Annie Bot, Sierra Greer 
Updated: November 3, 2024
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned in passing (in discussion and/or implied)
Sexual harassment (e.g. verbal or non-consensual touching/grabbing)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sexual abuse
Attempted rape
Rape strongly implied/details surrounding a rape discussed in detail (i.e. the events before/after)
Detailed/vivid description of rape


The protagonist is a "cuddle bunny," a robot that looks and talks indistinguishably from humans and is designed to be ready for sex with her owner at any time. We find out that the protagonist's owner made her to look almost exactly like his ex-wife, without the ex-wife's knowledge or consent. The owner's friend visits the house for one night. The friend convinces the protagonist to have sex with him that night behind the owner's back. He tries to convince her to do so again the following morning and keeps verbally harassing her after she says no. The relationship between the protagonist and her owner gets increasingly verbally abusive throughout, and is at times physically abusive. The owner has the ability to control aspects of her body and behavior through vocal controls against her will. For example, to punish her for cheating on him, the owner sets her libido to its highest level and locks her in a closet, leaving her in extreme physical discomfort for hours until she powers down. He leaves her there for several weeks before letting her out.

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