The Boys (TV) 
TV Show
TV Show
Updated: 6 September 2022
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


S1E1: a woman who starts a new job is welcomed by a male colleague (a recurring character) whom she confesses to having had a crush on when she was younger. He immediatly puts his pants and underwear off without warning her and asks her to perform oral sex on him. When she rebuffs him, he blackmails her and threats to have her fired. It is then strongly implied that she was forced to accept as she is shown vomiting in the toilet. The incident is vaguely discussed later in the episode and in the next one. A man who can turns invisible uses his power to spy on women going to the bathroom: this is referred to in later episodes. S1E2: two men attempt to (date) rape a woman in an alley, but they are stopped by a female character. A man uses his abilty to see through the walls to spy on his female boss using a breast pump: he is shown visibly aroused. S1E3: a female character is forced to wear a sexualized costume that she feels uncomfortable with, and pressured to accept it as a "feminist" choice. She is later catcalled while wearing it by men. A group of men watch a live video footage of a woman seducing a visibly uncomfortable man at her home, and forcing him to perform oral sex on her while she is on drugs: she ends up killing him. The main antagonist act threateningly with his ex-girlfriend while talking about their past relationship. S1E5: the survivor of the rape from S1E1 mentions it in front of a crowd. The woman the antagonist was spying on in S1E2 is revealed to have a security feature informing her when he is watching. She uses his sexual attraction to her in order to control him. S1E6: the rape from S1E1 is mentioned several times throughout the episode. The rapist has to make a public excuse (scripted by the firm) and a film/show based on the survivor's experience is produced. It is revealed that a main character's motivating factor is the rape of his wife by the series' antagonist. This is discussed heavily throughout the series. S1E7: the rapist from S1E1 gets sexually assaulted on-screen by a woman. Scenes before and after the rape of a main's character's wife are briefly shown. It is then revealed that she became pregnant with her rapist child, and died while giving birth. S1E8: the rape of the main character's wife by the antagonist is discussed. Throughout seasons 2 and 3, the rapist from S1E1 goes through a (fake) redemptive arc, and tries to make amends for his actions in order to get his job back. Sexual assault is thus implied or mentioned in several episodes. S2E1-3+7-8: the antagonist regularly visits the woman he raped and got pregnant, to connect with their son despite her clear disconfort and protest. S2E2: the rapist from S1E1 experiences an introspective moment making him realize that he 'violates women's bodies' because he cannot accept his own. S2E3: the rapist from S1E1 makes amend for his behaviour to his victim in order to regain his job: she rebuffs him. S2E4: a main male character tries to kiss a recurring female character when she is vulnerable. She rebuffs him. The rape of a female character by the antagonist is mentioned. S2E5: the rapes committed by two recurring male characters are mentioned. S2E8: the sexual assault from S1E1 is mentioned. S3E1: two character have sex in public bathrooms, and at some point, the reaction of the man makes it dubious that he is enjoying how rough it gets. In the opening of the episode, a man is accidently killed by someone (with the superpower to shrink) who entered his urethra with his consent for sexual purposes. It is mentioned that the main characters are often involved in situations with "dead prostitutes". S3E2: the fact that one male character was molestd by another male character when he was a teenager is mentioned several times. The victim denies it happened. S3E3: in the opening of the episode, the antagonist is naked and his female superior walks into his room. He tells her not to mind and to go along, despite her clear uncomfort, especially when he has an erection. The rapist from S1E1 gains his job back, meaning the survivor (the main female character) have to work his him. A woman forces a man to speak by crushing his testicles with her knee. A man hits on a woman despite her clear disinterest: she rebuffs him. At the end of the episode, the antagonist forces the main female character to pretend she is his girlfriend in public. S3E4: at two different moments in the episode, the antagonist makes inappropriate comments to women. One main female character is forced to pretend to be a prostitute in order to kill a man. We see other women already with him in the room. She kills him before anything happens. S3E5: one character mentions an 'underage prostitute' (implying he may have had sex with one when he was younger). S3E6: One character coming from the 1980s makes elogious comments about Bill Cosby. A female character mentions that her political adversaries made deepfakes videos of her giving oral sex to Usama Bin Laden. The last part of the episode takes place at an orgy: - the main cast is visibly uncomfortable to be there; - two characters are greeted by the giant penis of a man; - one man accidentally receives semen on his body against his will; - the rapist from S1E1 has sex with an octopus: the female lead takes a picture of him against his will.; - it is discussed that the host of the orgy put a camera in the toilet to film his guests' genitalia without their consent (footage of a man's private parts is shown). S3E7: flashbacks show how one of the main male character was abused by his violent father when he was a child. The rapist from S1E1 pressures his wife to have a threesome with an octupus. He gets angry when she leaves after having tried to go along with it. S3E8: it is reminded that one character had sex with an octopus, and that the antagonist raped a woman.

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