The Sinner 
TV Show
TV Show
Updated: 6 September 2019
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


The main character's sister is revealed to have lusted after her, and the two eventually have sex. It's unclear whether the main character truly consented, or only caved into pressure out of guilt for 'abandoning' her sister. The main character's flashbacks seem to be related to sexual assault. A male detective engages in intense BDSM throughout the series. Season 2 involves a boy raised in a cult with various forms of abuse, including sexual abuse. It is unclear if he was exposed to any of this or if his trauma symptoms are solely a result of other events in the series. S1E6: two sisters kiss. The younger one places the older's hand on her breast and then in her underwear. S1E7: a woman under the influence of cocaine believes she is having sex with her boyfriend, but she is actually being penetrated by another man. The situation was orchestrated by the boyfriend, who is also shown verbally abusing his ex-girlfriend. The two sisters are shown kissing again. S2E4: mention of a forced sterilization. S2E5: a woman is pinned to the floor while a man assaults her. Nothing is shown on screen, but the imagery and information revelead later suggest it could have occured. S2E6: mention of rape and a resulting pregnancy. S2E8: a teenage girl is raped by the father of one of her friends.

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