Sons of Anarchy 
TV Show
TV Show
Updated: February 18, 2024
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


S1E1: two women are mentioned to have been forced to perform sexual acts on a group of men. S1E3: in the first 10 minutes of the episode, a 13 year old girl lies in the dirt, stripped with her pants down, impliying that she was raped. S1E7: a man is instructed to initiate sex with an unwilling woman. She successfully fends him off. S1E8: a man who stalked one female characters returns to town. He is violent and she has a restraining order against him. This culminates in him hiding in her house and attempting to rape her (approximately 38 minutes into the episode). There is also an episode revolving around a teenage girl getting sexually abused by a group of men. Season 2: one of the characters is raped as a means to humiliate her and her husband. S4E1: an inmate makes a pass at a MC member: nothing comes from it. S5E5: an insurance agent is drugged, and, while unconscious, posed with a prostitute for blackmail purposes. The poses involve much unconsensual touching. S5E6: a character forces two other characters to get naked and get in bed together at gunpoint (about 20 minutes in). S6E1: an MC member is shown being raped in prison by another inmate as a guard looks on (about 6 minutes into the episode). A girl is beaten by a group of men, who are forcing girls to have sex with them and brutally treat them (about 15 minutes into the episode). They record it on video to sell it afterwards. It is mentioned, that the girls did not know, that they have sex with a group and are brutally treated by the (about 24 minutes into the episode). S6E1: a character tells that she has been assaulted (about 21 minutes into the episode) S6E5: guards force a couple to have sex, threatning to rape the woman if they do not (about 45 minutes into the episode). S7E10: one character is raped in prison (during the opening sequence). S7E12: the same character is raped by a rival club member (about 16 minutes into the episode).

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