Updated: 21 August 2022
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


One of the antagonist (a woman) seduces her male victims before murdering them. Halfway into the movie she tries to distract the protagonist by aggressively kissing him (1:05:00-1:06:00). He plays along with it but knows her true motives. Later, the male antagonist aggressively grabs and kisses another woman, who is held as hostage, for a few seconds before she slaps him (1:27:20). The titular character's inappropiate behaviour towards women, is lampshaded in this movie, but never seriously addressed and ultimately portrayed as harmless or even charming. The titular character flirts with a female colleague despite knowing she has just been on a date with another man and is thus likely not interested: she calls this out as sexual harassment, but jokingly so. A man hacks into the computer of his female co-worker and locks it, requiring a password to unlock it again. The password is a synonym for breasts. It is implied that similar things have happened in the past. A man kisses a woman against her will. It is heavily implied that he is planning to rape her, but he is interrupted before he can go through with it. The titular character kisses a woman without her consent. She tries to pull back, but he does not let her.: she then kisses him again, implying that she enjoyed this.

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