TV Show
TV Show
Updated: 29 June 2021
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


One of the main characters (16) is constantly sexually harrased by one of the teachers. The latter is a pedophile who also engaged in a relationship with another highschool student. The character is frequently cat-called or lusted by other characters due to her large breasts (altough this is most played for comedy). Two sisters are very fond of each other to the point where they seem to have a somewhat romantic relantionship. There is more than one scene of them kissing each other (this is also played mostly for laughs and to add quirkiness to the characters but can be unsettling to some viewers). S2E13: a character gropes one of the main characters, and while another character laughs at it, the harrasement goes further (she attempts to touch her crotch). The assaillant is stopped by another character. Again this scene is played mostly for laughs. S2E14: a 25 year old character is madly in love with his younger brother (16). Her incestuous obsession is further explored and the younger brother almost kisses her. S2E15: in a flashback, there is a conversation between a main character and a crime boss who talks about how he plans to prostitute a middle schooler and have sex with her to "taste her" first. He is killed before he can do anything. S2E20: there is a mild implication that one character sexually abused another character in high school, but this was left ambiguous S2E25: one character is imprisoned against his will in some kind of BDSM dungeon. His captor express her desires to bassically fullfill every depraved and violent sexual fantasy with him as a captive. In one of the light novels (Vol.9) one character tries to rape a woman after crippling her and burning his face. He is stoped.

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