently.
Timewasters (TV Show)
Sexual harassment is common throughout the series. A main character is very naive and often taken advantage of: he also sexually harasses people. The entirety of season 1 features intoxicated sex acts. Season 2 features lots of sexual harassment. S1E2: a black man is kidnapped by a white supremacist sex cult for breeding. S1E6: a woman lies to a man about being a virgin, and hides being a prostitute. S2E2: dancers are trated like property and harassed. S2E5: Bill Cosby is mentioned and a main character does not believe he is guilty.
Tin Man (2007) (TV Show)
The Tingler (Movie)
In a movie theater, a man tries to put his arm around his date several times and she pushes him off each time. He eventually stops when she moves a seat away from him.
S1E6: a woman shares a sexual fantasy she has about her father because he abandoned her when she was younger.
Tiny Heroes (Movie)
A relationship between a student and their principal is shown on screen in many sex scenes. Two characters are dosed with a commonly used date rape drug: this is mentioned multiple times. Throughout the whole show, the main characters aged 16-17 are having relationships with adults in their 20's. This is never addressed. A school offers donors access to underage girls in exchange for donations. S1E5: an underage character kisses her choregrapher that is in his 30's. He kisses her back but it is not taken any further (her age does not play a role in this decision). S1E6: an underage female character is groped by an older male client whilst at work after being pushed into a swimming pool. Later in the episode, the man blackmails her to stop her from speaking out about it (most relevant scene occurs between the 25:00-25:30 minute marks). A character implied that his former student has only gotten her career because she slept with him. S1E7: a female character reveals that she was raped at her work. This becomes a recurring plot point throughout the remainder of the season, and is repeatedly referenced. A 16 year old reveals that he used to hook up with strangers prior to the show's events who would "pick (him) up and do their worst", it is not further discussed even though it is portrayed as a sensitive thing. S1E9: it is implied that a woman who keeps justifying an assault does so because she had to once overcome being raped. A man forces another man to cup his penis. There is a scene later on when the characters try to confront the rapist, that results in scenes of violent screaming and groping, before other people come in to help. Worthy mention: a character in his 30's reveals that when he was very young, he lost his virginity to someone 20 years older than him.
This book is set in Victorian London with the sexism of the era. The perspective character (a butch woman strongly implied as genderqueer) faces casual sexual harassment at times when dressed as a woman. She works as a gay male prostitute for a middle section of the book and is afraid of discovery and assault from clients, though those fears are not realized. She spends a substantial middle section of the book as the live-in hired escort of a rich and powerful woman. This woman becomes threatening and violent when the protagonist tries to say no to sex or otherwise resists her mistress's wishes.
Tirailleurs (Movie)
The Titan (Movie)
Worthy of note: the film contains instances of (non-sexual) domestic abuse.
Titane (Movie)
In the first sequence after the opening title, a female dancer is briefly touched by a man: he is quickly escorted out of the building by security. Just after that, a man, who says he is a fan of the female protagonist, pursues her after she finishes her job at night. She flees and manages to take refuge in her car, but the man insists and says that he is in love with her. After she opened her window, he grabs her head and starts kissing her: she complies in order to be able to kill him. After having sex with a car, the female protagonist wakes up with bruises between her thighs. Later, the female protagonist engages in sexual intercourse with another woman: she persistently pulls the woman's nipple piercing despite the woman's apparent uncomfort, until she protests. The protagonist then stops and goes away. A few minutes later, the protagonist kills the woman while they are kissing on a couch. The protagonist tries to get an abortion by herself with her hairpin: she fails but the scene is rather long and shows her visible distress. In the second part of the movie, the female protagonist disguises as a man and pretends to be the lost child of an elder man. There are several tense scenes where the protagonist tries to hide the fact that she is a woman (for example. the man insists on undressing her). In the final scene of the movie, when the man has discovered that she is a woman and decided to keep treating her as his son, she starts kissing him but he protests. After she dies while giving birth, he eventually kisses her. The protagonist (dressed up as a man), enters a bus where a group of men harass a woman alone in an increasingly violent way. As the tension rises, the protagonist exits the bus, leaving the woman alone with her potential assailants.
Worthy of note: a man saves a woman from jumping off of a ship, shortly after she slips and screams for help. When other people arrive at the scene, they mistakenly accuse him of assaulting the woman due to both parties being put in an awkward position, but she quickly explains that it was a misunderstanding and that he saved her life. The same woman is engaged to a possessive and abusive partner; he does not sexually assault her, but he physically threatens her and slut-shames her for seeking out a relationship with the man who saved her life.
Titanic 666 (Movie)
A man hits on a woman several times even as she tells him to stop.
Titanic II (Movie)
Titans (TV Show)
S1E1: there are evidence photos of a little girl’s face and a non explicit photo of her nude lower half, bruised. Later on in the episode, explicit reference is made to this abuse while the perpetrator is being attacked. S1E9: child sexual abuse off-screen and a legal discussion of it.
TNT Jackson (Movie)
There are two attempted rape scenes (5:30-6:18 and 43:20-45:04), used as a vehicle to see breasts on screen and establish characters/environments as dangerous, immoral. There is violence against women and general misogyny throughout the film.
Toc Toc (Movie)
There is no assault in the film, but some scenes may make viewers uncomfortable. A man with Tourette’s Syndrome makes obscene gestures and phrases towards multiple characters, but it is explained that this is uncontrollable due to his condition. He has no sexual desires or intent to hurt anyone. A female character runs away from the man, in fear that he will assault her: he runs after her in an attempt to explain that he has no bad intentions, but the scene mimics that of a victim attempting to escape possible sexual assault, as that is what the woman thinks is happening.
Together With Me (TV Show)
S1E9: a character comes out as gay to and breaks up with his girlfriend. She then drugs him with viagra and tries to get him to sleep with her to show that he "can like sex with a woman" and not break up with her. He kicks her away from him. S1E11: a character presents his boyfriend with a surprise foursome. His boyfriend becomes uncomfortable, asks him to stop, and leaves.
The protagonist is sexually harassed by another main character.
Tokyo 24Th Ward (TV Show)
S1E3: a girl walks into the bathing area knowing the three male protagonists are naked. She then makes comments about the body of the guy she has a crush on. S1E7: one of the male protagonists spends most of the episode staring at the chests of different women, including an underage girl. This is played for laughs as he is trying to figure something out. All of the girls seem uncomfortable by this. Worthy of note: the naked body of a 17 year old girl is semi shown throughout the series.
Tokyo Ghoul (TV Show)
The series contains a lot of sexual violent themes (i.e. characters appearing to derive sexual pleasure from eating people or being hurt). Both the manga and the anime contain implied child sex abuse and rape. S1E5: a male character states that he was 'into' a female character when she was 14 and he was 18. She says that she finds the way he is talking to her creepy. This all occurs whilst they are fighting and the woman stands up for herself easily.
An adult man grabs a teenage girl's boob as a "joke" and comments on how she has matured. A man falls asleep injured and in dirty clothing in a drag bar. When he wakes up he is wearing different clothes, implying that one of the (presumably gay) performers must have undressed him while he was sleeping. A teenage character is held hostage and believes she will be made a sex slave (no such thing occurs).
Tokyo Revengers (TV Show)
S1E5: it is discussed that one of the gang's member girlfriend got beaten and raped in front of him by rival gang. You only see a gang standing in a circle at night, implying that the rape happend within that circle.
Tokyo Sonata (Movie)
A burglar kidnaps a woman in her home. She then agrees to run away with him. He attempts to rape her but is finally unable to do so.
Tokyo Tribe 2 (TV Show)
A young man is literally raped to death.
The Toll (Movie)
The main character has several flashbacks to an assault in her past (though the actual assault is not shown). SPOILER: the main character is eventually chased and shot by a man admitting to wanting to rape and kill her.
S1E3: there is an attempted rape scene at the end of the episode (43:48-47:04). The victim is a mother and it nearly happens in front of her children. The agressor forcefully undresses the victim and kisses her before she fights him off and uns away. Then, there is an explosion, but it does not kill the agressor.
Tom Jones (Movie)
There are jokes referencing sexual acts with children.
Tomb Raider (Movie)
A man strokes the protagonist's face (43:20-43:52).
Story 1: two men rob a woman. One rips open her clothes and grabs her while she screams and tries to gets away. They are stopped before anything further can happen. Story 3: while at a school, two teenage boys grab a teenage girl and cover her mouth. She struggles to get away and the creature appears and she is able to run away.
Tomboy (Movie)
Towards the end of the film, a child character is forced to show her genitals to prove they are female. This is without sexual intentions but is still presented in an overpowering/predatory way which could be upsetting to some viewers. This happens off screen but we do see the aftermath and damage this does to the person.
An implied rape occurs off-screen: the assault can be interpreted as an attempt to 'turn' the (queer) victim straight. She is then slut-shamed by another woman in the immediate aftermath of being assaulted.
Tombstone (Movie)
At the very start of the movie a wedding is interrupted by outlaws and it is implied that the bride is going to be raped.
Tomiris (Movie)
Tommy (1975) (Movie)
The main character is repeatedly sexually abused by his uncle. The film deals with the effects of the psychosomatic disorder which he develops in order to cope with the repeated abuse.
Tommyknockers (Movie)
A woman is seemingly kidnapped and a man says that the men who took her have probably raped and killed her. She is secretly part of their group and is unharmed.
Tomodachi Life (Video Game)
Tomorrowland (Movie)
Tonbo! (TV Show)
Worthy of note: S1E12: a child tells the female protagonist he saw her panties after she jumped into the air. The female protagonist laughs.
Tong Ling Fei (TV Show)
The sexual harassment is most of the times not romantiziced, however with the love interest it sometimes is. S1E5: an attempted rape involves the main character being tied up, however no one is naked, and the perpetrator is interrupted before he has a chance to do anything sexual.
Toni Erdmann (Movie)
The premise of the book is that the four authors, who have a book club discussing Toni Morrison novels, write chapters reflecting on themes present in those novels. As such, most of the conversations around rape, sexual assault, and child sexual abuse occur because those dynamics exist in Morrison's novels. In particular, the sexual violence perpetrated against enslaved women comes up a lot. A few authors also discuss their own experiences with sexual harassment. One of them relates how, when she was a child, an adult she did not know repeatedly tried to get her to enter his car. Another describes how, when she was a teenager, she escaped a man who was harassing her in an ice cream shop.
Tony Manero (Movie)
A woman talks about her experiences of having been born into the Children of God cult. Although she does not explicitly mention any sexual element of the abuse she suffered, it is worthy of note that this cult is notorious for its sanctioning and practice of routine child sexual abuse.
The scene (taking place in the first few minutes) mostly focuses on the faces, hands and feet of the people involved. It is upsetting because the two people do not know each other, and friends helped orchestrate the assault. It begins a sort of revenge story arc.
Too Cute Crisis (TV Show)
S1E1: the episode opens with a policeman showing a nude picture a woman sent him to his colleague (other men look at it later on). He then proceeds to say that he will have to kill the woman, who is his mistress. The next scene shows the same man pulling over a woman: with his colleague standing next to him, he makes inappropriate comments and acts threatening to her (hinting that he will force her to give him sexual favours). She seems very distressed during the whoe scene (which is very long). He eventually forces her to pay to leave. The male protagonist (in his thirties) has entertains a romantic relationship with a high school girl (17 year old). The fact that their love affair is illegal is mentioned several times throughout the episode: their affair goes on during the next episodes, and they are showed sharing intimate moments. The final scene shows a woman restrained and covered in blood, who has been beaten by a man. It is implied that 'men who hate women' would harm her if the protagonist does not kill her (which he is implied to do off-screen). S1E2: human trafficking is a central theme of this episode, with female prostitues being referred to and treated as merchandise (sexual violence is heavily implied several times). In the last part of the episode, a man (leader of a cartel) grabs a woman's hair in a club, drags her in front of a whole audience and she is implied to be abused and gang raped off-screen by the men. An elderly and terminally ill man entertains an ambiguous relationship with his very young nurse, whom he says he found naked in the desert. Several dialogues imply a potential incestuous relationship between this man and his late sister. S1E3+4: paedophilia is an important plot point of these two episodes, dealing with people killing peadophiles and rapists. The crimes of the latter are mentioned throughout, but not depicted on screen. In the final scene of S1E4, one character is proposed to become the pimp of prostitutes: he declines. S1E5: this whole episode is about a man killing two men who make snuff movies (people getting raped). The opening scene shows one man being interrogated (increasingly uncomfortable), drugged, obliged to sign a consent form and then raped by two men (grabbed on-screen then raped off-screen, with sounds of struggle being heard). Incest is also mentioned during the interrogation. Video of their films is shown to the protagonist (not shown on-screen). A long scene shows a woman in her underwear being watered by one of the snuff movies producers with a hose, who then fondles her, grabs her by the throat and strips her naked with a knife: she seems increasingly uncomfortable and tense. While the scene seems to suggest that she will get raped, it ends with the man painting her toe nails. The episode ends with the antagonist digging up a woman he presumably raped and buried alive in the desert. S1E6: it is implied (through dialogues and non explicit flashbacks) that a man has entertained incestuous desires towards his mother since he was a teenager. The episode closes with him performing oral sex on his wife, who says that she is the reincarnation of his late mother. S1E7: the assassination of child molesters is discussed and shown on screen. The relationship of the male protagonist (30 year old) and his young girlfriend is also mentioned and shown on-screen: the latter is shown turning 18 and the couple is shown having sex. It is then revealed that the father of the girl watched her without their consent: he also explains that he was jealous since he always wanted to have sex with his own daughter: he then starts masturbating next to the protagonist, who ends up killing him. Before that, the father asked the protagonist to get dressed in front of him, and showed him a movie where two cops sexually assault and rape a woman (verbal assault is shown on-screen, rape implied off-screen). S1E8: the assassination of child molesters is discussed and shown on screen. The relationship of the male protagonist (30 year old) and his 18 year old girlfriend is also mentioned (it is described as statutory rape since it started when the girl was 16). Women (who are prostitutes 'owned' by a cartel) are held captive in stables: they are raped off-screen by a group of men (we hear them scream). Later on, several of them are shown being tied to their bed in a motel, next to the clients who raped them: a woman comes and kill all the men. There is also a consensual SM sex scene where the woman strangles and ties up her husband with a whip, which she puts into his anus. S1E9: a husband and wife roleplay (and have sex), with the woman impersonating the late mother of the man, with whom he entertained an incestuous relationship. A man mentions that he wants to use rape against his enemies and their female relatives. The assassination of paedophiles and rapistes is discussed and shown on screen. A woman tells an early version of the Red Riding Hood, where the wolf rapes the girl multiple times. S1E10: rape, incest and child sex abuse are mentioned several times. A woman rescues prostitutes 'owned' by a cartel by killing all men in a bar/brothel.
It is revealed late in the movie that a character had been raping his younger cousin and then proceeds to rape a 15 year old main character (1:20:10-1:21:05). It shows the violent assault starting, and it fades to black before clothes are removed. They are seen in bed together in the next scene with him clearly thinking he did nothing wrong. She kills him off screen.
Tootsie (Movie)
There is an implied sexual harassment plot point in the soap opera that the characters of this movie are filming (no graphic details are discussed). Also, there is a scene in which one of the characters tries to seduce the lead, while he resists. Nothing happens, as luckily someone walks in as the assailant is trying to kiss him. The assailant then apologizes and leaves.
Top Hat (Movie)
Top of the Lake (TV Show)
The plot revolves around the investigation of multiple cases of child sexual abuse. There is a scene where a character describes that she had gotten pregnant as a result of rape and was forced by her family to carry and bear the child. There is a scene where a teenage girl is forcibly taken away and gang raped by some of her schoolmates - her boyfriend tries to make it stop but does not succeed.
Topsy-Turvy (Movie)
Toradora! (TV Show)
Torchwood (TV Show)
S1E1: a male main character tries to pick up a woman at a bar. When she rejects his advances, he sprays himself with a love potion so that she (and, later, her boyfriend), will find him 'irresistible.' She is shown leaving the bar with him. S1E2: a character is possessed and forced to have sex many times by the thing possessing her, and the other people, who die afterwards, are not always consenting either. S1E3: the character who used the love potion in S1E1 witnesses the moments leading up to a teenage girl's rape and murder, being unable to move and feeling her emotions. S1E5: a character is stated to be a convicted pedophile. He is shown approaching a young girl outside a school, and later turns himself in to police. S2E1: an antagonist flirts with a main character, calling him "eye candy" while being physically violent towards him and other characters. This character returns later in the series and calls the same character "eye candy" while pointing a gun at him. S2E5: a man with the ability to alter people's memories makes a woman he just met believe they have been dating for a year, and then has sex with her. Later, another character tells her, "He forced it on you." This has no long-term repercussions because every character permanently forgets the events of this episode, having willingly erased their own memories. S3E2: one character calls two other characters "a couple of pedos." He does not actually believe that statement, and was just trying to distract the two other characters. Later in this episode, a character with no ill intent asks a question to a young girl in a park. The child's mother comes over and calls the character a "perv." Season 4: a main character raped and murdered a 12 year old girl. It is heavily discussed throughout the season.
Torn Curtain (Movie)
The Tortured (Movie)
The main character discovers that he had his memories forcibly altered and that he is not who he believed himself to be. He learns that the woman he thought was his wife was someone spying on him for the past several weeks. Though there is not any sex shown between the two, it is implied that they had sex during that time.
Homophobia is one of this film's major themes.
Rape is discussed multiple times. It is twice graphically described and one character is prsented as liking it, although it is clearly rape. There is also some rough sex, but it is implied to be consensual. It is vaguely mentioned that several characters who went mad on lust and forcefully took women. Several main characters "have their way with women": no consent is given.
A character is drugged at a bar and forced to dance and coerced into making out with another character.
Touch of Evil (Movie)
Towards the end of the movie, a sexual assault on a woman held prisoner by a group of young thugs is strongly implied.
This film contains nude groping and sexualized violence/sexual assault.
Touch Me Not (Movie)
This film consists of four stories. In the third one, the female protagonist, working as a receptionist at a spa, is harassed and then assaulted by two men who wants to pay to have sex with her. One of them repeatedly slaps her with his money: she then kills him with a knife. The fourth segment takes place in a hostess club. We see the main female character performing sexual services on a client (massaging him and then licking his torso, before the scene cuts).
Most of the women of the movie are hinted to be prostitutes. A man grabs a woman's breast without her consent: she does not seem distressed at all and even smiles, but she asks him to stop. A janitor stings woman's butts (dancers) with a needle as they are heading on stage.
Touki Bouki (Movie)
The male protagonist pretends to be interested by the sexual advances made by a wealthy man in order to rob him. We see the latter taking the former to his room despite his apparent reluctance. While her boyfriend is away, the female protagonist is briefly caressed on the cheek by another man.
Worthy of note: while the female protagonist looks out a window, a male character approaches her from behind, but does not touch her or do/say anything inappropriate (she is confident and unfazed, with no sign of discomfort) (1:05:00-1:05:37).
Tourist Trap (Movie)
A man pins a young woman down and forcibly and roughly kisses and touches her because she reminds him of his late wife.
The Tourist (TV) (TV Show)
During a brief sequence where the protagonist remembers all her late mother's 'life advices", we hear her mentioning that all men are potentially agressors.
A man auditions for the role of a rapist in a film, who is described as participating in a gang rape and falling in love with his victim (10:40-11:40).
Tove (Movie)
A romance breaks between two characters, with a pattern where one states that she will not do something (often involving kissing/sexual implications) and the other states that she will and then proceeds: then the first changes her mind.
Tower (Movie)
The Town (Movie)
A bank robbery victim recalls that they were threatened with rape and murder if they talk to the FBI (12:17). During an FBI interrogation, an officer implies that the suspect's father is regularly raped by rival gangs in prison (1:17:53).
Town Creek (Movie)
SPOILERS: At 10:00, the antagonist finds a little girl holding her dead bird in a cellar. He approaches her and uses occult magic to bring it to life. He tells her he can use magic to do much more, but it requires her help that will 'only hurt a little bit each time'. The camera cuts to the view of the farm. Nothing sexual occurs, but non-sexual violence is implied. At 54:00, an explanation of the plot discusses the young girl having been physically (but not sexually) abused over the course of several years.
A man tries to feel up his date in the car, but she stops him. He tries again and she tells him to stop again, but then they are interrupted. A cop asks a doctor if a female victim was raped. The doctor says no, but says that she did have bite marks on her back, stomach, and breasts.
Toy Story (Movie)
Toy Story 2 (Movie)
Toy Story 3 (Movie)
Toy Story 4 (Movie)
The Toybox (Movie)
Trace (Movie)
Tracers (Movie)
The main female protagonist states that her brother beat up a guy who crawled into her bed and started molesting her.
A character disassociates while being raped and replaces the experience with a consensual, romantic one.
Tracks (Movie)
Trade (Movie)
The subject of the movie is sex trafficking
Various characters are touched sexually, without their consent, throughout the movie. It is played for laughs. One of the protagonists is forcibly stripped by prison guards. When he is let out of jail the next day, he has a breakdown and screams about how the other prisoners "wanted to have sex with him". A few minutes later, someone pays a sex worker to embarrass him in front of his fiancée, which entails him being forcibly kissed and groped. He looks very uncomfortable. (It is also played for laughs.) A gorilla forces itself upon a man dressed up as one. (The scene is short and played for laughs.
Traffic (Movie)
A man has sex with a 16 year old girl.
Traffik (Movie)
This movie is about human trafficking and sex slavery. It includes attempted rape and contains violence against women throughout
Trafic (Movie)
Tragedy Girls (Movie)
Worthy of note: one of the teenage protagonists attempts to use sex appeal to distract an adult male. However, he doesn't appear to notice.
Season 80: a man speaking to a woman suggests that he was potentially molested by an unnamed uncle. The scene is very brief and not graphic nor detailed.
Train (Movie)
A young woman is given to a group of soldiers as a bribe. While nothing is seen, she can be heard screaming in agony as she is presumably raped or assaulted. A man is seduced by a woman who then drugs him and has him killed. Another man has his penis cut off.
Training Day (Movie)
Two men attempt to rape a 14 year old girl. The cops stop them but then one cop harasses one of the men. The same cop also victim-blames the girl. Worthy of note: there are also several sexual inappropriate comments about women throughout the film.
Trainspotting (Movie)
A character (in his twenties) meets a teenager (15 years old) at a bar and has sex with her, presuming she was an adult. It is implied he would not have done it if he had known otherwise. In one scene, a woman removes a man's underwear while he is passed out in order to look at his genitalia.
Trainwreck (Movie)
An adult is on the verge of having sex with a 16-year-old, only to be stopped by the teenager's mother.
This documentary explores how the Woodstock Festival of 1999 turned from a run-of-the-mill music festival into a riot, including (but not exclusively discussing) the multiple graphic accounts of rapes, molestations, and other assaults that took place during those horrific three days, particularly during the performances of heavier bands - especially Korn and Limp Bizkit - as well as the closing night of the event. S1E1: remarks are made about the sexual harassment of Sheryl Crow during her set; references to the Bill Clinton abuse scandals; on-screen depiction of American Pie's stripping scene; unconsensual groping captured by the pay-per-view crew; women being molested while body-surfing; at the end of the episode, foreshadowing for Day 2 includes a group of men tugging a body-surfing woman down into the crowd beyond camera view, presumably to be gang raped, and footage of a naked woman being resuscitated by a medic. S1E2: fully-naked men and women, almost all completely under the influence of drugs and several women being forcibly groped; an MTV commentator reveals that a concert-goer tried to assault her with a lit cigar. From the moment the 4:00pm ticker appears on-screen, things get more severe - women begin recounting how they were groped and surrounded by men demanding they strip for them or give them sex; a series of photographs show one body-surfer nearly had her clothes torn off by male attendees while still body-surfing; as soon as Limp Bizkit's set ends, chaos reigns - a woman can be seen being pulled down from body-surfing to be assaulted; a chilling female scream can be heard during the scene transition to the Rave Tent for Night 2; during Fatboy Slim's set, topless women can be seen getting groped against their will; Limp Bizkit's manager describes seeing men having sex with women who are too high/drunk to consent; a stage producer describes opening a van that was driven into the audience and seeing a man in his 30s putting his pants on and a 15-year-old girl passed out, pants down and bleeding from her genitals; another producer describes a line of women who couldn't consent being pressed against the hangar wall and raped. S1E3: the MTV commentator remarks how she saw a lot of the audience stark naked as well, with women still getting groped against their will; in the final minutes discussing the aftermath, one of the coordinators of the event recalls being called by a mother of a rape victim; news footage accounts that four women were assaulted, with contradicting claims from attendees saying there were many more, some right in front of the main stage during performances; a series of still images at the tail end of the documentary reveal that more women were groped, molested, and pulled down by crowds to be assaulted all throughout the weekend. The mini-series is ultimately a tense, sickening watch, especially for those familiar with toxic concert culture or the phenomenon of late-90's hyper-masculinity.
There are two sex scenes where a man is asking a presumed sex worker to role play being raped. This seems to be a consensual agreement, although there is struggle on screen. The scenes are not explicit and mainly concern close-ups of faces.
Transamerica (Movie)
The protagonist mentions in passing that she noticed her mother getting catcalled.
A girl is shown surrounded by a group of men, with one of them on top of her. It cuts to them walking away and it is implied that they raped her.
As a woman is looking at a car's engine, a man is seen to be checking out her body.
There is mention of transgender incarcerated people being raped in prisons. There is also discussion of the pervasive fear that transgender women will rape cisgender women and girls in public restrooms.
Transit (Movie)
Transparent (TV Show)
Transplant (TV Show)
S2E4: a male patient makes unwanted sexual advances towards a female doctor. It then becomes physical and she fights him off: she is visibly distressed. The show eventually explains the assault with a brain tumor, saying that is why the man is aggressive. S2E5: the said doctor continues to be stressed after her assault. S3E12+13: spousal rape is mentioned. A girl is abducted.
Worthy of note: a woman is kidnapped, but nothing happens. Human trafficking is mentioned but nothing sexual is implied.
Transsiberian (Movie)
A man and a woman kiss in an abandoned church. This evolves into a sexual assault.
Trap House (Movie)
Trapped (Movie)
The villain kidnaps her child, and then uses that to sexually harrass both verbally and physically. The heroine pretends to have consensual sex, but then pulls out a hidden scalpel.
Trash (2014) (Movie)
Trash Humpers (Movie)
The entire world of this dystopian scifi novel is one in which women are constantly living in fear and/or being abused by men: it contains a lot of sexual violence against women. The main character was lured into having sex with her older teacher when she was a young girl, and she recalls the scene of them having sex in ways that make it seem non-consensual (in addition to her being too young to really give consent). Another main character is a prostitute and was raped by her pimp not to mention her clients. The women are the central figures and they are kinda well-developed, but not enough to make it worth putting yourself as a reader in this grim world.
Trauma (Movie)
This book is about trauma related to sexual violence and torture. There are no in-depth descriptions of specific acts of sexual violence, but this whole book is a deep dive on its psychological effects. The author also describes instances of victim-blaming, gaslighting, and saneism that survivors have experienced when speaking about their trauma.
Travelers (TV Show)
A teenage girl is implied to be having a sexual relationship with her adult female teacher. A teenage girl obsessively collects information and essentially stalks her next door neighbour. Two teenagers have sex next to one of the couple's younger brothers as he is sleeping.
Treason (TV Show)
A young teenage girl is kidnapped, but not threatened nor harmed.
The Treatment (Movie)
The main antagonist is a known sex offender, making sexual violence a major theme of the film.
The main character tries to rape a women but is stopped by a vision of his father.
Treehouse (Movie)
In a conversation, a boy briefly mentions a man who is suspected to be a pedophile (19:30-19:36). A man attacks the female protagonist and knocks her unconscious in an attempted rape. Once she is unconscious, however, he touches her mouth inappropriately and leaves (1:25:08-1:26:08).
A woman is raped and killed off-screen (graphic audio).
Treevenge (Movie)
Treme (TV Show)
Tremors (Movie)
Tres Por Cento (TV Show)
S1E3: a young woman is grabbed by three men, who push her to the ground while insulting her while she screams (01:19-02:57), It is implied that they are trying to rape her but eventually let her go. S1E8: people kidnap and torture a naked woman. She is forcefully grabbed by the face, tugged by the hair while crying (05:48-09:00; 14:12-18:16).
Trespass (Movie)
The female protagonist is forced to the kitchen where a man tells her that she is going to “serve him like she served his brother”. She is also bend over the counter as the man continues to talk to her.
Early in the movie, a man briefly suggests that the protagonist entertains a relationship with his 16 years-old female cousin. Even if it is not the case, the said cousin later mentions that cousins sometimes get married. At some point, a man harasses and abducts a woman. It is implied that he sexually abused her. The scene repeats again later. Throughout the movie, the protagonist gets hit on by several women even if he is clearly not interested.
Trial By Fire (Movie)
In the first part of the movie, domestic violent is discussed and shown on screen, because the protagonist is abusive towards his wife. One scene shows him pinning her down on a couch and holding her arms behind her back: they both calm down and engage consensual sex.
The assault scene in this film is extremely violent and graphic, and features multiple men trying to rape one unnamed woman (1:01:30-1:02:00). In one later scene, one of the protagonists mentions that he is being prosecuted for carrying ideas beyond state borders, and not little girls.
SPOILERS: A women says that she has been raped multiple times by different people. She is eventually found to be lying.
It is believed that the titular character was molested by family members. Another character was violently gang raped as an adolescent.
Triangle (Movie)
The Triangle (TV Show)
In the beginning of part 1, a woman is told she needs to leave her job and she says "they don't want to rape me, they want to kill me".
During the last part of the movie (showing survivors of a shipwreck on a deserted island), one man is pressured to obtain privileges (food, shelter) from a woman in a position of power in exchanges of sexual favours: most of these acts occur off-screen, except for non-consensual kissing and one scene showing them together in "bed".
The Tribe (1999) (TV Show)
Tribe Nine (TV Show)
S1E1: a boy trips and falls in between the thighs of a girl. S1E4: a group kidnaps a girl and one of them tells her that they are gonna have a lot of fun with her. Nothing ends up happening. S1E: a young boy walks into something that resembles a red light district. Multiple women grab him and begin giving him a massage even though he does not want it. Later on a man grabs something from the bra of a woman. She seems upset by this.
Tribes of Europa (TV Show)
S1E4: a teenager/young adult is a slave and must have sex with the ruler (20:58). There is a clear disbalance in power and no choice to say no.
Trick (Movie)
A group of teens play spin the bottle with a knife, a teenage girl kisses a boy and one boy is forced to kiss another boy despite him not wanting too. He is convinced to do it but ends up killing the boy.
Throughout the book, there are references to the #MeToo movement, legal definitions of rape, cousin marriages in the British royal family, marital rape, rape and pedophilia in the Bible and in various literary works, Gamergate, Pizzagate; and rape allegations against Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, and Donald Trump. The chapter "We Come from Old Virginia" includes particularly frequent and graphic references to sexual violence, such as specific rape cases on college campuses and the author's own experiences with surviving sexual violence at college and while working in the Peace Corps.
A man stalks a young woman throughout the film. When he finally catches up to her, he attempts to sexually assault her before she turns the tables, overpowering and killing him. A young boy is shown spying on women changing clothes.
Trigun (TV Show)
S1E1: an antagonist implies that he will rape two female characters, and lifts one of their outer jackets slightly open (18:30-18:47). S1E2: the male protagonist tries to watch a woman shower. She ends up not being in the shower. S1E3: a drunk man jumps on the male protagonist and begs him to buy him more alcohol. He ends up kissing him on the cheek as well. S1E4: the main character tries to look up the dress of woman who is tied up (07:22-07:35). S1E7: the male protagonist is drunk on a bed. Two prostitutes leave his room and tell the guy who hired them that he is too drunk to perform. He was pretending to be asleep. The guy who hired them says he probably bought him too much alcohol. They were having a party before this scene. S1E11: mention of sex slavery. S1E15: three women are held captive by many men. They sit on the floor while the men sit on the couch. One of them gets beaten up for looking at another man. They are saved by a man. The male protagonist rips off 5 buttons of a woman's shirt and tells her he could have fondled her 5 times. S1E17: a man grabs the breast of a woman without her consent. He later on leans on her and hugs her from behind. This is also done without consent and the woman looks uncomfortable. She later on accuses him of rape. Later on it is implied that she and another man made it up because they both dislike him. The man who helps her with this, ends up killing her after she refuses to marry him. A child tells a grown woman that he loves her. It is unclear whether he meant it in a romantic way. The woman is somewhat of a mother figure to the child. She laughs it off.
Trigun Stampede (TV Show)
The first story involves a woman being drugged and having photos taken without her consent. The second story involves a child who has "seduced" their father and the two have a sexual relationship.
Trinkets (TV Show)
A main female character is caught in an abusive relationship. S1E3: in the first scene of the episode, a girl is raped on-screen. She is held down by her boyfriend who ignored her when she tells him to stop. He is interrupted by a car.
The Trip (Movie)
Thhree criminals who have taken refuge in the cabin threaten to rape both of the main characters, with an extended scene where they physically restrain the male character. The male character is noticeably traumatized by this. Both characters must beg the criminals not to assault them.
The film contains lots of harassment that leads to eventua on-screen rapes. Multiple times, the survivors appear terrified and traumatized.
Triple Dare (Movie)
A teenage girl is dared to pretend to be an escort. She ends up in a situation where she is about to have sex with a 31 year old man. They kiss a bit before she runs away. Later, she accuses him of nearly raping her, which she is found out to be lying about.
This film does feature a scene in which a newly wedded couple consummate their marriage; it is implied that she is not enthusiastic about this.
Troglodyte (Movie)
The main male character spies on his neigbour's phone conversations (one of which involves a romantic relationship). A man climbs up a building to see what his girlfriend is doing and he briefly watches her having sex with someone else.
Troll (Movie)
Trollhunters (TV Show)
Trolls (Movie)
Tron (Movie)
Troop Zero (Movie)
Trophy Heads (Movie)
Kidnapped womenare undressed and changed into new clothes while unconscious: one of the women is left naked.
The protagonist goes on a date with someone who assumes that she will have sex with him because of her reputation for being promiscuous and because he treated her to an expensive dinner. He gets quite rough and argumentative with her in a way that makes her fearful, but he ultimately allows her to escape. Prior to the events of the book, a prominent community elder molested the protagonist when she was 15. The narrative doesn’t go into detail about the molestation itself, but the protagonist’s father didn’t believe her when she told him what happened and instead believed that she tempted the community elder. The elder uses his status as a pious individual and the protagonist’s history of consensual sexual interactions to turn the community against her. There are several instances in the book when the elder threatens to further humiliate the protagonist if she tells others what happened, and he and others insinuate that she is unclean, broken, and not worthy of consideration. There is even a moment where the elder implies that he would rape the protagonist’s mother or that he had done so in the past.
Rape, incest, and pedophilia are mentioned in passing.
Worthy of note: early in the film, during police questioning, one of the characters discusses an experience in a BDSM club.
Troy (Movie)
A captured woman is bound by rope, beaten, and almost raped by a group of soldiers. This woman is later threatened with rape again. Women are described as being used "for breeding".
Trucks (Movie)
True Beauty (TV Show)
A man on the bus is caught taking 'up-skirt' photos of the protagonist. Worthy of note: the protagonist is kidnapped by a group of boys. Nothing sexual happens before she is rescued by her friends and these scenes are portrayed in a comedic light.
There is a mention in the past of a teacher who tried to molest a student. There are several past instances mentioned of a younger highschooler who was in a sexual relationship with a senior. Later, after he he graduates, they continue to hook up.
True Blood (TV Show)
One character had a sexual relationship with a grown woman when he is 17: the sex is shown and while he consents, he is still visibly confused and a little scared. The woman knows that he is underage and he appears traumatized or at least disturbed by the memories. S1E3: a woman's sexual partner pretends he is someone else and grabs her, acting as though he is about to rape her. She fights him off before he eventually reveals his identity. S1E7: flashbacks to child sexual abuse involving a relative. A woman offers sexual services in exchange for a loan. The banker is very clearly resisting, but she continues to touch him while trying to change his mind. S2E7: there is an attempted rape, from which the target is rescued. A woman speculates that she may have raped her love interest after blacking out. In reality they are both, along with many other townspeople, performing sexual acts under a type of hypnotic spell while not being capable of consent. S3E3-S3E6: an ongoing plot point is the kidnapping and subsequent repeated rape of one character. The incident is discussed throughout later episodes. S3E6: a character in training to be a police officer stops a teenage couple having sex in a car by smacking the boy on the ass. He also strokes the boy's hair while threatening him. S4E3: a man wakes to find someone is raping him. He is tied down and raped numerous times on-screen. S4E4: shows a sexual relationship between a woman and her vampire ancestor. S4E6: a rape is shown on-screen in a flashback. A character confronts someone who raped her in the past. S5E2: a flashback scene shows a woman being saved from a killer/rapist. S5E3: a teacher is shown to have engaged in a sexual relationship with one of her students, a teenage boy. In this episode, as an adult, he meets this teacher and they have sex again, only for him to realise that what happened between them was abuse and that he was likely traumatised by it. S6E6: two characters are strongly pressured to have sex under threat of violence. This is stopped, but only after one has already partly undressed.
True Dare Kiss (TV Show)
True Detective (TV Show)
Throughout seasons 1 and 3, rape, torture and paedophilia are common themes even if little is depicted on screen graphically. In season 2, one character's wife is raped. Her assault is mentioned on various occasions, but no details or flashbacks are given. Later in the season, another character has a flashback to her childhood, in which she is following an older man into a van. It is implied that she was raped, although it is never shown. S1E6: a woman rapes a drunk man as a form of revenge against her husband. Moments after realising what was done to him, the man makes her leave the house. S1E6: a woman flirts and initiates sex with a man who is very drunk and hesitant to engage. The man then leads the rest of the sexual encounter but regrets it afterward (44:30-46:30). She reveals she wanted to sleep with someone as revenge on her cheating partner. She took advantage of the man when he was intoxicated, but it was the man who performed the rest of the sexual act.
True Grit (Movie)
An old man sexually harasses a teen girl. When she doesn't "comply" to his perverted advancements, he insults her looks. A mature man tells a teenage girl that he considered kissing her as she was sleeping.
True Romance (Movie)
When being interviewed by the police, a character is goaded by the officers, who imply that he will be raped in prison, and tell him that it will make him a better lover in future because he will "know what it feels like to be a woman".
True Stories (Movie)
The True Story (TV Show)
S5E5: this episode is about the serial killer who inspired the movie Scream (1996). His crimes include rape and torture, and are discussed throughout the episode.
The first sequence of the film shows a female prostitue giving oral sex to a man. It is then implied that she is forced into sexual relationships with him because of his position of power. Her husband is forced to leave the house when this happens, and her son looks at it without her knowledge. Later, when the husband dies, the rapist says that he will come more often to see her and he kisses her. Later, a dead man is shown with his genitals in his mouth, impliying that he was killed for raping a woman. A man in a position of power hits a female prisoner and presumably rapes her off-screen. A man unconsensually kisses a man on the lips.
The main's protagonist has his entire life decided for him, including who he would end up with. He would also be recorded as he conceived a child with said woman, but it was never done. The woman who he did actually like was forcibly removed against her will to be away from him.
Trust (Movie)
The film's plot revolves around a teenage girl who is targeted online by a sexual predator. A 14-year-old girl is raped by an adult man, who also films the incident. The same rape is relived again as the girl's father imagines what might have happened. Though both scenes are unambiguous, this second scene is in many ways more disturbing than the first. An extreme close-up of a girl's genitals is shown on a computer monitor (very briefly) as her rape allegations are processed by the police. It is discussed that a grown man has raped several girls, some as young as 12. Sexual pictures/videos of a 14-year-old girl, taken without her consent, are shared online.
Many of the essays in the book discuss how vulnerable children are to all forms of abuse and coercion, including sexual abuse and coercion.
Truth Or Dare (Movie)
It is implied that a priest was raping young nuns. A character discusses how she was almost assaulted.
Truth Or Die (Movie)
SPOILERS The ending of the movie reveals that one of the protagonists made one of the antagonists perform oral sex on her boyfriend while he was unconscious and under the influence and that she recorded the entire ordeal. The scene is shown in small flashes of the recorded video (01:25:20-01:30:40) where she can be seen holding his head down onto the unconscious penis and the man performing oral can be seen scurrying away hastily when the man “finishes” in his unconscious state to make it seem like it was his girlfriend performing oral, not the other man.
Trying (TV Show)
S4E5 contains a joke where a kid threatens to tell people that an adult is a pedo (which is false).
Some mentions of sexual harassment (mostly verbal), detailed scene of sexual assault that involves forcefully removing a characters clothes and writing on her (the other character shows remorse for this and they go on to become a couple), attempted rape scene towards the end of the book however, the character is able to escape before she is hurt.
Tschugger (Movie)
Sexual harassment, sexual assault and paedophilia are frequently used as jokes throughout the show.
Tuca and Bertie (TV Show)
Several episodes feature discussions of sexual harassment and child sexual abuse (notably S1E8-9). The topic is handled sensitively and the show focuses on the experiences of survivors. S1E2: one of the main female protagonist is sexually harassed by a coworker. She reports it and organizes a seminar about it, but the issue is downplayed by the human resources department. Later at another job, the same character endures bullying from her new boss until she quits and exposes him. S2E5: a vibrator shoots it's way into a fish. It is played for laughs.
Tucked (Movie)
A character is revealed to be the product of rape (which is not shown, just discussed). Later, a character kisses and licks a woman who is restrained.
The Tudors (TV Show)
S1E4: a character is forced to marry a much older man. She clearly does not want to have sex with him, but is forced to do so in front of many people, though this is only heard and not shown. S2E6: a character rapes his wife on their wedding night. The entirety of season 4 focuses on an adult (50) and implied young-teen (13-15) relationship. Historically, it refers to a 49 year-old man with an estimated 14-16 year-old girl. S4E1: a local woman is attacked by a group of men who taunt, hit and chase her. She attempts to run away but is grabbed by several men whilst another tells them to "hold her still" as he begins to undress. S4E5: a woman tells someone that a man used violence to coerce her into sex with him when she was younger.
Tuff Turf (Movie)
The protagonist's father slapes her and slut-shames her because she bought a new dress. One man sleeps with the protagonist thinking she is a prostitute.
Tulsa King (TV Show)
S1E5: the main character's daughter tells him about a man who came to her home while she was alone. Nothing specific is said, but it is strongly implied that she was assaulted/threatened. The perpetrator is dealt with.
Tumbbad (Movie)
Turbo Kid (Movie)
Worthy of note: a man mentions that a "vicious whore" bit his testicles.
Turist (Movie)
Turks Fruit (Movie)
In the Turn (Movie)
Season one: it is vaguely implied that a British captain and the main antagonist intend to rape one of the female protagonists. However, it is later clarified that he never dreamed of their relationship being anything but consensual, and quits making advances once she has mentioned that she does not love him. The said antagonist engages in a duel with the protagonist upon hearing that he had engaged in drunken sex with a married woman, and believes what occurred was rape. This is not true, as the sex was consensual, but the discussion of rape is still present. Season three: a Rebel officer attempts to rape a Tory woman. She fights back, and in the resulting gunfight, is shot and killed.
The two short films that contain these elements are Cockleshell and The Turning.
A young boy makes continue sexual remarks to a female adult, as well as attempts to kiss her. She does shut down the conversation and is depict as uncomfortable with the advances, but it is still lace through out the movie. There is mention of a female ghost having pictures taking of her and verbal harassment as well through journal entries that are read allow to the viewer. There is non-consensual touching and grabbing of the female lead during a possible dream sequence. There is implied rape off-screen of a dead female character, as well as on-screen in a several scenes. There is also discussion of the assault between character who are alive. For the actually on-screen rape (01:20:00-01:22:00), the scene goes from showing a creaking bed that is implying assault, to the ghost showing the rape on the screen and the scene than insinuate that the female lead experiences the same assault through a dream-like sequence.
Turning Red (Movie)
The 13-year-old lead has an unrequited crush on a 17-year-old boy. After her mother discovers her drawing pictures of herself with him, her mother confronts him and accuses him of grooming her, against her daughter's will. However, there is no actual grooming involved and her mother was worried for nothing. Multiple girls, including the lead, ogle the same 17-year-old boy and even catcall other boys at school, but the latter seems to be consensual.
Tusk (Movie)
(48:42-56:47) The main antagonist discusses childhood abuse which occurred in a mental institution, including explicit descriptions of this abuse. There are also several conversations in which sexual abuse is mentioned outside of this scene, but these occur more or less in passing and are not explicit.
The Tutor (Movie)
The tutor in the movie keep checking women out (sexually), which is the focus of the movie.
The Tuxedo (Movie)
The main protagonist is waiting outside for a woman who works at an art museum; he eventually goes to her workplace but stops. A guy says to the female protagonist: "nice rack". Two female agents are practise shooting in a room with mirror- and camera as two male collegues are staring at their rear ends and talking about them in sexual matter.
S1E4: a woman tries to sell two underage girls into prostitution. They find out on time and escape before anything happens. S1E23: a poor family sells their daughter as a maid to a richer family. Immediately after, a tragedy happens and the girl gets separated from the rich family.
A man grabs a woman aggressively and it uncertain what he is going to do: the scene cuts. It is later revealed that the man has put the woman in the boot/trunk of a car.
This book takes place between 1925 and 1980 in the United States and focuses on different members of a black family. In one chapter, two members of the family are traveling by car through the Southern United States. While they are eating a picnic lunch in a park, three white men harass them to leave, threatening the husband. They wolf whistle at the woman and joke that she should stay with them. Another member of the family is molested as a child by a community member.
Twice Born (Movie)
Near the end of the movie, it is revealed through a flashback that a woman was gang raped and forced as a sex slave by soldiers. Throughout the movie, the main protagonist (another woman) is also sexually harassed at several occasions.
Twilight (Movie)
The main protagonist, while out at night, is cornered by a group of men who verbally assault her. She is saved before anything more occurs but the man who stops the situation, able to read minds, implies that they would have sexually assaulted her further. The main romance is between a 17 year old girl and a 200+ year old man. He implies that he was her age when he was turned into a vampire and appears as such. The attempted assault and murder of the main character at the end has extremely sexual overtones: the villain breaks her leg and throws her into things while speaking sexually right up against her, sniffing her hair etc. He is also videoing her the entire time.
A character describes in detail how she was gang raped by the man who was courting her and his friends while they were drunk. The beginning of the rape is shown but it cuts out to audio only.
A woman repeatedly tells a man who is romantically interested in her that she does not feel the same and is in love with somebody else. In response, the man insists that she does not know what she wants and forces a kiss on her. She pushes him away and punches him in the face. The main character has a flashback to a time when she was almost assaulted by a group of men and was saved by another man (the main love interest). After this flashback, she walks toward another group of men with the intention of putting herself in danger so that she can see the ghost of her love interest.
S1E1: a comedian discusses the crimes of various abusers and sexual harassers in his set, doing so with condemnatory intentions. S1E4: there is a passing mention of a covered up scandal where one employee tried to feel up another. Another character dismisses this as an 'unsusbtantiated rumor'. S1E7: this episode is about male violence, exacerbated by meteor influence. During a date, a man makes unwanted sexual advances and gets violent when rebuked. Women are stalked by an angry man. A woman implies she has been raped while on dates, but does not explicitly say so. A teenage boy drinks with a friend who starts getting aggressive when he does not wish to make out/is put off by how aggressive he is being. While there is no outright sexual assault in the episode, the constant threat of violence may be very triggering.
The Twin (Movie)
Twin Peaks (TV Show)
The series follows an investigation into the murder of a teenage girl. It is progressively revealed that she was a prostitute at a brothel and engaged in dubiously-consensual sex with men much older than her (notably S1E8). It features several toxic and violent heterosexual marriages/relationships (especially in season 1), scenes of domestic violence (notably S1E8) and discussions of sexual violence. S1E1: a woman appears out of nowhere after having survived a kidnapping: she has bruises on her thighs. It is later stated that she was raped several times. S1E2: it is mentioned in the beginning of the episode that the victim had sex with three men before beig killed. This is repeated throughout the rest of the season. Near the end of the episode, a man beats up his wife. S1E3: two men go to a brothel, where they choose young girls to have sex with them. S1E4: a coroner reports that that the victim's killer tied her up and kissed her before killing her. The final scene shows the victim's father desperately asking women to dance with him: they rebuff him. S1E6: a teenage girl (18 year-old) being interviewed to get a job at her father's department store, blackmails the male recruiter with a fake sexual assault allegation if he does not hire her. As she is falling in love with the main character (who is in his thirties), she makes her interest apparent and even shows up in his bed naked in an attempt to seduce him. S1E7: the main character turns the teenage girl down. The same girl goes undercover at the brothel to investigate the murder victim's death: the madame hiries her despite knowing she is underage. S1E8: the father of the undercover girl enters into her room to have sex with her, not realizing that it is her. A man acts threateningly towards a woman he partnered with. A husband attempts to kill his wife (who cheated on him) by tying her up and burning her alive. Season 2: S2E1: in the brothel. the undercover girl narrowly avoids sleeping with her own father. She hides her identity and tries to rebuff him, but he insists until another character calls him out of the room. The girl is then confronted about ther attitude by the madame, who physically threatens her. She is later shown being distressed by the experience. The conditions of the murder, kidnapping and rapes (mentioned above) are described by the protagonist once again. In the final scene of the episode, flasbacks of the murder are shown, with a man standing on the victim in her underwear. S2E2: the protagonist tries to question the survivor of the kidnapping and rapes, who was in a coma. She is in a state of shock and experiences PTSD when he shows her a drawing of the presumed rapist. The undercover girl in the brothel takes advantage of the situation of a man (her boss), who is tied to ropes for a BDSM game, to obtain information from him. He admits that he uses his job as the director of a department store to recruit girls for the brothel. S2E3: the episode opens with the rape survivor having a panick attack. The undercover girl in the brothel is kidnapped, restrained, drugged and filmed in order to claim a ransom. S2E4: the undercover kidnapped girl mentioned being beaten by one of her captors. One of them kills him and she appears visibly distressed and forced to accept to embrace him. The videotape of her, crying and gagged, is shown twice throughout the episode. S2E5: the protagonist rescues the undercover girl from the brothel, where she is tied up to a bed. S2E6: a rape off-screen is implied. We see a man buckling up his belt next to a woman lying on a couch, visibly distressed by the encounter. S2E7: the undercover girl confronts her father about their encounter in the brothel he owns and he admits having sex with the murder victim, who worked as a prostitute there (teenage girl). The daughter then reveals their relationship to the protagonist. A wife who is not in her right mind after a suicide attempt kisses her husband, who clearly does not appreciate it but is afraid to rebuff her because of her new physical strength. An apparently male character enters a man's house during the night without him noticing: he kisses him without his consent and admits of being attracted to him. It is immediately revealed that the said character is in fact his supposedly late wife disguised as a man. The episode concludes with the revelation that the father of the victim has been possessed by a demon: he is shown violently beating up his niece (his daughter's look-alike), kissing her and killing her (off-screen). S2E9: the possessed father proposes to a female character (a friend of his daughter and niece) to dance with him, which she accepts. Shortly after, he suddenly hugs her, which leaves her shocked. They are interrupted by someone knocking at the door. It is finally clearly stated that the possessed father is the killer of his daughter: the protagonist reminds that he raped her before killing her. S2E11: the woman who was raped in S2E6 describes her relation with her rapist. She also mentions child trafficking. A transgender character is introduced and her identity is generally played for laughs throughout the rest of the episode she appears in. S2E12: a female character is revealed to be caught in an abusive relationship with her husband, who beats her. Near the end of the episode, we hear the couple arguing, implying that he is (or will be) beating her. S2E13: a adult woman thinking that she is a teenager and having superhuman strenght (after a suicide attempt), acting increasingly pushy towards a teenage male who is clearly not interested, kisses him and lays on him after he rejected her advances and asked her to leave him alone. He eventually consents to the romantic relationship in further episodes. In the final scene of the episode, the abusive husband (who was incapacitated since the start of the season) reappears threatening when his wife is alone at night. S2E14: the abusive husband tries to kills his wife, but he is defeated by her new boyfriend. It is mentioned that a child (a secondary character in the previous episodes) is the product of a rape. S2E15: a male antagonist threatens a female character and fondles her breast. Another male antagonist, who was previously described as a father figure to another female character, kisses her hand while discussing how much he would have to pay to own her again. S2E17: the final scene of the episode shows a woman breaking into the room of a man who is passed out drunk. She undresses, wearing only a bathrobe, and enters his bed before the episode ends. A 18 year-old woman engages in a romantic relationship with an adult man. S2E18: the episode opens with the woman fondling the sleeping man, and drugging him so he thinks she is his former lover. When she tries to strangle him, he defends himself. A man discussing with his former female lover (who is in a wheelchair) caresses her and wishes for them to be together again: she rebuffs him and he stops. S2E21: during a beauty pageant, a man holds the arm of and puts his arm around a woman who rebuffs him twice. In the final scene of the episode, the antagonist kidnaps a woman. S2E22: the antagonist takes a woman hostage to lure the protagonist somewhere. In season 3, a female character describes how she was raped and later has unconsensual sex with the doppelganger of her rapist. S3E2: the male protagonist enters a room where his presumably girlfriend waits for him in her underwear on a bed. He suddenly holds her against her will when she understands that he represents a threat. He then tells her that he will kill her and punches her in the face when she tries to flee. He eventually gets on top of her and kills her. S3E4: a FBI boss expresses his concern that an elderly male agent will go on a mission with a young female agent. He answers that he is indeed 'old school'. S3E5: in a bar, a woman asks a man for a light. He strangles her and threatens to rape her in front of her friends. S3E7: a woman confronts the antagonist. She seems very distressed when mentioning their last encounter at her home. In the end of the episode, a phone conversation revolved around the prostitution/human trafficking of underage girls. S3E10: the episode opens with a man breaking into a woman's trailer after threatening her and presumably killing her off-screen (while she is screaming). We then see her, alive but unconscious and bloody. The next scene shows another man assaulting his girlfriend and shouting at her, while standing on top of her. A female main character has sex with the protagonist even though he does not seem to be in his right mind: seemingly disoriented during the encounter, he eventually enjoys it. Later in the episode, the man from the first scene breaks into his grandmother's house, assaults her (strangling her and pushing her down) and robs her. S3E11: the first scene shows the bledding woman from S3E10 crawling out of the woods. Later on, the main characters find the headless body of a naked woman. S3E14: a group of policemen investigating a forest find a naked woman presumably lost in the woods. A female character is verbally assaulted and threatened at a bar by a man (lesbophobia): she kills him. S3E16: the female protagonist from S3E7 tells about her encounter with the male antagonist, while being very distressed. She explains that he came to her home, kissed her, and when he saw that she was frightened, enjoyed it and raped her. S3E18: a waitress is sexually assaulted.
Twin Spica (TV Show)
S1E2: a man tries to grab something out of a girl's arm as the girl is moving. The next scene is the girl being shocked and calling the guy a pervert. He explains how he was trying to get the paper from her hand. There is no sexual intent. S1E10: two boys ask a girl to hang out with them and grab her by the arm. She refuses but they will not leave her alone until another girl threatens to call the police. S1E13: three young boys take off the vest and sweater of a young girl. They want to see the scars on her arm. There is no sexual intent, but the scene can be triggering as she screams ‘no’ and ‘let me go.’ They let her go when they see the scar on her arm. She still has a shirt on. S1E19: a girl mentions how she has a sister who is also her mother. It is unclear if she sees her sister as a mother figure or if there was an incestual relationship between the father and her sister. There is a lot of secrecy around her birth and the father forces her to act like her sister.
A major theme of the movie is that the female lead (a young woman) escapes from a forced marriage. Early in the film, we see her husband forcingly taking her away from a party to rape her. Later, she tells about how he raped her before. This is discussed several times throughout.
Twisted Metal (TV Show)
S1E2: a man catcalls one of the main characters and she kills him right after.
Twister (Movie)
Twitches Too (Movie)
Two Lovers (Movie)
S1E2: a woman spends most of the episode trying to find out whether or not she was date raped at a party. None of the other episodes have any sexual assault.
Two Summers (TV Show)
The physical effects of the rape (shown on-screen) on the victim are shown.
Typhoon Club (Movie)
The teenage characters do (or attempt to do, or almost do) a variety of extreme things throughout the film. At the beginning of the film, a group of girls remove a boy's shorts/swimsuit and hold him underwater in a swimming pool, nearly drowning him. A girl finds herself in the apartment of a suspicious young man after running away from home. He slaps her at one point, but she leaves without coming to further harm. A boy chases a girl though a school; the culmination of this scene looks like attempted rape. The boy stops himself after ripping the girl's shirt.
Tyrannosaur (Movie)
A woman is physically abused by her husband and eventually brutally raped after he hit her with a knife over the head: the focus is mainly on her as she struggles with consciousness. The toxic relationship with the helplessness and terror the man installs in that woman is very tangible throughout the film. She later recalls how her husband raped her in the past and "put glass inside her", which lead to infertility.
Uch Kyôdai (Movie)
U.F.O. (Movie)
While at a bar, a man tries to kiss a woman he was hitting on. Later the same man attempts to rape one of his female friends. He hits her and pushes her down onto a counter where he tears her shirt open, but he is fought off by her and another man.
Ugetsu (Movie)
In the beginning of the movie (about 30 minutes in), enemy soldiers invading a village forcefully take women into a house to rape them. Later, pirates are shown capturing, taking away and pinnind down a character to rape her off-screen (about 1hour into the movie). She is then shown after the assault, visibly distressed. She is later shown in a brothel, where she became a prostitute since she "lost her honour".
Ugly Delicious (TV Show)
A man proudly claims that he has had sex with multiple women while they were unconscious. He also says that women do not actually mean “no” when they say “no”.
UglyDolls (Movie)
UHF (1989) (Movie)
A drunk man forces himself on a woman who is then saved.
Ultrasound (Movie)
A man touches the thighs of a teenage girl multiple times to feel her muscles.
Umberto D. (Movie)
In seasons 1 and 2, a woman makes suggestive comments towards an adult man who is stuck in his 13-year-old body. She often calls him "cute" and on one occasion (S2E7) says that he is "really starting to fill out those tight little shorts of [his]." She is shown to have no boundaries with him or with other characters, and enjoys playing mind games with him. She is also his boss at some points. Nothing ever goes past suggestion, and the man in a child's body never reciprocates or acknowledges her comments in any way. S1E2: a joke about prison rape is made about 34 minutes into the episode. S1E7: some guys sexually harasses a woman in a parking lot. Later, there is a flashback of this scene. S1E17: child abuse and sexual harassment. S1E18-19: domestic violence. S2E5 : a woman has an extramarital affair with another woman. Alongside this relationship, we see scenes where her husband insists on having sex with her despite the fact that it is clear that it bothers him. S2E6 : a woman is briefly harassed by three men in the street. She hits one of them before running away. The men chase her into a store before being threatened by another woman After being possessed, a character says "I feel so violated". S2E8 : one of the songs talks about a rapist. S3E5: a woman uses her powers on, a.k.a "rumours," his adoptive brother into "wanting her," leading to him passionately kissing her and attempting rape against his will. Moments before, the man pleads "Please. Don't do this." when she rumours him to not leave. During the attempt, she says "stop" 3 times and shouts "stop" a 4th time, breaking the spell. She pushes him off of her. This is not acknowledged or addressed as a sexual assault in the following scenes or episodes." Worthy of note: two characters who are unrelated, but were raised in the same household (adopted), develop a romantic interest in one another. S1E8: a woman uses her powers to manipulate ("rumour") her ex-husband into falling in love with her. It dappens during a flashback at the start of the episode.
Umma (Movie)
About halfway through the movie, the protagonist sexually assaults his girlfriend by pinning her against a wall and mimicking a sexual act against her will, and in a very agressive/threatening tone. Before that, a man makes an inappropriate joke about the protagonist''s girlfriend's breast but he does not react.
Worthy of note: after the main female protagonist denies him a date, a young man says to himself: "I'll get her". Later that same woman is grabbed and beaten by a group of men for another reason.
A man follows a woman in the streets to frighten her. She eventually confronts him and nothing happens. The main antagonist whips a naked woman after presumably having sex with her.
Early in the film, three men approach two women at the beach and hit on them despite their clear disinterest. They do not seem distressed at all but the men eventually leave. Shortly after, a man jokingly tells that the male protagonist is a pedophile. Another man hits on a slightly drunk woman in a deserted street at night: he asks her to go to his place but she declines. She reluctantly lets him kiss her, but then rebuffs him: he is very pushy but finally lets her leave. At the end of the film, the protagonist awkwardly tries to kiss a young woman: she rebuffs him and he apologizes. She then asks him to sleep at his place and they have sex.
At the beginning, the main character goes out of his apartment and gropes a woman on the street. She does not seem to reject his advances, and it is unclear if the scene is taking place in a dream or reality. Later, as we are getting the history of the house, there is a lot of sexualization of a dead teenager, who is called a “slur” and “whore” multiple times. She is recalled as being 18 and having sexual partners over the age of 40.
Una (2016) (Movie)
An adult character is manipulated into having sex with another adult, so the consent is dubious. Incest, or incestuous grooming, is implied, between a step-father and his pre-teen step-daughter.
The author references the following: rape allegations against Donald Trump, sexual assault allegations against fellow activist Malcolm London and the ensuing accountability process, patterns of white supremacist groups raping Black women, the kidnapping and rape of Recy Taylor, sexual violence in the abstract, and her own identity as a survivor of sexual violence. These references are all non-graphic.
A woman discusses the fact that she was accused of being a child molester by a vindictive ex.
Worthy of note: a central feature of the plot is a main character's repeated infidelity.
Unbelievable (TV Show)
The series is about a teenager who was charged with lying about having been raped, and the path to arrive at the truth. The rape is depicted on screen in the first 10 minutes of the show.
Brief mention of rapes that took place during the Mau Mau uprising.
Unbreakable (Movie)
The protagonist sees a scene where a man is about to rape or sexually assault an unconscious woman laying in bed (1:20:01-1:20-28). It is implied because the man stares at her and locks the door as he proceed going towards her.
The protagonist was kidnapped by an adult man when she was in middle school, and was then kept underground in a bunker for fifteen years with three other victims, one of whom was also a teenager at the time. When asked after being rescued, the main character outright says, 'Yes, there was weird sex stuff in the bunker.' She's also revealed to have 'married' her captor in order to protect another victim from the same fate. In another episode, she outright refers to her captor as a rapist. It is shown in multiple episodes that her experience has left her with some trauma related to sex; for instance, in one episode, she attempts to have sex with her boyfriend but winds up punching him on instinct. However, the show contains no graphic or overtly frightening scenes related to these themes. In season 3, a character is pressured to perform sexual acts during an audition. The incident is expanded upon in season 4 as allegations about the perpetrator surface and the character begins to deal with the psychological ramifications. Though some of the specifics are a little absurd, this, like the rest of the show, is a lighthearted attempt to deal with serious, real traumas.
The movie is a choose-your-own-adventure style epilogue to the original series. Depending on the viewer's choices, there are several scenes that allude to sexual violence, and one where sexual assault is explicitly shown. The premise of the original series is that the main protagonist was kidnapped by an adult man when she was in middle school, and was then kept underground in a bunker for fifteen years with three other victims, one of whom was also a teenager at the time. Kimmy outright refers to her captor as a rapist. The central conflict of this special epilogue is that she discovers that her captor has an alternate secret bunker of kidnapped women. The captor is presumably running the bunker in the exact same way as the one where she lived, so she decides that she must save the women there. If the viewer chooses for a character to enjoy the "woodland banquet" instead of following the hero, there is a graphic scene where all the men sexually assault all the women present. Theoretically, this scene is supposed to be satirical. If the viewer chooses for her fiancé to learn about life from his nanny Fiona instead of from Lillian, the former makes a quip about Mary Poppins having molested the children she cared for. If you choose for a woman to lie about the wardrobe and then to resort to physical violence, she plays out a scene where it appears that a man is beating her up. She then makes a comment that she is in love with him and believes she can change him. In context, it is clear that she is making up the whole situation to stall for time since he is not actually present, but the structure of the scene and the words being said can be quite triggering. Finally, the main character's fiancé has a case of arrested development that resembles an oedipal complex due to growing up as a prince whose primary source of human connection growing up was his nanny. Consequently, as an adult, he has an odd attraction to her and another woman who looks like her (played by the same actress). Furthermore, almost every scene with Kimmy's former captor involves him making sexually harassing comments to her or about other women.
Unbroken (Movie)
One scene in which two soldiers are instructed to undress, and they do.
Uncharted (Movie)
Uncle Buck (Movie)
A teenage boy attempts to rape a teenage girl but is interrupted; this is a long, serious scene. It is implied that the boy assaulted another girl. A man makes comments to a washing machine that sound like a sexual assault; this is played for laughs.
Uncle Frank (Movie)
A female character recounts that her father told her that if she was "prancing around" half naked in front of a town, it would be her fault if she was raped.
Uncle Sam (Movie)
A man in a Uncle Sam costume and stilts watches a women get undressed through her window. It might be implied that this character sexually assaulted his sister as young as 6 and later his wife.
Uncut Gems (Movie)
The protagonist is stripped naked and shoved in the trunk of a car. A man insistently asks a woman to make out with him: she eventually agrees.
S1E4: mention of rape. S1E5: a character is interested in polygamy and wants to make his step daughters his wives. He can be seen in bed with one of her stepdaughters and heard asking her if she is comfortable in a position and "teaching" her how to be comfortable. S1E7: mention of rape. In one episode, some girls can be seen living in a recluded house owned by some of the characters. They are heavily implied to be underage and having sexual relationships with these older men, although their age is not confirmed.
Under the Bed (Movie)
Under the Bridge (TV Show)
A girl is missing, and her underwear and pants are found while searching for her. It is implied she may have been sexually assaulted, however upon autopsy, it is revealed she was not. A father is arrested after being accused of incest by his daughter. This is a false accusation that the daughter was encouraged to make by her friends. A teenage character discusses that she was sexually assaulted by her mother’s boyfriend, and the mother took the boyfriend’s side afterwards.
Two male characters attack a female character in her home. The description is vivid and the character involved is hospitalised afterwards.
A man that the protagonist is attracted to kisses her without her consent: she pushes him off and tells him to leave, but it is clear she likes him. A man who is interested in the protagonist makes her put her hands on top of his while he plays the harmonium.
Under Ninja (TV Show)
S1E1: a woman accuses her neighbor of stealing her underwear. S1E2: a teenage boy uses a drone to spy on a woman and also uses the drone to steal her underwear. The neighbor from S1E1is seen walking around in a bra that belongs to the woman. At the beginning of the episode a 'crazy' man walks around with a breast pump telling children that they can drink breast milk from it. The children are laughing and calling him mr. breast milk. He then tells them that they can drink it directly from the source.
A woman mistakes a man in her room as wanting to rape her.
Under Sandet (Movie)
A young german prisoner is beaten up and humiliated by a group of British soldiers: he is peed on and forced to kiss a man's naked butt.
Worthy of note: a woman wakes up to find a stranger in her bed.
Under Siege (Movie)
In the beginning main character spies on topless neighbour and a girl in a bathing suit. Other character uses a drone to spy on a woman.
The main character wakes at one point to find a man groping her. Near the end of the film, a man attemps to rape the female protagonist. Worthy of note: at another point, a group of men emerge from the night and start attacking her van, trying to break the windows and force her out.
A man forces a woman to perform oral sex whilst holding a knife to her throat and then tries to rape her.
This film is shot from the perspective of an accused paedophile/murderer who is being interrogated following the discovery of two 12-year-old girls, who have been raped and murdered. No sexual violence is shown on-screen but the film ends with the revelation that the main character met his now-wife when he was over 30 years of age and she was 11, marrying her shortly after her 18th birthday. Other disturbing events and themes run throughout the film; the main character is shown to procure underage sex workers and at one point is discovered alone in a room with his young niece, arousing suspicion. He admits that he is sexually attracted to teenage girls and defends this attraction at length. The film seems to imply that the root cause of this behaviour is the main character's broken marriage, which has starved him of sex and affection, as well as the scrutiny of his wife following his discovery with his niece. The film seems to emphasise his emotional distress as a result of being accused and interrogated and might be taken to imply that it is wrong to accuse a person of sexual misconduct unless there is damning evidence (or that no evidence short of being caught in the act of an indiscretion is satisfactory). The movie also contains some intense flashbacks to and graphic descriptions of childhood sexual abuse.
Towards the beginning of the book, the protagonist, a pastry chef, walks in on her boss, the owner of the restaurant where she works and a prominent member of the community, as he is trying to force another employee to give him sexual favors in exchange for keeping her job after she made a small mistake. At the time when the protagonist walks in, the boss has his trousers and underwear down and is trying to kiss the employee. The boss fires the protagonist and threatens to ruin her career if she tries to tell anyone what happened. The protagonist had signed a non-disclosure agreement at the start of her career there, so she is too worried about the potential repercussions to go to the authorities. The protagonist's project from then on is to find women that the boss has harassed and get them to come forward against him. She has difficulty at first and makes some statements that some readers may find troubling, such as demonizing women who don't come forward and who therefore allow their antagonist to keep harassing others. As it turns out, the protagonist's close friend had been coerced into a sexual relationship with the boss when she had worked there in the past. The friend feels a lot of shame around this incident and for accepting hush money from him.
While recording, a cameraman zooms in on the chests of the female members of a film crew. There is a joke about being kidnapped and sold into the sex trade.
S1E1: two characters are forced to have sex while another one (who gave the order) watches . There is no choice, since a "No" would lead to death or mutilation. It is a quick scene and handled rather sensitively. S1E5: a capturer tells a character that they will rape them. Later in the episode, the capturer tries to attack, but is hold back by an event. Throughout the series, sex is referred to as "breeding".
Undertale (Video Game)
Underwater (Movie)
A man is shown forcing himself upon a woman who is shown struggling against him.
The Undoing (TV Show)
There is a storyline throughout the series about a doctor who had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a patient's mother. S1E6: a rough sex scene between two characters leads into one murdering the other.
Undone (TV Show)
In season 1, the protagonist breaks up with her boyfriend at the end of the first episode, and then she gets into an accident that causes memory loss. In the next few episodes, her boyfriend, who had already moved out of their apartment, moves back in while she is in the hospital and then acts like they never broke up when she comes home. When the protagonist recovers her memory, she becomes angry at him for manipulating her and seems particularly disturbed that they had sex.
An antagonist character intentionally walks in on the protagonist whilst she is taking a bath in order to intimidate her. Worthy of note: There is passing mention of the British royal family being inbred.
Une Colonie (Movie)
The female protagonist (a teenage girl) is pressured by her friends to make out with a boy during a party. She asks him to go to the toilet with her, but when he starts kissing her and putting his hands in her pants, she is visibly uncomfortable, rebuffs him and makes him leave. Worty of note: earlier in the movie, the same protagonist ends up lying drunk and alone outside. We see someone approaching her, but it turns out that it is a friend of her bringing her home to protect her.
This movie is about a group of people (women, children and an old man) hiding in a flat in a context of (civil) war. At some point, two men enters the apartment: they beat one of the woman, tear off her clothes and threaten to rape her while the others are hiding and cannot intervene. She negotiates with one of the man (promising to let him rape her regularly if he keeps the other man off her), who rapes her on-screen. After that, the man tries to kill her by strangling her and the other man (who wants to rape her as well) intervenes. They eventually leave, and the others characters come to help the woman, who is shown profundly distressed during the rest of the movie.
One witness at the trial mentions prison rape.
This whole film is about to young men trying to get a mother and adult daughter alone and away from their company so they can seduce them. There is a lot of implied threat towards the daughter and the man she is with touches and kisses her without her consent.
Une Vie (Movie)
Early in the film, the protagonist's wedding night is depicted as umcomfortable, and her husband does not stop when she asks him to. Soon after, it is revealed that the husband repeatedly raped their maid and impregnated her. The victim is held accountable as much as her rapist by the other characters, and the cheated wife is pressured into forgiving him.
Unfaithful (Movie)
Worthy of note: the first sex scene (a flashback) shows a woman shivering and looking like she does not enjoy it in the beginning. However, all sex scenes are consensual.
Plot point involves two men punished for disfiguring a sex worker who mocks the size of one man's penis.
Unfreedom (Movie)
This is a generally violent film, with particular sexual violence against a minority. It contrasts the harassment and attempted murder of a liberal Islamic scholar by fundamentalist extremists to the persecution of LGBT minorities in India, attempting to make a statement about structural violence and social discourse. In the last scene in the film, a lesbian is stripped and gang-raped in prison while her father watches and chooses not to intervene because she earlier ran off with her lover. The scene is explicit and prolonged.
One character accuses his friend of having raped a girl after slipping her rohypnol and then forcing her to have an abortion when she became pregnant. It's unclear if these accusations are true, but it's strongly implied that they are. It's implied that a character may have been molested by her uncle. The antagonist shows images of the main character performing a striptease without her consent in order to taunt her. The main character comes across a naked man on Chatroulette, much to her disgust.
The film contains internet videos about kidnappedd women being tortured. One of the protagonist (a woman) sees a video of herself sleeping, while a stranger enters through her window and stares at her. Nothing happens but it did had the intent of setting certain fear with sexual undertone.
Unhinged (Movie)
The film contains violence toward women.
The Unholy (Movie)
Unhuman (Movie)
The Unicorn (TV Show)
Unicorn Store (Movie)
The main character's boss hits on her several times, for example by smelling her hair.
The protagonist's boyfriend tries to pressure her into sex. When she refuses, he embarrasses her in front of all their friends. The protagonist, a high school student, walks in on a teacher kissing her classmate. The student the teacher assaults acts as if it is her decision to be in this relationship, but it is clear in context that that is not the case. This teacher later follows the protagonist into the girls’ restroom at the school to proposition her. In the interlude between chapters 23 and 24, there is an interview of an unnamed person who killed a girl and her mother because the former wouldn’t go out with him. A boy tells the protagonist that she and other girls exist for boys’ “entertainment.”
Unit 42 (TV Show)
The events take place in S1E8.
It is mentioned around 37:11 that the titular character was raped when she was 10. This is a brief remark that does not go into detail. A club owner who is paying off the cops not to arrest the titular character for performing without proper paperwork touches her rear end without her consent twice (53:30-53:50).
In this sequel to The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things, there is further development regarding the rape case against the protagonist's brother. Specifically, the woman he raped finds her mental health deteriorating and decides to press charges against him, leading to his arrest towards the start of the book. Many characters, especially the protagonist's parents, engage in rape apologism: because they are more concerned with ensuring that he won't have to register as a sex offender than with the wellbeing of the survivor in question. They insinuate that the survivor only pressed charges for financial gain. There are no rape scenes; the survivor mentions in passing that the protagonist's brother overpowered her, but no more detail is provided regarding the event itself. The rape case and potential consequences for the brother are discussed throughout the book.
The Unknown (Movie)
A teenage boy drops a pen while in class so he can bend down and try to look up a girl's skirt. Later while camping. he films the girl he is with several times without her knowledge/consent, once while she is changing clothes.
The movie is about a cop who becomes obsessed with a married woman after responding to a report of a break-in at their house (during which she was threatened and physically assaulted by a stranger) and who tries to get the husband out of the way so he can claim her as his own. The antagonist spies on the couple having sex (naked) before announcing his presence: the woman (exposed), screams at the realization that he was watching them (56:50-58:54). The antagonist breaks into the house and the woman attempts to get away, but is subjected to a non-consensual massage (he unbuttons her shirt before she interrupts him) and has to play along (kissing him and trading caresses) until she grabs a gun. He then hits her and attempts to rape her but is eventually stopped and deafeated (1:33:45-1:40:40).
Unleashed (TV Show)
The film contains several flashbacks and discussion of an attempted rape throughout.
A woman talks about being groped while performing a song.
Unlocked (Movie)
A class of 18 year old boys lure a woman to a squash court, hit her, and threaten to gang-rape her before she is able to run away.
This book features abuse, kidnapping and rape/assault.
Unnatural (Movie)
A man jokes about the women in the group possibly being assaulted.
Unorthodox (TV Show)
Worthy of note: an 18-year old Hasidic Jewish girl is in an arranged marriage with a boy the same age as her. She agrees to the marriage at first, but leaves him later. The girl suffers from vaginismus, which makes sexual intercourse extremely painful for her. Despite this, she is trying to get pregnant with her husband, and she tells him to continue having sex with her despite her pain. Seeing her physical pain might be triggering, but she affirms and consents continuously.
Unpacking (Video Game)
Unpregnant (Movie)
A teenage girl mentioned how she was stalked by her boyfriend before they started going out. In response to this, another girl mentioned 'Times Up'. A main characters boyfriend did not tell her that the condom broke when they had sex (13 minutes into the movie).
UnREAL (TV Show)
Unrequited Love (TV Show)
Unrueh (Movie)
It is mentioned that a woman was sentenced to death for having killed a man who tried to kiss her.
Unsane (Movie)
A woman is stalked by an aggressive, controlling man who harasses her consistently. A man tries to rape a woman before another woman stabs him in the neck.
Unseen (Movie)
Unsheltered (Movie)
A man kisses a woman despite her trying to push him away.
Unstable (TV Show)
S1E1: as an accident, a woman walks in on a naked man. Both do not want to see/be seen. At a certain point in the series, one of the protagonists briefly mentions having a relationship with an adult woman as a teenager. It is depicted as consensual and a positive experience.
Untamed Heart (Movie)
The main character gets harassed by two men while walking home: they eventually attempt to rape her.
The Untamed (TV) (TV Show)
S1E46: a prostitute tells the story of how she and other prostitutes were forced to have sex with an old man until he died. Flashbacks show the man tied to a bed and the women sitting around him, but no actual sex or nudity is depicted. The same episode reveals that a character had married and had a child with his (unknowing) half-sister.
The book is an autobiography, detailing the author's experiences with sexual violence and gender dysphoria. Much of the story is dedicated to them recovering from their trauma and unlearning harmful coping mechanisms related to their trauma - which includes vivid discussion of internalized misogyny/transphobia. The author describes a traumatic series of events in which they acquired a job at a manga studio that ostensibly accepted their nonbinary identity, but their higher-up constantly misgendered them while putting them through a series of sexual violence; such as verbal sexual harassment with violent undertones, touching them on their face and back in a sexual manner, standing right outside a washroom while they showered, and asking them invasive questions (in one instance, labelling them as a 'nympho'). The aftermath of the event shows them with intense gender dysphoria and self-blaming tendencies, as well as severe PTSD and disordered eating habits. When they came forward in the face of the #MeToo movement a few years later, they also received a barrage of victim-blaming comments and DMs, and again when they shared their manga for the first time publicly (to which their publishing agency had to release a statement and moderate comments). They also recount memories from their childhood and adolescence where they experienced sexual violence or were witness to it; like a boy lifting up their skirt in front of a classroom, being pressured into having a shower with a male friend when they're in middle school, being asked invasive questions about their sexuality, and watching a close friend of theirs get sexually harassed by other men. In the face of boys sexually harassing them as a child, they retaliated by writing explicit boys love fanfictions involving their male classmates - but as an adult, they acknowledge that this is also a form of sexual violence and regret their actions. Near the end of the book, there is a brief recollection from their transfeminine friend, who was forced into a sexual situation by cis men for being a feminine-presenting AMAB person.
Untitled Goose Game (Video Game)
The assault scene is very violent (35:00).
The romantic leads are a single father and a woman he employs as a nanny. There are several discussions between the two about the power dynamics in their relationship. For example, at one point, the male lead says, "I have feelings for you, and I've known that for a while. But I also know that as long as I pay your salary it'll never be right for me to pursue you." At the end of their discussion, he says, "I wouldn't feel guilty as long as you swear to me that you'll never put my feelings before yours. That you'll never be afraid to tell me the truth." When their relationship gets more serious toward the end of the book, a new nanny is hired, and the female lead pursues other work and starts using money from her trust fund. The female lead finds out that her own mother was in a similar situation, becoming romantically and sexually involved with an employer. The mother says that she thought in retrospect that the employer's behavior was wrong, especially since he was already married. Worthy of note: there are non-specific discussions of two characters' pasts with intimate partner abuse.
Unwelcome (Movie)
A woman sympathizes with a hurt man and he grabs her wrist. There is nothing obviously sexually implied, but he proceeds to attempt to strangle her while on top of her and she fights him off. A character spies on another while she is trying to take a bath. The same character, an abusive victim, later tells the character he likes her and throws her to the ground in a scene evocative of sexual assault. However he tries to kill her, and is in turn killed before he can.
(Un)Well (TV Show)
S1E2 (Tantric Sex): parts of this episode explore how 'tantric therapy' programmes have led to the sexual exploitation of some participants. This includes in-depth testimonies from victims of sexual assault and rape who have been abused by administrators of these therapies and teachings. S1E5 (Ayahuasca): a woman mentions in passing the fact that she was sexually abused during her childhood (47:30 - 47:50).
The Unwilling (Movie)
Characters discuss their childhoods where one was sexually abused by their father (32:27). SPOILERS: What starts as consensual intercourse between two characters turns into rape (41:50). The female character manages to get the man off her with a knife, killing him. After the male character's wife asks the woman what they were doing, the woman cries and her broken explanation implies what happened to her (48:40). The wife further accuses the woman of his death, and the woman retorts angrily that he attacked her (50:00).
Up (Movie)
Up Here (TV Show)
Season 1 contains several jokes about a Hispanic mom.being creepily close to her son: nothing is actually incest and it is played for laughs. S1E4: a couple stages a cuckold situation without the consent of the third party. They stops when he asks though and have a wholesome conversation.
Upgraded (Movie)
Upload (TV Show)
In season 2, a character liesin order to have sex with someone. Also, another character is creepily filming someone naked without their knowledge. Videos of people having sex are created and uploaded to the internet without their consent.
Upstart Crow (TV Show)
Uptown Girls (Movie)
Upurga (Movie)
Uramichi Oniisan (TV Show)
S1E5: a male character who is presumably gay, hits another man in the groin and hugs him. He later on blows him a kiss. It is shown that this made the man uncomfortable. S1E6: the same character forces the man to hang out with him. He later on appears with kiss marks on his face. This was done without his consent. S1E12: the same character closes in on the man's face to the point of almost kissing. It is shown that this also made him uncomfortable.
Urban Legend (Movie)
A woman tells another woman that she plans to try out a few sexual practices from the "Kama Sutra" with her boyfriend. She responds "no" to the other woman's (joking) question "Does he have a choice?" A woman and a man are talking in a car in a remote location. The man kisses the woman against her will, causing her to punch him in the face.
In the opening movie scene, while at a school dance, teen boys drug their date's drinks and are later seen forcing them into their car. Later in the movie, one of the women that happened to says they were left outside of town and makes no mention of being assaulted. Parents make a passing comment about keeping teenage girls off the street and keeping them virgins In the current movie timeline three girls who go missing were found to have roofies in their system, but medics confirmed they were not assaulted. None of the girls remember what happened to them.
Urijib (Movie)
A group of girls prank call a woman and call her a tramp.
One of the main characters is gang raped (34:06-34:51) and is thereafter considered a "ruined woman." The person who ordered the rape was her beloved's father, and he ordered the rape so that the beloved would lose interest in her.
Us (2019) (Movie)
U.S. Go Home (Movie)
A teenage girl kisses an adult man. It is unclear whether anything more happens but nothing is shown on-screen. Worthy of note: a girl rejects advances from a boy who is very pushy, though nothing more comes of this.
Usagi Drop (TV Show)
Worthy of note: it is hinted that the female protagonist's mother was a teenager when she became pregnant from a 70+ years old man. In the anime, the relationship between the child and male protagonists (the child being the biological aunt of the older man) is not romantic. It is a father-daughter relationship as he starts taking care of her at the age of 6. In the manga, they end up having a romantic relationship with each other when she becomes older. It is not clear how old she is when they start dating. He starts taking care of her when he is in his thirties and they start dating when he is in his forties.
It is briefly mentioned that a male character is beaten, robbed and raped by a group of bandits. A frequently mentioned theme, concerns a brother walking in on his sister and step-brother having sex, and the trauma caused by this.
Used Cars (Movie)
Rape is shown on screen as a flashback.
Utopia (TV Show)
In season 1, a character is framed to have abused a minor. S1E3: in the last scene, a character is threatened with the brutal rape of his wife. Neither of these actions happen on screen or off screen and are simply brief mentionings. S1E4: a woman kisses a man without his consent while holding a gun to his head.
Uzak (Movie)
Both male protagonists stalk women in the streets from afar in several scenes. They never approach or talk to them, but one time in a bus, a woman feels unsecured by the presence of one of them next to her and she changes seat.
Chapter 3: Azami Kurotani stalks, harasses and presumably attempts to rape male deuteragonist Shuichi Saito (the attempt is unsuccessful).
V Morgan is Dead (TV Show)
Attempted rape is implied. A woman is circled and grabbed by a group of men in an alleyway. A bishop is implied to have had regular sexual interactions with children in the past. He also attempts to overpower a woman so he is on top of her, but is cut short from going any further.
28:30 to 29:01 A male character is drunk and in and out of consciousness while his fiancee and another woman take turns having sex with him (28:30-29:01). They are also drunk and on drugs. This scene is played for laughs and does not include violence. The man is not upset about his fiancee actions later, but only about her female friend. His memory of this event is minimal and very blurry. It is later revealed that neither of them had sex with him like he thought, but did have sex with each other on top of him.
The protagonist who is victim of the mentioned sexual abuses is 13 years old.
The main plot revolves around incidences of child sexual abuse. It is mentioned frequently throughout the series and discussed in detail in some episodes. Another subplot is the rape of a teenage girl by some of her classmates. A phone recording of the incident is shown and repeatedly played throughout some episodes, but we only see the girl waking up and then screaming off-screen. S1E4: at the end of the episode, a girl is pressured to describe in detail what happened to her, and she does: her description is very graphic.
The plot revolves around a virus that causes girls to turn into weapons when aroused, and there are very few (if any) episodes that do not include sexual content involving minors. Episode 2 involves the 16 year old protagonist being forced into a marriage with an older woman. She gets stripped naked and the woman attempts to rape her before another character comes to her rescue. Episode 10 has a moment where a character sexually assaults another character to test whether or not she has a certain power. She does not, so she makes a plan to sexually assault more characters until she finds whoever has the power she is looking for. The character doing the sexual assault is implied to be a minor. Episode 12 has multiple characters (including at least one minor) get sucked into a sword, in which they are raped by tentacles to remove their powers and strength. If we include the specials, the first is entirely about two underaged girls having sex; the sixth is about a girl fantasising about sexually assaulting a minor.
Valley Girl (Movie)
One character mentions that Indians rape white women. The main female character (16 year old) is said to be married. A male character (an older man) makes sexual advances to her while he is naked in a bathtub, and grabs her wrist before letting her go.
Vamp (Movie)
A boy vampire tries to forcibly bite a girl half-vampire. It is explained earlier that the act of biting someone is akin to sex.
In this series, vampires are instructed to breed with particular other vampires to preserve royal bloodlines. They are encouraged to have more babies even if they do not want to. The series opening sequence (every episode) mentions breeding/procreation protocols. S1E3: women who have been banished from the main society are brought in specifically to be bread. One of them is shown to be very unhappy about it.
Vampire Bats (Movie)
S1E1: an underage boy attempts to sexually assault his girlfriend who is several years older than him. S1E10: a teenager has sex with a 150-year-old vampire (he looks 17). S1E16: a man tries to use his supernatural powers on a woman (to get her to sleep with him) but they do not work. S2E1: a man (one of the main love interests) kisses the main character without her consent and continues trying to push himself on her even when she says no (non-consensual kissing). An underage female character is sexually abused by a vampire. The main female character is involved in a emotionally abusive relationship, viewed as romantic throughout the series. She is coerced into sex by him (under supernatural circumstances). A 1,000 year olds hybrid is in someone else’s body, and looks like a woman's boyfriend: she kisses him and continues to make out with him until she realizes it was not actually her boyfriend. It is implied that he would have kept going if she did not figure it out.
It is implied that a woman was born after her mother was raped by a burglar.
Vampire Hunter D (TV Show)
The main female character offers her body as payment to the leading man for his services "if he wants it", but she seems reluctant: he does not take her up on it. There are several scenes of unwanted advances on the leading woman: the entire story is revolved around her being forced into marriage with the vampire who bit her. A once-trusted man to the leading woman rips open her shirt.
Vampire Knight (TV Show)
Vampiric feeding is often used as an allegory for sex in this series. As such, vampires enslaving or attacking humans can be a stand-in for sexual manipulation, abuse, or violence. S1E8: an adult male vampire is said to have killed and devoured four young girls, and he uses very sexual language when describing the act of feeding. In the original Japanese with subtitles, he tells one girl, "Don't be scared, I'll be gentle." S1E9: from this episode onward through season 1, an adult female vampire is shown to have a very inappropriate, almost erotic relationship with some teenage characters. Her relationship with one, spanning years, feels very like an allegory for an adult grooming a child, and may make some viewers uncomfortable. S2E7: an adult man in a teenage boy's body makes a sexual pass at a teenage girl while they are alone. When she rebuffs him, he violently grabs her and slams her into a wall. Another character walks in and stops him before anything further happens. A boy and girl who have had a romantically-charged relationship finally kiss, before it is revealed to the girl that they are actually long-lost relatives. The boy, who had initiated much of this romantic contact - and the kiss itself - has been aware that they are related the entire time. S2E8: a character states that incest between siblings is normal in his culture. It is later mentioned that his own parents were brother and sister, and that they had intended for him to marry his younger sister when they grew up. She has been groomed for this role her entire life without realizing it. S2E12: an adult man grabs a teenage girl from behind and makes suggestive comments about her, and licks her neck. A vampire makes taunting comments about having drank the blood of an unwilling woman in a description that feels like an allegory for sexual assault.
Several women over the course of the movie have their shirts/dresses torn open by male vampires and some are also molested. The vampire's creature molests a woman while she is tied up and naked. In a later scene it rapes another woman.
Vamps (Movie)
The leader of the bad guys says several times that he is going to rape a man's wife and grabs her chest, kisses her, throws her up against a wall while taunting the husband. Later when he is tied up, she recounts the scene. It is also discovered that she used to have sex for money.
Vampyr (Movie)
Vampz (Movie)
A man 'caresses' a woman's cleavage as she tries to protest. A (female) vampire licks a woman's face; the woman is disgusted and protests. A woman (who is kidnapped and under the hypnosis of a vampire) is kissed without her consent: she is then visibly uncomfortable but has to contiune to dance with him (under his control).
Van Helsing (TV) (TV Show)
S1E8: about 35 minutes into the episode, two drunk characters go in a dark hallway to kiss, The woman changes her mind because the man gets too handsy: she starts saying 'no' so he slaps her, puts his hand on her neck and covers her mouth to stop her from screaming. Her friends arrive before anything further happens, but she is left with bruises on her neck. S3E11: towards the end of the episode, a woman tells that she was abducted and kept in a basement as a child, and hints that she was raped over a long period of time. S5E6: a character tells one of her co-stars was "handsy".
Van Wilder (Movie)
Vanilla Sky (Movie)
This tale is a retelling of 'Beauty and the Beast' in a dark fantasy-dystopian setting. The relationship between the two main characters is fully consensual but the protagonist is originally sold to the love interest under indentured servitude.
One character bluntly asks another, who admits to abducting his wife, if he raped her.
While working as a maid, one of the protagonists suffers frequent sexual assault from her employer’s husband. The violations are described in some detail. In a later job, this same character ends up marrying someone for whom she worked as a secretary. As time goes on, she feels embarrassed that that is how they got together. The husband insists to people that he “was no lech.” Another protagonist escapes an abusive relationship. Passing mention of catcalling.
Vanquish (Movie)
A woman who was being hit on by a mob boss later asks another woman to "get her out of there". The main character is drugged by a man but it seems the intention is to kill her not assault her.
Varsity Blues (Movie)
The main character touches an orderly's groin area to distract him while she takes his keys to escape the hospital.
Veep (TV Show)
Even though the show is a comedy, the sexual harassment is not played for laughs. Season 4 contains a long story arc where a male staffer is sexually harassed and groped by someone in the vice president's office. However, everyone who hears about it is shocked and appalled.
Worthy of note: there are non-graphic discussions of artificial insemination, describing the practice as a violation.
A man rapes his wife after she refuses to have sex. The situation is described in detail. Later on the same woman gets raped by her brother in law multiple times. She is heavily medicated when he takes advantage of her. This is also described in detail.
Velvet Buzzsaw (TV Show)
The movie uses clips from a number of avant-garde films from the 1960's. One such clip is of the infamous rape scene from the movie Flaming Creatures (1963). The clip is only shown in the bottom left corner, not the entire screen.
An attempted rape occurs between 03:03 and 03:50 on-screen.
The antagonist uses emotional abuse and magical manipulation to persuade both men and women to have sex with him (or each other). He often erases their memories of having encountered him or having had sex. He stalks the female lead character and attempts to rape her, but she outwits him. A secondary female character tells the story of an emotionally, psychologically, and physically abusive relationship she was in for years. She is safely away from her abuser by the time of the novel. The female lead character recalls a childhood incident in which a man is implied to be scoping her for sexual abuse, though all that happens before she escapes is a grip on her shoulder.
Veneno (TV Show)
S1E7: a transgender woman is forced to do sex work while in a men's prison.
Sexual assault/rape are significant elements of the film's plot. Discussions and depictions of sexual violence throughout. The rape scene is very early on in the movie and lasts a very long time.
It is mentioned that a character was assaulted by a group of men, but whether this attack was sexual in nature is not specified.
Venom (2018) (Movie)
The protagonist is forcibly kissed by a woman who has been overtaken by the Venom symbiote. The kiss seems to be more intended to transfer the symbiote but it seems nonconsensual for both of them.
Most of the listed tags for this show are treated as jokes or made to be one liners. When something does happen, it is typically passed over quickly and nothing much comes of anything one way or another. It features suggestive dialogue, rape jokes, groping, mentions of past assault, forced kissing, and a male adult unknowingly has sex with an underage teenage girl. One character is a pedophile: nothing happens on screen, but there are many mentions of past abuses. S3E6: two teen girls pin a boy down, kiss him, and take off his clothes while he tells them to stop. The girls are stopped by one of their guardians coming in.
The film portrays a romance between the protagonist (a woman) and a man, which begins with him stalking her and acting creepy (licking her hand during the first meeting for example). She ends up falling in love with him. At first, she accepts to have dinner and gets drunk in order to convince herself to sleep with him. At her apartment, she insists on engaging sex despite his refusal (because she is intoxicated): he ends up leaving. The opening scene starts with a discussion of the protagonist telling about how someone took off her pants when she was 6: it is not said if the person was also a child or not. At some point, the protagonist tells that her father killed her mother because he thought she was cheating on her. Later on, the protagonist and her love interest spy on one of her female colleagues (who is 20), who accepted to go to one of her client's home (an elderly man). It is ambiguously hinted that he may intend to hurt her, but it ends up not being the case. They have sex and the two spying character, aroused, do the same. The film takes place in a beauty institute: throughout, a female client keeps undressing and exposing herself. This is played for laughs and the other character do not seem particularly bothered.
Vera (TV Show)
S1E2: an older man has historically had a sexual relationship with a teenage girl, but this was in the past, before the episode starts, and the affair is not shown onscreen. Conversations about the affair are not sexually descriptive. S3E2: two teenage girls are kidnapped, and it is suggested in conversations that they may have been trafficked for the sex trade, but this turns out not to be the case. S4E1: two of the female characters, one of whom is a young teenage girl, have been raped prior to the events of the episode. The rapes are talked about, but not in explicit detail, only as something that has occurred and the psychological impact they have had. In one scene, the teenage girl is shown being harassed by her rapist and pushing him away (at the time, the audience is unaware that he is her rapist). Ultimately he faces no consequences. Two adult women characters are in the sex trade, and some of the male characters are described as having been their 'callers,' but none of these calls are shown onscreen. S9E4: there is some discussion about a teenage girl being "procured" by older men in the sex trade, but nothing is shown onscreen.
Vera Cruz (Movie)
Vera Drake (Movie)
The film is about a woman who performs illegal abortions. During the first third of the movie, a subplot follows a girl who has an abortion after being raped. We see her attacker grasping her and forcing her on a bed.
Vermines (Movie)
Veronica (Movie)
One of the main characters has flashbacks to being abused by her mother.
Veronica Mars (TV Show)
All the first three seasons of Veronica Mars deal heavily with rape and sexual violence (the female protagonist is a survivor of rape) with victim-blaming. Incest is discussed but it never occurred, a student is impregnated by a teacher, and an adult man molested the children on his baseball team when they were young. During the course of season four, the titular character's friend reveals that she was raped, and this is brought up futher on in the episode. In another episode, the main character visits a convicted rapist in prison to source information from him.
Verotika (Movie)
A spider monster is shown to be raping a woman. A woman is groped several times - first by the spider monster and then by several men in a pornography theatre.
Versailles (TV Show)
Versailles is a period drama and does not shy away from the realities of the time it is portraying. Its plot includes marital rape, a young girl forced to marry a predator (who subsequently rapes her multiple times), and maids and servants being forced into sex by superiors.
Vertigo (Movie)
Protagonist has borderline sexual attraction to dead woman, may be perceived as necrophilia.
Vesper (Movie)
A teenage girl is chased by a group of teenage boys, who then pin her to the ground while one holds a hand over her mouth to stop her screams. A man forcibly bends a screaming woman over a table and then forces his thumb into a long, narrow, open wound on her back, moving it backwards and forwards in a sexually suggestive manner. The same man forcefully strokes the lips, face and hair of the teenage girl (his niece), in a suggestive manner which she clearly is uncomfortable with.
VHS (Movie)
One of the themes of the movie is the non-consensual recording of sexual acts. Segment 'Tape 56': the movie opens with a group of male characters assaulting an unsuspecting woman in a parking garage, forcefully pinning her arms behind her back and exposing her breasts for a filming camera while she screams. The later rewatch the footage and laugh of the harassment. They discuss doing it again and plan to remove their next victim's skirt or pants instead of a shirt. A member of this same group conceals a camera to film himself and a woman having sex without her consenting to the recording Segment: "Amateur Night": a group of men rig a camera up to a pair of glasses and plan to film a woman during sex without her consent. They also discuss recording different women on the street. Later, one of these men tries to kiss a woman who has passed out in hopes that she will wake while another cracks rape jokes. The man then initiates sex with another woman and she is filmed nude without consent. This second woman, who turns out to be a vampire, later assaults the man wearing the glasses. Segment "Second Honeymoon": a man tries to coerce a woman into having sex on camera after filming her from behind as she takes her sweater off. Later, a stranger films this woman as she sleeps while stroking her buttocks with a knife. A young woman passes out while engaging in foreplay with a young man after a night of drinking and drugging. A friend watching jokes about how she is unresponsive and tells his friend to stop: the friend reacts angrily but does stop. Eventually, the girl kills them both.
VHS 94 (Movie)
In one section, a woman is sexually assaulted by a monster disguised as her husband. She then kills her real husband thinking he was the one who assaulted her.
VHS 99 (Movie)
The segment 'The Gawkers' focuses on teens who spy on women and record them without their knowledge. They install spyware on a computer to spy on their neighbor undressing and showering.
VHS 2 (Movie)
It is strongly implied that a cult leader regularly abuses women and girls of 13 and under (0:45:43-0:57:49). The cult leader is seen having sex with a woman, but she appears to be an adult and the sex seems to be consensual.
VHS Viral (Movie)
A girl's shirt is forcefully lifted.
Vice (Movie)
Worthy of note: at three different moment of the film (beginning, about halfway through and near the end), footage of torture in prison are shown.
Vicious Fun (Movie)
Acts of necrophilia are briefly mentioned.
A character has superpowers that force people to obey her every command, and even when she is not actively ordering them to do anything, people feel compelled to please her. Because of this, she avoids any sexual or romantic relationships, since no one can 100% freely consent to being with her. However, she later ends up in a toxic and destructive relationship with a man who wishes to kill her, and only does not hurt her because she orders him not to. Partially because of this, she makes an exception and starts a sexual relationship with him. This is never identified as rape by the narrative, but their dynamic is explicitly unhealthy and coercive to them both.
A woman is killed by being impaled.
Victoria (Movie)
Victorious (TV Show)
The film contains harassment portrayed as comedic (non consensual kissing). There is also the implication that one of the main male characters has sexually abused/harassed a main female character: it is also played as comedic.
Vida (TV Show)
A character is recorded during oral sex without her knowledge/consent. The video later is seen by her peers. Emotional manipulation around the event occurs.
Videodrome (Movie)
The main theme of the film is snuff movies, with a strong implication of sexual torture. A fictional snuff TV show features a victim receiving a strong electric shock to his genitals, though that part of his body is obscured.
Vienna Blood (TV Show)
S1E1: a character discusses past and repressed traumas about her rape. S1E2: an attempted rape is shown on screen. S1E4: attempted rape on-screen + the rape of a character's mother is described.
The Vietnam War (TV Show)
Some episodes mention sexual abuses and rapes from American soldiers on Vietnamese women. They are testimonies from veterans or mentioned by the narrator, and are generally illustrated with archival footages of soldiers mistreating women.
The Vigil (TV Show)
Vigil (2021) (TV Show)
A Vigilante (Movie)
The movie deals with themes of domestic abuse which could be upsetting for some viewers. Three men grab a woman and drag her away from her car into an alley: she breaks free and escapes.
Vigilante 2 (Movie)
Throughout the show, the protagonist sexually harasses a female character: they have a romantic interest in each other. He often gropes her in public, touches her inappropriately and at times looks up her skirt. This is treated as a running gag, and other characters berate him for his actions or restrain him. The woman repeatedly asks him to stop however he never does, repeatedly using her for his own pleasure. There is another character in this show who is upset that he does not harass her in the same way. None of the other characters see any problem with how he acts towards women in the show.
The Seven-Ups (Movie)
There are two scenes towards the beginning of the movie where groups of men follow a woman walking alone, clearly with the intention to harass her. Another early scene shows the protagonist giving feedback on a book cover. He pantomimes with his pencil to indicate that the dresses on the women on the book cover should be lower cut. Then he does the same pantomime toward his secretary. The protagonist has several flights of fantasy in which women other than his wife force themselves on him. In reality, he attempts to force kisses on his neighbor (a woman). She acts as if she does not know what he is doing or why. He imagines that she will tell everyone, including his wife, that he was forcing her to do things she did not want to do.
Soldiers are supposed to execute enemy soldiers: one refuses because he cannot see properly after a gas attack. In order to motivate him to shot, a officer asks if he also could not see the rape of his sisters.
Vikings (TV Show)
S1E1: two men appear with the intention of raping a character but are killed. Rape on screen (16:00). S1E2: a man is shown raping a slave. S1E4: there is another attempted rape of the same character but, again, she kills her attackers. This episode also features a rape on-screen. S2E3: a character is shown to be in an abusive relationship. S2E4: a nun escapes a first rape attempt, but later gets raped off-screen. S2E6: men are sent to the room of one character to assault her while she sleeps. A woman is pressured by her political ally into having sex with his son who seems to be in his teens (9:45-11:30). A husband attempts to rape his wife due to her political suggestion: she fights him off and stops him. S2E7: while a female and a male character have sex, the man chokes her and questions her about her political alliances. It is experienced as violent and surprising by the female character. S2E8: a female character mentions being raped by her brother when she was twelve (17:20-17:40). A female character is groped at knife point by a male character and threatened with rape (20:50-21:50). S3E2: a character discusses how she was abused as a child. S3E5: soldiers attempt to rape a woman during a siege. They are interrupted, but she is killed by one of them (36:50-37:15). S3E7: a character is kissed by her father-in-law; she shows no signs of wanting this to happen. S3E9: a character is pressured by her father-in-law to enter into a sexual relationship with him. S4E4: a character is choked and pressured to disclose whether she was raped or not by her captors. This scene occurs around the 29:30 minute mark. S5E2: a prisoner is tied up. Another character sits on him and rapes him. S5E6: a character agrees to have sex with a captain in return of a favor. After that, she is attacked by his friends and forced to have sex with them as well. S6E10: violent on-screen rape. A servant woman is told to sleep with the son of a king: he attempts to rape her and strangles her, threatening her life.
S1E1: a main character describes a past rape (18:40-20:30). Much of this episode deals with her plans for revenge, culminating in her killing her rapist. S1E2: the episode starts with the main character’s trial for killing her rapist, including accusations from his friend that she is lying. S1E8: attempted rape (43:10-44:05). S2E5: the past rape of a woman is mentioned (~29:20). Later, a man suddenly pulls a teenage girl/young woman to sit on his lap.
Vikingulven (Movie)
Vikram Vedha (Movie)
A major plot point is that all women of child bearing age (including a girl of 17) have been made pregnant by an alien force. Although several of the women are shown to be distressed by the pregnancies, they do not know how they became pregnant, and the mechanism is never identified. It is speculated, by some characters, to have been done by some form of remotely beamed signal.
A number of women find themselves pregnant without their consent after passing out for several hours.
An off-screen rape (heavily implied) between the main character and a demonic creature is used as a climax to the film: we hear screaming (1:09:00-1:22:00).
Villains (Movie)
A man is bound to a bed against his will while a woman attempts to have sex with him (he clearly isn't interested). She only stops when she grabs his crotch, realises he isn't aroused and gets angry. He later acts like he wants to have sex with her and forces himself to kiss her to get out of his restraints.
SPOILERS: Near the end of the movie, the protagonist tries to kill his girlfriend by strangling her: he is not himself when he does this.
Worthy of note: a scene of a husband beating his wife ends with him laying on top of her.
Vinland Saga (TV Show)
This series contains many scenes where rape is implied: a man carries a woman who is protesting to another room; the legs of a woman laying on the ground is shown as a man is sleeping next to her; mention of gang rape, etc. S1E1: a woman says that she is cold and an older man implies they should go to bed to warm her up: she calls him a pervert. S1E2: Vikings raid a village. They come across a room of naked women with their children: implication of assault (2:00-3:00). S1E6+7: flashbacks show Vikings pillaging, with mentions of "fights over women" they are looking to sell. S1E20: at the end of the episode, a woman is auctioned off as a slave. Season 2: one character is a female slave, who is mplied to be sleeping with her owner. S2E1: when Vikings attack a village, two female characters run away with one male character and one invader makes comments such as 'we're on our way ladies', 'she looks fun', etc.
Vinterbrodre (Movie)
The male protagonist steals a woman's panties: she tries to stop him (in vain) and seems amused by the situation. The protagonist's brother tries to initiate oral sex on his girlfriend: she is reluctant and repeatedly says no but he continues (about 54 minutes into the movie). She seems to eventually agree and enjoy it.
Violation (Movie)
The whole film is about a woman coping with a sexual assault. There is a rape scene, mostly shot in close-up. This scene is discussed by multiple characters in different ways. Many people try to invalidate the woman's experience, saying that she is covering up an infidelity.
Violence Jack (TV Show)
This miniseries features very graphic and violent stories such as various explicit rape scenes, necrophilia and cannibalism.
Violent Cop (Movie)
Under the influence of heroin, a woman is raped. The scene is brief and has no nudity, but thrusting.
Violent Night (Movie)
It is mentioned that a teenage boy was the subject of a sexual harassment allegation: this is played for laughs. A heist leader tells his (female) subordinate to crush a man's testicles: she does not want to. Another guy pulls down the man's trousers and threatens to castrate him.
Violet (Movie)
It is heavily implied that one of the female protagonists has been gang raped.
S1E5: a major part of the episode is about a child marrying an adult man.
Violette (Movie)
In the final sequence of the film, it is revealed that the antagonist (the mother), is mean and cruel to her sons because she was forced into marriage and into conceiving the three boys.
Virgin River (TV Show)
A female character talks about how her ex sexually assaulted her. S4E10+11: the rape is brought up again, and the rapist becomes a character on the show. S5E1: the rapist is being brought to trial. Worthy of note: a domestic abuser threatens his wife. She is later shown with bruising and wounds.
An adolescent girl is shown engaging in sexual acts with a group of adult men. Only kissing is shown.
Viridiana (Movie)
In the beginning of the movie, the protagonist (a young religious woman about to take her vows) visits her old uncle, who becomes obsessed with her because of her resemblance to his deceased wife. She accepts to wear her wedding dress, but when she rejects his offer to marry him, he secretly drugs her. He brings her to her room and begins to sexually abuse her but stops before raping her. The next morning, he lies and tells her that he took her virginity. Later, she lives with her uncle's illegitimate son, who also lusts after her. That man also begins a relationship with his female servant: even if it is presented as consensual, the woman does not seem pleased with his first kiss. In the last part of the movie, during an orgy, several instances of sexual harassment are shown on-screen, and a rape is strongly implied on-screen (the feet of a man and a woman behind a couch are shown and we hear the woman asking him to stop). Eventually, the protagonist is sexually assaulted by two men who attempt to rape her. One is eventually killed and the other is stopped by the police. In the last scene of the movie, the protagonist is shown deeply affected by this experience and joining her "cousin" in his room to "play cards".
Virtual Cottage (Video Game)
Worthy of note: when the main female protagonist is 14 years old, she briefly has a boyfriend who is 18. A bit later, another boyfriend begins to grope her when they are kissing on a bed, but quickly stops when she asks him to.
Vis a Vis (TV Show)
Visions (Movie)
A female character explains that she ended up in a relationship with her ex-teacher after high school graduation. It is not specified if they were romantically/sexually involved during her schooling or not, or how old she was when their relationship began. An old man takes off his trousers behind a kitchen counter while a young boy is frozen watching. We find out that the man is taking off an adult diaper, but it is possible to wrongfully interpret the scene as the beginning of an assault. The older man puts his soiled diaper into the face of the young boy. This is not consensual, but it is not sexual in nature.
A relationship between a minor and an adult is discussed frequently in Part I, but there are no overly graphic descriptions. The attempted rape is not unnecessarily graphic either.
Worthy of note: at some point, the protagonist explains that he is obsessed with the virginity of young women.
Visitor Q (Movie)
There are various graphic scenes of rape, incest, general sexual deviancy, and necrophilia throughout the film.
Visual Prison (TV Show)
Vital (Movie)
A medical student has an affair with one of her professor, though this is mostly off-screen. A man wakes up to a woman choking him, though this is not presented as sexual and instead functions as self-harm.
Viva Maria (Movie)
About halfway into the movie, the two main female protagonists are locked in a room with a man. It is hinted by another character that they will be sexually abused and killed, but they joyfully trick the antagonist and escape. In the beginning of the film, a woman performs a trick in front of a crowd: she pretends to get money out of her nose. Some men go on stage and try to shake her to get some coins. They are rapidly rebuffed by the partners of the woman. Everything is played for laughs. Near the end of the movie, the two main female protagonists are caught and tied to be tortured. However, all the instruments break down. The scene is played for laughs.
Viva Zapata! (Movie)
Vivarium (Movie)
Worthy of note: at some point, the two protagonists (a couple) argue, and the man ends up pinning the woman to the ground.
Vivre Sa Vie (Movie)
A female sex worker is trafficked.
Viy (1967) (Movie)
Voces (Movie)
The protagonist is told in detail several times that he is going to be sent to prison and raped.
The main character is raped while unconscious by her fiancée.
Volcano Princess (Video Game)
The game follows a young girl as she ages within the game. She can date and have romantic interactions with numerous villagers in the game starting from the age of thirteen, however it is left ambiguous how old some of them are. There are some events in the game, especially when working at the sauna where it describes the girl is harassed by adults and depending on your choice when asked what the player wants to do is touched without her consent.
Voleuses (Movie)
Worthy of note: one of the main characters is shown frequently making sexual/romantic advances towards women, including one woman who displays obvious unhappiness about it. The most suggestive of his comments occurs in a scene in the first episode, directly after they first meet, the woman states that they have a particle barrier which they can activate for protection and he replies 'girl, you've already activated my-' before being cut off by another character. Beyond this, their interactions stretch to the male character making comments regarding things like dates, often insinuating that the female character has a crush on him. The narrative never explicitly addresses this dynamic, beyond showing the female character talking to another female character about her displeasure with his behaviour (some interpret this as an expression of jealousy rather than discomfort).
Volver (Movie)
The central plot of the film revolves around a woman who is impregnated by her father, resulting in the birth of a daughter. Another central subplot surrounds a young girl who is sexually abused by her step-father. A woman rejects her husband's sexual advances and he responds by masturbating next to her.
A friend of the protagonist (an elderly man) invites him to a strip club and tells him about his paid relationship with a much younger prostitute (who calls him 'daddy'). The protagonist is not into it, visibly uncomfortable, and passively lets a prostitute cuddling and kissing him.
The Vow (Movie)
The documentary is about a cult leader who leads a sex cult where women brand themselves with his initials, refer to him as their master, recruit other women, have all of their calorie intakes "approved" by him before they can eat, etc. It is implied that he has drugged and raped at least two women.
All female characters experience frequent low-grade sexual harassment and pervasive misogyny. This dystopia limits the number of words girls and women can speak per day, with cuffs to deliver electric shocks as an enforcement mechanism. The narrator refers to secondary female characters who have experienced domestic violence, which is implied to include sexual coercion. On a society-wide level, teens and young women are forced to choose between marriages arranged between their fathers and suitors,; being brothel sex slaves. Women and teens who have sex outside of a heterosexual marriage are brutally publicly shamed and sent to labor camps.
Vox Lux (Movie)
Voyagers (Movie)
Mention of attempted rape. Repeated non-consensual touching, which is framed as though it is a result of humans' innate natures.
The Voyeurs (Movie)
Voyeurism is a major theme of this film. There is a scene where two people watch a man coerce a woman into sex. She is shown to eventually relent and enjoy the sex.
One of the protagonists experiences a psychic attack that she describes as "violating." This type of attack is known to "break" its victims, and one of the people responsible for this treatment says to bring the protagonist to his room after they have broken her, implying a plan to assault her.
Wacko (Movie)
At the beginning of the movie, a girl's father watches her in her underwear through her window then later pulls her blanket down and rips her pajamas off with a grabber tool.
One character grabs the protagonist's wrist and try to sexually assault her.
The plot of the film centers around child sexual exploitation material and the lead's sexual abuse as a child. Abuse is not depicted on screen. We see photos of boys' faces and later learn that this is child sexual exploitation material.
Wadjda (Movie)
Early in the film, a construction worker cat-calls the protagonist, a 12 year-old girl, in the street. Forced marriage of young girls is mentioned several times throughout the film.
During friendly encounters, some of the English sailors make passes at Indigenous women, prompting them to leave. It is not discussed in detail, nor is it clear if the situation was violent, aggressive, or if it went so far as assault. All that is stated is that the men made some sort of declaration of interest that was poorly received.
The Wailing (Movie)
The antagonist character is said to have raped a woman: in a flashback, he is shown cornering and verbally abusing her before the scene cuts away. In another scene, the main character tries to see if his daughter has got a rash on her legs (a main theme of the movie) when she is sleeping. She wakes up and asks why her father is looking under her skirt at night. The scene is not sexual at all, but the hint at pedophilia is obvious. At some point, the father goes through his daughter's things and finds disturbing images in her notebooks: the more prominent ones being female figures bleeding from their vaginss. Since she had previously refused to say how she had met the antagonist, it is heavily implied that she had been raped by him (off-screen).
The film depicts an abusive relationship. The husband is manipulative and physically violent toward his wife, and at one point suggests that he does not need her consent to have sex. A sex scene is shown between a woman and her abuser in which the woman clearly does not want to be participating and seems to be dissociating. The conception of the pregnancy around which the film is centered is heavily implied if not outright stated to be nonconsensual (referred to by multiple people as "the night x got y drunk").
Spousal rape.
Wakakozake (TV Show)
Wakfu (TV Show)
A common running gag involves one of the male main characters constantly hitting on one of the female main character, who is repeatedly shown to have no interest in him. A female character is tied up, and makes suggestive sounds, while others look on. On a different occasion, the same female character has vines wrapped around her body and mouth while struggling. The monster that tied her up begins to stroke her face. Worthy of note: S2E14: teenage nudity.
Waking Life (Movie)
Waking Ned (Movie)
Wale (Short) (Movie)
Walk the Line (Movie)
Worthy of note: a teenage boy is making out with a teenage girl. She speaks and he gets upset and shoves her against a car aggressively and walks away.
Walk With Me (Movie)
In a section on Shenandoah National Park, the author discusses the unsolved murder of two women hikers. He does not mention sexual assault, but does discuss the circumstances of their murders in a way that loosely implies the possibility.
Walkabout (Movie)
There is a lot of sexualising of teenage girls (and also women in general). We see several naked shots of teenage girls, as well as weird angles up skirts and close-ups of the main character changing clothes etc. There is no sexual violence but the entire movie is filled with uncomfortable scenes and shots. At 01:20:00, the main male character, in a trance, surprises the female protagonist while she is changing clothes in an abandoned house. She tries to hide but it turns out that he is performing a courtship ritual, staying outside of the house. The girl is not interested but feels uncomfortable. Nothing further happens.
Walker (TV Show)
A girl is in love with a guy who is in college: her age is unclear, but she does look a bit younger than him. No relationship develops.
S1E6: a character forces himself on a woman, but is fended off S2E1: a woman implies that her dead husband wanted to assault their daughter. S2E11: a man mentions that two men in his group raped two teenage girls. S3E7: a character is forced to remove her clothing. This, however, does not develop further. S4E7: characters stumble across a corpse with the word “rapist” nailed to it's chest. S4E16: a young boy and a woman are dragged away with the intention of being raped in front of the boy's father. They are, however, saved. S5E1: a group of men selects a woman to rape. As she is dragged away she screams 'not again', implying this has happened before. S5E4: a man threatens to expose a crime committed by a young girl if she does not become his sex slave. He is murdered in self-defense. A man corners a teenage girl and makes her suck on a lollipop: the scene has a lot of sexual tension. S7E4: a character discusses being married to and having sex with numerous women, all of whom are forced into engaging in this relationship to protect their spouses. S7E15: a character is about to rape a woman but is interrupted by another character. S11E2: acharacter describes an experience where they discovered a group of men who were planning to kidnap them. They prevented the group from doing so. They then go on to describe finding a dead woman who was horribly mutilated with the implication that they kept her as a sexual slave and then killed her after she became obviously pregnant.
It is implied that one of the main character's wife was raped.
Between episode one and three, there is implications of sexual assault with one of the main cast, who is pregnant and was in an abusive relationship with a villain. The villain is a major part of episode two and episode three respectfully and is possessive of her. In episode three (In Harm's Way), an adult man asks 'Did everything come out alright girls?' to a child and young teenage girl when they come back from using the bathroom.
Walking Tall (Movie)
There is a prison rape joke at the very end of the movie.
Wall-E (Movie)
About 30 mins into the movie, the female-coded robot goes into hibernation. While she is hibernating, the male-coded robot ties her up with fairy lights, takes her to various romantic places, and tries to hold her robot hand (earlier in the movie she had strongly objected to this character holding her hand). In other words, male character ties female character up and takes her on unconsenting activities while female character is unconscious.
Walter (Movie)
A squalid male movie worker hits on the female movie worker and tells another guy all the things he wants to do to her sexually.
The Waltons (TV Show)
S8E9: an army wife is raped by a neighbor.
Wan Sheng Jie (TV Show)
S1E4: a demon boy spies on an angel girl (his crush). The older girl's brother spies on the demon boy (0:55).
Wanda (Movie)
The titular protagonist, who is caught in abusive relationships throughout the film, experiences an attempted rape towards the end, but she escapes.
Wandavision (TV Show)
Worthy of note: the entire series involves characters being brainwashed against their will.
In one episode, a teen girl reveals that her dad did perverted things to her and her jealous mother abused her as a result. There are other scenes with sexual harassment.
Worthy of note: in the main couple's first sexual experience, the woman initiates sex without discussing it with the man first. They have only just met, and unbeknownst to her, it is his first time. This encounter is not framed as a problem, since he enjoyed the sex.
Wanted (Movie)
The Wanted 18 (Movie)
Wanted (2016) (TV Show)
War & Peace (TV) (TV Show)
S1E1: incest is implied (adult brother and sister). S1E2: a male guest makes repeated inappropriate comments to his host's wife, who feels uncomfortable. They are eventually shown having (consensual) sex. S1E3: two cousins are in love. In S1E4, the man asks his mother to marry his cousin, which she refuses. S1E4: a man corners a woman in a room, grabs her and kisses her despite her fleeing him, asking him to stop and rebuffing him. She is seduced by him but is already engaged to another man. S1E5: a soldier explains that a man he saved offered his wife to him. Despite her wish to leave with him, he had sex with her and "returned" her to her husband. An enemy soldier abuses a woman (slapping her): a central character intervenes and stops him. A main female character drinks a potion in order to have an abortion: desperate, she takes too much of it and dies (off-screen). We see her lying dead on her bed with a lot of blood between her legs (dress and bed).
The aggressor removes some of a woman's clothing without her consent, ostensibly with the intention to rape or further sexually assault her.
War Dogs (Movie)
None of the characters in the book experience sexual violence, but it is implied that that might be happening elsewhere.
War Horse (Movie)
War is Over! (Movie)
There is an attempted rape which ends with the rapist being killed by the protagonist.
War Requiem (Movie)
Near the end of the movie, the main male protagonist is about to rape his own wife as revenge (on top of her with full rage, trying to disrobe her, saying 'I can no do whatever I want with you' while she screams 'stop'), ans as a tactic, his wife pretends to like it so he would loosen his grip on her. She performs oral sex to escape because of the physical pressure.
The War Zone (Movie)
The Ward (Movie)
A character is kidnapped and chained in a basement for months as a child, where it is implied that she is raped by her kidnapper. While the child is shown chained in the basement with her kidnapper approaching, no actual acts are depicted.
Warehouse 13 (TV Show)
S4E14: a main female character slaps a horse track club worker's rear on her way out of the club. He looks shocked by this and it is played off for laughs.
Wargames (Movie)
Warm Bodies (Movie)
Warning (Movie)
A teenage girl (17) wakes up to a man pulling down her underwear and trying to have sex with her. She kicks him off of her, stopping the attempted rape. He beats her up after, including saying "look what you made me do" in regards to attacking her because she fought him off. During all of this she is occasionally unconscious and has blurry visions from drug use. The entire scene (1:11:30-1:11:51) is seen in first person.
Warrior (2019) (TV Show)
Throughout the show, there are many mentions of rape. In season one, a woman is aked by her father to have sex with her husband when she does not want to, so he can have a better business deal. She drugs herself to get through it and clearly does not enjoy it. In one episode a man forces his wife's hand onto his genitals, in another we see bruises on a young woman's thighs, implying rape. In season two, during a brothel raid, men can be seen raping women repeatedly. S2E3: a woman offers herself to a police officer to pay her husband's debts. She says that she has done it before and is clearly traumatized. A woman describes her husband sodomizing a 14 year old to his death and other artocities taking place in a brothel.
In these novels, there is a lot of inbreeding because cats follow laws called the Warrior Code which states they cannot have mates outside their Clan, and therefore they do not have many options for mates to choose from, and most pairings in the books are at least distant cousins. Spottedleaf's Heart: this novel is entirely about an apprentice (about 12-13 if she were human), being groomed by a middle-aged man (if he were an adult). It does not show their relationship in a bad light, and the teenager only stops contact with the adult after finding out that he trains in the Dark Forest (what is essentially cat hell in these books.)
Warrior Nun (Movie)
S1E1: about 11 minutes into the episode, a group three men approach the protagonist (a woman) who seems drunk and they are very weird about it, (checking her out, saying her outfit looks nice and even asking "you're drunk").
A male soldier grabs a woman and is stopped by a general saying "there will be plenty of time for that later." A second general watches another male soldier drag a woman off and does nothing. A pair of male soldiers breaks into a home, detains the man, and one approaches the woman with her infant saying to give him "some motherly love." The implication is that this is happening across the fortress. A woman asks a man "who forced the soldiers to pillage and rape?" but the men do not care. A woman asks her friends to not allow the male soldiers to "tarnish her body", alluding to rape.
The Warriors (Movie)
A male character makes aggressive sexual comments towards a female character, and aggressively kisses and attempts to rape an undercover cop.
A character is catcalled by two men as she enters and exits a store. A character receives frequent texts from an ex-boyfriend, despite her telling him to leave her alone. He later shows up uninvited to her place of work, intent on seeing her until her friends threaten him into leaving. The exact nature of their relationship and breakup isn't explored in detail, but both she and her friends worry for her safety, with one recommending she get a restraining order.
A slave girl who is 11 years old is revealed to be pregnant. It is never clarified whether it was the slavemaster who impregnated her or another slave. Towards the beginning of the book, the main character, who is also 11 at the time, gets invited to the bedroom of the slavemaster's brother, who is visiting. Another slave insists that the main character be prepared to defend himself in case the brother intends to molest him. The visit turns out to be entirely benign, and the possibility of molestation never re-emerges.
Wasp Network (Movie)
Early on in the film, at the end of a date, one character encourages a woman to stay in his car and kisses her. She is charmed by him, but states she needs to leave as her violent ex-husband is still in her house. He pulls on her arm trying to keep her in the car.
The stories start with one character trading sex for food. They begin with dubious consent but quickly move to consensual.
The Watch (TV Show)
There is background conversation about child sex abuse in one of the shorts, though it is unrelated to the plot.
WatchDogs (Video Game)
An underground sex-trafficking and auctioning ring takes place in Chicago. After stealing the identity of an auction attendee, the main character slips into the auction facility in disguise. As you walk through the hallway, you observe multiple girls in their underwear waiting outside of rooms, girls in cages, and see one be dragged into a room forcefully by her arm. Upon walking into the actual auction room, you see that multiple girls, displayed on stage in their underwear, are being bought and sold and that the auction is actually a human trafficking auction. You rescue a trafficked woman named Poppy by using your phone to scramble the tracking code tattooed on the back of her neck. You can shut down the ring through optional side quests later on. There is also an optional side quest to take down a serial killer who targets female prostitutes.
Watcher (Movie)
The protagonist is stalked throughout the duration of the film. There is some victim-blaming language and she is not taken seriously when asking for help. One of the suspects in a local murder is mentioned to be a rapist very briefly.
There is a relationship between a 19 year old and a 16 year old, which is legal in the setting of the show. A father is overly concerned about his teenage daughter wearing makeup, dating, etc, and at one point the girl's mother criticises him for sexualizing her. This is not implied to be paedophilic and there is no implication of abuse, but may be an uncomfortable dynamic for some. A male stranger speaks to the above-mentioned father about his own daughter wearing too many low cut shirts, makeup, etc, and cryptically claims that he solved the issue. The father later believes the stranger may have murdered his own daughter and wife. Once again there is no implication of sexual violence but the theme of male control over female bodies/behaviour may be uncomfortable for some.
The Watchers (Movie)
A woman pays her two friends to go and pretend to be cops and have them pretend to almost rape the main character. This is one of many "practical jokes" or "pranks" she plays on him throughout the film.
It is implied that a group of men chasing one character were going to attempt rape. There are multiple instances of catcalling and inappropriate touching of a female character. Many men harass her on the street by assuming she is a sex worker and propositioning her uninvitedly with money for sex. A female character is cornered by several men and they attempt to rape her but are not successful.
A man repeatedly ignores a woman's sexual rejections, beats her, and is preparing to rape her until another character intervenes. This instance is brought up again later in the movie to shame the victim.
Watchmen (2019) (TV Show)
S1E4: during a car ride scene, a detective says that her mother was sexually assaulted by her father and it is implied that she is the product of the assault. S1E5: a teenage boy is shown being undressed by a girl while he repeatedly says no and tries to stop her. The event is referred to later in the episode.
Water (2005) (Movie)
Near the end of the movie, a scene strongly implies the sexual abuse of a child although it is not explicitly shown. The trafficking of one of the female character is only implied though less overtly.
The main character's love interest, who is a slave, is implied to be involved in a sexual relationship with a slave master. It is clear that she has no option to reject this relationship if she wants to.
Water Lillies (Movie)
Early in the film, a girl is surprised in the locker room by a boy (her love interest) while she is naked: both freeze during a few seconds before he leaves. Much later, they have sex because the boy could not sleep with another girl: she experiences it harshly since he is obviously not interested in her. One central character is a teenage girl who has the reputation of being promiscuous. An important part of the plot is about the pressure she endures to have sex with her "boyfriend", despite being in fact a virgin. In order to "lose her virginity" beforehand, she asks the female protagonist (another girl) to do it with her first (with her fingers): this is portrayed as an uncomfortable experience (she cries). At some point, an adult man (the girl's coach) insists to give her a massage in the locker room. She later explains that he is in love with her, and that she kissed him once, but has to deal with his behaviour. She also recounts how a man came near her in a swimming pool and showed his erect penis.
Waterloo Road (TV Show)
The Watermen (Movie)
Two men watch women changing in their bedroom, and later one man barges in on a woman showering to film her. Everyone on the boat is drugged and kidnapped, and one of the women is seen being raped by a kidnapper while still unconscious. When on the island, the women are forcibly undressed and one is fingered by a kidnapper.
Worthy of note: in S1E3, a warren is introduced where female characters are clearly living under a violent patriarchy. There is nothing explicitly sexual, but some of the events are analogous to forced marriages.
Waterworld (Movie)
A woman is used as a bargaining chip and a wman wants to have sex with her. She is unwilling and the man is eventually stopped.
Wattstax (Movie)
S1E3: it is mentioned how the male owner of a restaurant touches other men’s butts without their consent. The male cook realizes this happens to him as well. Later on in the episode the female protagonist thinks her neighbor is trying to sexually assault her. She calls the police on him: it is revealed that is was a misunderstanding. S1E5: a woman explains how her brother is very overprotective to the point of locking her up inside the house. She is not allowed to leave and she is scared of him. S1E8: a boss mentions how a young male worker would not complain when he would touch his butt. S1E12: in a very short scene, a restaurant owner trries to touch the butt of another male character.
Waxwork (Movie)
A woman is tied up and beaten with a whip by several men with a sadism fetish (1:00:00-1:18:00). They keep suggesting that they will rape her after beating her and she will die in the process, but she is saved before this can happen. She is in an altered state and acts as though she enjoys this mistreatment. The men call her a "slut" and a "whore" as well as a "virgin" and other entrapped women seem to be bizarrely jealous of her situation.
The Way Down (TV Show)
S1E3: rape/sexual assault in mentioned about 30 minutes into the episode.
Way Down (Movie)
The Way Out (Movie)
There are frequent, brief references to sexual assault including child sex abuse. Specifically, a character accuses other characters (plausibly) of committing sexual assault in the past and being on the sex offender registry; he discloses his history of abuse, and implies that his abuser may also have abused another character (the abuser's son). Worthy of note: there is a somewhat tense sex scene early in the film and a brief scene later on where a character is choked without having consented to that behavior explicitly. In the first scene the characters both want to continue with the sex without choking, in the second scene one character wants to end the sex and they end it.
There is an extended rape scene at the end of the film with an unconscious woman and a group of men filming pornography.
We Are (Movie)
A woman who is about to be killed begs for her life and tells her captors they can rape her instead. A male character fondles her breasts. Worthy of note: a prostitute character is very young, though it is not stated whether or not she is a minor.
S1E2: rape on-screen.
How to provide justice for survivors of sexual violence, including childhood sexual abuse, is a major topic in this book. There are no in-depth or graphic descriptions of any particular instance of sexual violence, however.
The protagonist remains very passive during sex, almost letting it happen to her rather than actively participating. There is a scene where a younger version of herself pushes a man off her, revealing that maybe she would have said no in hindsight.
The author repeatedly references the child abuse that was rampant at Indian residential schools, which included sexual abuse. Many of the people interviewed in the book discuss their relatives' experiences in the residential schools, including the lasting effects of trauma from sexual violence and cultural imperialism.
Worthy of note: two women are physically attacked by a mob made up of mostly men (1:13:00 - 1:14:00).
We Love Katamari (Video Game)
A high school boy makes a deep fake revenge porn video about a girl who rejected him. He sends the video out to everyone in the school.
The titular character masturbates in front of his mother. It his suggested that he does this specifically to make her feel uncomfortable, rather than because he has any actual attraction to her.
We Never Learn (TV Show)
There are frequent mentions of sexual harassment, groping, catcalling, etc. Early on, an incident of flashing/nudity and public urination as a form of intimidation is described in some detail, with emphasis on its intense emotional impact on a female protagonist. Around the middle of the book, a female protagonist is subjected to restraint and medical abuse and is afraid of what those who control her will do to her. Toward the climax, a female protagonist is graphically described being molested and choked by a group of male friends in the press of a concert crowd. Unnamed female crowdsurfers are mentioned as being repeatedly molested.
A character sees a priest raping boys at the residential school, so he rapes her. Another character is raped at a different residential school.
We Were Here (Movie)
While no one is assaulted, the main character does describe rape at one point because since she has lost her memory and only knows that something bad happened, she believes that she may have been raped (even though she was not).
The film contains a graphic date rape scene of a drunk teen girl.
Rape, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence are discussed in abstract terms throughout the booklet.
A girl, who is later revealed to be a minor, is almost coerced into sex work but another character saves her.
Rape jokes and a female-on-male rape are played for laughs. There is a second implied man-on-man rape and non-consensual touching scene.
A dog licks a blindolfded man's testicles (off-screen). Towards the end of the movie (when the wedding is being broken up), a guy runs up and hits a woman on the rear end and runs off.
A teenage boy fondles an adult woman whilst dancing. An adult man puts a teenage girl's hands on his buttocks whilst dancing. A woman reveals that she had sex with a man whilst he was very drunk.
Wednesday (TV Show)
This show contains multiple scenes where men or older boys are physically violent toward the titular character. An adult manipulates teenagers through supernatural means to seduce each other as a means of getting revenge against an entire group of people. The main female character kisses someone she thinks she loves but who is actually evil. S1E1: someone loses a testicle when the protagonist defends her brother from being bullied. An older boy asks the main character: "have you ever been with a normie," before attempting physical violence.
Weeds (TV Show)
In the first few episodes a man impersonates his teenage nephew online to trick his girlfriend (also a teen) into engaging in text-only cybersex. The scene depicts the text exchange, and implies that the adult masturbated to this exchange. He also regularly lies about himself to seduce women, including pretending to struggle with sobriety to get his sponsor (an attractive woman) to come to his house to seduce her. Season 4: a woman is raped on screen.
In the beginning of the movie, a woman tells a friend about a sexual experience with a couple. She does not seem distressed but it remains ambiguous whether the acts were consensual or not. Later on, when that same woman is on the road with her husband, the latter lifts up the skirt of a female hitchhiker before agreeing to take her on the car. Later, when the couple is waiting on the side of the road, a man passes by. He rapes the woman off-screen just next to her husband: while she is screaming, the husband does not flinch at all and let it happen. In the final sequences, both characters are captured by cannibals. We see one woman being forced to strip before being killed. After that, a man puts a fish in her vagina to cook her.
Weekend (Movie)
A woman inappropriately touches and has sex with a dead man she does not know is dead. More generally, unknowingly necrophiliac actions are a big part of the movie. A woman touches a man in a sexual way even though he seems uncomfortable in the situation. We later learn that they have a sexual relationship and he was only uncomfortable because other people were around. A much older man uses an overtly sexual pickup line on a woman at a party. She is uncomfortable and leaves.
There are several mentions of the main characters possibly being drugged and/or sexually assaulted during a night out. No sexual assault actually occurs, but the movie leaves you wondering for an hour before revealing this. There is also a scene revealing that there are cameras set up in the private rooms of a hotel.
A man makes an inappropriate comment about women to advertise an accordion: this is brief and played for laughs. The protagonist's girlfriend gets kidnapped but nothing further happens and this is also played for laughs.
Welcome (Movie)
Worthy of note: a man and woman have sex despite the woman showing some hesitation at first (they recently divorced).
The show revolves around a business operating in 1979 and as such, depicts many scenarios which would be unacceptable in today's world. S1E1: a controlling partner tells his girlfriend that a casting director is only interested in her because he wants to have sex with her. This episode contains lots of catcalling; both men and women are subjected to this. The episode ends with a murder-suicide motivated by sexual jealousy: both victims are naked. S1E2: a male stripper is noticeably uncomfortable when women reach down his underwear and touch his penis. He has a conversation with his manager about it. Asking if the groping is required for his job, and the manager responds "only if you want to get paid."
The protagonist receives repeated rape threats from a boy she has a crush on.
Welcome Home (Movie)
A man attempts to have non consensual sex with blindfolded woman (she thought it was someone else). The male lead is drugged and two female characters have sex with him while he is unconscious and they film him. The main female character is also discussed and shown engaging in sex when she is intoxicated and, while it is not implied as being unconsenting, it is depicted as unconsenting. Worthy of note: there is also some sexual choking.
Welcome to Me (Movie)
This series deals with a lot of dark themes, including porn addiction and lolicon (animated child porn). Worthy of note: Chapter 5 of the novel is titled "Humbert Humbert", a reference to the main character of the novel Lolita.
S3E7 features fans chanting that Ryan Reynolds is a sex offender.
The Welder (Movie)
Season 4 involves a cult, and a peeping Tom is mentioned.
Wellmania (TV Show)
Wend Kuuni (Movie)
The Wendigo (Movie)
Worthy of note: at some point, the female protagonist (who is homeless), sleeps in the forest alone. A strange man comes while she is asleep and looks into her personal belongings. When she wakes up, he tells her not to look at him. He then says incoherent things and the woman, frightened, does not dare to move. He eventually leaves and she goes to sleep somewhere else.
Wentworth Prison (TV Show)
The teenage protagonist engages in multiple Skype calls with another player of an online horror game, who is shown to be a middle-aged man that never shows her his face during these calls. Nothing sexual occurs, though the man's motivations are ambiguous and could be interpreted as grooming. The relationship between the protagonist and her father, who we never see, is very ambiguous, and nothing is ever shown or addressed in the film itself, though there is grounds to interpret possible abuse here as well. This is a movie that leaves a great deal up to audience interpretation, so the degree to which sexual assault is present in the film is difficult to discern. There is an on going online friendship with an older man trying to make sure the protagonist is safe. Nothing inappropriate happens, but she does get angry and call him a pedophile one time out of anger.
The author describes her experience of having been raped by a burglar who targeted the store where she worked, as well as the legal matters surrounding the rape.
A character who is a stripper quits her job when her boss wants the strippers to have sex for money. A policeman wants oral sex from one of the men as a bribe but ends up accepting money.
One of the protagonists, an escaped convict, is implied to have a history with crimes that are sexual in nature.
Werewolf (Movie)
Rape is a main theme in this sexploitation film.
One male character attempts to touch/hug a female character multiple times throughout the movie. While he is never successful it is very clear that his attempts are not welcome.
The Jets grab a female character and seem to encourage another male character to rape her, although they are interrupted by another character who stops them.
Near the end of the movie, a group of men in a shop (the Jets) assault and try to gang-rape a woman. They are stopped by the owner of the shop.
The West Wing (TV Show)
S4E14: it is mentioned throughout the episode that in a (fictional) country undergoing genocide and ethnic cleansing, neighbors swap homes for the night due to coerced sexual violence (family members being forced to rape each other). S4E23: during a press conference, a reporter asks the possibility that a kidnapping victim is being raped. In S5E2 it is confirmed that sexual assault did not occur.
Western (Movie)
Westworld (TV Show)
Sexual violence is a running theme in the show. S1E1: several scenes involve implications of the rape of androids by humans. For instance, the viewer sees an (android) main character slapped and dragged off with the implication that she is about to be raped (11:55-15:00). Two men talk about how it was okay to rape an elderly woman after murdering her. S1E3: there is an attempted rape of a main character where the victim is dragged into a barn. She does, however, escape by murdering the attacker. S1E4: a female character intensely propositions three other characters despite their objections; this includes physical contact and close proximity. Season 2: a woman reprograms her boyfriend to be more loyal. Season 3: a character disguises herself as someone else, and has sex with that character's husband. Season 4: many people are not in control of their bodies. S4E5: a man says he could do anything he wants (rape) with someone's wife.
Two teenage boys spy on a group of girls whilst they are undressing. An adult woman ends up in a relationship with a child. This is played for laughs and no actual child sex abuse is shown on screen, though it is meant to be intentionally inappropriate.
Wetlands (Movie)
The Whale (Movie)
A television shows a brief movie scene during which a man grabs a female dancer on a stage.
The entire show revolves around the main character being violently gang raped, blamed for it, and forced to marry one of her alleged rapists to save her honor.
Worth noting: Chapter 14 has a reference to a former lord who is rumored to have fathered many children with his servants.
The film involves 8 identical siblings. In one scene, one of the siblings has sex with a man, under the guise of one of the other siblings, unbeknownst to the man.
Rape is mentioned in relationship to victims family relationships.
What If...? (TV Show)
Worthy of note: the show features a very sexist man.
There is mention of a man who went to jail for statutory rape of a 16 year-old girl. A father finds his adult son's pornography and forces him to masturbate in front of him, at some points physically reaching to grab his son's genitals A woman was likely sexually assaulted and raped by her father as a child. She also had sexual relations with her twin brother, at least sometimes consensually. At some point one of her family members had impregnated her as a teen.
An adult male character is shown to be sexually attracted to a teenage girl. There is one scene where he touches her inappropriately.
A woman pins down a man and is generally quite aggressively sexual towards him, despite his verbal and physical rebuttals. This dynamic stops after a minute or so.
The author describes detailed and graphic instances of her parents physically and verbally abusing her. Her specific abuse, however, did not involve sexual abuse. The author mentions reacting angrily to a stranger grabbing her behind. There are multiple discussions about Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), and how many people who have it were sexually abused, sometimes as children.
It is implied that an adult character married and had sexual intercourse with a teenage character, and that that is a common occurrence in the place shown. Around 57:00, a character forces a kiss onto another. The former also attempts to rape the latter twice (around 01:07:00 and 01:23:00). The film handles the attempts in a serious manner. Though the plot explains why the people engaging in unconsenting actions towards others behave this way, their actions are not being excused by the film.
This book contains discussion of the #MeToo movement and rape allegations against Donald Trump.
In a character-establishing scene, one of the main characters discusses his 'torture chamber'. In context, this is meant to be partially evocative of BDSM. However, it is also suggestive of sexual violence. The film features a pack of female vampires who look like young pre-teen or teenage girls and prey on the adult men who make passes at them. In deleted material, this character briefly describing sexual violence which he has committed, but these scenes did not make the final cut.
S1E1: a female vampire stalks a man to take pictures of him masturbating without his knowledge. S1E2: a character implies that her boyfriend coerces her into performing sex acts on webcam. S3E5: some characters are directed to watch a training video on sexual harassment. The character showing it says that 'anything goes' and describes some of the ways people fondle one another in the workplace. She jokes that they usually save the harassment for Thursdays, just to get it out of the way. S3E9: a main character pretends to be dead and his friends want to see how big his penis is. They play with his penis without his consent while he lies there. It is played for laugh. Through all of season 4, a man makes wishes to control his wife who has no choice in the matter. S5E1: a doll has legs installed that she does not want, and if you press a button on it, then she lifts up her skirt and dances. She does not want this. Worthy of note: sexual misconducts are recurring themes of the series, with main characters hinting at their previous experiences of necrophilia (S1E1), incest (S1E3) and bestiality (S1E4).
There is a lot of domestic abuse scattered across the film.
Wheel of Time (TV Show)
S1E1: a man kills his wife (who is a character absent from the books and created for the show to further the male character's plot development). S1E3: a female barkeeper gets one boy alone in a room, tries to kiss him, and then when he refuses, tells him to "get back on the bed" and draws a sword. S1E5: a woman is stripped naked and forcefully scrubbed by a group of men. While not inherently sexual, it is extremely traumatizing for the character. The aim of the scene is to show that men want to hurt women: a torture scene follows. S2E4: a woman has been sleeping with a man without telling him who she is. He is also hiding a part of himself. S2E6: it is mentioned that a woman was forced to wed before she had her first period.
One of the main characters pretends to be a sex worker. There are scenes where she is grabbed and kidnapped by multiple men but she is never sexually assaulted. It is briefly mentioned that her mother was raped. There’s a scene where a woman’s breasts are accidentally grabbed.
Early in the film, a boss seemingly sexually harasses his female employee on her workplace. However, it is quickly revealed that the two are in fact lovers. Later, in a scene where a crowd panicks, several men are shown harassing women. The scene is played for laughs.
There are passing discussions of rape during the era of trans-Atlantic slavery and in the modern day, as well as of street harassment.
In the beginning of the movie, the protagonist (a young boy) is circumcised by a barber without anesthetia. About halfway through the movie, a scene of domestic violence ends up with the man lying on top of his wife. He is interrupted by his son who comes to help his mother. In one of the last scene of the movie, a man slaps his mistress before brutally undressing her and engaging in consensual sex.
The film centers around a man who repeatedly harasses a woman. A running theme is that men cannot be just friends with women, because they want sex. Someone mentions they dream of a faceless man ripping their clothes off.
There is mention of an adult male character who leers at teenage girls. There is also mention of a bodega employee "trying to holla" at the female protagonist when she goes there, and how she wanted to avoid that. The female protagonist recollects how her mother always kept a gun, even at a young age, in part to defend herself if the boys in her neighborhood "suddenly forgot what no means." Worthy of note: there is a conversation between the male protagonist and a neighbor character, both of whom are white, where the neighbor is very fetishizing toward the female protagonist, who is Black. The neighbor clearly operates on the assumption that the male protagonist will share his racist opinions. The neighbor insinuates that the male protagonist just wants to scratch an itch and is going through a phase because he is attracted to the female protagonist. The neighbor mentions that he and his wife periodically go to the Caribbean, implying that they do so to sexually exploit Black people there.
The main character (a teenage boy) is stripped and humiliated in public. There are also multiple scenes where a child is physically abused (non-sexually) by her mother. While the animated series did not adapt this part of the story, the source material (visual novel and manga as well) contains heavily implied sexual abuse, including incest and child sex abuse.
Two women perceive the main character to be a stalker and start fearfully screaming "rape" repeatedly at him. The main character also goes back in time repeatedly and forcefully kisses the woman he loves without consent because she does not know who he is.
The audience is shown the scene prior to a woman being raped; the frame fades out before the actual attack occurs. The same woman is later shown injured in hospital, having been the victim of a rape and beating.
The protagonist’s ex-boyfriend beats her: she is punched, and while dazed, his and her movements make it heavily implied that he is raping her on screen. She regains her clarity and hits him off of her and escapes. Worthy of note: this movie contains violence from men in a position of power throughout, with the father similarly backhanding and punching his daughters and wife.
Domestic violence throughout.
It is told that two little girls were raped.
Two of the main characters casually mention a radio show they heard about children being raped in another country.
Where's Rose (Movie)
A teenager rapes another teenager until his younger sister tells him to stop.
A character reflects in passing on how some crewmen would grope her under the guise of adjusting microphones or wiring.
Whip It (Movie)
The protagonist lies about being 22 so she can join a roller derby team, despite being 17. As a result of joining the team, she meets a man (who is presumably in his twenties) and enters into a relationship with him that is implied to be sexual.
Whiplash (Movie)
There is moderate stalking. The main character transforms into a cat to spend the night with and to have intimate moments with her love interest.
This film deals with the sex crimes perpetrated by international soldiers in the aftermath of the war in Bosnia and addresses the cover-up which occurred on an institutional level. There is an onscreen rape scene (with an object) at 55-58 mins.
Worthy of note: at some point, a man approaches the protagonist (a little girl waiting alone in the streets). He offers her candies, says he wants to help her and because she does not answer him at first, they eventually mention the fact that young girls should not talk to strangers. He then leaves.
White Cat Legend (TV Show)
S1E10: a man licks the ear of another man dressed as a woman. He holds him hostage and says that he must taste nice. The man is known to be a cannibal. This is played for comedic purposes. S2E5: a man is chased and he runs into a woman’s bathhouse. The women start screaming and go after him. He later on walks into an entertainment house and he falls on a woman resulting into their lips/face touching.
White Chicks (Movie)
A character sexually harasses what he thinks is a woman throughout (it is a man pretending to be a girl). He eventually buys a date with her. A man tries to use a date rape drug on one of the men posing as a woman.
White Collar (TV Show)
S1E2: this episode features a man sort of groping a woman he took hostage. S4E7: a woman seduces a man at a bar so that she can blackmail him. S5E10: this episode reveals that a character seduced a character long term, just to get something out of him. Worthy of note: S3E2: Danny Masterson is featured in this episode.
There is a strong implication and detail from multiple women peppered throughout the book. The main character is the product of rape.
White Girl (Movie)
Worthy of note: even the consensual sex scenes have a violent tone.
The White Lotus (TV Show)
Season 1: a boss and his employee have sex; this seems consensual but there is an unequal power dynamic between them (one of them is also much younger than the other). S1E1: a pedophile joke is made. Throughout season 2, many people use sex as a means of trickery and coercion. S2E1: a man is killed for having sex with a woman of a different race. Sex workers are harassed and insulted. A man changes clothes in front of his friend without her consent. S2E2: the rape of Persephone by Hades is described. It is discussed that a character's dad was 'pervy' towards her. A man says that he suffers from sex addition and does not want to have sex. A sex worker hears this and brings her friend to convince him to have sex with them: it works. S2E3: priests raping altar boys are mentioned. S2E4: a teenager (above the legal age of consent) says that she has to have sex with a man to get ahead. She asks for the sex but clearly does not enjoy it. He then has problems getting an erection, and she gives him drugs which he thinks are viagra, but they are not. S2E5 and S2E6: a grown man has sex with someone who may or may not be his uncle. S2E7: one character is kidnapped so that someone else can get murdered: sex is used to keep her away.
It is mentioned several times that girls and women are coerced into sexual favors in exchange for shots at fame. There is one scene where this happens directly although nothing graphic is shown. Another flashback scene is briefly shown and it is unclear if the sex is consensual.
White Noise (Movie)
In the last ~20 minutes of the movie, the main female character describes being coerced into sex by a medical professional in exchange for drugs. Her husband invalidates her experience and attempts to initiate sex while she is still crying during this recounting.
White Palace (Movie)
A woman performs oral sex on a sleeping man. He appears to resist initially though they eventually end up having sex.
S1E1: flashbacks reference sexual violence from the previous series.
The White Queen (TV Show)
S1E1: attempted rape of the heroine. The heroine later regrets that she 'refused' the man who attacked her, falling in love with and marrying him. S1E4: violent on-screen rape.
A character mentions the possibility that someone could get raped by squatters in nearby abandoned houses. There is an urban legend that a character used to touch little kids inappropriately, but that turns out not to be true.
The author references the following: receiving rape threats on the Internet, the #MeToo Movement and rape allegations against Harvey Weinstein, rape allegations against Donald Trump, rape allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, rape allegations against Clarence Thomas, false rape allegations by white women used as justification to lynch Black men and other men of color, rape as a tool of war and colonization, rape of slaves, and rape in the military.
The film contains several instances of misogynistic/sexist behavior like catcalling and insulting women.
There is a passing mention of multiple sexual harassment charges by same minor character-nothing ever shown/described.
Whiteout (Movie)
A man wearing only a towel asks a female police officer for a body search.
Whitewash (Movie)
A man spies on a couple through a window and masturbates.
The main female protagonist gets cornered by three female classmates. They rip open her blouse and it is implied that they rip open her bra to make photos of her breast with their phones so they can use this as blackmail. This all happens in their classroom, with every studens still in it: everyone explicitly ignoring what the bullies are doing to her.
Rape is a central theme in this book, as the main character is seeking vengeance for the rape of her mother, of which her birth was a result. The second chapter contains a graphic rape scene.
A male cartoon baby smacks a woman on the bottom. A female character is pressured into playing patty-cake with her captor, and an investigator catches them and takes pictures. The intention of the scene is to be a tongue-in-cheek euphemism without being overtly disturbing. A female cartoon very aggressively chases after and tries to force a kiss on a man.
S1E2: a man attempts to rape a girl about 24 minutes into the episode. She manages to fight him off and gets away. The man approaches her again just a moment later and she runs away and hides. The girl struggles with flashbacks and nightmares afterwards.
A teenage girl is video recorded in the shower without her knowledge or consent. The person who made the recording sends it to a male classmate who coerces the girl in the recording's brother to be friends in order to get closer to her. The classmate watches her get changed and does not leave when she catches him. He threatens the brother that he will share the video around the school if he cannot date the sister.
Who's Your Daddy?! (Video Game)
There is a hidden sex toy in one of the upstairs bedrooms that can be grabbed by both the adult player and baby player.
S1E3: a man and a woman are alone in a remote area and the man strokes the woman's face uninvited. When she smacks him, he lunges for her and she cries out in fear. He stops, and nothing further happens.
Considering that this book is about the tactics and mindsets of abusers, the author delves into how some abusers are also rapists. The author even points out that, in an abusive relationship, it is nearly impossible for sex to be truly consensual. While this book focuses on intimate partner violence, there are also examples of how abusers target their and/or their victims' children, including through incest. There are no in-depth rape scenes, but there are numerous, detailed examples of physical, verbal, and psychological abuse.
The Why Files (TV Show)
S2E14: a detailed description is given of a man kidnapping a woman multiple times and physically and sexually assaulting her, sending her graphic and disturbing letters, and psychologically terrorizing her.
Why Him? (Movie)
A man repeatedly talks about sex around a woman's parents. making everyone uncomfortable. A man listens to his daughter having sex. A digital image of rape happens on-screen.
Why R U? (TV Show)
There are two scenes where a main character is harassed at the bakery he works at: once verbally and once when a customer is uncomfortably grabby. The harassment is quickly shut down by the character's boss in the first scene and by his boyfriend (to be) in the second.
Rape and sexual harassment are discussed in abstract terms a few times throughout.
Why Women Kill (TV Show)
A sexual relationship between an adult and a teenager (he is 18 but still in high school and living with his mom) is played as a problem only because it is a scandal as a consenting relationship between two adult men. When someone tries to get them to cut the relationship off, the person is shown as a manipulative shrew, instead of someone trying to protect a teen from an adult predator. At no point does the narrative present the relationship as abuse.
The author references rape allegations against Donald Trump, Trump painting undocumented immigrants as rapists, a joke Ann Coulter made about someone who raped his daughter, and workplace sexual harassment.
Wicked (1998) (Movie)
The entire premise of the movie is about a disturbed teenage girl (age fourteen) dressing up as her mother and seducing her father, so the perverse actions in the film are not handled sensitively. Throughout the movie, she dresses in heavy makeup and her mothers wardrobe and proceeds to seduce her father, in one of the scenes they take about romantic kisses, fall asleep together, and wake up on the couch together implying sex. It is implied throughout the movie that the man has sex with both of his underaged daughters.
The main female character continously mentions how her ex-boyfriend was mentally, emotionally, and sexually abusive. She participates in sexual activities as a coping mechinism. She heavily implies being into CNC style sex at one point. She argues with a male main character whi h then turns into sex, while she never says "No" or "Stop" she does fight him and curse him out. The male lead had another male lead hold her down during sex, while her safeword is "wait" she does repeatedly tell them "stop" and at one point is crying. She willingly participates in a threesome with the two male leads, however, the one points out how she was upset and not in the right state of mind, he verbally expresses feeling like he and his partner took advantage of her, she reassures them she wanted to do it but feels some-what regretful later on.
The film revolves around an anonymous person sending often very explicit letters to their neighbours.
Worthy of note: a woman tries to seduce a man who is engaged. He is very upset by this. A theme throughout the whole movie is a Christian man being shocked by pagan sexuality.
Widows (2018) (Movie)
A woman becomes an escort out of financial desperation.
Wiener-Dog (Movie)
In the first 20 minutes, a woman tries to make her son feel better about their dog getting spayed by telling a story about how her old dog was assaulted by another dog and was forced to have puppies.
Wife Quest (Video Game)
The main character's husband is abducted in his sleep by "monster girls" who intend on having sexual business with him against his will. Enemy NPC killing animations are also suggestive.
Wife of a Spy (Movie)
At some point, it is revealed that a woman whose murder is a part of the plot, was raped by a man who killed her when she resisted.
Wifelike (Movie)
A man who stole the memories of a woman who loved someone else, puts them into an AI. He then has sexual relations with said robot and lies to her about who she really is and loved. All AIs are programmed to do whatever their owner wants.
The Wig (Movie)
Wii Sports (Video Game)
Wii Sports Resort (Video Game)
Wild (Movie)
There are abrupt flashback sequences of explicit images/short clips of sex acts from the beginning of the film. It is unclear whether they are consensual or nonconsensual in the context and thus can be triggering to sexual assault survivors. When the protagonist is alone on the trail, she is approached by two hunters who make sexual remarks towards her. She is then followed by one of them who talks about her body and implies he is going to use her. He is called away by the other hunter and she is left alone.
Wild At Heart (Movie)
A woman discusses her rape as a 13 years old by a family's friend: there are brief flashbacks throughout the film showing the aftermath. A sexual assault begins at aroung 01:25:00, when a man walks into a woman's cabin under the guise of using the toilet. He uses force, degrading language and evermore escalating sexual assault until the woman says 'fucke me' as he wishes.
A man pushes a woman against the wall, speaking into her ear and kissing her face without her consent.
Wild Card (Movie)
The main female character has a flashback to her rape (about 20 minutes into the movie): we see a man on top of her.
Wild Cards (TV Show)
Season 1 features an actor sleeping with a producer to get casted.
Wild Child (Movie)
When two female characters are fighting, a male character jokes that they should be wearing bikinis for it. A man attempts to grope a woman he is comforting.
The main female character of the film is a prostitute: prostitution is one theme of the movie. At about 01:35:00, she is raped by a man (who is then killed by someone else): the scene is particularly gratuitous.
Wild Orchid (Movie)
The main female character, who is a virgin and afraid of sexual intimacy, is convinced by a man she is falling in love with, to accept money from another man for sex. She meets him in his room, and she is visibly afraid and crying. He grabs her from behind while naked, and she attempts to run away, but the man physically stops her and puts her on the ground to get on top of her. She is crying out in fear, and he calms her down. After calming her down he kisses her stomach sensually, and eventually has sexual intercourse with her. She cries out in pain, grabs his wrist, and after a few thrusts the scene is over.
A news report on rape is being heard.
Wild Rose (Movie)
Wild Summon (Movie)
Wild Tales (Movie)
Wild Things (Movie)
This movie is about two students and a teacher who fake a rape accusation. Throughout the film, a teacher maintains a relationship with two high school students. He harasses the girls and other girls throughout the movie. At the beginning of the movie, it is hinted that one of the characters is raped by the teacher. Then an investigation talks about rape and how the teacher raped another girl. In the end, this movie defends the rapist and depicts victims like the bad guys.
One of the main plotlines centers around a dysfunctional marriage. The woman arranged powerful magic to force the man to become romantically obsessed with her, and as the glamour begins to wear off, he gradually becomes confused, distressed, and highly abusive (physically, emotionally, and ultimately spiritually/magically). A significant secondary male character is magically highly sensitive. When he is touched, he involuntarily and painfully absorbs psychic impressions from the other person. Multiple characters (mostly past, some present) use this double-edged talent as a weapon. Most notably, a past authority figure forced him into prostitution (with all the personal pain that entailed) to act as a spy.
S1E2: archival footage shows men forcibly stripping and attempting to assault women.
It is discussed that a young witch has been held captive since she was a child and raped by the king of her kingdom since she was 14 years old. There is reproductive coercion where the main love interest throws out the main character's birth control and impregnates her without her knowledge nor consent.
Wildflower (Movie)
About one hour into the movie, there is a scene with sensual touch between a drunk minor and and adult.
Wildland (Movie)
A man makes an inappropriate sexual advance towards his teenage cousin, though nothing comes of this. A man bursts on his teenage cousin whilst sh i's in the bath, refusing to leave when she asks him to.
Wildlife (Movie)
Wildling (Movie)
A boy grabs at a girl in a crosswalk. Later, that same boy attempts to rape another girl after a party.
The Wilds (TV Show)
S1E1+E6: details are given about a relationship between an adult and a teenager. S1E7: a girl describes the sexual assault she experienced in detail and describes her desire to get her agency back (around the 18-21 minute mark). S1E8: a girl describes being groomed and assaulted by her stepbrother when she was 13 and he was 19. S1E9: in flashbacks, a doctor is accused of touching his younger patients, including one of the girls caught on the island. S2E4: a character mentions now that someone is 18, a specific pedophile would not like them. A main character holds another main character down and ejaculates on him. This is frequently discussed and referenced for the rest of season 2. S2E5: the assault from the previous episode is discussed . The end of S2E6 and all of S2E7 deal with a main character's complete days-long dissociative episode related to the aftereffects of previous child sexual abuse. While the abuse is not referenced in the episodes, it is clear that the dissociation is because of it (in response to the guilt of accidentally maiming an animal and feeling like a "monster" who hurts innocents, like her abuser).
Sexual violence and the concept of rape culture are discussed primarily in the chapter "Male Sexual Being". The author cites quotations from a book entitled Victims No Longer: Men Recovering from Incest and Other Child Sexual Abuse.
Will Trent (TV Show)
The first two episodes (S1E1+2) revolve around a teenage girl who has been kidnapped: they feature a high amount of rape, child sex abuse, and sexual coercion. The culprit is her teacher and in the investigation, the detectives interact with other victims of the teacher and rape is mentioned on various occasions. It is also mentioned that the dad of the teenage girl might be having an affair with her friend and that he has a type "blondes who are 22 but look 16". S1E1: rumors are discussed that one of the characters was sexually abused by a foster parent. S1E2: a tenant trades sexual favors for her landlord keeping up her apartment. When she wants to stop, she is murdered. One man apologizes for having sex with his colleague when she was too drunk. It is revealed that a main character's mother started pimping her out at the age of 5. S1E6: a sex trafficking victim is found right after sex. This episode deals with a whole sex trafficking ring. S1E7: a teenager is raped by her foster father and gets her pregnant. There is a discussion about how the police will not do anything, and how they have to go to another state to get an abortion. S1E8: it is implied that an ex boyfriend might be abusive. A detective is sexually harassed by an elderly woman. S1E9: the main character, who was raped in foster care, confronts her abuser after he has gotten out of jail. He attempts to apologize. S1E10: the rape is mentioned again in a flashback. The woman who was raped in foster care warns a teenager about her rapist's past. The survivor confronts the rapist again: he says that she deserved it for how she dressed and acted. S1E11: the foster dad who raped a main character is sexually assaulting his fiances daughter. S1E12: the previous rape is mentioned again. A sex worker who had been beaten by her pimp is shown. A killer targets sex workers. An 18 year old murder victim is married to an adult man. A kid peeping on girls in the shower is mentioned. A female police officer mentions that a superior threatened to rape her with his nightstick. Two female police officers are sexually harrassed by their bosses. S1E13: a male cop threatens to sexuallt assault a female cop. A woman describes being violently assaulted when she was a prostitute. A cop raping prostitutes is discussed. S2E2: one character has 8 counts of sexual assault. S2E4: mention of two teenagers wanting to rape their friend. This is partially shown on-screen. S2E5: this episode mentions a serial rapist. An attempted rape is shown in-screen. S2E9 features people trying to solve the murder of a sex offender. S2E10 features someone who murders pedophiles.
Willow (Movie)
A male character enters a female character's tent while she is asleep and gets close to her. He has had a love potion: when she wakes up, he tries to tell her that he loves her and refuses to leave despite her physical attempts to make jim leave the tent. One male character is dressed like a woman: another man grabs his breast.
Willow Creek (Movie)
It is implied that bigfoots kidnap women to rape and/or breed with them. While lost in the woods at night, a couple come across a woman who was previously seen on a "misisng person" poster in town: she is naked. The bigfoot creatures attack the man and drag him away from his girlfriend. She is heard screaming for help in the background as she is presumably attacked by the creatures.
There is a scene where two adults are having consentual sex but during intercourse, one of them sees something that makes them nervous. The other convinced them that it is nothing and that they should continue. This happens twice. It is possible to contrue this scene in a way that could be triggering for some.
Early in the film, the rape/sexual assault of at least one or two women is discussed and constitutes a significant aspect of the plot. A rape occurs on-screen at roughly the 1:16:00 (1hr 16m) mark.
In the first scene, soldiers order men to strip at gunpoint: most of them start to obey but they quickly stop because one of them refuses. About halfway throught the movie, a group of soldiers restrain a woman and violently cut off her hair while she screams and cries. Her lover watches the scene without being able to intervene. She is shown very distressed afterwards. Worthy of one: there is one scene of torture where a man gets his fingernails ripped off.
This 1908 novel includes some passing descriptions of men catcalling a male character who is disguised as a washer-woman. The same disguised-cross-dressing male character chats with a barge-woman, together bemoaning the promiscuity and laziness of working-class younger women.
The Windsors (TV Show)
Rape is mentioned. There are many instances of unconsensual grabbing.
Wings (1927) (Movie)
A stalker breaks into a woman's room at night and tries to remove her clothes as she sleeps: he is caught before he is able to do anything.
The Winter King (TV Show)
S1E1: rape is mentioned. S1E2: someone attempts to rape a calibate character. It eventually turns out to be an actual rape.
Winter Light (Movie)
Some of the plot involves a past heterosexual relationship between two secondary characters. The man is revealed to have been coerced into the relationship (magical compulsion). No relationship details are discussed, and the woman is competely absent from this narrative.
Winter Sleep (Movie)
There is a non-detailed description of the mute female main character being sexually assaulted by a village young man in the past. In the present, a male secondary character stalks her, watches while she bathes and attempts to rape her. She fights him off. Soon after, he sabotages her in a way intended to discredit and/or kill her. Another past (interrupted) attempted rape, of a secondary female character, is mentioned briefly.
Winter's Bone (Movie)
The narrator/protagonist describes in detail a memory from when she was a young teenager (she is 16 in the novel and this took place a few years earlier) where a friend of her father (who is possibly a cousin) got her high on hallucinogenic drugs and then raped her while she was inebriated. At one point, when the narrator/protagonist is forced to encounter the man who raped her, he jokes about the encounter and implies that she has come back to him to 'have sex' again. Sexual harassment of women of all ages occurs throughout the novel.
Chapter 27: brief non-graphic scene where the abusive partner is berating the other while having sex. The character is confused and being forced to relive some memories, but the scene is told from an outsider's perspective who is trying to pull him out of the memories.
The Wire (TV Show)
S1E3: a woman mentions how she was catcalled by her male colleagues before she told them she was a lesbian. S1E4: a man explains how he killed an unsuspecting woman who was naked (coming out of the shower) from the window of her home at night. Another man asks why he did not raped her first. Shortly after that, rape is mentioned in another context. Throughout the episode, the picture of the naked body of the woman is shown extensively. S1E7: a detainee repeatedly uses homophobic slurs to insult a lesbian officer. S1E8: during a party, a man has sex with a woman who is highly intoxicated (off-screen). She is shown dead and nude afterwards: the man is completely indifferent. Two officers joke about and discuss sexual harassment. S1E9: the rape from the previous episode is discussed. It is implied that three men raped the woman while she was overdosing, and that they dumped her body in a dumpster. Her dead naked body is shown at the morgue. S2E1: one man shows his penis to the crowd in a bar, despite the female bartender asking him not to. Near the end of the episode, one character makes a rape joke. Worthy of note: the final scene of the episode reveals a container full of dead women (presumably prostitutes). Their death is the central plot of season 2. S2E2: rape is mentioned. In the last scene of the episode, one character who has been tortured while naked, explains why the girls from S2E1 were murdered. Their age is not stated but they are referred to as 'girls'. They were prostitutes smuggled by boat, and when one sailor raped and killed one of them, the crew decided to kill them all, after having had sex with them. S2E4: the exhibitionist character from S2E1 takes a picture of his penis and set it as a screen wallpaper to one of his colleagues' computer. Rape is mentioned later on. S2E5: one male character showing enthusiasm to work with a friend/colleague touches him inappropriately (off-screen) as a joke. We hear the latter say: 'Don't grab my dick'. S2E7: a drunk male character is briefly shown acting inappropriately towards a woman in a bar. S2E9: one lead male character (a detective) goes to a brothel undercover and wiretapped to expose a human trafficking network. He ends up in a room with two prostitutes and seems uncomfortable when they start having sexual gestures towards him (undressing him and giving him a handjob), because his colleagues are taking too much time to intervene. When they eventually arrive, the two women are having sex with him: he does not seem disturbed at all. It is later stated that he broke regulations and has to justify his behavior. S3E1: rape is mentioned twice metaphorically. In the final scene of the episode, a woman (presumably a prostitute) is shown giving oral sex to three men in a dark alley at night. S3E2: throughout the episode, two men (40s) discuss which celebrities one of them would like to have sex with. He answers Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen (who were just 18 when the series first aired), and the other precises that, in their fantasy, they would be his "slaves". S3E4: early on in the episode, rape and date rape are briefly mentioned. S3E5: a group of men harass a woman on the street and one of them eventually slaps her. S3E7: a woman (presumably a prostitute) is shown giving oral sex to a man in a dark alley. The male protagonist (a detective) uses professional resources to stalk a woman. S3E8: a woman flirts with a man and ends up having sex with him. It is then implied that she was paid or instructed to do so to trap him, and later get him killed. S3E9: rape is briefly mentioned early on in the episode. S3E10: a male judge, who was previously shown being attracted to a female recurring character, is increasingly insistent in flirting with her. She does not seems disturbed at all and even plays it to get what she wants. An homophobic man goes several times to a gay bar to bait one customer out and kidnap him. Season 4: throughout the season, one character (a boy) acts oddly towards male adults. It is increasingly suggested that he was sexually abused by his stepfather, who does not appear in the season until episode 9. The abuse is hinted at more clearly in episode 10. S4E2: rape is briefly mentioned by a politician as part of the city's criminal problems. S4E3: a man jokingly gropes another male character's bottom: he does not seem bothered and keeps joking with the other. S4E4: a main character, who frquently hit on women in bars, persists on flirting with a couple of women despite their clear disinterest. S4E5: two boys rape a girl off-screen in a school's bathroom. Another boy is paid to keep watch. We see the two boys accompanying the girl in the bathroom, and later exiting: the girl is always paralyzed, like if she was threatened beforehand. S4E6: the rape from the previous episode is discussed by different characters. The boy who kept watch insists on saying that the girl was consenting. We also briefly see here giving her deposition to a policman, distressed. This incident is briefly mentioned again in S4E7+8+11. In one of the final scenes, a woman starts kissing a man, who firstly accepts it but quickly rebuffs her: she insists and he has to pushes her away several times for her to accept his decision. S4E9: rape is briefly mentioned. S4E10: rape in juvenile custody is mentioned by a young criminal who is afraid to have to spend the night there (he does not). S5E5: during the first half of the episode, discussions are centered around the possibility that a serial killer rapes his male victims (which he is not). This is briefly mentioned again in further episodes. S5E7: the stepfather character from season 4 and his presumably assault of a child is mentioned and hinted at again. One rape and murder is mentioned.
The main character describes in vivid detail an incident where, as a child, he was chased down and gang raped by a group of boys. He later encounters a fairy who is known for using mind control to lure men into the fairy world where she proceeds to rape them to death, something she attempts to do to the protagonist. Whilst in the fairy world, he encounters a psychic fairy tree that tells him about how his mother was raped before she was murdered. Back in the normal world, he encounters a group of travellers who have kidnapped and repeatedly raped two girls. He brutally murders the travellers to rescue the two girls.
Wish Upon (Movie)
Wish You (Movie)
There is a scene in which one of the characters has his shirt off, and the other character stares intensely at his chest. He gets uncomfortable, and puts his shirt on.
The protagonist describes being sexually assaulted by a coworker at their office holiday party. She believes he would have raped her if he had not been stopped by another coworker.
A boy is kissed on the lips by a grown woman (an antagonist), who puts him under the influence of witchcraft off-screen. Later, after returning home naked in a traumatized state, he mentions a witch's 'nether regions' while describing her attack: it is strongly implied that he was raped. Worthy of note: on two occasions, a young boy glances at his teenage sister's chest in a way which is implied to have sexual undertones. Eventually, her mother blames her for trying to seduce him as well as her father (these accusations are false).
S1E1: the female protagonist is stuck in a female body as her real male body is locked in a coffin. This curse can only be undone by kissing a witch. She kisses a witch to undo the curse. The witch is shocked by this. S1E12: a child kisses the female protagonist to undo the curse in an attempt to save their lives.
In chapter 11 through the end of the book, a female character describes the harrassment and attempted rape she experienced at the end of high school and soon after graduating. The experiences are discussed multiple times by different characters in those final chapters. There is also mention of harassment aimed towards a gay male character.
Witchboard (Movie)
The Witcher (TV Show)
S1E1: a character states that she was raped after the main character replays a story in which he prevented an attempted rape. S1E2: a young woman is attacked by a couple, and the husband attempts to rape her, before she can escape by using magic. S1E3: incest is referred to, but not shown. A character suggests this may have been non-consensual. S1E4: soldiers raping people is briefly mentioned. S1E5: a groupe of people having sex is shown to be only doing so because of a magic spell. It is unknown if this was consensual or not. A woman magically forces a man against a wall, holds a knife to his throat, grabs his crotch and threatens to mutilate or kill him if he does not comply. The scene is played for laughs and the assault is not acknowledged as such by the characters. S2E1: a character confesses to having raped a woman (55:03-55:06). S2E2: a character mentions being held captive in a prison for pleasure during several years (31:51-32:31). S2E3: a man binds a woman in shackles. She calls him a pervert, but he says that he is not attracted to women like her (29:45-29:55). S3E8: a woman "worth being only what's between her legs" is mentioned. A man wanting to rape a child is mentioned.
Multiple small incidents of sexual harassment or the mention of it are present throughout (characters being grabbed, someone trying to forcibly kiss them, smelling hair, etc.). Mention is made of a sorceress having used magic to seduce a character. An adult character has consensual sex with a 17-year-old medical student. When a group of monarchs are discussing what to do with a missing princess of a strategically important realm, one suggests forcing her to ingest drugs to the point that she will fall in love with an old, decrepit king.
The entire book takes place in a medieval-style world where sexual assault, rape, and relationships with teenage girls are commonplace, and many passing references are present. The Witcher : the monster in this story is the daughter of a king who had sex with his sister. A Grain of Truth: a man was cursed to look like a beast after raping a temple priestess, with the scene being described with some detail. He also describes having relationships with girls at least some of whom (if not all) are implied to be underage, as well as a vampire who looks very young. The Lesser Evil: a woman recalls (without detail) the time that she was raped by a soldier who abandones her in the forest. The Last Wish: an orgy of people have sex in a room under a magic spell from a sorcerer so it is unknown whether the act was consensual or not. Despite her having turned herself invisible to avoid being seen nude, Geralt watches a sorceress bathe and uses the water and soap to see what she didn't want him to see. The Voice of Reason: a priestess has a sexual encounter with the protagonist, and from the descriptions it's not entirely clear if she is of age or not. The protagonist also relates a story where he saw a soldier attempting to rape a pre-teen girl and kills him.
A non-consensual and extremely toxic relationship between two female main characters is depicted. The victim is a teenager and it is implied the aggressor is older, though exact ages are not specified. The initial description of assault details the emotions and thoughts of the victim as the assault is occurring, the morning after it happens, and the subsequent days.
Sexual coercion occurs early on, rape is about halfway through.
The female author/narrator is physically grabbed at a gas station at night by a man with intent to harm (unclear exactly in what ways). A stranger intervenes before anything happens.
Worthy of note: spiritually/mentally invasive magic is described with language of intimate violation. The main character dealing with her traumatic experiences of this magic is a major theme. So: there is no literal assault or harassment, but there is extensive use of violation metaphors.
The Witch's House (Video Game)
Witchtrap (Movie)
A man watches through the window as a woman changes. There are mentions of rape and underage trafficking as crimes. The main group speculates that a woman may have been raped before she was killed but we as the viewer know this did not happen.
Within (2016) (Movie)
A character drugs the teenage protagonist and carries her to bed; while this is not sexual, it is clearly done to intimidate and discomfort her.
One of the titular character's uncles is shown to be sexually interested in a young man. He harasses this young man persistently and then later breaks into his room at night with the express purpose of having sex with him. He makes it clear that he means to have intercourse with the young man, even if he has to do so by force.
There is a graphic depictions of rape, including an autopsy report describing the assault, characters taunting other characters by detailing the rape, and women forced into prostitution.
A group of men harass a woman, ripping off one of the legs of her trousers to expose her leg.
Wittgenstein (Movie)
The Wizard (Movie)
In order to escape from a bad guy, a girl screams "He touched my breast!" The man in question did not actually do this, it is a tactic to save a friend.
Wizards (TV Show)
Woe (Movie)
Wolf (1994) (Movie)
Wolf (2022) (Movie)
Sexual assault is implied at multiple points in the movie: nothing is ever shown.
A woman is threatened by her lover and told to remove her underwear but is not assaulted. A character says the word "rapist" in a list of kinds of criminals. A woman is drugged by a doctor; off-screen her pregnancy is terminated against her will.
Wolf Children (Movie)
Wolf Cop (Movie)
The main antagonist is a violent rapist, who talks about how he has raped women in the past, then tells one of the characters that he is gonna assault her now. Before anything can happen, the camera leaves the room and they are interrupted shortly after.
Wolf Creek 2 (Movie)
At least two naked women bodies are found during the film: it is told multiple times that one of the victims had her genitals removed.
A character marries his first cousin. A character masturbates while looking at a woman in the middle of a crowded party. He is also shown at one point groping the breast of an unconscious woman. A character engages in intercourse with his wife despite verbal and physical resistance (2:38:03-2:40:21). Domestic violence (2:42:22). During a BDSM scene, a safeword is ignored.
WolfQuest (Video Game)
Wolf's Rain (TV Show)
S1E12: a few men offer a woman a job, but she finds out they want her to entertain a man. This is not explicitly shown on screen. She runs away and they go after her. However, she gets away. S1E24: two guys flirt with women who reject them. They continue to flirt with them until one of the women gets upset.
Wolfwalkers (Movie)
All six books in the Wolves of the Beyond series have no sexual violence.
This book contains sexual activity between minors; sexual assault by a family member; female genital mutilation; rape; sexual violence; marital rape and domestic sexual violence; gang rape; forced sexual servitude; sexual assault attempts; description of feelings during prostitution and rape threats.
Woman At War (Movie)
The main character, who is drunk was about to open the door to the room when an intoxicated man walks up to her and puts his hand down her dress, groping her breast. She managed to fight him off before he could do anything else.
The protagonist is encouraged to have public sex with a woman without her consent for resemblance of freedom. It is unclear whether it actually happens or if it is play-pretend. Anyway, it is shown on-screen.
Throughout the film, the topics of forced marriage (girls with adult men), (sexual) slavery and the conception of a child through rape are discussed and depicted. Intense flashbacks scenes of sexual assault are shown: the protagonist is raped by the antagonist after being captured as a war prisoner (her legs and arms are tied with a rope). At a slave auction where several women have been captured, a slaver molests one of the women. Worthy of note: one of the central characters attempts to escape from a slave auction. When she is caught, her love interest (a free man) buys her. However, in the next scene, he immediately sets her free and shows he only paid the money to prevent her from being killed or sold as a slave to someone else. The two are implied to have had sex afterwards.
A man takes a drunk woman home from the bar. Once at her place, he starts kissing her despite her telling him to stop. They fall to the ground and he gets on top of her. Nothing is shown, but rape is strongly implied. The female lead is physically, verbally and psychologically abused throughout the film. She is often grabbed by her husband and thrown around. Her children are also given alcohol by the husband, abused and thrown around.
The first section is about an aunt who was driven to suicide after having a baby with a man who was not her husband. The author surmises that she probably became pregnant through rape. There is recitation of a racist story that Japanese people were created when an ape raped a Chinese princes, "who then fled to the Eastern islands to have the first Japanese child." In the final section, the author recounts being stalked by someone who she was not sure if he was an adult or her age (a teenager). He would show up at her school and at her family's laundromat. She also discusses getting harassing phone calls when her parents were out of the house.
A father calls his underaged son's friendship with an adult neighbor "immoral", but this is untrue.
Womb (Movie)
The entire movie is about a woman giving birth to and raising a clone of her dead boyfriend. There is sexual tension between the mother and the child and they eventually have sex once the child is an adult. It is also unclear whether the woman fully consents to the sex.
Womb Ghosts (Movie)
Rape is discussed as a potential in relation to a medical mystery. Within the first 10 minutes of the film a character's romantic partner forces himself upon her- kissing her and groping her.
LGBTQ characters are raped and end up losing their minds as a result.
Women Talking (Movie)
The subject of the film is the women’s response to regular and violent sexual assaults: rape, incest and domestic violence are discussed throughout. All of it is implied and handled sensitively but there are frequent flashbacks of the main characters distressed with blood between their thighs and on their bathrobes.
The Wonder (Movie)
1:08:30-1:11:30: a child describes her brother sexually abusing her and stops eating so as to "get her brother out of hell."
Wonder (2017) (Movie)
One of the major themes in this anime is childhood sexual abuse. The abusers are shown as bizarre monstrous antagonists, but the things they say and the abuse situations (which are sometimes shown in flashbacks) are very realistic. An on-screen rape is shown during a flashback scene.
There is a scene where a man accosts a woman who is alone in the park at night. The scene is not sexual in nature but may be troubling to some viewers: before anything beyond an arm grab/pull happens, the man is confronted. This scene goes on for almost 20 seconds. Cat calls occur on multiple occasions - one of which precedes the scene detailed above. This particularly happens to one character in particular and most scenes of this kind occur within the first hour of the film. The film contains a whole plot line about the titular character's dead lover coming back to life through the body of another man. It is implied that the titular character and her lover (in somebody else's body) have sex: at the end of the movie, the female protagonist meets the man whose body was 'used' in this scene without his consent.
S1E4: a white woman tells a twelve-year-old black boy that he is very sweet and "won't rape her daughter." Secretaries at work discuss sexual harassment by a boss.
A police officer, believing the trio of main characters to be cis women, attempts to rape one of them during a traffic stop after separating her from her friends. During the attempted rape, the main character is able to fight him off and he falls, unconscious. After the main characters flee, the officer spends the rest of the movie trying to find them, with homophobic/transphobic violence in mind. There is another scene later in the movie where it is implied that a group of men will gang rape one of the main characters, but she manages to escape with the help of a minor character.
Wonka (Movie)
Wood Witch (Movie)
Throughout the book, the characters mention and fear sexual assault. The antagonists are serial rapists targeting young women backpackers. There are at least two scenes of sexual assault, and a scene of attempted rape- though, this is interrupted.
Woodshock (Movie)
Woodstock (Movie)
Throughout the filmz, there is video footage of women being groped and molested. One of the festival promoters victim blames assault survivors, and at one point an extremely graphic description of an assault occurs.
Word of Honor (TV Show)
One of the two male leads is pushy about his romantic interest in the other. In the early part of their relationship, the second man wants nothing to do with the first, who is persistent to the borderline of stalking. They soon become close, and the romantic chemistry softens the more dubiously consensual elements. A male recurring side character referred to as Lustful or Lovelace Ghost is constantly sexually predatory. Usually he is leering at or otherwise harassing women off and on during his scenes. There are two on-screen scenes of attempted rape and it is clear that he is a serial rapist offscreen. He only appears in the first episodes of the show. A female recurring side character referred to as Poison Bodhisattva is an assassin with, literally, a poisonous kiss. She acts simultaneously highly sensual and gleeful about violence, which makes for a disturbing combination. Spoilers: in one of the show's most disturbing scenes, roughly 1/4 of the way through the show, Du Pusa tortures a teenage male major character. He is restrained and distressed. She is extremely physical with him including kissing and caressing his face (and thus poisoning him). The scene is presented as appropriately disturbing.
There are mentions of rape and threats of rape against the indigenous aliens life forms of a planet that is being colonised by humans. This is used to draw comparisons to the real world history and implications of colonialism.
Words (Movie)
A female perspective character grapples with her traumatizing memories of growing up with a controlling, physically and emotionally abusive father. Nothing explicitly points to off-screen sexual assault; however, one of his targets of abuse was his wife. The perspective character is not directly harmed, rather, he controls her through threats and violence against those around her.
Work It (Movie)
S1E5: the main character goes home angrily drunk after telling her friend that her mom has called feeling a bad omen. She returns home alone and someone comes into her apartment (22:25-26:06). They are shown as being violent towards her and pinning her down. Everyone's clothes remain on. Her friend arrives and uses a fire extinguisher on them and beats them up. S1E6: the protagonist explains why she has her friend on speed dial.
Throughout, there is discussion of sexual harassment women experience at various jobs and of the #MeToo movement. There is also passing mention of sexual violence committed by slaveholders against enslaved women.
Workaholics (TV Show)
S1E3: a male character says that he carries a knife because he was sexually assaulted last spring and likes to feel safe. This statement is respected by the other characters present. S3E9: a van labeled "rape van" that a character lives in is shown throughout the episode. It is played for laughs. S3E10: a man describes a hypothetical situation where he would walk in on a rape but would not be able to stop it because "the other guy is bigger." S3E18: a woman tells a man that he is being "rapey". It is played for laughs. S3E12: in the end credits scene, a man enacts someone being raped to a woman and says that he is going to rape the rapist. It is played for laughs. S3E20: a man says that he is being "finger raped". S4E6: a woman says that a company is raping her about a price. S4E7: a man jokes that another man would be "popping out to rape people left and right". A man says that a business is "raping and murdering him left and right'. S6E1: several instances of a woman sexually harassing a man are shown throughout the episode. They are played for laughs, but are unsettling.
Workin' Moms (TV Show)
In the second season, a central plot point is Anne's ex-husband Brad, who uses his position as a hypnotherapist to manipulate patient's thoughts whilst they are under. There is also a retelling of the time he insisted that a patient wet themselves against their will, implied for sexual pleasure. Whilst a student is being hypnotised by him, he masturbates next to her without her knowledge or consent. S7E4: an emotional affair between an adult woman and an 18 year-old man is discussed and many jailbait jokes are made.
Working Buddies! (TV Show)
Working Girl (Movie)
Part of the plot revolves around the female protagonist often enduring sexual harassment from male bosses. At one point (38:00-45:00), she believes that she has been raped while passed-out,but it is later stated that it was not the case. A female character tries to seduce a male character and forces him to have sex with her, as she deceitfully tells him to "come play": she refuses to take no for an answer.
Working Girls (Movie)
In the first scene of the movie, a woman who is a nurse (the protagonist's mother) explains that she got pregnant by having sex with a wounded soldier, completely unresponsive (unable to give consent) but having erections. She tells the same story to another character later on, who is digusted by the fact that she 'raped a dying man'. Still early in the movie, a young girl explains to a young boy that having a baby happens when a woman says that she has a headache, and when her husband undresses her anyway, impliying that she heard her father raping her mother. A girl watches a man and a woman having sex without their consent. In a women/feminist community, a man tries to help a woman who accidently fell on the ground: she immediately rebuffs him and has a panic attack, impliying that she was sexually abused by a man and suffers from PTSD. Other women come to help her and explain the situation to the man. Rape is mentioned several times at this occasion, and later on during the rest of the movie (with mentions of rape threats by men toward the community). The protagonist (a 30 year old man) has sex with a teenage babysitter who says that she is 18 (he asks her twice). After that, his wife (about the same age) engages in a sexual relationship with one of her male students (about 18).
The film contains many scenes of sexual violence and rapes.
One of the main characters is kidnapped before the events of the movie occur, and seduces one of her kidnappers in order to escape. This is mentioned a few times throughout the movie. Towards the end, the titular character is captured by the villain. She kisses him without his consent, and has him tied up and strangled. It is implied that the strangulation is giving him an involuntary erection, which she mentions. She then sits down on his lap and kisses him again (01:42:40-01:46:35).
World Trigger (TV Show)
Worthy of note: in S1E56 some girls think that a boy is spying on them while they are changing. This is not the case and the misunderstanding is quickly discussed and resolved. In the same episode a few girls make jokes about a girl's bathing suit as hers is more conservative than theirs. A boy asks her why she does not wear one that is more 'thongy.' She tells him to stop questioning her inappropriately or she will report him. In the context of the scene it is clear that his comment is a joke to tease her and not meant to sexually harass her.
World War Z (Movie)
Worthy of note: a female character is prostituted so she can support herself.
Wormwood (2017) (TV Show)
"You’ve Been Saved": two men think that a woman is being trafficked but later realize that she is not. "Unkindly Girls". the story is told from the perspective of a teenage girl whose father has killed many other teenage girls as punishment because he lusted after them. "In the Water": this part mentions of sex trafficking as part of a crime investigation.
While tripping on magic mushrooms, the main character hallucinates multiple disembodied hands touching her while naked. She seems to appreciate it. One of the side characters is a polemical comicbooks writer, who creates misogynistic and pervert characters. In one a scene, he is interviewed by a journalist who emphasizes that his comicbooks may have hurt rape and incest survivors.
The female lead works at a sex club in exchange for protection from an abusive ex. She is let go from the club and is forced to marry her enemy in exchange for protection from her ex. She heavily implies her ex was sexually abusive and might have raped her a few times as she has a bad relationship with submission. At one point during a scene, she is bound and has a panic attack, hinting that she may have been bound and assaulted at one point, stating it was triggering. She gets kidnapped by her ex and its strongly implied he is about to rape her before her enemy (now husband) comes to the rescue. Worthy of note: The absuive ex does have a new partner (also abused, later it is hinted she was killed) and the abusive ex is killed later.
A woman is almost raped by the son of her captor but manages to escape by stabbing him.
After stabbing a woman, a murderer masturbates in another room. We then see that he has removed the woman's clothes down to her undergarments.
Wounds (Movie)
In the beginning of the movie, a woman in a bar is harassed off-screen by a group of men. Later in the movie (44:40-45:40), a man is pushed away twice by a woman to prevent him from continuing kissing her.
There is a passing mention in an early chapter of a song that references rape.
Woyzeck (Movie)
Wraith (Movie)
A man attempts to kidnap a child but is thwarted by a heart attack.
After getting stopped by a gang, one of the members reaches into the window and grabs a woman's chest. She is then restrained by two of the members while her boyfriend is forced to race, and he is taunted by what they will do with her if he drives off. A main plotline of the movie is that the gang leader is in love with a woman so he regularly harasses her and anyone who talks with her. Though he does not sexually assault her, it could be triggering to some as he is controlling of her, forces her to go places with him, and continuously tells her that he loves her and she's going to be with him forever.
A vague threat that could be interpreted as a threat of sexual assault.
Wrath of Man (Movie)
A scene is extremely implicative of multiple accounts of prior sexual assault (57:26-59:30). There is background audio of forced child pornography.
The Wretched (Movie)
While at a party with a group of high schoolers, a girl takes off a guy's underwear while they are in a swimming pool together. Then her friends sneak over claiming it was a prank to get him naked. He has to leave the pool naked in order to get away from the party.
One main character comes on to the main female character and makes crude comments. Later, he grabs her butt non-consensually,: she immediately stands up for herself and calls him out. In another scene, he forces a kiss onto her.
On two separate occasions, the protagonist has sex while intoxicated. The second time, she is so inebriated that she cannot fully understand what's going on. The first experience is one she says she enjoyed, but initially said "no" to. There is a detailed dream sequence in which the main character is sexually assaulted and violently killed. Multiple characters involved in dubiously consensual or abusive relationships are portrayed with varying levels of sympathy or moral complexity.
A man forcibly plants a kiss on woman that she does not want. Another man doggedly pursues this same woman, not seeming to pick up that she is not interested.
There are two instances where the main male protagonist is asleep and wakes to a woman engaged in sexual acts with him. The first time, on a plane, he wakes up to a hand job that he did not consent to, and after a bit of turbulence, he finishes: it is not addressed as problematic at all. The second time, he wakes up from a sex dream to her having intercourse with him: it is just brushed past again.
A man corners a woman while she is leaving the bathroom. He tries to get her to leave with him but after she refuses multiple times he grabs her breast and then drags her into another room. The man pins her down as she screams and tries to get him off her, and her husband finds her before anything further happens.
The plot centers around an incestuous family of cannibals in rural West Virginia.
A woman offers herself to "carry the child" of a villain in order to save her friends. A man states his intentions of raping a woman in detail.
A woman is grabbed and pulled off screen while in a towel. The next time we see her, she is lying on a bed, presumably having been raped and brutally murdered. A child is raped offscreen and the rapist talks about it afterwards.
Wu Kong (Movie)
About one quarter into the movie, a man falls into a woman and another man comes in and scolds him for assaulting her. However, he did genuinely fall and has no intentions of doing anything at all. It is very brief.
One character threatens another one that other guys want "a piece" of his sister and that he will tell everyone they had slept together since she was a minor. It is unclear if this is true since they grew up together and appear to be around the same age. At a later point, a female character is sexually aggressive and does not stop despite the male character's protest: he eventually agrees and they sleep together. The male character aggressively kisses a different female character and she says: "you're hurting me".
Wynonna Earp (TV Show)
S1E3: a character grabs the hand of a woman and puts it on his private area, seemingly without consent. It is alluded the two go on to have sex, which is not shown. There is also a mention of rape Worthy of note: a woman is in a relationship with a character who abducted her as a child, although there was no sexual/romantic contact between the two before she was an adult. The actual abduction/this period of her childhood is not shown on-screen. In season 2, a man who is romantically interested in a female character consistently pursues her despite the fact that she has said she is not interested and in a relationship with another woman. His justifications for his continued interest and pursuit are sometimes homophobic in nature. At one point there is a short scene in which he kidnaps another woman and forces her to dress like the woman he is interested in. The same character is caught taking non-consensual up-skirt pictures of women and subsequently arrested.
Wyrm (Movie)
Wyvern (Movie)
X (2022) (Movie)
One of the film’s antagonists watches from a distance as the protagonist undresses and skinny-dips (26:00). One of the film’s protagonists tells another to “feel how hard (his) cock is” and guides (and holds) their hand over his erection (26:40): it is played for laughs, but as the shot lingers, the other may read uncomfortable. One of the film’s antagonists strokes the protagonist’s exposed skin (36:00). One of the film's antagonists watches the protagonist film a sex scene through a window without her consent (42:00). One of the film’s protagonists discovers a man’s body: the man is tied up and nude except for his pants around his ankles (1:12:00). Given the later context, the film implies that he was imprisoned and touched (at minimum) against his will until his death. This discovery then recontextualizes the antagonist’s motives from moral disapproval and jealousy to sexual predation, as they cull the protagonists for his implied replacement. One of the antagonists get into bed naked with the sleeping protagonist while the latter is topless and fondles her. This scene is intercut with others and the film returns to it twice in various stages of progression (01:15:00, 01:18:00, and 01:22:00). One of the protagonists hides under the bed and is trapped until the antagonists begin to have sex (1:31:00).
The X-Files (TV Show)
S1E12: no assault in this episode, but one character does discuss an emotionally abusive relationship he was in. S1E14: an alien has the power to put people in a trance in order to have sex with and kill them. The majority of these encounters are in club settings, and although most do not physically resist the aliens there is one instance where an alien attempts to rape one of the main characters by putting her in a trance - she is clearly resistant and says no - before another character stops him. S2E3: a character has a fear of being raped and kills someone she thinks is going to rape her. Rape is mentioned repeatedly throughout the episode. S2E10: it is mentioned that several rapes occurred by high schoolers which was caused by them being surreptitiously injected with a drug. There is a pedophile who records videos through a tiny hole in a bathroom mirror and also abducted high schoolers. S2E11: a woman is raped off-screen by a patient at a retirement home. S2E12: a woman describes being raped. S2E13: a man with a death fetish kidnaps women in order to murder them, and it is implied he either rapes them while they are alive or has sex with their corpses. He attempts to murder and rape another character but she escapes (this re-occurs S7E7). S2E14: a teenage girl describes being raped and molested as a child multiple times (in detail), though these are revealed to be false memories. S3E4: the female protagonist asks a psychic whether his vision involves rape: he answers negatively (15:00). S3E5: a woman is verbally harassed by male inmates in a prison. S3E6: a man kills women he goes on dates with. He also forcibly kisses some of them. S3E8: a woman who was kidnapped as a child implies she was raped. Another girl is kidnapped and forced to pose for pictures. S3E20: rape is discussed frequently, although not in detail. S3E21: a man has consensual sex with a young woman who then turns into an old woman, and he is disturbed by this. The woman is found dead afterwards. S3E23: a reporter on TV mentions that a man is guilty of war crimes including rape (06:43). S4E2: a woman in a family continued only through incest is revealed to have had multiple children fathered by her own sons. S4E4: a man's sister is implied to have been molested by their father. S4E5: a cult leader is arrested, and he has multiple wives. It is unclear whether or not they are willingly married to him. S4E10: a man is in prison for murdering young girls, and it is implied/mentioned that he also molested them. This is discussed frequently. S4E13: no assault, but following a one-night stand a man attacks and tries to kill the woman he slept with because voices are telling him to. S4E20: a man who has the ability to transform into other people disguises himself as women's husbands in order to trick them into 'consenting' to sex. The female protagonist discusses a potential rape via date rape drugs. S5E5: a man drugs women in order to have sex with them, which the woman have no awareness of, and one woman gets pregnant as a result. S5E7: rape is mentioned very briefly in the context of women being unwillingly artificially inseminated. A man calls another man a rapist hyperbolically. S5E9: there is prolonged discussion of child abuse, both physical and emotional. S5E16: a woman is verbally and physically harassed in a bar on several occasions. Later, she is murdered. S6E3: a character forcibly kisses a woman (worthy of note: she's a doppelgänger of a woman he's in love with, but it's clear at this point that she doesn't know him). S6E7: a demon drugs a woman (his wife) and forces her legs apart while she is sleeping, then forcefully steals her baby, leading her to bleed and miscarry while she yells no repeatedly. He then gaslight her, murders her, and tries to do the same to his second wife. S6E17: a man approaches a woman in a threatening manner. S6E18: a man stalks a woman and writes graphic sexual things about her. He tries to kill her when she rejects his advances. S6E22: a woman has sex with a man who is unconscious and incapacitated by illness. S7E7: a male character from an earlier episode breaks out of prison and goes after a woman who previously escaped him, likely with the intention of committing a similar act of sexual violence. S7E9: a woman is said to have been impregnated by her father, although she herself later reveals this to be untrue. S7E10: it is implied that a man who kidnapped and murdered many children was also molesting them. S7E17: a teacher has an affair with a student, and then follows her to another state after she breaks off their relationship. S8E5: a man who kidnapped little boys and murdered them is implied to have been raping them. One of his victims survived and continued to be abused by the man. S8E13: discussion of women impregnated by aliens. S9E17: a man implies that he walked in on another man molesting a 7-year-old boy. Episodes without any assault, but which include some form of physical bondage (which may be reminiscent of it) include: S1E15, S2E5, S2E24, S8E4.
A-X-L (Movie)
Characters reference using power of x-ray vision to see through women's clothes.
X-Men '97 (TV Show)
S1E3: this episode reveals that a clone has successfully replaced a main character, resulting in a child with that characters husband. The clone then forcefully kisses the husband.
X-Men: Evolution (TV Show)
S1E8: a male character films a female character while she tries to choose an outfit to wear. While she is fully clothed during the whole scene, she is shown to be upset by the interaction and slams the door in the male characters face.
There is a discussion of Black men being lynched under suspicion that they raped or harassed white women. A white woman is harassed by a group of white men for being with the protagonist, who is a Black man.
X-Ray (Movie)
There is a prolonged scene of a doctor inspecting a woman's naked body, which feels invasive. A drunk man grabs a woman and attempts to kiss her.
Xala (Movie)
This movie is about a man becoming impotent after marrying his (much younger) third wife. Polygamy and the submission it requires from women towards their husband is thus a central theme. In the last scene of the movie, poor men who were the victims of the protagonist take revenge on him: they enter his house and force him to get undressed while they spit on him. Before that, we see two of them dragging one of his daughters on the floor: it is unclear if they rape her off-screen or not.
Xanadu (Movie)
A character who employs the female romantic lead alternately threatens to sell her to another family and propositions her.
S1E3: a man makes a comment that a woman (who is about to become unconscious) needs not fear him because he "is a gentlemen", implying that he will not molest her. S1E5: the plot of this episode revolves around a girl kidnapped for ransom. It is implied many times that she will be “taken” (i.e. raped): she threatens to kill herself to avoid it. It is mentioned that she will lose “value” in the ransom if she is raped. She is eventually rescued before anything further happens. S6E22: mention of raping and pillaging.
Worthy of note: although there is no sexual violence, the premise of the book is that, as a condition of receiving her inheritance, the female romantic lead must marry a person she does not know. The situation works out fine in context, but on its face, this premise can be troubling.
Xi Yan (Movie)
Xibalba (Movie)
While traveling to a cave, the protagonists are stopped by a gang and pulled out of their cars. Their leader holds one of the women at knife point and kisses her, saying that she will be the first to get raped. Another member of the team stops him before anything further happens.
XIII (Movie)
The protagonist's boss plants drugs on her and threatens to fire her unless she participates in a particular project. When the boss first offers this ultimatum, the protagonist insists that she will not sleep with him, implying that he has harassed her or other workers before.
Xtremo (Movie)
Xtro (Movie)
Imagery/violence is often strongly evocative of rape or sexual violence. An alien uses a woman as an incubator. In one scene, a woman is attacked by an alien and impregnated/used as a cocoon. Later, the alien takes on a human form and crawls out of her body in a graphic scene.
XX (Movie)
XXY (Movie)
The 15-year-old main character is consistently sexualised. They appear naked several times, have (on-screen) sex with a character whose age isn't specified but who is presumed to be over 18, and are sexually assaulted by older teenagers, also presumed to be over 18 (on-screen).
Two teenage boys embark on a sexual relationship with an older woman.
Yakamoz S-245 (TV Show)
S1E7: brief mention of rape as part of war.
Yakitate!! Japan (TV Show)
This whos contains a lot of perverted jokes that fall under sexual harassment. There is also a bit of fanservice involving underage boys and girls.
An on-screen rape occurs about 5 or 10 minutes into the movie.
A group sexual assault is portrayed as "humorous" because the attackers "finish too quick". The plot is to rescue the main character's sister from a human trafficking ring where everyone is drugged and unable to recognize anyone they would even know.
Yama No Oto (Movie)
Yannick (Movie)
S1E4: the main protagonist is ambushed by several men who grab and touch her (35:45-37:00). She is visibly distressed and then rescued by a character before anything else happen.
Yaratilan (TV Show)
Two different female characters discuss their experiences with sexual assault in the past. One character was sex trafficked from ages 12-16. Another was raped by her cousin.
The Yards (Movie)
The male protagonist is said to have had an incestuous relationship with his female cousin (a main female character) when they were teenagers. Worthy of note: near the end of the movie, another male character abuses his girlfriend who is leaving him (at some point, being on top of her in stairs). He ends up killing her.
Worthy of note: About potential child sex abuse, the 1st years are around 15/16, the 2nd years around 16/17 and the 3rd years around 17/18.
A man tries to forcibly kiss a woman two times.
One of the leading female protagonists is raped repeatedly by her manager while she is working in a fast-food restaurant. This manager has a reputation for taking up 'relationships' with women who work for him, which he continues until he eventually becomes bored and they 'disappear.' The woman is unable to reject his advances as he is a known violent criminal with a history of abusing women and she feels he poses a real danger to her if she resists in any way. Eventually, she is assisted in escaping, but she continues to live in fear of him finding her throughout this novel and the next in the series. Another main female character works in a strip club. It is mentioned that, occasionally, ex-convicts visit her place of work and behave destructively and threateningly, forcing the staff to take precautions to prevent injury or death to the women working there. It is discussed that another female character was involved in sex work as a child; the implication was that she was made to 'act' in child pornography. The character in question, as an adult, seems ambivalent to these facts but the severe nature of these events is not overlooked by the man who she speaks with about them. Her childhood experiences are brought up (in passing or alluded to) periodically throughout this novel and the next in the series.
Year One (Movie)
Yearning (Movie)
Yella (Movie)
The first scenes of the movie show the protagonist's ex-husband following her in the streets and trying to talk to her despite her visible disinterest and fear. After that, he tries to kill her by jumping off a bridge with a car in which they are both sitted. Throughout the rest of the movie, the (assumed) 'ghost' of the ex- husband haunts her, (trying to kidnap her, slapping her, etc.). Early in the movie, the protagonist's boss makes advances to her in a cab and touches her hand: she leaves the car. Another character later implies that she slept with her boss to obtain her job.
The main character was sexually assaulted in college. She was blacked out when it happened, so no details of the actual act are discussed, but her trauma after the fact is explored. She is re-traumatized when her friend writes a story based on the incident and publishes it without her consent.
Yellowjackets (TV Show)
S1E2: some girls make a harassing/bullying phone call to a girl, telling her that a boy is spreading rumors that she did anal with him, and making fun of her. They say that no one would do that with her, and if they did, they would be a victim, because she is so ugly. A woman asks a man to come inside her house after a date. He refuses but she guilts him and says "this is because you don't think I'm pretty. If you thought I was pretty you'd come inside." He ends up coming inside. S1E4: a main character is called sexually derogatory terms by her abusive father. S1E5: a teenage main character slowly approaches a sleeping adult man's erected penis, and is about to touch it over the blankets, before the man wakes up. Girls make a joke about a dad paying for his daughter's fake breast and saying they look good. A girl (who is in age of consent) has a crush on her soccer coach and is creepily sexual and predatory towards him. He says he has returned feelings, but it is not clear if this is self preservation or genuine (she is not mentally well and has just poisoned him). She is the only one who knows how to do first aid in a survival situation and has several times harmed him supposedly for his own good, or just for fun. S1E6: a teenage girl tells a boy about a time she was with an older man and that the situation ws not great. One of the main characters watches another one have sex through a secret camera. S1E8: it is implied that one character has seduced someone for ulterior motives . S1E9: a teenage girl and boy have sex with each other. The teenage boy is drugged but the teenage girl is not (though she does not realize this). In a flashbac, a group of drugged teenage girls start to kiss and touch a drugged teenage boy. The situation quickly becomes non-consensual as the boy asks for the teenage girls to stop but they hold him down as they continue to touch him and take off his clothes. He escapes, and the teeange girls chase him with a knife (they are high off mushrooms and see him as a bait to hunt down). S2E2: this episode features PTSD of the attempted gang rape/murder from season 1. S2E6: a teenage makes a false rape charge against a police officer. He had flirted with her to get facts for his case in earlier episodes. S2E7: a team member threatens to lie and say a coach raped two of them. S2E8: the false tape accusation is thrown around again.
Yellowstone (TV Show)
There are multiple implied rapes discussed and mentioned throughout the series. S2E7: attempted rape on-screen. S3E4: dubious consent bordering on rape (female-on-male) as the male character is bedridden in a hospital S3E8: attempted rape on-screen, character acts as a decoy to help catch a rapist.
Yes, God, Yes (Movie)
At the 5:00 minute mark, a teenage girl receives an unsolicited picture of a couple having sex.
Yes, Madam (Movie)
The opening scene involves a character attempting to flash the protagonist. Two characters start stripping and restraining a female character: it looks like they are going to assault her, but then they just take the platter of food she is carrying instead. An antagonist tries to take off some of the protagonist’s clothes, and then she beats him up.
Yes Or No (Movie)
Yesterday (Movie)
S1E10: a girl thinks that the male protagonist is touching her bottom, but it is actually a snake. S1E17: a woman kisses the male protagonist when he is drunk and asleep. S1E20: multiple women chase the male protagonist and pull on his clothes. One of the women kisses him on the cheek and forehead. They all offer to marry him but he tells them he is still a kid: he ends op getting away. This is played for comedic purposes. S1E22: the male protagonist walks in on girl taking a bath. S1E28: a girl calls the male protagonist perverted. S1E34: the male protagonist looks at a woman and she calls him perverted. S1E36: an animal steals belly shirts from girls. The male protagonist is blamed but it is revealed that he did not do it. S1E39: a woman hugs the male protagonist really tight and mentions sleeping together. He does not want this and runs away. S1E45: the male protagonist thinks a woman is seducing him. He thinks this is weird and refers to himself as a child. S1E49: while being drunk, the male protagonist tries to catch something. This results into a woman being pushed against the wall. Others perceive this as him trying to do something to the woman but that is not the case: he gets punished anyway. In the manga and light novel, it is implied that the male protagonist is forced to have sex by two of his wives. He screams that it is his first time and to stop ripping his clothes and how it hurts. Although it is played for comedic purposes, his reaction to their actions show that it was rape and not something he wanted himself.
Yi Yi (Movie)
The protagonist goes to a date’s house, and he attempts to initiate sex with her. She says she does not want to, and he keeps saying phrases like, “you know you want it.” She keeps insisting and finally pushes him off of her. The protagonist is firm in a commitment to remain celibate until marriage, and the date later gets angry and says she can’t expect a man to wait that long.
Yojimbo (Movie)
A woman is rescued from being raped.
A man lures a young woman to his home under false pretenses to sexually exploit her himself and in the brothel he is building. There are multiple people present who do not try to stop him. The woman is saved before he can do anything to her.
Chapter 13: the author explains how the #MeToo movement triggered her own memories of being sexually assaulted. She then tells of a time when a stranger groped her breast on a bus and a time when the doorman for the place she was staying forced a kiss on her. These experiences and her feelings about them are explained in a moderate amount of detail.
Yol (Movie)
Worthy of note: one of the subthemes of the movie is the domination of men on women. There are thus several scenes of mostly symbolic (but also physical) violence against women.
Yona of the Dawn (TV Show)
This show contains a massive plot point surrounding human trafficking (non-graphic/implied sexual) between episodes 17-22. There is also general romanticization of child / adult relationships and sexual harassment common in anime. S1E1: a female character has a crush on her cousin, which is unreciprocated (the exploration of this quickly ends by the next episode.). S1E3: in a flashback, an adult man flirts and stalks a 12-year-old girl. He eventually catches her before she is soon rescued by her friend. S1E5: an 18-year old boy asks 16-year girl if she will pay him with her body for his service. This is played off and does not go anywhere. The boy pushes the girl to a wall and says he will play "pranks" on her if they sleep next to each other, this is used as a diversion in regards to the plot. S1E9: a 16-year old girl hides in bag and is carried around by 18-year old boy. The "joke" is that he touches her body and there is nothing she can do about it much to her anger. S1E17: a group of men try to kidnap a woman before she is rescued. There is implications of human trafficking and assault. S1E18: an 18-year old boy is creeped out by a 25 year old man chasing him. He says things that sound predatory that are not meant to be but because of limited context the boy thinks it is and calls him a "pervert" This is played for laughs. S1E19: there are implications of a 25-year old man having romantic feelings towards a 16-year old girl. An 18-year old boy licks a girl's hands in a sensual way without her consent, she appears very uncomfortable by it S1E20: human trafficking is discussed and shown to be happening, including with underage children. S1E21: more human trafficking shown / implied. A male adult character makes a joke about being "defiled" as other male characters rough house with him much to their confusion. S1E23: 16-year old girl begins to take off clothes in front of adult men when she is not in the right space of mind after a traumatic experience. After she realizes what had happened and runs off embarrassed the male characters make jokes and imply they wish she had not stopped. There is implication and scenes of flirting between a 25-year old and a 16-year old. S1E24: a 25-year old man makes comments about a 16-year girl and how her friend wants to "hide her away from other men" .
Yoru No Kuni (TV Show)
Yotsuiro Biyori (TV Show)
You (2018) (TV Show)
Season 1 focuses on a man who becomes obsessed with a woman and stalks her. He watches through her windows and masturbates while she has sex. He convinces her to date him through deception. Ultimately, when she realizes what he is doing, he kills her. A professor harasses his graduate students and grabs a main character's thigh under the table and conveys that he expects her to have sex with him. Season 2 features multiple plotlines dealing with sexual abuse. In one plotline, a young woman reveals that she, along with a number of other girls, was a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of a celebrity. The man in question would invite the young girls (often under the legal age) into his home, drug them and photograph them in suggestive poses with their clothes partially removed while they were unconscious. According to him, he never goes further than that, claiming nobody was getting hurt and the girls did not even remember it. The aforementioned woman's 15 years old sister almost falls victim to the same man, but this is prevented by the main character. The offender claims that his behovior stems from his own history of being sexually abused as a child. Another plotline features a sexual relationship between a young adult woman working as an Au-pair and the underaged boy in her care. Season 3 features a plotline where an adult woman has an affair with the 19-year old son of her neighbor, who is in love with her. She uses his feeligns for her to manipulate him into doing her bidding on multiple occasions. Throughout season 4, a female character is seen spanking waiters without their consent. S1E4: a character's son is revealed to have sexually assaulted a girl in college, causing his family to move away from the area, without him facing any consequences. He strikes again at his new college, and his mother secretly pays off the victim to stop her from pressing charges and make the situation go away. S1E8: a woman's ex-husband sends explicit photos of her to various people to ruin an important career opportunity for her. S4E7: a character is sexually tortured (nothing explicit is shown).
A man watches a woman shower, and men are constantly staring at women's breasts and making them uncomfortable.
S1E10: in order to win a contest, the male protagonist slides between the legs of the female protagonist. When he does that, he ends up caressing her private area with a plant he was holding in his hand. He is unaware of this happening.
You Get Me (TV Show)
There is a consensual sexual scene between high school students who are intoxicated. A boy is pursued by a girl very aggressively.
The author discusses the belief that fat women are either too pitiful to ever have anyone be interested in them sexually or should be grateful if someone raped them, assuming that would be the only sexual attention they get otherwise. This comes up in a specific case where an adult man raped a teenager who happened to be fat. The judge told the teenager she should be flattered.
You Me Her (TV Show)
At some point, a Uber driver makes a light hearted comment when he is dropping a woman off near the woods, asking if she is okay because the place seems 'rapey'. S1E4: one character pretends that someone he is having sex with is his niece. She is not, he is covering because she is younger (she is in her 20s, and a consenting adult). S2E1: a woman lovingly jokes that she is going to sexually assault her best friend. S2E6: a husband and wife are giving advice on how to go on a platonic date and make a joke about how being a bit rapey is how they got together. S2E7: a woman makes a beastiality joke. A couple is dosed without their knowledge: nothing sexual happens. S4E3: someone uses #MeToo as a joke but recognizes it was problematic. He then pretends to be pansexual to impress a girl, thus leading a guy on.
You People (Movie)
An old man offers to "medically" check the protagonists private parts (06:15-08:00): his mother tells him that the old man is having legal problems due to his behavior, but she feels like it is okay since he is not convicted yet. The protagonist makes a comment about believing the victims, which the mother dismisses. The main character is sexually harassed by his boss: he then parallels his bosses comment, who says that he made it weird (12:39). It is played for laughs. Later, the boss yells on the phone with a client and references gang banging (44:53). Two characters discuss a peeping Tom charge (1:25:40): this is also played for laughs. Worthy of note: the singer Drake (known for his grooming behavior) is mentioned several times throughout the movie.
Nothing is explicitly shown, but the film is about missing girls, sex trafficking, etc.
The main character can shapeshift into other people throughout the movie. While in the form of another woman, the other woman's abusive husband tries to have sex with her without consent, and she quickly kills him. Later, another character is made to have sex with a dying man off-screen because his family does not want him to die a virgin: she is clearly distressed and protesting before this takes place.
A woman has alcohol forcibly poured down her throat that has drugs mixed in it: this is not for sexual purposes. Multiple deceased women shown.
Young Adam (Movie)
The main character humiliates, beats, and rapes his girlfriend during an argument (01:11:24-01:14:29).
Young Adult (Movie)
Young Black Jack (TV Show)
At about 1 hour and 33 minutes into the movie, Frankenstein's monster forces himself upon Frankenstein's fiancee while she tries to get him to stop, looking fearful and scared. At some point, he makes sexual contact with her and she starts enjoying it.
Young Guns (Movie)
A woman is taken from her family as payment for a ruined shirt. She is referred to as 'house entertainment' and chooses to stay with the man who took her because she feels that he made her necessary.
Young Justice (TV Show)
One character is extremely flirtatious during the first season, which may make some uncomfortable. There is also a scene where two teenagers kiss while one shapeshifted to appear like a woman in her 20s. There is another scene where a girl kisses her friend without consent, to the disapproval of the friend.
Early in the film, the protagonist tries to hide a woman from his master and falls on her: she protests. The antagonist accidently touches the bottom of the protagonist while they are taking a shower next to each other. The protagonist hides under the dress of a woman to flee from a fight: she calls him a pervert. All is played for laughs.
The Young Ones (TV Show)
Young Royals (TV Show)
One of the biggest overarching plot points of this show is about two characters (both high school students) being filmed without their consent during a sexual encounter, and the video being spread publicly. They focus on punishing the perpetrator, and discuss the different charges he may face, including child pornography and revenge porn. A teacher mentions rape in a classrom setting, without going into detail (25:25).
Young Sheldon (TV Show)
Season 5: thie season contains a sexual relationship between a minor (male, 17 year old) and a 29 year old woman who is unaware of his age. He gets her pregnant and there is talk about forcing them to marry. The whole thing is played for laughs and continues throughout the entire season.
Younger (TV Show)
To Your Eternity (TV Show)
S1E17: a woman tries to rape the male protagonist who is physically a young teen and mentally a young child as he has only been alive for 6 years. She drugs him and then attempts to rape him. She does not succeed. In a previous episode she licks his face while he is unconscious.
A young woman, forcefully kisses the protagonist after he rejects her sexual advances. Later, after he and another woman are captured aboard a boat, the camera moves down to her breasts and the villain cuts the outer layer of her clothing off with a knife, starting at her breasts.
Your Highness (Movie)
This film contains multiple instances of threatened sexual assault and actual sexual assault, all played for laughs.
Your Honor (TV Show)
Season 1 features a high school student having sex with his teacher. S1E2: there is a mention of a criminal going free on a previous charge of underwear theft, then going on to assault women/children and stuffing underwear in their mouths (about 31 minutes into the episode).
A teen girl accuses a teen boy of taking an inappropriate picture of her and calls him a pervert.
Your Name. (Movie)
In several scenes, the main male character gropes the main female character's breasts without her consent while in her body. Several boys stare at a sexualized shot of the main female character's breasts bouncing. All of this is played for laughs, the main male character denying the responsibility of his actions, saying he "couldn't help himself."
In the first instance, two characters force a boy to take off his pants while a third tries to burn his genitals with a lighter all while calling him homophobic slurs (10:50-11:21). In the second instance, there is a very sudden scene change where an older man makes an abrupt sexual advance on a teenage character that looks uncomfortable and resists (57:15-57:50).
A woman deliberately pokes holes in a condom with the intent of getting pregnant with the man she has sex with. He has no knowledge of this and this is only revealed to him later.
Your Turn (Movie)
In the last part of the film (between 1:15:00 and 1:24:00) two persons mention rape threats made by policemen.
Throughout the game, especially in chapter 1, an adult man makes comments about a 17 year old girl being cute. Though rather than this being sexual, it seems to be to deflect from the girl understanding him / getting information from him. In chapter 3, if you are in the Logic Route or the Sou lives route, a 17 year old boy who has a obvious crush on a 17 year old girl becomes possessive and tries to isolate her from her friends. The intention for doing this is not sexual but the underlying crush he has, along with his actions, present an unhealthy relationship that some people may be uncomfortable with. In that same chapter, there is heavy exploration on one of the main character's relationships with a villain throughout. The character talks about how when he was in high school the villain disguised himself as a student (his age unknown) and became his ' scary friend. ' This character describes the villain as someone who has 'fun' or receives a 'certain pleasure' from having control over others, which in flashbacks as well through how the character describes him seems to happened to him since high school until young adulthood. There is no explicit sexual abuse but how the relationship is described and shown in a flashback is suspect and may make players uncomfortable.
You're Next (Movie)
Worthy of note: a character suggests an unusual sexual act and acts offended and annoyed when their partner declines.
You're the Worst (TV Show)
S4E7: A woman kisses an underage girl. The same woman almost gives a blowjob to an underage boy but the police come before this happens. S4E10: A woman gets blackout drunk then wakes up to find herself in a sexual situation with another woman. She seems startled.
Many episodes discuss rape and sexual assault, sometimes of children. Many episodes discuss how criminals, including sex offenders, are prosecuted, how the law fails to protect victims, and how the system can be improved, emphasizing a need to treat both the victim and the perpetrator with humanity.
This movie is about a man who wrote a novel inspired by his family. When they read it, his siblings react negatively, and one of his sisters even says that he 'raped' them by doing so. The editor of the protagonist (a woman), kisses him without asking his permission when they learn that he won an important award. During the party that follows, she gets drunk and becomes very touchy with him. He brings her home (without sexual intent) and despite her insistence on having sex, he declines and leaves. He then returns the day after, saying that he is willing to have sex after all, but she does not remember anything. It is then implied that they start a romantic relationship.
Youth (Movie)
A scene shows a young woman leaving a room, implying she had a sexual intercourse with a much older man. The context of consent in this brief scene is not made clear. Other scenes in the movie suggest that she is participating in the sex trade. Another scene shows two voyeurs watching a couple having sex in the forest.
Yowamushi Pedal (TV Show)
S1EP19: one of the male characters makes a comment about the breasts of a female character. She punches him. S2E5: a guy puts his arms around the shoulders of a female character. His hand is very close to her breast. She is shocked as she does not know him and pushes him away. In seasons 3 and 4, one character is extremely obsessed with muscles. While there is no sexual intent, he goes as far as crossing other people's boundaries in order to touch their muscles. The scenes portray him in a creepy and somewhat predatory way. His teammates and himself are aware that his behavior is inappropriate. S3E15: the protagonist falls over and the said character tries to stop him from falling. When he does, his hands are on the abs of the protagonist: he starts rubbing them. He later on wants to touch his abs again, but the protagonist looks shocked and his teammate ends up stopping it from happening. S3E17: the said character touches the thigh of another character and goes as far as putting his hand inside the bike shorts (around the thigh). It happens again in S4E3 with another character (who is very shocked by this behavior). S4E12: the said character slips his hands into the sleeve of another guy's shirt and grabs his chest muscles. While he was riding up to him, the teammate yells to watch out for him as he is 'creepy'. S4E14: a background story is shown of this character. He secretly watches other people's muscles while they cycle. The main antagonist ends up encouraging the inappropriate behavior by telling him to 'unleash his desires.' He becomes the masseuse of the team which could be a bit unsettling giving his obsession. S5E12: the character from S3 and S4 touches two men without their consent. He slips the tip of his fingers in their shorts. Although there is no sexual intent, he is portrayed as creepy and predatory. S5E13: the same character tries to touch a man, who escapes on time.
There is nonconsensual groping, touching, and harassment to one of the main female characters. The main character's grandfather makes a suggestive comment towards one of the female characters. This is played for disturbingly played for laughs, and never apologized for. Later on, a rape attempt is made and stopped and taken seriously. The manga tones down the sexist harassment tropes later on until they are no longer existent, but still has perverted comments made by one of the characters that are consistently chastised. In the early episodes, an attempt to frame a male character for spying on the girls' bath is made and failed. The episode's take on how harassment should be handled is treated rather poorly. None of the characters treat the harassment attempt as a good thing.
Yugo: Negotiator (TV Show)
A man asks the main protagonist to buy time with a woman. He then explains how the woman is forced to sell her body so they can keep feeding her.
This manga (recommended as a "beautiful and spicy love story") starts with the MC following a women, breaking into her house and threating her so she "offers" to do anything (rape). This is supposed to be the origin of a beautiful romance.
Yume (Movie)
Yume Nikki (Video Game)
Worthy of note: Although the game takes place in a dream, has no dialogue, and everything is left up to interpretation, there are moments that one could interpret as having sexual undertones. The player can find a zipper and if they stab it, it will start bleeding. After entering the zipper, there is a phallic-looking creature that rubs a stairway railing. It also rubs the railing faster or slower depending on what item ythe player have equipped.
Yummy (Movie)
There is some sexual harassment throughout the film, and an attempted rape at the very end.
Yuri!!! On Ice (TV Show)
S1E2: While asking a personal question about the main character's life, a male character strokes the underside of his chin and the side of his arm before taking his hand. The main character freezes for several seconds before scrambling away (5:39-6:02). S1E3: without warning, a male character runs a thumb over the main character's lips and holds their faces inches apart while urging the main character to explore his sexuality. Once again, the main character responds by freezing (4:28-4:47). Worthy of note: while there are no sexual relationships between adults and teenagers, between 13:48-14:07 a 25-year-old woman gets a nosebleed (used as shorthand for arousal) in response to a 15-year-old. S1E5: although not a sexual scene, a male character snaps at the main character to turn around and then wraps his arms around him from behind. The main character seems to be paralysed and does not know how to react (4:10-4:36). S1E6: a drunk man strips completely naked off-screen while hanging off of the main character. We hear the main character tell him not to do it, and then cry out to a nearby friend for help as the man's trousers and underwear get thrown into the frame. We later see a waist-up photo of the main character, looking surprised, with the naked man wrapped around him (4:47-4:53). S1E6: an as-yet unintroduced character sneaks up behind the main character and places a hand on his rear, inducing the same frozen response seen in earlier scenes (5:11-5:21). S1E7: SPOILERS: a male character launches himself at the main character and kisses him in front of a full audience on live television, with enough force to knock the main character onto his back. The main character's expression clearly indicates that he did not see this coming. The man then states that he did this in order to surprise the main character (the main character responds positively to this event, which occurs at the 20:48-20:59 mark). S1E8: while no overtly sexual relationships occur, one character introduced in this episode has an unhealthy and possessive obsessive with his sister, jealously driving off any man who interacts with her in order to keep her by his side forever. The narrative presents this obsession as a negative thing which he must overcome if he wants to keep his sister in his life. In this episode, the brother's internal monologue is an in-depth exploration of his obsession and sense of entitlement to his sister from his point of view; this occurs between 8:49-10:39. S1E9: the brother's internal monologue as he skates is about his sister. This time, however, it's a personal reflection on his feelings for her and what to do with the knowledge that they're unreciprocated (5:30-8:36). This scene has overtones of romantic heartbreak.
Yuru Yuri is a series primarily exploring the same-sex attraction at a girl's-only middle school (most characters ages 12-15). One girl, ostensibly with a crush on another, forces herself onto a third girl (who tries to run away) under the guise of "practising" for her crush. The third girl is seen yelling for help, however the first girl catches her, pins her down, gets on top of her, and relentlessly kisses her. The third girl is shown afterwards traumatized, catatonic, and weeping. One young girl, when given chocolate, acts drugged and loses all her inhibitions, running around and forcing kisses on every person within range until the effects of the chocolate wear off. This is shown to leave the subjects of her advances temporarily dazed. The high-school-age older sister of one of the younger girls is obsessed and in love with her younger sister. Two girls are twin sisters. Both heavily fantasize about other characters in romantic or erotic situations which are shown frequently. One of them, in addition, is in love with her twin sister, but fantasizes about her with others. One member of the student council, a nearly mute girl with a prepubescent body, is heavily implied to be in a relationship with a mad scientist teacher. One girl appears to pursue another main character due to her looking like the character of her favourite anime. The subject of her affections continually rebuffs her advances but the first girl continues to make advances.
Yuu Yuu Hakusho (TV Show)
The male protagonist sexually harasses the female protagonist on multiple occasions. S1E24: the main protagonist gropes/assaults a transgender woman and makes transphobic comments and invalidates her identity.
Worthy of note: There are a few instances of the show mentioning two of the brother's having a brocon (brother complex) when it comes to their their younger brothers ('con' often is used to present some sort of sexual fetishization or undertone to a relationship in anime). However, here there is no hint of that and it seems that it is used to convey these older brothers having a deep platonic affection and desire to be closer with their younger brothers.
YYY (TV Show)
Z (2019) (Movie)
A woman is held in a house against her will by an invisible entity. She is laying in bed at night, and the entity gets into bed beside her, and throws the covers over her (01:08:00). The entity then makes a single slow up and down motion, but it is not clear whether this is the entity breathing or something of a sexual nature. The scene only lasts a few seconds.
Z Nation (TV Show)
S1E3: a woman appears to do sex work, but she is trained to tazer the men. However, she gets overpowered. There are a lot of tapering as punishment, and a woman gets tazed to knock her out before being kidnapped.
The author recounts a time where she was a small child, and a shopkeeper picked her up, ostensibly to help her see over the walls of a tall bin, but in actuality, he rubbed her body against his as he picked her up and put her down. In another childhood memory, a classmate steals the author's glasses and disrobes in front of her. As an adult, while she is moving to a new apartment, the man hired to help her offers to waive the moving fee if she'd "just be quiet and stand still for a minute" while he masturbates near or on her. A friend of the author's dates a man who later traffics her into forced sex work. She later escapes. Mention of homophobic rape by Black men against Black lesbians with the intent to "take them down a peg or two." The author describes a boss she had who would call her into her office to watch her pick up a pencil. The author’s friend runs away from home after being sexually abused by her father. This friend later commits suicide.
Zan (Movie)
A rape scene occurs during a fight, with many cuts between the action scenes and the rape.
Zarafa (Movie)
Worthy of note: the protagonist (a young boy) is a slave who flees from his owner (during the opening scene). There is a subplot throughout the movie about his love interest (a young girl) who is still a slave because she could not escape. We see her, and the owner, several times throughout the movie.
Zardoz (Movie)
The protagonist is shown knocking a woman down and raping her. He also grabs an unresponsive woman's breast and attempts to rape her, but stops.
A man is harassed by a group of women and a woman forcefully kisses another man. In the beginning of the movie, a girl makes several jokes about pedophilia (wrongly accusing men of sexually harassing her). Near the end of the movie, a man makes a rape joke.
This movie about German business consultants takes place in hotel rooms in Nigeria. One of the male main characters pays maids to sleep with him. We see him wearing a bathrobe, looking at one of them, preparing money and getting ready to talk to her: the scene then cuts. He is later confronted about his behavior by the main female character: he brags about it and gives explicit details. In another scene, he jokes about rape, sexist violence and excision. Later, the said woman explains that her boss asked her to masturbate in front of her webcam during a business meeting. At some point, one woman (from Nigeria) begs the main characters to take her out of the country: she starts undressing in order to convince them. The female character tries to stop her and to hide her breasts, in vain. The scene cuts before we see her naked. Later, a scene shows the main characters partying with prostitutes. In the final scene of the movie, when supposed terrorists break into the hotel, we hear women screaming several times.
A teacher suggestively touches a child's hand. He rebuffs him and tells him to go away.
Zero Day (Movie)
Zhen Hun (TV Show)
S1E3: this episode centers around a woman who is being stalked by a male supernatural predator.
A man attempts to blackmail a teenage boy into sex with the threat of outing him. He is unsuccessful. It is handled sensitively.
Zodiac (Movie)
Worthy of note: a suspect was fired from his job and later arrested for sexually abusing children.
Zola (Movie)
A woman is "offered" to a man against her will. He kisses her and puts his fingers in her vagina. A different woman is also violently dragged into a room then seen later with a split lip and bruises. It is unknown whether or not she was raped or just beaten.
S1E1: the protagonist hears the boss of a company having sex with his love interest in his office. We also see the shadow of the woman getting pushed to the glass of his door as soon as she went in his office. Although the womans dialogue insinuates that she likes it; it must be noted that the man involved is her boss so if she felt certain pressure is highly possible (given the fact that she is deemed very attractive in her high-pressured company, while the exploitative boss is older and definitelly physically less desirable). S1E7: a misogynistic character makes inappropriate comments towards one of the female side characters (he licks his lips and asks to "fondle" them). It does nit escalate past this.
Zombeavers (Movie)
The main girls joke between them that one of them was sexually abused by her father.
Zombi Child (Movie)
Zombi 2 (Movie)
Zombie Shark (Movie)
A man grabs a waitress' bottom while she istending their table and continues to hit on her after she rejects him.
Zombieland (Movie)
Worthy of note: a man briefly stops a woman who wants to have sex with him because his girlfriend just left. She insists and he then agrees to it.
Zombieland Saga (TV Show)
It is slightly implied that a 29 year old woman develops a crush on a 16 year old boy. However, no relationship happens. Worthy of note: a character was previously a courtesan, though this is only briefly mentioned and not discussed further.
One night, the main male protagonist (an SS officer) casually instructs his Polish servant to undress while he is on the phone: she does not seem surprised and proceeds. It is implied that he regularly rapes her (in his family house). We see her removing her shoes and starting to untie her shirt but nothing more. It then cuts to the man discretely going to a bathroom to wash his genitals.
Zoo Tycoon 2 (Video Game)
Attempted rape of main character (clothes torn, thrown onto bed), off-screen rape of a teenage girl by two soldiers.
Zoolander (Movie)
Worthy of note: one character drinks a drug-infused tea and subsequently takes part in an orgy: this would likely not have happened if they were sober.
Zootopia (Movie)
Zorro (TV) (TV Show)
A woman is kept as a sex slave tied up in a bedroom. No sexual assault is shown and her situation is not dramatized. Her story spans a few episodes.
Zulu (1964) (Movie)
There is a scene where an injured soldier gropes and rips open the top buttons on the blouse of a nurse who is trying to help him. Other patients in the room laugh. She is upset by the incident but leaves the room and the movie moves on quickly (48:28-48:38).
Towards the end of the book, a boy flirts with the female romantic lead, and she does not like it.