Roswell, New Mexico 
TV Show
TV Show
Updated: 15 February 2024
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


Throughout season 1, the characters mistakenly think an adult man had a relationship with a 19-year-old. This is not actually true and nothing bad happens. In flashbacks, a teenaged character stalks the 19-year-old character while possessing another character. This begins when the possessed character is 14, it is implied that the character was 17-19 year-old when he began possessing and stalking the 14-16 year-old. A character is lied to and manipulatied by another character he is in a romantic relationship with: his deception calls her consent to the relationship into question. S1E5: the phrase "rape murder, and steal our jobs," is used by a character to show he is right wing, nothing bad happens. S1E6: flashback to an attempted abduction/rape of a 14 year old girl by an older man. The scene is brief and we just see him trying to drag her away before she is rescued. S1E10: a character says her nail polish has a "date rape' detector sheen in it that changes colour. She used it to check to see if another character has been drugged for non-sexual purposes. Nothing bad happens. S1E12: the beginning of the attempted assault of S1E6 is shown again from a different perspective. It is a bit more detailed/graphic/upsetting the second time, showing a longer struggle and more screaming. It is also implied the character who later possesses her and seduces her under false pretences targeted her because of her trauma from that night that he witnessed due to them both being telepaths. It's also not totally clear what his age is, but he appears to be an adult man when he first becomes obsessed with her when she is 14. A character discovering she is has/been in a long-term relationship with a stalker/murderer is an overarching plot of the whole series, but mainly the first 2 seasons. S2E8: a character says she needs a rape kit after being found unconscious after being kidnapped, nothing bad actually happened to her while she was unconscious.

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