Valerie and Her Week of Wonders 
Updated: December 28, 2024
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


The main actress was only 14 years old during the filming of this movie. She playe a 13 year old girl who seems to go in and out of dream-like consciousness throughout the entire movie even questioning if she is dreaming. This movie navigates topics such as puberty, girlhood, womanhood, consent, rape, virginity, homosexuality, witchcraft, incest, and religion. A church holds a blessing for the young virgins in the town. In a room full of young girls, a priest blesses their “breasts and laps” A young man is chained to a water fountain outdoors. He is unchained and saved by the protagonist then chased by men with whips. The protagonist watches her grandmother get whipped by a man. Her grandmother is seen with the front of her blouse ripped off and she starts whipping herself on her back while crying and the man watches. A religious man of the church shares a story about how him and some other men “rescued a beautiful young black girl” and converted her to their faith in their tent where she “showed great talent”. Implying that they raped her. The protagonist asks if she became a nun and he says “unfortunately not. We lost her in a certain French harbor.” And that “she fell into terribly immoral ways and sinned against a sixth commandment”. He says that he must teach the protagonist about it later on. The same man later walks into the protagonist’s room while she undresses (the actress’s breasts are seen briefly) and says he must talk to her. Then he says “what breasts you have!” As she tries to cover up. She pleads for him to leave. He opens his shirt, smiles, and says “what I want from you is sweet”. She runs from him and he grabs her and pulls her dress down. She tries to hide behind a curtain and he grabs her. He begins to kiss her and the protagonist’s mood switches and she suddenly seems okay with the situation. The man backs away in shock saying “what have you done?” The protagonist pulls the curtain around her in shame. This is a confusing moment in the movie where consent is blurred and a young girl is almost raped. The man is later seen hung from a window. He is brought to life and yells at the protagonist and tells her she tempted him to sin. A young girl is forced to marry a man. It is unclear whether she is a minor. She is visibly upset on her wedding night. Her new husband pressures her to have sex with him. He takes her to a room where he begins to kiss on her and undress her. Two other figures are in the room as well and help him undress the young bride. The protagonist undresses herself as she watches from behind a curtain. Her breasts are shown again briefly. The man tells the young girl on the bed that crying makes her look old and comments that there is “not a drop of blood”. The physical rape is not shown on-screen but it is heavily implied. The young man that was tied to the water fountain previously, is now tied up in a stream of water where he screams for help as the water rushes around him. He is again saved by Valerie. A man tells the protagonist that the boy she has saved is her brother. It is unclear whether this is the truth but it is found later to be a lie. This causes her to panic as she has shown affection with the boy. A new woman is introduced and greets the protagonist as her second cousin. She is visibly attracted to her and pushes her against the wall and kisses her neck. The protagonist yells and pushes her off and runs out of the room. The protagonist falls asleep and awakes in a barn. She looks below the cracks in the floor boards and sees the same woman making love to a man. She later sees that the man is her (maybe) brother and he is dead. A monster pulls the protagonist down and lifts her skirt as an attempt to rape her. She screams and escapes. Te protagonist later befriends the above-mentioned girl: they are later seen kissing and laying in bed nude. Toward the end of the movie, many young girls watch an adult couple make out. Toward the end of the movie, the protagonist is seen undressing in a bedroom (fully nude). The protagonist and her mother kiss semi-passionately on the lips. Her father kisses a girl passionately.

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