Video Game
Survival and Horror
Puzzle & Problem-solving
Video Game
Survival and Horror
Puzzle & Problem-solving
Updated: 16 December 2023
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


The game revolves around a teenage girl who went missing and put a curse on her school. As the game progresses, the truth of her dissappearance is revealed: she was raped by a boy in the girl's bathroom after school and a teacher found her crying. Once she opened up to the him, he tried to make sexual advances towards her. When she refused, he murdered and raped her. Although these two instances of rape are not shown, disturbing sounds can still be heard. In the True Ending, the teacher's backstory is explained and he is hugged and forgiven. This is poorly handled and problematic because the man who raped and killed a teenage girl is portrayed sympathetically and forgiven for his crimes. A scene of the teacher's backstory shows he was friends with a girl in highschool whom he had romantic feelings for. One day he confessed his feelings while trying to grab and kiss her without her consent. She pulled away, saying she did not have romantic feelings for him and only befriended him out of pity. He then pinned her to the ground and began screaming at her. Afterwards, someone finds them after hearing her cry for help. The scene ends there and the girl escapes relatively unharmed.

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