Breaking Bad 
TV Show
TV Show
Updated: 3 March 2023
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


S2E1: a character forcefully attempts to initiate sex with his wife. He stops after she screams for him to stop. S2E7: sexual harassment is mentioned in details (30:00-30:33). S4E3: a man finds his house filled with people high on drugs. As soon as he enter, we hear a guy chastising a woman he is raping to 'do better'. She is clearly high on meth and unable to consent or fight back: we see a split-second view of her sweating face as she turns her head back and forth (as though she is saying no), followed by a split-second view of her clawing at his arms and back, possibly struggling in vain to get him to stop. No one intervenes because they are either drunk, high, dancing, or beating other people up (21:59-22:54). There is another brief yet blocked shot of the guy on the floor, his pants around his ankle while the girl's feet keep kicking. S5E2: it is implied at the end of the episode that a character engages in sexual activity with his wife and that she is too afraid of him to refuse to comply.

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