TV Show
TV Show
Updated: 5 January 2023
No rape or sexual assault
Rape or sexual assault mentioned, discussed, implied
Sexual harassment e.g non-consensual grabbing, touching, cat-calling)
Sexual relationship between adult and teenager
Child sex abuse
Attempted rape
Rape off-screen or strongly implied
Rape on-screen


S1E1: an antagonist implies that he will rape two female characters, and lifts one of their outer jackets slightly open (18:30-18:47). S1E2: the male protagonist tries to watch a woman shower. She ends up not being in the shower. S1E3: a drunk man jumps on the male protagonist and begs him to buy him more alcohol. He ends up kissing him on the cheek as well. S1E4: the main character tries to look up the dress of woman who is tied up (07:22-07:35). S1E7: the male protagonist is drunk on a bed. Two prostitutes leave his room and tell the guy who hired them that he is too drunk to perform. He was pretending to be asleep. The guy who hired them says he probably bought him too much alcohol. They were having a party before this scene. S1E11: mention of sex slavery. S1E15: three women are held captive by many men. They sit on the floor while the men sit on the couch. One of them gets beaten up for looking at another man. They are saved by a man. The male protagonist rips off 5 buttons of a woman's shirt and tells her he could have fondled her 5 times. S1E17: a man grabs the breast of a woman without her consent. He later on leans on her and hugs her from behind. This is also done without consent and the woman looks uncomfortable. She later on accuses him of rape. Later on it is implied that she and another man made it up because they both dislike him. The man who helps her with this, ends up killing her after she refuses to marry him. A child tells a grown woman that he loves her. It is unclear whether he meant it in a romantic way. The woman is somewhat of a mother figure to the child. She laughs it off.

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