Berserk (1997) 
TV Show
Survival and Horror
TV Show
Survival and Horror
Updated: 7 December 2023
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


S1E1: a young girl is sexually harassed by a group of armored men, but it is mostly through heavy implication (04:51-06:28). There is a revenge right afterwards. S1E2: a man has a trauma nightmare that is later revealed to be due to a prior sexual assault he suffered as a child, but the aforementioned event is not shown (12:10-14:00). S1E11: a man reluctantly undresses a woman while she is unconscious, but it is strictly in the effort of saving her life (19:12-20:02). It is revealed that the female character fainted due to weakness caused by menstruation. S1E12: a woman is physically restrained by a man (while she is nude) for lashing out in a fit of anger, and she shouts in distress (04:29-04:48). A young girl is tackled and has her shirt slashed open by a much older man who intends to further sexually assault her (07:21-09:00). She gets revenge on him. An older man is holding several young boys captive. It is strongly implied that he sexually assaults them. One of the main characters has consensual intercourse with the same man for money. He feels violated afterwards. S1E13: a woman is pinned down and verbally threatened by men who intend to sexually assault her (19:46-21:20). S1E14: continuing the previous scene, the woman once again has her shirt torn open by one of her assaulters (00:55-01:23 + 02:42-03:28) . Cue more revenge. S1E19: an intimate scene occurs between a man and a 16-year-old girl. Though this was considered culturally appropriate in the world's setting, there is a moment where the girl initially does not consent to a kiss, but appears to consent to the rest of the encounter (18:50-19:38). S1E25: a woman is explicitly molested and raped while barely conscious (18:28-20:53).

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