Yuri Yuri (Happy Go Lily!) 
YuruYuri Nachuyachumi!
TV Show
TV Show
Updated: 17 October 2020
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


Yuru Yuri is a series primarily exploring the same-sex attraction at a girl's-only middle school (most characters ages 12-15). One girl, ostensibly with a crush on another, forces herself onto a third girl (who tries to run away) under the guise of "practising" for her crush. The third girl is seen yelling for help, however the first girl catches her, pins her down, gets on top of her, and relentlessly kisses her. The third girl is shown afterwards traumatized, catatonic, and weeping. One young girl, when given chocolate, acts drugged and loses all her inhibitions, running around and forcing kisses on every person within range until the effects of the chocolate wear off. This is shown to leave the subjects of her advances temporarily dazed. The high-school-age older sister of one of the younger girls is obsessed and in love with her younger sister. Two girls are twin sisters. Both heavily fantasize about other characters in romantic or erotic situations which are shown frequently. One of them, in addition, is in love with her twin sister, but fantasizes about her with others. One member of the student council, a nearly mute girl with a prepubescent body, is heavily implied to be in a relationship with a mad scientist teacher. One girl appears to pursue another main character due to her looking like the character of her favourite anime. The subject of her affections continually rebuffs her advances but the first girl continues to make advances.

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