TV Show
TV Show
Updated: February 21, 2023
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


In this show, people possess powers that violate other people's sexual consent. S1E1: a joke is made about how we should not be Michael Jackson fans. A teenager accidentally gives his father multiple orgasms at a family reunion. All of this is played for laughs as they discuss how it is not funny. S1E2: someone's powers make them accidentally naked in front of another naked person. They do not have a good sense of boundaries. S1E3: a mask of a statutory rapist appear on screen. Also, a medium channels an old man who makes a state joke, and then uses the body of the medium to sexually assault herself. A laundry list of bad crimes is given in a comedic context including rape. S1E4: a serial murderer and rapist is mentioned. S1E8: a boyfriend uses his power to turn back time so his girlfriend canno't break up with him, over and over.

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