It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 
TV Show
TV Show
Updated: 3 August 2024
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


S1E1: two of the characters conspire to get another one of the characters drunk so that he will have a sexual encounter with a man and stop marketing their venue as a gay bar. S1E3: the bar becomes a 'safe haven' for underage drinkers; potentially concerning power dynamic between drunk, inexperienced teenagers and adults. S1E4: one of the characters tells women he has been diagnosed with cancer in order to get them to sleep with him. One character mentions that he previously had sex with another character that he considered non-consensual and describes how she ignored his refusals during the acts. S1E7: a key plot point in this episode is a former teacher getting arrested for molesting his students. Some of the characters whether one of one of their friends was a victim of this teacher and another character is jealous that he, too, wasn't molested. S1E34: this episode revolves around the group going to a sexual harassment seminar, as their pub has been labeled as unsafe, and so the entire episode is about sexual assault. A character being molested by their uncle is brought up again, as well as a new revelation that he was raped by another character off-screen and tried to say no but the other character put her hands in his mouth to get him to stop talking. She pretty much agrees that it was in fact rape. Another character accidentally exposes himself to a woman. S2E1: a man uses the fact that he is in a wheelchair to get attention from some women who are strippers. The whole gang decides to fake disabilities in order to get attention and sympathy. S2E4: a man attempts to get a woman he has feelings for to sleep with him through the use of lies and deception. S3E9: a key plot point in this episode is one of the main characters taking up a relationship with somebody who may have a mental disability. Another character pens a potentially disturbing song about being molested by a strange creature. S3E11: a key plot point in this episode is one of the main characters being mistaken by the community for a convicted sex offender who has been released from prison due to overcrowding. S3E13: a man's father compels him to sleep with older women for money in order to pay off the group's debts. S4E1: there are references that two characters have been "teabagging" a character since high school. A later scene has a character discover that he also got his shaved pubes glued onto his face while he was asleep. S4E4: two characters listen to two other characters having sex without their knowledge. S4E13: one of the characters attempts to write a musical based on a song he composed in an earlier episode about being molested by a strange creature. S5E4: a man attempts to seduce his former sister-in-law. S5E12: a character reveals his 'foolproof' system for seducing women, which is based largely on emotional manipulation and deception. S6E1: upon hearing that a transgender woman from an earlier episode is getting married, a character spends the entire episode protesting against gay marriage out of jealousy. S6E2: a character finds out that her partner is only with her in order to hurt his wife. S7E1: derogatory treatment of sex workers. One character pretends to be a millionaire in order to trick a woman into sleeping with one of his friends. S7E3: a character becomes involved in local beauty pageants and is terrified of being accused of paedophilia. S7E8: two characters stalk a man who shushed them in a bar. S11E4: two characters make a film about the man's rape by a librarian when he was in school. S11E5: evidence mounts that one of the main characters regularly sexually assaults women. S11E6: during a scene in POV perspective, a character gropes a woman's breasts twice and then 'motorboats' her all without her consent. In a later scene, one character explains that he is in trouble because he "got handsy with a pretty young thing [who] looked 18". S11E8: the cold open of the episode contains a joke about children being molested. S11E9: one character talks about a woman and another comments that "she looks 12 years old": he replies that he checked her age beforehand. In the same scene, one character talks about getting sexual with a man who backs out, and threatening him with a rape accusation, effectively coercing him into sex. A later seen has the character encounter the woman alone and comes across as rapey. S11E10: the cold open has a character state that his sin was a bit of lust but "my thing, not a rape". S12E2: a girl says to a man (who will become his partner in crime): "try to touch me and i'll scream "rape"" S12E3: one character makes jokes and references to pedophilia. He also touches another character on the back multiple time through the episode with them being clearly uncomfortable and telling him to get off. S12E4: there is a joke about the Catholic Church "banging kids". A later scene references a woman being harassed online with people calling her a bitch and her saying "pretty much everyone wanting to rape me". Two men try to promote their drink to women but end up harassing them about their bodies. Near the end of the episode, one character states: "turns out there are two things that can't be forgiven, raping children and disliking dogs". S12E5: one character says off-screen that a woman has a big bottom, with the woman responding "Fuck off, creep". S12E6: during the cold open, a man approaches a woman with mirrors on his shoes in order to try and look up the woman's skirt. A later scene implys a man waited for an underage girl to become of age to then have sex with her. A later scene repeats the joke about the man trying to look up the womans skirt. S12E7: the cold open contains a joke around "blowing kids" but it is actually in reference to a guy trying to give CPR to a child in a video game. A later scene references the rape of a character by an older women in a library when he was 14 (original joke in S11E4). Two characters play father and son for a strip show and a stripper is tricked into doing a lap dance on his own daughter, thrusting his penis near her face. She says that her finger touched his anus: the two are horrifyied when they recognise each other. S12E8: a character refers to another one as "rage-fuelled and rapey". S12E9: this episode has a very brief flashback to the tricked father daughter stripper incident as seen in S12E7. S16E4: there are references to a character alluded to be a pedophile, which tries to film kids for creepy purposes. Worthy of note: one of the main characters is a serial sexual predator who targets both men and women. Although the audience never witnesses any of his assaults, one of the show's running jokes is regarding this character's creepy behaviour. He videotapes the women who he has sex with without their consent. Despite being in his mid-to-late thirties, he tries to have sex with teenagers/coerce them into having sex with him. Other characters on the show explicitly refer to his actions as rape on multiple occasions. In addition to this, it is heavily implied that one of the main characters was molested by his uncle as a child and his trauma around this is repeatedly discussed. Another recurring plotline involving this character addresses his stalking/harassment of a woman he has known and been infatuated with since high school. There is a family of characters (the 'McPoyle Family') that is featured in many episodes. They are portrayed as being 'creepy' and are rumoured to be incestuous until later when they display incestuous behaviour between cousins and siblings (this is mostly implied, but is made unambiguous).

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