TV Show
TV Show
Updated: August 29, 2023
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


S1E1: a woman is almost raped by a military officer, but is rescued by a man. S1E2: in a flashback, a woman is attacked by two soldiers who intend to rape her. Her brother attempts to protect her but she is recaptured by a third man, who publicly undresses her in order to humiliate her and her brother. It is implied that she then endures rape in order to protect her brother from severe punishment for his actions. Later in the episode, a man is sceptical when a woman attempts to convince him that a man under his command attempted to rape her. S1E4: a group of men attempt to force themselves on a lone woman. She attempts to fight them off and is eventually rescued by a man. The man who saved her then drunkenly attempts to force himself on her, and she fights him off. Later in the episode, a man grabs hold of the same woman asks her male companion (who violently declines) whether he can 'keep her.' S1E5: a man is loudly teased by his peers, who 'encourage' him to 'have biblical relations... with his sister.' S1E7: a woman is placed in a position where she must marry a man who is not her husband in order to secure the safety of she and her peers. It is revealed that, in order for this marriage to be considered valid and binding, they must consummate the marriage on the wedding night. S1E8: a man intends to rape a woman but she stabs him and escapes. Later, the same woman is taken hostage by a different man, who ties her up, strips her and threatens her with a knife in a prelude to rape, before another man intervenes. S1E9: a woman is partially stripped and beaten by her husband as punishment for her actions. S1E11: a woman has a flashback about being knocked unconscious amidst being sexually assaulted. In another flashback, a man tries to make another man have sex with him under threat of being flogged. The man refuses, and while being flogged, his father has a heart attack and dies. Both the man and his sister feel at fault for their father's death, as they both refused to have sex with the man that flogged him. S1E12: flashblacks from episode 2 (a young woman is sexually assaulted on screen by a man who then attempts ro rape her and knocks her unconscious. It is implied that she was raped while unconscious). S1E15: a man is taken prisoner by another man and brutally raped. S1E16: a man graphically relives the brutal rape which he endured while in captivity. There are graphic and potentially upsetting scenes throughout the episode. S2E2: the man who was raped in S1E15 shows many signs of PTSD from the assault, including nightmares that graphically show the rape as well as flashbacks while attempting to have sex with his wife. S2E4: a woman is raped by a group of bandits, who flee when another woman arrives at the scene. S2E5: a woman is cared for following her rape. The aftermath and consequences of this attack are also dealt with. S2E7: a woman is coerced into having sex with the king in order to save her husband. This happens shortly after she has given birth. A man rapes a young boy on-screen, and a man remembers a rape by the same man (20:40-24:00). The boy is shown to be struggling with shame and guilt for the consequences following his rescue. S3E3: a man is flirted with by another man, who holds a position of power over him. It is heavily implied that, as a result, the man being flirted with is reliving his past rape. S3E4: a man is coerced into agreeing to sex through blackmail and is raped by a woman on-screen. Later, the man offers to let himself be raped by another man in exchange for his child's protection. S3E6: a woman is attacked by a man and he threatens to rape her. S3E7: the scene from the previous episode continues (2:30-3:20). S3E12: an adult woman rapes a teenage boy. Seasons 4 and 5: continual references to the rape from S1E15 and S4E8 throughout. S4E1: an adult woman rapes a teenage boy. S4E8: a woman is rape off-screen, while men jeer and laugh in the adjacent room. S4E9: the injuries of the victime from the previous episode are shown (2:30-9:50). The victim is distressed and the attack is a theme throughout the episode (it is described towards the end of the episode). S4E10: the attack from episode 8 is a major theme in this episode. The victime has a nightmare of the attack (shown on-screen). S4E13: the sexual assault from episode 8 is mentioned. S5E1: a woman has a flashback to when she was raped (between the 26:00-28:00 minute marks). S5E6: a man attempts to rape a woman (on-screen). S5E10: a rapist captures the woman he attacked in S4E8. S5E12: a captured woman is raped by a group of men, who discuss wanting to assault her. She is then violently gang raped during a brutal and long scene. At the end of the episode, her injuries are shown on camera. Throughout season 6, the rape in S5E12 is frequently brought up as the victim deals with her trauma. She has nightmares and flashbacks of the attack and turns to sleeping gas in an attempt to clear her mind. S7E2: a man reveals that he had sex with his sister. This is shown on screen in a flashback in which the sister is clearly in a state of distress.

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