Rick and Morty 
TV Show
TV Show
Updated: August 17, 2024
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


S1E3: a theme park ride is described as being 'really rapey' and a character reveals that he was molested by his brother as a child. S1E2: a teenage girl is shown trying to seduce her grandfather and brother; this scene is the fantasy of one of the teachers at her school. S1E5: an underage boy is forced into a toilet cubicle, with the intention of raping him. His assailant is fought off, but it is revealed that this has happened on numerous occasions with other children. A grandad and his 14 year old grandson are on trial and the grandad makes a joke about prison rape. S1E6: a character deliriously asks for details regarding the genitalia of an underage boy. S1E7: the attempted rape of a teenage girl, but she is saved before she can be further assaulted. S1E8: a man has sex with an old woman's corpse that is being controlled by cats in a TV show they are watching. You see it happen in shadows. S1E11: there is an attempted rape of a man at gunpoint; however, he is saved before anything more happens. S2E9: one protagonist calls a group of men running at them during a purge night rapists. The implication is that anything is legal and they have probably done that. S3E9: a man reproduces with non-human creatures and commits incest with the offspring they produce. The creatures he reproduces with are also implied to all be children. S4E2: a 17 year old girl meets a 25 year old through an app and they "fall in love" while her mother disapproves and yells about statutory rape. They get a motel room together although details are not shown but it is implied they are doing it to sleep together. She is then matched with another older man, then again another older woman and finally another older man, these are short lived relationships though. S4E4: a form of soulbonding is introduced which is implied to resemble sex. This soulbonding once happens with a bigger grip that includes a child and his grandparent. S5E3: a young looking girl is about to be sold to an older man. S5E4: a teenage boy is restrained and forced to ejaculate into a machine. Worthy of note: in S1E1, one of the characters forces another to shove a huge seed in his rectum. In S1E4, a character has sex with a version of his wife who, unbeknownst to him, is a simulation. He is aroused by the fact that she is not moving. This is played out for laughs, as the intention is to highlight his disregard for female sexual pleasure, however, some audiences may find this distressing.

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