Survival and Horror
Survival and Horror
Updated: May 5, 2024
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


The protagonist's husband, who is slowly going mad, massages his blood onto her back. When she realizes this, she runs to shower it off (24:00). He follows and takes pictures of her in the shower without her consent, and she is greatly emotionally distressed and tells him to stop - he does not. The protagonist is in a creepy room and is surprised by her husband entering (41:00). He initiates sex, which she initially consents to, but asks they go to another room as she does n't like this one. He does not listen or stop, and she becomes more and more distressed. The scone cuts to outside the door to the room where you can hear her cries, and it is strongly implied he raped her.

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