TV Show
Survival and Horror
TV Show
Survival and Horror
Updated: August 23, 2024
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


S1E1: a character is held down and straddled against his will. There is an implied orgy with triplets. S1E7: a man and a woman make out, and when the man tries to touch her breast, the woman clearly says 'no'. He treis again afterwards anyway. S1E6: two men are tied down and molested. S1E8: a Native American man mentions that American cavalry raped and killed his ancestors. S1E9: a man attempts to assault a teenage girl. He is stopped before anything happens. S1E11: prostitutes are implied to be forced into the job or at least are not given as much choice as they should be. S2E5: a character who can control people by giying them voice commands, touches a girl while she is crying, telling her to stop. He then commands her to slowly undress and implies that he is going to have sex with her (27:35-30:00). S2E13: a man attacks a girl and assaults her. S2E14: the main character is possessed by a demon and assaults a young (possibly teen) friend of his. It only has sexual undertones and the character is stopped. S2E15: a teacher invites his university student to his room and kisses her, intending to do more. A university student gets probed by fake aliens: they then make him slow dance with them (it is very handsy). A demi god creates fake women with his mind for sexual reasons. S2E20: a creature smells and rubs his face on a drugged, tied up, semi unconscious young woman and groans liks it is enjoying it. Season 3: one character arc towards the end of this season involves a woman who was raped by her father at the age of 14. S3E16: a demon who was a 10 year old child, possesses a woman and physically restrains a man, kissing him while still acting like a child. S4E3: during a time travel sequence, a character comments on how his mother is attractive. In the same episode, a man is possessed and kisses his daughter. S4E4: two characters kiss, and one is vampiric and starts to bite the other one. She starts screaming to stop it, but he continues enacting sexual violence. It was triggering for me. Poorly handled and gratuitous S4E8: a woman is 'drugged' with magic by a man who wants her to love him. S4E10: a character recounts his experiences in hell and alludes to sexual violence. S4E11: a girl is impregnated by her father and kills herself after the child is born. The child is the main villain of the episode, and the details around her conception are directly discussed by the protagonists. S5E11: a man is tied down while a female creature licks him in a sexual way, with the intent of having sex with him. S6E5: a main character is hit on by a man in an alleyway. He turns him down and is then thrown and pushed against a dumpster and turned into a vampire (14:14-15:53). The interaction has sexual undertones and can easily be read as a metaphorical rape, especially because the vampire continues to make sexual comments toward him later in the episode that are framed as predatory. S6E6: a man who is being compelled to tell his darkest secrets implied to his friend that when his daughters was spending the night at his house with his own daughter, he raped her and knew he would not be caught. It is not explicity stated that it was not consensual, but presumably, the girl was underage and therefore not able to consent. S6E9: multiple suggestions of off-screen sexual violence, alluded to as part of an alien/fairy abduction. S6E10: the female character from S1E16 ties up and molests a main male character and sexually assaults another main male character to grab his sword. The assault is retaliated against in similar form by the male character, to her surprise, while she is envesseled. It is strongly implied that a demon's "host" body was sexually assaulted in her past, and that the demon is currently being genitally and/or anally penetrated with a knife as a form of sexual torture. S6E16: a trucker helps a young girl and she kisses him till he pushes her off him. She then forces him to kill his family. S7E1: sexual violence is alluded to. S7E8: someone is drugged to manipulate them into falling in love. S7E13: a non human woman has consensual sex with the main character. However, it is a trick to get pregnant with a baby that grows up fast and who is sent to kill the character. S9E3: male character has sex in exchange for food and shelter, and is killed shortly after. S10E2: the main character (a demon) touches a stripper who tells him not to: he then drops some money on the ground, telling her to pick it up (04:12-05:27). She starts to leave but he grabs her before security stops him. S10E9: a female teenager is offered as a trade to a male loan shark by her unofficial male caregiver. The loan shark touches her unconsensually and attempts to assault her, while she is visibly distressed and tries to push away. The assault is stopped short by another male character. The assaulter then tries to attack another male character who was there to rescue the girl, but then the assaulter gets killed violently. A main character recounts a time that he was underaged and was drugged by adults who likely planned to sexually assault him (29:05-32:04). The assault was stopped presumably before it started. His recounting is not explicit and he does not go into specific details. S11E9: past rape is strongly implied and used to taunt a character. This ends with the character being trapped with their abused, being told they will be raped and beginning to cry while backing away in fear. Throughout the last half of season 11, the character is forced to work with their abuser. S12E2: a character is drugged and raped while being held captive, and is subsequently taunted regarding this. S12E3: a man stabs a woman's hand into a table and kisses her hair while she is begging him not to kill her. He also appears to get off on 'eating' psychics, hearing them scream and one of the victims who is saved is a teenager. S12E8: a woman is tricked into becoming pregnant after having sex with a man she did not know was possessed by a different entity. She then dies carrying the baby to term. S12E13: a female character recounts being raped. S13E16: two main male adult characters show attraction to and eventually assault two teenage girl cartoon characters. No one treats it as anything out of the ordinary. In an episode, a character paralyses people by kissing them and then murder them: he does it several times. Additionnally, a child is turned into a dog and has his temperature taken anally off-screen (14:14). Worthy of note: characters commonly make jokes alluding to rape or sexual assault throughout the series. The theme of supernatural possession frequently appears in several episodes. Many have interpreted this to be an allegory for rape, as characters are coerced into acts they did not consent to.

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