TV Show
Survival and Horror
TV Show
Survival and Horror
Updated: 28 March 2024
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


Two key characters are rapists, which is often referred to. S1E1: this episode eludes to rape and shows sexual harassment. S1E4: this episode mentions women who have been raped and murdered. S1E5: this episode introduces a pedophile getting out of prison and who goes straight to a playground. A man mentions "ordering" a woman as a prostitute. S1E6: the pedophile torments the women he used to assault as a child. S1E8: this episode features castration. S1E10: the main character is confronted at her work by the pedophile who assaulted her as a child. A man mocks her be saying "she never once told me no". S1E11: a man talks about looking forward to forcing the main female character to be with him and have children with him. This episode mentions a rapist serial killer. S2E1: a man seduces a woman so he can distract her and hack a bank account at her work. S2E8: the main character's husband is possessed by another man who attacks her, trying to force sex. He kisses her roughly and forces her onto a table before she is able to get away. S2E9: a man seduces a woman to tie her up and then steal her body.

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